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International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences 

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Humboldt Graduate School Charitéplatz 1 (local address: Luisenstraße 56) 10117 Berlin

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phd in neuroscience germany

  • Doctoral Program

In this section you find information on how to apply for a

position as well as a short overview of the structure of the programs.

You are here:

Doctoral studies in medical neurosciences: phd and md/phd.

The doctoral program takes an interdisciplinary approach to neurosciences linking basic and clinical brain research. The program prepares students for careers at the interface of bench and bedside in the academic neurosciences as well as in the application oriented biomedical industry.

PhD in Medical Neurosciences

  • Complete our PhD program
  • Publish your Research results either as Cumulative Thesis or Monograph

MD/PhD in Medical Neurosciences :

  • Obtained a German medical degree (Arzt) or an equivalent

The central part of the PhD program is the PhD project. For three years you will work in a research group conducting experiments, discussing results in your group, reading up on the literature and publishing. In additon, a PhD curriculum will expose you to important neuroscientific topics outside your immediate research focus. Besides courses or symposia you choose to attend,the program offers two one-week PhD training courses per year. Topics can range from "Quantification of Damage in the CNS" to "Basic and Clinical Neuroimmunology" and take into consideration PhD student suggestions. Complementary or professional skills like scientific writing or giving presentations are also planned.

In addition, lecture series, seminars, symposia, journal clubs, etc. are offered to our PhD students. This allows for either further focus and theoretical background in your research area or for expanding your neuroscientific horizon by delving into other topics.

Please go to admission for application details.

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Neurosciences (M.Sc./Ph.D.)

  • Application

The international programme is a joint venture of the University of Göttingen, the University Medical Center, the German Primate Center and the Max Planck Institutes for Multidisciplinary Sciences resp. for Dynamics and Self-organization. Leading scientists of all partners offer research-oriented training across a broad spectrum of modern molecular life sciences with access to their state-of-the art laboratories during methods courses and individually supervised research projects.

After one year of intensive course work, students of this integrated Master/PhD program can continue with a six-month thesis to obtain a Master of Science degree, or join the PhD part directly (fast-track option).

The award-winning programme is recognized as an International Max Planck Research School, offering stipends to all of its students. A dedicated team of staff members provides a variety of support, individual counselling and career guidance.

Get to know us

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Programme homepage

Max Planck Research School

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International PhD symposium

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Graduate Center


Incoming Office

Programme description.

The integrated Master/PhD program offers excellent study and research conditions to prepare aspiring young scientists for a professional career in academia or science-related professions in the private or public sector. At any stage of their studies, the students are exposed to a broad spectrum of theoretical and practical training, individual counselling and guidance to prepare for taking well-informed decisions on their next career steps.

Study contents

  • Molecular Biology, Neurogenetics, Physiology, Neuropharmacology, Neuronal Development, Neuroanatomy, sensory, motor und clinical Neurosciences, higher Brain Functions, Computational Neurosciences, Statistics.

Professional skills such as good scientific practice, scientific writing, presentation techniques, design of scientific illustrations, and handling of experimental animals are taught in workshops and applied during lab rotations and reporting seminars.

In addition, all foreign students can participate in free German language courses, which are optionally offered at different levels as introductory intensive courses and evening courses throughout the study program.

During the subsequent PhD studies, students benefit from the wide range of qualifications (scientific methods courses, professional skills workshops, industry excursions, language courses, other events) offered by the Graduate School GAUSS and the Graduate Center GGNB .

Annual retreats of the Neuroscience program, the student-organized international symposium Neurizons and regular cultural nights contribute to a close personal and scientific exchange.

Financial support

Master's stipends: All students are supported by a stipend of the Max Planck Society at the amount of 900 €/month during their entire master's studies, unless they receive comparable scholarships from other sources.

PhD funding: During their PhD studies, students are usually funded by the supervising institution through work/funding contracts. The program has as budget available for start-up, bridging, or wrap-up funding as needed.

Student activities: Budgets are available for students to attend international scientific conferences and student-organized, scientific or cultural events.

Counselling and support

Newly admitted students receive info letters in preparation of their studies, advice, and a variety of administrative support as part of a two-week orientation program prior to their first year of study. Throughout their studies, students receive individual counselling from members of the program regarding their course of study and the advancement of their skills, interests, and personal development.

The Neurosciences program is regularly evaluated by independent external reviewers and has been rated several times as a model best practice example. Together with the Molecular Biology program, it received the 2004 prize for excellent support services for foreign students by the Federal Foreign Minister and was awarded the label "Top 10 International Master's Degree Courses made in Germany" by "Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft" together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in a national contest.

Yearbook and Newsletter

  • Neuroscience Yearbook and Newsletter

Related programmes

  • Molecular Biology (M.Sc./Ph.D./MD-Ph.D.)
  • Molecular Life Sciences: Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry (M.Sc.)
  • Developmental, Neural and Behavioural Biology (M.Sc.)
  • Molecular Medicine (M.Sc.)

Intensive course program in the first year

  • Lectures / Tutorials (October-July)
  • Methods courses (October-December)
  • Short presentations by research groups (October-November)
  • Professional skills (November-January)
  • Research projects / Lab rotations (January-June)
  • Master seminar (March-June)

Integrated Master’s/PhD concept

After successful completion of the Master’s examinations, a six-month Master’s thesis (30 credits ECTS) leads to the award of the Master of Science degree concluding the Master’s program after 18 months. The majority of students continues in the Molecular Biology program with their PhD research without the need for panel-based admission interviews.

Alternatively, students who have passed the Master’s examinations at the end of the first year with good or excellent results qualify for direct admission to a three-year doctoral project in one of the participating research groups without being required to complete a Master's thesis first (fast-track option).

Further information

Regulations and module directory

  • Current and older versions

Previous studies

  • B.A. degree or equivalent.
  • 120 credits (ECTS or equivalent) at the time of application.
  • Degree program in biology, physics, medicine, psychology, or a closely related discipline.

Language requirements

  • Very good knowledge of English is required.
  • If English is not the native language, the language skills can be proven, for example, by an internationally recognized language test, an English-language bachelor's degree or an extended stay in an English-speaking country.
  • Knowledge of the German language is not required.

Three-stage admission process

The online application portal is open for each application round from September 15 to January 15 (start of studies: October).

In addition to the information on personal background and motivation and the upload of all relevant documents, the contact details of two reviewers for letters of recommendation should also be provided. The reviewers should be informed by the students in time about the planned application.

All applicants will be informed in the second half of January whether they have qualified for the second selection round (15-minute online interviews at the end of January).

During a third selection round in mid-February, admission decisions are made on the basis of two personal interviews (30 minutes each).

Academic Advising

Dr. Jonas Barth

Grisebachstr. 5 37077 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39-61359/61369

[email protected] Neurosciences Office

Sandra Drube

Phone: +49 551 39-61369

Modal title


  • info[at]
  • Venusberg-Campus 1, 53127 Bonn
  • Research Areas
  • Research Techniques
  • program overview
  • summer school
  • methods course
  • good scientific practice
  • soft skills course
  • Conferences and Student Retreats
  • TAC Meeting
  • master neuroscience
  • Awards and Travel Grants
  • Requirements
  • Rules and Regulations
  • financing your PhD
  • Student Council
  • Housing and Transportation
  • International Office
  • Living in Bonn
  • Family Support & Helpline
  • Career Entry
  • grants and funding
  • bigs neuroscience
  • organizational structure
  • participating institutions
  • partners and education
  • university of bonn

phd in neuroscience germany

BIGS Neuroscience

Welcome to the Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience. At BIGS Neuroscience, we offer a structured 3-year PhD program renowned for its international competitiveness. Embracing an interdisciplinary approach, our program delves into the rapidly evolving field of neuroscience, focusing on unraveling the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying complex behaviors, as well as investigating disorders of the central nervous system to elucidate their etiology and develop novel therapeutic interventions. Our program grants access to a vibrant neuroscience community in Bonn, where research spans molecular and cellular neurobiology, behavioral studies, computational neuroscience, and psychology. Students benefit from state-of-the-art technology platforms and core facilities, alongside the expertise of affiliated scientists hailing from the Faculties of Medicine, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Arts at the University of Bonn, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases within the Helmholtz Association (DZNE), and the Max Planck Society’s Caesar Research Institute.


Stay in contanct:, research groups.

phd in neuroscience germany

In our research environment, collaboration thrives, with interdisciplinary groups employing integrated approaches that meld experiments with computation and theory.

Biophysics of Neurons and Glia

Circuits and behavior, disorders of the nervous system, learning and memory, molecular signaling in neurons and glia, nervous system development, sensory processing, neuroinflammation, cognition and psychology, teaching program.

BIGS Neuroscience provides an excellent introduction to a wide range of neuroscience topics and to the innovative technologies that drive neuroscience research. Training measures are complemented by mentoring, soft skills courses and comprehensive career development programs. Our goal is to inspire our talented students to make high-impact and innovative research contributions to the field of neuroscience and to foster their scientific career. As all courses are held in English, enrollment in the program requires advanced English language skills.

phd in neuroscience germany

Admissions Information


We are thrilled by your interest in becoming a part of our distinguished international doctoral program at the University of Bonn. Aspiring doctoral candidates are invited to explore over 40 dynamic research groups. If you are eager to embark on an enriching journey in the field of international neuroscience doctoral studies – APPLY NOW!

Our doctoral cohort comprises aspiring neuroscientists hailing from diverse corners of the globe. Presently, our graduate school hosts over 120 dedicated doctoral students, with approximately half of them originating from international backgrounds. To ensure student representation and foster a vibrant community, we have established the BIGS Neuroscience Student Council. Should you have any inquiries regarding the Graduate School, please feel free to reach out to us. For further insights into the individuals steering the Student Council, delve deeper into their profile

phd in neuroscience germany

  • +49 (0) 228 287 10422
  • Datenschutz

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PhD Programme

The IMPRS NeuroCom is a PhD programme and offers its students an outstanding interdisciplinary three year training with the aim of providing multidisciplinary training in both cognitive science and neuroscientific methodologies . For this purpose, faculty members with diverse backgrounds,‭ ‬for example,‭ ‬neurobiologists,‭ ‬neuropsychologists,‭ cognitive scientists,‭ ‬medical researchers, computer scientists,‭ ‬physicists to name but a few, are involved in both the teaching and supervision of the doctoral students as they complete their PhDs. Students who complete the doctoral programme will have the ability to communicate across these diverse disciplines,‭ ‬and‭ ‬will be‭ ‬able‭ ‬to start a successful career in neuroscience research and beyond.

Fundamental knowledge covering all four modules is imparted in the form of lectures, courses, and seminars run at the MPIs and the University of Leipzig. In addition, research and work is organized around various series of colloquia, annual summer schools , which take place in Leipzig or London , and final-year exchange programmes . The teaching and supervision language at the IMPRS NeuroCom is English .‭

Key Features

  • 3-year doctoral programme
  • structured curriculum
  • excellent research conditions
  • close collaboration with supervisors
  • financial support
  • English as working language
  • international and interdisciplinary learning and working environment
  • no tuition fees

German Graduate Schools of Neuroscience

Welcome to our website. We represent a selection of German neuroscientific graduate schools and provide information about 29 international programs at a glance. The most relevant content of each program is available in this brochure

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Legal notice

Ruhr-Universität-Bochum International Graduate School of Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Universität Bonn MSc Neurosciences Contact: [email protected]

Universität Bonn Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS) of Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Brain and Behavior Contact: [email protected]

Universität Bremen MSc Graduate Program Master of Neurosciences Contact: [email protected]

Max Planck-Institute for Brain Research International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Neural Circuits Contact: [email protected]

Universität Freiburg Interdisciplinary Master of Science Program in Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Universität Freiburg PhD Program in Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Contact: [email protected]

New Member: HAMBURG

Universität Hamburg Hamburg Brain School Contact: [email protected]

Universität Heidelberg International Graduate Program of the Interdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences Heidelberg Contact: [email protected]

Universität Köln MSc Experimental and Clinical Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Universität Köln MSc Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Universität Mainz Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed) , Section Neurosciences Contact: [email protected]

Universität Oldenburg Master Programm in Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Universität Tübingen Graduate Training Center of Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin School of Mind and Brain Contact: [email protected]

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences Contact: [email protected]

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin International Graduate Program Computational Neurosciences Contact: [email protected]

Freie Universität Berlin Master Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin (MCNB) Contact: [email protected]

Justus Liebig University Giessen MSc Mind, Brain and Behavior Contact: [email protected]

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen European Neuroscience Institute MSc/PhD/MD-PHD Neurosciences Program Contact: [email protected]

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication (IMPRS NEUROCOM) Contact: [email protected]

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Max Planck School of Cognition Contact: [email protected]

Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg Integrative Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München MSc/PhD Neurosciences Program Contact: [email protected]

Technische Universität München (TUM) Master Program Biomedical Neuroscience Contact: [email protected]

Universität Ulm MSc Program Molecular and Translational Neuroscience (MTN) Contact: [email protected]

International Max Planck Research School for Brain & Behavior

The current application round is now open — it will close on 1st november 2024, welcome to imprs for brain & behavior learn how brain circuits are linked to interesting animals behaviors and be part of the next generation of outstanding neuroscientists.

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Brain & Behavior is a fully-funded PhD program in Bonn, Germany that offers a competitive world-class PhD training and research program in the field of neuroethology and neuroscience. IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar (MPINB) , the University of Bonn , and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn.The research focus of our PhD program is neuroethology - the study of the neural basis of animal behavior.  

Current Application Round The current application round is open till 1st November. Successful candidates will be invited in late December/early January to attend the  Selection Symposium , which will be held online on on 19 & 20 February 2025 . For more information on the application process, please continue reading here .

phd in neuroscience germany

Application for our PhD program

Interested in joining the IMPRS for Brain & Behavior to pursue a PhD in the field of neuroethology?

The current round of applications is now open! Deadline for submitting applications including reference letters is 1st November!

  • Detailed information about the application process can be found  here .
  • Curious about our curriculum? Continue reading   here .
  • Get to know our esteemed faculty members   here .
  • Get an overview of our current doctoral researchers   here .

We look forward to receiving your application!

Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Main navigation.

  • Seminars and Events

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Save the dates: gsn orientation and scientific retreat.

speed meeting

After a memorable Graduation Day in July, it's now time to look forward to welcoming our newest cohort during GSN Orientation (Oct. 7th-10th) followed by the GSN Scientific Retreat (Oct. 11th-13th) and kick-start the semester on October 16th. Please save the dates and stay tuned for registrations opening soon!

Welcome to the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences!

microscope with people

Under the umbrella of the Munich Center of Neurosciences - Brain & Mind (MCN), the Graduate School of Systemic Neuroscience (GSN) coordinates with a network of research groups to provide a stimulating environment for novel formulation of ideas and development of new concepts. Find out more about us.

Interested in a neuroscience course of study?

gsn students discussion

The Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences offers integrated programs of study , taking students from their bachelor to a master or doctoral degree. Its interdisciplinary Master and PhD programs are tuition free, entirely taught in English, and fully compatible with the ECTS grading system.

Meet the GSN up-close!

Understanding the brain

The GSN introduces itself in a series of videos , from structure to faculty and its students, career perspectives and research areas. Meet our graduate school firsthand from a group of current and graduate students, as well as faculty members, who share their experiences at the GSN.

Community at the GSN


There is more to life at GSN than just science. We seek to build close relationships, both among students, as well as between students and faculty. To accomplish this, the graduate school regularly organizes events, workshops, get-togethers, and excursions. Glance over our Community page for more details.

Wondering what neuroscience seminars are occurring this week?

neuroscience calendar

Check the Munich Neuroscience Calendar for a listing of activities with a focus on neurosciences. The Calendar features announcements regarding talks, conferences and symposia, as well as other relevant events. Learn more about guests and upcoming events at renowned research institutions across and around Munich.


teaser retreat

11.10.2024 – 13.10.2024 · 2024

GSN Scientific Retreat 2024

Between October 11th and 13th, GSN students, faculty, alumni, and staff will gather in Bad Tölz for the yearly scientific retreat more

welcome orientation

07.10.2024 – 10.10.2024 · 2024

GSN Orientation 2024

Save the date and join us in welcoming our newest MSc, PhD, and Fast-Track PhD students in the 2024 cohort! more

Schild Veranstaltungen

01.08.2024 – 02.08.2024 · 2024

Essential computing skill workshop (Unix, Git, Python)

Aug 1-2, LMU Biocenter more


25.07.2024 · 2024

Responsible Research 2024

A campus-wide event for next-generation researchers on July 25th more


24.07.2024 · 2024

Save the Date - GSN Graduation Day 2025

Join us in celebrating the next MSc and PhD graduates on July 4th, 2025. more


15.07.2024 · 2024

GSN Graduation Day 2024

45 Master and PhD students proudly wore their robes and caps in front of their supervisors. Congratulations to all! more

Label Neu grün

09.07.2024 · 2024

Tandem Seminar Series UQ-QBI-SBMS / LMU-MCN-GSN

Join us via Zoom on July 9th at 9:00 am CET to look into the topic of Alzheimer's Disease more


03.07.2024 · 2024

Tag der offenen Tür der Fakultät für Biologie 2024

Schauen Sie uns im Biozentrum bei der Forschung über die Schulter und erleben Sie BIOLOGIE GANZ NAH! more

Poster Art exhibit_m

19.06.2024 · 2024


The second art exhibition organized among the MSc & PhD students of the GSN-LMU, July 5th - 19th, 2024 more

Studentin vor Pinwand

07.06.2024 · 2024

Neurobiologie der Sprache. Antrittsvorlesung Dr. rer. nat. Franziska Knolle

Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München more

All Messages

Neuroscience Calendar


Quick Links

  • Research Network
  • MCN Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind
  • German Excellence Initiative
  • Berlin School of Mind and Brain
  • Harvard Center for Brain Science
  • QBI Queensland Brain Institute
  • School of Biomedical Sciences - UQ
  • German Graduate Schools of Neuroscience
  • Society for Neuroscience
  • LMU Graduate Center
  • LMU Open Science Center
  • MSc LSF Course Listings
  • PhD LSF Course Listings
  • MyGSN-Portal


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  • Doctoral program

Berlin School of Mind and Brain

phd in neuroscience germany

The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is a graduate institution of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin). We offer a two-year Master’s degree “Mind and Brain” and a three-year doctoral program. The interdisciplinary research, education and training takes place in English. Our focus is on the interface between the humanities and behavioral sciences with the neurosciences. Our graduate school is a founding member of the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin and, together with HU Berlin, we are hosting the national Max Planck School of Cognition for 2018–2025. The DFG-funded Research Training Group 2386 “Extrospection” is affiliated to our graduate school for 2018–2024, and we collaborate closely with the doctoral program of Excellence Cluster 2002 “Science of Intelligence” at TU and HU Berlin for 2018–2025.

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Are you trying to find us? Are you looking for the right contact person? Here we are!

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Facts about the School

Learn more about research, education, successes, careers

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Learn more about people at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Fremdsprachenassistent*in im Lehrbereichssekretariat (m/w/d)

Institut für Philosophie (Prof. Dr. Verena Wagner)

Emotional City: Contributing to a Berlin city map of emotions

Download app and participate!

Neural Mechanisms of Psychedelic Drug Actions

Hybrid ECN Speaker Series June - November 2024

AI & The Urban - Making Cities Smart(er)?

Register now for Berlin Summer School of Artificial Intelligence & Society

09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024

BIH Hot Topic Seminar: “Virtual Reality in Mental Health”

Berlin Institute of Health at Charité. Online participation is possible.

11 September 2024

Symposium: Towards Precision Psychotherapy for Non-Respondent Patients: From Signatures to Predictions to Clinical Utility

Register now!

09 October 2024 - 10 October 2024

  • Datenschutz

We have 9 Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

Biological Sciences


All Institutions

All PhD Types

All Funding

Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

Phd student (m/f/d), phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Using a natural approach to elucidate the neural mechanisms of alarm calling behaviour in birds

Phd positions in life science and biomedicine research groups supported by a structured phd program, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Germany PhD Programme

A German PhD usually takes 3-4 years. Traditional programmes focus on independent research, but more structured PhDs involve additional training units (worth 180-240 ECTS credits) as well as placement opportunities. Both options require you to produce a thesis and present it for examination. Many programmes are delivered in English.

Fully funded (and no tuition) PhD program in psychiatric, translational research and basic Neuroscience with the option for a residency track for medical doctors.

Phd studentship opportunities in the overall field of cognition research, doctoral (phd) positions at international max planck research school - biological intelligence, max planck research programme.

Max Planck Research Programmes are structured PhD opportunities set up by the Max Planck Society, an independent non-profit German research organisation. Max Planck Institutes and universities collaborate to offer interdisciplinary and international PhD opportunities providing high standards of training and support as well as generous funding.

PhD Student Positions at International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life, Munich

Open call for 12 phd positions in msca doctoral network “miccrobiotackle”, funded phd programme (european/uk students only).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. It is available to citizens of a number of European countries (including the UK). In most cases this will include all EU nationals. However full funding may not be available to all applicants and you should read the full programme details for further information.

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Application & Admission

Language requirements, program features.

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3228 Study programs


Study Neurosciences in Germany: 28 Universities with 45 English Degree Programs

All important info for international students in germany (2024/2025).

Expertise in the field of Neurosciences is in high demand, and the research landscape and innovations in this field are flourishing in Germany. One example of this is in the number of startups that were founded in the last years. For example, NeuroLife Medizintechnik is located in Essen and focuses on electronic stimulations to treat neuromuscular dysfunctions. Magdeburg-based, neotiv, developed new perspectives in Alzheimer’s research.

As a Master’s student in one of Germany’s English-taught programs in Neurosciences, you can be well prepared for a career in academia or on the private market: The courses offered typically include an internship, project phases or lab rotations to give you practical experience. The programs offered are ideal for students looking for a research-intensive course of study among a leading and vibrant community of neuroscientists. Use the StudyFinder to browse your options and see which programs fit your profile best.

Study Programs in English


Universities in International Rankings

€ 0 (42 programs for EU citizens, 38 programs for Non-EU citizens)

€ 6,000 per semester (1 program for EU citizens/Non-EU)

Winter Semester

between September 30 and September 01

Summer Semester

between April 30 and July 15

Top-ranked German Universities in Neurosciences


public University

No. of Students: approx. 53,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 (per semester)


public Technical University

Program Fees: € 0 - € 6,000 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 8,900 students

Program Fees: € 0 - € 4,500 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 36,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 - € 2,500 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 38,000 students

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Tuition Fees

3 english degree programs for neurosciences in germany.


University of Oldenburg Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Stadt

program image

University of Göttingen Göttingen

Cardiovascular science.

program image

Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena

Molecular medicine.

program image

Application Deadlines

Winter Semester 2024/2025

Summer Semester 2025

Winter Semester 2025/2026

Open Programs

45 programs

Application Requirements

Master degrees in Neurosciences are targeted at students who gained a first academic degree in Neurosciences or related fields such as Cognitive Science, Biology, Psychology, Physics, Computer Science, Biomedicine, Language Development, depending on the program’s specialization. For most programs, entrance tests or interviews are not part of the admissions process, you only have to hand in standard certificates (your first degree certificate, a transcript of records). These typically include your CV, a letter of motivation and sometimes an academic essay or references. Additionally, you will have to prove your English language abilities with a language certificate. Note that a number of programs require excellent English skills on a C1 level. For some programs, you will have to demonstrate additional prior knowledge in certain fields, such as statistics and quantitative research methods, experimental cognitive science, or sufficient knowledge in mathematics.

Application Modes

Application process.


Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg Würzburg

Translational neuroscience.

program image

Touro University Berlin | A Campus of Touro University New York • USA Berlin

Psychology (us degree).

program image

Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen

Mind, brain and behavior.

program image

TOEFL Scores

Cambridge Levels

5 (1 program )

72 (4 programs )

B2 First (FCE) (10 programs )

7 (5 programs )

95 (8 programs )

C2 Proficiency (CPE) (10 programs )


Leuphana University Lüneburg Lüneburg

Psychology & sustainability.

program image

Universität Hamburg Hamburg

Psychology with specialisation in clinical psychology and psychotherapy.


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IMPRS Brain and Behavior

  • International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Brain and Behavior
  • Posted on: 2 September 2024

Fully-funded PhD Positions in the International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior

Job information, offer description.

Join our fully-funded international PhD program in neuroscience! Learn how brain circuits are linked to interesting animals behaviors and be part of the next generation of outstanding neuroscientists!

The International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior is a unique collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar (MPINB), the University of Bonn, and the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn. It offers a completely funded international PhD training and research program in neuroscience in Bonn, Germany. The focus of the program is neuroethology.

We offer an exciting opportunity to outstanding Master's degree holders (or equivalent) from any relevant field (life sciences, mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, etc.) to be immersed in a stimulating environment that provides novel technologies to elucidate the function of brain circuits from molecules to animal behavior. The comprehensive and diverse expertise of the faculty in the exploration of brain-circuit function using advanced imaging and optogenetic techniques combined with comprehensive training in fundamental neuroscience provides students with an exceptional level of knowledge to pursue a successful independent research career.

IMPRS for Brain and Behavior has currently 19 laboratories with an enormous variety of research projects being carried out. Successful candidates can choose to do lab rotations in the first six months of their PhD.

Doctoral candidates receive both theoretical training and hands-on training in a large range of cutting-edge techniques. In addition, they are exposed to a variety of research areas all touching on how sensory information is encoded in neural circuits and is ultimately transferred to behavior.

 The application period started on 1 August 2024. Please apply online before 1 November 2024 .

Exceptional candidates will be invited to attend an online selection symposium in February 2025.

Where to apply


You can apply if you meet the following requirements:

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in any relevant field (life sciences, mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, etc.)*
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Strong motivation to pursue a career in science
  • Passion for neuroethology

Note: The right to confer degrees remains with the University of Bonn, and you must meet all the admission and degree requirements of the faculty where you choose to study.

*Master's students who will obtain their degrees before October 2025 can apply.

We are committed to diversity and equal opportunity for all applicants.

Additional Information

- Apply the latest innovative neuroscience techniques to fundamental neuroethology questions

- Neuroscience Boot Camp 

- Possibility of lab rotations

- Mentoring and guidance by a Thesis Advisory Committee

- A multitude of training opportunities

- International and administrative support

- Fully-funded PhD positions are available

  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in any relevant field (life sciences, mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, etc.) > has to be awarded before October 2025

Excellent candidates will be invited to an online Selection Symposium in February 2025.

The curriculum of the IMPRS comprises both theoretical and practical hands-on training elements divided into mandatory and optional courses. The range of expertise of the faculty provides rich coverage of the theory and methodology required for cutting-edge neuroscience research. The curriculum is structured in line with the graduation requirements of the degree-granting institutions (University of Bonn Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as the Faculty of Medicine). IMPRS for Brain and Behavior is a four-year program, and the program language is English.

The main curriculum elements are:

  • Neuroscience Boot Camp
  • Lab Rotations
  • “Classic Papers in Neuroethology” Reading Course
  • Project Proposal and Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)
  • Annual Progress Meetings
  • International Conferences
  • IMPRS PhD Student Retreat (annual)
  • Complementary Skills Courses

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35 PhD-cognitive-neuroscience positions in Germany

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  • University of Göttingen • 5
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  • ; Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences 1
  • Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg • 1
  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin • 1
  • Hannover Medical School • 1
  • Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz • 1
  • Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence • 1
  • Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences • 1
  • Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry • 1
  • Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, München 1
  • Max Planck School of Cognition • 1
  • The Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar • 1
  • University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Hamburg 1
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PhD and/or postdoc positions in Cognitive Neuroscience

PhD and/or postdoc positions in Cognitive NeuroscienceThe research focuses on combining neuroimaging and behaviour with computational models to understand how the human brain learns and uses

PhD position in Behavioral Biology (w/m/d)

, behavioral ecology and cognition in wild grey mouse lemurs (Fichtel), theoretical and computational neuroscience and computer vision (Wolf), and neural recording in free-ranging mouse lemurs in the laboratory

Graduate school •

) Genome Science Molecular Biology (MSc/ PhD ) Neurosciences (MSc/ PhD ) Physics of Biological and Complex Systems Thematic programmes Biomolecules: Structure – Function – Dynamics Cardiovascular Science

PhD or postdoctoral researcher positions (all genders welcome)

cognitive science and computational neuroscience to solve challenging scientific problems Strong mathematical and analytical skills Very good command of the English language For postdoctoral researchers: PhD

PhD student (f/m/d)

degree in physics, neuroscience , cognitive science, computer science or a related field who are committed to pursuing a career in research. The successful applicant will develop novel information theoretic

Postdoc Gene Therapy

of preclinical studies regarding effectivity and biosafety of the for future GTMP Your qualifications Required qualifications: Advanced degreed ( PhD / MD or equivalent) in Neuroscience , Biotechnology, Molecular

PhD / Doctorate •

Degree Dr rer nat / PhD Teaching language English Languages The scientific language in all UMG laboratories and doctoral programmes is English. However, knowledge of German naturally makes everyday

PhD - Neurodevelopmental Disorders (m/f/d)

or neuroimaging sessions, ensuring data integrity Develop or adapt research protocols, analyze data and assist with academic dissemination Your Profile Master’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience , Cognitive Science

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) | Development and Implementation of Neuroimaging Analysis Pipelines combined with Genetics

and apply our tools in clinical practice. Your profile PhD in any field related to (psychiatric) neuroimaging Comprehensive knowledge and experiences in neuropsychiatry Advanced expertise in programming

PhD student (m/f/d) Ergonomics

potentials of modern work in interdisciplinary approaches. We combine the disciplines of Ergonomics, Immunology, Toxicology, Psychology and Neurosciences . The Department of Ergonomics has a vacancy for a PhD

Searches related to PhD cognitive neuroscience

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  • neuroscience phd
  • phd position in cognitive science
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  • cognitive psychology

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  • Program Areas
  • Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

In Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CAN), the crossroads of the neural and cognitive sciences are explored.  In this area, psychologists examine how we perceive the world, acquire new information, retrieve memories, communicate and interact with others, and effect complex cognitive abilities such as creative problem solving.

Research in CAN at Northwestern University animates several themes. One theme is centered on memory and the various mechanisms whereby information is stored as a function of experience. Memory is revealed in the form of conscious retrieval of autobiographical experiences and in implicit memory that alters behavior without awareness, both of which depend on neurobiological mechanisms of neural plasticity.  CAN also investigates a variety of human cognitive phenomena using sophisticated behavioral, neuroimaging, and psychophysiological measures.  EEG measures are used in several CAN labs to study visual perception, attention, emotion, memory, meditation, comprehension of complex language structures, deception, creativity, and insight. Traditional psychophysical methods are used in studies of perception and attention, methods of molecular biology are used in studies of neural plasticity, and studies in patient populations provide additional leverage on the problem of understanding human mental functions from both neural and cognitive perspectives.

A unique strength of CAN at Northwestern lies in the many opportunities it affords to work in collaboration on projects with other students and faculty. The CAN Program collaborates on projects with the Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program (NUIN), the Cognitive Science Program, the Cognitive Neuroscience Program, the Cognitive Brain Mapping Group, the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center, and other units on campus. The CAN Program is a focal point for Cognitive Neuroscience research at Northwestern.

Pediatric Neuroscience Conference 2024

Pediatric Neuroscience Conference 2024

24th – 26th October

Venue: Sidra Medicine Auditorium

Submit your Abstract

Register now, conference chairman.

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Dr. Husam Kayyali

MD, FAES Chief of Pediatric Neurology Division at Sidra Medicine, Qatar Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine, Qatar

Dr. Husam Kayyali is the Chief of the Pediatric Neurology Division at Sidra Medicine. He is also serving as the Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program at Sidra Medicine.

Dr. Kayyali is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in Pediatric Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Epilepsy. Before joining Sidra Medicine, Dr. Kayyali was an Assistant Professor of Pediatric Neurology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and he co-established the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Missouri. Then he moved to King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia where he served as the Head of the Pediatric Neurology Section, and the Director of the Pediatric Neurology Fellowship Program.

Scientific Committee

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Dr. Ruba Benini

phd in neuroscience germany

Dr. Ian Pople

phd in neuroscience germany

Dr. Khalid Al-Kharazi

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Dr. Mahmoud Fawzi

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Dr. Youssef Kousa

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Jenny Sacree

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Aurora Canillo

Attending Physician, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Sidra Medicine, Qatar Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine, Qatar

Dr. Ruba Benini is a Pediatric Neurologist/ Epileptologist. Dr. Benini is currently the Medical Director of the Neurodiagnostic Laboratory at Sidra Medicine. She is the Program Director of the Pediatric Neurology Fellowship Program at Sidra Medicine and serves as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Weill-Cornell Medicine, Qatar. She is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC). Dr. Benini did her PhD in Neuroscience in 2006 at the Montreal Neurological Institute in Canada. She obtained her medical degree in 2008 from McGill University, Montreal Canada, and later completed her pediatric neurology residency training in 2014 at McGill University Health Center in Montreal and a fellowship in Pediatric Epilepsy at Ste. Justine Hospital, University of Montreal in 2016. Since then she has worked as a pediatric neurologist and epilepsy expert at the Montreal Children's Hospital in Montreal and later at King Fahad's Medical City (KFMC) in Riyadh, KSA, prior to joining Sidra Medicine in 2017. Dr. Benini has a strong interest in pediatric epilepsy research and continues to work on a number of research projects aimed at elucidating the genetics of pediatric epilepsy with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of children with epilepsy.

MB, ChB, MD, FRCS(SN), IFAANS Chief of Neurosurgery Division at Sidra Medicine, Qatar Associate Professor of Clinical Neurological Surgery, Weil Cornell Medicine, Qatar

Since starting his position as the Chief of Neurosurgery at Sidra Medicine in September 2018, Dr. Pople has led the development of a safe and sustainable emergency neurosurgery service for the children of Qatar, which also now offers world-class surgical programs in pediatric epilepsy and surgery for lower limb spasticity.

Prior to joining Sidra Medicine, Dr. Pople was Senior Pediatric Neurosurgeon at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, UK, where he led the development of the Epilepsy Surgery and SDR services for Children.

Dr. Pople is a graduate of Sheffield University, UK, and did his neurosurgical training in Leeds, London (Great Ormond Street Hospital) and Bristol prior to a fellowship in Pediatric Neurosurgery at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis USA.

He has a specialist interest in complex hydrocephalus, neuro-endoscopy, brain tumors, and tethered spinal cord. Throughout his career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Pople has performed over 180 selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) procedures on children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy and over 2000 other pediatric neurosurgical procedures. He has carried out ground-breaking research into new treatments for hydrocephalus in premature infants and intends to continue this research in Qatar.

MD, MBA, MBBS Senior Attending Physician, Division of Neurosurgery Sidra Medicine, Qatar

Dr. Khalid Al-Kharazi is a senior pediatric neurosurgeon at Sidra Medicine. Dr. Al-Kharazi has experience in neurosurgery for almost 20 years. He worked in Canada, Germany, Jordan, and Yemen before joining the medical team in Qatar in 2014. Dr. Al-Kharazi holds certifications in neurosurgery from Canada, Germany, the UK, and Jordan. He was awarded a clinical fellowship in Pediatric neurosurgery from the University of British Columbia, BCCH Vancouver/ Canada). He is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (UK). Dr. Al-Kharazi obtained the German board certificate after successfully completing his training in Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln/ Berlin. Dr. Al-Kharazi and his colleagues started some neurosurgical interventions that had never been performed in Qatar such as the minimally invasive approach in craniosynostosis surgery and epilepsy surgery. Dr. Al-Kharazi is a core faculty and site Director (Sidra) of the HMC Neurosurgery Residency Program. He is a member of the neurosurgery committee and an examiner in Qatar Board of Medical Specialties (QBMS). He is a holder of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from The University of Manchester (UK).

MBBCH, MD Senior Attending Physician, Division of Pediatric Neurology Sidra Medicine, Qatar Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine, Qatar

Dr. Fawzi is a senior attending physician in pediatric neurology at Sidra Medicine and Hamad Hospital. He also serves as an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar. Previously, Dr. Mahmoud worked as a consultant in pediatric neurology at Hamad Hospital from 2006 until 2017. He then joined Sidra Medicine as a senior attending physician in pediatric neurology. He specializes in treating patients with muscle disease, multiple sclerosis, and tuberous sclerosis. He got research grants in congenital brain anomalies and muscle diseases, hereditary spastic paraplegia and microcephaly, and spinal muscular atrophy. He is widely published and has lectured at local and international conferences. Dr. Fawzi has extensive experience in pediatric neurology since 1995. He has more than 50 publications in international journals.

MS, DO, PhD Prenatal & Neonatal Neurologist, Zickler Family Prenatal Pediatrics Institute & Division of Neurology, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington DC, USA Assistant Professor, Neurology, Pediatrics, and Genomics & Precision Medicine, George Washington University, USA

Clinical Nurse Leader Sidra Medicine, Qatar

With more than 40 years of neuroscience experience, Jenny is presently the CNL for Movement disorders, rehabilitation medicine, and spines. She has been in Sidra Medicine for 5 years, completing the rest of her neuroscience experience in Bristol, UK. She is passionate about education and teaches neurosciences with the ISPN around the world.

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  • 29 August 2024

Japan moves to halt long-term postgraduate decline by tripling number of PhD graduates

  • Tim Hornyak 0

Tim Hornyak is a freelance science and technology journalist in Tokyo.

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Wearing protective clothing PhD student Kei Misumi working in a clean room at Tokyo University in Tokyo.

A PhD student works in a clean room at the University of Tokyo. Credit: Yuichi Yamazaki/AFP via Getty

In response to a decline in the number of PhD holders in Japan, the Japanese government has announced plans to not only stop the trend but reverse it, by tripling the number by 2040.

Japan is the only major economy that has recorded a dip in PhD numbers since 2000. In 2022, there were 14,382 new PhD admissions across the country — down 21% from a high of 18,232 in 2003.

As a proportion of the population, there are now fewer PhD holders in Japan than in many other leading research countries. According to Japan’s National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), in 2020, the country had 123 PhD graduates per million people, well below the rate of 315 per million in Germany and 313 per million in the United Kingdom for that year, and 285 per million in the United States in 2019.

A survey published by NISTEP in 2021 revealed that many doctoral students in Japan feel demoralized because of financial uncertainty, career insecurity and a lack of career progression.

To address the problem, Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) announced a three-pillared plan in March, with a focus on boosting career opportunities as well as institutional support and outreach for PhD students. The government is hoping to promote a cultural shift that raises the status of PhD holders in Japanese society.

“We want to create an environment that increases the number of people aiming for doctoral degrees, produces many excellent candidates, and realizes a fruitful life for each candidate and the sustainable development of society as a whole,” Mitsunari Yoshida, director of the Policy Division in MEXT’s Higher Education Bureau, told Nature Index.

Career choices

The first pillar of the initiative focuses on diversifying career choices, to ensure that doctoral candidates have a more active role in research outside academia, such as in local and central government, start-up companies and other private-sector groups.

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2024 Research Leaders

This focus on industry and government roles aims to address a long-standing cultural issue in Japan, namely that having a PhD might actually limit someone’s chances of being hired.

“The greatest obstacle is the perception that once one gets a PhD in a subject, one is regarded as an expert in that particular field,” says Ken Mogi, a researcher in neuroscience at Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Tokyo, and a visiting academic at the University of Tokyo. “With that image comes the assumption that a person with a PhD is inflexible in work in the real world. For that reason, Japanese companies are typically not forthcoming in employing people with PhDs, discouraging students to consider a career with a PhD.”

MEXT plans to promote long-term, paid internships for PhD students in the private sector, as part of a broader effort to entrench internships in Japanese society.

Symbolic of this is Cooperative Education Through Research Internships, a programme introduced in 2021 with the support of 45 universities and 45 companies, including major Japanese brands. The paid internships run for at least two months, are eligible for academic credit, and aim to support doctoral researchers by matching them to companies and diversifying their career options. The ministry wants to increase the number of PhD candidates in these internships to 5,000 by 2030, up from 3,000 as of May this year.

Boosting support

As its second pillar, MEXT wants to raise the quality of graduate schools by providing extra funding and tracking their progress.

MEXT will part-fund PhD students’ living and research expenses through the Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING) scheme, which is run by the Japan Science and Technology Agency to support outstanding doctoral students; and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s Research Fellowship for Young Scientists programme, which supports doctoral students to pursue innovative research of their own choosing.

“Financial issues are significant in Japan, and many PhD students are struggling," says Tomokazu Iwabuchi, a PhD student in urban planning at Kyushu University in Fukuoka.

After years of taking on part-time jobs during his master’s programme, Iwabuchi says he can now spend more time focusing on PhD research because he was chosen for the university’s Future-Creation course, which is part of the SPRING programme. Doctoral students on the programme receive ¥200,000 (US$1,360) per month to cover living expenses and language training, up to ¥850,000 yen per year in research expenses, and a 50% reduction in tuition fees.

In 2023, Iwabuchi started his own consulting business rooted in his research on urban planning and geographic information system (GIS) data. “I’m really happy to hear that the government is putting more resources into supporting PhD students,” he says. “I hope they will have more career options in the near future.”

Strengthening motivation

The third pillar is about boosting student motivation by supporting more outreach programmes. One example is the Future Doctoral Festival, an annual gathering in Tokyo at which doctoral students give presentations and take part in panel discussions related to their research. The goal of initiatives such as this is to showcase the appeal of pursuing a PhD, not just to students, but also to leading figures in the public and private sectors.

Ranny Herdiantoputri, a doctoral student in oral pathology at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University welcomes this outreach, but says more attention must be given to the mental health of prospective PhD students, especially those from overseas who might struggle with the Japanese language and feelings of isolation.

“Students can suffer from imposter syndrome and anxiety, and wonder, ‘Am I really good enough for this?’,” says Herdiantoputri. “Without proper support, outreach gatherings can make it worse.” She adds that teaching jobs at Japan’s public universities are almost impossible to get, and she plans to return to her home country, Indonesia, after her degree.

Will it work?

Koichi Sumikura, who studies science and technology policy at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, thinks that a change in mindset among those in industry is a must. “A majority of industry managers in Japan consider that the expertise and the area of interest of PhD holders are too narrow and do not fit their business,” he says. “However, PhD holders tend to be trained for acquiring a wider field of view.”

Sumikura emphasizes the importance of PhD programmes teaching skills that are relevant to industry. “PhD holders themselves should be trained not only in a specific academic expertise, but also general scientific knowledge, communication skills and business and social literacy,” says Sumikura.

Nobuko Kobayashi, who works for EY-Parthenon, a consultancy based in Boston, Massachusetts, and who writes about innovation and human resources in the Japanese media, says she hopes that Japan will consider and support entrepreneurship opportunities for its PhD holders.

“It’s important that universities strengthen education and opportunities around entrepreneurship, so students can bridge their research with real-world applications,” says Kobayashi. One encouraging factor is the increase in start-ups in Japan. In particular, she says, the number of start-ups spun off from Japanese universities has increased every year, and these firms “also hire significantly more PhD graduates compared to other Japanese companies”.

It is to soon to tell whether the measures Japan is now undertaking can motivate its doctoral students, change hiring practices and overhaul its research culture. But Sumikura agrees that the effort is worthwhile. “It is not easy to achieve that goal, but it is worth trying,” Sumikura says.


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    Our graduate school is a founding member of the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin and, together with HU Berlin, we are hosting the national Max Planck School of Cognition for 2018-2025. The DFG-funded Research Training Group 2386 "Extrospection" is affiliated to our graduate school for 2018-2024, and we collaborate closely with ...

  16. Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

    Fully funded (and no tuition) PhD program in psychiatric, translational research and basic Neuroscience with the option for a residency track for medical doctors. Max Planck Society. We welcome applications starting on August 15, 2024 for a start in fall 2025 (deadline October 31, 2024).

  17. 43 phd neuroscience Jobs in Germany, August 2024

    The top companies hiring now for phd neuroscience jobs in Germany are Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V. - Hans-Knöll-Institut (HKI), Universitätsklinikum Bonn ...

  18. List of 28 Neurosciences Universities in Germany ️

    Top-ranked German Universities in Neurosciences. Top 100 Worldwide. Top 250 Worldwide. National Ranking. #38Times Higher Education Ranking. LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. public University. No. of Students: approx. 53,000 students. Program Fees: € 0 (per semester)

  19. 58 neuroscience-phd positions in Germany

    Georg August University of Göttingen | Germany | 2 months ago. PhD student (f/m/d) Stellen-ID: 2851 Facility: Department of Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks Contact person: Prof. Dr. Michael Wibral [email protected] 0551 39-26661.

  20. Fully-funded PhD Positions in the International Max Planck Research

    Join our fully-funded international PhD program in neuroscience!Learn how brain circuits are linked to interesting animals behaviors and be part of the next generation of outstanding neuroscientists! ... It offers a completely funded international PhD training and research program in neuroscience in Bonn, Germany. The focus of the program is ...

  21. 35 PhD-cognitive-neuroscience positions in Germany

    PhD - Neurodevelopmental Disorders (m/f/d) Heidelberg University | Heidelberg, Baden W rttemberg | Germany | about 1 month ago. or neuroimaging sessions, ensuring data integrity Develop or adapt research protocols, analyze data and assist with academic dissemination Your Profile Master's degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science.

  22. 16 Ph.Ds in Neuroscience in Germany

    Neurodevelopment and Vulnerability of the Central Nervous System. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. Free. 3 years. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Erlangen, Germany. Ranked top 2%. View Programme Information. Add to compare.

  23. Neurosciences, Ph.D.

    All studies; Neuroscience; Europe; Germany; Heidelberg University; Neurosciences ; About. The main goal of the doctoral programme in Neurosciences offered by the Interdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences at Heidelberg University is to promote the quality of science performed by its members, boost collaboration, provide joint service units, and contribute to the integration of basic and ...

  24. PhD Student in Motor Neuroscience

    PhD Student in Motor Neuroscience. Posted on Aug 23, 2024; Ref: 29059623; ... Neuroscience Jobs in Germany. Psychiatry Jobs. Psychiatry Jobs in Germany. Clinical Psychology Jobs.

  25. Overview: Department of Psychology

    In Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CAN), the crossroads of the neural and cognitive sciences are explored. In this area, psychologists examine how we perceive the world, acquire new information, retrieve memories, communicate and interact with others, and effect complex cognitive abilities such as creative problem solving.

  26. CURRICULUM VITAE Jonathan Walter Mink, MD PhD

    2001 - 2023 Lecture to Neuroscience graduate students in NSC 531 (Systems Neuroscience) - 3 hours/year . ... Germany . 2009 Adams HR, Mink JW, Jordan R, Kwon J, Marshall F, Vierhile A,deBlieck EA,

  27. Scientific Committee

    Benini did her PhD in Neuroscience in 2006 at the Montreal Neurological Institute in Canada. She obtained her medical degree in 2008 from McGill University, Montreal Canada, and later completed her pediatric neurology residency training in 2014 at McGill University Health Center in Montreal and a fellowship in Pediatric Epilepsy at Ste. Justine ...

  28. Japan moves to halt long-term postgraduate decline by tripling number

    "The greatest obstacle is the perception that once one gets a PhD in a subject, one is regarded as an expert in that particular field," says Ken Mogi, a researcher in neuroscience at Sony ...