C .css-6n7j50{display:inline;} HO R US

Words that rhyme with .css-12whla0{background-image:linear-gradient(to right, var(--chakra-colors-pink-500), var(--chakra-colors-red-500));color:transparent;-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content;font-size:var(--chakra-fontsizes-6xl);display:block;font-family:var(--chakra-fonts-heading);}@media screen and (min-width: 30em){.css-12whla0{font-size:3em;}} speech .css-79wky{color:var(--chakra-colors-white);} ., songwriting rhymes for speech.

  • Alternative Rock
  • Singer-songwriter

These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.

Get instant rhymes with the Chorus app

A screenshot of the Chorus app

  • Write more quickly and develop your skills in the process
  • Unique features that no other songwriting app has
  • Never be lost for words with suggestions from Genius
  • Over 500,000 rhymes and triggers, highlighting the best words for your genre
  • Works across all devices seamlessly
  • Easily collaborate with other writers in real-time
  • Essential if English isn't your first language

Perfect rhymes for speech

  • material breach
  • edward teach
  • out of reach
  • black beech
  • copper beech
  • american beech
  • purple beech
  • anticipatory breach
  • native peach
  • negro peach
  • european beech
  • white beech
  • silver beech
  • roble beech
  • constructive breach
  • medicinal leech
  • myrtle beech
  • partial breach
  • weeping beech
  • liquid bleach
  • common beech
  • japanese beech

Near rhymes for speech

Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.

  • she'll

Want to know what rhymes with speech ?

Ever find yourself in a jam when it comes to rhyming words? Try our rhyming dictionary and see if we can help

We categorise the rhyming words depending on what you're trying to write, whether it's a hip hop song, or a folk rock tune.

This is just a sample of the creative tools you can find in the full version of Chorus. The full version has more writing styles, more ways to edit your work, and more fun for creative writers!

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100+ Words That Rhyme With SPEECH

Top ranked rhymes for speech.

  • Rank ASC (Default)
  • Most Common ASC
  • Most Common DESC

2 Syllables

Phrases (10).

  • black beech
  • frank breech
  • bear's breech
  • figure of speech
  • stump speech

3 Syllables

Phrases (21).

  • white beech
  • common beech
  • copper beech
  • myrtle beech
  • purple beech
  • roble beech
  • silver beech
  • southern beech
  • weeping beech
  • negro peach
  • daytona beach
  • miami beach
  • rauli beech
  • west palm beach
  • edward teach
  • liquid bleach
  • out of reach
  • partial breach
  • part of speech
  • phatic speech
  • visible speech

4 Syllables

Phrases (14).

  • european beech
  • evergreen beech
  • indian beech
  • native beech
  • new zealand beech
  • native peach
  • virginia beach
  • medicinal leech
  • defect of speech
  • freedom of speech
  • keynote speech
  • non-standard speech
  • organ of speech
  • second-hand speech

5 Syllables

  • mohorovicic

Phrases (7)

  • japanese beech
  • american beech
  • constructive breach
  • material breach
  • feature of speech
  • nominating speech
  • witold gombrowicz

7 Syllables

Phrases (1).

  • anticipatory breach

11 Syllables

  • kazimir severinovich malevich

WordDB Icon

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The Pedi Speechie

Try This Rhyming Words List (+10 Free Rhyming Cards)

Do you need a rhyming words list to use with your students? This blog post contains rhyming words and recommended activities to engage your students. This list of words may be useful when working with preschool students, kindergarten kids, and students in 1st grade. A definition of phonological awareness and an explanation of phonemic awareness are included. Example tasks for phonological awareness are explained (rhyming, alliteration, syllable blending, phoneme isolation, phoneme segmenting, phoneme blending). Speech therapists and teachers will also find a recommended list of rhyming word books, activities, and games. In addition, you can score your own FREE set of picture cards to target rhyming. Make sure to bookmark this post! 

This blog post provides a rhyming words list and also provides free rhyming picture cards

This post contains affiliate links, which means we could receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended.

What Is Phonological Awareness?

Phonological awareness is identifying and manipulating sound structures in words.

It can involve identifying or manipulating words, syllables, and sounds.

Some example phonological awareness activities include:

  • rhyming (recognizing rhyming pairs, producing rhymes)
  • alliteration (i.e. identifying words that start with the same sound)
  • syllable blending (segmenting words into syllables, counting the number of syllables in a word)
  • phoneme isolation (identifying the first, middle, or last sound in a word)
  • phoneme segmentation (“tell me the sounds in the word bat” -/b/…/a/…/t/) and phoneme blending (“I’ll say these sounds slowly, then you blend them to make a word: “n”…”a”…”p”)


50 Fun Phonics Activities. (n.d.). Retrieved from  https://www.savvas.com/resource-request/50-fun-phonological-activities

5 Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Activities. (2024). Retrieved from  https://www.lwtears.com/blog/5-phonological-phonemic-awareness-activities  

Here are free rhyming words list and a rhyming word picture cards for speech-language pathologists and teachers to use for phonological awareness

What Is Phonemic Awareness?

Phonemic awareness  is identifying and manipulating phonemes (individual sounds) within words. 

It’s a subcategory of phonological awareness.

Some example phonemic awareness tasks include:

  • sound isolation (“What’s the first sound in the word ‘bat’?”, or “What’s the last sound, or ending sound, in the word ‘pig’?”)
  • sound blending (this involves “blending” sounds together to form a word- “What word do these sounds make? /h/…/o/…/t/?”)
  • segmentation (this task involves the ability to ‘break’ words apart into phonemes- “What sounds are in the word ‘bat’? /b/, /a/, /t/”)
  • sound addition (this is when you add a sound to a word to create a new word- for example, adding the /s/ sound to the beginning of the word ‘pin’ to form the word ‘spin’)
  • phoneme substitution (sound substitution involves changing one phoneme in a word to another- for example, changing the /t/ in the word “tap” to /s/)

LeVos, Dr. J. S. (2024). Phonemic Awareness: Parent Guide and Essential Skills. Retrieved from  https://www.beginlearning.com/parent-resources/phonemic-awareness/

Phonological Awareness and Language Development

SLPs know that phonological awareness provides a strong foundation for overall language development.

A solid foundation in phonological awareness is important for reading and spelling development.

Research indicates that  children with spoken language impairment often struggle with phonological awareness tasks . 

Gail Gillon’s research recommends that SLPs focus on phoneme-level tasks, such as blending and segmenting individual speech sounds.

Though this can be hard work, students need to practice these skills.


Gillon, G. (2002).  The ASHA Leader ,  7 (22), 4–17. doi:10.1044/leader.ftr2.07222002.4

Speech Sound Development and Phonological Awareness Skills

How is phonological awareness linked to speech sound development?

Children need to be able to both perceive and produce speech sounds.

​Understanding the individual sounds within words is an important phonological awareness skill.

Correctly producing these sounds is beneficial during phonological awareness tasks. 

What Are Rhyming Words?

Rhyming words are words that end with similar sounds.

An example of a rhyming word pair is “cat” and “bat”.

It is important to note that in the English language, rhyming words do not always need to be spelled the same way. 

An example is “cake” and “ache”. 

This picture shows a rhyming word pair from the ake word family

Are Rhyming Words Spelled the Same?

Many rhyming words often have similar letter patterns. 

For example, “gate” and “date” both end in “ate”.

However, some letter patterns may rhyme but are spelled differently.

An example would be “wait” and “late”.

Hands-On Activities and Resources

Are you looking for hands-on activities to work on phonological awareness? 

Speech-language pathologists, teachers, intervention specialists, and other educators who work on rhyming and phonological awareness tasks will want to check out these fun resources. 


These fun  ocean-themed phonological awareness worksheets  target rhyming and other phonological awareness skills!

Danielle L. reviewed, “An excellent resource for teaching phonemic awareness to not only struggling 2nd grader readers, but all students. Thank you!”

This picture shows a rhyming worksheet that can be used to work on phonological awareness skills

This resource targets the following skills:

  • selecting which word doesn’t rhyme
  • identifying words that rhyme
  • generate a rhyming word 
  • segmenting words into syllables
  • sentence segmentation
  • identifying the first, middle, or last sound in a word
  • phoneme blending 

Each worksheet is low ink and no prep.

These games provide a fun way to work on phonological awareness!

  • Rhyming Bingo Game : the perfect rhyme activity for ages 4 and up! Your student will receive a bingo card and find the matching rhyme to earn a token 
  • Splat (Rhyming Words) : this is a fun rhyming game for 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd-grade students who are working on rhyming skills
  • Rhyming Word Dominoes : this is a picture-supported rhyming dominoes game that your students may enjoy

Want to incorporate some physical education into your rhyming game? 

Play a game where your student completes the action you say, then generates a rhyming word:

Another fun idea would be to go on a scavenger hunt around the school or outside on the playground.

If you spot a bug, you could think of words that rhyme (such as ‘hug’).

When your student spies a ‘slide’, he can think of another rhyming word (‘hide’).

Books and Stories

Books and nursery rhymes are a great way to work on phonological awareness!

They may include an  internal rhyme  (when two or more words rhyme in a sentence or verse).

An example of a book that contains an internal rhyme is “ Chicka Chicka Boom Boom ” by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.

Here are rhyming books for speech therapy:

  • Nursery Rhyme Flip Book : this fun resource contains 20 nursery rhymes, such as Humpty Dumpty, Hey Diddle Diddle, and Mary Had a Little Lamb
  • Pig the Pug  by Aaron Blabley: this book is simply an enjoyable experience with a rather grumpy and selfish pug who learns to share!
  • Bear Feels Scared  by Karma Wilson: not only does this book include rhyming words, it also contains some amazing tier II  vocabulary  words 
  • Hop on Pop  by Dr. Suess: this classic and fun book would make a great addition to your phonological awareness library!
  • The Pout-Pout Fish  by Deborah Diesen: I’m obsessed with this adorable book that features a sad fish who learns how to smile  
  • Llama Llama Red Pajama  by Anna Dewdney: this cute story features a llama who isn’t that patient with his mama 
  • Little Blue Truck  by Alice Schertle: the adorable illustrations and fun rhyming text in this story will ensure this becomes a favorite in your  speech room  or classroom!
  • Rhyming Dust Bunnies  by Jan Thomas: these dust bunnies love to rhyme! Your students will enjoy the vivid illustrations in this book

In addition to  children’s books , SLPs or educators may wish to purchase a  rhyming dictionary . 

Song Lyrics

Children’s songs can be a wonderful way to work on rhyming!

Songs such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat are great choices!

FREE Rhyming Picture Cards

Need some easy rhyming words and picture cards?

These cards could be used during small group centers or independent work.

Check out these   free rhyming word cards  with simple rhyming words to use with younger students. 

Add these rhyming cards to a sensory bin!

And instead of sending the PDF to others, please share the link to this blog post!

This picture shows free rhyming picture cards that can be used for phonological awareness activities with preschool or kindergarten students

Rhyming Word Lists

These rhyming word lists contain a variety of word families:

  • ack (back, black, jack, pack, snack)
  • ad (dad, fad, had, bad, sad)
  • ag (bag, flag, rag, snag, stag)
  • ail (snail, mail, pail, sail, quail)
  • ain (pain, grain, gain, rain, plain)
  • ake (bake, brake, Jake, snake, shake)
  • ale (pale, scale, whale, sale, Dale)
  • all (call, ball, small, fall, tall)
  • am (ham, bam, clam, jam, scram)
  • an (can, fan, van, man, pan)
  • ank (bank, blank, thank, Frank, plank)
  • ap (cap, gap, nap, map, tap)
  • ark (bark, shark, park, Mark, spark)
  • ash (cash, dash, mash, trash, smash)
  • at (bat, hat, pat, cat, rat)
  • ate (gate, plate, skate, date, late)
  • ave (brave, cave, save, wave, gave)
  • eep (beep, cheep, sheep, sleep, sweep)
  • ell (bell, fell, smell, shell, yell)
  • en (den, ten, pen, hen, when)
  • et (pet, vet, set, wet, net)
  • ice (nice, dice, price, rice, mice)
  • ick (pick, stick, Nick, kick, trick)
  • ide (bride, glide, slide, ride, hide)
  • ig (big, pig, dig, fig, twig)
  • ock (sock, block, lock, rock, flock)
  • og (frog, fog, dog, log, hog)
  • ub (cub, club, tub, shrub, stub)
  • ug (bug, dug, hug, tug, slug)
  • unk (bunk, junk, skunk, sunk, trunk)

In conclusion, this article provided a rhyming words list. It also recommended exciting and effective games, activities, and worksheets that can be used to target rhyming with your students. 

Be sure to bookmark this post so you can reference this article anytime!

SLPs may appreciate the importance of phonological awareness with regards to language development. 

Additionally, you can download this  free rhyming words activity  that includes picture cards to use with your students. 

Here are related SLP articles you may wish to check out:

  • Children’s Books for Speech Therapy (The Ultimate List)

10 Tested (and Cheap) Preschool Books to Boost Language Skills

  • 10+ Amazing Speech Therapy Games, Toys, and Activities

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We've got 41 rhyming words for speech  »

What rhymes with speech spitʃ speech, this page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like speech . use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses..

rhyming words for speech

more definitions for speech »

beach · beech · bitch · bleach · breach · breech · car · cheech · creach · creech · dietsch · dietsche · each · keach · keech · keetch · leach · leech · leetch · leitch · meech · peach · piech · pietsch · preach · reach · reeche · rich · screech · snitch · swiech · teach · veach · veatch · veech · weech · wiech

beseech · discrete · impeach · inspeech

Popularity rank by frequency of use

How popular is speech among other rhymes, a graphical representation of the words that rhyme with speech ., 5/151 songs found see 146 more ».

It's gettin hard for you to grasp my speech The class I teach
I laid down there with a tone-deaf leech Came up swinging at a figure of speech
Closer, closer, she is getting nearer; soon she'll be in reach As I enter into her spotlight, she stands lost for speech
So here´s the speech Never lookin´down Have a ball at the beach !
And now, I'd like to make a speech About the love that touches each

5/314 poems found see 309 more »

In ripples on the pebbly beach , Interrupted the old man's speech .
I sought my betters: though in each Fine manners, liberal speech ,
In early times they did him impeach For demanding right of speech ,
Florence and spring-time: surely each Glad things unto the spirit saith. Why did you lead me in your speech
From realms beyond our mortal reach , The utterance of Eternal Thought Of which all nature is the speech .

How to say speech in sign language?

How to pronounce speech.

  • Alex US English David US English Mark US English Daniel British Libby British Mia British Karen Australian Hayley Australian Natasha Australian Veena Indian Priya Indian Neerja Indian Zira US English Oliver British Wendy British Fred US English Tessa South African

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"speech Rhymes." Rhymes.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 14 Dec. 2024. < https://www.rhymes.com/rhyme/speech >.


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