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SMILES to Diagram

Chemical name to structure diagram, drawing chemical structures and reactions, periodic table, a chart organizing chemical elements, frequent asked questions, what is mebb, mebb is a comprehensive platform offering free ai chemistry tools, resources for formula generation, and structure visualization to enhance chemistry research and studies., how can i use mebb's ai chemistry tools, you can access mebb's ai chemistry tools directly on our website. simply create an account, log in, and start using our tools for chemical structure drawing, formula generation, and more., are the tools on mebb free to use, yes, mebb offers a variety of free ai chemistry tools to help with your chemistry research and studies. we aim to provide accessible resources for all users., can mebb help me visualize complex chemical structures, absolutely mebb provides advanced tools for visualizing chemical structures, making it easier to understand and analyze complex chemical compounds., is mebb suitable for both students and researchers, yes, mebb is designed to cater to the needs of both students and researchers by offering a wide range of chemistry tools and resources that support various levels of chemical studies and research., how do i get started with mebb, to get started with mebb, simply visit our website, sign up for a free account, and explore our comprehensive suite of ai chemistry tools and resources designed to enhance your chemistry learning and research experience., unlock the power of chemistry with mebb's advanced tools.

Mebb is here to revolutionize your chemistry research and studies with its suite of advanced AI-powered tools.

chemistry assignment drawing

1. AI-Powered Chemical Structure Visualization

One of the standout features of Mebb is its AI-powered chemical structure visualization tool. This tool allows users to effortlessly draw and visualize complex chemical structures, making it easier to understand and analyze chemical compounds. With intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and a vast library of chemical elements and bonds, creating accurate chemical diagrams has never been easier.

2. Comprehensive Formula Generation

Understanding and generating chemical formulas is a fundamental aspect of chemistry. Mebb's formula generation tool is designed to assist users in creating accurate chemical formulas based on input data. Whether you are working on a research project or completing a chemistry assignment, this tool can help you quickly and accurately generate the formulas you need. Key Benefits: Efficiency: Quickly generates chemical formulas, reducing the time spent on manual calculations. Accuracy: Ensures accurate formula generation, minimizing errors. Versatility: Supports a wide range of chemical compounds and reactions.

3. Extensive Resource Library

In addition to its powerful tools, Mebb offers an extensive resource library to support your chemistry learning and research. This library includes a wealth of educational materials, such as tutorials, articles, and case studies, aimed at helping users deepen their understanding of chemistry concepts and stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. Key Benefits: Educational Value: Provides valuable learning resources for students and researchers. Comprehensive Coverage: Covers a wide range of chemistry topics and concepts. Up-to-Date Information: Keeps users informed about the latest developments in chemistry

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Interested in applying AI in R&D? Read how we’re making it possible through our partnership with Atinary Technologies.

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With ChemSketch You Can…

  • Draw chemical structures, including organics, organometallics, polymers, and Markush structures
  • Quickly create professional quality figures for schoolwork or academic publications
  • Calculate molecular properties (molecular weight, density, molar refractivity, and more)

Download ChemSketch Freeware

Deployment/integration options, technical requirements.

ChemSketch is developed exclusively for Windows 64-bit operating systems.

Freeware products are provided as-is without technical support. Please visit our FAQ for answers to your questions.

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Learn how to configure a virtual machine to use ChemSketch on your computer.

This software is available for Windows 64-bit operating systems only.


GRANT OF LICENSE. Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (“ ACD/Labs “) grants (“ Licensee “), a non-exclusive, non-transferable license during the term of this license agreement (the “ Agreement “) to use and display the computer program titled Freeware ACD/ChemSketch (the “ Software “) contained herewith solely for its own internal purposes and for non-commercial use only , as an academic institution (e.g., college or university) or for personal use that is otherwise non-commercial, within the specified location and for specified amount of users provided. There are no license fees associated with the license of the Software to the Licensee. For greater certainty, use of the Software for any commercial purpose (which includes any use that ACD/Labs reasonably considers to be use by an entity that is not an academic institution or an individual user under the direction of a commercial organization) is strictly prohibited under this Agreement and is a breach of this Agreement by Licensee.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE. ACD/Labs retains title to and ownership of the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the Software. Licensee acknowledges that the Software is proprietary to and is considered confidential information of ACD/Labs and Licensee agrees to treat the Software as such. Licensee agrees to pay any tax, including any sales, use, VAT, GST, excise, customs or duties, arising out of this Agreement, except for any taxes based upon the income of ACD/Labs.

PERMITTED USES. The Licensee may install the Software on any computer owned and or leased by the Licensee at the specified location for the specified amount of users provided above. The Licensee shall provide the specified locations within 10 days upon request from ACD/Labs.

Restriction on Copies. Licensee acknowledges that the Software is protected under copyright laws and agrees not to make copies of the Software installation media except for a single backup copy for archival purposes.

Scripting and Automation. The Software may have scripting, macro generation, an application programming interface, a software development kit or other automation features that have been included by ACD/Labs’ design which permit certain operations of the Software to be automated (“ Automation Features “). The use of the Automation Features is subject to the restrictions enclosed with the Software, and the following additional restrictions:

  • Automation Features cannot be developed or used that permit use of the Software outside the scope of the license granted; and
  • Automation Features cannot be developed or used in one type of Software to replicate or reverse engineer functionality within other Software that is available for license from ACD/Labs.

NON PERMITTED USES. Licensee may not use the Software for any purpose and/or by any means other than as expressly permitted by this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Licensee will not:

  • Transmit, disclose, translate, adapt, modify, decompile, reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise reverse engineer the Software or the embodied algorithms or databases contained in the Software, or permit others to do the same;
  • attempt to use or modify the Software, using Automation Features or otherwise, to circumvent any license conditions, or permit any third party to do so;
  • use the Software in conjunction with, or integrate, modify or incorporate the Software with any third party software application or program that will automate the use of the Software to any extent, including, without limitation, automating key strokes for inputting data to generate results;
  • permit any affiliates (except if agreed to in writing by ACD/Labs) or third party to use the Software;
  • process or permit to be processed the data of any third party or the processing of any data of or for any other office or location of the Licensee;
  • use the Software in performing or conducting research on behalf of third parties;
  • the use of the Software for any commercial use whatsoever, whether for the Licensee or indirectly to the benefit of any third party;
  • use the Software in the operation of a service bureau; or
  • allow access to the Software through any computers or terminals located outside of the designated site specified in the order document, through the Internet, VPN or otherwise, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing by ACD/Labs.

COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKS. The Software is copyrighted © 1993–2021 by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. All rights are reserved. ACD/Labs is a trademark of Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. Other product names or corporate names used within this Software or its documentation may be trademarks of their respective owners, and are mentioned only in an explanatory manner to the owners’ benefit, and without intent to infringe or affect the validity of any trademark.

TERM AND TERMINATION. This Agreement becomes effective once the Software is loaded onto a computer. The above grant of rights may be terminated by ACD/Labs without notice to Licensee in the event that Licensee breaches any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall immediately return (at Licensee’s expense) to ACD/Labs all copies of the Software, documentation, and any other items related thereto, along with a certification that all such items have been returned. Furthermore, all operating Software existing on any computer or computers must be rendered useless by overwriting or destruction of the storage media on which it resides, and Licensee must certify in writing to ACD/Labs that such event has occurred.

PUBLICITY: Licensee agrees to allow ACD/Labs to publicly promote the installation of the Software at the Licensee’s facility in any journal, magazine, web site, press release, advertisement or marketing campaign.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITED WARRANTY. The Software is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. ACD/Labs has no control over Licensee’s use of the Software. Licensee assumes the entire risk as to results and performance of the Software. ACD/Labs disclaims all liability for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages of any nature, whether foreseeable or not, arising out of the use or inability to use the Software, regardless of whether ACD/Labs has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will ACD/Labs’ liability for any damages exceed the fee paid by licensee for this License, regardless of the form of the claim.

GENERAL. This Agreement, except where pre-empted by Canadian law, shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario in Canada. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect, and in no way shall be affected, impaired or invalidated. This Agreement is the complete contract between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement whether written or oral, and its terms shall not be varied, supplemented, qualified, or interpreted by any prior course of dealing between Licensee and ACD/Labs. Any subsequent agreement which modifies any part of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.

Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc., 8 King Street East, Suite 107 Toronto, ON, M5C 1B5 Canada

Learn more about ChemSketch

Chemsketch overview.

Do you need to draw chemical structures for your school, research, or work? ChemSketch has all the tools you need!…

Drawing Tools – ChemSketch How-To Video

This video provides a quick walkthrough of the structure drawing tools for ChemSketch

Stereochemistry Drawing Tools

Find out some tips and tricks for drawing stereochemistry. 2.5mins

Drawing Basic Structures

Getting started using ACD/ChemSketch? Get comfortable with basic functionality using this guide.

Five tactics for upgrading your reporting process

Reporting is an unglamorous but necessary part of pharmaceutical and chemical research and manufacturing. Jesse Harris gives five key tactics…

The Secrets to Getting More Out of Your Chemical Drawing Software

Unlock the secrets to getting the most value from your chemical drawing software without spending more money.

Cutting ‘pain points’ can streamline chemical reporting

Jesse Harris offers advice on how to wrangle with a stressful, complicated process for better results and fewer headaches.

Resource Type: Virtual Labs

The Virtual Lab is an online simulation of a chemistry lab. It is designed to help students link chemical computations with authentic laboratory chemistry. The lab allows students to select from hundreds of standard reagents (aqueous) and manipulate them in a manner resembling a real lab. More information and offline downloads . Please scroll below to find our collection of pre-written problems, they have been organized by concept and ranked by difficulty.


The mole, molarity, and density, glucose dilution problem.

In this activity, students use the virtual lab to create a 0.025M glucose solution from a standard 1M glucose solution. First, they calculate the correct volumes of 1M glucose solution and water to mix together…

Acid Dilution Problem

In this activity, students use the virtual lab to create 500mL of 3M HCl solution from a concentrated stock solution of 11.6M HCl. They must first calculate the correct volumes of 11.6M HCl solution and water to…

Cola and Sucrose Concentration Problem

In this activity, students use the virtual lab to prepare a sucrose solution for a soda recipe. They next calculate the concentration of their solution in terms of molarity, percent mass and density. Finally, they…

Making Stock Solutions from Solids

In this activity, students use the virtual lab to create stock solutions starting from solid salts. Students must first calculate the correct amount of solid to make the solution. Next, they prepare the solution…

Identifying the Unknown Metal (Metals Density Problem)

In this activity, students use the virtual lab to identify an unknown metal by measuring its density and comparing their measurements to the densities of known metals.

Identifying an Unknown Liquid from its Density

In this activity students use the virtual lab to design an experiment to determine the identity of mislabeled bottles using the densities of the solutions inside.

Alcohol Density Problem

Determine the concentration of an alcohol solution from its density.

Reaction Stoichiometry and Limiting Reagents

Gravimetric determination of arsenic.

Set in the context of ground water contamination in Bangladesh, this stoichiometry and analytical chemistry activity examines the issues around identifying wells contaminated with arsenic. (Part of a larger online…

Determining Stoichiometric Coefficients

In this activity, students use the virtual lab to determine how 4 unknown substances react with each other including their stoichiometric coefficients.

Stoichiometry and Solution Preparation Problem

In this limiting reagents problem, students mix together solutions in different ratios in an attempt to produce a final solution that contains only 1 product.

Textbook Style Limiting Reagents Problems

Textbook-style practice limiting reagent exercises with that can be used as a way to "predict and check" your answers using the virtual lab.

Textbook Style Limiting Reagents Problem II

In this activity, students practice with experiments involving limiting reagents and the test their knowledge to determine the concentration of an unknown solution.

Predicting DNA Concentration

In this limiting reagents problem, students are given specific concentrations of DNA solutions and are asked to predict what products and reactants will remain after a specific volumes are mixed and reaction has…

Unknown Concentration of DNA Solution Problem

In this advanced limiting reagent problem, students use the virtual lab to determine the concentration of a solution of DNA by reacting it with known amounts of a fluorescent dye which binds to the DNA.


Energy and enthalpy, camping problem i.

In this part of the MRE scenario, students measure the enthalpy of a reaction.

Camping Problem II

In this part of the MRE scenario, students determine change in the enthalpy of a reaction as the concentration of reactants are varied.

ATP Reaction (Thermochemistry and Bonding)

Determine the enthalpy of the ATP reaction.

Determining the Heat of Reaction in Aqueous Solution

In this activity, students perform an experiment to determine the heat of a reaction.

Coffee Problem

Use the virtual lab to determine how much milk to add to hot coffee to reach the desired temperature

Measuring the heat capacity of an engine coolant.

As an analytical chemist at a company developing new engine coolants your task is to determine the heat capacity of a newly developed product and then to determine if its heat capacity is greater of less than that…

Measuring the heat capacity of an engine coolant II (Advanced version)

Measure and compare the heat capacity of an unknown liquid with an unknown density.

Camping Problem III

In this part of the MRE scenario, students create solutions that when mixed, increase to a certain temperature.

Heats of Reaction - Hess' Law

This activity provides a demonstration of Hess' Law using three reactions: the solubility NaOH in water, the solubility NaOH in HCl and the reaction of a solution of HCl and a solution of NaOH.


Lechatlier's principle, cobalt chloride and lechatlier’s principle.

In this activity, students safely explore the equilibrium reaction of the cobalt chloride reaction.

Equilibrium Calculations

Dna binding problem.

In this activity, students explore equilibrium constants in biochemical systems by measuring the binding constant of a DNA-Dye reaction.

Acid-Base Chemistry

Strong acids and bases, strong acid and base problems.

Textbook-style strong acid and base problems that can be checked using the Virtual Lab.

Determination of the pH Scale by the Method of Successive Dilutions

This activity was created as an accompaniment to an in-class demonstration of the method of successive dilutions using HCl, NaOH, a pH meter, and universal indicator solution. After the demonstration, students…

Weak Acids and Bases

Weak acid and base problems.

Textbook-style weak acid and base problems that can be checked using the Virtual Lab.

Determining the pKa and Concentration Ratio of a Protein in Solution

Use the virtual lab to determine the pKa of a protein then create a buffer solution with a specific concentration ratio of the protein in its protonated/ unprotonated form.

Unknown Acid and Base Problem

In this exercise, students graph the titration curve of an unknown acid and base to determine their pKa’s and concentrations.

Buffer Solutions

Creating a buffer solution.

An exercise to design a buffer solution with specific properties.

DNA - Dye Binding: Equilibrium and Buffer Solutions

Students examine equilibrium and buffer solutions in a biological setting.

Acid/Base Titrations

Standardization of naoh with a khp solution: acid base titration.

Use the Virtual Laboratory to standardize an unknown NaOH solution (approximately 0.2M) to four significant figures via titration with 25.00 mL of a KHP standard solution.

Solubility Product

Determining the solubility product.

Determine the solubility product constatnt (Ksp) for various solids.

Temperature and the Solubility of Salts

Examine the solubilities of salts based on temperature.

Determining the solubility of copper chloride at different temperatures

GIven the solubility of CuCl at 2 different temperatures, predict its solubility at a third temperature. Then test your prediction by creating the solution in the virtual lab

Oxidation/Reduction and Electrochemistry

Standard reduction potentials, exploring oxidation-reduction reactions.

Design an experiment to order Cu, Mg, Zn and Pb from strongest to weakest reducing agent.

Analytical Chemistry/Lab Techniques

Gravimetric analysis, unknown silver chloride.

Determine the concentration of Silver ion in a Silver Nitrate solution using gravimetric analysis

The ChemCollective site and its contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 NonCommercial-NoDerivs License.

Draw Lab Diagrams. Simply.

Chemix 2.0 is a free online editor for drawing lab diagrams and apparatus. Easy sketching for both students and school teachers.

chemistry assignment drawing

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  • Report problem

Chemix 2.0 is a free online editor for drawing lab diagrams and apparatus. Designed for both students and school teachers, making diagrams of laboratory equipment and science experiments is easy and intuitive.

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Chemistry Worksheets and Handouts (PDF for Printing)

Chemistry Worksheets and Handouts

This is a collection of free chemistry worksheets and handouts to print. Most of the printables are PDF files, although some are available as JPG or PNG files. All of these worksheets print cleanly on normal printer paper, plus you can resize them to fit your needs.

Here is a list of worksheets. This site also has articles explaining these topics in detail.

  • Label Parts of the Atom [ Google Apps worksheet ][ worksheet PDF ][ worksheet PNG ][ answers PNG ]
  • Acid formulas [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Balancing equations Worksheet #1 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #2 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #3 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #4 [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Chemical and Physical Changes [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Chemistry scavenger hunt [ PDF clues ][ Answers ]
  • Element names crossword [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Element symbols – Symbols that make words [ PDF worksheet ][ Answers ]
  • Element symbols – Countries of the world [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • More element symbol worksheets
  • Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Mixtures [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Intensive and Extensive Properties [ Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Ionic and Covalent Compounds (Names and Identification) [ PDF Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Ionic Compound Names and Formulas [ PDF Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Metric to English Unit Conversions [ PDF Worksheet ][ Answer Key ]
  • Mixtures [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Periodic table scavenger hunt [ PDF clues ][ Answers ]
  • Reading a meniscus [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Reading periodic table element information Worksheet #1 [ PDF ][ Answers ] Worksheet #2 [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Scientific Notation [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Significant digits Rules [ PDF ][ Answers ] Addition and subtraction [ PDF ][ Answers ] Multiplication and division [ PDF ][ Answers ]
  • Types of Chemical Reactions [ Worksheet ][ Answers ]

In addition to these chemistry worksheets, there is a collection of word search puzzles .

Chemistry Handouts

These chemistry handouts illustrate chemistry concepts and offer examples.

  • Amino acid side chains [ PDF ]
  • Antimatter examples [ PNG ]
  • Atom facts [ PNG ]
  • Chemical properties [ JPG ]
  • Colligative properties [ JPG ]
  • Electron configurations [ PDF ]
  • Element electronegativities [ PDF ]
  • 118 Element Flash Cards [ PDF ]
  • Element list [ PDF ]
  • Endothermic reactions [ PNG ]
  • Error calculations [ JPG ]
  • Exothermic reactions [ JPG ]
  • Heterogeneous mixtures [ JPG ]
  • Hydrocarbon prefixes [ JPG ]
  • Ionic compound properties [ PNG ]
  • Genetic codons [ PDF ]
  • Lewis structures [ JPG ]
  • Litmus test [ PNG ]
  • Magnetic vs non-magnetic metals [ JPG ]
  • Mole ratio [ JPG ]
  • Organic vs inorganic [ JPG ]
  • Oxidation numbers [ JPG ]
  • Periodic table Bingo game [ PDF ]
  • pH indicators [ PNG ]
  • Physical change [ JPG ]
  • Physical properties [JPG ]
  • Noble metals [ JPG ]
  • Reactants and products [ JPG ]
  • RNA vs DNA [ JPG ]
  • States of matter [ JPG ]
  • Visible spectrum [ JPG ]

Periodic Tables

There’s a printable periodic table for just about any purpose, but some of the most popular are listed here.

Vibrant Periodic Table With 118 Elements

  • 118 element vibrant periodic table [ PNG ]
  • Actinides [ JPG ]
  • Blank periodic table [ PDF ]
  • Element charges [ JPG ]
  • Element density [ PDF ]
  • Element electrical conductivity [ PDF ]
  • Element state of matter [ PDF ]
  • Muted color 118 element periodic table [ PDF ]
  • Native elements [ JPG ]
  • Valence [ JPG ]

Biology Notes, Worksheets, and Quizzes

Biology Worksheets and Handouts

Is biology more your thing? We’ve got similar resources for the life sciences, including biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and anatomy.

Chemistry Worksheets Terms of Use

You are welcome to print these resources for personal or classroom use. They may be used as handouts or posters. They may not be posted elsewhere online, sold, or used on products for sale.

This page doesn’t include all of the assets on the Science Notes site. If there’s a table or worksheet you need but don’t see, just let us know!

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Hola! We're Now Available in Spanish

VEl sitio web de Química de la Escuela Intermedia, incluyendo todas las lecciones, ahora está disponible en Español.

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Storyline Approach

Elevate your Chemistry teaching with the Storyline Approach, using captivating narratives to enhance student engagement, contextual understanding, and critical thinking skills.

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El sitio web de Química de la Escuela Intermedia, incluyendo todas las lecciones, ahora está disponible en Español.

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light bulb

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Hands-on experiences designed to engage students and deepen their understanding of scientific concepts

Interactive animations used in lesson plans to help students understand scientific concepts on the molecular level

Activity Sheets

Designed to guide students to record their observations, draw pictures, answer questions, and form conclusions

What Middle School Teachers Say About Us

I now have engaging activities that do not require a full lab, which I do not have. Not only that, the way it is presented is so easily followed. …This site is very linear and easy to follow.

Dan Smith Public School Teacher

I really enjoy using these lessons with my students. They break down the information in a very understandable way. The hands-on activities are engaging and useful. My students are loving this, and so am I!

Jana Berman Private School Teacher

We are homeschooling and his favorite subject is chemistry! … The most wonderful thing is to hear my son explain the concepts he has learned with his younger siblings.

Chaya Levitz Homeschooling Parent

More Resources from the American Chemical Society


Award-winning quarterly magazine for high school chemistry students

AACT (American Association of Chemistry Teachers)

Professional community by and for K-12 teachers of chemistry

Inquiry in Action

Free Elementary Science Lessons and Activities

Middle & High School Chemistry Guidelines

For teaching middle and high school chemistry

What is Middle School Chemistry?

Middleschoolchemistry.com was developed by the Office of K-8 Science in the Education Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS), one of the world’s largest scientific societies.

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  • Create a student set
  • Managing Student Sets
  • Testing Integration in Canvas with your gradebook
  • How do I create a Norton Student Set?
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  • How Do I Import My Testmaker Test to a Canvas Course?
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  • Moodle Course Copy Instructions
  • How Do I Import My Testmaker Test to a Moodle Course?
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2D Molecule Drawing Module - General Chemistry function sendEmail() { var title = '2D Molecule Drawing Module - General Chemistry'.replace("'", "\'").replace("'", "\'"); window.location = 'mailto:?subject=' + title + '&body=' + window.location; }

2d molecule drawing module.

The 2D Molecule Drawing Module (MDM) allows students to draw chemical structures or reactions as answers to Smartwork questions. An example of an MDM problem is shown below. Depending on your screen resolution or your browser settings, you may need to adjust the zoom in order to see the entire MDM. The figure below shows the entire MDM, which consists of a white workspace surrounded by a dark-gray border that contains several toolbars.

chemistry assignment drawing

The figure above presents the MDM with a “blank” module workspace (the white area). Students may also see the MDM shown with a chemical drawing prompt, such as an atom, molecule, chemical reaction, or chemical scheme. The figure below provides an example of what the MDM may look like when a prompt is shown. Depending on the nature of the question being asked, the prompts can vary widely.

chemistry assignment drawing

There are three primary toolbar areas within the MDM border. The toolbar areas are highlighted in the figure below as follows: formatting tools (red), drawing tools (blue), and elemental symbols (green).

chemistry assignment drawing

Here is a video introduction to the 2D Molecular Drawing Module:

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2D Molecule Drawing Module – Toolbar Introduction

Formatting Toolbar:  The formatting toolbar on the top left of the MDM contains four or five tool options depending on the state of the workspace window. A zoomed-in view of the formatting toolbar’s five-tool version is shown here: 

chemistry assignment drawing

(Note: Only the four-tool option is shown in the previous MDM views up above.)

The table below gives the name and general function of each of the five tools in the formatting toolbar.


The tool is used to return the workspace window to its original state. This tool can also be accessed via the hotkey: CTRL+DEL (PC) or Command+delete (MAC)


The tool erases the last change that occurred in the workspace window. This tool can also be accessed via the hotkey: CTRL+Z (PC) or Command+Z (MAC)


The tool reverses an command, bringing back whatever change had been cleared by Undo. Therefore, the Redo function is only available after the Undo tool has been used. This tool can also be accessed via the hotkey: CTRL+Y (PC) or Command+Y (MAC)


The tool allows you to zoom in or out within the workspace window. Clicking the icon twice opens a dropdown menu that gives three options.

Zoom dropdown menu

In the dropdown menu, the three options from left to right are: zoom-in, zoom-out, and zoom-all.
 CTRL+scroll down (PC) or Command+scroll down (MAC) can be used to zoom-in, while CTRL+scroll up (PC) or Command+scroll up (MAC) can be used to zoom-out.


The tool organizes the objects drawn in the workspace.  Results can include ensuring that all bonds are of equal length and that bond angles are reasonable.The tool organizes the objects drawn in the workspace.  Results can include ensuring that all bonds are of equal length and that bond angles are reasonable.

Here is a video introduction of the Formatting Toolbar:

Drawing Toolbar:  The drawing toolbar on the left side of the MDM contains eight tool options. A zoomed-in view of the toolbar is shown here: 

chemistry assignment drawing

The following table lists and gives the name of each tool along with a brief discussion of its function.

Rectangle Selection

The tool allows you to select multiple atoms, bonds, etc., by clicking within the workspace and dragging a rectangular selection area to your desired size.


The tool can be used to erase individual atoms or bonds by clicking on them. The tool can also select multiple components when dragged, similar to the Rectangle Selection tool, and components that are highlighted are deleted upon releasing the mouse button.


The tool allows new bonds to be added or a current bond to be changed to a different type. Clicking twice on the icon opens a dropdown menu that gives three options.

Bonds dropdown menu

In the dropdown menu, the three bonding options from left to right are: single, double, and triple.

Increase Charge

The tool applies a positive charge to a neutral atom. If the atom is already charged, each click will increase the charge by 1.    

Decrease Charge

The tool applies a negative charge to a neutral atom. If the atom is already charged, each click will decrease the charge by 1.

Straight Arrow / Reaction

The tool allows you to click in the workspace to add a + symbol.  To add an arrow to a chemical reaction, click and drag in the workspace. Clicking the twice on the icon opens a dropdown menu that gives three options.

Straight Arrow / Reaction drop down menu

In the dropdown menu, the three options from left to right are: straight, two-headed (resonance), and equilibrium arrows.

Lone Pair

The tool applies lone electrons to an atom within the workspace. Clicking the icon twice opens a dropdown menu that gives two options.

Lone Pair dropdown menu

In the dropdown menu, the two options from left to right are: lone pair (two electrons) and radical (single electron).

Here is a video introduction of the Drawing Toolbar:

chemistry assignment drawing

Here is a video introduction of the Elemental Symbol Toolbar:

Using the 2D Molecule Drawing Module

Example 1: methane, ch 4.

The next few figures will show you how to use the MDM to draw some chemical figures. The first molecule is methane, CH 4 . Once complete, your molecule should look similar to this:

chemistry assignment drawing

In the MDM workspace, click on the C (for carbon) icon in the Elemental Symbols toolbar. In the figure below, note that the C has been highlighted in gray, denoting that it has been selected.

chemistry assignment drawing

With the C now active, click in the white workspace area. This will put the carbon atom where you clicked.

chemistry assignment drawing

Activate the H by clicking on the H icon in the Elemental Symbols toolbar. Now, mouse over the C in the workspace. The C will be highlighted with a blue circle.

chemistry assignment drawing

With the C highlighted with the blue circle, click and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse away from the C atom. This will draw a single bond between the C and the H when you release the mouse button.With the C highlighted, click and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse away from the C atom. This will draw a single bond between the C and the H when you release the mouse button.

chemistry assignment drawing

Using this same method, draw the remaining three hydrogen atoms on the carbon. Your drawing should look similar to the picture below, depending upon which directions you dragged your mouse.

chemistry assignment drawing

Note: You don't need to zoom in before submitting your answer, but you may find it useful to do so to ensure that all atoms are bonded as you intended. Additionally, Smartwork will grade your answer based on connectivity (how the atoms are connected) rather than what the molecule you drew looks like. In this case, so long as the carbon has the four hydrogens attached, your answer will be marked as correct.

Below is a video demonstration of Example 1:

Example 2: Water, H 2 O

chemistry assignment drawing

You can start by selecting the O atom from the Elemental Symbols toolbar and clicking in the white workspace.

chemistry assignment drawing

Activate hydrogen by clicking on the H icon in the Elemental Symbols toolbar. Mousing over the O in the workspace will highlight the O with a blue circle around it.

chemistry assignment drawing

With the O highlighted with the blue circle, click and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse away from the O atom. This will draw a single bond between the O and the H when you release the mouse button. To add the second H atom, click on the O and drag again.

chemistry assignment drawing

The O atom in water should have two lone pairs of electrons. In the dropdown menu, click on the pair of electrons (two dots) to activate it. To add the first pair, click on the O atom.

chemistry assignment drawing

To add the second pair, click on the O atom again. Notice that the positions of the lone pairs on the O atom are automatically adjusted when the second pair is added.

chemistry assignment drawing

Below is a video demonstration of Example 2:

Example 3: Isocyanate ion, OCN –

chemistry assignment drawing

Note : While the particular resonance structure of the ion shown below is not the most chemically stable, it was chosen since several MDM tools could be used to draw it.

chemistry assignment drawing

In addition to the method presented in the previous two examples, another way to draw a molecule that contains multiple chemical elements is to draw the basic structure using only one element and then using the Elemental Symbols tool bar to change them to the proper elements. In this example, the basic structure is drawn with all C atoms. 

Click on the C in the Elemental Symbols toolbar. Next, click in the white workspace. The C atom will appear. Mouse over the C atom to highlight it with a blue circle. Click and hold on the C while dragging the mouse to the right. A second C bonded to the first will display.

chemistry assignment drawing

Mouse over the C atom on the right to highlight it with a blue circle. Click and hold while dragging the mouse again to the right to make the third C appear. You structure should look like this.

chemistry assignment drawing

To change the left C atom to an O atom, click on the O in the Elemental Symbols toolbar, followed by clicking on the left C atom.

chemistry assignment drawing

Repeat the process to change the C atom on the right to a N atom. Click on the N in the Elemental Symbols toolbar, followed by clicking on the right C atom.

chemistry assignment drawing

Mousing over the bond between the O and C atoms will circle it in blue.

chemistry assignment drawing

Clicking on the circled bond will change it to a triple bond.

chemistry assignment drawing

Note : After doing this, only the plus symbol (+) will be shown; the number 1 is omitted from the structural drawing. Occasionally, the bonds and charges may overlap on the screen as shown below, but the question will still grade normally.

chemistry assignment drawing

Below is a video demonstration of Example 3:

Valence Error

A valence error message will be displayed if the formal charge on an atom does not match with the valence due to surrounding bonds and lone pairs.  In the structure below, the terminal oxygen atom with a complete octet must have a formal charge of -1. 

chemistry assignment drawing

Because the negative formal charge is not labeled on the atom, the valence error will be displayed as the feedback after the question is submitted.  This valence check will automatically apply to all structures drawn, and will supersede other feedback.

chemistry assignment drawing

Drawing Errors

A warning message will be displayed if you draw two arrows on top of each other.  To dismiss the message, use the delete tool to remove one of the duplicate arrows before continuing.

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Homework & Practice

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Timed Online Quizzes & Exams

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Experience chemistry like never before.

Students draw Lewis structures and visualize VSEPR with an intuitive, game-like interface that makes learning fun.

Students drag-and-drop tiles to set up scaffolded conversions with units, stoichiometry, densities, concentrations, and much more.

Allow students to focus on chemistry and not syntax errors by easily writing chemical nomenclature and equations with smart suggestions. Supports both inorganic and organic compounds.

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Students draw skeletal and structural formulas with the groundbreaking and intuitive AktivGrid.


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Aktiv Chemistry’s mobile-first design ensures that students receive the same experience no matter where they are. Students take advantage of the Aktiv Learning mobile app to work and study on-the-go in places like riding the bus or train, or even on campus when they have downtime.

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Gradebook & LMS Integration

Aktiv Chemistry’s gradebook can be synced with any popular campus LMS such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, or D2L. The gradebook and associated columns can be customized to separate the various assignment types, to present individual assignments, or display summary columns for each type.

Every Aktiv Chemistry activity has a multitude of grading policies that can be customized depending on the assignment type. Settings include points per problem, participation credit, late submissions with penalties, variable attempts per problem, penalties for incorrect attempts, and more.


Algorithmic Problems & Question Pools

Aktiv Chemistry offers additional security with both Question Pools and Algorithmic Problems. These features randomize the content that is delivered to each student during homeworks, quizzes, or exams. Instructors can also randomize the order of questions on any assignment.

With Algorithmic Problems, built-in variables create thousands of question variants to be delivered that randomize numbers, words, or compounds within the problem statement. With Question Pools, instructors can group together a set of similar questions and deliver a subset of them at random to students.

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Question Authoring

Aktiv Chemistry’s authoring tool allows instructors to easily write, save, and assign your own questions with targeted instructional feedback. Input superscripts, subscripts, and special symbols with a breeze.

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Targeted Student Feedback

Every Aktiv Chemistry question contains targeted instructional feedback that provides students with helpful hints when they submit incorrect answers. When students run out of attempts, they are presented with a step-by-step detailed solution that fully explains how to solve the problem.


Aktiv Chemistry’s attendance tool allows instructors to easily take student attendance by randomizing a check in code for each class or lecture. Customize timing to have a strict or lenient lateness policy.

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Aktiv Learning is proud to be a partner of OpenStax in order to deliver more affordable course materials for chemistry students.

General Chemistry students now have one button access directly to the OpenStax Chemistry textbooks when working on a Aktiv Chemistry problem. Access to learning content has never been easier.

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Elaine Bernal

¹ This quote was provided at a time where Aktiv Chemistry was named Chem101. We have replaced the use of Chem101 in any direct quotes with Aktiv Chemistry to minimize confusion.

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Chemistry AI Solver

Chemistry AI Solver

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2. Can this chemistry problem solver tackle diverse homework queries?

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Discover Frequently Asked Chemistry Questions and Their Answers

  • Formula for Cd2+ and PO43- ? also whats its name
  • What is the Lewis structure for a perchlorate ion?
  • Which of these structures has dipole-dipole interactions? Water (H2O), ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH), and hexane (C6H14).
  • Is a single molecule of oxygen held together by two nonpolar covalent bonds?
  • Why do the alkali metals have to be stored under oil?
  • How do you know the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom?
  • How do you define a valence electron? How do you determine the valence number of an atom?
  • Do ionic bonds occur between atoms from adjacent groups?
  • Why are the melting point and boiling point of graphite so remarkably high?
  • Which statement is INCONSISTENT with Dalton's atomic theory?
  • What is Ka for #HClO_4#?
  • How do you rank Bronsted acids?
  • Which is the stronger acid in each of the following pair #H_2SeO_3# or #H_2SeO_4#?
  • Which is the stronger acid in each of the following pair #HBrO_2# or #HBrO#?
  • How do you draw the cis and trans isomers for 1-ethyl-3-methylcyclobutane?
  • How does a hydrolysis reaction separate a polymer into its monomers?
  • Why are there cis and trans isomers?
  • What does it mean for a molecule to be optically active?
  • What is the most stable conformer for 3,3-dimethylhexane, viewed along the #C_3-C_4# bond using Newman projections?
  • Which group contains a chiral carbon? #A.# #"1-bromopropane"#. #B.# #"2-bromopropane"#. #C.# #H_3C−CH_2CHBrCH_2CH_3#. #D.# #"cyclohexyl bromide"#

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Library Subject Guides

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Chemistry: Assignment Research

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This guide to basic assignment research outlines a simple but effective approach to finding information for your assignment. It is based on the resources described elsewhere in this subject guide and on the UC Library web site. Depending on your topic and your level of study, you may need to rearrange or review these steps where necessary

Check the rest of this subject guide carefully for additional subject resources and, where available, appropriate topic guides

1. Define your topic

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Make sure you understand the topic. Identify the main concepts or keywords in your question to help you develop a search strategy.

2. Gather background information

Use dictionaries and encyclopedias to find definitions and background information. Articles from specialised subject encyclopedias are authoritative and often substantial


  • Dictionaries, Encyclopedias and Handbooks for Chemistry

3. Think about what information you need

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  • How much information do you need? Lecturers often give guidelines on the number of sources you should use
  • Do you need current information or is older material relevant? Sometimes you might need both, as you might have to give both the historic background and the current situation of a topic
  • Do you need primary sources that give an original account of research, or secondary sources that are interpretations of someone else's work?

If you do not understand what you have to do for an assignment, ask your lecturer, your tutor or someone at the Academic Skills Centre

4. Find books

Search the library catalogue

  • Check for books on High Demand .
  • Use Title and Keyword anywhere searches to find additional material.
  • When you find a useful title, click its subject headings to find books on similar subjects.

Read more on:

  • Finding Chemistry Books and Ebooks

5. Find journal articles

6. Find information on the Internet

  • a government department (.gov or .govt.nz)
  • an academic (.edu or .ac.nz or published in a reputable journal)
  • a business (what are they selling?)
  • or a random non-expert?

Use Google Scholar to find reliable journal articles, or the Advanced Search features of Google to restrict your search to results from more reputable sources.

  • Web searching

7. Evaluate your sources

  • Critically Analyzing Information Sources (Cornell University)
  • How to spot fake news .

8. Cite your sources

  • Citing your sources

9. Write your assignment

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See our writing guides page for books that have useful hints for writing on technical subjects.

Visit the  Academic Skills Centre  for workshops and/or personal help.

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  • Next: Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates (Wikibook) >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024 9:34 AM
  • URL: https://canterbury.libguides.com/chem

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Achieve for Chemistry

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Meeting students where they are, with content and a learning platform designed for the way they learn. Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools. It incorporates the most effective elements from Macmillan’s market leading solutions—in a single, easy-to-use platform. Our resources were co-designed with instructors and students, using a foundation of learning research and rigorous testing. The resulting tools for before, during, and after class are proven to be engaging to students of all levels of preparedness, leading to better outcomes.

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Diagnostics with Personalized Study Plan

Personalized study plans provides instructional resources that target each student's identified growth areas.

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Insightful Reports

Instructor reports provide insights into performance by full class, individual students and learning objectives.

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Worked Example Videos

Worked example videos created exclusively for IGC from popular YouTube educator, Tyler DeWitt, make chemistry concepts clear and understandable through the effective use of whiteboard videos.

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In-line interactives simulations provide students with a way to interact with the material in a hands-on way, promoting the idea of learning by doing. Acclaimed PhET Simulations from the University of Colorado, Boulder further encourage quantitative exploration, while addressing specific problem-solving needs.

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Homework Problems

Homework problems serve as a front door to learning. Students can either answer a question immediately or study further before answering by clicking on the Resources tab to go directly to the appropriate section in the e-book. Each problem provides help in the form of hints, targeted feedback and detailed solutions to ensure every problem provides learning through practice.

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Insight Cards

Insight cards provide quick views of student work in a just-in-time way keeping what is important and current right at the surface! You can drill down for more detailed views to see individual student or whole class performance.

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Instructor Activity Guides

The IGC instructor activity guides were built around the Interactive General Chemistry text and interactives. Each activity guide provides at-a-glance metadata to make it easier to prepare and implement. Instructors can pair "preflection" assignments with follow-up reflection supported by pre-built clicker slide decks and/or reinforce student learning with post-activity homework assignments to follow up on the in-class activity. These flexible resources support a variety of teaching styles all emphasizing student engagement.

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Interactives & Worksheets

IGC worksheets were designed to work seamlessly with a set of Interactive General Chemistry interactives. The worksheets can be used for in-class or virtual group work or individual work outside of class.

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iClicker Integration

Prebuilt iClicker slide desks assist with instruction and help to easily facilitate reflection on activities, allowing instructors to check understanding and get feedback in real time. In addition, iClicker seamlessly integrates into the Achieve gradebook.

Using Achieve & iClicker

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Oregon State students provide free dental care to those in need

When people lose their homes and incomes, they frequently lose their teeth.

Their teeth begin to rot, and without access to dentists and anesthesia, people often pull the teeth out themselves.

Anika Phuvasate sees such problems firsthand.

When she was the president of Oregon State University's Pre-Dental Club in April, she helped coordinate the third-annual Impact Your Health Clinic to provide free dental services to people experiencing poverty.

"A lot of these community members who are coming to our clinic haven't seen a dentist in several years," Phuvasate said. "They lack the assets, or it could also be due to the stigma that surrounds poor dental health. People are often quick to judge people who have tooth decay and blame it on individual irresponsibility. The reality is there are a lot of social factors that come into play when it comes to someone's oral health."

No one should be ashamed to get dental care, she said.

"It was very rewarding for me to interact with these patients and create a nonjudgmental and compassionate environment for that and perhaps change their typical experience at the dental office," said Phuvasate, who graduated this spring.

The Centers for Disease Control, the nation's leading science-based, data-driven, service organization, reports that gum disease with bone loss is twice as common (at 60%) among adults ages 30 and older with low incomes compared with adults who had higher income (at 30%).

Untreated cavities are about twice as common among working-age adults with no health insurance coverage (43%) compared with those who have private health insurance coverage (18%).

Groundswell, an advocacy organization based in London reports that seven out of 10 people lose teeth after becoming homeless — with 15% of them pulling their own infected and rotting teeth.

Students help a community member receive dental care.

OSU students help a community member receive free dental care during the third-annual Impact Your Health Clinic.

Clinics draw people from Oregon Coast and beyond

Members of Oregon State's Pre-Dental Club began organizing the annual dental clinic three years ago in partnership with Caring Hands Worldwide, an Oregon-based nonprofit that provides free dental care through similar clinics throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Club members gather dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, translators and other volunteers for the clinic. They perform a variety of tasks such as sterilizing dental instruments and checking in patients. They also raise money for the clinic and spread the word to patients.

A story last spring in the Daily Barometer, Oregon State's student newspaper, went a long way in spreading the word, said club Vice President Yasmeen Koborsi.

"The word really got out on campus, and it was a true community effort," she said. "It was all of these organization leaders on and off campus who came together and wanted to take a moment and help spread the word."

Patients came from Corvallis, Lebanon and Philomath and as far away as the Oregon Coast and The Dalles. "A lot of these people had homes," said Koborsi. "They just didn't have insurance or other means to get dental work done for themselves or their children.”

Two men in dentist gear pose for a picture.

Corvallis dentist Dr. Cam Little poses with another dental provider during the clinic. Little is the advisor of the annual clinic.

Pre-Dental club proves rewarding for students

Phuvasate said the clinic is extremely meaningful to her on a personal level. "Volunteering at it for the past three years has helped me reaffirm my decision to go into dentistry," she said.

The Pre-Dental Club is rewarding in general, said Koborsi. "The club shows students different ways to connect with the community through service projects and how to apply to the dental program," she said. "It hopefully deepens their passion for dentistry for their future careers."

Koborsi also graduated this spring. Like Phuvasate, she will be attending Oregon Health & Science University in the fall to complete her dental education.

"I love that through dentistry you are able to give people hope and let them know you care about them," she said. "You show them that, for about one hour in their day, you have dedicated your time to them to make them feel good at the end of it."

Dr. Cam Little, a dentist practicing in Corvallis since 1996, is the advisor of the annual clinic. He works closely with pre-dental students in general. Students interested in careers in dentistry frequently job shadow him.

"I didn't feel that observation only was enough for the students," Little said. "Sometimes I would let them assist me chairside if possible. I found that this gave them real hands-on experience and a better understanding of what it is like to treat a patient."

Little began working with Caring Hands Worldwide in 2018 in Eugene, even before the Pre-Dental Club began organizing the Corvallis clinics.

Avery Esau, the Pre-Dental Club president in 2021, suggested starting clinics in Corvallis. "She took the information back to a club meeting, and they voted to start doing this as their main yearly philanthropic mission," Little said.

Esau and fellow pre-dentistry student Isabella Sandgren rallied a team and held the first clinic at the First Congregational United Church of Christ.

This year's clinic ran April 13 and 14 at the Benton County Fairgrounds and drew 150 patients.

"This event is a real benefit to the community and to those who cannot afford dentistry and have no access to care," Little said. "It is also of great benefit to the pre-dental students of OSU. They get an opportunity to organize and staff a major philanthropic event.”

"It just deepened my passion each year."

Koborsi said she just hopes they helped people. "We tried to make sure every person who came left with more than what they expected," she said.

She became involved in dentistry through the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & the Arts program at Oregon State.

"I was in Dr. Philip McFadden's lab in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics through URSA during my sophomore year," Koborsi said. "That really opened my eyes to how much I love the science, and specifically the chemistry, behind teeth."

She volunteered at the first Impact Your Health Clinic in 2022. "That was the way that I fell in love with dentistry," she said. "It just deepened my passion each year."

Koborsi said she initially wanted to be a pharmacist. "I really enjoyed being able to have a job where I was able to meet with patients and have a connection with them," she said. "As a dentist, I would be able to even deepen those connections. I just really want to have a career where I can build a community and connect with people and make people feel welcome, included, safe and cared for."

A group photo of people participating in the free dental clinic.

Participants of the third-annual free dental clinic pose for a group picture.

Making it less scary to see a dentist

Phuvasate said she also finds the clinics inspirational. "They made me realize that the reason I want to go into dentistry is to help people overcome their feelings of shame and insecurity when they're in the dental chair," she said.

She chose to go into dentistry at the end of high school. "I wasn't entirely set on it," she said. "I started looking into it because I was interested in human biology. I also knew I wanted a career where I could work with the general public. I wasn't drawn to doing research or lab work behind the scenes. I decided to look into health care."

Although she considered being a physician, said Phuvasate, she heard too many physicians complain about burning out from their frustration with the health-care system. "Every dentist I talked with was extremely happy with their work/life balance and the personal connections they're able to make with patients," she said.

"As a kid, I never had any bad interactions with dentists," she added. "I actually looked forward to seeing my dentist. I didn't realize that many people have a phobia about going to the dentist. That also made me realize how much of an impact those interactions can have."

Phuvasate said she hopes some people are already more comfortable seeing a dentist because of the help she and her fellow Pre-Dental Club members provided at the annual clinics.

"Maybe they avoided the dental office because they're so used to being judged for the state of their teeth," she said. "We hopefully made people comfortable enough to talk about their dental health."

Students pose for a picture during free dental event.

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Mets’ Star Set to Begin Rehab Assignment

Joe calabrese | aug 7, 2024.

Jun 21, 2024; Chicago, Illinois, USA; New York Mets outfielder Starling Marte (6) cools off in the dugout against the Chicago Cubs during the seventh inning at Wrigley Field. Mandatory Credit: David Banks-USA TODAY Sports

  • New York Mets

New York Mets fans received a key injury update Tuesday: Starling Marte is set to begin his rehab assignment Wednesday with Single-A Port St. Lucie and is one step closer to returning.

Starling Marte will begin a rehab assignment with Low-A St. Lucie tomorrow, Carlos Mendoza said. He’ll be the DH. — Tim Healey (@timbhealey) August 6, 2024

Mets manager Carlos Mendoza confirmed Marte, who was placed on the 10-day injured list on June 25 with a bone bruise in his right knee and reported on Monday, will be the designated hitter. After speaking to reporters back in late July, about feeling “close” in regard to returning to on-field action, it was reported Marte would start playing games in Port St. Lucie before moving on to Double-A Binghamton, and then hopefully, back to Flushing.

Starling Marte (bone bruise in right knee) will begin a minor league rehab assignment tomorrow with Class A St. Lucie. He recently said he expects to advance to Double-A Binghamton by the end of this week. My hunch is he'll be real close once the Mets return home on Aug. 13. — Anthony DiComo (@AnthonyDiComo) August 6, 2024

The anticipated timetable after a few weeks of uncertainty was sometime in early-to-mid August, with the expectation he would need to play in a few rehab games first. The 35-year old outfielder showed some optimism after taking batting practice during the Mets’ three-game series against the Los Angeles Angels in Anaheim this past weekend.

Starling Marte takes BP at Angel Stadium pic.twitter.com/WnYn4sLGv9 — SNY (@SNYtv) August 4, 2024

Marte was having a solid season up until starting his IL stint. In 66 games (254 at-bats) this season, Marte was slashing .278/.328/.744 with seven home runs, 30 RBI, also recording 12 stolen bases, without being caught stealing once. In 270 games with the Mets , Marte has a slash line of .275/.328/.411 with 28 home runs, 121 RBI and 54 stolen bases and a 2022 National League All-Star appearance, though injuries have continuously plagued the outfielder.

Marte will likely replace Tyrone Taylor, hitting .227 in his past eight contests, once he returns. Factoring in a resurgent Jeff McNeil, the Mets’ lineup is much better, have a few more configurations available to them, and will soon be deeper, a set of positives as they aim to remain in the postseason picture into September.

General Manager David Stearns will have difficult decisions regarding this offense in the offseason. Including JD Martinez – the primary designated hitter once he was inserted into the batting order – who is only signed through 2024, Marte would also be entering the final year of a four-year, $78 million contract he signed with the organization prior to the 2022 season.

New York is a respectable 10-8 since the All-Star break following a 6-3 loss Tuesday to the Colorado Rockies, but now sits 1.5 games behind the Atlanta Braves for the final Wild Card spot in the NL. At 59-54 overall the Mets continue their lengthy 10-game road trip and three-game series against the Rockies at Coors Field.

Joe Calabrese


Joseph Calabrese is an avid New York sports fan who has previously made stops at and worked for major sports leagues and companies, including NBC Sports, CBS Sports and Bettor Sports Network. He is a huge Yankees fan and can be found on X: @JCalabrese1. He also co-hosts the "You Know I'm Right" podcast with fellow media member Nick Durst


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