
What Is a Digital Presentation & How to Get Good At It

Learn the basics of presentation decks and how to create one. Explore examples and tips to make your own deck more effective and engaging.

define digital presentation

Dominika Krukowska

16 minute read

What is a digital presentation

Short answer

What is a presentation.

A presentation is a slide-based visual storytelling aid. It’s used for transferring information and emotion to an audience with visual, vocal, and textual communication.

The purpose of a presentation is to help the audience understand a subject matter. Presentations are used in business, academics, and entertainment. They can be made in PowerPoint, PDF, or webpage format.

Why people hate presentations (including yours)

Have you ever sat through a digital presentation that felt like it was dragging on forever? Or worse, have you been the one giving the presentation when people’s eyes glazed over?

This feeling of agonizing boredom is called Death by PowerPoint, and it means losing your audience's attention. They won't remember anything you said, and probably couldn't care less.

I’m going to show you how to never again suffer from Death by PowerPoint by avoiding the common PowerPoint pitfalls, immediately engage your audience, capture their interest, and make them care.

Let's dive in!

What is the main purpose of a presentation?

The purpose of a presentation is to communicate information or ideas to an audience in a clear and effective manner. The reasons for making a presentation can be to inform, persuade, motivate, educate, entertain, or simply share knowledge or experiences.

The goal of a presentation can be to help your audience understand complex concepts, make informed decisions, or take action based on the information you present.

In business settings, presentations are often used to pitch products or services, report on progress or performance, or make recommendations to stakeholders.

What are the 2 main types of presentations?

When it comes to creating a presentation, there are 2 primary types: (1) speech presentations and (2) digital presentations (made for reading). There are key takeaways for nailing each presentation type. Take note of them if you intend to get good at both.

Reading presentations

Speech presentations

Digital presentations (Reading presentations)

Digital presentations, on the other hand, are presentations that the audience can access on their own computer or phone without the presenter being physically present. These presentations require a different set of skills and techniques to keep the audience engaged.

Essentials for improving your digital presentations:

  • Written clarity is critical: Since your audience will be reading your presentation, it's essential to keep your content clear and concise. Say more with less.
  • Show, don't tell: Use supporting visuals to help illustrate your points and make your presentation more engaging.
  • Animation and annotation: Use animations and annotations to direct your audience's attention to the right place at the right time, keeping them engaged throughout. there are plenty of free animation software to help you create these.
  • Personalization: Make your audience feel like you're speaking directly to them by personalizing your presentation. Use inclusive language and address their pain points, needs, and interests.

Speech presentations (Face to face)

Speech presentations are the classic type of presentation where a speaker presents to an audience in person. These presentations are usually given at conferences or meetings, and can now also take place virtually through platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype.

Essentials for improving your speech presentations:

  • Less written, more spoken: Speech presentations are all about the spoken word, so it's crucial to avoid cramming too much text onto your slides. Focus on speaking to your audience instead.
  • Body language and voice: In a speech presentation, your body language and tone of voice are essential to engaging your audience. Use humor, sarcasm, or suspense to keep your listeners interested.
  • Rapport: Making eye contact and using real-time communication can help you build rapport with your audience and make them feel involved in your presentation.

What are the main types of digital presentations?

Digital presentations come in all shapes and sizes, but understanding the main types can help you choose the right format for your message.

Business presentations

Marketing presentations, sales presentations, education and training presentations, personal presentations.

Education & training

Business presentations are used for showcasing company performance updates, introducing new products or services, discussing future plans with clients and partners, or briefing investors.

Whether it's an internal meeting or an external one with stakeholders, business presentations are all about delivering a clear and compelling message that drives the company forward.

Marketing presentations are visual decks used to present your target audience, marketing strategies, and campaign outcomes to prospective clients, ad agencies, or stakeholders.

Sales presentations are decks that contain details about the features, pricing, and main benefits of your offering, and are used during in-person meetings or online sales calls. They’re designed to help sales reps close deals or land new clients.

Education and training presentations are slide decks designed to teach new concepts and best practices to a variety of audiences, including students, employees, or clients.

A personal presentation is used during networking events, business conferences, or public speaking engagements. It’s used to share your key accomplishments and demonstrate your passion and the main values you stand for.

What makes a good presentation?

A good presentation captivates by establishing trust, engaging the audience with interactive elements, and weaving data into an enthralling narrative that sparks emotions and inspires, leaving a lasting impact.

There are 3 things any good presentation must do:

1. Establish trust and credibility

Without your audience trusting you and your authority you will never get them to listen. And to really listen, some say, they have to like you.

To establish yourself as a credible source of information, use relevant visuals, stories, and examples that showcase your expertise and experience, earning the trust of your audience.

2. Interact with the audience

Static PowerPoint slides are no longer enough to engage anyone. Presentations need to be informative but also entertaining.

Therefore, incorporating interactive elements into your presentations like animations, videos, calculators, quizzes , polls, and live infographics is now essential to grab attention and keep your audience engaged start-to-finish .

define digital presentation

3. Tell a good story

When it comes to digital presentations, it's not just about the information you share, but how you share it. That's where storytelling comes in! It's all about weaving a relatable narrative that resonates with your viewers, leaving them eager for more.

By blending your data and facts into an enthralling tale, you're not only dishing out knowledge but also sparking emotions and inspiration. It's a game-changer for grabbing your audience's attention and getting your message across effectively.example

How to create a good digital presentation?

To create a great digital presentation, you need to think beyond the slides and consider the experience you want your audience to have.

Think of your presentation as a journey that takes your audience from point A to point B - you need to ensure that every step of the way is memorable and captivating.

When creating a digital presentation, there's more to it than just putting together a few slides.

You can make it real-pretty, but to make it truly effective you need to have a clear understanding of where you want to take your audience, and tailor your content accordingly.

define digital presentation

Good presentation example

This example shows how interactive content can make a presentation that pulls you in and makes you feel part of the journey.

What should a presentation include?

Most decks contain the following 3 elements:

  • Introduction (the objectives and agenda of your presentation)
  • Main body (key talking points that you want to cover)
  • Conclusion (followed by a single, actionable call to action)

The specific outline of your presentation will depend on your particular use case.

Check out our dedicated guides for particular business presentations:

  • What to Include in a Pitch Deck (Slides 99% of Investors Want)
  • 7 elements of a great sales deck structure
  • What should a one-pager include?
  • What does a marketing deck include?

How to start and how to end a presentation?

Start your presentation with a strong hook that captures your audience's attention and makes them interested in what you have to say.

You can end your presentation with a thank you slide, but that would be too bad. For your words to carry beyond the last slide you’ll need to give your audience the next step.

Thank you slide

And so, you should end your presentation with a singular, clear call to action that inspires your audience to follow through on your message.

What are the essential building blocks of a successful presentation?

Almost everyone nowadays makes beautiful presentations. But that’s not enough to make them successful.

5 key elements that every successful presentation includes:

1. Compelling (human) story: Your presentation should tell a story that connects with your audience on a personal and emotional level, making your message relatable and memorable.

Here are 5 quick storytelling tips to deliver engaging presentations:

5 Quick Storytelling Tips

2. Clear structure: A clear structure helps your audience follow along and understand the flow of your presentation. This can be chronological, sequential, before-after, problem-solution-resolution, or any other simple and easy-to-follow structure.

3. Problem and solution: Your presentation should address a problem that your audience faces and offer a solution that your product or service can provide.

4. Actionable takeaways: Your presentation should leave your audience with actionable steps or insights that they can use to apply the information you've presented.

5. Supporting visuals (product demo) and data visualization (graphs, charts, and infographics): Using visuals to support your presentation can reinforce your message and help your audience retain the information you presented.

6 biggest mistakes to avoid when creating a presentation

It’s easy to forget that the presentation is for your audience rather than for you. You may want to tell them everything from A to Z, but they may only want to know ABC.

It’s even easier to take for granted that the things you understand are clear to others. But for them, these things are horribly complex (look up the curse of knowledge).

1. Using too much text: Overloading your slides with text can cause your audience to lose interest and detract from your main points. Keep your text to a minimum and use visuals to reinforce your key takeaways.

2. Going too much into detail: attention is a limited resource so you can’t fit everything in a single presentation. Tell your audience only what they really want (and need) to know. Avoid any technical details or complex jargon that does not contribute to the core of your message.

3. Neglecting interactivity: Failing to include interactive elements can cause your audience to disengage. Use polls, quizzes, and other interactive tools, including email newsletter software , to keep your audience engaged.

4. Ignoring the power of storytelling: Telling a compelling story is critical to capturing your audience's attention and leaving a lasting impression. Use relatable stories and examples that support your key points.

5. Poor use of visuals: Using low-quality visuals, irrelevant images, or poorly designed charts and graphs can detract from your presentation and cause confusion. Use high-quality visuals that reinforce your key ideas and are easy to understand.

6. Lack of personalization: If you don’t tailor your presentation to your audience's needs, interests, and level of understanding, your message will fall flat. Make sure to consider your audience's perspective and adjust your deck accordingly.

You don't want your presentation to end up looking like this:

Bad sales one-pager example

How to design a presentation?

Designing a presentation is a bit like decorating a cake - you want it to be visually appealing but also yummy to consume. You want it to leave your audience with a taste for more rather than a bad taste in their mouth.

Lucky for you there are practical steps for designing a presentation that truly wows your audience every time. There's also a more practical presentation maker for this than PowerPoint. You can use it to get much more engaging presntations.

Practical presentation design tips:

1. Choose a color scheme: Just like choosing the perfect icing color for your cake, selecting a color scheme that complements your brand can make your presentation feel more coherent. Or, if you’re pitching to a client, you can use their brand colors instead in order to impress them.

2. Use high-quality images: Using high-quality images is like adding a layer of delicious, rich frosting to your cake. It makes your presentation more visually interesting and helps support your key message.

3. Use consistent fonts: Using consistent fonts throughout your presentation can make it easier to read. Stick to two or three fonts that complement each other and use them consistently.

4. Incorporate visual aids: Visual aids like colorful sprinkles and creative cake toppers can take your cake to the next level. Similarly, graphs, charts, and infographics can help break text patterns and, therefore, make your presentation more memorable.

Check out our use-ready slide design with every type of slide you can think of designed according to our tips and best practices.

define digital presentation

Where to find presentation templates?

Scouring the web for presentation templates can be a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack - it's time-consuming, frustrating, and can leave you feeling a bit lost. Most designs available look dull and samey, and are not optimized for engagement.

But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are the best interactive presentation templates for different use cases:

Choose template by:

What tools to use to create presentations?

Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all tool for creating a digital presentation. And with so many presentation tools out there, it can be hard to know where to start looking.

That’s why we've done the research for you - check out our article rounding up the best presentation software to pick the right one for your needs!

And, if you want to learn more about creating effective digital presentations, check out these posts:

  • How to Make Effective & Impactful Presentations (12 Steps)
  • How to Make a Multimedia Presentation (5 Easy Steps)

How to give a presentation?

Giving a presentation can be intimidating, but it's an excellent opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise. To deliver a successful presentation, you need to focus on engaging your audience, keeping their attention, and providing valuable information.

9 tips to help you give a memorable presentation:

1. Start with a strong hook

A strong opening is crucial to grab your audience's attention and pique their interest. Begin with a bold statement, a surprising fact, or a personal anecdote that relates to the topic of your presentation. This will immediately grab the audience's attention and make them want to listen to what you have to say.

2. Make your objectives and agenda clear

Engage your audience right from the start by letting them know what's in store for them. Outlining your objectives and agenda early on will keep your audience focused and ensure that they don't miss out on any crucial information. Let them know why it's important to pay attention to your presentation and what they can expect to learn from it. By doing this, you'll build anticipation and get them excited about what's to come!

3. Leverage storytelling

People love stories, and they are an effective way to connect with your audience. Use anecdotes, metaphors, and examples to illustrate your points and make your presentation more relatable. This will help the audience understand the concepts you're presenting and retain the information up to 60-70% better .

4. Ask questions, use humor, give simple directions that prove a point

Engage your audience by asking questions, using humor, and giving them simple tasks to perform that illustrate your point. This will keep their attention and make the presentation more interactive.

5. Direct the audience's attention

Use a pointer or built-in animation to draw the audience's attention to critical information. This will help them focus on what you're saying and avoid distractions.

6. Work on the delivery

Speak slowly and clearly, use positive language, and avoid reading from notes as much as possible. Use humor and engage with your audience to make the presentation more enjoyable. Ensure your body language is confident and relaxed, and maintain eye contact with your audience.

7. Add interactive elements

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or surveys to involve your audience and gather valuable feedback. This will make your presentation more engaging and ensure your audience retains the information presented.

8. Close with a CTA

End your presentation with a strong call to action (CTA). Inspire your audience to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or visiting your website. Make it clear what you want your audience to do after the presentation.

9. Leave time for a Q&A session

Finally, leave ample time for a Q&A session. This will allow your audience to clarify any doubts and ask questions. It's also an excellent opportunity for you to engage with your audience and get valuable feedback on your presentation.

Create amazing digital presentations from templates

Creating a digital presentation that grabs your audience's attention and drives results may feel like a daunting task.

After all, a strong digital presentation can be the difference between leaving a lasting impression on your audience or falling flat and losing their attention.

It's like trying to teach a class without proper preparation - you're not giving your knowledge and expertise a chance to shine, and your audience might not retain the information you're presenting.

To make things easier, try using our customizable digital presentation templates that will help you create an engaging and impactful digital presentation in no time!

Where can I see examples of good presentations?

If you’re looking for real-life examples that drove results for other companies from different industry sectors, check out highly effective presentation examples by our clients .

Alternatively, if you want to see the best presentation examples that you can replicate to create your own, here are our dedicated guides:

  • 10 Perfect Presentation Examples That Win Over Anyone
  • 9 Unique Sales Deck Examples that Outsell the Rest
  • 10 Top Pitch Deck Examples to Inspire Your Fundraising Efforts
  • Top Product Presentation Examples That Wow Everyone
  • Marketing Deck: What It Is & How to Make It Win (Examples)
  • 6 Elevator Pitch Examples for Any Scenario (Ready for Use)

Where can I find good presentation templates?

If you’re looking for snazzy presentation templates, Storydoc should be your go-to place. We offer a fantastic selection of visually stunning designs to make your digital presentation pop.

All components have been designed with best practices in mind and optimized for engagement. Thanks to the built-in analytics panel, you can also check how your presentations perform in real-time.

Click on any of these categories to see the best presentation templates for your specific use case:

  • One-pager templates
  • Sales deck templates
  • Pitch deck templates
  • Business proposal deck templates
  • Marketing decks templates
  • Case studies templates
  • Report templates
  • White paper templates

What are common types of business presentations?

The most common types of business presentations are:

  • Sales decks
  • Pitch decks
  • Business proposal decks
  • Marketing decks
  • Case studies

Is a presentation the same as a slideshow?

Technically, a slideshow is a type of presentation, but not all presentations are slideshows.

A presentation can take many different forms, from a speech to a product demonstration, and can use various tools, including slideshows, to deliver the message. So while a slideshow is certainly a popular choice for presentations, it's not the only option out there.

What is death by PowerPoint?

Death by PowerPoint is the phenomenon of boring, uninspired, and ineffective presentations that use an overabundance of bullet points, text-heavy slides, and monotonous delivery. It's a surefire way to put your audience to sleep and leave them counting down the minutes until your presentation is over.

To avoid death by PowerPoint, aim to create presentations that are visually engaging, incorporate storytelling, and use multimedia elements like images, videos, and interactive features. Remember, a presentation should be a tool to enhance your message, not a crutch to lean on.

What are common types of presentation delivery formats?

There are 5 popular types of presentation delivery formats to choose from:

  • Powerpoint: A classic choice, PowerPoint offers a range of design and animation options to create static slide-based presentations.
  • Google Slides : As a cloud-based tool, Google Slides makes it easy to collaborate with others in real-time. It's an excellent option for static team presentations and remote work situations.
  • Keynote : Exclusive to Apple devices, Keynote is known for its sleek and elegant design options. It's an ideal choice for visually appealing presentations on Mac or iOS devices.
  • PDF: For a simple, static, and easily shareable format, PDF presentations are a reliable option. They ensure consistent formatting across different devices and platforms.
  • Storydoc : Taking presentations to the next level, Storydoc provides immersive and interactive templates that are sure to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

What are common types of presentation speech formats?

There are 4 common types of presentation delivery formats:

  • Memorized: In a memorized delivery, the presenter memorizes the entire presentation word-for-word and delivers it without notes. This format can be effective for short presentations or speeches but can be challenging to execute for longer presentations.
  • Manuscript: In a manuscript delivery, the presenter reads from a written script or teleprompter. This format is great for delivering complex or technical information but can come across as less engaging.
  • Impromptu: In an impromptu delivery, the presenter delivers a presentation without prior preparation or planning. This format is often used in situations like interviews or meetings and requires quick thinking and adaptability.
  • Extemporaneous: In an extemporaneous delivery, the presenter delivers a presentation using notes or an outline, but not a fully scripted presentation. This format allows for flexibility and engagement with the audience while still maintaining structure.

Why is a presentation important for my business?

Here are the main reasons why presentations are essential for your business:

  • Be the expert: Presentations provide a platform to showcase your expertise and share your unique perspectives with your audience, establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Build connections: Presentations provide an opportunity to connect with your audience, building relationships that can lead to future business opportunities.
  • Leave a lasting impression: An engaging and memorable presentation can leave a lasting impact on your audience, increasing brand awareness and improving message retention.
  • Achieve your goals: Presentations can be used to achieve business goals, from generating leads to securing funding or closing deals.

How to measure the effectiveness of a presentation?

Measuring the effectiveness of a presentation is crucial to ensure it hits the mark with your audience and achieves its goals. Here are some ways to measure the effectiveness of a presentation:

Ask for feedback: Don't be afraid to ask your audience for feedback after the presentation, either through surveys or live feedback. This feedback can provide valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved, helping you refine your approach for future presentations.

Monitor engagement: Keep a pulse on engagement metrics such as views, shares, or the average reading time if the presentation is delivered online. These metrics can give you a sense of the level of interest generated by the presentation and which parts resonated with your audience. Our own presentation maker comes with built-in analytics tracking and reporting .

Track business outcomes: If your presentation is designed to drive business results, track metrics such as lead generation, sales, or conversion rates to assess its effectiveness in achieving these goals.

define digital presentation

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What is Digital Presentation?

What is Digital Presentation?

A digital presentation is a concise and interactive way to share information, using digital tools and technology. It combines text, images, graphics, and multimedia elements to effectively communicate ideas or deliver a message.

In today’s digital age, digital presentations play a crucial role in various industries, including business, education, and entertainment. They are commonly used for sales pitches, training sessions, academic lectures, and conferences, providing an engaging and dynamic platform to present information.

Digital presentations offer the advantage of customization, allowing presenters to easily modify content, add multimedia elements, and incorporate interactive features to enhance audience engagement. With the ability to reach a wide audience through online platforms, digital presentations have become an essential tool for effective communication.

Table of Contents

What Is Digital Presentation?

Digital presentation refers to the use of technology to present information and ideas in a visual and interactive format. It has become an essential tool in various industries and sectors. The importance of digital presentations lies in their ability to captivate and engage the audience.

With the evolution of technology, traditional modes of presentations have given way to more dynamic and impactful digital formats. Digital presentations enable presenters to incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, and audio, making the information more engaging and memorable.

They also allow for easy sharing and distribution, eliminating the need for physical copies. Moreover, digital presentations offer flexibility, allowing presenters to tailor the content based on their audience’s needs and preferences. With the advancements in virtual reality and augmented reality, digital presentations have the potential to create immersive and interactive experiences for the viewers.

In conclusion, digital presentations have revolutionized the way information is communicated, making it more accessible, dynamic, and visually appealing.

Benefits Of Digital Presentations

Digital presentations offer numerous benefits, making them widely used in various professional settings. The visual appeal of digital presentations instantly captivates the audience, enhancing engagement. Interactive features further boost audience participation, facilitating effective communication and understanding. These features enable real-time interactions, allowing presenters to address questions and concerns instantly.

Additionally, digital presentations provide customization options, empowering presenters to tailor their content to specific audiences. From selecting design templates to incorporating multimedia elements, customization enhances the overall quality and impact of presentations. With the ability to seamlessly integrate images, videos, and audio, digital presentations leverage the power of visuals and multimedia to convey information more effectively.

Ultimately, digital presentations enable presenters to deliver their message with clarity and impact, leaving a lasting impression on their audience. Whether in business meetings, conferences, or educational settings, digital presentations have become an essential tool for effective communication.

Types Of Digital Presentations

Digital presentation refers to the use of technology to convey information or ideas. One of the types of digital presentations is the slideshow presentation, which involves displaying images and text in a sequential manner. Another type is video presentations, where videos are used to present information in a visual and engaging way.

Interactive presentations, on the other hand, allow the audience to actively participate by clicking or interacting with the content. These types of presentations have become increasingly popular due to their ability to capture attention and enhance understanding. Slideshow presentations, video presentations, and interactive presentations are all effective tools for communicating and engaging with an audience in the digital age.

Tools For Creating Digital Presentations

Digital presentations are an essential part of today’s communication tools. Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi are widely used in creating impactful presentations. These tools allow users to design visually appealing slideshows with various features such as animations, transitions, and multimedia integration.

PowerPoint offers a user-friendly interface and a vast library of templates and designs. Google Slides, on the other hand, offers collaborative features, allowing multiple users to work simultaneously on a presentation. Prezi stands out with its unique zooming and panning features, creating a dynamic and engaging presentation experience.

Whether used for business meetings, educational purposes, or personal projects, these tools provide a professional and efficient way to convey information and ideas. With user-friendly interfaces and a range of features, digital presentations have become an indispensable tool for effective communication in today’s digital age.

Best Practices For Creating Effective Digital Presentations

Digital Presentation is a powerful tool for conveying information in a visual and engaging manner. By following best practices, you can create effective digital presentations that capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact. To begin, focus on using concise and engaging content that gets straight to the point.

Avoid overloading your slides with text and instead opt for key points and visuals that convey your message effectively. Incorporating visuals such as images, charts, and graphs can help illustrate your ideas and make them more memorable. Furthermore, utilizing storytelling techniques can enhance the overall narrative of your presentation, making it more relatable and engaging for your audience.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your digital presentations are impactful and successful in delivering your message effectively.

Tips For Engaging The Audience During Digital Presentations

A successful digital presentation involves engaging the audience through various strategies. To grab their attention, utilize audience participation features that encourage interaction. Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, or infographics to make the presentation more visually appealing and dynamic.

Throughout the presentation, actively encourage questions and feedback, creating a dialogue with the audience. By incorporating these tips, you can create an engaging digital presentation that keeps the audience interested and involved.

Steps To Create A Successful Digital Presentation

Creating a successful digital presentation involves several key steps. First, clearly define your objective to ensure your presentation is focused and impactful. Next, carefully plan the structure and content of your slides, considering the key points you want to convey.

Then, design visually appealing slides that effectively communicate your message. Pay attention to the layout, fonts, and colors to ensure a professional look. Finally, rehearse and practice your presentation to refine your delivery and boost your confidence. By following these steps, you can create a digital presentation that engages your audience and effectively communicates your message.

What is Digital Presentation?


Common Mistakes To Avoid In Digital Presentations

Digital presentations are a common way to share information, but there are mistakes to avoid. One common mistake is overloading slides with text. This can overwhelm the audience and make it difficult for them to focus on key points. Another mistake is reading directly from the slides.

This can come across as unprofessional and make the presentation feel impersonal. Additionally, neglecting to proofread and edit can lead to errors in spelling, grammar, and formatting that can distract from the overall message. It’s important to take the time to review the presentation and make necessary adjustments.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can create a digital presentation that effectively engages your audience and delivers your message clearly and professionally.

Enhancing Digital Presentations With Audio And Video

Digital presentations are a powerful tool for engaging audiences. By incorporating audio and video elements, these presentations can be taken to a whole new level. Adding voice-over narration allows presenters to provide a more dynamic and informative experience. It helps to convey key points and capture the attention of viewers.

Additionally, integrating relevant video clips helps to visually illustrate concepts, making the presentation more engaging and memorable. Videos can effectively convey information in a concise and visual manner. Moreover, using background music strategically can enhance the overall impact of a digital presentation by setting the mood and creating a more immersive experience.

When used appropriately, audio and video elements can greatly enhance the effectiveness of digital presentations, making them more captivating and memorable for the audience.

Sharing And Delivering Digital Presentations

Digital presentation refers to the process of sharing and delivering presentations through various digital means. This includes uploading presentations to online platforms and sharing them via email or social media. Digital presentations can also be delivered live in virtual meetings, allowing for real-time interaction and engagement.

With the advancement of technology, digital presentations have become a popular and effective way to communicate ideas, information, and data. They offer flexibility, convenience, and the ability to reach a wide audience. Whether for business, education, or personal use, digital presentations provide a dynamic and engaging way to convey messages and make an impact.

By utilizing online platforms and virtual meeting tools, individuals and organizations can deliver compelling presentations that captivate and inform their audience.

Future Of Digital Presentations

Digital presentation refers to the use of technology to showcase information, ideas, and concepts. The future of digital presentations lies in the integration of AI and virtual reality, which bring a whole new level of immersive experiences. The advancements in user interface design have made it easier for presenters to create visually appealing and interactive presentations.

Through the use of AI, presentations can now adapt to the audience’s preferences and provide personalized content. Virtual reality adds an element of realism and engagement, allowing viewers to feel like they are part of the presentation. The integration of these technologies has revolutionized the way presentations are delivered, increasing interactivity and creating a more engaging experience for the audience.

In this digital age, the power of technology has transformed the art of presenting, enhancing communication and leaving a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Is Digital Presentation?

What is digital presentation with example.

A digital presentation is a visual way to present information using digital tools, such as slides or videos. An example is a PowerPoint presentation.

Is Powerpoint A Digital Presentation?

Yes, PowerPoint is a digital presentation tool commonly used for creating visual slideshows.

How Do You Start A Digital Presentation?

To start a digital presentation, follow these steps: 1. Plan your content and structure beforehand. 2. Create an engaging opening slide to grab attention. 3. Use clear and concise language in your presentation. 4. Incorporate visual aids like images, videos, or graphs for better understanding.

Why Do We Use Digital Presentation?

Digital presentations are used for their convenience, engagement, and ability to convey information effectively.

Digital presentation is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we communicate and convey information. Its ability to engage, inform, and inspire audiences is unmatched, allowing businesses and individuals alike to create dynamic and interactive presentations that leave a lasting impact.

By leveraging technology and the widespread availability of devices such as smartphones and tablets, digital presentations have become accessible to a wider audience than ever before. Through the use of multimedia elements like images, videos, audio, and animations, digital presentations have the potential to captivate and hold the attention of viewers.

The flexibility and versatility of digital presentation software also allow for customization and personalization, enabling presenters to tailor their content to specific audiences or objectives. Furthermore, digital presentations offer a range of benefits, including cost-effectiveness, convenience, and environmental friendliness. By reducing the need for printed materials and physical resources, digital presentations contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to information sharing.

The digital era has brought about countless advancements in communication, and digital presentation is undoubtedly one of its most impactful innovations. With its ability to engage, inform, and inspire, it is an essential tool for anyone looking to effectively communicate their message in today’s fast-paced, digital world.

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What is Digital Presentation: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!

‍In this article, I am going to tell you about What is Digital Presentation . so if you want to know about it, then keep reading this article. Because I am going to give you complete information about it, so let’s start.

A digital presentation is a way of sharing information or ideas using digital tools and technology. It involves using software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote to create slides that can be shown on a screen.

Digital presentations have benefits like looking good, being flexible, interactive, and easy to share. They can include text, images, videos, and audio to help presenters communicate their message effectively and engage the audience.

What is Digital Presentation

Today’s article focuses on the same, i.e., “What is Digital Presentation” The articles entail each bit of information necessary for you to know.

Let’s get started!✨

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What is Digital Presentation

A digital presentation refers to the use of digital tools and technologies to deliver a visual and interactive presentation. It typically involves the use of software applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote, to create slides or visual content that can be projected or displayed on a screen.

Digital presentations allow presenters to combine text, images, graphics, videos, and audio to convey information and engage their audience. These presentations can be created in advance or developed in real-time during a presentation using presentation software. They are commonly used in various settings, such as business meetings, conferences, educational settings, and sales pitches.

The advantages of digital presentations over traditional methods, such as physical slides or transparencies, include the ability to easily edit and revise content, incorporate multimedia elements, and deliver dynamic and engaging presentations. Additionally, digital presentations can be easily shared and distributed electronically, enabling remote viewing and collaboration.

Digital presentation tools often provide features like slide transitions, animations, embedded multimedia, speaker notes, and the ability to include hyperlinks and interactive elements. These features enhance the visual appeal, interactivity, and overall effectiveness of the presentation.

Overall, digital presentations offer a flexible and multimedia-rich approach to delivering information and ideas, allowing presenters to communicate their message more effectively and captivate their audience.

Types of Digital Presentation

There are several types of digital presentations that can be created using various software tools and techniques. Here are some common types:

  • Slideshow Presentation : Slideshow presentations are the most common type and are typically created using software like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. They consist of a series of slides containing text, images, graphics, and other visual elements. Slideshow presentations are widely used for business meetings, educational lectures, and conferences.
  • Interactive Presentation : Interactive presentations involve engaging the audience through interactive elements. This can include clickable buttons, hyperlinks, quizzes, polls, or embedded videos that allow viewers to actively participate and navigate through the presentation at their own pace. Interactive presentations are often used for e-learning, product demos, and sales presentations.
  • Video Presentation : A video presentation involves creating a video file that combines audio narration or background music with visuals, such as text, images, and animations. Video presentations are useful for storytelling, marketing campaigns, and online tutorials. Tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, or online video editors can be used to create and edit video presentations.
  • Web-based Presentation : Web-based presentations are designed to be viewed and interacted with online through a web browser. These presentations are often created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or web-based tools like Prezi, Sway, or SlideShare. Web-based presentations allow for seamless sharing, collaboration, and the integration of multimedia content.
  • Infographic Presentation : Infographic presentations utilize visually appealing graphics and data visualizations to present information in a concise and easily understandable format. Infographics can be created using specialized software like Adobe Illustrator, Canva, or Piktochart. These presentations are effective for conveying complex information or statistics in a visually appealing manner.
  • Storyboard Presentation : Storyboard presentations are commonly used in creative industries such as film, animation, or advertising. They involve presenting a sequence of visual frames or sketches to outline a story or concept. Storyboard presentations are created using software like Adobe Photoshop, Storyboarder, or specialized storyboard software.

These are just a few examples of digital presentations, and there are many other variations and combinations depending on the specific purpose, audience, and content requirements. The choice of presentation type will depend on the goals and preferences of the presenter and the nature of the information being communicated.

Tools for Digital Presentation

There are numerous tools available for creating digital presentations. Here are some popular ones:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint : PowerPoint is one of the most widely used presentation software. It offers a wide range of features for creating slideshows, including text formatting, slide transitions, animations, multimedia embedding, and collaboration options.
  • Google Slides : Google Slides is a web-based presentation tool that is part of the Google Workspace suite. It allows users to create and collaborate on presentations online. Google Slides offers similar features to PowerPoint and provides easy sharing and real-time collaboration.
  • Apple Keynote : Keynote is a presentation software developed by Apple for macOS and iOS devices. It offers a variety of visually stunning templates, animations, and effects. Keynote is known for its smooth transitions and multimedia capabilities.
  • Prezi : Prezi is a cloud-based presentation tool that offers a unique zooming and panning interface, allowing for non-linear presentations. It enables users to create dynamic and visually engaging presentations with a focus on the big picture.
  • Canva : Canva is a versatile graphic design tool that offers pre-designed templates for presentations. It provides a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality and allows users to create visually appealing slides with ease.
  • Adobe Spark : Adobe Spark is a suite of creative tools that includes Spark Video, Spark Page, and Spark Post. Spark Video allows users to create animated videos with narration, while Spark Page helps create web-based presentations. Spark Post is useful for designing social media graphics and visual content.
  • SlideShare : SlideShare is an online platform owned by LinkedIn that allows users to share and discover presentations. It is commonly used for sharing slide decks, infographics, and documents. SlideShare supports various file formats and provides a platform for showcasing and distributing presentations.
  • Powtoon : Powtoon is a web-based tool for creating animated presentations and videos. It offers a range of templates, characters, and animations to help create engaging and dynamic content.
  • Haiku Deck : Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that focuses on simplicity and visual impact. It offers professionally designed templates and access to a vast library of royalty-free images to enhance presentations.
  • Visme : Visme is a versatile visual content creation tool that allows users to create presentations , infographics, reports, and more. It provides a wide range of templates, charts, icons, and multimedia options to create visually appealing and interactive presentations.

These are just a few examples of the many tools available for creating digital presentations. The choice of tool depends on the specific requirements, preferences, and available resources of the presenter.

Pros and Cons of Digital Presentation

Digital presentations offer numerous advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional methods. Here are some pros and cons of digital presentations:

  • Visual Appeal : Digital presentations allow for the incorporation of multimedia elements like images, videos, and animations, making them visually appealing and engaging for the audience.
  • Flexibility and Interactivity : Digital presentations offer flexibility in terms of editing, rearranging, and adding content. They also enable interactivity through hyperlinks, clickable buttons, quizzes, and other interactive elements, enhancing audience engagement.
  • Easy Distribution and Sharing : Digital presentations can be easily shared electronically via email, file-sharing platforms, or online presentation hosting services. This allows for easy distribution to a wide audience and facilitates collaboration.
  • Multimedia Integration : Digital presentation tools offer the ability to seamlessly integrate various multimedia elements, such as audio, video, and interactive charts. This enables presenters to convey information in a more dynamic and impactful manner.
  • Real-Time Updates : Digital presentations can be updated in real-time, allowing presenters to make changes or add new content during the presentation itself. This is particularly useful for adapting to unexpected circumstances or incorporating audience feedback.
  • Remote Presentations : Digital presentations can be delivered remotely, allowing for virtual meetings, webinars, or online conferences. This eliminates the need for physical presence and enables global participation.
  • Technical Issues : Digital presentations rely on technology, and technical issues like software glitches, compatibility problems, or connectivity issues can occur. These issues can disrupt the presentation flow and require troubleshooting.
  • Dependency on Equipment : Digital presentations require the availability of appropriate equipment, such as computers, projectors, or screens, to display the content. Inadequate or malfunctioning equipment can hinder the presentation.
  • Distractions and Overload : The use of multimedia elements in digital presentations can sometimes lead to information overload or distract the audience from the main message. It is essential to balance the use of visuals and ensure clarity of communication.
  • Lack of Personal Touch : Digital presentations may lack the personal touch and human interaction that can be experienced in face-to-face presentations. Non-verbal cues and physical presence may be diminished, affecting the overall engagement and connection with the audience.
  • Learning Curve : Using digital presentation tools effectively may require a learning curve for presenters who are unfamiliar with the software or lack technical skills. This can lead to difficulties in creating and delivering polished presentations.
  • Accessibility Concerns : While digital presentations offer numerous advantages, accessibility can be a challenge for individuals with disabilities. Presenters need to ensure that the content is accessible to all users, including those with visual or hearing impairments.

Overall, digital presentations have revolutionized the way information is conveyed, making it more dynamic, engaging, and accessible. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and take necessary measures to mitigate them for a successful presentation experience.

Popular software options for creating digital presentations include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, Prezi, Canva, and Adobe Spark, among others.

You can enhance the visual appeal of your digital presentation by using high-quality images, well-designed templates, consistent color schemes, appropriate font choices , and incorporating visual elements like charts, graphs, and videos.

Yes, digital presentation tools often allow you to add multimedia elements like images, videos, audio, and animations. This can help make your presentation more engaging and dynamic.

You can make your digital presentation interactive by incorporating elements such as hyperlinks, clickable buttons, quizzes, polls, and interactive charts. These features can encourage audience participation and engagement.

Yes, digital presentations can be easily shared with others. You can share them via email, file sharing platforms, or by using online presentation hosting services. This allows others to view and collaborate on your presentation.

Yes, digital presentations can be presented remotely. You can use video conferencing tools, webinar platforms, or screen sharing features to deliver your presentation to remote audiences.

Read also:)

  • What is Digital Storytelling Software: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!
  • How to Sell Digital Products Online: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!
  • 10+ Best Tools for Digital Marketing: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!

So hope you liked this article on What is Digital Presentation . And if you still have any questions or suggestions related to this, then you can tell us in the comment box below. And thank you so much for reading this article.

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A Deep Dive Into Virtual Presentations

Picture of Ben Aflalo

Head of Product at Gloww

  • Published on November 1, 2023

what is a virtual presentation

Virtual presentations are becoming increasingly common. With more businesses now embracing remote work, they’re an unavoidable adaptation that is essential for onboarding , employee development , and more. However, it’s not as straightforward as transplanting in-person presentation scripts into the virtual world. If you want to host virtual presentations that strike the right note, you need to think carefully about readying your material for online audiences. 

What is a virtual presentation? How can you keep online audiences engaged? These are the questions you should be asking yourself if you want to make effective use of the virtual format. 

How Are Virtual Presentations Different From Regular Presentations?

While the ultimate goal of virtual presentations is the same as in-person presentations, there are a lot of differences between the two formats . For starters, there’s generally less performance involved. When delivering an in-person presentation, a lot of focus is placed on keeping an audience engaged . A good presenter needs to be comfortable with public speaking and a master when it comes to body language. 

When presenting online, there’s far less pressure when it comes to performance. This is despite the fact that a presenter may be broadcasting to dozens, if not hundreds of people. An effective virtual presentation is generally more informal and relaxed. 

However, there are some downsides to delivering a presentation online. One of the biggest issues that presenters face is that they’ll have to contend with more distractions than if they were presenting to an in-person audience. These same distractions are what can render a standard conference call a challenge, and presenters often have to work extra hard to maintain audience engagement. 

What’s more, while the usual presentation skills aren’t always necessary, different proficiencies come into play. Body language doesn’t read as well when presenting online, but a speaker will still need to project a message virtually. Tone of voice is crucial, and a speaker needs to consider pauses carefully. Additionally, it’s important to constantly engage the audience if you want to maintain their interest levels. Relying too heavily on slides or failing to interact with an audience is a surefire way of dooming a virtual presentation to failure. For some inspiration you can find our employee engagement calendar on our blog too.

Why Are Virtual Presentations Important?

why are virtual presentations important

If your business operates in the virtual space and your teams are working remotely, you need to be thinking seriously about virtual presentations . It’s simply not practical to bring remote teams together for in-person training and team-building exercises, especially if employees are dispersed across the globe. 

Virtual presentations can be used as a learning tool to develop your workforce and introduce them to new ideas and ways of working. Some businesses utilize digital training documents for this purpose, but there’s little scope for interactivity here. With virtual presentations, you’re giving yourself the chance to connect with remote teams . As well as being a powerful tool for communication and instilling a sense of company culture , a live virtual presentation provides you with the chance to gauge engagement and understanding levels. 

How Do You Create a Virtual Presentation?

Is this your first time staging a virtual presentation ? Adapting your in-person approach to the virtual world might seem like a good idea, but you won’t achieve good results this way. To make your next virtual presentation a success , we’ve put together some handy tips. 

Start with Your Content 

This is the most important thing to consider when readying your presentation material for an online audience . While the bare bones of your in-person presentations can be used, they’ll need to be refined for the virtual space. Are you delivering training content to an online audience? All the key information can be captured here, but make sure it’s accessible and not overbaked. Is your presentation more client-facing? Make sure you’re capturing key selling points and considering what can be shared in other formats. 

Think About Your Slides 

Cramming too many slides into your presentation is a guaranteed way of sending your audience to sleep. If you want to maintain high engagement levels, keep slides sparse . During an in-person presentation, it’s easy to read the room and elaborate on complex slides if you feel the need to. When presenting online, this isn’t always possible. If your presentation has to be slide-heavy, try and stick to a single slide for every minute of speech. Ensure the slides you are using are concise and capture key information. 

Focus On Your Audience 

what is a virtual presentation

When presenting to an audience, you need to constantly reaffirm the fact that the information you’re discussing is relevant to them. Reading body language and audience responses can be a little tricky when presenting online, but keeping the focus on participants is crucial if you want to achieve good results. Regular interaction is a good way of keeping presentation material focused on your audience. Make a point of underlining how what you’re talking about applies to them and how it can help them achieve their everyday goals. 

Even if the material you’re covering in a presentation is pretty dense, you need to remain lively and dynamic to capture audience attention. Avoid leaning on your slides too heavily and make sure you’re not bound to a script. A little deviation can work wonders for audience engagement. 

Involve Your Audience to Avoid the Ringelmann Effect 

The Ringelmann Effect is something you might encounter if you’re presenting to a large audience. The bigger an audience gets, the less likely it is that individual participants are going to engage. By constantly involving your audience, you can overcome this. If you need to bring a hypothetical scenario into play , put someone on the spot. This way, everyone’s kept on their toes and constantly braced to interact. 

Remove External Distractions

While there’s not much you can do to ensure participants aren’t dealing with their own distractions, you can eliminate distractions from your presenting environment . Make sure your schedule is completely cleared to avoid any unwanted phone calls or interruptions. Are you presenting from an office location? Let anyone who is sharing your space know you need complete quiet so you can concentrate on delivering the best virtual presentation possible. 

Be Enthusiastic 

Even if the content of your presentation is on the dry side, you need to be able to sell it to your audience . If you’re not animated and engaged with the material, you can’t expect your audience to show an interest. Familiarizing yourself with presentation content will go a long way in ensuring you can deliver a lively and passionate event for participants. 

Professional Surroundings and Backgrounds 

No matter how animated you are during a presentation, you’ll still need to keep things professional . A low-key background will not only eliminate distractions but set the right tone for learning and development. Here’s our list of best backgrounds .

Best Virtual Presentation Tips

all about virtual presentations

Now you’ve created a compelling outline for your virtual presentation , you’ll need to work on your presentation skills and deliver a memorable event. Below are some handy tips to get you started. 

Proper Webcam and Lighting 

Production values count when it comes to virtual presentations. A standard laptop webcam probably isn’t going to cut it if you want to make the right impression. An external webcam is therefore a must. You’ll also want to play around with lighting to make your presentation as effective as possible. 

Check Your Internet Connection 

Technical issues are sometimes unavoidable. However, even the slightest lag can render a virtual presentation pointless. Check your internet connection ahead of time to ensure you’re not going to have to contend with this issue. 

Talk to the Camera

It’s tempting to check the reactions of your online audience, but this isn’t really practical if you’re delivering a presentation to a large number of people. Rather than work overtime in an attempt to make a personal connection, talk to the camera instead. This gives you the best chance of making a connection with everyone who’s watching.  

Use Body Language 

Body language is very important when presenting online. While you won’t be able to make eye contact with individual audience members and use the space around you, you can make use of hand gestures and facial expressions to strengthen your message. However, remember to keep things simple.  

Engage Your Audience Members 

If you’re planning a longer virtual presentation or covering a lot of key topics, you need to make sure your audience is engaged . Constantly reach out to participants to hammer out specifics with examples or use quick-fire quizzes to keep everyone engaged. You can even use one of the 49 icebreakers to spice things up .

Be Yourself 

Authenticity matters when presenting online. It’s particularly important if you’re an employer presenting to remote teams. Make sure the persona you’re projecting is true to the one you’ve already established. The more authentic you are, the more credible your message will seem. 

What is the Optimum Amount of Time You Can Keep People Engaged Online? 

Most people will struggle to remain engaged with a single topic beyond five minutes. Your presentation is going to be longer than this, so avoid dwelling on specific topics for too long. For best results, try and keep your overall presentation no within 45 minutes . 

How Often Should Your Audience Share Their Thoughts?

Reach out to participants once every five minutes or so. You can ask individual participants to reflect on topics you’ve just covered, or break things up with more interactive elements like quizzes and polls. 

How Many Presenters Should There Be in a Virtual Presentation? 

With shorter presentations, it makes sense to keep things simple with a single presenter. If you’re planning a longer event and want to keep things as dynamic as possible, consider using two or three speakers. 

Host Your Next Virtual Presentation with Gloww 

Ready to unlock the potential of virtual presentations? Whether you’re presenting to prospective clients or need to reach out to remote teams, virtual presentations are the way forward . However, you’ll need a reliable video conferencing solution to stage a successful virtual presentation. 

With Gloww, you have everything you need to deliver memorable presentations that strike the right note with audiences. You can adapt your existing presentation material for the virtual space or explore brand-new elements to bring interactivity to your sessions. Add existing slide decks to readymade templates, make things more interesting with polls and quizzes, or integrate multimedia assets to take your presentations to a whole new level. You can get started with Gloww today. If you want to learn about Gloww can help you fine-tune your virtual presentations, explore our pricing plans , and discover more about our premium features. Do you still have questions about Gloww? Get in touch with the team.

Want to learn more? Here’s everything you need to record your meeting , a template for your monthly business review meetings , virtual meeting etiquettte , and all about how video conferencing works .

Picture of ben aflalo

Ben Aflalo heads Gloww's product team with over two decades of leadership experience. Passionate about leveraging innovative technology, he is committed to building products for the greater good.

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shaping the future of work

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How to Create a Webinar

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Everything you need to know about multimedia presentations

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera May 25, 2023

Crafting a well-executed multimedia presentation can be the determining factor between success and failure when delivering presentations. The impact of a multimedia presentation is undeniable, but what exactly does it entail, and what are the essential considerations to keep in mind when creating one?

In this article, we’ll explore the key components involved in creating compelling multimedia presentations and delve into the strategies that can help you assemble these elements to craft the perfect presentation. We’ll discuss the importance of content structure, visual design, and engaging storytelling techniques that capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact. Additionally, we’ll provide insights on leveraging Prezi’s features to enhance your multimedia presentations, making them more dynamic and interactive.

presentation design tips

What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a computer-based presentation that uses various forms of media to effectively communicate and engage an audience. In today’s fast-paced world, multimedia presentations have emerged as one of the most powerful and impactful means of communication. Complex ideas and information can be challenging to convey using only traditional tools. However, by harnessing the potential of visually engaging images, high-quality audio clips, and captivating video content, you can deliver a wealth of information that isn’t only clear, but also interesting, easy to understand, contextual, detailed, and engaging.

To facilitate the creation of multimedia presentations, Prezi offers a user-friendly and intuitive platform that empowers presenters to transform their ideas into attention-grabbing visual stories that move. One of the standout features of Prezi is its dynamic zooming capability. With this feature, presenters can seamlessly navigate between various levels of content, zooming in to emphasize critical details and zooming out to provide a comprehensive overview. This interactive zooming functionality not only adds visual interest to your presentation but also enables you to guide your audience’s focus and create a fluid and engaging storytelling experience. Furthermore, the presentation canvas allows for more creativity and freedom as you don’t need to be limited by the traditional slide-based presentation format. 

A man showcasing a multimedia presentation

The psychology of multimedia

Multimedia presentations are not just about what you say but also how you make your audience feel and remember. Let’s discover how colors, visuals, and sounds can influence your audience’s perception and memory retention.

Color psychology

Colors evoke emotions and convey messages. For instance, red can signal urgency and passion, while blue suggests trust and calmness. Choose your color palette wisely to align with the emotions you want to portray to your audience.

Visual impact

Visuals are your secret weapon. The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Use attention-grabbing images and graphics that resonate with your message. For example, if you’re presenting about eco-friendly initiatives, images of lush forests and clear skies can speak volumes.


Sound can set the mood and reinforce key points. Think about the background music in movies – it enhances the overall emotional impact of a scene. In your presentation, use background music or sound effects thoughtfully to complement your content.

Memory retention

Did you know that people tend to remember only about 10% of what they hear after three days? However, if you pair that information with relevant visuals, retention jumps to 65%. Craft your multimedia presentation with this in mind; use visuals to reinforce your message for better recall.

Incorporate these psychological cues effectively, and your multimedia presentation will not only capture attention but also leave a lasting imprint on your audience’s memory.

Young woman teaching online from her living room. Young woman wearing headphones while having a online training at home.

Which elements can be included in a multimedia presentation?

Multimedia presentations have come a long way from the relatively simplistic options of the past. Now a whole range of different elements can be used to ensure your stand-alone presentation wows your intended audience. Some of the examples of what you can add to your multimedia presentations include:

  • Slides: Slides are the backbone of most multimedia presentations. They consist of visual elements like text, images, graphs, and charts. Slides help you organize information and guide your audience through your presentation. For example, in a business pitch, slides can showcase product images, market data, and key points.
  • Videos: Videos add motion and life to your presentation. You can use them to demonstrate processes, showcase testimonials, or provide visual explanations. In an educational setting, a biology lecture might include videos of animal behaviors or experiments.
  • Audio clips: Audio clips can range from background music to voiceovers. They enhance the auditory experience of your presentation. In a travel presentation, you might include the sounds of waves crashing on a beach to create a more immersive feel.
  • Animations: Animations breathe life into static content. They can illustrate processes, emphasize key points, or add a touch of humor. In a marketing presentation, animations can show how a product evolves or highlight its unique features.
  • Music: Music sets the mood and tone of your presentation. It can create excitement, relaxation, or suspense. In a fashion show presentation, music may compliment the models’ walk down the runway, enhancing the overall experience.
  • Images: Images are powerful visual aids. They can create certain emotions, provide context, and simplify complex ideas. In a history lecture, images of historical events and figures help students visualize the past.
  • Text: Text is one of the most crucial parts of your content. It provides information, explanations, and key points. In a scientific presentation, text can explain research findings or provide definitions of complex terms.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts are audio presentations that offer in-depth discussions or storytelling. They are excellent for sharing interviews, discussions, or storytelling. In a business conference, you might use a podcast-style presentation to share insights from industry experts.
  • Pop-ups: Pop-ups are interactive elements that can surprise and excite your audience. They can include clickable links, additional information, or even mini-quizzes. In an e-learning module, pop-ups can provide learners with instant feedback on their progress.

For any professional who wants to stand out from the crowd with multimedia presentations that truly dazzle and inspire, Prezi’s multimedia platform brings you everything you need.

Choosing the right multimedia for your presentation subject

When creating a multimedia presentation, it’s crucial to select the appropriate multimedia elements that align with your presentation subject. By choosing the right multimedia, you can effectively convey your message, enhance understanding, and captivate your audience. Consider the following factors when selecting multimedia for your presentation:

A man in front of a class presenting a multimedia presentation.

Content relevance: does it fit your message?

Evaluate the relevance of each multimedia element to your presentation subject. Determine how each element contributes to the overall message and supports your key points. Choose multimedia that directly relates to your topic and enhances the understanding and engagement of your audience.

Visual impact: how visually appealing is it?

Visual elements play a significant role in multimedia presentations. Assess the visual impact of different multimedia options such as images, videos, and animations. Opt for high-quality visuals that are visually appealing, clear, and reinforce your message. Balance aesthetics with substance to maintain a professional and engaging presentation.

Audio enhancement: does it complement your content?

Determine if your presentation would benefit from audio elements such as background music, sound effects, or voiceovers. Audio can evoke emotions, set the mood, and reinforce key points. However, use audio sparingly and ensure it complements your content rather than overpowering it.

Data visualization: can it simplify complex data?

If your presentation involves data or statistics, explore options for effective data visualization. Choose charts, graphs, or maps that you can find on Prezi and incorporate those into your presentation. These elements will help you present complex information in a clear and digestible format. Visualizing data will also help your audience grasp the main points quickly and facilitate better comprehension. 

Multimedia integration: do all elements work together?

Aim for a cohesive and seamless integration of multimedia elements into your presentation. Ensure that different multimedia components blend well together and create a unified visual and auditory experience. Avoid using too many diverse multimedia elements that may distract or overwhelm your audience.

Accessibility considerations: is it accessible to everyone?

Keep accessibility in mind when selecting multimedia elements. Ensure that any visual or audio content you include is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Provide captions or transcripts for videos and ensure that any audio content is accompanied by text summaries. Consider the needs of all your audience members to ensure an inclusive and engaging presentation.

Technical feasibility: will it work smoothly during your presentation?

Assess the technical feasibility of incorporating various multimedia elements into your presentation. Consider the equipment and software requirements for displaying and playing different multimedia formats. Test the compatibility and functionality of multimedia elements in the presentation environment to avoid any technical glitches during your actual presentation.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right multimedia elements that enhance your presentation’s effectiveness and engage your audience. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between informative content, compelling visuals, and appropriate interactivity to create a memorable and impactful multimedia presentation. 

Smiling professional young women giving a good presentation online.

What makes an effective multimedia presentation?

An effective multimedia presentation is like a good book you can’t put down or a catchy new song you hear on the radio that you can’t stop humming to all day long – it has your audience instantly engaged and wanting more. 

Gone are the days when we were limited to presentations that only featured text and basic graphics. Nowadays, using a combination of audio, video, and images can help anyone effectively communicate their message to any audience.

Prezi enables users to create attention-grabbing presentations that move their audience. You can create your own presentation from scratch or start out with a template that you can find in Prezi’s template gallery.

8 things to consider when creating a multimedia presentation

Creating a multimedia presentation can be very straightforward. It just requires some basic planning and preparation and the correct tools to implement those plans. Follow these steps when enhancing a presentation with multimedia.

What is your message?

What exactly are you presenting, and what key messages do you wish to communicate to your audience? Take time to thoroughly think through these questions before constructing your multimedia presentation.

Who is your audience? 

You must understand who exactly your audience is. After all, there is likely a huge difference between what might work best with 20-something IT specialists or a group of senior management. Are you hoping to sell a product to potential investors? Delivering a quarterly report to your bosses? Or preparing a presentation for a job interview? Be very clear about who your audience is.

Preparation is vital, and with it comes research. You can’t wait to get started creating your new multimedia presentation. And the temptation is often to begin without first investigating fantastic examples of other people’s work for ideas or not taking advantage of Prezi’s awesome customizable presentations that are freely available to you, the user. Simply head over to Prezi’s Gallery and get inspired!

Create your content outline

What content do you wish to include in your presentation? Once you have decided, it’s time to create a content outline for your multimedia presentation. You can begin building the structure of your presentation by splitting your topic into separate ideas that run in a clear, logical sequence. If you want to learn more about how to create an effective presentation structure, watch the following video:

Decide which visualization mediums work best 

There are literally dozens of visualization mediums to choose from. The hard part sometimes is deciding which of these works best for you. Options include GIFs, short animation clips, audio clips, TED Talk video clips – the list goes on and on. The great news is that you can easily integrate all of these elements into your Prezi presentation. What’s more, Prezi has an extensive library of different multimedia elements like GIFs, stickers, images, icons, and more that you can pick and choose while creating your presentation.

Utilize templates

You might start entirely from scratch, building the presentation from the bottom up, which is great if you already have a clear idea in your mind. However, if you’re still trying to figure out what you want the end result to look like or want to spend less time on presentation design, explore the numerous tried and tested templates available on Prezi. You’ll discover various templates that are great for multimedia presentations.

Prezi template gallery

It’s time to add your multimedia 

Don’t overdo the types of multimedia content you use in your presentation. Why? Because using too many different kinds can feel overwhelming and a little too ‘show offish’. Focus on 2-4 types of content that will work best with your target audience. Try to hit that balance between simplicity and style. If you are using video or animation, use it occasionally.

If you need to present online, take advantage of Prezi Video’s option to share your content next to you on-screen during your presentation. This will engage your audience and keep them hooked throughout your multimedia presentation even online.

Prezi Video template gallery

Review and analyze your work

Your multimedia presentation is ready. Or is it? Invest some time reviewing your presentation. Is it clearly structured and cohesive? Do the multimedia elements you have added achieve what you wanted them to achieve? Be honest with yourself and trust your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right with your presentation, don’t be afraid to make changes! 

Best practices for delivering a multimedia presentation

Delivering a multimedia presentation requires careful planning and execution to effectively engage and captivate your audience. Follow these best practices to ensure that you leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Know your material

Familiarize yourself with the content of your presentation to make sure you can confidently deliver it without relying too heavily on notes. Thoroughly understand the key points, supporting evidence, and transitions between different sections. This will enable you to maintain a natural flow and deliver a confident presentation. Also, consider using Presenter Notes . They serve as a reminder of important talking points and additional information during your presentation. Only visible to you, the presenter, the notes remain hidden from the audience. This allows you to effectively communicate your points without any interruptions.

Practice timing

Time your presentation to ensure it fits within the allocated time frame. Practice transitions between different multimedia elements, such as slides, videos, and interactive features, to maintain a smooth flow. Keep in mind that pacing is crucial, so allocate sufficient time for each part of your presentation while maintaining an engaging pace.

Use visual aids strategically

Visual aids are a powerful tool for conveying information and enhancing understanding. However, it’s essential to use them strategically to support and highlight your message, rather than distract from it. Use visuals sparingly and ensure they’re clear, visually appealing, and easy to understand. Avoid cluttered slides and prioritize concise and impactful visuals that reinforce your key points. If you want to learn more about good presentation design practices when it comes to adding visual content, watch the following video on the topic: 

Speak clearly and confidently

Effective communication is key to delivering a memorable presentation. Project your voice to ensure everyone in the audience can hear you clearly. Maintain eye contact with your audience to establish a connection and demonstrate confidence. Speak with clarity and conviction, emphasizing key points and using appropriate pauses for emphasis. A confident and engaging delivery will help your audience connect with your message.

Incorporate storytelling techniques

Storytelling is a powerful way to engage and captivate your audience. Incorporate storytelling techniques to create a narrative structure for your presentation. Begin with a compelling introduction that sets the stage and grabs attention. Use storytelling elements such as anecdotes, examples, and personal experiences to illustrate your points and make the content relatable and memorable. A well-crafted story can evoke emotions and leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Practice with technology

Familiarize yourself with the multimedia tools and technology you will be using during the presentation. In particular, get to know the endless features and capabilities of Prezi, the powerful multimedia presentation tool. Take the time to explore its features and understand how it can enhance your presentation. Familiarize yourself with the different templates, transitions, and interactive elements available. By mastering Prezi, you’ll be able to create attention-grabbing presentations that move.

Adapt to the audience

Tailor your presentation to resonate with your specific audience. Consider their demographics, interests, and background when delivering your content. Use language that is accessible and appropriate for your audience, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar. Incorporate relevant examples and references that relate to their experiences. By adapting your presentation to their needs and preferences, you can create a stronger connection and enhance their overall engagement.

Engage the audience

Use interactive features to involve your audience and make the presentation more engaging. Incorporate audience polling, where participants can vote or provide feedback on specific questions or topics. Additionally, include dedicated Q&A sessions to encourage active participation and address any queries or concerns. Engaging the audience in this way promotes interaction and makes your presentation more dynamic. 

Business people raising hands to ask questions during a presentation. Woman giving a good presentation with people sitting in front raising hands at convention center.

Ask for feedback

You can practice your presentation in front of people to get honest feedback. This way you can make any changes or work on specific areas that may need tweaking before the real thing. After your real presentation, you may even want to seek feedback from your audience to gather insights on what worked well and areas for improvement.

Remember, a well-delivered multimedia presentation is a combination of interesting content, effective visuals, and confident delivery. By following these best practices, you can create an engaging experience for everyone in the room.

How to engage your audience with interactive multimedia presentations

In addition to the essential components and best practices we’ve discussed, incorporating interactive elements can take your multimedia presentations to the next level. By engaging your audience in an interactive experience, you can captivate their attention and create a memorable presentation. Let’s explore some strategies for incorporating interactivity into your multimedia presentations:

Interactive charts

Instead of static images, use interactive charts to convey data and complex information. Allow your audience to explore different data points, toggle between visualizations, and interact with the content. This hands-on approach enhances understanding and engagement.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) 

If applicable, consider incorporating VR or AR elements into your multimedia presentations. These technologies provide immersive experiences that can transport your audience to different environments or allow them to interact with virtual objects. VR and AR can be particularly effective in fields such as architecture, education, and product demonstrations.


Introduce gamification elements to make your presentation more interactive and enjoyable. Create quizzes, challenges, or interactive scenarios that require audience participation. Offer rewards or incentives for active engagement, such as badges or prizes.

Collaborative activities

Foster collaboration among your audience by including interactive activities. For example, you can divide your audience into small groups or pairs and provide specific tasks or discussions related to your presentation topic. Encourage participants to share their insights or findings with the larger group afterward.

The class tutor uses storytelling to engage students.

Live demonstrations

If possible, incorporate live demonstrations of software, tools, or processes directly into your presentation. Showcasing practical examples in real-time can enhance understanding and engage the audience through active participation.

Remember, interactivity should align with your presentation goals and content. Incorporate interactive elements strategically to support your message and keep your audience engaged throughout the presentation. Prezi offers various interactive features and templates to help you create dynamic and immersive multimedia presentations.

By embracing interactivity, you can transform your multimedia presentations into memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Common concerns with multimedia presentations

People often share some common concerns when diving into multimedia presentations. Here are a few of those concerns and simple solutions to tackle them:

Technical glitches

  • Worry: Fear of technical issues derailing your presentation.
  • Solution: Always have a backup plan in case technology decides to be temperamental. Test your setup beforehand to avoid unexpected surprises.

Media overload

  • Worry: The fear of overwhelming your audience with too much media.
  • Solution: Strike a balance by using multimedia elements strategically. Less can often be more when it comes to engaging your audience effectively.

The evolution of multimedia tools

The world of multimedia presentation tools has seen quite a transformation over the years, making the process more user-friendly and accessible than ever before. Platforms like Prezi are at the forefront of this evolution, continuously updating and improving the presentation creation process. With intuitive interfaces and a wide range of creative options at your fingertips, multimedia tools have truly democratized the art of multimedia presentations. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the presentation scene, the evolution of multimedia tools has made it easier than ever to craft the perfect presentation.

Multimedia presentation examples 

Your audience will immediately lose interest if all you offer them is a traditional slide deck. Instead, take advantage of Prezi’s Gallery and get inspired by dynamic, interactive, and engaging presentations that include various multimedia elements.

Below are a few examples of attention-grabbing and creative multimedia presentations that you can get inspired by or even reuse as templates for your own presentation topic.

Summer Plans presentation

The summer plans presentation inspires and captivates. The template is perfect for delivering a story, sharing an experience, or presenting a plan. It features multiple media elements, such as animations, images, and data visualizations. 

Why Leaders Need to Get Out of Their Own Way presentation

This presentation grabs our attention with its visually appealing design and strategic use of visuals. The simple yet engaging layout divides the presentation into four parts, creating a well-defined structure that is easy to follow. You can reuse this presentation as a template for delivering a topic that you need to unpack in a certain order. 

Corporate Social Responsibility presentation

This multimedia presentation engages and captivates with animations, images, icons, and more. As a template, it’s perfect for creating and delivering informative presentations, where you need to dive into the details of certain topics.

Earth Day presentation

The Earth Day presentation is a great example of how one can create a timeline presentation with Prezi. It includes various media elements that make this multimedia presentation highly engaging and informative.

Future-proofing your presentations

To make sure your multimedia presentations stay useful and up-to-date in the long run, here are some straightforward tips:

Pick the right formats

  • Use common file types like PDF, MP4, and JPEG since they’re likely to stay usable in the future.

Keep things fresh

  • Don’t let your content get old. Update it regularly with new information and visuals to keep it interesting and relevant.

Fit different screens

  • Make your multimedia presentations so they can work on big screens and small devices like phones or tablets.

Try new tech

  • Keep an eye on new technologies like virtual reality and interactive features. They can make your presentations more exciting and modern.

Listen to your audience

  • Pay attention to what your audience likes and dislikes. Their feedback can help you improve your multimedia presentations and keep them interesting.

With these easy steps, you can make sure your multimedia presentations will still be great in the future!

Create attention-grabbing multimedia presentations with Prezi

In conclusion, crafting a well-executed multimedia presentation is crucial for achieving success in delivering presentations. This article has explored the key components involved in creating compelling multimedia presentations and provided insights on how to assemble these elements effectively. By considering the importance of content structure, visual design, and engaging storytelling techniques, presenters can capture their audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact. Furthermore, leveraging Prezi’s features can enhance multimedia presentations, making them more dynamic and interactive. By incorporating these strategies and utilizing the right tools, presenters can elevate their presentations to a new level and increase their chances of achieving their desired outcomes. Ultimately, mastering the art of multimedia presentations opens up opportunities for effective communication and successful presentations in various professional and academic settings.

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7 Keys to Powerful Digital Presentations in Business

Feb 04, 2019 by maurice decastro in communication skills , leadership , presentation skills.

4 people gathered around the table for meeting around the globe

In today’s world, virtual meetings and digital presentations are the norm.

Presenting face to face is often an onerous task for even the most experienced business professional. Now we are increasingly called on to do it digitally. 

– Get close to the camera, but not too close.

– Make eye contact, project energy and make it interactive.

– Eliminate distractions.

– Choose the right background.

– Present standing if possible.

– Let your audience see your hands.

– Ditch the bullet points.

– Keep them fully engaged, maintain their attention, interest and curiosity.

There’s plenty more where these came from and whilst they apply to in-person presenting too, it feels tougher when presenting virtually. 

Here are 7 keys to delivering powerful digital presentations

1- know what you are up against.

I recently attended an online presentation whilst preparing an invoice, accepting a LinkedIn connection request and responding to an email.

It’s not something I’m particularly proud of. I don’t brag about it as my ability to multi-task.

Why did I do it?

To put it simply, it was deathly boring!

Despite my guilt, I’ve done it before and it’s likely I’ll do the same thing again if I’m on the recieving end of a mindless presentation.

Research suggests that the human mind is conditioned to wander 47% of the time. When you’re attending digital presentations with easier access to a wide range of other distractions, I’m sure that number soars.

That’s the first key; awareness

If you approach and craft your presentation with the awareness that you have an enormous amount to compete with, you will be compelled to raise your game.

From start to finish, make sure that everything you plan to share both verbally and visually is rich, relevant and compelling.

If it isn’t, you are giving your audience license to enter the mind wandering zone.

Give your audience a very good reason to stay connected to you.

2- Start with a promise

Which do you think is more likely to grab and keep your attention?

a) A six-point agenda

b) A promise of something that will make a tangible difference to your life

Therein lays a significant challenge.

It’s easy to ramble through a six-point agenda and a great deal harder to make a promise you can keep. 

We live in a world where most of us are overwhelmed with information. The last thing we need is someone reading through a scripted agenda that we could easily read for ourselves.

Make your audience a promise you can comfortably keep; and make sure it’s the first thing you do.

Don’t save your message for the end. Give them a glimpse of the future very early on. In other words, how you aim to make their lives better, easier, happier or positively different.

3- Stick to the point

I have long been a huge fan of the work of the late Stephen Covey. The author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People , which sold over 25 million copies shared some great truths and wisdom.

Famous for a number of very powerful quotes one of my personal favourites is, “ The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”

I’ve heard many business presenters open their presentation with that one quote and then immediately continue to talk about everything other than, ‘the main thing’.

When presenting digitally you want to focus on one topic and one topic alone; if you don’t you will very quickly lose your audience.

Sticking to the point requires clarity of your message and your objective.

What is your message and what do you want your audience to do with it when they close their laptop.

If a piece of data, insight, story or visual does not support your message and objective, leave it out.

Focus with laser like clarity on your message and allow your audience to do the same.

4- Think like a designer

Remember, the moment your audience feels the slightest bit bored you will lose them to one of the other multiple devices they have at their fingertips. The bullet points and charts are guaranteed to send them off.  

When using slides

Keep them simple.

Use high quality, compelling graphics.

Colour arouses interest and evoke emotions – use them well.

Stick to one point per slide.

Ditch the templates.

Use single images.

Forget the fancy transitions.

Create bill boards not slides.

5- Get them talking too

Don’t forget, your audience is only 5 seconds away from LinkedIn or Twitter, so lecture them and they’re off.

Get them involved and keep them engaged by not only ensuring that you content is rich and compelling but:

– Ask for their opinions

– Keep it interactive

– Create a poll

– Run a quiz

– Ask for a show of hands

– Invite questions and comments

– Ask them what they think and how they feel

Plan ahead of time to get your audience involved every 3 to 5 minutes. Don’t leave it any longer and don’t leave it to chance.

6- Let them see you

Presenters are often uncomfortable with the fact that they can’t see their audience and that’s quite understandable. Imagine how your audience feel if they can’t see you. Facial expressions and non-verbal gestures are crucial elements of high impact presenting.

People like to see people, not just hear their voices.

Make yourself visible by using a webcam. Don’t rely on your voice alone to hold their attention and stay connected.

Digital presentations are very visual, aesthetic experiences. Not only do your visuals need to look great but you do too.

– Make sure the lighting is good above and around you.

– Dress in plain colours, leave the stripes and patterns in the wardrobe.

– Remember to keep looking into the camera rather the screen.

– Prepare the space around you carefully as they will see that too.

– Ask your audience to turn their cameras on.

7- Speak with impact

You’re not in the same room as your audience, you can’t always see them but if you’re using a webcam, they can see you.

There is a great deal of pressure on your vocal chords to ensure you stay connected and speak with impact.

If you are one of those speakers who has a quieter voice, can sound a little monotone or even have problems slowing down, its likely to sound worse online.  Don’t rely on chance or hope that your voice will serve you exactly how you want it to on the day:

– Stretch and challenge it beforehand.

– Do some vocal exercises and warm up your voice before you speak.

– Record yourself on your phone and play it back several times being very honest with yourself about how you sound.

– Get some feedback.

– Make appropriate changes.

Crafting and delivering a digital or video-based presentation is a significant challenge. Implementing these 7 keys, will serve you extremely well.

If you need help with digital presentations

– Book yourself onto a powerful  public speaking course .

– Invest in some really good one to one  public speaking coaching .

– Get yourself some excellent  presentation training

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Chapter 10 Publishing

10.2 developing digital presentations, learning objectives.

  • Recognize that PowerPoint slides are useful for creating digital presentations.
  • Know that you can develop digital presentations in class wikis, in Word files that are submitted through e-mail, in course management systems, in personal websites, and on films posted on the Internet or burned to a DVD.
  • Understand how links, video segments, and audio pieces are used in digital presentations.

As technology advances, the options for digital presentations continue to grow. Digital presentations refer to methods of presenting your work in the virtual world without using paper. Some of the most common current options are included in this section. All the options can take advantage of links to other parts of the document as well as links to related locations on the Internet. Using such links is one way to take advantage of the capabilities available in digital work. The internal links allow readers to instantly access other sections of your paper. External links lead to related text, videos, or audio pieces that are located on the Internet. Most of these digital options also allow you to embed video or audio segments so that the reader can simply click on a button or arrow to activate the segments. (For more on what’s at stake when you write for and publish on the web, also see Chapter 13 “Writing on and for the Web.”)

Creating PowerPoint Slides

PowerPoint is Microsoft Office software that has nearly become a standard presentation software. When you create PowerPoint slides to present your paper, you should use a small number of slides, typically less than ten. The slides should cover the most important aspects of your paper and should be at least somewhat visual in nature. PowerPoint also presents the option of textual and visual animation as well as audio components. In an effort to keep your slides as visual as possible, place bullets next to sentences whenever possible. Also, use fonts that are large enough for a group to read from a screen: 28 points or larger for base text and at least 36 points for headings.

Allow for ample white space on each slide. Without making the pages overwhelming, use color and visuals to add interest to the slides. If you do not have value-adding images, tables, or graphs that you can use, you can add color to the background, to text, or to text boxes.

You can add your voice and other audio to your slides. And you can create a slideshow that you can turn on and run automatically, presenting visuals and sound simultaneously. These capabilities allow you to create your entire presentation and run it without actually saying a word during the presentation. If you intend to run an automatic presentation, make sure you go through practice runs until the entire presentation works as you intend it to work.

Submitting Files Electronically

Chances are, you will create your paper using Microsoft Word, which has nearly evolved into the standard word processing software in higher education. If you’re not working in Word, save your file as a Word document or in a Word-like format your instructor and peers are likely to be able to open. You will likely be asked to submit your major essays digitally as e-mail attachments or through a digital dropbox , file exchange , or assignment area within the course management system your instructor or college is using, such as Blackboard. If you are asked to submit your essays digitally, you should assume your instructor and peers will be reading your work on a computer screen and quite possibly online. Therefore, your work can include links and embedded audio and video components. If, on the other hand, you are asked to submit your essays in hard copy, you can’t make the same assumptions about how it is likely to be read and assessed. There’s nothing wrong with asking for permission to submit your work digitally if you prefer for it to be assessed in that context.

Posting on a Personal Website

You could present your work on your personal website using web features, such as homepages, navigation buttons, links to other sites, buttons that activate audio and video segments, and overall visual presentations. As a college student, you should only present your work this way when instructed to do so by your instructor. Since not all students have a personal website, this option is still not widely used as a means of presenting college work; however, some instructors are moving in this direction, especially as digital portfolios become an increasingly common expectation. (For more on digital portfolios, see Chapter 13 “Writing on and for the Web,” Section 13.4 “Creating an E-portfolio.”)

Working on a Class-Wide Wiki

Your instructor might have an online class site where you and your classmates can post your papers, review each other’s work, and edit your work. When the due date arrives, your instructor would then read your final version. In this case, your entire paper would function as a digital presentation. Your instructor can read through your paper, follow your links, and listen or watch video and audio segments you have included. Keep in mind that, unlike a course management system requiring a password and enrollment in the course, both personal websites and class-wide wikis may well be visible to anyone using the web. This fact should cause you some concern about the content you share and the way you choose to present yourself and your identity, but it can also provide a meaningful opportunity to write for external, real audiences.

Filming a Digital Presentation

Using video filming equipment, you could film yourself presenting your work and capture both audio and video. You could then upload your presentation to the Internet (via a common video sharing site like YouTube) or you could burn it to a DVD. If you want your digital films to include a variety of multimedia options, you would have to learn how to incorporate such features using the equipment available to you.

Key Takeaways

  • When using a PowerPoint slide to present your paper, you should use less than ten slides to cover the important aspects of your paper. PowerPoint presentations can include textual and visual animation as well as voice and other audio. PowerPoint gives you the opportunity to create an entire presentation and run it as a slideshow without you saying a word.
  • When you present your work digitally, you typically have the option of linking one part of your work to another or linking your work to relevant locations on the Internet. Within digital presentations, you can also often embed video and audio pieces.
  • You can digitally share your work by submitting Word files as e-mail attachments; using a digital dropbox, file exchange, or assignment features on course management systems; posting files on your personal website; using class wikis; or filming your presentation and then posting it on the Internet or burning it to a DVD.
  • Create two PowerPoint slides that contain the same basic information. Make one slide that uses the visual preparation suggestions in Section 10.2.1 “Creating PowerPoint Slides” and one that does not use those suggestions. Ask your classmates to identify the good and bad points about your two slides.
  • Create a PowerPoint slide that includes both audio and visual components. Demonstrate your slide’s functions for your classmates.
  • Write a two-page Word essay and include an internal link from the first page to a point on the second page and an external link to an Internet site. Demonstrate your links for your classmates and explain why the links are meaningful.
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Digital presentation skills: 10 tips & tricks

There you are, in all kinds of online meeting and online classes, talking to your webcam... Presenting live online is a relatively new skill for professionals, but more important than ever in today's online work field! But, how do you present yourself in front of the webcam? How do you get your message across just as well on camera as in real-life? How do you make a good first impression online? And how do you make a connection with your online audience? Speaking on camera requires different skills than speaking in front of your team or teaching in the classroom. In this blog, Maret Achterberg, LOL consultant at Learning Connected, 10 tips and tricks to boost your digital presentation skills.

1. Check your camera and sound

A good presentation stands or falls with good preparation! Think of a PowerPoint presentation, interactive assignments and a powerful core message, but don't forget to test the right audio and camera settings. The last thing you want is for your audience to have to struggle to understand you or see you properly during your online class or presentation. Also make sure your lens is clean. Your webcam image can sometimes be blurred by dust. If you test this beforehand, you can make sure that you are well represented when your online lesson or presentation starts. This way you make a good first impression!

2. The right height

Your camera is working! But then you're not there yet. It's important that you set the camera to the right height. After all, say, a bottom view isn't the most flattering picture of your face, right? The ideal height of the camera is just above eye level. When viewed from above, your eyes should be focused on about a third of the screen. Is the camera built into the laptop? Then the camera is often located lower than eye level. In that case, place, for example, a stack of books under your laptop.

3. Eyes, Eyes, Baby

Setting your camera at eye level is important. Next, what many people forget is to look into the camera when you present. It is tempting to look at your screen where your presentation is displayed or where you see yourself in the picture. Just a quick run through your hair or read what's on the screen, we all do it sometimes. But when you look at yourself on your screen, you are looking past the camera lens and not making eye contact with your audience. In a physical conversation, you look at each other when you talk to each other and this should be no different during an online class or presentation. By looking into the camera and maintaining eye contact with your audience, you make your online presentation or lesson more personal and give your team or class less opportunity to wander off - and yourself, too! Still find this difficult? Then put a sticker next to your camera lens to keep reminding yourself!

"Digital presentation skills are relatively new, but more important than ever in today's field!"  

4. Sitting close to the camera

Your camera can be set to eye level and you can look into the lens as neatly as you like, but if you are too far away from the camera lens or too close, it will be of little use to you. You want to get your online message across and the right distance from the camera is important. The ideal distance between yourself and the camera is about an arm's length. This may seem very close, but that doesn't matter. As a speaker during an online lesson or presentation you are often portrayed small and therefore it is not a problem to be closer to the camera. This makes your online lesson or presentation even more personal!  

5. The right exposure

For a successful online class or presentation, the right lighting is important, but this may sound easier than it is. With a home office, you don't always have your workspace to choose from and lighting can present challenges. First of all, try to make sure you are not sitting with your back but rather facing the window. If the light is coming from behind you, your face will fall away and you won't be able to see clearly. No windows? No problem. Then use a lamp. Preferably don't sit directly under the lamp, but make sure that the light falls on your face from about sixty centimeters. This way your online audience can see you best!

6. Do not disturb

Work going on outside? Playing children in the background? A partner walking in? All interruptions that occur regularly when you need to teach an online class or presentation from home. Let family members or roommates know when you have an important online class or presentation to give, such as by using a simple "do not disturb" sign, so you have the space to teach or present without interruptions. In addition, use earbuds to reduce background noise.

7. A tidy environment works wonders

What is sometimes forgotten when presenting in front of the webcam is that not only you are visible, but also your surroundings! And let's face it, you also prefer to see a neat and tidy background in front of your colleagues instead of piles of documents, coffee cups, lunch leftovers and dirty laundry. A tidy and calm environment means less distraction for your online audience and more attention for your online class or presentation.

8. Choose the right outfit

Even if you work from home and present against your webcam, looking professional is important to make a good impression and get your message across well online as well. If you set the camera to the right height, you will be in the picture from chest height to crown. Therefore, choose your outerwear carefully. In doubt? Then choose a garment with a higher neckline and a solid color. This makes the image calmer and less distracting. But don't forget your pants or skirt! If you suddenly have to get up to grab something, you'd rather not appear on screen in sweatpants or boxer shorts...

9. Looks matter

In digital presenting, your message is the most important! But your looks also play a role. You have to put in a little more effort in order to clearly convey facial expressions on the screen and leave a good and lasting impression on your online audience. A tip for those with long hair is to let your hair, or a few strands of hair, hang down loosely rather than in a tight ponytail. And for those who wear makeup, put on your eyebrows just a little more than usual. This will make your facial expressions even easier to spot.

10. Always keep on smiling

Camera? Lights? Action! Your camera is set correctly, your surroundings are calm and tidy, you are prepared and ready for that online class or presentation! There are so many things to think about during your online class or presentation, but don't forget the most important one: relax, sit up straight and always smile! Laughing makes for a nice, positive and confident attitude and will definitely contribute to a good online class or presentation!

Want to learn more about digital presentation skills? Check out our training Presenting convincingly online.

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

define digital presentation

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

define digital presentation

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

define digital presentation

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

define digital presentation

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

define digital presentation

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

define digital presentation

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

define digital presentation

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

define digital presentation

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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NSE Communication Lab

Digital Poster

Simply put, a digital poster is a poster that’s displayed on a screen instead of being printed. As such, be sure to master the traditional poster before incorporating multimedia, zooms, and transitions. Digital posters (or e-posters) also open the door to countless design options, some of which are more effective than others. To help us navigate this new medium, we’ll introduce three types of digital posters: the “ traditional ,” the “ Harry Potter style ,” and the “ Inception style ” posters. Finally, we will flag common mistakes .

2.2. style” poster
2.3. style” poster

1. What is a digital poster?

Just like a printed poster, a digital poster is a visual aid to help you share your technical work at a poster session. The main difference is that a digital poster allows you to include dynamic content. For instance, you can embed multimedia files (GIF files, videos with audio, etc.) as well as control what information is shown throughout your presentation (using zooms and transitions).

define digital presentation

2. Three types of digital posters

Digital posters offer an array of new design options, which is exciting but can also be overwhelming. Therefore, we’ve organized digital posters into three groups which we playfully call the “Traditional,” the “ Harry Potter style,” and the “ Inception style” posters. The main difference between them is how much dynamic content is included.

define digital presentation

2.1. The “Traditional” digital poster

This is the most basic option, as you simply project your traditional, static poster onto the screen. (If you’re recycling a poster you’ve designed to be printed, be sure to adjust the dimensions to meet the new specifications.) While the easiest route, this option fails to capitalize on the main benefits of the digital format.

2.2. The “ Harry Potter style” poster

define digital presentation

In Harry Potter , newspapers contain static text and moving images ( Image source ).

In the fantasy world of Harry Potter , images have the ability to move (among other things) while text remains static. For our purposes, a “ Harry Potter Style” poster is a traditional poster with embedded multimedia, whether it’s in the form of animations, GIFs, or videos.

This option allows you to better illustrate your points. You could show evolving phenomena, computer simulations, or a 360° view of the experimental setup you built. You can also use animations and zooms to highlight/enlarge content that you want your audience to focus on.

2.3. The “ Inception style” poster

The movie Inception takes place across multiple levels of (sub)consciousness, with ways to move between each one. With a similar (but simpler) model in mind, the “ Inception style” poster contains multiple panels of information, each one offering new, specific insights into your technical narrative, and includes embedded links to transition in between panels. Of the three types of digital posters, this option is the most involved and requires more thoughtful design.

define digital presentation

There are many readily available “ Inception style” poster templates online . Each panel is effectively a slide (see example below from ePosterBoards ) and contains embedded links to jump around. In this article, we use the word “panel” rather than “slide,” only to avoid confusion between digital posters and slideshows—these are different types of presentation and should be designed accordingly.

define digital presentation

2.4. Pros and cons of each type of poster

Overall, posters with dynamic content (“ Harry Potter ” and “ Inception “) offer clear benefits over posters that only have static content (“Traditional”).

define digital presentation

Now you have the background needed to start building your poster!

Return to Contents

3. Building your digital poster

3.1. recommended workflow.

define digital presentation

On a high level, you will be applying standard poster best practices such as relying more heavily on graphics than text, effectively organizing your content, and using informative titles and headers. In particular, plan your poster by answering “who,” “why,” and “what” questions. Clarify who your audience is (the more technical they are, the less background and more technical detail you want to give). Also, identify your objectives  (Are you looking for feedback? Trying to wow potential employers?) and what specific message you want each audience member to take away from your presentation. Only then should you get creative with your dynamic content.

3.2. Brainstorm and organize your digital content

Unless you’re pressed for time and must choose the “Traditional” format, your next step is to brainstorm your dynamic content . Here are some things to consider.

  • You can use animations such as a clip from a molecular dynamics simulation, an animation of how protons are accelerated in your cyclotron, or a video of your TEM sample lift-out procedure. The latter is a great example of how you can show your audience your methods section, rather than just telling them about it. However, make sure that you have a clear reason for showing the animation. It must clearly fit in the storyline of your discussion.
  • You can include zooms to enlarge a graph to make the trends more obvious, or a schematic of your setup to make the components more visible. Another effective use of zooms is to enlarge the section currently under discussion to attract audience attention to it.
  • Multiple panels can make additional details available if needed. For audience members interested in the more technical details of your work, you can pull up these backup panels to support the discussion.

Once you have determined your digital content, you can decide which type of digital poster will work best for your narrative and your interaction with your audience.

3.3. Common mistakes in digital posters

The new design options for digital posters offer great benefits, but they can also be taken too far. Therefore:

Don’t include too much content. This is true for all posters, especially the “ Inception style” ones. Although you suddenly have more room for lots of additional details, be sure to use that space strategically to keep your audience engaged in your discussion.

Don’t use dynamic content that may distract from the discussion. Too many zooms and animations can become visual noise and compete with your pitch for your audience’s attention. Only include content that contributes meaningfully to the discussion, and also plan when it will (or will not) play.

Don’t use too many panels. If you do, your audience could get lost in the details and miss your main message. It would also make it hard for new audience members to join the discussion.

Don’t treat your panels as presentation slides. If you don’t keep the main title, motivations, methods, and key findings of your poster stationary, newcomers and distracted members of your audience may get disoriented and lose sight of the big picture. Your presentation should be tailored to a dynamic audience, with people coming and going.

define digital presentation

4. Presenting your poster

define digital presentation

Image source: ePosterBoards

In many digital poster sessions, the presenter controls the pace of the pitch and visual delivery. Practice will be key to make sure that your discussion matches what is going on in your poster.

Practice not to memorize but to improve clarity and flow. Once at the session, you will need to be flexible to engage with your audience in conversation. For instance, depending on what they are interested in, you may spend more or less time on different parts of your presentation.

5. Quick tips

  • Start early! Your submission deadline could be a week before the day of the event so plan wisely.
  • Carefully follow all instructions. The company supplying the digital poster boards will likely recommend specific software, dimensions, font sizes, and formatting. They may even provide templates. Be sure to review the guides that they provide. Often, they will recommend using landscape mode, font sizes of at least 28 pt, and bringing a backup copy of your digital poster to the event, just in case.
  • Remember to network. Consider bringing printouts of your relevant papers and business cards to make yourself memorable. If you’re planning to go to grad school or will be on the job market soon, this may be a chance to learn about possible matches. Also, make the time to follow up via email to continue discussions.

To get started or receive feedback on your digital poster, make an appointment with us. We’d love to help!

define digital presentation

  • Presentation

What is a multimedia presentation? – A complete guide

Picture of onliner content creation team

  • February 18, 2023

what is multimedia presentation

The footprint of technology can be seen in every home and work today. Using laptops and computers to create presentations to share data and information or present a product with others is an ordinary task nowadays. It’s an effective communication method for delivering your idea, message, and targeted information to audiences.

Multimedia presentation is one of the most used and powerful tools for Presentation design services . You can combine images and videos with audio and animations to present a new multi-sensory experience for your audiences. In this blog post, we are going to introduce what is multimedia presentations , their definitions, how to make one, and some multimedia presentation examples to understand it better.

multimedia presentation

Table of Contents

Multimedia presentation meaning

A multimedia presentation can be explained as a presentation including information and data that is presented by video, images, and animation, or a digital presentation that includes audio, narration, music, and sound effects to deliver your messages to the audience.

You can create introductory multimedia presentation examples with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Also, more creative and modern tools are available to help you make even better presentations.

Why do you need to do a Multimedia Presentation?

  • Multimedia presentation expands the technology skills · 
  • It brings the opportunity to present updated technologies 
  • To make an interesting/appealing presentation it creates creative challenges
  • Multimedia presentations have a unique competition

write a short note on adding multimedia contents & printing slides

What are various types of multimedia presentations?

People are familiar with multimedia and whatever means like it. There are many types of multimedia presentations . Here are some of the best multimedia presentations that can combine with text in your slides: Photos, Video, Music and other audio effects, Infographics, Animation, GIFs, Surveys, Screenshots, Logos, icons, and other graphics.

How do you choose the correct multimedia presentation?

When developing a digital-text presentation, one must pick up suitable multimedia components that are relevant to your presentation topic. Multimedia used appropriately enables the message to be expressed meaningfully, creating understanding and keeping the audience interested. Consider the following factors when selecting multimedia for your presentation:

  • Content relevance: does the content you are using fit your message?
  • Audio enhancement: does the quality of audio complement your content?
  • Data visualization: can you simplify complex data with the visualization?
  • Multimedia integration: Can all elements work together and be related?
  • Accessibility considerations: is it accessible to everyone to use and understand it?
  • Technical feasibility: Will you manage to present your prepared speech effectively?

What makes a multimedia presentation effective?

An effective multimedia presentation is not just adding a video or animation to your presentation; it’s about building a story. Your presentation must shine in front of your audience and grab their attention before delivering your message. We believe that the best way to make this happen is if you prepare an excellent ‘hook’ for your presentation.

Just like a good book captivates your audience so they cannot put it down or even want more of it. Those ones have long been gone where there was a need to rely on just text and simple graphics alone to develop presentations. Nowadays, it is possible for anyone to use an amalgamation of audio, video, and pictures when addressing any audience to be effective.

multimedia presentation meaning

Common multimedia presentation examples

You can use videos to enhance information. The video can also be used in different types of multimedia presentations to add context or bring a theory to life using visual examples.

Voice narration

You can use recorded voices and voice narration in your multi media presentation to influence your audience with different methods than regular ones.

Animations and GIFs

Sales teams no longer depend on their team to present an oral presentation. Instead, they can use remote pitching.

Graphs and charts

A multimedia presentation is an excellent way to solve complex problems that require close examination of large amounts of data. Charts and graphs often enhance these multimedia presentations.

How to Create a Multimedia Presentation?

You need to use the right presentation tools in multimedia based on your needs. These are simple and easy steps in the tutorial here:

1-Define what is the aim or goal of your multimedia presentation

Firstly, you should find out clearly what it is that will be presented and also why. Ensure that everything is in place concerning the necessary material to be arranged in a manner that facilitates composition.

2-Use visuals to plan your content

With everything planned for and all your content prepared for the slide deck, it’s time to develop an outline. When developing your outline, consider how this may involve different media and be improved.

3-Pick a slide layout/template and develop your contents

Go to your presentation tools in multimedia , choose a theme, select a background color or image for slides, and then go ahead and open whichever presentation tool you’re planning to make use of to locate an ideally suited presentation template meant for your task. There is a variety ranging from ready-made presentations to slide libraries available in various designs. 

For a multimedia presentation, select one from slide libraries. Presentation themes are also known as slide libraries. For example, you can use Visme or Canva presentation themes.

multimedia presentation example

4-Add multimedia content

By now, your presentation should appear to be smart but static. We want to make this interesting, so let’s throw in some fun multimedia presentation devices.

You can use outline and visualization idea sketches by write a short note on adding multimedia contents & printing slides . Keep in mind and do not overload the slides with too many types of media. It won’t work. In order to maintain a balance, one should aim at two or three types of media scattered throughout the presentation.

5-Review, re-edit, and share it

When it’s done, now you should make a review of your presentation. This stage is where you should check everything after you have added all your content, including regular and multimedia. Click on “present” in your used tool to read through your presentation as an observer would see it. Write down anything that appears wrong or incomplete every time you finish looking at a specific slide. Revise the same slides accordingly until you feel your presentation is perfect.

Tips to create an effective multimedia presentation

Choose the right media.

In making a multimedia presentation, you need to specify one appropriate form of media to convey every item of information that you would like communicated. One example might be that while describing a complicated idea, consider using a video or animation. In the case of simple fact communication, choose a text or image.

Keep it balanced

Provide not more than two media for your presentation. Your audience may find it overwhelming if you give them too much media. Thus, you should use various types of media and use them little by little in your presentation.

Use high-quality media

Ensure that you have good-quality media in your presentation. Therefore, one should use transparent pictures and clips and record high-quality sound.

Keep It Short and simple

Avoid overcrowding your slides. The images and text need to be limited. This is because if it is too much, it becomes impossible to read. On average, audiences can pay attention to a presentation season of about 20 minutes. In that case, keep in mind in the presentation less is more. The duration of your presentation should not exceed 15 minutes.

Practice your presentation repeatedly before presenting it. By practicing your PowerPoint presentation, you will be able to deliver your presentation at the right time and deliver your message without any hitches.

Best Presentation Tools in Multimedia

Normally, you would require several software packages specifically designed for making a multimedia presentation. Presenter Maker by Visme is a great choice if you want multi-purpose software.

This means that at all times, users could choose to build multimedia presentations, which may involve animation, voiceover, or video presentation.

Canva integrates several key elements of PowerPoint into some of these Adobe Creative Cloud programs. It is appropriate for intermediates to experts. Their plans are also cheap for many people, while a free plan is available for everyone.

People can also use a program known as Keynote, which is a product of Apple, in order to craft multimedia presentations. It is simple and very user-friendly, with a presentation font size that will allow you to create an impressive show.

4-Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is the most known and popular free tool for creating presentations. It’s easy to use PowerPoint presentations, and it would be a good choice for beginners. 

5-Google Slides

Slide is a free online tool from Google. Google Slides allows users to create presentations using text, images, charts, and graphs all in one place and its have new feature like Google Slides on smart TV .

types of multimedia presentations

The evolution of multimedia presentation s has created a new communication channel in which people have learned to share ideas, disseminate, and communicate data. Audiences enjoy the different feelings of multimedia presentations integrated with multiple media elements such as text, images, audio clips, videos, and animations for more profitable retention and impact on their minds. These include educational, business marketing, and entertainment presentations. Such tools are highly functional, as they help attract viewers and stick in their minds anywhere. The emergence of multimedia presentations, coupled with technological advancement, will offer increasingly dynamic means of communicating with and engaging with global audiences worldwide.

What is a multimedia presentation vs a presentation?

A multimedia presentation is exactly what it says: a visual presentation that uses multiple media. A multimedia presentation is different from a static presentation. It uses motion, sound, and interactive elements.

Why is multimedia presentation important?

Multimedia content can be used to enhance and vary the learning process and improve knowledge retention. Video education can give students more ways to interact with the material. Students around the globe can access video content.

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Powerful and Effective Presentation Skills: More in Demand Now Than Ever

define digital presentation

When we talk with our L&D colleagues from around the globe, we often hear that presentation skills training is one of the top opportunities they’re looking to provide their learners. And this holds true whether their learners are individual contributors, people managers, or senior leaders. This is not surprising.

Effective communications skills are a powerful career activator, and most of us are called upon to communicate in some type of formal presentation mode at some point along the way.

For instance, you might be asked to brief management on market research results, walk your team through a new process, lay out the new budget, or explain a new product to a client or prospect. Or you may want to build support for a new idea, bring a new employee into the fold, or even just present your achievements to your manager during your performance review.

And now, with so many employees working from home or in hybrid mode, and business travel in decline, there’s a growing need to find new ways to make effective presentations when the audience may be fully virtual or a combination of in person and remote attendees.

Whether you’re making a standup presentation to a large live audience, or a sit-down one-on-one, whether you’re delivering your presentation face to face or virtually, solid presentation skills matter.

Even the most seasoned and accomplished presenters may need to fine-tune or update their skills. Expectations have changed over the last decade or so. Yesterday’s PowerPoint which primarily relied on bulleted points, broken up by the occasional clip-art image, won’t cut it with today’s audience.

The digital revolution has revolutionized the way people want to receive information. People expect presentations that are more visually interesting. They expect to see data, metrics that support assertions. And now, with so many previously in-person meetings occurring virtually, there’s an entirely new level of technical preparedness required.

The leadership development tools and the individual learning opportunities you’re providing should include presentation skills training that covers both the evergreen fundamentals and the up-to-date capabilities that can make or break a presentation.

So, just what should be included in solid presentation skills training? Here’s what I think.

The fundamentals will always apply When it comes to making a powerful and effective presentation, the fundamentals will always apply. You need to understand your objective. Is it strictly to convey information, so that your audience’s knowledge is increased? Is it to persuade your audience to take some action? Is it to convince people to support your idea? Once you understand what your objective is, you need to define your central message. There may be a lot of things you want to share with your audience during your presentation, but find – and stick with – the core, the most important point you want them to walk away with. And make sure that your message is clear and compelling.

You also need to tailor your presentation to your audience. Who are they and what might they be expecting? Say you’re giving a product pitch to a client. A technical team may be interested in a lot of nitty-gritty product detail. The business side will no doubt be more interested in what returns they can expect on their investment.

Another consideration is the setting: is this a formal presentation to a large audience with questions reserved for the end, or a presentation in a smaller setting where there’s the possibility for conversation throughout? Is your presentation virtual or in-person? To be delivered individually or as a group? What time of the day will you be speaking? Will there be others speaking before you and might that impact how your message will be received?

Once these fundamentals are established, you’re in building mode. What are the specific points you want to share that will help you best meet your objective and get across your core message? Now figure out how to convey those points in the clearest, most straightforward, and succinct way. This doesn’t mean that your presentation has to be a series of clipped bullet points. No one wants to sit through a presentation in which the presenter reads through what’s on the slide. You can get your points across using stories, fact, diagrams, videos, props, and other types of media.

Visual design matters While you don’t want to clutter up your presentation with too many visual elements that don’t serve your objective and can be distracting, using a variety of visual formats to convey your core message will make your presentation more memorable than slides filled with text. A couple of tips: avoid images that are cliched and overdone. Be careful not to mix up too many different types of images. If you’re using photos, stick with photos. If you’re using drawn images, keep the style consistent. When data are presented, stay consistent with colors and fonts from one type of chart to the next. Keep things clear and simple, using data to support key points without overwhelming your audience with too much information. And don’t assume that your audience is composed of statisticians (unless, of course, it is).

When presenting qualitative data, brief videos provide a way to engage your audience and create emotional connection and impact. Word clouds are another way to get qualitative data across.

Practice makes perfect You’ve pulled together a perfect presentation. But it likely won’t be perfect unless it’s well delivered. So don’t forget to practice your presentation ahead of time. Pro tip: record yourself as you practice out loud. This will force you to think through what you’re going to say for each element of your presentation. And watching your recording will help you identify your mistakes—such as fidgeting, using too many fillers (such as “umm,” or “like”), or speaking too fast.

A key element of your preparation should involve anticipating any technical difficulties. If you’ve embedded videos, make sure they work. If you’re presenting virtually, make sure that the lighting is good, and that your speaker and camera are working. Whether presenting in person or virtually, get there early enough to work out any technical glitches before your presentation is scheduled to begin. Few things are a bigger audience turn-off than sitting there watching the presenter struggle with the delivery mechanisms!

Finally, be kind to yourself. Despite thorough preparation and practice, sometimes, things go wrong, and you need to recover in the moment, adapt, and carry on. It’s unlikely that you’ll have caused any lasting damage and the important thing is to learn from your experience, so your next presentation is stronger.

How are you providing presentation skills training for your learners?

Manika Gandhi is Senior Learning Design Manager at Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning. Email her at [email protected] .

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What is a Presentation?

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Presentation Skills:

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  • Preparing for a Presentation
  • Organising the Material
  • Writing Your Presentation
  • Deciding the Presentation Method
  • Managing your Presentation Notes
  • Working with Visual Aids
  • Presenting Data
  • Managing the Event
  • Coping with Presentation Nerves
  • Dealing with Questions
  • How to Build Presentations Like a Consultant
  • 7 Qualities of Good Speakers That Can Help You Be More Successful
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The formal presentation of information is divided into two broad categories: Presentation Skills and Personal Presentation .

These two aspects are interwoven and can be described as the preparation, presentation and practice of verbal and non-verbal communication. 

This article describes what a presentation is and defines some of the key terms associated with presentation skills.

Many people feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk.  Some of these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation that also lays the groundwork for making an effective presentation.

A Presentation Is...

A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.

A presentation can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other ‘speaking engagements’ such as making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across in a video conference.

To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be carefully considered. 

A presentation requires you to get a message across to the listeners and will often contain a ' persuasive ' element. It may, for example, be a talk about the positive work of your organisation, what you could offer an employer, or why you should receive additional funding for a project.

The Key Elements of a Presentation

Making a presentation is a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas to an audience and many of our articles on communication are also relevant here, see: What is Communication? for more.

Consider the following key components of a presentation:

Ask yourself the following questions to develop a full understanding of the context of the presentation.

When and where will you deliver your presentation?

There is a world of difference between a small room with natural light and an informal setting, and a huge lecture room, lit with stage lights. The two require quite different presentations, and different techniques.

Will it be in a setting you are familiar with, or somewhere new?

If somewhere new, it would be worth trying to visit it in advance, or at least arriving early, to familiarise yourself with the room.

Will the presentation be within a formal or less formal setting?

A work setting will, more or less by definition, be more formal, but there are also various degrees of formality within that.

Will the presentation be to a small group or a large crowd?

Are you already familiar with the audience?

With a new audience, you will have to build rapport quickly and effectively, to get them on your side.

What equipment and technology will be available to you, and what will you be expected to use?

In particular, you will need to ask about microphones and whether you will be expected to stand in one place, or move around.

What is the audience expecting to learn from you and your presentation?

Check how you will be ‘billed’ to give you clues as to what information needs to be included in your presentation.

All these aspects will change the presentation. For more on this, see our page on Deciding the Presentation Method .

The role of the presenter is to communicate with the audience and control the presentation.

Remember, though, that this may also include handing over the control to your audience, especially if you want some kind of interaction.

You may wish to have a look at our page on Facilitation Skills for more.

The audience receives the presenter’s message(s).

However, this reception will be filtered through and affected by such things as the listener’s own experience, knowledge and personal sense of values.

See our page: Barriers to Effective Communication to learn why communication can fail.

The message or messages are delivered by the presenter to the audience.

The message is delivered not just by the spoken word ( verbal communication ) but can be augmented by techniques such as voice projection, body language, gestures, eye contact ( non-verbal communication ), and visual aids.

The message will also be affected by the audience’s expectations. For example, if you have been billed as speaking on one particular topic, and you choose to speak on another, the audience is unlikely to take your message on board even if you present very well . They will judge your presentation a failure, because you have not met their expectations.

The audience’s reaction and therefore the success of the presentation will largely depend upon whether you, as presenter, effectively communicated your message, and whether it met their expectations.

As a presenter, you don’t control the audience’s expectations. What you can do is find out what they have been told about you by the conference organisers, and what they are expecting to hear. Only if you know that can you be confident of delivering something that will meet expectations.

See our page: Effective Speaking for more information.

How will the presentation be delivered?

Presentations are usually delivered direct to an audience.  However, there may be occasions where they are delivered from a distance over the Internet using video conferencing systems, such as Skype.

It is also important to remember that if your talk is recorded and posted on the internet, then people may be able to access it for several years. This will mean that your contemporaneous references should be kept to a minimum.


Many factors can influence the effectiveness of how your message is communicated to the audience.

For example background noise or other distractions, an overly warm or cool room, or the time of day and state of audience alertness can all influence your audience’s level of concentration.

As presenter, you have to be prepared to cope with any such problems and try to keep your audience focussed on your message.   

Our page: Barriers to Communication explains these factors in more depth.

Continue to read through our Presentation Skills articles for an overview of how to prepare and structure a presentation, and how to manage notes and/or illustrations at any speaking event.

Continue to: Preparing for a Presentation Deciding the Presentation Method

See also: Writing Your Presentation | Working with Visual Aids Coping with Presentation Nerves | Dealing with Questions Learn Better Presentation Skills with TED Talks

  • MyU : For Students, Faculty, and Staff

Digital Storytelling

Create Narrated Presentation

As a student, recording a presentation is one of the most standard assignment activities faculty will require you to do. Take a look at the following workflow for designing a presentation and recording it. We offer tips and resources that will help guide you through your presentation recording.

1: Create an outline 

Find articles and research your topic thoroughly. Create an outline of your presentation. Don't immediately start designing your slides, instead work loosely on note cards or sticky notes to jot down your main points and ideas. This will help you quickly sort your ideas, so you can see how the presentation will flow.

2: Design your Slides

After you have completed outline, start transferring your rough notes to your slide presentation. Remember to keep things simple. The presentation should be designed to display information well, visually.

Try to limit the amount of bullets you use in your presentation as they can become very monotonous. Instead, try to use images and information graphics as much as you can to tell your presentation story. 

Here are a number of great resources about slide design:

Academic Slide Design: Visual Communication for Teaching and Learning

slide:ology: The Art and Science of Presentation Design  

3: Write your script

A lot of times people don't go through the effort of writing a script for their recorded presentations, but we encourage you to do so. The script writing process, will help you tell your presentation story. The end result will sound more professional with less pausing to gather your words.

When you are finished writing your script, read it out loud. Fix any sentences or phrases that don't roll off the tongue when you read them. 

4: Record your Narration

Record yourself reading through your presentation script. Try to make your recording sound natural and less like you're reading from a script. 

Take a look at the resource below on audio recording software. There are free tools that will enable you to record your narration.

Audio Recording Software and Hardware  

5: Gather b roll

Edit your video. Edit the images, narration, soundtrack together to create the story.


6: Write Your Script/storyboard

When you're finished editing your video, it's now time to share your digital story with your peers. 

Digital Storytelling Share

Recording an Interview

The interview will be one of the most important parts of your documentary-style digital story. The information below will provide you with tips for recording your interview.

Before you record an interview, make sure that you get your interviewee to sign the Media Release Form (note - this is a UMN Media Release form -- if you are using this site as a resource from another school, you should contact your school's media relations or communications dept. for a media release form tailored for your university or school). Media producers and videographers at the UMN typically have all their talent and interviewees sign a media release form and this helps to make sure that we have the right to use the video.

Interviewing Basics

The most important thing you can do to insure that you have a successful interview is to BE PREPARED. For any recorded interview you will need to make sure that you have the following things in order before the interview:

Finalize your questions. Make sure you have at least 5 questions to ask your interviewee. Along with your questions, you will have to listen to your interviewee and not worry so much about the technology involved in recording your interview. Your interviewee will most likely respond with interesting points that you will want to follow-up on or ask additional questions about and that only happens if you listen closely to your interviewee during the interview.

When listening to your interviewee respond to questions, you should make sure that they are stating the context of the question in their response. For instance, if you are looking at food shelves in the community that you’re researching, you might ask a question like- “Has the need for free and available food risen over the past 5 years?” Your interview might respond with a simple “Yes” or “No” and follow-up with “Yes, the need has risen.” Well, the need to what exactly? Keep in mind that you might not include your audio asking the questions in the interview, so you will have to make sure that your interviewee is prepped to keep the context of the question in mind when responding to the question, so that you can use the entire sound byte or video in your project without having to explain what exactly the interviewee is responding to.  A great response from your interviewee might sound like “I would say that the need for free and available food and our services in general have expanded in the past 5 years….”  and that’s a great sound-byte, it’s complete and there isn’t any question as to what the interviewee is responding to or talking about. Here’s a helpful resource on asking open-ended questions: How to Ask Open Ended Questions

Prepare for the interview recording. Make sure that you bring your smartphone power cable, extension cord, and any accessories you might need to record your interview. Also, make sure that you have enough storage on your smartphone or tablet before recording your interview.

Practice setting up the gear and recording before you get to the actual interview. With practice, you will learn about any quirks with the technology and know ahead of time about how to troubleshoot these issues as they arise.

Here is a video playlist that talks about using recording an interview with an expert using an iPhone:

Recording Interviews Using Mobile Devices

Also, make sure to check out the Capture page on this site to learn more about the various video and audio recording apps to use for your interview recordings.

Tips for Recording Quality Audio

Find a quiet place to record your audio. Listen to the ambient noise in the room. Do you hear any loud air circulation, people mowing grass outside your room, or anything else that can be distracting when trying to record audio? If so, you may need to move to a room that’s a little quieter, which will be ideal for recording quality narration.

Always do a test recording and listen to it. If it doesn’t sound very good, you may need to do some troubleshooting to get better sound.

Write a short, 2-3 page script. Writing is one of the most important aspect of a personal narrative digital story. Tip -- Take a look at the photos you have and tailor your script to the photos or tailor the photos to your script (gather additional images as needed).  
Gather images and video that support your story. Learn how to capture video, audio, and images using your smartphone. See the page for more information.

Re-write your script to match the photos that you gathered that support your story.


Record audio narration from the story script using a smartphone or laptop with audio recording software.

To learn more about recording and editing your narration, see the page: (note - Audacity is a great audio recording software program)

Edit your video. Edit the images, narration, soundtrack together to create the story.


When you're finished editing your video, it's now time to share your digital story with your peers. 

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Definition of presentation

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Examples of presentation in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'presentation.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Phrases Containing presentation

  • breech presentation

Dictionary Entries Near presentation

present arms

presentation copy

Cite this Entry

“Presentation.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 19 Aug. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of presentation, medical definition, medical definition of presentation, more from merriam-webster on presentation.

Nglish: Translation of presentation for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of presentation for Arabic Speakers Encyclopedia article about presentation

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The Essential Components of Digital Transformation

  • Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

define digital presentation

It’s about so much more than your technology.

It’s problematic when companies decide to embark on a digital transformation agenda without having a clear definition, let alone vision, for what it means. The fundamental meaning of transformation is not about replacing old technologies with new ones, or capturing high volumes of data, or hiring an army of data scientists, or trying to copy some of the things Google or Amazon do. In fact, the essence of digital transformation is to become a data-driven organization, ensuring that key decisions, actions, and processes are strongly influenced by data-driven insights, rather than by human intuition. In other words, you will only transform when you have managed to change how people behave, and how things are done in your organization.

The digital revolution forced every organization to reinvent itself, or at least rethink how it goes about doing business. Most large companies have invested substantial cash in what is generally labelled “digital transformation.” While those investments are projected to top $6.8 trillion by 2023, they’re often made without seeing clear benefits or ROI. Although these failures have multiple causes, they are generally the result of underestimating the various steps or stages required to successfully execute a transformation agenda.

  • Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is the Chief Innovation Officer at ManpowerGroup, a professor of business psychology at University College London and at Columbia University, co-founder of , and an associate at Harvard’s Entrepreneurial Finance Lab. He is the author of  Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (and How to Fix It ) , upon which his  TEDx talk  was based. His latest book is I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique.   Find him at . drtcp

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15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

Written by: Orana Velarde

best presentation software - header wide

In this comparison guide, we’ll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you can  choose the best presentation maker for your business.

So, if you want to stand out from run-of-the-mill PowerPoint presentations and have a reliable presentation software that will help you collaborate with team members and design stunning slide decks in a fraction of the time, you’ll need this guide. 

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • Google Slides
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Sway

What are Presentation Tools

Presentation tools are software applications that enable users to visually present ideas or share knowledge. These presentations are delivered in a slide-show format using a combination of text, images and other graphic elements.

Presentation software is frequently used to pitch an idea to investors , present proposals to clients , introduce new products or services to customers, train staff on new policies or ideas , or teach your students new or complex concepts.

Best Presentation Software: A Visual Comparison

When choosing the right presentation programs for your projects, there are some things to consider:

  • Does the price point fit your budget?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • Who is the program geared at: businesses, educators, bloggers or social media managers?
  • Does it have lots of templates to choose from? Are they good quality and helpful?
  • Is the built-in graphic asset library extensive and varied?
  • Can you embed content, add videos or GIFs?
  • Can you add audio to your presentations?
  • Can elements be animated?
  • Is it desktop or cloud-based ?
  • Can you use it to create presentations on any of your devices?
  • Can finished presentations be viewed offline?
  • Can you have team accounts or business accounts for easy collaboration inside your company?
  • Does it include a Brand Kit? Is it easy to use?
  • Can the finished presentation be shared online straight from the presentation software?
  • Can your presentations be uploaded to the cloud privately with password protection?
  • Does the presentation software include analytics to see how your projects perform on social media?
  • Can you use the finished presentation as a lead generator straight from the software?

We'll take a look at all these aspects in the following list of best presentation software so you can make your own well-informed decision.

Last updated on May 30, 2024.

best adobe captivate alternatives - screenshot of Visme home page

Visme is a powerful presentation software and all-in-one content authoring tool. It has a user-friendly interface and an extensive set of tools that make it easy for both beginners and experienced professionals to design and deliver impactful presentations.

Presentations made with Visme go beyond the standard slide deck to incorporate interactive elements and easy, full-featured offline sharing.

Making professional presentation slides with Visme is easy and straightforward. Create slides from scratch using content blocks and the extensive slide libraries categorized by style. Browse the presentation template library to find pre-designed slide decks which you can easily customize to fit your needs.

Best Presentation Software - Visme user interface

That's not all that Visme can do, though.

You can also use Visme to create other visual content, such as digital documents, animated infographics, interactive reports and whiteboards. There are tons of customizable templates that come built-in with the app.

Best Presentation Visme

You can also use Visme to create other visual content, such as infographics, reports and interactive charts. There are tons of customizable templates that come built-in with the software.

Visme can be used for free to test it out for as long as you want. With a free account, you can create up to three projects.

To access all of Visme's capabilities, you can upgrade to one of the paid plans .

  • Starter: $12.25/month paid annually
  • Pro: $24.75/month paid annually
  • Visme for Teams: Custom – learn more here

If you're a nonprofit organization, you may qualify for a discount. Visme also offers separate Education plans for students and teachers.

Ease of Use

Visme is incredibly easy to use. Switching from slide to slide is a breeze, and you can even save a slide to your content block or slide library to reuse later.

The editor comes with a handy sidebar that lets you browse media, graphics and data tools and drag and drop relevant elements onto your slides. You can also use the /shortcut feature to open a search bar and quickly find what you need.

The dynamic fields feature ensures you don’t miss out on any critical information. With single click, you can easily update content throughout your presentation.

Who Is It For

Visme is perfect for small and large businesses, enterprises, marketing teams, project managers, educators, content creators and so much more. The resources and tools available in Visme reach far beyond the ability to create presentations.

  • Social media teams can create content for their company’s social channels.
  • Sales agents can create branded and personalized proposals in minutes.
  • Professionals can build visual CVs to find the next ideal job.
  • Project managers can conduct team meetings with a collaborative whiteboard.

Template Options

an image of Visme template library

The template options in Visme are extensive and varied in style. From minimalistic to photographic, there are many presentation styles to pick from.

Presentation Templates

define digital presentation

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

define digital presentation

Buyer Presentation

define digital presentation

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

define digital presentation

Technology Presentation

define digital presentation

Product Training Interactive Presentation

define digital presentation

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

You can choose from dozens of fully designed presentations tailor-made for specific industries and topics or mix and match hundreds of slide layouts by choosing a presentation theme.

You can also start with a blank canvas, add new blank slides to existing presentation templates, and save custom slides to use later as your own templates.

Graphic Assets Library

When selecting the best tools for presentations, the visual capabilities and creative design elements should be a top consideration. Visme’s graphic library includes thousands of free icons, illustrations, stock photos, videos , 3D graphics , audio clips, charts and graphs to include in your presentations.

Best Presentation Software Visme

The best part is that every graphic asset that comes built-in with the Visme editor is fully customizable. Resize, rotate or change colors to fit your brand, content and theme.

AI-Powered Tools

Visme comes with a wide variety of useful AI-powered tools, making it one of the best presentation software.

Let's start with the AI presentation maker . This advanced tool is engineered to make your presentation creation process as quick and efficient as possible.

To create a presentation using this tool, you only need to provide a text prompt outlining your requirements. The tool will then generate the slides, complete with text, images, illustrations and any other content you specify.

After that, you can use Visme's presentation tools to personalize the AI-generated slides and add the final touches.

Next up is the AI writer . This user-friendly tool is your key to overcoming writer's block and crafting engaging copy for your presentation. It can help you create layouts, edit and proofread text, summarize the content and much more. Explain to the AI writer what you want to generate, and it will take care of the rest.

Visme offers several AI image editing tools , including erase and replace, background remover, unblur, and upscaler. These tools can be used to edit the image content or enhance its quality. For example, you can use the Image Upscaler to resize your image without sacrificing quality, ensuring your visuals always look high-quality.

And as always, you just need to provide the right text prompts. Feel free to tweak the prompts as many times as you want until you achieve the perfect outcome.

Videos and GIFs

It's easy to insert or embed videos and GIFs inside a Visme presentation. This is another that makes Visme a powerful video presentation software .

To insert a video, upload a video from your computer or cloud storage and place it on a slide of your choosing. Once you’ve uploaded it, it’ll be in your Media library for future use.

If you don’t have videos of your own, Visme has hundreds of stock videos to choose from in lots of categories. Browse them by clicking the / shortcut on your keyboard and opening the videos tab.

Edit your videos with the integrated timeline feature. Trim video clips and customize playback settings. Resize the video on your slide easily by dragging the corner. Or you can resize any video into another shape for more flexibility.

GIFs are available through the Giphy integration, which you’ll find in the Media tab. These are a great choice when you want to make a meme-based presentation.

Take note that all presentations that have videos or GIFs in the slides must be shared as a live link or downloaded as HTML5 or MP4. If you download it as a PDF or PPTX, all the interactive elements won’t play back.

Adding audio to a presentation is easy on Visme. Either along with a video or as the audio on its own. You can also record a voice over.

Another great option is accessing our Presenter Studio to record a video of yourself presenting your content. You can turn on your camera or record audio only before sending a link to your audience. This is a great way to present asynchronously or save your presentation for people to view again and again.

Embed Third-Party Content

There is more content that can be embedded into Visme presentations, like polls, quizzes , forms , online videos and any content that can be turned into code to insert in an iframe.

You can also take advantage of several integrations to embed even more engaging and interactive content into your slides.

Some of our integrations include SurveyMonkey, Hubspot, Giphy, and many more.

Animations and Transitions

With Visme, you can animate your content and create interactive experiences such as:

  • Hover effects or clickable pop-ups, link your slides or content blocks to objects
  • Pre-animated assets like characters, illustrations and gestures
  • Custom animation and motion effects

Features inside Visme presentations can be animated, and we also have a number of seamless slide transitions that make your content pop, like "Enter from Side" or "Staggered Fade."

Best Presentation Software Visme

If you want to make your content even more dynamic, you can access our Custom Animation feature. This is perfect for creating video presentations or making your elements look like they're floating on your slide.

Visme also comes with a 3D Character Creator that helps you elevate your storytelling and connect with your audience. You can create and customize 3D animated characters to embody your brand or message.

Tweak everything, from gender and hairstyles to outfits and skin tone, until you achieve the perfect look. You also have the ability to choose their entry, waiting and exit poses.

Desktop or Cloud

Visme is an online cloud-based app that can be easily used on your computer. We also provide a desktop app that you can download and use outside of your regular browser for seamless content creation.

And if you need to create content on the go, you can easily edit existing projects right from your mobile device or tablet using the Visme iOS app .

Data Widgets

Visme offers a wide selection of data widgets that allow you to creatively visualize statistics and figures in the form of gauges, clocks, pictographs and icon arrays.

Data visualization in Visme goes beyond widgets. Add tables, graphs, and charts to your presentation slides and connect them to a live data source . Create a data stream from Google Sheets or Google Analytics into customized data visualizations.

Offline Viewing

Finished presentations can be viewed offline in four different formats.

The best option is to download it as an HTML5 file. That way it will maintain all the animations when opened on Google Chrome, even without internet. Downloading as an HTML 5 file is a premium feature. Presentations can also be downloaded as a collection of JPG or PNG images, as a PDF or as an editable PowerPoint file.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

define digital presentation

Collaboration Possibilities

Visme has a premium teams plan that lets all team members customize and complete projects together. Leave comments with edits and feedback, edit projects simultaneously and easily share with other people on your team to move the project along.

Plus, Visme's workflow management features give the project admin complete control over your team's collaboration process. You can assign tasks, manage roles, set deadlines and more, all from a centralized platform. These features are useful for streamlining communication and reducing the time between briefing and final presentation design.

Branding Capabilities

Visme's brand design tool makes it easy to keep all of your content on-brand regardless of who's creating it. It works in three easy steps:

1. Upload all of your branding assets (colors, fonts, logo) to Visme with the Brand Wizard . Input your website URL and watch as our Brand Wizard automatically pulls in all of your branding.

2. Access a bundle of 30+ automatically branded templates that have your logo, fonts and colors already ready to go.

3. Easily access thousands of other templates and input your brand fonts and colors with just a click in Visme's editor.

Then boom! All of your content will always have the same branding, helping increase brand strength and recognition.

Share to Social Media

Once a presentation is finished, it can be shared to social media seamlessly right from the editor. It can also be downloaded.

Best Presentation Software Visme

Privacy and Password Protection

Presentations on Visme can be published privately with password protection so that only the people you want can access it. It is advisable to only use strong passwords for this purpose. There are a few free password managers that could help you do that and keep your account secure .

Visme’s analytics is what makes it stand out as the best tool for presentation. When a presentation is shared via a live link, it can be analyzed for views and sharing.

Visme Analytics Tool

Access in-depth analytics that show you how much of your presentation is typically viewed, for how long and which slides seem to be the most popular.

Lead Generation

You can add a signup form to your presentations to collect leads that could potentially become clients. Simply head over to our  Advanced Settings tab before sharing your project and turn on  Requires Registration to collect emails from each person who views your content.

The best part of using Visme is that you get access to an interactive online form builder that's proven to generate 2X more conversions than traditional forms. You can choose your preferred form type and customize every aspect, including character appearance, color, background and animations to match your design and branding requirements.

Best Presentation Software Prezi

Prezi offers a great alternative to the traditional presentation format that goes slide by slide. The creative idea behind Prezi is you can create an animated, non-sequential flow with topics and subtopics that are hidden until you zoom in.

While Prezi's interface can be slightly complicated to use, it's a good option for people who need to add a creative touch to their presentations.

Prezi is free for basic capabilities and limited templates.

For the paid plans, there are three tiers.

  • Standard: $5/month
  • Plus: $12/month
  • Premium: $16/month
  • Teams: Upon Request

There are separate plans available for students and teachers.

Prezi has a slight learning curve, but once you create a couple of presentations, you get the hang of it. However, it doesn't offer too much customizability inside the templates.

Best Presentation Software - Prezi user interface

Businesses and educators who are in need of a different style of presentation. Prezi offers a “conversational style” of zooming and moving around between information. So, who Prezi is for really depends on who needs this sort of presentation style.

There are plenty of templates to choose from, and you can also start from scratch. The templates are different in color and style, but the idea of zooming into topics and subtopics is the same.

best presentation software - Prezi's templates.

AI Presentation Assistant

Prezi has an AI assistant that automatically generates presentations for users.

Best Presentation Software - Prezi AI

The assets library has some icons and shapes available, the usual ones like arrows and buttons. Premium plans get access to over 80,000 icons and 500,000 images.

Videos can be uploaded or embedded from YouTube. Embedded videos are not viewable in offline mode. GIFs aren’t supported.

Voice over can be added in premium plans.

No other content can be embedded into Prezi presentations.

Prezi is all about animations between topics and subtopics. The presentations themselves are viewed as animations.

Prezi is a cloud app but can be accessed to view offline with premium plans.

Available to Create on Multiple Devices

Prezi presentations can only be created on a computer but can be viewed on all devices.

Prezi for teams is available upon demand and has a Slack integration.

Brand Kits are only available with Prezi's team plans, but each presentation can be customized to fit your brand with color customizations and some available fonts.

Prezi presentations can be shared to social media via a special share button at the top-right of the Prezi page. They can be shared to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

best presentation software - Prezi sharing capabilities.

Prezi presentations can only be downloaded from the Prezi app. There are two options, as an EXE file for PC and a ZIP file for Mac. Presentations can then be viewed without internet connection or the need to connect to the Prezi app.

Presentations are public unless you have a paid account.

Analytics are available with premium accounts but it only applies to Prezi presentations you share via a link to someone.

There are no lead generation capabilities with Prezi.

3 Google Slides

Best Presentation Software Google Slides

Google Slides is the presentation software available via your Google account. Just like you can create documents and spreadsheets with Google Docs and Sheets, you can create presentations with Google Slides.

best presentation software - The Google Slides interface.

The setup is very similar to PowerPoint and is free to use for anyone with a google account. There is a business version called G Suite, which includes the same things with more storage and management capabilities.

Google Slides is free to use for anyone with a Google account. All features are available to everyone.

There are plans for business accounts so that teams can be created and information can be managed in a more organized way. Plans start at $6/user/month and go up to $18/user/month.

Compared to other examples of presentation software, Google Slides is very easy to use. The controls are very similar to Google Docs and Sheets.

Editing a presentation in Google Slides.

Business professionals, educators and students who need fast and easy access to a presentation software that can get things done.

There is a general collection of templates, but there are not very many. Presentations can also be started from scratch.

best tools for presentations

The graphic assets are average and simple. The shapes are classic and generic. Photographs can be uploaded from your desktop, your Google Drive, a URL or searched online.

best presentation software - google slides shapes

Videos can uploaded with a YouTube link or from Google Drive. GIFs can be added just like images.

Audio and Embed Third-Party Content

Anything from your Google Drive can be added in. Also there are some available “add-ons” that can be integrated for icons, stock photography and audio.

best tools for presentations

Elements inside each slide can be animated and so can the transition between the slides.

example of presentation software - Google Slides animation

Google Slides is a cloud-based program.

Google Slides can be used fully on any device with their respective apps for Android and iPhone. Presentations can be edited and viewed on all devices.

Collaborating with other people is easy with Google Slides

There is no brand kit feature.

Presentations can be shared via email or link.

best presentation software - Sharing in Google Slides.

Google Slides can be viewed offline with a Chrome Extension and the use of Backup and Sync.

Presentations can be shared privately, but there are no password capabilities, only invitations.

Analytics and Lead Generation

These features are not available.

Read either PowerPoint vs Google ,  or you can check out  Google Slides vs Visme to get a detailed overview of each tool and find the perfect presentation software for your needs.

best presentation software - keynote homepage

Keynote is the native Apple presentation software — one of the original PowerPoint Alternatives. Anyone with an Apple ID can use the Keynote editor. It is the most similar to PowerPoint and also Google Slides.

Keynote is free for downloading and also accessing via the cloud with an apple ID.

If you know how to use PowerPoint or Google Slides, Keynote is a breeze. This feature makes it stand out as one of the best tools for presentation.

best presentation software - The Keynote interface.

Keynote is good for businesses, educators and anyone who needs a practical presentation software.

The templates are limited but come in standard or wide sizes. Templates can also be found outside of Keynote and uploaded into the program.

best presentation software - Templates or themes in Keynote.

There are plenty of classic symbols and icons available which are also customizable in terms of color and gradient. Images can only be added from your computer.

best tools for presentations - assets in Keynote

Videos are not embeddable in Keynote slides but that is sorted with a plug-in like LiveSlides. GIFs can be added as .gif images.

You can upload existing audio files in Keynote to play on specific slides. There's also an option to record your own voiceover to create a narrated presentation.

Including these is not available

Slides and objects can be animated in a number of ways, including path creation, scaling, bounce or jiggle effects, and more.

best tools for presentations Keynote - animation and effects

Keynote is available on both desktop and cloud.

You can create keynote presentations on any apple device and PC.

Keynote presentations can be downloaded as .pdf or as .pptx to view offline.

Keynote presentations can be collaborated on via a link or email with permission settings set to “can make changes”.

best presentation software - Collaboration features in Keynote.

Brand Kit, Share to Social Media, Analytics and Lead Generation

None of these are available on Keynote.

Presentations are private until shared and there is no password protection capabilities.

5 Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint templates.

This list wouldn't have been complete without the most popular presentation software in the world. Even though there are tons of more advanced presentation tools out there now, PowerPoint is still a favorite of many because of its familiarity, ease of use and availability.

The desktop-based PowerPoint program is part of Microsoft 365, which has different plans for businesses that start from $6/month and go up to $22/month. You can also buy an unbundled digital PowerPoint account for $159.99

PowerPoint Online is free on any device, including mobile.

Most, if not every, computer user knows how to work a PowerPoint. The traditional sidebar interface is easy to use simply because it's familiar. But for people who are using PowerPoint for the first time, there might be a slight learning curve.

Creating a presentation in PowerPoint.

Businesses, individuals, students, teachers and anyone who uses a Windows PC or device. PowerPoint is also a good fit for people who want to create simple, conventional presentations, and aren't looking for fancy new features or capabilities.

There are dozens of themes that come built-in with PowerPoint, and there are all customizable so you can play around with the styles.

You can browse stock images, icons, stickers and more by searching for relevant keywords in PowerPoint's graphic library.

best presentation software - powerpoint graphic library

Videos and GIFs can be uploaded from your computer. You can also embed videos from YouTube and other online sources. However, this feature is only available to Windows users.

You can upload audio files from your computer. You can also record audio directly inside PowerPoint and edit the settings for playback.

You can embed files created in other Microsoft Office applications, such as charts created in Excel, or any other programs that support Object Linking and Embedding (OLE.)

There are tons of animation and transition options available in PowerPoint, which can actually get confusing at times. However, if you know your way around these options, it gets easier to create a professional-looking slideshow.

There are both desktop and cloud versions of PowerPoint available.

You can download the PowerPoint mobile apps on both Android and iOS devices.

It's possible to share your presentation with specific people.

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation.

Brand kits are not available, but you can save custom themes.

Presentations cannot be shared to social media.

You can download your PowerPoint presentations in various formats, including PPTX and PDF. This makes it easy to access them on any device offline.

You can mark your presentations as read-only to prevent users from editing the file.

This feature is not available in PowerPoint.

best presentation software - The Ludus home page.

Ludus is one of the best-looking presentation tools available online. The main attractions with Ludus are the clean black screen to edit on and the number of integrations that give importing capabilities for all sorts of content. From photography to .svg to code builds.

Ludus starts at $14.99/month for teams of 1-15 people. Teams that need more licenses are encouraged to contact for more pricing information. Ludus does offer a 30-day free trial.

Ludus is quite easy to use and includes lots of keyboard shortcuts. It is easy to learn how to use and pretty straightforward. It seems to be easier for designers than for non-designers to use.

The Ludus interface.

This presentation software is geared more towards designers or business owners who have some design knowledge to totally be able to use the broad capabilities.

There are no templates to choose from. You have to start from scratch or use smart blocks that you can create to use over and over easily. Smart blocks are kept in their own library.

Ludus has minimal in-house graphic assets like simple shapes, but the integrations are epic. You can import .svg icons and edit them inside Ludus quite easily. Photos can also be imported via Unsplash, Instagram, Facebook or uploaded.

Uploading graphics to Ludus.

Videos and GIFs are easily imported via the integrations like YouTube, Vimeo, Giphy and more.

Uploading videos to Ludus.

Audio can be embedded as an audio file from SoundCloud, Dropbox and other integrations.

You can pretty much embed anything into Ludus. The integrations are impressive and there are also iframe and HTML options.

Embedding third-party content with Ludus.

Internal elements can’t be animated but there are so many integrations that animations can be done in different ways.

Ludus is a cloud-based app. No need to download anything.

Presentations can only be edited on computers. Finished presentations can be viewed on all handheld devices that have access to the internet via a URL link.

Collaborations are possible with the team plans. This includes live collaboration, workspaces and more.

With collaborations, smart blocks and the Brandfetch integration, a brand kit can be organized quite easily. But it’s not an internal feature.

How to set up a brand kit in Ludus.

Finished presentations can be easily shared to social media straight from Ludus.

Sharing a presentation in Ludus.

Ludus presentations can be downloaded as .pdf or .html to be viewed offline.

Pro Plans have password protection.

There are no analytics or lead generation capabilities available in Ludus.

best presentation software - The Slides home page.

Slides is the only presentation software that promotes itself as being “pixel perfect” as the editor includes a built-in grid to help with composition. Slides has a lower cost at the highest price tag which is good for smaller businesses.

Slides is free to use, but finished presentations will be public and available. 

The paid plans start at $5/month, and the Pro plan sits at $10/month and go up to $20/month for features like unlimited collaborators, privacy, shared media library and Google Analytics.

Slides is very easy to use, the editing board is minimal but all tools are at easy reach. No need to get confused with Slides. There are no templates so presentations are built from scratch.

best presentaion software - The Slides interface.

Small business owners or startups. Individuals that know what they want and don’t need templates to help them along. Also for developers because it has HTML and CSS building capabilities.

Slides has a very limited template library with just a handful of different options to choose from.

The available shapes and icons are common and minimal. Photos have to be uploaded or imported from a URL.

slides presentation software presentation tool graphic assets

Videos and GIFs are easy to add. Videos can be uploaded or linked and GIFs can be uploaded as .gif or .mp4 as video.

Including audio is not possible with Slides.

Anything with code can be added in an iframe.

Embedding third-party content with Slides.

All elements and features can be animated to fade in, fade out etc. Length of duration can be customized.

best presentation software - slides animation

Slides is a cloud-based presentation software that can only be used online.

Slides can be used on the computer and handheld devices. To edit and to view.

Paid plans have very capable collaboration possibilities. Users can leave comments with feedback for the creator to review and make edits.

slides presentation software presentation tool collaboration tools

There is no set section for a brand kit but branded decks can be created and then cloned to use as a template.

Yes, quite easily.

slides presentation software presentation tool share to social media

You can also share presentations via URL, email or embeddable code.

best presentaion software - The Slides sharing capabilities

A Slides presentations can be downloaded as a ZIP file with an .html file inside that can be viewed offline on any browser.

Privacy and Analytics

Possible with paid plans.

This is not possible on Slides.

8 Slidebean

Best Presentation Software Slidebean

Slidebean is an easy-to-use presentation software with interesting templates and customizable content blocks.

The highlight of this presentation software is that it uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you put together the best possible slide layouts and configurations. They also have a team of experts that can both write and design your pitch deck for you if you don't want to take the DIY route.

The free plan has limited capabilities but it's enough to see how Slidebean works. To export your presentation, you'll need to upgrade.

There are three price levels from $8/month to $19/month to $149/month. The last one is the Founder's Edition plan, which includes help from the experts on your presentations.

If you choose to get their help on your presentation design, it starts at $29 per slide or $1,999 for the full project.

Slidebean is quite easy to use. You can choose between templates or start from scratch. Adding content is simple and to the point from a popup.

Editing can be done in outline or design mode. The editing is limited to how the content blocks are set up, but there are lots of choices. There's no free size changing or moving around.

Best Presentation Software Slidebean interface

Startups, small businesses and entrepreneurs.

There are plenty of template options. They are organized in sections and niche. The template collection has presentations by known brands like Snapchat and Buzzfeed.

Best Presentation Software Slidebean templates

There are plenty of icons and images to choose from. However, there are no shapes, but icons can be used as shapes.

best presentation software - slidebean icons

GIFs can be added via the Giphy integration in a content block. Video can be added in the paid plans.

best presentation software - slidebean gifs

There are no audio capabilities.

The code snippet content block has lots of options so a lot of different kinds of third-party content can be added in.

best presentation software - slidebean code

Content blocks and their elements can be animated with a couple features.

Slidebean is an online program on the cloud.

It can be used to edit or view on any device.

Collaboration is possible in the paid plans.

Best presentation Software slide bean sharing capabilities

This feature is available in the paid plans.

Sharing to Social Media

Best presentation Software slide bean

Slidebean presentations can be exported to download as both .pdf and .html files to view offline.

This feature is not available.

Analytics are available in the paid plans.

9 Zoho Show

Best Presentation Software Show

Zoho Show is a presentation software that mimics Microsoft PowerPoint in the way it is set up, with a menu up top for all the actions. However, Zoho's version is much nicer and polished.

Zoho is a complete CRM for businesses and the company offers different types of apps for teams and office use — Zoho Show is only one of their programs.

Zoho show is completely free and without ads.

Zoho Show is pretty easy to use. The content blocks can be chosen as themes but they can also be moved around freely and resized. The presentation can be viewed in three ways, with a handy grid view to see all slides next to each other.

Best Presentation Software Show

Businesses, entrepreneurs, educators and students. Anyone who needs to make a presentation.

There aren’t exactly templates, but there are themes. These do not come with images or lorem ipsum but are more like visual canvases that can be customized in terms of color, layout and more.

Best Presentation Software Show

The shapes are pretty good, there are quite a bit to choose from. An added bonus is the possibility to draw shapes or scribble anything yourself with the trackpad.

best presentation software - zoho show graphic library shapes

Videos can be added via the YouTube integration and GIFs can be added as an image.

Audio can be added via Soundcloud with an embed code.

There are a number of sites that are supported via Embed codes but not that many. Zoho Show says that you can ask your needs to be added in the permitted list.

All elements and transitions can be animated.

Best Presentation Software Show

Zoho Show is a cloud bases program and can be broadcast from anywhere and on any device. The live broadcast includes a chat window and the audience can download the presentation if they want to.

You can only create presentations on a computer.

Teams can easily use Zoho Show, even in the free version.

Custom branding is only available in the highest paid plan.

Sharing to social media is not possible unless downloaded as a PDF file and then uploaded to something like SlideShare.

Best Presentation Software - Show sharing capabilities

Presentations can be downloaded as .pptx or .pdf files for offline viewing.

Yes, this is possible on all plans.

Analytics are possible on the paid plans.

zoho show presentation software presentation tool sales dashboard


Best Presentation Software is a presentation software that helps you create great-looking slides with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This means that your presentation will look professional every single time, regardless of who designs it. currently offers a Pro plan at $12/month and a Team plan at $40/month, both billed annually. They offer a 14-day free trial to test out their tool.

This is probably the best thing about — it's incredibly simple to use. All you need to do is add smart slides, plug in your content, and choose from different preset layouts.

Of course, that also means that you have limited customization options. But if you're looking for a simple solution and you don't trust your design skills, this may be a good option for you.

Best Presentation Software interface is a great tool for absolute beginners and non-designers who are looking for a no-nonsense presentation software.

For example, startups and entrepreneurs can use this software to create a nice-looking pitch deck or proposal quickly without any design help.

There are a handful of slide themes available, but they're mostly basic in terms of design. You can play around with the layouts inside each theme to put together a unique presentation.

Best Presentation Software templates

The graphic assets library comes with a bunch of free stock photos and icons to choose from, but the options are pretty limited.

Videos and GIFs can be uploaded from your computer. You can also import videos from YouTube and Vimeo to embed in your slides.

Audio can be uploaded from your computer.

It's not possible to embed third-party content into presentations. However, you can add interactive links to your slides.

Each slide comes with a preset animation style that you're unable to customize. However, you can change the speed, timing and triggers for the animations. is a cloud-based application.

The software only works on your desktop computer.

You can invite people to collaborate on your presentation by either giving them "view" or "edit" access. Collaborators must have a account to view or edit the presentation.

While there's no brand kit feature available, you can customize a theme (colors and fonts) and save it to your library to use in future presentations.

There are several options to share your presentations. Send an email invite, share a public or private link, generate an embed code or share directly to social media.

Best Presentation Software

You can export your presentations to PDF or PowerPoint to view offline.

There is no password protection, but you can use the Secure Viewing option to only share your presentation with other users via an email invite.

This feature is only available in the paid plans. You can access a number of viewing and usage statistics for your presentations.

This feature is not available in

11 Genially

Best Presentation Software Genially

The main idea behind the Genially presentation software is interactivity.

This program is good not only for presentations and video presentations but also for other visual graphics. It’s great for adding a modern, interactive feel to your presentations.

There is a free plan in Genially, which gives you unlimited creations but limited resources. The paid plans are as follow, paid yearly:

  • Pro: $7.49 / month
  • Master: $20.82 / month
  • Team: $79.15 / month

Genially is easy to use if you are accustomed to programs with lots of choices. There is a lot that can be done with the features in Genially.

Any change can be applied to all slides with a single click of the button in the menu. When editing, there is a "design view" and a "layers view."

Best Presentation Software Genially interface

Professionals and educators of any field who can benefit from interactive presentations.

There are plenty of template options. Some are free and some are only available via the premium plans. Presentation templates are also available as "video presentations."

Best Presentation Software Genially templates

The graphic assets in Genially are quite varied; there is plenty to choose from. Images can be uploaded or found on the Pixabay integration.

Best Presentation Software Genially graphic assets

Videos can be added via a YouTube link and GIFs can be imported with the Giphy integration.

Audio can be uploaded from your computer, added via SoundCloud and a couple of other integrations, or recorded directly in Genially.

Third-party content can be added to your presentations with Genially integrations. For example, you can add an interactive map via Google Maps.

best presentation software - A screenshot of third-party embed options in Genially.

All elements can be animated, as can the transitions between slides. Animation effects are quite extensive. There is a similar tab called “interactivity,” which are pop-ups and hyperlinks supplied with lots of button choices.

best presentation software - A screenshot of animation capabilities in Genially.

Genially is a cloud-based presentation program.

This program is only available to edit on computers but can be viewed on any device.

It seems that a professional plan allows 5 team members, but the pricing plan shows that all plans have collaborative capabilities. Collaborators can be added in the dashboard where  all creations are stored.

Brand kits are available in the premium plans. It is an internal feature with easy access.

Finished presentations can be shared to social media.

best presentation software - Genially sharing capabilities

Finished presentations can be downloaded as a set of .jpg images, as a .pdf or as an .html5 file which will keep all animations.

Premium plans have these features.

This is not available in Genially.

Best Presentation Software Canva

Canva is not only a presentation software but also a full editing program for all visual needs. Presentation creation is only one of the possibilities with Canva. It has become a favorite with bloggers and home-based businesses.

The free version of Canva is pretty extensive. The only restrictions are the use of premium resources that can be either bought separately or through the Canva Pro plan. Canva Pro is charged at $12.99/month or $119.99/year.

Canva Teams is $14.99/month + $14.99/month for every team member after the 5th.

Canva is easy to use as all elements are easy to find and are mostly customizable. Presentations are viewed scrolling; there is no master view and you can’t change something on all slides at once.

Best Presentation Software Canva user interface

Bloggers, small home-based businesses and startups

There are lots of customizable template options, and each slide inside the templates can be used individually.

best presentation software - canva templates

There are plenty of options in the graphic assets library, including shapes, icons, photos, frames and stickers. Some are free, while others are paid.

Best Presentation Software Canva - graphic assets

Videos and GIFs can be uploaded to Canva.

You can add music to your presentations using the available options inside Canva.

Canva offers dozens of integrations and media embed options, including YouTube, Google Maps, Vimeo, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and more.

There are several animation options that apply to entire slides inside Canva. You can also add animated stickers to your slides.

Canva is a cloud-based app. Presentations can be seen on any device.

Canva is available as an iPhone app and an android app for editing capabilities.

Presentations can be shared for editing with team members.

Best Presentation Software Canva collaboration

Canva Pro has a brand kit feature.

Best Presentation Software Canva - brand kit

Presentations can be shared on Twitter and Facebook.

Best Presentation Software Canva - share on social

Presentations can be downloaded as a group of .png or .jpg images or as a .pdf. You can also download it as an MP4 video for offline viewing.

All designs on Canva are private unless they are made public or shared via a link. There is no password-protected sharing though.

These features are not available in Canva.

While Canva offers a wide range of features for various visual design needs, you can explore better alternatives to find solutions that may better fit your requirements. If you want to explore other options, read our article about 12 excellent Canva alternatives .

13  FlowVella

Best Presentation Software Flowvellla

FlowVella is a downloadable presentation software that can be used offline. The main attraction of FlowVella is the Kiosk Mode, in which you can create interactive presentations like the ones used in museums or information counters at malls or hotels.

FlowVella is free to try out. You can use it free forever but the options are limited and the finished presentations has a watermark. P aid plans are as follows:

  • Premium : $10/month or $60/year
  • Pro : $20/month or $200/year
  • Enterprise : Upon request

FlowVella is pretty easy to use, and the controls are straightforward and uncomplicated.

Best Presentation Software Flowvellla

This presentation software is for professionals and educators that need to be able to create presentations offline. Also for those who can take advantage of the Kiosk Mode.

The template options are quite varied and well designed.

Best Presentation Software Flowvellla

The graphic assets library is very limited. Photographs and images need to be uploaded from your computer.

Videos can be uploaded or found via YouTube, iCloud and Dropbox integrations when online. GIFs can be added as images.

best presentation software - flowvella video

Audio can be uploaded from your computer, or added via iCloud or Dropbox.

You can add PDF files.

Only the transitions are animated minimally.

This is a desktop-based application. It must be downloaded.

There are iPad and device apps available for editing on those devices as well.

Paid premium plans can work with teams.

Brand kits are not available.

Presentations can be shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Since this is a desktop application, offline viewing is not a complication.

These features are available in the paid plans. Analytics can be viewed once the presentation has been published online.

best presentation software - flowvella analytics

This feature is not available on FlowVella.

14  Haiku Deck


Haiku Deck is a presentation software that is straightforward with a simple interface that makes quick and practical presentations. Presentations can be created on the computer and on mobile devices.

Haiku Deck can be tried for free with one available presentation. The Public plan is USD 7.99 a month, Pro plans are USD 9.99 a month billed annually and USD 19.99 billed monthly, and Premium plans are USD 29.99 a month.

Haiku Deck is quite easy to use and menus are easy to follow. There are word size limiters and specific text placement choices for each slide. Charts are simple to create and can be customized. The editor can be connected via cloud to all devices. The new addition, Zuru, is an Artificial Intelligence system that creates creative presentations from simple PowerPoint files or outlines.

best presentation software - Haiku interface

The Haiku Deck presentation software is geared mostly toward educators and classrooms. Businesses and bloggers can also use it for practical purposes.

Templates on Haiku Deck are more like an inspiring collection of photographs for a specific niche with some suggestions on where to place the text and what charts to include.

best presentation software - Haiku templates

The available graphic assets library in Haiku Deck are millions of photographs, numerous font choices and charts and graphs.

best presentation software - Haiku graphic assets

YouTube videos can be embedded easily in a Haiku Deck. GIFs cannot be added to Haiku Decks but a finished presentation can be turned into a video or into a GIF.

Narrations and voice overs are easily recorded on a presentation in Haiku Deck.

Only videos can be embedded.

Features can't be animated in Haiku Deck

Desktop or Cloud / Available to Create on Multiple Devices

Haiku Deck is a cloud-based app that is available for editing and viewing on your laptop and also as an app on phones and tablets.


Haiku decks can be downloaded as .pptx files for offline viewing.

Presentations can be easily shared to social media from the editor.


Haiku Deck offers team possibilities upon request.

There is no brand kit, but you can add your logo to the finished product.

Pro and Premium plans have private and password-protected capabilities.


Premium plans have analytics for who has viewed your presentations.

Emails cannot be captured with Haiku Deck but slides and presentations can be sent with invitations to your existing email contacts.

15  Microsoft Sway

best presentation software - sway

Microsoft has its own alternative to PowerPoint — Sway.

This online presentation software is completely different from PowerPoint and introduces a new concept of building "Sways" instead of "presentations."

Sway is free to use for anyone who has a Microsoft account.

It's super easy to use Sway and kind of fun too. It has a non-traditional storyline editor, which lets you add "blocks" of content that the software configures into layouts.

best presentation software - sway storyline editor

Sway is mostly for people who don't want to spend too much time designing a complex presentation. For example, students and nonprofit organizations.

There are several templates for different purposes, such as photo slideshows, sales trainings and even personal portfolios.

You can upload your own media or search from various sources inside Sway, including Flickr and Bing Images. There are no shapes and icons included.

best presentation software - sway graphic library

You can upload videos from your device or embed from YouTube.

You can add audio to Sway by uploading or dragging and dropping the audio file onto your storyline from your computer.

You can embed images, videos, maps and other content from tons of websites, including Google Maps, Soundcloud, Twitter, Facebook and more.

Sway automatically adds animations to your slides. You cannot change or customize them; you can only increase or decrease the level of animation added to your Sway.

Sway is an online, cloud-based software.

Sway works on any device with an internet browser.

You can invite people to view or edit your Sway presentation.

Sway presentations can be shared directly to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

You can download your Sway as a Word or PDF file to view offline.

There is no password protection available, but you can choose to share your Sway with specific people, anyone with a link or only people in your organization who have a link.

You can view reader statistics for your Sway if you have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription.

This feature is not available in Microsoft Sway.

Presentation Software FAQs

Still have questions? We've compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the best presentation tools available.

Q. Which Is the Best Software for Making Presentations?

There are many presentation tools out there but Visme stands out as a top pick and a creative presentation app with a full suite of advanced features tailored to the needs of individual users and businesses. Visme offers real-time collaboration, interactive and animated elements, hyper-customization options, robust data visualization tools and a brand wizard to maintain brand consistency across your presentations.

Q. What Is Better Than PowerPoint?

Visme is often considered a top presentation software and offers several advantages as a PowerPoint alternative software. Its intuitive interface and extensive template library make creating visually stunning presentations seamless, even for beginners. Visme's collaboration features are superior, allowing teams to work seamlessly. On top of that, Visme is packed with advanced interactive and animated elements to keep your audience hooked.

Q. Is PowerPoint or Prezi Better?

PowerPoint and Prezi each have strengths and are suited for different presentation styles. PowerPoint is easy to use, has a clear structure, and is widely available, making it suitable for traditional slide decks and formal presentations. On the other hand, Prezi excels at non-linear, visually engaging presentations with its zooming and panning features, making it ideal for creative or storytelling presentations. The best choice depends on your content, audience and desired presentation style.

Q. What Is the Best App to Do a Presentation On?

Visme offers a powerful presentation app that allows you to create, edit and present your slides from anywhere. Its mobile app is designed for on-the-go editing and presenting, ensuring you always have your presentation at your fingertips.

Q. Is Canva Better Than PowerPoint?

Canva and PowerPoint are tailored to suit the diverse preferences and requirements of different users.

Generally, Canva is known for its drag-and-drop interface, extensive library of design-focused templates and emphasis on visual appeal. It is an excellent choice for those who value aesthetics and want to create content quickly. On the other hand, PowerPoint offers more traditional features and is super flexible. It is often preferred due to its integration and compatibility with other Microsoft Office tools.

Q. What Is Replacing PowerPoint?

Visme is quickly gaining popularity as a PowerPoint replacement and a free presentation software with a user-friendly interface, tons of customization options, and powerful tools that make creating presentations a breeze. With a plethora of templates, interactive elements, and powerful data visualization tools, Visme empowers you to create presentations that truly captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression

Don't just take our word for it. Hear what Kendra Bradley, Graphic Content Developer at WOW!, has to say about Visme:

“Previously we were using PowerPoint, which is fine, but the interactivity you can get with Visme is so much more robust that we’ve all steered away from PowerPoint.”

“PowerPoint templates are plain and boring, and we want to create more fun and engaging content. Visme has multiple slide templates to choose from, which makes this so much easier.”

“I just made a deck recently and it took me about 15-20 minutes. I found a template I really liked and tweaked it and put it in our brand colors. In PowerPoint, it would take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.”

Read the full case study to learn how they streamlined their presentation creation process and found a better alternative than PowerPoint.

Looking for a Presentation Software?

Choosing the best presentation program for your business is a great first step towards better and more effective slide deck development. In this guide, you learned about 15 different types of presentation software and we gave you a checklist to help you decide.

If you're looking for an easy-to-use presentation maker that also comes with unique features that you won't find in most other tools, Visme might be a great option.

You can look for the right pricing plan for your needs and even apply for a discount if you're a nonprofit organization. And if you just want to try out Visme to see if it's a good fit, sign up for a free account and use it for as long as you like — no strings attached.

Which of these best presentation software options fits your needs? If you have any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you below.

Create stunning presentations in minutes with Visme

define digital presentation

Trusted by leading brands


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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

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10.2 Developing Digital Presentations

Learning objectives.

  • Recognize that PowerPoint slides are useful for creating digital presentations.
  • Know that you can develop digital presentations in class wikis, in Word files that are submitted through e-mail, in course management systems, in personal websites, and on films posted on the Internet or burned to a DVD.
  • Understand how links, video segments, and audio pieces are used in digital presentations.

As technology advances, the options for digital presentations Delivery of information that exists only in the virtual world without using paper. continue to grow. Digital presentations refer to methods of presenting your work in the virtual world without using paper. Some of the most common current options are included in this section. All the options can take advantage of links to other parts of the document as well as links to related locations on the Internet. Using such links is one way to take advantage of the capabilities available in digital work. The internal links A hyperlink within a document that leads to other locations within the document. allow readers to instantly access other sections of your paper. External links A hyperlink within a document that leads to locations outside of the document. lead to related text, videos, or audio pieces that are located on the Internet. Most of these digital options also allow you to embed video or audio segments so that the reader can simply click on a button or arrow to activate the segments. (For more on what’s at stake when you write for and publish on the web, also see Chapter 13 "Writing on and for the Web" .)

Creating PowerPoint Slides

PowerPoint is Microsoft Office software that has nearly become a standard presentation software. When you create PowerPoint slides to present your paper, you should use a small number of slides, typically less than ten. The slides should cover the most important aspects of your paper and should be at least somewhat visual in nature. PowerPoint also presents the option of textual and visual animation as well as audio components. In an effort to keep your slides as visual as possible, place bullets next to sentences whenever possible. Also, use fonts that are large enough for a group to read from a screen: 28 points or larger for base text and at least 36 points for headings.

Allow for ample white space on each slide. Without making the pages overwhelming, use color and visuals to add interest to the slides. If you do not have value-adding images, tables, or graphs that you can use, you can add color to the background, to text, or to text boxes.

You can add your voice and other audio to your slides. And you can create a slideshow that you can turn on and run automatically, presenting visuals and sound simultaneously. These capabilities allow you to create your entire presentation and run it without actually saying a word during the presentation. If you intend to run an automatic presentation, make sure you go through practice runs until the entire presentation works as you intend it to work.

Submitting Files Electronically

Chances are, you will create your paper using Microsoft Word, which has nearly evolved into the standard word processing software in higher education. If you’re not working in Word, save your file as a Word document or in a Word-like format your instructor and peers are likely to be able to open. You will likely be asked to submit your major essays digitally as e-mail attachments or through a digital dropbox A portal for uploading documents within a course management system. , file exchange Another feature of course management systems allowing students to submit their work. , or assignment area within the course management system your instructor or college is using, such as Blackboard. If you are asked to submit your essays digitally, you should assume your instructor and peers will be reading your work on a computer screen and quite possibly online. Therefore, your work can include links and imbedded audio and video components. If, on the other hand, you are asked to submit your essays in hard copy, you can’t make the same assumptions about how it is likely to be read and assessed. There’s nothing wrong with asking for permission to submit your work digitally if you prefer for it to be assessed in that context.

Posting on a Personal Website

You could present your work on your personal website using web features, such as homepages, navigation buttons, links to other sites, buttons that activate audio and video segments, and overall visual presentations. As a college student, you should only present your work this way when instructed to do so by your instructor. Since not all students have a personal website, this option is still not widely used as a means of presenting college work; however, some instructors are moving in this direction, especially as digital portfolios become an increasingly common expectation. (For more on digital portfolios, see Chapter 13 "Writing on and for the Web" , Section 13.4 "Creating an E-portfolio" .)

Working on a Class-Wide Wiki

Your instructor might have an online class site where you and your classmates can post your papers, review each other’s work, and edit your work. When the due date arrives, your instructor would then read your final version. In this case, your entire paper would function as a digital presentation. Your instructor can read through your paper, follow your links, and listen or watch video and audio segments you have included. Keep in mind that, unlike a course management system requiring a password and enrollment in the course, both personal websites and class-wide wikis may well be visible to anyone using the web. This fact should cause you some concern about the content you share and the way you choose to present yourself and your identity, but it can also provide a meaningful opportunity to write for external, real audiences.

Filming a Digital Presentation

Using video filming equipment, you could film yourself presenting your work and capture both audio and video. You could then upload your presentation to the Internet (via a common video sharing site like YouTube) or you could burn it to a DVD. If you want your digital films to include a variety of multimedia options, you would have to learn how to incorporate such features using the equipment available to you.

Key Takeaways

  • When using a PowerPoint slide to present your paper, you should use less than ten slides to cover the important aspects of your paper. PowerPoint presentations can include textual and visual animation as well as voice and other audio. PowerPoint gives you the opportunity to create an entire presentation and run it as a slideshow without you saying a word.
  • When you present your work digitally, you typically have the option of linking one part of your work to another or linking your work to relevant locations on the Internet. Within digital presentations, you can also often embed video and audio pieces.
  • You can digitally share your work by submitting Word files as e-mail attachments; using a digital dropbox, file exchange, or assignment features on course management systems; posting files on your personal website; using class wikis; or filming your presentation and then posting it on the Internet or burning it to a DVD.
  • Create two PowerPoint slides that contain the same basic information. Make one slide that uses the visual preparation suggestions in Section 10.2.1 "Creating PowerPoint Slides" and one that does not use those suggestions. Ask your classmates to identify the good and bad points about your two slides.
  • Create a PowerPoint slide that includes both audio and visual components. Demonstrate your slide’s functions for your classmates.
  • Write a two-page Word essay and include an internal link from the first page to a point on the second page and an external link to an Internet site. Demonstrate your links for your classmates and explain why the links are meaningful.
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What Is Digital Marketing? Types, Skills, and Careers

The internet has revolutionized marketing. Find out how you can leverage digital marketing to launch your career.

[Featured image] Several employees work on their laptops and desktop computers in a digital marketing agency.

Digital marketing , or online marketing , is a form of advertising that uses the internet and digital technologies to connect with customers. Rather than traditional media, such as print, radio, or television, digital marketing uses computers, mobile, social media, search engines, and other digital channels to reach consumers wherever they spend the most time.

Learn all you need to know about digital marketing, its methodologies, and how to get started in this career. If you're ready to build skills in this growing field, consider the Google Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Professional Certificate .

What is digital marketing? 

Digital marketing is a form of marketing that leverages the internet and digital technologies to connect with customers. Digital marketing can take on many forms, including videos, long-form content, social media posts, display ads , paid media , or email newsletters. Users can come across these digital marketing forms on computers, laptops, mobile devices, tablets, or mobile apps.

Over 60 percent of the global population is online, and more people are joining them every day [ 1 ]. That's why companies are now increasing their digital marketing budgets while traditional marketing gets slashed [ 2 ].

More than running a sponsored Instagram ad to drive sales, digital marketing includes strategies and best practices for interacting with customers at every stage of the buying journey.

Data plays a big part in digital marketing. With marketing analytics, marketers can collect valuable information by tracking a customer’s journey in real time and target specific audiences by tailoring content to their preferred digital channels . For example, Starbucks has collected data from their rewards mobile apps to help identify seasonal trends and create tailored promotions [ 3 ]. 

Watch this short video from Google's Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate on how digital marketing creates value:

7 types of digital marketing (with examples)

Digital marketers connect with potential customers through different channels. The following digital marketing channels, used by small companies and big businesses alike, remain among the most popular and impactful used today. 

1. Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique that seeks to improve the ranking of online material on search engines such as Google or Bing. If you have ever searched for something on Google, you’ve likely noticed that even the simplest search can yield millions of results. Yet, you probably rarely go past the first few suggestions, let alone the next page. 

In such a highly crowded space, digital marketers use SEO marketing to ensure that their webpages rank high in Google searches so that potential customers actually find their products or services online. Generally, SEO marketing targets organic search terms, meaning marketers create content that naturally aligns with and ranks for top search terms related to their product. Search engine marketing (SEM) strategies typically incorporate both organic and paid media, such as buying ads on Google.

Some common ways to go about SEO include:

Creating quality content that meets searcher intent 

Using keywords to help search engines identify relevant material

Using long-tail keywords (specific phrases that searchers use) to help content reach its target audience

Ensuring that content loads quickly and is compatible with mobile devices 

Data drives SEO marketing

In SEO marketing, you'll be in charge of monitoring data, such as the bounce rate or clickthrough rate , to measure how well a blog, product page, or social media post is doing. You'll need to become familiar with tools like SEMRush and Google Analytics, as well as business intelligence tools like Tableau and Looker to generate and analyze data from your organization.

Read more: What Is SEO Marketing? + How to Improve Your SEO

To explore the world of SEO, consider enrolling in the UC Davis Search Engine Optimization Specialization . This program covers Google SEO fundamentals, content and social tactics to boost SEO, and how to improve your website to rank higher in search.

2. Content marketing 

Content marketing connects with target audiences through original content, such as blogs, articles, and newsletters. It is often used to raise brand awareness through material that appeals to a particular audience.

Content marketing can take many forms across a range of digital media channels, including: 

Informative articles and blog posts 

Original videos

Newsletters (like Substack, Medium, or LinkedIn)

Read more: How to Develop a Content Strategy: Step-by-Step Guide

To build skills in making content that goes viral, consider enrolling in the Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content course . This program takes about four hours to complete and covers "sticky ideas," social influence and networks, word of mouth, and more.

3. Email marketing 

Marketers send out timely emails to large groups of people who have signed up for their contact list to inform potential customers of sales, discounts, and product launches. The impact of email marketing is clear: When used strategically, it can have an average return on investment (ROI) of 4,200 percent for every dollar invested [ 4 ].

Some common examples of emailing marketing include: 

Timed emails that raise brand awareness during holiday seasons 

Blast emails that inform recipients about upcoming sales events 

Targeted emails that send personalized offers and messages to specific groups on an email list 

4. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a digital marketing model that involves an advertiser paying a publisher each time their ads are clicked. Typically, the publisher is a website owner, search engine operator, or social media platforms, such as Facebook or Instagram .

Typical examples of PPC advertising include: 

Banner ads that flank web content on the sides or top of the page 

Social media ads that appear in the feeds of targeted audiences 

Ads that appear when a specific keyword is searched on a search engine, such as Google

5. Social media marketing 

Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok, to reach customers. It leverages the reach of social media channels with data-driven efforts to reach targeted consumers. 

Whether through computers, mobile devices, or mobile apps, social media offers the opportunity to reach a wide—and targeted—audience of possible consumers. 

Examples of social media marketing include:  

Videos posted onto social media as a part of a larger campaign, such as this 80s-themed music video produced by peanut company Planters for the holidays 

Pictures posted on Instagram that reflect a brand’s identity, such as Patagonia’s nature-filled Instagram account 

Watch this video to get a glimpse at how you can use YouTube to reach audiences.

6. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is when brands partner with popular social media influencers to promote products and services. Influencers use their expertise, experience, and content creation skills to connect with other social media users. Through their authentic and relevant content, influencers can drive traffic to the brands they represent and even inspire their audiences to purchase products and services.

Examples of influencer marketing include:

A fitness apparel brand that partners with fitness experts and coaches on social media to promote a new line of footwear

A cookware brand partners with food bloggers, bakers, and chefs on social media to promote a new kitchen appliance

Read more: What Is Influencer Marketing? How to Develop Your Strategy

7. Affiliate marketing

Similar to influencer marketing, affiliate marketing refers to when a business rewards third-party affiliates, often influencers or content creators, to promote the business's products and services. Typically, affiliates have used and enjoyed the product or service and create content on digital channels like social media, blogs, and email to tell their audience about their experience and entice them to buy. The affiliates then receive compensation such as a percentage of sales, free products, or other rewards.

Examples of affiliate marketing include:

Amazon Associates program, rewarding affiliates for promoting products sold on Amazon.

Health and wellness brands that reward affiliates for promoting products like vitamins, supplements, and health foods.

Read more: Affiliate Marketing: What It Is and How to Get Started

Digital marketing salary and job outlook 

Digital marketing is an in-demand field with a growing impact because it offers brands the opportunity to reach billions of people using the internet and social media today. 

On average, advertising, promotions, and marketing manager roles are projected to grow by 6 percent between 2022 and 2032, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics [ 5 ]. Glassdoor estimates that the average annual salary for a digital marketing manager in the United States is $122,999 as of May 2024 [ 6 ].

Building job-ready skills in an online course can be a great way to increase your earning potential. Consider the Digital Marketing Analyst Professional Certificate from Unilever.

How to become a digital marketer

Digital marketers need to be familiar with marketing, business, communications, and digital technologies, as well as different types of digital marketing. You'll need to be creative, strategic, and analytical. To get started in digital marketing, here are some steps you can take:

1. Gain digital marketing skills.

Many employers prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree in either business or communications , but a degree isn’t always necessary, especially if you have the right skills. You can build digital marketing skills by taking courses or getting a certification in various areas of digital marketing. Here are some skills to prioritize:   


Collaboration with designers, strategists, and product developers

Creative thinking

Data analysis and familiarity with marketing analytics

Social media marketing

Content creation

Mobile marketing

Video editing

Generative AI

2. Complete digital marketing projects.

This is a great way to apply your digital marketing skills and education, explore your abilities in this dynamic field, and gain real-world experience. Projects might include:

Build an online store through an e-commerce platform and improve its SEO .

Create a social media influencer campaign.

Help a small business improve their paid ad strategy

As you complete projects, be sure to compile a portfolio that showcases your best work and update your online presence, including your LinkedIn profile , personal website, and social media accounts.

3. Look for entry-level digital marketing jobs.

Getting an entry-level digital marketing job is the next step in breaking into the field and set yourself up for career growth. To find a digital marketing job at the entry level, scour Glassdoor, Indeed, and other career sites for roles like social media coordinator, digital marketing specialist, entry-level content strategist, marketing data associate, and marketing assistant. Improve your resume and practice your interviewing skills .

Here are some additional resources for your job search:

How to Get a Job in Digital Marketing

How to Get Your First Job: A Guide

Digital Marketing Career Learning Path

Start Your Digital Marketer Career

Advance your digital marketing skills with Coursera

A career in digital marketing is possible with the proper preparation, training, and approach. Start building the skills that companies are looking for and earn a credential inside one of Coursera's professional certificates:

The Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate is a great option for learning the breadth of the digital marketing world, from email marketing and social media, to marketing analytics and e-commerce stores.

To focus on social media platforms and how to get the most out of them, consider the Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate .

To explore the role of digital analyst, consider the Unilever Digital Marketing Analyst Professional Certificate .

Article sources

Coursera. " Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce ," Accessed May 22, 2024.

Statista. " Change in digital marketing spending and traditional advertising according to CMOs in the United States from 2012 to 2023 ,” Accessed May 22, 2024.

Forbes. “ Why Utilizing Data in Your Digital Marketing Strategy Is So Essential ,” Accessed May 22, 2024.

Jobs. “ Mind-Blowing Digital Marketing ROI Statistics (2022) ,” Accessed May 22, 2024.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics. " Occupational Outlook Handbook: Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers ," Accessed May 22, 2024.

Glassdoor. " Digital Marketing Manager Salaries ,,25.htm." Accessed May 22, 2024.

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  1. How to Create the Best Digital Presentations

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  2. What is Digital Presentation?

    define digital presentation

  3. Why Digital Presentations? by Nathan Filbert

    define digital presentation

  4. Ultimate Digital Presentations Guide: Tips & Tricks [Example]

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  5. 10 Ways To Bring Your Digital Presentation to Life

    define digital presentation

  6. Use Digital Presentation PowerPoint Template

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  1. What Is a Digital Presentation & How to Get Good At It

    A presentation is a slide-based visual storytelling aid. It's used for transferring information and emotion to an audience with visual, vocal, and textual communication. The purpose of a presentation is to help the audience understand a subject matter. Presentations are used in business, academics, and entertainment.

  2. What is Digital Presentation?

    A digital presentation is a concise and interactive way to share information, using digital tools and technology. It combines text, images, graphics, and multimedia elements to effectively communicate ideas or deliver a message. In today's digital age, digital presentations play a crucial role in various industries, including business ...

  3. What is Digital Presentation: A-to-Z Guide for Beginners!

    A digital presentation is a way of sharing information or ideas using digital tools and technology. It involves using software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote to create slides that can be shown on a screen. Digital presentations have benefits like looking good, being flexible, interactive, and easy to share.

  4. What is a Virtual Presentation? Tips, Tricks, and More

    Virtual presentations can be used as a learning tool to develop your workforce and introduce them to new ideas and ways of working. Some businesses utilize digital training documents for this purpose, but there's little scope for interactivity here. With virtual presentations, you're giving yourself the chance to connect with remote teams.

  5. Everything you need to know about multimedia presentations

    In a marketing presentation, animations can show how a product evolves or highlight its unique features. Music: Music sets the mood and tone of your presentation. It can create excitement, relaxation, or suspense. In a fashion show presentation, music may compliment the models' walk down the runway, enhancing the overall experience.

  6. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

    Step #4: Add multimedia content. At this stage, your presentation probably looks good-looking, but static. Let's make it interactive by adding unique multimedia presentation tools. Start adding multimedia content to the slides that need it.

  7. 20 Ways to Create an Interactive Presentation That Stands Out

    1 Start your interactive presentation with an icebreaker. The first step is creating a rapport with your audience. You can do this by helping them to get to know you a little better and get to know each other as well. The way you go about this will depend on the size of your audience.

  8. 7 keys to powerful digital presentations in business

    Presenting face to face is often an onerous task for even the most experienced business professional. Now we are increasingly called on to do it digitally. - Get close to the camera, but not too close. - Make eye contact, project energy and make it interactive. - Eliminate distractions. - Choose the right background.

  9. 10.2 Developing Digital Presentations

    Digital presentations refer to methods of presenting your work in the virtual world without using paper. Some of the most common current options are included in this section. All the options can take advantage of links to other parts of the document as well as links to related locations on the Internet. Using such links is one way to take ...

  10. Digital presentation skills: 10 tips & tricks

    9. Looks matter. In digital presenting, your message is the most important! But your looks also play a role. You have to put in a little more effort in order to clearly convey facial expressions on the screen and leave a good and lasting impression on your online audience.

  11. How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

    Apply the 10-20-30 rule. Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it! 9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule. Simplicity is key.

  12. Digital Poster : NSE Communication Lab

    Just like a printed poster, a digital poster is a visual aid to help you share your technical work at a poster session. The main difference is that a digital poster allows you to include dynamic content. For instance, you can embed multimedia files (GIF files, videos with audio, etc.) as well as control what information is shown throughout your ...

  13. What is a multimedia presentation?

    Multimedia presentation meaning. A multimedia presentation can be explained as a presentation including information and data that is presented by video, images, and animation, or a digital presentation that includes audio, narration, music, and sound effects to deliver your messages to the audience. You can create introductory multimedia ...

  14. Powerful and Effective Presentation Skills

    Effective communications skills are a powerful career activator, and most of us are called upon to communicate in some type of formal presentation mode at some point along the way. For instance, you might be asked to brief management on market research results, walk your team through a new process, lay out the new budget, or explain a new ...

  15. What is a Presentation?

    A Presentation Is... A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. A presentation can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other 'speaking engagements' such as making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across ...

  16. Create Narrated Presentation

    1: Create an outline. Find articles and research your topic thoroughly. Create an outline of your presentation. Don't immediately start designing your slides, instead work loosely on note cards or sticky notes to jot down your main points and ideas. This will help you quickly sort your ideas, so you can see how the presentation will flow.

  17. Presentation program

    In computing, a presentation program (also called presentation software) is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It has three major functions: [ 1] an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted. a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images and media clips.

  18. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  19. Presentation Definition & Meaning

    presentation: [noun] the act of presenting. the act, power, or privilege especially of a patron of applying to the bishop or ordinary for instituting someone into a benefice.

  20. The Essential Components of Digital Transformation

    The digital revolution forced every organization to reinvent itself, or at least rethink how it goes about doing business. Most large companies have invested substantial cash in what is generally ...

  21. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    You need high-quality business presentation software to take your slides to the next level. Some of the best presentation software include Visme, Haiku Deck, Prezi, Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva and Google Slides. In this comparison guide, we'll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you ...

  22. Developing Digital Presentations

    Know that you can develop digital presentations in class wikis, in Word files that are submitted through e-mail, in course management systems, in personal websites, and on films posted on the Internet or burned to a DVD. Understand how links, video segments, and audio pieces are used in digital presentations. As technology advances, the options ...

  23. What Is Digital Marketing? Types, Skills, and Careers

    Digital marketing, or online marketing, is a form of advertising that uses the internet and digital technologies to connect with customers. Rather than traditional media, such as print, radio, or television, digital marketing uses computers, mobile, social media, search engines, and other digital channels to reach consumers wherever they spend ...