essay writing on criminal law

Criminal law is all about setting the rules and regulations for society related to what’s legally allowed and what’s not. Students pursuing this study mainly focus on various legislative approaches set for the criminal world. But when it comes to writing a criminal law essay, it gets tricky because it demands you to work on its legal rules and analyse them carefully. Students mostly find it extremely tough due to no room for a mistake there.

The following are some important statistics related to criminal law:

  • The market size of legal services in 2024 is $786.51 billion , which will grow by a CAGR of 4.52%, reaching 08 billion during 2024-2029.
  • The market size of crime risk reports was USD 6 billion in 2023 , which will grow to 10.12 billion by 2024 , with a CAGR of 17.7%.

Coming back towards criminal law essay writing, even the most intelligent students sometimes get lower grades in such tasks. It mostly happens due to a lack of knowledge and skills and not getting enough guidance from the instructors. In such cases, getting assistance from expert essay writers is preferable. They have the best essay writing skills, which is crucial for criminal law and morality essays to ensure 100% success.

In this step-by-step guide, we will discuss writing a perfect criminal law essay and also explore its topics and trending questions.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Criminal Law Essay Writing

Wondering how to write a criminal law essay? Follow the steps given below for a complete guide on your essay writing:

Just like the initial preparations that we often do before a function, essay writing also demands prewriting preparations. It is the phase in which students spend select their topic of research and make a proper plan to write their essays. However, you need to carefully select a topic of your choice for your criminal law essay. Right after selecting your essay topic, you should start doing research on it to cover this topic from every aspect. It will help you to fully understand your topic which will help you in the writing phase.

After that, make a proper structure for your essay and write a first draft of it. Then, give proper time for its editing and proofreading phase for success. You should also explore some strong and weak points of your topic to add more value to your essay. By following all these prewriting steps, you will be ready to start moving towards the actual essay writing.

Criminal Law Essay Structure

Just like any other law essay, criminal law also demands a complete focus on the basic essay structure to cover all the necessary criminal law essay questions and answers. For proper structure and formatting, you should consult your institute for the guidelines. A common structure that we often use for essay writing consists of the following parts:

  • Abstract (if needed)


  • Three or more body paragraphs
  • Analysis of your sources
  • Conclusions
  • Reference page

Start with Research and Analysis

Every masterpiece comes from extensive research on the topic. So, if you are serious about getting the best grades in your criminal law essay, you need to spend more time on this research phase to have a thorough understanding of the topic. In this journey, you should follow all the relevant books, literature, news, articles, journals, case laws and legal documents. Along with it, don’t forget to note down important points side by side related to your topic that you may need later.

After compiling all the data, you should examine the information for further investigation. You should find something crazy for your topic, like legal hearings, relevant case studies and arguments. Critically look at this available data from different aspects and note down all the advantages and disadvantages given in it.

Compose Your Essay Perfectly

For essay writing, you should look at the structure we have discussed above. The first step was writing a title page that mostly consisted of your name, essay topic, submission date, level of education and the name of your institute. After that, if your teachers require you to write an abstract, you should summarise the whole essay in one page for it. Then, the actual part of essay writing begins with an introduction that ends at the conclusion part.

To properly structure your criminal law essay, you should strictly follow these guidelines:

It is the actual beginning of your essay that focuses on the purpose of your study. First of all, introduce your topic of discussion, discuss the questions you will cover and then state your aims for this study. You should clearly add your thesis statement to clarify your main points of study here.

Your introduction should not be boring or confusing because it is the part that will attract your readers and encourage them to read it till the end. So, make the start of your criminal law essay engaging as much as you can.

Background Data

Here, you should add the research data relevant to your topic, such as background knowledge of the laws, case law, and legal precepts. This part shows that you have done enough research and know everything about your topic. So, to express your knowledge, you should understand it first and then state and prove your arguments with the already existing data.

Main Body Section

This is the middle part of your criminal law essay, which mostly consists of 3 or more paragraphs, typically depending on your topic and essay length. Make short and purposeful paragraphs here to concentrate on a different facet of the subject every time.

Also, provide a coherent and logical presentation of your points backed up by research-based data. During this whole process, you should keep focussing on creating a logical flow among all these paragraphs.

Analysis and Discussion

To properly discuss your topic, you should critically analyse all the legal points and arguments made in the essay’s main body. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each argument and discuss them as neutral. Your one-sided response will ruin your whole criminal law essay, so avoid doing such acts. Instead, you should discuss everything clearly to ensure your success in it.

It is the last writing phase where you should summarise the whole essay in a few words. It is not the abstract where we only present a summary. No, a good conclusion also includes a thesis statement and also highlights the main results of your essay. But at this point, you should avoid adding any new information because it will leave a negative impact. Furthermore, always prefer to focus on the importance of your results and also discuss the recommendations for further research here.

Add Proper References

Just like any other type of academic writing, criminal law essays also have some data from the existing knowledge that needs proper citations. You may have added a few points as proof of your answers. If you write them without giving credit to their actual authors, it will lead you towards plagiarism. Instead of doing this crime, we prefer to add references to all the data borrowed from others.

It will not only help you to avoid plagiarism but also adds more value and credibility to your criminal law essay. To add these references, you should use your institute’s citation style that your instructors have provided. It may include Chicago, MLA, APA, Harvard or any other. Furthermore, you should be consistent throughout this phase and use the same style for all the references used.

Go Through Editing and Proofreading

After finishing your first draft, give yourself some rest to ease your brain and nerves. After that, start revising and editing your criminal law essay with a fresh mind. You should read aloud to point out mistakes in your writing. To edit and proofread it well, you should mainly focus on removing all the typos, grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes. Also, make sure that you have properly followed your institute’s writing, citation and formatting styles.

For this purpose, you can also seek law essay writing help from a legal resource, as they have years of experience in this field. They have all the expertise to write and edit your essay excellently and ensure your top grades through their work.

Top 8 Criminal Law Essay Topics

We understand that finding the right topic becomes difficult for law students especially when they working on their criminal law essay. So, to ease your burden, we have come up with a list of unique but trending topics in this field. The following are the top 8 criminal justice essay topics:

  • Criminal Justice System Racism Issues
  • Exploring the Role of Voluntary and Involuntary Actions in Criminal Law
  • The Controversy Surrounding Involuntary Manslaughter
  • Comparing Key Differences and Implications for Civil Cases and Criminal Law
  • Delving into the Intersection of Morality and the Law in Criminal Justice Research
  • Understanding the Law Enforcement and Ramifications for Unlawful Killing
  • Analysing the Ethical, Legal, and Practical Considerations for the Death Penalty
  • Exploring the Purpose of Criminal Law Protection

Criminal Law Essay Examples

The following is an example taken from research about criminal law essay writing. Robin Antony Duff from the University of Stirling is its author:

How to Answer a Criminal Law Essay Question?

As a law student, you must understand the basics behind criminal law and should have the essay-writing skills needed to solve the required questions. So, do you have a question to answer in your criminal law essay? Follow the following simplest guide on how to answer such questions:

  • First of all, you should read the assigned essay topic or question many times to understand what you have asked.
  • If there are some facts or stats given, read and try to understand them.
  • You should mainly focus on the legal issue that your question is talking about.
  • Think about or even write some relevant laws that you know about such criminal issues discussed in the given question.
  • After that, you should list and analyse the important facts related to that particular legal problem.
  • Match the law to the facts and analyse what the outcome would be based on this combination.
  • In case you don’t understand what to do, you can seek guidance from UK-based essay writing services .

What is Criminal Law, and What is its Role?

Criminal law covers a wide range of legal matters, from minor offences to serious crimes like murder and fraud. American Public University defines criminal law as behaviours that threaten people’s safety and well-being. Within criminal law, there are various types of crimes, such as murder, theft, drug offences, and fraud, each with its own penalties.

The goal of criminal law is to keep society safe from harm caused by criminal acts. It is meant to stop individuals from doing crimes by punishing criminals for these false acts. It also helps to change their behaviours for an overall positive impact on society.

What is the Difference Between Civil and Criminal Law Essays?

  • Civil law: Civil law deals with the common disputes happening between two people or companies. In this type, the victim needs to compensate the affected ones. For example, Landlord issues, property disputes, divorce, and personal injury all come under civil law.
  • Criminal law: This is the branch of law that deals with the crimes or criminal offences that are committed against the whole population or society. As a result, those criminals get legal punishments from law establishment. For example, incarceration, fines and the death penalty in some major cases.

Bottom Line

We all are aware of the fact that criminal law plays a vital role in our society to upload various laws. When law students get to write on such an important topic, they mostly get poor grades in these criminal law essays.

So, we thought to provide you with a comprehensive guide about this essay writing that no one has discussed before. It will help you to simplify your essay writing process and make it more interesting. By following these expert tips and step-by-step guide, you will be all set on a journey towards success.

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Whodunit? Solving the Mystery of Writing a First-Rate Criminal Law Essay Exam

I was leaving the post office one day and I saw a license plate that was an acronym for Nancy Drew. I stopped to admire the plate because it immediately took me back to when I was young and would voraciously read Nancy Drew mystery novels. It reminded me that reading the books taught me how to solve mysteries. As a civil litigation attorney, I regularly apply that skill in my practice because, as I go from one case to the next, I solve one mystery at a time.  

Normally, the mystery is the extent of the wrongdoing by the opposing party. However, sometimes it is discovering the relevant facts that my client conveniently failed to share with me. Tapping into your inner sleuth will assist you with learning to write first-rate Criminal Law exam answers as well as answers in any other type of law school exam you may encounter.

Prepare to Solve Your Mystery

Preparation is essential to solving the mystery of writing a Criminal Law exam. As a law student, your preparation commences with reading and briefing all the assigned cases. This teaches you the law and how to reason. Further, it assists with preparing your study outline for the class. It also teaches you the discipline of IRAC, which is fundamental to law exam writing. 

Fleming’s is in a powerful position to assist with your law school exam preparation - as demonstrated by one of our law students receiving the only known perfect score on a Criminal Law Bar exam. The student who wrote the answer implemented what Fleming’s teaches when answering a Criminal Law exam, and the Bar Examiners rewarded him with a perfect 100 score for his presentation.  

So that you can see Fleming’s law exam methods and techniques at work for yourself, I recommend reading our recent article about this student’s impressive accomplishment: 

Bar Examiners Give Fleming’s Law Student a Perfect Score on His Essay Exam Answer  

The question, along with the student’s perfectly scored answer, is appended at the end of the article. You, too, can achieve this result with Fleming’s at your side.

Every Sleuth Needs a Partner

As Nancy Drew had her Bess Marvin, every sleuth needs a partner. For law students, legal study supplements are your Bess Marvin sidekick. Fleming’s has a wide array of supplements that can assist law students with course substantive law outlines as well as fail-safe methods and techniques for law exam writing .  

I highly recommend Fleming’s Sail Through Law School with The Exam Solution® for Criminal Law because it provides a four-hour substantive law lecture, a substantive law outline, and three essay exams with sample California Bar exam answers. This is all you need to tie together everything about the subject that you are learning in the classroom. Reviewing Bar exam answers is invaluable because they assist with how to format, weigh issues, and write persuasive analysis. One of my former students conveyed that the resources from this series really helped her prepare for her recent midterms.  

Identify the Suspects

Now that you are ready to commence your law exam writing, you must start with identifying your suspects. Therefore, the first thing you do is read the call of the question. Read it at least twice because it is imperative to understand the scope of your investigation. You must headnote and write on each call of the question separately because failure to do so will result in a failing grade. 

Examine the Crime Scene

The next step of your investigation is to examine the crime scene, which is the fact pattern for the exam. Read it twice – concentrate solely on the facts. Read it again to prepare your issue outline as outlining is imperative to your success on the exam. It tells you how many issues you have to write on, which ones are major and minor, and how to allocate your writing time so you do not run short in finishing before time is called.

Map Out the Scope of Your Investigation

When writing law school or California Bar exam answers, you must write on the issues in the order that they are spotted in the fact pattern. You strategize this when outlining the exam, which is why outlining is so crucial to your success. 

When drafting your outline make four columns, one for each part of IRAC, to ensure that you write your answer in an orderly manner - including all the required crimes and defenses. 

The first column is for the issue, the next for the rule, then the facts for your analysis/application, and the last column for the conclusion. You should abbreviate whenever possible to keep your outline time between 15 – 20 minutes.  

The example below for outlining the issue of robbery is taken from Fleming’s Writing Workbook p. 43. 







(trespassory taking)

Slipped wallet from pocket



(carrying away)

Ran off


(personal property of another)

Amos’ wallet


(force or fear)

Stuck pipe in back

Amos raised arms

Don’t move or I will shoot


(specific intent to deprive)

Threw under streetlight

Expected Amos to find it

Now that you have examined the crime scene and created your outline, you are ready to write your essay answer. Think about what you want to say before beginning to write. This will help you formulate your thoughts and prevent you from rambling once you get started.

Write Your Investigation Report

A successful answer applies the relevant facts to each element of the rule to persuade the reader as to why the crime or defense succeeds or fails. What you are trying to do is answer the “why” or “why not” regarding each element of the rule, using the facts from the exam. 

As an initial matter, you must weigh the issues to ensure you have enough time for major issues such as homicide. A classic Criminal Law California Bar exam will contain a number of crimes and a homicide at the end. Generally, when there is a homicide, you will need 15 – 20 minutes to write on it because you must write on each required issue/subpart. If you run out of time to write a full homicide analysis, you will likely fail the exam because it is a heavily weighted issue. 

A superior answer will analyze the arguments of each party. You want to argue on behalf of the State first because it is prosecuting the case. Then you write the counterarguments for the defendant. 

Writing both sides will set you apart and increase your score because the majority of students only write on behalf of the prosecution. Developing this skill is essential as an attorney because you must always anticipate the arguments of the opposing party. 

There are certain issues that require writing on the common law rule as well as the modern rule or Model Penal Code. Burglary is a classic example. You must analyze common law burglary as well as the modern law distinctions because the burden of proof is lower. When writing on the insanity issue, you must always write on all four insanity excuses.  

You must write a one-sentence conclusion regarding each issue on the exam as well as an overall conclusion if required by the call of the question.

Justice Is Served

Writing a first-rate Criminal Law exam takes hard work and discipline. This can be achieved by stepping into the exam to spot and solve each mystery of whether or not the crime or defense succeeds or fails. 

Justice will be served when you write a first-class answer and receive your desired passing score. This will put you one step closer to going from law student to lawyer. 

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What Is Criminal Law and How to Write Criminal Law Essay

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essay writing on criminal law

A criminal law essay is a research paper or report based on a comprehensive review of criminal law regulations. Criminal law is a challenging field to specialize in with so many aspects: the state, court hearings, criminal records, rights of criminals, facts and figures. And on top of everything, writing criminal law essays with perfection is like fighting a case before becoming a lawyer. Students must go through a complete cycle of the process to finish their law degree.

A criminal law essay examines specific cases in which a legislative controversy arises. Criminal law, in particular, is an operational branch of state law that aids in the preservation of society’s safety and confidence. A significant amount of crime and violence threatens the balance and comfort of people’s lives in today’s world. Criminal lawyers are the people who take up such cases to regulate the sphere.

The variety of punishments demonstrates the negative consequences of illegal behaviors and how necessary it is for maintaining discipline and safety. Therefore, it is crucial to consider criminal law as a fundamental foundation for modernization and the provision of security and stability to the country’s citizens.

Law students are frequently asked to write essays, either on topics that have been assigned to them or on issues that they have chosen or in response to specific questions. Mainly in a law degree, the exam includes an essay section, meaning a student has to prepare for both the exam and the essay. In addition, they have to learn about the types of crime, criminal behavior, punishment and sentence period. Therefore, criminal law essay assignments are proposed to ensure students are familiar with their states and country’s laws and know how to apply them in a criminal case.

Even though law students are highly qualified and trained to take on any challenge, they sometimes need help with their studies. Unfortunately, students are left alone to fight the academic pressure which leads to a lot of stress. If you are in the same boat, you can reach out to us for law essay help and avail of professional service.

However, if the student wants to build a law essay from scratch, there will be different requirements depending on the university, and the type of essay students are writing. The first thing to constitute a first-class law essay is to gather all the information. Students must understand the differences between criminal law, criminology, legislation and the different types of criminal law. So, let’s learn about the types and what it takes to structure a criminal law essay.

Types of Criminal Law

Criminal law covers all sorts of crimes, but the crimes are mainly divided into two following types:

  • Misdemeanor

Criminal Law – Felony

Severe criminal cases are recorded under this type of criminal law. The punishment for severely offensive cases, types of crimes and criminals is imprisonment for a lifetime or execution. Felony crimes include murder, arson, manslaughter, burglary, tax evasion, aggravated assault, kidnapping, fraud, blackmail, obstruction of justice, forgery, treason, etc.

Criminal Law – Misdemeanor

Misdemeanor type of criminal law looks after less serious crimes, and the punishment for misdemeanor crimes is lesser than a felony. The sentence or punishment such criminals have to face comes in terms of a fine or 6 months to a year in prison. Misdemeanor crimes include reckless driving, public intoxication, property destruction, petty theft, disorderly conduct, trespassing, etc.

Moreover, criminal law is divided into five other categories to recognize the crimes effectively.

Private or Individual Crimes such crimes are recorded when an individual harms another person on a personal level.

Immature Crimes  are such criminal acts in which the nearest suspect only helped the criminal in the crime or offensive acts that were never accomplished.

Property Crimes  are criminal cases involving interfering with another’s property.

Constitutional Crimes are the acts banned by the states, for example, drugs, alcohol, playing poker, or other societal issues.

Finance Crimes are also known as “white-collar” crimes. It mostly includes transferring illegal money to foreign bank accounts, frauds, embezzlement, tax evasion, blackmail, etc.

We’ve talked about the types and categories of crimes and criminal law. So, let’s jump into the depth of the law of crime and learn how we can structure a criminal law essay.

The Criminal Law Essay Structure

The structure of a simple criminal law essay is similar to another type of essay. However, the essay aims to influence individuals on a particular plan, and the paper helps the legislation regulate social behavior or limit whatever is threatening society. We are sure your professor must’ve taught you how to write a good persuasive essay . To help law students, we’ve penned down some guidelines to help you write a great criminal law essay. Also, you can hire a professional to help you with your criminal law essay. After all, your grades matter the most, don’t they?

·         Start Early on the Essay

It is crucial to start as early as possible because writing a criminal law essay is not an essay game. Waiting until the submission date only adds unnecessary stress and drama to your academic life. The more you’ll delay your essay, the less time you’ll have to write your essay. This will reflect in the completed work and will cost you your grades. So, start early and make sure you have time to add references to your essay and perfect your work with proofreading and editing.

·         Read, Analyze and then Deconstruct the Question

Do not start with your criminal law essay until you completely understand the question being asked. Instead, take some time to break the question down into sections and seek advice from your professors and professionals for law essay help. Again, it will be very helpful for you to have an expert by your side to guide you through the writing process.

·         Research and Investigate

Case or subject investigation is the most important and difficult part of writing a criminal law essay. The data you are taking to support your paper must come from a known and relevant source. The references should be up-to-date and reliable if you want to produce a first-class essay. The more authoritative a source is, the higher your score will be. When possible, choose primary over secondary materials.

·         Write an Effective Essay Introduction

An introduction is something that impresses the audience and makes them read your entire paper. If you have a loose introduction and the paper’s outline is not well-written, your readers will lose their interest. So, provide the readers with a statement, an answer to the problem, and a map that explains your essay’s motives. Your introduction should be detailed, not lengthy, meaning it should simply define the object of your paper but in simple language.

·         Counter-Argument to Your Statement

This will demonstrate that you have a broad understanding of the subject. The counter-arguments list the claims of other authors and explains why your paper is better and how your paper solves a social issue.

·         Conclude Your Criminal Law Essay

Mention all of the main points you’ve made in a few sentences. In your conclusion, reaffirm your answer to the law essay question to ensure that your statement is processed clearly.

We hope you have a fair understanding of criminal law essays and how it is constructed. But we still have some more information for you. So, let us talk about some topics and what it takes to come up with good criminal law essays if your professors don’t assign you a topic.

How to Come Up With Interesting Criminal Law Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing the right topic is the first step toward writing a criminal law essay because it determines the scope of the research. Usually, the professor or instructor provides students with the topic or argument statement as these essays are much more detailed than regular papers. However, if the professor allows you to choose your topic or argument statement, make sure you don’t just pick any topic.

You will have an opportunity to describe your point of view on something you strongly believe in, and your essay is one way to do so. The most effective criminal law essay writing tip for selecting a topic is considering its current relevance and your interest. First and foremost, you should review the entire course and highlight the most interesting criminal law areas and criminal cases studied during the period.

Going through the course and other research will assist you in narrowing your field of interest and selecting a topic. Your essay topic allows you to enrich or practice skills in specific areas. Also, it helps you consider the issue’s importance on a social level and its current status. Furthermore, the topic should either analyze current events, view case studies or look into the implementation of existing national legislation.

Moreover, if you’re having trouble deciding on a topic for your criminal law essay, you can pick one from the list below

  • Human Rights Violations
  • The Origins of Capital Punishment
  • Distributive Justice and Criminal Justice
  • Has Identity Theft Reached Its Peak?
  • Witness Protection Program
  • What Motivates People to Commit Crimes
  • Aggravating and Mitigating Factors in Criminal Sentencing
  • Types of Bail; Bail and Bonds
  • Amendments for Crime Victims
  • Receiving Protection for Testimony in a Criminal Case

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How to Write a Criminal Law Essay

Maggie worth.

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Law students are often asked to write essays, either on assigned or chosen topics, or in response to specific questions. In addition, the bar exam for most states includes an essay section. Criminal law essay assignments are designed to ensure that students understand the laws of their state, and of the nation, and that they know how to use them in a criminal case.

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  • Read the question
  • Address each question
  • Summarize your position

1 Read the question

Read the question or essay topic carefully. Criminal law topics are often complex and involve many angles and points of view. Make a list of all secondary questions posed within the main question, or all angles of approach to your topic. Determine whether you are being asked to provide an argument of defense, an argument of prosecution or simply an overview of existing law.

Research all case law that applies to your topic. Expect to spend time in your local law library and on the Internet. Write down the name of the case, such as “Miranda v Arizona.” Also record the year and state in which the decision was rendered.

3 Address each question

Address each question separately and in order if you are responding to a multi-part question. Finish your answer for each section completely before beginning the next. If an answer relates to a previous question, you may refer back to your previous answer.

4 Structure

Structure your essay as a law brief unless the professor instructs you to do otherwise. While most essays consist of sentences and paragraphs that transition naturally, law briefs are divided using outline style. General answers to each posited question should be marked with a Roman numeral. Denote supporting points with a capital letter and indent each section.

Present possible arguments by opposing council if you are writing a position or argument essay. Posit the other sides’ likely response and how you can counter those responses.

6 Summarize your position

Summarize your position by highlighting the main points of your argument, as you would in a closing statement.

  • While criminal law is often subject to individual interpretation, neither the courts nor your professor will be impressed with your interpretations if you cannot cite existing precedents to back up your position.

About the Author

Maggie Worth has more than 18 years of marketing and business management experience. She has conducted training classes in resume, fiction and web writing and has written textbooks, resumes, professional and technical documents, ad copy, video scripts and articles for lifestyle magazines. She is director of marketing communications strategy and special projects for a university.

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Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page presents a comprehensive collection of criminal law research paper topics tailored for students studying law and tasked with writing research papers. Within this resource, readers will find an abstract overview of the content, followed by an extensive list of criminal law research paper topics divided into ten distinct categories, each containing ten topics. Additionally, an article exploring the nuances of criminal law and its range of research paper topics is provided to offer students valuable insights and inspire their academic pursuits. Furthermore, readers will discover valuable guidance on how to choose appropriate criminal law research paper topics, with ten practical tips to ensure a compelling and relevant focus for their research. Moreover, the page outlines the essential elements for effectively writing a criminal law research paper and provides ten useful tips to aid students throughout the writing process. The subsequent section introduces iResearchNet’s custom writing services, offering expert assistance for students seeking to order a custom criminal law research paper on any subject.

100 Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

Criminal law is a multifaceted field that delves into various aspects of society, from the fundamental principles of justice to the intricacies of criminal proceedings. To aid law students in their research endeavors, we present a comprehensive list of criminal law research paper topics, thoughtfully organized into ten distinct categories, each encompassing ten topics. This diverse collection covers a wide spectrum of criminal law subjects, allowing students to explore different dimensions and hone their expertise in specific areas.

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Criminal Law Fundamentals

  • The Concept of Criminal Liability: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Evolution of Criminal Law: From Ancient Codes to Modern Statutes
  • Criminal Intent and Actus Reus: Evaluating the Elements of a Crime
  • The Role of Mens Rea in Criminal Law: Intent vs. Recklessness
  • Causation in Criminal Law: Establishing a Link between Action and Consequence
  • Criminal Defenses: Justifications, Excuses, and Necessity
  • The Principle of Double Jeopardy: Protection against Multiple Prosecutions
  • The Presumption of Innocence: Ensuring Fair Trials and Due Process
  • Criminal Sanctions: An Analysis of Punishment and Deterrence
  • Criminal Responsibility of Legal Entities: Corporate Liability in Criminal Law

Types of Crimes

  • Homicide Offenses: Murder, Manslaughter, and Their Degrees
  • Robbery and Burglary: Assessing Theft Crimes and Their Variations
  • Assault and Battery: Differentiating Between Physical and Verbal Assault
  • Fraud and White-Collar Crimes: Examining Financial Deception in Business
  • Drug Offenses: Analyzing Drug Trafficking, Possession, and Legalization
  • Cybercrimes: The Rise of Digital Offenses and Cybersecurity Challenges
  • Hate Crimes and Discrimination: Addressing Bias-Motivated Offenses
  • Human Trafficking: Unraveling the Complexities of Modern-Day Slavery
  • Environmental Crimes: Criminal Liability for Ecological Violations
  • Organized Crime: Studying Criminal Syndicates and Their Impact on Society

Criminal Justice System Reforms

  • Bail Reform: Rethinking Pretrial Detention and Bail Practices
  • Mandatory Minimum Sentences: Evaluating the Controversial Sentencing Approach
  • Alternatives to Incarceration: Assessing Probation, Parole, and Community Service
  • Restorative Justice: Balancing Punishment and Rehabilitation
  • Wrongful Convictions: Analyzing Causes and Remedies for Miscarriages of Justice
  • Mental Health and Criminal Justice: Diversion Programs and Treatment Courts
  • Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System: Challenges and Solutions
  • Police Accountability and Use of Force: Balancing Law Enforcement Powers
  • Drug Decriminalization: Exploring the Effects of Drug Policy Reforms
  • Technology and Criminal Justice: Examining the Use of AI, Surveillance, and Body Cameras

International Criminal Law

  • The Principle of Universal Jurisdiction: Prosecuting International Crimes
  • War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity: The Role of International Tribunals
  • The International Criminal Court: Challenges and Achievements
  • Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing: Addressing Mass Atrocities in International Law
  • Terrorism and International Law: Defining and Combating Transnational Threats
  • Extraterritorial Application of Criminal Law: Crossing Borders in Criminal Prosecutions
  • Immunity and State Responsibility: Navigating Legal Implications for States and Leaders
  • International Extradition: Procedures and Challenges in Transferring Offenders
  • Transnational Organized Crime: Networks, Prosecutions, and Challenges
  • The Impact of Human Rights Law on International Criminal Justice

Technology’s Impact on Criminal Law

  • Digital Evidence and E-Discovery: Challenges in Handling Technological Data
  • Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity: Analyzing Legal Responses to Digital Offenses
  • Online Privacy and Surveillance: Balancing National Security and Individual Rights
  • The Role of Social Media in Criminal Investigations: Admissibility and Authentication
  • Internet Freedom and Censorship: Addressing Legal and Ethical Dilemmas
  • Cryptocurrencies and Criminal Law: Unraveling the Legal Landscape of Virtual Currency
  • AI and Criminal Justice: The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement
  • Digital Copyright Infringement: Legal Perspectives on Piracy and Intellectual Property
  • Online Defamation and Hate Speech: Exploring Legal Liability in the Digital Sphere
  • The Right to be Forgotten: Balancing Privacy and Freedom of Information Online

Juvenile Justice and Youth Offenders

  • Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs: Assessing Effectiveness and Challenges
  • The Evolution of Juvenile Courts: From Parens Patriae to Due Process
  • Juvenile Waiver to Adult Court: Determining Transfer Criteria and Implications
  • Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Building Accountability and Empathy
  • Juvenile Gangs and Crime: Understanding the Root Causes and Solutions
  • Youth Mental Health and Criminal Behavior: Intervention and Rehabilitation
  • Educational Rights of Juvenile Offenders: Ensuring Access to Quality Education
  • Juvenile Detention Centers: Reforms and Alternatives for Incarcerated Youth
  • The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Juvenile Crime Rates
  • The Role of Family in Juvenile Delinquency: Family Structure and Influence on Behavior

Criminal Sentencing and Punishment

  • Sentencing Guidelines: Balancing Judicial Discretion and Consistency
  • The Death Penalty: Ethical, Legal, and Practical Perspectives
  • Life Imprisonment: Examining Long-Term Incarceration and Parole Eligibility
  • Capital Punishment and Innocence: Addressing Wrongful Executions
  • Mandatory Sentences for Nonviolent Offenders: Assessing Efficacy and Fairness
  • Alternatives to Incarceration: Diversion Programs and Community-Based Sentencing
  • Sentencing Disparities: The Impact of Race, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status
  • Rehabilitation Programs in Prisons: Assessing Effectiveness and Recidivism Rates
  • The Role of Victim Impact Statements in Sentencing: Balancing Justice and Empathy
  • Restorative Justice Sentencing: Building Community Engagement and Healing

Criminal Procedure and Evidence

  • The Fourth Amendment: Search and Seizure Laws in Criminal Investigations
  • Exclusionary Rule: Analyzing the Consequences of Illegally Obtained Evidence
  • Eyewitness Testimony: Reliability, Identification, and Challenges in Court
  • Confessions and Interrogations: The Admissibility of Self-Incriminating Statements
  • Expert Witnesses: Their Role and Admissibility in Criminal Trials
  • Hearsay Rule: Evaluating Exceptions and Limitations in the Admission of Statements
  • DNA Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Advancements and Challenges
  • Criminal Procedure in the Digital Age: Electronic Surveillance and Privacy Concerns
  • Plea Bargaining: Weighing Benefits and Concerns for the Accused and the Justice System
  • Criminal Appeals: The Process and Grounds for Challenging Convictions

Criminal Law and Ethics

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Defense: Balancing Advocacy and Conscience
  • Prosecutor’s Ethics: Obligations and Conflicts of Interest in Pursuit of Justice
  • The Role of Ethics in Law Enforcement: Upholding Integrity and Accountability
  • Criminal Law and Mental Health Ethics: The Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders
  • The Ethical Implications of Capital Punishment: A Moral and Legal Debate
  • Whistleblowers and Criminal Law: Legal Protections and Social Impact
  • Corporate Crime and Ethical Responsibilities: Balancing Business Interests and Accountability
  • The Ethics of Plea Bargaining: Ensuring Fairness and Transparency
  • Legal Ethics in the Digital Age: Navigating Online Communication and Social Media
  • The Role of Ethics in Criminal Sentencing: Weighing Punishment and Rehabilitation

Comparative Criminal Law

  • Comparative Criminal Justice Systems: Analyzing Different Legal Approaches
  • Criminal Law in Civil Law Countries: Contrasting Inquisitorial and Adversarial Systems
  • Common Law vs. Civil Law Traditions: Divergent Approaches to Criminal Law
  • Criminal Law in Sharia Jurisdictions: Exploring Islamic Legal Principles and Punishments
  • The Influence of International Law on National Criminal Justice Systems
  • Legal Traditions in Colonial and Post-Colonial Countries: Impact on Criminal Law
  • Criminal Law Reforms in Transitional Democracies: Challenges and Progress
  • Indigenous Legal Systems and Criminal Justice: Preserving Culture and Rights
  • Comparative Corporate Criminal Liability: Aligning Business Practices Globally
  • Criminal Law and Human Rights: Balancing Sovereignty and International Obligations

This comprehensive list of criminal law research paper topics provides an extensive and diverse range of subjects for law students to explore and investigate. From foundational principles to contemporary issues, the field of criminal law offers numerous avenues for in-depth research and analysis. As students embark on their research endeavors, they can delve into various categories, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities to contribute to the advancement of criminal law scholarship. Whether one’s interest lies in criminal justice reform, international law, ethical dilemmas, or comparative legal systems, this list aims to inspire students in their pursuit of knowledge and excellence in the realm of criminal law research.

Criminal Law: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Criminal law is a dynamic and complex field that plays a pivotal role in maintaining societal order and upholding justice. As an integral part of the legal system, criminal law governs how individuals who violate the law are investigated, prosecuted, and punished. It encompasses a vast array of topics, each offering unique opportunities for research and analysis. This section aims to explore the diverse range of research paper topics within criminal law, providing students with insights into the multifaceted nature of this discipline and inspiring them to embark on meaningful and impactful research endeavors.

The Evolution of Criminal Law: From Ancient Codes to Modern Systems

A captivating topic within criminal law research is the historical development of legal codes and systems throughout civilizations. Researchers can delve into ancient codes, such as Hammurabi’s Code in Mesopotamia or the Twelve Tables in ancient Rome, and explore how they shaped the foundations of contemporary criminal law. Comparing historical legal principles with modern criminal justice systems can shed light on the evolution of societal norms and the progression of legal thought.

Criminal Responsibility: From Mens Rea to Strict Liability

Understanding the concept of criminal responsibility is fundamental in criminal law. Researchers can delve into the various mental states that form the basis of criminal liability, ranging from intent (mens rea) to negligence and even strict liability. Analyzing landmark cases and legislative changes can provide insights into how the legal system navigates the complexities of holding individuals accountable for their actions.

Criminal Law and Technology: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities

In the digital age, technological advancements present new challenges and opportunities for criminal law. Topics in this area could explore the implications of cybercrime, the use of artificial intelligence in law enforcement, or the legal considerations surrounding digital evidence. Researchers may also delve into the ethics of surveillance technologies and their impact on privacy rights.

Criminal Law and the Constitution: Analyzing Constitutional Protections

The interaction between criminal law and constitutional protections is an intriguing area of research. Researchers can explore how the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments of the United States Constitution, for instance, safeguard individuals’ rights during criminal investigations and trials. Comparing constitutional protections in different jurisdictions can also provide valuable insights into the balance between law enforcement powers and individual liberties.

Criminal Sentencing: Balancing Punishment and Rehabilitation

Sentencing is a critical aspect of criminal law, where the court determines the appropriate punishment for offenders. Research topics in this area could delve into the principles of proportionality, rehabilitation, and deterrence. Analyzing sentencing guidelines and exploring alternatives to incarceration, such as restorative justice programs, can offer valuable insights into the goals and challenges of criminal sentencing.

White-Collar Crime: Investigating Corporate Misconduct

White-collar crime, involving non-violent offenses committed by individuals in business and government, presents unique challenges in the criminal justice system. Research topics in this area could explore the complexities of prosecuting corporate executives, the effectiveness of regulatory measures, and the impact of white-collar crime on society and the economy.

Juvenile Justice: Balancing Rehabilitation and Accountability

The juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitating young offenders rather than imposing harsh punishments. Research in this area could examine the history and development of juvenile justice, the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, and the ethical considerations surrounding the treatment of juvenile offenders.

International Criminal Law: Seeking Accountability for Atrocity Crimes

International criminal law aims to hold individuals accountable for the most serious crimes, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Research topics in this area could explore the evolution of international criminal tribunals, the challenges of prosecuting individuals in absentia, and the impact of international criminal law on promoting global justice and accountability.

Criminal Law and Mental Health: Addressing the Insanity Defense

The insanity defense is a contentious and complex topic in criminal law. Researchers can explore the historical development of the insanity defense, its application in high-profile cases, and the ethical considerations surrounding mental health assessments in criminal proceedings.

Criminal Law and Law Enforcement: Examining Police Practices

The relationship between criminal law and law enforcement is critical in ensuring the fair and just administration of justice. Research topics in this area could investigate issues of police misconduct, the use of force by law enforcement, and the impact of body-worn cameras on accountability and transparency.

Criminal law encompasses a wide range of topics, each offering unique insights into the complexities of the legal system and its impact on society. From historical developments to contemporary challenges, researchers in this field have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of criminal justice, legal reform, and the protection of individual rights. By exploring the diverse range of research paper topics within criminal law, students can gain a deeper understanding of this dynamic discipline and engage in meaningful research that addresses pressing issues in the pursuit of justice and the rule of law.

How to Choose Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

Selecting an appropriate research paper topic is a crucial first step in the journey of conducting meaningful and impactful research in the field of criminal law. With the vast array of issues and complexities within criminal law, it can be challenging for students to identify a topic that is both engaging and academically relevant. This section provides valuable insights and practical tips to help students navigate the process of choosing criminal law research paper topics that align with their interests, academic goals, and the ever-evolving legal landscape.

  • Identify Your Interests and Passion : Passion and genuine interest in a subject can significantly impact the quality and motivation behind your research. Take some time to reflect on your personal interests within criminal law. Are you drawn to topics related to white-collar crime, human rights, or criminal sentencing? Identifying your passions will make the research process more enjoyable and increase the likelihood of producing a compelling paper.
  • Stay Updated on Current Legal Issues : Criminal law is a dynamic field influenced by ongoing legal developments and societal changes. Stay updated on recent court decisions, legislative reforms, and emerging legal issues. Reading legal journals, attending seminars, and following reputable legal news outlets will provide you with insights into the latest debates and controversies within criminal law, inspiring potential research paper topics.
  • Consult with Professors and Peers : Reach out to your professors, academic advisors, or fellow students to discuss potential research paper topics. They may offer valuable suggestions, recommend relevant literature, or share their experiences in tackling similar research inquiries. Collaborating with peers can also provide a supportive environment for brainstorming and refining research ideas.
  • Consider Timeliness and Relevance : Choosing a topic that is timely and relevant is essential for making an impact with your research. Consider current societal concerns, legal reforms, or high-profile criminal cases that have generated public interest. Addressing contemporary issues will not only enhance the significance of your research but also contribute to ongoing legal discussions.
  • Narrow Down Broad Topics : Criminal law covers a wide range of subjects, such as criminal procedure, substantive criminal law, criminology, and more. While broad topics can be intriguing, they may lack the depth required for a comprehensive research paper. Narrow down your focus by selecting a specific aspect or area within criminal law. For instance, instead of exploring “Criminal Sentencing,” you could delve into “The Impact of Restorative Justice Programs on Criminal Sentencing Outcomes.”
  • Analyze Available Resources : Ensure that sufficient resources, such as academic articles, books, and case law, are available on your chosen topic. Conduct a preliminary literature review to ascertain the availability of credible sources that will support your research and analysis. Access to relevant resources is crucial for building a strong and well-supported argument.
  • Assess the Feasibility of Research : Before finalizing your research topic, consider the feasibility of conducting the research within your available time and resources. Complex topics may require extensive research and data collection, while more straightforward topics may lack depth. Strike a balance between ambitious research goals and practicality.
  • Brainstorm Research Questions : Formulate specific research questions that will guide your investigation and analysis. Well-crafted research questions will direct your research efforts and provide a clear focus for your paper. Consider the legal implications, ethical considerations, and potential policy implications of your research questions.
  • Consider a Comparative Approach : Comparative research allows you to analyze criminal law issues across different jurisdictions or legal systems. A comparative approach can offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of certain legal practices and identify potential areas for legal reform.
  • Seek Inspiration from Legal Literature : Review published legal literature and academic papers to gain inspiration for your research paper topics. Analyze the approaches taken by other researchers, identify gaps in existing literature, and explore areas where your contribution can make a significant impact.

Choosing a criminal law research paper topic is an exciting yet challenging endeavor. By identifying your interests, staying updated on current legal issues, and seeking inspiration from legal literature, you can select a topic that is intellectually stimulating and academically rewarding. Careful consideration of timeliness, relevance, and feasibility will ensure that your research contributes meaningfully to the field of criminal law and addresses pertinent legal challenges. Embrace the opportunity to explore diverse aspects of criminal law, and embark on a journey that not only expands your legal knowledge but also shapes the future of criminal justice.

How to Write a Criminal Law Research Paper

Writing a criminal law research paper requires a systematic and disciplined approach to effectively address complex legal issues and present well-structured arguments. This section provides valuable guidance on the various stages of writing a criminal law research paper, from formulating a strong thesis statement to presenting a coherent and compelling conclusion. Following these essential steps will help you create a well-researched and impactful paper that showcases your understanding of criminal law and its intricacies.

  • Understand the Assignment Requirements : Before delving into the research and writing process, thoroughly review the assignment guidelines provided by your instructor. Pay close attention to the scope, formatting style, word count, and any specific requirements for citations and references. Understanding the assignment parameters will help you stay focused and ensure that your research paper meets the necessary criteria.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : Criminal law research papers demand thorough research to support your arguments and analysis. Utilize various resources, including academic journals, law reviews, books, and reputable online databases. Take detailed notes and organize your research to streamline the writing process. Keep track of the sources you use to facilitate proper citation and to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : A well-crafted thesis statement is the foundation of your research paper. It should be concise, specific, and clearly state the main argument you intend to make. Your thesis should guide the entire paper and provide a roadmap for your readers to understand the scope and purpose of your research.
  • Outline Your Paper : Creating an outline is a critical step in organizing your ideas and arguments. Divide your research paper into distinct sections, such as introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body, analysis, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear purpose and flow logically from one to the next.
  • Craft a Compelling Introduction : The introduction sets the tone for your research paper and should capture the reader’s attention. Begin with a hook or engaging statement to pique interest. Provide essential background information on the topic and its significance. End the introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your main argument.
  • Conduct a Thorough Literature Review : Incorporate a comprehensive literature review that showcases your understanding of existing research on the chosen topic. Analyze and critically evaluate the key findings of relevant studies, highlighting any gaps or areas where your research adds value. A well-structured literature review strengthens the credibility of your research and demonstrates your knowledge of the subject matter.
  • Organize Your Main Body : Divide the main body of your research paper into subsections, each focusing on a specific aspect of your argument. Present evidence and examples to support your points, and use logical transitions to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs. Avoid presenting irrelevant information that can distract readers from your central thesis.
  • Analyze and Interpret Legal Principles : In the context of criminal law research, your analysis plays a pivotal role in establishing the coherence and persuasiveness of your argument. Analyze relevant legal principles, statutes, and case law to support your thesis. Consider counterarguments and address them effectively to strengthen your position.
  • Use Clear and Precise Language : Criminal law research papers demand clarity and precision in language. Avoid excessive jargon and ensure that your writing is accessible to readers from various backgrounds. Clearly define any technical terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your audience.
  • Craft a Convincing Conclusion : In the conclusion, restate your thesis and summarize the key points of your research paper. Avoid introducing new information at this stage. Instead, emphasize the significance of your findings and suggest potential avenues for future research. Leave readers with a lasting impression of your work and its relevance to the field of criminal law.

Writing a criminal law research paper requires dedication, meticulous research, and thoughtful analysis. By following these essential steps, you can produce a well-structured and persuasive paper that contributes meaningfully to the understanding of criminal law issues. Remember to adhere to proper citation guidelines, proofread your work carefully, and seek feedback from peers or professors to refine your research paper further. Embrace the opportunity to explore and analyze criminal law topics, and let your passion for justice shine through your research and writing.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that law students face when tasked with writing complex criminal law research papers. As an expert in law, you need a comprehensive and well-researched paper that reflects your understanding of intricate legal principles and their application in real-world scenarios. Our custom criminal law research paper writing services are designed to assist you in this academic journey, providing expert assistance to ensure your success.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our team consists of experienced writers with advanced degrees in law, ensuring that your criminal law research paper is handled by a knowledgeable professional. They have a profound understanding of the legal system, criminal justice, and related subjects, enabling them to deliver high-quality, well-researched, and properly cited papers.
  • Custom Written Works : At iResearchNet, we believe in providing tailored solutions for every client. Our writers start each research paper from scratch, adhering to your specific requirements and academic guidelines. This guarantees a unique and original paper that meets your expectations and reflects your personal style.
  • In-Depth Research : Thorough research is essential in crafting a compelling criminal law research paper. Our writers delve into a wide range of reputable sources, including legal databases, academic journals, and official legal documents, to ensure your paper is well-grounded in authoritative and current information.
  • Custom Formatting : Proper formatting is crucial in academic writing, especially in the legal field. Our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles, such as APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard, ensuring that your criminal law research paper adheres to the specific style mandated by your institution.
  • Top Quality : Quality is our utmost priority. Our writers undergo a rigorous selection process, and each paper is thoroughly reviewed by our quality assurance team before delivery. This meticulous approach ensures that your research paper is of the highest standard and reflects the depth of your knowledge in criminal law.
  • Customized Solutions : We understand that every research paper has unique requirements. Our custom approach allows us to tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether you need assistance with topic selection, research, writing, or editing, we have the flexibility to provide the support you require.
  • Flexible Pricing : As a student, we recognize the importance of budget considerations. Our pricing structure is designed to be flexible and affordable, providing you with competitive rates without compromising on the quality of service or research paper.
  • Short Deadlines : Time constraints can be stressful for students. If you are facing a tight deadline, our writers are here to help. We offer expedited services with short turnaround times, allowing you to receive a well-crafted criminal law research paper even on the most urgent deadlines.
  • Timely Delivery : Punctuality is crucial in academic settings. We are committed to delivering your research paper on time, ensuring that you have ample opportunity to review and familiarize yourself with the content before submission.
  • 24/7 Support : Our customer support team is available round the clock to assist you with any queries or concerns. Whether you need updates on your paper’s progress or have specific instructions for our writers, we are here to ensure smooth communication throughout the writing process.
  • Absolute Privacy : We understand the importance of confidentiality. Your personal information and research paper details are kept secure and will never be disclosed to third parties. You can trust iResearchNet to handle your work with the utmost discretion.
  • Easy Order Tracking : With our user-friendly platform, you can easily track the progress of your criminal law research paper. Stay informed about every stage of the writing process, from research to editing, and receive timely updates on your order status.
  • Money Back Guarantee : We are confident in the quality of our services. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the final product, we offer a money-back guarantee to ensure your peace of mind.

At iResearchNet, we are dedicated to supporting law students in their academic pursuits. Our custom criminal law research paper writing services are tailored to meet your unique requirements, providing you with expert assistance, timely delivery, and top-quality papers. Let our team of experienced writers help you unleash the full potential of your criminal law research and present your findings with clarity, precision, and conviction. Place your trust in iResearchNet, and together, we will pave the way for your success in the field of criminal law.

Empower Your Criminal Law Journey with iResearchNet

As you embark on your journey in criminal law, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right tools and resources to excel academically. At iResearchNet, we offer a range of services specifically tailored to empower law students like you in their pursuit of excellence. Our team of expert degree-holding writers, combined with our dedication to quality, ensures that your criminal law research papers stand out from the rest. Let us be your partner in success as you navigate the intricacies of criminal law.

Your journey in criminal law is a challenging yet rewarding one. With iResearchNet as your trusted partner, you can confidently tackle research papers, explore complex legal issues, and present your findings with clarity and confidence. Our expert writers, custom solutions, and commitment to excellence make us the ideal choice for law students seeking top-quality research papers. Empower yourself with the support and resources of iResearchNet, and let your criminal law journey reach new heights. Place your order today and take the first step towards academic success in the world of criminal law.


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304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples

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  • Importance of Math in the Field of Criminal Justice The work of police officers and other personnel in criminal justice requires proof and accuracy in determining the cause and effects of a crime.
  • Indian Criminal Justice System Reforms In as much as some human rights activists often complain of the violation of the rights by the justice system, India’s criminal system has faced significant changes since colonial times to the present.
  • Application of Probability and Statistics in Criminal Justice In criminal justice system, the assessment of the evidence adduced by witnesses determines the innocence or the guilt of the accused.
  • The Instrumental Theory in Criminal Justice In criminal justice, the instrumental theory is based on the idea that criminal justice and criminology is one of the main tools which help to control the poor.
  • Psychologists’ Role in Criminal Justice In addition to research, the accumulation, and application of knowledge, psychologists can also participate in assessing the effectiveness of legislation. In this setting, basic scientists conduct theoretical research on the effectiveness of police and court […]
  • Criminal Justice Ethics of Traffic Police Officers The police officer had the choice to take the children to a juvenile center home and arrange for a person to take care of the baby and then take the woman to jail as she […]
  • Forensic Psychology in the Criminal Justice System To evaluate the competency of a defendant, the forensic psychologist is guided by the scientific principles espoused in the field of psychological science.
  • Criminal Justice Internship Report The primary goals of the course are to expose students to new contexts and environments, broaden and deepen knowledge of key concepts and theories relevant to the field, and improve an overall learning experience.
  • Crime Scene Investigation in Criminal Justice In the process of controlling the crowd and maintaining order with the aid of the police officers, I took some photographs of the surrounding and then approached the main spot of event. I managed to […]
  • The Youth Criminal Justice Act in Teresa Robinson’s Case 1 of the YCJA is relevant to the article since the offender’s name is still unreported despite the evidence of his involvement in the homicide.
  • Key Elements of Criminal Justice System It is the combination of all the administrative, operational, and technical divisions that are part of the law enforcement agencies. This essay will describe the key elements of law enforcement agencies, the key elements of […]
  • Effective Communication in Criminal Justice Settings The officer should also package information in a way that it is easy to decode and understand. Such communication enables police officers in charge of the inmates to access important information from them.
  • Positive and Negative of Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Policymaking Evidence-based practice in the criminal justice sector has concentrated on policies that deal with the administration of these sectors based on the correctional process of the incarcerated persons.
  • Ethics Theories in the Criminal Justice Field The gratuity that the public extend to officers and doormen within the criminal justice system has the capacity to spiral and develop a culture of exchange.
  • Criminal Justice Agency Organizational Behavior In terms of organizational behavior studies, a criminal justice agency is seen as a system organization based on legal, social, and moral values, visions, and social environment.
  • Criminal Justice as an Open System The same society and government also receive the output of the law enforcement organizations, meaning that the activity of the criminal justice system is never focused unto itself.
  • Cybercrime Impact on Global Criminal Justice System Reports show that the crime is on the rise because more people have access to computers and the internet than ever before.
  • Deterrence: Reflections on the Economics of Criminal Justice Therefore, deterrence is meant to ensure that punishments are so harsh that members of the public will fear committing a crime that will lead them to the same punishment.
  • Impact of Globalization and Neoliberalism on Crime and Criminal Justice Globalization entails the conception of principles, perpetuated by both governments and organizations that have altered the way nations perceive the obligation for a criminal justice system and the ability of the governments to control crime […]
  • Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice Process The purpose of this paper is to present, define, and propose restorative justice as the best model for addressing the challenges affecting the effectiveness of the United States’ criminal justice process.
  • Gang Violence: Criminal Justice Research The primary purpose of the article in question was to explore “processes and mechanisms” that contributed to the escalation of gang violence as well as its spread. The researcher tried to answer the question concerning […]
  • The Criminal Justice System On the other hand, the executive branch is mandated with the role of furnishing the criminal justice system with judges and heads of law-enforcing agencies.
  • Virtue and Stoic Ethics in Criminal Justice The lack of ethical grounds for the behavior of criminal justice officials makes the application of the law unreliable. As an employee of a juvenile correctional colony, I will be guided by the principles of […]
  • Criminal Justice Inequality in Conflict Theory Other examples of inequality in terms of criminal justice are international corporations’ frauds and embezzlements on a grand scale by politicians that remain even unnoticeable while ordinary people are sentenced to imprisonment for less serious […]
  • Technical Communication Methods and Practices of Criminal Justice It also examines the use of technology in the communication process and further looks at the potential technological advancement that will be used in the communication process in the future.
  • Criminal Justice Ethics Definition Criminal justice ethics involves all the codes as well as standards that apply to all the concerned parties in the criminal justice system for example attorneys, prosecutors, and the other entire professionals in the criminal […]
  • Comparative Criminal Justice System Advantages The central values of the US criminal justice system are to protect the rights of citizens and ensure the safety of a society in which everyone is equal before the law.
  • Jury System in Different Criminal Justice Contexts The first argument to support the idea that the jury system should be spread widely in the world countries is that the jury system is the key to the unbiased and effective court decision-making that […]
  • Criminal Justice Leadership: Strategies and Practice They have to execute good leadership and management in order to provide reforms and change and to affect the kind of justice that the community needs.
  • Pros and Cons of Using Discretion in System of Criminal Justice The initial stage in which discretion is applied in the system of criminal justice is where police officers make a decision on whether a suspect should be arrested for a particular offense or not., argues […]
  • “Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice” by Pollock If hunting is the primary means of survival of a particular society, the euthanasia of the elderly and the sick can be deemed acceptable.
  • Integrity and Its Place in Criminal Justice System It is plausible to say that Integrity is truthfulness; the truthfulness of one’s character. The integrity of a professional is not something that is personally his.
  • Criminal Justice System Representation in Media In the television shows and films examined in this paper, the creators attempt to display various aspects of the criminal justice system realistically and positively.
  • Criminal Justice: Punishment and Sentencing The representatives of the general public got used to the fact that one party is to be punished, and another one is to provide punishment.
  • US Criminal Justice System, Theories and Methods To begin with, I would like to state that my opinion on the criminal justice system has changed due to additional knowledge that I gained during the course with the help of additional materials that […]
  • Community Corrections and Criminal Justice Community corrections are the topic that has been the easiest to understand because, unlike other aspects of criminal justice, this is the area of the administration of punishment that is the most familiar to me.
  • Logical Fallacies in Criminal Justice The misrepresentation of the original argument is not taken into account, and the key objective of this fallacy is to confuse the opponent and form one’s opinion on the wrong argument.
  • Ethics and Professional Behavior in Criminal Justice One of the most important components of the criminal justice system is a code of ethics, which governs the behavior and conduct of professionals working within the system.
  • Financial Management in Criminal Justice Systems Criminal justice departments are touted to be one of the most inefficient and morally impaired sectors of the government. Therefore, discipline in law enforcement officers and other members of the criminal justice system is essential […]
  • Young Offenders and the Criminal Justice System This is attributed to the fact that juvenile courts are predisposed to have the best interest of the children or youths in consideration and offer some form of defense and rehabilitation for the children in […]
  • Discretion in Decision Making in Criminal Justice The role of discretion is to provide the capacity to make official judgments based on logic and judgment in the criminal justice system.
  • Cosa Nostra and Transnational Criminal Justice As a result of the criminal allure it exudes, the Cosa Nostra maintains connections with all of the major criminal groups, both in Italy and across the world.
  • Ethical Behavior in Criminal Justice In the CJS, judges are the determinants of the sentencing and verdict of a criminal. Wilson that considers the health of the defendant and the safety of the community.
  • Stress Among Criminal Justice Workers The criminal justice system is aware of the seriousness of the current problem and is trying to adapt to the emerging trend.
  • Professional vs. Personal Life Dilemma in Criminal Justice As a member of a police force, Badpenny belongs to the soldier class in Plato’s classification, making courage her virtue. Overall, Badpenny’s decision to hide her boyfriend’s identity can only be morally justified from the […]
  • Police Culture: Criminal Justice Ethics The set of values and standards in police culture shapes the perceptions of law enforcement officers about policing and the delivery of services. Therefore, police culture is similar to other customs and habits that guides […]
  • The Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program The policy reflects social control, ensuring that members of society are compliant and follow the rules to ensure community safety and sustainability.
  • Technology and Learning in Criminal Justice It is a two-way avenue that includes both the student and the educator and leads to knowledge and capacity growth. A third and somewhat uncommon motivating method is the inclusion of a genuine chance for […]
  • Domestic Violence: Criminal Justice In addition, the usage of illegal substances such as bhang, cocaine, and other drugs contributes to the increasing DV in society.
  • Ethical Dilemma Analysis: Criminal Justice Case The publicity of the case added another layer of complexity to the decision, as either verdict would alienate a part of the population.
  • Solving Problems of Criminal Justice For example, the theory can be applied to better understand the problem of social inequality problem described in the cited documentary.
  • The Criminal Justice System Practitioner The practitioner relied on the presented professional values, worldview, and philosophy to identify, handle, and support the rights of the identified clients.
  • Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues When it comes to the dependent variable, it means the effect, and that means the reduction of infectious diseases will be the effect that the independent variable will determine.
  • Negligence in the Criminal Justice System The last category of negligence is the most dangerous, and essentially stems to injury or death caused by the actions or lack thereof by the employees of the criminal justice system.
  • Ethical Obligations in Criminal Justice These criteria also include those that promote the values of honesty and compassion and the rights to life, bodily integrity, and privacy, all of which are defined as ethical standards. Empathy for others is the […]
  • Domestic Violence Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice Various ethical issues such as the code of silence, the mental status of the offender, and limited evidence play a vital role in challenging the discretion of police officers in arresting the DV perpetrators.
  • Research in Criminal Justice: Crime Solvability Factors In the sphere of criminal justice, inquiry can doubtlessly assist in the formulation of improved and more progressive laws and institutions.
  • Criminal Justice in Relation to the Number of Criminals The main goal of my work is to build evidence that the number of criminals is not proportional to the severity of the crime and that despite a large number of crimes, not all of […]
  • “The Role of Virtual Reality in Criminal Justice Pedagogy” by Smith The journal is titled “The role of virtual reality in criminal justice pedagogy: An examination of mental illness occurring in corrections”.
  • Crime Problems and Criminal Justice Notably, except for the last one, all listed procedures can be applied to crime issues discussed above and seem practical in preventing law violations.
  • COVID-19 and Juvenile, Criminal Justice Legislation The measures may help to reduce overcrowding in prisons, prevent the spread of the disease, and decrease federal and state expenses on COVID-19 preventive measures and protective equipment in correctional facilities.
  • Pretrial Procedures in Criminal Justice Therefore, studying the processes that take place before the trial is important for understanding the overall delivery of criminal justice. Before the trial begins, the defense attorney and the prosecutor must prepare for it.
  • Criminal Justice Intervention in Case of Elderly However, the government has not been able to respond effectively to the abuse of older adults, with little information and statistics available to show the vulnerability of the elderly to abuse.
  • Police-Minority Relations: Criminal Justice Occasionally, charges of police misbehavior, such as the tragic killings of Black individuals at the hands of police in Baltimore, Maryland, and Ferguson, Missouri, spark public unrest.
  • Alexander & Ferzan’s Arguments on Criminal Justice The penal code has evolved in such a way that it only allows the system to blame offenders based on the nature of the eventual result or outcome.
  • Criminal Justice: Burglary, Theft, and Criminal Trespass According to Section 2C:15-1, robbery is a first-degree crime if, in the course of committing the theft, the actor attempts to kill anyone or purposefully attempts to inflict serious bodily injury.
  • Code of Criminal Justice: False Imprisonment However, the New Jersey Code interprets it specifically as an unlawful restraint with the risk of serious bodily injury or a goal of holding a victim in involuntary servitude.
  • Leadership in the Criminal Justice System For example, the criminal justice system uses goals to task the police, correctional agencies, and the court with the strategy to execute, including deterrence, rehabilitation, retribution, restoration, and incapacitation.
  • The Criminal Justice Core Competency Nowadays, the situation is different, and more women and minorities are encouraged to join law enforcement professions to reduce the impact of bureaucracy and other biases.
  • Criminology and Its Significance in Criminal Justice Fields Criminologists’ activities include collecting and analyzing data of committed crimes to study the nature of crimes and criminals and identify factors that influence criminals’ motives.
  • Criminal Justice System Development The sweeping changes impacted all elements of civil litigation and gave criminal justice professionals a stimulus to be more assertive in their cases.
  • California’s Criminal Justice Realignment The existing experience of reducing the number of prisons in California is of some interest to researchers. The articles attempt to study a number of humanitarian problems of the detention of citizens of California.
  • Criminal Justice System Deterring Illicit Drug Use The authors describe the history of the appearance of synthetic drugs in the illegal market and mention the difficulties that forensic chemists have faced in identifying the compounds of illicit substances. M, Stogner, J.
  • The Influence of Wealth and History of the Criminal Justice System The history of the U.S.criminal justice system spans approximately four hundred years, with early beginnings that prioritized the protection of citizens, punishment of criminals, and maintenance of social order. Perhaps the earliest form of criminal […]
  • Criminal Justice & Security: Measuring Crime Statistics NIBRS is a part of UCR; it has been in place since 1989, and its aim is to ensure the collection of detailed crime reports from law enforcement agencies.
  • Norwegian Versus Texan Criminal Justice Systems Despite accounting for a small population of the world, the US has the highest number of prisoners globally. As a result, the number of prisoners under solitary confinement is higher than in other states.
  • Hypothesis Testing in Criminal Justice and Criminology Two populations that are linked via a dependent variable must be assessed on the subject of dependency to determine a proper test to ensure the validity of the results.
  • The Modern Criminal Justice System: Discriminatory Practices It is stated that “the experiences of poor and minority defendants within the criminal justice system often differ substantially from that model due to several factors, each of which contributes to the overrepresentation of such […]
  • Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology The author’s primary argument refers to the importance of averages and data distribution types for criminology researchers and practitioners. To conclude, the information provided in the chapter is essential for understanding the measures of central […]
  • Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice The first part of the chapter introduces the three univariate data distribution displays that are frequently used in statistics, such as frequencies, proportions, and percentages.
  • Media and Gender Stereotypes Against Females in Professional Roles Within the Criminal Justice The first and a half of the second episode were chosen as the pilot episode often reflects the essence of the entire show.
  • Impacts of the Overlaps Between Communication and Criminal Justice for Police-Suspect Interactions The underlying concern raised by the interaction between Floyd and Chauvin as well as the other three police officers is that a breakdown of communication before and during the arrest led to the escalation.
  • Management of Criminal Justice Agencies Conflict of interests is bound to arise every time the needs of a healthy worker collide with the properties of a formal organization.
  • The Federal Grand Jury in the Criminal Justice System For instance, the President of the United States of America may not directly request for the formation of a grand jury but can do so by directing the Attorney General to constitute a grand jury.
  • Criminal Justice Agency Accountability and Liability The Act has set the “minimum pay for employees and the overtime pay has to be between 22 to 25% of the standard pay”.
  • US Criminal Justice System Analysis It might be assumed, therefore, that the prison had minimum security; however, the guards were heavily armored and conducted regular raids to control the contraband, which is a characteristic of a high-security prison.
  • Ethical Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice Research Investigation officers be committed to obligation of ensuring that the bodily, social and mental health of a person participating in an investigation is not harmful distressed.
  • Criminal Justice: The Ban-the-Box Law This essay discusses the criminal justice laws of the United States on the hiring of ex-convicts and whether felons should exercise their civil rights of voting or not.
  • Criminal Justice Career An individual who wants to work in the criminal justice sphere should be ready to overcome different challenges and contribute to the increased efficiency of the legal system.
  • The Effects of the Criminal Justice System Wilson and Kelling say, “Social psychologists and police officers tend to agree that if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken”.
  • Criminal Justice System: Child Abuse During the consideration of cases as part of a grand jury, citizens perform some functions of the preliminary investigation bodies.
  • Criminal Justice Standards for the Defense Function In court, defenders can find evidence through discovery, speak with witnesses of the crime, and file pretrial motions.
  • Criminal Justice & Criminology Research Methods In most cases, operationalizing study variables ensures that a sample representing the entire population is chosen and an appropriate unit of analysis is applied.
  • Building a Career in Criminal Justice The duty of a correctional officer is to oversee and keep watch of the arrested criminals during their terms in jail.
  • The Impact of Performance Appraisals on Job Satisfaction of Criminal Justice Personnel Of greater attention in the paper is the exploration of the levels of performance management in criminal justice departments and the impact on the levels of job satisfaction among employees working in these departments.
  • The Pitfalls of Criminal Justice Budget Cuts: An Administrator’s Perspective Today, in the United States, the diminishing crime rates have created an erroneous perception among state legislatures, key public policy figures, and mainstream commentators that crime and the administration of the criminal justice system are […]
  • Policing Duties: Criminal Justice Similarly, the police officers are required to evaluate the crime scene based on the evidence received from the witnesses, victims, and the offenders.
  • Criminal Justice Research: Homicide It also gains capacity with the regulations and reaction of crime from the society and the government. In homicide research, the characteristics and methods of qualitative research are evident.
  • Communication Within the Criminal Justice System: Probation Organisation An important thing to note here is that the sender and the recipient must be sharing the meaning of the symbols used in communicating; otherwise the meaning of the message will be lost on the […]
  • Criminal Justice: Racial Prejudice and Racial Discrimination Souryal takes the reader through the racial prejudice and racial discrimination issues ranging from the temperament of racism, the fundamental premise of unfairness, the racial biasness and the causes of racial unfairness to ethical practices […]
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Kant’s and Bentham’s Views The following is an essay on criminal justice based on the case of Lieutenant Lotem that has presented moral as well as ethical dilemma on the issue of administrative justice.
  • “Ethics in Criminal Justice: In Search of the Truth” by Souryal The principle of leading a simple life to achieve mental happiness is in line with the stoicism school of thought which stressed that pleasure and pain are not relevant in attaining the happiness of an […]
  • New Technology & Criminal Justice From an information perspective, it is clear that new technologies, such as the use of iris recognition solutions, can assist in the effective and efficient management of correctional systems since these facilities are predominantly information-centric […]
  • Significant Issues in Criminal Justice The society established ways of dealing with these groups of people through the implementation of the rule of law to ensure they account for all their actions.
  • Criminology: Modern Criminal Justice The criminal justice system is the institution or the criterion that is used to keep all people that are subject to the law in check.
  • Criminal Justice Professionals: What They Should Know Considering the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, it is possible to state the information about the adoption history of the documents the criminal justice professionals should know.
  • Neuroscience and Criminal Justice The viewpoint of several neuroscientists is that expressive biology of behavior will be accessible in the future and is probably to integrate both neuroscientific and genetic understanding.
  • Criminal Justice: Prosecution & Judicial Proceedings To corroborate scientific, circumstantial and witness evidences, the prosecution needs to examine financial transactions of Roberts to prove that he was truly trafficking dangerous drugs according to the third count of charges.
  • Criminal Justice: Cases of Offenders in Trafficking Secondly, if in the opinion of the court, a defendant is seen to endanger the lives of others or will interfere with the evidence if granted bail, then the court will not grant bail.
  • Essentials of Criminal Justice It is imperative to mention that the prominence of wrongful convictions in a topic that is frequently discussed by scholars and has led to many disagreements.
  • Report Writing for Criminal Justice Professionals The fifth one includes the targeted issues while the sixth indicates the decisions and actions. It is also appropriate to be aware of the speech mode of the individual being interviewed.
  • Ethical Observations of Criminal Justice System As the police officer pays for the picked items, the shopkeeper gives the officer a package of free items and a shopping voucher worth $100 as a present for his family and an appreciation note […]
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Ethical Observations There are three parties involved in the situation: the victim, the offender, and the company. At the same time, the involvement of Police Officers to the case and the necessity to carry out their daily […]
  • Criminal Justice Policies and Theories Given the fact that PRPs and DPs are the variants of rehabilitation programs, their correlation is understandable, but their targets determine their differences.
  • Response Paper on Book “Criminal Justice Management” They believe that the negative implications of the criminal world, on the whole, are transmitted to the activity of criminal justice workers that creates an unfavorable association of the latter in the mind of the […]
  • Bribery as a Critical Criminal Justice Violation In the overviewed case, the abuse of criminal justice is evident since it is prohibited for the public officials, who are engaged in the investigation, to peer in the confidential affairs of the clients as […]
  • An Ethical System in Criminal Justice To my firm belief, utilitarian ethical system is more advantageous than the systems proposed by libertarianism and determinism since it accepts human nature and puts the general safety above the individual good.
  • Need for Policy Reform in the Criminal Justice System They also exposed the deficiencies and shortfalls of the criminal justice system, which has long been a source of disagreement between the Democrats and the Republicans, making any changes to the policy unlikely.
  • Criminal Law: Media and Its Influence on Criminal Justice Policy Seeing that the opinion of public affects the way, in which the criminal justice policy evolves, it can be assumed that media, which affect people’s viewpoints to a considerable degree, shaping it in accordance with […]
  • Public Opinion and Criminal Justice Policy Despite the fact that the criminal justice policy is shaped by the bills passed by the Congress, the significance of public opinion on the subject matter is very high.
  • An Application of the Criminal Justice System When police have reasonable grounds to believe that William Bloutt and Bertha Bloutt committed the robbery, they have the power, not the obligation, to put them under arrest.
  • Criminal Justice: Over Institutional Organization This is further worsened by the fact that the number of offenders to be monitored after being released is often higher than the number of officers tasked with the responsibility of following up on them.
  • Learning Theory Implications on Criminal Justice Practices This will be helpful to them because the civilians have different styles of learning and implementing the rule of law. Understanding the crime learning theories is very important and their impacts determine the destiny of […]
  • Criminal Justice Workplace Observation Leadership rests in the top management of the prisons who are the decision-makers and lead the prison to attain its objectives.
  • Deterrence in Criminal Justice Practices The concept of deterrence is the foundation of criminal justice systems in a majority of democratic nations. In my opinion, law enforcement is the second area where the implications of deterrence have more impacts.
  • Administration of Criminal Justice – Elements of Planned Change Administrators According to Merino, the effects of the implementation of change or change initiating in the criminal justice system extend far beyond the desired change.
  • Research Process and Terminology: Criminal Justice In addition, it is necessary to edit the research question/hypothesis after reviewing the literature and determining variables; select the research method; sampling methods and control of variables should be thoroughly explained as well; description of […]
  • Suicide in People With a Criminal Justice History The main questions raised in the study included suicide risk for the Danish population over the past three decades and possible relation of the results with the social and health problems of the suicides.
  • Criminal Justice System: “Lucky” by Alice Sebold The book “Lucky” by Alice Sebold unfolds the rape ordeal that the author went through at the age of 18 years as well as the aftermath of the heinous act on her personal life.
  • Achieving Real Justice: Funding Criminal Justice Reform The article sums up the problems that have enhanced the tribulations of the state’s criminal justice department and point out strategies that have been adapted to solve these challenges. The citizens of California have not […]
  • The Criminal Justice System in the US The statutes of Texas require the criminal justice system to carry out an inquest into the causes of deaths that occur mysteriously to ascertain the cause of death.
  • Impact of Diversity on Criminal Justice Police on the other hand think the high crime rates of Blacks and Hispanics only reflects the differences in the crime rates and not the biased justice system.
  • Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice According to legal ethics, lawyer has ethical duty of ensuring that client’s information is confidential and thus should always advocate for the interests of the client.
  • A Criminal Justice Approach to Suppressing Terrorism The threat of terrorism substituted communism as the rationale which was used for justifying the state of emergency in America prior to 1990s.
  • Web Research in Criminal Justice For those desiring a career that upholds the current social system in preventing crime, ensuring that the rule of law prevails and provides a system of rehabilitation for those who have broken the law, the […]
  • Expected Changes in the Criminal Justice Field Over the Next 50 Years A comfortable conjecture towards development in the criminal justice field will be the use of these social networking sites as an interaction tool with the communities served, for sharing critical information and collecting tips.
  • Cultural and Racial Prejudices in the Criminal Justice System Simultaneously, whiteness continues to play one of the key roles in the development of cultural and racial prejudices in the criminal justice system.
  • Leadership Issue in the Criminal Justice Field The main concerns about the issue of violations are: whether they are common phenomena in the criminal justice field, the reason that propagates them, and the possibility of their prevention with consideration whether they might […]
  • Changes Introduced to the Inquisitorial Criminal Justice in Italy The inquisitorial system was pioneered by the Roman Catholic Church in the medieval era, where the church used this system in its religious courts for prosecution of offenders and to reform the former system which […]
  • Contemporary Criminology and Criminal Justice Theory The model of a political society in which law restrains and guides the implementation of power by rulers dates from the early stages of systematic thought in the Western world.
  • Criminal Justice and DNA: “Genetic Fingerprinting” DNA is one of the popular methods used by criminologists today, DNA technique is also known as “genetic fingerprinting”.the name given the procedure by Cellmark Diagnostics, a Maryland company that certified the technique used in […]
  • Racial Discrimination in the US Criminal Justice System This report argues that when one studies the proportion of blacks in the Cincinnati community and the number of times that they have been stopped for traffic violations, one finds that there is a large […]
  • Searches in the Criminal Justice System The reasoning behind this lies in the mobility of vehicles which can enable the owners of the vehicles to tamper with the probable evidence should a warrant be necessary to conduct a search of the […]
  • The Criminal Justice Funnel and Globalization There are several cases in the initial stages of the criminal process which are then eliminated as the process continues to the top.
  • The History and Transformation of Criminal Justice System The State Police seeks the help of the local police divisions for the search of the criminals and arrest of them to announce sentence according to the Code of |Criminal Procedure applied and observed by […]
  • How Is the Criminal Justice System Portrayed in the News? In the case it is underrepresented, it means that the news has not been depicted in full and in a truthful manner and in accordance with the wishes of the American people.
  • Criminal Justice Reform in the Black Community A progressive change of the United States’ drug policy is a fundamental step in the restoration of the criminal justice system.
  • Key Social Issues Affecting Criminal Justice Professionals The absence of a decline in this percentage suggests that the criminal justice system has not been effective in addressing this issue. The criminal justice system has failed to decrease crime rates due to the […]
  • California’s Criminal Justice System, Problems and Solutions The attention is focused on the fact that even though the system is designed to lower the recidivism rate and help inmates in the future, rehabilitate, it is still ineffective.
  • Communication Databases and Criminal Justice System It will also expound on the positive and negative contributions of the databases due to the advancement in technology. Advancement in technology also poses immense challenges to members of the society.
  • Budget Reduction in Criminal Justice Administrations The mission of the police is to maintain law and order among the citizens. The main positive effect of this training is the ability of some members to provide security to the rest of the […]
  • Criminal Justice System in the United States Evolution The emergence of English common law in the period of the reign of Henry II had the biggest impact on the development of the criminal justice system in the United States.
  • Leadership and Management as Applied to Criminal Justice Organizations The differences between them are significant and crucial to understanding for executives to be able to reach the goals of a company.
  • Criminal Justice Centralization and Decentralization This assignment briefly examines the issue of centralization and decentralization, overviewing the negative consequences of the attorney’s office funded by the state, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the commission’s recommendations.
  • The Effects of Poverty Within Criminal Justice The approach used in this study is deductive since the reasoning in the study proceeds from the general principle regarding the fact that poverty has a role to play in the administering of fairness in […]
  • Criminal Justice System: Crime Scene Investigation A gas store employee, who was present in the time of the event, nodded to be the witness of the crime.
  • The Discipline of Criminal Justice: The Use of Mathematics The knowledge applied here is purely scientific and therefore the police can hire the services of such experts to assist in the investigation of crime.
  • Issues in Comparative Criminal Justice Under civil disobedience, the citizens reserve the rights to defy the authority of the state when in their opinion the stat is taking them n the wrong direction.
  • Criminal Justice Agency Records, Content & Secondary Data Analysis In this case, there is the need to ensure that the specifics of the statistics are very clear from the start.
  • Criminal Justice: Misconduct by Prison Wardens
  • Criminal Justice Experimentation: Threats to Validity
  • Criminal Justice System: Halloween Party Accident
  • Criminal Justice System in Australia
  • Management in Criminal Justice and Related Areas
  • The Criminal Justice Ethics Principles
  • Problem Analysis in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice for Physically Injured Crime Victims
  • Criminal Justice: Term Definition
  • Criminal Justice: Recidivism and Corrections
  • Washington County Court Services
  • Effects of Technology in Criminal Justice Systems
  • Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology
  • Criminal Justice Correction Professions and Careers
  • Criminal Justice: Race, Age, and Gender Factors
  • Contemporary Criminal Justice Leadership
  • Determination of Professionalism in Criminal Justice Organizations
  • Forensic Science in the Criminal Justice System
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • Applied Research in Criminal Justice Profession
  • Criminal Justice Policy Development and Implementation
  • Americans With Disabilities in Criminal Justice Agencies
  • Diversity Training for Criminal Justice Employees
  • Criminal Justice Employees’ Rights and Laws
  • Administration of Criminal Justice Agencies
  • Policy and Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Administration and Police Functions
  • Crime and Criminal Justice News
  • Women Working in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System and Inequilty in America
  • Criminal Justice Systems: Saudi Arabia, Germany and the US
  • Research Inquiry Methods in Criminal Justice Project
  • Criminal Justice: Balancing in Philosophy and Practice
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice and Fuller’s Principle
  • Women and Minorities Recruits in Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Careers in the Modern Society
  • Criminal Justice Process in the US
  • Military Trials: The Criminal Justice Procedures Violations
  • Criminal Justice Administration Issues
  • Johnnie Cochran’s Leadership in the Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice System: Racial Policy Change
  • Leadership Issues in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System Enforcement Issues
  • Key Criminal Justice Issues
  • Criminal Justice System Reforms
  • Criminal Justice From the Historical Perspective
  • Criminal Justice in the Film “Gideon’s Trumpet”
  • Criminal Justice: Investigating Problems
  • Criminal Justice Policy in Action
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice: Moral Aspects
  • Ethics, Media and Criminal Justice
  • Psychology in Criminal Justice
  • Domestic Violence in International Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice System: Supervision and Recidivism
  • Criminal Justice Systems in the US, the UK, Norway
  • Stereotyping Individuals in the Criminal Justice System
  • Stanford Prison Experiment and Criminal Justice
  • Media Influence on Criminal Justice and Community
  • Criminal Justice Process and Investigation Changes
  • Psychologist’s Roles in Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice: Discipline, Liability and Labor Relations
  • Criminal Justice Policy Formulation Participants
  • Criminal Justice in Fisher vs. University of Texas
  • Bureaucracy and Criminal Justice Policies
  • Illicit Drugs Policy and Criminal Justice
  • International Criminal Justice and Atrocity
  • US Supreme Court’s Role in Criminal Justice System
  • The United States Constitution and Criminal Justice
  • Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Trends
  • Criminal Justice From a Global Perspective
  • Antiterrorism Response Unit in Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Justice Administration
  • Criminal Justice Employees’ Duties and Rights
  • US Criminal Justice Policy: History and Future
  • US Criminal Justice Information System
  • Globalization and Criminal Justice Policy
  • Technologies in Canadian Criminal Justice System
  • The Criminal Justice’ and the Drug Policy’ Relations
  • The Criminal Justice System Network
  • The Criminal Justice System Effective Communication
  • Criminal Justice in Canada
  • Criminal Justice System and Forensic Psychology
  • Criminal Justice Workplace Management
  • Organizational Behavior Concepts in the Criminal Justice
  • Historical Criminal Justice Theories
  • Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation
  • Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System. Deterrence and Incarceration
  • Forensic Psychology Guidelines for Criminal Justice
  • Death Penalty Role in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice System Role in Curbing Crime Rates
  • People With Disabilities and Abuse of People With Disabilities and Criminal Justice
  • Politicization of Criminal Justice & its Influence on Penal Policy: A Critical Discussion
  • The Death Penalty in the US Criminal Justice System
  • Social and Criminal Justice Responses to Sex Work
  • Theories Required to be Successful in Supervisory Practices in the Criminal Justice Field
  • Foster Care in the Criminal Justice System
  • Death Penalty: Every For and Against
  • Racism in U.S. Criminal Justice System
  • The Many Faces of Criminal Justice: What Concerns Students Face Most Often
  • Techniques for Influencing Criminal Justice System Change
  • Criminal Justice Department
  • Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement
  • A Short Guide to the Criminal Justice System
  • Delphi Survey Method in the Criminal Justice System
  • Criminal Justice
  • What Does the Future Hold for the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond to White Collar and Corporate Crime?
  • What Makes the Criminal Justice System So Slow?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Work?
  • How Are Computers Essential in Criminal Justice Field?
  • Are Individual Mental Health Issues Treated Fairly by the Criminal Justice System?
  • What Should the Criminal Justice System Do With Drug Abusers?
  • How Might Crime Data Be Used as either Predictor for Crime or Used by Criminal Justice Professionals?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Depend on the Disparities of the People That It Serves?
  • How Does Criminal Justice System Work and How Does It Have Problems?
  • Are Males and Females Treated Differently in the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Did the Current Criminal Justice System in the US Evolve?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Extend More Rights to Criminal Defendants?
  • How Does Society Shape the Experiences of the Criminal Justice?
  • Are Youth Offenders Responsive to Changing Sanctions?
  • How Does the Australian Criminal Justice System Respond to Domestic Violence?
  • Does the Criminal Justice System Have a Gendered Response Towards Filicide When It Comes to Punishing the Offender?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond to Illicit Drugs?
  • Should the Criminal Justice System Be the Primary Solution to Drug Problems in Australia?
  • How Does Our Criminal Justice System Reflect the U.S. Constitution?
  • Should the Death Penalty Be Used in the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Does Television Depict the Criminal Justice System?
  • Should the Texas Criminal Justice System Be Legal?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Deals With Sex Offenders?
  • What Are Effective Writing Principles for Criminal Justice Professionals in Their Respective Communications?
  • How Does the Criminal Justice System Respond to Organized Crime Within Our Society?
  • What Are the Major Components of the Criminal Justice System?
  • How Can the Past Assist the Modern Criminal Justice System?
  • What Are the Three Most Challenging Issues of Criminal Justice?
  • Why Are Confidentiality and Ethics Important in Investigating the Legal Concerns of the Criminal Justice and Criminology?
  • Domestic Violence Paper Topics
  • Computer Forensics Essay Topics
  • Drug Trafficking Research Topics
  • Crime Prevention Research Topics
  • Forensic Psychology Research Topics
  • Criminal Procedure Titles
  • Human Rights Essay Ideas
  • Mass Incarceration Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples.

"304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples." February 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples." February 26, 2024.


IvyPanda . "304 Criminal Justice Essay Topics & Examples." February 26, 2024.

How to Write a Criminal Law Essay Paper

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essay writing on criminal law

Essays are frequently assigned to law students, either on allotted or chosen topics or in response to specific questions. Most states’ bar exams include an essay section as it’s an essential part of a law students’ academic career. Criminal law essay assignments are usually planned to ensure students understand the nation’s laws and the way to apply them in a criminal case. However, before writing, it is crucial to know what exactly a criminal law essay is.

So, let’s look at it!

What Is Criminal Law Essay?

Criminal law is a branch of state law that contributes to societal safety and confidence. In modern times, a significant level of crime and violence jeopardises people’s balance and comfortable living conditions, and criminal law specifically regulates this sphere.

A criminal law essay is an academic paper based on a detailed analysis of criminal law legislation. Because of the importance of laws to the state and its citizens, this field of study is incredibly challenging. Therefore, the criminal law essay examines definite cases where a legislative dispute arises.

Steps to Compose Essay on Criminal Law

Criminal law is important for academic research as it compares various legislative approaches to consider a specific case. Furthermore, it is standard procedure for courts in various states or countries to approach specific cases differently.

Criminal law essays compare such cases and determine an appropriate judgment for everyone. Therefore, following the criminal law essay structure is crucial to creating an amazing write-up. Here are the steps:

1. Read and Understand the Question

Carefully read the question or essay topic, and try to understand it. Criminal law essay topics are frequently complex, incorporating multiple angles and perspectives. Therefore, students usually ask academic professionals to ‘write my law essay’ as they find this task challenging.

However, before starting the essay, make a list of all secondary questions posed within the main question and approaches to your topic. For example, determine whether your teacher has asked you to provide a defense argument, a prosecution argument, or simply an overview of current legislation.

2. Conduct Thorough Research

Investigate all law cases that pertain to your topic. You should plan on spending time in your local law library and on the internet.

Make notes of your topic. For example, if your subject is “Cause and Effects of Cybercrime”, so determine what can be the cause of cybercrime, how people use the internet and its effects on their lives, as per the legal perspective.

3. Create an Outline

An outline for a criminal law essay can be as comprehensive as you want if it assists you to get a sense of how to structure the essay.

While some authors include a couple of sentences under every heading in the outline to create a short essay, others are confident that a quick list of topics will suffice. Do it in a way that feels more natural and comfortable to you.

4. Structure the Essay

Unless your professor instructs you, format your essay as a law brief. Unlike most essays, which are composed of sentences and paragraphs that flow naturally, law briefs are organised in an outline format.

It is important to write the general responses to each question, denoted by a Roman numeral. Then, modify each section and use a capital letter to indicate supporting points in your essay.

Usually, students find this step challenging as they don’t know how to structure their essay, so they consider law essay writing services a convenient way to structure their writing piece, as per the requirements.

5. Present Your Argument or Viewpoint

If you’re writing a viewpoint or an argument in an essay, present all potential arguments or counter-arguments from the opposing counsel. Consider the likely responses of the opposing party and how you can counter those responses.

Look at some examples online before writing an essay on criminal law to have a clear idea about presenting your argument or viewpoint. You can also take help from your instructors and peers.

6. Summarise with an Excellent Standpoint

In the closing paragraph, summarise your stance by presenting the key points of your argument. Because this concludes your results and points, provide a summary of the entire paper. Also, express your thoughts on criminal law. Keep in mind that you mustn’t add any new information in the conclusion.

7. Don’t Forget to Cite Your Essay

Remember to use the suggested citation format and reference any sources to support your paper’s arguments. You may be wondering which citation format is correct. Check the instructions from your professor to check which is required.

8. Read, And Then Submit

It may be more effective to hold the law essay before you rather than read it on a screen, so get a copy printed to review it. However, if you feel comfortable reading on the screen, that’s alright too. You can also request someone to read your paper and provide constructive feedback. This is useful because you may have missed grammatical errors. That person doesn’t need to be a lawyer because a well-written paper should be understandable to anyone.

Furthermore, you can consult the professional criminal law essay service to check, edit and proofread your write-up.

Pick Intriguing Criminal Law Essay Topics

Analyse and highlight the most interesting areas of criminal laws and cases you’ve studied. This will assist you in narrowing your field of interest and selecting a topic that will enable you to enhance or practice skills in specific areas.

You can evaluate current affairs, consider case approaches, or investigate some execution to existing national legislation for your topic. You must pick an issue that can pique the reader’s interest. However, if you are having difficulty in picking intriguing criminal law essay topics, you can select one from the following list below:

  • Human rights violation
  • Reasons why today’s teenagers are more likely to commit crimes
  • How is the jury selected?
  • What motivates people to commit crimes?
  • Parental child abduction laws
  • Food and hunger moral issues
  • The difficulties that today’s youth face
  • The role of various family members in the prevention of juvenile delinquency
  • The role of genetics in adolescent criminal behavior

Case studies are the most compelling types of criminal law essays. Thus, you can also pick a specific situation and investigate it from a legal standpoint. In this respect, the most crucial advice is to select the case’s current relevance and its overall positive or negative impact on society and the legal system.

General Rule of Selecting Criminal Law Essay Writing Topic

  • Pick a topic that interests you : It is preferable to focus on a specific aspect, avoiding technical issues and subjects with limited access to information sources.
  • Obtain information : Gather information from e-books, books, newspapers, magazines, scholarly articles, websites, academic journals, videos, and other sources. Check out the public college or university library, or the internet.
  • Form a thesis statement : Once you’ve decided on a criminal law essay writing topic, try to create a thought-provoking thesis statement or change the topic if you’re having trouble.
  • Confirm the subject : Discuss the topic of interest with your professor to see if the subject is acceptable.

In a nutshell, all these tips, rules and steps in this brief guide will help make the process of writing a criminal law essay easier and more interesting.

1. What are the steps involved in writing a criminal law essay?

The criminal law essay should contain the following steps:

  • Introduction
  • Key Methods

2. Is it difficult to write a criminal law essay?

Yes. The process of criminal law essay writing can be difficult for a student due to the need for background knowledge of multiple legal systems in different states that can influence the consideration of a specific case. However, above mentioned steps can help you significantly in writing an outstanding essay.

3. How to start a criminal law essay?

Choosing a topic is the first step when writing an essay on criminal law because it defines the scope of the research. In most situations, the professor or instructor provides the topic or case for this essay type, and students must complete the assigned task in compliance with the guidance.

You can also consult the professor or instructor with any questions you have about writing a high-quality essay. However, if the professor allows you to choose the topic or case on your own, you can explore the subject to expand your knowledge and skills beyond the horizon.

4. Do you offer criminal law essay writing services?

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Home Essay Samples

Essay Samples on Law

Law essay writing relates to one of the most complex academic tasks because there are numerous case studies, court hearing analysis assignments, and comparisons of both local and international laws. As most students majoring in Law will agree, it’s much better when you can approach free law essay examples because it helps to understand things in a much clearer way. We have a great collection of various legal assignments for you that focus on modern and historical topics. Students that are not majoring in Law will also find these helpful as law essay topics presented address various social issues. It helps to explain the importance of Law essays for students majoring in Business Management, Healthcare, Psychology, and Marketing. As you browse through the list, you shall encounter American, British, European, and International law essay ideas that you will find inspiring. See the list of sources that have been used (at the end of each sample provided) as these may be helpful as you compose your Law essay. As you look through the samples on offer, do not forget to focus on how each paper has been structured and how the laws have been cited to provide a piece of evidence.

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  • Death Penalty

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Russia-Ukrainian War: the Conflict That Has Killed International Law

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  • Contemporary History
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The Issue of Social Justice in Terms of Racism at Schools

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  • Inequality in Education
  • Social Justice

Revealing the Meaning of Equity, Social Justice and Human Rights

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  • Types of Human Rights

Uncovering Whether Should Smoking Be Illegal in the Modern Society

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Reasons Why I Believe That Smoking Should Be Banned

Have you ever seen a cigarette? I'm pretty sure you have. Have you ever walked by someone and got a mouthful of smoke blew in your face? Probably. Have you ever considered starting to smoke? Well, hopefully not after reading. In this 'Smoking should be...

Race and Ethnicity's Impact on US Employment and Criminal Justice

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  • Race and Ethnicity

Abortion Law Around the World: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction On 11 April 2019, the Korean Constitutional Court (“KCC”) reached a decision in which it states that the relevant clause of the Korean Criminal Act (“KCA”) setting out sanctions for abortion would constitute a violation of constitutional law (The Constitutional Court Decision 2017 HunBa...

Thomas Hobbes and His Proposed Laws of Nature in Criminal Law

Starting with the first law states that we should explore peace, and if we are unable to obtain that goal, then we should use the full force of war. The first law contributes to Law of Nature that is discovered through reason. Such a law...

  • Thomas Hobbes

The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished: An Unfair Treatment of Convicts

Martin Luther King once said, “Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars,”(King and Harding, 2010). Essentially, his philosophy was that violence is not the answer and there can always be different methods to get around it....

Death Penalty Should Be Abolished: The Inhumane Practice

As it may seem, multiple deaths have occurred with the approval of the government. Where a person (the defendant) has ignored the law and committed a crime so barbarous that the only option left is to eliminate the person and decide what form of execution...

The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished or It Deters Crime

In the news, this month is the story of Charles Russell Rhines, who could become the first man in the history of the United States to petition the South Dakota state to use a lethal injection drug of his choice. Rhines filed a petition asking...

Death Penalty Should Be Abolished: Death in the Hands of a Human

The death penalty. The supreme punishment. The act of punishing injustice by the means of injustice. First introduced as capital punishment in the eighteenth century, but used since the beginning of time, it is safe to say the death penalty holds a key role in...

The Reason Why Should the Drinking Age Stay at 21: The Drinking Age Act

The question of who should make the policy (rather than what the policy is) has been a long political debate that I am sure will not be solved within this paper. I do argue though that states given the opportunity to experiment is beneficial for...

  • Drinking Age in America

Why Should the Drinking Age Stay at 21: The Issue of Underage Drinking

The blinking red hand on the crosswalk appeared and she stopped just across the street from her high school. As she exhaled her breath made little white puffs in the cold, morning air. At the same intersection, a car was quickly approaching. The walk signal...

Death Penalty: Pros and Cons of Ethics Behind Capital Punishment

Is death penalty ethical? Death Penalty is ethical because it follows Hammurabi’s code which says An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Death Penalty has been used for hundreds of years and over the years it has only got less extreme....

Death Penalty and Racial Prejudice: Pros and Cons of the Method

In 2019 alone, twenty two men have been brutally murdered in seven states in America (DPIC). For every person a special group had gathered to debated upon whether or not these men and women were worthy of a life or if they could be sacrificed...

Children Are Not Criminals: Lowering the Age of Responsibility

The Philippine government is proposing a new law regarding the lowering of age on criminal liability from fifteen years old to nine years old, however, children at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempted from criminal liability because they are just...

  • Age of Responsibility
  • Juvenile Crime
  • Juvenile Justice System

Article II of the Bill of Rights: Bearing Arms

In accordance with the article II of the Bill of Rights, “[the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, which is believed as that every citizen of the US has a right to keep and carry weapons. However, the...

  • Bill of Rights
  • Civil Rights

The Significance of Communication in the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Sentiments

Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. Communication has played an important role in the development of America. The impact of written communication, such as books, newspapers, and flyers from the 1500s to the 1800s on...

  • British Constitution

The Need for Reformation of the Current Law and the Bill of Rights

This essay will evaluate the proposals that the Conservative Government put forward in 2015. The proposals were about repealing the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and giving a Supreme domestic court the power to make decisions on human right issues. This would be done by...

Freedom as a Human Right Established in the Bill of Rights

Freedom, liberty, and strong nationalism are only a few of the unique qualities that make up our diverse country. Each of the qualities listed have many parts behind them making them the foundation of this nation. Our America is unlike any other country, our founding...

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The Reformation of the Age of Responsibility in England and Wales

In the 19th Century with the introduction of reformatories and industrial schools in England and Wales, there have been many transformations in order to deal with young people who offend. There has been continuous political turmoil and uncertainty over the most appropriate solution to best...

The Freedom Of Religion And Why Is The First Amendment Important

First Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of...

  • First Amendment

The Reasons Why Is The Second Amendment Important

The right to bear arms was inserted into the constitution and has been something that has remained in place today. With all the violence and deaths by guns that has been occurring throughout the United States in the past decade, it has caused law makers...

Why Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults

Furthermore, children that commit crimes are products of their environment in which they live. For example, when children constantly get sexually abused, it causes immense amounts of trauma and a false sense of love. Often a traumatic experience for all is an offense punishable by...

  • Criminal Behavior

Drugs and Drug Policy In America: Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

The assortment of crimes that remain affiliated with drug use span from aggressive (such as homicide and aggravated assault) to greed (burglary, counterfeit, and deception) to distinct drug-law violations. Also, crimes such as bribery and corruption stay related to drug use as a result of...

Legalization of Marijuana: Economic and Medicinal Benefits

As a famous quote goes “Marijuana, the healing of the Nation” is not farfetched since there are several benefits of this peculiar herb. However, there are several controversies against this herb because it is believed to be an addictive drug and its use can be...

  • Medical Marijuana

Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana in Canada

With the legalization of marijuana, many thoughts have been heard as it is being used for medical purposes and is used to heal anxiety and autism however, it has some major health issues on the human body with some effects like memory loss and addictiveness....

Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization in Jamaica

After smoking marijuana for two weeks, a student at the University of Technology, Jamaica realized that it kept getting harder for him to maintain focus on one thing at a time. According to a doctor, this was a result of smoking marijuana as it may...

Why The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished

In 2018, twenty five American prisoners were sentenced to death. Is this morally wrong? Is this humane? Is this justice? These are only a few of the questions that may be posed when deliberating the death penalty. There are many shocking and unjustified arguments for...

  • Human Rights
  • Prison System

What Does Social Justice Mean To You

Justice can be said to be the ligament that binds together civilized beings and civilized nations. The word 'justice' can be heard on everybody's lips and can mean virtually everything. The majority of the people cry of 'Peace and Justice' that would fire and sword...

  • Restorative Justice

Why Smoking Should Not Be Banned

Tobacco is one of the most lucrative industries in the world. This is because cigarettes contain chemical substances added to the tobacco in order for its users to become addicted. While many people believe tobacco alone differs from that which is included in cigarettes, tobacco...

Why Weed Should Be Legal

Marijuana could be an economical marvel and social marvel that should be praised rather than shunned by society. Police waste an unimaginable amount of money and time waging a futile war on such harmless and docile drugs that could be regulated to be safer than...

  • Drugs Legalization

Why Should Weed Be Legal In the UK

Cannabis also known as Marijuana, Weed, Pot, Green, Dope and Grass is a drug which is widely used in the world and in some countries, it is legal for example Amsterdam but in others it is illegal for example the U.K. However, many people think...

Should Life Imprisonment Replace The Death Penalty

The American justice system is a complex and diverse part of American life. It has many sections and, some would say, many flaws. Nothing about this system is more controversial than capital punishment, more commonly known as the “death penalty”.The practice of executing criminals for...

Some Reflections On Civil Disobedience

In the summer of 2019, a restless mood spread among many Hong Kong residents along with the hot weather. Dissatisfied with the government's plan to introduce the Extradition Law Amendment Bill, many protesters took to the streets to protest the amendment. What no one expected,...

  • Civil Disobedience

Is The Criminal Justice System Is Institutionaly Racist 

Dating back to the 1960s UK antagonizing immigrants, or even since the slave trade was abolished, institutional racism has been an existing, developing, and prevalent force within the criminal justice system. The MacPherson Inquiry (1999), which examined the original Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) investigation into...

Choice Between Civil Liberties And National Security In American History

The post-World War II and 9/11 eras were similar times in U.S. history where the United States government lived in fear. To protect national security from the communist regime, Congress passed an infamous piece of legislation in 1950, known as the McCarran Internal Security Act....

  • American History
  • Civil Liberties
  • National Security

Mental Illness In The Criminal Justice System

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5. The Importance of the Criminal Justice System

6. The Criminal Justice System in the UK: A Comprehensive Overview

7. Why Did You Choose Law as a Career

8. The Three Major Components of the Criminal Justice System

9. The 2nd Amendment and Its Interpretation: An Argumentative Analysis

10. The 15th Amendment: Extending Voting Rights and the Quest for Equality

11. Why Is the Second Amendment Important: Examining the Right to Bear Arms

12. Why I Want to Become a Lawyer: Advocating for Justice

13. Lowering the Drinking Age to 18: Examining the Pros and Cons

14. Is the Criminal Justice System Broken: Analyzing Challenges

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Essays in Criminal Law in Honour of Sir Gerald Gordon

Essays in Criminal Law in Honour of Sir Gerald Gordon

Essays in Criminal Law in Honour of Sir Gerald Gordon

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This book honours the work of Sir Gerald Gordon CBE QC LLD (1929– ). In modern times few, if any, individuals can have been as important to a single country's criminal law as Sir Gerald has been to the criminal law of Scotland. His monumental work The Criminal Law of Scotland (1967) is the foundation of modern Scottish criminal law and is recognised internationally as a major contribution to academic work on the subject. Elsewhere, he has made significant contributions as an academic, judge and as a member of the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission. Reflecting the academic rigour and practical application of Sir Gerald's work, this volume includes chapters on criminal law theory, substantive law and evidence and procedure by practitioners and academics within and outside of Scotland, including contributions from England, Ireland, and the USA.

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Criminal Law and Justice Essay Ideas and Writing Guide

Writing a criminal law and justice essay can be quite intimidating for students, especially as Criminal Justice is a broad discipline. Those who have just graduated from high school, entered college, and haven't adapted to a new environment yet can consider this assignment too difficult. But it doesn't mean a student can't develop a good criminal law and justice essay. It's not necessary to have a rich background in writing to do it. All you need is motivation and desire to find the perfect words and organize them into a concise paper. Keep in mind that you write essays not just for yourself but for your readers. Your task is to make the complex topic easy to understand by anyone who gets your paper, so be attentive when using words and ensure each one has a meaning. And the last thing we want to emphasize is that all your ideas should be connected smoothly.

In the rest of the article, you may find how to write criminal law and justice essays. Let's try to define criminal law and justice essay first.

General Tips on Writing a Criminal Law Essay!

It is a type of academic task aimed at examining students' knowledge and skills in the field of any topic related to criminal justice or law, both business and international. What is the primary goal? The main mission of the criminal law essay is to convince the target audience of a particular angle of law that controls social behavior and actions, as well

as bans or restricts things that are dangerous for the civil population. Several types of these assignments exist. It depends on the topic - a specific crime - that you are covering in your paper:

No matter which issue you pick, stick to the general structure. The most popular one is a 5-paragraph essay.

  • Interpret the research question. Obtain the central idea and other issues arising from the thesis statement (primary argument). Next, categorize a couple of topics and look for the details in credible sources like books and scholarly articles. Finally, decide whether it should be an argumentative or position paper.
  • Test the chosen research question, and related study, and take notes during the learning process to grab the most interesting thoughts. Define the state laws before explaining how they relate to the analyzed crime. Specify the academic/law commission proposal for reforms. It is critical to present the current condition of the law reforms to gain full credit and the highest possible score.
  • Talk about the potential crimes covered by the law. Name various types of crimes, from the severest cases to the less life-threatening situations. Identify every case as an act, necessary defensive measure, or state of mind. It is essential to reveal the court's application of the specific regulation according to past and ongoing events, the restrictions, and corresponding policy considerations.
  • Add the physical faces that could take part and be analyzed in a specific situation. Remember that criminal law involves the state.
  • A student must list the main points and mention how to handle them. Then, consider the potential replies/reactions and outcomes the opposition would offer.

Post-Writing Steps and Preferred Format for the Justice Essay

After you finish writing your criminal law and justice essay, you need another writing task: create a summary of your paper. Mention the basic ideas you've covered in your criminal law essay, what results you achieved, and what insights you got when writing. Share personal opinions on criminal law. Do not forget to follow the recommended citation format and cite as well as reference even the sources used to support the arguments of your paper. Do you ask, "What referencing style should I use?"

Well, in general, the choice of citation style is usually influenced by the discipline or your professor's point of view. The most popular law citation styles are McGill and Bluebook. With the high probability, you'll need to use a Bluebook, so we recommend you check its formatting rules and requirements before you start writing your criminal law essay. If the rules seem too difficult for you, consider finding some essay samples formatted according to BlueBook and using them as references. Bluebook is used for formal law document referencing. College students are allowed to tailor their assignments to this style.

Now, let's consider some of the best ideas in the next section. Select one of the available justice essay topics for your future paper!

20 Exceptional Justice Essay Topics

We have divided this section into several categories for you to understand the idea better.

5 Criminal Justice Topics

  • Decide whether identity theft has reached its peak
  • Measures to take for improved gun control
  • Reasons why few women obtain the capital punishment
  • The role of technological progress in the evolution of forensic
  • Distributive justice & criminal justice

5 Social Justice Topics

  • Life & dignity of human beings: Human trafficking
  • Violations of human rights
  • Moral problems of food and hunger
  • The issue of human life loss
  • National sovereignty problems in the United States

5 Juvenile Justice Topics

  • The challenges modern young people are facing
  • The role of different family members in preventing juvenile delinquency
  • The purpose of genetics in criminal activity among adolescents
  • Marxist crime concept & juvenile crimes
  • Reasons why teenagers are more likely to commit crimes nowadays

5 Environmental Justice Topics

  • Operating in different zones of conflict
  • Direct outcomes of globalization
  • Socially responsible business practices: Their effectiveness
  • The problems with illegal immigrants and fair wages
  • Promotion of the common good: Legal & illicit ways

5 Criminal Law Essay Topics

  • The possibility of the peaceful protests
  • For & against the death penalty
  • Analyzing the famous Michael Brown case
  • Examples of inheritance and estate laws
  • Personal traits that each judge should possess

General Rules of Choosing a Research Paper Topic

  • Pick the topic of your interest. It is better to select a narrow aspect, staying away from the technical issues and those with restricted access to sources of information.
  • Retrieve information. Collect data from books, e-books, magazines, newspapers, academic journals, scholarly articles, websites, videos, etc. You can visit the college library to find some sources of information or do it on the Internet.
  • Create a thesis statement. If you selected a suitable topic, the next step of the writing process is composing a catchy and interesting title and strong thesis statement to finish your introduction. If these two processes seem too difficult for you, consider choosing another topic.
  • Confirm the topic. It's better to discuss it with your tutor and decide whether this theme is worth being covered in your paper; it is acceptable or not.

Maybe the list of available topics contains better options, and you need to choose one of them.

Need Some Help?

With a bit of zeal and hard work, you will indeed develop an impressive criminal justice essay. Of course, it's okay to doubt your abilities sometimes, but if you realize that coming up with a good paper is beyond your capabilities, consider hiring a professional writer for this purpose. Best Custom Writing can assist you with securing a decent grade on your criminal law and justice essay.

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Writing Guide

Effective communication is vital no matter what you study, including criminal justice. In fact, law enforcement officers do far more writing than many people think. Criminal justice report writing plays a central role in the field. Cops write arrest, crime, incident, and evidence reports, and they compose social media posts, community outreach posters, and internal memos. Like everyone else, they also communicate using electronic correspondence, including emails and texts.

Because of the authoritative nature of police work, law enforcement communications must use clear, concise, and articulate language.

Because of the authoritative nature of police work, law enforcement communications must use clear, concise, and articulate language. These documents might appear in trials or be used to obtain warrants, making accuracy and clarity absolutely essential. Good communication skills can also lead to promotion opportunities.

Writing skills are just as important in other criminal justice professions, including teaching, law, forensics, and emergency management. Criminologists write studies and research papers, teachers pen several types of documents, and emergency management professionals compose community reports and preparation studies. Likewise, lawyers write countless communications, and forensic experts prepare reports on their findings. Anyone who wants to continue on to a master’s, too, benefits from effective writing skills.

Types of Writing Criminal Justice Students Will Do in School

Personal statements.

Many colleges require applicants to write a personal statement. These short essays reveal the goals and intentions of students and can improve your odds of getting accepted into a preferred school. Admissions staff can quickly tell how well a student writes, how much effort they put into their statement, and whether they can answer simple questions. They can also compare an applicant’s ambition and imagination with their peers.

Many students find that writing about their own experiences, especially as they relate to their educational aspirations, leads to a successful essay. Criminal justice students, for example, could write about how volunteering with young, at-risk kids opened their eyes to the ways some children fall into a life of crime. Others write about how reading the police blotter in their small town inspired them to invent a solution to a common problem. Keep in mind that college counselors read thousands of these essays, and carefully think about why they should choose you over others. Think about the average applicant and consider what sets you apart. Put some time into your essay. Write an outline in which you lay out your points. Proofread what you write and consider getting professional help prior to submission.

Colleges look for statements that reveal the character of an individual. According to a survey of admissions counselors by the Guardian , they appreciate honesty, simplicity, introspection, and direct and confident language. They do now, however like punctuation errors, waffling, or overblown language. If admissions lists the personal statement as optional, make sure to set yourself apart by writing one.

Criminal justice programs often use long-form essay questions on exams. These writing prompts ask students to compose essays on topics discussed in class. Students must create thoughtful and clear answers using points of evidence along the way — showing that they understand the material. Students often do not get the questions ahead of time, which means they must not only study for the exam but answer on the spot.

Students must create thoughtful and clear answers using points of evidence along the way — showing that they understand the material.

Students can make essay questions must easier by taking simple steps. First, make sure you read the question closely and understand it’s requirements. Jot down a one- or two-sentence thesis that answers it. Afterward, compose a brief outline, sketching out your three main points and making sure that they address the question clearly. Fill in each point with a few pieces of evidence. This will keep you focused as you write.

Reread the essay after completing it. While editing, look for grammatical or thematic errors, keeping the specifics of the question in mind as you read. Your first draft will almost always have mistakes, so make sure you leave enough time to proofread!

Research Papers

At some point, almost every college student needs to write a research paper. These long-form reports generally require you to thoroughly explore a topic, investigating it from a variety of angles and writing about your findings. Research papers share similarities with essays, and some can take the form of an essay. However, research papers differ in that they typically involve articulating someone else’s point of view. The thesis of an essay tends to take a personal note and is chosen beforehand, but a research paper presents the end result of the exploration, analysis, and evaluation of an idea or theme. The Purdue Online Writing Lab suggests that you think of a research paper as a living document that will grow and change as you interpret your data.

A good research paper begins with the selection of a topic. People list differing ideas about how to write a criminal justice research paper, but there is no shortage of topics. Ideas could include the relationship between mental health and crime or drugs and recidivism. You might look at the ethics of mass incarceration or study police brutality. Your paper could investigate whether data-driven policing serves as another form of profiling or explore changes to the Fourth Amendment in law enforcement.

Once you decide on a main idea, you need to research several primary and secondary sources. After thoroughly investigating your topic, draw an outline, laying out your primary points logically. A research paper usually has an introduction, a review or discussion of methodology, a section on results, and conclusions you can draw from the research. At the end, list your sources and references. After writing the outline, compose the first draft. Write thoughts as they come within each section, knowing that you can go back and edit for clarity and simplicity later. Make sure you present sound arguments and qualitative research. Many people find it easier to write the introduction after writing the body of the paper.

How Do You Write an Essay?

Like other forms of writing, essays come in several forms. Most students, for example, write a personal essay for their college application and later write persuasive essays in their classes. Professors might ask for narrative essays or comparative ones, or any of the types below — each of which requires a different way of thinking and writing.


Cause and effect, citations guide for criminal justice students.

Students should cite the works that they use in their papers. Citing shows the reader that you’ve done your research, and gives them the tools to check your facts. It demonstrates that you used sources knowingly and acknowledge the work you reference. Not only do colleges require this of students, but students themselves can immunize themselves from plagiarism through citation.

Plagiarism, whether intentional or not, puts an ugly stain on one’s academic career. It can lead to probationary status or even expulsion, and it can make getting into another school difficult. It’s your duty to know where your information comes from and to make sure you cite your work properly.

American Psychological Association (APA) Style

A group of psychologists, anthropologists, and business leaders designed the APA style in 1929. They wanted to set clear and straightforward standards for scientific writing so that academic writers used the same format. Everyone would cite things the same way, using common punctuation, numeration, tables, and figures.

APA style caters to fields like psychology, nursing, and business. Many in criminology and sociology also use APA style. For citations, APA differs slightly from other major styles, such as MLA. For example, when referencing an author, MLA uses last name and first name (e.g. Mayo, Matthew), where APA uses last name and first initial (e.g. Mayo, M.).

The in-text citation looks like this: (Mayo, 2017, p. 90.). Always place the in-text citation after the last word of the sentence but before the final punctuation mark. The reference list at the end of the paper includes the full citation: Mayo, M. (2017). Stranded–A Story of Frontier Survival . Waterville, ME: Five Star Publishing.

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

The Chicago Manual of Style dates back to 1891 and the founding of the University of Chicago Press. Typesetters and editors at the publisher created a style sheet, which they distributed to their professors and authors. By standardizing the manuscripts coming in, they could simplify the cumbersome typesetting process. The style sheet became a pamphlet and grew into a book, now in its seventeenth edition.

Business, history, and fine arts departments typically use Chicago style. Many publishers also use this style. Chicago style cites things differently than APA, employing footnotes and often including a bibliography at the end of the publication.

In the text, you place a numerical footnote number after the reference. The bibliography at the end of the paper includes the full citation: Matthew P. Mayo, Stranded–A Story of Frontier Survival . (Waterville, ME: Five Star Publishing, 2017), 90.

Modern Language Association (MLA) Format

The Modern Language Association (MLA) created its style specifically for academic writing. Language studies, comparative literature, English, and media and cultural studies typically use MLA style. The MLA presents its guidelines and standards in its MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.

Like with APA style, in MLA writers cite the author and source in parentheses within the text after each reference and collects the full citations at the end of the paper in a “Works Cited” section.

The in-text citation should look like this: (Mayo 90). The reference list at the end of the paper includes the full citation: Mayo, Matthew, P. Stranded–A Story of Frontier Survival . Five Star Publishing, 2017.

Associated Press (AP) Style

As its name suggests, the Associated Press style serves as the standard formatting guideline used by the Associated Press. Journalism and the media typically use this style, although some publications, like the New York Times, set their own standards.

AP style aims for brevity, simplicity, and accuracy, and, as such, reflects a more modern style. It allows for abbreviations, for example, more often than other styles, and tends to adopt new words and phrases at a faster pace. Because of its journalistic roots, AP style handles citations differently than the other, more academic styles. It does not use bibliographies, choosing instead to reference everything within the text.

In AP style you would simply write in the text: In Matthew P. Mayo’s novel “Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival,” the young protagonist, etc. . .

What Writing Style Is Used in Criminal Justice

Because criminal justice falls under the broader heading of the social sciences, ALA style is probably the most commonly used style in the field. Some schools make it a point to teach criminal justice students ALA style. Utica College’s law enforcement program, for example, states that it requires students to use the ALA. You should check with your professor to find out the style he or she prefers and use that as your criminal justice report writing guide.

Common Writing Mistakes Students Make

Active vs. passive voice.

College students often make the mistake of writing in the passive voice. Passive sentences avoid direct writing and use more words, often muddling the syntax. Using the active voice removes excess verbiage and projects more authority.

How do you tell the difference? In a passive sentence, the subject receives the action. For example: “the sentence was written by the author” or “the girl was scratched by the cat.” In an active sentence the subject performs the action. For example: “The author wrote the sentence” and “the cat scratched the girl.” Be careful when using “by” or “be” constructions in your work. These often lead to passive sentences. Several helpful online apps detect passive voice, making it easy to correct.


Punctuation errors occur in any form of writing. They can completely change the meaning of a sentence when used incorrectly. For example, a film director saying, “let’s shoot people” means something different than “let’s shoot, people.”

Most people struggle with comma usage, employing too many, too few, or splicing them. A comma splice occurs when you connect two independent phrases with a comma. Students also often use semicolons when they should use colons. Semicolons indicate a pause between two independent clauses that communicates a related idea. Colons mark a hard stop, indicating a list, quotation, or the expansion of an idea.

Students should review punctuation rules using a style guide or by visiting the myriad online sites focused on punctuation rules.

Even the best writers make grammar mistakes. Writers get in mental spaces that sometimes block them from looking at their own work objectively. Writers using the wrong word occurs more often than some might think. The English language’s homonyms — words that sound the same — often lead to writers using the wrong word. The most common mistakes are mixing up” two, too, and to” and “their, there, and they’re.”

Other frequent slips include using “its” when you want the possessive “it is,” or using “which” when you mean “witch.” Still other writers slip in and out of different tenses. You can correct all of these problems by carefully editing your work and using one of the many writing guides available, like those mentioned below.

Writing Resources for Criminal Justice Students

  • The Elements of Style Written by William Strunk and E.B. White, many consider this short volume the Bible of college composition. Concise, inexpensive, and available at bookstores everywhere, it features everything you need to know to improve your writing for classes in criminal justice — or anything else.
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab Hosted by Purdue University, “OWL” features more than 200 free writing resources, including formatting guides, tips for avoiding plagiarism, grammar help, vidcasts on writing, citation how-tos, and tutoring.
  • Amherst College Writing Center Amherst hosts a website replete with resources for writers. Broken down by subject, the school’s online tools include help with outlining, revision, editing, common problems, effective rhetoric, and writing in specific genres.
  •’s Writing Guide for Undergrads This site includes an array of writing tips and links to helpful guides. It features assistance with grammar, research papers, essays, and citation.
  • Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing Written by podcast star Mignon Fogarty, aka the Grammar Girl, this New York Times bestseller offers tips for improving communication. These include not only useful grammar ideas but also style guides, word-choice help, and ways to avoid common writing mistakes.

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Criminal law

Updated 07 July 2023

Subject Finance ,  Identity

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Category Sociology ,  Law

Topic Community ,  Criminal Law ,  Modern Society

Any community must have a criminal code because it protects the welfare of its citizens. Criminal law focuses on maintaining security and deterring threatening behavior. Understanding and adherence to the different elements of criminal law are essential for any society to function successfully. Because of the case issues, this paper will examine criminal law.

Justification for Legal Position in Actus Reas Case in the Absence of Mens Rea

It is crucial for the creation of a connection between actus reas and mens rea in the modern judicial context. Whether a suspect had the intent to perpetrate a crime is the real question at hand in this discussion. That is, whether he had knowledge that his action would result in crime. As such, whether an individual know if he was committing a crime or not, the result of the act (actus rea) cannot be relied upon solely to determine the case. Accordingly, it is important that there be a union between an act and the guilty mind. From an individualistic perspective, a conviction is not feasible in the instance that there was no intent to commit a wrongful act (Norrie, 2014). Therefore, the individual without a guilty mind should not face unwarranted conviction and prosecution. From the analysis of jurisprudence, in regards to the issue, it is evident that the perpetrator must have the willingness and knowledge that he was committing a crime for criminal liability to hold. In the absence of such willingness or knowledge, criminal liability fails to exist on the suspect's part. Subjecting an individual to prosecution despite being free from any form of moral blame-worthiness is revolting and does not conform to the need of a sense of justice. The focus of such a conviction is in violation to the fundamentals of criminal justice. As such Ashworth & Horder, (2013) emphasizes those crimes that warrant prison sentence should require a full proof evidence of the guilty intentions of the individual. This means that an action is not entirely criminal if the perpetrator did not have ill intentions while undertaking the act. Diplomatic and Legislative Immunity

Legislative immunity applies to legislators in the event that they commit tortious actions in the period of service within the respective country. The emphasis of legislative immunity is to ensure the protection of legislators from liability in a given civil lawsuit for the duties that they undertook as per the office jurisdiction. In reference to Ashworth & Horder, (2013) legislative immunity is also deemed as parliamentary immunity.

Diplomatic immunity as per Kadish, Schulhofer & Barkow, (2016) is imperative for over 15000 Americans operating abroad to ensure protection from political or legal harassment. Not all nations that America operates are friendly to the nation. As such, if the American diplomats were not subject to immunity, there would be the prevalent risk of detention or illegal prosecution based on trumped-up offenses. Most importantly in nations where the US is unpopular, the ever presence of illegal prosecution as a result of the governments bowing to popular pressure is an issue of concern. Diplomatic immunity, therefore, is a safety net for Americans in the distinctive nations in their quest to develop mutually cohesive political, economic or social relations.

Diplomatic immunity, on the other hand, denotes the privileges that are a direct extension from the 1961 convention about Diplomatic relations. Through the convention, there is the exemption of diplomatic individuals from criminal coupled with civil laws of a given host nation. Kadish, Schulhofer & Barkow, (2016) emphasize that the embassy territory coupled with communications and diplomatic people or personal property are deemed inviolable as per the convention. The exemptions determine the terms under which a diplomat may be subject to a given level of criminal or civil penalty.

Standard Sentencing Guidelines in the case of Questionable Competency of a Defendant

The judicial process ought to be fair and practice equity. As such, judges ought to adhere to fairness in their disposition of official duty. This means that it is important to understand that defendants do not have similar capabilities. The sentencing guidelines ought to be flexible in a way that they accommodate the competency of defendants. As such, the courts should not apply standard sentencing guidelines on a defendant whose competency is under question based on two fundamental arguments. First, it is important for the defendant to understand the essence of the judicial process (Norrie, 2014). Understanding the judicial affairs is in regards to having the basic information about the allegations and the punishment to be imposed; if found guilty. Secondly, there is a need for the defendant to understand the legal representatives. As such, the plan of action should be within the level of understanding to mitigate any legal misrepresentation (Ashworth & Horder, 2013). A person ought to comprehend the legal proceedings and the representation plan for action to ensure that innocent individuals are not jailed as a result of misrepresentation.

Objective of Criminal Law

In reference to Kadish, Schulhofer & Barkow, (2016) the main goals of criminal law encompass discouraging people from undertaking criminal behaviour (mitigating crime), defending citizens by settling cases by applying the legal process, penalizing people who have undertaken felony, and rectification of individuals who have done unlawful actions (correctional role). As such, the focus of the criminal law is the sustenance of an environment whereby there is a prohibition of individuals from doing criminal activities through establishing legal standards responsible for formulating the judicial process. Accordingly, in regards to protecting the public and prevention of the conviction of innocent individuals, the establishment of guidelines and repercussions for a criminal process is an effective approach as per the criminal law. Admittedly, authorities such as law enforcement officers are to sustain civil regulations and ensure that the laws are not infringed (Norrie, 2014). Most importantly, as per the law enforcement officers, there is the conformity to the law to ensure that there is no conviction of innocent people in a criminal process. Further, the penitentiaries coupled with disciplinary institutions are set forth in criminal laws to ensure that the people are prevented from threatening people who undertake criminal activities.

From the above analysis, various aspects of the criminal law require in-depth understanding. As such, of utmost importance is the interpretation of the various laws established. For an individual understanding, the aspects of criminal law ensure personal protection from any form of innocent prosecution.

Ashworth, A., & Horder, J. (2013). Principles of Criminal Law. Oxford University Press.

Kadish, S. H., Schulhofer, S. J., & Barkow, R. E. (2016). Criminal Law and its Processes: Cases and Materials. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Norrie, A. (2014). Crime, Reason, and History: A Critical Introduction to Criminal Law. Cambridge University Press.

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American Criminal Law Review

Write before you watch: policies for police body-worn cameras that increase accountability and accuracy.

In the wake of high-profile killings and abuse by police officers over the past few years, the public has come to expect that officers will be equipped with body-worn cameras (BWCs). These cameras capture and preserve encounters between police and civilians, and the footage they record often becomes critical evidence in criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings. Reformers believe BWCs can improve police accountability, build public trust in police, and potentially reform police behavior.

Considering the reliance on BWCs, a key question has emerged: should officers be allowed to review BWC footage before preparing a report or giving a statement, or only after doing so? The question comes as policymakers across the country, from the White House to local municipalities, are attempting to reform criminal justice policy. Given that police departments design their internal policies, it is perhaps unsurprising that most of the nation’s largest police departments using BWCs permit their officers, in most instances, to view the footage before writing an incident report. But this policy has profound negative consequences, both for the accuracy of police reports and the potential for police accountability. As cognitive science recognizes, an officer’s memory of an incident is susceptible to being altered by details in BWC footage that the officer may not have noticed or remembered. These differences could be legally and factually significant. Moreover, permitting officers to view BWC footage before writing their reports undermines public confidence that officers will be truthful in memorializing their own perception of events. Access and exposure to the footage creates the appearance, if not the likelihood, that an officer will conform their report to match the recording.

Police departments should instead adopt a “write first, then watch” policy. This approach fulfills two objectives: first, it memorializes the officer’s unaltered recollection, preserving the officer’s state of mind at the time of the event; second, it assures transparency by denying a percipient witness to an event access to other evidence in a case before they have memorialized their own recollection of events. Under this policy, officers would be permitted to write supplemental reports only after viewing BWC footage, for the purpose of providing additional details or explain why their recollections differed from the footage. Each report would be distinguishable, eliminating any concern that the footage would affect the officer’s initial report. This procedure ensures accuracy and accountability in an adversarial system.

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The bureau of prisons and the chevron doctrine.

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TOPSHOT - Justices of the US Supreme Court pose for their official photo at the Supreme Court in ... [+] Washington, DC on October 7, 2022. (Seated from left) Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts, Associate Justice Samuel Alito and Associate Justice Elena Kagan, (Standing behind from left) Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP) (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images)

The Supreme Court just handed down an important decision on how federal agencies interpret laws by Congress. One of those agencies, the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), writes program statements that interpret the law regarding punishment (sentences) imposed by the courts. Two of those are the First Step Act and Second Chance Act, which have been interpreted by the BOP in such a way that has led to prisoners being kept in institutional housing for far longer than Congress had intended when the laws were passed. The Supreme Court ruling might change that.

The " Chevron deference " is a judicial doctrine created by the 1984 U.S. Supreme Court ruling Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc . This ruling compels courts to defer to a federal agency's interpretation of ambiguous language in statutes that the agency is tasked with administering.

In theory, the deference allows agencies to implement complex statutes. In practice, it limits the judiciary's proper role in holding the other two branches of government responsible for carrying out and sticking to their constitutional duties. One result is too much discretionary power exercised by agencies who were envisioned to enforce, rather than create, the law.

Some argued that the concentration of power placed in the executive branch by Chevron deference leads to excessive, overreaching regulation by agencies with wide latitude to essentially set policy. The primary agencies affected have been noted as being the Environmental Protection Agency which oversees the Clean Air Act and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services’ interpretation of the Endangered Species Act.

In 2018, President Trump signed the First Step Act which allowed mostly minimum security prisoners to earn time credits to reduce their sentence by up to a year and to earn additional credits toward home confinement as part of their sentence. The law enjoyed overwhelming support from Republicans and Democrats at a time when Trump had a difficult time signing any meaningful legislation. The purpose of the law was to both save money and return prisoners to society sooner. While the BOP has implemented First Step Act, it has not been without challenges and many prisoners have remained in prison far longer than the law allows.

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Prisoners have gone to court to have their sentences reduced in light of the BOP’s calculations, and some have won. A New Hampshire federal court actually defined when a prisoner begins earning First Step Act credits. On June 9, 2021, Austen Yufenyuy was sentenced to sixty-six months in prison. After being sentenced, Yufenyuy was transferred between facilities in Maryland, Oklahoma and Texas before finally arriving at FCI Berlin in New Hampshire on April 6, 2022, nearly a year later. This is not atypical for prisoners to endure months of being shuffled before arriving at their designated facility.

Yufenyuy did not have any infractions during his nearly year of prisoner transport and he participated in what few programs that were available. So when he got to FCI Berlin he was perplexed as to why he did not receive FSA Earned Time Credits for the time he was in federal custody but before arriving at his designated institution. Yufenyuy filed a lawsuit in New Hampshire stating that his civil rights were being violated and on March 3, 2023, United States Magistrate Judge Andrea K. Johnstone (District of New Hampshire) agreed and ordered that those FSA Earned Time Credits that occurred while in transport should be awarded to Yufenyuy. The following day, Yufenyuy was released from the BOP. The BOP did not appeal this decision, nor has it changed its program statement to allow prisoners who have been sentenced but have not arrived at their final designation to earn FSA credits.

The BOP is standing by its current program statement, and there is good reason for it do so. The BOP can only award credits to those prisoners who are eligible and they must measure that they participated in meaningful programming, neither of which is possible if the prisoner is not in a BOP designated facility. According to the BOP, who is in the midst of rolling out a new calculator to assess future FSA Earned Time Credits, “... With regard to the case referenced, we have no plans to making a policy modification at present. Staff are aware of the case. When an offender is in holdover status, they are in the custody of the USMS, not the Bureau of Prisons. Accordingly, there is no PATTERN or Needs Assessments or review for FTC eligibility. They do not become a Bureau inmate unless they arrive at their designated facility and then, participate in Initial Classification which include the various FSA assessment activities.”

In her decision, Judge Johnstone used, and the parties to Mr. Yufenyuy’s case agreed, to a two-step test set forth in Chevron USA, Inc. v. Nat’l Res. Def. Council, Inc. , 467 U.S. 837, 842 (1984), which simply found “A government agency must conform to any clear legislative statements when interpreting and applying a law, but courts will give the agency deference in ambiguous situations as long as its interpretation is reasonable. Judge Johnston wrote “Under step one, we must determine whether Congress spoke clearly to the precise question before us. If so, that is ‘the end of the matter.’ If not, then we move to step two, where we defer to the [federal agency]’s interpretation of the statutory provision if it is reasonable.”

In step one, Judge Johnstone stated that under the FSA law “A prisoner may not earn time credits under this paragraph for an evidence-based recidivism reduction program that the prisoner successfully completed – (i) prior to the date of the enactment of [the FSA]; or (ii) during official detention prior to the date that the prisoner’s sentence commences under section 3585(a) [emphasis added].” However, the BOP’s Final Rule on FSA states that credits can only be earned once the prisoner arrives at the designated facility. So clearly there are two different times when a person can start earning, 1) when the sentence commences (FSA Law) and 2) when the prisoner arrives at the designated facility (BOP’s determination of when to award credits). So even with Chevron being the law, the BOP came out on the losing end.

With the Second Chance Act, signed by George W. Bush, allowed prisoners to also spend up to one year of their sentence in prerelease custody (halfway house and home detention). Home detention was limited to 6 months of the sentence or 10% of the sentence imposed. However, halfway houses are now at capacity according to the BOP and many prisoners are getting little or no prerelease custody. With Second Chance, the BOP has discretion over how much time, if any, a prisoner gets. However, like the First Step Act, Congress’ intention was to push more people out of federal prisons and back to community settings that are still very much part of incarceration experience.

This decision also comes at a time when Congress is asking for more oversight over the BOP, an agency beset by challenges of staffing shortages, crumbling infrastructure that needs billions for repairs and morale among employees that puts the BOP dead last in employee satisfaction among government agencies. U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff’s bipartisan bill to strengthen Federal prison oversight passed the U.S. House in May 2024. The bipartisan Federal Prison Oversight Act would establish new, independent oversight of the BOP. It passed the U.S. House in an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote and now heads to the U.S. Senate.

Sen. Ossoff first introduced the bipartisan bill in 2022 after leading multiple bipartisan investigations into corruption, abuse, and misconduct within the Federal prison system, uncovering a lack of oversight of the Federal prison system that led to long-term failures likely contributing to loss of life; jeopardizing the health and safety of incarcerated people and staff; and undermining public safety and civil rights.

The Chevron ruling will certainly prompt more lawsuits against the BOP in the coming months as prisoners will simply be asking for what Congress intended them to have ... less time in prison.

Walter Pavlo

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Guest Essay

I’m an Appellate Lawyer in Manhattan. If Trump Appeals His Conviction, He Faces Long Odds.

A black-and-white photo of an entrance to a court building.

By Roger L. Stavis

Mr. Stavis is a defense and appellate lawyer and a former prosecutor in New York City.

Donald Trump has vowed to appeal his conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records. Some on the right have argued that the trial was a target-rich environment for an appeal. Others have said that the U.S. Supreme Court should step in and provide relief to Mr. Trump.

Nevertheless, the process will begin in New York, where state law gives Mr. Trump — and any other individual with a criminal conviction — an absolute right to an appeal before an intermediate appellate court known as the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department.

As a prosecutor and a defense attorney for decades, I have argued hundreds of cases at this court. I’ve looked closely at the Trump case. The burning question now is: Could his conviction be reversed on appeal? My answer is: The chances of that are not good.

Mr. Trump’s legal team can approach his appeal on several fronts, but only one, concerning the legal theory behind the falsifying business records charge, is likely to hold out anything more than the slimmest of hopes for the former president.

In recent years, the Appellate Division, First Department, has reversed appeals from criminal convictions in only about 4 to 6 percent of cases. These long odds should come as no surprise. While the Constitution guarantees criminal defendants a fair trial, it does not guarantee them a perfect one.

To warrant reversal of a jury’s verdict on account of an error, the appellate court must find that an error of some kind led directly to the conviction. A technical error that does not rise to that level is called a harmless error and will not cause a reversal of a conviction.

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