do your homework Idiom, Proverb

Do one's homework, do (one's) homework, do your homework, do your ˈhomework (on something), more idioms/phrases.

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Do your homework Meaning and Definition

Meaning of do your homework: Delve into the meaning and definition of do your homework on our page. Explore what do your homework truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does do your homework mean to you?

The phrase "do your homework" typically means to thoroughly research or study a subject before taking action or making a decision. It can refer to the literal act of completing assigned schoolwork or studying for an exam, but it is often used in a broader sense to emphasize the importance of being well-prepared and informed in any situation. Doing your homework can involve gathering information, analyzing data, fact-checking, and considering different perspectives in order to make well-informed choices. It is a metaphorical reminder to put in the necessary time and effort to fully understand a topic before moving forward. This phrase can also be used in non-academic contexts, such as in business or personal relationships, to stress the importance of research and preparation before making a commitment or decision. Ultimately, "doing your homework" is about being diligent and thorough in your research to ensure success and avoid mistakes.

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25 Metaphors for Homework

Homework – a word that can evoke a wide range of emotions in students, from dread to determination. It’s a crucial aspect of education, a bridge between classroom learning and independent understanding.

However, sometimes it feels like a never-ending struggle. But what if we looked at homework differently? What if we used metaphors to describe it, making it seem less like a chore and more like an adventure?

In this article, we’ll explore various metaphors for homework, each shedding light on a unique aspect of this academic endeavor.

25 metaphors for homework

Metaphors for Homework

1. a set of instructions or steps.

Meaning: Homework can be likened to a set of instructions or steps, similar to following a recipe.

In a Sentence: Just as a chef follows a recipe to create a culinary masterpiece, students follow the instructions in their homework to master a subject.

2. A Road to Travel

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a journey or path towards learning and understanding, like traveling down a road.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a mile marker on the road of education, guiding students on their quest for knowledge.

3. A Fish to Catch

Meaning: Homework can involve trying to “catch” new concepts or ideas, similar to how one might try to catch a fish.

In a Sentence: Students cast their mental nets into the vast sea of information, hoping to catch the elusive understanding hidden beneath the surface.

4. A Ship to Steer

Meaning: Homework can involve navigating your way through new material, similar to steering a ship.

In a Sentence: Just as a captain must navigate through treacherous waters, students steer their way through complex assignments, avoiding pitfalls along the way.

5. A Tool to Use

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a means to an end, like a tool that is used to accomplish a task.

In a Sentence: Homework serves as a versatile tool in the educational toolbox, helping students sharpen their cognitive skills.

6. A Canvas to Paint

Meaning: Homework can be seen as an opportunity to create and express yourself, similar to painting on a canvas.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a blank canvas where students can brush strokes of their unique understanding, creating a masterpiece of comprehension.

7. A Battle to Fight

Meaning: Homework can sometimes feel like a struggle or a challenge that needs to be overcome, like a battle.

In a Sentence: Armed with knowledge as their sword and determination as their shield, students engage in the intellectual battles of homework.

8. A Journey to Embark On

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a journey of discovery and learning, like embarking on a new adventure.

In a Sentence: Every homework assignment is an exciting expedition into the uncharted territories of knowledge, full of surprises and revelations.

9. A Treasure to Hunt For

Meaning: Homework can involve searching for and uncovering new information or knowledge, similar to hunting for treasure.

In a Sentence: With each assignment, students become modern-day treasure hunters, sifting through information to find the golden nuggets of wisdom hidden within.

10. A Plant to Water

Meaning: Homework can involve nurturing and maintaining your understanding of a subject, similar to watering a plant to keep it healthy.

In a Sentence: Just as a gardener cares for their plants, students must regularly tend to their understanding by completing homework assignments to ensure it grows and flourishes.

11. A Puzzle to Solve

Meaning: Homework can be likened to a puzzle, where students must piece together information and concepts to form a complete picture.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a puzzle waiting to be solved, with every answer contributing to the bigger picture of understanding.

12. A Marathon to Run

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a long-distance race, where consistency and pacing are key to reaching the finish line successfully.

In a Sentence: Education is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, and homework is a daily training session to build endurance and knowledge.

13. A Symphony to Compose

Meaning: Homework can be compared to composing a symphony, where different elements must harmonize to create a beautiful piece of work.

In a Sentence: Like a composer crafting a symphony, students craft their assignments, ensuring that each part contributes to the overall harmony.

14. A Code to Crack

Meaning: Homework can be like deciphering a complex code, where students work diligently to understand and solve the intricacies of a subject.

In a Sentence: Each assignment presents a code to be cracked, and with perseverance, students unveil the secrets hidden within.

15. A Garden to Cultivate

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a garden to cultivate, where students plant the seeds of knowledge and nurture their growth over time.

In a Sentence: Just as a gardener tends to their plants, students must care for their understanding, allowing it to bloom with each completed assignment.

16. A Map to Follow

Meaning: Homework can be likened to following a map, where each task guides students on a journey through the landscape of learning.

In a Sentence: Each homework assignment is a map, leading students through the terrain of knowledge, helping them explore and navigate.

17. A Story to Write

Meaning: Homework can be compared to writing a story, where students craft narratives of their own understanding and insights.

In a Sentence: With each assignment, students become storytellers, weaving together facts and ideas to create compelling narratives of learning.

18. A Recipe to Master

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a recipe to master, with each step representing a key ingredient in the dish of comprehension.

In a Sentence: Just as a chef perfects a recipe, students perfect their understanding by diligently following the steps of their assignments.

19. A Puzzle to Assemble

Meaning: Homework can be like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, where students fit together the pieces of knowledge to complete the big picture.

In a Sentence: Each homework task is a puzzle piece, and students become expert puzzle solvers, completing the grand educational image.

20. A Building to Construct

Meaning: Homework can be likened to constructing a building, where each assignment contributes to the foundation of knowledge.

In a Sentence: Education is a construction project, and students are the builders, laying each brick of understanding with their homework efforts.

21. A Sculpture to Shape

Meaning: Homework can be compared to sculpting a masterpiece, where students chisel away at their understanding to reveal the beauty of knowledge.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a block of marble, and students are the sculptors, shaping their comprehension with each refined detail.

22. A Puzzle to Navigate

Meaning: Homework can be like navigating through a labyrinth, where students must find their way through complex concepts and ideas.

In a Sentence: Much like an intrepid explorer in a maze, students navigate the intricate paths of homework assignments, aiming to emerge victorious.

23. A Bridge to Cross

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a bridge connecting what students know to what they need to learn, helping them cross over to a deeper understanding.

In a Sentence: With each assignment, students build bridges of knowledge, enabling them to cross over into uncharted territories of learning.

24. A Puzzle to Piece Together

Meaning: Homework can be likened to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each element represents a crucial part of the overall comprehension.

In a Sentence: Just as puzzle enthusiasts meticulously connect pieces to reveal a picture, students piece together concepts in their assignments to see the complete educational image.

25. A Song to Compose

Meaning: Homework can be compared to composing a musical masterpiece, where students harmonize the notes of knowledge to create beautiful compositions.

In a Sentence: Like composers crafting symphonies, students craft their assignments, ensuring that every element contributes to the melodious tune of understanding.

MetaphorMeaningIn a Sentence
Set of Instructions or StepsHomework is akin to a set of instructions or steps, similar to following a recipe.Just as a chef follows a recipe to create a culinary masterpiece, students follow the instructions in their homework to master a subject.
A Road to TravelHomework is a journey or path towards learning and understanding, like traveling down a road.Each assignment is a mile marker on the road of education, guiding students on their quest for knowledge.
A Fish to CatchHomework involves trying to “catch” new concepts or ideas, similar to catching a fish.Students cast their mental nets into the vast sea of information, hoping to catch the elusive understanding hidden beneath the surface.
A Ship to SteerHomework requires navigating through new material, similar to steering a ship.Just as a captain must navigate through treacherous waters, students steer their way through complex assignments, avoiding pitfalls along the way.
A Tool to UseHomework is a means to an end, like a tool used to accomplish a task.Homework serves as a versatile tool in the educational toolbox, helping students sharpen their cognitive skills.
A Canvas to PaintHomework offers an opportunity to create and express oneself, similar to painting on a canvas.Each assignment is a blank canvas where students can brush strokes of their unique understanding, creating a masterpiece of comprehension.
A Battle to FightHomework can feel like a struggle or challenge that needs to be overcome, like a battle.Armed with knowledge as their sword and determination as their shield, students engage in the intellectual battles of homework.
A Journey to Embark OnHomework is a journey of discovery and learning, like embarking on a new adventure.Every homework assignment is an exciting expedition into the uncharted territories of knowledge, full of surprises and revelations.
A Treasure to Hunt ForHomework involves searching for and uncovering new information or knowledge, similar to hunting for treasure.With each assignment, students become modern-day treasure hunters, sifting through information to find the golden nuggets of wisdom hidden within.
A Plant to WaterHomework requires nurturing and maintaining one’s understanding of a subject, similar to watering a plant.Just as a gardener cares for their plants, students must regularly tend to their understanding by completing homework assignments to ensure it grows and flourishes.
A Puzzle to SolveHomework is akin to a puzzle, where students must piece together information and concepts to form a complete picture.Each assignment is a puzzle waiting to be solved, with every answer contributing to the bigger picture of understanding.
A Marathon to RunHomework is a long-distance race, where consistency and pacing are key to reaching the finish line successfully.Education is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, and homework is a daily training session to build endurance and knowledge.
A Symphony to ComposeHomework is like composing a symphony, where different elements must harmonize to create a beautiful piece of work.Like a composer crafting a symphony, students craft their assignments, ensuring that each part contributes to the overall harmony.
A Code to CrackHomework is compared to deciphering a complex code, where students work diligently to understand and solve the intricacies of a subject.Each assignment presents a code to be cracked, and with perseverance, students unveil the secrets hidden within.
A Garden to CultivateHomework is seen as a garden to cultivate, where students plant the seeds of knowledge and nurture their growth over time.Just as a gardener tends to their plants, students must care for their understanding, allowing it to bloom with each completed assignment.
A Map to FollowHomework is likened to following a map, where each task guides students on a journey through the landscape of learning.Each homework task is a map, leading students through the terrain of knowledge, helping them explore and navigate.
A Story to WriteHomework is compared to writing a story, where students craft narratives of their own understanding and insights.With each assignment, students become storytellers, weaving together facts and ideas to create compelling narratives of learning.
A Recipe to MasterHomework is seen as a recipe to master, with each step representing a key ingredient in the dish of comprehension.Just as a chef perfects a recipe, students perfect their understanding by diligently following the steps of their assignments.
A Puzzle to AssembleHomework is likened to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each element represents a crucial part of the overall comprehension.Just as puzzle enthusiasts meticulously connect pieces to reveal a picture, students piece together concepts in their assignments to see the complete educational image.
A Song to ComposeHomework is compared to composing a musical masterpiece, where students harmonize the notes of knowledge to create beautiful compositions.Like composers crafting symphonies, students craft their assignments, ensuring that every element contributes to the melodious tune of understanding.
A Game to PlayHomework is seen as a game, with each task presenting a unique challenge for students to overcome.Much like athletes on the field, students strategize and play the “game” of homework, aiming for victory in the form of expanded knowledge.
A Puzzle to UntangleHomework is likened to untangling a complex knot, where students patiently work through the intricacies to find clarity.Each assignment is a knotted problem waiting to be unraveled, with students as the problem solvers, diligently working through the tangles.
A Code to DecryptHomework is compared to decrypting a code, where students decipher the intricate patterns of knowledge to reveal its secrets.Students take on the role of cryptographers, unraveling the coded messages within their assignments to access the treasure of understanding.
A Garden to HarvestHomework is seen as a garden ready for harvest, where students reap the fruits of their learning labor.With each assignment, students tend to their intellectual gardens, patiently waiting for the moment when they can gather the knowledge they’ve sown.
A Roadmap to FollowHomework is likened to following a roadmap, where students use assignments as guides on their educational journey.Each homework task is a signpost on the roadmap of knowledge, helping students navigate the twists and turns of learning.
A Sculpture to ShapeHomework is compared to sculpting a masterpiece, where students chisel away at their understanding to reveal the beauty of knowledge.Each assignment is a block of marble, and students are the sculptors, shaping their comprehension with each refined detail.
A Puzzle to NavigateHomework is like navigating through a labyrinth, where students must find their way through complex concepts and ideas.Much like an intrepid explorer in a maze, students navigate the intricate paths of homework assignments, aiming to emerge victorious.
A Bridge to CrossHomework is seen as a bridge connecting what students know to what they need to learn, helping them cross over to a deeper understanding.With each assignment, students build bridges of knowledge, enabling them to cross over into uncharted territories of learning.
A Puzzle to Piece TogetherHomework is likened to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each element represents a crucial part of the overall comprehension.Just as puzzle enthusiasts meticulously connect pieces to reveal a picture, students piece together concepts in their assignments to see the complete educational image.
A Song to ComposeHomework is compared to composing a musical masterpiece, where students harmonize the notes of knowledge to create beautiful compositions.Like composers crafting symphonies, students craft their assignments, ensuring that every element contributes to the melodious tune of understanding.

These metaphors for homework offer a rich tapestry of perspectives, each highlighting a distinct facet of the educational journey. By adopting these metaphors, students can shift their mindset from mere homework completion to engaging in exciting adventures, solving puzzles, composing symphonies, and nurturing gardens of knowledge. Homework becomes not just a task but a canvas for creativity and exploration.

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‘Make homework’ vs. ‘do homework’ in English

do your homework phrase meaning

First, let me note that “homework” is an uncountable (mass) noun in English. It is a common mistake, even among some non-native teachers of English as a foreign language, to say things like, “Hand in your homeworks, please.” The word “homework”, being uncountable, does not have a plural form. If you really must refer to several separate “pieces” of homework, the word you are looking for is “assignment”:

It is also not possible to use “homework” with “a”:

Let’s move on to the main topic of this article. Without further ado, the correct verb to use with “homework” is “do”, not “make”:

“Homework” is not in any way special in this respect. We always use “do” with activities and “make” with objects that are being made. Just like we “do work”, not “make work”, we also “do homework”, meaning the activity.

The confusion arises from the fact that the most direct translation of “homework” into other languages often refers to the sheets of paper on which the assignments are written, hence it would make sense to “make it”. For the very same reason, we wouldn’t usually speak about “writing homework”:

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Which is the preferred phrase: "Have you done your homework yet?" or "Did you do your homework"?

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The preferred phrase depends on the context and the speaker's preference. Both "Have you done your homework yet?" and "Did you do your homework?" are grammatically correct and commonly used. However, there may be slight differences in usage between American English (AE) and British English (BE) [2] .

In AE, "Did you do your homework yet?" is often used to inquire about the completion of the homework up to a specified or understood time. The addition of "yet" emphasizes that the speaker expected the homework to be completed by a certain time [1] . For example, if it is already evening and the children are watching TV, the question "Did you do your homework yet?" implies that the speaker expected the homework to be done by that time.

On the other hand, in BE, "Have you done your homework yet?" is more commonly used to ask about the completion of the homework. The use of the present perfect tense with "have" suggests that the speaker is interested in whether the homework has been completed at any time before the question is asked [2] .

It's important to note that these differences are not strict rules and can vary depending on the speaker's preference and the specific context. Ultimately, both phrases convey the same meaning and can be used interchangeably in many situations.

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  • Did you do your homework yet? | WordReference Forums
  • usage - Which one is true or better? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
  • Module 1 Purposive Communication (docx) - CliffsNotes

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42 Collocations with Do in English

In this reference, you will explore various collocations with “do” to improve your English language skills. Understanding these common expressions can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively. From lists of expressions to examples and pictures, you will find practical ways to use “do” in everyday conversations.

List of Expressions with DO

42 Collocations with Do in English

Do a course

Do a favour

Do a good/great/terrible job

Do a report

Do anything/something/everything

Do business

Do the crossword

Do exercise

Do experiments

Do gymnastics

Do homework

Do research

Do someone a favour

Do something right

Do something wrong

Do the cleaning

Do the cooking

Do the dishes

Do the housework

Do the ironing

Do the math

Do the maximum

Do the minimum

Do the paperwork

Do the right thing

Do the shopping

Do the washing up

Do your best

Do your duty

Do someone’s hair

Do your makeup

Collocations with Do with Meaning and Examples

  • Meaning: To complete a learning program
  • Example:  They do a course in coding to prepare for their career.
  • Meaning: To make an agreement or arrangement
  • Example:  She will do a deal with the distributor to expand her business.
  • Meaning: To help someone
  • Example:  She did me a favour by lending me her car yesterday.
  • Meaning: To perform well, average, or poorly in a task
  • Example:  The new employee will do a great job of bringing fresh ideas to the company.
  • Meaning: To write or prepare a document
  • Example:  They do a report on the performance of their company to present to the board.
  • Meaning: To perform any, some or all tasks
  • Example: He will do something special for his girlfriend on their anniversary.
  • Meaning: To perform poorly in a task
  • Example:  I always do badly in math exams.
  • Meaning: To improve performance
  • Example:  The team does better when it works together and supports each other.
  • Example:  They do business in the technology industry, developing innovative software solutions.
  • Meaning: To solve a crossword puzzle
  • Example:  They do the crossword together as a family activity on weekends .
  • Meaning: To cause harm or destruction
  • Example:  The dog did damage to the couch by chewing on it.
  • Meaning: To engage in physical activity
  • Example:  I do exercise every day to stay fit and healthy.
  • Meaning: To carry out scientific tests
  • Example:  The scientists do experiments to test their hypotheses.
  • Meaning: To perform a good deed
  • Example:  We can do good by reducing our carbon footprint and taking care of the environment.
  • Meaning: To perform gymnastic exercises
  • Example:  He was inspired to do gymnastics after watching the Olympics on TV.
  • Meaning: To cause harm or injury
  • Example:  He didn’t mean to do harm , but his careless mistake caused a lot of damage.
  • Meaning: To complete assigned schoolwork
  • Example:  We do our homework as a way to practice and reinforce what we learned in class.
  • Meaning: To wash clothes
  • Example:  The washing machine makes it easy to do laundry quickly and efficiently.
  • Meaning: To not take any action
  • Example:  The park is a great place to do nothing and enjoy the scenery.
  • Meaning: To investigate a topic or subject
  • Example:  He is doing research to find the best travel destinations for his vacation.
  • Example:  He will do his coworker a favour by covering their shift.
  • Meaning:  Perform a task correctly
  • Example:  She is determined to do something right , no matter how difficult it seems.
  • Meaning: To perform a task incorrectly
  • Example:  He understands that everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay to do something wrong sometimes.
  • Meaning: To perform mathematical calculations
  • Example:  We do sums as part of our daily routine to improve our mental math skills.
  • Meaning: To clean a space or area
  • Example:  They do the cleaning together as a family chore to maintain a clean home.
  • Meaning: To prepare a meal
  • Example:  He does the cooking for his partner because they work long hours.
  • Meaning: To wash dishes
  • Example:  He promised his mom he would do the dishes before she got home.
  • Meaning: To perform household tasks
  • Example:  She does the housework every Saturday morning.
  • Meaning: To iron clothes
  • Example:  He forgot to do the ironing for his work clothes and now he’s running late.
  • Example: She did the math and found that it would take her six months to pay off her credit card debt.
  • Meaning: To perform to the best of one’s ability
  • Example:  He knows that doing the maximum is the only way to achieve success.
  • Meaning: To perform only the necessary tasks
  • Example:  Don’t just do the minimum , strive for excellence.
  • Meaning: To complete necessary administrative tasks
  • Example:  He forgot to do the paperwork for his taxes and now he’s facing penalties.
  • Meaning: To act ethically or morally
  • Example:  He knows that doing the right thing is more important than being liked.
  • Meaning: To buy groceries or other items
  • Example:  The family had to do the shopping before the big snowstorm hit.
  • Example:  The volunteers did the washing up after serving meals at the homeless shelter.
  • Meaning: To perform well in a task
  • Example:  The company is doing well financially.
  • Meaning: To perform work duties
  • Example:  She is teaching her students to do work as part of their curriculum.
  • Example:  You can do your best to prepare for the job interview by researching the company and practicing your answers.
  • Meaning: To fulfill one’s responsibilities
  • Example:  You should always do your duty as a citizen and vote in elections.
  • Meaning: To style someone’s hair
  • Example:  He did his friend’s hair for their Halloween costume.
  • Meaning: To apply makeup to oneself.
  • Example:  If you’re not sure how to do your makeup, you can watch tutorials online or ask for help.

List of Collocations with Do

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Synonyms for Do the homework

48 other terms for do the homework - words and phrases with similar meaning.


Synonyms for Do the homework


  1. Edward Norton Quote: “The more you do your homework, the more you’re

    do your homework phrase meaning

  2. Edward Norton Quote: “The more you do your homework, the more you’re

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  3. Edward Norton Quote: “The more you do your homework, the more you’re

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  4. Do your homework

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  6. Edward Norton Quote: “The more you do your homework, the more you’re

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  4. Full meaning of homework 😁🤭#foryou #asthetic #shorts #trending #viral #astheticshorts #homework

  5. What does it really mean to "Do Your Homework"?

  6. Do Your work Meaning in Hindi/Do Your work का अर्थ या मतलब क्या होता है



    DO YOUR HOMEWORK definition: 1. to study a subject or situation carefully so that you know a lot about it and can deal with it…. Learn more.

  2. Do your homework

    Definition of do your homework in the Idioms Dictionary. do your homework phrase. What does do your homework expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  3. 30 Idioms for Homework

    Idioms for Homework. 1. Hit the Hay. Meaning: To go to bed or fall asleep. In a Sentence: After a long night of studying, Sarah decided it was time to hit the hay. Exploring idioms is like hitting the hay - it may seem mundane at first, but the rewards are truly refreshing. 2.

  4. Do homework

    2. To be thoroughly prepared and informed about something or something, especially in advance of some process, action, or decision. Be sure you do your homework before heading into that meeting; there's a lot at stake, and no one's going to like it if you aren't up to speed. I always do my homework before I make big purchases.

  5. 158 Words and Phrases for Do Your Homework

    Synonyms for Do Your Homework (other words and phrases for Do Your Homework). Synonyms for Do your homework. 158 other terms for do your homework- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. Parts of speech. verbs. Tags. preparation. school. informal. suggest new. study. v.

  6. do your homework Idiom, Proverb, slang phrases

    An do your homework idiom dictionary is a great resource for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. It contains a list of words with similar meanings with do your homework, allowing users to choose the best word for their specific context.

  7. Today's Idiom = " Doing Your Homework

    "Doing Your Homework"(getting ready; preparing yourself...)Doing your homework is doing what you need to do to prepare yourself. Example: John is an excellent lawyer. ... teaches the meaning of English idioms and phrases. For native and non-native English speakers of all ages. To start (or stop) ...

  8. Do my homework

    Definition of do my homework in the Idioms Dictionary. do my homework phrase. What does do my homework expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Do my homework - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... "Did you do your homework—and I mean all of it?" I already did my homework, Mom. It was just a few workbook pages. 2. To be ...

  9. Do your homework Meaning and Definition

    The phrase "do your homework" typically means to thoroughly research or study a subject before taking action or making a decision. It can refer to the literal act of completing assigned schoolwork or studying for an exam, but it is often used in a broader sense to emphasize the importance of being well-prepared and informed in any situation.

  10. 25 Metaphors for Homework

    Metaphors for Homework. 1. A Set of Instructions or Steps. Meaning: Homework can be likened to a set of instructions or steps, similar to following a recipe. In a Sentence: Just as a chef follows a recipe to create a culinary masterpiece, students follow the instructions in their homework to master a subject. 2.

  11. 'Make homework' vs. 'do homework' in English

    With­out fur­ther ado, the cor­rect verb to use with "home­work" is "do", not "make": correct I did my homework yesterday. wrong I made my homework yesterday. "Home­work" is not in any way spe­cial in this re­spect. We al­ways use "do" with ac­tiv­i­ties and "make" with ob­jects that are being made. Just like ...


    HOMEWORK meaning: 1. work that teachers give their students to do at home: 2. work that teachers give their students…. Learn more.

  13. Homework Definition & Meaning

    1. : work that a student is given to do at home. Please do/finish your homework. She started her algebra homework. — compare classwork. 2. : research or reading done in order to prepare for something — used in the phrase do your homework. The candidate did his homework [=studied the issues] before the debate.

  14. Which is the preferred phrase: "Have you done your homework yet?" or

    The preferred phrase depends on the context and the speaker's preference. Both "Have you done your homework yet?" and "Did you do your homework?" are grammatically correct and commonly used. However, there may be slight differences in usage between American English (AE) and British English (BE) . In AE, "Did you do your homework yet?"

  15. What is another word for do your homework

    Need synonyms for do your homework? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Verb. To engage in organized actions to gather information or ready oneself for a task. study. prepare. research. educate oneself. gather information.

  16. HOMEWORK definition in American English

    homework in American English. (ˈhoumˌwɜːrk) noun. 1. schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom ( distinguished from classwork) 2. paid work done at home, as piecework. 3. thorough preparatory study of a subject.

  17. 42 Collocations with Do in English

    Collocations with Do with Meaning and Examples. Do a course. Meaning: To complete a learning program. Example: They do a course in coding to prepare for their career. Do a deal. Meaning: To make an agreement or arrangement. Example: She will do a deal with the distributor to expand her business. Do a favour.

  18. DO HOMEWORK definition and meaning

    DO HOMEWORK definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

  19. Do Homework synonyms

    Synonyms for Do Homework (other words and phrases for Do Homework). Synonyms for Do homework. 13 other terms for do homework- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. verbs. Tags. informal. suggest new. accomplish homework. v. do the assignment. v.

  20. Meaning of do your homework in English

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK meaning: 1. to study a subject or situation carefully so that you know a lot about it and can deal with it…. Learn more.


    HOMEWORK definition: 1. work that teachers give their students to do at home: 2. work that teachers give their students…. Learn more.

  22. 17 Words and Phrases for Do Their Homework

    Synonyms for Do Their Homework (other words and phrases for Do Their Homework). ... 17 other terms for do their homework- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. phrases. suggest new. doing homework. carry out their tasks. do some homework. do the assignment. do the homework. do the job.

  23. 48 Words and Phrases for Do The Homework

    Synonyms for Do The Homework (other words and phrases for Do The Homework). Synonyms for Do the homework. 48 other terms for do the homework- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. Parts of speech. verbs. Tags. school. british. informal. suggest new.