Student Exchange Program (Flex) Essay Topics [2024]

Participating in a student exchange program is a perfect opportunity to visit different countries during your college years. You can discover more about other cultures and learn a new language or two. If you have a chance to take part in such a foreign exchange, don’t miss it.

Keep in mind that hundreds of other people can apply to the same Flex program as you. And an outstanding student exchange essay will increase your chance to win this trip to a foreign country. And we have Flex program essay topics for this purpose.

So, let Custom Writing Service explain to you several things about Flex essays and offer some ideas to write about.

  • 🔄 The Gist of Exchange Essays
  • ✈️ Flex Essay Topics

🏛️ Cultural Exchange Essay Topics

🧳 exchange student essay ideas, 🌎 why go on exchange: essay topics, 🔗 references, 🔄 the gist of student exchange essays.

Actually, what you will have to deal with is a mere statement of purpose. The main question you need to answer is “Why do you want to go on exchange?”

The following information should be included in a good student exchange essay:

  • Provide some information about yourself. Briefly tell about your interests, classes you take (especially language classes), your plans, etc.
  • Explain how this trip will help you achieve future goals.
  • Demonstrate your awareness of the culture and history of the country you want to visit.

✈️ Flex Essay Topics to Write About

Flex round 2 essay topics usually revolve around your personal experiences. They prompt you to reflect on important events in your life or describe epiphanies you’ve had. Here are some examples of such topics:

  • Justice should prevail! A sense of justice and duty has always come first to you. As you stand up for your rights in high school, you want to continue to do the same for other people. Does this describe you? Then write an essay about it!
  • Time to make a difference. Challenging times require active initiative. The more ambitious goals a person sets for themselves, the higher the chance to achieve them and contribute to history.
  • Pursuing your true self. Finding a suitable place in life can sometimes lead to fascinating discoveries. This process often turns into a psychological journey, during which you can realize the fascination of life and understand your dreams.
  • Eleventh meter. Eleven meters or twelve yards is the distance that separates the player and the goalkeeper during a penalty shootout. There is only a little space between you and the ball, and one single hit can change your future. Describe it in a personal essay.
  • Six strings. Melodic guitar picks with a fire crackling in the background create a unique atmosphere. This magic permeates everything around, creating many new impressions and ideas. Did you have a similar experience? 
  • Pencil, eraser, and paper. These three simple items are in every student’s pencil case. However, with a little imagination, they become tools for creating beautiful artwork that brings joy to others’ hearts. And what does inspiration mean to you?
  • Pachelbel’s Canon in D. Pachelbel’s Canon is not a very complex piece, yet it contributed dramatically to classi c al music’s popularization. Once heard, the melody can inspire one to study music professionally. How does it make you feel?
  • A skein of red yarn. A single red thread stretched across the wall can be a space for creative discovery. In this case, a small piece of yarn can take on a genuinely fateful meaning.
  • Catching dreams. The dreamcatcher initially came from Native Americans, who used it for ritual purposes. With the right amount of effort, it can attract good dreams. In a Flex essay, you can write about the importance of dreams in your life.
  • Favorite plush toy. Almost everyone had a favorite toy that was bringing comfort and peace. With age, the need for comfort and a sense of calmness does not disappear. What helps you feel it throughout your life?
  • The benefits of roleplaying. Tabletop RPGs are not just a fun way to let the imagination run wild. Living in a different role, acting out a distinct personality helps people understand themselves better.
  • Ready player one. Computer games help you relax and expand your horizons by teaching you a lot of useful skills. What did video games teach you? For example, it can be about making difficult decisions and having to face the consequences.
  • Hello, World! One of the very first and simplest programs that almost any novice programmer writes is Hello World. As with programming, the journey in foreign exchange sometimes begins with a small step.
  • The Wind Rises. Watching animated films is traditionally considered a child’s activity. However, this is not always true. Many animations raise serious topics about life in a harsh world in which the wind of change grows stronger day by day. Describe your experience of watching an animated movie with a profound meaning.
  • A moment in time. Life is fleeting, and many people fail to seize the moment. In this case, photography can come to the rescue, perpetuating a split second in life for transferring it into the future. And what is photography to you?
  • How to translate knowledge into the future
  • The transition from theory to experience
  • Turning habits into a lifestyle
  • Writing my own life
  • Your letter into the future
  • The importance of education
  • Benefits of doing sports
  • Planning through painting
  • Life colors
  • Enrolling in college
  • Winning a race
  • Composing your symphony
  • A stage performance you took part in
  • Final dance at high school
  • Graduation day
  • Programming my future
  • Finding truth in TV programs
  • Do ghosts exist?
  • Visiting a library
  • Finding uniqueness in the mundane

A cultural exchange essay describes the experiences of students and volunteers visiting other countries. For many, an opportunity to dive into another country is a motivation to study abroad. An essay on any of these topics can help you win a Flex scholarship:

  • What is cultural exchange? Despite the prevalence of this concept, there are many misunderstandings regarding foreign exchange. For the best cultural exchange student experience, it is necessary to understand its essential qualities and characteristics. Explore them in your essay!
  • Enjoyable trading of ideas. The cultural exchange is not the same as cultural appropriation. Both parties can have fun sharing ideas and knowledge. Describe how to carry out this kind of exchange.

Marcel Proust quote.

  • Responsible volunteering. Cultural exchange is not just about moving to another place and communicating with people around you. The process must be responsible and benefit not only the visitor but also those living in the place of exchange.
  • No to personal gain, yes to equality in exchange. For an all-encompassing cultural exchange, it’s not enough for a student just to absorb knowledge. They should also leave something of equal value in return. Give examples of what it can be.
  • International and cross-cultural connections. Participation in cultural exchange programs not only lets you learn a lot of new things. Volunteers also have a unique opportunity to acquire international and intercultural ties, making friends around the world. A week-long experience can thus become life-changing.
  • Diversity of the projects. One of the best things about cultural exchange is the limitless possibilities. Volunteers can find a cultural environment that interests them anywhere: from African deserts to exotic islands. And what are your personal goals in foreign exchange?
  • Cultural immersion. One of the unique features of cultural exchange programs is the process itself. The volunteer is not an observer; instead, they are completely immersed in the culture. Think about the advantages of such immersion.
  • Broadening your horizons. Traveling between countries and diving into another culture is more than just a vacation. It’s an expansion of horizons, a change in one’s worldview through the prism of new cultural knowledge.
  • Volunteering community. In addition to gaining connections with residents of other countries, a participant in such projects becomes part of a vast international network of volunteers. Such relationships can help you reach new heights and achieve your goals.
  • Plan, adapt, communicate. In addition to gaining knowledge and contacts, cultural exchange programs help develop useful skills. Planning, adaptation, and communication are three key processes in a volunteer’s life.
  • Motivation to study abroad
  • Advantages of non-profit volunteering
  • The subject of cultural exchange in the US
  • Intertwining backgrounds, stories, and lifestyles
  • Diving into the cultural diversity
  • From a visitor to a lifelong friend
  • Closing the culture gap
  • Advantages of learning languages from natives
  • Assessing art and culture by living it
  • Attending festivals for education
  • Turning a field trip into a cultural experience
  • Anthropology and archaeology abroad
  • Innovative international internships
  • Cross-cultural communities cooperation
  • Living and working in the heart of culture
  • Assessing true cultural representation
  • Learning about the importance of representation
  • Social networking through travel
  • What social media doesn’t show about cultures
  • Enriched knowledge, renewed outlook, stronger bonds

Do you want to join an exchange program? Or maybe you came back from one and want to report your experiences? Try these topics!

  • An interview with exchange students. You can write an essay about international students visiting your high school or college. Ask them these questions: how can you become a volunteer? How does it work?
  • Why use exchange programs? In such programs, living in a completely different place is combined with adaptation and habituation. Explore how these processes can facilitate learning.
  • What to choose: a brief course or a long journey? An exchange trip can take different lengths. Each option has its advantages, so you should consider all of them before making a decision. Explain why you choose a specific program in your letter of intent.
  • Costs and prices. Student exchange programs are rarely free. Even with university funding, students have to pay hundreds of dollars. For example, you need to obtain many papers, such as insurance and visas.
  • New place, new school, new friends. Moving to another country can be very stressful. At the same time, this is an excellent opportunity to make new connections and friends. Is it a good motivation to study abroad?
  • Immersive local experience. Even if the student stays in a new location only for a couple of weeks, the experience is very different from a simple vacation. What makes it unique?

Ursula K. Le Guin quote.

  • Welcome to the host family! During their visit, exchange students often stay with a local family. But what does living with another family mean? What difficulties does it bring, and how do you adapt to it?
  • Live with locals—live like a local. Staying in the same place with the natives leads to the adoption of certain habits through their example. It’s one of the benefits of exchange studies: exploring a culture from an every-day, usually unknown side.
  • Challenges and rewards of foreign exchange. Being in an unfamiliar country is a test of willpower, stress resistance, and learning ability. However, overcoming these challenges helps to develop new skills, from languages to personal traits. Enumerate them in your essay.
  • Struggles and disadvantages. For all its merits, exchange courses can, at times, be too difficult for some students. The most fundamental problem is homesickness. What other difficulties can students experience?
  • Obtaining foreign scholarship
  • Brand new world
  • Learning from the locals
  • Assessing new viewpoint
  • Why choosing a semester-long journey?
  • Winter tour or summer voyage?
  • Talking to locals as a way to access culture
  • Immersion, sightseeing, or both?
  • How to improve language skills through a host family
  • Insights on customs and traditions
  • Studying abroad to build confidence
  • Adapting to stressful environments
  • Studying in a foreign language
  • Exchange programs and personal growth
  • How to deal with homesickness
  • Withstanding culture shock
  • Expectations vs. reality
  • Finding a suitable program
  • Preparing for the trip
  • Earning money while abroad

If you want to explore the advantages of studying abroad, this section is for you. Choose any of these topics for your essay about the benefits of student exchange:

  • Nature and environment exploration. What distinguishes study abroad from vacation is the level of cultural involvement. It includes not only being in society but also appreciating the nature of a foreign country.
  • New cultural lenses. Living in another country helps you to look in a new way at your homeland. It includes both the perspective of one’s country through the eyes of foreigners and new cultural insights.
  • Professional and personal growth. Studying in another country allows acquiring new professional skills and growing as a person. It’s partly facilitated by broadening one’s horizons and partly by maturing in unfamiliar conditions.
  • New learning opportunities. Some countries are distinguished by a significant focus on specific sciences. That’s why some disciplines are better studied in particular countries, making exchange studies even more useful.
  • Traveling around the world. Exchange studies allow seeing and visiting a new country. However, travel doesn’t have to be limited to this. From one country you can go to neighboring communities and keep exploring the other side of the world.
  • Active social networking. Connecting with new people allows you to build many social connections. Even after returning home, communication can be maintained through social media or letters.
  • Maturing through gaining independence. Living in another country puts a person in a more independent situation than what they are used to. Consequently, such trips have a huge potential for helping you gain independence.
  • Difference between a house and a hotel. Staying in a hotel while on vacation is a different experience than living in an ordinary home. For many people, an exchange study is a chance to try residing in a new place, gaining invaluable experience.
  • Getting closer to bilingualism. The best way to learn a language is by talking to native speakers. Studying abroad provides a unique chance to improve speech and reading skills.
  • Getting out of your comfort zone. Most of the exchange students are young. This means that huge horizons are open for them in terms of learning about the world around them, and exchange studies provide a chance to grasp this knowledge.
  • How to familiarize yourself with a new culture
  • Experiencing local day-to-day life
  • Can you learn a new way of life from the locals?
  • Studying abroad to work abroad: is it worth it?
  • The benefits of foreign scholarships
  • Differences and similarities between the countries you lived in
  • Building professional skills by expanding social connections
  • Lesser-known foreign exchange opportunities
  • Learn more about yourself by living in a new environment
  • Shared experiences and memories of exchange students
  • The opportunity of a lifetime
  • Gaining new insights
  • Old stories, new narrator
  • Walking through the streets of history
  • Amplifying your adaptability to unfamiliar conditions
  • Exploring career possibilities abroad
  • The transition from a visitor to a citizen
  • Difference between tourism and volunteering
  • Calculated profits and unexpected perks
  • Motivate yourself through challenges

As one of the most common academic papers, essays may seem easy to write. And with our helpful writing tips, you can definitely succeed in writing an impressive student exchange essay. But if you feel stuck, don’t hesitate to look for professional writing help online.

Our custom written essays are well-structured, professional, and in-depth. To get your A+ paper on any topic, just place an order with our custom writing service, purchase the essay using any available payment method (including PayPal), and receive your custom paper right in your inbox!

Learn more on this topic:

  • ESL Resources for Students
  • English as a Second Language Learning Materials
  • Benefits of Learning a Second Language
  • Best Free Language Learning Websites and Apps
  • Guide to English Phonetic System
  • LPI Essay Samples: An Effective Way to Prepare for the Test
  • Essay on Benefits Of Student Exchange Programs
  • Writing Your Motivation Letter for Studies Abroad
  • An Exchange Student at 17
  • Application For A Student Exchange Program Essay example
  • Example of letter of motivation
  • How Cultural Exchange Enhances Your Experience: Globalteer
  • Cultural Exchange & Immersion: Projects Abroad US
  • 8 Reasons Why You Should Go on Exchange: Her Campus
  • 10 Reasons Why Every Student Should Study Abroad: Go Overseas
  • Student Exchange Programs: EF Foreign Exchange
  • Why Participate?: Exchange Programs: US Department of State
  • Exchange Student Testimonials: Queen’s University
  • Exchange Programs: AFS
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Exchange Student Tips

Information and Advice for Foreign Exchange Students

Student Exchange Application: 9 Powerful (and Easy!) Steps to a Great Application

Here’s the thing:

Finding an exchange student program  and choosing a host country are easy.

Actually getting onto the program you want, and being selected to go to your first-choice country, is very hard.

In a word, the problem is  competition .

When you apply to be a foreign exchange student, you’ll be competing against high achievers – well-rounded, good citizen-type students, who are highly motivated, above average academically and with great credentials.

They may be current school captains or class presidents, or captains of the school debate team.

They may even be former exchange students, or already fluent in the language of the country they want to exchange to.

From the perspective of a student exchange program, those are all big pluses.

How do you beat those guys?

Don’t fear. I have nine simple yet extremely powerful tips which are going to help you write a student exchange application that will blow them all away.

1. Make your written student exchange application irresistible by focussing on personal characteristics that the exchange program is looking for

Most people trip up because they treat their written student exchange application as an opportunity to write a long essay about themselves.

They write about their interests and skills and hopes as an exchange student.

What should they really be doing?

Focussing on the exchange program and the kinds of students the program wants to send overseas.  

Think about it.

In the mind of the person reading your application, your goals or hobbies or expectations are secondary considerations.

What that person really wants to know is whether you have the personal qualities that the exchange program thinks are important for exchange students to have.

So, when you’re writing your application, you need to keep those desirable personal qualities front and centre.

Now, here’s some good news:

Exchange organisations usually tell you the very qualities they are looking for, in very explicit terms, on their websites.

For example, the AFS Australia website states as follows:

The AFS website actually tells you very directly that AFS is looking for people who are flexible, self-confident and able to mix well with others.

If you were applying for an exchange with AFS, you’d know exactly what personal qualities to focus on in your written application, wouldn’t you?

You’d give them what they wanted and talk about how you possess all of those qualities, thereby demonstrating that you are exactly the kind of person AFS likes to send overseas, and a better candidate than your competitors.

In a similar vein, the global website for Rotary youth exchange states the following:

Again, it’s virtually laid out on a platter:

Anyone interested in applying for a student exchange with Rotary needs to demonstrate through his or her written application that he or she is:

  • open to different cultures, and
  • able to serve as an ambassador

Before you start writing your application, be sure to find out the kind of student your exchange program is aiming to recruit, and make sure that your application demonstrates that you meet that profile.

2. Start your answers with strong, positive statements which send the message that you meet the exchange program’s requirements exactly

In high school, you’ve probably learned that the correct way to format every paragraph in an essay is to:

  • Start the paragraph with a firm statement or proposition , and then
  • Provide relevant evidence or other detail which supports that statement or proposition

The same rule applies with your student exchange application.

You need to start each answer with a strong, positive statement which directly addresses the question you’ve been asked and leaves no doubt that you meet each criterion set by the exchange program.

For example, your application might have the following question:

Exchange students constantly encounter new people and situations and need to be flexible and open to change. Describe a situation in which you displayed flexibility and a willingness to change.

A good way to start your answer to that question would be as follows:

I am a flexible person who has displayed a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

Why is that sentence so powerful?

Because it borrows key language from the question – the words “flexible”, “willingness” and “change” –  and therefore addresses the question directly.

It’s also a strong statement because it starts using the very strong statement “I am” – rather than “I consider myself” or “I aim to be” or some other weaker formulation.

In other words,  that sentence sends the message that you are exactly the person the program is looking for .

Make sure that you begin your answer to each question on your application form with a sentence that:

  • includes words and phrases from the question, and
  • uses strong and definitive “I am” language

3. Supercharge your opening statements using the most persuasive word in the English language

Here’s how to go one better and make the opening statements in your student exchange application virtually unstoppable:

Work the word “because” into each of your statements.

In his best-selling book Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion , Dr Robert Cialdini identifies the word “because” as the most persuasive word known to man. For some reason, people are very easily persuaded by sentences and questions containing the word “because”.

What does this mean for you?

You need to capture the strong, almost hypnotic power of the word “because” and put it to work in your application.

Specifically, try to  work the word “because” into each of your strong statements in order to make the reasons and statements that follow seem more convincing .

So, the introductory words we looked at earlier would change from:

I am a flexible person because I have displayed a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances

It’s just a small linguistic change, but one which should have a big impact on the effectiveness of your application.

4. Make your application the best of the bunch by supporting your statements with facts, and only facts

Now, let me help you avoid making a big mistake.

Once you’ve made your bold statement to begin each answer in your student exchange application, you need hard evidence to back it up.

There are several kinds of evidence you could use to support the statements you make in your application, such as:

  • Facts – for example, “I have studied German for five years” or “I am the editor of my high school’s yearbook”
  • Intentions – for example, “I plan to take an intensive German course this spring” or “I will be volunteering at a Camp Kesem camp this summer”
  • Interests – for example, “I have always been interested in German history” or “I am passionate about European politics”
  • Opinions – for example, “German would be a very useful language for me to learn” and “I believe that I would make a good host daughter”

The strongest of those options by an absolute mile is facts .

In fact, if you want to knock your competitors out of the ballpark, you should only use facts to back up the statements in your application.

Why are facts so powerful?

Because they are indisputable and verifiable.

In other words, they are evidence of what you have done . That is far more valuable and credible than evidence about things you would like to do or are planning to do.

Furthermore, if you only use facts in your application, you won’t sound like you’re bragging or big-noting yourself. All you’re doing is talking about factual events that have already happened.

I almost guarantee that your competitors will be using all the other, weaker types of evidence, and submitting far weaker applications as a result.

Don’t make the same mistake.

Stay gold, and stick to the facts.

5. Gather your ammunition

Here’s a useful exercise you can use to maximise the number of strong, convincing facts in your student exchange application.

Before you even start writing your application, sit down with a blank piece of paper.

Spend half an hour writing down every single positive fact you can think of which may be relevant to your exchange application, including:

  • leadership positions you’ve held
  • academic successes you’ve had (for example, a high GPA or any academic awards)
  • evidence that you are a good citizen (such as previous volunteer work, participation in things like scouts, and even regular blood donations)
  • prior relevant experience such as previous short-stay exchanges
  • any language experience – not necessarily in the language of the country you’d like to exchange to
  • anything showing your adaptability
  • anything demonstrating your coolness under pressure

Don’t stop writing until you’ve filled up the whole page, then go away for 24 hours.

The next day, sit down with your list and add anything else you’ve thought about in the meantime.

You want to capture absolutely any and every positive fact about yourself.

Then, when you sit down to write your application, you’ll have a ready-made stash of hard, factual evidence you can use to support your strong statements.

Then, you can move on to step 6.

6. Make sure you finish on top by playing your trump card

So, by now you have some very strong and positive statements written, and a mountain of factual evidence to support those statements.

Here’s how to seal the deal.

You need a trump card – something you’ve done which no-one else has, which makes you stand out and tells the exchange program that you are willing to go further than your competitors.

Even if everyone else is giving 100% effort, your trump card will push you to 110%. And I virtually guarantee that an exchange program will choose 110% over 100% any day of the week.

Let me show you exactly what I mean.

Case study: how I got beaten fair and square by a trump card

When I applied to go on exchange, my first choice country was Germany .

Germany is always a popular exchange destination because so many people learn German at school.

However, I thought I was in with a good chance for the following reasons:

  • I was the current vice-captain (vice president) of my high school, which was one of the best schools in the region
  • I was on the school debate team, editor of the school yearbook, and had a stack of other leadership and community service credentials
  • I had a strong academic record, which included five years of studying German

My written application was very strong, and I thought I had a great interview with representatives from the exchange program.

I thought I had Germany in the bag.

Then, I got trumped: I got my second choice country, Switzerland, and a girl called Jessica was chosen to go on exchange to Germany.

(Switzerland turned out great, by the way, but that’s another story).

What did Jessica do that gave her the edge over me?

Like me, she was well-credentialed, had good academics and had previously studied German.

Like me, she evidently also had a strong application and made a good impression at her interview.

Unlike me, however, Jessica had undertaken an unpaid internship at her city’s German chamber of commerce and gotten a letter of recommendation from the head of the chamber. She forwarded that letter along with her application.

That was an extremely smart and strong trump card, which sent the message that Jessica was super-serious about going to Germany. It was enough to push her in front of me and everyone else wanting to go to Germany.

Jessica thought outside the box and was rewarded with her first choice of country to exchange to.

Now let me tell you how to get your own trump card.

Four trump card ideas

Jessica’s trump card idea of working at her local German chamber of commerce was a good one, because it demonstrated how committed she was to exchanging to Germany.

If you have a few months before your application is due, you can try to arrange something similar, depending upon the organisations and groups located in your area.

For example, where we live, there is:

  • a nursing home for elderly  Italian people
  • a chapter of the American-Australian association
  • a twin cities association managing the relationship with our twin city Versailles, in France,  and
  • a German language library and resources centre which is staffed by volunteers

Some unpaid volunteer work at any of those institutions would combine charity work and a country-specific trump card that would be hard for any exchange organisation to resist.

Think about similar opportunities which exist in your city or region, and turn one into a great trump card.

Short-notice trump card

You might have a problem:

Internships and volunteer work take time to organise and undertake.

What can you do if you’re in the throes of writing your application and need a trump card within the next week or two?

Here’s a quickly actionable trump card idea that you can deploy if you’re short of time (or no other suitable trump cards seem to be available in your area):

Get a letter of recommendation from your local mayor or congressman

Politicians are nearly always big on diplomacy and promoting the region they represent.

They also love it when one of their constituents receives an award or recognition of some kind, because it reflects well on them.

Here’s how to use these traits to your advantage:

Try making an appointment with your local mayor or congressman.

Explain that you are applying for an exchange program and spend half an hour outlining some of your credentials to him or her.

Then, very politely ask him or her for a letter of recommendation, on official letterhead.

In exchange, offer to make yourself available for a photo opportunity if you are chosen to go on exchange, and be sure to keep that promise if you are successful.

His or her answer will nearly certainly be “yes”.

A letter of recommendation from a recognised political figure can open a surprising number of doors.

The exchange program may figure that if you’ve met and made a good impression on your congressman or mayor, you’ll make a good impression on people that you’ll meet overseas.

7. For maximum impact, put your strongest evidence first

Here’s a strange little fact:

The average adult now has an attention span of only 8.25 seconds .

Furthermore, according to a study cited by Forbes magazine, the average adult reads at a speed of about 300 words per minute .

T he person reading your student exchange application will probably only focus on the first 40-45 words of each answer you give before starting to lose focus .

That, in turn, means that you need to do two things:

First, use your strongest evidence first . Once you’ve made your strong statement for each answer, follow up with the strongest fact or evidence you have to support that statement. Because you’ve only got one or two sentences before your audience starts to lose attention, you need to fill those first few sentences with your best stuff.

Second, keep your sentences short . From a readability perspective, it’s already good practice to keep your sentences to a length of around 20 words each. Keeping your sentences short and to the point – and not filling them with unnecessary things like adjectives – will also help you to maximise the amount of information you get across in your application before the person reading it loses concentration.

8. Use these three tools to make your student exchange application a pleasure to read

The person reading your student exchange application may have dozens of written applications to read.

How do you make yours stand out?

You may be surprised to hear that one of the easiest ways to make a good impression through your application is to make it easy to read.

Here are three tools that will make your application an easy and pleasurable read:

Tool 1: Short sentences

By all means, use as many facts to support your application as you feel are relevant.

But, be sure to keep your sentences short when describing those facts.

The reason for doing this is simple:

Long sentences are tiring for a reader and can result in your core messages getting lost.

Make sure you don’t bury your high-quality content under lots of unnecessary verbiage.

  • minimise your use of colons and semi-colons
  • don’t use connecting words like “which” and “that” unless you absolutely have to
  • aim for one sentence per idea or example you wish to make, and
  • try to keep your sentences shorter than 20 words, and no longer than 30 words

Tool 2: A font which is easy and pleasant to read

If your student exchange application is typed rather than hand-written, and you can control the font, make it more readable by applying the following font rules.

Use at least 13-point font , and preferably 14-point . The default on many word processors is 12-point which is too low and can cause eye fatigue.

Use 1.5 point line spacing , to increase the gap between lines and make them easier and more pleasant to read.

Use a plain, no-nonsense typeface like Times New Roman or Arial , which won’t distract or annoy the person reading your application, and let them focus on your content.

Tool 3: Use the active voice, and minimise the passive voice

Write as much of your student exchange application in the active voice as possible, and avoid writing in the passive voice.

What’s the difference?

A sentence written in the passive voice has no subject – that is, no person doing the verb.

For example, the following sentence is in the passive voice:

I was voted class president last year.

Now here’s the same sentence in the active voice:

My classmates voted me class president last year.

In the first sentence, it isn’t immediately apparent who voted for the narrator to be class president. The second – active voice – sentence contains the subject “my classmates”, which makes this clear.

You need to avoid writing in the passive voice, and write your entire student exchange application in the active voice instead, because:

  • Readers tire when they have to read a lot of sentences written in the passive voice
  • The person reading your application may recognise your use of the passive voice – particularly if they are older than about 45, or have a lot of experience with linguistics or learning languages – and mark you down for writing incorrectly
  • The active voice helps to minimise any ambiguity

If you already have great content, applying these three tools will help your application make an even more positive impression and increase your chances of success.

9. Make your student exchange application twice as strong by getting not one, but TWO experts to read it

This may be the most important tip on this page:

Once your exchange program application is written, you need to ask two very specific people to proof-read and evaluate it for you.

“But wait,” you say. “I’ve already lined up my mom/dad/best friend to read my application and make suggestions”.

Unfortunately, that won’t work. Here’s why:

  • your family and friends are unlikely to give you honest feedback – that is, they will tell you what you want to hear, rather than what you need to hear, in order to spare your feelings
  • they won’t necessarily have any insight into what the exchange program will be looking for , and
  • they are unlikely to have the technical expertise to make your answers read well

Here’s a better idea:

Get two people with specific, relevant experience and skills to review and make comments on your application.

Expert 1 – A trusted teacher at your school

First of all, you need to ask a teacher at your school who you know well and are friendly with to take a look at your student exchange application.

Why a teacher?

Firstly, because teachers spend a good part of each day evaluating work that their students have written. They are practised at reviewing documents and providing honest but constructive feedback.

In other words, the teacher you ask will most likely give you genuine, actionable tips on how to improve your application.

The second reason is that the teacher will know you and be familiar with your personality, and may be able to suggest additional information that will enhance the content of your application.

The final reason is that teachers generally have a practised eye for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and the like. Your teacher should be able to ensure that your application contains no errors which will detract from the effectiveness of the content.

Expert 2 – A former exchange student

The second person you need to show your student exchange application to is a former exchange student at your school who you know and are friendly with.

It doesn’t matter which exchange student program he or she travelled with, or which country he or she went to.

The reason for asking this person to look at your application is simple:

He or she will know what it takes to be a successful exchange student, and should be able to offer advice on the contents of your application which will make it more appealing to the exchange organisation.

The student should also be able to coach and advise you on the application process generally, including the application interview, which I’ll also deal with in my next post.

If you have any further tips or questions about filling out an exchange program application, you can leave them in the comments below.

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Essays on Exchange Student

The importance of writing an essay on exchange student.

Writing an essay on exchange student is important as it allows you to reflect on your experiences, share your insights, and provide valuable information to others who may be considering a similar opportunity. It also serves as a way to document and preserve your memories and lessons learned during your time abroad.

When writing an essay on exchange student, it's important to consider the following tips:

  • Start by outlining your experiences and the key moments that had an impact on you.
  • Reflect on the cultural differences you encountered and how you adapted to them.
  • Discuss the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  • Share the friendships you formed and the connections you made with people from different backgrounds.
  • Highlight the personal growth and development you experienced during your exchange program.
  • Provide practical tips and advice for future exchange students, such as how to navigate cultural differences, handle homesickness, and make the most of their time abroad.
  • Conclude by summarizing the impact of the exchange program on your life and how it has shaped your perspective.

By following these tips and writing an essay on exchange student, you can not only capture the essence of your experience but also inspire and inform others who are interested in embarking on a similar journey.

  • The Benefits of Being an Exchange Student
  • The Challenges of Being an Exchange Student
  • My Experience as an Exchange Student
  • Cultural Differences: My Exchange Student Experience
  • The Impact of Studying Abroad as an Exchange Student
  • The Importance of Cultural Immersion as an Exchange Student
  • Overcoming Language Barriers as an Exchange Student
  • Making Friends as an Exchange Student
  • Adjusting to a New Education System as an Exchange Student
  • The Role of Host Families in the Exchange Student Experience
  • Exploring a New Country as an Exchange Student
  • My Favorite Memories as an Exchange Student
  • Dealing with Homesickness as an Exchange Student
  • The Value of Independence as an Exchange Student
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Citizenship
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Understanding
  • The Challenges of Reverse Culture Shock for Exchange Students
  • The Long-Term Benefits of Being an Exchange Student
  • The Financial Considerations of Studying Abroad as an Exchange Student
  • The Role of Support Networks for Exchange Students
  • Balancing Academics and Cultural Immersion as an Exchange Student
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal Growth
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Breaking Stereotypes
  • The Importance of Intercultural Communication for Exchange Students
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Career Development
  • Overcoming Adversity as an Exchange Student
  • The Role of Volunteer Work in the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Impact of Technology on the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Role of Language Learning in the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Diplomacy
  • The Influence of Host Country Politics on the Exchange Student Experience
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on International Relations
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Peace and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Leadership Development
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Social Change
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Career Opportunities
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Professional Development
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Awareness
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Interpersonal Skills
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Tolerance and Empathy
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language Acquisition
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Cultural Competency
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Citizenship
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Communication
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Academic Achievement
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Personal Growth and Development
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Engagement
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Awareness
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Career Development
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Social and Emotional Skills
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Awareness and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Professional Development
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  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Exchange and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language Proficiency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Competence
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Citizenship and Engagement
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Leadership and Teamwork Skills
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Social Development
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Competency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Career and Educational Opportunities
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Personal Growth and Well-Being
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Cross-Cultural Competence
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Awareness and Interconnectedness
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language and Cultural Proficiency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Sensitivity
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Global Engagement and Collaboration
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Leadership and Communication Skills
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Personal and Professional Growth
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding and Empathy
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Citizenship and Responsibility
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Communication and Adaptability
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cultural Exchange and Appreciation
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language and Intercultural Competence
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Global Competency and Awareness
  • The Role of Exchange Students in Promoting Cross-Cultural Engagement and Understanding
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Language and Intercultural Proficiency
  • The Impact of Exchange Student Programs on Intercultural Sensitivity and Adaptability
  • The Influence of Exchange Student Programs on Global Competency and Awareness

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Motivation Letter for an Exchange Program | Writing Guideline [w/ Samples and Tips!]

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Applying for a student exchange program abroad is a multi-stage process that is taken over several months. During the application process, exchange programs typically require the same documents, including recent transcripts, recommendation letters, and, most importantly, a motivation letter for the exchange program itself.  

A motivation letter for an exchange program is a one-page letter that explains your interest in the program you are applying to and the reasons for your candidacy to the program. 

In the consideration process, admissions committees place enormous importance on candidates’ motivation letter, or sometimes known as motivation essay, for the exchange program. While grades and outstanding recommendations are great, the motivation letter for the exchange program application is a more personal document that provides key information that other documents are unable to. Well-written motivation letters for exchange programs will connect with the reader and thoroughly convince them that you are the ideal candidate for the exchange opportunity!

If you are looking to take a step out of your comfort zone and leap on the opportunity of a lifetime, this article will tell you everything you need to know about motivation letters for exchange programs. We will cover everything from tips to writing a killer exchange program motivation letter, to sample motivation letters for student exchange programs so that you can get a comprehensive understanding of how to write your own!


Motivation Letter for Exchange Program Example

  • How to Write a Motivation Letter for an Exchange Program in 5 Steps

Tips for Writing an Exchange Program Motivation Letter

Motivation letter template for exchange program.


Before we begin, it is necessary to first distinguish between a cover letter and a motivation letter . 

Cover letters are often conflated with motivation letters but are, in fact, completely different and are used in different scenarios. A cover letter is a one-page letter that is written as a part of a job application or other form of an employment application. Cover letters go into detail on an individual's work experience and qualifications that make them the most suitable candidate for a job. 

On the other hand, a motivation letter is a more personal letter that delves deeper into an individual's interests and suitability for a program. Motivation letters focus less on professional experience and more on personal accomplishments that align with the overall purpose of the letter. 

To further illustrate the contents of a motivation letter, here is an example of an exchange program motivation letter.

Dear Mr. Ethos,

I am writing to express my interest in the 2022 Rotterdam University exchange program. For over a decade, I have dreamed of traveling to the Netherlands, both for its natural beauty and vibrant culture, and would like the opportunity to realize my dream through this unique exchange program.

There is no better way to learn about a culture than through physically experiencing it. To this end, I would like to experience the culture of the Netherlands while pursuing my Master’s Degree in Architecture and Interior Design from the University of Rotterdam, whose Architecture Department is a trailblazer in the field throughout Europe. From an early age, my parents instilled the importance of learning about new cultures and languages. Of all the countries that I have learned about, the Netherlands has stood out due to its rich history, architecture, and culture. My desire to experience this first-hand translated into me double majoring in Architecture and Dutch in college. During my degree, I also completed an apprenticeship in CallisonRTKL as an Architect's apprentice, where I worked with a team of 7 in designing 6 buildings set for construction in Washington State. I believe that my experience and skills will lend a great hand in my acclimation to life in the Netherlands and will allow me to thrive in my studies during the exchange program itself. 

Please take a moment to review my attached resume, recommendations, and transcripts. I look forward to sitting down with you to further talk about how this experience will change my life forever! Thank you for your evaluation and I enthusiastically anticipate your forthcoming response!


How to Write a Motivation Letter for Exchange Program in 5 Steps

Let’s break it down. In this section, we will explain the various parts of a motivation letter for an exchange program.

Introduce yourself.

Start a motivation letter for an exchange program with a brief introduction of yourself. Include critical information including your motivation for applying and, optionally, the experiences that you have had that makes you a viable candidate for the exchange program. 

Here is an example of a brief self-introduction from a motivation letter for a university exchange program:

“I am writing to express my interest in the student exchange program at Washington University. This program has captivated my attention for years, and I am jumping on the opportunity to realize my dreams into reality.” 

State your reason for wanting to participate in the exchange program.

A motivational essay for an exchange program should, above all, convince the admissions board of your enthusiasm for the program and your ability to succeed and constructively apply your experiences. You can develop this from early in your exchange program motivation letter by building on your reason for wanting to participate in an exchange program in the first place. 

While this reason is highly personal, it should be worded in an impactful way. Here is an excerpt from a motivational letter for an Erasmus exchange program application:

“The Erasmus Mundus program offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the European Experience while studying at world-class universities. The Master’s in Data Science program at Rotterdam University, in particular, is the reason why I am applying to this exchange program. I believe that under the tutelage of Professor John Doe, a pioneer in the technology and programming fields, I would gain valuable experience and insight that would otherwise be impossible at my current university.”

Mention your achievements.

Although motivation letters for exchange programs place great importance on the illustration of your motivation and capacity to excel in a foreign environment, you are still going for a reason! Mention achievements that are relevant to the purpose of the exchange program.

For example, if you are writing a motivation letter for a university exchange program, you would highlight academic achievements. Conversely, if you are writing a motivation letter for a cultural exchange program, you would include achievements that testify to your ability as a cultural ambassador. 

Let’s expand more on the latter through this excerpt from a motivation letter for a cultural exchange program:

“From an early age, my parents found it necessary to provide me with the space to become aware of my culture and its wonders. I have spent most of my childhood and formative years working with my local UNESCO branch to provide cultural presentations to international exchange students and represent my country on the international stage through presentations and performances. I believe that participating in this cultural exchange program in Taiwan is a unique opportunity for me to spread awareness of my country to others, and hopefully learn from the Taiwanese experience in the process.” 

Explain your goals for joining the exchange program.

Your motivation letter for the exchange program you are applying to should show your vision beyond receiving the exchange opportunity. You can do this by elaborating on your personal/professional goals concerning the exchange program.

Here is an example of describing your personal goals in this extract from a motivational letter for an Erasmus exchange program:

“Given my major in East European Studies, I believe that participating in the Erasmus program would be an incredibly valuable experience and will provide a unique perspective on my studies that I am not able to get in my American university. I wish to apply what I learn directly and experience from the Erasmus program to my master’s degree thesis on European integration theory, which I would ultimately like to leverage into a future job in the EU private sector.”

Express your appreciation.

Finally, close off your exchange program motivation letter by expressing your appreciation to the admissions committee for evaluating and considering your application. Be proactive in your closing by indicating your excitement to hear from them and to continue communications through further correspondence and interviews. 

To demonstrate a strong closing, here is an excerpt taken from a motivation letter for a university exchange program:

“Per your request, please take a moment to review my attached resume, recommendations, and transcripts. I look forward to sitting down with you and the admissions committee to discuss in greater detail exactly how I can excel in this unique experience. Thank you for your evaluation and I enthusiastically look forward to speaking with you soon!”

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Let’s take your exchange program motivation letter to the next level with these tips to boost the effectiveness and impact of your letter!

💡 Explain your reasons well.

Fulfill the fundamental purpose of your motivation letter for the exchange program by ensuring that your reasons for applying are well-explained. Oftentimes, exchange program motivation letters are filled with word filler (to reach a word limit) or stray from the original focus of the letter. 

Student exchange motivation letters are typically one-page in length (unless explicitly stated otherwise) for the sake of brevity and conciseness. This means that you have very limited space to convince the admissions committee of your candidacy for your program of choice. To this end, you must make sure that every sentence of your student exchange motivation letter is purposefully and intentionally written!

We recommend reviewing your motivation letter for your student exchange program several times after writing to check for pertinence. You can also ask friends, family, or your professors for their opinions. 

  • Do: “ I would like to challenge myself through this exchange program by increasing my cultural awareness and intelligence in a country that I have admired for years.”
  • Don’t: “ I wanna travel because the city I live in is boring.”

💡 Highlight any experience abroad that you already have.

An individual may be the most academically qualified candidate for an exchange program but lack the personal maturity to thrive in a foreign environment. That said, if you have any experience traveling (or living) abroad, it's usually a great addition to any motivation letter for an exchange program!

Experiences abroad, especially those taken on your own (or, at least, without parental supervision) are a great way of convincing admissions officers that you will be able to live and thrive in a foreign environment. In your motivation essay for your exchange program, including one or two of your formative international experiences and detail how they have helped you develop as a person. Avoid including extraneous information that does not contribute to the point of your motivation letter. Below are examples of how you should and shouldn't phrase this part of your motivation letter for an exchange program. 

  • Do: “ My formative years were spent traveling around the US and Mexico with my parents, who sought to instill a sense of independence and proactiveness from an early age. I have also become fluent in Spanish, which is an invaluable language to have since I am applying for an exchange to Madrid.”
  • Don’t: “ My parents took me to Canada and the plane ride was really cool. I like flying so I would love to go on an exchange program far away!”

💡 Show how your personality suits living/studying abroad.

Build on the previous section of your exchange program motivation essay by connecting your international experiences, your personality, and how the combination suits living and studying abroad. School is hard enough without the burden of living away from home, so show that you have what it takes!

But what if you lack international experience? No problem! Although having and mentioning your experiences abroad is a great way to boost the message of your motivation letter for an exchange program, it is definitely not a must-have. In its place, describe personal experiences and how they have built your personality to be independent and fully capable of thriving in a foreign environment. 

Here are some ways you can (and also shouldn’t) include these ideas in your motivation essay for an exchange program. 

  • Do: “ Whether it be helping around the house or engaging in community service, I have dedicated my teenage years to become as self-sufficient and independent as possible. I consider myself highly self-motivated, which I believe will greatly benefit my day-to-day experiences when living abroad.” 
  • Don’t: “ My parents let me babysit my siblings, so I would say that I’m pretty independent. This would be super helpful when living by myself in another country”

💡 Illustrate how you can contribute to the community of the place you are going to.

Although altruism exists in an ideal world, it very rarely does so in reality. The motivation letter for your exchange program of choice should clearly outline how you intend to apply the knowledge and experiences you had throughout your exchange program to your society and the society of the place you are going to. Admissions officers need to know that you are applying to their program with a purpose in mind, rather than just doing so for the traveling it brings!

Here are a few ways you can phrase this in a motivation letter for an exchange program. 

  • Do: “ This experience would be life-changing. Not only will the exchange year allow me to uniquely develop, both personally and professionally, but would give me the international perspective I need to be able to better serve my people and country.”
  • Don’t: “ The exchange program would be super cool and I would have some awesome stories to tell my friends when I get home!”

💡 Follow the essay prompt properly (if any).

Finally, pay attention to the application’s contents before writing your motivation letter for the exchange program. Some programs provide essay prompts for you to base your motivation letter on so that exchange program applicants can create a focused essay that provides the exact information that is desired!

Finally, combine everything you have learned and use this template of a motivational letter for an exchange program as a guide to writing your own!

[Your name]  [Your job title/position] (if any)  [Your home address]  [Your email address]   [Your telephone number]

[Name of Admissions Officer]  [Job title of Admissions Officer]  [University/Organization name]  [University/Organization address]

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.][Admissions Officers last name] ,

I am writing to express my interest in the [name of exchange program] at [university name] . [give a brief reason for your candidacy] . This exchange program, as described, is the perfect opportunity for me to develop both personally and professionally. I believe that my interests and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for this unique opportunity.

For years, I have [expanded on the reasons that you are applying for the exchange program] . [Talk about your experience and professional qualifications and how it translates to your candidacy for the exchange program you are applying to] . My [connect 1 or 2 personal achievements that relate to the exchange program and how they will help you survive and thrive in the foreign country and the program] . [if you are fluent in the native language, you can also include that here] . I believe that these skills and experiences will allow me to thrive and excel in this program.

Please take a moment to review my [list the attached documents that were requested as part of the application package for the exchange program] . Should the need for further documentation for clarification of existing material arise, I can be contacted at any time through my [email and telephone information] . [Thank the admissions officer/committee for reading your letter] . [Include a call to action that expresses how much you look forward to hearing from them] . 


[Your full name]

Writing an impactful motivation letter for an exchange program is no easy task, but it's well worth the time! Here are some key takeaways for you to consider when writing your own:

  • Your exchange program motivation letter should make you stand out against the competition. Remember that motivation letters are more personal than cover letters, so use that to your advantage in telling your story!
  • When writing a motivation letter for an exchange program, aim to connect your personal experiences with reasons that you will succeed, should you receive the opportunity to travel.
  • Pay attention to the application information! Sometimes, universities/institutions will include an essay prompt on which to base your exchange program motivation letter!

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— Originally written by Alexander Coye —

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An Exchange Student at 17

It almost feels like as if it was just yesterday when I was on my own on a plane not really knowing what to expect but excited for what the future had for me. Now I'm back home with a ton of memories, e-mails to answer, and a lot of stories to share. I don't even know where to start now that I'm writing about my experience of being an exchange student in Appleton, Wisconsin for a whole school year.

Well, I've wanted to be an exchange student my whole high school life. I read about summer programs in a brochure from IFS, and I thought then that living somewhere else for a while and having friends from another country would be the coolest thing in the world. I would be on my own, have my own Indiana Jones adventure, and fulfill my dream of having something different. Pretty soon, at the end of my senior year, Mama and I were applying to IFS and we decided that a whole year would give me so much more immersion and would make the experience so much better. I had meetings in the weekends about rules, how to survive, homesickness, etc. Then I got an email. I had a host family! Next thing I knew, I had a flight booked.

I was so excited and happy and I was telling all my friends about it. I was researching about Wisconsin in books and in the Internet. Compared to what I saw on TV and what I experienced when I traveled to places like Los Angeles, California with my family, Wisconsin was different. It was more of farmland and countryside. I lived in Appleton and its population was around 70,000 and I thought it was a small town compared to our Manila. There was no traffic, they only had one major mall, and everything was in close proximity. I didn't even know what to think of the cold weather. I just brought cotton long-sleeved shirts with me. But when winter came, I needed to get a coat. During the winter, the sun would set at 4pm and it wouldn't go up until around 9. There were days when the temperature would go below freezing and I was wearing around 6 layers of clothing just to keep myself warm. I never even blow-dried my hair before. I had to do it every morning after I took a shower because if I didn't, my hair would FREEZE. The thing I liked best about the cold and the snow was being able to ski. People were so excited for me and telling me all their snow stories (since we don't have it in the Philippines). I have never skied in my life either, so I was excited and proud to learn.

I was placed with the greatest host family in the whole world. They treated me like their own and they are like real family in another part of the world. I had a host mom, a host dad, a brother and sister. Ben would always be sweet and give me hugs and kisses. I loved every minute of it because I never had a younger brother before. It was fun seeing Katie grow up since she started to be a teenager and we would always tell stories in the bathroom we shared. Through e-mails we established that I was going to call them Mom and Dad since I was never used to calling older people by their first names. I felt super loved. They made sure there was tuna in the pantry (since it was my favorite), hugged me when I needed to be hugged, let me stay out late at night with my friends, and even let me have parties in the basement.

I went to an American co-ed public high school and that was a big adjustment coming from an all-girl private Catholic school. The school was new, everyone was different and it was so diverse. I have never met so many kinds of people in just one place. I was scared during the first day of school. I didn't know anyone, I got lost since the school was huge, and people didn't think I knew how to speak in English every time my teachers would say, And here's Elaine she's a foreign exchange student. But pretty soon I started to get comfortable. It was funny how people always got surprised by how good I was at speaking in English. They're like, Wow, you even speak better English than me. I loved answering people's questions like, So, what do you do in the winter? or Where is the Philippines? Isn't that near South America somewhere? or What's it like to have a coconut tree outside your house do you have coconuts everyday? I had the chance to take fun classes like Spanish, photography, and art so I met people with similar interests as me and got to go to field trips. My favorite was going to Chicago to see my favorite painting Starry Night by Van Gogh. I was an honorary member of the International Club and there was even one time I was giving a talk about the Philippines for the school's Global Awareness Week and someone asked me to say something in Filipino. So I said, Magandang Umaga, ang pangalan ko ay Elaine. They thought it was so cool and people started clapping and giving me a standing ovation. Just for saying my name in Tagalog!!!

I made a lot of friends and met so many people. I joined a church youth group, volunteered for a group for teens with cognitive disabilities, an indoor soccer team during winter and the girls track team during spring. Friends took me out to movies, hockey games, restaurants, road trips, rock shows and concerts. Someone even took me to see the Incubus concert! I got to do my first American prank, which was writing on boys cars with lipstick. Everyone was warm, open, and never hesitant in giving hugs. I would say that as much as I missed my family and friends at home, I never really got homesick because I had friends who made sure I was okay. They were all always there for me and helping me with all the adjustments I had to make, like school, getting rides, hanging out, shopping, going to prom, learning slang terms, everything. I will forever remember all the fun times I had with them.

One of the things I had to get used to and eventually enjoyed was how people picked up on my difference. Girls would always tell me how lucky I was to have a year-round tan and ask if I went to tanning salons! I haven't even heard of tanning salons since I got there! Some boys would ask me how I got my hair to be so black. I was shy and surprised by how forward some guys were. Unlike here, guys do not court girls. It's more casual. Eventually, though I got used to it. I realized that guys all over the world are the same. I became excited to be actually hanging out with all these cute boys, getting calls, and going out. Hugging with someone from the opposite sex wasn't even a big deal, and it was something I enjoyed. Going out opened my eyes to more similarities and differences in the American culture. It was one of the times I was so proud of being Filipina. I was different, exotic, and new.

Every month, I met with other exchange students in our area. I made friends with people from Germany, Brazil, the Netherlands, England , Hungary, etc. It was fun when we were together because we saw how language, skin color or height didn't matter. We were all the same. We even got to bond right away because we were all going through the same thing as exchange students so we talked about the differences at home, school, and out countries. I learned so many things about other cultures, and even got to share my own. I remember cooking the adobo for a Christmas party. I was stressed about it but everyone loved it!

Being away for 10 months and living alone in a completely different world has taught me a lot of things. I have grown and my perspective has changed in ways I never would have imagined. I now can say that I am independent, appreciate my family and friends here more, open to new ideas, aggressive, and more confident about myself. Having my own adventure has proven to me that anything is possible and that I can do anything. It was the best time of my life and I will always remember how choosing to go out and discover what the world has in store for me was life-changing and will be something I will always cherish.

Article provided by Exchange Student News

By Elaine Abonal

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International student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school..(Band 9 Sample Essay)

Updated: Mar 11

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students.

Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample - Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students.

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Sample Essay 1

The notion of facilitating international student exchanges has garnered considerable support among educators, who posit that such experiences could confer widespread benefits on teenage school students. This essay contends that the advantages of such programs indeed surpass their potential drawbacks, focusing on the enrichment of cultural understanding and the enhancement of linguistic skills as the primary benefits.

At the heart of the argument for student exchanges lies the unparalleled opportunity for cultural immersion, which fosters a profound and comprehensive appreciation and understanding of diversity. Engaging directly with students from varied backgrounds enables teenagers to dismantle stereotypes and develop a global mindset, an invaluable asset in today’s highly interconnected and culturally diverse world. For instance, a British student spending a semester in Japan not only learns about Japanese customs and traditions but also gains deep insights into differing societal norms, thereby cultivating a more inclusive and empathetic perspective.

Additionally, immersion in a foreign language setting significantly bolsters linguistic competencies, offering a practical and immersive application that far exceeds traditional classroom learning. The necessity to communicate daily in the host country’s language propels students towards fluency, a skill that is highly regarded and beneficial in the competitive global job market. An anecdotal testament to this is the enhanced employability of exchange students, who often exhibit superior language skills and adaptability, alongside cultural sensitivity, qualities that are highly sought after by forward-thinking multinational corporations.

In conclusion, international student exchanges stand as a cornerstone in the edifice of global education, offering a dual advantage of cultural enlightenment and linguistic proficiency. The experiences gleaned from living and studying abroad not only prepare students for global citizenship but also endow them with skills that are pivotal in navigating the challenges of a multicultural world. Thus, the benefits of such programs not only outweigh the disadvantages but also lay the groundwork for a more empathetic and interconnected global community.

Sample Essay 2

Some educators opine that the high school students could benefit from the international student exchange programs. Although travelling away from their motherland could make them homesick; however, in my view, this would be advantageous for pupils, as they can expand their horizon by studying in a new country.

Studying in a foreign country broadens the teenage learners’ world views, introduces them with the people from diverse backgrounds, and offers an incredible independence that let them grow as matured individuals. In the environment of a new nation, students are exposed to various races and religions, different language and culture, and above all, they make friendship with multinational and multilingual people. This unique opportunity gives them non parallel life experience that deepens their foundation not only as a student, but also as a global citizen. For example, some experts cite adolescents can become more openminded by participating in student exchange programs, as this propels them to fend for themselves in a new environment. As a result, they gain some hands-on learnings which might not be possible without going to a different country.

However, some argue that tender aged people should not be compelled to undertake any overseas programs because the young students are close knitted to their families, so attending for on campus courses in a foreign country could make them homesick and hinder the purpose of going abroad. Thus, the students might not be able to fully concentrate on their studies, causing them to come up with poor grades. This scenario might aggravate their discontent further and worsen their status of mind. Eventually, this psychological damage could pile up to plummet their confidence and self-esteem for the rest of their life.

To sum up, though there is always a risk that the teenaged students might fail to cope up with the new environment, the benefits of international student exchange schemes are limitless because it opens a global community for them which comes up with the incredible opportunity to meet people from hundreds of dissimilar origins.

Sample Essay 3

In the contemporary educational paradigm, some educators advocate for the inclusion of international student exchange programs as a staple for all teenage school students, positing that the myriad benefits conferred by such experiences significantly eclipse any potential drawbacks. This essay posits that the advantages, notably enhanced cultural awareness and linguistic proficiency, far outweigh the disadvantages, such as temporary academic disruption and homesickness.

Central to the argument for international exchange programs is the unparalleled opportunity they present for cultural immersion. By living and studying in a foreign environment, students gain profound insights into alternative ways of life, fostering a global mindset and tolerance towards diverse cultures. For instance, a teenager from the United States participating in an exchange program in Japan might experience firsthand the nuances of Japanese etiquette and community-oriented lifestyle, which can profoundly influence their perspectives on cooperation and respect. Moreover, these programs are instrumental in accelerating language acquisition, offering an immersive environment that classroom learning cannot replicate. The daily necessity of communicating in the host country’s language catalyzes a rapid improvement in linguistic skills, equipping students with a valuable asset in today’s globalized job market.

However, critics of these exchanges cite the interruption to the students' regular academic curriculum and the emotional challenges of adapting to a new environment as significant disadvantages. While these concerns are valid, they are effectively mitigated by the comprehensive support structures that many exchange programs have in place, including tailored academic courses, psychological counseling services, and cultural assimilation activities. These provisions ensure a smooth transition, enhancing the overall experience. Furthermore, the resilience and adaptability students develop in overcoming these challenges are invaluable life skills, instilling a sense of independence and confidence that far exceed the confines of traditional education, preparing them for the complexities of the globalized world.

In conclusion, while the prospect of international student exchange programs may present certain challenges, the benefits they offer in terms of fostering cultural understanding and linguistic competence are indispensable. These experiences equip students with a broadened worldview and skills that are increasingly sought after in a globalized society, underscoring the argument that the advantages undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages. Thus, integrating such programs into the educational journey of all teenage students is a venture well worth pursuing.

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International student exchange (Corrected essay)

International student exchange (Corrected essay)

Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?


Write about the following topic.

Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students.

Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


There is a common belief that international student exchange programs would bring benefits to all participants. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this projects, I believe that there are outweighed by the advantages.

On the one hand, there are several major drawbacks when teenagers go overseas. Firstly, those exchange programs cost a considerable amount of money, which a handful of students may be inaccessible. For example, students who come from developing countries would find difficult to apply student exchange programs in industrial nations because of the financial burden. Secondly, even with preparation and knowledge about the new environment, adolescents could still experience culture shock, which can affect them in different ways. Another potential drawback is health issues that can occur during the stay in a foreign country.

On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such disadvantages. One reason for this notion is that international visitors would have a shinier resume which is valuable for them in the years to come. By working in foreign organizations, they will gain many practical experience that make their profile more competitive. Another reason is that teenagers would have a chance to experience culture exchange. This broaden their mind, and also helps them make new friends for a lifetime. Additionally, after finishing the program, overseas students tend to obtain more opportunities to find good jobs because they have a strong network of friends.

In conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of international student exchange programs are more significant than the disadvantages.

Corrected Writing Task 2

There is a common belief that international student exchange programs would bring benefits to all participants. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this projects those programs’ disadvantages , I believe that there they are outweighed by cannot undermine the advantages.

Avoid using adjectives or adverbs that show high levels of certainty, such as “obvious” or “evidently”.

The word “outweigh” is already used in the topic question. “The disadvantage undermines the advantage” is a good collocation.

On the one hand, there are several major drawbacks when teenagers go overseas. Firstly, those exchange programs cost a considerable amount of money, which a handful of students may be inaccessible the expensiveness of various exchange programs makes them inaccessible to many students . For example, students who come from developing countries would find difficult to apply student exchange programs in industrial nations because of the financial burden difference in living standards between nations . Secondly, even with preparation and knowledge about the new environment, adolescents could still experience culture shock, which can affect them in different ways . Another potential drawback is health issues that can occur during the stay in a foreign country Health issues occur during the stay in a foreign country is another common problem among exchange students .

While joining two sentence clauses into one sentence by using “which” is a good strategy in the Speaking test, it isn’t necessarily effective in writing contexts. Try to change the original complex sentence into a short, simple sentence.

The third sentence in Paragraph 1 is kinda unclear and redundant. The idea of “financial burden” is already expressed in the previous sentence.

“Different ways?” Which ways are you referring here? Try to explain it more to make the paragraph longer and more cohesive.

Try to use the connectives (firstly, secondly, another…) more skillfully. If you keep putting a connective at the start of a sentence, then your writing can be very dull. I advise you to change the structure of the last sentence to make the connective (“another”) appear in the middle of the sentence instead of at the beginning.

On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such aforementioned disadvantages. One reason for this notion is that international visitors students would have a shinier attractive resume which is valuable for them in the years to come. By working in foreign organizations, they will gain many practical experience that make their profile more competitive. Another reason is that teenagers would have a chance to experience culture exchange cultural diversity . This broaden broadens their mind , and also helps them make new friends for a lifetime . Additionally, after finishing the program, overseas students tend to obtain more opportunities to find good jobs because they have a strong network of friends wide social circle .

“such “ is an informal word. Use “aforementioned” instead.

“An international visitor” means “a tourist”, not “an international student”.

“Shiny resume” isn’t a collocation, “attractive resume” is.

“Experience” is an uncountable noun, so don’t use “many” here.

You don’t make a “lifetime” friend that easily.

The above conclusion is unconvincing and too short. Either you write one more sentence, or remove the part “would argue that”.


While it’s okay to write a 252 words essay in a real test, try to write longer when you are at home. You should write approx 270 words, so even after you have trimmed some redundant words, your essay still have more than 250 words.

Overall score: 6.0

Task Achievement: 6

✓ addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be more fully covered than others.

✓ presents a relevant position although the conclusions may become unclear or repetitive (your conclusion is just a paraphrase of Paragraph 2’s first sentence)

✓ presents relevant main ideas but some may be inadequately developed/unclear (the part “which can affect them in different ways” is clearly an undeveloped sentence clause)

Coherence and Cohesion: 7

✗ logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout. (the ideas in each paragraph aren’t listed in a coherent way) ✓ uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/overuse. (on the one hand, on the other hand; firstly, secondly, another, one reason, another reason, additionally)

✓ presents a clear central topic within each paragraph.

Lexical Resource: 6

✓ uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task (overseas, financial burden, culture shocḳ) ✓ attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy (broaden the mind, to experience cultural diversity) ✓ makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 6 ✓ uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms. ✓ makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication



In my opinion, that sounds cool to have a new friend in my classroom especially the foreigner. The exchange students from the other countries confront with the another people and places. There are many differences between host countries and newcomer countries including language, accent, foods, custom, law, culture, and also people ,Yet it would be a good thing for learning these difference from the friends. We could share the story what we do in daily life or a point of view in any topics such the football world cup matches, the president of U.S. speech or the brand new movies release. It is a chance to learn about living adaptation and communication skills, Besides travelling guide experience when you lead your friends to journey the local attraction is significantly exciting. On the other hand, attending the new people, For some people it is hard situation to compromise with the newcomers. However, time can relieve the distance and harmonise the relationship. The racism is still patent in some countries, It is like the burden to have a connection among the classroom. Therefore, the teacher plays a key role in mediator to prevent the problem if not the unwanted situation may occur. In conclusion, the exchange student has a lot of advantage in almost cases. The opportunities to interact with the foreigner make a lesson to adapt yourselves and gain life experience along with the new friends. The experience makes you stronger and worldliness. None the less, There are only some case having problem about racism that is the sensitive difficulty.

(Written by ณัช เกษม )


Below is the corrected essay

In my opinion, that sounds cool to have a new friend in my classroom especially the foreigner. The exchange students from the other countries confront with the another people and places. There are many differences between the host countries local people and the newcomer countries foreigner including language, accent, foods, custom, law, culture, and also people . , Yet , it would be a good thing for learning to learn these difference from the friends. We could share the story what we do in daily life or a point of view in any topics such the football world cup matches, the president of U.S. ’ speech or the brand new movies release release of a brand new movie . It is a chance to learn about living adaptation and communication skills , . Besides , travelling guide experience when you lead your friends to journey the local attraction is significantly exciting having a local friend along when traveling as a foreigner is exciting and reassuring .

Next time, try to separate the introduction from the firsty body paragraph. By missing a clear introduction, you will lower your Task Response grading a lot.

The first sentence is not only informal ( “that sounds cool” ) but also does not directly answer the topic question. If you write “ a new friend in my classroom especially the foreigner ”, the reader may think that your essay’s main focus is just “a new classmate” in general, not a “foreign” one.

The second sentence is very unclear. Try to join the first and the second sentence into one only.

While South East Asia languages are topic-prominent (the grammar isn’t important, but the topic behind the sentence is), English is much more rigid in terms of grammatical structure. In case of your third sentence, what you are talking about is not the different between two countries , but that of the people of two countries .

The correct idiom here is not “something for doing” , but rather “ something to do/to be done ”

Your last sentence sounds ungrammatical and foreign to a English speaker.

There are many punctuation mistakes presented.

On the other hand, attending regarding of the new people appearance of foreigners , For for some people , it is a hard situation when you have to compromise with the newcomers. However, time can relieve the distance and harmonise the relationship with time, the cultural barrier will be reduce . The racism is still patent prevalent in some countries, It it is like the a burden to have a connection be overcomed among in the classroom. Therefore, the teacher plays a key role in mediator to prevent the problem if not the a unwanted situation may occur.

I guess that you often misuse “ a/the ” since there is no article words in Thai. But that is something you must overcome.

Pay attention to collocations. English native speakers don’t use word pairs like “ relieve the distance ”. “To harmonise the relationship” is fine, but I am doubt it should be use in this context.

In conclusion, the exchange student has having a foreign exchange student in the classroom brings out a lot of advantage in almost cases . The opportunities to interact with the foreigner make a lesson provide a chance to adapt yourselves and gain life experience , along with the new friends. The experience makes you stronger and worldliness more mature . None the less Nonetheless , There there are only some case s having problem about when racism that is the sensitive difficulty obstacle .

Stay faithful to the topic question. Since the question here is “can all the students, both the foreign and the native ones, reap benefit?”, you must address it in your conclusion.

Using “ worldliness ” here is very unnatural. First, “worldliness” is a noun, not an adjective, so it cannot go along with “strong”. Second, it is a vague word when being taken out from the context. I suggest you use something like “ mature ”.

To strengthen your conclusion, don’t put the oppose idea at the end. Instead, put in at the beginning, then affirm your opinion as a contrast.

Overall: 4.5

Task Response: 4

✓ responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is tangential; the format may be inappropriate ( failing to separate the introduction and the first body paragraph lowers your band score here from 5 to 4 ) ✓ presents a position but this is unclear ( due to the unclear conclusion ) ✓ presents some main ideas but these are difficult to identify and may be repetitive, irrelevant or not well supported

Coherence and Cohesion: 5

✓ presents information with some organisation but there may be a lack of overall progression

✗ makes inadequate, inaccurate or over use of cohesive devices ( The writer has used some common connectives. Could reach a 6 score next time. )

✓ may be repetitive because of lack of referencing and substitution

✓ may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be inadequate

Lexical Resource: 5

✓ uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task

✓ may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 4

✓ uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate clauses ( there is no formal, academic sentence; the essay looks like an informal speech )

✓ some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is often faulty ( many punctuation faults are presented)


This essay is corrected by Anh Tran - Let's Write Something Group .

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Education Corner

What Are the Benefits of a Student Exchange Program?

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Student exchange programs are hugely popular across the world but how do they benefit students? Are they really that good?

Not only do students get to experience travel to other countries but also students who participate in student exchange programs exhibit higher degrees of awareness, acceptance for cultural diversity and an increase in their cultural capital .

The social impact of student travel is well-known. This is the reason why it is such a popular method of learning and stimulating intellectual curiosity in young minds.

These programs have been designed to enable student learning at a whole different level. But the main goal is to get them out of their comfort zone so that they not only experience enhanced learning but also personal growth.

However, despite its many benefits, people falsely believe that the exchange programs are solely for the benefit of learning a new language. While that is definitely one of the ways, it is not the only aspect of this program.

One has to acknowledge the cultural element that increases their global perspective and also broadens their knowledge of the world that exists outside their homes.

If you are Looking For Student Exchange Program , then this article will tell you all there is to know so that you can make a well-informed decision.

What is a Student Exchange Program?

Let’s first start with the basics – what is a student exchange program?

The exchange program is a reciprocal travel program where the students get to travel abroad and be hosted by a partner institution. In return, they have to host the same school at a later stage.

It is a highly recommended program for students because it gives them an opportunity to immerse themselves in local culture. As you live with your host family, you will get to experience their local lives, their customs, and live like a family member during the duration of your program.

The Benefits of Student Exchange Program

As a parent, it may be daunting to send your child abroad at a young age. However, you need to understand that these are their formative years and any learning at this stage will shape their lives in the future.

If you are still contemplating the decision, then perhaps these benefits will help you make your mind.

Student exchange programs increase tolerance for other cultures:

One of the biggest advantages of an exchange program is to give your child a worldview.

It helps them see things more objectively and become more tolerant towards cultures and their customs. Some of these programs also offer an academic credit that can be used back home to further your grades.

As a result, more and more people are now open to the idea of sending their children abroad for an exchange program.

Students get global exposure:

With the global exposure, your child learns ways of the world that opens up their mind and makes them capable of thinking out of the box.

Mingling with people of different cultural communities gives them an international perspective that can add on to their college applications.

It also helps them communicate with people across cultures confidently.

Students can master the local language:

The best way to master a language is to practice it with native speakers. If you are planning to brush up your Spanish, then a cultural exchange program in a Spanish speaking country will advance your skills significantly.

Since the academics will also be in the local language, you will also be able to improve your writing and reading skills.

They develop self-confidence in students:

Needless to say, when you live away from your home in another country, you will soon build up your confidence and develop cultural sensitivity.

These are life skills that will help you fit into the global work environment with ease and also make you feel confident when interacting with people from a different culture or country.

While it may be daunting at first, it is only a matter of time when you will be able to develop your self-confidence.

This is why it is advised to learn in a new environment so that the students can develop these skills at a faster pace.

Prepares students for university:

Student exchange programs can be a life changing experience.

At the end of it, you will come out feeling independent, confident, and capable of taking on life’s challenges. As a teenager, when you go abroad to study, you will automatically become more equipped to handle your university life and other future endeavours.

As more and more employers as well as universities look for a global experience, the student exchange program will certainly make your CV look brighter.

Read all these points thoroughly and research some more about the student exchange programs before taking the plunge. It is crucial that you do this with an open mind so as to make the most of your experience.

So, if you are looking for ways to enhance your CV for college applications, then this is one of the most effective ways.

Student Exchange Program Videos

Student Exchange Program FAQ

A student exchange program is a reciprocal travel program where the students get to travel abroad and be hosted by a partner institution. In return, they have to host the same school at a later stage.

Students exhibit higher degrees of awareness, acceptance for cultural diversity and an increase in their cultural capital . Students also get to experience other countries, they can master the local language, develop their self-confidence in students and help prepare themselves for university.

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Home Essay Samples Education

Essay Samples on Exchange Student

Uncertainty with study opportunities for foreign students after brexit.

The UK is known for their highly ranked universities that attract yearly thousands of foreign students to enrol into them. Hence the rising fear after the 2016 referendum in the UK, regarding study possibilities turned nerve wrecking and confusing. Politicians seem busy discussing their trade...

  • Exchange Student
  • United Kingdom

Personal Reflections of My Exchange Student Experience in Sweden

On 20 May 2019 to 31 May 2019, I, together with 7 classmates, was honored to join the international student exchange programme held by the School of Nursing, the University of Hong Kong. In this exchange, I went to Jönköping University (JU) and attended a...

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Struggles Exchange Students Have to Go Through in a Different Country

Introduction Ever wonder what goes on inside a foreign exchange students mind? If so, you might be thinking, how are they able to adapt? Or what challenges might they face while studying abroad in a different country? For this qualitative research assignment, we decided to...

Three Sessions That Were Applicable In Hong Kong To Learn From Australia

An exchange is a way for me to learn from other foreign and get the knowledge back to Hong Kong. In these 15 days in Queensland, Australia, it made my eyes opening. As I have not been to Western Country in the past, it is...

Best topics on Exchange Student

1. Uncertainty with Study Opportunities for Foreign Students after Brexit

2. Personal Reflections of My Exchange Student Experience in Sweden

3. Struggles Exchange Students Have to Go Through in a Different Country

4. Three Sessions That Were Applicable In Hong Kong To Learn From Australia

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Student Exchange Essays Help to Win Trips to Foreign Countries

Student Exchange Essays Help to Win Trips to Foreign Countries

We are sure you have heard a lot about student exchange programs, because many students participate in them.

Such programs provide brilliant opportunities to all those who want to see other countries, learn new languages and cultures, gain new experience, etc.

If you are one of such students, do not hesitate and start looking for a good exchange program to apply to. By the way, let us talk about the application process, particularly its writing section. Yes, you get it right. You will not escape writing a student exchange essay.

And, your student exchange essay should be so striking that the admission committee has no doubts to accept you. Let us explain you how to do this.

What student exchange essays are all about

Basically, an essay for an exchange program can be defined as a mere personal statement. You have to answer one major question “Why do you want to participate in a program and go to…?”

Essential points to be highlighted in student exchange essays

Make sure that you explain the following aspects in your student exchange essay clearly:

  • Provide in the student exchange essay all information about you that you believe is important. Describe your interests, specific classes you take in school, languages you know or study, future plans, etc.
  • Why do you think such experience of staying in a foreign country will be beneficial for you? Answer this question in the student exchange essay.
  • Show in the student exchange essay your awareness of history, culture, traditions of the foreign country you plan to visit.

A crucial part of student exchange essays

Your essay should give a clear idea why you are a perfect candidate for this program and trip. Thus, think about any valuable knowledge, experiences, skills you can share with other people.

Our writers can also help with essays on “Why I Want to Go to College” or ‘Describing yourself’ essays.


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How to Write Student Exchange Program Essay – A Quick Guide

  • April 8, 2024
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Need to write a  student exchange program essay  that strikes a chord with the admission committee? Being aware of the importance of such essays in gaining admissions, we are here with  professional essay writing services   that will make your dreams come true. This blog is your saviour as it covers everything you are seeking. As the  Best SOP Writing Service  in the town, we have also provided samples for you to get an idea.

Understanding the Essence of a Student Exchange Program Essay

The majority of esteemed universities prefer student exchange application essays to evaluate a student. As the competition is high for every single slot, it is important to prepare essays in a systematic manner. Errors are out of the question here, and you must submit a highly professional essay to gain admission to your desired program.

What is a Student Exchange Program?

An organized agreement between two universities wherein a student from one university is allowed to study at the partnered one for a specified time period is known as the Student Exchange Program. To grab a spot for yourself in such a unique opportunity, you must prepare your student exchange program essay flawlessly. For this, academic writing professionals are the best ones to seek help as they are aware of the aspects that will help you achieve your dream position. SOP Consultants stand tall in this arena due to their flair in preparing striking student exchange application essay. 

What Should Be Present In Your Student Exchange Program Essay

Speak about yourself.

Your student exchange motivation essay must primarily contain information about you – your interests, motivation, and your goals.

It states the purpose of your application and explains how this course can benefit you in the future.

Convey the benefit of this opportunity

Speak about how this program will help your goals, the reasons behind your decision and the advantage you gain by studying in another academic realm. 

Express your knowledge about the opposite country

Explain how you are well-knowledged about the other country – its culture, academic aspects and how well you will gel with the community. 

Know About the Importance of Exchange Essay During the Application Process

Showcasing how your candidature stands out is vital for assuring a spot in your dream university. Demonstrating your potential, your achievements and the reason you need this opportunity helps your essay for exchange program to stand out. Don’t forget to mention the specific reason why you have chosen the said country and why you are invested in its culture. 

How Should I Draft Captivating Student Exchange Program Essay

how to write student exchange program essay with sopconsultation

Writing a compelling exchange application essay is the door you should open to attain a place in that dream university of yours. A well-written essay will help you become the ‘one’ amongst your fellow competitors. 

Tell what you know about the destination

Your essay about exchange student should focus on your knowledge about the country you have chosen. Addressing these questions will be helpful:

  • What do you know about their culture? 
  • What do you know about their people? 
  • What efforts you have taken to understand the country? 

Give an Introduction

The introduction part is important as this is the spot that will sweep your reader off the feet! Give a general brief about:

  • Which program you have selected? 
  • Why you have taken this decision? 
  • Why this country? 

Your answers must be strictly general, as the following paragraphs will be much of a specific nature.

Speak about your goals

This section of your student exchange program essay must comprise answers to these questions:

  • How do your goals connect to the country?
  • How does this experience will benefit you?
  • What do you intend to take back with you?

Explain the advantages you wish to gain!

Here you must explain the benefits of accepting such an opportunity. Make sure to include:

  • Your plans to expand your network
  • Your desire to indulge in diverse cultures
  • Your wish to experience a burst of different communities

Try to be your optimistic self!

Your student exchange application essay must portray your excitement to go for it. The more you sound positive, the more chances of getting close to your admission. However, make sure you:

  • Don’t sound over-enthusiastic
  • Avoid dramatic sentences
  • Portray your true self

Explain why you are the one they are looking for!

Write about the reason why you are the most eligible candidate to join the program. However:

  • You cannot be overconfident
  • You must not degrade or compare anyone
  • Don’t exaggerate your accomplishments

Give a striking conclusion. You can close your international student exchange program essay by not being:

  • condescending
  • forcing your request

Most importantly be genuine!

Check for errors

You must submit your essay as a perfectly fine document. The admission committee is strict about this factor and immediately rejects any essay with even a minute mistake. Check for:

  • spelling mistakes
  • grammatical errors

The Objectives You Wish to Achieve in Your Student Exchange Program Essay

  • Make your achievements align with your desire to study the program
  • Explain how it will contribute to your academic and personal growth
  • How this experience will impact your future plans
  • Portraying yourself without any filter

Format of an Effective Student Exchange Program Essay

You can find a format of student exchange program essay sample written by our writing team. You can refer to this while preparing your essay:

I have had the privilege of growing up in a super supportive environment. Starting from my parents, every single acquaintance related to my life, always extended their warm support to choose a career according to my passion. Thereafter, I was in a constant search for fields that fit my interests. This is how I met with the medical field.

Witnessing the progress of my country’s medical sector, how it performed amid a crucial scenario like COVID-19 and the mental peace I could gain by dedicating my abilities towards healing people around me collectively contributed to elevating my passion for joining the medical field.

Being a studious child helped me a lot in shaping my skills according to the demands of my field of interest. From my school days, I have had the knack of learning even complex concepts with peak enthusiasm. This helped me tremendously while dealing with a vast arena like biology. Additionally, I cultivated the habit of teaching lessons to my classmates. This strengthened my concepts and became a practice that could aid me for a lifetime. Currently, I am a medical student who is in the ___ year of my branch of study. From someone who held a dream to thrive in my field of interest, I could evolve into a medical student, nearing my end goals with each passing day. 

I feel honoured to be considered for an opportunity that will broaden my knowledge domain in many ways. I am excited to immerse myself in the cultural scenario of ___. As my research raved alot about the country, its cultural aspects and its citizens, I am curious to witness them with my own eyes. Simultaneously, the _____ program at the prestigious ____ university is like a dream for a medical student like me. Famous for its enormous contributions, I can refine my skills to the utmost. The presence of medical maestros like _____ makes me thrilled even more and I can’t wait to have intense discussions with them. I am looking forward to learning and experiencing the country in a way that will stick with me for a lifetime.

Please note that the above format is just a sample prepared to make you understand the right tone to be used while crafting your student exchange application essay. Different universities may ask for different types of essay topics. So, it is necessary to do your research and confirm everything with them beforehand.

FLEX Essay Topics You Should Definitely Check Out!

  • Your Unforgettable Experience: Write about an experience that hung around you for a while.
  • Your success story: Explain one of the greatest achievements you made in your life, how it changed your life, motivated you and how it impacts you towards your future life.
  • How you pulled yourself through a difficult situation: Write about your individual traits and how they impacted in tackling even the toughest of the situations in your life.
  • Your weaknesses and how you cope with them: You can give a narrative of how you rectified your weaknesses by connecting them with an incident.

What Makes an Essay Successful?

what makes an essay successful sopconsultants tips

A student exchange program essay sample consists of three main parts – intro, main body, and concluding part. 


You cannot go wrong here as this is the deciding factor that determines whether a reader should go ahead with the rest of the exchange student experience essay. 

Here, you should concentrate on explaining the reasons you have chosen this particular program, your motivations and expectations. This is an important section of your student exchange motivation essay, so make it more specific rather than writing in a general way.

Give an interesting conclusion that will make the reader fall for your request. Additionally, you must not include any new information here.

Dos and Don'ts: Make Sure You Follow This Checklist!

  • Be honest about yourself
  • Use an emotional tone 
  • Write with a flow by connecting your experiences 
  • Fabricate anything about your profile
  • Use mechanical words or language
  • Be overconfident

Conclusion: Final Tips and Encouragement

Your student exchange application essay is the bridge that connects you with your dream program. So, make sure you don’t make any compromises to ensure its perfection.

  • Constantly communicate your desire to gain this opportunity
  • Don’t lose the flow of the content
  • Project confidence in your abilities
  • Edit and proofread thoroughly

Students Frequently Ask These Questions

Is it allowed to ask help for student exchange motivation essay.

Yes. Students who want to level up their performance before the admission committee will surely seek help for writing student exchange application essay. It is a widely recommended technique. 

Can I refer student exchange program essay sample?

Yes, you can. Referring to a sample that stands close to an approval-worthy essay, increases the chances of you getting admitted. You can find abundant exchange program application essay example from our site. 

What are the advantages of a student exchange program?

The chance of living and breathing in an entirely different cultural scenario is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This will enhance your adaptability, cultural acceptance and knowledge domain. Additionally, you can utilize these skills during your professional tenure. 

How much does a student exchange application essay cost?

Our platform charges only reasonable prices for student exchange essays. As students are our customers, we are particular about setting our prices in a range affordable to them.

We hope this blog helped you get an idea about the top-to-bottom factors involved in creating a student exchange essay. 

You can refer to our exchange program essay example from our platform to strengthen your understanding.

Student exchange opportunity is a chance to explore beyond boundaries, so, make sure to make full use of it.

If you found our blog useful, don’t forget to share it with your friends who are looking for similar help. 

You can also comment on your opinion about this blog and what more information should have been included in it.

What is the ideal length for a student exchange program essay?

Word count depends on the guidelines prescribed by universities. Still, it is ideal to write a student exchange application essay with a minimum of 300 words. Don’t forget to check the word limit count with your university.

When should I start working on my exchange program essay?

An essay for exchange program is an important document that guarantees your place in prestigious universities. Therefore, it is important to start working on it as early as possible so that you can take enough time to form the content.

How do I make my essay stand out from others?

Being genuine and not faking anything about yourself can get you to success. Connecting all the details and presenting them with a flow can make your essay stand out. You can refer to our exchange program essay sample to get an idea.

Can I use personal experiences in my exchange program essay?

Yes, you can. Moreover, connecting your experiences is a great way to express your desire to join the program. Take great care in explaining every detail organically and structuring them neatly.

Are there specific formatting guidelines for these essays?

Different programs specify different guidelines. So, it is absolutely necessary to crosscheck them before writing your exchange application essay. However, our platform is famous for drafting such essays, making us knowledgeable about guidelines used by a majority of universities. You can count on our services to get a successful essay. 

How important is language proficiency in the essay?

Language is crucial for writing an exchange essay. There have been instances wherein universities have rejected multiple applications due to the low quality of language usage. SOP Consultants stands out as we have talented English stalwarts with us to write your essay. You can check our student exchange essay example to understand the competency of our writers. 

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AP®︎/College Macroeconomics

Course: ap®︎/college macroeconomics   >   unit 6.

  • Currency exchange introduction
  • Supply and demand curves in foreign exchange

Lesson summary: the foreign exchange market

  • The foreign exchange market

exchange essay

Lesson summary

  • A currency is being bought and sold, rather than a good or service
  • The currency being bought and sold is being bought with a different currency.
Key termDefinition
the price of one currency in terms of another currency; for example, if the exchange rate for the Euro ( ) is 132 Yen ( ), that means that each Euro that is purchased will cost 132 yen.
a market in which one currency is exchanged for another currency; for example, in the market for Euros, the Euro is being bought and sold, and is being paid for using another currency, such as the yen.
a description of the willingness to buy a currency based on its exchange rate; for example, as the exchange rate for Euros increases, the quantity demanded of Euros decreases.
when the value of a currency increases relative to another currency; a currency appreciates when you need more of another currency to buy a single unit of a currency.
when the value of a currency decreases relative to another currency; a currency depreciates when you need less of another currency to buy a single unit of a currency.
when the exchange rate of currencies are determined in free markets by the interaction of supply and demand

Key takeaways

Why the demand for a currency is downward sloping, the equilibrium exchange rate is the interaction of the supply of a currency and the demand for a currency, key graphical models, common misperceptions.

  • We are used to thinking about buying things with a currency, so many new learners are confused about what the price should be in the market for a currency. Buthe price of an orange is never given in oranges; it’s given in some other currency. Just like an orange, a dollar can’t be bought with itself, but instead it needs to be bought with some other currency.
  • A common misperception is to confuse 1) the things that cause shifts in the supply or demand of a currency with 2) changes in quantity supplied or quantity demanded. To keep this straight, ask yourself “why is this change happening?” If a change is happening in response to a change in the exchange rate, then you are moving along a curve. If a change is happening in response to something else, the entire curve shifts.
  • It might seem like a time saver to take short-cuts on labeling graphs, but this is never a good idea. Take your time labeling the foreign exchange market carefully using the elements of a market:
  • Demand - the demand for the currency that is being exchanged
  • Supply - the supply of the currency that is being exchanged
  • Quantity - the quantity of the currency that is being exchanged
  • Price - some other currency that is being used to buy the currency that is being exchanged

Questions for review

  • China and Ghana are major trading partners. The currency of China is the y u a n ‍   and the currency of Ghana is the c e d i ‍   . In a correctly labeled graph of the foreign exchange market for the cedi, show the impact of an increase in imports from Ghana to China. Then, explain what is going on in your graph. I tried my best. Can I check my work? In order for China to import more goods from Ghana, it will need more cedi to buy Ghanian goods. Therefore, the demand for the cedi will increase. As a result of an increase in the demand for the cedi, the exchange rate of yuan per cedi will increase (in other words, it will take more yuan to buy each cedi).
  • List 3 things that would cause the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar, in terms of Yen, to increase.

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  • Reflections on my exchange in the UK
  • Exchange Stories

Case Study: Exchange in the UK

Reflections on my exchange in the uk by pernille from denmark.

Pernille on beach

In August last year, Pernille from Denmark kindly wrote about her thoughts as she is prepared for her departure for her year exchange to the UK. She spoke of her nerves and excitement and determination to succeed, and now, 10 months later she has written about her experience and reflected on the opportunities and challenges she has faced.

​ Now that you are preparing to go home, how do you feel about your exchange experience?

It’s been such an amazing experience and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. It’s been challenging and I’ve learned so many things and grown extremely much in such a short time. I’ve experienced so many things and met so many nice people while staying here and I couldn’t be more thankful for this opportunity.

What did you enjoy most about your time on exchange?

I know it’s a typical thing to say, but everything. I don’t think I can pick out one thing and say that I’ve enjoyed that more than another thing, because each thing I’ve experienced has a meaning to me in different ways.

How did you find living with a host family?

I am so pleased with the host family I got. They are all very nice and really good company. I’m really happy that I got to stay with them and get to know them. It has been a really fun experience to live with someone else and create this bond between us. They are so nice to you and treat you as you were a part of their family. They listen to what you have to say and make sure that you feel welcome and are happy.

What was it like meeting your family for the first time?

It was so weird and awkward (haha). It was weird meeting them because I’ve been talking to them before I came. They helped me feel welcomed and a part of the family from day one.

What challenges did you face when starting school?

It was not too easy making friends at the beginning because I had to settle in first. The language wasn’t difficult but it was still a challenge at the beginning that everything was in English. But of course it got better with time.

How did school in the UK differ from school in Denmark?

The school system in the UK is a bit different than in Denmark. For example I had a different class/classmates for each subjects because we chose our subjects ourselves. In Denmark you have one class for all subjects. And I got frees during the day so I didn’t go to school from 8-3 everyday with only one break, as in Denmark. It was nice trying something new. The teachers are nice and funny and we could always talk to them if we had something on our minds. The other students made sure I felt welcome as well, and I got a lot of really nice friends. In general, the school was such a nice place with lots of fun things to do. They even planned a trip to Bristol for our photography class.

Do you feel more confident speaking English and how will you keep practising when you are home?

I definitely feel more comfortable in my spoken and written English after these months. I don’t think as much about if what I say is right anymore as it comes more naturally. I plan to still have contact with my friends and host family so in that way I’ll keep up practising my English, and of course I’ll have English at my college when I go home.

Did you feel prepared for the exchange and supported by the staff?

I think so, yeah. We got a lot of information about the exchange before we left and while we were here, so I knew what I was going into, even though of course it’s different when you’re there. I could always contact my Area Rep if I had any problems so that was nice as well.

What advice would you give someone preparing for exchange?

I would first of all say, no matter what, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re in doubt of anything no matter how stupid you think it is. And then just make sure to be open, have an open mind and think positive. That will get you a long way!

Would you recommend an exchange to other people?

I have already recommended it to so many people. Being on exchange is a special thing and you learn and experience so many things while you’re away. I was surprised myself how much I’ve changed and learned. It’s something you can’t just experience by going on holiday to the country. Living there in the culture, in their environment gives you a better understanding about the country and the people. You see how other people live outside from your own country and that is an amazing thing! I think this is something every person should experience in their life.

What are your plans when you get home and has exchange influenced your plans for the future?

I’m starting college after summer holiday and then continuing my education after that. During the summer I’ll just work to earn money. The exchange made me realise how passionate I am about photography so it definitely influenced me to start working with my camera a lot more.

Pernille’s reflections on her experience highlight the fact that it does take work to make your exchange a success. Students have to be willing to be open and talk with their host family, classmates and local Area Representative. Her commitment to the experience helped her to make the most of her exchange and we congratulate Pernille for her effort and wish her every success in the future. We hope to see some of your photos from Denmark!

Pernille with MyEducation staff

Become a host family or come to the UK on exchange


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    Browse essays about Exchange Student and find inspiration. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services. Essay Examples

  16. (PDF) Student Exchange: The First Step Toward ...

    Student Exchange: The First Step Toward International Collaboration. January 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25525-1_7. License. CC BY 4.0. In book: Successful Global Collaborations in Higher ...

  17. Benefits Of Student Exchange Essay

    1685 Words | 7 Pages. 8 high levels of professionalism 9 improved student retention and learning. - 10 benefit the community - parents and other stakeholders in shared decision making, interpersonal skills, and management skills 11 inexpensive -change in locus of decision making rather than a large increase in. Read More.

  18. Student Exchange Essays Help to Win Trips to Foreign Countries

    A crucial part of student exchange essays. Your essay should give a clear idea why you are a perfect candidate for this program and trip. Thus, think about any valuable knowledge, experiences, skills you can share with other people. Order an essay here and get it in. 3 hours written absolutely from scratch Place an Order.

  19. Write Student Exchange Program Essay In 10 Minutes

    Try to be your optimistic self! Your student exchange application essay must portray your excitement to go for it. The more you sound positive, the more chances of getting close to your admission. However, make sure you: Don't sound over-enthusiastic. Avoid dramatic sentences. Portray your true self. Step 6.

  20. Lesson summary: the foreign exchange market

    foreign exchange market. a market in which one currency is exchanged for another currency; for example, in the market for Euros, the Euro is being bought and sold, and is being paid for using another currency, such as the yen. demand for currency. a description of the willingness to buy a currency based on its exchange rate; for example, as the ...

  21. Reflections on my exchange in the UK

    Pernille's reflections on her experience highlight the fact that it does take work to make your exchange a success. Students have to be willing to be open and talk with their host family, classmates and local Area Representative. Her commitment to the experience helped her to make the most of her exchange and we congratulate Pernille for her ...

  22. New York Stock Exchange Essay

    New York Stock Exchange Essay; New York Stock Exchange Essay. 661 Words 3 Pages. New York Stock Exchange. The company's attempt to trademark the name however failed as it became a common term for heavyweight bikes. Harley Davidson - Brand Values Freedom (HD) - Go wherever you want to, whenever you want to. Authenticity(HD) - Noted for ...

  23. Currency Exchange Essays (Examples)

    To better understand how trade with China impacts the exchange rate this essay will examine monetary policy for both countries. USD/CNY Foreign Exchange Market The sum of the current (CA) and capital (CAP) accounts will theoretically be zero if the exchange rate between two currencies is flexible (MacDonald, 2007, p. 7). Since M = + D, where M ...

  24. Freed WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich Is Back on U.S. Soil

    Russia freed wrongfully convicted Evan Gershkovich and others imprisoned by the Kremlin in an exchange for Russians, including a convicted murderer, held in the U.S. and Europe. Gershkovich was ...