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IELTS Speaking practice: Education

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This is a full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Education topic .

See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic >

You probably know what do such phrases as " bookworm " or " bachelor's degree " mean. However, it's not enough to simply know the meaning! In IELTS Speaking test you are assessed for your fluency and coherence , and thus you have to accurately use your advanced vocabulary while speaking. In this IELTS Speaking sample we collected various questions + model answers on Education Topic that you may encounter on the speaking test.

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Useful linking phrases are in blue IELTS speaking vocabulary is in bold (put your mouse over such text to see explanations).

Do you work or are you a student?

At the moment I'm studying. I’m doing a graduate degree in molecular biology in the Vanderbilt University.

Why did you choose that subject?

I've always loved life sciences, particularly biology... And when I received my bachelor's degree An undergraduate course which usually lasts 3 or 4 years. I took a research internship in a laboratory where I studied interactions between proteins... And then I understood that I want to pursue my career in To continue career path in. biochemistry or molecular biology.

Can you describe yourself as a good student?

Well , overall I think I am a good student. ... I am not an eager beaver A very enthusiastic and hard-working person. , nor the teacher's pet Student whom teachers like the most. ... but I'm good at scientific subjects and, most importantly , I like studying.

Do you study English now?

Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?

I've never really liked school... I'm not a bookworm A term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it. and a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to me. However , the workload An amount of work one should do in a specific time period. was not too big... The other good thing about school is being able to see your friends. And fortunately , I had wonderful classmates.

Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

  • When it was
  • Why was it hard
  • What you were doing at that time

I would like to talk about my last school year. It was really diffucult due to enormous amounts Very big amounts. of homework I had to do and all the exams I had to prepare for... Em, so I studied hard, having no time to goof around Spend time doing nothing important. ... Moreover , I forgot a lot of things from the school curriculum, that's why I had to do a lot of revision... But despite the tough preparation, I managed to set aside some time To take some time. to rest and interact with my friends and family... After all , my efforts were not in vain Without result. ... I passed all the exams well and was admitted to the university of my dream.

What are some essential qualities every teacher should have?

As for me , every teacher should be able to catch student's attention To interest someone. . It is very important to make your subject interesting to the others... Also , teacher should be a subject specialist A person who is very talented in one specific field. and a kind, helpful person. .

What are some pros of studying on a distance learning course?

To be honest , I think it's very advantageous to study in such way... It gives you more time flexibility, especially if you have a job... Not to mention that it is fairly cheap Not very expensive. , compared to face-to-face classes A traditional way of studying: in a classroom with a teacher. ...

Does everybody get equal opportunities to study?

Definitely not . I think it really depends on a country you live in... Moreover , it depends on your financial capabilities An ability to pay for something. ... Some schools and universities are just too expensive... Only a small fraction Small part. of people can afford to study there.

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IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topic: Education

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education ielts cue card

Education is a cue card topic that often comes up in the IELTS speaking part 2. Below you will find a list of some exam questions and answers that you could encounter during part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The questions below are based on the real IELTS speaking exam. They serve as a great IELTS Speaking part 2 cue card prediction questions to help you prepare better before your test.

Education Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card 1

Talk about a new language that you learnt. Please say

You should say:

  • when did you do it
  • how did you do it
  • who helped you with it
  • and explain how you feel about it now.

I am going to talk about learning English. I have been learning English since I was a child. I went to an international school so from a young age some of the subjects were taught in English. This was really difficult at first as not only did you have to be good at science or maths, you had to listen to the teacher explain it in English too. When I went to secondary school, my parents employed a private tutor to teach me at home. The teacher was a native from the UK so the classes really helped me learn more typical phrases and the correct pronunciation. The classes were invaluable and have really paid off as my English is much better now. Since then, I have been self taught. I read books, watch TV series and listen to podcasts in English which really helps immerse me in the language. Sometimes, I chat with English speaking friends and they correct me and I ask questions about the bizarre phrases and colloquial expressions they use. English uses a lot of jargon and slang , it can be difficult to understand but eventually I managed to catch their drift . I make a note of new vocabulary and use an app on my phone to test myself every now and again. Now I am studying translation, I am using English every day so I don’t need to brush up on my skills as much now. I feel proud of my English level, I have worked hard to get to this point.

Education Vocabulary Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card 2

  • paid off – got a good result
  • bizarre – strange
  • jargon and slang – technical and local dialect vocabulary
  • catch their drift – understand their meaning
  • to brush up on – to practice something after a long time

Other IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics

Here are other common topics that you could come across during the IELTS Speaking Part 2 test.

  • Event / Instance
  • Family / Friends

Talk about a skill that was difficult for you to learn. Please say

  • when did you learn it
  • why did you learn it
  • how do you learn it
  • and explain how you feel about this skill now.

I am going to talk about learning to dance. Most Italians are pretty good dancers and lots of my family members dance well. I think I was in secondary school when I realized I had two left feet . I had no natural rhythm at all and I felt embarrassed dancing in public. Dancing in public is a way of life in Italy, everybody dances at family events and special occasions. One of my friends offered to teach me to dance. She is a salsa teacher and gives classes in a studio. So, I decided to sign up and took up classes a couple of times a week. The first few classes were awful! I got really flustered trying to listen to the music and follow all the instructions at the same time. It probably took me a few months to feel more comfortable and less embarrassed. As well as the classes, I watched videos at home and copied the moves. Although I still wasn’t a natural, I persevered with the classes for six months, eventually starting to move my hips and not look like a giraffe dancing. After that, I gave up as I didn’t have enough time to attend the classes. I continued dancing with friends and family and got a few compliments on my dancing. I am proud that I made the effort to improve my skills and I will never forget the lessons. It is almost unheard of not to dance in Italy, we are a very musical and passionate nation.

Vocabulary for Cue Card 2

  • have two left feet – no ability to dance
  • sign up – register for a course or activity
  • flustered – nervous and embarrassed
  • almost unheard of – very unusual

IELTS writing correction

Talk about an elementary school teacher you have a good memory of. Please say

  • what he/she was like
  • the subject he/she taught
  • a memory you have of him/her
  • and why you this is a good memory, in your opinion
  • What he/she was like I am going to talk about Miss Elaine who was my favourite elementary school teacher. She was probably the kindest teacher I have ever had. She was very patient with us, but she also knew how to set 9 clear boundaries 10 . She would always let us know when we did something wrong, but she would also try to understand why we did it.
  • The subject he/she taught Miss Elaine was my math teacher. I always struggled 11 with math, but she was there to help me, and she gave me a lot of individual attention 12 , which I very much needed, because I would get very anxious trying to solve a math problem on my own.
  • A memory you have of him/her I remember that one time she gave us a worksheet 13 to complete. I could not do it and I started to tear up 14 . Everybody else was looking at me in the classroom. Miss Elaine ran to me and asked what was going on. I couldn’t really speak because I was crying and feeling stressed. Miss Elaine told me everything was okay and asked me if I was crying because I was nervous that I couldn’t solve the problems when others could. I just nodded 15 and she gave me a warm hug. Then she sat with me, and we solved the problems together.
  • And Why you this is a good memory, in your opinion To me that is a good memory because I really felt like she wanted to and was able to understand me. Especially when you are young, it is hard sometimes to know, let alone 16 say how you feel. Her understanding and support 17 had a huge 18 impact 19 on my confidence.

Vocabulary for Cue Card 3

  • set = (in this case) put
  • boundaries = limits
  • struggled = had problems doing something
  • individual attention = focus on one person
  • worksheet = a piece of paper with activities to complete or questions to answer
  • tear up = have tears come up in your eyes
  • nodded = said yes with the head
  • let alone = even less
  • support = help
  • huge = extremely big
  • impact = (in this case) effect

Talk about a skill that was difficult for you to learn. You should say

  • what skill it was
  • why you learnt it
  • why it was difficult to learn
  • and explain how you felt about this.

I am going to speak about learning to speak another language. I learnt to speak French a few years ago. I decided to learn in order to communicate better when I travelled abroad. I had learnt it at school but forgotten a lot in recent years and felt I should brush up on it. I wanted to challenge myself and prove to myself I could do it. So I found a teacher online and then we met face to face . The teacher was a French native but spoke really good English too which helped when explaining the grammar. As well as the classes, I listened to podcasts and used vocabulary apps to learn new words. At first, it felt near impossible to grasp the vocabulary and master the pronunciation. I felt really frustrated that I didn’t seem to be picking it up more quickly and it was embarrassing to repeat the same things over and over again in class. But I persevered and gradually it got easier. It was as if part of my brain opened up and started to accept and remember the language. I was elated . From that moment, I was on a roll ; learning new words and even going to a language exchange group to meet other like- minded people.  Now when I go on holiday to France, I feel more confident going into shops or ordering food in a restaurant so it was worth the effort and time I put into learning French.

Vocabulary for Cue Card 4

  • face to face – in person
  • grasp – to understand
  • elated – very happy
  • on a roll – a prolonged period of success
  • like minded – similar thinking people

Describe an area of science (physics, psychology and so on) that interests you. Please say

  • how do you know about it
  • why are you interested in it
  • What it is? I would like to talk about physics, an area of science that focuses on matter. It mainly deals with how matter moves in space and time, and what forces act upon it. In general, this field aims to make people understand how the universe behaves. For ordinary people, Physics is more understandable in situations like rubbing two things together and creating static electricity or the force applied whenever the washing machine dryer rapidly rotates. And to many, this subject can be identified when driving a car because natural forces help cars to start, move and stop.
  • How do you know about it? I started learning physics when I was 8 years old as it was a formal subject in my school curriculum. As my class teacher used to teach concepts of physics in a very interesting manner, I developed keen interest in it during my childhood. What’s more my father is a science professor at a local university so I also got to know a lot about physics through him.
  • Why are you interested in it? Physics interested me because it involves a lot of math. I find it easier to work with formulas for force and understanding how they work compared to other branches of science. Physics covers several areas and every time I encounter them in real life, my love for physics grows further. Moreover, I feel satisfied whenever I realize the scientific explanation and apply its practical aspect

Vocabulary for Cue Card 5

Talk about another course that you would like to take, not related to your previous studies. Please say

  • what kind of course would it be
  • what do you want to learn from it
  • why would you choose it

I am going to talk about photography. I would love to take a photography course. I have always been interested in taking photos since I was a young child. I was given a camera when I was a teenager and used to go out taking pictures of animals and people. Nowadays, I mainly take photos using my smartphone but I miss the skill of taking really good photos. I would like to take the course so I could learn about setting up the shot, capturing a moment and also some of the technical stuff about filtering and perfecting photos.

I know that you can do these courses as an evening class or even during the summer but I just haven’t had the time or the money since I have started university. You can even learn online but I don’t think that is the same as a hands on experience.I have a friend who has completed the course and he takes amazing photos of people and beautiful architecture – it really is awe inspiring . If I did the course in the future, I would like to take a trip to a famous sight like Machu Picchu or the Niagara Falls and capture some amazing shots there. In the meantime . I am taking photos with my smartphone of me and my friends. I use the different filters and post photos on instagram so my friends and family back home can keep up to date with my life.

Vocabulary for Cue Card 6

  • set up – prepared
  • hands on – direct experience
  • awe inspiring – amazing
  • in the meantime – the time between now and something in the future
  • keep up to date – to be informed of the current situation

Talk about a person you know who learnt a foreign language. Please say

  • who is he/she
  • what was his/her motivation for learning the language
  • how frequently does he/she use it
  • and how do you feel about him/her
  • Who is he/she? I am going to talk about my aunt Tina. Aunt Tina comes from a multicultural family background, and is a polyglot , speaking French, Danish and Spanish fluently. She learnt French and Danish from her parents, and made the decision to major in Spanish at university. She completed her degree and later lived in Argentina for about ten years, where she met her husband, Pedro.
  • What was his/her motivation for learning the language? Growing up with different cultures, my aunt developed a fascination for languages, and it seemed she was picking them up with ease. When she was fourteen years old, her parents travelled with her to Spain for the summer holidays, and she realised she was able to comprehend most of what was being said to her and around her. Her knowledge of French was a huge leg up, due to the common linguistic roots between French and Spanish. I think she really identified with the culture there, and her interest in the language grew stronger over time.
  • How frequently does he/she use it? My aunt practises the language on a regular basis. Although she no longer lives in Argentina and her husband speaks a little French, they find it easier to communicate in Spanish. My aunt introduced the languages she knows to her children, and she was beside herself with joy when one of them expressed an interest in learning an additional foreign language in school. Sometimes, she would speak to her children in Spanish and they would respond in a different language. It is their way of learning new words and phrases!
  • and how do you feel about him/her? I find her inspiring. Learning languages is like a walk in the park for her, and I admire her courage to pursue her dreams and live life as she sees fit .

Vocabulary for Cue Card 7

  • Polyglot = someone who speaks more than two languages
  • Fascination = strong interest in
  • picking them up = (in this case) learning them
  • leg up = help
  • linguistic roots = linguistic origins
  • on a regular basis = regularly
  • beside herself with joy = extremely happy
  • a walk in the park = extremely easy
  • as she sees fit = the way she wants, as she believes is right for her

Describe you preferred location for studying. Please say

  • where is this place
  • what does it physically look like
  • why is it your favourite place to study
  • follow up question: Do other people you know use the same place to study?
  • Where is this place? I am going to talk about my favourite place to study. It is actually a public library. As a tour guide, I need to constantly increase and update my knowledge of the places I tour, and the library provides me with all the resources I need for that.
  • What does it physically look like? The public library I go to is quite big. It has a Victorian architecture and outside look to it, but it’s very modern on the inside. It offers a plethora of books on a variety of subjects, such as history, art, languages, and so on. Thereare plenty of tables and chairs throughout the library. Some chairs look more like armchairs an may be placed by large bay windows, although I prefer less exposed areas, to help me concentrate better. There is also an area with computers for people to use, as well as printers and scanners.
  • Why is it your favourite place to study? I find myself being more productive at the library. I believe that being surrounded by books really sparks motivation in me. The members of staff are all so friendly, and I feel like there is little that can distract me there. It is really the ideal place for me to complete my work without any interruptions. I enjoy the abundance of books and resources there. The history section is of particular interest to me , due to my job. There are plenty of books on local history, and I feel like there are always new facts and anecdotes for me to learn.
  • Follow up question: Do other people you know use the same place to study? I know people who use this library, but I don’t believe they go there to study. Many of them make use of the computers or borrow books rather than study. I see many people conduct research or focused on their own personal projects, but I do not know them personally.

Vocabulary for Cue Card 8

  • plethora = range
  • exposed = with nowhere to hide
  • productive = making good use of time by completing many tasks and actions
  • sparks motivation = inspires enthusiasm/motivation
  • abundance = large quantities
  • of particular interest to me = particularly interesting to me
  • anecdotes = small stories that relate to a main subject

Talk about a course which left an impression on you.

  • what course was it
  • where did you take that course
  • what was the course like
  • and why did it impress you
  • What course was it? I am going to talk about a course I took and which left a strong impression on me. That course was a Spanish course I took over the summer. I had studied Spanish in school but wanted to hone my skills.
  • Where did you take that course? It was an intensive and immersive language course at a language institution in a nearby town. It was delivered by a Guatemalan teacher, which meant I got insight into Guatemalan culture and idioms. The institution was only a twenty-minute drive from where I live. Very convenient!
  • What was the course like? The course was very engaging and inclusive. Our teacher used a myriad of media to teach us: films, videos. Books, magazines, recordings, songs, and more! It was truly immersive and I was completely hooked . The classes took place three times a week, and I would look froward to each class. Another aspect I truly appreciated about the course was the fact that she only spoke to us in Spanish, with the occasional English translations, where needed. It really forced us to think and produce in the language. It was great!
  • Why did it impress you? I was very impressed by this course because I never realised the power of immersive programmes. I sincerely feel like I got more bang for my buck than with other more traditional courses. I can certainly feel that my speaking skills, and my reading skills for that matter, have increased tremendously . It also taught me about the power of visuals in conveying messages, and that anything is possible when we put effort into it! I did not expect that level of improvement on my part, and I am very thankful for the course and, of course, the teacher!

Vocabulary for Cue Card 9

  • hone = sharpen
  • engaging = (in this case) catching my interest
  • myriad = range
  • hooked = (in this case) so exciting I want to keep doing it
  • bang for my buck = better value for the price you pay
  • tremendously = in large amounts, to a very large degree

Cue Card 10

Talk about a practical skill you have learnt.

  • what skill have you learnt
  • how did you learn it
  • and why is it an important skill
  • What skill have you learnt? I am going to talk about an important practical skill I learnt when I was young. It is a cooking skill I use today and which involves frying eggs.
  • When did you learn it? I believe I was about 12 years old when my mom called me to the kitchen. I was clueless about cooking, and quite frankly disinterested in the subject. But my mom, wise as an owl , said to me: “you may not find it interesting, but, believe me, you will find useful”. At the time I did not realise how right she was.
  • How did you learn it? She showed me exactly how to do it, and even let me try it out myself. The first time, I went too strong, and part of the eggshell fell into the pan. I felt so embarrassed and told my mom I was giving up. My mom was never the kind of person to beat around the bush . She essentially told me to stop making excuses, and pull myself together so I can try again. She didn’t do it in a malicious way. She just wanted to help me get back on the horse . The second time, I managed to do it properly. She congratulated me and let me try it a few more times.
  • And why is it an important skill? This skill is so very important, because it is one of the easiest meals to cook. It helps a lot when my schedule gets too busy for me to have the energy to cook anything else. It also inspired me to attempt to cook other dishes. When I mastered the skill, I thought to myself, if I can cook that, imagine what else I could make? It was a significant confidence boost for me

Vocabulary for Cue Card 10

  • clueless = have no idea, have no knowledge of something
  • wise as an owl = very wise person
  • beat around the bush = avoid saying what you think because it is uncomfortable
  • pull myself together = get over a negative emotional state
  • malicious = evil, meaning to hurt
  • get back on the horse = try again after a discouraging failure
  • confidence boost = an action that helps increase someone’s confidence/self-confidence

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IELTS Topic: Education

Posted by David S. Wills | Jun 23, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

IELTS Topic: Education

In this article, I am going to tell you all about education and IELTS. As you know (if you follow this website), the best way to learn new vocabulary is to study in terms of topics . There are many IELTS topics , such as environment , space , sports , health , and crime. We have talked about education many times in the past but today I will devote a whole article to it.

I intend to look at this topic in a structured way. We will explore it as such:

  • Reading & Listening

You can either study the whole lesson or else skip to the part that is most interesting for you.

Education Vocabulary

If we look at the topic of education and IELTS , we can quickly see that there is a huge amount of vocabulary to learn. In fact, this is a vast topic. I will assume that you already know the basic words like “school” and “teacher” (or else you are probably not reading this right now). Instead, I will look at some more advanced vocabulary for IELTS education.

First of all, let’s look at some school subjects.

School Subjects

There many be some regional differences in the words used for these subjects (for example, mathematics is known as “maths” in British English and “math” in American English.

SubjectDescriptionAlternate Forms
EnglishThe study of the English language and/or literatureEnglish lit. (short for “literature”)
MathematicsThe study of numbersMaths (UK), Math (US)
Physical EducationA class in which people do or study exercise and sportPE, gym
Home economicsLessons about activities at home, such as cooking, cleaning, etc.Domestic science, home science, home ec’ (pronounced “eck”)
ArtDrawing, painting, and the study of art 
HistoryThe study of history 
GeographyThe study of natural things, including land, weather, etc. (This is distinct from another related subject: Geology.)
LanguagesWhere people learn how to speak a second (or third) languageUsually just referred to be the name of the language – ie “French.”
Religious studiesPeople learn about religions in this class.It is often called “RS” for short, or also “RE” (religious education).

Depending on where you study, most people learn a subject called “science” when they are young and later this becomes several subjects, including chemistry, biology, and physics. We also have “social sciences.” This includes many areas of study. You can read about it here .

British English vs American English

I actually wrote in depth about the differences between British and American English last year . For now, though, I will focus on the differences in language when it comes to education. Here are a few ways in which we talk about these differences.

Elementary schoolPrimary school
Middle schoolSecondary school
High schoolSecondary school*
Technical collegeCollege
PrincipalHead teacher/ Headmaster

*The British and American school systems are quite different and what is known as “secondary school” in the UK lasts for up to six years. As such, this overlaps the American version. Anyway, those final years in the UK would more likely be called “fifth/sixth form” or “fifth/sixth year,” depending on which part of the country you come from. In England, it is usually “sixth form” and in Scotland it is “sixth year.”

british vs american vocabulary for education (schools and school supplies)

Some other differences

American people talk about their school years in this way:

  • Freshmen (1 st year)
  • Sophomore (2 nd year)
  • Junior (3 rd year)
  • Senior (4 th year)

In the UK, we do not commonly use these terms but in the last few decades it has become normal to talk about “freshers” as people in their first year of university. For example, they often talk about “freshers’ week” as the first week in the university year because this is when the new students arrive.

Reading and Listening

Because education is something that affects pretty much everyone in the world, it is a topic that is really common in IELTS. It could appear in any part of the test , including the reading and listening sections.

When it does occur, you should be prepared. This means that you ought to know lots of vocabulary about this topic and also have some life experience and opinions on the matter. You can achieve that by including this topic in your regular reading.

There are many ways to achieve this. You can go on Google News (or any news service that you enjoy) and subscribe to their education feed.

Let’s take an article for an example and do a little practice. We will look first at a piece called “ With no students, small college town worries over its future .” Let’s look at the first two paragraphs:

What happens to a college town when the students disappear? Ithaca, a small upstate New York city nearby gorges and vineyards, is finding out. Most of the 24,000 students at Cornell University and 6,200 more from Ithaca College effectively vanished in March when the coronavirus pandemic struck, leaving behind struggling restaurants and shops. Locals still reeling from the outbreak and resulting exodus are wondering when — or if — things will get back to normal.

It is an interesting text that deals with a familiar situation: the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this excerpt, you can see the word “exodus.” What do you think this means? Let’s isolate that sentence:

Locals still reeling from the outbreak and resulting exodus are wondering when — or if — things will get back to normal.

We can learn from the words around it. “Resulting” tells us that this thing happened because of the virus outbreak. We also know from the previous sentence that thousands of students are not coming to this place.

We can guess then, that “exodus” means “a mass departure of people.” This sort of skill is really important when it comes to IELTS reading. You need to be able to figure out the meaning of a word from context. Here is a video that shows you how to work out the meaning of difficult vocabulary:

I have covered the topic of education here many times, including this TED video lesson about making education better by introducing creativity to curriculums. (By the way, this is one of two possible ways to pluralise “curriculum”! The other is “curricula.”)

Here is another interesting video about education. This time it is about gender and education. Remember that sometimes IELTS topics overlap like this.

IELTS Speaking Topic: Education

The topic of education is really common in IELTS speaking. In fact, it is probably one of the most common topics that there is. As such, you need to be ready to answer these sorts of questions.

inspiring educational quote by ben franklin

As you probably know, the first part of the IELTS speaking test is comprised of relatively simple questions that you should answer with one, two, or three sentences. You don’t need to develop your answers very much here.

Here are a few sample questions:

  • Do you work or are you a student?
  • Why did you choose that subject?
  • Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?
  • Do you study English now?
  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?
  • Where do you study / Where did you study?
  • What do you study/did you study in university?
  • What was your favourite subject as a child?
  • Who was your favourite teacher?
  • Do you enjoy studying alone or with friends?

You don’t need to have dazzling grammar or vocabulary skills to answer these questions. You can just give pretty basic answers. For example:

Q: Do you work or are you a student?

A: I’m studying at the moment but I also have a part-time job.

Q: Where do you study?

A: I’m studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University . The word “jiaotong” literally means “traffic” but the common translation for the name is “Shanghai Communications University.”

Q: What are you studying there?

A: I’m studying English literature at the moment but I will move onto a business course next semester and continue studying English on the side. Literature was interesting for me but I don’t think it will help my career much.

Notice that there was very little specialist vocabulary here. The only word that I used that might require explanation is “semester.” A school year is made up of two semesters. (The word “term” can also be used but different countries have different systems. In some countries, an academic year is four terms, which means that two terms make up a semester. But this is not the same everywhere.)

There are countless possible education cue cards for IELTS speaking. You might be asked to describe one of the following:

  • an important memory
  • the actual school you attended

The list is extremely long, but let’s look at a few possible education cue cards in more detail.

describe a subject (ielts cue cards)

Describe a Subject

You may well be asked to describe a subject that you studied in school or that you wish you had studied. Remember that it could be your favourite subject or a subject you hated. It is always important that you read the whole cue card and do not jump to conclusions.

Here is an example:

Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. You should say: – when and where you started studying it – what the lessons were like – what made the subject different from other subjects and explain why you enjoyed the subject

Describe a Lesson or Project

Describing a subject presents many possibilities. You can talk about many different aspects of your chosen subject, including the classes, the books, and the teachers. However, the cue card might present you with a more specific topic, like this one:

Describe a project that you did in school with your classmates or friends. You should say: – what the project was – what it was about – how you completed it and whether you enjoyed the project or not.

Describe a Period of Time

It can be harder to answer a cue card when the thing you must talk about is a memory or period of time. These can be a real challenge because thinking of the right vocabulary and grammar is quite difficult. When you are presented with this sort of question, you might have to be a little creative with your answers. Here is another example cue card:

Describe a period of time from your studies that was the most difficult for you so far. You should say: – when it was – why was it hard – what you were doing at that time and whether you felt you were successful in overcoming the difficulties.

Describe a Teacher

Finally, we come to the obvious IELTS speaking cue card: describe a teacher . This is definitely a common cue card and also quite an easy one. I think that most people who sit IELTS should be comfortable describing people like teachers. If you are not, you should look at my other lessons on how to describe people. You may also find this article about the good qualities teachers possess to be helpful.

There are lots of different ways that this could be phrases. It could be a teacher who influenced you, a teacher you liked, a teacher who helped you, your favourite teacher… and so on. There are numerous possibilities. But here is one example:

Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember. You should say: – what subject the teacher taught you – how old you were then – what were some special characteristics of this teacher and explain why you remember this teacher.

Of course, there are also lots of possible questions about education for part three of the speaking exam. In this section, you will most likely be asked questions like “are men and women equally capable of teaching?” and “should boys and girls be forced to take the same lessons?” The issues of gender , age, and other social issues will often intersect with the main topic.

Here are a few examples:

  • What are some essential qualities every teacher should have?
  • How are education priorities today different from those in the past?
  • How well do you think schools should prepare young people for working life?

Education and IELTS Writing

When it comes to task 2 of the IELTS writing test, education is also a really common topic. Again, there are countless possible questions you could be given, so rather than prepare for any single question, it is better to build your skill in dealing with this topic.

You should be familiar with the vocabulary given at the start of this lesson and also with ideas about education on a global scale. It is ok to have different opinions from other people, but you should be aware of all sides of these issues.

Keep in mind that education does not just mean “school” or “university.” It involves much more: teaching, learning, childhood, adulthood, books, reading, etc. It could be about community colleges or distance learning. Do not be surprised by these questions and do not think that you can handle this topic just because you are comfortable talking about high school. There is much more to it than that.

Here, I will give you four sample band 9 answers to typical IELTS writing questions. Two are from task 2 and two are from task 1, both general and academic tests.

Question #1

Many businesses think that the new employees who have just graduated from schools lack interpersonal skills, such as working with colleagues as a team.

What has caused this and what are the solutions to this problem?

Sample Band 9 Answer

It is claimed by some business owners and recruiters that graduates nowadays tend to lack interpersonal skills. This essay will first explore why this is the case, before then suggesting how it may be remedied.

If it is true that graduates now lack the interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in the modern workplace, then that surely can be blamed on the exceptionally high level of theoretical knowledge necessary to achieve a good degree. As universities have become more competitive, the requirements for achieving a degree have gotten much more stringent, and students are required to spend all their time reading books and preparing for difficult assessments. It seems likely that this hinders their opportunities to socialize or work with others on productive tasks.

Solving this problem should not be terribly difficult. In fact, university faculties should pay attention to these complaints and implement solutions into their courses. Perhaps the most obvious suggestion is that students must be required to participate in more group activities throughout their education. For example, rather than studying all day and night to write an essay or sit an exam, students could be asked to prepare a group presentation together with their peers. Ideally, these groups should be picked at random to ensure that students develop the necessary skills to work with others whom they would not have previously chosen to work.

In conclusion, it appears that universities are failing students by not educating them in how to develop their interpersonal skills, and as a result they are struggling in the workplace. These universities should thus require students to develop their communicative abilities through specific group-based tasks.

Question #2

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People disagree over how to raise their kids, with many parents and teachers suggesting that competition is detrimental to their development. They think that children should be taught cooperation instead. This essay will look at both views, before deciding that these need not be mutually exclusive.

The argument against competition in children essentially revolves around the idea that it is unhealthy for children to be pitted against one another. Rather than teaching them to compete, these people argue, we should teach them to work together. Natural selection dictates that some children will invariably be winners while others will be losers, and in the modern era, this seems like an out-dated concept. All children should be winners.

On the other hand, competition is a part of life and therefore children should be exposed to it from the beginning. It needn’t be unfair, of course. When children are taught healthy attitudes towards competition – such as sportsmanship – then it is actually tremendously beneficial for them. They can learn how to participate in natural activities and then deal healthily with the result, whether that is victory or loss.

However, it seems to me that there is no real distinction between competition and cooperation. Team sports, after all, involve both these elements. If children play football, basketball, or rugby, then they will work with their teammates to compete against another team. In the end, both aspects are learned.

In conclusion, there is no need to separate competition from cooperation, and neither should be removed from a child’s education or environment. Both are important for child development.

Question #3

You recently did a short cookery course. The cookery school has asked for your feedback on this course.

Write a letter to the course director at the cookery school. In your letter

  • describe what you enjoyed about the course
  • say how much cooking you have done since the course
  • suggest another cookery course you’d like the school to offer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your request for feedback on the cookery course I recently attended. I am happy to give you some of my thoughts on the course.

First of all, I really enjoyed it. I had wanted to study French cooking techniques for several years and so I was really excited to see that this course became available. It certainly did not disappoint me, and I was delighted by the processes that I learned during that amazing week.

Since the course, I have been cooking and baking for my friends and family at every opportunity. They have been really impressed with my newfound skills, and I will continue to practice what I have learned.

As for suggestions, I do think that it would be worth adding some other sorts of cuisine to the courses on offer. I would love to learn how to cook Thai food, for example.

David S. Wills

Question #4.

ielts education bar chart and pie chart

There is a bar chart and a pie chart containing information taken from a survey on adult education. The bar chart describes why adults go into education and the pie chart shows who the respondents think should pay for it. People mostly go into education out of interest, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it is believed that they should pay for it themselves.

According to the data, forty percent of adults go into education due to some sort of interest in a particular subject, while thirty-eight percent do it to gain qualifications. These are far and away the most common reasons, as the next most frequently cited reason was almost half this value. Several reasons were picked by about twenty percent of people, including the fact that it may help them earn a promotion at work. The least frequently stated answer was that adult education is a good way to meet new people.

The survey results showed forty percent of people believe the individual should pay the costs of a course. This matches quite well with the previous data, as the same percentage of people did these courses purely out of interest.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Speaking Topics Part 1, 2 and 3

Explore the latest IELTS Speaking topics with answers for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Find IELTS Speaking questions and answers to excel in your test.

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Speaking test assesses a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English. As part of the test, candidates are expected to engage in a conversation with an examiner on a range of topics. These topics, known as common IELTS Speaking topics , cover various aspects of everyday life, personal experiences, social issues, and global trends. By exploring these topics, candidates can showcase their language skills, fluency, vocabulary, and ability to express their thoughts and opinions in a coherent manner. This diverse set of topics enables candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in English and provides a comprehensive assessment of their speaking abilities.

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What is the IELTS Speaking test format?

The Speaking test format remains consistent for both the Academic and General Training versions of the IELTS examination. Whether taking the test on a computer or in person, the Speaking test maintains its face-to-face nature, allowing candidates to directly interact with a certified IELTS examiner.

The duration of the Speaking test remains unchanged, with a time frame of 11 to 14 minutes allotted for both the Academic and General Training tests. This standardised approach ensures a fair and reliable assessment of candidates' speaking abilities across all test formats.

Learn about IELTS Speaking part 1, 2 and 3

There are three parts to a Speaking Test:

Part 1: (4–5 minutes) Introduction and interview. The IELTS examiner will introduce him/herself and will ask you to also introduce yourself, besides confirming your identity. The examiner will ask you generic questions on topics like family, studies, work, and your interests.

Part 2: (3–4 minutes) Individual long turn. The examiner will give you a task card with a topic written on it, with some points you may cover in your speech. You will have one minute to think and prepare upon the topic; a paper and pencil will be provided to jot down your notes. Once done ideating, you will have a time of one to two minutes to speak on the subject followed by some questions on the same by the examiner.

Part 3: (4–5 minutes) Two-way discussion. The examiner will ask more questions related to the topic provided in Part 2 of the Speaking test. You can use this opportunity to talk about more ideas.

Latest IELTS Speaking topics

Here are some common IELTS Speaking topics that often come up in the test:

1. Personal information:

Introduce yourself (name, occupation, where you're from)

Talk about your family

Describe your hometown

2. Hobbies and interests:

Discuss your favourite leisure activities

Talk about sports you enjoy or follow

Share your hobbies and why you like them

3. Education and work:

Describe your current or past studies

Talk about your job or future career plans

Discuss your favourite subjects and why you like them

4. Travel and tourism:

Describe a memorable trip you've taken

Talk about a place you would like to visit and why

Discuss the importance of travel and its benefits

5. Technology and media:

Talk about your favourite websites or apps

Discuss the influence of social media

Share your opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of technology

6. Environment and conservation:

Discuss environmental issues and their impact

Talk about steps to protect the environment

Share your opinion on sustainable living

7. Health and fitness:

Discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle

Talk about your exercise routine or favourite sport

Share your opinion on junk food and its effects

8. Culture and traditions:

Talk about a traditional festival in your country

Discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage

Share your opinion on globalisation and its impact on culture

9. Social issues:

Discuss poverty and its causes.

Talk about the impact of immigration on society.

Share your opinion on gender equality.

10. Future plans and aspirations:

Talk about your goals and ambitions

Discuss your plans for further education

Share your opinion on the importance of setting goals

Remember, these are just some common topics, and the actual questions may vary. It's essential to practice speaking about a wide range of subjects to be well-prepared for the IELTS Speaking test .

IELTS Speaking topics: Questions with answers

Here are some common IELTS Speaking topics along with sample answers for all three parts:

Part 1: Introduction and General questions

Ques:: What's your name?

Ans: My full name is John Smith.

Ques: Can I see your ID?

Ans: Sure, here's my passport.

Ques: Where are you from?

Ans: I'm from London, England.

Ques: Do you work or study?

Ans: I work as a software engineer in a tech company.

Ques: What do you like to do in your free time?

Ans: In my free time, I enjoy reading books and playing the guitar.

Part 2: Cue card (Describe a specific topic)

Ques: Talk about a person who has inspired you.

Ans: One person who has been a great source of inspiration for me is my grandmother. She has overcome numerous challenges in her life and has always maintained a positive attitude. Her resilience and determination have taught me the value of perseverance. She has also instilled in me the importance of kindness and empathy towards others. Whenever I face difficulties, I think of her strength, and it motivates me to keep pushing forward.

Part 3: Discussion and follow-up questions

Ques: How important is it to travel and experience different cultures?

Ans: Traveling and experiencing different cultures is highly important as it broadens our perspectives and deepens our understanding of the world. It allows us to appreciate diversity, learn from different traditions, and break down stereotypes. Moreover, it fosters cultural exchange and promotes mutual respect among people from different backgrounds. Overall, traveling enriches our lives and contributes to personal growth.

Ques: What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?

Ans: Learning a foreign language has numerous benefits. Firstly, it improves communication skills and enables effective interaction with people from different cultures. Secondly, it enhances cognitive abilities, such as memory and problem-solving. Additionally, it opens up job opportunities in an increasingly globalised world. Lastly, learning a foreign language promotes cultural appreciation and fosters a deeper understanding of other societies. It's a valuable skill that broadens horizons and enriches personal development. Remember to personalise your answers and provide specific examples from your own experiences whenever possible. Practice speaking aloud and focus on fluency, coherence, and accuracy. Good luck with your IELTS preparation !

Studying different IELTS topics for the Speaking test helps you build vocabulary, develop ideas, enhance fluency and coherence, and increase your preparedness for a variety of subjects. It is an effective strategy to improve your performance and increase your chances of achieving a higher score on the IELTS Speaking test .

Why should you study different IELTS topics for the Speaking test?

Studying different IELTS topics for the Speaking test is beneficial for several reasons:

Familiarity with a range of topics

The Speaking test in IELTS covers a wide range of topics, including personal experiences, education, work, society, culture, and current affairs. By studying different topics, you become familiar with the vocabulary, ideas, and concepts related to each one. This helps you feel more confident and prepared when discussing these topics during the test.

Vocabulary expansion

Each topic has its own specific vocabulary and terminology. By studying different IELTS topics, you expose yourself to a variety of vocabulary words and phrases related to various subject areas. This expands your overall vocabulary, enabling you to express yourself more effectively and precisely during the Speaking test.

Development of ideas and opinions

Studying different topics allows you to develop ideas and opinions on a wide range of subjects. This is crucial because the Speaking test evaluates your ability to express your thoughts and provide relevant examples. By exploring different topics, you enhance your critical thinking skills, enabling you to generate well-structured responses during the test.

Enhanced fluency and coherence

The Speaking test assesses your ability to speak fluently and coherently. When you study different topics, you expose yourself to diverse content, which helps improve your fluency and coherence. Regular practice discussing various topics helps you organise your thoughts quickly and express them in a coherent manner, leading to a higher score on the Speaking test.

Preparedness for unexpected topics

While there are common IELTS topics that often appear in the Speaking test, there is always a chance of encountering unexpected or less familiar topics. By studying a wide range of topics, you develop the ability to adapt quickly and discuss unfamiliar subjects with confidence. This flexibility enhances your performance and ensures you are well-prepared for any topic that may arise during the test.

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  • Entrepreneur(n) – a person who starts a business.
  • Vital (adj) – very important/needed.
  • Tough (adj) - difficult. 
  • A multitude of (n) - very many. 
  • One in a million (p) – very rare/unusual.  
  • To possess (v) - to have (formal).
  • To assess (v) – To make a judgement about something.
  • Sought after (adj) – wanted by many people. 
  • Curriculum (n) – the courses taught at a school or university. 
  • To illustrate (v ) – to show.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3: 10 Questions by topic

Ielts speaking part 3 questions.

Hi guys! As you know by now, I’ve been gathering the most recent Speaking Part 3 Questions for you to practice at home. They were provided by students who took the IELTS exam between the months of January and June 2020.

These questions are about the most recurrent topics in the IELTS Speaking Exam this year, so practice your answers and know what to expect. However, bear in mind that the examiner can tell when a candidate has memorized their answers, so do not learn them by heart.

Use this guide of questions to practice and feel more comfortable by the time you have to sit for the IELTS exam. Remember that your Speaking Part 3 Questions will be thematically related to your Part 2, so check my post (link) to find the rest of the questions.

Here is the list of the most popular and recurrent IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions in 2020 .

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #1: Education

  • What’s the importance of tertiary education?
  • Do you think everyone should have access to free tertiary education?
  • At what age should children start school?
  • How valuable is formal education in your country?
  • Do you think your country has an effective education system? Why?
  • Do you think that formal education prepares new professionals to face the real world?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #2: Goals

  • Do people have different types of goals in your country?
  • Why do you think people need to have a goal?
  • How do you think life would be without having goals in life?
  • Do you think that personal and professional goals go hand in hand?
  • What would happen if they crashed?
  • Do you feel unfulfilled when you cannot reach a goal?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #3: Gifts

  • Why is it difficult to give people gifts?
  • Are men and women difficult in giving gifts?
  • What kind of gifts do people like to give in your country?
  • Is it important to give gifts to someone that’s important to them?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #4: Toys

  • Do boys and girls like different toys?
  • Do parents spend more time with their children or buy more toys?
  • What’s the difference between toys today and in the past?
  • Should children be part of team sports?
  • What are the pros and cons of modern toys?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #5: Colors

  • Do you think colors are important for commercials?
  • Do you think people nowadays prefer visual explanations or text-written explanations?
  • Is it okay for a professional to wear bright-colored clothes?
  • Do you think products should have vibrant colors?
  • Does it actually make a difference?
  • Can people be convinced to buy something they don’t need because they are colorful?

ielts speaking topic education system

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #6: Sports and teamwork

  • What activities can children do in a team apart from sports?
  • What do they learn from teamwork?
  • Will teamwork help them in the future?
  • Is it better for them to learn to cooperate from an early age?
  • Some people think it is better to be competitive in the job market, do you agree?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #7: Animals

  • What do you think about animals kept in the city vs on a farm?
  • How do you feel that some people refer to animals as their kids?
  • What do you think about vegetarians?
  • Do you think eating animals can be a crime?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #8: Business

  • What qualities are required to start a business?
  • Is a family business good or bad?
  • How do certain situations inspire people to start a business?
  • Are people in your country entrepreneurs?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of having your own business?
  • Would you like to start your own business? Why?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #9: Buildings

  • Why do you think public buildings are important?
  • Which option do you think is better: renovate a new building or build a new one?
  • What features does a public building have?
  • Is it good for a city to expand?
  • Do people’s habits have an influence on the design of public buildings?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #10: Crowded places

  • Which places are crowded in your hometown? Why?
  • How do you feel in crowded places?
  • How do people feel in crowded places?
  • Do you like visiting crowded places?
  • Are there more crowded places now than in the past?
  • What are the reasons people spend more time in the city now?

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Bonus Questions

Ielts speaking part 3 topic #11: video games.

  • Do you prefer online games or traditional ones? Why?
  • Do you think video games have affected our current lives?
  • Do you think people walk more now compared to the past?
  • Do you see that getting better or worse?

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IELTS Speaking Topic – Speaking Part 3: Education (Follow-up Questions)


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  • May 13, 2023

IELTS Speaking Topic - Speaking Part 3: Education (Follow-up Questions)

Q. 1. How has teaching changed in your country in the last few decades?

Ans- Teaching has undergone significant changes in my country over the past few decades, with a greater emphasis on technology and student-centred learning. Teachers are now expected to be more innovative and adaptable, using a range of teaching methods and technologies to engage students and enhance their learning experience. In addition, there has been a shift towards a more collaborative and interactive learning environment, with greater emphasis placed on group work and project-based learning.

Q. 2. What role should the teacher have in the classroom?

Ans- The teacher should play an active role in the classroom, providing guidance and support to students while also allowing them to develop their own skills and knowledge. A good teacher should be able to adapt their teaching style to suit the needs of individual students, creating a positive and engaging learning environment. In my experience, teachers who are approachable and willing to help students outside of class tend to have more successful students.

Q. 3. Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?

Ans- While I think that computers can be a valuable tool in the classroom, I do not believe that they will ever fully replace teachers. Teachers provide valuable human interaction and personalized instruction that cannot be replicated by a computer program. Moreover, teachers can inspire and motivate students in ways that technology simply cannot. However, I do believe that technology can be used to supplement traditional teaching methods, providing additional resources and opportunities for students to learn.

Q. 4. What makes a good student?

Ans- A good student is someone who is curious and enthusiastic about learning. They should have a positive attitude towards their studies and be willing to put in the effort required to succeed. Additionally, good students should be organized and disciplined, able to manage their time effectively and stay focused on their goals. Personally, I have found that students who are open to new ideas and are not afraid to ask questions tend to perform better in their studies.

Q. 5. What is the difference between the way children learn and the way adults learn?

Ans- Children tend to learn through play and exploration, while adults are more focused on practical application and problem-solving. Children have a more flexible and open-minded approach to learning, while adults tend to rely more on their existing knowledge and experience. Additionally, children often require more structure and guidance in their learning, while adults are more self-directed and autonomous.

Q. 6. How can a teacher make lessons for children more interesting?

Ans- A teacher can make lessons more interesting for children by using a range of teaching methods and resources, such as visual aids, hands-on activities, and interactive technologies. It is also important for teachers to be enthusiastic and passionate about the subject matter, as this can inspire children and help to engage them in the learning process. Personally, I have found that incorporating games and competitions into lessons can be a fun and effective way to motivate children and make learning more enjoyable.

Are you preparing for IELTS? Check out this video to improve your speaking skills for the IELTS exam given below👇.

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Purti is a CELTA, British Council, and IDP-certified language trainer. Having worked as a Study Abroad Test Prep Expert for the past 7 years, she has guided thousands of students towards their desirable scores in IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and other language proficiency tests to study abroad. She is adept in molding learning strategies according to the needs of the learners and has built multiple courses at Leverage IELTS with result-oriented strategies. Proficient in test prep courses such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo, she loves to explore different classroom teaching methods, keeps continuously improving her own skills, and stays abreast with the latest teaching methodologies. She is a master trainer at Leverage Edu and aims to help thousands more through her expertise.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions – Education

IELTS speaking part 3 questions about education

Explore Various IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card Questions and Answers.

However, you are able to make up information to extend your answers, but be sure that you are confident  when speaking about the chosen topic and that it is believable.

TIP >>  It is common for many people to say ‘I don’t know’  or to lose focus when they get a question they know little about.  Always answer the questions  and if you feel as though you don’t know about the topic, then buy yourself some time by saying;  ‘I haven’t really thought about that before…. but in my opinion……’  then give your opinion, etc. 

Q: Is higher education too expensive in your country?

Q: Should all students pay for their university education?

Q: What advantages do universities bring to society?

A: I think that there are many positive things that universities can offer the communities around them. They bring students into the area for one, which means housing will be in demand. They will spend money on food, go out and books for their course, making the town or city a buzzing hub of student life. For the students they benefit from having a high level of education, which can then be translated into skills in the workplace, keeping society going with their knowledge.  

A: In my opinion, I think that students should spend some time relaxing during the summer break but should also continue to study and read. A better way to make use of all of that time off is to get an internship or other work experience that will be useful for their CV. They could also have a paid part-time job so that they can save money for the forthcoming school year. When completing a degree, it is really useful to gain experience from internships, save money and continue to study. Making the most of all of that free time is important. Being idle during that time period is not really going to help them to go anywhere in the future. 

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Sample IELTS Speaking Topics

Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Module consists of personal questions about you, your family, your work, your education or other familiar topics. A categorized list of such topics and questions is given below. You can use these sample questions to rehearse for this part of the oral interview. Make sure you can speak correctly, clearly, and with ease and confidence in response to each question. Remember to make your answer interesting by providing more than the most basic information. Some of these sample questions are highly likely to appear on your exam , so review them well.

Describe yourself.

  • Describe your family?
  • Do you have a large or small family?
  • How much time do you spend with your family?
  • What do you like to do together as a family?
  • Do you get along well with your family?
  • Are people in your country generally close to their families?
  • What do you do?
  • What are your responsibilities?
  • How many hours do you work each day?
  • Do you enjoy your work?
  • Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
  • If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?
  • Describe the process of getting a job in your country.
  • Describe the company or organization you work for.
  • What is your position?
  • What do you like about your job?
  • What do you dislike about your job?
  • Describe your education.
  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?
  • Did you go to a co-educational school?
  • What was your favourite subject as a child?
  • Who was your favourite teacher?
  • What is the education system like in your country?
  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?
  • What are you studying now?
  • What is your area of specialization?
  • Describe your hometown.
  • What’s special about it?
  • Where is your hometown located?
  • Is it easy to travel around your hometown?
  • What is it known for?
  • What do people in your town do?
  • What are the main industries in your hometown?
  • What problems face your hometown?
  • What languages are spoken in your hometown?
  • What are the advantages of living in your hometown?
  • What are some problems faced by your hometown?
  • Compare your hometown with another city.
  • What are some environmental problems faced by your hometown?
  • What’s the weather like in your country?
  • Does the weather affect your mood?
  • How do rainy days make you feel?
  • What’s your favourite season of the year?
  • What do you like to do when it’s hot?
  • What do you usually do in the winter?
  • How many seasons does your country have?
  • Describe your home.
  • What kind of building do you live in?
  • How long have you lived there?
  • Have you ever been to a wedding?
  • Whose wedding was it?
  • Where was it held?
  • What clothes do people wear?
  • Describe the wedding ceremony.
  • What sort of gifts do people buy for the bridal couple?
  • What kind of clothes did the bride and groom wear?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • What kind of places have you visited in your life?
  • Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
  • What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
  • Do you think computers help society?
  • Do you think computers are bad for health?
  • How do you think computers have changed the world?
  • Do you use the Internet much during the day?
  • What do you usually do on the Internet?
  • What are some advantages of the Internet?
  • What are some disadvantages?
  • Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
  • Do you do any shopping on the Internet?
  • Do you send and receive email regularly?
  • Who do you usually communicate with?
  • How often do you check your email?
  • Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?
  • What are some disadvantages of email?
  • Describe a friend.
  • How long have you known each other?
  • What do usually do together?
  • What do you like the most about him / her?
  • How often do you see each other?
  • Describe a place you like to go.
  • Why is this place special to you?
  • When did you first visit this place?
  • Where is this place located?
  • What language is spoken here? Do you speak this language?
  • What do you feel about smoking in public places?
  • Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s homes?
  • What is the attitude toward marriage in your country?
  • Do most young people plan on getting married in your country?
  • What are some of the advantages of marriage?
  • What are some of the disadvantages?
  • Is the divorce rate high in your country?
  • Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?
  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • What are some of your hobbies?
  • When did you first develop this hobby?
  • What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?
  • How much time do you spend on your hobby?
  • Do you enjoy watching movies?
  • What’s your favourite film?
  • Who are your favourite actors?
  • How often do you watch films?
  • Do you enjoy shopping?
  • How do you feel about shopping?
  • Do you like shopping on the Internet?
  • Do you have any favourite stores?
  • What don’t you like about shopping?
  • Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?
  • Do you like sports?
  • Do you enjoy watching sports?
  • Do you enjoy participating in any sports?
  • Which sports are most popular in your country?
  • What’s your favourite sport/
  • When did you first become interested in sports?
  • How often do you participate in sports?
  • What equipment do you need for your favourite sport?
  • What are some of your favourite foods?
  • What foods are popular in your country?
  • What are some of the famous dishes of your country?
  • Do you enjoy cooking?
  • What’s the most important festival in your country?
  • How do people celebrate this festival?
  • What special food is associated with this festival?
  • What special activities are associated with this festival?
  • What do you enjoy most about this festival?
  • Do you think festivals are important for a society?
  • Do you watch television a lot?
  • What do you usually watch on television?
  • How many hours of television do you usually watch?
  • What are the most popular shows in your country?
  • What kind of shows do you like to watch?
  • What are some advantages of television?
  • What are someof the disadvantages of television?
  • What did you last watch on television?
  • Why do you think certain TV shows are so popular?
  • Which places would you recommend to a visitor to your country?
  • Do a lot of tourists visit your country?
  • What do they usually do there?
  • How has tourism changed your country?
  • Is your country expensive for most tourists?
  • What are some famous landmarks in your country?
  • Describe your daily routine.
  • What do you usually do?
  • What do you do on the weekend?
  • What is you typical weekday like?
  • Does your life change much from week to week?
  • Do you have any free time during the week?
  • Which country are you from?
  • Where is this country located?
  • Which part of the country do most people live in?
  • What are the main industries in your country?
  • Is it easy to travel around your country?
  • What type of clothes do you like to wear?
  • What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?
  • How important is fashion to you?
  • What kind of clothes do you dislike?
  • Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?
  • What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country?
  • Are clothes expensive in your country?
  • Do you like going out or staying at home?
  • What do you like to do when you go out?
  • How often do you go out?
  • Do people in your country go out a lot?
  • How and where do people in your country usually socialize?
  • What kind of entertainment is popular in your country?
  • Do you enjoy playing any games?
  • What kind of games do you play?
  • Do you think adults should play games?
  • What do children learn from games?
  • What kind of games did you play when you were a child?
  • What games are popular in your country today?
  • What kind of games were popular when you were young?
  • Do you think mental games like chess are good for you?
  • Do you have a favourite colour?
  • What are your country’s colours?
  • Do you think colours affect our moods?
  • Can you learn anything about a person from the colours he / she likes?
  • Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were a child?
  • Do you like music?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • When do you usually listen to music?
  • What kind of music did you like when you were younger?
  • What kind of music is popular in your country?
  • Do you play any musical instruments?
  • Do you wish you could play any musical instruments?
  • Which is your favourite instrument?

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Table of contents, ielts speaking vocabulary: education.

Fill in the gap with one word

  • Next week I am going to _____ the IELTS test .
  • At school you will get into trouble if you don’t _________ the rules 

See answers

  • Next week I am going to take / sit / re-sit / re-take / pass  the IELTS test.
The examiner gives the test Cambridge English write the test
  • To pass = to succeed

2. At school you will get into trouble if you don’t _ follow / obey / respect / stick to / keep to / abide by  the rules 

IELTS Speaking: Schools

Curriculum (n.) 

Curricula (n.) Plural = subjects / lessons in a course 

  • What do we call classes we do after school?
Extra curricular activities  After school activities

Tests and Exams

  • I am going to _______ the IELTS test
  • sit / take 
  • pass = succeed  
  • fail = not to pass
  • re-sit / re-take / re-do = do / take again
  • To pass with flying colours = to pass with a really high score
  • To pass with merit = to pass very well
  • To pass with (a) distinction = to pass at the highest level 
  • To flunk a test = to fail a test 
  • I sailed through the test = it was easy 
  • It was a breeze = it was really easy 

Discipline (v.) (n.) = control, order, authority

  • Our form teacher would keep us in line = keep control over us
  • She was a no-nonsense teacher =doesn’t accept silly behaviour
  • Strict (adj.) = keeps strong control 

The opposite of strict is ______ ?

  • Easy-going 
  • Laid-back  

“ Rules are there to be broken!”


_____ the rules  

  • Follow _____
  • Stick to _____
  • Keep to _____
  • Break _____


  • Detention = when you stay behind after class 
  • Writing lines = writing the same line 100 times
  • Suspension = when you cannot go to school for a few days
  • Expulsion = when you are kicked out of the school or to expelled from school
  • Corporal punishment = hitting the student (caning, giving the slipper, slapping with a ruler)  
  • knowledgeable
  • well-read = s.o. who reads a lot 
  • tough but fair 
  • easy-going = relaxed 
  • nurturing = encouraging
  • ill-prepared = badly prepared 
  • rambling = talking too much without a goal
  • inept = not competent, not good

All of the following can be used to describe a teacher who treats some students well and others badly. 

  • discriminating
  • guilty of favouritism

IELTS Speaking: Learning

Bloom’s Taxonomy

This is a pyramid of learning levels.

The bottom level is the lowest level of learning, and the top one is the highest level of learning.

To learn deeply, you need to try and do activities that will move you up the levels. 

Blooms taxonomy

If you are a teacher, find out more about how to use Bloom’s Taxonomy here

The table below shows you the kind of activities you can do to move up the learning levels.

Learning Levels

The table below shows you some useful phrases you can use to talk about learning in your IELTS Speaking test .

IELTS vocabulary learning

IELTS Speaking: Listening task

IELTS Speaking: Listening Task

Click here to listen.

At school, I had a teacher who just used to make us [1] _______ everything by heart. I didn’t enjoy it that much, but sometimes we had to have a [2] ____ at using those ideas in a [3] ________, and I felt that was much more beneficial. You know, [4] _________ up other people’s ideas, and thinking out of the [5] ________, I found that really useful.

At school I had a teacher who just used to make us [1] learn everything by heart. I didn’t enjoy it that much, but sometimes we had to have a [2]  go at using those ideas in a [3] debate , and I felt that was much more beneficial. You know, [4] weighing up other people’s ideas, and thinking out of the [5] box , I found that really useful.

What is the impact of technology on education?

Here are some ideas phrases you can use to talk about this.

Good or Positive Impact 

  • We have more access to resources and information worldwide 
  • Technology can create shortcuts (=a way to do things more quickly)
  • Learn more quickly 
  • It has led to personalised learning 
  • Motivate young people in particular 
  • Unleash our creativity   

Bad or Negative Impact 

  • It can put older people off  
  • It can be frustrating 
  • It can fail 
  • It can be distracting 
To put someone off something = to discourage someone from doing it

With this question you can also consider the impact on different groups of people.

  • Old People 
It can be off-putting  It can make learning daunting or overwhelming
Make it fun They are digital natives, so it’s easy to use 
There’s pressure to keep up with the latest changes There’s a steep learning curve 

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MEDICINE in IELTS Speaking Learn the COVID Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking and talk about Alternative Medicines using idioms and vocabulary.

SKILLS in IELTS Speaking Learn the collocations and adjectives to talk about skills we learn and need.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3: Education (Sample Questions and Answers)

ielts speaking topic education system

6. How are education priorities today different from those in the past?

I believe people have now acknowledged how imperative education is. Most people are trying to pursue higher education and even adults are going towards adult education.

7. What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools?

Although languages are taught in a good way in schools, new methods could be adopted to improve the learning experience of the students. These days, languages are usually taught through books. However, the languages can be taught through videos and tutorials.

8. How can the type of school you go to affect career success?

A good school can ensure that a student becomes well aware of the concepts, which can be implemented in their practical lives. Moreover, a good school can inculcate discipline in the students which is necessary in life.

9. What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near future?

In the near future, we would be having digital classrooms. Teachers and students would be relying on technology more. For instance, there would be more computers in the classroom. Also, I believe that there would be fewer students in the classroom because most parents believe that there should not be more than 15 students in a class as it provides a better learning experience for the student.

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IELTS Sample Speaking Test

This IELTS sample speaking test is on the topic of education.

Time: 4-5 minutes

Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.

Lets talk about shopping.

  • Do you enjoy shopping?
  • How often do you go shopping and what do you buy?
  • So you prefer to go shopping alone or with other people? (Why?)

I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about food.

  • What is you favourite food? (Why?)
  • What kind of restaurants do you like to eat out at?
  • What would your perfect meal be?

I'd like to talk now about your hobbies.

  • Tell me about any hobbies you have.
  • Are there any hobbies you would like to have in the future?
  • Do you think hobbies should be relaxing or should they be exciting? (Why?)

Time: 3-4 minutes

Now, I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for 1-2 minutes.

Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Ok, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe something you own which is very important to you.

Describe a course you have done that you found useful:

You should say:

  • What you learnt
  • What you enjoyed about the course
  • What you didn't enjoy

And explain why it was useful to you.

Follow up questions:

  • Are you in touch with anyone from the course now?
  • Would you like to go on a course like this again?

We've been talking about a course you have done that you found useful and I'd now like to ask you some questions related to this.

First, lets consider homework..

  • Do you think it is important that children are given homework?
  • How much homework should they be given?
  • Do you think parents should help their children with their homework or should it be done alone?

Now we'll discuss the relationship between education and work.

  • How important is it to have a university education to get a job in your country?
  • Does having a degree from another country enhance employment opportunities in your country?
  • What impacts do students who have studies abroad have on their country of origin when they come home?

Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test for IELTS.

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ielts speaking topic education system

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ielts speaking topic education system

IELTS Speaking Questions & Topics for the Test

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Samples: Questions and Answers

These IELTS speaking part 3 samples give you examples of the kinds of answers you can give in the third part of the IELTS speaking test.

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Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work – IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3

Akanksha Tripathi

Updated On Jul 01, 2024


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Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work – IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3

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In the cue card topic, ‘Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work’, you get to talk about rules that are important in your school or workplace. Whether it’s about being on time, safety rules, or how to treat others, this prompt lets you explain a rule that keeps things running smoothly.

So, let us have a look at 3 sample answers on the cue card topic, ‘Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work, ’ as well as some Part 3 questions to improve your speaking skills for the IELTS exam.

Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work.

You should say:

  • What is the rule about?
  • What happens when people break the rule?
  •  Why do you think it is an important rule?
  • And explain how you feel about the rule.

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Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 1

The most common rules from my school days are wearing the school uniform daily and adhering to the dress code policy.

  • What happens when people break the rule ?

If you’re a student, the school administration won’t permit you to enter the campus without wearing the school dress and presenting your ID card. Without these requirements, access to classes is denied unless a valid reason is provided. Exceptions, such as birthdays, may be considered. If dress code policies are violated, parents are contacted for resolution.

This rule plays a crucial role in fostering equality among students. By mandating the same dress code for everyone, it eliminates any sense of hierarchy based on clothing. This fosters an environment where all students feel valued and included, contributing to a more harmonious and unified school community.

I strongly support this rule, as it creates a sense of unity and belonging among students. Wearing the same uniform fosters a feeling of equality, where no one feels superior or inferior based on their attire. Additionally, it simplifies the morning routine, eliminating the need to worry about what to wear each day. Overall, this rule contributes to a positive school environment where everyone feels respected and accepted.

Check out – IELTS Speaking Practice Test – How to Use them Right

Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 2

In my previous company, there was a rule that prohibited eating on the work floor during work hours, restricting consumption to snacks or drinks only in the cafeteria. Eating was strictly prohibited on the floor.

When people break the rule, they are typically reminded of the policy and asked to comply. If they persist, they may face disciplinary action, such as a warning or even termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.

I believe this rule is important because it helps maintain cleanliness and orderliness on the work floor. By restricting eating to the cafeteria, spills and crumbs are minimized, ensuring a clean and hygienic environment. Additionally, it prevents distractions during work hours, allowing employees to focus on their tasks without interruption.

Personally, I fully support this rule as it contributes to a more organized and productive work environment. It ensures that the work floor remains clear and free from potential hazards, promoting safety and efficiency in the workplace.

Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 3

In my office, there was a rule against mobile usage during work hours. However, exceptions were made for important calls, allowing employees to step away from their workstations after informing a colleague.

When individuals violate the rule, the process typically involves a verbal warning followed by a formal meeting with their manager. If the misconduct continues, consequences may escalate to include loss of incentives or awards, impacting their performance evaluation and advancement opportunities.

I believe this rule is crucial because it maintains productivity and professionalism in the workplace. Limiting mobile usage prevents distractions and ensures employees focus on their tasks, leading to better efficiency and output.

It helps maintain a productive work environment. Reducing distractions like social media and personal calls, it allows us to focus better on our tasks, leading to improved efficiency and performance.I appreciate the clarity this rule brings to our workday, ensuring that everyone understands the expectations and can contribute effectively to our team’s goals.

Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work 

  • Adhering Meaning: Following or sticking to something. Example: Adhering to the dress code means wearing the required uniform.
  • Mandating Meaning: Requiring or making something mandatory. Example: Mandating the use of seat belts in cars ensures safety.
  • Fosters Meaning: Encourages or promotes the development of something. Example: Good teamwork fosters a positive work environment.
  • Harmonious Meaning: Marked by agreement, peace, or consistency. Example: The harmonious blending of colors made the painting beautiful.
  • Severity: Meaning: The extent or seriousness of something. Example: The severity of the storm led to widespread damage.
  • Misconduct: Meaning: Inappropriate or unacceptable behavior. Example: His misconduct in the meeting led to disciplinary action.
  • Escalate: Meaning: To increase or intensify in severity or scope. Example: Failure to resolve the issue may escalate the conflict further.

Check Out – IELTS Speaking Tips 

Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work IELTS Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

  • What are the reasons that people break the rules?

People may break rules due to various factors, including a lack of understanding, convenience, or outright rebellion. For instance, someone might flout a no-smoking policy because they’re unaware of it, find it inconvenient, or intentionally choose to defy it. This highlights the complexity of human behavior and the importance of clear communication and enforcement of rules to maintain order and harmony in any environment.

  •  How would people be punished in your country when they break the rules?

In India, the punishment for rule-breaking varies depending on the severity of the offense. For example, for crimes like theft, individuals could face penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment, determined by the legal system based on the specifics of the case.

  • Do you believe that offices should have strict policies?

Yes, I believe offices should have strict policies to ensure productivity, safety, and professionalism. Clear guidelines help maintain order and promote a conducive work environment. However, it’s crucial to foster an atmosphere of respect and fun alongside these rules, encouraging employees to willingly adhere to them.

  •  Should students be punished for violating rules in schools?

Yes, students should be held accountable for violating school rules. It teaches them responsibility and respect for authority, preparing them for the expectations of the workplace and society. However, the punishment should not be excessively harsh, as it may instill fear of education and school. In such cases, students may lose respect for teachers and attempt to avoid them, hindering their overall learning experience.

  • Do you like rules, in general? State the reason too.

Yes, I value rules as they provide structure and fairness in society. They establish clear boundaries and expectations, fostering a sense of security and orderliness. For example, traffic rules ensure safety on the roads, preventing accidents and chaos.

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Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions on Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work 

  • Rebellion Meaning: Going against rules or authority. Example: The students’ rebellion against the school’s uniform policy led to a protest.
  • Conducive Meaning: Creating a good environment. Example: The quiet library was conducive to studying and concentration.
  • Excessively Meaning: Too much of something. Example: He ate excessively, consuming three burgers in one sitting.
  • Instill Meaning: Teaching something firmly. Example: Parents aim to instill good values in their children from a young age
  • Preventing Meaning: Stopping something from happening. Example: Wearing a helmet while cycling prevents head injuries in case of accidents.
  • Hindering Meaning: Slowing down or stopping progress. Example: The heavy rain hindered our plans for a picnic in the park.

We believe that the IELTS cue card topic ‘Describe a Rule that is Important in Your School or at Work’ along with the provided sample answers, could have been extremely helpful. Looking to enhance your speaking skills? Join our expert-led classes and master your answers just like this. Join Classes!

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Akanksha Tripathi

Akanksha Tripathi

As a content writer, Akanksha loves creating engaging stories. With a degree in business administration and experience in human resources, she brings a fresh perspective to her work. Akanksha's passion for travel and words led her here, and she's always learning and growing in this field. She's dedicated to crafting words and refining her skills with each project she undertakes.

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Band 9 – Topic: Education

1. Describe your education

I graduated from High School for the Gifted and got into an International University because I think 2-year study at this university would prepare me well, especially my critical thinking skills before I finish another 2 years abroad at the University of Nottingham.

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Critical thinking (n) the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.

Get into something (phrase) to be accepted to study at a school

2. What is your area of specialization?

My major is Plant Biotechnology. I have been into Biology since I was in high school and I think a shift to a field where Biology and advanced technology are associated would be interesting and promising for my future career.

Major (n) the most important subject that a college or university student is studying

 To be into something (phrase) really like something

3. Why did you choose to study that major?

There are many reasons for my choice. As I’ve already explained about my long-term interest in Biology and plants, another reason could be because of science itself, since I’ve found my personalities have changed in a positive way, you know, like I’ve become more patient and skillful.

4. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)

To tell you the truth it was quite challenging for me at first , because the university’s requirements are especially high and you know science itself highly demands skillful hands and curious mind. However, as time goes by I think I’m getting used to an insurmountable amount of pressure and actually enjoy my study.

Go by (phrasal verb) if time goes by, it passes

Get used to Verb-ing/something (phrase) If you get used to something, you become familiar with it

Insurmountable (adj) incapable to overcome (problem/difficult)

5. What kind of school did you go to as a child?

Well just like most of the pupils, I spent five years at the government’s primary school. It took me only 10 minutes to go to school and I had my parents take me to school everyday. Classes start at 7 in the morning and end at 5 in the evening.

6. What was your favourite subject as a child?

To tell you the truth, I was quite good at Literature back then . Besides, my Literature teacher was really dedicated and caring, thus I always tried my best to get high score and impressed my teacher.

Back then (phrase) an expression you can use in order to refer to a specific period of time in the past

7. (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?

To be honest, working is actually my plan B just in case I need to make ends meet . In the future I think my higher degree is my priority.

Plan B (n) back-up plan

To make ends meet (v) to make money, to earn a living

ielts speaking topic education system

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IELTS Reading Section Questions (1-10)

DIRECTIONS: Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by several questions. After reading each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage or passages.

Passage 1: The Impact of Social Media on Communication

Social media has fundamentally changed the way people communicate. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have created new avenues for sharing information and connecting with others. One of the most significant changes brought about by social media is the shift towards more immediate and frequent communication. Users can now share updates and news in real-time, allowing for instant feedback and interaction.

Another key impact of social media is the democratization of information. Previously, traditional media outlets held the power to shape public opinion and disseminate news. Today, anyone with internet access can share their perspective and reach a wide audience. This has led to a more diverse and pluralistic information landscape, where multiple viewpoints can coexist and compete for attention.

However, the rise of social media has also introduced challenges. The spread of misinformation and fake news is a major concern. Social media platforms can amplify false information, making it difficult for users to distinguish between credible and unreliable sources. Additionally, the algorithms used by these platforms often prioritize content that is sensational or emotionally charged, which can contribute to the polarization of public discourse.

Despite these challenges, social media remains a powerful tool for communication. It has enabled new forms of social interaction and has given a voice to marginalized groups who were previously excluded from mainstream media. As social media continues to evolve, it will be crucial to address its downsides while harnessing its potential for positive change.

  • A) Decreased frequency of communication
  • B) More immediate and frequent communication
  • C) Reduced diversity of viewpoints
  • D) Decreased power of traditional media
  • A) Increased trust in traditional media
  • B) Decreased spread of misinformation
  • C) Amplification of false information
  • D) Reduced polarization of public discourse
Answers: B) More immediate and frequent communication C) Amplification of false information

Passage 2: Academic Reading Multiple Choice (more than one answer)

Passage: Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, are increasingly being adopted worldwide to address the challenges of climate change and depleting fossil fuel reserves. Solar energy, derived from the sun’s radiation, is one of the most abundant and widely used renewable sources. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, providing a clean and sustainable energy solution.

Wind energy harnesses the power of wind through turbines. Wind farms can be established onshore or offshore, and they produce electricity by converting kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical power. Wind energy is particularly effective in regions with consistent and strong winds.

Hydropower, which generates electricity from the flow of water, is another major renewable source. Dams built on large rivers create reservoirs, and the water released from these reservoirs spins turbines to generate electricity. Hydropower is highly efficient and can provide a consistent energy supply, but it requires significant infrastructure and can impact local ecosystems.

The adoption of renewable energy sources offers numerous benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, enhanced energy security, and the creation of new jobs in the renewable energy sector. However, there are also challenges, such as the intermittent nature of some renewable sources and the need for technological advancements to improve efficiency and storage.

  • A) Solar energy
  • B) Nuclear energy
  • C) Wind energy
  • D) Hydropower
  • A) Increased greenhouse gas emissions
  • B) Enhanced energy security
  • C) Creation of new jobs
  • D) Consistent energy supply
Answers: A) Solar energy, C) Wind energy, D) Hydropower B) Enhanced energy security, C) Creation of new jobs

Passage 3: Academic Reading Identifying Information (True/False/Not Given)

Passage: The History of the Internet

The internet has its origins in the 1960s, when the United States Department of Defense developed ARPANET, a project aimed at creating a robust and reliable communication network. ARPANET initially connected several research institutions, allowing them to share information and resources. The network grew steadily, and by the 1980s, it had expanded to include academic institutions worldwide.

In 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, a system that enabled users to access and share information over the internet using web browsers. The introduction of the World Wide Web revolutionized the way people used the internet, making it more accessible and user-friendly.

Throughout the 1990s, the internet experienced rapid growth as commercial entities and the general public began to embrace its potential. The advent of email, search engines, and e-commerce platforms further fueled its expansion. By the early 2000s, the internet had become an integral part of daily life, connecting people globally and transforming communication, commerce, and entertainment.

Today, the internet continues to evolve, with advancements in technology such as high-speed broadband, mobile internet, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These developments have further expanded the internet’s reach and capabilities, making it an essential tool for modern society.

Answers: True False True False

Passage 4: Academic Reading Sample Task – Matching Features

Passage: Ancient Civilizations and Their Innovations

Ancient civilizations have contributed significantly to the development of modern society through their innovations and discoveries. Each civilization made unique contributions that have had a lasting impact on various aspects of life.

The Egyptians are renowned for their advancements in architecture and engineering, particularly the construction of the pyramids. These monumental structures, built as tombs for pharaohs, showcased their mastery of building techniques and their understanding of mathematics and astronomy.

The Mesopotamians, inhabiting the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, made significant strides in writing and record-keeping. They developed cuneiform, one of the earliest writing systems, which was used to document laws, trade transactions, and historical events.

The Greeks made substantial contributions to philosophy, science, and politics. They introduced the concept of democracy, where citizens had the right to participate in decision-making. Additionally, Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle laid the foundations for Western philosophy and scientific inquiry.

The Romans are remembered for their advancements in law and governance. They developed a legal system that has influenced modern legal practices, and their infrastructure projects, such as roads, aqueducts, and public buildings, set a standard for urban planning and construction.

The Chinese civilization made notable contributions in various fields, including invention and technology. They invented paper, gunpowder, the compass, and printing, which have all had profound effects on global development.

Match each ancient civilization with its specific innovation:

A) Egyptians B) Mesopotamians C) Greeks D) Romans E) Chinese

  • Developed cuneiform writing.
  • Invented paper and gunpowder.
  • Constructed the pyramids.
  • Introduced the concept of democracy.
  • Developed a legal system influencing modern law.
Answers: B) Mesopotamians E) Chinese A) Egyptians C) Greeks D) Romans

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

Question : the chart below shows the percentage of people in different age groups who attended music concerts in one european country between 2010 and 2015..


Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words.

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people from five different age groups who attended music concerts in a European country from 2010 to 2015. Overall, the attendance at music concerts increased across all age groups during this period, with the exception of the 55-64 age group, which experienced a slight decrease. The age group 16-24 consistently had the highest attendance, while the 75+ age group had the lowest. In 2010, the 16-24 age group had the highest attendance at approximately 52%, followed by the 25-44 age group at around 45%. The attendance among the 45-54 and 55-64 age groups was about 37% and 32%, respectively. The 75+ age group had the lowest attendance at just under 25%. By 2015, the 16-24 age group saw an increase to nearly 60%, maintaining their lead. The 25-44 age group also experienced a significant rise to about 55%. The 45-54 age group showed a moderate increase to around 42%, while the 55-64 age group slightly decreased to 30%. The 75+ age group, despite being the lowest, saw a marginal increase to just over 25%. In conclusion, the data indicates a general trend of rising concert attendance among most age groups over the five-year period, with the exception of a small decline in the 55-64 age group. The 16-24 age group remained the most enthusiastic concertgoers throughout the years.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2

Question: some people believe that the best way to improve public health is to increase the number of sports facilities. others believe that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required..

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Public health is a crucial concern for societies around the world, and there are varying opinions on how to best improve it. One common suggestion is to increase the number of sports facilities, while others argue that this measure alone would have little impact and that a broader approach is necessary. This essay will discuss both viewpoints and present my opinion. On one hand, proponents of increasing sports facilities argue that accessibility to these amenities encourages physical activity, which is essential for maintaining good health. When people have easy access to gyms, swimming pools, and sports centers, they are more likely to engage in regular exercise. This can lead to a reduction in lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues. Moreover, sports facilities provide a venue for social interaction and community building, which can improve mental health and overall well-being. In essence, increasing sports facilities can promote a more active and healthier lifestyle among the population. On the other hand, some believe that simply adding more sports facilities is insufficient to address public health issues comprehensively. They argue that several factors contribute to poor health, including dietary habits, socioeconomic conditions, and education. For instance, without proper nutritional education, people may continue to consume unhealthy diets despite having access to sports facilities. Additionally, those living in poverty may not be able to afford gym memberships or the time to use these facilities, making this solution less effective for all segments of the population. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a multifaceted approach that includes public health campaigns, improved healthcare services, and policies that address social determinants of health. In my opinion, while increasing the number of sports facilities is a positive step, it should be part of a broader strategy to improve public health. Governments should also invest in educational programs that promote healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Moreover, public health policies should aim to reduce socioeconomic disparities that hinder access to healthcare and nutritious food. By combining the provision of sports facilities with comprehensive public health measures, societies can create an environment that supports and sustains healthy living for everyone. In conclusion, the debate on how to best improve public health is complex. While increasing sports facilities can encourage physical activity and improve health, it is not a standalone solution. A holistic approach that includes education, healthcare, and social policies is necessary to achieve significant and lasting improvements in public health.

IELTS Speaking Practice Questions

Using the most popular IELTS speaking topics and answers, you’ll practice with a free IELTS speaking test in this guide. With the help of our thoroughly tested speaking templates, you will discover how to respond to IELTS Speaking Parts 1, 2, and 3.

After finishing an IELTS speaking practice exam, receive free IELTS speaking sample answers.

Topic 1: Hobbies and Interests

Question: What do you like to do in your free time?

Answer: In my free time, I enjoy reading books, particularly mystery novels. It helps me relax and escape into different worlds.

Question: How often do you engage in your hobbies?

Answer: I try to read for at least an hour every evening. During weekends, I spend more time on my hobbies, sometimes dedicating an entire afternoon to reading.

Question: Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?

Answer: I prefer indoor activities like reading and cooking, but I also enjoy hiking and going for walks in the park when the weather is nice.

Question: Have your hobbies changed since you were a child?

Answer: Yes, when I was a child, I used to play a lot of sports, especially soccer. Now, my hobbies are more centered around quieter activities like reading and cooking.

Question: Do you think hobbies should be shared with others?

Answer: Absolutely, sharing hobbies with others can make them more enjoyable. It also helps build relationships and allows for the exchange of ideas and skills.

Topic 2: Travel and Holidays

Question: Do you like to travel?

Answer: Yes, I love traveling. It gives me the opportunity to explore new cultures, meet new people, and try different cuisines.

Question: What kind of places do you like to visit?

Answer: I enjoy visiting places with rich historical backgrounds and natural beauty. Cities with ancient architecture and scenic landscapes are my favorites.

Question: How often do you go on holiday?

Answer: I try to go on holiday at least once a year. Sometimes, if my schedule allows, I take shorter weekend trips throughout the year.

Question: What is your favorite holiday destination?

Answer: My favorite holiday destination is Japan. I love the blend of traditional and modern culture, the delicious food, and the beautiful landscapes.

Question: Do you prefer traveling alone or with others?

Answer: I prefer traveling with friends or family because it’s more fun to share the experiences. However, I also appreciate solo travel for the independence and self-reflection it offers.

Topic 3: Education and Learning

Question: What is your favorite subject in school?

Answer: My favorite subject in school was always mathematics. I enjoyed solving problems and the logical thinking it required.

Question: Do you think education is important?

Answer: Yes, education is crucial as it provides knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities that are essential for personal and professional development.

Question: How do you prefer to study?

Answer: I prefer studying in a quiet environment where I can focus without distractions. I like to take detailed notes and use visual aids like diagrams to understand concepts better.

Question: Have you ever taken any online courses?

Answer: Yes, I have taken several online courses, especially during the pandemic. They are convenient and offer a wide range of subjects that I might not have access to locally.

Question: What do you think about the current education system in your country?

Answer: I think the education system in my country is decent but could benefit from more focus on practical skills and critical thinking rather than just rote learning. More emphasis on technology and innovative teaching methods would also be beneficial.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say:

  • Who you helped
  • Why you helped them
  • How you helped them
  • And explain how you felt about helping them.
One time I helped someone was when I assisted my neighbor, Mrs. Thompson, with her groceries. Mrs. Thompson is an elderly lady who lives alone and struggles with heavy lifting. I noticed her trying to carry multiple bags of groceries from her car to her house. Seeing her in difficulty, I immediately offered my help. The reason I helped her was twofold. Firstly, I believe in being a good neighbor and helping out whenever possible. Secondly, I was raised with the values of kindness and community support, so it was natural for me to step in when I saw someone in need. I helped her by carrying the grocery bags into her kitchen and even assisted in unpacking and putting them away. I also took the opportunity to chat with her and ensure she was doing well, which I think she appreciated. Helping Mrs. Thompson made me feel really good about myself. It reinforced the importance of community and kindness in everyday life. Moreover, her gratitude and the smile on her face were incredibly rewarding. It was a simple act, but it made a significant difference in her day, and that made me feel fulfilled and happy.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow-up Questions

Question 1: do you think it’s important to help others in the community why or why not.

Answer: Yes, I think it’s very important to help others in the community. Helping others fosters a sense of unity and cooperation, making the community a better place for everyone. When people assist each other, it builds trust and strengthens social bonds. Additionally, helping those in need can improve the overall well-being of the community and create a more supportive environment.

Question 2: How can schools encourage children to help others?

Answer: Schools can encourage children to help others by incorporating community service programs into their curriculum. They can organize volunteer activities, such as clean-up drives, visiting elderly homes, or participating in charity events. Schools can also teach the value of empathy and kindness through lessons and storytelling. Recognizing and rewarding acts of kindness can further motivate children to help others.

Question 3: Do you think people nowadays are less willing to help others compared to the past?

Answer: In some ways, it might seem that people are less willing to help others due to the fast-paced and individualistic nature of modern society. However, with the rise of social media and online platforms, there are also new ways for people to offer and receive help. While face-to-face interactions may have decreased, the willingness to help can still be seen in online fundraising, community groups, and digital volunteering.

Question 4: How do people usually help each other in your country?

Answer: In my country, people usually help each other in various ways. Common forms of assistance include helping neighbors with household chores, providing financial support during tough times, volunteering at local charities, and participating in community events. Additionally, people often support each other by sharing resources, offering advice, and giving emotional support.

Question 5: What are the benefits of helping others for the person who helps?

Answer: Helping others can be incredibly rewarding for the person who helps. It can lead to a sense of fulfillment and happiness, as well as improve mental health by reducing stress and increasing feelings of connectedness. Helping others can also enhance one’s social network, build empathy and compassion, and even provide opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

IELTS Listening Practice Questions

The listening portion of the IELTS Academic and General Training tests is identical. You will be required to respond to four recordings with 40 questions.

Four recordings totaling a combination of monologues and conversations from various native speakers will be played for you; each recording will only be heard once. Every section of the Listening test consists of ten questions.

Section 1: Conversation between Two People


Receptionist: Good afternoon. Welcome to Riverdale Community Center. How can I assist you today?

Caller: Hi, I’d like to register for the yoga classes.

Receptionist: Certainly. Have you attended any of our classes before?

Caller: No, this is my first time.

Receptionist: Alright, I’ll need to take some details. Can I have your full name, please?

Caller: Sure, it’s Sarah Williams.

Receptionist: Thank you, Ms. Williams. And can I have your date of birth?

Caller: It’s May 15th, 1987.

Receptionist: Great. Our yoga classes are held every Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Does that work for you?

Caller: Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you. Receptionist: You’re welcome. See you in class.

  • What is the purpose of the caller’s call?
  • Has the caller attended any classes at the community center before?
  • What is the caller’s full name?
  • What is the caller’s date of birth?
  • When are the yoga classes scheduled?
Answers: To register for the yoga classes. No, this is the caller’s first time. Sarah Williams. May 15th, 1987. Every Monday and Wednesday at 6:00 PM.

Section 2: Monologue about a Tourist Attraction

Transcript: Welcome to the Riverdale Museum. Our museum is dedicated to the history and culture of the Riverdale region. The museum is divided into three main sections. The first section, located on the ground floor, focuses on the ancient history of the area, including artifacts from the Stone Age. On the first floor, you will find exhibits on the medieval period, featuring a collection of weapons, armor, and manuscripts. The second floor houses our contemporary art gallery, showcasing works by local artists. Guided tours are available every hour, starting from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. The museum cafe, located on the ground floor, serves a variety of refreshments. We hope you enjoy your visit.

  • What is the main focus of the Riverdale Museum?
  • Where can visitors find exhibits on the medieval period?
  • What can visitors see on the second floor?
  • When do guided tours start?
  • Where is the museum cafe located?
Answers: The history and culture of the Riverdale region. On the first floor. Contemporary art by local artists. Every hour from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. On the ground floor.

Section 3: Conversation Among Three People (Students Discussing a Project)

Tom: So, we need to finalize our project on renewable energy. Has everyone completed their parts?

Lisa: I’ve finished the research on solar energy. Here are my notes.

Tom: Great. What about you, Mark?

Mark: I’m almost done with the section on wind energy. I should have it ready by tomorrow.

Tom: Excellent. I’ve compiled the data on hydroelectric power. We should start putting everything together.

Lisa, could you take the lead on writing the introduction?

Lisa: Sure, I can do that. And Mark, could you handle the conclusion?

Mark: No problem. I’ll make sure it ties everything together nicely.

Tom: Perfect. Let’s meet again on Friday to review our final draft.

  • What is the topic of the students’ project?
  • What part of the project has Lisa completed?
  • When will Mark finish his section?
  • What section has Tom compiled data on?
  • When will the group meet again?
Answers: Renewable energy. Research on solar energy. By tomorrow. Hydroelectric power. On Friday.

Section 4: Lecture on Climate Change

Good morning, everyone. Today’s lecture will cover the impacts of climate change on global weather patterns. Climate change refers to significant changes in global temperatures and weather patterns over time. While climate change is a natural phenomenon, scientific evidence shows that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are accelerating the process. One major impact of climate change is the increase in extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and heavy rainfall. These events can have devastating effects on communities, economies, and ecosystems. It is crucial that we take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adopt sustainable practices to mitigate these impacts.

  • What is the main topic of the lecture?
  • What are human activities doing to the climate change process?
  • Name one major impact of climate change mentioned in the lecture.
  • What kind of weather events are becoming more frequent due to climate change?
  • What does the speaker suggest is necessary to mitigate the impacts of climate change?
Answers: The impacts of climate change on global weather patterns. Accelerating the process of climate change. Increase in extreme weather events. Hurricanes, droughts, and heavy rainfall. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting sustainable practices.

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What kind of Experience do you want to share?

Bài mẫu topic education – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

Hương Ngọc

Một trong những chủ đề “gốc”, phổ biến nhất trong kỳ thi IELTS Speaking chính là về giáo dục – education. Vì vậy, tỉ lệ bạn gặp những câu hỏi về học tập như “Do you work or are you a student?” hoặc “What was your most favorite subject when you were a kid?”, … ngay từ part 1 là khá cao. 

Do đó, việc chuẩn bị trước các từ vựng , ngữ pháp , cấu trúc câu đồng thời xem qua mẫu câu trả lời cho các chủ đề thường gặp này sẽ rèn luyện cho thí sinh sự phản xạ nhanh với đề thi. Qua đó, bạn sẽ không còn phải bối rối vì phải lựa chọn từ vựng hay tốn nhiều thời gian xây dựng nội dung bài nói.

Ở bài viết bên dưới, mình gửi đến các bạn những bài mẫu trả lời cho IELTS Speaking part 1 , 2, 3 topic education, nhằm giúp bạn tham khảo được những ý tưởng tốt nhất và đạt được band điểm mong muốn.

Chúng ta cùng bắt đầu thôi!

1. Bài mẫu topic education – IELTS Speaking part 1 

Ở phần đầu tiên, bạn sẽ được giám khảo hỏi về những thông tin liên quan đến sự giáo dục hay học vấn của bản thân. Câu trả lời ở phần này không nên quá dài hoặc quá ngắn, nên dao động trong khoảng 3 đến 5 câu, và cũng không cần đào sâu nhiều về học thuật.

Bài mẫu topic education – IELTS Speaking part 1

Mời bạn cùng nghe audio IELTS Speaking part 1 dưới đây:

1.1. Do you work or are you a student?

I am currently a full-time student pursuing my Master’s degree in Environmental Science . As a student, I have the opportunity to delve deeper into the complexities of environmental issues and explore sustainable solutions. For instance, I recently conducted research on the impact of renewable energy sources on reducing carbon emissions. 

Từ vựng ghi điểm:

). theo đuổi hoặc tham gia 
E.g.: She decided to pursue a career in medicine to help others.

khám phá hoặc điều tra sâu
E.g.: The researcher delved into the historical archives to uncover new insights.

). sự phức tạp
E.g.: The complexity of the human brain is still a subject of ongoing scientific research. 

). bền vững; lâu dài 
E.g.: The company implemented sustainable practices to reduce its carbon footprint. 

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn đang làm việc hay còn là học sinh, sinh viên?

Tôi hiện đang là sinh viên toàn thời gian học lấy bằng Thạc sĩ Khoa học Môi trường. Là sinh viên, tôi có cơ hội tìm hiểu sâu hơn về sự phức tạp của các vấn đề môi trường và tìm ra các giải pháp bền vững. Ví dụ, gần đây tôi đã tiến hành nghiên cứu về tác động của các nguồn năng lượng tái tạo trong việc giảm lượng khí thải carbon.

1.2. What kind of school did you go to when you were a kid?

During my childhood, I attended a public primary school in my hometown . It provided a well-rounded education with a focus on academic excellence and holistic development. The school had dedicated teachers who nurtured our intellectual curiosity and encouraged active participation in extracurricular activities . My primary school experience laid a strong foundation for my future educational journey.

/wɛl raʊndɪd/
tròn trịa, bao quát
E.g.: A well-rounded education includes academic subjects, , and . 

toàn diện
E.g.: The holistic approach to healthcare focuses on treating the mind, body, and spirit. 
/ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjəl ækˈtɪvɪtiz/  hoạt động ngoại khóa
E.g.: Activities pursued outside of the regular academic curriculum, often involving , sports, clubs, or volunteering. 

nền tảng
E.g.: Early childhood education lays the foundation for a child’s future academic success.

Dịch nghĩa: Khi còn nhỏ bạn đã học ở trường nào?

Thuở nhỏ, tôi học trường tiểu học công lập ở quê. Nó cung cấp một nền giáo dục bao quát, tập trung vào chất lượng học tập cao và phát triển toàn diện. Trường có những giáo viên tận tâm nuôi dưỡng trí tò mò của học sinh và khuyến khích chúng tôi tham gia vào các hoạt động ngoại khóa. Những năm tháng tiểu học là nền tảng vững chắc cho hành trình học tập của tôi trong tương lai.

1.3. Do you enjoy studying? Why or why not?

I absolutely like studying as it provides me with a sense of intellectual fulfilment and personal growth. Engaging in the process of learning allows me to expand my knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and explore new ideas. For instance, when studying literature, I am captivated by the power of storytelling and how it reflects different aspects of human nature. This fascination fuels my desire to delve deeper into various subjects and broadens my perspective on the world. Ultimately, studying enables me to continuously evolve and adapt to the ever-changing modern life.

sự hài lòng sâu sắc hoặc hạnh phúc từ việc đạt được mục tiêu hoặc mong ước 
E.g.: Finding a career that brings both financial stability and personal fulfilment is a common goal for many individuals. 

hoàn toàn bị mê hoặc hay cuốn hút
E.g.: The audience was captivated by the mesmerizing performance of the ballet dancers. 

liên tục thay đổi
E.g.: The field of is characterized by its ever-changing nature, with innovations and advancements emerging regularly. 

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn có thích học không? Vì sao hoặc vì sao không?

Tôi rất thích học tập vì nó mang lại cho tôi cảm giác thỏa mãn về mặt trí tuệ và phát triển cá nhân. Tham gia vào quá trình học tập cho phép tôi mở rộng kiến ​​thức, phát triển tư duy phản biện và khám phá những ý tưởng mới. Ví dụ, khi nghiên cứu văn học, tôi bị cuốn hút bởi sức mạnh của lời kể chuyện và cách nó phản ánh những khía cạnh khác nhau của bản chất con người. Niềm đam mê này thúc đẩy tôi tìm hiểu sâu hơn về nhiều chủ đề khác nhau và mở rộng tầm nhìn về thế giới. Cuối cùng, việc học giúp tôi không ngừng phát triển và thích nghi với cuộc sống hiện đại luôn thay đổi.

1.4. What subject did you find most interesting in school?

Among all the subjects I studied in school, I found biology to be the most fascinating and engaging. Exploring the intricacies of life and understanding how living organisms function captivated my curiosity. For instance, learning about the complex processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration not only expanded my scientific knowledge but also deepened my appreciation for the wonders of nature. The study of biology provided me with a profound understanding of the interconnection and diversity of life on our planet.

sự phức tạp, chi tiết
E.g.: The intricacy of a spider’s web is a testament to the precision and architectural brilliance of nature.

quá trình quang hợp
E.g.: Photosynthesis plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 

/ˌsɛljələr ˌrɛspəˈreɪʃən/ 
hô hấp tế bào
E.g.: Cellular respiration occurs in all living cells and is essential for the release of energy required for cellular activities. 

uyên thâm, sâu đậm
E.g.: The loss of a loved one can have a profound impact on a person’s emotional well-being. 

Dịch nghĩa: Môn học nào bạn thấy thú vị nhất ở trường?

Trong số tất cả các môn tôi học ở trường, tôi thấy sinh học là môn hấp dẫn và hấp dẫn nhất. Khám phá sự phức tạp của cuộc sống và hiểu cách thức hoạt động của các sinh vật sống đã thu hút sự tò mò của tôi. Ví dụ, tìm hiểu về các quá trình phức tạp của quang hợp và hô hấp tế bào không chỉ mở rộng kiến ​​thức khoa học của tôi mà còn giúp tôi đánh giá sâu sắc hơn về những điều kỳ diệu của thiên nhiên. Việc nghiên cứu sinh học đã mang lại cho tôi sự hiểu biết sâu sắc về mối liên hệ và sự đa dạng của sự sống trên hành tinh của chúng ta.

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  • Bài mẫu topic work and study – IELTS Speaking part 1 
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1.5. How do you usually prepare for exams or tests?

When it comes to preparing for exams or tests, I adopt a systematic approach to maximize my chances of success. Firstly, I create a comprehensive study schedule, allocating specific time slots for each subject. Secondly, I review lecture notes, textbooks, and supplementary materials to ensure a thorough understanding of the topics. I also find practicing past exam papers invaluable in familiarizing myself with the format and identifying areas that require further attention. For instance, when preparing for a mathematics exam, I solve a variety of challenging problems to enhance my problem-solving skills. This diligent and organized approach enables me to feel confident and well-prepared when facing assessments.

mang tính hệ thống, có phương pháp
E.g.: She took a systematic approach to organizing her study materials, categorizing them by subject and priority. 

hoàn thiện, đầy đủ
E.g.: The textbook provided a comprehensive overview of the history of art, covering various artistic movements and influential artists.

chỉ định, phân phát
E.g.: The teacher allocated different roles to each group member for the group project, ensuring everyone had a specific task to contribute to the final outcome. 

mang tính bổ sung để hoàn thiện
E.g.: The professor recommended supplementary reading materials to further enhance the students’ understanding of the topic. 

kĩ lưỡng, chi tiết
E.g.: The researcher conducted a thorough investigation, examining all available evidence and interviewing multiple witnesses. 

làm quen
E.g.: The orientation program aims to familiarize new employees with the company’s policies, procedures, and organizational culture.

chăm chỉ, tỉ mỉ E.g.: The student was diligent in her studies, consistently completing assignments on time and actively seeking clarification when faced with challenging concepts. 

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn thường chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi hoặc bài kiểm tra như thế nào?

Khi chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi hoặc bài kiểm tra, tôi tiếp cận có hệ thống để tối đa hóa cơ hội thành công của mình. Đầu tiên, tôi xây dựng một lịch học tổng thể, phân bổ thời gian cụ thể cho từng môn học. Thứ hai, tôi xem lại các bài giảng, sách giáo khoa và tài liệu bổ sung để đảm bảo hiểu rõ các chủ đề. Ngoài ra, tôi thấy việc luyện tập các bài thi trước đây là vô cùng hữu ích trong việc làm quen với cấu trúc và xác định các phần cần chú ý thêm. Ví dụ, khi chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi toán, tôi giải nhiều bài toán khó để nâng cao kỹ năng giải toán của mình. Cách tiếp cận siêng năng và có tổ chức này giúp tôi cảm thấy tự tin và chuẩn bị tốt khi đối mặt với các bài đánh giá.

1.6. What do you like about your major?

One aspect I truly appreciate about my major is its practicality and real-world applicability . Studying engineering allows me to bridge theory with hands-on experience, enabling me to develop innovative solutions to real-life problems. For instance, during a recent project, I collaborated with a team to design and construct a sustainable energy system for a rural community. Witnessing the tangible impact of our work on people’s lives is immensely rewarding and reinforces my passion for my chosen field.

khía cạnh
E.g.: One aspect of my job that I enjoy the most is the opportunity to work with diverse teams from different cultural backgrounds. 

đặc tính hoặc trạng thái thực tế
E.g.: The practicality of the new software lies in its user-friendly interface and efficient functionality. 

tính thích hợp
E.g.: The research findings have direct applicability to the field of medicine and can potentially improve patient care. 

kết nối, làm cầu nối
E.g.: The study aims to bridge the gap between theory and practical application by conducting experiments in a controlled laboratory environment. 

/ˌhændz ˈɒn/
thực tế, tận tay làm
E.g.: The training program provides hands-on experience in operating sophisticated machinery, preparing students for practical challenges in the industry. 

giới thiệu hoặc sử dụng ý tưởng, phương pháp hoặc kỹ thuật mới
E.g.: The company encourages its employees to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to improve productivity. 

thể hiện rõ ràng, hữu hình
E.g.: The success of the project was evident in the tangible results, such as increased sales and positive customer feedback. 

tăng cường hoặc hỗ trợ
E.g.: The positive feedback from customers reinforces our belief that providing excellent customer service is crucial for business success. 

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn thích điều gì ở ngành học của mình?

Một khía cạnh tôi thực sự đánh giá cao về chuyên ngành của mình là tính thực tiễn và khả năng ứng dụng trong thực tế. Việc học kỹ thuật cho phép tôi kết nối lý thuyết với kinh nghiệm thực tế, cho phép tôi phát triển các giải pháp sáng tạo cho các vấn đề ngoài đời thực. Ví dụ, trong một dự án gần đây, tôi đã cộng tác với một nhóm để thiết kế và xây dựng hệ thống năng lượng bền vững ở nông thôn. Chứng kiến ​​tác động hữu hình của công việc của chúng tôi đối với cuộc sống của mọi người là điều vô cùng bổ ích và củng cố niềm đam mê của tôi đối với lĩnh vực mà tôi đã chọn.

1.7. What do you find most challenging in the major?

In the field of pedagogy, I think one of the most difficult aspects is catering to the diverse learning needs of students. Each student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, making it vital for educators to employ differentiated instructional strategies. For instance, designing lessons that accommodate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners can be demanding. Thus, addressing individual learning difficulties and providing appropriate support requires careful planning and personalized attention, which I found quite challenging.

quan trọng, không thể thiếu
E.g.: Quality education is vital for the development of individuals and societies. 

được làm cho khác biệt
E.g.: Teachers should use differentiated instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of their students. 

phù hợp, thích nghi với nhu cầu
E.g.: Schools should strive to accommodate students with special needs and create an inclusive learning environment. 

học tập vận động
E.g.: Kinesthetic learning activities, such as role-playing and hands-on experiments, can enhance students’ understanding and engagement in the classroom. 

Dịch nghĩa: Điều gì bạn thấy khó khăn nhất trong chuyên ngành của mình?

Trong lĩnh vực sư phạm, tôi nghĩ một trong những khó khăn nhất là đáp ứng nhu cầu học tập đa dạng của học sinh. Mỗi học sinh đều có điểm mạnh, điểm yếu và phong cách học tập riêng, điều này khiến các nhà giáo dục phải áp dụng các chiến lược giảng dạy khác nhau. Ví dụ, việc thiết kế các bài học phù hợp với người học bằng thị giác, thính giác và vận động có thể đòi hỏi khắt khe. Vì vậy, việc giải quyết những khó khăn trong học tập của từng cá nhân và cung cấp sự hỗ trợ phù hợp đòi hỏi phải lập kế hoạch cẩn thận và chú ý đến từng cá nhân, điều mà tôi thấy khá khó khăn.

1.8. Would you prefer to study alone or with others?

Personally, I prefer to study alone as it allows me to concentrate better. When studying alone, I can create a quiet and conducive environment while feeling the freedom to set my own pace and tailor my study methods to suit my individual needs. For example, I find it easier to absorb information and retain knowledge when I can study in a peaceful and uninterrupted setting. However, I do recognize the value of collaborative learning and occasionally engage in group study sessions for specific projects or discussions.

tập trung
E.g.: It’s important to find a quiet place where you can concentrate on your studies. 

dẫn đến điều có ích, có lợi
E.g.: A supportive and encouraging learning environment is conducive to academic success. 

tốc độ, nhịp độ
E.g.: It’s necessary to set a comfortable pace when studying to avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

tiếp thu
E.g.: Good teachers create lessons that help students absorb new concepts effectively. 

cộng tác, hợp tác
E.g.: Collaborative projects promote teamwork and enhance problem-solving skills among students. 

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn thích học một mình hay học với người khác?

Cá nhân tôi thích học một mình hơn vì nó cho phép tôi tập trung tốt hơn. Khi học một mình, tôi có thể tạo ra một môi trường yên tĩnh và thuận lợi trong khi cảm thấy tự do để thiết lập nhịp độ riêng của mình và điều chỉnh phương pháp học tập cho phù hợp với nhu cầu cá nhân của mình. Ví dụ, tôi thấy việc tiếp thu thông tin và ghi nhớ kiến ​​thức dễ dàng hơn khi tôi có thể học tập trong một khung cảnh yên bình và không bị gián đoạn. Tuy nhiên, tôi nhận ra giá trị của việc học tập cộng tác và thỉnh thoảng tham gia vào các buổi học nhóm cho các dự án hoặc thảo luận cụ thể.

  • Bài mẫu The area that you live  – IELTS Speaking Part 1
  • Topic In Relationship  – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3
  • Talk about your hometown – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

Nhận tư vấn miễn phí khóa học hè

Nhận tư vấn miễn phí khóa học hè

2. bài mẫu topic education – ielts speaking part 2  .

Sau đây là hai đề kèm bài mẫu chủ đề education – IELTS Speaking part 2 . Bạn hãy nhớ triển khai ý tưởng sao cho khớp với yêu cầu đề bài để trình bày được chính xác, mạch lạc và không lan man.

Bài mẫu topic education – IELTS Speaking part 2

2.1. Bài mẫu: Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school

Take note ý tưởng:

When and where you started studying it– English.
– In primary school.
– Around six years old.
What lessons were like– Engaging and diverse
– Storytelling, reading comprehension, creative writing
– Teachers were passionate and supportive
What made the subject different from other subjects– Focus on expression and creativity.
– Allowed me to explore my imagination and develop my own voice.
– Read various genres and discuss themes – characters.
And explain why you enjoyed the subject– Improve language skills.
– Understand different cultures and views.
–  The learning experience is enriching and enjoyable.

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu 1 dưới đây:

I’d like to talk about English – a subject I thoroughly enjoyed studying at school. I started studying it in primary school, around the age of six. The lessons were engaging and diverse, often incorporating storytelling, reading comprehension, and creative writing. Additionally, my English teachers were passionate and supportive, further fueling my enthusiasm for the subject.

To me, what made English different from other subjects was its focus on expression and creativity. While subjects like math and science were more structured and analytical , English allowed me to explore my imagination and develop my own voice. We would read various genres, from classic literature to contemporary novels, and discuss their themes and characters in class.

I enjoyed English because it not only improved my language skills but also broadened my understanding of different cultures and perspectives . The subject encouraged critical thinking and open discussion, which made the learning experience enriching and enjoyable. I’m sure my strong interest in this subject is going to come in handy when I start pursuing my career path.

sự nhiệt tình, hăng hái
E.g.: She approached her work with great enthusiasm. 

liên quan đến hoặc sử dụng phân tích
E.g.: The research project required an analytical approach to examine the data.
đương đại
E.g.: Contemporary art often challenges traditional notions of beauty and aesthetics. 
quan điểm
E.g.: Different cultures offer unique perspectives on the concept of . 
). có ích, tiện lợi
E.g.: Having a smartphone with a translation app can come in handy when traveling to a foreign country. 

Bài dịch:  

Tôi muốn nói về môn tiếng Anh – một môn học mà tôi rất thích khi còn đi học. Tôi bắt đầu học môn này từ cấp tiểu học, khoảng 6 tuổi. Các bài học rất hấp dẫn và đa dạng, thường kết hợp kể chuyện, đọc hiểu, và sáng tạo viết. Hơn nữa, các giáo viên tiếng Anh của tôi cũng rất nhiệt tình và hỗ trợ học sinh, qua đó càng làm tăng thêm niềm đam mê của tôi với môn học này.

Đối với tôi, những gì làm cho tiếng Anh khác biệt so với các môn học khác chính là sự tập trung vào sự diễn đạt và sáng tạo. Trong khi các môn như toán và khoa học thì có cấu trúc và phân tích nhiều hơn, tiếng Anh lại cho phép tôi khám phá trí tưởng tượng và phát triển giọng điệu riêng của mình. Chúng tôi đọc nhiều thể loại khác nhau, từ văn học cổ điển đến tiểu thuyết đương đại, và thảo luận về chủ đề và nhân vật của chúng trong lớp.

Tôi thích tiếng Anh vì nó không chỉ cải thiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của tôi mà còn mở rộng hiểu biết về các nền văn hóa và quan điểm khác nhau. Môn học này khuyến khích tư duy phản biện và thảo luận mở, làm cho trải nghiệm học tập trở nên phong phú và thú vị. Tôi chắc chắn rằng sự yêu thích mạnh mẽ của tôi đối với môn học này sẽ rất hữu ích khi tôi bắt đầu theo đuổi con đường nghề nghiệp của mình.

  • Talk about an English speaking country
  • Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning
  • Talk about your favorite sport

2.2. Bài mẫu: Describe a period of time from your studies that was the most difficult for you

When it was– Around the final year.
– School assignments, extracurricular activities, IELTS preparation.
Why was it hard– Preparation for the .
– More time for reading writing, and listening.
– Didn’t have practice chances for speaking because couldn’t do it on my own.
What you were doing at that time– Finding help from a friend – decided to practice speaking with me.
– Planned regular sessions, and discussed common topics.
– Confidence and fluency improved,
And whether you felt you were successful in overcoming the difficulties– Received an IELTS band score of 7.0.
– Felt successful.
– Seeking help and practicing regularly are important.

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu 2 dưới đây:

One of the challenging study times for me was around my final year, when I was juggling school assignments, extracurricular activities, and intense IELTS preparation.

The hardest part was getting ready for the IELTS speaking component. I found it challenging due to the lack of real practice opportunities. Speaking fluently and confidently in English felt daunting without regular conversation practice. Most of my study time was spent on reading , writing , and listening , but speaking required interaction, which I couldn’t easily do on my own.

For the last two months, to overcome this, I sought help from a friend who decided to practice speaking with me. We scheduled regular sessions where we discussed various topics and simulated IELTS Speaking tests. This consistent practice significantly improved my confidence and fluency.

In the end, I felt successful in overcoming this hardship. The persistent effort and support from my friend paid off when I received an IELTS band score of 7.0. This experience taught me the importance of seeking help and practicing regularly, which were crucial in achieving my goal.

quản lý hoặc cân bằng nhiều nhiệm vụ hoặc trách nhiệm cùng một lúc
E.g.: Many students find it challenging to juggle their academic studies with part-time jobs. 

ngoại khóa, ngoài giờ học hoặc giờ làm
E.g.: Participating in extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs can enhance students’ social skills.

khó khăn, làm nản chí
E.g.: Taking a challenging exam can be daunting for students. 

mô phỏng
E.g.: The students participated in a simulated business scenario to practice their decision-making skills.

/peɪ ɒf/
đền đáp, đem lại kết quả tốt
E.g.: All the hard work and effort put into studying for the exam paid off when she received a high score. 

quan trọng, then chốt
E.g.: Early childhood education plays a crucial role in a child’s development. 

Một trong những giai đoạn học tập khó khăn nhất với tôi là khoảng năm cuối, khi tôi phải vừa làm các bài tập của trường, vừa tham gia các hoạt động ngoại khóa, đồng thời chuẩn bị rất dày công cho kỳ thi IELTS.

Phần khó nhất là chuẩn bị cho phần thi nói IELTS. Tôi thấy khó khăn vì thiếu các cơ hội thực hành thực tế. Nói tiếng Anh một cách trôi chảy và tự tin cảm thấy đáng sợ khi không có thực hành trò chuyện thường xuyên. Hầu hết thời gian học tập của tôi được dành cho các phần đọc, viết và nghe, nhưng phần nói lại cần sự tương tác, điều mà tôi không thể dễ dàng thực hiện một mình.

Trong hai tháng cuối cùng, để vượt qua điều này, tôi đã nhờ sự giúp đỡ của một người bạn, người đã quyết định thực hành nói chuyện với tôi. Chúng tôi sắp xếp các buổi thực hành định kỳ, trong đó chúng tôi thảo luận về các chủ đề khác nhau và mô phỏng các bài thi nói IELTS. Việc thực hành liên tục này đã giúp tôi cải thiện đáng kể về sự tự tin và trôi chảy.

Cuối cùng, tôi cảm thấy đã vượt qua được những khó khăn. Nỗ lực bền bỉ và sự hỗ trợ từ người bạn của tôi đã được đền đáp khi tôi nhận được điểm IELTS 7.0. Trải nghiệm này đã dạy tôi về tầm quan trọng của việc tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ và thực hành thường xuyên, những yếu tố then chốt để đạt được mục tiêu của mình.

  • Talk about your career choice
  • Talk about ways of communication now and in the future
  • Talk about your family

3. Topic education – IELTS Speaking part 3

Những câu hỏi ở IELTS Speaking part 3 do giám khảo đưa ra cho thí sinh sau khi hoàn thành part 2. Trong phần này, các bạn được yêu cầu bàn luận sâu hơn về chủ đề education. Dưới đây là một vài câu phổ biến:

Bài mẫu topic education – IELTS Speaking part 3

Mời bạn cùng nghe audio IELTS Speaking part 3 dưới đây:

3.1. Is a good education more important to a boy or a girl? Why?

To me, a good education is equally important for both genders since education provides people with opportunities for personal and professional growth. It helps to bridge gender gaps , promotes equality, and enables everyone to contribute meaningfully to society, make informed decisions, support their families, and foster a progressive community. Thus, I’d say that emphasizing equal access to quality education for both boys and girls is crucial for a balanced and prosperous society.

/tuː brɪʤ ɡæps/
thu hẹp khoảng cách
E.g.: Education plays a crucial role in bridging gaps between socioeconomic classes. 

xây dựng, đóng góp
E.g.: Volunteering can contribute to personal growth and the well-being of communities. 

thịnh vượng, phát đạt
E.g.: Access to quality education is crucial for building prosperous societies. 

Dịch nghĩa: Một nền giáo dục tốt quan trọng hơn đối với nam hay nữ? Tại sao?

Đối với tôi, một nền giáo dục tốt là vô cùng quan trọng đối với cả hai giới, bởi vì giáo dục mang đến những cơ hội để phát triển cá nhân và nghề nghiệp. Nó giúp thu hẹp khoảng cách giới tính, thúc đẩy bình đẳng và cho phép mọi người đóng góp có ý nghĩa cho xã hội, ra quyết định một cách sáng suốt, hỗ trợ gia đình của họ và xây dựng một cộng đồng đầy triển vọng. Do đó, tôi cho rằng nhấn mạnh vào việc bảo đảm quyền bình đẳng trong tiếp cận nền giáo dục chất lượng cao cho cả nam và nữ là vô cùng quan trọng để tạo ra một xã hội cân bằng và thịnh vượng.

3.2. Do you think that schools should use more technology to help students learn?

I agree because it helps enhance engagement and interactivity in the classroom and prepares students better for future challenges. Technology provides access to a vast array of resources and up-to-date information, fostering a more dynamic and personalized learning experience. It also helps develop critical digital skills necessary for the modern workforce . Moreover, technology can support different learning styles and needs, making education more inclusive and effective for all students. 

sự tham gia
E.g.: Student engagement is essential for effective learning outcomes. 

sự tương tác
E.g.: Online courses with high levels of interactivity promote student engagement and collaboration.

cập nhật những thông tin, kiến thức mới nhất
E.g.: It is crucial for educators to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and technologies. 

/ˈdɪʤɪtᵊl skɪlz/
các kỹ năng liên quan đến việc sử dụng các công cụ, công nghệ và nền tảng số
E.g.: In the digital age, critical digital skills such as information literacy and cybersecurity are vital for students’ success. 

lực lượng lao động
E.g.: The demand for skilled workers in the technology sector continues to grow as the workforce becomes more digital-oriented. 

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn có nghĩ rằng các trường học nên sử dụng nhiều công nghệ hơn để giúp học sinh học tập?

Tôi đồng ý vì nó giúp tăng cường sự tham gia và tương tác trong lớp học và giúp học sinh chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho những thách thức trong tương lai. Công nghệ cung cấp quyền truy cập vào nhiều nguồn tài nguyên và thông tin cập nhật, thúc đẩy trải nghiệm học tập năng động và cá nhân hóa hơn. Nó cũng giúp phát triển các kỹ năng kỹ thuật số quan trọng cần thiết cho lực lượng lao động hiện đại. Hơn nữa, công nghệ có thể hỗ trợ các phong cách và nhu cầu học tập khác nhau, giúp giáo dục trở nên toàn diện và hiệu quả hơn cho tất cả học sinh.

3.3. Do you agree or disagree that computers will replace teachers one day?

Computers, despite their advancements, are unlikely to completely replace teachers in the future. One reason I can cite is the irreplaceable human element of teaching. Teachers possess the ability to understand and connect with students on an emotional level, providing guidance, support, and personalized feedback. One example is that a computer program may provide correct answers, but it lacks the empathy and understanding needed to address the unique needs and struggles of individual students.

không thể thay thế
E.g.: Teachers play an irreplaceable role in shaping students’ character and future.

sự đồng cảm, thông cảm
E.g.: Developing empathy in students helps create a positive learning environment.

giải quyết một vấn đề nào đó
E.g.: Schools should address the mental needs of students through counseling and support services.

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý rằng một ngày nào đó máy tính sẽ thay thế giáo viên?

Máy tính, mặc dù có những tiến bộ, nhưng khó có thể thay thế hoàn toàn giáo viên trong tương lai. Một lý do tôi có thể viện dẫn là yếu tố con người không thể thay thế trong việc giảng dạy. Giáo viên có khả năng hiểu và kết nối với học sinh ở mức độ cảm xúc, cung cấp hướng dẫn, hỗ trợ và phản hồi được cá nhân hóa. Một ví dụ là một chương trình máy tính có thể đưa ra câu trả lời chính xác, nhưng nó thiếu sự đồng cảm và hiểu biết cần thiết để giải quyết những nhu cầu và khó khăn riêng của từng học sinh.

  • Topic Describe a picture – IELTS Speaking part 2, 3
  • Bài mẫu chủ đề Job Work – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3
  • Topic Describe a famous person – Bài mẫu IELTS speaking

3.4. How do you think peer pressure affects students’ learning?

Peer pressure , in my opinion, has a big impact on students’ learning – both positively and adversely. If a student’s friends prioritize studying and achieving high grades, the student may feel motivated to adopt similar habits, improving their academic performance. Conversely, when a student is surrounded by peers who neglect their studies and engage in disruptive behavior, they may feel pressured to conform, leading to lower grades and reduced focus in class. Thus, I think that the impact of peer pressure largely depends on the peer group’s attitudes.

/pɪər ˈprɛʃər/
Sức ảnh hưởng hoặc áp lực từ những người cùng tuổi, cùng tầng lớp xã hội, etc. để làm theo các hành vi, thái độ của họ
E.g.: Many teenagers face peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors such as smoking or substance abuse.

áp dụng, chấp nhận ý tưởng, chính sách, etc.
E.g.: Schools should adopt innovative teaching methods to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. 

bỏ qua, không chú ý tới
E.g.: The neglect of early childhood education can have long-term effects on a child’s development and future success.

gây rối
E.g.: Disruptive behavior in the classroom can hinder the learning process for other students.

Dịch nghĩa: Bạn nghĩ áp lực đồng trang lứa ảnh hưởng đến việc học tập của học sinh/ sinh viên như thế nào?

Theo tôi, áp lực từ bạn bè có tác động lớn đến việc học của học sinh – cả tích cực lẫn tiêu cực. Nếu bạn bè của học sinh ưu tiên việc học và đạt điểm cao, học sinh đó có thể cảm thấy có động lực để áp dụng những thói quen tương tự, cải thiện kết quả học tập của mình. Ngược lại, nếu một học sinh bị vây quanh bởi những bạn bè bỏ bê việc học và có hành vi gây rối, các em có thể cảm thấy bị áp lực phải tuân theo, dẫn đến điểm thấp hơn và giảm sự tập trung trong lớp. Như vậy, tôi cho là tác động của áp lực ngang hàng phần lớn phụ thuộc vào thái độ của nhóm bạn bè.

3.5. What are the benefits of attending a top-tier educational institution, and what challenges might students face there?

Attending a prestigious educational school offers many perks , such as access to high-quality resources, experienced faculty , and valuable networking opportunities. For example, a student at Harvard can connect with leading experts and industry leaders. However, they might face challenges like intense academic pressure and competition. Balancing rigorous coursework and maintaining mental health can be difficult. Besides, I think we shall consider that the high expectations and demanding environment may cause stress and anxiety.

đặc quyền 
E.g.: Teachers often enjoy the perk of having summer vacations to rejuvenate and recharge.

khoa (trong trường)
E.g.: The faculty of Science at the is known for its expertise and dedication to research. 

sôi nổi, căng thẳng
E.g.: The students were engaged in an intense discussion about the impact of climate change.

kỳ vọng
E.g.: There is a high expectation for students to perform well in their final exams and secure good grades.

nghiêm khắc, khắt khe
E.g.: This is among the most rigorous analyses we’ve seen of the subject.

Dịch nghĩa: Lợi ích của việc theo học tại một cơ sở giáo dục hàng đầu là gì và học sinh/ sinh viên có thể gặp phải những thách thức gì ở đó?

Theo học tại một trường giáo dục danh tiếng mang lại nhiều lợi ích, chẳng hạn như tiếp cận các nguồn tài nguyên chất lượng cao, giảng viên giàu kinh nghiệm và cơ hội kết nối có giá trị. Ví dụ, một sinh viên tại Harvard có thể kết nối với các chuyên gia hàng đầu và lãnh đạo ngành. Tuy nhiên, sinh viên có thể phải đối mặt với những thách thức như áp lực học tập và cạnh tranh gay gắt. Việc cân bằng các môn học nghiêm ngặt và duy trì sức khỏe tinh thần có thể khó khăn. Ngoài ra, tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên cân nhắc rằng những kỳ vọng cao và môi trường đòi hỏi khắt khe có thể gây ra căng thẳng và lo lắng.

3.6. How do scholarship opportunities impact students’ educational experiences?

Opportunities for scholarships significantly improve students’ educational experiences by reducing financial strain and freeing them up to concentrate on their studies. To illustrate, a student awarded a full scholarship to a high-ranking university can dedicate more time to academic and extracurricular activities instead of worrying about tuition fees. I’d also say that scholarships help boost confidence and motivation, encouraging students to excel by providing access to better resources and networking opportunities, enriching the overall educational journey and future career prospects .

/faɪˈnænʃəl streɪn/
áp lực, khó khăn tài chính
E.g.: Many students experience financial strain as they struggle to pay for tuition and living expenses. 

/tuː fri ˈsʌmbɒdi ʌp/
giúp giải phóng hoặc giải thoát ai đó khỏi các nghĩa vụ để tập trung vào một nhiệm vụ khác quan trọng hơn
E.g.: Hiring a part-time assistant can free the teacher up to focus on lesson planning and student engagement. 
 /ˈdɛdɪkeɪt/ áp lực, khó khăn tài chính
E.g.: Successful students often dedicate several hours each day to studying and completing assignments.

làm giàu thêm, làm phong phú thêm
E.g.: Participating in study abroad programs can be a good experience that enriches students’ horizons and cultural understanding.

triển vọng đạt được thành công, tiến bộ hoặc thành tựu trong tương lai
E.g.: Graduates with strong technical skills often have better job prospects and higher earning potential. 

Dịch nghĩa : Cơ hội học bổng tác động thế nào đến trải nghiệm học tập của sinh viên/ học sinh?

Cơ hội nhận học bổng cải thiện đáng kể trải nghiệm giáo dục của sinh viên bằng cách giảm căng thẳng tài chính và giúp họ tập trung vào việc học. Để minh họa, một sinh viên được nhận học bổng toàn phần của một trường đại học danh tiếng có thể dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho học tập và hoạt động ngoại khóa thay vì lo lắng về học phí. Tôi cũng muốn nói rằng học bổng giúp tăng cường sự tự tin và động lực, khuyến khích sinh viên vượt trội bằng cách cung cấp quyền truy cập vào các nguồn lực tốt hơn và cơ hội kết nối, làm phong phú thêm hành trình giáo dục tổng thể và triển vọng nghề nghiệp trong tương lai.

  • Bài mẫu topic Sleep – IELTS Speaking part 1
  • Bài mẫu topic Photograph – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3
  • Bài mẫu topic Taking Photos – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

4. Từ vựng topic education

Mời các bạn tham khảo thêm một số từ vựng hay thuộc topic education, giúp bạn dễ sáng tạo ra những ý tưởng tốt hơn khi trình bày bài nói.

Từ vựng topic education – IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

4.1. Từ vựng chủ đề

Curriculum/kəˈrɪkjələm/NounChương trình học
Pedagogy/ˈpedəɡɒdʒi/NounPhương pháp giảng dạy
Literacy/ˈlɪtərəsi/NounKhả năng đọc viết
Scholarship/ˈskɒləʃɪp/NounHọc bổng
Accreditation/əˌkredɪˈteɪʃən/NounSự công nhận, cấp phép
Vocational/vəʊˈkeɪʃənl/Tính từThuộc về nghề nghiệp
Assessment/əˈsesmənt/NounSự đánh giá
Curriculum vitae/kəˌrɪkjələm ˈviːtaɪ/NounSơ yếu lý lịch
Matriculation/məˌtrɪkjʊˈleɪʃən/NounSự trúng tuyển vào đại học
Tuition/tjuːˈɪʃən/NounHọc phí
Enroll/ɪnˈrəʊl/VerbGhi danh, đăng ký
Graduate/ˈɡrædʒueɪt/VerbTốt nghiệp
Facilitate/fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/VerbTạo điều kiện, làm cho dễ dàng
Educate/ˈedʒʊkeɪt/VerbGiáo dục, dạy dỗ
Evaluate/ɪˈvæljʊeɪt/VerbĐánh giá
Innovate/ˈɪnəveɪt/VerbĐổi mới
Mentor/ˈmentɔːr/VerbHướng dẫn, cố vấn
Participate/pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/VerbTham gia
Research/rɪˈsɜːtʃ/VerbNghiên cứu
Succeed/səkˈsiːd/VerbThành công
Collaborate/kəˈlæbəreɪt/VerbHợp tác
Academic/ˌækəˈdemɪk/AdjectiveThuộc về học thuật, giáo dục
Analytical/ˌænəˈlɪtɪkl/AdjectiveCó tính phân tích
Cognitive/ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/AdjectiveLiên quan đến nhận thức
Comprehensive/ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv/AdjectiveToàn diện
Innovative/ˈɪnəvətɪv/AdjectiveSáng tạo, đổi mới
Interactive/ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/AdjectiveTương tác
Intellectual/ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl/AdjectiveThuộc về trí tuệ
Methodological/ˌmeθəˈdɒlədʒɪkl/AdjectiveCó tính phương pháp
Multidisciplinary/ˌmʌltɪˌdɪsɪˈplɪnəri/AdjectiveĐa ngành
Rigorous/ˈrɪɡərəs/AdjectiveNghiêm ngặt, khắt khe
Academically/ˌækəˈdemɪkli/AdverbVề mặt học thuật, học tập
Analytically/ˌænəˈlɪtɪkli/AdverbTheo cách phân tích
Cognitively/ˈkɒɡnɪtɪvli/AdverbVề mặt nhận thức
Comprehensively/ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪvli/AdverbToàn diện
Innovatively/ˈɪnəvətɪvli/AdverbMột cách sáng tạo
Interactively/ˌɪntərˈæktɪvli/AdverbMột cách tương tác
Intellectually/ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəli/AdverbVề mặt trí tuệ
Methodologically/ˌmeθəˈdɒlədʒɪkli/AdverbMột cách có phương pháp
Multidisciplinary/ˌmʌltɪˌdɪsɪˈplɪnəri/AdverbMột cách đa ngành
Rigorously/ˈrɪɡərəsli/AdverbMột cách nghiêm ngặt, khắt khe
Critically/ˈkrɪtɪkli/AdverbMột cách phê phán
Effectively/ɪˈfɛktɪvli/AdverbMột cách hiệu quả
Efficiently/ɪˈfɪʃəntli/AdverbMột cách hiệu quả, nhanh gọn
Excellently/ˈeksələntli/AdverbXuất sắc
Explicitly/ɪkˈsplɪsɪtli/AdverbRõ ràng
Flexibly/ˈfleksəbli/AdverbMột cách linh hoạt
Independently/ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntli/AdverbMột cách độc lập
Thoroughly/ˈθʌrəli/AdverbKỹ lưỡng, triệt để
Practically/ˈpræktɪkli/AdverbThực tế, gần như
Fundamentally/ˌfʌndəˈmentəli/AdverbVề cơ bản, về nền tảng

4.2. Một số cụm từ chủ đề

Hit the books/hɪt ðə bʊks/IdiomBắt đầu học chăm chỉ
Learn the ropes/lɜːrn ðə roʊps/IdiomHọc cách làm một công việc cụ thể
Pass with flying colors/pæs wɪð ˈflaɪɪŋ ˈkʌlərz/IdiomĐạt điểm cao, thành công rực rỡ
Put one’s thinking cap on/pʊt wʌnz ˈθɪŋkɪŋ kæp ɒn/IdiomSuy nghĩ nghiêm túc về một vấn đề
Make the grade/meɪk ðə ɡreɪd/IdiomĐạt tiêu chuẩn hoặc kỳ vọng cần thiết
School of hard knocks/skuːl ʌv hɑːrd nɑːks/IdiomTrường đời, học từ kinh nghiệm thực tế
Bookworm/ˈbʊkwɜːrm/IdiomNgười thích đọc sách
Brainstorm/ˈbreɪnstɔːrm/IdiomĐộng não, suy nghĩ ra nhiều ý tưởng
Copycat/ˈkɒpikæt/IdiomNgười hay bắt chước
Burn the midnight oil/bɜːrn ðə ˈmɪdnaɪt ɔɪl/IdiomThức khuya làm việc hoặc học tập
Academic achievement/ˌækəˈdemɪk əˈtʃiːvmənt/CollocationThành tựu học thuật
Higher education/ˈhaɪər ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən/CollocationGiáo dục bậc cao
Educational background/ˌedʒʊˈkeɪʃənl ˈbækɡraʊnd/CollocationNền tảng giáo dục
Critical thinking/ˈkrɪtɪkəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/CollocationTư duy phê phán
Distance learning/ˈdɪstəns ˈlɜːrnɪŋ/CollocationHọc từ xa
Intellectual growth/ˌɪntəˈlɛktʃuəl ɡroʊθ/CollocationSự phát triển về trí tuệ, sự trưởng thành về tư duy
Peer pressure/pɪr ˈprɛʃər/CollocationÁp lực từ bạn bè, áp lực xã hội
Research findings/rɪˈsɜːrtʃ ˈfaɪndɪŋz/CollocationKết quả nghiên cứu
Academic performance/ˌækəˈdemɪk pərˈfɔːrməns/ Thành tích học tập

Xem thêm: “Bật mí” 199+ từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Education dùng cho Speaking

5. Cấu trúc và mẫu câu sử dụng cho topic education

Các mục bên dưới tổng hợp một vài cấu trúc và mẫu câu chúng ta có thể ứng dụng vào IELTS Speaking topic education để đảm bảo band điểm tốt tiêu chí Grammatical Range & Accuracy .

5.1. Các cấu trúc sử dụng

Miêu tả thói quen hoặc sự thật chung, thời gian biểu.Present simple:
– S + V (s/ es) + O.
– S + am/ is/ are + Adj/ Adv.
I am student. I have Math every Wednesday.
Miêu tả hành động học tập đang diễn ra.Present continuous: S + am/ is/ are + V-ing + OShe is studying for her exams.
Miêu tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ.Past simple:
– S + V2/ -ed + O.
– S + was/ were + Adj/ Adv.
She graduated from university last year.
Miêu tả hành động, dự định sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.Future simple: S + will + V-infinitive + O.
: S + am/ is/ are + going to + V-infinitive.
Maybe I will study abroad.
I am going to learn French this summer.
Mệnh đề quan hệ.S + V + (who/ which/ that) + clauseEnglish, which is the subject I like, is very interesting.
Câu so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất.S + be + Adj-er/ more Adj + than … 
S + be + the Adj-est/ most Adj …
I think Math is harder than English. However, Chemistry is the hardest subject for me.

5.2. Mẫu câu chủ đề education

Cung cấp thông tin cơ bản về quá trình học tập của bạn.– I graduated from [tên trường] with a degree in [môn/ ngành học].
– I attended [tên trường] where I studied [môn/ ngành học].
Nói về các hoạt động học tập hiện tại.– I am currently studying for my [kỳ thi/ chứng chỉ].
– I am taking classes in [môn/ ngành học] to improve my [skill/ knowledge]
Chia sẻ về sở thích cá nhân và kinh nghiệm học tập.– My is [môn/ ngành học] because [lý do].
– I had a great teacher who inspired me to [hành động/ sở thích liên quan đến môn học].
Nói về những kế hoạch học tập trong tương lai.– I plan to [hành động, dự định] in the future.
– After [hoạt động học tập hiện tại], I hope to [mục tiêu tương lai].
Đưa ra ý kiến và lý do về các chủ đề liên quan đến giáo dục.– I believe that … because …
– In my opinion, …
Bày tỏ quan điểm về giá trị và lợi ích của giáo dục.– Education is essential because it [lý do].
– A good education can [mặt lợi].
So sánh và miêu tả các hệ thống giáo dục khác nhau.– The education system in my country is [mô tả].
– Compared to [tên nước/ hệ thống giáo dục ở nước đó], our education system [sự khác biệt].
Diễn đạt quan điểm cá nhân về tầm quan trọng của giáo dục đúng chất lượng.In my opinion, a quality education is crucial for personal development and future success.
Đề cập đến lợi ích của học từ xa và phân tích tại sao nó hữu ích.One advantage of distance learning is that it provides flexibility for individuals who have other commitments, such as work or family.

6. Download bài mẫu

File PDF dưới đây là tổng hợp trọn bộ nội dung các câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu của IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3 topic education. Bạn hãy nhanh nhấp vào liên kết và tải về để tham khảo, chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho kỳ thi!

  • Bài mẫu topic Leisure time IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3
  • Bài mẫu topic Outdoor activities : IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3
  • Bài mẫu topic Celebrities IELTS Speaking part 1, 2, 3

Vừa rồi là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 1, 2 và 3 topic education – chủ đề rất gần gũi và thường xuyên xuất hiện trong những kỳ thi. Trước khi tạm biệt, mình lưu ý đến các bạn một số điểm sau để chúng ta thể hiện tốt hơn trong phần thi nói:

  • Chủ đề giáo dục tuy thông dụng nhưng cũng là lý do làm chúng ta không dễ lấy điểm nếu chỉ dùng những từ vựng quá đơn giản. Bạn hãy sử dụng linh hoạt các từ ngữ và cụm từ liên quan đến education để mô tả, phân tích hoặc so sánh khía cạnh khác nhau ở các part.
  • Cố gắng sử dụng câu phức, chia thì, bổ nghĩa và cấu trúc câu đa dạng để thể hiện khả năng ngôn ngữ của mình. Tuy nhiên không nên lạm dụng khiến câu bị mất tự nhiên.
  • Khi trình bày về chủ đề education, hãy đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể và kinh nghiệm cá nhân để minh họa ý kiến của bạn – giúp tạo tính thuyết phục và độ phong phú cho bài nói.

Nếu bạn còn câu hỏi nào liên quan tới topic education khi ôn luyện, hãy bình luận ngay bên dưới để được đội ngũ giáo viên tại IELTS Vietop hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc nhanh nhất.

Hẹn các bạn ở những bài viết sau!

Tài liệu tham khảo:

  • Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries: – Truy cập ngày 25-06-2024
  • Cambridge Dictionary: – Truy cập ngày 25-06-2024

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Đặt ngay lịch với cố vấn học tập, để được giải thích & học sâu hơn về kiến thức này.

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Bài viết liên quan.

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Trong cuộc sống, mỗi người đều có những công việc mà họ không muốn làm. Đó có thể là những công việc quá vất vả, nguy hiểm, hoặc đơn giản là không phù hợp với sở thích, năng lực của bản thân. Mỗi lý do

Hương Ngọc

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Describe a photo that makes you feel happy là một chủ đề thú vị và đầy cảm xúc. Để có thể miêu tả một bức ảnh khiến bạn cảm thấy hạnh phúc, bạn cần phải diễn đạt cảm xúc của chính bạn một cách chân

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Đối với những bạn yêu thích thể thao, việc được yêu cầu mô tả một người chơi thể thao giỏi mà bạn ngưỡng mộ không phải là điều gì khó khăn, nhất là những bạn đã “có sẵn” một thần tượng.   Ngược lại, một số

Nhận tư vấn MIỄN PHÍ Hoàn thành mục tiêu IELTS ngay bây giờ!

Thời gian bạn muốn nhận tư vấn:

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  • 26 June 2024

If you’re looking to get certified to be a nurse, you’re probably aware that you will be required to prove your English language skills in order to communicate with your staff and patients to provide medical care.

This can be done by taking an English proficiency test such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Occupational English Test (OET).

Before making a decision, take a closer look at what each test covers as well as some key differences between the two.

Set as the golden standard for English proficiency tests, the IELTS test was launched in 1989 and evaluates the fluency of English in both written and spoken formats.

Accepted by over 12,000 institutions in more than 150 countries, the IELTS has both paper-based and computer-based versions of its test, which is split into four sections: speaking, writing, listening and reading.

Designed to cater to 12 professions in the healthcare industry including nurses, dentists, optometrists and physiotherapists, the OET is an English language test which assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals.

It was initially intended to be accepted only in Australia and New Zealand. However, in November 2017, the UK’s Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) started accepting OET test scores while evaluating prospective candidates.

The OET is a popular option among healthcare professionals because it uses profession-specific content, making it highly relevant to those who need to be able to communicate in medical scenarios – from understanding a patient in a consultation session to writing a discharge or referral letter.

While it is good to be fluent in medical English, it could be helpful to gain a better understanding of English as a whole – which is what the IELTS will help you to achieve.

Used by international students and professionals across industries, the IELTS covers a bigger range of topics and content including social trends, the environment, education and cultural values.

Hence, having the ability to discuss such topics, write essays and understand articles could potentially offer you job flexibility while enabling you to be better at communicating.

There are two versions of the IELTS test: Academic and General Training, which are used by organisations to assess language skills for vocational or immigration purposes.

While the listening and speaking portions of the test are the same for both, the Academic test’s reading and writing components are more tailored to higher education as compared to General Training.

On the other hand, the OET offers 12 versions of the test for the different healthcare professions. For these tests, the reading and listening sections are the same. However, the speaking and writing portions are geared towards specific scenarios in which each profession has to communicate in English.

While both the IELTS and OET assess the same four language skills, the IELTS has a shorter test format.

For the listening component, the IELTS requires you to listen to four recordings and answer questions based on them while the OET has two parts that span over a longer period of time.

The first part involves taking notes on a patient consultation followed up by answering questions after listening to a healthcare lecture in the second.

The IELTS reading portion involves answering questions and completing tasks based on three long passages of text from newspapers or journals.

As for the OET, its reading component has two parts: the first part requires you to complete a summary of the topics discussed in four short texts while the second part involves answering multiple-choice questions based on two longer texts.

For the IELTS writing section, you’ll have two tasks – to first study and write about some data or graphs provided, after which you’ll be required to write an essay based on a selected subject.

When sitting for the OET writing component, you’ll be required to read case notes and write a follow-up, discharge or referral based on them.

During the IELTS speaking component, you’ll be discussing general topics such as your hobbies and interests, and for the later part, you’ll speak about a topic assigned to you on a task card.

For the OET speaking component, you’ll be interacting with the examiner based on medical scenarios on a selected topic card, where you’ll assume the role of a nurse while the examiner acts as a patient.

IELTS is recognised by 12,000 organisations globally, including government organisations, regulatory bodies and higher education institutions for education, career and migration purposes. IELTS is available in more than 4000 test locations in over 140 countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK and the USA.

The OET is recognised by healthcare regulatory bodies and higher education healthcare educators including Ireland, the UK, Dubai, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA with over 580 test centres in 80 countries.

As more places offer IELTS, there are more available test dates. Hence, it is easier to book a test date at your convenience.

Apart from that, the IELTS is much cheaper than the OET.

Are you thinking of taking your IELTS test en route to becoming a certified nurse?

At IDP, we have decades of experience in helping students to prepare for their IELTS test and we can help you too.

With a wealth of resources available to help you effectively prepare for your IELTS test, we’ll definitely be able to give you an extra push towards getting a good score .

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