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4 Creating a Search Strategy

The first step in any successful research project is analysing your research question and planning your search . The SKILL method is a useful framework for this process and stands for:

First, summarise your topic or question in your own words. Base your summary on:

  • your assignment task or question
  • the aim of the assignment.

From your summary identify the keywords and phrases.

You will use these keywords in your search, so only choose the ones that are most important.

Now you have your keywords, brainstorm some alternative terms you might find in the literature.

This is a useful step as not all the literature will use the same word to refer to your topic.

  • synonyms (words that mean the same thing)
  • various spellings (e.g. colour, color).

Spelling can be a critical issue in various topics in Western music.  Composer names might be spelled differently in various sources.

For example:

Tchaikovsky, Tchaikovski, Chaikovsky, Chaykovsky, Chaikovskiy, Chaykovskiy, Chaikovskii, Czajkowski, Čajkovskij , and Čajkovski are all forms of the same composer’s name.

Musical genres and works differ between languages.

  • symphony (English)
  • symphonie  (French or German)
  • sinfonia (Italian)

Non-English place names may also be found in their original language in some sources.

  • Cologne / Köln
  • Moscow / Moskva

You might want to use a dictionary (e.g. Oxford English Dictionary ( UQ students & staff ) ) or an encyclopaedia (e.g. The SAGE International Encyclopaedia of Media and Culture ( UQ students & staff ) ) to check for variant spellings and synonyms

Imagine you are searching for information about the theorbo (a large member of the lute family of instruments). A subject search in Library Search for theorbo returns 284 hits. Another type of bass lute that is not totally dissimilar to the theorbo is the chitarrone , so you think it might be useful to include this term as well. Expanding your search to theorbo OR chitarrone returns 321 results.

Table 1: Keywords and synonyms
Keyword Synonym Related term
theorbo chitarrone bass lute

Keep in mind, exact synonyms are rare. A chitarrone is not exactly a theorbo, in other words. Often such terms relate to a more generic umbrella term (in this case, bass lute). Getting to know your terms, and other possible near synonyms, variants and related terms is all part of developing good research habits.

Use search operators to link your keywords and synonyms. This helps you translate your search from plain English into something a database will understand. See below for the most common operators.

Note: Not all databases use the same operators. Check a database’s Help section if you are unsure.

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are connectors you place between your keywords to improve your search results.

AND baroque AND music This search will find both words
OR choir OR choral This search will find either word
NOT baroque NOT renaissance This search will find the first word but not the second

Truncation and Wildcards

Truncation symbols (* or !) are used to find alternative word endings.

chor* retrieves choral , chorale , chorus .

Wildcard symbols are used to replace a single character within the word.

organi?ation retrieves organisation  or organization .

Note: These truncation and wildcard symbols vary between databases. Use the Help section in each database to find the correct symbol.

Phrase Searching

Place double quotation marks around any terms that you want to search together as a phrase, using the specific order of words. Rather than finding results for two or more individual words, the search engine will return results for the phrase.

Searching music psychology in RILM retrieves 12,713 results, while searching “music psychology” retrieves 7,654 results and searching “music psychology in education” retrieves 48 results.

Combining Operators

Use multiple operators in the same search to capture all the relevant information. Make sure to group your synonyms with parentheses.

“a cappella” AND (voice OR vocal* OR intonat*) AND (drift OR variat*)

Once you have created a search, you can use it in a range of databases.

If you are not getting the right results, or are getting too many or too few results you may need to make changes to your search.

When you are getting too many results:

  • add more keywords or phrases
  • use filters to limit your results (e.g. limit by date or subject area)
  • search within a particular field (e.g. title or abstract field).

If you don’t have enough results:

  • check your spelling
  • use fewer keywords
  • try different keywords
  • try other databases.

Music Research Essentials Copyright © 2024 by The University of Queensland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Performing Music Research: Methods in Music Education, Psychology, and Performance Science

Performing Music Research: Methods in Music Education, Psychology, and Performance Science

Performing Music Research: Methods in Music Education, Psychology, and Performance Science

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Performing Music Research is a comprehensive guide to research in music performance. It reviews the knowledge and skills needed to critique existing studies in music education, psychology, and performance science, and to design and carry out new investigations. Methodological approaches are highlighted across the book in ways that help aspiring researchers bring precision to their research questions, select methods that are appropriate for addressing their questions, and apply those methods systematically and rigorously. Each chapter contains a study guide, comprising a chapter summary, a list of keywords, and suggestions for further discussion. The book concludes with a resources section, including a glossary and supplementary material to support advanced statistical analysis. The book’s companion website provides information designed to facilitate access to original research and to test knowledge and understanding.

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The Top 10 Most Interesting Music Research Topics

Music is a vast and ever-growing field. Because of this, it can be challenging to find excellent music research topics for your essay or thesis. Although there are many examples of music research topics online, not all are appropriate.

This article covers all you need to know about choosing suitable music research paper topics. It also provides a clear distinction between music research questions and topics to help you get started.

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What makes a strong music research topic.

A strong music research topic must be short, straightforward, and easy to grasp. The primary aim of music research is to apply various research methods to provide valuable insights into a particular subject area. Therefore, your topic must also address issues that are relevant to present-day readers.

Also, for your research topic to be compelling, it should not be overly generic. Try to avoid topics that seem to be too broad. A strong research topic is always narrow enough to draw out a comprehensive and relevant research question.

Tips for Choosing a Music Research Topic

  • Check with your supervisor. In some cases, your school or supervisor may have specific requirements for your research. For example, some music programs may favor a comparative instead of a descriptive or correlational study. Knowing what your institution demands is essential in choosing an appropriate research topic.
  • Explore scientific papers. Journal articles are a great way to find the critical areas of interest in your field of study. You can choose from a wide range of journals such as The Journal of Musicology and The Journal of the Royal Musical Association . These resources can help determine the direction of your research.
  • Determine your areas of interest. Choosing a topic you have a personal interest in will help you stay motivated. Researching music-related subjects is a painstakingly thorough process. A lack of motivation would make it difficult to follow through with your research and achieve optimal results.
  • Confirm availability of data sources. Not all music topics are researchable. Before selecting a topic, you must be sure that there are enough primary and secondary data sources for your research. You also need to be sure that you can carry out your research with tested and proven research methods.
  • Ask your colleagues: Asking questions is one of the many research skills you need to cultivate. A short discussion or brainstorming session with your colleagues or other music professionals could help you identify a suitable topic for your research paper.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

A research topic is a particular subject area in a much wider field that a researcher chooses to place his emphasis on. Most subjects are extensive. So, before conducting research, a researcher must first determine a suitable area of interest that will act as the foundation for their investigation.

Research questions are drawn from research topics. However, research questions are usually more streamlined. While research topics can take a more generic viewpoint, research questions further narrow the focus down to specific case studies or seek to draw a correlation between two or more datasets.

How to Create Strong Music Research Questions

Strong music research questions must be relevant and specific. Music is a broad field with many genres and possible research areas. However, your research question must focus on a single subject matter and provide valuable insights. Also, your research question should be based on parameters that can be quantified and studied using available research methods.

Top 10 Music Research Paper Topics

1. understanding changes in music consumption patterns.

Although several known factors affect how people consume music, there is still a significant knowledge gap regarding how these factors influence listening choices. Your music research paper could outline some of these factors that affect music consumer behavior and highlight their mechanism of action.

2. Hip-hop Culture and Its Effect on Teenage Behavior

In 2020, hip-hop and RnB had the highest streaming numbers , according to Statista. Without a doubt, hip-hop music has had a significant influence on the behavior of young adults. There is still the need to conduct extensive research on this subject to determine if there is a correlation between hip-hop music and specific behavioral patterns, especially among teenagers.

3. The Application of Music as a Therapeutic Tool

For a long time, music has been used to manage stress and mental health disorders like anxiety, PTSD, and others. However, the role of music in clinical treatment still remains a controversial topic. Further research is required to separate fact from fiction and provide insight into the potential of music therapy.

4. Contemporary Rock Music and Its Association With Harmful Social Practices

Rock music has had a great influence on American culture since the 1950s. Since its rise to prominence, it has famously been associated with vices such as illicit sex and abuse of recreational drugs. An excellent research idea could be to evaluate if there is a robust causal relationship between contemporary rock music and adverse social behaviors.

5. The Impact of Streaming Apps on Global Music Consumption

Technology has dramatically affected the music industry by modifying individual music consumption habits. Presently, over 487 million people subscribe to a digital streaming service, according to Statista. Your research paper could examine how much of an influence popular music streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music have had on how we listen to music.

6. Effective American Music Education Practices

Teaching practices have always had a considerable impact on students’ academic success. However, not all strategies have an equal effect in enhancing learning experiences for students. You can conduct comparative research on two or more American music education practices and evaluate their impact on learning outcomes.

7. The Evolution of Music Production in the Technology-driven Era

One of the aspects of music that is experiencing a massive change is sound production. More than ever before, skilled, tech-savvy music producers are in high demand. At the moment, music producers earn about $70,326 annually, according to ZipRecruiter. So, your research could focus on the changes in music production techniques since the turn of the 21st century.

8. Jazz Music and Its Influence on Western Music Genres

The rich history of jazz music has established it as one of the most influential genres of music since the 19th century. Over the years, several famous composers and leading voices across many other western music genres have been shaped by jazz music’s sound and culture. You could carry out research on the influence of this genre of music on modern types of music.

9. The Effect of Wars on Music

Wars have always brought about radical changes in several aspects of culture, including music styles. Throughout history, we have witnessed wars result in the death of famous musicians. If you are interested in learning about music history in relation to global events, a study on the impact of wars on music will make an excellent music research paper.

10. African Tribal Percussion

African music is well recognized for its unique application of percussion. Historically, several tribes and cultures had their own percussion instruments and original methods of expression. Unfortunately, this musical style has mainly gone undocumented. An in-depth study into ancient African tribal percussion would make a strong music research paper.

Other Examples of Music Research Topics & Questions

Music research topics.

  • Popular musical styles of the 20th century
  • The role of musical pieces in political movements
  • Biographies of influential musicians during the baroque period
  • The influence of classical music on modern-day culture
  • The relationship between music and fashion

Music Research Questions

  • What is the relationship between country music and conservationist ideologies among middle-aged American voters?
  • What is the effect of listening to Chinese folk music on the critical thinking skills of high school students?
  • How have electronic music production technologies influenced the sound quality of contemporary music?
  • What is the correlation between punk music and substance abuse among Black-American males?
  • How does background music affect learning and information retention in children?

Choosing the Right Music Research Topic

Your research topic is the foundation on which every other aspect of your study is built. So, you must select a music research topic that gives you room to adequately explore intriguing hypotheses and, if possible, proffer practically applicable solutions.

Also, if you seek to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Music , you must be prepared to conduct research during your study. Choosing the right music research topic is the first step in guaranteeing good grades and delivering relevant, high-quality contributions in this constantly expanding field.

Music Research Topics FAQ

A good music research topic should be between 10 to 12 words long. Long, wordy music essay topics are usually confusing. They can make it difficult for readers to understand the goal of your research. Avoid using lengthy phrases or vague terms that could confuse the reader.

Journal articles are the best place to find helpful resources for your music research. You can explore reputable, high-impact journal articles to see if any research has been done related to your chosen topic. Journal articles also help to provide data for comparison while carrying out your research.

Primary sources carry out their own research and cite their own data. In contrast, secondary sources report data obtained from a primary source. Although primary sources are regarded as more credible, you can include a good mixture of primary and secondary sources in your research.

The most common research methods for music research are qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, and analytical. Your research strategy is arguably the most crucial part of your study. You must learn different research methods to determine which one would be the perfect fit for your particular research question.

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Music Research Project Pupil Worksheet

Music Research Project Pupil Worksheet

Subject: Music

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

9 November 2014

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