Influencer marketing strategy presentation: Crafting a winning pitch

Craft an impactful influencer marketing strategy presentation with our expert tips. Learn how to use PowerPoint templates and slides

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

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Marketing enthusiasts! If you're as buzzed about influencer marketing as the rest of us are, then you're in for a treat. Think influencer marketing is just about taking a few selfies and posting them on Instagram? Think again.

We’re diving deep into how to create an influencer marketing strategy presentation that’s a game-changer. So, grab a cup of coffee (or green tea, if that’s more your vibe), and let’s get started!

The influencer industry is booming and for a good reason.

But how do you structure an influencer marketing campaign? More importantly, how do you present it? This blog will guide you through the A to Z of creating a compelling influencer marketing strategy presentation.

Why is it so important?

  • Get your marketing team on the same page.
  • Convince stakeholders of your vision.
  • Keep track of KPIs and metrics effectively.

Ready to win big with your influencer marketing strategy? Let’s get rolling.

What is an influencer marketing strategy?

An influencer marketing strategy involves partnering with influencers to promote products and services, building brand awareness, and reaching new audiences. In other words, it's not just about finding an influencer; it’s about finding the right influencer for your brand. The concept revolves around using an influencer's social following to drive traffic and sales.

Why is it a big deal?

Traditional marketing methods have become white noise in this bustling space. Enter influencer marketing: a bridge between genuine connection and commercial intent. Influencers, with their cultivated trust and niche audiences, offer brands an authentic avenue to relay their message, making the process feel less like advertising and more like a trusted recommendation.

  • Social Proof : People trust influencers.
  • Target Market : Influencers can help you reach your specific target audience.
  • Brand Awareness : Your brand gets introduced to new audiences.
  • ROI : High return on investment compared to traditional marketing methods.

If influencer marketing sounds like a match made in heaven for your brand, then you'll need a killer presentation to get everyone else on board.

Why create a presentation for your influencer marketing strategy?

Creating a PowerPoint presentation or, dare we say, a strategy ppt, helps in structuring your thoughts.

It's not enough to say you want to work with influencers; you need a roadmap. A well-prepared presentation serves as a compass for your marketing team, pointing everyone in the same direction.

  • Alignment with Marketing Goals : A presentation helps in setting and tracking specific campaign goals.
  • Data-Driven Decisions : Use graphs and metrics like engagement rate to present a data-driven approach.
  • Stakeholder Buy-In : This makes it easier to explain the ROI and get the nod from decision-makers.

After all, clarity and precision are crucial. A presentation can distill the essence of your influencer marketing strategy, making it palatable for everyone, from novices to veterans. It's not merely a slideshow but a strategic narrative. When tailored right, this narrative can be a powerful tool in rallying your team, securing resources, and ensuring that your influencer marketing campaign doesn't just launch but soars.

KPIs and metrics to add in influencer marketing strategy presentation

One cannot underscore enough the value of KPIs and metrics. They are the signposts, the guiding lights that ensure you're on the right path, and let's face it, not spiraling down a marketing black hole. Remember, it’s not just about getting the influencer on board; it's about how their efforts translate into tangible results. Let’s break it down further:

  • Reach: This is the total number of people who saw your campaign content. It can be measured by looking at impressions, which is the number of times your content was displayed.
  • Engagement rate: This metric measures how interactive your audience is with your content. It can be calculated by dividing the total number of engagements (likes, comments, shares, etc.) by the total reach and multiplying by 100.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): This metric measures the percentage of people who saw your content and clicked on a link. It can be calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the total reach and multiplying by 100.
  • Conversion rate: This metric measures the percentage of people who clicked on a link and took a desired action, such as signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase. It can be calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of clicks and multiplying by 100.
  • Return on investment (ROI): This metric measures the overall financial success of your campaign. It can be calculated by subtracting the total cost of the campaign from the total revenue generated and dividing by the total cost.

In addition to these general KPIs, you may also want to track specific metrics that are relevant to your specific campaign goals. For example, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, you may want to track metrics such as social mentions and website traffic. If your goal is to drive sales, you may want to track metrics such as leads generated and revenue.

Using platforms like Prezent can save you 70% of the time you’d otherwise spend making these detailed slides.

How to structure an effective influencer marketing strategy presentation

Influencer marketing continues to redefine the boundaries of brand engagement and consumer trust. So, if you're gearing up to present an influencer marketing strategy that's bound to impress, it's essential to get the structure just right. Here's a comprehensive roadmap for your influencer marketing strategy presentation, ensuring you cover all bases:

  • Start with an Introduction Slide: Kick things off by setting the tone. Introduce what influencer marketing is and underscore its importance, elucidating how it dovetails with the brand's overarching objectives. It’s your elevator pitch, so make sure it’s compelling.
  • Agenda: Before delving deep, give your audience a bird's eye view of the presentation's flow. An agenda slide helps in setting the context, letting attendees know what to expect, and ensuring that your presentation is seamlessly structured.
  • Campaign Objectives: It's essential to establish a clear "why" for your strategy. Define explicitly what you hope to achieve with this influencer marketing endeavor. It could range from bolstering brand awareness to ramping up lead generation or even driving up sales.
  • Audience: Before you decide on influencers and channels, you must understand who you're speaking to. Delve into the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience. By understanding them, you're in a better position to create content that resonates.
  • Influencers and Channels: It's all about the "who" and the "where" now. Discuss how you plan to zero in on influencers that align with your brand ethos. Will it be a mega-celebrity or a micro-influencer with a niche following? Also, highlight the platforms you'll leverage, be it TikTok, Instagram, or any emerging platform du jour.
  • Budget and Timeline: Every strategy has its price. Delve into the monetary aspects of the campaign, charting out the expected costs. Furthermore, shed light on the anticipated timeframes, ensuring stakeholders have clear expectations.
  • KPIs and Monitoring: Because what gets measured gets managed! Lay out the key performance indicators that will help gauge the campaign's efficacy. Be explicit about how you intend to keep tabs on these metrics, ensuring transparency and clarity.
  • Q&A Slide: End on an interactive note. Invite queries, feedback, and suggestions. This not only fosters engagement but also showcases your commitment to collaboration and openness.

With Prezent, you can make use of 50+ storylines and 35,000+ slides to structure your influencer marketing strategy PowerPoint presentation. Prezent ensures 100% brand compliance and even offers real-time sharing and collaboration.

Do’s and don’ts of an influencer marketing strategy presentation

To ensure your influencer marketing strategy presentation paints the perfect picture for your stakeholders, there are certain practices you should embrace and pitfalls you should avoid. Let's dive into the essential do's and don'ts.

  • Use plain language and avoid jargon
  • Focus on presenting your brand in the best light
  • Use a PowerPoint template or Prezent's brand-approved designs for a professional look
  • Don't skip on KPIs and metrics.
  • Don't rush through the slides.
  • Don't forget to include a strategy across multiple platforms.

Influencer Marketing vs. Affiliate Marketing: Which is Right for My Brand?

Influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are distinct strategies with their own advantages and use cases:

Influencer Marketing:

  • Nature: Influencer marketing relies on collaborating with individuals or social media influencers who have a loyal and engaged following.
  • Focus: It emphasizes building brand awareness, reaching specific target audiences, and leveraging the influencer's credibility and trust.
  • Content: The focus is on creating authentic and engaging content that resonates with the influencer's audience.
  • Cost Structure: Typically involves paying influencers upfront or based on performance metrics, such as engagement or reach.

Affiliate Marketing:

  • Nature: Affiliate marketing involves partnerships with affiliates or publishers who promote your products or services through unique tracking links.
  • Focus: It primarily aims to drive conversions, such as sales or leads, and rewards affiliates with commissions for successful conversions.
  • Content: The emphasis is on providing affiliates with promotional materials (banners, links, etc.) for their marketing efforts.
  • Cost Structure: You pay affiliates based on their performance; commissions are earned when their referrals make a purchase or take a desired action.

To determine which strategy suits your brand best, consider your marketing goals and target audience.

  • Choose Influencer Marketing if your primary goal is to build brand awareness, connect with a specific niche audience, and leverage the influencer's authenticity and storytelling ability.
  • Opt for Affiliate Marketing if your primary objective is to drive conversions, track sales or leads meticulously, and reward partners based on performance.

In some cases, a hybrid approach that combines elements of both strategies may be the most effective solution. Ultimately, the choice depends on your brand's specific objectives, resources, and the type of relationship you want to establish with your marketing partners.

If you're interested in exploring the legitimacy of affiliate marketing, you can read more about it in this article: Is Affiliate Marketing Legit .

Summarizing Key Takeaways

Creating a successful influencer marketing strategy presentation hinges on four crucial elements.

  • Firstly, it's essential to define clear campaign objectives that align with your brand's goals.
  • Secondly, selecting influencers whose values resonate with your brand is paramount.
  • Thirdly, tracking relevant KPIs and metrics allows you to measure the campaign's success.
  • Lastly, leveraging presentation tools for efficiency and collaboration can significantly enhance your strategy's effectiveness.

These components form the foundation for a compelling and impactful presentation.

1. Why should I consider a marketing PowerPoint for my influencer strategy?

When diving into influencer marketing, there’s a lot to organize. A comprehensive marketing PowerPoint can help you present your influencer strategy in a coherent way. With the right marketing strategy PowerPoint presentation slides, you can map out what you want to achieve, be it better brand awareness or maximum leads. Such a strategy template provides a framework, ensuring you adhere to brand guidelines while pushing your brand through various social media platforms. Furthermore, it aids in content creation, letting you highlight the kind of content that resonates with your buyer’s persona.

2. How do I ensure the success of my influencer campaign with the right content?

The success of your influencer campaign hinges on authentic content. This means understanding what influencers, especially micro-influencers targeting millennials, find compelling. Content is essential; whether it's sponsored content, guest posting, or related content that influencers retweet. It’s a blend of word-of-mouth marketing and the modern digital touch. Remember, influencers know their audience. By having a clear influencer contract outlining content guidelines and considering the psychographics of your target audience, you can ensure a consistent and compelling content strategy.

3. What are the key elements in running an effective influencer marketing campaign?

To run influencer marketing efficiently, first, understand how influencer marketing works. It's essential to find influencers who align with your product or service, ensuring your campaign resonates with the intended audience. Many influencers also focus on specific niches, so it's about leveraging their expertise for your brand's benefit.

Create Your Influencer Marketing Strategy Presentation with Prezent

In the world of influencer marketing, presentation is half the battle. Why not make life easier with Prezent ?

With its library of 35,000+ slides and real-time sharing, you can ensure your influencer marketing strategy presentation is top-notch. To get your presentations done overnight submit your presentation draft by 5:30 PM PST, and get it polished by 9:30 AM the next business day. Now, that’s what I call influence!

Alright, good people, this marks the end of our influencer marketing deep dive. Who knew PowerPoint could be this exciting, right? Time to slide out of here. Remember, in the world of influencer marketing, if you're not presenting well, you're not influencing well!

So go ahead, take the world by the slides—yes, I said slides, not storm, we’re marketers, not meteorologists!

Sign up for free trial or book a Demo today with Prezent!

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The Ultimate Influencer Marketing Strategy Guide

Influencer Marketing Hub

The influencer marketing landscape is quickly evolving with the introduction of new platforms and regulations influencing new trends. What once worked a decade ago may no longer be as relevant today. Think brands moving on from blog influencers to mega-influencers on social media and so on. This makes it crucial to stay on top of your game and discover the latest tips on building a successful influencer marketing strategy.

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In this post, we provide you with a comprehensive influencer marketing strategy guide so you can instantly get started. We even explore the common mistakes you should avoid and the upcoming trends you should look out for in the coming years. Let’s get started.

influencer marketing course

The Ultimate Influencer Marketing Strategy Guide:

The essentials of influencer marketing: steps to get started, the roi of influencer marketing: case studies and stats, common pitfalls and how to avoid them, emerging trends and future predictions.

Getting started with influencer marketing requires laying out a plan to determine who you want to influence and who can influence them. Check out the following essential steps to build your influencer marketing strategy.

Step 1: Define Who You Want to Influence

For any influencer campaign to be successful you first need to know who you are trying to influence. It helps to be specific. The tighter you can define your target audience, the easier it is to find influencers who are relevant.

You will hopefully have already found this for your business when you wrote your business plan. Even if you haven’t formally defined your target audience you will know the types of people who typically buy your product.

The worst kind of answer is to try and target everybody. Even producers of everyday commodity products, such as bread and toilet paper, try to differentiate their marketing. That is why they create ranges, focusing on different niches, e.g. a range targeting people who favor quality, versus a range for the budget-conscious.

This is a vital step that will shape the rest of your influencer marketing strategy. Most importantly, it will guide your influencer identification process as you understand who influences your target audience. For example, if your target audience is made up of eco-conscious consumers, you’ll need to look into influencers who create content about sustainability.

Step 2:  Set Clear Objectives

Before you can create an influencer marketing strategy, you first need to determine what you are trying to achieve. Your aim may be something small like gaining a set number of extra visitors to your website, with them signing up for a newsletter. Alternatively, you might choose to engage in influencer marketing with the aim of increasing sales of a particular product by a certain percentage.

It is impossible for you to measure whether a campaign is successful or not if you haven’t set any objectives. The measurement of your ROI at the end of the campaign depends on how you have performed in relation to your initial objective.

Moreover, the objectives you want to achieve will shape other aspects of your strategy such as the types of partnerships and content. For example, if your goal is to drive sales, you may see impressive results by having influencers post a discount code. On the other hand, giveaway contests may be ideal for creating brand awareness.

In the following post, the influencer promotes a jewelry brand by showcasing a few designs along with a discount code. This type of content is highly effective for influencer campaigns that aim to generate sales quickly.

Step 3: Perform a Content and Opportunity Audit

It makes sense that you carry out a Content and Opportunity Audit at the start of your process to better understand the needs of your target audience. It is important that you include your influencers in the conversations.

What you are looking for in this phase of your influencer marketing strategy are:

  • The general feeling of your target audience to the types of content you are aiming to produce
  • What are your competitors doing with their content marketing?
  • What motivation do your influencers have to help in distributing your content
  • How does your target audience perceive you?
  • What can your brand do to make it relevant to your target audience’s conversations?

Step 4:  Develop Your Content Plan

Once you have decided on the general topic areas that might interest your audience you will want to create a content plan.

You are going to want to prepare a coordinated series of content that will meet your audience’s needs. It is a great idea to set up a content calendar when you decide what content you need to create by what dates. According to our Monthly Influencer Marketing Report , some of the more popular content formats with high engagement are TikTok Branded Hashtag Challenges and TikTok Shop content. 

You want to think through the specific topics that you want to cover. This is also a good time to determine which influencers will be best for sharing particular types of content. In some cases, you may opt to contract particular influencers to create specific items of content that they can share at set points in your campaign.

A content calendar helps you plan and coordinate the content you share with your target audience. It also helps you work in with the schedules of your influencers, and anybody you may work with to help with content creation and editing. Check out our list of free content calendar templates to get started.

Content Calendar Example


You should try and ensure that you are always planning at least a month ahead. If you are using busy influencers, you may even want to create greater lead time, especially around busy times of the year.

Step 5: Find the Best Influencers for Your Campaign

Next, it’s time to get into the most vital aspect of your influencer marketing strategy. Your choice of influencers will make or break your campaign, so it’s crucial to strategically identify the best ones for the purpose. 

Once you’ve identified your target audience and defined your goals, this should be pretty straightforward. It’s only a matter of finding who influences your target audience and how you want to influence them. Based on this, you’ll be able to identify key influencers who can create the types of content you need to achieve your campaign objectives.

Ask yourself the following questions to narrow down your options.

  • Where do the online conversations about your niche take place? How social are the key participants in the niche?
  • What motivates people in your niche to promote relevant content
  • Is activity concentrated in a particular place, e.g. on Facebook or on a respected blog, or is the niche more fragmented?
  • Who are the people who most often write or create other content about your topic?
  • What is the background of these people?
  • The more you know about your niche and target audience, the easier the task you will have to find the best possible influencers.

There are plenty of free influencer marketing tools to help you with your search. You can use these to find relevant influencers in your niche and get access to vital performance metrics such as their following size and engagement rates. Some of these tools will let you run a search right within the platform while others only support influencer analytics. is one of the most powerful influencer discovery tools that you can use for free. It provides filters to help you narrow your search based on influencer location, follower count, engagement rate, age range, rate, and many more.

Influencer Discovery Tool


Besides using influencer marketing tools, you can also outsource the process to an influencer marketing agency . These agencies will help you outline your goals and dig through a massive database of influencers to find the most ideal options for you. Depending on the agency you work with, you can even rely on them for influencer outreach so you can save time to focus on other aspects of running your business.

Step 6: Collaborate to Create Quality Content

For an influencer marketing campaign to be successful, you need quality content for your influencers to share. The influencers may have followers who trust them, but nobody is going to spend money simply because an influencer told them to.

When influencers communicate with their followers it is to inform, entertain, educate, or inspire them, usually in relation to their specialist niche. Thus, for influencer marketing to work, any content that the influencer shares about your product must also be informative, entertaining, educational, or inspiring.

There is a lot of rubbish content on the internet. No matter how good an influencer is, he or she cannot remain relevant if they share rubbish content.

Your influencers need to constantly be on the lookout for compelling content. You can help them in this process. Provide them with resources they can use for their content. If it would help them, give them an insider’s view of your business. Provide your expertise to assist them – this could be data, expertise, or inside knowledge of the industry.

You could negotiate with an influencer to co-create an item of content. While this could be something as simple as a blog post, you might consider something larger, such as a white paper or research report, a webinar, or an online presentation.

Many influencer marketing campaigns take a hands-off approach to content creation, meaning that they leave it all up to the influencers. You can share an idea of the types of content you want to see and give them a prompt for some direction, while the influencers take care of the rest. 

This is a great way to give influencers creative freedom to create content for your brand in their authentic voice. However, it helps to have a few rules and requirements in place so that whatever content they create aligns with your brand’s vision. 

You may require each influencer to create two Instagram feed posts and one Reel for the duration of your one-month campaign, for example. Additionally, influencers may be requested to share a short caption highlighting what they love about the product without being too promotional. Or you could be more specific about what you want them to discuss such as how a specific feature helps them do their jobs better.

For instance, Fabletics influencer partners have to create content showcasing their Fabletics outfits. Each post must be tagged with the #FableticsPartner hashtag.

Step 7: Track and Measure Your Influencer Campaigns

Ultimately the success or otherwise of your influencer campaign comes back to the objective you set at the start of the process. 

When your campaign is over, you should compare your actual ROI to your objective. If you have met your objective, it is time to re-evaluate things and possibly a new campaign with a higher objective. If you have failed to meet your objective, take a close look to try and determine what the problem was. Take stock and change your next campaign to see if you can improve your results.

More importantly, don’t underestimate the importance of ongoing campaign tracking. Keep track of which influencers are getting engagements and which ones are falling behind. This will help you pivot and optimize your campaign for greater results. 

You can make use of influencer software tools that come with campaign tracking features. Besides influencer-specific performance, these tools will help you discover the top-performing influencer content. Some brands even take the opportunity to amplify these types of posts for even more impressive results.

Influencer Software tool example


The growth and popularity of influencer marketing is obvious even to the most untrained eye. Every other Instagram post from an influencer is tagged with #ad and every other YouTube video is sponsored by a brand. In other words, influencer marketing is everywhere. But how effective is it, really?

According to our State of Influencer Marketing 2023 benchmark report, influencer marketing has grown into a $21.1 billion industry. So the industry itself is massive. This is only possible because brands are seeing the value of influencers for their business. In fact, 82% of respondents in the report believe that influencer marketing campaigns generate higher-quality customers compared to other types of marketing.

That’s not all – influencer marketing helps you drive better brand awareness and reach a highly relevant audience. As a result, you can enjoy benefits such as higher engagements and conversions. To better understand the value and ROI of influencer marketing, let’s take a look at some case studies with impressive results.

NVIDIA used influencer marketing to promote their GeForce RTX 30 Series laptops. Their goal was to reach STEM students and target them with a back-to-school promotion. With the help of NeoReach, the brand activated influencers whose audiences were made up of American students in STEM, engineering, tech, and data science.

These influencers created unique content using prompts like “build something awesome” and “benefits of the laptop.” They used humor and relatability to appeal to the target demographic of young students. As a result of this, NVIDIA was able to achieve the following results:

  • 3.3 million impressions
  • 5.7k link in bio clicks
  • 46.7k total engagements
  • $266,330 influencer media value

ODEON needed to grow their TikTok presence and use it as a channel to engage users with the feeling of going to the movies. They worked with The Goat Agency to deliver this sensory experience through creator-led content. The agency enlisted popular creators such as Max Balegde, who took over ODEON’s TikTok account for a hilarious interview with cinema-goers. 

Other activations involved family and parenting creators who created content around “Family Film Closet” where they dressed up as movie characters. Over the course of 12 months, several pieces of exciting and entertaining creator-generated content helped the channel to grow from 4,000 followers to 10,000 followers. Additionally, ODEON saw the following results:

  • 20 million impressions
  • 1 million engagements
  • 10.5% average engagement rate
  • 10.3% average view-through rate
  • £14.70 return on ad spend (ROAS)

With the information you have so far, you’re pretty much all set to start your own influencer marketing campaign. Before that, make sure to look out for the following common influencer marketing mistakes and prepare to avoid them.

Focusing Only on Follower Count

Followers can be bought, which has led to the prevalence of influencer fraud. If you’re only focusing on follower count when choosing influencers, don’t be surprised if you don’t see the results you expected. Moreover, even genuine influencers won’t always be a good fit for your brand based on the audience you want to engage and how you want to engage them.

To avoid this, make use of influencer fraud detection tools and fake follower checkers to analyze each influencer. You can put them through an additional vetting process where you assess them for brand fit based on factors like their content quality and their follower demographics. 

Taking Away Creative Freedom

Many brands are unable to experience the value of influencer marketing because they miss the whole point of working with influencers. This often means they’re too restrictive with how they want influencers to create content that the campaign ends up losing its authenticity. In some cases, influencers may be forced to be overly promotional and sales-y, thus losing the interest of their audience.

To avoid this, make sure to respect the essence of content creators and give them the freedom to create. This will help them create content for your brand in an authentic voice that engages their audience. You could provide them with prompts and a few basic guidelines to ensure brand alignment but leave the creating and the ideas to them.  

Choosing the Wrong Payment Model 

How you pay your influencers will play a role in your campaign’s profitability. While rates may vary depending on influencer type, you should look into a payment model that works for you and for the campaign. Product seeding campaigns may not require payments as they involve gifting products to micro and nano-influencers. For other types of campaigns that require some type of monetary payment, decide between options like flat rate payments, percentage of sales, and payments based on product level.

While flat-rate payments were very common in 2022 (49%), brands are now choosing to pay influencers based on a percentage of sales (53%). This may be because of a need for evidence that the influencer is delivering results. So you may want to consider this option.

Influencer Payment System

Measuring Results Only at the End

If you’re waiting until the end of your campaign to start measuring its impact, you could end up overspending on influencers who aren’t even delivering results. What if one of your influencers isn’t even getting engagements on their post? What if they’re not driving any link clicks? 

Make sure to prioritize ongoing campaign tracking to make sure that your influencer activations are paying off. This will help you keep track of individual influencer performance and identify low-performing creators. You can use these insights to pivot and get more out of your influencer marketing budget.

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Finally, as mentioned earlier, the influencer marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Staying on top of these changing trends can help you adapt to stay ahead of the curve. Here are some of the emerging trends and future predictions in influencer marketing.

AI Will Cause Some Disruptions  

The rise of AI is impacting almost every industry, and influencer marketing is no different. We’re starting to witness a significant shift in the landscape thanks to AI tools that assist with influencer marketing and content creation. This will continue in the coming years as the tools become more developed to address pressing needs.

In fact, our State of Influencer Marketing report found that 62% of respondents were planning to use AI for executing their campaigns. The main use case is for influencer identification, with 64% planning to use it for this purpose. Interestingly, only 5.6% were planning to use it for identifying fake influencers and engagements.

The Main Purpose of AI/ML

The Age of AI-Generated Influencers Isn’t Here…Just Yet

With the emergence of accounts like Lil Miquela and Shudu, we can expect to see a growth in the popularity of AI-generated influencers. However, they won’t completely replace real, human influencers just yet. As interesting as these influencers may be, they’re missing that vital element of authentic human connections.

According to social media consulting expert Lia Haberman , “being conventionally attractive can’t make up for lack of authenticity.” Following our earlier prediction, Lia predicts that other AI solutions such as generative AI, on the other hand, will have a significant impact on content creation. 

So AI-generated influencers are more of a novelty than a viable alternative to human influencers. That’s not to say there are some concerns (particularly among parents) about these AI-generated influencers setting unrealistic beauty standards . 

A Greater Focus on Long-Term Influencer Relationships 

Another major shift is in the types of relationships brands are cultivating with influencers. Our State of Influencer Marketing report found a significant increase in brands opting for always on campaigns (from 28% in 2022 to 40% in 2023), indicating a greater focus on long-term influencer relationships. 

This is likely because the influencer marketing landscape has become more established and is no longer just marketers testing the waters before fully committing to an always-on influencer campaign. The past years have allowed marketers to realize the value that influencers can bring, giving them the confidence to invest in more stable, long-term partnerships.

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Published: August 27, 2024

Everyone can have influence, but not everyone can be an influencer. And I say this as someone who has participated in several influencer campaigns but would never claim the label.

influencer marketing strategy in action

This title “influencer” rightfully belongs to an elite group of people who can reliably elicit interest or action in others. And if you’re a marketer, this power of influencer marketing strategies is not one you can ignore.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub , the influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately $24 Billion by the end of 2024. Yup, that’s “billion” with a B, and it’s with good reason.

Influencers are proven to foster engagement, drive traffic and clicks, and generate conversions and sales. But before your brand can reap any of these benefits, it needs a well-thought-out influencer marketing strategy. I’ve got you covered there.

Table of Contents

What is an influencer marketing strategy?

Types of influencer marketing campaigns, types of influencers, influencer strategy checklist, the influencer proposal checklist, the influencer contract checklist.

Influencer marketing is a strategy where a business partners with influential personalities to promote its brand or product and reach its target audience. These personalities usually have a large, engaged following on social media, established expertise in a particular industry, or impact on a particular market segment.

According to Aspire , 63% of marketers say influencer-generated content performs better than other brand content.

Consumers trust influencers more, finding them authentic and relatable . In fact, Sprout Social has found that 49% of all consumers make daily, weekly, or monthly purchases because of influencer posts, and 30% say they trust influencers more today than they did just six months ago.

This might be why 85% of marketers believe influencer marketing is an effective strategy, and 60% who already invest in it intend to increase their investment.

Even companies that hired smaller influencers got impressive results. Aspire found that “Nano-influencers” (people with fewer than 1,000 followers) consistently achieve the highest engagement across all platforms, at an average engagement rate of 4.39%.

So, the possibilities are vast. Speaking of possibilities, influencer marketing strategies can contain a variety of different types of campaigns.

presentation about influencer marketing

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  • Email templates for influencer outreach
  • The do's and don'ts of working with influencers
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Over the years, I’ve done a number of gifted campaigns for brands. Many also offered an affiliate or discount code like this one for Ladykind CBD .

93% of creators are willing to do campaigns like these so long as they’re fans of the brand and can stand by the product’s quality. But this may not be the best option if you’re trying to partner with someone unaware of your brand.

Thankfully, influencer marketing campaigns come in all different shapes and sizes.

Some popular types include:

  • Affiliate or Discount Codes: Influencers are given a unique discount code to share in their content to drive sales for your brand and earn them commission. This is best for driving sales.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Influencer gives away one of your products on their platform. This is especially great for growing both of your followings.
  • Sponsored Posts: Influencer posts about your product for a fee. This is great for reaching an influencer’s audience and building awareness.
  • Gifting: Influencer posts about your product in exchange for a free product. This is also great for building awareness.
  • Takeovers: Influencer posts from your brand’s social media. They can post in-feed posts, go LIVE, or do a series of posts on a specific topic. This is best for building awareness and engagement.
  • Collaboration: Working with an influencer to deliver your target audience a new product, service, or content. Collaboration is a good option for generating sales and awareness. (More on these in the next section.)

All of these are effective and beneficial in their own right. However, what you choose depends on what makes sense for your audience, budget, and the influencer you’re working with.

Influencer Marketing vs Influencer Collaboration

Before we keep going, I think it’s important to clarify one thing: Influencer marketing and influencer collaboration are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.

An influencer collaboration is actually a tactic that falls under the greater umbrella of influencer marketing. It has its own little quirks — like influencers themselves.

A collaboration occurs when a business works with an influencer to develop something new for a shared audience, such as a new product or piece of content. The collaboration incorporates elements of both brands and appeals to both audiences.

A great example from a few years back is the e.l.f. Cosmetics collaboration with Nabela Noor , #elfxonabela.

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Nabela Noor Martin (@nabela)

Noor is an influencer who became popular for her makeup tutorials and messages of self-love. Collaborating with the cosmetics brand popular with younger buyers to create a collection of beauty products and brushes inspired by her values was a natural fit.

Note: A product collaboration like this obviously requires a larger investment than other influencer marketing tactics, but it can be beneficial if you have a bigger budget or resources.

If you’re a small business or your means are more modest, content collaborations like this recipe from Chef Gordon Ramsay and Bite Originals may be more your speed.

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Gordon Ramsay (@gordongram)

Either way, collaborations are one of the most exciting and effective approaches to influencer marketing. Why? They offer something new for audiences to sit up and pay attention to.

In addition to different types of influencer campaigns, it’s important to understand the different kinds of influencers.

There are influencers with different subject matter focuses , such as food, fitness, finance, and fashion (yes, I did love that alliteration). But these don’t require an explanation.

The influencer types we’re discussing here involve audience size and reach. With that in mind, there are four main types of influencers: mega, macro, micro, and nano.

  • Mega-Influencers: 1M+ followers (i.e., Gary Vaynerchuk or Amanda Seales ). Yes, technically, celebrities can also be considered mega-influencers. But since their audiences and impact extend far beyond social media, we’re going to keep them in their own category in this article.
  • Macro-Influencers: 100,000 - 1 million followers (i.e., Neil Patel or Julissa Prado )
  • Micro-Influencers: 10,000 - 100,000 followers (i.e., Goldie Chan or Milang Garcon )
  • Nano-Influencers: Fewer than 10,000 followers (i.e., Noelle Graham or me, I suppose — Hi!)

The size of an influencer’s audience gives you a better idea of your initial reach by working with them.

Of course, hashtags and other things can always get in front of more people. But knowing how many people they already have following them (as well as their level of engagement) will help you set goals, performance expectations, and compensation.

Now that you know the basics of influencer marketing, how do you develop your strategy?

  • Identify and define your audience.
  • Define your goals.
  • Define your budget.
  • Decide on the social media platform(s) you want to use.
  • Choose your campaign type(s).
  • Identify your influencer(s).
  • Develop your plan for launch and promotion.
  • Track your success.

How to Create an Influencer Marketing Strategy

Let’s dig into eight steps to help you create and implement an influencer marketing strategy.

Graphic displaying a checklist for creating infuencer marketing strategies

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Jun 28, 2022

Influencer Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

Lyndsey Hall photo

by Lyndsey Hall

Posted on Jun 28, 2022

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Lyndsey Hall

With a background in digital marketing and social media management in a variety of industries, Lyndsey has experience in online campaign management, content creation and communications. Lyndsey is Social Media Manager at Piquant Media. 

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What is influencer marketing?

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Sphere of influence. Once it was Mary Kay cosmetics and coiffed ladies driving pink Cadillacs. Now it’s waist trainers, hair growth gummy vitamins, and green protein powder supplements. The most glamorous and charismatic among us have always influenced how others aspire to live—including the products people buy to support their lifestyle dreams. But only recently, with the advent of social media , has influencing people become an actual job.

Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media users and brands to promote brands’ products or services. These partnerships have been going on informally since the dawn of social media. By 2009, they were sufficiently commonplace for the US Federal Trade Commission to step in and regulate them through the so-called Mommy Blogger law . (China, India, and the United Kingdom have introduced similar regulations.)

Since then, the market has grown astonishingly quickly: since 2019, it has more than doubled on the strength of platforms such as Instagram and YouTube (in Western countries) and Pinduoduo and WeChat (in China). In 2023, the influencer marketing economy was valued at $21.1 billion.

McKinsey anticipated the rise of influencer marketing in 2014 with the completion of a survey  involving 20,000 European consumers. The analysis at the time noted that most of influencer marketing’s impact came from so-called power influencers. But the survey also identified an emerging—and largely untapped—market of less active influencers with smaller followings. In recent years, we’ve seen this phenomenon play out with the rise of micro- and nano influencers.

Brands tap into influencer marketing because it works for them, consumers, and influencers alike. Social media already had a significant impact on consumer purchase decisions when McKinsey carried out its 2014 survey. In 2022, an analysis of more than 2,000 influencer marketing posts found that the strategy does yield a positive ROI for brands .

Plus, there’s no shortage of would-be influencers. In a 2019 survey of several thousand millennials and Gen Zers , 54 percent said they would become influencers if they could. Although we don’t know how long the market will be this hot, social media continues to be very popular. And brands and individuals are making the most of this gold rush while business is still booming.

Beyond shiny hair and a megawatt smile, what makes someone an influencer? And how does influencer marketing work? Read on to learn more about this rapidly growing phenomenon and where it’s headed.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice .

Circular, white maze filled with white semicircles.

Looking for direct answers to other complex questions?

What is an influencer.

Influencers are people with sizable social-media followings who can influence their followers’ behavior as consumers. Although anyone can be an influencer, the internet—like the world more broadly—tends to favor the rich, the famous, and the glamorous. Check out this 2021 list of the world’s top 50 social-media influencers . Recognize any names? You probably do: most of the people on the list are huge celebrities.

However, not all social-media accounts represent humans, and the same is true for influencers. Animal influencers are a thing as well . So are AI influencers . The most famous robot influencer is the permanently 19-year-old Lil Miquela , whose account (created by a start-up in Los Angeles) has a following that’s three million strong.

What does an influencer marketing deal look like?

Such a partnership often combines these two models:

  • An influencer is paid a flat rate per post to feature a product or service. This is known as a brand deal. The flat rates can be three to five figures, even for an influencer without millions of followers or a global profile. Celebrities can charge six figures or more per post.
  • An influencer posts about a product or service, with a link to a purchase gateway. Every time a viewer buys the product by clicking through the link or using a promo code, the influencer earns an affiliate commission.

Learn more about McKinsey’s  Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice .

How much are influencers paid?

Because each influencer has a unique audience, a unique follower list, and unique engagement metrics, each influencer marketing deal is also unique. Swimsuit model and influencer Alexa Collins, who has more than two million followers, told Insider that she charges at least $1,000 for a sponsored story on her Instagram account. Tyler Chanel—a micro sustainability influencer with more than 13,000 followers—says that she charges brands at least $100 for a sponsored story. Some social-media influencers regard $100 per 10,000 followers as an acceptable formula. But there are no hard-and-fast rules. One social-media influencer talked with Insider about pulling in about $5,000 each month just through affiliate links, which traffic web users to an advertiser’s website. Brand deals can bring big paychecks for influencers, too. Another influencer, who had 275,000 followers at the time, said that she made $700,000 in six months just from brand deals .

What’s the difference between influencer marketing and celebrity endorsements?

Brands have used celebrities to sell products since long before athletes first appeared on cereal boxes. But influencer marketing and celebrity endorsements are not quite the same thing . Celebrity endorsements typically involve a company making a huge investment in someone, but it’s hard to specify the exact return on that investment. With influencer marketing, it’s easier to figure out the ROI because companies can closely monitor likes, shares, online conversations, and so forth.

What’s a micro influencer?

Influencers come in five different sizes—nano, micro, medium, macro, and mega—depending on how many followers they have :

  • Nano influencers have fewer than 10,000 followers.
  • Micro influencers have from 10,000 to 50,000.
  • Medium influencers have from 50,000 to 100,000.
  • Macro influencers have more than 500,000.
  • Mega influencers breathe rarified air: they have over one million followers.

You might assume that brands want to work only with macro influencers, but that’s not always the smartest business decision. Micro influencers might produce more relatable content than their macro counterparts, who use professional photographers, stylists, makeup artists, and all kinds of consultants to put a post together. While macro influencers may advertise a lifestyle that seems unattainable to many people, micro influencers, on the other hand, can represent accessibility to their followers.

Of course, there are obvious benefits to working with macro influencers: with their mass followings, they can help brands reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

What platforms are most popular for influencer marketing?

In a 2022 survey of more than 2,000 global brands, about 80 percent reported using Instagram for influencer marketing. TikTok is gaining steam: in the same study, conducted in 2023, 56 percent of participating brands reported using that platform for influencer marketing campaigns.

Although Instagram and TikTok are the most popular platforms for influencer marketing, brands shouldn’t ignore the potential of the alternatives. Maybe your brand already has in mind a specific influencer with an impressive number of YouTube subscribers. Like more traditional forms of marketing, influencer marketing should be tailored to a brand’s specific audience.

Also, research conducted by the influencer marketing platform Upfluence shows that certain platforms might attract specific influencers, depending on how many followers the influencer has. Micro and medium influencers tend to prefer Instagram, for example, while macro and mega influencers migrate toward TikTok.

What makes a successful influencer marketing campaign?

Authenticity is the basis of any successful influencer marketing campaign. Forming relationships with influencers who are already relevant to a brand’s message is vital. Influencers might be popular for their content on sustainability, cooking, body positivity, healthy lifestyle, and so on. Does your brand fit in well with a particular influencer and that influencer’s brand? Influencer marketing should be about more than scoring posts endorsing your products; it should be about building real relationships with creators—you want them truly behind your brand.

What’s more, partnering with a diverse group of influencers can help your brand engage with larger audiences. For example, Alessandra Sales—the vice president of growth at Ipsy—told McKinsey  that her experiences working with transgender creators helped her redefining-beauty brand connect with the transgender community.

How has the pandemic changed influencer marketing?

The evidence clearly shows  that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a new normal. Although many of us are traveling again, going out more, and maybe even venturing into the office, things probably will never be quite the same . The pandemic has changed the way we view public health, food , shopping, and much besides.

More people are shopping digitally now. No surprises there: with lingering health concerns and new, lower risk tolerance levels, it’s easier and safer to buy those new shoes from your couch. In one study, conducted in May 2020 , Visa data showed that 13 million people in Latin America made their first-ever e-commerce transaction during the pandemic, when consumers wanted contactless forms of shopping. In addition, McKinsey’s ongoing global survey shows that consumers are consistently opting for digital, reduced-contact ways of receiving services or products . Influencers have an ever-larger role to play in the new shopping normal: 34 percent of survey participants said that they have shopped on Instagram because of influencer endorsements.

How will the metaverse affect influencer marketing?

The metaverse  is a relatively new, somewhat complicated concept. We characterize it as an evolution of the internet: it is the emerging 3-D digital space that allows people to have lifelike experiences online via virtual reality and other technologies. In the metaverse, people interact with peers, content, cryptocurrency, brands, and other “worlds.” The platforms you might already know include Animal Crossing , Fortnite , Minecraft , Roblox , and The Sims .

What’s the future of marketing in the metaverse? It turns out that people are willing to pay for virtual goods: direct-to-avatar sales of such items have created a $54 billion industry . Gucci, for instance, sold a digital version of its Dionysus bag for over $4,000—significantly more than the price of the real-life one. Nike has been selling virtual sneakers called Nike Cryptokicks , and Chipotle offered vouchers for real-life burritos to the first 30,000 visitors to the company’s virtual restaurant on Roblox .

Influencers are getting more and more involved with the metaverse. The rapper Snoop Dogg, for example, has released a music video created in The Sandbox metaverse, as well as a “Snoopverse” (on the same platform), where fans can access exclusive performances and content. The potential for brand–influencer collaboration in the metaverse appears as limitless as the metaverse itself.

What are the opportunities and challenges of influencer marketing?

Many brands can benefit by partnering with influencers. But influencer marketing isn’t without risk . Large, well-known companies might use influencer marketing to establish or maintain a sense of trust among consumers by adding an element of personability. But big brands can also find it harder to appear authentic in an influencer recommendation  because it was clearly paid for. An influencer touting a smaller, lesser-known brand can seem more genuine.

Smaller brands may face their own challenges in the future. As influencer marketing overwhelms the online market, it may be harder to stand out amid the noise. Katie Freiberg, former head of growth marketing at the lingerie company ThirdLove, told McKinsey :

As the market becomes more saturated, it’s much harder for brands, especially smaller brands, to differentiate themselves. Direct-to-consumer [D2C] brands have used this as a way to really build their brands and their voices. As bigger companies come into the space and start using influencers, D2C brands are going to be forced to figure out the next new thing.

Freiberg also points out that big businesses working with many influencers can have difficulty managing such networks. Even if your brand carefully chooses a creator who upholds your brand’s values, you can’t always be sure that person will act professionally online and not harm your brand’s reputation.

As always, brands must be smart about how they conduct business on the internet or in the metaverse. But despite the risks, partnering with the right influencers in these spaces can help brands grow exponentially.

Click here to learn more about McKinsey’s Growth, Marketing & Sales Practice —and check out influencer-marketing-related job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ When will the COVID-19 pandemic end? ,” July 28, 2022, Sarun Charumilind , Matt Craven , Jessica Lamb , Adam Sabow , Shubham Singhal , and Matt Wilson
  • “ Marketing in the metaverse: An opportunity for innovation and experimentation ,” McKinsey Quarterly , May 24, 2022, Eric Hazan , Greg Kelly , Hamza Khan , Dennis Spillecke , and Lareina Yee  
  • “ How US consumers are feeling, shopping, and spending—and what it means for companies ,” May 4, 2022, Kari Alldredge , Tamara Charm , Eric Falardeau , and Kelsey Robinson
  • “ How European shoppers will buy groceries in the next normal ,” December 2, 2020, Gizem Günday, Stijn Kooij, Jessica Moulton , Marek Karabon, and Jorge Omeñaca
  • “ Reimagining marketing in the next normal ,” July 19, 2020, Arun Arora , Peter Dahlström , Eric Hazan , Hamza Khan , and Rock Khanna
  • “ Discussions in digital: Influencer marketing is ready for its close-up ,” April 15, 2020, Dianne Esber  and Jane Wong
  • “ Getting a sharper picture of social media’s influence ,” McKinsey Quarterly , July 1, 2015, Jacques Bughin

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Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

Influencer Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Online influencers can do a lot for your brand if you know how to integrate them in your marketing strategy. Online influencers can go from celebrities that are active online to people that have known how to build a following around specific topics. Use the influencer marketing PowerPoint template to set goals for your campaign, select the right influencers and discuss content ideas.

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Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Presentation for Free

Influencer campaign goals slide.

First thing on the list is setting up the goals for your influencer campaign. What do your company expect from working with online influencers? Maybe it is improving brand recognition or getting people to sign up for a trial of your services. Goals will help you understand where the marketing efforts should point to.

Brand Influencers Table

Online influencers are like new channels for your strategy, so use this slide to present all the influencers you’ve considered for the campaign in a table chart. This will make it easier for your team to compare the options and come to a final decision.

Content Ideas Slide

Identify topics and messages that resonate with your audience, this way your influencers can craft their content around your ideas. It is important you come clear with these topics from the beginning, so you make sure the content in your strategy is aligned with your brand values.

Work plan with influencers

This template comes with a work plan slide for you to schedule and organize all the activities related to your marketing campaign with influencers.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer Marketing is about brands collaborating with online influencers to market their products. These influencers must appeal to the brand’s target audience with original and authentic content.

Icons and illustrations

The Influencer Marketing PowerPoint template features little business icons and illustrations of young millennials in all its slides.


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Influencer marketing, which uses product and service endorsements by popular figures with a substantial online following, is becoming one of the most popular tools for companies looking to extend their brand awareness. Use this template to define how to incorporate influencers in your social media strategy.

Inspire your audience with Slidesgo’s latest marketing template. The pictures used are inspirational, much like those taken by social influencers, and the graphics are related to social media, such as hashtags, posts, followers, and multimedia. The template follows a minimalist style with a light gray background. Graphics and typeface are mostly in red or dark gray for contrast.

Features of this template

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  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics, maps and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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7 examples of influencer marketing campaigns

Written by by Jamia Kenan

Published on  October 10, 2023

Reading time  6 minutes

Social marketers rate influencer marketing as having a significant impact on their brand’s marketing efforts including customer loyalty (87%), awareness (89%) and reputation (87%), according to our Q3 2023 Pulse Survey of 307 social marketers in the United States.

But influencer marketing isn’t as simple as picking any creator, creating one-off content and reaping the benefits of their loyal following—our report found 81% of social marketers describe influencer marketing as an essential part of their social media strategy. And with 79% of marketers describing influencer content as necessary for their customers’ experiences, brands need to be strategic to create campaigns that resonate.

In this article, we’ll cite more data from our Q3 2023 Pulse Survey as we explore campaign types. And we’ll cover 10 examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns to inspire your own strategy.

What is an influencer marketing campaign?

Influencer marketing campaigns are partnerships that leverage the influence of creators to promote sales and build brand awareness. Our survey shows expanding brand reach to new audiences (68%), boosting engagement rates (50%) and enhancing brand authenticity and trust (47%) are considered to be the three most valuable benefits of influencer marketing.

Bonus resource : An influencer marketing campaign brief can make or break a partnership. Use our influencer marketing campaign brief template to set a solid foundation for your next campaign.

Get the template

What do different types of influencer marketing campaigns look like?

There are many variations of influencer marketing campaigns, but they all harness the creator’s loyal following, trustworthiness and authenticity. According to our Pulse Survey, we found that companies are focused on the following brand-influencer partnerships: giveaways, product collaborations and influencer-led advertisements.

Let’s explore some examples of different types of influencer marketing campaigns.

Giveaways and contests

Who doesn’t like free stuff, especially from their favorite brands? The survey shows 65% of marketers partner with influencers via giveaways. These giveaways can range from free, exclusive products to discounted services. These types of influencer marketing campaigns are used to help increase engagement and promote brands. The influencer will describe how to enter the contest whether it’s leaving a comment, sharing a post, completing a social media challenge etc. Giveaways are effective for micro- influencer marketing campaigns because they tend to have a more engaged audience.

Product collaborations

Some 62% of marketers partner with influencers through product collaborations. Product collaborations can take various different forms, but they leverage a creator’s creativity and influence by inviting them to design or produce specialized content, or a special edition of the brand’s products. These product collaborations might include event activations, unboxing videos, reviews and pre-release content to help create hype and excitement around the launch.

Affiliate influencer campaigns and sponsored posts

Over half of marketers (57%) use influencer-led advertisements to collaborate. These can vary as well, but affiliate marketing programs and sponsored posts are common examples of influencer-led advertising.

With affiliate marketing, the influencer promotes a product/service and when their followers convert, they earn a share of the profit. Basically, the creator will receive a commission for every sale they make through discount codes and/or referral links. Affiliate influencer campaigns are popular in ecommerce since it’s as simple as sharing a link or code for followers to make a purchase. An affiliate marketing influencer may also be a brand ambassador and consistently promotes a brand’s products or services.

Sponsored content are social posts that brands pay influencers to create and publish on the creator’s account. Sponsored posts are disclosed by a hashtag like #ad or #brandpartner, or a paid promotion label that appears on-screen to let followers know the creator is being paid for the content.

To explore how AI tools can optimize these campaign types, read our detailed guide on AI influencer marketing: Enhancing your campaigns with AI tools .

7 examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns

Get inspired with these seven examples of influencer marketing campaigns. These partnerships capture the magic that happens when businesses find and partner with the right influencers for their marketing campaigns:

1. Topicals

Influencer trips are staples within the beauty industry. Topicals, a skincare line, hosted a trip in Bermuda to celebrate their brand’s third birthday. Of course, content in paradise is social media gold, but it’s not the IG-worthy photos that make this campaign stand-out.

Topicals is the first beauty brand to host a fully BIPOC sponsored brand trip and feature smaller creators. The skincare brand invited a diverse group of 18 influencers including reality television star Dami Hope , esthetician Sean Garrette and lifestyle creator Ishini Weerasinghe . Several had never been to a brand trip before. The influencer trip resulted in 3 million impressions and an increase of 5,000 followers across TikTok and Instagram, according to Topicals .

A Topicals Instagram Reel for their influencer brand trip. The caption reads, "Our first-ever brand trip is in full swing. Head to our stories to tune in. #TopicalsTakesBermuda #TopicalsTurns3."

Topicals featured influencers on their brand account, but the guests also posted daily content on their Instagram Stories. Recaps were also posted on TikTok. The campaign used the tags #TopicalsTakesBermuda and #TopicalsTurns3 to mark content.

The key takeaway: Inclusive, diverse partnerships combined with a content strategy that centers authenticity can lead to significant follower growth and increased engagement.

2. Gymshark

Gymshark’s partnerships team scouts talent to post content featuring their products. If you ever scroll on TikTok or Instagram, you’ll find a number of their brand ambassadors, known as Gymshark Athletes, showing their latest haul and sharing discount codes.

For example, @SopheAllen tries on her Black Friday haul items and points her followers to use her affiliate link to get up to 60% off.

A screenshot of @SopheAllen's Gymshark haul on TikTok. In the caption, she shares information about the clothes and her discount code.

The key takeaway: Brand ambassadorships promote special offers and showcase products authentically which drives direct sales. Try-on hauls like these allow viewers to envision themselves in the clothing and gives followers the opportunity to ask the creator relevant questions about sizing, fit, material etc. It also creates a pipeline for more user-generated content that will also extend the brand’s reach.

Dunkin’ is a great example of a company stepping outside the box for brand partnerships. Their brand collaboration with e.l.f  in 2022 proved the success of two unlikely duos. This year, they’re bringing it back with their latest campaign: America Runs on Munchkins® .

The Munchkins® campaign plays on the donut brand’s American Runs on Dunkin campaign, a tagline the company has used since 2006. This collaboration stars Ben Affleck, Dunkin’s official spokesperson, and Ice Spice, a rapper known for her several viral hits like, “Munch,” which is also the name of her fans and a play on words for the campaign. The bespoke video premiered at the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards, with several viral social media posts teasing at the collaboration ahead of the ceremony:

A Post on X (formerly known as Twitter) from rapper Ice Spice showing a Dunkin' Munchkins® donut hole wearing an elaborate diamond "Princess" chain. The caption reads, "American runs on Munchkins."

The key takeaway: Collaborating with unexpected influencers that build on legacy campaigns can create buzz-worthy campaigns that resonate with broader audiences.

4. La Roche-Posay

As the US Open’s official sunscreen partner, La Roche-Posay hosted a brand activation at the national sporting event. The skincare brand invited a number of influencers like @JaeGurley to try out sunscreen products and a skin-scanning machine that evaluates sun damage:

A TikTok video from @JaeGurley at La Roche-Posay's brand activation at the US Open.

The key takeaway:  Partnering with influencers through interactive activations can effectively promote and educate consumers about your brand’s products and services. Aligning the brand with a prestigious  event maximizes exposure and engagement.

We can’t do an influencer marketing campaign in 2023 without talking about the marketing magic behind the Barbie movie. Joybird collaborated with content creator @ChrissaSparkles to promote the Barbie™ Dreamhouse™ furniture collection. Along with sponsored videos, @ChrissaSparkles created content at Joybird’s showroom.

@ChrissaSparkles is a perfect fit for Joybird collaboration with the movie because she embodies some core traits associated with Barbie: a love of pinks and pastels, humor, vibrant home decor and lots of stylish looks. She wears several hats as a performer, designer and pilates instructor. And she has a popular satirical series where she plays different Barbies, like “Only Child Barbie.”

@ChrissaSparkles' Instragram Reel where she transforms her studio into a Barbie Dreamhouse for her collaboration with Joybird.

The key takeaway: Working with content creators who authentically align with your brand can drive awareness and sales in creative ways.

6. Flock Freight

Flock Freight tapped on Steve Burns for their “Define Your Load” campaign . The freight shipping company was looking for investigative personalities to feature in their campaign and with Burns returning to the spotlight a year before, the partnership was the right fit. The nostalgic star went viral after his “Message From Steve ” video, celebrating the 25th anniversary of Blue’s Clues. The “Define Your Load” campaign won a Cannes Lion for B2B Creative in the Challenger Brand category in June 2023.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Flock Freight (@flock)

The key takeaway: Flock Freight’s campaign illustrates the importance of timing and capitalizing on influencers’ recent viral moments or relevancy to amplify a campaign’s impact. Leveraging Burns’ resurgence into the limelight added to the shock value of the campaign.

In 2022, Dove expanded its influencer community to help champion the brand’s values of inclusivity and body confidence. The personal care brand won a Shorty Award in micro-influencer strategy for its several campaigns: #PassTheCrown, #DetoxYourFeed, #ReusableIsBeautiful and Baby Dove #OneRealPressure.

These various influencer marketing campaigns combined lead to impressive success on Dove’s social channels, earning over 1 billion impressions and overdelivery on every key metric. Their engagement rate went up 20%, allowing them to exceed their 2022 goal.

The key takeaway: Microinfluencer marketing campaigns can be just as impactful as those with larger followings.

Selecting the best influencer marketing platform

Strategic collaborations with influencers that align with your brand can yield incredible results while establishing trust and authenticity in a creative way.

But to achieve those results, you need the right tools to execute effectively across platforms and with various influencers. Influencer marketing tools can help you identify which type of collaboration to pursue and help you find the best influencers for your campaign.

  • Future of Marketing

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  • Community Management
  • Influencers

Niche marketing: How brands can use influencers to reach niche pockets of the internet

  • Social Media Trends

Brand trips: To book or not to book?

  • Social Media Strategy

Influencer management strategies: building successful brand partnerships

  • Now on slide

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Influencer PowerPoint Template

How often do you find yourself in need of convincing a company to work with you? Work presentations are often a part of the job for influencers that most don’t see. The Influencer presentation template for PowerPoint & Google Slides provides an eye-catching way to show potential clients what you’ve got and can get them.

You’ll see that this influencer presentation template uses bright colors and fun design elements from the get-go. Our graphic designers have combined brightly colored shapes and tasteful illustrations to help you show your personality and business potential to brands. Of course, each influencer will have their own style. That’s why we’ve made this business presentation slides completely customizable. Choose your own colors, orientation, and text.

Apart from the design of this PPT template, the structure of this influencer social media template for PowerPoint and Google Slides is useful for all influencers. Key slides include an About Me slide, social media metrics, and collaboration opportunities slides. Instead of simple bullet points, this collection of slides uses a six-segment diagram to illustrate ROI. Throughout the presentation template are many uniquely-designed icons. Business, social media, and money icons feature fun colorful circles. You’ll find three different illustrations of influencers.

This influencer marketing PPT template can be used to prepare presentations on an influencer marketing plan, influencer strategy, digital marketing campaigns or as part of a complete marketing plan presentation design. You can also use it to make an influencer marketing proposal to present to clients.

Do you prefer Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides for your presentations? It doesn’t matter, because these influencer slides can be uploaded to either one. Whether you’re presenting to a brand on a potential new collaboration or pitching a new idea, this influencer presentation will surely help you make the impact you need. Your collaboration will bring great things to the brands you want to work with. Make sure you have the pitch presentation to show it!

Influencer Cover Slide PowerPoint

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presentation about influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Template

  • Business and Finance , PowerPoint , Technology , Templates

presentation about influencer marketing

The free  Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Template has a white background with a symbolic image of a social media influencer and makes it look beautiful. The template is suitable for presentations about social media marketing, influencers, paid influencer marketing, beauty and fashion bloggers, photographers, Instagram and YouTube influencers, etc.  This template can be used by marketing managers and executives, social media managers, marketing agencies and other professionals. Its background makes it the perfect background to present the influence process. If you want to make a beautiful presentation with a professional look, this is the right PPT background for you. There are more similar templates that you can find in our Business and Finance Category . You can also find similar backgrounds by browsing through labels such as social media , marketing , white ,  etc.

How to Use Influencer Marketing PPT Background?

Now you can pick whether to easily add an interesting background to your current presentation or get our PowerPoint template. If you’re starting to make a new presentation, our PowerPoint templates are here to help. This template is designed to be easy to use and will make your experience super smooth.

If you like this free widescreen marketing PowerPoint template you can share your thoughts by replying below this post. Do not forget to follow us on social networks where you can get links to exclusive stories and templates. Visit our Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and Pinterest profiles and stay tuned to the latest news and trends from the world of presenting.

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Running PowerPoint Template, Google Slides & Canva

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YouTube Influencer Marketing: Complete Guide for 2024

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When it comes to influencer marketing, YouTube is one of the most powerful tools available. In fact, nearly half (47%) of all internet users access YouTube at least once per month. It’s a versatile platform that’s a great place to publish short-form and long-form video marketing content, engage your audience, and generate powerful results for your brand. 

While influencer marketing on the platform may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Here’s everything you need to know about YouTube influencer marketing .

What Is YouTube Influencer Marketing?

YouTube influencer marketing is a strategy in which brands collaborate with popular YouTube users to promote their products or services. Influencers on YouTube have dedicated audiences who trust their opinions and recommendations, making an influencer a potentially powerful partner for your brand. 

In this method, you’ll leverage the influencer’s credibility and reach to enhance brand awareness and drive engagement. Since the YouTube influencer you’re working with has already built a rapport with audiences, they can more effectively deliver your brand messaging and accelerate the path to conversion. 

Benefits of YouTube Influencer Marketing

There are several benefits to YouTube influencer marketing, including:

Long-Form Content Creation

Most social platforms limit video length to somewhere between 30 and 90 seconds. And while you can pack a lot of content into a minute-and-a-half clip, it’s difficult to explore more complex concepts or fully introduce customers to your brand. YouTube gives you a chance to create longer videos, which are great for explaining how your company works, providing a behind-the-scenes look at what you do, or delivering informational materials to your audience. Savvy influencers can also organically incorporate your products into their long-form videos, making the promotion more natural and genuine. 

High Searchability and SEO Benefits

YouTube users watch over 1 billion hours of video content per day, and over 2.5 billion people log in every month. It’s the second-largest search engine in the world. In addition, YouTube videos often rank highly in Google search results. To improve discoverability, leveraging keywords effectively in video titles, descriptions, and tags can help the right people find your video and significantly boost your SEO efforts. This enhances your odds of a broader audience discovering your content. 

Strong Subscriber Loyalty

YouTube influencers have a strong, loyal subscriber base that trusts the influencer’s opinions and is likely to engage with the content. This loyalty can translate to higher engagement rates for brand promotions. 

How Does YouTube Influencer Marketing Work?

Start by identifying which users you want to team up with. Consider what you want to achieve, your target audience, and any other factors specific to your brand. Next, you must find suitable influencers and negotiate terms, including payment, product samples, and specific content requirements. 

Your partners will create content featuring your products or services. Many influencers will naturally plug sponsored items into their videos or take a break during engaging content to tell users about your products. Once your campaign goes live, you’ll want to track performance metrics like views, likes, comments, and related conversions. 

Best YouTube Features for Influencer Marketing

YouTube has plenty of features that make influencer marketing more streamlined and impactful than ever before. Some of the best features include the following: 

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are brief, engaging videos that quickly capture attention. They are perfect for bite-sized promotions and teasers, providing a quick and effective way to highlight your products while keeping the interest. 

To further capitalize on this content, partners can also share these clips on other social channels, including TikTok and Instagram. Publishing content on multiple channels can maximize your reach and help improve your campaign’s return on investment. 

Community Tab

The Community tab allows influencers to interact with their audience through polls, images, and text posts. Fostering engagement like this can create anticipation for upcoming sponsored content. 

Super Chat and Stickers

Influencers can generate additional revenue via Super Chat and Super Stickers, which users can pay for stickers during livestreams. Besides the potential for increasing revenue, they’re another brilliant way to engage your partner’s audience and expose them to your brand. 

YouTube Stories

YouTube Stories were short, temporary posts that included videos, polls, and links. This feature was removed in 2023 and replaced by the Community and Shorts features. 

End Screens and Annotations

Influencers often use end screens to direct viewers to your website or other video content. These tools are excellent for driving traffic and encouraging viewers to act after watching content. 

Types of YouTube Influencers

Before you search for specific YouTube users to collaborate with, you need to decide what type of influencer best fits your business. Influencers can be broken down into one of four broad categories based on the size of their following: 

Mega or Celebrity Influencers

A mega influencer has a huge audience: over one million followers. They can get your brand and products in front of tens of thousands of people with just one piece of content. However, they also have large publishing fees for branded content. 


A macro-influencer has between 100,000 and 1,000,000 followers. They offer plenty of reach while also being more cost-effective than a YouTube celebrity. 


Micro-influencers have more than 10,000 followers but fewer than 100,000 followers. Working with them often offers a good mix of affordability and reach. Their audiences tend to be highly engaged and niche, which means you’ll be able to connect with motivated consumers who align with your ideal audience. 


A nano-influencer has under 10,000 followers. They have extremely niche audiences and may be open to partnering with you in exchange for free products or an affiliate-style commission agreement. If you are new to the world of influencer marketing, teaming up with a nano-influencer can be a cost-effective way to test the waters. 

YouTube Influencer Marketing Best Practices

A well-designed YouTube influencer marketing strategy can connect you with thousands of new prospects, generate quality leads, and drive sales for your brand. So how do you make sure your collaboration delivers? 

Pick the Right Partners

First, you need to choose the right influencer. Ensure their audience aligns with your target market and their style matches your brand. For example, if your company has positioned itself as “fun” and “carefree,” you need an influencer who uses a similar tone in their content. 

Set Clear Goals and Objectives 

Set clear objectives for your campaign, such as raising brand awareness or increasing sales. After you know your goals, find an influencer partner (or several) to help you accomplish them.

Give Your Partner Creative Freedom 

Consider giving your new partners the freedom to create sponsored content that resonates with their audience. They have large, engaged followings for a reason — use their knowledge to your advantage while providing them with details to meet your marketing criteria. 

Track Your Campaign Results 

Carefully analyze the results of the campaign. Identify what works, collaborate with your influencer partner to improve upon what doesn’t, and adjust your strategies as needed. 

YouTube Influencer Marketing Examples

These are three of the most popular YouTube personalities who are also powerful allies for the brands they promote: 

Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect has been building its 57 million subscriber YouTube following for over a decade. This group of friends who go viral with stunts and trick shots at locations around the world. They have a highly successful merch store and regularly promote products relevant to their niche, including sportswear and athletic gear. 

Emma Chamberlain

With more than 12 million subscribers, Emma Chamberlain has been building her YouTube presence since 2016. Her channel features travel and beauty content, among other lifestyle pillars. Aside from her social media influencer job duties, she’s the founder of Chamberlain Coffee . According to a Forbes article from earlier in 2024, “As for her personal brand, refining means returning to her roots. She plans to spend more time on YouTube in the coming months.” 

Jade Beason

Jade Beason is a content creator who has created a YouTube channel all about content creation. With more than 216K subscribers, she provides influencers and content creators with the information and tools they need to successfully make money through these channels — and many of her brand partnerships focus on this topic. 

Don’t Forget — You Need Great YouTube Videos!

High-quality videos are the foundation of any great YouTube influencer marketing campaign. QuickFrame makes it easy to create high-performing content at scale with our network of makers around the globe. 

If you need a little help elevating your video production efforts, our versatile network of video makers can help with everything from conceptualization to post production . Contact us today!

YouTube Influencer Marketing: Final Thoughts

YouTube influencer marketing can be a powerful tool in your brand-building strategy. Partnering with influencers can drastically increase your reach and drive quality traffic to your website. With the right video content and partnerships, you’ll be able to successfully add YouTube influencer campaigns into your marketing mix. 

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Video Ad Creative We Can’t Stop Thinking About | September 2024

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Influencer Marketing Intern

About Ivy City Co.

Ivy City Co. was founded in 2015 by dress-obsessed mothers & friends chasing the dream to create a dress brand unlike any other --- one where everyone was invited, seen, heard, and celebrated. 

Creating unique, quality pieces with timeless coverage is our love language. Making children's sizes so we can match our littles is the icing on the cake. 

We are proud to be the first dress brand to offer over 20 sizes in a single design and are excited to continue to expand our brand in beautiful ways.

About the Role

We are on the hunt for a dress-obsessed Influencer Marketing Intern available 8-16 hours a week through December 2024! Our Influencer Marketing Intern will have the exciting opportunity to learn from and support our partnerships team with a focus on Ivy's influencer and ambassador programs. Our Influencer Marketing Intern will be unpaid and work on-site at Ivy City Co.'s headquarters in Riverton, UT.


  • Scout new influencers for collaboration
  • Monitor influencer content for potential whitelist opportunities
  • Collaborate on influencer marketing strategy
  • Research brands for partnered giveaways
  • Assist in PR gifting
  • Assist in event preparation


  • Pursing a degree in marketing or public relations
  • 6 months marketing experience
  • Strong understanding of social media platforms and trends
  • Highly effective communicator
  • Experience with Grin is a plus
  • Weekly lunches on us
  • Stocked break room
  • Team building activities
  • Employee discount
  • (1) free dress of choice on your first day

How to Apply

If you're interested in joining the team, send a copy of your resume and portfolio to [email protected]!

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Making Sense of the Math: A look at evolving influencer monetization models and climbing rates

As the influencer marketing industry has more than doubled since 2019, influencer rates are increasing too, and new ways of monetizing influence continue to make it a lucrative business. While the influencer marketing industry is not immune to inflation, we must ask ourselves what value are we getting in return for higher rates? If demand is driving influencer rates up, is the investment proportionally driving higher business impact?

Here are three ways to determine an appropriate investment in influencer marketing. Start with data. Do the math. Incentivize performance.

1. Always start with the data

Utilize audience data and historical performance insights to evaluate the potential impact of an influencer partnership, rather than starting from vanity metrics or media kits.

There is no universal model for calculating influencer rates, which means rates shared in media kits are often based on what an influencer thinks a brand will pay. We know what one brand constitutes as value may differ to another. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all to sponsored rates.

What is most valuable to you? Is it the influencer’s reach or their audience’s propensity to hear your message? Is it the influencer’s likeness or their connection to their audience?

Think about your objective and evaluate potential impact based on universal KPIs. If your objective is consideration, utilize engagement rate and view-thru-rate KPIs to evaluate which influencers will provide the most value. Is their engagement rate above or below average? Do their Reel video views surpass their follow count? If an influencer exceeds your benchmarks, they will provide more value, which warrants a higher rate than those who do not. Conversely, if an influencer’s performance metrics are below benchmark, consider that when determining what rate is appropriate.

2) Do the math.

There is no single measure of impact. To fully assess the tangible return on your influencer investment, you must look at the full funnel and consider your objectives.

That means in addition to performance metrics like reach rate, view-thru-rate and engagement rate, evaluate impact by incorporating cost-pers (cost per thousand impressions, cost per video view and cost per engagement). When you pair performance metrics like engagement rate with impact metrics like cost-per-engagement it helps contextualize the campaign performance and tell a story that maps back to the business objective. Cost-pers help stakeholders understand the impact of influence within the full marketing mix.

However, influencer cost-per metrics shouldn’t be evaluated alone or compared directly to paid advertising cost-pers. The influencer’s reach is more valuable based on their trust and credibility with followers, so create unique influencer benchmarks rather than forcing their analysis against advertising cost-pers.

Beyond measuring campaign impact, these metrics are also helpful in identifying optimizations and opportunities to adjust your influencer marketing approach to drive impact effectively and efficiently.

3) Incentivize performance.

Don’t rely on sponsored rates alone to compensate your influencer partners. Affiliate marketing is a great way for brands to track and ensure ROI, while also ensuring influencer compensation is aligned with the business impact the influencer drives, not just their deliverables. However, affiliate is not the only answer.

Just as influencer rates are not one-size-fits-all, neither are compensation models. Each campaign and influencer partnership deserves a unique value exchange.

  • Paid Amplification Pay Out: Make compensation for paid usage rights dependent on content performance and use. In lieu of paying upfront for paid usage, wait until the content is live to determine if it should be leveraged in paid or not based on organic performance and content quality. Only if the content is utilized in paid will the influencer be paid the incremental usage fee.
  • Earned Media Pay Out: Similar to above, in lieu of paying the influencer upfront for name and likeness use, negotiate an incremental dollar amount the influencer will receive based on the number of interviews completed to support earned media.
  • Product Collaboration: When working with a brand ambassador on a product collaboration, ensure the compensation model is hybrid and partially dependent on the collaboration’s success. A partial amount of the influencer’s payment can be determined based on sales or conversion.
  • KPI Affiliate Model: Don’t limit affiliate to e-commerce. Consider using an affiliate model to pay influencers based on a range of KPIs including, but not limited to, website visitors, lead generation or other measurable actions.

The influencer landscape will continue to evolve, and rates will likely continue to increase. While industry growth provides more opportunities for brands and influencers alike, it also requires brands to be more intentional with their investments. Ensure your investment generates impact with audience-first, data-driven strategy and intelligence. Always start with data. Do the math. Incentivize performance.

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    August 30th, 2024. 23 min read. Influencer marketing is a dynamic strategy where brands collaborate with individuals who have a significant online following to promote products or services. These influencers create authentic content that resonates with their audience, driving engagement and brand awareness.

  4. The Ultimate Influencer Marketing Strategy Guide

    The Essentials of Influencer Marketing: Steps to Get Started ... or an online presentation. Many influencer marketing campaigns take a hands-off approach to content creation, meaning that they leave it all up to the influencers. You can share an idea of the types of content you want to see and give them a prompt for some direction, while the ...

  5. Influencer Marketing Strategy: How to Build a Plan Creators & Customers

    YouTube influencer content gets the highest engagement, with an average engagement rate of 49.5%. 6. Identify your influencer (s). Sarah Corley, a good friend and Senior Marketing Campaign Strategist at Sprout Social, regularly collaborates with influencers to create content for the social tech company.

  6. Influencer Marketing Strategy Google Slides & PPT template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. This new presentation is perfect for marketing strategies and boosting the popularity of an influencer. Include pictures of the team, edit some graphs and share essential information. With all the simple and colorful layouts supplied, it will be super easy.

  7. Influencer Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

    The influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately $24 billion in 2024 - Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report. The average ad spend per user in the influencer advertising market is estimated to be $5.60 in 2024 - Statista.

  8. What is influencer marketing: An influencer strategy guide for 2024

    June 6, 2024. Summary. Influencer marketing has evolved significantly over the past decade. It has expanded beyond celebrities to include social media influencers who foster authentic connections and influence purchase decisions and brand reputation. Understanding the types of influencers, from mega to nano, is crucial for brands to choose the ...

  9. Influencer Marketing Strategy PPT

    Influencer Marketing Strategy is a professional and modern template that contains five stylish and fully editable slides. If necessary, you can change all the elements of the slide in accordance with your corporate requirements. This template will be useful for company executives, project managers, department heads and marketers.

  10. What is influencer marketing?

    Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular social-media users and brands to promote brands' products or services. These partnerships have been going on informally since the dawn of social media. By 2009, they were sufficiently commonplace for the US Federal Trade Commission to step in and regulate them through the so-called Mommy ...

  11. Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

    The Influencer Marketing PowerPoint template features little business icons and illustrations of young millennials in all its slides. Get your presentation custom designed by us, starting at just $10 per slide. STEP 1. UPLOAD PRESENTATION. Share your presentation and design preferences via our easy-to-use order form.

  12. Influencer Marketing Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These influencer marketing themed PowerPoint templates can enhance your presentations by providing a visually appealing and professional design that aligns with the topic. With their modern layouts and eye-catching graphics, they will captivate your audience and help you effectively convey your message about influencer marketing strategies and ...

  13. Top 13 Influencer Pitch Deck Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 6: Why Choose Influencer Marketing Template. Selecting an influencer marketing is a strategic choice that streamlines influencer campaigns. Deploy this PPT Template to persuade clients to invest in influencer marketing. It highlights reasons to choose this mode of marketing to increase customer base, grow sales, and expansion.

  14. Top 10 Influencer Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Templates

    Influencer Marketing Strategy is a dynamic and powerful approach to reaching a target audience through influential individuals who have a strong following on social media platforms. Our fully editable and customizable PowerPoint presentation on Influencer Marketing Strategy provides a comprehensive guide on leveraging the influence of popular ...

  15. Influencer Social Media Google Slides and PPT template

    A simple and minimalist marketing presentation filled with inspirational pictures. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of ...

  16. 7 examples of influencer marketing campaigns

    Social marketers rate influencer marketing as having a significant impact on their brand's marketing efforts including customer loyalty (87%), awareness (89%) and reputation (87%), according to our Q3 2023 Pulse Survey of 307 social marketers in the United States.. But influencer marketing isn't as simple as picking any creator, creating one-off content and reaping the benefits of their ...

  17. Influencer PowerPoint Template & Presentation Slides

    This influencer marketing PPT template can be used to prepare presentations on an influencer marketing plan, influencer strategy, digital marketing campaigns or as part of a complete marketing plan presentation design. You can also use it to make an influencer marketing proposal to present to clients.

  18. Influencer Social Media. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Vibrant and cheerful, this Influencer Social Media template has everything you need to share your insider knowledge with a captive audience. Kick things off with an agenda, list social media topics or ideas, add photos and captions, share statistics, include charts ...

  19. Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Template

    The free Influencer Marketing PowerPoint Template has a white background with a symbolic image of a social media influencer and makes it look beautiful. The template is suitable for presentations about social media marketing, influencers, paid influencer marketing, beauty and fashion bloggers, photographers, Instagram and YouTube influencers, etc.

  20. YouTube Influencer Marketing: Complete Guide for 2024

    When it comes to influencer marketing, YouTube is one of the most powerful tools available. In fact, nearly half (47%) of all internet users access YouTube at least once per month. It's a versatile platform that's a great place to publish short-form and long-form video marketing content, engage your audience, and generate powerful results for your brand.

  21. Master YouTube Marketing: Strategies And Tips For Instant Growth

    What Is YouTube Marketing? YouTube marketing is the process of promoting your content and brand on the popular video-sharing platform. Building a powerful YouTube marketing strategy and implementing smart marketing tips sets you apart from the competition and helps you become an influencer.Typically, businesses enforce a mix of organic and paid promotions, including uploading optimized content ...

  22. Influencer Marketing Intern

    About the Role We are on the hunt for a dress-obsessed Influencer Marketing Intern available 8-16 hours a week through December 2024! Our Influencer Marketing Intern will have the exciting opportunity to learn from and support our partnerships team with a focus on Ivy's influencer and ambassador programs. Our Influencer Marketing Intern will be ...

  23. Contrasting the Efficacy of the Type of Influencer to the Type of

    Research sheds light on social media's dark side by investigating the effectiveness of influencer marketing in endorsing stigmatized product type. A 'web-based between-subjects' experiment was conducted on 236 Egyptian female samples with an equal exposure to artificial intelligence (n = 118) and human influencers (n = 118). After ...

  24. Making Sense of the Math: A look at evolving influencer monetization

    As the influencer marketing industry has more than doubled since 2019, influencer rates are increasing too, and new ways of monetizing influence continue to make it a lucrative business. While the influencer marketing industry is not immune to inflation, we must ask ourselves what value are we getting in return for higher rates? ...

  25. Red Bull Marketing Presentation (pptx)

    Red bull`s Genius Marketing solutions Over the span of a couple of months, the team filled London's rubbish bins with empty cans of Red Bull. Not only this, but they gave out free samples to DJs and left cans lying around outside of clubs. The goal: to create the illusion of popularity. By filling the rubbish bins of London with empty Red Bull cans, people would draw the conclusion that Red ...