
Lifestyle , Travel

10 reasons why traveling is the best form of education.

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Almost every one of us agree that life’s real education happens outside the classroom. Classrooms with teachers, friends and textbooks are of course one way to learn but they are not the only.

In fact, traveling is the best way to learn things and the things that matter . Whether you stroll through the streets of Paris, hike through the most trying trails in the Himalayas or spend a sunny afternoon on the Caribbean beaches, travel will never fail you as a teacher.

Here below are ten reasons why traveling is the best form of education you can get irrespective of the places you travel and adventures you have.

1. You learn languages.

English is spoken in almost all parts of the world and it will work for you mostly. Nevertheless, it’s always better to learn the native language of the place you’re going to visit. In a way, travel forces you to learn languages.

After learning the basics through books, apps or videos, you can stretch your skills when you speak with the actual native speakers. By putting your language education into use, traveling mostly develops your listening and speaking capabilities.

Even when you have already studied a language, traveling is the best way to master that language. When you travel, you don’t just test your language skills in a real world scenario but also learn things like accent, intonation and slang in the most practical way.

2. You learn about other cultures.

Not just traveling to a foreign country but also to the different parts of your own country is the best way to discern what it’s all about. You better understand how the cultures around the world vary and where the common ground lies.

Differences exist in cuisines, etiquettes and lifestyle across different cultures. But in spite of the differences, you can find so many commonalities like shared love for art, nature and ancestors that bind all the different cultures together.

Education is not just about learning things to make our living but also contributing towards making it a better place to live in. The understanding of diverse cultures plays a vital role in your education.

3. You learn history.

You studied about the civilizations and major historical events in your history class. All that was really cool. But nothing beats traveling to historic landmarks and exploring your way around a city’s history and culture.

When you stroll through the streets and visit museums, palaces and galleries, the entire nation’s history comes out right in front of you. Learning about different dynasties, conflicts and changes is so much easier when you actually explore a nation.

Most often, what we learn about history through text books is deviated from reality. Entering into a dialogue with the locals you understand history in a more accurate way or at least it provides with you with a whole different perspective.

4. You learn about today’s world.

Travel teaches you not just about the world as it was in the past but also as it is today. It’s probably the best way to truly understand the political situation, economic scenario and social structure of the world we are living in today.

Our views about distant people and cultures are often influenced by what we are fed through the media. Traveling is a way to learn about them for real and not through the eyes of  the media, which are often biased and prejudiced.

When you begin to travel often, you fully begin to understand the underlying reasons behind why the societies of different areas are shaped in a particular way and differ from the societies in other places.

5. You learn about nature.

When you move out of your comfort zone of the concrete jungle and begin to explore the most exotic natural wonders of the world, you will begin to realize the colossal majesty of nature.

Understanding the grandeur of nature is essential to solving most of the issues of the world today such as climate change, air pollution and global warming. When we fully realize what we are going to lose with our conduct, then solving these issues will be much easier.

So better than spending all the funds in organizing seminars and conferences,. It would suit you better to send the people backpacking to the most exotic mountains, lakes, forests and plains of the world.

6. You learn to do new things.

Traveling will test you in each and every step you take. As you’re exploring your way into the unknown, traveling naturally forces you to do so many things which you wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Whether it be while learning to pet the elephants in Cambodia, mountaineering through the snowclad mountains in Nepal or dancing Samba in Brazil, you will experience plenty of new things during your travels.

Traveling is in fact a way of learning to learn. You are out of your comfort zone and so you must learn to be able to adapt to a new learning environment in a very short time. It also helps in your overall learning as well.

7. You learn social skills.

You may be little shy and find it difficult to engage yourself socially. But traveling will change that as things like talking to complete strangers or asking them for favor is not an option but a necessity during travels.

If you are thinking of some personal development courses, you don’t need to do so. Travel your way to a wonderful place somewhere and if possible, on your own. You’ll grow much better than through such courses.

Lack of skills in conversation, presentation and public speaking often limit opportunities for us. Most of us find it difficult to master them how hard we try. If you’re facing difficulty with them, traveling will make your situation much easier.

8. You learn to be independent.

If you have spent your life being reactive, reacting to the circumstances placed upon you and you want to change that and haven’t been able to do so, traveling will teach you to be proactive and control your own fate by yourself.

Traveling forces one to be independent . This is even more the case when you travel on your own. There’s no choice but to make decisions and take initiatives completely by yourself as you don’t have anyone to tell you what to do nor anyone you can outsource the task too.

Independence is a fundamental goal of education. The focus of what we refer to as traditional education may be on financial independence but traveling will also teach you to be independent intellectually and emotionally.

9. You learn compassion for the lives of others.

When you travel extensively, you begin to realize that in spite of all the differences, we all are same somewhere deep down in our hearts. All your prejudices based on race, color and nationality will subside.

You can’t truly hate anyone when you know what they have been through and why they behaved in a certain way in the first place. And when you travel, you have a better understanding of people and their actions.

You’ll be touched when you find so many wonderful people all over the world that you begin to feel the whole world is your home. There is a fair share of bad people and good people out there.

10. You learn about yourself.

Probably the most important aspect of education that travel helps is your education about yourself. Travel is your best teacher not only on history, language and politics but also on yourself.

You realize your true potential , the things that you really enjoy and the person who you really are. Without travel, you have a very limited understanding of your true self and you may even be completely unaware of your real persona.

If you haven’t really decided what you are going to do with your life or what you want to be in future,  traveling extensively and preferably to places you have never heard of before, is the best way to help you make a decision.

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10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it would be dull)

10 reasons why travel is the best education (and why life without it would be dull)

Leaving your own four corners and setting out into the world is the best decision you’ll ever make. Here’s why.

Here are the 10 most important reasons for why travel is the best education:

1. Traveling is discovering

Humans; we’re a diverse bunch, happily inhabiting practically every corner of the globe. We’ve all grown up differently and developed individual cultures and traditions, on national and local scales. Moving around the world and travelling to different places means discovering new and beautiful cultures, learning about ancient belief systems and hearing fascinating stories about life in different environments from the people who actually live there.

2. Traveling is exploring

Hike to the very top of mountains to soak in staggering views; wander slowly through winding cobbled streets in search of the best hidden coffee shops; discover ornate architecture and ancient churches. Every single place you travel to will be unique and just waiting to be explored – meaning there’s always a whole host of different memories just waiting to be made.

3. Traveling is feeling

At some point on your travels you’re likely to feel excited, anxious, exhilarated, homesick and delighted. Through the ups and the downs, travelling can be a serious emotional roller coaster – in the best way possible. But, once you’ve experienced traveling and felt that sense of wonder when you step out to explore a new city or place for the first time, your heart and soul will ache for more.

4. Traveling is independence

Travelling is real world experience. This is learning to fly the nest and look after yourself, realising that you can solve problems and survive on your own, and learning to believe that you’re ready for anything life might throw at you. You’re strong, and you’ve got this!

5. Traveling is connecting

Building connections between fellow travellers, study abroad classmates and host families whilst you travel not only enriches your experience, it grows your network. Make the effort to connect with the people around you as you never know what opportunities it might lead to. (Plus, forming ten good friendships across the globe gives you ten more reasons to travel in the future!)

6. Traveling is understanding

When you’ve tucked into tapas with locals in Barcelona, helped protect the turtles that nest on the beaches of Costa Rica or spent a month living in fast-paced New York, you become part of a special club of people who can see the world differently. You’ve experienced things outside of your home environment and you’ve seen that every country and community is unique. You understand that it’s the differences between our lives that make us interesting, but it’s the laughter, the stories and the values that we share that remind us that we’re all still a little bit the same. You get it.

7. Traveling is studying

Study abroad courses are a fantastic way to combine your travels with educational growth, especially if you’re learning a new language. Experts agree that one of the fastest ways to become fluent in a foreign tongue is to move abroad; you learn quickest whilst living immersed in the language.

8. Traveling is communication

You’re used to chatting in your native language, of course, but traveling abroad means learning to really communicate. You’ll learn a new language much faster than in your hometown if you’re speaking to locals every day and you’ll soon pick up ways of communicating using hand gestures, facial expressions, and local colloquialisms too, not just your curriculum vocabulary.

9. Traveling is challenging

It can be intimidating if you’ve not traveled often before or if you’re jetting off to a part of the world which you’ve never been to, but that makes it more rewarding. Set yourself a goal, perhaps of dancing the tango in Buenos Aires or walking underneath the cherry tree blossom in Tokyo, and do your research to figure out how to make that a reality. It’s like a big problem-solving exercise, except abroad and exciting.

10. Traveling is learning

Far from just an opportunity to make academic study an exciting experience, traveling is a fantastic way to learn more about yourself, and living abroad has been proven to create a stronger, healthier sense of self . Often travel experiences allow you to find answers to the age-old questions, ‘Who are you?’ and ‘What do you want to do with your life?’ and help you shape your perfect future.

Study abroad and discover the world

travel is the best teacher essay

When travel is your best teacher

March 31, 2019 Bhoomi Magazine Education , Travel 0

travel is the best teacher essay

I have always believed that “travel is our best teacher”. When one steps outside the four walls of a classroom, one gets to meet new people, see new places, learn new traditions and gain different experiences. When we travel, we connect to beings and things that we would otherwise have been deprived an experience with. Travelling forces us to confront our stereotypes, challenge our narrow-mindedness and superstitions and widen our perspective of the world and people around us.

As I pursued my academics, I found that experiences could not be gained by merely sitting within the four walls of the classroom. That’s when I decided to go on a journey of self-designed learning. On the course of this journey, I found that travel is the tool I was looking for my own learning.

My first experiment was a journey from Udaipur to Chittorgarh that I covered by bicycle. I began this voyage without any money  and when it came to an end 28 days later, I was still rupeeless. It took me to various parts of Rajasthan, inside people’s homes and their lives. In a way, I was travelling for the clichéd reason of “finding myself”. This finding happened differently than I had imagined. Despite the difficulties, the contradictions, having no resources, no place to rest, feeling extreme uncertainty and aggravation there was compelling beauty, amazing diversity, inspiring resourcefulness and spirit of abundance that made me feel so alive and made the urban world pale in comparison.

So while I gained a greater appreciation of the privileges that I possess, I have I also found myself wondering if the modern way of life is really the key to happiness?

By the end of the “Cycle Yatra”, I realized that we have been made it believed that learning can only take place through instructions and schooling. From the perspective of the system, schooling is just a tool for social conditioning to attain compliance with a materialistic and authoritarian society. Compliance and allegiance to large social systems is deemed essential for a successful, economically viable society even if it is at the expense of the wellbeing of the individual.

I felt that in order to bring about a change, it is necessary to break this arrangement of the modern society. What this entails is to question the ongoing trends and search for the answers. This dilemma gave rise to uncomfortable questions.

How can we change the present system? Can the institutions of the present system collapse anytime owing to their shortcomings? Or are they so powerful that they can rebuild themselves and become stronger than ever? Can efforts undertaken at the bottom lead to a change at the top? Is there a way to bring local efforts from across the world together in order to challenge the system? How can education and youth be brought together for this kind of a movement? Perhaps, the biggest question in front of me was ‘what will be MY role in this?’ How can I contribute?

I still had to find answers to all these questions but now I had a direction. Now, I had to find ways to challenge the system. Most importantly, I had to find a way to break free from this system myself.

All this seeking led me to my next experiment with travel and learning. The experiment was a 25,280 km long gap year journey across the country to reclaim my own education, “ 52 Parindey ”. Usually, a gap year is when a student, after finishing school and before starting with college, takes an year off to find out what he or she wants to pursue in life.

The journey of 52 Parindey was not an easy one. People often ask me, “What is the most important lesson that you learnt during your journey?” I tell them,  52 Parindey  made me realise that all of us are conditioned in a particular way right from our childhood. A religion was given to me (without my consent) right from the day I was born. I had no right to choose my religion. It was simply handed down to me by my family. Same with my ideas on gender, sexuality, life and identity at a very tender age. These notions weren’t based on my experiences. They were drilled into my mind by others. There was a whole system; media, religion, school, community around me that filled my mind with what they assumed to be their truths. They created an entire worldview for me which was not mine. Before I could grow up and learn to see things through my own eyes, my mind had been whitewashed. It was difficult for me to come out of this imposed and restrictive worldview.

Travelling across the country and meeting eco-pioneers transformed me and propelled me to take my experiments with travel to a higher level. This has manifested with the creation of the“Travellers’ University”. The idea of a Travellers’ University is to put travel at the centre of learning and use experiential learning pedagogy to awaken learners and empower them to take responsibility for their own learning, to rethink and reclaim one’s education.

It is a platform for youth to explore their inner selves and empower them to carve their future with more clarity and understanding of society. By designing and implementing multiple learning journeys and workshops, we provide a learner with an opportunity to explore different thematic areas such as the idea of Swaraj (Self-rule), alternate education practices, sustainable travel etc. By designing longer engagement like transition programs, we facilitate deeper engagement of a learner with their surroundings i.e. exploration of how media impacts one’s daily life, how their consumption patterns are formed, how can they define their role in shaping the future. We also help individuals design their unique individual exploration around the topic of their choice such as food and culture, education etc. In a nutshell, Travellers’ University is a learning community for the people and by people to support individuals who are interested in travelling and learning to deepen their understanding of a larger worldview and are looking for alternative choices for their education. We imagine this platform to serve as a tool of new knowledge creation and preservation of traditional wisdom and as a community that is conscious of their choices and impact they create on the world around.

Travel transformed me and empowered me to take charge of my own learning and development. I believe in its transformative power and in an individual’s ability to become the best version of themselves. So I invite everyone to go out and learn from the universe freely available for all of us, anytime and everywhere.

  • Rahul Karanpuriya

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10 Reasons Teachers Should Travel the World

By geeo staff.

World travel as professional development for teachers is a new concept to some. Did you know that traveling as an educator can have a lasting positive impact on classrooms, schools, and communities around the world? Read on for GEEO’s top reasons that teachers should travel!

1. Connect with other inspired & inspiring teachers from around the world.

Over half of teachers that travel with GEEO are solo travelers when our programs begin, and everyone returns home with lifelong connections to other passionate educators. Many of our solo travelers even end up returning to GEEO programs with teachers they’ve met on previous programs!

travel is the best teacher essay

2. You deepen your well of inspiration before & after your trip.

Many of the teachers that have traveled with us say that their GEEO program keeps them fueled up & inspired throughout the school year. Teaching can be one of the most rewarding but also one of the most demanding professions, so creating time for self-care throughout the school year and during your breaks is essential. Making time for the things you love (like traveling!) is a big part of self-care. Your GEEO trip will be what you look forward to & reminisce about during those tougher school days.

3. Spark wonder in your students & your entire school.

Many students may not have the opportunity to travel and may not even be aware of the existence of the places you will see. By traveling, you become a window to the infinite wonder of the world for your colleagues and students, opening doors to people, places, and possibilities they never knew existed.

4. Be a role model for your students.

Every day on TV, online, and even at home, students witness bad examples of what it means to be a responsible, caring citizen. With xenophobia and closed-mindedness running rampant in countries all around the world, students need to be around adults who aren’t afraid of differences but celebrate them. As a teacher, you are charged with educating the next generation and shaping the future. Your travels and openness to new adventures will help your students grow into the open minded, innovative, kind, and curious adults that our world needs.

5. Bring a depth of knowledge to your students that you can’t find in a textbook.

Imagine seeing the Terracotta Warriors firsthand and then getting to teach your history class about the Chinese farmer that discovered them when he was digging a well. Or imagine using the architectural design of Machu Picchu as inspiration for a math unit, cooking an authentic Ethiopian recipe in FACS, using housewares from a market in Oman to explain the chemistry of silver. World language teachers already know that having one-on-one conversations in the native language of the place you’re visiting give you a deeper insight to the local culture & customs. Having first hand experience in another country helps teachers deliver the wonders of the world directly to students in a way no textbook ever could.

travel is the best teacher essay

6. Take advantage of those long breaks from work.

Your friend Tina in corporate accounting may get paid double your salary, but does she have several months of vacation a year? No, Tina does not. Your winter break , spring break , and summer break are a chance for you to recharge, fill your mind with new knowledge, and jump back into the classroom with another passport stamp and lifelong memories to boot. Every GEEO trip is subsidized for educators so that traveling the world is more affordable. CPA Tina can keep her 10 days of vacation a year, thanks.

7. Teachers are lifelong learners.

It’s no secret: teachers are the best learners! Travel satisfies your craving for new knowledge. It enlightens you to new avenues of research and intricacies in your subject area that you wouldn’t have encountered without leaving home.

8. You make the world a better place!

As part of their 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations has named global citizenship education (GCED) as one of the components to “a more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, and safe world.” One of the 17 SDGs is Quality Education, and GCED is one of the key factors in realizing quality education for all children around the world. By traveling and teaching your students how to be good global citizens, you are truly contributing to a better future for our society & planet. If you’re interested in learning more, check out GEEO’s educator resources as well as UNESCO’s publication on Global Citizenship Education Topics & Learning Objectives .

9. You become part of a global movement.

Each teacher that travels with GEEO impacts about 100 students a year–that’s 100 future leaders who are gaining intercultural competence, global citizenship education, and fresh perspectives that they may not have otherwise encountered without their travel-loving teacher. Since GEEO began in 2007, we’ve served nearly 3,000 teachers, who have in turn shared global perspectives with hundreds of thousands of students. With our free educator resources , we make it even easier for you to teach your students about new cultures and the basics of being a global citizen.

10. Because it’s fun!

Seriously, really fun.

travel is the best teacher essay

As you can see, on top of the personal satisfaction and adventure that travel brings, your experiences in new countries & cultures bring new life to your classroom, school, and community. Every GEEO teacher travel program is discounted 5% to 15% off what you’d pay elsewhere, we offer free educator resources to our travelers, and you can earn PD and graduate credit while traveling. Ready to book your teacher travel program with us? Check out the programs we’re offering this year , or feel free to contact us with any questions. Happy teaching & safe travels!

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Why Travel is the Best Teacher

Why Travel is the Best Teacher

Right now we are all craving a trip abroad. Holidays are the ideal way to unwind and escape from the monotony of everyday life. However, travelling also provides invaluable opportunities for growth and development. Here are our reasons as to why Travel is one of the best teachers in life. 

You acquire more social skills 

If you’ve ever been to a hostel or a group trip whilst travelling, you’ll know how varied everyone you meet is. People from multiple backgrounds congregate in tourist spots and holidays allow you to get to know them. You can develop skills such as small talk and progressing past cultural barriers. A study found that individuals become more open and agreeable people when travelling. 

travel is the best teacher essay

You learn about history 

During our school years, history is merely something covered in an old textbook. However, travelling provides the opportunity to see the past living in our modern age. A trip abroad allows you to go back in time through visiting monuments such as The Parthenon or Bradenburg Gate. 

travel is the best teacher essay

You develop your independence  

Everyone will remember the first time they went to a foreign place without their parents. Planning how to get from A to B may seem stressful but it enables you to harness your own initiative. There is no coming-of-age experience better than navigating problems in a foreign place. Once you overcome these problems, it helps you achieve a better mindset to overcome other problems that occur throughout life. 

travel is the best teacher essay

You understand the importance of money 

There is no better test for your financial skills than having to fully fund and plan a holiday. From which flights to choose to which restaurant to eat at, a trip away helps you gain budgeting skills that will definitely benefit you in other aspects of life. Just make sure you practise your haggling skills to make the most out of foreign markets!

travel is the best teacher essay

You test your boundaries 

Travelling provides an abundance of chances for you to push your limits and try new things. This could be through tasting the flavourful local cuisine or engaging in thrill-seeking activities like sky-diving. Any way you choose to do it, a trip to an unfamiliar place helps you realise how much you’re capable of. 

travel is the best teacher essay

You expand your linguistic capability

As our world becomes more inter-connected than ever, it is essential to learn about other cultures and practise etiquette by picking up the local lingo. Around 6500 languages are spoken across the globe and travelling is a perfect way to pick up phrases and words from other areas.

You gain an understanding of multiple cultures 

Each culture possesses its own fascinating norms and practices. For instance, you should accept objects with two hands when in South Korea and you shouldn’t ask for salt when dining in Egypt. When you are travelling, you can acquire knowledge about the plethora of intriguing cultures that exist on Earth.

You master how to prioritise

We’ve all been there when you’re packing and can’t fit all the items into our suitcase (no matter how many times you try to squash them in). Another classic travelling experience is when you have to fit each member of a group’s pressing needs. You can learn how to make quick decisions and prioritise through unique experiences like this when travelling.

travel is the best teacher essay

You achieve peace of mind  

When work and studying feels like a neverending chain of emails and computer screens, we all end up craving a break. Travelling is more crucial than ever as a means to shut off and focus on the fundamental aspects of life. Marvelling at natural beauties such as the Iguazu Falls or Ha Long Bay help you gain perspective on what matters in life.

You become more aware of economic disparity 

According to the most recent figures, 736 million people live in extreme poverty (defined as less than $1.90 or less per day). Although travelling is immensely enjoyable, it is also an important way to raise your awareness of inequality around the world. At Storyteller, we feel passionate about giving back through travelling. 

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You can learn more about how we give back and do good here .

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Travel Australia’s East Coast in 14 days

Europe has some incredible attractions but the magic can easily get lost when there are long queues and huge crowds.

This is why we have created an alternative list ofâ  a beautiful locations in europe which will still give you a thrill of exploration, and avoid the huge crowds. not only will you see places that you may not have visited otherwise, but also you will be giving a boost to secondary economies- bonus, for history avoid berlin and visit leipzig, germany.

Leipzig offers world-class sights without the queues.  B eing home to one of the world’s oldest universities, the understated city is steeped in a rich history of music and philosophy. Berlin might have Museum Island,  but Leipzig has a respected museum and gallery culture of its own, such as the Bach Museum, the German Photography Museum and Museum in der Runden Ecke. One of our favourite places is Nikolaikirche, a beautiful church inside and out. 

It also hails its own street art, predominantly splashed on the walls of the Connewitz district. You can even find a Banksy. Although Berlin’s nightlife is renowned around the world, you can easily access some great techno places or live music venues throughout the city.

When it comes to food, you will get much more of an authentic German cuisine in Leipzig, with a huge range of local run restaurants and cafes to choose from!

travel is the best teacher essay

For authentic spanish tapas and beautiful gardens, try Seville over Barcelona, Spain

It is hard to deny Barcelona has an offering that cannot be matched by many, but due to this, it can feel very cramped and unsinpired when you are waiting in the long queues at places such as La Sagrada Familia. Instead, why not take the alternative option of the slower paced, beautiful city of Seville. This Spanish city boasts Roman ruins, detiailed Moorish towers and an incredible energy. The one to watch for us are the grounds of Unesco site Alcazar of Seville, which is recognised by many as the backgrop for sun-kissed Dorne in  Game of Thrones . Make sure you spend some relaxation time at the the beautiful Parque de Maria Luisa, with its colourful tiled fountains and shady avenues.

When it comes to dinner, you will find authentic Spanish dishes in the centre of Seville as well as Triana, which is known for its amazing tapas and flamenco dancing!

travel is the best teacher essay

Looking for medieval architecture go for Ghent rather than Bruges, Belgium

Bruges is a compact and city full of charm, but less than an hour’s drive away, you will be in the equally charming city of Ghent. Discover Ghent’s display of medieval bridges and spires, starting with St Michael’s Church and ending at the magnificent St Bavo’s Cathedral. Nearby, get your fill of quiet cobbled streets of Patershol and Prinsenhof.  For Boat trips we know Bruges’ canals are great, but you can find an alternative in Ghent where you can get up close to the city’s centrepiece: the Gravensteen Castle.

For nightlife, Ghent eclipses Bruges with plenty of bars  to choose from on the riverside who serve over 500 different beers.

travel is the best teacher essay

For romantic backdrops and artistic treasures visit Padua over Venice

Let’s be real, Venice is crowded with tourists. Instead of spending your summer in Venice, turn your attention to Padua.

Padua has its own laid back Italian glamour through beautiful gardens and picturesque viewpoints. From Giotto’s stunning blue masterpiece inside the Cappella degli Scrovegni to the array of Unesco-protected botanical gardens, including Prato Della Valle, Europe’s largest square- Padua is a hidden gem in Italy.

If you are looking for romantic date spots like Venice, there are so many authentic restaurants in this beautiful city.

travel is the best teacher essay

At Storyteller we love festivals and events! They give us a new experience and help us visit a culture. Check out our awesome top 10 positive and happy-mood festivals and events around the world!

1. Coachella

Starting off with one of the biggest music festivals in the world. With the biggest names in music, Coachella is a great place for incredible music and a great atmosphere. In recent years, the likes of Frank Ocean, Kanye West and Ariana Grande have headlined which shows the level of artists who are here each year! Alongside the music, Coachella offers vintage markets, art studios and the tastiest food vendors. Pack your bags its coming soon!

Where: California, USA When: 9 October and 19 October 2020 (new dates for this year)

2. Rio Carnival

Giant parades, colourful costumes and incredible best vibes – this must mean only one thing, Rio Carnival!  Rio Carnival is one the world’s biggest festivals, with nearly 2 million people from all over the globe hitting the streets of Rio during the celebrations. Given it’s the largest celebration, it’s no surprise the party never stops. You guys have just missed this year, but get ready for 2021!

travel is the best teacher essay

Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil When: 21 February – 26 February 2021

3. Holi Colour

The most colourful festival you ever will see, Holi is one of the most celebrated festivals in India. Huge amounts of colour shower across India for the Holi Festival in celebration of positivity and the victory of good over bad. Communities around the whole of India unite to show the love and respect they have for one another, all showcased through the magic of these powdery colours. Our tip: Bring a change of clothes and be ready to rock some pink and yellow in your hair for a short while as it takes a while to wash out!

Where: All over India When: 9 March – 10 March 2021

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4. St Patrick’s Day

A global day of celebrating true Irish culture, where do we sign up? Not only Ireland, but also most places in the world with an Irish community is sprinkled with green on a day which has guaranteed fun with street parties and fancy dress leprechauns aplenty. It usually also includes large quantities of Guinness! Get in on the act for sure!

Where:   Celebrated globally, but Dublin is a must When: 18th March 202 1

travel is the best teacher essay

5. BaliSpirit Festival

BaliSpirit Festival is the ultimate positive vibes festival in the world. Set in the breathtaking rice fields, the BaliSpirit festival is guaranteed to help you re-energise and includes a whole host of experiences.  The experiences include traditional Bhakti music concerts, breathing class and of course, plenty of yoga!

Where? Ubud, Bal i When? March 29th – April 5th 2021

6. Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival is all about the new faces and names in comedy and theatre. The streets are full of performers showing off their incredible talents – from comedy acts to tap dancing and plays. And if it couldn’t get any better, it runs for a whole month in August each year!

Where: Edinburgh, Scotland When: 7 August – 31 August 2020 (may be postponed in 2020). 

7. Glastonbury Festival

There will be tents, mud and a long line to access the bathrooms, but despite this, Glastonbury is the ultimate music festival experience. Based in the beautiful English countryside, you will hear the most talented musicians along with the hottest comedy acts. A wild 72 hours of everything, but an experience like no other! It has been cancelled for 2020, but will come back stronger for sure in 2021!

Where: Glastonbury, England When: 24 June – 28 June 2021

travel is the best teacher essay

8. Mardi Gras

Vibrant and colourful, Mardi Gras in New Orleans is one you just have to experience.  Mardi Gras means ‘Fat Tuesday’. Parade celebrations and masquerade balls go on over two weeks and always finish on the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of lent. The celebration is in aid of eating the remaining rich foods before the Lent season of fasting begins.

Where: New Orleans, USA When: 25 February 2021

9. La Tomatina

Easily our favourite event of the year. La Tomatina dates back to 1945 and is dedicated to tomatoes! Each year 50,000 people hit the streets of Buñol and throw tomatoes at each other for the ultimate festival. Good vibes, great times and a street coloured red. P.S watch out for the huge trucks that follow the festival unleashing huge amounts of water to clean up the mess!

Where:  Buñol, Spain When: 26th August 2020/2021

travel is the best teacher essay

It’s not often the case that the things we buy to treat ourselves pave the way for doing good works. Here at Storyteller, we think that philanthropy should be as important as profit. Education is our focus and as such, 10% of each purchase you make goes directly to support those less fortunate than ourselves and ensure that they get access to a quality education.

The man behind Storyteller is Bhavesh Patel. While travelling in Peru and India in 2017, he couldn’t help noticing that many of the children he met were denied access to the calibre of education we take for granted, through poverty and a lack of provision. While many kids in the UK would be excited by the prospect of skipping school, the reality would soon hit home that many opportunities would be off the table without the valuable qualifications school brings. Keen to help those less fortunate, lawyer Bhav set up Storyteller in May 2018.

travel is the best teacher essay

“I will never forget the experiences I had in those local communities. It made me understand how big the problem really was and how the deprivation of education was not only a long-term consequence for the individuals affected, but also for the next generation who become part of a repeat cycle of inequality and poverty.”

It was clear to Bhav that something needed to be done and he would try to be a force for change. The ability to travel and see the world is a huge privilege. As we broaden our horizons, we grow as individuals but we also begin to understand how it’s up to us to do our bit to eradicate global problems. Governments and big corporations play a vital role, of course, but that shouldn’t be the whole story. There’s a place for smaller companies and charitable organisations to help. Storyteller’s part of a new wave of start-ups who are proving that having a balance between profit and philanthropy can generate a positive outcome for all involved. Bhav explains:

“Although banks and investors only look at profit margins, I wanted to create a company that was not just about making money, but for a higher cause bringing individuals from around the world together to create a positive impact.”

travel is the best teacher essay

The statistics are frightening: over 750 million people in our 21 st century world do not have the ability to read. Two thirds of those are women – and as women are often the primary care givers who raise a family’s children, that has a detrimental effect on the younger generation as well. Sustainable projects and funding initiatives are crucial if this situation is to change. Bhav continues:

“My vision is not just for Storyteller to do good as a brand, but to bring together passionate travellers from around the world in unity, with a mission to make a change in the world. I hope many more people will support us and join us on this incredible journey we’ve already started, and together we can make a big difference for our future generations.”

To achieve such goals, Storyteller works with like-minded individuals and organisations, such as the charities it works with: Room to Read, UNICEF NextGen and The Barefoot College. This month, the Storyteller team will be working alongside Room to Read to promote literacy-focused programmes using books written in local languages by local authors. It follows educational projects in Liberia, Tanzania, and India that Storyteller has supported over the last few months.

travel is the best teacher essay

This spring, members of the Storyteller team will fly out to India. There, they’ll visit Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi. Planned projects include renovating education spaces to create mini-libraries and more. They’ll also be teaching at the School under the Bridge (it’s exactly that, a school under a bridge, can you believe that?) They’ll lead life skills classes for youngsters and business skills workshops for those in a position to set up micro-enterprises. Working alongside the local community, they’ll help to implement strategies designed to have a long-term impact.

travel is the best teacher essay

As travellers, we can do our bit and support the work of Bhav and his team. We can help spread the word via purchases of FlagMate, give up some of our free time for fundraising or make a donation to the Storyteller fund. Whatever you choose to do, do so with the confidence that such actions have a very real consequence for communities less fortunate than ourselves.

One of the biggest challenges of traveling solo is actually making the decision to go- to book your flight and pack your bag. The reality of solo travel is very different to what most people think, and can be completely different than even you thought!

As we did, many people will find solo travel to be empowering, rewarding and a life-changing experience. For whatever reason you’re choosing to take a solo trip, we can promise it will be a game-changer!

1. Have Confidence

You’re on your own for the first time, daunting as it is exciting. Look approachable to the right people, but not an easy target for the wrong people. Open posture, confident and huge smile! Let’s do this!

travel is the best teacher essay

2. Blend in!

Standing out too much as a foreigner can attract distasteful looks or even scams. Blend in as a local and you’ll be able to observe so much more of your host country. Here is a tip, dress local, talk at an appropriate level, listen to those around you.

travel is the best teacher essay

3. Have a Backup Plan!

My biggest tip is to make sure you keep the address to your hotel somewhere on your person, in case you get lost,  need directions or need a taxi to bring you back.

Carry your passport in a well-concealed place when you’re traveling between destinations. I always keep an extra $50-100 somewhere safe in my luggage or on me when I’m exploring for the day. Your shoe or bra are great hiding places!

4. Check before you leave!

Check maps and transport schedules before you leave your hotel or tourist office just to be sure you’re heading in the right direction. If you know where you’re going generally, you’ll be much more focused on your surroundings than on a piece of paper, and enjoy more of the scenery!

travel is the best teacher essay

5. Let people know

Leaving your itinerary or outline of destinations with someone back home, as well as a photocopy of your passport is essential.

6. Book in advance

Book your accommodation and airport transportation in advance and see if a shuttle service is available from the airport.

Keep the hotel’s number and address with you, in case you need to call them when you land or let the driver know where to go.

7. Dont overpack- take only what you need

Before you go, lay out everything you think you need, then take half! When you’re traveling or our for the day, keep your expensive gadgets well-concealed and in pockets or bags that are not easily accessible to pickpockets.

Make sure your valuables are never together in one bag, and always keep your cash and cards in different places on your body, as well as your passport.

travel is the best teacher essay

8. Talk to people, anybody and everybody! Dont be shy

travel is the best teacher essay

Don’t stay cooped up in your hotel, online or on Skype. Get out there! You’re here to see the world—go wander the streets, walk down alleyways, check out a market, hike to a park, hop on trolleys and trains, get a bit lost.

It can be a bit scary to travel on your own, and even lonely at sometimes, but the best way to get past the initial loneliness is to put yourself out there. Whether it is in the hostel common room, on a walking tour, or at a local restaurant, it never hurts to strike up a conversation.

10. Relax and enjoy each moment

travel is the best teacher essay

Visiting Australia has been at the top of my travel list for as long as I can remember. So one day I decided ‘why not’, I booked myself a ticket and nine days later I was departing for Sydney.

The East Coast of Australia is beautiful for a number of reasons and there’s a lot to see, but with so much content on the internet, where do we start? To help, I’ve shared my itinerary and tips below.

27 – 30
31 – 37
28 – 32
28 – 32
20 – 30

I travelled in February, which is still summer, but the weather can vary between cities. I’ve added the averages for the month .

travel is the best teacher essay


  • Comfy backpack/daypack
  • Comfy footwear, you’ll do a lot of walking
  • 30+ sun cream & sunglasses – Australia is close to the ozone hole over the Antarctic so it has very high sun exposure. Make sure you protect your skin and eyes.
  • Bottle of water
  • Bondi to Coogee coastal walk – approx. 6k

Tip – wear comfy shoes, I made the mistake of doing it in converse – ouch!!

  • Explore Sydney Harbour – the Opera house, Harbour Bridge and the Rocks. You’ll be surprised what you can come across by wandering around.

Jetlag kicks in – time for bed.

  • The Blue Mountains – the area is huge but an organised excursion will show you all that’s worth seeing

  Full-day excursion, including boat ride back into Sydney harbour-  * Booked with sightseeing tours

travel is the best teacher essay

  • Visit Sydney’s fish market – get there early .
  • Afternoon at one of Sydney’s beautiful beaches. I went to ‘Shark Beach’ (don’t panic, there’s a net in the water) .
  • An evening visit to Darling Harbour – great scene, food and nightlife .
  • Family BBQ. I used this day to spend with my sister and cousins who live in Sydney.

Evening Flight to Cairns

  • Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef. Get up close to the jellies and stingrays. If you prefer you can snorkel instead which is just as good, without the added cost.

Full-day excursion, d on’t forget travel sickness tablets as you spend the whole day at sea-   * Booked with Passions of Paradise

travel is the best teacher essay

  • Visit Cairns lagoon ‘the Espinade’ a great spot to top up the tan, read a book and feel like you’re chilling on the beach.
  • After a few hours relaxing, it was time for more adventure with White Water Rafting on the Barron River. A true adrenalin rush and SUCH a fun experience.

Beware; it’s likely you will fall out of the raft – but that’s all part of the fun .

Half day excursion.  There is an option for all day, but for a first timer, half day is enough, you’ll be exhausted!   * Booked with Raging Thunder Adventures

travel is the best teacher essay

  • Morning spent on the Daintree River looking for wild Crocodiles. We spotted a big fella in the water and loads of smaller crocs too.
  • Afternoon spent exploring Cape Tribulation, one of the oldest rainforests in the world. You’ll see some amazing sights, swim in fresh water lakes and spot where the rainforest meets the reef – a beautiful place.
  • Evening spent in Port Douglas, chill on the beach, drink a beer and watch the sunset.

Full-day excursion.  *Booked with Uncle Brian tours

travel is the best teacher essay

Morning Flight To The Gold Coast

  • If you’re going to visit a zoo, I’d definitely recommend visiting one in Queensland, as you have the opportunity to get up close with the animals (which you can’t do in New South Wales).

I went to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, all the native animals are here. You can feed the Kangaroos, hug a Koala and I got to be the star of a show where I fed a huge Crocodile – a brilliant experience and worth the money (this only happens once a day and the opportunity is only available to one person).

Spend as long as you want here, I spent just over half a day   * Tickets booked on arrival

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Day 8 continued

  • It is BEAUTIFUL here. If you’re looking for a chilled and friendly vibe then Byron Bay is the place to be. There’s a lot to do, with great places to eat and a beautiful beach. I used the rest of this day to settle in and wander around
  • A good day to… SKY DIVE. It’s hard to find anyone in Aus that hasn’t done this, so I thought why not. There was nothing more beautiful than freefalling over Byron Bay!!

Half-day excursion   *Booked with Skydive Australia

travel is the best teacher essay

  • Cape Byron (the lighthouse) 6am start to watch the most beautiful sunrise you can imagine, whilst standing in Australia’s most Easterly spot. You will not regret the early start!!
  • On to my first surf lesson at Tallow Beach. I’ve done a lot of fun things, but surfing was by far one of my favourites. I would HIGHLY recommend giving this a go.

Half-day excursion   *Booked with Black Dog surfing

Morning Flight To Melbourne!

  • Reality check, going from 30-degree heat, to cold and rain in Melbourne (pack wisely).
  • I explored most of Melbourne by foot, Federation Square, St Paul’s Cathedral and a lot of wandering around checking out the street art. I also went to the 88 th floor of the Eureka Skydeck to get a fantastic view of the whole City from above.
  • I went to St Kilda beach at night to see wild penguins come to rest. Seeing them up close and in the wild was awesome (you don’t have to go to Phillip Island, you can see them in Melbourne too!).
  • The ‘Great Ocean Road’ a scenic drive. You can stop off along the way at ‘Kafe Koala’ (Kennet River) here you’ll see wild Parrots and wild Koalas, put some seeds in your palm and the parrots will flock to you.
  • We ended up at Port Campbell National Park – Twelve Apostles and Loch Ard Gorge. A breath-taking sight, well worth the road trip.

Full day excursion   *Tour booked through Sight Seeing Tours Australia

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  • Harbour Bridge climb. This was great and I done it with my sister so it was even more special.
  • I’d recommend ‘Phillip’s Foote’ (the Rocks) for a great meal where you can cook your own steak. Then a trip to ‘Pancakes on the Rocks’ to satisfy your sweet tooth – seriously delicious.

travel is the best teacher essay

  • I got up early to watch the sunrise over Bondi Beach. Hopped on a bus to town and went inside the Opera House, walked in Hyde Park, went to Darling Harbour (this time during the day), checked out the Chinese Garden (very peaceful) and went shopping in the Queen Victoria Building.
  • I ended my travels out for dinner in the harbour with my sister and cousin, before an emotional goodbye to them and Australia.

So there you have it, you can explore Australia’s East Coast in just 2 weeks. It was non-stop but I used every minute of my time wisely. Public transport is great and flights with ‘Jetstar’ are generally quite cheap. There’s always the option of coaches or trains to travel around Australia, if you’ve got more time on your hands.

I travelled on my own (only being with my sister in Sydney) but you meet many other travellers, so you never feel alone and I always felt safe. It’s an experience I’ll remember for the rest of my life and one I’m forever grateful for. I’d encourage everyone to travel or visit the East Coast of beautiful Australia.

Reviews of Travel Australia’s East Coast in 14 days

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9 Benefits of Travel That Improve Teaching

  • Posted by - Alyssa Weisenstein
  • on - June 9, 2019

9 Benefits of Travel That Improve Teaching

Your students are so lucky to have a teacher interested in traveling! The benefits of travel for teachers aren’t limited to the classroom (for students and teachers). Check out how your classroom instruction and resources can benefit from teacher travel.

Vacation vs. Travel

I first want to clarify the difference between vacation and travel before digging into the benefits of travel for teachers. One is not necessarily better than the other, but there are distinct differences between a vacation and travel.

When I picture a vacation, I imagine walking out of a pristine resort room down to the picturesque private beach, lounging on a comfortable chair, sipping on a fancy drink, and later eating to my heart’s content from the expansive buffet. I may only leave the resort if I’m on an all-inclusive, guided tour. It doesn’t sound too bad, but it sounds expensive.

Resort pool and hotel surrounded by palm trees

Travel is more of my style and fits my budget. To travel takes planning, a willingness to try new things, overcoming challenges, and stepping out of your comfort zone. While vacationing tends to be stationary, traveling provides opportunities to move around, see different areas of a country, and really explore the culture.

Following the advice of local tour guides, you can spend the day hiking, seeking out a lesser-known waterfall, and eating your picnic lunch while watching the sun peek through the tree canopy.

Wooden bunk beds in hostel

Vacation and travel are both great options for recharging your batteries, but you and your students will benefit more if you get out and really experience the world.

Read on to see the benefits of travel that will help develop you into a better teacher!

9 Benefits of Travel for Teachers

How many nights and weekends have you sacrificed your personal time to grade papers, search Pinterest for the perfect bulletin board, worry about why your meticulously planned lesson flopped? You have survived no-show subs, homecoming week, and flu season. When it is time for a school holiday, take a break, you earned time for relaxing teacher travel! Teachers work really hard during the school year and our jobs are physically and emotionally exhausting. There are many benefits of teacher travel and school breaks provide ideal opportunities to try new activities, expand your content, and recharge your batteries.

  • Step out of your comfort zone
  • Go on adventures
  • Collect resources for your classroom
  • Show students the world through your travels
  • Exposure to different languages
  • Eat local food
  • Explore the world’s diverse ecosystems
  • Meet new people
  • Enjoy your time off

1. Step out of your comfort zone

According to Merriam-Webster , a comfort zone is “the level at which one functions with ease and familiarity.” For many of us, our comfort zones are where we remain during our day-to-day lives, but travel pushes you into unfamiliar settings. Each successful experience just beyond your comfort zone will build your strength and confidence in your independence and sense of adventure. Your students will see your push beyond your comfort zone and be inspired to create their own adventures.

After you navigate an international flight, public transportation in an unfamiliar setting, and/or eating something that you can’t quite identify, the challenges you face in your classroom suddenly don’t seem so overwhelming. Having confidence in managing complicated and uncomfortable situations will develop you into a better traveler and teacher.

Following your break-time adventures, implementing a new activity or learning strategy in your classroom will feel like a breeze.

2. Go on adventures

Women wearing backpack hiking in mountain scenery.

New places present new, exciting opportunities! You can plan your trip around any desired activity or find an affordable flight and be spontaneous. Interested in going snorkeling? Hawaii, the Caribbean, and Central America are perfect for that! Did you know the second largest reef is in Belize (after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia)? For more adventure travel inspiration around the world, check out Adventure in You .

You don’t even need to leave the United States to have an adventure. Plan a road trip to see the diverse nature and cultures throughout the United States. I highly recommend a National Parks Tour in the United States. Check out these can’t miss National Parks road trips by Jetsetter.

3. Collect Resources for Your Classroom

travel is the best teacher essay

I love bringing home artifacts from other states and countries to share with my students. Until I found this cup, I never had a real-life example of centiliters.

Coins and paper bills are fun for students to observe. Even if it doesn’t connect directly with your curriculum, we have used Colombian coins instead of quarters to call “heads or tails.”

My favorite resources to collect are FREE pamphlets and maps. They are informational with attractive pictures and fit easily in your luggage. In order to keep the pamphlets from bending and ripping, store them in a pencil pouch and lay it flat in your luggage.

Pictures from your travels make excellent classroom resources. When I first began traveling I wanted to be “in the moment” and avoided having my phone out. Now, I wish I had more pictures from some of those early destinations. My advice to myself and you is to find a balance between snapping pictures and taking in the views. I’m currently on a mission to use solely my own pictures for class notes.

Decorate your classroom with FREE travel prints.

Two samples of Teacher Travel Quote Printables. Text: Free Download

4. Show Students the World Through Travel

travel is the best teacher essay

Many students have never had the chance to explore far beyond their communities, which presents a barrier when teaching content that reaches outside of your region. Through teacher travel, you can maximize content connections to real-life situations that motivate and engage your students. When teachers explore, we can expand our curriculum beyond the textbook and inspire students to become lifelong learners.

Do only my students struggle with geography? Surely and unfortunately, this problem extends beyond Southern Illinois. This 2014 report from the local CBS station in Chicago points out that less than half of the 12 million people who played an online game could name all 50 states. A National Geographic article highlights the problem of geographic illiteracy on an international level too. How can we expect students to connect to content if they can’t visualize the locations or even find them on a map?

To combat the geography struggles, I’ve added maps around my room, maps to our notes, and maps to students’ Exploration Passports. We find the locations we’re discussing on the map and students mark the National Parks we “visit” while learning about geology on their maps. It’s a natural way of talking about locations, making a connection to a place, and hopefully getting some of the geography to stick in the minds of teenagers.

5. Exposure to different languages

You don’t have to be fluent in a second language to travel, although it is helpful to learn a few key phrases before you leave. Look up and practice some niceties such as hello, please, and thank you in the language of your destination; politeness goes a long way in any country.  

Heading towards the train station we accidentally got off the bus at the wrong stop in a small neighborhood in Pisa, Italy. Asking for directions was complicated by the fact that we don’t speak Italian and the people we encountered didn’t speak English. Some quick thinking got us to, “choo, choo?” with a shrug and quizzical look. It worked! She pointed us in the right direction and we made it to the train on time.

Example of Google Translate app showing camera and typing translation features.

A helpful hint for international travel, download the Google Translate App for Apple or Android before you go. The versatility of this app is remarkable. Trying to translate text from a sign or menu? Hold your phone camera towards the text and the translation will appear on the screen. It’s that easy! There are also options for translating handwritten text, voice, and information you type into the app.

Not planning to use data abroad? No worries because Google Translate works offline for over 50 languages. Simply download the desired language to your phone while connected to the Internet and you’re good to go.

6. Eat local food

Plate of typical Costa Rican lunch.

What’s my favorite cultural experience? Eating! I love trying local cuisine and seek out restaurants where the locals eat wherever I go. You can typically find these just a few blocks away from the touristy restaurants and they tend to be cheaper too!

How does this help your teaching? Unless you are a foods teacher, allow me to get creative here. A well-nourished teacher is a happy teacher. That works, right?

7. Explore the world’s diverse ecosystems

Guided hikes or going out on your own hikes are fantastic opportunities to explore the biodiversity and ecosystems of a region. My greatest benefits of travel come from experiencing the diverse ecosystems of the world. Guided hikes and tours can range from free to whatever you’re willing to pay for an experience. Many cities and National Parks offer free walking tours. At the end of the tour, you tip the guide what you think the tour was worth (typically $5-10).

Here are some of my favorites guided hikes/tours:

  • ATM Cave in San Ignacio, Belize
  • White water rafting in La Fortuna, Costa Rica
  • Crystal Cave in Sequoia National Park, California
  • Snorkeling in Caye Caulker, Belize
  • Free tours with a Park Ranger at National Parks across USA

Airbnb Experiences is an up and coming platform to find opportunities to engage with local people and learn something about their culture. According to their website, Airbnb Experiences is an opportunity for people to share their hobbies, skills, or expertise with the world.

8. Meet new people

Seven people standing against a gray wall, smiling.

The final benefit of travel for teachers is the opportunity to learn about and from people who have fascinating and unique stories. Not to mention the network of people you can build from around the world.

While traveling in New Orleans , I lucked into meeting a group of physicists from the Netherlands, Poland, and Austria who were attending a conference. They agreed to let me record them talking about their research so I could share it with my students. How great of a classroom resource is it to know people from various states and different continents?

9. Enjoy your time off

travel is the best teacher essay

One of the best perks of teaching is the schedule. With so much time off, why wouldn’t you get out and explore?! The process of planning a trip builds anticipation for a grand adventure as you research where to go and what to do. Then, you have something exciting to look forward to during your next break.

Even a long-weekend trip can work wonders for your soul. As nice as a vacation can be for recharging your batteries, you and your students will benefit more if you get out and travel.

Teachers work hard and commit a lot of hours to their students’ needs; you earn your breaks, so take advantage of this time off. Enjoying your time off while gaining new experiences is one of the best benefits of travel.

Ready to Plan Your Travel?

Now that you’ve read the benefits of travel to develop better teachers, you’re ready to begin planning your trip! Where will your adventures take you and your students?

Teacher PD Adventures

I love travel so much! I love learning so much! Seriously, if someone paid me to be a life-long student I’d go for it. My teacher friends asked me to plan travel for them and I couldn’t say no. In fact, I said, let’s opening it up to all teachers! Teacher PD Adventures is a way for teachers to travel and participate in professional development. Check out the current travel plans and join teachers for epic on-location professional development!

Background image of travel destination - Costa Rica. Text on a blue banner "Teacher PD Adventure, Costa Rica 2025"

Alyssa Weisenstein

2 thoughts on “ 9 benefits of travel that improve teaching ”.

  • Pingback: Costa Rica Summer 2025 – Teacher on a Trip
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Study and Go Abroad

Five Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Education

You probably will agree that even with teachers, textbooks, and supportive fellow students, classroom education is never enough. The real stuff is learned out there. If you want to learn effectively, therefore, you will have to travel the world and discover the things that matter. Every day spent on the road or in a faraway destination is a learning opportunity. Whether you are vacationing on Miami’s sandy beaches, strolling through the streets of Cape Town, or hiking the Andes Mountains, you will always find something new to learn.

Traveling is the easiest escape route from the little spaces you are accustomed to. It is the perfect chance to leave home and see the word. It allows you to broaden your intellectual capacity, interact with new cultures, and get new spiritual education right from its custodians. Seeing and interacting with these experiences first hand will always be more valuable than studying about them in a classroom.

Take, for example, an educational trip to London. You will have a chance to visit Shakespeare’s Globe and see a live performance of a Shakespeare play. Without a doubt, retracing the footsteps of England’s greatest poet is the best way of learning about his works. And if you are on a free walking tour in London , you can always visit the museum and learn firsthand the history of Shakespeare’s lifetime.

Another reason to visit London for educational purposes is to see the British Museum. It is open every day and you won’t be charged a dime to enter. If you take a fully guided tour of the museum, you will have a chance to view special exhibitions and witness unique events that are both educational and exciting. And, speaking of exhibitions, London is home to The Crystal, the largest exhibition of city planning and how metropolitan areas will/should look in the future. If you are a design student, a visit here will give you valuable insights into how technology will affect future cities, particularly architecturally.

There are endless reasons why you should take an educational tour in London and Europe. Here are five proven educational benefits that you’ll accrue by simply traveling around the world.

1. Learning new languages

When you travel abroad, your chance of learning a new language increases significantly. The urge to interact with the locals in their mother tongue will be too compelling to ignore. If you are a linguistics student, you will be able to tap into the language potential that other traveling students bring. You will make new friends from across the world, which means that you will always have someone to help you test and practice your second language proficiency.

2. Exploring cultural differences

The social expectations of different cultures, their cuisines, their political views, and their mannerisms are in most cases different. Exploring these differences opens your mind up and helps you see education from a better perspective. Emotive topics such as racism, slavery, gender violence, civil uprisings, and colonialism are rarely taught in the classroom and when they are taught, most curriculums are biased depending on who developed them. When you listen to stories about such topics from the real victims, your knowledge broadens significantly.

3. Getting a close touch of history

As mentioned above, most curriculums are skewed towards the emphasis of the education system that developed them. At high school, you might have learned about Canadian and European history, but you might know very little about Asia and Africa. The only way of getting a close look at world history and to see it from a different perspective, is through traveling and meeting local people in their natural settings.

4. Gaining better classroom experience

If you take a short-term educational trip with your school/university, you’ll have more chance to  interact with your teachers than when confined in four-walled classrooms. The combination of interaction with your teacher, and with locals in a foreign environment makes for a really cool experiential learning experience, and paves the way for a deeper understanding of the subject when you return to the classroom.

5. Traveling is also a skill

When traveling, you will become more independent.  You’ll learn how to pack light, how to live on a budget, how to take good care of your hygiene and health away from home, and how to improvise on different comfort areas. The simple act of keeping your travel plan together is educational in and by itself.

There is no denying that traveling has a positive impact on anyone’s educational journey. If you are a student, you should always aspire to travel the world and really experience everything you have been taught in class. Why not opt to take an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at a university overseas? You won’t regret the decision.

Contributed by: Miranda Mirany

Miranda is an English student graduate. She has a big passion for traveling, and choosing to travel was one of her best decisions. She believes that she can change the world for the better. She works really hard to help people and she is always available for those in need.

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Discussion 22 comments.

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I would like to travel the whole world. Traveling is my dream. My friends if I get a chance of learning and travel. I will be the most successful man.

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I agree with all of the above points. The trip broadens the horizons, gives new impressions and new acquaintances, helps to study the history and culture of other peoples, to learn new languages. Even more important is the fact that the journey provides an opportunity to reboot and start with renewed vigor in the classroom.

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I totally agree with you if you will not come outside from your room how you will learn new things. To meet the other peoples and his to learn how they think make us sharp thank you for this it will help me a lot and encourage to travel

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I agree with this post your article is great thanks for sharing

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Nice and Informative pot thanks for sharing with us.

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No doubt in that but only very few guys follow this advice especially from South Asian region.

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No doubt, it’s the best advice and I always prefer to travel with a travel firm which is based in Seattle and this lesson should be taught to our kids at very basic level.

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In this article, the author discusses the benefits of traveling as a form of education. She highlights how traveling can broaden your perspective, increase your cultural awareness, and enhance your communication skills.

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I absolutely loved reading this blog post on the “Reasons Why Traveling is the Best Education.” The author beautifully captured the transformative power of travel and highlighted its undeniable benefits as a form of education. I couldn’t agree more that stepping out of our comfort zones and immersing ourselves in different cultures, languages, and perspectives broadens our horizons like no textbook ever could. The personal growth, empathy, and global understanding that come from exploring new destinations and engaging with diverse communities are invaluable. This article serves as a wonderful reminder of the importance of travel in expanding our minds and fostering lifelong learning. I’m now even more inspired to embark on my next adventure and continue my own educational journey through travel. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece!

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Traveling is often considered the best education due to its unique ability to offer a holistic and immersive learning experience that surpasses traditional classroom settings. Unlike textbooks and lectures, travel provides the opportunity to directly engage with different cultures, languages, histories, and ways of life. It’s an experiential journey that goes beyond the theoretical realm, allowing individuals to witness the world’s complexities firsthand.

Through travel, individuals encounter historical sites, museums, and landmarks, gaining a deeper appreciation for the events that shaped civilizations. Interacting with locals and engaging in cultural traditions offers insights that books simply can’t capture. The challenges of navigating new environments and languages foster problem-solving skills and adaptability, nurturing personal growth and independence.

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To get the most value out of this important event, you should prepare for it in advance if possible, and follow up afterwards. Here are some tips on how to make the best use of your time at the Study and Go Abroad university fairs:

Before the fair:

  • See which institutions are attending by viewing the  exhibitor list
  • Read the profiles of the institutions that are of direct interest to you; also have a look at the other profiles as well – you may be surprised which university or college offers what you are looking for
  • If you are not sure of what study topic you want to pursue, start with the countries you want to study in; you can sort by country on the  exhibitor listing  (use arrow toggle over ‘country’) and see which schools are located in which countries and explore from there
  • Visit and find out more about the various countries – you will find country facts and figures under the ‘Study Overseas’ drop down menu – and read up on some articles about student experiences, fields of study, etc.
  • If you already know what you are looking for, bring along your transcripts, portfolio, résumé – whatever you have already on hand to present to the representatives. If you don’t have them, that is okay as well – you will find out what you need once you discuss your plans

During the fair:

  • Use the Fair Guide you will get when you enter to navigate your way around the room
  • Attend the free  seminars : These information sessions are for you to learn in depth about the presentation topics and to ask questions; visit the presenters afterwards at their stands for more details
  • Ask as many questions as you need to; the fair is for you to research and learn about the many institutions in attendance
  • Collect information resource materials from the schools that are of interest to you and from the other service providers
  • Don’t rush through: It is not often that you will have the chance to visit with so many representatives in your city, so take your time!

After the fair:

  • Follow up with representatives you met and keep in touch with questions and planning
  • Read through the materials you collected during the fair
  • Make up a comparison chart of important issues that you extract from the various brochures and websites of different schools of interest to you, to help you with your decisions
  • Discuss your ideas and plans with friends and family; this often helps to clarify issues
  • Study in UK/British Council:  and
  • Study in the USA:
  • Study in Germany/German Academic Exchange:
  • Universities Canada:
  • Colleges and Institutes Canada:
  • Study in Australia:
  • Study in France/Campus France: and  and higher-education/student/ campus-france/
  • Study in Holland: and
  • Study in Hungary –
  • Education Ireland:
  • Study in Korea –  www.
  • Study in New Zealand:
  • Study in Norway:
  • Study in Scotland:
  • Study in Spain:
  • Study in Sweden:

The upcoming Study and Go Abroad / SchoolFinder fairs are for everyone interested in looking for undergraduate or post-graduate programs in Canada overseas, or in taking a volunteer program, working or taking an internship abroad, considering a gap year or career break, or adventure travel.

The event is focused on post-secondary education, hosting top-ranking university and college recruiters from Canada and around the world. As well, there are several vocational, work experience and Gap Year/Career Break program providers.

You should attend if you are:

  • Looking for undergraduate programs in Canada or overseas
  • Looking for masters/doctoral programs in Canada or overseas
  • Considering a gap year or a career break
  • Wanting to upgrade your education or skills, or change career path
  • Looking to take advantage of Working Holiday Visas to work abroad – changed
  • Researching universities for exchange programs
  • Wanting to travel and experience the world
  • Inspired to broaden your horizons!

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and we'll send you a reminder for the next Study and Go Abroad Fair as well.

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travel is the best teacher essay

Is traveling really one of the best forms of education? I think so. Traveling and exploring new places is one of the most enriching education activities that you will ever undertake. Whether it is a hobby or passion, or a way of life, when we travel, we get a chance to develop neural connections that would be impossible to facilitate by learning about the world in a history or geography class. Traveling also helps some people overcome their bias and hatred of other races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, etc.

Malcolm X’s trip to Mecca

Consider the story of Malcolm X . As the national spokesperson and the chief minister for the Nation of Islam, he espoused a doctrine that denounced all white Americans for the pain and hardship that they had reaped upon the African American race. He went so far as to give all white American’s the nickname “devils” and advocated for equality by “any means necessary,” even if that meant using violence.

However, Malcolm X’s views turned around 360 degrees after he made a pilgrimage to Mecca, which is required of any Muslim who can do so. When visiting and touring the Middle East, he was astonished to see that Islam was not a religion of just black and brown people, it was the religion of Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. He experienced people of all walks of life, races and ethnicities gathered together to praise Allah.

His “education” was a profound one, as his hatred and bigotry was confronted and ultimately taken away by what he had experienced. He came back to America a changed man, no longer a prisoner to his past. This was evidenced by the sermons that he gave and the interviews that appeared in. Ultimately, his new stance on Islam and other issues with the Nation of Islam led to his untimely demise.

More thoughts on traveling as a form of education

Traveling never fails as the ultimate teacher. Whether you are traveling in your own country or another one, it has the potential to be a life-changing experience. The barriers that tear us apart are neutralized, and you get a chance to learn that all of humanity is just one big colorful family.

When traveling try taking a guided or historical tour of the area and you will be sure to learn more than you could in a semester-long college course. You will see your geopolitical awareness skyrocket, as you begin to appreciate the economic, social, political structures from across the globe.

Also, seeing the extreme poverty and despair that plagues some third world countries will show you how blessed you really are. It would take most people in these countries a lifetime to save up enough money to take one trip abroad, so being able to do so at will is a pleasure that only a small percentage of us can enjoy. With this realization, you can help the economic situation of ordinary citizens by simply eating at their restaurants, shopping in their stores, and tipping well.

So, the next time a friend asks you if you want to take a trip with them, jump at the chance. Not only will you learn a lot , but you will get a chance to live your best life and have tons of fun.

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Four reasons why travel is the best education.

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My grandfather was one of the wisest men I've ever known. Was he a Rhodes scholar? A scientific phenom? Did he have a Ph.D.?

In a word, no.

My Sicilian grandfather was a house painter with a high school diploma. And while he extolled to his children the virtues of obtaining their undergraduate and graduate degrees, he also understood that there was much to be learned by venturing outside the classroom.

Travel, he said, was the best education. And he was right. Here are four ways traveling increases your wisdom:

1. It broadens your horizons.

When you travel, it changes your perspective . Suddenly, the world becomes about more than you or your country of origin. You'll experience firsthand distant people and cultures, rather than the narrow view sometimes provided through your local media. And as you learn about other political, economic, and social structures, you'll naturally shift to a global viewpoint where you understand how people and places are interconnected.

2. It inspires your creativity.

Research shows that when you travel, your creativity is enhanced. Adam Galinsky , a professor at Columbia Business School and author of several studies that investigate the concrete links between creativity and international travel, explains that "foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms." The key to a creative boost, says Galinsky, is to purposefully engage while traveling by immersing yourself in the local culture.

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3. It helps you connect better with others.

When you travel abroad, you gain a better understanding of people and their actions. And over time, you begin to realize that despite our differences, we have more in common than you would imagine.

Cross-cultural experiences can pull you out of your cultural bubble and help you empathize and increase your sense of connection with people from backgrounds different than your own. "We found that when people had experiences traveling to other countries, it increased what's called generalized trust, or their general faith in humanity," Galinsky says. "When we engage in other cultures, we start to have experience with different people and recognize that most people treat you in similar ways. That produces an increase in trust." And that trust paves the way for a better connection.

4. It challenges you to grow.

When you travel, you not only leave your home town, you also leave your comfort zone. While that can be scary, it provides numerous growth opportunities.

When you're in a land filled with foreign language and currency, exotic cuisine, and unexplored cities, you must move past your fear and immerse yourself into the unfamiliar. Use your curiosity to guide your adventures. Allow your grit to help you persevere through any travel mishaps. And know that with a positive attitude , even getting lost in a strange place means you'll discover people and things you may have otherwise missed—and later be grateful for the rich experience.

Because by learning about other people, places, and cultures, you'll also learn about yourself.

Amy Blaschka

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Why Travel Is The Best Teacher

I heard this saying, that “travel is the best teacher” or “travel is the best education”. I always believed this, but I never really understood what this meant until now.

The past 14 years I have been on the go, traveling and experiencing the world on-and-off. I just visited my 40th country and next month will be my 41st. I realised quickly the benefits of being this way professionally – it makes me a better marketer – and it also has been good for my soul.

Travel DOES teach you things that homebodies will never learn or understand. This is what I have found.

You learn to be Agile


Even the best planning, cannot remove some of the unpredictability of traveling. Things change beyond your control, and it can be as simple as getting on the wrong bus. When you travel, you have to think fast and logically. You have to “think on your feet” – literally.

This is a great habit to get into as it can be applied in so many areas of your life. You can also develop better intuition, and you start to recognise very quickly when something does not feel right, and you need to make a quick decision and change.

You learn the value of Perspective


If you stop listening to the mainstream media, and only listen to your travel experiences, then the world is a pretty kind-hearted, amazing place . In case you didn’t already realise, the media likes to report BAD NEWS – 99% of the time!

After visiting 40 countries I can safely say, I have a fairly rounded perspective on the world. Not believing everything you see and hear in the media, has overlapped into many parts of my life. I now question EVERYTHING. I look for another point-of-view, I try to remove bias and there are always two sides to every story – even more sides sometimes.

The best thing is that perspective gives me hope. It gives me hope in people and the human race, and sometimes the world is not as bad as it may seem. If you think we were a better world 30 years ago, 50 years ago or 200 years ago then you haven’t read enough history books.

You learn to Appreciate what you have


Materialism and consumerism have overtaken the world. Being a Marketer, this is a tough pill for me to swallow sometimes, which I why I only work with service-based clients and not products.

Somehow, advertising smashing us in the face thousands of times a day has convinced us that having stuff is linked to happiness. If you get a big house in a posh suburb (or anywhere in Sydney), you will be happy. If you have the latest iPhone you will be happy. If you drive an expensive car you will be happy. If you wear the latest trendy fashions that change every week you will be happy.

From everything I have seen and experienced in the world, none of this is true. Now before I hear the argument that my belief is just “white privilege”, I have used my new found perspective to look at this from many angles.

I remember that it struck me when I was passing through a village in Vanuatu, as I watched a family and kids playing, and they looked SO happy. I was even jealous for a second. And then I realised a truth: after the basic needs are met – shelter, food, safe environment – what made these people happy was community, family and appreciation for the little things . I learned a lot that day.

Also, I once stayed for a week in a Guest House in Cambodia on the beach. When I turned on the shower, and the water was slightly yellow, I chose to bathe that week in the clear sea. When I got back to Australia, and turned on the shower, I felt an amazing rush of gratitude that you cannot feel without experiencing something like this first hand.

You learn to be a Fast Learner

Fast Learner

When you hit the ground in a new destination, your level of enjoyment in that destination tends to increase in correlation to the time it takes to “figure the place out”.

We are creatures of habit. I once met a UK couple on a day-tour boat off the coast of Paxos in Greece. They told me that they had come back to the same holiday spot in Corfu every year for 12 years. When I asked them why they only came back to the same destination every year, they told me that they knew the place, and knew exactly where to stay and where to eat and it made them relax faster.

Ok, this was outrageous to me at the time, as I always wanted to see the whole world, and returning to one spot again and again seemed crazy, but now it kind of makes sense.

In a new destination, you have to learn the currency and cost of things, how to speak some local language basics, how to get around, where to eat, and what attractions to visit or sights to see. There are also cultural learnings like adjusting to the siestas every afternoon in Southern Europe and South America.

This learning process usually involves some low-level stress and it tends not to completely ruin your experience, but when you travel frequently this is a skill that you develop that also can cross over into your professional and personal life.

You learn Respect and Compassion


The world is full of different belief systems, different cultures and different religions. It’s amazing we all live on the one planet and get along as well as we do (AGAIN don’t believe mass media).

As you travel, you see the history of so many civilizations that built the most amazing structures to honour what they believe. The Egyptians built pyramids and statues to please their many Gods, the Buddhists built temples to help them recall the qualities of Buddha, and the Catholics have built the most enormous, stunning churches around the world to pray to their one true God. There are many more belief-systems and structures and who really knows who is right.

It is the same with cultures. I personally do not believe that women should have to cover themselves up for any reason, but when I visit places where extreme modesty is part of the culture I still respect it, and I dress conservatively. Just because I do not like what they believe doesn’t mean I am right.

Ultimately I think it just comes down to being kind to each other, and I hope you learn similar.

You learn that Everyone is a Teacher


In my travels I have met a huge range of truly amazing people.

In a Singapore hostel, I met a 70 year old pensioner from Ballina, Australia, who scrimped and saved his pension for 9 months of every year, so he could afford to travel 3 months of year on his own around Asia. We chatted for hours in the common room. It was truly inspiring to meet someone who understood exactly what was important to him and how to achieve it.

In Gran Canaria, Spain, I met a fellow traveler from Romania who now lived in Germany. We shared two coffees and had such amazing conversations like we had always known each other. When he left, I realised what a profound impact he had on me. His innocent questions about some of my beliefs really got to me, and ultimately I felt changed from the experience. I even started taking action to push through my own comfort zone to grow as a person and to better understand how to love and accept myself.

It made me think of one of my favourite teachers of all time, Helen , who got me asking of myself – What does bring me joy?

We do develop thinking patterns or physical habits that we often never question and others normally don’t ask us about. I would have never learned this about myself in a book, or in a course. Only by a serendipitous meeting could I ever learn so much about myself.

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Rolf Potts

How to write a travel memoir (and how failure is the best teacher)

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“Earnest, hard-won failure can teach you as much as anything.” – Rolf Potts

Note : For information on the Paris-based Travel Memoir classes Rolf is offering to Deviate listeners in 2021, inquire at [email protected], or via the online forms at the Paris Writing Workshops website.

In this episode of Deviate , Rolf and Jeremy discuss breaking into travel writing and learning through failure (4:00); what defines travel memoir, and how it’s different from other kinds of travel writing (11:00); the role of research in travel writing, and the balance between personal expression and reportage (17:00); the travel writing industry, and what topics are covered in Rolf’s Paris Writing Workshop (25:00); and how “flaneuring” in place like Paris can lend a new perspective on place (37:00).

Jeremy Bassetti ( @jeremybassetti ) is a writer, editor, educator, and host of the Travel Writing World Podcast . His website, , features interviews with travel writers, book reviews, author profiles, and resources for travel writers and their readers. For more about Jeremy, check out .

Notable Links:

  • Storming the Beach , by Rolf Potts (essay)
  • Van Life before #VanLife ( Deviate episode)
  • The Last Whalers , by Doug Bock Clark (book)
  • Deviate interview with Doug Bock Clark (podcast)
  • Eat, Pray, Love , by Elizabeth Gilbert (book)
  • On the Plain of Snakes , by Paul Theroux (book)
  • Deviate interview with Paul Theroux (podcast)
  • Braver Than You Think , by Maggie Downs (book)
  • Deviate interview with Maggie Downs (podcast)
  • Writing Away , by Lavinia Spalding (book)
  • Deviate interview with Lavinia Spalding (podcast)
  • Drunk in China , by Derek Sandhaus (book)
  • Deviate interview with Derek Sandhaus (podcast)
  • The Painter of Modern Life , by Charles Baudelaire (essay collection)
  • Psychogeography (urban exploration strategy)

This episode of  Deviate  is brought to you by  Tortuga Backpacks , which set the standard for the best, most durable, organized, and comfortable travel backpacks. Tortuga products also include daypacks, duffels, and other travel accessories, which are all made with the traveler in mind and have been featured by  Wirecutter, The New York Times, Travel + Leisure, Business Insider, Carryology , and many other industry outlets.

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✍️Essay on Travelling: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words


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  • May 10, 2024

Essay on travelling

Did you know the tourism industry accounted for $2 Trillion in 2022? Every year, people travel around the world to take a break from their busy routines. This in turn helps them to come back more rejuvenated and more focused. But do you know the importance of travelling and how it helps one mentally and physically? Well, don’t worry as we have got you covered. Here we will give you details on an essay on travelling, which you can use at school, college and other academic levels. 

travel is the best teacher essay

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Travelling 
  • 2 Essay on Travelling in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Travelling in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Travelling in 300 words
  • 5 Short Essay on Travelling

Importance of Travelling 

Travelling is a vital facet of personal development and cultural enrichment. Travelling broadens one’s horizons, and fosters tolerance and understanding of diverse cultures. On the positive side of travelling is that it allows one to break free from their routine, and travel and stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills. 

One should make sure they travel at least once a year. By doing so, it will act as a motivation for self-discovery, building confidence and allowing one to navigate several unfamiliar territories.  Moreover, it creates long-lasting memories as well as bonds with friends or other people.

Travelling to new places and exploring nature’s wonders, historical landmarks, or vibrant cities imbues us with valuable experiences. It also promotes lifelong learning as well as appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our world. All in all, travelling to new places acts as an investment in both personal development and in terms of creating connections with new people.

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Essay on Travelling in 100 words

People love to travel around the world for leisure while there are people who travel for educational purposes. At the same time, some people travel for work-related reasons. All those people who love to travel for educational purposes get the opportunity to their classroom learning into practical use as well. 

On the other hand, some people travel only for pleasure and to get a break from their busy schedules. We can extend our horizons by experiencing the location’s food, culture, architecture, and other characteristics. Experiences from real life are always more valuable. We can learn about a different culture, language, way of life, and population by visiting a city in a foreign country. It is occasionally the best teacher for learning about the outside world.

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Essay on Travelling in 200 words

Travelling is a captivating and enriching experience that broadens horizons, fosters personal growth, and connects individuals with diverse cultures and landscapes. It is a journey of discovery, both of the world and oneself.

One of the most profound aspects of travelling is the opportunity to explore new cultures. Immersing oneself in different traditions, cuisines, and languages opens one’s mind to the rich tapestry of humanity. It fosters tolerance, empathy, and a deeper understanding of global interconnectedness.

Moreover, travel provides a break from daily routine and offers a chance to escape the demands of daily life. It allows individuals to recharge, relax, and rejuvenate. Whether it’s lounging on a pristine beach, hiking in majestic mountains, or exploring bustling urban centres, travel offers diverse experiences for every taste and preference.

Furthermore, travelling encourages personal growth. It challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, adapt to unfamiliar environments, and solve problems on the go. It promotes self-confidence, independence, and resilience.

At last, travelling is not just a leisure activity; it is a transformative journey that enriches the mind, nourishes the soul, and leaves lasting memories. It is an essential part of the human experience, reminding us that the world is vast, diverse, and waiting to be explored. So, pack your bags and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Your next great discovery may be just around the corner.

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Essay on Travelling in 300 words

Travelling is a transformative experience that opens up a world of possibilities and enriches our lives in countless ways. Whether it’s a weekend getaway to a nearby town or an adventure across continents, the act of travelling transcends mere movement; it’s a journey of self-discovery and exploration.

One of the best aspects of travelling is the exposure to diverse cultures. When we venture beyond our familiar surroundings, we encounter people with different traditions, languages, and perspectives. This exposure fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of the global community. It allows us to break down stereotypes and prejudices, promoting a more interconnected and peaceful world.

Travelling also provides an opportunity for personal growth. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and adapt to new situations. Whether it’s navigating through a bustling market in Marrakech or communicating with locals in Tokyo, these experiences build resilience and self-confidence. We also learn problem-solving skills, become more adaptable, and develop a greater sense of independence.

Furthermore, travel offers a chance to connect with nature. Travelling is a gateway to history and art. Visiting ancient ruins, museums, and historical sites immerses us in the rich tapestry of human civilization. It deepens our appreciation for the accomplishments and struggles of those who came before us, fostering a sense of heritage and a connection to our shared past.

In conclusion, travelling is not just about going from one place to another; it’s a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, personal growth, and appreciation for the world we inhabit. It broadens our horizons, challenges our assumptions, and enriches our lives in ways that few other experiences can. So, whether you’re exploring a distant land or simply taking a road trip to a neighbouring town, embrace the opportunity to travel and let it transform you.

Also Read: How to Write an Essay in English?

Short Essay on Travelling

Here is a sample of a short essay on travelling:

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Travelling Gives You a Whole New Perspective on the World. Exploring new cultures and ideas while abroad can fundamentally alter how you perceive and engage with the rest of the world.

When you travel, you encounter new people, cultures, experiences, and adventures (both good and terrible), and you may even come to a new understanding of what life is all about.

A new language, cuisine, culture, and even new ways of thinking and living are introduced to the people. Travel also helps one realise that you need to pay attention to the various viewpoints, ideologies, and values that are all around you.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

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Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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  • Travelling Essay

500 Words Essay On Travelling

Many people travel for different purposes. Whether it is for a business trip or a holiday trip, we see people travelling often. Some people prefer a hilly area for travelling while the others like travelling to places with beaches. In this travelling essay, we will look at the importance of travelling and how it has changed ever since the old times.

travelling essay

Importance of Travelling Essay

While the reasons for travelling are many, we must not forget that it can be a refreshing experience. Travelling is an experience that can teach us so many things that you cannot possibly learn while living at home.

Firstly, it teaches you how to make new friends . The world is full of people who love interacting. You get to make friends when you travel to new places and spend quality time with them.

Moreover, it also helps you enhance your social skills. After that, travelling is great for learning new skills. For instance, going to mountain regions teaches you how to trek. Similarly, going to beaches helps you learn scuba diving or surfing.

You can also enjoy the beauty of nature when you travel. Similarly, you get to explore nature like never before and find discover the earth’s beauty. Travelling also helps us understand people.

After you spend time at a new place, you interact with the local people of the place. You learn so much about them and their culture. It makes you more open-minded and be mindful of the culture and beliefs of different people.

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Travelling: Then vs. Now

Travelling has changed significantly thanks to technology. In the earlier days, it was not easy to travel. Travelling on foot or on animals was the only option back then. Ships were also an option but they were too risky.

Further, people use bullocks and horse carts and even camels to travel. Sled was an option for people travelling to snow-covered regions. Moreover, it was a hassle to travel even to a short distance as it consumed too much time.

However, with the changing times and revolutionary technology , travelling has become one of the easiest things to do. There are so many new ways and means to travel that the travel game has changed drastically.

We can board a variety of vehicles now to travel such as bus, train, truck, aeroplane, submarine, hovercraft, and more. You can reach a place far away within no time thanks to all these transport options.

Further, there are no barriers now. You can use online maps and translators when travelling to a different city or country to help you. Cab service and food service is readily available too. Thus, travelling is very easy now thanks to technology.

Conclusion of Travelling Essay

All in all, travelling can be a fun and learning experience for everyone now. Moreover, with technology, you can travel to any corner of the world without having to worry about barriers of language, distance, and more. Everyone must travel at least once in their life to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

FAQ of Travelling Essay

Question 1: Why is travelling important?

Answer 1: Travelling is important as it teaches us a lot of things. You can learn new skills, new languages, new cultures. Moreover, you get to make new friends and try out new foods when you travel to a new place. It can be a real learning experience for all.

Question 2: How is travelling different now?

Answer 2: Travelling has changed drastically thanks to technology. Earlier, people had to take animals to travel to a new place and it would be time-consuming. Now, there are many transport options available that help you reach within no time. Further, the internet has made travelling easier by offering maps, translation apps, food services, cab services, etc. available at our fingertips.

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My Best Teacher Essay

Teachers value and knowledge in children . Teachers play an important role in shaping a person’s life as they facilitate one in discovering and working towards their goals, while teaching the value of discipline and perseverance. Here are a few essays on “My Best Teacher” .

100 Words Essay On My Best Teacher

One of my favourite teachers is Anjali Gaba. She teaches my class and checks attendance each morning. Despite being stern, Anjali ma’am has a great sense of humour and compassion. She is organised and reliable. She completes all her class-related tasks and assignments on schedule. Anjali ma’am makes difficult concepts simple to understand and learn, which is why I admire her so much. She instructs us in English. While teaching, Anjali ma’am frequently cracks jokes to keep us entertained. Whenever we have to participate in any extracurricular activity, be it a debate, MUN, or a cultural activity, Anjali ma’am gives us some helpful tips which help us to do well in the competitions.

My Best Teacher Essay

200 Words Essay On My Best Teacher

Teachers play a huge role in helping a child shape their personality . A huge chunk of the knowledge and values one holds comes from their teachers.

My Best Teacher

In the entire school, Nilam ma’am is my favourite teacher. She instructs me in EVS when I am in fourth grade (Environmental Studies) class. Our teacher is very caring and teaches in simple ways. She doesn't take studying too seriously and engages us in fun activities while instructing. Because I am a very responsible and ideal student, she loves me very much. I always do my classwork and homework in a tidy manner per her instructions.

In her class, I'm always attentive and reach the class on time. She inspires us to always choose the correct course in life, even when we have to deal with highly challenging circumstances. Our teacher teaches us to always look for simple solutions to our problems rather than giving up when things get tough. She also advises us to constantly think positively since what we believe and do always come to pass. All of the EVS concepts are explained by the teacher exceptionally thoroughly. In her class, she wants us to speak only English. She rides on the school bus with us, and we enjoy singing songs and reciting poetry as we travel to her home.

500 Words Essay On My Best Teacher

A teacher plays a significant role throughout all stages of life. Teachers impart life’s important values to students. Since teachers know that not every student has the same learning capacity, they carefully assess each student's potential before beginning lessons. A teacher is an excellent communicator of wisdom , fortune, and light, from whom we can learn much and benefit significantly throughout our lives.

My science teacher is one of my favourite professors. Her name is Mousumi Banerjee. She is the best teacher at the school and well-liked by all of my friends because she teaches very well.I appreciate her in-class teaching methods. She tell us to study the material she will cover in class the following day at home. The teacher explains the subject to the students and solicits any clarifications. The next day, she asked more questions on the same topic. This helps us understand a particular subject in great detail.

After covering two or three topics, she takes a test. She is passionate and enthusiastic about what they do and it shows in the way they teach us. She treats us with friendliness and never permits fear in us. Without hesitation, any student in the class or her cabin may ask her any question about the topic. While instructing the class, the teacher keeps an eye on every student's activity and disciplines the misbehaving ones. If you truly want success in life, she advises us to focus on our studies and always do as our teacher instructs. She never shows bias in the classroom between any of the students.

Her Importance In My Life

Mousumi ma'am has always been an important person in my life. She helped me select every course of action at various times. She gave me immense knowledge, skills, and positive behaviour expectations so I never felt lost. She always disciplined me and helped me throughout my life, even after school. In class 12th, I did a project under her in which she helped me immensely. It was a very successful project, and we won the 1st prize at the annual technical fest. That year she also got voted as the best teacher for that year. I was very happy for her as well. During my course selection for college, she guided me a lot. She helped me understand which course would be the best for me and sometimes helped me with those subjects.

She was always like a blessing in disguise for me.

A Special Moment In My Life

Last year on teacher's day, I, along with my classmates, gave her a surprise visit at her house and gifted her some chocolates as she loved chocolates. We also gave her a diary and a parker pen. She was delighted and almost burst into tears with happiness. We all had a wonderful time and then went for lunch in the nearby restaurant. It was a special moment for me as well as my friends.

We all have had teachers in our lives who have had a genuine impact on how we live. Every student has a unique space designated in their heart for their professors. There is no substitute for a teacher in a student's life. They give of themselves to make our lives successful.

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Essay on My Best Teacher

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Teacher in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Best Teacher


Everyone has a teacher who leaves a lasting impact. My best teacher is Mrs. Smith.

Teaching Style

Mrs. Smith makes learning enjoyable. She uses stories and real-life examples to explain concepts.

Personality Traits

She is kind, patient, and understanding. She encourages questions and appreciates our efforts.

Mrs. Smith has not only improved my grades but also instilled a love for learning. I am grateful for her guidance.

250 Words Essay on My Best Teacher

Teachers are the guiding light in the darkness of ignorance. They play a crucial role in shaping our lives, and the best ones leave an indelible mark. Among all my teachers, one stands out – Mr. Smith, my high school literature teacher.

The Epitome of Wisdom

Mr. Smith was not just a teacher; he was a philosopher, a mentor, and a friend. His profound knowledge and understanding of literature were not confined to the textbooks. He introduced us to the world beyond the academic curriculum, where literature was not just about understanding the text but about comprehending the human condition.

An Innovative Pedagogue

Mr. Smith’s teaching approach was unique. Instead of conventional lecture-based teaching, he encouraged discussions and debates. We were not just passive listeners but active participants in the learning process. This interactive approach made every lesson intriguing and helped us to develop critical thinking skills.

Lessons Beyond Academics

Mr. Smith taught us that literature was a reflection of life. The characters, their struggles, and their triumphs were mirrors to our own experiences. He emphasized that the lessons learned from these stories could guide us in our life journey. His teachings transcended the boundaries of the classroom, preparing us for the real world.

In conclusion, Mr. Smith was not just my best teacher because of his academic expertise, but because he helped shape my perspective and approach to life. He epitomized the true essence of a teacher – a beacon of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration. His teachings continue to influence me, reminding me of the transformative power of education.

500 Words Essay on My Best Teacher

Teachers play an instrumental role in shaping our lives, guiding us through the labyrinth of knowledge, skills, and values. Among the multitude of educators I have encountered, one stands out as the paragon of pedagogical excellence – Mrs. Smith, my high school English teacher.

Academic Influence

Mrs. Smith was a master of her subject. Her profound knowledge of English literature was awe-inspiring, and her explanations were always clear and concise. She had the uncanny ability to simplify complex concepts, making them accessible and digestible. She encouraged us to delve deeper, fostering a love for the subject that transcended the confines of the classroom.

Personal Development

Beyond the academics, Mrs. Smith was a mentor in the truest sense. She recognized the unique potential in each student and worked tirelessly to nurture it. Her approach was not just to teach us English literature but to use it as a tool for personal development. Through the nuanced exploration of characters and narratives, she taught us empathy, critical thinking, and the power of effective communication.

Encouraging Creativity

Mrs. Smith was a staunch advocate of creativity. She encouraged us to think outside the box and to express our thoughts and ideas freely. She created an environment where every opinion was valued, fostering a sense of self-confidence in us. This not only enhanced our creative skills but also prepared us for the real world, where innovative thinking is highly prized.

Life Lessons

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith was not just my best teacher because of her academic prowess, but because of her holistic approach to teaching. She was a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. She taught me to look beyond the pages of a book, to question, to think, and to create. She instilled in me a love for learning and a desire to make a difference. As I navigate through college and beyond, I carry her teachings as a compass, guiding me towards becoming a better learner, thinker, and human being.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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travel is the best teacher essay

Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience.

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