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what is standard assignment format in schoology

Completing Assignments in Schoology


what is standard assignment format in schoology

  • Schoology Learning

Courses: Grade Setup

Use the Grade Setup area to adjust grade settings for your course. In this area, you can manage your Grading Categories, create scales and rubrics, adjust the weights of your grading periods, and enable Final Grade Settings for your student reports.

To access Grade Setup, click Grade Setup from your course.

  • If you use the Enterprise version of Schoology, you may not have edit access to all areas of this page based on the permissions in place at your school or organization. Please reach out to your Support Contact or System Administrator with any questions.
  • Grade Setup is not supported in courses containing more than 10,000 members.

Grading Categories

Grading Categories enable you to organize graded items in the course. At least one grading category is required for you to use the Gradebook. Common examples of categories include Classwork, Homework, or Quizzes. There is no limit to the number of categories you can create, and you can weight each according to your definition.

To add a new category:

  • Click Add in the Categories area.
  • Enter a Name .
  • Select either Percent or Total Points as the category calculation method.
  • Use Drop lowest to automatically drop the lowest n grades within that category from each student's overall score in the course.
  • Click Create to complete.

Click the star icon from one of your categories to mark it as your default category for newly-created materials.

Example of making Homework your default category.

To delete a category:

  • Move your pointer over the category you'd like to delete and click X .
  • If there are any course materials attached to the grading category, you will be prompted to assign another category to those materials before you can proceed to delete:
  • Once the materials are attached to another grading category or there are no materials attached to the category, click Delete to complete.

Weight Grading Categories

After you have created at least one category, you can choose to weight the categories for your course by checking Weight Categories.

Enabling weighted categories displays a new Weight field for each Category name. Enter proportional values into these fields to adjust the weight for each category.

  • Grading Categories cannot be changed throughout the course without impacting all grading periods of the course. For example, changing the grading category weights for the 2nd Quarter will also change the calculated grades in Quarter 1.
  • Weights are relative to each other. You can view the Category's actual percentage value of the Weight field. For example, if Weight Categories is checked, and I have four categories with a weight of 100, the percentage of each category within the overall grade is 25%.

Example of weights assigned to different Categories.

Edit Categories

To make changes to an existing category, click the category name. In the pop-up window that displays, you may adjust:

  • The Category Name.
  • The Calculation Method.
  • The number of low scores you'd like to drop from the overall calculation.
  • The weight of the category.

Grading Periods & Final Weights

The Grading Periods & Final Weights area enables you to access all of the grading periods associated with your course, as well as the weighted percentages of each grading period. Depending on the settings in place at your school, you may be able to add or remove grading periods to your course.

To add or remove a Grading Period, follow these steps:

  • Click Edit from Grading Periods & Final Weights.
  • If there aren't any grading periods listed in your school, you can add a new one to the course by entering a title (For example, SP2018 or 2018-2019 Semester 1) and a start and end date.
  • If you can't add grading periods to your course, contact a System Administrator (Enterprise), located in the Help Center area.

Click Save to complete.

Assignments, assessments, tests/quizzes, or graded discussions are designated as midterm/final displays in this area. These items can be given a weight, calculated as part of the student's overall grade, and can be accessed in the Final/Midterm Material Grades filter in the Grading Period drop-down menu in the Gradebook.

Final Grade Settings

Use Final Grade Settings to customize how final grades calculate and display to students. To adjust these settings:

  • Numeric — displays the final grade as a percentage.
  • A+/- — displays the final grade as a letter (A, B, C, D, F, +/-).
  • You can also select a custom grading Scale in this area.
  • Check Round Period/Final Grades to round grading period grades and final grades.
  • Click Save Changes to complete.

The Final Grade Settings area also includes the Control Grading Columns in Gradebook and Visibility Settings sections.

Grading Scales & Rubrics

Create custom Grading Scales and Rubrics to grade your materials or apply them to your Final Grade Settings. Grading Scales map an alphanumeric value of your choice to a percentage grade (0-100), and rubrics enable you to score an assignment, graded discussion, or test/quiz question based on several criteria.

what is standard assignment format in schoology

Click the star icon from a scale to mark it as your default scale for newly-created materials.

To add a new Percentage-based scale:

  • While toggled into the Scales menu from the Grade Setup page, click Add .
  • Select Scale from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter a name for the scale.
  • Set the Letter Grade that will display to students in their grade reports. Letter grades must contain at least one letter.
  • Set the percentage range for the grading scale.
  • Use the Add Level button to add additional grade levels to this scale.
  • Set the Letter Conversion value. If you type the letter grade into the Gradebook, the Letter Conversion is the percentage the Gradebook assigns. If you enable the option to Use Average, Schoology calculates the average value within the set range.
  • If enabled, students can not access the percentage associated with the letter grade in their grade reports for the category, grading period, and overall grades.
  • If you disable this option, students can access the percentage score for the category, grading period, and overall grades.
  • Regardless of this setting, students can access the numeric points achieved out of the total points possible for individual graded materials.

To add a new Points-based scale:

  • Click Points to switch the calculation method the scale is based on.
  • Enter a value and description for obtaining the value (for example, 4= Exceeding Standard, 3= Meeting Standard, and so on)

The Numeric and A +/- scales are pre-populated for all Schoology instructors; you cannot remove these from the Scales list.

To add a rubric:

  • Click the Add button in the upper right in the Grading Scales section.
  • Enter a name for the rubric.
  • Create titles and descriptions for each criterion.
  • To add additional rows of criteria, click on the +Criteria button or +Learning Objective button.
  • To add additional columns to the scale, move the pointer over the cell and click on the + icon from each cell.
  • To remove a row or column, move the pointer over the cell and click on the x icon.
  • To reorder the rows, click on the double bars and drag them to the appropriate location.
  • Use the menu items to close or hide the rubric.
  • The Total Pts for the rubric automatically adjust as you add rows and columns.
  • To create a rubric using learning objectives or standards, click the Alignments link from the Criteria section.

Copy Settings

You can copy these settings to other courses you administer using the Copy Settings button.

  • Click Copy Settings.

An administrator has selected to copy Categories, Grading Scales, and Rubrics.

  • Select the course(s) to which you'd like to copy the grade settings. You can only copy to courses for which you are a Course Admin.
  • Click Copy to complete.

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.

What is Schoology? All You Need to Know About Schoology

what is schoology - lmshero

Are you interested in knowing more about what Schoology is? You’ve come to the right place.

Just like Blackboard Learn, Schoology provides a next-gen API as well as Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) support, advanced assessments, custom branding, detailed analytics, and granular role creation for a fee.

In this article, I will explain what Schoology is, its features, and all that you need about the platform.

What is Schoology?

You can then use dynamic content creation tools and text editors to create your content and lessons. Also, you can use HTML and CSS tools to keep your lessons as complex or simple as you want.

What Are the Features of Schoology?

1. instructional tools.

Schoology has course design features to help instructors create assignments. As an instructor, you can attach different materials like quizzes, packets, discussion boards, and more.

2. Communication and Collaboration

Courses are saved in a folder system and you can share them either as a resource or in a public group.

3. Data, Analytics, and Personalized Learning

4. interoperability.

Just like Edmodo or Google Classroom, Schoology integrates well with student information systems (SIS). The platform’s support for the LTI standards also allows administrators to connect the SIS with an existing learning management system.

5. Assessment Management

Schoology’s Assessment Management Platform allows assessment teams to be formed based on the courses to determine the standards of the courses. Standards can also be updated to apply to many courses at the same time.

6. Group Resources and App Store

On Schoology, there are groups for clubs, grades, sports teams, and departments. Educators can leverage these by joining groups that suit their interests. For instance, a Language Arts group has over 7,000 members.

Once you join a group, you can explore the resources in the group. If you’re in a Flipped Classroom, you will find folders with HTML tags, cooperative education forms, as well as folders that contain diagnostics.

You can use the materials as templates for your resources.

What You Should Know About Schoology

1. schoology allows users to have access to materials anytime and anywhere.

Access to Schoology implies that users (students and teachers) can view course materials anytime and anywhere there is internet access.

If any of your students lose a worksheet or project outline, that won’t be a problem since the course materials are on Schoology.

2. Schoology provides professional development opportunities for instructors

3. teachers can decide how they want to use schoology in their classrooms, 4. schoology works on devices that have an internet connection.

Students and teachers can have access to Schoology from the web, or through the Schoology apps for Android, iOS, and Kindle devices.

5. Schoology has a huge user base in the K-12 market

6. teachers and students can use schoology features to get the most out of the platform, 7. there is a free version of schoology for users.

If you want to start using Schoology, simply go online to register for the tool’s free version and have access to some of its best features.

How to Use Schoology

As a teacher, you can use Schoology to build communication with your students in every aspect of the school setting. The well-connected platform bridges the gaps in communication between students, teachers, and administrators.

The basic concept of Schoology is academic and professional. Teachers can use these concepts to share resources, post practices, and develop an online learning community.

Although other platforms have an academic framework, teachers can use Schoology more efficiently.

Although the teacher cannot censor every piece of content, exposure to the views of other learners would benefit young learners while preparing for middle school. Ensure you take time to clearly convey the expectations of the students.

You can post due dates, details of assignments, and resources to help parents. These will help parents to play a key role in the success of their children.

Administrative Use

The school page on Schoology is designed to provide useful general information to students, parents, and staff. Most schools have websites that give them some of this information, but Schoology provides a continuous stream of updates.

The pricing information is not displayed on its website. hence, you need to contact the vendor to get a quote.

Schoology Alternatives

Edmodo connects learners with the people and resources that are needed to attain their full potential.

Zooms combine simple online meetings, video conferencing, and group messaging into a single, easy-to-use platform.

The platform offers the audio, video, and screen-sharing experience across Mac, Zoom Rooms, Windows, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a tool that can be found in Google Apps for Education. The tool helps teachers quickly create and organize assignments. It also helps to provide feedback efficiently and communicate easily with classes.

It also helps educators to conceptualize the different courses, course structures, and curricula; thereby enhancing interaction with online students.

What Can You Do with Schoology?

You can use the tool to import files, create new resources, and copy or move the resources to any or all of your courses.

What is the Essence of Schoology?

How can schoology be used in the classroom.

Schoology has message boards that enable students to easily communicate with each other. Also, it allows teachers to collaborate and build lessons and classes and also interact together on projects.

Is Schoology easy to use?

Schoology is like a social media platform. It is easy to use and also has lots of ability to be extended through integrations with Microsoft and Google. The tool also connects well with other learning platforms in important K-12 settings.

Why do teachers like Schoology?

What are the main areas of schoology.

You can move to the three main areas of Schoology from the navigation bar. These areas include Courses, Groups, and Resources.

Does Schoology support zoom?

Yes, it does.

The Zoom Pro LTI app enables districts to install Zoom for all Schoology courses. This allows teachers to schedule and arrange meetings and record classroom sessions amongst others.

Is Schoology an LMS?

In this article, we have considered what Schoology is, its features, and how the different groups of users can use it.

As part of the solutions offered by Schoology, the tool ensures that students have access to the same quality of learning and teaching, irrespective of their socio-economic condition, education needs, and other circumstances.

Irrespective of where students and teachers are (whether in the classroom or at home), the platform has communication tools that help students and teachers to connect.

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Schoology - Marking a Grade as Excused, Missing, or Incomplete

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In order to have Schoology calculate grades properly, all Gradebook items need to be Graded or marked as Excused, Missing, or Incomplete.

  • Hover your mouse over a cell in the Gradebook where you need to mark a student’s grade as Excused, Missing, or Incomplete.
  • Click on the Flag icon

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Schoology Overview

Image result for schoology logo

Schoology is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows teachers to create, manage, and share content and resources. Its services include class management, attendance records, online gradebooks, tests and quizzes, and homework drop boxes. Schoology also includes a social media interface that facilitates collaboration among a class, group, or school. Native mobile applications for the program are available on iOS, Android, and Kindle Devices. Lastly, Schoology integrates with Google Drive to leverage the cloud storage services and document creation capabilities of this platform.

Image result for schoology

What is Schoology?

Steps for using schoology.

If you look up at the top of your screen, you'll see four different "profiles" on the left—Home, Courses, Groups, and Resources—and some icons and your name on the right. This top navigation is always available, no matter where you are on the site. Make sure to familiarize yourself with it, because you'll be using it a ton.

And keep in mind that Schoology streamlines navigation. There are multiple ways to get basically anywhere you want to go, so don't hesitate to try something new and see what happens.

Your Home Page is where you will start every time you log in to Schoology. Why? Because it's the best way, as you're having your morning coffee, to catch up on all the important happenings that relate to you, your courses, and your groups. Your Home Page is perfect for sending mass messages, posting updates, making calendar events, and simply preparing yourself for your day.

There are four main components to your Home Profile:

what is standard assignment format in schoology


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    what is standard assignment format in schoology

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  6. Creating an Assignment in Schoology

    what is standard assignment format in schoology


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    format that you receive to join a course or group. Click Continue. 4. Fill out the required information. Do NOT use your Dadeschools email to register. Click Register. Changing Notification Settings in Schoology Schoology sends you email or text notifications for activity that occurs in your account. In the Settings area, you can manage which ...

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    Use rubrics to make grading easier and faster. -Debra Moyer. Link your "like" courses to save time. -Kris Campea. Use the power of the "Page" feature to add a playlist for your students. It is a one-stop for students to get all assignments and links. You can even voice record to help students understand the playlist.

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  8. PDF A Parent's Guide to Schoology

    If your child's school aligns materials to standard and learning objectives, you can Mastery: check your child's progress in this area. Calendar: Click to view a calendar of past and upcoming events and assignments. Events and assignments in the near future are also listed in the Upcoming column on the right.

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    Learn how to download an assignment in a different format using the Ally alternative formats icon. Assignments can be downloaded as. an ePub file. an electronic braille file. an audio mp3 file. a beeline reader file.

  10. Steps to Create an Assignment in Schoology

    After logging in to Schoology, select the Courses tab and choose a course. Select a specific folder to which you would like to add an assignment (or you can leave this assignment outside of the folders). Inside the folder, select Add Materials. Select Add Assignment. The Create Assignment window will appear. Complete the fields for this assignment:

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  12. Completing Assignments in Schoology

    Completing Assignments in Schoology. Choose your class in Schoology, then click the assignment you want to work on, on the Materials tab. Make sure you click the Turn In button after completing the assignment. That is what writes your score to your teacher's reports. 11 out of 19 found this helpful. Choose your class in Schoology, then click ...

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  15. PDF A Parent's Guide to Schoology

    It helps students stay organized and it keeps the class connected. A Schoology Parent Account gives you access to: • Materials, resources, and announcements from your child's classes. • Your child's upcoming assignments and due dates. • View the work your child submits, and the feedback they get from teachers.

  16. Courses: Grade Setup

    Enter a name for the scale. Set the Letter Grade that will display to students in their grade reports. Letter grades must contain at least one letter. Set the percentage range for the grading scale. Use the Add Level button to add additional grade levels to this scale. Set the Letter Conversion value.

  17. What is Schoology? All You Need to Know About Schoology

    Schoology is a cloud-based LMS that specializes in course instruction, curriculum management, and system-wide resource sharing and collaboration. You can upload course content and assignments to the platform to create your website. You can then use dynamic content creation tools and text editors to create your content and lessons.

  18. Schoology: Parent Guide

    A Schoology Parent Account gives you access to: The classes your child is enrolled in. Your child's upcoming assignments. School and class announcements. . Schoology makes it easy for parents to stay involved in their children's education. . Having a Parent account in Schoology is actually like having two accounts: Your personal account ...

  19. Schoology

    In order to have Schoology calculate grades properly, all Gradebook items need to be Graded or marked as Excused, Missing, or Incomplete. This article assumes that you have accessed the Gradebook. Hover your mouse over a cell in the Gradebook where you need to mark a student's grade as Excused, Missing, or Incomplete. Click on the Flag icon.

  20. Schoology Overview

    Schoology Overview. Created Feb. 7, 2024 by Scott K. Schoology is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows teachers to create, manage, and share content and resources. Its services include class management, attendance records, online gradebooks, tests and quizzes, and homework drop boxes. Schoology also includes a social media interface ...


    Create Assignment Name: * Description: Format Options: Due date: Category: Period: Factor: * Syncing: Scale/ Rubric: * Learning Objectives: Options: OneDrive Assignments Annotations Assignment Standard assignment format is applied if no selection is made. 2022-2023 MRI 1.00 sync to SIS Numeric Align 100 pts Cl Set as midterm/final Create Cancel

  22. PDF A Parent's Guide to Schoology

    It helps students stay organized and it keeps the class connected. A Schoology Parent Account gives you access to: • The classes your child is enrolled in. • Your child's upcoming assignments. • School and class announcements. Schoology makes it easy for parents to stay involved in their children's education.

  23. Standard Format Regulations for Written Assignments

    Always proofread your written work. Check it using the following list of rules before you submit it. Staple your pages together before handing in (top left corner). Use 1″ margins on all sides. Use only 12pt type in a standard font. Number your pages (the first page of text is page 1). Always double-space (except in lengthy offset quotations).