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Assignment: Ada

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— Mission Objective stated at the start of the mission.

Assignment: Ada , also known as Ada the Spy in some regions, is a non-canon minigame featured in Resident Evil 4 unlocked after completing the game.

  • 2.1 Loadout
  • 2.2 Plaga Sample locations
  • 3.1 Yellow Herbs

The minigame's plot involves Ada collecting a number of plaga samples as ordered by Albert Wesker (as opposed to collecting the single control plaga sample like in the main game). Ada does so and then reports back to Wesker that the mission was completed. She also states that Krauser was killed despite the implication that he had actually survived.

Although the plot is non-canon, it is interesting to note the ending scene has one of the biggest allusions to Resident Evil 5 in that Albert Wesker talks about "Significant changes in our world".

Gameplay [ ]

Ada wears a unique costume in the minigame which is a military-style uniform as opposed to her red dress as in the main game.

The game begins at the beginning of the island at Wharf A and ends at the Communications tower . The item layout on the map has been reworked for the minigame and pesetas and treasures are not found or used at all. The player must find the five samples of the Las Plagas parasite which are marked on the player's map. The only enemies featured are Ganado militia , Gatling Men , and Jack Krauser as the "boss" in the final area the player must defeat to get the last Plaga Sample.

The minigame is relatively short and is meant to be completed in one play-through as there are no save points during it. Ada starts the game with 6 & 2/4 Bars of health and has a slightly faster movement speed than Leon. The Plaga Samples Ada must collect take up space in the inventory instead of the Keys & Treasures menu.

Loadout [ ]

Ada begins the game with a set loadout with the default size case. In the GameCube, PlayStation 2, and the 2007 PC versions, she doesn't have a knife. In all other releases, she does. There are no other weapons to find besides Hand Grenades and ammo and the Merchant does not appear at all. Ada has the following items and firearms with the following stats;

  • Handgun Ammo x30
  • TMP Ammo x50
  • Rifle Ammo x5
  • Hand Grenade
  • First Aid Spray
  • Scope (semi-auto rifle)
Weapon Firing Power Firing Speed Reload Speed Capacity
Lv:6/6 (1.9) Lv:3/3 (0.33) Lv:2/3 (1.47) Lv:4/6 (20)
Lv:6/6 (1.2) Lv:1/1 (0.10) Lv:2/3 (1.93) Lv:3/6 (100)
Lv:6/6 (15.0) Lv:1/1 (1.43) Lv:2/3 (1.90) Lv:2/6 (12)

Plaga Sample locations [ ]


Each Plaga Sample takes up 1x2 spaces of inventory. Due to them being mandatory in order to complete the scenario Plaga Samples are the only items in the game that cannot be discarded after putting them in the Attache Case.

Area Location
In the same place where the was in the main game.
Held by a corpse in the larger room.
In the very back of the holding room.
In the very center of the lab area with all the shelves.
Dropped by Krauser after defeating him.

Strategy [ ]

  • In the GameCube and PlayStation2 versions, Ada has no knife, so try and conserve ammo and, to open multiple crates, line them up and shoot them in one bullet using the Punisher.
  • Try to not get carried away with the Punisher's high rate of fire.
  • Single-fire the TMP when possible to conserve ammo.
  • Using The TMP full-auto is best saved to be used against shielded militia in close range, or multiple enemies, due to its high fire rate and high bullet consumption.
  • Ada's melee attacks, Fan Kick and Back Kick, are particularly useful, due to your lack of a knife, and need to conserve ammo.
  • Try to avoid Gatling Men whenever possible. They're relatively easy to flank in most presented situations, and not worth wasting ammo over, unless you are in dire need of a First Aid Spray or a Hand Grenade .
  • Krauser is really easy to beat if you do this correctly. When he appears, dodge his attacks and run to the door you originally came from. Then equip your sniper rifle. Reenter the room where Krauser is. He will charge at you from the far end of the walkway, using his plaga arm as a shield. Try and snipe his knees before he reaches you. if you do, when he staggers, try and shoot either his head or upper chest. Repeat that until he reaches you. Just before he reaches you, re-enter that door again, reload and re-enter Krauser's room again. He spawns at the very end of the catwalk. Repeat what's above until he's dead. Grenades are more risky, due to their range, but also work well too if you can time it right. Sustained TMP fire at his knees is also effective. On the Wii, Xbox Live and PSN versions, do this same tactic, but try knifing him when he drops to his knee. This is very useful in speed running, as it only takes a few slashes to defeat him.
  • Discard the Scope for the Semi-Auto Sniper since it is basically useless, this might help when collecting Plaga Samples since you need them in your Attache Case.
  • After the fight with Krauser, no more enemies appear. Anything other than the first four Plaga samples may be discarded to make space in the inventory for the final sample.

Yellow Herbs [ ]

Due to Ada's low health, Yellow Herbs are vital in order to stay alive and take more hits. There are seven in the minigame. Collecting them all raises Ada's max health from 6 & 1/2Bars to 8 1/4 Bars.

Area Location
Wharf A In a small box on top of the cliff reached by using the "CLIMB UP" command in the beginning of the area.
Wharf A In the room that Gatling Man comes out of, behind the sand bags.
After going up the ladder, in the cave with the grenade chest in it, by the crack in the wall where you can see the grenade chest.
Autopsy Room Behind a glass protected shelf.
Confinement room After the hallway in the actual room, in the right-hand corner of the room.
In the small room at the end of the hall on the desk.
Culture room In the back of the lab area with all the shelves beside a Green Herb and a Red Herb.

Results [ ]

There is no formal results screen displayed at the end of Assignment: Ada . However, a unique credits sequence plays consisting of cutscenes from the main game but with Leon in his Special 1 costume and Ada in her costume from The Mercenaries minigame (The R.P.D uniform and Resident Evil 2 dress respectively).

In the Gamecube version, beating the minigame will unlock the Chicago Typewriter for the main game, in all subsequent releases, however, the weapon unlocks for use in Separate Ways instead.

Gallery [ ]

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  • 1 Leon Scott Kennedy
  • 3 Alcina Dimitrescu

assignment ada o que ganha

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assignment ada o que ganha

Assignment Ada

O extra Assignment Ada (ou “Ada The Spy” em algumas regiões) é um mini-game não canônico com Ada Wong. A espiã deve coletar amostras de Las Plagas para Albert Wesker.

Ao completar o extra, você ganha um conjunto de roupas extras para Leon, Ashley e Ada na campanha, além de habilitar a Chicago Typewriter no modo Separate Ways. Na versão para GameCube, a conclusão do Assignment Ada libera a Chicago na campanha.

Guia - Modo Assignment Ada

Lembre-se: Este detonado apenas indica um caminho a seguir e a localização de itens-chave, de forma a auxiliar o jogador a terminar o game. Guiá-lo durante todo o jogo não é nosso propósito e, sendo assim, o guia não indica a localização exata de munições e itens de cura, como também não descreve cutscenes e eventuais surpresas que o modo reserva aos jogadores de primeira viagem. A idéia é que a “experiência Resident Evil” seja curtida de forma completa, mesmo com a ajuda de um detonado.

Para guia em vídeo, clique aqui e acesse o canal MFWalkthroughs

Após a animação de abertura do modo, siga em frente para encontrar os primeiros inimigos na bifurcação. Siga pela direita e sempre em frente, até chegar a um buraco. Pule por cima dele e siga em frente com cuidado, pois muitos ganados estarão espalhados pela área, além de um JJ. O ideal é acabar com todos e circular pelo cenário, que está repleto de munições e itens de cura, antes de seguir pela escada à direita, no final.

Siga em frente até o final da caverna e suba pela escada na parede. Pela direita, pule por cima do buraco e continue sempre em frente, tomando cuidado com os ganados que jogam dinamite. Não há nada pela caverna do lado esquerdo, ela leva à parte de cima e a alguns itens. Continue seguindo em frente e entre pelo túnel. Ao longe, você verá alguns inimigos que disparam flechas, cuide deles e vá até o final, subindo pela escada do lado esquerdo. Entre pelo duto de ventilação. É a partir daqui que você deve começar a procurar pelas amostras de Las Plagas. Após a animação, siga pelo caminho à esquerda e depois novamente à esquerda, correndo pelo corredor até as portas duplas. Você estará em um laboratório com alguns ganados e itens. Vá para a sala de observação do lado direito e pegue a primeira amostra no cadáver.

Saindo do laboratório, siga sempre em frente, passando pelo portão de metal e entrando pelas portas duplas brancas à direita. Você estará em uma espécie de frigorífico com duas salinhas à direita. Entre na segunda e pegue mais uma amostra de Las Plagas na geladeira. Volte ao corredor anterior.

Siga agora pelo pequeno corredor ao lado do frigorífico, que o leva a uma porta. Siga pelo caminho até passar pela porta. Daqui, você pode matar alguns inimigos que estarão na parte inferior através do vidro que toma conta de grande parte da parede. Desça e passe pelos latões de lixo, seguindo até chegar à sala de controle, onde um ganado trancará a porta. Mate-o e aperte o botão. A sala será invadida por mais inimigos, acabe com eles e continue seguindo em frente até a cela, na qual Ashley estava presa no jogo normal. Lá dentro você encontrará mais um grupo de inimigos e a terceira amostra.

Volte e siga pela porta imediatamente à direita da saída da cela. Siga sempre em frente, passando pela lousa branca e descendo as escadas. A porta se trancará e você será encurralado por muitos ganados e um JJ, todos vindos da parte superior da sala. Mate-os e a porta será liberada, com mais um grupo de inimigos do outro lado. Acabe com eles e vá pela porta à esquerda, chegando a mais um laboratório.

Siga em frente pela passagem, passando pela janela quebrada. Você encontrará a quarta Plaga no suporte circular bem no centro e isso fará com que as portas mais uma vez se tranquem e uma nova leva de inimigos invada o local. Volte e ative o painel localizado logo em frente à janela, destrancando as portas. Mate os inimigos (há um tubo de oxigênio ao lado do painel, que pode te ajudar na tarefa) e siga por qualquer uma das portas recém destrancadas para atingir a última área do game.

Você estará em uma plataforma metálica e em linha reta. Siga em frente para ativar mais uma animação e você estará frente a frente com Krauser, em sua segunda forma. Para matá-lo, siga a mesma estratégia do jogo normal, atire em suas pernas e, quando ele se abaixar, atire na cabeça. Uma maneira alternativa é andar para trás até que ele abra a guarda para te atacar, atirando diretamente em seu peito ou cabeça, e mais uma vez enquanto ele estiver abaixado. Após matá-lo, você terá a quinta e última amostra do parasita.

Siga até o elevador no final da plataforma e suba. Dê a volta na cabine e ative o console para chamar o helicóptero. Missão cumprida.

← Resident Evil 4

assignment ada o que ganha

Resident Evil 4/Assignment Ada

  • Resident Evil 4

Table of Contents

  • Walkthrough
  • Mercenaries
  • Assignment Ada
  • Separate Ways
  • Chapter 1-1
  • Chapter 1-2
  • Chapter 1-3
  • Chapter 2-1
  • Chapter 2-2
  • Chapter 2-3
  • Chapter 3-1
  • Chapter 3-2
  • Chapter 3-3
  • Chapter 3-4
  • Chapter 4-1
  • Chapter 4-2
  • Chapter 4-3
  • Chapter 4-4
  • Chapter 5-1
  • Chapter 5-2
  • Chapter 5-3
  • Chapter 5-4
  • Final chapter
  • Side quests
  • Weapons and upgrades
  • Treasure and Keys
  • Files transcript
  • Achievements and trophies

Assignment Ada , also known as Ada the Spy in some regions, is a short mission that is unlocked after completing the game once. In this game, Ada Wong must infiltrate the Island Base and recover 5 Plaga Samples. The samples must fit into her small Attache Case along with her Punisher, TMP, and Semi-Auto Rifle, so item management is a must. The game must be beaten in one complete run, as there is no saving. In all versions prior to the Wii version, Ada has no Knife, so the difficulty is even greater. She must fire bullets to break crates and barrels to obtain items so, do not worry about killing every single enemy and proceed to the next area as soon as possible.

  • 1 Storming the Beach
  • 2 Inside the Base
  • 3 The Lone Guard
  • 4 Chicago Typewriter

Storming the Beach [ edit | edit source ]

When infiltrating the beach area, be careful about shooting enemies of edges into the water, or else you may run short on ammo. After all the enemies are dead, collect the items around the area. Climb the ladder at the rear entrance and crawl through the vent duct to get inside the Base.

Inside the Base [ edit | edit source ]

Once inside check your in-game map. The locations of the Plaga Samples are marked with treasure icons on the map. Find them and kill the enemies guarding them. In the Research Lab, collect the Plaga Sample and then defend yourself from the enemies that lock-down the room. To get out, operate the security console to unlock the door.

The Lone Guard [ edit | edit source ]

At the Communications Tower you will have to defeat Krauser to obtain the final Plaga Sample. Use your remaining Hand Grenades and the TMP to defeat him. Once he's taken care of ride the lift to the top of the Tower and call a Chopper to pick up Ada.

Chicago Typewriter [ edit | edit source ]

Completing the mission allows you to purchase the Chicago Typewriter , a Tommy Gun with unlimited ammo, in a completed file of the main game (GameCube) or Separate Ways (all other versions). The gun does come with a high price at 1 million Pesetas to be exact in the main game and 300,000 in Separate Ways.

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Walkthrough (Assignment Ada)

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How do I solve (Assignment Ada)?

Resident evil 4, nintendo switch pc playstation 3 playstation 4 xbox 360 xbox one android gamecube pc playstation 2 wii zeebo, resident evil 4 (gamecube).

  • I have the GC version and I've played the first mission in the side game Assignment Ada many times and can't get past it. Am I doing something wrong, or do I have to unlock something in the main story, or what..? Esiko1021 - 14 years ago - report
  • I've already done that. I've replayed the level many times, but the game will not let me advance to the next misson. Any ideas? Esiko1021 - 14 years ago - report

Accepted Answer

  • Find all five samples and fight Krauser to complete Ada's mission. That's all there is to it. Mookiethebold ( Expert ) - 14 years ago - report 2   0

Top Voted Answer

  • There is only one mission. brawlfanboy9 - 11 years ago - report 2   1

Other Answers

  • There is only one mission for Assignment Ada. KXGLSGM - 14 years ago - report 0   0
  • "Assignment Ada" on the Gamecube version is only one mission. It ends when you kill Krauser. It is entirely different from what you are probably thinking of, "Separate Ways," a multiple-mission scenario starring Ada which appears in every version of Resident Evil 4 *except* the Gamecube version. teenymon08 - 14 years ago - report 0   0
  • Asssighment Ada has only one mission... Defeat Krauser and grab all plaga samples.. the STARS on your map represent the samples. there are five of them. If u are talking about ada's mission with5 missions. Its called Seperate Ways InfinteRokk - 14 years ago - report 0   0
  • Once you get all five Las Plagas sample, where you defeat Krauser take the elevator up, & then use the radio Yaganagi - 13 years ago - report 0   0
  • Run,for real,if you can run,do it,you aint gonna save or something,its just once,killing enemys is stupid,just shot any inmmediate tthreat and find all plaga samples,also save all the tmp ammo you can for the final boss,krauser(without a knife is mad hard) if you get hit mad badly just use retry on pause screen,its better than starting out again or using a continue,and you start at the nerarest door metashinryu - 14 years ago - report 0   1

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Main Story211h 7m1h50m2h 17m
Main + Extras558m1h51m1h 7m
Completionist457m1h49m1h 4m
All PlayStyles301h 4m1h50m2h 17m

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Wii21h1h 15m--1h1h 15m
Xbox One1----40m40m40m
Xbox Series X/S13h 32m----3h 32m3h 32m

assignment ada o que ganha

Resident Evil 4

assignment ada o que ganha

Originally posted by Kthulhu : You can unlock Assignment Ada if you have an RE3 save file where you completed the Clock Tower segment.


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  1. Assignment: Ada (Video Game 2005)

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    assignment ada o que ganha

  6. Assignment Ada

    assignment ada o que ganha


  1. Assignment: Ada

    Assignment: Ada, also known as Ada the Spy in some regions, is a non-canon minigame featured in Resident Evil 4 unlocked after completing the game. The minigame's plot involves Ada collecting a number of plaga samples as ordered by Albert Wesker (as opposed to collecting the single control plaga sample like in the main game). Ada does so and then reports back to Wesker that the mission was ...

  2. Assignment Ada

    Introdução. O extra Assignment Ada (ou "Ada The Spy" em algumas regiões) é um mini-game não canônico com Ada Wong. A espiã deve coletar amostras de Las Plagas para Albert Wesker. Ao completar o extra, você ganha um conjunto de roupas extras para Leon, Ashley e Ada na campanha, além de habilitar a Chicago Typewriter no modo Separate ...

  3. Assignment Ada

    Assignment Ada is a bonus game in Resident Evil 4 HD and in all releases of RE4. In it, you play as Ada Wong . The objective is to infiltrate the island (same layout from Chapter 5: Part 1 ) and ...

  4. Resident Evil 4 Remaster

    MODO EXTRA DA ADA WONG..E aí, sobreviventes de Raccoon City e também Silent Hill. Beleza?Nesse vídeo eu mostro a gameplay completa de um dos modos extras do ...


    ASSIGNMENT ADA é um modo que é desbloqueado em RESIDENT EVIL 4 após zerar o jogo pela primeira vez.Nesse modo extra temos que controlar Ada Wong em uma miss...

  6. Resident Evil 4: Assignment Ada Gameplay Completa

    Assista ao passo a passo completo do game Assignment Ada, game extra que e desbloqueado após terminar o game principal.

  7. Resident Evil 4/Assignment Ada

    Walkthrough. Assignment Ada, also known as Ada the Spy in some regions, is a short mission that is unlocked after completing the game once. In this game, Ada Wong must infiltrate the Island Base and recover 5 Plaga Samples. The samples must fit into her small Attache Case along with her Punisher, TMP, and Semi-Auto Rifle, so item management is ...

  8. What is the difference between assignment Ada and Seperate ...

    Separate ways is a canonical adventure as ada that is more involved and has several chapters, more like the main game . She's sexy in assignment ada and in separate ways, she's more sexier. Separate ways is a canon exposition of Ada's activities simultaneous to Leon's in the main game. Pretty cool in terms of story development.

  9. How do I solve (Assignment Ada)?

    There is only one mission for Assignment Ada. "Assignment Ada" on the Gamecube version is only one mission. It ends when you kill Krauser. It is entirely different from what you are probably thinking of, "Separate Ways," a multiple-mission scenario starring Ada which appears in every version of Resident Evil 4 *except* the Gamecube version.

  10. Walkthrough (Assignment Ada)

    Assignment Ada ----- Version 1.0 1/17/05 Just starting ----- Welcome to the Assignment Ada FAQ. This guide is decicated to the minigame Ada stars in that is unlocked after beating the game once.

  11. What's the difference between Assignment Ada and Separate Ways?

    The sticky has a bit of info on them, but here's a few things: Assignment Ada is a short single mission game where you gather 5 Plaga samples on the Island and plays more like Mercenaries than the main game. Separate Ways is what Ada was doing during the main game and plays more like the main game. Scientist (Topic Creator) 15 years ago #4 ...


    Esse é o último vídeo de Resident Evil 4 no canal. Ficou muito mais longo do que deveria porque sou viciado em catar ITENSTwitter:

  13. What's your opinion on Assignment: Ada? : r/residentevil

    Ive never felt compelled to play it more than once to be honest. It's nice added bonus content though just incase you felt like a speedrunning challenge. 1. Award. Share. I thought it was a good mini-game with a very anti-climatic boss fight.

  14. O INCRÍVEL ASSIGNMENT ADA ! : r/gamesEcultura

    O INCRÍVEL ASSIGNMENT ADA ! ... Fiz esse vídeo como homenagem pra esse que é o meu Resident favorito. Agradeço quem puder se inscrever no canal amigos, agradeço de verdade, eu trago conteúdo de todo tipo de jogo de terror, antigos, novos e obscuros pra mais pessoas conheçam. ... Finalmente, comprei meu ps5 e já ganhei um jogão de presente.

  15. How do I solve (Assignment Ada)?

    There is only one mission for Assignment Ada. "Assignment Ada" on the Gamecube version is only one mission. It ends when you kill Krauser. It is entirely different from what you are probably thinking of, "Separate Ways," a multiple-mission scenario starring Ada which appears in every version of Resident Evil 4 *except* the Gamecube version.

  16. How long is Resident Evil 4: Assignment Ada?

    3h 32m. 3h 32m. How long is Resident Evil 4: Assignment Ada? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

  17. Assignment Ada (extra de RE4)!! Ep.27 Gameplay Resident Evil 4

    Oi gente! No vídeo de hoje fizemos o extra do Resident Evil 4 chamado Assignment Ada, um modo que jogamos com a Ada no cenário da ilha onde ela precisa encon...

  18. Where is the assignment Ada? :: Resident Evil 4 General Discussions

    You can unlock Assignment Ada if you have an RE3 save file where you completed the Clock Tower segment. Ok, but how do I get my PS1 memory card to fit into my PC? #4 < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . Per page: 15 30 50. Resident Evil 4 > General Discussions > Topic Details.

  19. Separate Ways Reward? How about 'Assignment Ada'?

    HenshinHero11. •• Edited. Separate Ways was not included in the original GC release of RE4; Assignment Ada, however, was. Thus, it stands to reason that Capcom decided to flesh out the idea of an Ada-focused side campaign after seeing the reception of Assignment Ada, hence why Separate Ways was made and included in all other versions of RE4.

  20. Assignment Ada

    Galera, vamos agora ver os extras do game, no caso o Assignment Ada, onde jogamos com a Ada! O vídeo está legendado em PT-BR.-----...


    missão {f.} more_vert. You are expected to carry out your assignment to the letter --. expand_more Espero que cumpra a sua missão conforme designado... assignment (também: assigned job, job, stint, task, work) volume_up. tarefa {f.} more_vert. It is not the easiest assignment to manage our programme there.

  22. Will Assignment Ada come out or is it scrapped? : r/residentevil4

    I don't expect Assignment Ada but definitely Separate Ways. Its obviously coming. I predict end of this year or 2024 with a RE4 Gold Edition release. Imagine if we got separate ways and a Luis separate ways. Another 8 hours of re4 remake content. Separate Ways is more likely. Imo definitely will. If it's cancelled it would be a big insult to ...

  23. Assignment Ada DUBLADO

    | SUPORTE o CANAL |Loja: Membro a partir de 2,99Apoia-se: [email protected]...