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How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 4): Bibliographies with BibLaTeX

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Author: Josh Cassidy (August 2013)

This five-part series of articles uses a combination of video and textual descriptions to teach the basics of writing a thesis using LaTeX. These tutorials were first published on the original ShareLateX blog site during August 2013; consequently, today's editor interface (Overleaf) has changed considerably due to the development of ShareLaTeX and the subsequent merger of ShareLaTeX and Overleaf. However, much of the content is still relevant and teaches you some basic LaTeX—skills and expertise that will apply across all platforms.

In the previous post we looked at using images and tables in our thesis. In this post we are going to look at adding a bibliography to our thesis. To do this we are going to use the biblatex package . This involves creating a list of sources in a separate file called a .bib file.

The Bib File

When we create this file we need to choose a name for it and save it as a .bib file rather than a .tex file.

Thesis newbib.png

Now every time we need to reference a source we can cite it in the text and then fill in the source details in the .bib file. First we'll look at filling in our .bib file and then we'll move on to discussing citations. To add a new entry to our .bib file we need to first tell BibLaTeX what type of source we are referencing. We do this using an @ symbol followed immediately by the source type.

Then comes an opening curly bracket and a citation key of our choice followed by a comma. We then need to tell it all the details it wants for that particular type of source. We do this using a list of keywords each followed by an equals sign and the corresponding information in curly brackets. Items in the list are separated by commas. Each recognised source type has a list of required details which we must provide. But we'll often want to give more details. For example, for an article entry we need to use the author , title , journaltitle and year or date keywords. For an online source we need to use the author or editor , title , year or date and url keywords, and finally for a book it's the author , title and year or date keywords. Here's an example of what they might look like filled-in:

All of the information about the recognised source types and all the keywords you can use can be found in the biblatex documentation .

Now let's return to the main .tex file. To set it up for a bibliography we need to load up the biblatex package using the \usepackage command. Also in the preamble we need to specify which .bib files we want to use by calling the \addbibresource command and entering the file name in the curly brackets including the .bib extension.

Now let's look at citations. To cite a source in the text we use one of the biblatex citation commands. The simplest is the \cite command which prints the citation without any brackets unless you are using the numeric or alphabetic styles. We'll discuss styles a little later on. For example we may cite a source in the text like this:

Another one is the \parencite command which prints citations in parentheses except when using the numeric or alphabetic styles when it uses square brackets. There are more citation commands available to you which again can be found in the biblatex documentation .

The citation commands in biblatex also give us the option of adding a prenote and postnote in as arguments:

  • a prenote is a word or phrase like "see" that is inserted at the start of the citation;
  • a postnote is text you want inserted at the end of the citation.

To add these notes in you uses two sets of square brackets in the citation command. If you only open one set of square brackets it will assume the contents of the brackets is a postnote , so if you only want a prenote make sure you still open the second set of square brackets and then just leave them empty. Here are some examples:

Now to actually get the bibliography printed in our thesis we use the \printbibliography command at the end of the document. By default the bibliography and citations use the numeric style which looks like this:

Thesis numericcite.png

To change the style we pass more arguments into the \usepackage command in square brackets. For example this specifies the alphabetic style:

Which looks like this:

Thesis alphabeticcite.png

And this is the authoryear style:

Thesis authoryearcite.png

Another thing we can change here is the way the bibliography is ordered. For example this sorts entries by year , name , title :

While this doesn't sort them at all but displays them in the order they are cited.

More information about the numerous styles and sorting options available can be found in the biblatex documentation . This concludes our discussion on adding a bibliography. In the final post of this series we'll look at customising some of the opening pages.

All articles in this series

  • Part 1: Basic Structure ;
  • Part 2: Page Layout ;
  • Part 3: Figures, Subfigures and Tables ;
  • Part 4: Bibliographies with BibLaTeX ;
  • Part 5: Customising Your Title Page and Abstract .
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  • Display style in math mode
  • List of Greek letters and math symbols
  • Mathematical fonts
  • Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf

Figures and tables

  • Inserting Images
  • Positioning Images and Tables
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX
  • TikZ package

References and Citations

  • Bibliography management with bibtex
  • Bibliography management with natbib
  • Bibliography management with biblatex
  • Bibtex bibliography styles
  • Natbib bibliography styles
  • Natbib citation styles
  • Biblatex bibliography styles
  • Biblatex citation styles
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using babel and fontspec
  • International language support
  • Quotations and quotation marks

Document structure

  • Sections and chapters
  • Table of contents
  • Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
  • Nomenclatures
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Lengths in L a T e X
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Line breaks and blank spaces
  • Text alignment
  • Page size and margins
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • Multiple columns
  • Code listing
  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Margin notes
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Font typefaces
  • Supporting modern fonts with X Ǝ L a T e X


  • Environments

Field specific

  • Theorems and proofs
  • Chemistry formulae
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Molecular orbital diagrams
  • Chess notation
  • Knitting patterns
  • CircuiTikz package
  • Pgfplots package
  • Typesetting exams in LaTeX
  • Attribute Value Matrices

Class files

  • Understanding packages and class files
  • List of packages and class files
  • Writing your own package
  • Writing your own class

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  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Research Guides
  • LaTeX Guide
  • Citing with BibTeX

LaTeX Guide : Citing with BibTeX

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • UW-Madison Templates

LaTeX uses the BibTeX (.bib) file format to manage and process lists of references in order to produce in-text citations and formatted bibliographies. It is possible to create a BibTeX file from scratch using a text editor, but many literature databases and most modern citation managers can export directly to this format.

  • Bibliography management with BibTeX An introduction to using BibTeX and .bib files for bibliography management, including solutions to common problems. From Overleaf.
  • BibTeX Basic introduction to the BibTeX file format and how to use it with LaTeX.
  • Choosing a BibTeX style Guide from Reed College on various citation styles and how to use them with BibTeX and LaTeX.

Citation Managers and LaTeX/BibTeX

Jabref is a free reference manager with native BibTeX and BibLaTeX support—it's designed for use with systems like LaTeX and includes cite-while-you-write functionality for LaTeX editors like Kile, LyX, and TeXstudio.

  • JabRef Free citation manager with BibTeX support. Made by researchers for researchers.

Zotero is a free, open source citation manager. To create a BibTeX file with Zotero:

  • Save all your references into a single collection folder
  • Right click that collection in Zotero ( Ctrl + click for Mac OS)
  • Choose Export Collection...
  • Change the format from RIS to BibTeX

This will create a .bib file for you. Because Zotero is open source, there are a number of third-party plugins you can get to add or improve functionality. Better BibTeX for Zotero is highly recommended if you will be using Zotero for citation management for a LaTeX project.

  • Better BibTeX for Zotero A plugin for Zotero that makes it easier for LaTeX users to manage bibliographic data.
  • How to link your Overleaf account to Mendeley and Zotero For users with premium subscriptions only.

EndNote is a powerful citation manager, but the full version cannot be used without the purchase of a software license. The paid version of EndNote can produce a BibTeX file for your references, with some limitations. To do this:

  • Save all your references into a single EndNote group
  • Select the references in EndNote (use Ctrl +A for Windows or Cmd + A for Mac OS to select all)
  • From the main menu choose File > Export...
  • Choose BibTeX Export as the file output style (this may require installing the BibTeX Export style from the Style Manager)
  • Save the file
  • EndNote creates a plain text (.txt) file with BibTeX formatting inside; you will need to manually change it to .bib

Note: these instructions were created using EndNote 20. The process may not be exactly the same for other versions of EndNote.

  • Can I use Overleaf with EndNote? Instructions for using EndNote to manage references for an Overleaf LaTeX project.

Mendeley is a free citation manager. Follow the directions below to create a BibTeX file containing the references from a Mendeley collection.

  • Save all your references into a single folder
  • Navigate to that folder in Mendeley Reference Manager
  • Choose File > Export All from the main menu
  • Choose BibTeX (*.bib) and save your file

Note: the steps may vary depending on the version of Mendeley being used.

  • Exporting references from Mendeley Instructions for exporting your Mendeley reference library to a variety of formats. Note that this creates a static file.
  • << Previous: Getting Started
  • Next: UW-Madison Templates >>
  • Last Updated: May 29, 2024 3:50 PM
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  • Citation guides

Cite a Thesis in BIBTEX

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Check your paper before your teacher does!

Avoid plagiarism — quickly check for missing citations and check for writing mistakes., is your source credible don’t forget to consider these factors., purpose : reason the source exists.

  • Is the point of the information to inform, persuade, teach, or sell?
  • Do the authors/publishers make their intentions clear?
  • Does the information appear to be fact or opinion?
  • Does the point of view seem impartial? Do they identify counter-arguments?

Authority - Author: Source of the information

  • Who is the author? What are their credentials or qualifications?
  • What makes the author qualified to write on this topic?
  • Is there clearly defined contact information for the author?

Authority - Publisher: Source of the information

  • Who is the publisher? Is it a non-profit, government agency, or organization? How might this affect their point of view?
  • What makes the publisher qualified to generate works on this subject?
  • What can the URL tell you about the publisher? For instance, .gov may signify that it is a government agency.

Relevance : Importance of the information to your topic

Currency : timeliness of the information.

  • When was the information published? When was it last updated? Does it reflect the most current information available?
  • How does your topic fit in with this source’s publication date? Do you need current information to make your point or do older sources work better?


  • Does the source present one or multiple viewpoints on your topic?
  • Does the source present a large amount of information on the topic? Or is it short and focused?
  • Are there any points you feel may have been left out, on purpose or accidentally, that affect its comprehensiveness?
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Cite a Thesis in BIBTEX

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Don't let plagiarism errors spoil your paper

Consider your source's credibility. ask these questions:, contributor/author.

  • Has the author written several articles on the topic, and do they have the credentials to be an expert in their field?
  • Can you contact them? Do they have social media profiles?
  • Have other credible individuals referenced this source or author?
  • Book: What have reviews said about it?
  • What do you know about the publisher/sponsor? Are they well-respected?
  • Do they take responsibility for the content? Are they selective about what they publish?
  • Take a look at their other content. Do these other articles generally appear credible?
  • Does the author or the organization have a bias? Does bias make sense in relation to your argument?
  • Is the purpose of the content to inform, entertain, or to spread an agenda? Is there commercial intent?
  • Are there ads?
  • When was the source published or updated? Is there a date shown?
  • Does the publication date make sense in relation to the information presented to your argument?
  • Does the source even have a date?
  • Was it reproduced? If so, from where?
  • If it was reproduced, was it done so with permission? Copyright/disclaimer included?
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Naval Postgraduate School

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Citation Guide

  • BibTeX Code ≤ v2.6
  • Examples & Rules
  • Zotero Examples
  • Examples & Rules
  • BibTeX Code
  • Other Styles
  • Generative AI

  BIBTEX NPS Template v2.6 and earlier: Code Examples (Click  here  if you are using version 2.7 or above)

The following codes are customized for NPS theses and are not intended for use with any other publisher or template. The NPS thesis LaTeX template comes prepackaged with a BibTeX tool and a bib file containing the examples below.



Always check your output against the .

Use misc class.

  author        = "J. Locke",
  title         = "Effect of weird tails in 35mm Innsmouth sprocket periodicity distributions on re-tiered bicyclical phase shifting using {C}thulhean logic",
  month         = "Dec. 22,",
  year          = "2020",
  howpublished  = "Thing’s Credible!, blog", 
  url           = ""
Chapter in Edited Book

Book Chapter

One author, two editors

Always check your output against the .

Use incollection class.

  author        = "P. Haynes",
  editor        = "D. Moran and J. A. Russel",
  title         = "Al-{Q}aeda, oil dependence, and {U.S.} foreign policy",
  booktitle     = "Energy Security and Global Politics: The Militarization of Resource Management",
  publisher     = "Routledge",
  address       = "New York, NY, USA",
  year          = "2009",
  pages         = "62--77"
Electronic Book


Always check your output against the .

Use ebook entry, with howpublished and URL declarations.

  author        = "M. E. Bonds",
  title         = "Absolute Music: The History of an Idea",
  howpublished  = "Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, 2014.",
  url           = ""

From book provider

Always check your output against the .

Normal ebook entry, with howpublished decorations.

  author        = "A. Krishnan",
  title         = "War as Business: Technological Change and Military Service Contracting",
  howpublished  = "Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2008. Kindle edition"
Print Book

One author

Always check your output against the .

Normal use of book class.

  author        = "M. Pollan",
  title         = "The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals",
  publisher     = "Penguin",
  address       = "New York, NY, USA",
  edition       = "2nd ed.",
  year          = "2006"

Two authors with edition number

Always check your output against the .

Normal use of book class.

  author        = "A. Strindberg and M. Wärn",
  title         = " Islamism: Religion, Radicalization and Resistance",
  publisher     = "John Wiley and Sons",
  address       = "Hoboken, NJ, USA",
  edition       = "2nd ed.",
  year          = "2011"
Section (in a series, portion, volume)

In a series

Always check your output against the .

Not just a book, but a part of a book portion (since there is page range), so the inbook class is more appropriate. If there were no pages, we could use book.

  editor        = "M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun",
  title         = "Handbook of Mathematical Functions",
  series        = "Applied Mathematics Series 55",
  publisher     = "NBS",
  address       = "Washington, DC, USA",
  pages         = "32--33",
  year          = "1964"


Always check your output against the .

Normal use of inbook.

  author        = "B. Orend",
  title         = "Morality of War",
  publisher     = "Broadview Press",
  address       = "Tonawanda, NY, USA",
  edition       = "2nd ed.",
  year          = "2013",
  chapter       = "2, sec.\ 3",
  pages         = "67--70"


Always check your output against the .

Normal use of incollection for a chapter in a volume of collected works.

  author        = "R. L. Myer",
  editor        = "P. G. Harper and B. S. Wherret",
  title         = "Parametric oscillators and nonlinear materials",
  booktitle     = "Nonlinear Optics",
  publisher     = "Academic Press",
  address       = "San Francisco, CA, USA",
  year          = "1977",
  volume        = "4",
  pages         = "47--160"

Class Notes / Lecture / Presentation / Workshop

Always check your output against the .

Use misc

  title         = "New applications in computational mechanics",
  organization  = "Dept. of Mech. and Aerosp. Eng., Naval Postgraduate School",
  howpublished  = "class notes for Computational Mechanics",
  address       = "Monterey, CA, USA",
  year          = "spring 2013"

Computer Program / Software

Always check your output against the .

Normal software entry. Note "and" between multiple authors.

  author        = "M. Borenstein and L. Hedges and J. Higgins and H. Rothstein",
  address       = "Englewood, NJ, USA",
  title         = "Comprehensive Meta-Analysis",
  howpublished  = "ver. 2",
  year          = "2005",
  url           = ""

Conference Proceedings


Always check your output against the .



Variant of inproceedings class. Note "and" between multiple authors.

  author        = "J. W. Morentz and C. Doyle and L. Skelly and N. Adam",
  title         = "{Unified Incident Command and Decision Support (UICDS) a Department of Homeland Security initiative in information sharing}",
  booktitle     = "2009 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security",
  year          = "2009",
  url           = ""

Conference Proceedings


Always check your output against the .

Normal use of inproceedings class.

  author        = "I. Katz and K. Gabayan and H. Aghajan",
  title         = "A multi-touch surface using multiple cameras",
  booktitle     = "Adv. Conc. for Intell. Vis. Sys.: 9th Intl. Conf.",
  year          = "2007",
  pages         = "133--203"

Paper Presented at a Conference


Always check your output against the .

Use misc.  Notice the {} around first letters of proper nouns in the title.

  author        = "K. Kirby and J. Stratton",
  title         = "{V}an {A}llen probes: Successful launch campaign and early operations exploring {E}arth's radiation belts",
  howpublished  = "presented at the IEEE Aerospace Conference",
  address       = "Big Sky, MT, USA",
  year          = "2013"



Always check your output against the .

Normal use of electronic class.

  author        = "{NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database}",
  organization  = "Object name IRAS F00400+4059",
  url           = "",
  note          = "Accessed Dec. 10, 2012"

Dictionary / Encyclopedia

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class, placing most elements in howpublished. Note italics on dictionary name.

  title         = "Metamorphosis",
  howpublished  = {\emph{Merriam-Webster}. Accessed July 6, 2017},
  url           = ""

Fact Sheet

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class, placing most elements in howpublished. Note italics on title.

  author        = "{Texas Instruments}",
  howpublished  = {\emph{LM555 timer}, SNAS548D, 2015},
  url           = ""
Strategy Document / Other Government Report



Always check your output against the .

Follow the manual style. Note use of "Online" if found online.

  title         = "The Defense Acquisition System",
  howpublished  = "DOD Directive 5000.1",
  organization  = "Under Secretary of Defense (AT\&L)",
  address       = "Washington, DC, USA",
  year          = "2003.",
  url           = "


Always check your output against the .

Follow the manual style. Note use of "Online" if found online.

  title         = "Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States",
  howpublished  = "JP-1",
  organization  = "Joint Chiefs of Staff",
  address       = "Washington, DC, USA",
  year          = "2017.",
  url           = ""
Field Manual / Military Regulation

Field Manual / Military Regulation

Always check your output against the .

Follow the manual style. We add the section range as a note, since its not a normal page range.

  title         = "Sniper Training",
  howpublished  = "FM 23-10",
  organization  = "U.S. Dept. of the Army",
  address       = "Washington, DC, USA",
  year          = "1995",
  url           = "\%2894\%29.pdf"
Government Report

CRS or GAO Report

Always check your output against the .

Variant of misc class.

  author        = "M. C. Erwin",
  title         = "Intelligence issues for Congress",
  address       = "Washington, DC: USA",
  howpublished  = "CRS Report No. RL33539",
  year          = "2011.",
  url           = ""


White House. National Security Strategy



Always check your output against the .

Follow the manual style.

  title         = "Identification (ID) Cards Required by the Geneva Convention",
  howpublished  = "DOD Instruction 1000.01",
  organization  = "Department of Defense",
  address       = "Washington, DC, USA",
  year          = "2012",
  pages         = "1-1, 1-10"


Always check your output against the .

Variant of misc class. Notice escaping for special characters in URL.

  author        = "T. M. Takai",
  title         = "Adoption of the national information exchange model within the {D}epartment of {D}efense",
  address       = "Washington, DC: USA",
  howpublished  = "official memorandum,  {D}epartment of {D}efense, Washington, DC, USA",
  year          = "2013.",
  url           = "\%20Adoption\%20of\%20the\%20NIEM\%20within\%20the\%20DoD.pdf"


Always check your output against the .

Follows the manual style. 

  title         = "Transmission Systems for Communications",
  edition       = "3rd",
  organization  = "Western Elect. Co.",
  address       = "Winston-Salem, NC, USA",
  year          = "1985",
  pages         = "44--60"


Always check your output against the .

Article entry populated with URL in year field.

  author        = "G. Sanico and M. Kakinaka",
  title         = "Terrorism and deterrence policy with transnational support",
  journal       = "Def. \& Peace Econ.",
  volume        = "19",
  number        = "2",
  year          = "2018. doi:",
  month         = Apr



Always check your output against the .

Normal use of article class.

  author        = "W. Q. Wang and H. Shao",
  title         = "High altitude platform multichannel {SAR} for wide-area and staring imaging",
  journal       = "Aerosp. and Electron. Syst.",
  volume        = "29",
  number        = "25",
  month         = mar,
  year          = "2014",
  pages         = "12--17"

Legislative Document

--> Always check your output against the .

Variant of electronic with strange authors, use journal field to put title in italics.

  author        = "{U.S. House. 102nd Congress, 1st Session}",
  journal       = "H. Con. Res. 1, To Express the Sense of the Congress That Congress Must Approve Any Offensive Military Action Against Iraq",
  year          = "1991",
  month         = "Jan. 11",
  url           = "


Public Law

Published in the

Always check your output against the .

Variant of electronic with strange authors, most information in howpublished.

  author        = "{Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990}",
  howpublished  = "42 U.S.C. § 12101. 1991"

Google Map

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class.

  author        = "Google",
  title         = "Monterey Bay",
  month         = "Accessed Jul. 6, 2017.",
  url           = "


Always check your output against the .

Use misc, entering "Online" in year. Note period and comma in month.

  author        = "L. Linguine",
  title         = "Animal fat shampoos for achieving angel hair",
  journal       = "Knife and Spork Semi-Weekly",
  year          = "2016",
  month         = "Jul. 15,",
  url           = ""


Always check your output against the .

Variant of misc. Use italics in howpublished and comma in month.

  author        = "J. Stulberg",
  title         = "The art of creating crossword puzzles",
  howpublished  = "\emph{The New York Times}",
  year          = "2016",
  month         = "Jul. 15,"


Always check your output against the .

Normal use of patent class.

  author        = "A. G. Bell",
  title         = "Improvement in telegraphy",
  nationality   = "United States",
  number        = "174465",
  day           = "7",
  month         = Mar,
  year          = "1876",
  url           = ""

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class.

  author        = "R. Ajanlekoko",
  howpublished  = "private communication",
  year          = "2009",
  month         = "Sep."
Research Report / Think Tank Report / White Paper

Research Report / Think Tank Report / White Paper

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class, placing a lot of info in howpublished.

  author        = "L. Dixon and N. Clancy and B. M. Miller and S. Hoegberg and M. M. Lewis and {B. Bender et al.}",
  title         = "The cost and affordability of flood insurance in New York City",
  howpublished   = "RAND Corp., Santa Monica, CA, USA, RR-1776-NYCEDC",
  year          = "2017",
  url           = "
Technical Report

Technical Report

Author given


Always check your output against the .

Use techreport class.

  author        = "S. V. Effendi and X. Vilhjálmsson",
  title         = "The absorption rate of potatoes in salmonella",
  institution   = "Dept. Vet. Stud.",
  address       = "Madison, WI, USA",
  number        = "17-59",
  year          = "2009",
  url           = ""

Technical Report

Author given


Always check your output against the .

Normal use of techreport class.

  author        = "K. A. Abdulatipov and F. Ramazonov",
  title         = "The absorption rate of E. coli in cats",
  institution   = "Dept. Vet. Stud.",
  address       = "Madison, WI, USA",
  number        = "17-59",
  year          = "2012"

Technical Report

Organization as author


Always check your output against the .

(Mis)use techreport class, place address in institution declaration.

  author        = "{National Toxicology Program}",
  title         = "Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of trimethylolpropane triacrylate {(CASRN 15625-89-5) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1/N mice (Topical Application Studies)}",
  institution   = "Washington, DC, USA",
  number        = "TR-576",
  year          = "2012",
  url           = "


Standard: Always check your output against the .

Standards fit well with manual class.

  title         = "Letter Symbols for Quantities",
  howpublished  = "ANSI Standard Y10.5",
  year          = "1968"


Always check your output against the .

Normal use of phdthesis class.

  author        = "J. Rivera",
  title         = "Software system architecture modeling methodology for naval gun weapon systems",
  school        = "Dept. of Comp. Sci., Harvard Univ.",
  address       = "Cambridge, MA, USA",
  year          = "2010"


From an institutional archive such as the NPS Archive: Calhoun

Always check your output against the .

Use mastersthesis class. Enter "M.S. thesis" in type field. If online, enter "Online" in  year declaration.

  author        = "T. D. Moon",
  title         = "Rising dragon: Infrastructure development and Chinese influence in Vietnam",
  school        = "Dept. of Natl. Sec. Aff., NPS",
  address       = "Monterey, CA, USA",
  type          = "M.S. thesis",
  year          = "1993",
  url           = ""

Unpublished Work

Accepted for publication

Always check your output against the .

Normal use of unpublished class.

  author        = "R. Briscoe",
  title         = "Egocentric spatial representation in action and perception",
  note          = "unpublished"

Author and date given

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class.

  author        = "R. Roth",
  title         = "75 years ago, the {D}oolittle {R}aid changed history",
  howpublished  = "CNN",
  month         = "Apr. 18,", 
  year          = "2017",
  url           = ""

Organization as author

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class. Use brackets around organization as author.

  author        = {{Federal Bureau of Investigation}},
  title         = {Forging papers to sell fake art},
  month         = "Apr. 6,", 
  year          = "2017",
  url           = ""

Organization as author, no date given

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class, using double brackets around author to retain capitalization, entering period in title, entering "online" in howpublished.

  author        = {{Department of Defense}},
  title         = {{About the Department of Defense (DOD).}},
  howpublished  = "Accessed Apr. 18, 2017", 
  url           = ""

Janes example

Always check your output against the .

Use misc class, placing many elements in howpublished.

  title         = "Mali: Executive summary",
  howpublished = {Jane's, May 31, 2017},
  url           = ""


Always check your output against the .

Use misc class, placing many elements in howpublished. Note italics command for "Wikipedia."

  title         = "Psychology",
  howpublished  = {\emph{Wikipedia}. Accessed May 17, 2011},
  url           = ""

Working Paper / Occasional Paper

Always check your output against the .

Misc works well, placing many elements in howpublished.

  author        = "U. Q. Sushi",
  title         = "Three-handed {F}ibonacci model for optimizing surface-to-volume ratio of temaki in {H}ilbert space",
  howpublished  = "working paper, Donburi Inst. of Int. Gastron, Pierre, SD, USA, 2021",
  url           = ""
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how to cite a thesis in bibtex

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How to cite a published phd dissertation in bibtex using @phdthesis.

I have the following entry. But when I cite it in my paper, I keep getting "Unpublished doctoral dissertation" showing up in the entry. As far as I can tell there's no field to specify publishing information, so how do I get rid of this message?

Guide to BibTeX Type MasterThesis

BibTeX is a reference management tool that is commonly used in LaTeX documents. The “masterthesis” BibTeX type is used for master’s theses. In this guide, we will explain the required and optional fields for the “masterthesis” BibTeX type.

Need a simple solution for managing your BibTeX entries? Explore CiteDrive!

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Required Fields

The “masterthesis” BibTeX type requires the following fields:

  • author : The author of the thesis.
  • title : The title of the thesis.
  • school : The name of the institution that awarded the degree.
  • year : The year the degree was awarded.

Optional Fields

In addition to the required fields, the “masterthesis” BibTeX type also has a number of optional fields that can be used to provide additional information. These fields include:

  • type : The type of the thesis, such as “Master’s thesis”.
  • address : The location of the institution.
  • month : The month the thesis was submitted.
  • note : Any additional information about the thesis.

Here is an example of how to use the “masterthesis” BibTeX type:

In this example, the BibTeX entry defines a master’s thesis authored by Jane Doe titled “A Study of Example”. The degree was awarded in 2022 by the University of Example, and the thesis was submitted in June in Example City, CA. The type of the thesis is specified as “Master’s thesis”, and a note is included that provides a URL for the thesis.

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How do you cite a Github repository?

I am working on a honours thesis and have developed a Fortran library that I would like to cite in it.

In some places they suggest to quote the documentation of the project but this is something I plan to do in the future and isn't done yet. The only documentation I have right now is the README file and the code itself.

What would be an acceptable way of directing a reader to my work on Github?

(bonus) Is there a BibTeX way to do it?

  • publications

Piotr Migdal's user avatar

  • 1 I think energynumbers answer is correct in terms of what is "correct" in academic literature. However, if the immediate issue is "I need to let a reader of the thesis/dissertation that I'm working on right now see the software", then (low-tech as it seems) you could consider including the source code in an appendix. How practical this is may depend on its length... Or ask your supervisor whether they're happy for you to provide a github link and what the format should be. Also, welcome to Stackexchange :-) –  Flyto Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 15:54
  • 1 @SimonWaldman: 7K lines of code spread over multiple modules is definitively not something I can include in an appendix. My colleague did include his MATLAB code in his thesis but I found it to be a terrible way to share code as you cannot reuse it easily (copying it in matlab would ignore the tabbing, etc.). –  charlespwd Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 16:25
  • @charlespwd ha, fair enough. And I agree that it's a terrible way to share code. But if this is for an examinable thesis rather than a published paper, I think the correct answer is "whatever your supervisor is happy with" ;-) –  Flyto Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 17:01
  • 1 See also this discussion:… –  Piotr Migdal Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 22:13
  • 3 Take a look at this: [] . This might answer at least a part of your question. –  Dohn Joe Commented May 15, 2014 at 18:18

8 Answers 8

GitHub has now added built-in citation support ( ). Simply add a CITATION.cff file ( ) to your repo and a citation widget will be added to the sidebar:

A "Cite this repository" widget on the sidebar, under the "Readme". The widget says "Cite this repository: If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata." and a "Learn more" link. There are APA and BibTeX citation options, a copy button, and a link back to "View citation file".

  • 1 Here's a handy cff file generator: –  dremodaris Commented Jul 31, 2023 at 10:14

I would go with:

P.W.D. Charles, Project Title, (2013), GitHub repository,

Or a bit different, depending on your citation style. Just is is crucial to include: author, title (if style includes it), year and link.

Of course if you do have a publication related to this piece of code (even if only by fact it is your first publication basing on this code), don't forget to cite is as well! (In the current academic system it is all that counts.)

And respective BibTeX entry:

Beware, this above are improvisations (especially the BibTeX entry), not standards.

Even for more established and citable things there are not set standards, see e.g.:

  • How to cite a sequence from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)? - MathOverflow
  • How to cite sourcecode from an svn repository - TeX.SE
  • How to cite software in LaTeX - SuperUser.SE

See also how to assign DOI to a particular commit in your repository .

Community's user avatar

  • 3 Maybe we can agree on something like this for a standard. I don't see why traditional journals are better than GitHub repositories to publish papers. In this case I'd upload the LaTeX sources to the repository and provide a link to the PDF. I'm seriously thinking about doing this, there is even some review process, and reviewers can open issues in the repository :-m This would be free for authors and provide open access, promote collaboration, etc. –  Trylks Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 18:50
  • 2 If the repo owner doesn't make their full name known, would you suggest using their GitHub user name instead? –  NewNameStat Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 16:32
  • 2 No. I would search his real name for that username elsewhere. –  Erkin Alp Güney Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 8:50
  • 2 Some github users do not use their real name and make it very difficult to find it. –  qwr Commented May 4, 2021 at 23:57
  • 1 @Trylks - realize your comment is from 2013, but the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) does all of their review on github. See for instance. –  jkr Commented Jul 23, 2022 at 23:57

I was asked to provide my comment as an answer, so here it is. It is yet another way to cite software. However, it requires some effort from the software authors.

I developed an Open Source Web tool for modeling and gathering data when following a certain theory/methodology in software engineering. Here is how you would cite it:

Graziotin, D and Abrahamsson, P 2013. A Web-based modeling tool for the SEMAT Essence theory of software engineering. Journal of Open Research Software 1(1):e4, DOI:

This is possible because I opted to publish a software paper in the Journal of Open Research Software . It is a fully Open Access journal. This journal only accepts software papers on open source software for research .

A software paper is a special kind of paper, which describes the software-e.g., what is it about, implementation and architecture, its availability, and its reuse potential. The editorial process works as in any other research venue, and articles are peer-reviewed.

The article processing charges are 25GBP. However, they can be fully waived if you cannot afford them.

What it is nice with this approach is that researchers have an extra motivation to open their software for research: they get a publication for that, plus citations. Additionally, writing a software paper is far easier than writing a methodology paper.

I wrote a review of the journal on my blog . TL;DR; Great experience, go for it.

TheTechRobo the Nerd's user avatar

  • Nice review of the Journal of Open Research Software. I've never heard of this journal before, and I'm impressed by your description of its review process. I'm particularly impressed that they critiqued the code. If anyone else has submitted there, can you comment? –  Faheem Mitha Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 3:23
  • 21 Just to clarify, for future visitors of this question. I have just joined the Editorial board of the journal. However, this answer was written when there was no "competing interest". –  user7112 Commented Dec 2, 2013 at 14:03
  • 3 @FaheemMitha I've reviewed for the JORS and agree completely with this answer. Yes, I reviewed the code as per the JORS reviewer guidelines. I've reviewed 'Software Papers' in traditional domain journals, and occasionally gotten editorial pushback for my reviewing the code as well as the paper: see –  cboettig Commented Dec 3, 2013 at 20:44
  • @cboettig Thanks for the link. I read your blog article. It was good, though a little too R specific. Do you have any idea of the current turnaround time between submission and a decision for JORS? Personally, I think a good thing to do is create a Debian package for your software. If done properly, it automatically addresses a bunch of issues. –  Faheem Mitha Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 17:05
  • 1 Thank you so much for this. I have been looking for some time for an alternative to Computer Physics Communications which is Cost-Of-Knowledge compatible. This seems to fit the bill very nicely. –  E.P. Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 16:12

Now they become somehow citable by providing DOI references. That was on their 14th of May news:

Shahryar's user avatar

GitHub now offers citation as a service, at least with Zenodo. This guide instructs how to connect your accounts and get a DOI with your work:

albert's user avatar

  • 3 I ran into this as well but it does not help to cite someone else's repository. –  Caleb Stanford Commented Oct 14, 2019 at 19:45

The underlying question seems to be how to get citable software.

There is a traditional method for doing this.

You write a methodology paper describing the software, how it was built, what it does. You can provide the source code as supplementary information.

And then you cite that paper, in future papers where you apply the software.

410 gone's user avatar

  • 32 I think that as a scientific society, it is crucial to develop a way of citing other things than journal publication (e.g. code, data). Otherwise science will never move into the 21st century. –  Piotr Migdal Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 16:12
  • 3 @PiotrMigdal I agree and I hope there will be better ways to cite non-journal knowledge. However this is what there is now. –  Trylks Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 16:38
  • 1 @Trylks I know. So mine is a comment, not a downvote or anything. Anyway, the question is what to do when there is no accompanying journal entry (BTW: as of now I have the same problem). –  Piotr Migdal Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 16:46
  • 1 I hope though that you don't imply that we get rid of peer review in the 21st century? The good thing with this answer is that if a linked code repository and data are connected with a paper, then it was part of the review process. While when I'm citing just somebody's stuff somewhere on the web, it could be anything really.Not saying peer review is perfect,but that we really need to integrate it with the more modern interconnected work styles. –  K.-Michael Aye Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 0:51

What I've seen most often is a footnote with the URL you want to provide, in this case the URL of your GitHub repository. This will point people even better because it will be in the same page, and sure it will not count for bibliographic statistics and your h-index, but it wasn't going to count anyway, at least not yet.

Trylks's user avatar

Figshare provides a way to import a GitHub release and assigns a doi to it. I haven't tried this yet but it seems to be a good middle path between a software paper and citing just the repository.

Eekhoorn's user avatar

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how to cite a thesis in bibtex

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Institute Name in @masterthesis Citations

I need to cite master thesis and the lecture notes into a document. But the problem with @masterthesis and @unpublished citations is they don't print an institution name in the pdflatex output of bibliography.

I get this bibliography output:

[1] Fris. Bike Model. XXX, 2016. [2] Koch. “Electrical Engineering Book”. Lecture Notes. 2015.

Any suggestions, how we can also print an institute name?

Yousaf's user avatar

  • 3 What kind of bibliography package do you use? Do you really use biblatex as your tagging suggests? Please consider adding an MWE so we can see how you are creating your bibliography, a solution may very well depend on your setup. In biblatex you'll have to use institution for the @thesis type, but school is still supported as an alias. –  moewe Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 11:21
  • There is a , missing after bhgt – Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 14:51

2 Answers 2

  • Use @master s thesis (with an s after master ) instead of @masterthesis (which doesn’t exist and probably defaults to some other type), then school will appear.

The entry type @unpublished doesn’t support school , so I’d suggest using note instead, as is recommended in the biblatex documentation:

Use the fields howpublished and note to supply additional information in free format, if applicable.

You could also use the field addendum , which would appear at the very end.

It would probably be more proper and clean to redefine the output of @unpublished to include school / institution , but as a one-off solution, this should be fine.

Here’s the output:


As a side note: The official field names in biblatex are institution , not school ; and location , not address , but the latter ones do work as aliases.

doncherry's user avatar

  • Thanks. It Works. @doncherry But all other bibliography entries are without " " and in italic form. Adding s in @masterthesis and note in @unpublished have made the text normal (instead of italic) and covered it with " " (it is also shown in the output you have posted). –  Yousaf Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 17:07
  • Author names are in normal form but all titles are in italic form. –  Yousaf Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 17:16
  • @ArslanYousaf @unpublished is quoted and upright in your MWE as well. You could change the type to @misc to get it in italics. @mastersthesis is indeed printed more like an @article than like a @book . You could add \DeclareFieldFormat[thesis]{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} in the preamble to change that. –  doncherry Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 17:18

Quick and dirty, using bibtex together with natbib :

enter image description here

  • Thanks. It has worked. But why do we need to write all text within "" ? @Denis –  Yousaf Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 14:43
  • 1 @ArslanYousaf Either that or {Name}, . –  Johannes_B Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 14:45

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how to cite a thesis in bibtex

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Computer Science > Machine Learning

Title: meta-learning loss functions for deep neural networks.

Abstract: Humans can often quickly and efficiently solve complex new learning tasks given only a small set of examples. In contrast, modern artificially intelligent systems often require thousands or millions of observations in order to solve even the most basic tasks. Meta-learning aims to resolve this issue by leveraging past experiences from similar learning tasks to embed the appropriate inductive biases into the learning system. Historically methods for meta-learning components such as optimizers, parameter initializations, and more have led to significant performance increases. This thesis aims to explore the concept of meta-learning to improve performance, through the often-overlooked component of the loss function. The loss function is a vital component of a learning system, as it represents the primary learning objective, where success is determined and quantified by the system's ability to optimize for that objective successfully.
Comments: PhD thesis
Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Cite as: [cs.LG]
  (or [cs.LG] for this version)
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BibTeX mastersthesis template

The mastersthesis entry type is intended to be used for a Master's thesis.

Minimal template

Minimal template with required fields only for a BibTeX mastersthesis entry.

Full template

Full template including required and optional fields for a BibTeX mastersthesis entry.

how to cite a thesis in bibtex

Chemical Science

Asymmetric catalytic [1,3]- or [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 3-allyloxy-4 h -chromenones and their analogues †.

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* Corresponding authors

a Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry & Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

A highly efficient asymmetric [1,3]- and [3,3]-O-to-C sigmatropic rearrangement of 3-allyloxy-4 H -chromenones and their analogues was developed. Chiral N , N ′-dioxide complexes of 3d late transition metal complexes enabled two mechanistically different processes, giving a series of optically active 2,2-disubstituted chromane-3,4-diones and 2-allyl-3-hydroxy-4 H -chromen-4-ones as well as their related compounds in excellent yield and enantioselectivity. Systemic mechanistic studies and DFT calculation revealed the nature of the vinyl ether unit of the substrate, which biased regioselectivity via a stepwise tight ion pair pathway and a concerted pericyclic pathway, respectively. The enantioselectivity of the two processes is also disclosed.

Graphical abstract: Asymmetric catalytic [1,3]- or [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 3-allyloxy-4H-chromenones and their analogues

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how to cite a thesis in bibtex

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how to cite a thesis in bibtex

Asymmetric catalytic [1,3]- or [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 3-allyloxy-4 H -chromenones and their analogues

Y. Li, L. Ning, Q. Tang, K. Lan, B. Yang, Q. Lin, X. Feng and X. Liu, Chem. Sci. , 2024, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4SC02201G

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  1. Doctoral Dissertation Help Bibtex

    how to cite a thesis in bibtex

  2. Biblatex citation styles

    how to cite a thesis in bibtex

  3. Using Google Scholar to download BibTeX citations

    how to cite a thesis in bibtex

  4. Masters Thesis Bibtex

    how to cite a thesis in bibtex

  5. bibtex

    how to cite a thesis in bibtex

  6. Bibliography management with bibtex

    how to cite a thesis in bibtex


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  4. AskYourPDF gives proper citations. You can get separate citations for different paragraphs. #ai

  5. Bibliography in LaTeX

  6. LaTeX tutorial -7 of 7-Citations in LaTeX


  1. bibtex

    Change the new function's name from mastersthesis to bachelorsthesis. Change the string "Master's thesis" to "Bachelor's thesis". Save the new .bst file either in the same directory as your main .tex file or somewhere in your TeX distribution's search path. If you choose the latter method, you will probably need to update the filename database ...

  2. citing

    bathesis An expression equivalent to the term 'Bachelor's thesis'. mathesis An expression equivalent to the term 'Master's thesis'. phdthesis The term 'PhD thesis', 'PhD dissertation', 'doctoral thesis', etc. candthesis An expression equivalent to the term 'Candidate thesis'. Used for 'Candidate' degrees that ...

  3. bibtex

    Save this in the same folder as your document, or put it in your local texmf folder in texmf/bibtex/bst/. Edit the file and search for "thesis". You will find the following function: FUNCTION {phdthesis} { output.bibitem. format.authors "author" output.check. new.block. format.btitle "title" output.check. new.block.

  4. Bibliography management with bibtex

    Figure 1: Citing entries from a thebibliography list. Notice how each \bibitem is automatically numbered, and how \cite then inserts the corresponding numerical label. \begin{thebibliography} takes a numerical argument: the widest label expected in the list. In this example we only have two entries, so 9 is enough.

  5. Guide to BibTeX Type PhdThesis

    In this example, the BibTeX entry defines a PhD thesis authored by John Smith titled "An Analysis of Example". The degree was awarded in 2022 by the University of Example, and the thesis was submitted in June in Example City, CA. The type of the thesis is specified as "PhD thesis", and a note is included that provides a URL for the thesis.

  6. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 4): Bibliographies with ...

    All of the information about the recognised source types and all the keywords you can use can be found in the biblatex documentation.. Now let's return to the main .tex file. To set it up for a bibliography we need to load up the biblatex package using the \usepackage command. Also in the preamble we need to specify which .bib files we want to use by calling the \addbibresource command and ...

  7. LaTeX Guide : Citing with BibTeX

    Mendeley is a free citation manager. Follow the directions below to create a BibTeX file containing the references from a Mendeley collection. Save all your references into a single folder. Navigate to that folder in Mendeley Reference Manager. Choose File > Export All from the main menu. Choose BibTeX (*.bib) and save your file.

  8. PDF BibTeX Templates

    BibTeX Templates RSI 2012 Sta 2012 Here are the templates you should use in your biblio.bib le. See below for what these will look like in your references section. In the main body of your paper, you should cite references by using ncitefkeyg where key is the name you gave the bibliography entry. Each entry must have a unique key. Article [1]

  9. BibMe: Generate BIBTEX thesis citations for your bibliography

    BIBTEX Citation Generator >. Cite a Thesis. BibMe Free Bibliography & Citation Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard.

  10. Citing a Thesis in BIBTEX

    BIBTEX Citation Generator >. Cite a Thesis. Citation Machine® helps students and professionals properly credit the information that they use. Cite sources in APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, and Harvard for free.

  11. BibTeX Code

    Learn how to cite articles, books, reports, theses, government documents, etc. for NPS theses, papers, and publications BibTeX Code for Thesis Template v2.7. Naval Postgraduate School. Dudley Knox Library Ask a ... Pescatarians and daisies: A match made in sushi heaven. Master's thesis, Garden of Sushi School of Sushi, Maui, HI, ProQuest ...

  12. Cite a Thesis / Dissertation

    Thesis Paper AI Proofreader Essay Checker PhD dissertation APA editing Academic editing College admissions essay Personal statement English proofreading Spanish, French, or German About our services Proofreading services Paper Formatting Proofreading & editing example Essay coaching example Happiness guarantee

  13. BibTeX Code ≤ v2.6

    Always check your output against the Citation Guide example. Variant of article class. Enter ENTRY TITLE in Author field (the entry title goes in the author position, and is used in the in-text citation. Enter "Wikipedia" in Journal field, with a PERIOD. Not normally an accepted source in academia; please ask your instructor or advisor.

  14. Research Guides: Citation Guide: BibTeX Code ≤ v2.6

    Learn how to cite articles, books, reports, theses, government documents, etc. for NPS theses, papers, and publications IEEE BibTeX Code. Naval Postgraduate School. Dudley Knox Library Ask a Librarian My Accounts. NPS Dudley Knox Library; ... The NPS thesis LaTeX template comes prepackaged with a BibTeX tool and a bib file containing the ...

  15. BibTeX template: phdthesis

    BibTeX template files for @phdthesis: • author • title • school • year. The quick BibTeX guide All you ever need to know about ... The phdthesis entry type is intended to be used for a PhD thesis. Minimal template. Minimal template with required fields only for a BibTeX phdthesis entry. @phdthesis {citekey, author = "", title ...

  16. bibtex

    Personally, I would definitely choose the @phdthesis for. This is what this document is, It will be easier to update your bib file, as you will just have to comment the unpublished. It reflects the fact that this document is "scholar". Code : \documentclass{article} \usepackage[backend=bibtex]{biblatex} \RequirePackage{filecontents}

  17. How to cite a published PhD dissertation in BibTex using ...

    But when I cite it in my paper, I keep getting "Unpublished doctoral dissertation" showing up in the entry. ... In biblatex @phdthesis is an alias for @thesis with field type={phdthesis} by default. See biblatex manual: "@phdthesis: Similar to @thesis except that the type field is optional and defaults to the localised term 'PhD thesis ...

  18. How to cite a senior project in BibTeX

    Actually, the phdthesis reference type would be wrong in this case (perhaps, you didn't pay enough attention to or misunderstood the question's circumstances). The OP wants to cite a project in their thesis, not to cite a thesis somewhere else. Therefore, the reference type should IMHO be either unpublished, or misc (see this document).

  19. Guide to BibTeX Type MasterThesis

    BibTeX is a reference management tool that is commonly used in LaTeX documents. The "masterthesis" BibTeX type is used for master's theses. ... In this example, the BibTeX entry defines a master's thesis authored by Jane Doe titled "A Study of Example". The degree was awarded in 2022 by the University of Example, and the thesis was ...

  20. How do you cite a Github repository?

    Beware, this above are improvisations (especially the BibTeX entry), not standards. Even for more established and citable things there are not set standards, see e.g.: How to cite a sequence from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)? - MathOverflow; See also: How to cite sourcecode from an svn repository - TeX.SE

  21. Institute Name in @masterthesis Citations

    24. Use @master s thesis (with an s after master) instead of @masterthesis (which doesn't exist and probably defaults to some other type), then school will appear. The entry type @unpublished doesn't support school, so I'd suggest using note instead, as is recommended in the biblatex documentation:

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    Humans can often quickly and efficiently solve complex new learning tasks given only a small set of examples. In contrast, modern artificially intelligent systems often require thousands or millions of observations in order to solve even the most basic tasks. Meta-learning aims to resolve this issue by leveraging past experiences from similar learning tasks to embed the appropriate inductive ...

  23. BibTeX template: mastersthesis

    BibTeX template files for @mastersthesis: • author • title • school • year. The quick BibTeX guide All you ever need to know about ... BibTeX Format Templates. BibTeX mastersthesis template. The mastersthesis entry type is intended to be used for a Master's thesis. Minimal template. Minimal template with required fields only for a ...

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    In order to bind guest molecules with exquisite selectivity, biological host molecules often employ low symmetry binding pockets. The majority of metallosupramolecular assemblies, however, rely on symmetrical ligands to form high-symmetry assemblies that enclosing similiarly symmetrical cavities. Here we emp

  25. Asymmetric catalytic [1,3]- or [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of 3

    A highly efficient asymmetric [1,3]- and [3,3]-O-to-C sigmatropic rearrangement of 3-allyloxy-4H-chromenones and their analogues was developed.Chiral N,N′-dioxide complexes of 3d late transition metal complexes enabled two mechanistically different processes, giving a series of optically active 2,2-disubstituted chromane-3,4-diones and 2-allyl-3-hydroxy-4H-chromen-4-ones as well as their ...