Student Essays

My school essay for 3rd and 4th class students

My School Essays For 3rd and 4th Class Students

The school is very sweet place for students. I have written following short, simple, easy to understand essays on my school topic for class 3 and 4. In addition to that, you can look out here for more essays on my school topic for all class students.

  Essays on My School for Class 3rd & 4th Students

The school is the place where thousands of minds are made and molded. In every class fro 1st to 10th or 12th level, the students are shaped accordingly. In these whole years, the students feel, observe and experience wonderful things that are to influence the later period of their lives.

1. Essay On My School For Class 3

The school is a beautiful place where students study and work hard for the good of a country. The school helps build the future of a nation by educating the children of a nation. That’s why I am proud of my school because it is the foundation stone of our country.

I study in school (write the name of school) in class). My school has a beautiful multistory building. The classrooms of our school are very wide with big windows for air. Our school has a new building with spacious rooms. Our school has a practical science lab for students to do science projects. We can borrow and study books in a big library of our school.

My school essay for 3rd and 4th class students

The playground of our school is very large and beautiful. The teachers of our school are very kind and helpful to students. Our class teacher is very kind man. He teaches us very kindly.

He teaches everything practically. All the other teachers are also kind. The principal of our school is very friendly man. Our school encourages students to take part in extra curriculum studies.  Many of our school students have won prizes from other schools in quiz competitions, speeches, debates, tabloids and sports competition.

Recently, my school won first prize in annual science competition. My school regularly keeps our parents informed about our studies. The best school is one that provides friendly, peaceful and cooperative environment for studies. Fortunately, our school has the best learning environment. We all live like a family here. The schools like ours are the real wealth of our country.

Related Post : My School Essay | 10 Lines & More Sentences

2. Essay On My School For Class 4

The school is a place where the students study and become the good citizen for tomorrow. Education is the weapon of progress and development. The good school schools provide the quality education. I am fortunate that I study in one of the best schools.

My school is the best ever school in our entire area. The school has vast and beautiful building. The building looks greeting to every student. Every morning we are greeted by the hardworking principal and teacher at the school. We do take part in assembly. We thank God for His blessing. We then move to our classrooms where we study.

I study in class (write class name). My classroom is beautifully designed. There are charts, graphs and a good wall clock hanging against the wall. My classroom is jam-packed. All of my class fellows are hardworking and sweet. Our class teacher is a very kind heart man. He never beats anyone. He loves everyone and teaches with kind and gentile heart.

All of our teachers are very hardworking. We are taught self discipline , honesty, dedication and love with everyone. We love to take part in extra curriculum activities in our school. Our school facilitates parents and teachers. Career counseling and teaching guidance are given for better education.

My school is one of the best schools with all the facilities of education that are must today. It is a matter of great pride for me to have been taught under the guidance of the best ever teachers. I say thanks to God to have provided me the best opportunity to learn here. To me the best school is one who only teaches from books but from practical life.

14 thoughts on “My School Essays For 3rd and 4th Class Students”

thank you for this article

Such a useful article. Bless up

Good essay it is very simple and easy

good essay it is very interesting

This is very nice , simple and easy to learn. I like it👍🏻👍🏻

This is very nice, simple and easy to learn. I really like it 👍🏻👍🏻

We live like a family here. Really nice Line

Really helpful for my students …..🙏🙏

Nice article

Simple , easy and helpful

Very hard essay but good many meanings are hard

nice its so easy for my i am class four

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English Aspirants

A Memorable Day in My Life [100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words]

A Memorable Day in My Life: W all have at least one memorable day in our life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on ‘a most memorable day in my life’. Here you’ll get to read 4 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Memorable Day in My Life: 100 Words

During the summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with my parents. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. Everywhere there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. Mussoorie is Rightly called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy.

My parents took me to Lal Tibba, the highest point in Mussoorie. Lal Tibba provides a mesmerizing view of Himalayan mountain peaks. I was mesmerized to see beautiful scenery and high mountains. We also visited Happy Valley, Kempty Falls and Mussoorie lake. Visiting Mussoorie was the most memorable incident in my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Memorable Day of My Life: 120 Words

Last month, our school arranged a trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The beauty of the Taj Mahal seemed to have no parallel.  It is made of white marble on the bank of the river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees, colourful flowers, and rows of mountains. Many precious gems and stones are seen set on the tomb.

I found in the Taj Mahal the artistic and cultural heritage of India. Every stone of this building tells the story of the true love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. The white marble structure unrolled before me a new world of beauty. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty and grandeur. That’s why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. I was greatly charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a white. It was undoubtedly the most memorable day of my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life 

Most Memorable Day of My Life: 150 Words

A memorable incident is an incident which leaves an everlasting impression on our minds. The most memorable incident of my life is when I got an opportunity to exhibit my talent on stage in front of a huge audience. I always dreamt of becoming a singer. As a kid, I used my toothbrush as the mike and treated my dolls as my audience.

I was enrolled in a vocal training course in an eminent singer’s singing class and from there, based on my performance I was selected to display my skills at the Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. Initially, I was a bit nervous, but got over it soon when I heard the tune. My performance was well received and the audience acclaimed me with their applauds and kept yelling “once more”. The incident made me feel on top of the world.

Most Memorable Day of My Life

Also Read: My School Paragraph in English

Memorable Day of My Life Essay: 200-250 Words

A moment which is sweet lasts long in our memory. I distinctly remember the day. My H. S. examination was over and I was having a relaxed time. One day, after spending the afternoon with my friends, I returned home.

My parents were waiting for me. Sister also came running. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand. They all seemed to be very excited and their faces bore reflections of animated joy. My sister shouted that there was a good news for me in the envelope and she would not tell unless she got a heavy bakshis.

After much cajoling, I could get the letter. Lo and behold! It was the admission letter from the I.I.T, Kharagpur. My joy then knew no bounds, I did quite well in the joint entrance examination. But to get selected finally in the highly competitive all-India test was something none could be sure of. In fact, I was a little tense to know the result.

Parents blessed me for my success. Neighbours also came. They all congratulated me again and again. I was lost in golden dreams. At last, I was going to join an institution of international fame! It was the happiest and most memorable day in my life because my future career got a definite direction that day. But that happy day taught me a lesson, too. I made up my mind to work hard in order to be successful in my career.

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Best Friend 2. Paragraph on Discipline in English 3. Paragraph on Early Rising 

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my day essay for class 4

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Essay Writing For Class 4 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

As a fourth-grade student, learning to write an essay can be an exciting and challenging experience. Essays are an excellent way to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions on various topics. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises to help you improve your essay writing skills.

Format Of An Essay Writing For Class 4

An essay consists of three main parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction The introduction is the first paragraph of your essay, and it should capture the reader’s attention. You can start with a question, a quote, or a surprising fact. The introduction should also include the thesis statement, which is the main point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and specific.

Body The body of your essay should contain at least three paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea or argument related to the thesis statement. Use specific details, examples, and evidence to support your arguments. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

Conclusion The conclusion is the last paragraph of your essay. It should summarize the main points of your essay and restate the thesis statement in a new way. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. Instead, end your essay with a memorable final thought that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Also Read: Essay Writing Topics For Class 5

Examples Of Essays Writing For Class 4

Here are some examples of essays for fourth-grade students:

1. My Favorite Animal Introduction: Dogs are my favorite animal. Body: Dogs are loyal companions, they protect their owners, and they can be trained to do tricks. Conclusion: In conclusion, dogs make great pets and are the perfect animal for me. 2. The Importance of Exercise Introduction: Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Body: Exercise can help prevent disease, increase energy levels, and improve mental health. Conclusion: In conclusion, regular exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. 3. My Dream Job Introduction: My dream job is to become a doctor. Body: Becoming a doctor requires hard work, dedication, and a love for helping people. Conclusion: In conclusion, becoming a doctor is not easy, but it is a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Topics For Essays Writing For Class 4

Here are some topics for fourth-grade students to write essays on:

1. My Favorite Book 2. My Favorite Sport 3. My Favorite Hobby 4. My Best Friend 5. My Favorite Season 6. My Favorite Food 7. My Family 8. My School 9. My Favorite Vacation 10. My Hero

Exercises To Improve Essay Writing For Class 4

Here are some exercises to help fourth-grade students improve their essay-writing skills:

1. Brainstorming: Ask students to brainstorm ideas for an essay topic. Encourage them to write down as many ideas as possible, even if they seem silly. 2. Outlining: Teach students how to create an outline for their essays. The outline should include the thesis statement, main points, and supporting details. 3. Writing Prompts: Give students writing prompts to help them practice writing essays. Provide feedback on their work and encourage them to revise their essays. 4. Peer Review: Have students work in pairs or small groups to review each other’s essays. Encourage them to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. 5. Reading: Encourage students to read a variety of essays written by other students or professional writers. Discuss the structure, language, and style of the essays and how they can apply these techniques to their own writing.

Conclusion On Essay Writing For Class 4

writing essays can be a fun and rewarding experience for fourth-grade students. By following the format, examples, and exercises provided in this article, students can improve their essay writing skills and become more confident in expressing their thoughts and ideas in writing. It is essential to start with a clear thesis statement, support arguments with specific details and evidence, and end with a memorable conclusion. Teachers and parents can help by providing guidance and feedback to students as they practice and develop their writing skills. By mastering the art of essay writing, fourth-grade students can become effective communicators and critical thinkers, which are valuable skills that will serve them well throughout their academic and professional lives.

4th Grade Writing Prompts

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my day essay for class 4

Students in fourth grade need varied practice in developing their writing skills. According to the Common Core State Standards Initiative, fourth-grade writing should consist of opinion pieces, informative or explanatory texts, narratives about real or imagined experiences, and short research projects. 

The following writing prompts offer diverse forms of inspiration for every student.

Opinion Essay Writing Prompts

In an opinion essay , students must state an opinion and back it up with facts and reasons . Ideas should be organized logically and supported by details.

Here are some great topics for writing an opinion essay.

  • Best Friends Forever. Write an essay explaining what makes your best friend the best best friend. 
  • Awesomeness.  Describe the most awesome thing about being in fourth grade.
  • New Worlds. Would you rather help start a colony on a new planet or a city under the ocean? Why?
  • School Food. Name one thing you would like to change about your school’s menu and explain why.
  • Someday. If you could be a race car driver, an astronaut, or president of a country, which would you choose and why?
  • Cityscapes . If you had a friend visit from another state, what is the one place in your city you would insist he or she had to see? What makes this place so special?
  • Shipwrecked. You find yourself stranded on a deserted island with only three items in your backpack. What would you want those items to be and why?
  • Flat Earth. Some people still believe that the Earth is flat . Do you agree or disagree? Include supporting facts.
  • Extra! Extra! Name one class, sport, or club you wish your school offered and explain why it should be available.
  • Seasons. Which season is your favorite and why?
  • One-star . What is the worst book you have ever read and what made it so terrible?
  • Fandom. Who is your favorite TV, movie, or music star? What makes him or her the best?
  • Progress.  Identify a way in which you would like to improve as a student this school year. Explain why you would like to get better and list some steps you can take to make it happen.

Informative Essay Writing Prompts

When writing an informative or explanatory essay, students should introduce the topic clearly, and then develop the topic with facts and details. When explaining a process, prompt students to outline the steps in a logical order.

Encourage your fourth graders to build their essay-writing skills using these topic ideas.

  • Bullied. Explain how you would handle being bullied and the steps you would take to stop a bully.
  • Mad Skills. Describe an unusual talent, hobby, or skill that you possess.
  • Cuisine. Describe a food that is unique to your family or area of the world to someone who has never tasted it.
  • Role Model. Think of a person who has made an impact on your life and describe the role they have played.
  • Pay It Forward. What is one thing you would like to do—either now or in the future—to make the world a better place?
  • Packing. Explain the most effective way to pack for a trip to ensure that you have everything you need.
  • Wild Kingdom. Of all the animals wild or domesticated, write about your favorite. Include interesting facts about this animal in your essay.
  • Gaming. Explain how to play your favorite video or board game to someone who has never played it before.
  • Problematic. Describe a problem you are facing and three ways you could possibly solve it.
  • Extreme Weather. Choose an extreme weather condition or a natural disaster , such as a tornado or a volcanic eruption. Explain its causes and effects.
  • Sweet Treats. Explain the process of making your favorite dessert.
  • Learning Styles. Think of the way you prefer to learn, such as by reading, listening, or doing. Explain why you think you learn best that way.
  • Edison. Thomas Edison said that he did not make mistakes, he just learned 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb. Describe a mistake you made and the lesson you learned from it.

Narrative Essay Writing Prompts

When writing narrative essays about real or imagined experiences, students should use descriptive details and logical sequence. They can incorporate dialogue and sensory details to develop their essay .

The following are some writing prompts for narrative essays.

  • Microscopic Details. Imagine being microscopic. Describe an adventurous trip through your body.
  • Alone. You find yourself locked in your favorite store alone overnight. Where are you and what do you do?
  • Homeless. A friendly stray dog follows you home from school. What happens next?
  • Time Travel. Imagine you could travel back in time to when your mom or dad was your age. Write an essay about your relationship with your fourth-grade parent.
  • Mismatched. Write a story about someone your age. The story must include a giraffe, a mouse, a flying carpet, and a large birdcage.
  • Pet Peeve.  Recount a moment when something really got on your nerves. Describe the experience and why it irritated you so much.
  • Surprise! Think of a time your teacher surprised your class. Describe what happened and how the class reacted.
  • Special Moments. Think of a specific day or event that you will always remember. What made it so special?
  • Travel Through History. Imagine you could travel back in time to live through one event from history . Describe the event and write about your experience.
  • The Most Terrible Day. Write an essay about a day when everything went wrong. How did the day start and end, describe the experience.
  • Road Trip. Write about a favorite family vacation or road trip. Where did you go? What made it special?
  • Funny Pet Tricks.  Can your pet do a funny or unusual trick? Describe it.
  • President. If you could be president for a day (or the principal of your school), what would you do?

Research Project Essay Writing Prompts

Fourth-grade students should also complete short research projects using books, magazines, and online sources . Ask students to take notes and provide a list of the sources they used in their research.

Below are several research project prompts to give your students inspiration for a narrative essay.

  • New Puppy. You want a new puppy. Do some research to determine the best breed for your family and write about it.
  • Battles . Research and write about what you consider the most significant or famous battle in history.
  • Famous People. Choose a famous person from history or science and write about his or her life and contributions.
  • Animal Kingdom. Select an animal to research. Include facts about its behavior, habitat, and diet.
  • Countries. Choose a country. Investigate its culture and holidays, and find out what life there is like for kids your age.
  • States. Pick a state you have never visited. Learn three to five unique facts about the state to include in your essay.
  • Inventions. What do you think is the greatest or most useful invention of all time? Find out who invented it and how and why it was invented.
  • Native Americans. Choose a Native American tribe. Learn about where its members lived, its culture, and its use of natural resources in their area.
  • Endangered Species. Research and write about an animal that is endangered. Include facts about why it is endangered and any changes that people can make to help increase its population.
  • Fine Arts. Learn more about an artist or composer. Include facts about his or her life and death and details about the artist's most well-known works.
  • Authors. Research an author whose books you enjoy. Include facts about what inspired him or her to start writing.
  • Dig Deeper.  Research something you have studied in history, science, or literature but would like to know more about.
  • State Standouts. Choose a famous person from your state. Learn about his or her life and contributions.
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My First Day At School Essay

500 words my first day at school essay.

Our lives are full of new events which we experience on different days. Similarly, going to school for the first time is also memorable. How can one forget their first day, it is only natural to remember the day, no matter good or bad. Thus, my first day at school essay will take you through my experience.

my first day at school essay

A New Experience

My first day at school was a completely new experience for me. It is because the atmosphere completely changes for any child. You always stay in the comfort and safety of your own home.

However, your first day at school opens door to unknown experiences and opportunities. Much like any other child, I was also scared on my first day. I remember clearly not letting go of my mother’s hand, hesitant to go in the classroom.

On my first day, I got up excited and put on my uniform for the first time. The feeling it gave me was so memorable, I can never forget it. As it was my first day, both my parents went to drop me off.

I remember seeing the classroom full of little children. Some crying while the others playing with others. I looked at my mother and gave her the look that I didn’t want them to leave. They had to go so I kept crying but eventually, my teacher consoled me.

Once I settled in the class, I talked with the other kids and started playing with them. The colourful walls of the classroom fascinated me a lot. We got many toys to play with so it all the other kids also got distracted and stopped crying.

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My Sister My Saviour

My advantage was that my sister was also studying in the same school. She is 3 years older than me so she was my senior. During recess, I was starting to miss my parents so I got teary-eyed.

But, then my sister came to meet me and I feel she was no less than a saviour for me that day. She took permission from the teacher to take me out and I went with her to the playground.

We were swinging throughout recess. All my worries went away because I had a known face with me. After eating and swinging together, the bell rang to mark the end of the recess . So, she dropped me back to my class.

Before leaving, she gave me a kiss and patted my head. It was enough for me to go through the rest of the day without crying. Thus, it made me feel extremely blessed that I had my sister there for me.

Conclusion of My First Day At School Essay

Thus, my first day at school was really pleasant. It fills me with pride when I look back at it and share my experience with others. I feel my first day helped me become confident in school which ultimately shaped the rest of my years there. Thus, it was indeed a memorable experience for me.

FAQ on My First Day At School Essay

Question 1: Why is the first day of school memorable?

Answer 1: We usually remember the first day of school because it is a new experience for us completely. It is the first time we step out from the comfort of our home as kids, so it will be memorable.

Question 2: Does everyone have a good first day at school?

Answer 2: Not necessarily. Everyone’s experience differs, some kids enjoy a lot on their first day. While some which are maybe shy or feel homesick don’t enjoy it that much. Nonetheless, it grows on you and eventually kids start to love going to school.

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  • Essay on My Daily Routine | 200, 300, 400, 500 Words for Class 1-10

In our student life, we all need to follow a strict routine to get better output in the study and our health. We can manage time in a better way when we follow a daily routine. Here we have got some short and long essays on my daily routine for all class students. These essays are on every size, you can find a suitable one for yourself. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on My Daily Routine in 200 Words

Everyone should follow a daily routine . As a student, I follow a very simple and easy routine for myself. I have made this routine with the help of my brother and one of my teachers. My day starts very early in the morning. 

I get up at 5 o’clock and go for a morning walk . I am very aware of my health. I try my best to keep myself fit and fine. After the morning walk, I bath with cold water and then take a rest for 10 minutes. 

After the rest, I eat my breakfast. And then I go to my reading room . I love to read science and English in the morning time. It’s the best time to concentrate on study. Then I prepare myself for school. 

Exactly at 9.30 o’clock, my father takes me to school. I come back from school at 3 PM in the afternoon. I eat my lunch in the school break time, I keep my food with me. Then I take a rest in my home and go out for playing cricket. 

Then I come back home before getting dark outside. I start reading at 6 PM and read till 9 PM. Then I eat my dinner. Before going to sleep, I watch television for 30 minutes. That’s all my daily routine. 

My Daily Routine Essay in 300 Words


If you are following a daily routine that could bring some serious changes in your life. First of all, it will let you live a life in a fixed schedule and you can manage things in a better way. For the students, it’s a mandatory thing to follow. 

Because it can improve your study style and get better results for yourself. I also follow a daily routine as a student, and I am going to share things about my routine here. 

My Daily Routine: 

My routine is very simple but I follow it very strictly. Take a look at my daily routine here. 

4.00 AM – I get up early in the morning. 

4.00-4.20 AM – I brush my teeth and wash my face. 

4.20-5.00 – I go for a small morning walk and some basic exercises. And I get back to home. 

5.00-5.20 – I take a shower with cold water. 

5.20-7.00 – I prepare all my school tasks and homework. 

7.00-7.30 – I eat my breakfast. 

7.30-9.00 – Again I study and prepare my school tasks. 

9.00-9.30 – I prepare myself for going to school and got to school. 

9.30-3.30 – I spend all these hours in the school. I eat my lunch there. I keep my food with me. I love eating lunch with all my friends. 

3.30-4.30 – I get back to home and take rest. 

4.30-6.00 – I play cricket outside and then get back to home. 

6.00-9.00 – I study a lot in that time.

10.00 – I go to sleep after eating my dinner and watching TV for 20 minutes. 

That’s all about my daily routine. 


I make some changes in the routine when I have free time or leisure time. Overall that’s a huge experience for me to follow this productive routine. 

My Daily Routine Essay in 400 Words


If you want to get the best result from your work, then you need to manage time properly. And time management becomes so easy when you are following a daily routine. As a student, I follow a very strict but simple routine and it helps me a lot to improve my study and other things. Today I will share everything about my routine. 

My Daily Routine:

My day starts very early in the morning. I wake up at 4 o’clock. I used to wake up very late, but when I heard about the health benefits of early rising , I started to get up early. Then I brush my teeth and go for a small morning walk . 

I enjoy the walk very much because it helps to feel good in the early morning. Sometimes I do some basic exercises too. Then I take a shower and eat my breakfast. Then I prepare my school tasks. I love to study math and science in the morning time. 

Because I can give better concentration on that period. I get ready for my school at 9 o’clock and my mom drops me there at 9.30 o’clock. I spend most of the time on my day at the school. I eat my lunch there in the school break time. 

I come back from the school at 3.30 PM and then I take a rest for 30 minutes. I love to play cricket in the afternoon. But every day I can’t play. 

My Evening and Night Routine:

When I get back home after the playing in the field, I feel very tired. And then I wash and take rest for 30 minutes. I eat some juice or something else that my mom prepares for me. I start to study at 6.30 PM in the evening. 

Most of the day, I keep reading till 9.30. That’s the most important part for my study. I prepare all my homework and do some extra studies too. And then I eat my dinner and watch Television before sleep. 


That’s all about my daily routine. I try to follow this routine always. But sometimes I need to bring some changes in the routine. And when I spend holiday and off day from school, I can’t follow this routine at all. I think this routine is helping me to use my time in the best work and complete my study tasks properly. 

Essay on My Daily Routine in 500 Words

Essay on My Daily Routine in 500 Words

To become successful, everybody should follow a strict schedule or routine. Especially in student life, we need to maintain our time properly. If we fail to maintain time then we can’t make a good result in the examination. 

Today I am going to share my daily routine and my experience here. I am a very regular guy who follows a routine. I made that routine almost six months ago with the help of my elder brother. 

I make some small edits and changes in the routine due to my own preference. 

I consider the morning is the most important part of the day. In the morning, you will find lots of peace and a calm environment. My class teacher suggested me to get up early morning. I followed here that suggestion very seriously and that made my day. 

Now I always get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. First of all, I go to the washroom and brush my teeth. I wash my face and wipe the water with a towel. Then I go for a small morning walk. I know the morning walk is very important for good health. 

Sometimes, I do exercise too. Most of the time I walk almost 30 minutes and the doctor said that’s enough for me. This little workout keeps me strong for the rest of the day. I come back to home after the walk and get fresh again. 

I eat my breakfast then. After eating breakfast, I study Math and Science in the morning time. I think morning is the best time to study. 

School Time: 

I go to school at 9.30 o’clock in the morning. My father drops me here with his car. I get a break at 1 o’clock after four classes in a row. And finally, I go home at 4 PM with my mom . 

She comes to pick me up from school every day. Because it takes almost 20 minutes to go home from school by car. I enjoy school time very much.

Eat and Sleep Routine: 

I eat my breakfast and then I eat my lunch in the school break time. I take my lunch with me. My mother is very aware of my food. She always cooks something interesting to me. I love eating Pizza and Burger, but she doesn’t buy me that kind of fast food. 

She prefers to cook them for me. I love her cooked Pizza very much. And finally, after reading and watching TV at night at 10 o’clock, I go for my sleep. When I go to bed, I think about my entire day. 

Holiday Routine: 

When my school is close and I have lots of spare time, my daily routine becomes a bit different. I add time for video games, playing in the field with friends, and spending more time with my cousins. 

That’s all about my daily routine. I love to follow this routine and I am very serious about it. I think It’s perfect for me. You can follow my routine too. 

10 Lines Essay on My Daily Routine

10 line essays are easy and short. Here is a 10 lines essay on my daily routine. I am sure you will be able to learn these 10 lines essay easily. 

1. A person who follows a good routine can handle his work and time properly. It’s easy to manage your time when you are on a routine. 

2. It’s a high priority for the students. And that’s why I follow a very simple routine to manage my time. 

3. My daily routine is very easy and simple. It helps me to study properly, eat on time, and take care of my health. 

4. I get up early in the morning and pray first. My mother always suggests me to pray in the early morning. 

5. And then I go for a morning walk. After a 30 minute walk, I come back home and go for a bath and then I eat my breakfast. 

6. I go to school at 9 o’clock and get back home at 3 o’clock. I eat my lunch in the school break time. I keep my food with me. 

7. I go outside to play cricket with my friends in the afternoon. I enjoy that time a lot. I think that’s the best part of my day. 

8. I read almost three hours at night. And then I eat my dinner. 

9. Before going to bed, I watch TV for 30 minutes. I love watching cartoon channels. 

10. That’s all about my daily routine. That is very simple and easy. 

How can I write my daily routine? 

If you want to write a daily routine, you can take suggestions from your teacher or someone elder from your family. When I wrote my first daily routine, I was very confused. But finally, I came with a very productive and successful schedule of my life. I suggest you look back on your day and think about how do you spend your time. You need to find where should you spend most of your time and where not. 

How important is a daily routine?

A daily routine is a very essential thing that will make your day easy. I hope you will be able to create a very useful and proper daily routine. 

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My school essay for class 4

The school is a very lovely place. Students enjoy learning there. 

Students learn about themselves by observing and experiencing different things in school. Their experiences shape them into who they become as adults. Below are some examples of ‘’My school essay for class 4’’.

My School Essays For Class 4

my day essay for class 4

A school is a building where students learn about different subjects. Students study hard and work hard to get good grades. Schools help build the future of a country by educating the children of the country. That’s how I feel about my school.

I study in school (write your name). My school has a beautiful multi-story building. The classrooms of my school are extensive with large windows for air. 

The playground of our school is huge and beautiful. The teachers of our school are very kind and helpful to our students. 

Our class teacher was a very kind man. He taught us very nicely. He taught everything practically. All the other teachers were also kind.

The principal of our school was an amiable man. Our school encouraged students to take part in Extracurricular Studies.

 Many of our school students had won prizes from other schools for quiz competitions, speeches, debates, tabloids, and sports competitions.

The best school provides a friendly, peaceful, and cooperative environment for studies. Our school regularly informs our parents about our studies.

 Schools like ours provide a friendly, peaceful, and cooperative learning environment for studies. Our schools are the real wealth of the country.

My Classroom Essay 100 Words

Essay On My School For Class 4 Example 1

Students should be taught how to become good citizens. Schools should be built with excellent facilities. Teachers should be trained well.

 Students should be given an opportunity to learn. Assembly should be held regularly. Thanking God for blessings is essential.

The classroom is jam-packed. All of my classmates are hard-working and sweet. Our class teacher is a very kind-hearted man. He never beats anybody. He loves everybody and teaches with a kind and gentle heart.

All of our teachers are very dedicated. We are taught self-discipline, honesty, dedication, and respect for others. We love to participate in extracurricular activities in our school. 

We love to take care of our school. Career counseling and teaching assistance are provided for better education. My school is one of the best Schools with all the facilities of education that are necessary today. 

I thank God for providing me the best opportunity to learn here. To me, the Best School is one that not only teaches From Books but also Practical Life.

My School Class 4 Essay Example 2: Our School Paragraph For Class 4

I am pleased to be here today because I know that my school is a great place. My school is a beautiful place because we learn many things there. 

First of all, I learned how to read and write. Then, I learned how to do the math. And then, I learned how to speak English . I also learned how to play sports. I learned how to make friends. I learned how to help others. 

My school is located in a beautiful place. I love my school because it is very clean. We have lots of books, and we learn about many things. We play games and do sports. 

We go to the park and ride our bikes. I like going to school because I get to meet new people. I like learning new things. I am happy when I come to school.

My Younger Sister Essay

Essay For My School Example 3

My school is located in New Delhi, India. It is one of the best schools in the city. My school has a big playground for us to play there. It has a small garden with slides, swings, and benches.

My school has very strict rules. Students must follow them carefully. There are many different types of classes. Each classroom is very clean and spacious. 

Our school has lots of exciting things to do. We have a large number of students.

Our school headmaster Mr. (Write Name), is a lovely person. He teaches us very well. We are very proud of our school. I love and appreciate my school.

Our School Class 4 Essay Example 4

my day essay for class 4

My school name is (write school name), and I read in class four.

The school is big and has good results every year in exams. The school is good at sports, but we didn’t win the inter-school cricket competition. The school has good teachers, but they aren’t very loving or caring.

My school is one of the top schools in the country. Two big playgrounds are at the front and back of the school building.

I play dodgeball at the front playground. I also play cricket, football, and hide-and-seek at the playground. 

My school also has many small gardens. I get the chance to see roses, sunflowers, hibiscus, and mogra in these gardens. These plants make my school look even prettier.

My Favourite Cartoon Doraemon

My school has many great things. 

  • First, there are lots of creative and dedicated teaching staff. They love all students and help them whenever they need anything. 
  • Second, they teach us subjects like Math, English, Hindi, etc. 
  • Third, they teach us subjects such as EVS, etc.
  •  Fourth, they maintain a happy and fun atmosphere in the school. 
  • Fifth, they teach us subjects such as Math, English, and Hindi .
  •  Sixth, they teach us subjects in our school, such as EVS, and seventh, they teach us subjects at our school, such as Math, Hindi, and English.

I am writing this essay for my school to encourage other students to do the same. 

I love my school because it has many exciting places, such as the auditorium, the science lab, the gymnasium, the cafeteria, and the library. 

I like my school because there are many different kinds of people here. Some of them are friendly, while others are mean. I like my school very much because I meet new friends daily.

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Author & Editor Team: : Adila Zakir, Alexa Smith

Our review panel has been working in academic and non-academic writing for more than 1 decade.

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A Day at the Beach Essay

A day at the beach short essay for kids.

Kids love visiting beaches. They enjoy playing with sand and waves. The voice of waves hitting the shores is very refreshing, and it revitalises our souls. Collecting different varieties of seashells is a hobby for many kids. Building sandcastles and decorating them with shells is one of the fun activities for kids. They declare themselves as the king or queen of their tiny sand-made castles. Watching kids enjoy their time to the fullest is a delightful sight for parents. Activities like essay writing for kids will simplify the process of Kids learning and will help them improve their thinking skills.

a day at the beach essay

Table of Contents

Beach and my soul, essay on beach cleaning.

Beach is one of my favourite places to visit. I feel so refreshed after visiting a beach. It makes my body and mind active, and I think it is the best place on this planet where we can enjoy ourselves with our friends and family members. I love playing with the sand and building sandcastles with my friends. We made a huge sandcastle on our last visit to the beach and named it ‘The Castle of Wonders’. My friend and I announced ourselves as the two kings of that castle and placed two flags above it. The red flag I put represented me as the king of the castle, and the blue one represented my friend. We also clicked a picture standing before our majestic sandcastle, and I consider it one of the greatest moments of my life.

The unpredictability of waves always amazes me. The way they hit the shores is magical. I love playing with waves; my friends and I run away from the waves to avoid getting our legs washed by them. We also write random names and words on the sand and watch them getting cleared away by the waves. It is an exciting game that fills my heart with bliss. If your kids are interested in writing essays and expressing their ideas, BYJU’S My Favourite Season Essay in English will be a great resource to refer to.

Beaches are home to various creatures. By making their lands polluted, we are troubling their living habitat. Human beings pollute their land with waste materials such as plastic covers and bags, water bottles, cigarette filters, and many other items that lead to environmental degradation. Day by day, marine pollution is highly increasing and has resulted in the deterioration of the marine ecosystem.

Beach cleaning is the process of removing waste materials like litter and debris deposited on beaches brought by the tide and visitors. Social service is an excellent subject to be taught to students. It improves their social awareness and is a necessary quality that has to be transferred to the lives of youths for a better future. Conservation of natural resources is significant for the existence of human lives on Earth. Beach cleaning is one act of nature conservation that benefits the beach ecosystem.

A beach is an environment that supports the lives or varieties of plants and animals. A beach ecosystem is essential for human lives, and it plays a significant role in climatic change. It protects people’s lives near the beach by serving as a shield against storms. There are a lot of marine animals that depend on the beach ecosystem for survival, and they significantly contribute to the food chain. A day at the beach essay in English will help kids realise the importance of conserving marine ecosystems. For more essays, worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is beach cleaning.

Beach cleaning is an act of conversing marine ecosystems by removing waste materials like litter and debris deposited on beaches brought by the tide and visitors.

What all elements enhance the beauty of a beach?

A beach is a beautiful place to visit. Sea, waves, wind, vast areas of sand, tiny crabs, the crimson red colour of the sky during sunset, and coconut trees are some of the elements that give the beauty of a beach.

What do kids learn from BYJU’S a day at the beach essay in English?

BYJU’S a day at the beach essay in English helps kids learn how to write effectively and express their thoughts about the beauty of beaches. Moreover, activities like essay writing develop writing skills and vocabulary in English.

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Essay on My School: Short Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 29, 2024

Essay On My School

Writing an essay on my school can be a great way to share your thoughts and experiences about the institution. Essay writing on such topics is generally categorized into two categories: academic and professional. There are some important things to consider when writing an essay on my school or any similar topics. Understanding the audience who will be reading your essay, highlighting the message you want to convey, and setting an appropriate tone. For example, students writing an essay on my school must keep their essays formal, objective, and impersonal. This way, it will be easy to emphasise clarity, precision, and logical reasoning. Let’s discuss some sample essays on my school for Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My School Class 1
  • 2 Essay on My School Class 2
  • 3 Essay on My School Class 3
  • 4 Essay on My School Class 4
  • 5 Essay on My School Class 5
  • 6 10 Lines on My School
  • 7 Top 10 Quotes on School

Essay on My School Class 1

‘The name of my school is Indirapuram Public School. My school has a big building. There are swings, slides, and see-saws where we have lots of fun. Sometimes, we also play games like tag and hide-and-seek with our friends. We also have a swimming pool. We have a music and dance room. In my classroom there, there are 30 students. There are desks and tables for everyone.’ 

‘I have a lot of friends and we play a lot at lunch. My teachers are very kind and helpful. They teach us the alphabet, numbers and names of animals on the class board. I love my school. Every day, we play, learn and have a lot of fun. My school is important to me. It holds a special place in my heart.’

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Essay on My School Class 2

‘My school is KR Mangalam School. It is located in Sector 6, Vaishali. It is a big building with 3 floors and a lot of classrooms. There is a big football field, swimming pool, activity room, and a playground with many swings. I have 4 teachers for English, Mathematics, Social Science and Sports. All my teachers are very kind and helpful to me.

‘In my classroom, there are 30 students. I have a lot of friends and we all learn and play together. One of my favourite parts of the day is lunchtime. We all eat together and share food. After that, we go to our music class, where we learn about classical Indian music.’

‘My school is very important to me. I have good friends and teachers in school. I love my school and my friends. Every day, we all learn and grow together.’

Essay on My School Class 3

‘The name of my school is St Frances School. It is located in Gyan Khand, Indirapuram. My school has 2 wings; junior and senior. There is a big field, a basketball court, a swimming pool, an activity area, a big canteen, computer and science labs and a lot of classrooms.’

‘My classroom, Class 3-D, is on the second floor of the junior wing. The walls of my classrooms are decorated with beautiful pictures and drawings. There is a big blackboard where our teacher explains everything.’

‘I have a lot of friends in school and we all play, learn and have fun together. Every day, we all eat our lunch together and play football, kho kho, badminton and other sports together. I love my school, my friends and my teachers very much. Every day, we learn something new and have a lot of fun.’

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Essay on My School Class 4

‘The name of my school is Delhi Public School Indirapuram. It is located in Ahinsa Khand, Indirapuram. My school has a big building and is surrounded by beautiful places. My school timings are from 8 am to 2 pm. During this time, we all play, learn and grow together.’

‘I have five teachers who are very kind and helpful to me. My teachers teach us important and interesting things. They teach us how to behave in front of others. Every day, we go to the playground for outdoor activities. We all play football, cricket, basketball and other sports. My favourite sport is football as I run very fast.’

‘My school has a big canteen. During lunchtime, we all eat our delicious food and have a lot of fun together. The seating arrangement in my school is circular, instead of the traditional horizontal rows and vertical columns.’ 

‘My school is like a second home to me. I love going to school every day. My school gives importance to learning, playing and personal development. Everyone at my school is very kind and helpful to me.’

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Essay on My School Class 5

‘The name of my school is Cambridge School Indirapuram. It is located in Shakti Khand II, Indirapuram. My school has two big buildings; junior and senior wings. My school has classes from Nursery to 12th. There are two playgrounds for juniors and seniors. There is a big swimming pool, computer labs, science labs, two libraries, arts and crafts room, and dance and music rooms.’

‘My school starts at 8 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon. We all gather in the senior playground for our morning player every day. Our Principal and Vice Principal sing the morning prayer. Then we all head towards our classrooms, where our teachers teach us great lessons. Every day, we all learn, grow and have a lot of fun together.’

‘I have a lot of friends in school and we all eat our lunch together, share jokes and have a lot of fun. We have a big playground, where we play different sports, such as football, kabaddi, cricket, volleyball, etc. There is a big canteen, where we sometimes sit and eat delicious food from the school canteen.’

‘I love going to the school every day. I love my school, my teachers, my friends and my school staff. Everyone at my school is very helpful and kind to me. We all learn, grow and play together at my school. I am thankful to be part of such a wonderful school.’

Also Read: Essay on English Language for School Students in English

10 Lines on My School

Here are 10 lines on my school for children. Feel free to add them to my school essay.

  • My school has a very beautiful and big building.
  • There is a big playground where we play and have a lot of fun together.
  • My school have long corridors with beautiful walls.
  • My classroom is located on the 3rd floor.
  • I like eating food in my school canteen.
  • My school has a large library, where we read interesting books.
  • My school has the best teachers in the world.
  • I respect all my school teachers and staff members.
  • My school is like a second home to me.
  • Many exciting and lively places surround my school.

Top 10 Quotes on School

‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’ – Benjamin Frankin

‘Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.’ -Oprah Winfrey

‘Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.’ – Confucius

‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

‘The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.’ – Aristotle

‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire’ – W.B. Yeats

‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ – Steve Jobs

‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’ – Dr. Seuss

‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ – Nelson Mandela

‘In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.’ – Abraham Lincoln

Ans: When writing an essay on my school, you have to consider the following things: understand the audience and set your language and tone accordingly. Highlight the key details of your school realistically. Keep your tone formal, objective, and impersonal. It emphasises clarity, precision, and logical reasoning. Writers often avoid personal pronouns and emotional language.

Ans: ‘The name of my school is St Frances School. It is located in Gyan Khand, Indirapuram. My school has 2 wings; junior and senior. There is a big field, a basketball court, a swimming pool, an activity area, a big canteen, computer and science labs and a lot of classrooms.’ ‘My classroom, Class 3-D, is on the second floor of the junior wing. The walls of my classrooms are decorated with beautiful pictures and drawings. There is a big blackboard where our teacher explains everything.’

Ans: My school has a very beautiful and big building. There is a big playground where we play and have a lot of fun together. My school have long corridors with beautiful walls. My classroom is located on the 3rd floor. I like eating food in my school canteen. My school has a large library, where we read interesting books.

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Daily Routine Essay: Having a daily routine is important in our lives because it provides structure and stability. When we follow a routine, we know what to expect and can plan our time effectively. It helps us develop good habits and discipline, which are essential for success in school and beyond. Additionally, a daily routine can reduce stress and improve overall well-being by promoting a balanced lifestyle. With a consistent routine, we can prioritize tasks, allocate time for leisure activities, and ensure we get enough rest and relaxation. In this article, we’ll provide sample essays of varying lengths the significance of a daily routine to help you express your daily life effectively.

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Daily Routine Essay

My daily routine essay 1: 100 words.

Every day, I wake up at 6:30 am and start my day by getting ready for school. After brushing my teeth and taking a bath, I go downstairs to have a quick breakfast with my family. Then, I grab my backpack and head out to catch the bus. During my classes, I make sure to pay attention and take notes to stay on top of my schoolwork. Once the school day is over, I spend some time at the library studying or participating in extracurricular activities like sports or clubs. After that, I go home, have dinner, and spend the rest of my evening doing homework or relaxing before going to bed at around 10 pm. This is my daily routine that keeps me organized and helps me prioritize my responsibilities as a school student.

My Daily Routine Essay 2: 250 Words

As a high school student, my daily routine consists of a combination of school, extracurricular activities, and personal time. I usually wake up early in the morning, around 6:30 am, to get ready for school. After a quick shower and breakfast, I catch the bus and head to school. Once at school, I attend various classes throughout the day, including math, English, and science. I also participate in extracurricular activities like debate club and soccer practice after school. After a long day of learning and activities, I usually return home, complete my homework assignments, and relax by reading a book or watching a movie before going to bed around 10 pm. In addition to my academic and extracurricular commitments, I also try to find time for myself each day. This personal time allows me to unwind and recharge. I enjoy pursuing my hobbies, such as playing the guitar or painting, during this time. It helps me relax and relieve any stress accumulated during the day. I also use this time to connect with my family and friends, whether it’s having dinner together or chatting on the phone. Finally, before bedtime, I unwind with a good book or some soothing music. I believe in the importance of a good night’s sleep for overall well-being, so I ensure I get enough rest to prepare for the next day. Overall, my daily routine is a balance of education, activities, and personal time that helps me grow as a student and an individual.

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My Daily Routine Essay 3: 300 Words

My daily routine is like a well-oiled machine, a fine-tuned rhythm that helps me stay organized and focused throughout the day. First and foremost, as soon as I wake up, I stretch my limbs and take a deep breath, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. After freshening up and getting dressed, I head to the kitchen to fuel my body with a wholesome breakfast, consisting of whole grains, fruits, and a glass of milk. This provides me with the necessary energy to kickstart my day. Once I am nourished, I gather my school bag, ensuring that all my books and necessary materials are packed neatly. Then, I make my way to the bus stop, catching up with friends and chatting, making the ride to school an enjoyable one. Upon arrival, I attend my classes diligently, actively participating in discussions and taking notes to maximize my understanding of the subjects. During breaks, I make it a point to socialize with my peers, to forge stronger friendships and create a positive atmosphere within the school. After school, I participate in extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs, to engage in my passions and develop a well-rounded personality. In the evenings, I dedicate time to complete any pending assignments or study for upcoming tests, ensuring that I am well-prepared for academic challenges. However, I also value relaxation, and so I indulge in hobbies like reading or playing the guitar, which help me unwind and de-stress. Finally, before retiring to bed, I reflect on the day’s events, making mental notes on areas that may need improvement and areas where I succeeded. This allows me to grow and learn from my experiences, setting the groundwork for an even better routine tomorrow. Ultimately, my daily routine helps me navigate through the various aspects of my life, ensuring that I stay focused, organized, and balanced on my journey towards academic and personal success.

My Daily Routine Essay 4: 500 Words

A daily routine is a set of activities that we engage in regularly, following a specific schedule. It helps to structure our day and ensures that we utilize our time efficiently. Having a well-planned daily routine not only increases our productivity but also improves our physical and mental well-being. In this essay, I will describe my daily routine and how it helps me to achieve my goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 1. Morning Routine: I start my day early in the morning as it gives me a head start and allows me to accomplish more. My alarm clock goes off promptly at 6 am, and I immediately stretch, as it helps to awaken my body. After that, I freshen up and spend 15 minutes practicing meditation, which sets a calm and positive tone for the day. Following that, I do an hour of exercise, alternating between cardio and strength training. This energizes me and helps me stay fit. Finally, I have a nutritious breakfast consisting of fruits, oats, and eggs to fuel my body and mind. 2. Work/School Routine: After breakfast, I get ready for work or school. I organize my belongings, pack my lunch, and ensure that I have everything I need for the day. Transportation to my workplace or school takes approximately 30 minutes, during which I catch up on reading or listen to educational podcasts. Upon arrival, I review my schedule, prioritize my tasks, and create a to-do list. This helps me stay focused and organized throughout the day, ensuring that I complete all my assignments and projects efficiently. 3. Afternoon Routine: During my lunch break, I take time to relax and recharge. I have a healthy meal, preferably packed from home to ensure balanced nutrition. Afterward, I engage in a leisure activity for a short period, such as reading a book or going for a walk. This helps me to de-stress and re-energize for the second half of the day. In the afternoon, I attend classes or work on assignments, actively participating and seeking clarification whenever required. 4. Evening Routine: In the evening, I prioritize spending quality time with my family and friends. Depending on the day, I either attend extracurricular activities or have a quiet evening at home. This includes activities such as playing sports, watching a movie, or engaging in hobbies such as painting or writing. Regularly engaging in leisure activities helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance and keeps my mind stimulated. 5. Night Routine: To wind down for the night, I allocate time for personal care and relaxation. I ensure that I complete all pending tasks, review my to-do list for the next day, and plan accordingly. Afterward, I enjoy a homemade dinner with my family, engaging in light-hearted conversations. Following dinner, I spend time away from screens, allowing my mind to relax. This could be reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or writing in my journal. Finally, I maintain a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Conclusion In conclusion, maintaining a disciplined daily routine helps me lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It allows me to accomplish my goals, stay focused, and make the most of my time. My daily routine consists of a structured morning, work/school schedule, leisure activities in the evening, and a restful night routine. By following this routine diligently, I have found myself more productive, happier, and physically healthier. Having a daily routine is not only beneficial to our work or academics but also contributes to our overall well-being.

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FAQs on My Daily Routine Essay

Why is having a daily routine important.

A daily routine provides structure, discipline, and organization to your day, helping you manage your time efficiently and achieve your goals.

How can I create a healthy daily routine?

To create a healthy daily routine, start with activities like exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest. Prioritize tasks, allocate breaks, and include time for hobbies and relaxation.

What are the benefits of a morning routine?

A morning routine, including activities like meditation and exercise, can boost energy, enhance focus, and set a positive tone for the day.

How can a daily routine improve productivity?

A daily routine helps improve productivity by providing a structured approach to tasks, reducing procrastination, and maintaining consistent work habits.

What should be included in a daily routine for students?

A student's daily routine should encompass study time, breaks, physical activity, healthy meals, and time for extracurricular activities.

How can I stick to my daily routine?

Sticking to a daily routine requires commitment and discipline. Set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and maintain consistency to establish a routine that works for you.

Can a daily routine improve work-life balance?

Yes, a well-balanced daily routine can help improve work-life balance by allocating time for both professional responsibilities and personal well-being.

Is it necessary to have a fixed daily routine?

While having a fixed routine can be beneficial, flexibility is also essential. Adapt your routine to accommodate changes and unexpected events while maintaining its core structure.

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Morning Walk Essay for Class 4

Exercise encourages us to stay in shape, both as a main priority and body. Walking is the best type of activity and suits individuals. Early morning is viewed as a decent and ideal opportunity for a walk.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 4 on the topic ‘Morning Walk’ for reference.

Short Essay on Morning Walk of 100 Words

Our morning walk takes somewhat more than an hour consistently. We get back home by 6.15 am or somewhere in the vicinity. We feel revived, cheerful, and decidedly ready to begin our day. A morning walk wonderfully affects the brain and body, which remains for the remainder of the day.

A morning walk is a helpful exercise. It is light exercise. It invigorates our body and psyche. In the morning, Nature is at its best. A morning walk gets us in contact with the beautiful environmental factors of Nature.

It gives us incredible euphoria and keeps us fit and stable. The green grass, the blooming blossoms, twittering feathered creatures, the outside air, the rising sun, and morning dew – all give us incredible euphoria, and they fill our hearts with satisfaction.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 4  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Morning Walk of 150 Words

A morning walk is a decent exercise for all. Numerous individuals who rise promptly in the morning take a walk. Morning walk is the best exercise. It is beneficial for our wellbeing. It improves our wellbeing.

It is useful for our wellbeing. It is as valuable for the body as food. The outside air is beneficial for our lungs. We appreciate the excellent view of Nature. The calm wind revives us. We hear the peeping of the flying creatures.

We see the ranchers furrowing the fields. I am partial to the morning walk. I rise promptly in the morning. I go to Nehru Park each day. The rising sun at that point starts to sparkle in the east. It glances extremely lovely in the recreation center.

Everything looks new and blossoming. A few people are believed to take work out. The dewdrops on the grass look flawless. We walk barefooted on the green grass. Following 60 minutes, we get back from the nursery.

10 Lines on Morning Walk-In English

  • Morning walks should be shaped as a propensity.
  • Morning walk is best for actual wellness, and it is the lightest exercise.
  • The morning walk is stable for the lungs.
  • Early morning walk is significant because it additionally helps in keeping the skin sound.
  • There is a gigantic park before my home where, alongside my folks, I go on a morning walk.
  • While we run, we meet vast numbers of our neighbors and welcome them.
  • While running, I like the smell of natural air and blossoms around. It causes me to feel alive and new.
  • It feels excellent during winters to respect the magnificence of nature-dew drops of water on leaves, and splendid sun.
  • We complete the rounds of the recreation center and lay on the grass shoeless.
  • A standard morning walk is essential to the primary sound psyche and body.

Frequently Asked Questions on Morning Walk Essay

How morning walks help? 

It causes us to decrease weariness from the body and get a decent shape. Individuals would prefer not to have additional fat in their body, and it’s anything but something to be thankful for, as indicated by clinical science. A morning walk can decrease weakness and give us a useful life.

How does it assist the individuals with the diabetic and coronary episode? 

Diabetics and heart infections are incredibly typical among everybody now. It has a severe danger. Yet, a walk can diminish the conceivable outcomes of heart issues and control your diabetics, and that is why all the specialists recommend the patients walk a ton in the morning.

For what reason is the morning Walk significant? 

It makes our brain lively and roused. The tranquil climate of the morning makes us so much confidence. We get bunches of energy to work the whole day with heaps of excitement.

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My Favourite Sport Essay in English for Class 4 Students

Essay on my favourite sport for class 4 students.

The Essay on “ My Favourite Sport” has been prepared by our teachers at Vedantu to help kids with their essay about my best friend. These are drafted in a very easy and simple language for you to understand and remember it for a longer time. 

During our summer holidays, we even went to summer camp together to learn cricket and made a lot of memories. Moreover, we also invented new and our own handshake which only we both knew. This bonding between us has taught me that family doesn’t end with blood because my best friend is no less than my family. 

Last year, in summer we both went with his parents to watch a cricket match on the ground. From then, we both started liking it and decided to go and learn the sport together. Cricket is a very interesting sport and it has a lot of advantages to it. During the holidays we went to learn for 6 hours a day and learnt that we need to be good at both bowling and batting. Initially, we were taught how to hold the ball and catches. They focused more on running as Feilding is also necessary for Cricket. Our sports academy has many learners, we divide ourselves into a group and play matches every Sunday.

All these are making our bonding even more stronger. We always wait for holidays to play with each other and remain friends.


Association football, further generally known as football or soccer, doesn't have a classical history. Notwithstanding any parallels to other ball games played around the world, FIFA has recognised that no literal connection exists with any game played in age outside Europe. 

The ultramodern rules of association football are grounded on the mid-19th century standards to standardise the extensively varying forms of football played in the public seminaries of England. 

The ultramodern game of association football began with mid-nineteenth century sweats between original football clubs to regularize the varying sets of rules, climaxing in the conformation of The Football Association in London, England in 1863.

The rules drafted by the association allowed clubs to play with each other without disagreement and specifically banned both running off the ball (except by goalkeepers) and hacking during open field play. 

After the fifth meeting of the association, a schism surfaced between association football and the rules played by the Rugby academy, latterly to be called rugby football. Football has been an Olympic sport ever since the alternate ultramodern Summer Olympic Games in 1900. 

FAQs on My Favourite Sport Essay in English for Class 4 Students

1. Why is Football a Famous Sport?

Football is the world’s most popular ball game in the figures of actors and observers. Simple in its top rules and essential outfit, the sport can be played nearly anywhere, from sanctioned football playing fields ( pitches) to gyms, thoroughfares, academy playgrounds, premises, or strands. Football’s board, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), estimated that at the turn of the 21st century there were around about 250 million football players and over1.3 billion people “ interested” in football; in 2010 a combined TV followership of further than 26 billion watched football’s premier event, the quadrennial month-long World Cup tests. 

2. Explain the football crisis and how it happened?

The matter of professionalism outstretched an extremity in England in 1884, when the FA expelled two clubs for using professional players. Still, the payment of players had come so commonplacely that the FA had little option but to permit the practice a time later, despite original attempts to circumscribe professionalism to remitments for broken time. The consequence was that northern clubs, with their large supporter bases and capacity to attract better players, came to elevation. As the influence of working-class players rose in football, the upper classes took retreat in other sports, especially the justice and rugby union. Professionalism also sparked further modernization of the game through the establishment of the Football League, which allowed the commanding dozen brigades from the North and Midlands to contend totally against each other from 1888 onward. A lower, alternate division was introduced in 1893, and the total number of brigades increased to 28. The Irish and Scots established leagues in 1890. The Southern League began in 1894 but was engaged by the Football League in 1920. Yet football didn't become a major profit-making business during this period. Professional clubs came from limited liability companies primarily to secure land for gradational development of colosseum installations. Most clubs in England were possessed and controlled by businessmen but shareholders entered veritably low, if any, tips; their main price was an enhanced public status through running the original club. 

3. Describe the role of the International Organisation in Football?

By the first 20 th century, football had spread across Europe, but it had needed cross-border association. A result was planted in 1904 when representatives from the football associations of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland innovated the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).

Nonetheless, in 1920 the British associations abnegated their FIFA enrollments after failing to convince other members that Germany, Austria, and Hungary should be expelled following World War I. The British associations replied to FIFA in 1924 but soon after claimed upon a veritably rigid description of dilettantism, especially for Olympic football.

4. Explain the regional tradition of Europe in Football?

Numerous Scottish professional players migrated south to join English clubs, introducing English players and cults to the more-advanced ball-playing chops and the benefits of cooperation and end. Till World War II, the British pursued to impact football’s development through daily club tenures overseas and the Continental accompanied careers of former players. Itinerant Scots were especially prominent in central Europe. The interwar Danubian academy of football surfaced from the coaching patrimonies and moxie of John Madden in Prague and Jimmy Hogan in Austria. 

5. What are the strategy and tactics of Football?

Use of the bases and (to a lower extent) the legs to control and pass the ball is football’s most introductory skill. Heading the ball is particularly prominent when entering long upstanding passes. Since the game’s origins, players have displayed their chops by going on “ single runs” or dribbling the ball past outsmarted opponents. But football is a platoon game grounded on passing between platoon members. The introductory playing styles and chops of individual players reflect their separate playing positions. Goalkeepers bear dexterity and height to reach and block the ball when opponents shoot at things. Central defenders need to challenge the direct attacking play of opponents; called upon to win tackles and to go the ball down from pitfall analogous as when defending corner kicks, they are generally big and strong. 

Fullbacks are generally lower but hastily, rates needed to match speedy sect-forwards. Midfield players ( also called halves or halfbacks) operate across the centre of the sector and should have a variety of rates important “ ball- winners” got to be “ good in the attack” in terms of winning or guarding the ball and energetic runners; creative “ playmakers” develop scoring chances through their gift at holding the ball and through the accurate end.

Wingers tend to have good speed, some dribbling chops, and the capability to make crossing passes that travel across the front of things and give scoring openings for forwards. One can be important in the air or small and penetrative with quick footwork; basically, they should be complete at scoring pretensions from any angle.

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