Essay on Peace

500 words essay peace.

Peace is the path we take for bringing growth and prosperity to society. If we do not have peace and harmony, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Moreover, before we transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to possess peace within. It is not a certain individual’s responsibility to maintain peace but everyone’s duty. Thus, an essay on peace will throw some light on the same topic.

essay on peace

Importance of Peace

History has been proof of the thousands of war which have taken place in all periods at different levels between nations. Thus, we learned that peace played an important role in ending these wars or even preventing some of them.

In fact, if you take a look at all religious scriptures and ceremonies, you will realize that all of them teach peace. They mostly advocate eliminating war and maintaining harmony. In other words, all of them hold out a sacred commitment to peace.

It is after the thousands of destructive wars that humans realized the importance of peace. Earth needs peace in order to survive. This applies to every angle including wars, pollution , natural disasters and more.

When peace and harmony are maintained, things will continue to run smoothly without any delay. Moreover, it can be a saviour for many who do not wish to engage in any disrupting activities or more.

In other words, while war destroys and disrupts, peace builds and strengthens as well as restores. Moreover, peace is personal which helps us achieve security and tranquillity and avoid anxiety and chaos to make our lives better.

How to Maintain Peace

There are many ways in which we can maintain peace at different levels. To begin with humankind, it is essential to maintain equality, security and justice to maintain the political order of any nation.

Further, we must promote the advancement of technology and science which will ultimately benefit all of humankind and maintain the welfare of people. In addition, introducing a global economic system will help eliminate divergence, mistrust and regional imbalance.

It is also essential to encourage ethics that promote ecological prosperity and incorporate solutions to resolve the environmental crisis. This will in turn share success and fulfil the responsibility of individuals to end historical prejudices.

Similarly, we must also adopt a mental and spiritual ideology that embodies a helpful attitude to spread harmony. We must also recognize diversity and integration for expressing emotion to enhance our friendship with everyone from different cultures.

Finally, it must be everyone’s noble mission to promote peace by expressing its contribution to the long-lasting well-being factor of everyone’s lives. Thus, we must all try our level best to maintain peace and harmony.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Peace

To sum it up, peace is essential to control the evils which damage our society. It is obvious that we will keep facing crises on many levels but we can manage them better with the help of peace. Moreover, peace is vital for humankind to survive and strive for a better future.

FAQ of Essay on Peace

Question 1: What is the importance of peace?

Answer 1: Peace is the way that helps us prevent inequity and violence. It is no less than a golden ticket to enter a new and bright future for mankind. Moreover, everyone plays an essential role in this so that everybody can get a more equal and peaceful world.

Question 2: What exactly is peace?

Answer 2: Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in which there is no hostility and violence. In social terms, we use it commonly to refer to a lack of conflict, such as war. Thus, it is freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.

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Benjamin Franklin: 'There was never a good war, or a bad peace.'

There was never a good war, or a bad peace.

In his notable quote, "There was never a good war, or a bad peace," Benjamin Franklin encapsulates a profound truth about the inherent nature of conflict and the value of peace. The straightforward interpretation of this quote is that while war may be deemed necessary at times, it can never truly be considered a good thing, as it entails immense human suffering and destruction. On the other hand, peace, even if perceived as imperfect or flawed, will always be preferable to the ravages of war. This sentiment holds significant importance as it urges us to prioritize diplomacy and non-violent resolutions in our tumultuous world. However, to delve deeper into the philosophical realm, we can explore the concept of a "war within ourselves" – a metaphorical battle between our desires, fears, and aspirations – and draw parallels to the broader conflicts we face in society.Looking beyond the traditional understanding of war as armed conflict between nations, we find ourselves in a constant state of internal struggles. These internal conflicts often involve decisions that challenge our values, relationships, and personal growth. They arise when we find ourselves torn between ambition and contentment, security and risk, or loyalty and independence. In many ways, this "war within ourselves" mirrors the external wars fought throughout history, as both involve a clash of opposing forces and a potential for enduring consequences.When examined from this perspective, it becomes clear that the quote by Benjamin Franklin holds a broader meaning. It serves as a reminder that even in our own lives, the pursuit of personal growth and happiness should not come at the expense of peace and harmony. We must strive to find a balance between our desires and values, our aspirations and contentment. Just as wars leave a trail of destruction and suffering, an internal conflict that is left unresolved can also have far-reaching and detrimental effects on our overall well-being.Moreover, the comparison between the war within ourselves and external armed conflicts allows us to empathize with the complexity and tragedy of warfare. It prompts us to foster a deeper understanding of the motivations and perspectives of those embroiled in conflicts around the world. By recognizing the universality of conflict, we can develop a more empathetic and nuanced approach to resolving external disputes, seeking peaceful alternatives whenever possible.Returning to the initial interpretation of Franklin's quote, it emphasizes the importance of peace as an ideal worth pursuing despite its imperfections or perceived shortcomings. Just as a bad peace may be preferable to a good war, it is crucial to value and strive for peace in our lives and in a broader societal context. By prioritizing peaceful resolutions, we can mitigate the suffering caused by conflict and focus on building a more compassionate, equitable, and prosperous world.In conclusion, Benjamin Franklin's quote, "There was never a good war, or a bad peace," carries immense significance in reminding us of the inherent destructiveness of war and the imperative of pursuing peace. By expanding the interpretation of conflict beyond conventional notions of armed warfare and exploring the "war within ourselves," we gain a broader perspective on the challenges we face. This insight enables us to foster empathy and understanding, and to advocate for peaceful resolutions both within our personal lives and in the wider world. Ultimately, as individuals and as a society, it is our responsibility to choose peace over war, recognizing that even a flawed peace is preferable to the suffering brought by conflict.

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no war no peace essay

December 2, 2021

Peace Is More Than War’s Absence, and New Research Explains How to Build It

A new project measures ways to promote positive social relations among groups

By Peter T. Coleman , Allegra Chen-Carrel & Vincent Hans Michael Stueber

Closeup of two people shaking hands

PeopleImages/Getty Images

Today, the misery of war is all too striking in places such as Syria, Yemen, Tigray, Myanmar and Ukraine. It can come as a surprise to learn that there are scores of sustainably peaceful societies around the world, ranging from indigenous people in the Xingu River Basin in Brazil to countries in the European Union. Learning from these societies, and identifying key drivers of harmony, is a vital process that can help promote world peace.

Unfortunately, our current ability to find these peaceful mechanisms is woefully inadequate. The Global Peace Index (GPI) and its complement the Positive Peace Index (PPI) rank 163 nations annually and are currently the leading measures of peacefulness. The GPI, launched in 2007 by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), was designed to measure negative peace , or the absence of violence, destructive conflict, and war. But peace is more than not fighting. The PPI, launched in 2009, was supposed to recognize this and track positive peace , or the promotion of peacefulness through positive interactions like civility, cooperation and care.

Yet the PPI still has many serious drawbacks. To begin with, it continues to emphasize negative peace, despite its name. The components of the PPI were selected and are weighted based on existing national indicators that showed the “strongest correlation with the GPI,” suggesting they are in effect mostly an extension of the GPI. For example, the PPI currently includes measures of factors such as group grievances, dissemination of false information, hostility to foreigners, and bribes.

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The index also lacks an empirical understanding of positive peace. The PPI report claims that it focuses on “positive aspects that create the conditions for a society to flourish.” However, there is little indication of how these aspects were derived (other than their relationships with the GPI). For example, access to the internet is currently a heavily weighted indicator in the PPI. But peace existed long before the internet, so is the number of people who can go online really a valid measure of harmony?

The PPI has a strong probusiness bias, too. Its 2021 report posits that positive peace “is a cross-cutting facilitator of progress, making it easier for businesses to sell.” A prior analysis of the PPI found that almost half the indicators were directly related to the idea of a “Peace Industry,” with less of a focus on factors found to be central to positive peace such as gender inclusiveness, equity and harmony between identity groups.

A big problem is that the index is limited to a top-down, national-level approach. The PPI’s reliance on national-level metrics masks critical differences in community-level peacefulness within nations, and these provide a much more nuanced picture of societal peace . Aggregating peace data at the national level, such as focusing on overall levels of inequality rather than on disparities along specific group divides, can hide negative repercussions of the status quo for minority communities.

To fix these deficiencies, we and our colleagues have been developing an alternative approach under the umbrella of the Sustaining Peace Project . Our effort has various components , and these can provide a way to solve the problems in the current indices. Here are some of the elements:

Evidence-based factors that measure positive and negative peace. The peace project began with a comprehensive review of the empirical studies on peaceful societies, which resulted in identifying 72 variables associated with sustaining peace. Next, we conducted an analysis of ethnographic and case study data comparing “peace systems,” or clusters of societies that maintain peace with one another, with nonpeace systems. This allowed us to identify and measure a set of eight core drivers of peace. These include the prevalence of an overarching social identity among neighboring groups and societies; their interconnections such as through trade or intermarriage; the degree to which they are interdependent upon one another in terms of ecological, economic or security concerns; the extent to which their norms and core values support peace or war; the role that rituals, symbols and ceremonies play in either uniting or dividing societies; the degree to which superordinate institutions exist that span neighboring communities; whether intergroup mechanisms for conflict management and resolution exist; and the presence of political leadership for peace versus war.

A core theory of sustaining peace . We have also worked with a broad group of peace, conflict and sustainability scholars to conceptualize how these many variables operate as a complex system by mapping their relationships in a causal loop diagram and then mathematically modeling their core dynamics This has allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of how different constellations of factors can combine to affect the probabilities of sustaining peace.

Bottom-up and top-down assessments . Currently, the Sustaining Peace Project is applying techniques such as natural language processing and machine learning to study markers of peace and conflict speech in the news media. Our preliminary research suggests that linguistic features may be able to distinguish between more and less peaceful societies. These methods offer the potential for new metrics that can be used for more granular analyses than national surveys.

We have also been working with local researchers from peaceful societies to conduct interviews and focus groups to better understand the in situ dynamics they believe contribute to sustaining peace in their communities. For example in Mauritius , a highly multiethnic society that is today one of the most peaceful nations in Africa, we learned of the particular importance of factors like formally addressing legacies of slavery and indentured servitude, taboos against proselytizing outsiders about one’s religion, and conscious efforts by journalists to avoid divisive and inflammatory language in their reporting.

Today, global indices drive funding and program decisions that impact countless lives, making it critical to accurately measure what contributes to socially just, safe and thriving societies. These indices are widely reported in news outlets around the globe, and heads of state often reference them for their own purposes. For example, in 2017 , Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, though he and his country were mired in corruption allegations, referenced his country’s positive increase on the GPI by stating, “Receiving such high praise from an institute that once named this country the most violent in the world is extremely significant.” Although a 2019 report on funding for peace-related projects shows an encouraging shift towards supporting positive peace and building resilient societies, many of these projects are really more about preventing harm, such as grants for bolstering national security and enhancing the rule of law.

The Sustaining Peace Project, in contrast, includes metrics for both positive and negative peace, is enhanced by local community expertise, and is conceptually coherent and based on empirical findings. It encourages policy makers and researchers to refocus attention and resources on initiatives that actually promote harmony, social health and positive reciprocity between groups. It moves away from indices that rank entire countries and instead focuses on identifying factors that, through their interaction, bolster or reduce the likelihood of sustaining peace. It is a holistic perspective.  

Tracking peacefulness across the globe is a highly challenging endeavor. But there is great potential in cooperation between peaceful communities, researchers and policy makers to produce better methods and metrics. Measuring peace is simply too important to get only half-right. 

World Peace Essay: Prompts, How-to Guide, & 200+ Topics

Throughout history, people have dreamed of a world without violence, where harmony and justice reign. This dream of world peace has inspired poets, philosophers, and politicians for centuries. But is it possible to achieve peace globally? Writing a world peace essay will help you find the answer to this question and learn more about the topic.

In this article, our custom writing team will discuss how to write an essay on world peace quickly and effectively. To inspire you even more, we have prepared writing prompts and topics that can come in handy.

  • ✍️ Writing Guide
  • 🦄 Essay Prompts
  • ✔️ World Peace Topics
  • 🌎 Pacifism Topics
  • ✌️ Catchy Essay Titles
  • 🕊️ Research Topics on Peace
  • 💡 War and Peace Topics
  • ☮️ Peace Title Ideas
  • 🌐 Peace Language Topics

🔗 References

✍️ how to achieve world peace essay writing guide.

Stuck with your essay about peace? Here is a step-by-step writing guide with many valuable tips to make your paper well-structured and compelling.

1. Research the Topic

The first step in writing your essay on peace is conducting research. You can look for relevant sources in your university library, encyclopedias, dictionaries, book catalogs, periodical databases, and Internet search engines. Besides, you can use your lecture notes and textbooks for additional information.

Among the variety of sources that could be helpful for a world peace essay, we would especially recommend checking the Global Peace Index report . It presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis of current trends in world peace. It’s a credible report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, so you can cite it as a source in your aper.

Here are some other helpful resources where you can find information for your world peace essay:

  • United Nations Peacekeeping
  • International Peace Institute
  • United States Institute of Peace
  • European Union Institute for Security Studies
  • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

2. Create an Outline

Outlining is an essential aspect of the essay writing process. It helps you plan how you will connect all the facts to support your thesis statement.

To write an outline for your essay about peace, follow these steps:

  • Determine your topic and develop a thesis statement .
  • Choose the main points that will support your thesis and will be covered in your paper.
  • Organize your ideas in a logical order.
  • Think about transitions between paragraphs.

Here is an outline example for a “How to Achieve World Peace” essay. Check it out to get a better idea of how to structure your paper.

  • Definition of world peace.
  • The importance of global peace.
  • Thesis statement: World peace is attainable through combined efforts on individual, societal, and global levels.
  • Practive of non-violent communication.
  • Development of healthy relationships.
  • Promotion of conflict resolution skills.
  • Promotion of democracy and human rights.
  • Support of peacebuilding initiatives.
  • Protection of cultural diversity.
  • Encouragement of arms control and non-proliferation.
  • Promotion of international law and treaties.
  • Support of intercultural dialogue and understanding.
  • Restated thesis.
  • Call to action.

You can also use our free essay outline generator to structure your world peace essay.

3. Write Your World Peace Essay

Now, it’s time to use your outline to write an A+ paper. Here’s how to do it:

  • Start with the introductory paragraph , which states the topic, presents a thesis, and provides a roadmap for your essay. If you need some assistance with this part, try our free introduction generator .
  • Your essay’s main body should contain at least 3 paragraphs. Each of them should provide explanations and evidence to develop your argument.
  • Finally, in your conclusion , you need to restate your thesis and summarize the points you’ve covered in the paper. It’s also a good idea to add a closing sentence reflecting on your topic’s significance or encouraging your audience to take action. Feel free to use our essay conclusion generator to develop a strong ending for your paper.

4. Revise and Proofread

Proofreading is a way to ensure your essay has no typos and grammar mistakes. Here are practical tips for revising your work:

  • Take some time. Leaving your essay for a day or two before revision will give you a chance to look at it from another angle.
  • Read out loud. To catch run-on sentences or unclear ideas in your writing, read it slowly and out loud. You can also use our Read My Essay to Me tool.
  • Make a checklist . Create a list for proofreading to ensure you do not miss any important details, including structure, punctuation, capitalization, and formatting.
  • Ask someone for feedback. It is always a good idea to ask your professor, classmate, or friend to read your essay and give you constructive criticism on the work.
  • Note down the mistakes you usually make. By identifying your weaknesses, you can work on them to become a more confident writer.

🦄 World Peace Essay Writing Prompts

Looking for an interesting idea for your world peace essay? Look no further! Use our writing prompts to get a dose of inspiration.

How to Promote Peace in the Community Essay Prompt

Promoting peace in the world always starts in small communities. If people fight toxic narratives, negative stereotypes, and hate crimes, they will build a strong and united community and set a positive example for others.

In your essay on how to promote peace in the community, you can dwell on the following ideas:

  • Explain the importance of accepting different opinions in establishing peace in your area.
  • Analyze how fighting extremism in all its forms can unite the community and create a peaceful environment.
  • Clarify what peace means in the context of your community and what factors contribute to or hinder it.
  • Investigate the role of dialogue in resolving conflicts and building mutual understanding in the community.

How to Promote Peace as a Student Essay Prompt

Students, as an active part of society, can play a crucial role in promoting peace at various levels. From educational entities to worldwide conferences, they have an opportunity to introduce the idea of peace for different groups of people.

Check out the following fresh ideas for your essay on how to promote peace as a student:

  • Analyze how information campaigns organized by students can raise awareness of peace-related issues.
  • Discuss the impact of education in fostering a culture of peace.
  • Explore how students can use social media to advocate for a peaceful world.
  • Describe your own experience of taking part in peace-promoting campaigns or programs.

How Can We Maintain Peace in Our Society Essay Prompt

Maintaining peace in society is a difficult but achievable task that requires constant attention and effort from all members of society.

We have prepared ideas that can come in handy when writing an essay about how we can maintain peace in our society:

  • Investigate the role of tolerance, understanding of different cultures, and respect for religions in promoting peace in society.
  • Analyze the importance of peacekeeping organizations.
  • Provide real-life examples of how people promote peace.
  • Offer practical suggestions for how individuals and communities can work together to maintain peace.

Youth Creating a Peaceful Future Essay Prompt

Young people are the future of any country, as well as the driving force to create a more peaceful world. Their energy and motivation can aid in finding new methods of coping with global hate and violence.

In your essay, you can use the following ideas to show the role of youth in creating a peaceful world:

  • Analyze the key benefits of youth involvement in peacekeeping.
  • Explain why young people are leading tomorrow’s change today.
  • Identify the main ingredients for building a peaceful generation with the help of young people’s initiatives.
  • Investigate how adolescent girls can be significant agents of positive change in their communities.

Is World Peace Possible Essay Prompt

Whether or not the world can be a peaceful place is one of the most controversial topics. While most people who hear the question “Is a world without war possible?” will probably answer “no,” others still believe in the goodness of humanity.

To discuss in your essay if world peace is possible, use the following ideas:

  • Explain how trade, communication, and technology can promote cooperation and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Analyze the role of international organizations like the United Nations and the European Union in maintaining peace in the world.
  • Investigate how economic inequality poses a severe threat to peace and safety.
  • Dwell on the key individual and national interests that can lead to conflict and competition between countries.

✔️ World Peace Topics for Essays

To help get you started with writing, here’s a list of 200 topics you can use for your future essTo help get you started with writing a world peace essay, we’ve prepared a list of topics you can use:

  • Defining peace
  • Why peace is better: benefits of living in harmony
  • Is world peace attainable? Theory and historical examples
  • Sustainable peace: is peace an intermission of war?
  • Peaceful coexistence: how a society can do without wars
  • Peaceful harmony or war of all against all: what came first?
  • The relationship between economic development and peace
  • Peace and Human Nature: Can Humans Live without Conflicts?
  • Prerequisites for peace: what nations need to refrain from war?
  • Peace as an unnatural phenomenon: why people tend to start a war?
  • Peace as a natural phenomenon: why people avoid starting a war?
  • Is peace the end of the war or its beginning?
  • Hybrid war and hybrid peace
  • What constitutes peace in the modern world
  • Does two countries’ not attacking each other constitute peace?
  • “Cold peace” in the international relations today
  • What world religions say about world peace
  • Defining peacemaking
  • Internationally recognized symbols of peace
  • World peace: a dream or a goal?

🌎 Peace Essay Topics on Pacifism

  • History of pacifism: how the movement started and developed
  • Role of the pacifist movement in the twentieth-century history
  • Basic philosophical principles of pacifism
  • Pacifism as philosophy and as a movement
  • The peace sign: what it means
  • How the pacifist movement began: actual causes
  • The anti-war movements: what did the activists want?
  • The relationship between pacifism and the sexual revolution
  • Early pacifism: examples from ancient times
  • Is pacifism a religion?
  • Should pacifists refrain from any kinds of violence?
  • Is the pacifist movement a threat to the national security?
  • Can a pacifist work in law enforcement authorities?
  • Pacifism and non-violence: comparing and contrasting
  • The pacifist perspective on the concept of self-defense
  • Pacifism in art: examples of pacifistic works of art
  • Should everyone be a pacifist?
  • Pacifism and diet: should every pacifist be a vegetarian?
  • How pacifists respond to oppression
  • The benefits of an active pacifist movement for a country

✌️ Interesting Essay Titles about Peace

  • Can the country that won a war occupy the one that lost?
  • The essential peace treaties in history
  • Should a country that lost a war pay reparations?
  • Peace treaties that caused new, more violent wars
  • Can an aggressor country be deprived of the right to have an army after losing a war?
  • Non-aggression pacts do not prevent wars
  • All the countries should sign non-aggression pacts with one another
  • Peace and truces: differences and similarities
  • Do countries pursue world peace when signing peace treaties?
  • The treaty of Versailles: positive and negative outcomes
  • Ceasefires and surrenders: the world peace perspective
  • When can a country break a peace treaty?
  • Dealing with refugees and prisoners of war under peace treaties
  • Who should resolve international conflicts?
  • The role of the United Nations in enforcing peace treaties
  • Truce envoys’ immunities
  • What does a country do after surrendering unconditionally?
  • A separate peace: the ethical perspective
  • Can a peace treaty be signed in modern-day hybrid wars?
  • Conditions that are unacceptable in a peace treaty

🕊️ Research Topics on Peace and Conflict Resolution

  • Can people be forced to stop fighting?
  • Successful examples of peace restoration through the use of force
  • Failed attempts to restore peace with legitimate violence
  • Conflict resolution vs conflict transformation
  • What powers peacemakers should not have
  • Preemptive peacemaking: can violence be used to prevent more abuse?
  • The status of peacemakers in the international law
  • Peacemaking techniques: Gandhi’s strategies
  • How third parties can reconcile belligerents
  • The role of the pacifist movement in peacemaking
  • The war on wars: appropriate and inappropriate approaches to peacemaking
  • Mistakes that peacemakers often stumble upon
  • The extent of peacemaking : when the peacemakers’ job is done
  • Making peace and sustaining it: how peacemakers prevent future conflicts
  • The origins of peacemaking
  • What to do if peacemaking does not work
  • Staying out: can peacemaking make things worse?
  • A personal reflection on the effectiveness of peacemaking
  • Prospects of peacemaking
  • Personal experience of peacemaking

💡 War and Peace Essay Topics

  • Counties should stop producing new types of firearms
  • Countries should not stop producing new types of weapons
  • Mutual assured destruction as a means of sustaining peace
  • The role of nuclear disarmament in world peace
  • The nuclear war scenario: what will happen to the world?
  • Does military intelligence contribute to sustaining peace?
  • Collateral damage: analyzing the term
  • Can the defenders of peace take up arms?
  • For an armed person, is killing another armed person radically different from killing an unarmed one? Ethical and legal perspectives
  • Should a healthy country have a strong army?
  • Firearms should be banned
  • Every citizen has the right to carry firearms
  • The correlation between gun control and violence rates
  • The second amendment: modern analysis
  • Guns do not kill: people do
  • What weapons a civilian should never be able to buy
  • Biological and chemical weapons
  • Words as a weapon: rhetoric wars
  • Can a pacifist ever use a weapon?
  • Can dropping weapons stop the war?

☮️ Peace Title Ideas for Essays

  • How the nuclear disarmament emblem became the peace sign
  • The symbolism of a dove with an olive branch
  • Native Americans’ traditions of peace declaration
  • The mushroom cloud as a cultural symbol
  • What the world peace awareness ribbon should look like
  • What I would like to be the international peace sign
  • The history of the International Day of Peace
  • The peace sign as an accessory
  • The most famous peace demonstrations
  • Hippies’ contributions to the peace symbolism
  • Anti-war and anti-military symbols
  • How to express pacifism as a political position
  • The rainbow as a symbol of peace
  • Can a white flag be considered a symbol of peace?
  • Examples of the inappropriate use of the peace sign
  • The historical connection between the peace sign and the cannabis leaf sign
  • Peace symbols in different cultures
  • Gods of war and gods of peace: examples from the ancient mythology
  • Peace sign tattoo: pros and cons
  • Should the peace sign be placed on a national flag?

🌐 Essay Topics about Peace Language

  • The origin and historical context of the word “peace”
  • What words foreign languages use to denote “peace”
  • What words, if any, should a pacifist avoid?
  • The pacifist discourse: key themes
  • Disintegration language: “us” vs “them”
  • How to combat war propaganda
  • Does political correctness promote world peace?
  • Can an advocate of peace be harsh in his or her speeches?
  • Effective persuasive techniques in peace communications and negotiations
  • Analyzing the term “world peace”
  • If the word “war” is forbidden, will wars stop?
  • Is “peacemaking” a right term?
  • Talk to the hand: effective and ineffective interpersonal communication techniques that prevent conflicts
  • The many meanings of the word “peace”
  • The pacifists’ language: when pacifists swear, yell, or insult
  • Stressing similarities instead of differences as a tool of peace language
  • The portrayal of pacifists in movies
  • The portrayals of pacifists in fiction
  • Pacifist lyrics: examples from the s’ music
  • Poems that supported peace The power of the written word
  • Peaceful coexistence: theory and practice
  • Under what conditions can humans coexist peacefully?
  • “A man is a wolf to another man”: the modern perspective
  • What factors prevent people from committing a crime?
  • Right for peace vs need for peace
  • Does the toughening of punishment reduce crime?
  • The Stanford prison experiment: implications
  • Is killing natural?
  • The possibility of universal love: does disliking always lead to conflicts?
  • Basic income and the dynamics of thefts
  • Hobbesian Leviathan as the guarantee of peace
  • Is state-concentrated legitimate violence an instrument for reducing violence overall?
  • Factors that undermine peaceful coexistence
  • Living in peace vs living for peace
  • The relationship between otherness and peacefulness
  • World peace and human nature: the issue of attainability
  • The most successful examples of peaceful coexistence
  • Lack of peace as lack of communication
  • Point made: counterculture and pacifism
  • What Woodstock proved to world peace nonbelievers and opponents?
  • Woodstock and peaceful coexistence: challenges and successes
  • Peace, economics, and quality of life
  • Are counties living in peace wealthier? Statistics and reasons
  • Profits of peace and profits of war: comparison of benefits and losses
  • Can a war improve the economy? Discussing examples
  • What is more important for people: having appropriate living conditions or winning a war?
  • How wars can improve national economies: the perspective of aggressors and defenders
  • Peace obstructers: examples of interest groups that sustained wars and prevented peace
  • Can democracies be at war with one another?
  • Does the democratic rule in a country provide it with an advantage at war?
  • Why wars destroy economies: examples, discussion, and counterarguments
  • How world peace would improve everyone’s quality of life
  • Peace and war today
  • Are we getting closer to world peace? Violence rates, values change, and historical comparison
  • The peaceful tomorrow: how conflicts will be resolved in the future if there are no wars
  • Redefining war: what specific characteristics today’s wars have that make them different from previous centuries’ wars
  • Why wars start today: comparing and contrasting the reasons for wars in the modern world to historical examples
  • Subtle wars: how two countries can be at war with each other without having their armies collide in the battlefield
  • Cyber peace: how cyberwars can be stopped
  • Information as a weapon: how information today lands harder blows than bombs and missiles
  • Information wars: how the abundance of information and public access to it have not, nonetheless, eliminated propaganda
  • Peace through defeating: how ISIS is different from other states, and how can its violence be stopped
  • Is world peace a popular idea? Do modern people mostly want peace or mainly wish to fight against other people and win?
  • Personal contributions to world peace
  • What can I do for attaining world peace? Personal reflection
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A very, very good paragraph. thanks

Peace and conflict studies actually is good field because is dealing on how to manage the conflict among the two state or country.

Keep it up. Our world earnestly needs peace

A very, very good paragraph.

English Summary

Essay on War and Peace

No doubt war is an evil, the greatest catastrophe that befalls human beings. It brings death and destruction, disease and starvation, poverty, and ruin in its wake.

One has only to look back to the havoc that was wrought in various countries not many years ago, in order to estimate the destructive effects of war. A particularly disturbing side of modern wars is that they tend to become global so that they may engulf the entire world.

But there are people who consider war as something grand and heroic and regard it as something that brings out the best in men, but this does not alter the fact that war is a terrible, dreadful calamity.

This is especially so now that a war will now be fought with atom bombs. Some people say war is necessary. A glance at the past history will tell that war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of nation.

We have had advocates of non violence and the theory of the brotherhood of man. We have had the Buddha, Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. But in spite of that, weapons have always been used, military force has always been employed, clashes of arms have always occurred; war has always been waged.

War has indeed been such a marked feature of every age and period that it has come to be regarded As part of the normal life of nations. Machiavelli, the author of the known book, The Prince, defined peace as an interval between two wars Molise, the famous German field marshal declared war to be part of God’s world order.

Poets and prophets have dreamt of a millennium, a utopia in which war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth. But these dreams have not been fulfilled. After the Great War of 1914-18, it was thought that there would be no war for a long time to come and an institution called the League of Nations was founded as a safeguard against the outbreak of war.

The occurrence of another war (1939-45), however, conclusively proved that to think of an unbroken peace is to be unrealistic And that no institution or assembly can ever ensure the permanence of peace.

Large numbers of Wars, the most recent ones being the one in Vietnam, the other between India and Pakistan, or indo-china War, Iran-Iraq war or Arab Israel war, have been fought despite the UN. The fact of the matter is that fighting in a natural instinct in man.

When individuals cannot live always in peace, it is, indeed, too much to expect so many nations to live in a state of Eternal peace. Besides, there will always be wide differences of opinion between various nation, different angles of looking at matters that have international importance, radical difference in policy and ideology and these cannot be settled by mere discussions.

For example, Germany wished to avenge the humiliating terms imposed upon her at the conclusion of the war of 1914-18 and desired to smash the British Empire and establish an empire of her own. Past wounds, in fact, were not healed up and goaded it to take revenge.

He wants something thrilling and full of excitement and he fights in order to get an outlet for his accumulated energy. It must be admitted, too, that war Has its good side. It spurs men to heroism and self-sacrifice. It is an incentive to scientific research and development. War is obviously an escape from the lethargy of peace.

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No Peace No War: An Anthropology of Contemporary Armed Conflicts (review)

  • Danny Hoffman
  • Indiana University Press
  • Volume 52, Number 2, Winter 2005
  • 10.1353/at.2006.0007
  • View Citation

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Additional Information

  • No Peace No War: An Anthropology of Contemporary Armed Conflicts

Scholars associated with Uppsala University's Department of Cultural Anthropology and its Living Beyond Conflict Seminar have produced some of the most exciting recent ethnographic research on conflict and postconflict zones. No Peace No War brings together nine case studies by Uppsala faculty and graduates under the editorship of Paul Richards, who participated in 1997 as a visiting scholar in an Uppsala research group on the anthropology of violence and "new wars." The volume is completed by an introductory essay, a piece coauthored by Richards and Caspar Fithen, and a short obituary and complete bibliography of the work of Somalia researcher Bernhard Helander, to whose memory the book is dedicated.

The essays are organized "according to a bell-curve representing the continuum peace-war-peace" (p. 13). The format underscores the overall project of the text: to use ethnographic approaches to conflict to understand war and peace not as distinct, essential states but as contingent processes. The social logics of war and violence are evident even during periods of relative peace, and peace-building efforts may be found even in the midst of violent conflict. The six chapters dealing with African contexts begin with the unstable "peace" of occasionally violent interactions between pastoralists and farmers in Burkina Faso (Sten Hagberg). That chapter is followed by two cases from more conventional warzones: the Lord's Resistance Movement/Army activity in Acholiland, Northern Uganda (Sverker Finnström) and the competing solidarities of irregular forces during the fighting in Sierra Leone (Fithen and Richards). The period immediately after the officially declared end of hostilities is the concern of a chapter on youth marginalization and reintegration in Liberia (Mats Utas), while the memories of violence over a longer history are examined in the ethnicization of identities in Zimbabwe (Björn Lindgren). The final chapter returns to a kind of conflict ridden peace by looking at the provision of social services in stateless Somalia (Helander). Interspersed chapters on Cambodia (Jan Ovesen), Bosnia (Ivana Mac ek), Guatemala (Staffan Löfving), and the Tibetan Diaspora (Åsa Tiljander Dahlström) complete the curve and put the concerns of the volume into a global perspective.

Richards's first chapter is a useful roadmap to the intellectual terrain engaged by the project. In the wake of the cold war metanarratives through which war was understood until the 1980s, an "epidemiological [End Page 92] image" (p. 3) of conflict has risen to the fore. "New war" is seen by policymakers and some scholars as a thing that erupts or breaks out (mostly in the global South). It is a disease best met by strategies of containment and amelioration, rather than diplomacy or bargaining. The result is generalized theoretical frameworks that fail to recognize that war is "one social project among many competing social projects" (p. 3) and that conflict is endemic to sociality. The schools of thought against which the chapters are implicitly positioned (neo-Malthusian environmental determinism and the "new barbarism" of irrational tribal hatreds) will be familiar to readers of Richards's previous work on Sierra Leone (see in particular Richards [1996] 1998), with the addition of a useful set of comments on the greed-versus-grievance debate, sparked by Paul Collier and other economic determinists. The African case examples do not explicitly reference these debates, but the collection as a whole makes a strong case that the specificity of ethnography offers an effective antidote to this epidemiological imaginary by shifting the emphasis away from "answering the question 'what triggered war'" and instead placing "more emphasis on exploring how people make war and peace" (p. 13, original emphasis). The goal of this shift is not an idealized call for the end of war, but recognition that violence is only one possible strategy for the playing out of social antagonisms.

No Peace No War is a volume clearly intended to be accessible to students and policymakers. For those audiences, the startling claim of the title...


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Essay on War and Peace

📌Category: ,
📌Words: 482
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 April 2021

War is a state of armed conflict between nations, states or groups, usually led by someone. War is something that happens unplanned, but inevitably. It can happen anywhere, at any time regardless of the situation it’s causing, nor the damage it does. It affects everyone and everything. It is indestructible, causing death and destruction. So why does it occur?

War and peace are in a way, consequences of actions, words, ideas or goals that a person displays. It depends on the people/opposers who determine whether they are “good” or agreeable. This leads to war or enables peace. For years, people have been in arguments that elevate and eventually lead to war. This is likely to continue happening in the future. At present there is war in many countries in the world. Most reasons for war can be narrowed down to economic, political and military factors. It is in human nature that when we want something, if nothing else works to believe in using force to obtain or fulfill our needs. And in using force, we are inclined to get through anything in our pathway to our view of success. But what if we turned to peace? On the infrequent occurrences when war resided due to peace on both or either sides, it was for the better. When comparing war and peace in any circumstance, when has the former been a better solution? And this is thinking reasonably while considering all aspects. Of course, there is a level of understanding that I don’t have, but it is not inaccurate from a general point of view.

If peace overruled war, there wouldn’t be death of beings. Damage to lives, people, animals, nature, property would be almost nonexistent. There would be less pain and heartache over meaningless fighting. Declaring war is also a display of power and/or dominance. The film “Princess Mononoke” shows the animals living in the forest who defend the forest spirit seeing the humans who oppose them as monsters. When the war ends, the nature that was previously destroyed comes back to life, showing them the beauty of the things they ruined. They show the animals as hopeless unless they fight. In this situation, war was unavoidable, with a power hungry leader opposing the forest. At times like this, war is inexorable. It just comes to show that sometimes, one has to defend oneself unless they are ready to lose everything they have. The film also gives a demonstration of a tyrannical leader (Lady Eboshi) who wants something that will destroy everything. Yet, they won’t give up. 

There can be love found in anything if you try hard enough. We are capable of showing love and maintaining peace to everyone and everything deserving. Not that you should show it to someone who is undeserving of your compassion and attempts unneededly, but everyone deserves a chance to fix their mistakes, whether it be through actions, words or thoughts that they committed it.

I believe that we should try to avoid war at all costs. In the rare position in which war is unavoidable, then take action. Otherwise, peace will always be superior to war.

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Essay on Say No to War

Students are often asked to write an essay on Say No to War in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Say No to War


War is a dreadful event that brings destruction and despair. It results in loss of lives and property, creating havoc in society.

The Horrors of War

Peace: a better path.

Choosing peace over war leads to harmony and prosperity. It fosters love, unity, and understanding among people, promoting a healthier society.

Saying no to war is choosing life, love, and prosperity. Let’s promote peace, understanding, and unity to build a better world.

250 Words Essay on Say No to War

The futility of war, the human cost.

The human cost of war is immeasurable. Families are torn apart, lives are lost, and societies are left in ruins. The psychological impact on survivors is profound, leading to a cycle of trauma that can last for generations. War does not discriminate; it affects everyone, regardless of age, gender, or social status.

Financial Burden

War is not only morally reprehensible but also economically unsustainable. The financial resources expended on warfare could be better utilized in areas like education, healthcare, and infrastructure, promoting prosperity and progress.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of war is often overlooked. Wars lead to the destruction of ecosystems, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. The long-term effects can lead to irreparable damage to our planet.

The Power of Diplomacy

In the face of these detriments, it is clear that we must say no to war. The power of diplomacy, negotiation, and peaceful resolution cannot be underestimated. These methods foster understanding, collaboration, and mutual respect among nations.

In conclusion, war is a destructive force that we must strive to avoid. It is our responsibility, as informed citizens and future leaders, to champion peace over conflict, dialogue over aggression, and understanding over hostility. The path to a better future lies in our collective decision to say no to war.

500 Words Essay on Say No to War

The most immediate and apparent cost of war is the loss of human life. Millions of soldiers and civilians have perished in wars, their potential contributions to society forever lost. The physical injuries and psychological trauma inflicted on survivors often lead to a life of suffering and disability. War also creates refugees, forcing people to abandon their homes and live in conditions of extreme hardship.

Economic Devastation

War wreaks havoc on economies. The resources spent on war could be used to address pressing issues such as poverty, healthcare, and education. War disrupts trade, destroys infrastructure, and diverts valuable human resources towards destructive activities. In the long term, war impoverishes nations and impedes their economic development.

Societal Disruption

War disrupts the social fabric of societies. It breaks up families, destroys communities, and creates a culture of violence and fear. War also undermines democratic institutions and the rule of law, leading to authoritarianism and tyranny.

The Way Forward: Diplomacy and Dialogue

Given the immense costs of war, it is clear that we must say no to war. Instead, we should embrace diplomacy and dialogue as tools for resolving conflicts. Diplomacy involves negotiation, compromise, and mutual respect. It seeks to find solutions that are acceptable to all parties, thereby avoiding the destruction and suffering caused by war. Dialogue fosters understanding and empathy, breaking down barriers of mistrust and hostility.

Building a Culture of Peace

In conclusion, war is a destructive and futile exercise that inflicts immense suffering on humanity. It is time we reject the militaristic mindset that glorifies war and instead embrace a culture of peace and dialogue. By saying no to war, we affirm our commitment to a future where conflicts are resolved through peaceful means, and where the resources of our planet are used for the betterment of all.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on War - A nation or organisation may turn to war to reach its goals, but what is the actual cost of progress? Countless lives have been lost to war and continue to be lost. It costs a lot of money and resources as well. Wars have always been brutal, deadly, and tragic, from the American Revolution to World Wars I and II to the Crusades and the ancient Hundred Years' War. Here are a few sample essays on "war" .

War Essay

100 Words Essay on War

The greatest destroyers of people in modern times are wars. No matter who wins a war, mankind loses in every case. Millions of people have died in battles during the past century, with World Wars I and II being the worst. Wars are typically fought to protect a nation. Whatever the motive, it is hazardous conduct that results in the loss of millions of priceless innocent lives and has dangerous impacts that even future generations will have to deal with.

The results of using nuclear bombs are catastrophic. The weapons business benefits when there is a war elsewhere in the world because it maintains its supply chain. Weapons that cause massive destruction are being made bigger and better. The only way to end wars is to raise awareness among the general public.

200 Words Essay on War

Without a doubt, war is terrible, and the most devastating thing that can happen to humans. It causes death and devastation, illness and poverty, humiliation and destruction. To evaluate the devastation caused by war, one needs to consider the havoc that was wrecked on several nations not too many years ago. A particularly frightening ability of modern wars is that they tend to become global so that they may absorb the entire world. The fact that some people view war as a great and heroic adventure that brings out the best in people does not change the fact that it is a horrible tragedy.

This is more true now that atomic weapons will be used to fight a war. War, according to some, is required. Looking at the past reveals that war has drastically changed throughout the nation's history. The destructive impacts of war have never been more prevalent in human history. We have experienced lengthy and brief wars of various kinds. There have been supporters of nonviolence and the brotherhood of man. Buddha, Christ, and Mahatma Gandhi have all lived. Despite this, war has always been fought, weapons are always used, military power has always been deployed, and there have always been armies in war.

500 Words Essay on War

If we take a closer look at human history, it will become evident that conflicts have existed ever since the primitive eras. Although efforts have been made to end it, this has not been successful so far. Thus, it appears that we are unable to achieve eternal peace. Many defend wars by claiming that nature's rules require them. Charles Darwin is placed in front of them to illustrate their point. He was the one who created the rule of the fittest. He claimed that everything in nature, whether alive or dead, is constantly engaged in a battle for survival. Only the strongest will survive in this fight. Therefore, it is believed that without battle, humankind won't be able to progress.

Impacts of War

People fail to see that war invariably results in severe damage. They ignored the nonviolent principles taught by Mahatma Gandhi, who used them to liberate his country from the shackles of slavery. They fail to consider that if Gandhi could push out the powerful Britishers without resorting to violence, why shouldn't others do the same? Wars are unavoidable calamities, and there are no words to adequately depict the vast quantity and scope of their tragedies. The atrocities of the two world wars must never be forgotten. There was tremendous murder and property devastation during the battles. There were thousands of widows and orphans. War spreads falsehoods and creates hatred. People start acting brutally selfishly. Humanity and morals suffer as a result.

War is an Enemy

War is the enemy of all humanity and human civilisation. Nothing positive can come of it. Consequently, it should never be celebrated in any way. In addition to impeding national progress, it undermines social cohesion. It slows down the rate of human progress. Wars are not the answer to the world's issues. Instead, they cause issues and generate hatred among nations. War can settle one issue but creates far too many other ones. The two most horrific examples of the war's after-effects are Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People are still enduring the effects of war 77 years later. Whatever the reason for war, it always ends in the widespread loss of human life and property.

Disadvantages of War

Massive human deaths and injuries, the depletion of financial resources, environmental degradation, lost productivity, and long-term harm to military personnel are all drawbacks of war. Families are split apart by war. Both towns and cities are destroyed by it. People become more sensitive, and every industry faces collapse. People’s health declines physically and they lose their sense of security. They won't have any security, and those who win the battle will treat the citizens of the defeated nation as their slaves and prohibit them from the right to work. After the war, there will be a lack of jobs and corruption issues for the nation to deal with.

Russia – Ukraine War

The world saw great turmoil beginning in February 2022 with the Russian-Ukraine War. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was the most serious conventional attack on a nation, bringing a severe economic crisis to the world. India has taken a neutral stance for Russia, keeping in mind the two countries' long-standing alliance, especially in its foreign policies and positive international relationships. Russia was concerned about Ukraine's security due to its intention to join NATO and invaded Ukraine in 2014. Additionally, Russia provided help to the rebels in the eastern Ukrainian districts of Donetsk and Luhansk.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has had a substantial impact on oil prices and other commodity prices, as well as increased trade uncertainty. India has economic troubles due to Western countries' supply disruptions and limited trade with Russia.

War has historically been the worst mark on humanity. Although it was made by man, it is now beyond the power of any human force. To preserve humanity, the entire human species must now reflect on this. Otherwise, neither humanity nor war will survive.

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