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Is it possible to work full time and complete a PhD?

Is it achievable to perform a doctorate while working in a private company (not in college) full time (8 hours per day, 5 days per week)? Or is it too much work or stress?

Ooker's user avatar

  • 16 Is the work in the private company research for the PhD, or completely unrelated? –  gerrit Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 9:57
  • 2 completely unrelated. –  Lobo Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 9:58

17 Answers 17

Each situation is different, and it might be hard to generalise, but roughly speaking, you can see a PhD thesis as requiring about 3-4 years working full time. For some people it might be a bit less, for others a bit more, but that's a good average. In addition, a PhD includes of course "technical" work, but also "academic training", such as learning how to write a paper/thesis, presenting papers at conferences, supervising students, etc.

Now, two cases are possible: either you already have some technical material from past work (e.g., you've been working 20 years in industry), in which case you have already completed some of the 3-4 years, and you mostly need to focus on how to output your work; or you don't, in which case, you still need to complete all of the work.

I've known some people in the first case, and they managed to do a PhD while working full-time. They would usually come in half a day per week (in agreement with their company), and work at home in the evening. In the second case, it seems unrealistic to do both a full time job and a full time PhD. In some fields, you might be able to do a PhD over 7, 8 or even more years (I've heard about someone in history who wrote his PhD in 7 years, while working full time as a school teacher in the mean time), but it might not be the case everywhere.

In addition to Daniel's answer, and including Sylvain's comment, I'd add that some French universities forbid starting a PhD without having some source of income, either through some funding or through a full-time job. Most funding forbid to have a full time job on the side, and if your full-time job is completely unrelated to your PhD topic, then you might have the green light from the administration, but not from the academic institution in charge of the PhD programs.

EDIT: I somehow forgot to mention that the indicated amount time in my answer concerns good PhD, and by good, I mean a PhD that will allow you to get a job in academia afterwards, which mean not only getting the degree, but also getting good publications, good collaborations, good reference letters, etc. If you only care about the title, then you might find some universities happy to make you pay tuition fees to deliver you a diploma after a few years. If you want to go to academia later, then you need to be a junior researcher for a few years, in order to demonstrate that you might be worth hiring as a confirmed researched , and then later as a senior researcher .

  • 2 In France, a full time job can be considered a PhD funding. What is forbidden is to do a PhD without a funding or being paid. –  Sylvain Peyronnet Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:27
  • @SylvainPeyronnet: I meant you can't have a public funding on top of a full time job. At least, that was the rule when I got mine :) –  user102 Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:29
  • 1 That's still true, you cannot have a funding if you are paid elsewhere. –  Sylvain Peyronnet Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:31
  • @SylvainPeyronnet: If you were to use your full-time job as a source of funding, do you need to justify it? Or could you for instance work in a restaurant and do a PhD in CS at the same time? –  user102 Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:34
  • 1 From the administrative point of view, you can : you just have to prove that you will not be without income. But the doctoral school may be difficult to convince. –  Sylvain Peyronnet Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:48

I am doing that right now. I have a full time job and am working on a PhD in Computer Science. It is definitely possible, but has been the hardest experience of my life. I am past the hardest part and am wrapping up my first publication. I've also been at it for 3 years (already had my masters degree), so it's taken me much longer to get to this point than it would be for a full time student.

It has been extremely stressful and you can kiss your life outside of work+school goodbye. You will also need to be very good with time management and be aware that over the course of several years, there will be life events that pull you away from school.

When I was deciding whether or not to do it, I vastly underestimated the amount of time and energy required. I'm very glad I stuck with it so far, but I have to say, if I had an accurate picture of the workload I probably would have opted against it.

You need a huge amount of dedication to the goal in order to pull this off. If you have only a casual interest in the degree, then you will probably fail. I think I remember somewhere that the graduation rate for PhD's is around 50/50. Add a full time job on that and the odds are against you. But it is absolutely possible to overcome that with enough effort.

Nick's user avatar

  • 17 I would +1 what Nick said. A full time PhD and a full time job is like having two full time jobs. It's very probable to say goodbye to your social life for years. If you live in a relationship, I'd strongly advise to reconsider it as there is a danger to emotionally lose more than what actual benefit it may bring you. –  András Hummer Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 16:30
  • :) I'm at the same point as you are, and to make things works my graduation (Law) is very different from the PhD (Computer Science)... –  woliveirajr Commented Mar 21, 2013 at 13:22
  • 3 Similar to Nick I am finishing up a Ph.D. in Computer Science. 7 years in and ABD and I've finally admitted I can't be the parent I want to be, the student I want to be, and the worker I want to be all at the same time. It's a sacrifice and I am fortunate enough that at this time I am able to sacrifice the full time work. A full time Ph.D. takes a toll on your health, social life, relationships, family, etc. Compound that with full time work especially in a salaried field. I've seen some people be more successful with paid summer internships. Depends on the industry. –  cs_alumnus Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 18:47
  • If you have done job+phd together, does it plays a negative role if you want to stay in Academia as a postdoc? –  Gautam Shahi Commented Mar 11, 2020 at 0:29
  • I'm working on a Ph.D. in Technology as well, working full-time. Challenging but possible. Time management is critical to success. You must be willing to sacrifice your daily desires in favor of the long-term goal. –  Thomas Commented Sep 22, 2023 at 11:59

Virtually Impossible .

Doing a PhD is a full-time job that requires vast amounts of commitment in terms of mental effort and time. If the PhD research comes in number two position, then the results will never be very good. Also, not being available in the department to interact with your colleagues and supervisor will severely reduce the benefits you gain from the experience. Even if you finished the PhD, it may not be really worth anything, because you won't have been able to fully commit to doing it well.

On the other hand, you may have staggering genius and be ridiculously productive and have a fountain of energy, and then it should be doable.

Dave Clarke's user avatar

  • 13 IMHO, if one has staggering genius and is ridiculously productive, then one can probably find a better use of one's time. –  emory Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 12:00
  • 7 I love the last sentence... "staggering genius and ..." :) –  paul garrett Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 13:32
  • 2 You seem to be implying that German politicians are either staggering geniuses or they are huge frauds . –  Konrad Rudolph Commented Mar 21, 2013 at 12:57
  • 6 @KonradRudolph: Indeed, there is another path to a PhD my answer did not consider. –  Dave Clarke Commented Mar 21, 2013 at 13:01
  • I know people who have done it. Software engineers working full-time while working towards their Ph.D. on the subject. It helps tremendously when one's line of work aligns with a particular line of research. That most software engineering gigs are quite flexible in scheduling, it also helps. YMMV in other fields, though. –  luis.espinal Commented Jan 14, 2020 at 20:34

The big question here is what you mean by "completing a PhD". At one extreme, there's completing a minimal PhD: choosing the least demanding school that offers a PhD in your field, finding a flexible advisor, and doing only what is absolutely required to get the degree. This could be worth doing in certain circumstances: to develop greater expertise in a personal interest, or for certain sorts of career benefits. (For example, in the U.S. high school teachers with doctorates often receive extra pay, but they are not expected to do any research or really make use of the degree, so there is no need to write an outstanding dissertation.) Completing a minimal PhD can certainly be done while working full time in an unrelated job, if you are very diligent. That's a big if, though. The danger of working full time is that you won't make progress without constant effort. If you slack off or become distracted from your dissertation, nobody will complain since it's not your real job, and you can easily let months or years go by with very little progress. This is a common pattern, with an enthusiastic start that gradually trails off and never actually leads to a completed dissertation.

At the other extreme, you might aim to become a well-known researcher and have an academic career at a top university or industrial research lab. This requires doing far more than the minimal requirements, which is almost impossible while spending 40 hours per week on something else, since you'll be competing against people who are similarly talented and hard working but have an extra 2000 hours per year. It's possible in principle, if you are really exceptional, but most people will just find it too difficult to catch up. For example, imagine a competitor who spends 60 hours per week for 5 years on a PhD. If you can spend only 20 hours after work, it will take you 15 years to put in the same number of hours. Even if you do this, you won't really be in as good a position, since many of your hours will have been spent 10-15 years ago and won't reflect recent research trends. The only way to catch up is to work harder or more efficiently than your competition, and that's difficult if you are competing against the smartest, most diligent people in your field.

Most paths lie somewhere between these extremes, but generally closer to the second case (since all academic or research jobs are very competitive). I would not recommend holding a full-time job while working on a PhD unless you have very modest goals for what you intend to do with the PhD.

Anonymous Mathematician's user avatar

The universities that I am familiar with in the US and UK have regulations about the number of hours that can be worked for full time students. These rules would prevent you from being both a full time PhD student and having a full time job.

For example, the UPenn Psychology policy states:

The Department expects full time effort in return for its support during the five years of the program. Thus, students may not engage in outside employment while on departmental support.

and the MIT policy states:

The student interested in working part time off campus, and who is a US citizen or permanent resident, should first speak to his or her research advisor about the nature of the proposed work. The advisor must be assured that the work will not compromise the time that the student is expected to devote to research at MIT, and that the outside work does not compromise or infringe upon patent or intellectual property rights related to the student’s MIT research. The student also must ensure that the outside work does not violate any departmental policy.

There are many universities that take part time PhD students and expect them to be working full time. So yes, one can get a PhD while working full time, but as for the second part of the question

It can be too much work, stress, etc.?

Not only can it be, it likely will be. This is equally true for both full time students without family commitments and part time students with other work and family commitments.

StrongBad's user avatar

  • Along the lines of number of hours, many scholarships, RA-ships, and other sources of funding for students are conditional that the student works a maximum number of hours at a job per week (often 10 or 20). In other words, if you work more than 20 hours a week, you become ineligible for many scholarships and fellowships and therefore will need to start paying for school from your pocket. –  Irwin Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:02
  • 1 Really? I don't know any university in the US that restricts outside employment for domestic PhD students as a matter of policy. Mine doesn't. (International students are restricted by US law per the terms of the student visa.) –  ff524 Commented Dec 31, 2014 at 5:20
  • 1 @ff524 I edited the answer to include links to the two universities I am most familiar with. –  StrongBad Commented Dec 31, 2014 at 9:14
  • @ff524 All of the programs I applied to did not allow you to work outside of your graduate work position (e.g. teaching assistant, research) and it is in contract and the handbook. I am sure there are nuances between each school, but the general idea is that the hours expected from you between coursework and your graduate work position put you at full time, and to do any more work than this would overload the student. If you are not taking on funding via your work position, you can work. This might have to do with the fact that each school had a union that negotiated these terms. –  theoreticool Commented Oct 8, 2018 at 5:08

I have done it and do not recommend it. While I did not require an extension of the time required, working a full-time job will generally prevent you from travelling to conferences and from establishing contacts essential for success. You are more likely to end up in a backwater than a vital research area. You become less identified with your research than with your work, which in my case is involves specializations often considered necessary within academia and which are remunerated well outside of academia, but which have low academic value themselves. It has been a struggle changing this perceived identification--I might as well attempt to retrain Pavlov's dogs.

Consider yourself fortunate to have access to My relatives were unaware of the commitments involved and provided well-meaning but uninformed advice ("you're smart enough"), not recognizing that scheduling has to be considered independently of ability, effort and experience [see Decio Coviello, Andrea Ichino and Nicola Persico. Don't Spread Yourself Too Thin: The Impact of Task Juggling on Workers' Speed of Job Completion NBER Working Paper No. 16502]. Employers often don't recognize or choose not to recognize the independence of these factors either, so I cannot blame my relatives for bad advice. Most of all I blame myself. I am not proud of the outcome. I had published a paper in the beginning in graduate school, but left the field. It was a mistake not to build on early successes, but the distractions of full-time work made it difficult to absorb the right lessons at the right time.

Anon's user avatar

I was able to complete my PhD while working full time as a consultant. Based on that experience ...

Have a mentor that's done it, preferably one at the school you're thinking about attending. A lot of the 'for profits' have very interesting models for keeping students on track. For me, it was someone who remains an important mentor in my life. Prior to applying, I spoke with her and she mentioned she earned her PhD while working full time as a consultant and then provided some sound advice and encouragement.

Some programs do a better job then others at scheduling graduate level courses so they don't conflict with normal working hours. You might have better luck with a metropolitan university or one that accommodates non-traditional learners.

There is a trade off related to there only being 24 hours in a day. The university experience includes many talks and presentations that enrich all scholars, whether or not the scholarship being presented relates to your area of expertise. The more flexibility you can find in your work schedule to take advantage of these unique opportunities the better you'll be for it.

Plan 2-3 hours out of class for every hour in class except during final project time. Then, plan lots more. Also, the academic calendar and many industry calendars are tied in subtle manners. The client wanting a project completed before everyone goes on varying summer breaks means extra work during final project time for classes.

Have a fairly good idea of what you want to study and/or who you would like to study with sooner rather then later. Find out which professors are able to graduate their students in a timely manner. A lot of time can be spent trying to figure out what you want to write about, and that is time that could be spent either writing or working towards the end goal of graduation with PhD and job still intact.

Have a detailed plan/schedule for your day once you transition from classwork to dissertation work. Practice the plan the last semester you're taking classes. Stick to the plan, even when the alarm goes off at 4am and you were up until 2 taking care of something else.

Some might be luckier, but for me, for both my master's thesis and my PhD dissertation, I had to scale my work hours way back - 6 months for Masters and 12 months for PhD - to be able to produce work at the level I was demanding of myself. This is something that needs to be planned for re material needs.

If you have responsibilities to others (spouse, parents, significant others, kids, some combination of) make sure they're on board as well. I am grateful for the 2 am bottles fed to children as I read through thousands of lines of code because I was up anyway. I'm also forever grateful to my teachers and committee members who understood the work-school-life balance issues and worked with me to be as helpful as was fair.

Finally, know there are a lot of us that viewed earning a PhD as an important milestone in the senior part of our careers. For me, it led to a teaching position in a regional public university that was more rewarding and fun then I had imagined. Hang in there, take it a day at a time, and enjoy what you're learning. Best of luck!

Andy Novobilski's user avatar

I'm doing it now. The big issue for me was learning how to balance school work with the rest of my life. That's something that needs some thought prior to beginning your program.

Make sure your significant other is TRULY onboard. School takes a lot of time, and resentment can build, if otherwise.

Know how much you can take. I was taking two courses a semester in order to satisfy a university requirement. It was killing me. I'm only taking one course a semester now, but I'm much happier than I was.

Understand how long your coursework stays valid. Coursework only lasts for several years, so plan accordingly.

Make sure your faculty will give you the attention that a full-time student receives. In some programs, part-timers are second-class citizens. Not good.

Try and graduate prior to the fall semester. Appointments usually begin at the beginning of the fall (winter) term. Don't want to wait too long for a position to show up.

user9492's user avatar

That's possible in some fields, impossible in others

I am in TCS, and I know of several high school teachers who obtained a PhD in TCS after a few years. Basically, they were able to work 1 full day on week-end for their research + a few hours during the week. Of course they needed more than 3 years to graduate, but this is possible.

My wife is in history/archeology, and many (more than half of them) PhD students work full-time in library or other places since there are very few fundings. We have friends who graduated after 10 years. In this field it is difficult for those who work full-time in a place unrelated to their studies since access to old sources is needed for doing research. Most of these students took their holidays to go to libraries/museums/field archeology places in foreign countries.

I have relatives in plant biology and in animal biology. It is impossible to complete a PhD in these fields without working full time in a lab. Indeed, most of the time is spent in doing heavy experiments, with living things, which means being available when needed.

Sylvain Peyronnet's user avatar

During the first year of my doctoral studies I had no departmental support and kept myself indoors and fed by working about 2.5 part-time jobs.

Put bluntly that situation was not sustainable: it was physically wearing me down notwithstanding that I did nothing but work, study, eat and sleep.

Moreover, later in my studies I needed to devote more time to school than I did that first year. Perhaps there are exceptional individuals that could manage it, but if you are merely smart and productive you should not count on managing.

dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten's user avatar

  • 1 Your story is very enlightening. –  Lobo Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:01

Possible: yes - I personally know two persons who did it. The question is if YOU can do it, not if its possible. If you want to finish your PhD, I'm sure you will somehow get the time to finish. But if you are doing your PhD just to get the title, then you will probably not finish it.

Edit: After 7 years, the last 4.5 of them working full a full time job and raising 4 kids, I managed to finish my PhD. So yes, it's possible :-)

vainolo's user avatar

Definitely possible, with a bit of planning and scheduling.

I am in the field of atmospheric physics - my research involved a considerable amount of experimental work and field studies, my timetable and deadlines have been and still is (as I am just completing the research) largely based on a full time equivalent . My full time job is, for the most part, unrelated (high school teaching). I know it has worked, because I am finishing my PhD and have been published multiple times before schedule (2.5 years).

What I have found is that I had to have an 'adaptable' schedule, as things changed week by week. My tasks were broken into

  • long term, or semester goals, these were decided at the beginning of each semester.
  • weekly goals, the smaller steps that make up the long term goals.

Making contingency plans for the weekly goals is beneficial, for if something goes wrong, there is always a backup.

Make absolutely certain your supervisors/advisors fully understand what your duties are in your paid job and what time requirements are needed. Also, what I found worked was making my workplace aware of the study commitments.

What may sound counterintuitive is to give yourself regular study-breaks - once again, be adaptable in this.

It is possible, as this is how I did my PhD - but it really depends on what subject area you do.

I had a fulltime job (and a part time one as well) - so was working for a combined 44 hours a week. I can say, looking back, it is very hard work, but can be very rewarding .

I would do my work and set aside 3 nights per week (when I wasn't working the 2nd job) for about 3-6 hours in the evening. Also, by the nature of my PhD, I worked on it over the weekend (usually between 25-40 hours a week).

A few things I found helped - A genuine and in-depth love for the subject is extremely important.

Other things that workd for me were:

  • Making weekly goals
  • Making both my workplace and university adviser aware of what I was doing (I was fortunate that both were supportive).
  • Giving myself some time off (every 4th weekend, I did something else).
  • Communication when things started to get on top of me.
  • Maintaining adequate sleeping, eating and exercise patterns.
  • Making time for friends and family - even had a regular poker and chess night.

Also, I coincided some of my leave requests with conferences and meetings with the advisor at the lab (not all the leave time though).

An added bonus are transferable skills gained from the research that can benefit your job, and vice versa - examples can include: time and resource management, research skills etc

My stress levels weren't particularly high at all - but that, of course, won't be the case with everyone.

  • 1 I have a high school peer who is preparing for finishing his PhD in Computer Science, while working in a full time job as a manager at Oracle, so it is possible for some fields. –  Nikey Mike Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 10:49

That heavily depends on your PhD mode, if you have to attend classes it would almost impossible, if your PhD just a research then that will be between you and your supervisor unless the university is hiring you as a full-time researcher, I am working on my M.Sc. the first year I had to attend classes and it was impossible to find job, even my part-time job at the time was hard to handle, however, once I've started my research phase recently, I could find a full-time job which I'm starting tomorrow.

Hawk's user avatar

Yes it is possible. Just passed my Viva in the last week after submitting at the end of September. I found that in the lead into submitting that I was almost full-time working on the thesis. This may just the way it is or down to my poor time management in the build up. If possible store up your holiday days to use for this final write up period. In the last month I was probably working a day and a half and doing my thesis write up ever other waking hour.

I would hope that it is not impossible as currently I am in the third year of my part-time PhD and hope to complete it.

Some background info:

  • I work full-time 5 days a week (9 to 5)
  • PhD is in History (completely unrelated to my work)
  • PhD is self funded

A number of factors need to be considered for what I think you'll need to be sucessful in obtaining a PhD.

  • Time Management. You will need to have a fairly regimented time plan that you can stick to so as to ensure a steady workflow. Just to sum up my weekly time spent on my PhD (and this can always vary depending on other commitments.) About 4 nights a week 6pm to about 10.30pm, Saturday 11am to about 10pm and Sunday about 1pm to 7.30pm.
  • Regular meeting with your supervisor. In my own experience about once every 4-5 weeks is enough. A good hour meeting can really refocus your work and every 4-5 weeks means you don't go to long procrastinating or mulling over an idea. Also in this time frame would also have sent a couple of emails. Also I work in a family business so this also gives me the flexibility to be able to arrange meetings with my Supervisor at working hours times.
  • Get writing as early as possible. In my first year I had got down about 15,000 words of a draft thesis. Now at the end of the day I may half of that in the final thesis it is a good habit to get into. Set yourself weekly, monthly targets. Sometimes you might get sidetracked, like if you have to prepare a conference paper etc but writing early and often can keep you motivated.
  • Be prepared to make sacrifices. For example my last 4 holidays were either solely for research or a mix of holidays and research. (I shouldn't complain too much as I was able to go abroad for these trips.) Also though you are probable going to see less of family etc.
  • But also be prepared to take some time off. Don't feel guilty if you go for a night out with friends or take a weekend away from it all. Sometimes you will come back to your PhD work rejuvenated from the time off.
  • Don't underestimate the support of your family, friends and colleagues. Most people will want you to succeed and will give you much moral and practical support along the way.

Is it too much work and stress?

It is definably a lot of work, but I would like to think so far it is not to much work. Be aware that your university will possibly have many support structures in place for PhD students. Every year my university run workshops on time management, dealing with stress, how to write a thesis etc. Personally I don't think the stress would be any more than say working 2 jobs but that said I think everyone deals with stress differently.

gman's user avatar

  • Usually we refrain from putting editing comments like “edited” or “update” into an Answer, since StackExchange’s software tracks the changes you make with edits anyway. –  nick012000 Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 21:37
  • @nick012000 Good point. Have updated (pun intented!) answer. –  gman Commented Dec 18, 2019 at 14:08

It is possible. But the actual benefit you get from your PhD program is correlated with time spent.

A PhD is not only a title. In the process of obtaining a PhD, you get opportunities for studying a particular topic in-depth, establishing yourself as a member of a particular community of scholars (e.g. by publishing in certain journals or going to certain conferences), acquiring ancillary know-how relevant for an academic professional, etc.

You might complete a PhD program and earn the title, without gaining these other qualifications. And that may be good for you. But when it comes to, for example, landing an academic job, you may be competing with people who have invested more in their development as academic professionals.

mbaytas's user avatar

This will depend on your program and the policies associated with it. At least where I go for undergraduate studies, it is not allowed because being a PhD student is a full time job and having two full time jobs concurrently would make your life a living hell.

But , there are exceptions. There is this one student who was literally the smartest human being I've seen, who came for undergrad, finishing a double major in only two years, then went straight to being a Computer Engineering PhD student at the same school. He's so madman smart to the point that the department granted him an extension, allowing him to work a full-time job at a local software company in addition to pursuing his PhD because he's so bright even for a PhD student.

Unless you are that type of madman smart, I would take the peanuts style of living for the sake of preserving sanity. But maybe you might be that type of exceptional.

Daveguy's user avatar

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phd full time work

Academia Insider

Is it possible to earn a PhD while working? The brutal truth

Working alongside your PhD seems like an attractive proposal until you look at all of the different commitments you need to make to actually get a PhD and submit your dissertation. Working part-time may help PhD students financially but it often comes at an academic cost.

It is possible to earn a PhD while working. However, it requires strict time management and can be very complicated. You have to balance any other significant commitments inside and outside of your PhD.

A PhD is typically the equivalent time commitment as a full-time job. The majority of the PhD students I know work at least 40 hours a week. So, trying to get a PhD while working is very time intensive – 80-hour + weeks.

Some students drop down to a part-time PhD in order to balance all of the particular commitments of a PhD program and working hours.

Whether or not you are a part-time PhD student or you are studying your PhD full-time, here are all of the aspects you should consider if you are considering working alongside your PhD research. This is what you need to know if you are considering getting your doctorate while working.

Can you work during a PhD?

Some institutions full-out ban their PhD students from working full-time alongside a full-time research commitment. They want to make sure that you’re working 100% on your PhD because balancing work isn’t easy.

Although it may not be banned in some institutions it is generally expected that students focus on their research and coursework full-time during a PhD and are therefore not typically able to hold down a full-time job.

Some programs may allow for part-time work, but it is generally not recommended as it can interfere with academic progress.

Additionally, many PhD programs offer funding in the form of stipends or fellowships which can help support students financially during their studies.

There are a few things to consider if you are thinking of working during your PhD.

The first is whether or not you will have enough time to dedicate to both your work and your studies. You don’t want your work to suffer because you are spending too much time on your PhD, or vice versa.

Another thing to consider is how working will affect your funding.

If you are receiving PhD funding or a scholarship from an external source, they may have stipulations on whether or not you can work while receiving their funding. Be sure to check with them before taking on any paid work.

Lastly, you will want to make sure that the work you are doing is related to your field of study. Working in a related field can help you with your research by giving you real-world experience that you can apply to your studies.

Even though some institutions allow you to work, should you?

Should you work during your PhD?

Some students feel that they need to work in order to support themselves during their PhD, while others feel that they can focus solely on their studies.

There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Experience outside of academiaDistraction from completion
Improved financesTakes much longer (at least twice as long)
Escape from academic workIncrease risk of burnout
NetworkingExtra people to coordinate with
 Increase in time pressures
 Balancing expectations of job and academia

Working during your PhD can help you to cover your living expenses and may even allow you to save some money. However, it can also be a distraction from your studies and may make it more difficult to find time to do research.

I know that I wouldn’t be able to balance the pressures of a full-time job with my PhD studies and, therefore, decided to not have any jobs during my first year – this included jobs inside the University such as demonstrating in undergraduate laboratories.

Therefore, it is possible to do a PhD whilst working full-time but you really have to consider the impact of the extra pressures and commitments

. It is much easier to work alongside your PhD if you have a strong research-based masters degree and your job outside of your degree is flexible enough to allow you to attend different academic commitments such as attending seminars, meeting with advisers, and travelling to conferences.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to work during your PhD is up to you.

Consider your financial situation and how working would impact your studies before making a decision.

It can be difficult to juggle work and study commitments, and you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and stressed. You may also have less time to socialize and enjoy your student life.

So, it’s important to think carefully about whether working during your PhD is right for you.

What type of work can you do during a PhD? Part time or Full time?

During your PhD there are a number of different options that you could consider if you want to (and you are allowed to) get a job.

I do not recommend working full-time alongside your PhD but, there are some options for part-time work to earn a little bit of money alongside your studies.

Full time work

My recommendation is that you do not try to fit a PhD alongside full-time work. Trying to work full time is asking for trouble.

There will be so many more pressures on you that it will not be a very enjoyable experience.

A PhD requires you to be creative.

Creativity comes from having enough mental space to allow your mind to connect new and interesting ideas together. If you are busy with work you will not have the mental capacity to be able to do this effectively.

Therefore, I recommend that you consider at least dropping down to part-time work if you are insistent on pursuing a PhD alongside employment.

I have seen PhD students complete a PhD part-time supported and partly funded by their current place of employment.

Part time work

If you want to know more about the best PhD student part-time jobs check out my full guide – click here for the full article.

phd full time work

There are a variety of part-time jobs that can easily supplement your income during a PhD.

The best PhD student part-time jobs will have flexible hours, provide you with a reasonable hourly rate, and not distract you from your primary goal of completing your PhD.

I have highlighted in my YouTube video, below, all of the different side hustles that PhD students can try if they need to earn a little bit more money.

The common part-time jobs for PhD students include:

  • Hospitality
  • Customer service
  • University-based jobs – such as tutoring, marking exams, student services and working in laboratories
  • Online jobs such as user testing, notetaker, and translating.
  • Freelancing. Selling a skill that you have two people on services such as Upwork .

Why Should You Worry About Working During Your PhD

There are a number of reasons why you should worry about working during your PhD.

The most important is balancing workload, the fact that you were extending your time in academia by a significant amount, the increased risk of burnout, and ensuring you have enough resources to keep you going for multiple years.

A PhD is just like a full time job.

Therefore, getting a PhD while working full-time will be incredibly difficult. Both commitments will require at least 40 hours per week each.

Nonetheless, if you are able to have full flexibility on your work schedule and you are capable of distance learning for some part of your PhD it may be much more possible.

Many PhD students struggle with just the commitments of earning a doctorate. Consider working alongside your PhD very carefully.

Time it takes

A PhD will typically take between three and seven years. During this time it is extremely stressful and you need to make sure you’re capable of researching at your best for the entire time.

I have always said that a PhD is a marathon and not a sprint. Adding extra years to your PhD if you need to can be worth it. However, you must consider the amount of time it will take you to get your PhD and the potential return on that investment.

Unless you have a particular career secured or in mind for after your PhD the extra years it takes to complete a doctoral degree part-time are generally not worth it.

Burnout is a real consequence of doing a PhD.

By working alongside your PhD you’ll increase your chances of burnout significantly. This is true even if you like to study.

If you are prone to feelings of being overwhelmed I would stay away from earning a PhD whilst working full or part-time.

Slowly introduce part-time work if you need to once you have settled into the general routine of your PhD.

Tips for Earning Your PhD While Working

Here are a few general tips that may help you if you find yourself having to work alongside your PhD:

phd full time work

Talk to everyone involved

Everyone involved in this process needs to be on board. There will be times when you need to ask favours from your supervisor, colleagues, work supervisor or others.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Whether it’s from your supervisor, colleagues, or friends and family, don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

This is not a sign of weakness, but simply a recognition that we all need assistance from time to time.

Stay Organized and on Track

Find a routine: Try establishing a set schedule for at least most days of the week and stick to it as much as possible. This will help you to stay focused and make the most of your limited time.

Get Involved in the Research Community

Remember to stay in touch with your research community.

Working part-time or full-time can mean that you miss out on the exciting recent advancements and collaboration with people in your field. Make an extra special effort to attend seminars, talks, and networking events to help progress your research and your academic career.

Don’t squirrel yourself away!

Work with your strengths

Know yourself: Be honest about how well you work under pressure and how much free time you realistically have.

If you know that you work better with a tight deadline, then try to structure your work schedule accordingly.

Personally, I need as much free mental space is possible to perform at my best. Just do what is best for you.

Wrapping up

This article has been through everything you need to consider if you are tempted by earning a PhD while working.

Your PhD programme may dictate whether it is possible to work alongside your PhD. Whether or not it is a good idea will be down to you and if you are able to balance an insane amount of commitments and work.

My general recommendation is that you should focus 100% on your PhD journey and although it is definitely possible you’re going to be at risk of burnout.

Combining part-time PhD’s, part-time jobs, and finding a flexible job that will help keep you focused on the primary goal of finishing your dissertation is the most sensible way of working alongside your PhD.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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5 Things to Consider Before Doing a PhD While Working

Picture of Nicholas R.

  • By Nicholas R.
  • August 19, 2020

Can you do a PhD part time while working answered

Those interested in getting a PhD but dreading the several years of no income or a stipend that doesn’t meet their needs may consider a part time or even a full time job. That way, they can gain experience in the field, save up a little money and have a non-academic route they could later make use of. After all, if you’ve already made it to the point where you’re eligible to study at PhD level, you’ve already proven that you have great time management skills and that you can dedicate yourself to your studies, right?…

It might sound like a workable plan to many, but getting a PhD while working might not be as easy as you may think. Take it from many PhD students and postgrads who warn that it a slippery slope from a part time PhD to no PhD at all.

If you decide to go down this route, keep the following considerations in mind to give you the best chance of succeeding.

1. Know Your Programme

Some part time PhD programmes, especially the ones offered by online universities and distance learning schools, are well suited for those who want to work and study at the same time. Some aren’t as rigorous or time-consuming as others, and in some fields, the experience of working in industry through your current career will be a great benefit. A part time PhD will also have a more manageable workload , and supervisors will usually be more experience in providing support to working students. But keep in mind that some PhD part time programmes will not be eligible for financial aid or funding , at which point part time study may no longer be personally worth it.

2. Know Your Job

If your work is related to your field of study and your employers understand and support the requirements of your PhD, you will have a much less stressful few years. Therefore, one of the first things you’ll want to do is to get your employer on your side.

You can go about this by sitting down with them and explaining what your research will be about, how it will benefit your professional development and how it will benefit them as a business. You will also want to reassure them that you’ll be able to remain committed to your job during your studies, as this is likely to be their biggest concern. Don’t just stop at their verbal support, ask your manager to sit down with you to discuss the possibility of funding support, study days and the assignment of a mentor if your workplace has a doctorate holder.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

3. Know Your Situation

If you have young children, a sick parent, or generally any commitments that require hours of your time, it’s probably best to stay a full time student. If your field requires many publications or relies heavily on being able to network and interact with other researchers, keep in mind that you probably won’t be able to live up to their expectations if you already have work commitments you need to keep up.

4. Know Your Supervisor

Your supervisor should be supportive of the fact that you’re attempting to carry out a PhD whilst working part time rather than seeing it as a hindrance. As is to be expected, part time students generally struggle more than full time ones due to having greater external commitments, less contact time and a longer programme duration (beyond five years). You will want to find a PhD supervisor who is aware of these challenges, and if at all possible, try to get one who has taken this path themselves.

A good supervisor won’t only limit their support to physical help , such as introducing you to other researchers, suggesting relevant literature and facilitating data access, but also to emotional and mental support. A supportive supervisor maintains a good attitude and demonstrates concern for your research project. They should be keen to see you excel, help you refine your research skills and make you feel confident enough to experiment with your research approach and share your work whenever the opportunity presents itself, whether it is at a conference or in your place of work. Although you will be responsible for navigating yourself through your doctorate, a good supervisor will act as your safety net for when you get a little lost.

5. Know Yourself

Even the most organised people aren’t prepared for the workload that comes with a PhD. Make a time chart and be truly honest with yourself about how much time you have in the day, it might not be as much as you would think once you’ve factored everything in. Doing a part time PhD requires about 15-20 hours of commitment per week – will you have 15 hours to spare alongside your job, family and friends and other obligations? If not, then working and studying at the same time will most likely be out of your reach.

These considerations will hopefully put you in a better position to tackle a PhD while working part time (or dare I say it, working full time!). Even still, tackling a several year long PhD programme whilst working is probably one of the hardest things you will do, so if you decide to go down this road, much kudos to you.

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Can I do a PhD while working

Can I do a PhD while working?

Study tips Published 31 Mar, 2022  ·  4-minute read

Completing a Doctor of Philosophy requires some serious dedication. But committing all your time to research can leave a significant gap in your income. So, can you work and do a PhD at the same time? Let’s find out.

We spoke with two UQ PhD candidates, Chelsea Janke and Sarah Kendall, to get some insights into whether you can get a PhD while working – and how to balance your work with your research.

Can you get a PhD while working?

The simple answer is yes, but we wouldn't exactly recommend it. There’s nothing technically stopping you from continuing to work (at least, to some extent) while you pursue a PhD, but doing a higher degree by research is a big commitment. So, you need to think carefully before you attempt to juggle both.

The more complex answer is that it depends heavily on the type of work you’re doing and how quickly you want to complete your research.

Sarah Kendall quote

PhD candidates can continue working part time while completing their research. Of course, this depends on the nature of their research and other work.

Keep in mind : some PhD scholarships are only available to full-time candidates and may not allow you to earn more than a certain amount to remain eligible. If you’ve applied or plan to apply for a scholarship, make sure to check the relevant terms.

For  international students , some extra restrictions apply. You can work up to 40 hours per fortnight, but this must not interfere with your full-time study load or your academic performance. Further limitations may apply if you're on an RTP scholarship (maximum 270 working hours per year) or being sponsored by your government.

Doing a PhD while working: full time, part time or casual?

Chelsea is quick to warn us that both working and researching full time is a recipe for disaster.

“A full-time PhD could not be done whilst working full time,” she says.

Doing both part time is feasible, but only if you’re happy to wait a few extra years to see the fruits of your labour.

“I know people who have worked part time and done their PhD part time – usually in the same research group or field,” says Chelsea.

“But keep in mind it took them 7-8 years to finish their PhD; it’s not the most efficient strategy.”

Committing to a full-time PhD while doing some incidental work on the side seems like the most popular approach for candidates, in Chelsea’s experience.

“Most full-time PhD students will pick up some casual work tutoring, marking, helping the lab manager, or assisting other researchers with their work,” she says.

“This means they can do a few hours here and there without their own PhD work being too disrupted.”

Sarah’s circumstances allow her to maintain a part-time job while completing her PhD, though she acknowledges you have to be lucky to be in a position to do so.

“PhD candidates can continue working part time while completing their research; of course, this depends on the nature of their research and other work,” says Sarah.

“Both my research and work are very flexible, and I can complete them whenever suits me.”

Learn about Sarah’s research or read her series about becoming an academic in law .

How to balance work with your PhD

Chelsea Janke quote

If you plan to work whilst doing your PhD, you will need to manage your time well.

It’s one thing to ask can I do a PhD while working – actually managing to juggle the two is a whole other challenge. Sarah and Chelsea agree that time management is the most important part of making this work.

Sarah suggests keeping a strict schedule to divide your time evenly between your commitments, as this is what works for her.

“I find that I maintain a balance best by setting specific hours to work on my PhD (usually from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday) and then on my other work commitments (usually Saturdays and sometimes a couple of hours before dinner),” she says.

“The hours you set to work on your PhD and other commitments will depend on whether your other work has set hours though, as well as when you work best – you might get some of your best research and writing done at 5am!”

Top tips for working while doing your PhD

  • Only do so if you really want/need to and if you know you can manage the dual workloads.
  • Tell your boss. Make sure your employer knows about your plans to juggle a PhD with your workload. See if there’s anything they can do to make the journey easier for you. For example, just like Sarah, your employer may be able to provide you the flexibility to complete your work on a schedule that accommodates your research hours.
  • Consider a part-time PhD if cutting your hours or quitting your job isn’t a viable option. Yes, it might take longer. But if it means maintaining a comfortable balance between your research and your current career, it might be the best choice for you.
  • Chat with your PhD supervisor. They’ve been there and done that, making them a great source of wisdom when it comes to pursuing a PhD while also balancing your other life commitments. You may also have peers currently doing a PhD who can provide some advice.

Haven’t chosen your supervisor yet? Read these tips for finding a suitable academic. It’s also a good idea to be upfront with your supervisor about your intention to work/research part time, as some supervisors prefer to work with full-time PhD candidates.

  • Seek casual work at your university and in your field where possible. By keeping your work and research close together (both in terms of location and mindset), you may find it less challenging to keep on top of both.
  • Make sure you’re passionate about your PhD topic . If your research just feels like a second job on top of your usual work, you’ll likely burn out before long. When developing your research proposal , make sure your thesis is providing that spark of curiosity that’s going to keep you inspired to follow through with your research – even on nights when you’re drained from work.

Ready to get started? Whether you’re dedicating yourself to a full-time PhD or keeping a balance between research and work, The University of Queensland is ready to support you.

Learn more about completing your PhD at UQ

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Can you combine a PhD and a full-time job? Yes, but it can be challenging

Doing a part-time doctoral degree while working full-time is rewarding, but it can be demanding, says pat culhane.

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Last September, I missed my first All-Ireland Hurling Final in 20 years. I have loved the sport and the final since I was six years old.

It’s the biggest fixture in the sports calendar and an annual gathering of most of my oldest friends. I probably won’t see some of my friends again until the 2018 final in August.

Why? Because I was under ferocious pressure to meet a submission deadline for part of my doctoral thesis.

There’s nothing that I value more than time spent with family and friends; it’s nourishment for the soul. Sometimes, I wonder why I am putting myself through five years of the torture of a doctoral degree while I have a full-time job.

After all, nobody’s forcing me to do it. Not giving into guilt and regret is a constant battle and fuelled by prolonged periods of isolation, when I am tied to my desk.

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A sense of regret over not being around is one of the toughest parts of balancing a doctoral degree and work. However important the hurling match or social gathering, I simply can’t afford to take time off. When studying at this level, sacrifices in your spare time are inevitable. You need to be very protective of your spare time outside work.

This isn’t just about one-off events either. I’m normally up by 7.15am, but often I’ll wake earlier to squeeze in an hour’s study at my desk in the spare room of our small Dublin town house. It can take 20 minutes before I’m in study mode.

I’m conscious of the need to help my wife get ready for work, such as removing the ice from her windscreen, as she’s heavily pregnant with our first child.

I enjoy a brief chat with her before I head to work, listening to an audiobook or a lecture related to my studies during my commute by bike.

My office is in Croke Park, an 83,000-seat stadium with great views over the city. I really like my job. It is very important to me and I always prioritise it over my studies. I’m on my computer or phone for most of the day and there are regular meetings, but I’m generally home at about 6pm.

My wife usually gets home before me and we prepare dinner, eat and chat. This is my favourite part of the day. I clean up afterwards and, at this point ,I want to relax, but I don’t.

I drag myself upstairs to my study. Often, I feel selfish because I am not spending more time with my family and friends. However, none of them make me feel this way. They are very supportive of my studying, as they know how much it means to me. My employer is also very supportive. Without all this backing, I just wouldn’t be able to do a PhD. 

Many people would presume that the most challenging element of undertaking a doctoral degree, on top of a full-time job, is finding the motivation and time to meet the demands that it poses. These are challenging, of course. However, the most difficult part of the doctoral degree is coping with the guilt of not being around for my loved ones as much as I could be.

My parents are getting older, and as my friends begin to have children, they have less free time to meet.

There have been a few days when I have felt like throwing in the towel – especially when I’m under pressure to meet a deadline and when life throws things at you, such as the serious illness of a loved one.

By about 10pm, I’m dizzy with tiredness. I often feel like I should have done more. Then I tell myself that I’m working full-time and not to be too hard on myself.

As intense as the doctoral degree is, I wouldn’t change it for the world – it feels right. This feeling is very difficult to describe. I continually strive to be a better person and to live a fulfilling life.

I thrive on facilitating the development of others and believe that you can’t do this unless you consistently develop yourself.

Since commencing the doctoral degree, I have never been as focused on and appreciative of the most important things in life.

Every week, I engage in more meaningful activities, whether it is going for walks with my wife or sitting round the kitchen table having a chat with family or friends.

Although the amount of time that I spend with them may be smaller, I have peace of mind knowing that the quality is higher.

Pursuing a doctorate is a very serious commitment, especially alongside a full-time job. It forces you to be honest with yourself and, as a doctoral student, you need courage to live with this honesty to endure and enjoy the journey.

The closer I get to the finish line, the more I believe that, ultimately, it is others who will benefit most from all that I am learning and from the person I am becoming. That’s what keeps me going.

Pat Culhane is a third-year part-time  doctoral student at Glasgow Caledonian University . He works full-time as a national development officer with the Gaelic Athletic Association, Ireland’s biggest sport and cultural organisation. He can be contacted through his blog or via  @Pat_Culhane .

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Comparing Full-Time, Part-Time and Online PhD Programs

PhD Full-Time, Part-Time and Online mode

The pursuit of a PhD is a significant academic and professional endeavour. It represents a commitment to in-depth research, a mastery of a subject, and a contribution to the ever-expanding body of knowledge in one’s field. But, as with any monumental journey, the path to a Ph.D. is not one-size-fits-all. It is here that the pivotal decision emerges: How should you undertake this quest?

In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving world of education, there is no shortage of choices. You find yourself at a crossroads, contemplating full-time, part-time, or online Ph.D. programs. Each comes with its own set of promises, advantages, and challenges, making the decision not just significant but also complex.

We understand the weight of this choice, and that’s why we’ve crafted this comprehensive guide to assist you in making an informed decision. Our aim is to help you navigate the intricate landscape of Ph.D. programs by examining the three primary roads you can take: the full-time, the part-time, and the online.

Through this exploration, you will find that no one option reigns supreme. The “better” choice depends not only on the nature of your academic and professional aspirations but also on your personal circumstances. This journey, much like a Ph.D. itself, is highly individual. So, without further ado, let’s begin your journey of self-discovery and decision-making, leading you towards the PhD path that best aligns with your unique goals and dreams.


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Pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is more than an academic endeavour; it’s a transformative journey that demands rigorous research, scholarly dedication, and a profound contribution to the world of knowledge. As you stand on the precipice of this educational odyssey, you’re confronted with a pivotal decision that will shape your future—how to embark on this quest for higher learning.

The significance of selecting the right path cannot be overstated. It’s akin to choosing the vehicle for a cross-country journey. Will you opt for the express train, the scenic route, or perhaps the more versatile, off-road terrain? In Ph.D. programs, these choices manifest as full-time, part-time, and online options.

Full-time PhD programs, marked by their immersive nature, promise an intensive experience where research and scholarship reign supreme. In contrast, part-time PhD programs offer a flexible approach for those seeking to harmonize their academic ambitions with professional responsibilities. And then, there are online Ph.D. programs, harnessing the power of technology to bring the Ph.D. journey to your doorstep.

In this blog post, we’ll be your guide, shedding light on the intricacies of these academic paths. We’ll delve into the pros and cons of each, equipping you with the knowledge you need to navigate your way. Just as every traveller has a unique destination in mind, your goals, aspirations, and circumstances will determine which path is right for you. So, let’s begin this expedition towards making an informed and astute choice that will set the course for your academic and professional future.

I have written several articles on PhD programs. These articles include PhD Regisration, presentations, handling doctoral committee , applying for grants and writing PhD thesis etc. Please visit my articles HERE

Full-Time PhD Programs

A full-time PhD program is a comprehensive academic journey that often requires your undivided attention. It typically involves being on campus or closely engaged with your academic institution. Here, your primary focus is on research, coursework, and immersion in the academic environment.

  • Immersive Research Opportunities: Full-time PhD programs offer an unparalleled level of immersion in your research. You’re deeply integrated into your academic department, collaborating closely with faculty and peers. This environment provides extensive access to resources, libraries, laboratories, and academic events that can enrich your research.
  • Potential Funding and Stipends: Many full-time PhD students receive financial support in the form of research assistantships, teaching assistantships, or scholarships. This funding not only covers tuition but also provides a stipend for living expenses. It can be a significant advantage if you’re looking to focus solely on your research without the financial burden.
  • Intense Time Commitment: One of the most prominent challenges of full-time PhD programs is the intense time commitment. Your days are often filled with research, coursework, and academic responsibilities. Balancing your personal life and other commitments can be challenging, and this intensity can lead to burnout if not managed well.
  • Financial Considerations: While full-time Ph.D. programs may offer funding, there’s still a financial aspect to consider. Your stipend may cover basic expenses, but the cost of living can vary based on your location and lifestyle. Some students may need to secure additional funding or manage their finances carefully.

Example: Sarah’s journey toward a PhD in Astrophysics represents the quintessential full-time PhD experience. She’s based on campus, working closely with her advisor and research team. This immersive environment provides her with unique access to cutting-edge telescopes, observatories, and a vibrant community of fellow astrophysicists. Plus, she secured a research assistantship, allowing her to pursue her passion without worrying about tuition or basic living expenses. However, the demanding nature of her program means long hours in the lab and late nights studying. Managing her time is crucial as she works diligently to advance our understanding of the cosmos.

Part-Time PhD Programs

Define part-time PhD programs and who they are suitable for: Part-time PhD programs are designed to accommodate individuals with professional or personal commitments that prevent them from pursuing a full-time, on-campus PhD. These programs allow students to balance academic pursuits with their existing responsibilities, making them particularly suitable for working professionals, parents, or those who cannot relocate.

  • Flexibility for Working Professionals: Part-time Ph.D. programs offer the flexibility to continue working while pursuing a doctoral degree. This can be advantageous for those who wish to apply their research directly in their current job or maintain a source of income.
  • Ability to Gain Practical Experience: Students in part-time programs often have the opportunity to apply their research in real-world settings. This practical experience can be a significant asset, as it allows them to immediately see the impact of their research in their respective fields.
  • Longer Time to Completion: One of the primary drawbacks of part-time PhD programs is the extended time it takes to complete the degree. Because students are juggling other responsibilities, they typically take longer to finish their coursework and research. This longer timeline can be a deterrent for those seeking a quicker route to their Ph.D.
  • Limited Research Opportunities: While part-time students can gain practical experience, they may have limited access to extensive research facilities and resources compared to full-time students. This could impact the depth and breadth of their research, depending on their field of study.

Example: Meet John, a dedicated engineer with a passion for sustainable energy solutions. He chose to pursue a part-time PhD in Environmental Engineering to align his academic aspirations with his full-time job at a renewable energy company. John’s program allows him to attend evening classes and conduct research on weekends, fitting his schedule seamlessly. The flexibility of his program enables him to simultaneously gain practical experience by implementing innovative solutions in his workplace. However, John is well aware that his part-time commitment means a longer journey to earning his Ph.D. Nonetheless, he believes that the opportunity to apply his research directly in the field is a trade-off well worth making.

Online PhD Programs

Describe online PhD programs and their characteristics: Online PhD programs are a modern alternative to traditional on-campus education. They leverage digital technologies to deliver education remotely. Students in online Ph.D. programs typically have the flexibility to study from anywhere, using web-based platforms and resources.

  • Remote Study Flexibility: Online Ph.D. programs provide unparalleled flexibility. Students can access course materials, lectures, and assignments from the comfort of their homes or any location with an internet connection. This eliminates geographical constraints and allows students to study at their own pace.
  • Balancing Work and Education: Online Ph.D. programs are well-suited for working professionals who want to continue their careers while pursuing advanced degrees. The flexibility of these programs allows individuals to balance work and education, potentially advancing in their careers while studying.
  • Self-Discipline and Time Management: Online Ph.D. programs demand a high level of self-discipline and time management. With fewer structured class hours, students must independently structure their study schedules. This can be a challenge for those who require a more structured learning environment.
  • Variation in Research Opportunities: The availability of research opportunities can vary in online programs. Some disciplines require hands-on, laboratory-based research, which may be challenging to conduct remotely. Students pursuing research-intensive fields may face limitations in the scope of their studies.

Example: Meet Maria, a marketing professional with a passion for consumer behavior analysis. Maria chose to pursue an online Ph.D. in Marketing to accommodate her career and family responsibilities. The program allows her to attend virtual lectures, participate in online discussions, and complete assignments at her convenience. This flexibility ensures that she can continue her career while advancing her academic pursuits. However, Maria acknowledges that self-discipline and effective time management are essential to thrive in her online program. She also recognizes that her research focuses more on data analysis and consumer surveys, as hands-on research opportunities in a traditional laboratory setting would be challenging to replicate online. Nonetheless, Maria appreciates the online program’s adaptability to her unique life circumstances and goals.

  • Before embarking on a PhD journey, it’s crucial to reflect on your academic and career aspirations. What are your long-term goals? Consider whether a full-time, part-time, or online program aligns better with these objectives. For example, if your aim is to become a university professor, a full-time program with extensive research opportunities might be the way to go.
  • Your financial situation plays a significant role in your choice. Assess your ability to cover tuition, living expenses, and other costs. Investigate funding options such as scholarships, assistantships, or part-time work opportunities in your chosen program.
  • Your work experience and personal circumstances are key considerations. If you have a career that you want to continue, part-time or online programs can be more accommodating. Conversely, if you’re transitioning directly from a bachelor’s or master’s program, a full-time Ph.D. might be a better fit.
  • Consider your time management and self-discipline skills. Full-time programs are highly structured, while part-time and online programs require more self-motivation. Reflect on your ability to manage your time effectively and remain dedicated to your studies.
  • Thoroughly research the quality and recognition of the programs you’re interested in. Investigate factors such as faculty expertise, research facilities, alumni success, and program accreditation. Ensure that the program you choose aligns with your academic and career ambitions.

Example: Take Mark, for instance, a recent master’s graduate aspiring to become a clinical psychologist. His ambition is to conduct research in the field while also maintaining part-time work to support his family. After assessing his goals and financial situation, Mark decides that a part-time PhD program in Clinical Psychology is the best option. This choice accommodates his career aspirations and allows him to provide for his family. However, Mark recognizes that he’ll need to enhance his time management and self-discipline skills to excel in a part-time program. He also thoroughly researched programs, ensuring that he selected one recognized for its strong faculty and clinical research opportunities. This comprehensive evaluation led him to the most suitable path for his unique circumstances and objectives.

Tabular format to compare full-time, part-time, and online PhD programs based on key factors:

Full-time dedication to research and courseworkBalances research and work/professional commitmentsStudy at your own pace, often while working
May offer stipends, assistantships, or scholarshipsStudents may work alongside studies to cover expensesCan offer cost savings but may lack funding opportunities
Extensive on-campus research, collaboration, and resourcesSome practical experience but fewer resourcesResearch opportunities may vary by field and program
Best for those focused solely on researchAccommodates work experience and career advancementSuitable for working professionals seeking advanced qualifications
Ideal for those without significant external commitmentsSuitable for individuals with family or job responsibilitiesFlexibility for those with varying life circumstances
Provides a structured environmentRequires strong time management skillsDemands self-discipline and time management
Typically on or near campusMore flexibility in program locationStudy from anywhere with an internet connection
Extensive on-campus networking opportunitiesNetworking may vary; potential to connect with peers and facultyInteraction with peers and faculty may differ, primarily online
Varies by institution; often well-recognizedRecognition varies; quality is program-specificRecognition may vary; research the program’s reputation
Least flexible due to full-time commitmentMore flexible for working professionalsHighly flexible, suited for remote study
May offer funding opportunities for studentsLimited access to funding but potential to workLimited funding opportunities, may have tuition costs

This table provides a comparative overview of the three options based on various factors, allowing individuals to assess which aligns best with their specific goals and circumstances.

To find detailed information about specific programs at these universities, you can search for the universities online or visit their official websites:

Please note that the availability of specific programs may change over time, so it’s important to verify the latest information on each university’s official website.

In the quest for a Ph.D., choosing the right path is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your academic and professional future. As we’ve explored, the options are diverse, each offering its own set of advantages and challenges. Full-time programs immerse you in the world of academia, part-time programs cater to those juggling responsibilities, and online programs provide unprecedented flexibility.

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which is “better.” Your academic and career goals, financial situation, work experience, personal circumstances, time management, and the quality of the program all play a role in your decision.

What’s paramount is making an informed choice that aligns with your unique aspirations. Whether you’re embarking on a full-time research journey, harnessing the flexibility of a part-time program, or embracing the digital realm of online education, your choice is a reflection of your dedication to knowledge and advancement.

Whichever path you choose, may your PhD journey be one of passion, perseverance, and the fulfilment of your academic dreams. Remember, this is your odyssey, and the destination is yours to define.

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Pros & Cons: Full Time vs. Part Time PhD

Part-time vs. full-time phd: which one is right for you.

Returning to school can be a huge decision, especially if you’re a working adult. There are many factors to consider, including how you’ll find the time to do the required work. Because of this, many people may struggle to decide between a full-time and part-time PhD program.

The good news is that the only true difference between the two types of programs is the length of time it’ll take you to complete your work. The coursework and other components are typically the same.

This guide will help you weigh the pros and cons of committing to a full or part-time PhD program so that you can decide which option is best for your goals and lifestyle.

What’s the Difference Between a Part-Time and Full-Time PhD?

The only notable difference between a part-time and full-time PhD is the amount of time it takes you to complete your degree. You’ll still be responsible for completing the required research and coursework. 

That being said, the experience of a part-time PhD program may feel significantly different from that of a full-time student because:

  • Full-time PhD candidates have more time to spend on their research and coursework
  • Part-time candidates may have other commitments competing with schoolwork
  • Financial assistance opportunities may vary depending on your program choice
  • Research for a full-time student might be more immersive 

The best choice for you is going to be the option that allows you to balance your educational commitments with the rest of your life. To give you a better understanding of what these educational obligations might be, let’s take a deep dive into full and part-time PhD programs.

The Ins and Outs of Full-Time PhD Programs

A full-time PhD program is similar to a full-time job. It’s typically an immersive experience with two main goals:

  • Grow a student’s knowledge about an important topic
  • Provide training to improve skills through research and collaboration 

The path to these outcomes can be quite lengthy. Although your specific road might look a little different based on the institution and field of study you choose, the typical PhD program includes: 1

  • Coursework – You’ll likely begin your program by taking graduate courses in your field to expand your knowledge base. Courses in research methods and scholarly writing will also be part of your curriculum. These are important preparation for the writing you’ll be expected to do as you progress through your program.
  • Research – The time you spend outside of the classroom will mainly be used to research for your dissertation. The skills you acquire through your coursework will help you unearth sources, conduct experiments, or perform other research tasks.
  • Meetings – You’ll also have regularly scheduled meetings with your PhD supervisor. The frequency and length of these meetings will depend on your institution and program. Here, you’ll discuss your progress, review your research, and get advice about your work.
  • Teaching or fieldwork – Some PhD candidates are required to teach a certain number of classes during their time with an institution. Others must complete an internship, fieldwork, or another project. Your requirements will depend on the program you’re enrolled in and the institution you attend.
  • Writing the dissertation – The pinnacle of your PhD program is, of course, the dissertation. This can take years to complete and is often the factor that extends the length of time it takes someone to finish their studies. It’s the compilation of all of your hard work, research, analysis, and writing.
  • Defending your dissertation – Once you make that final edit to your dissertation, you’re almost finished. However, there’s one crucial step remaining: your dissertation defense. This is an oral exam where you present and answer questions about your research to a committee. The committee then decides if you have passed or if corrections are needed.

After the defense and committee approval, you’ll submit the final copy of your manuscript and be awarded your coveted degree. 

Required Coursework

Every PhD program is going to look a little different depending on your field of study and institution. A very general example of required coursework for a full-time student might look something like this:

  • Year 1 – Two full semesters of coursework, including some specialized courses in your areas of study. More generalized research design and research methods courses may take up a significant portion of your classroom time.
  • Year 2 – The second year will also contain two full semesters of classes. You’ll take more courses focused specifically on researching and developing a proposal. This will prepare you to begin working on your dissertation.
  • Year 3 – Your course load will be smaller as your dissertation research and writing begins. If teaching, clinical work, or lab work is required in your program, you’ll work on these tasks while also working on your dissertation.
  • Year 4 and beyond – You might have a few remaining courses to take, but your time after year three is primarily dedicated to your research and writing until your dissertation is complete.

Weekly Commitment

A full-time PhD program can be an intense endeavor. It requires approximately the same amount of time as a full-time job each week—about 35 to 40 hours. The way those hours are distributed depends on where you are in your program. For the first two years, the bulk of your time will likely be spent in the classroom.

After that, you’ll likely be researching, writing, and completing other required duties. 

Completion Timeframe

According to the National Science Foundation’s “Survey of Earned Doctorates”, there were 55,283 completed doctorate degrees in the United States in 2020. 2 The median length of time from beginning to completion was 5.8 years. At a minimum, most PhD programs take about 4 years, but even full-time students can take longer.

The time it takes you to complete your PhD as a full-time student is heavily dependent on how quickly and effectively you complete your dissertation. Factors that can delay completion include:

  • You struggle with your research
  • Writing takes longer than expected
  • Your dissertation requires significant edits
  • Life circumstances interfere with your studies

It’s important to remember that taking longer to finish your degree doesn’t diminish the accomplishment. Don’t get discouraged if you need to make revisions or if your research isn’t finished as quickly as you’d hoped.

A Full-Time PhD Program Might be Right for You If…

Students who successfully enroll in full-time PhD programs do so with the understanding that it’s a significant time commitment. Full-time programs might be best suited for students who:

  • Don’t hold a full-time job
  • Have the financial support needed
  • Can commit as many as 40 hours per week to their school work
  • Have significant schedule flexibility to accommodate classes, research, and other obligations

You might also begin as a full-time student and later make the switch to part-time if your circumstances change.

The Ins and Outs of Part-Time PhD Programs

Part-time PhD programs can offer students a little more flexibility. In fact, no two part-time PhD students are likely to have a program that looks the same. However, there are a few common traits among part-time PhD programs, such as:

  • More flexibility in coursework
  • Less of a financial burden all at once since costs are spread out over a longer period
  • Less disruptive of your other life commitments
  • More time to research

In a part-time program, you’ll likely have more time to attend to your other obligations. The trade-off is that you’ll be a student for far longer than you would if you attend school full-time. The work you must do is the same as if you attend full-time, it’s just spread out over more years.

Some key differences in the time commitment include:

  • Classroom time  – You’ll take the same classes as a full-time student but instead of finishing most of the core work in the first year or two, it might take you three or four years.
  • Weekly hours – If you’re a part-time student, you’ll likely spend half the hours working. This equates to about 15 to 20 hours per week that you’ll need to dedicate to school. Of course, this time might change depending on how your program and institution define part-time.
  • Years to complete – The timeframe for part-time students to complete a PhD varies. The “Survey of Earned Doctorates” doesn’t differentiate between part and full-time students in its completion data. Anecdotally, a part-time PhD student might take anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more to complete their degree. 3

The biggest takeaway about part-time PhD programs is that they’re highly variable, especially when it comes to completion times.

A Part-Time PhD Program Might be Right for You If…

Many students can benefit from the flexibility offered by a part-time PhD program. You might be the perfect candidate if you:

  • Have a family
  • Need time for other obligations
  • Prefer to work more slowly

Keep in mind that you might be able to start slowly and increase your workload as you go through your programs and life changes.

Find Your Perfect PhD Match

A PhD program can be a challenging and time-consuming commitment, whether you’re a full-time or part-time student. In fact, there isn’t a significant difference between the two, other than the time it takes to finish your degree. A part-time option can allow working adults or those with other life obligations to work toward a doctoral degree at a slower pace that’s more conducive to their needs.

If you’re considering a full or part-time PhD program, Alliant International University might be the right choice for you. Check out our offerings today to see if we’re a perfect match for your educational goals.


  •  “The PhD Experience: A Review of the Factors Influencing Doctoral Students’ Completion, Achievement, and Well-Being.” International Journal of Doctoral Studies. 2018. . Accessed January 27, 2022.
  •  “Survey of Earned Doctorates.” National Science Foundation. November 30, 2021. . Accessed January 27, 2022.
  •  “How Long Does it Take to Get a PhD Degree?” U.S. News and World Report. August 12, 2019.… . Accessed January 27, 2022.

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How the PhD Program Works

Program Overview

Completing your doctorate at Wharton requires 5 years of full-time study. The first 2 years in the program prepare you for admission to candidacy by taking courses, qualifying exams, and starting research projects. In the last few years, you are primarily conducting research full-time including writing and defending your doctoral dissertation.

Admission to candidacy.

You begin by taking courses required for your program of study. All programs requires a preliminary exam, which may be either oral or written.

Some programs may have further requirements, such as an additional exam or research paper. If you enter with a master’s degree or other transfer credit, you may satisfy the formal course requirements more quickly.

Beginning the Wharton PhD Curriculum How the first two years of the Wharton program helped students discover their interests, learn the tools of the profession, and fuel their passion for teaching.

The Doctoral Dissertation

Upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, you are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies.

Your doctoral dissertation should contain original research that meets standards for published scholarship in your field. You are expected to be an expert in the topic you choose to research.

You are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, but you can start thinking about and working on research of relevance at any time.

The dissertation process culminates with a “defense,” in which you defend the proposal orally before your dissertation committee.

While working on your dissertation, you interact extensively with Wharton faculty. Together with interested faculty, you create your own research community that includes your dissertation advisor and dissertation committee.

Policies and Procedures

Get more detailed explanation of course requirements, academic standards, the Teacher Development Program, time limits, and dissertation procedures and requirements.

Sample Program Sequence

Years 1 & 2.

Coursework Examination Research Papers Research Activities Field-Specific Requirements

Directed Reading & Research Admission to Candidacy Formulation of Research Topic

Years 4 & 5

Continued Research Oral Examination Dissertation

Hear From Our Doctoral Community

The diverse skill set you need to become a professor, wharton is the "perfect" place to do research, uniting great minds, wharton’s stat bridge ma program takes flight.

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Working and studying for a PhD at the same time

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Working and studying for a PhD at the same time

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Frequently asked questions.

In short, yes, you can work while studying for your PhD.

The hard part to juggle is finding the time to do both. You may find that part-time study is more flexible for you but it takes longer to complete. An excellent way to combine work and study is to get a job within the university you are studying at.

Check out other sources of support for PhD Students .

There are several benefits to both full time and part time PhD study. It can be extremely difficult to juggle a full time postgraduate position alongside working. It’s not called full-time for nothing! This is intensive but you can complete a full time PhD faster than it’s part-time equivalent.

Studying for a PhD is a big commitment, either full time for 3-4 years or part-time for generally 6-7 years. If you want, or need, to be working and studying for PhD this could have an impact on your study: here are some of the things you may find it helpful to think about before starting your PhD.

Is funding for a PhD in the UK enough to live on?

If you are fortunate enough to have full funding for your PhD, your studentship should cover both fees and living expenses and be tax-free. The stipend levels for students studying for a PhD in the UK is set by UK research councils for their own studentships, and this is followed by Universities for their own studentships. These will provide enough to live on and not to have to be working and studying for a PhD.

If you are looking for PhD Funding, you can search for your ideal studentship from the many opportunities we have listed on Postgraduate Studentships. We have a section for Charities and Trusts who are set up to support students looking to get additional financial help with their studies.

How much work is included in a Graduate Teaching Assistantship?

Some PhD studentships are called Graduate Teaching Assistantships – this means that you will be teaching for a certain number of hours in each academic year and this is part of the conditions of the studentship. It is advisable to find out exactly how this works with the University advertising the opportunity. Will you receive separate payments or is this part of the studentship? How many hours will it involve and how will that relate to your PhD? Will you receive training?

If you are considering an academic career, there may be some advantage in getting some initial experience. However you may also struggle with working and studying for a PhD at the same time.

Should I study my PhD full-time or part-time if I need to work?

If you need to work and study, it’s important to think about how you will manage that. Can you study full-time and work at the same time and if so how much work can you do? A full-time PhD is regarded as a full-time commitment. So anything other than a supplementary job for a few hours per week is challenging. Some students start with a full-time PhD and then move to studying the PhD part-time. So you would need to discuss this with your university first.

Planning to study a part-time PhD takes longer overall but it may also give you the time to do your PhD and to make the money you need. If you do decide to study part-time you may already have a job that will allow you to have flexible hours. Think also about part time work in a field that relates to your study. If you need to look for a job that will help you do your PhD, your University is likely to have temporary or part-time jobs that students can apply for on campus – most universities have a database of these jobs for students so you can find out in advance what the pay rates are and if that would be enough.

Universities also have a range of part-time jobs which may be administrative or involve working in labs. If you apply for one of these jobs, especially in your own department, it’s important to make sure you work out how you will manage this. This way, you're prepared for when you are working on your PhD and when you are working on your job.

What if I am an International Student?

If you are an international student in the UK there will be restrictions on how many hours you can work. The UK Government has made some improvements to this. There are more opportunities now to study and work in the UK .

Talking to your University about your options

Your university wants you to succeed at your PhD. It has experienced students working whilst studying and works and what doesn’t. If you are planning to work whilst studying it’s a good idea to talk to your department. These questions may form part of your application process because your Supervisor will want to make sure you have the means to conduct your research as well as support yourself.

Many students study for a PhD and work for at least part of the time and complete their PhD successfully. If you look at the options beforehand, you can plan what works best for you. This way you can get the most from your PhD whilst working at the same time.

Looking for PhD Funding? There are a wide range of study funding opportunities for intending PhD students on PostgraduateStudentships

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  • How Long Does a PhD Take?

How Long is a PhD?

Written by Kristine Bagdassarian

A full-time PhD in the UK usually takes between three and four years, while a part-time project typically lasts between five and six years.

The the length of a PhD depends on a range of factors, such as your funding arrangements, your country and institution of study, and the nature of your research topic. For example, if you’re doing a funded PhD you’re more likely to face completion deadlines than self-funded PhD students.

Increasingly, the type of programme you’re enrolled in can also affect the duration of your doctorate degree. Some projects or programmes now include additional training, teaching or projects that can extend your overall PhD registration period.

This page explains some of the factors that can affect how many years a PhD degree lasts.

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How long does a full-time phd take in the uk.

Full-time study is the most common approach to PhD research, particularly for funded projects. You’ll normally spend at least three years of full-time PhD study on your topic, beginning with research and data collection before moving on to ‘writing up’ your work.

As with other levels of study, your PhD will be your main focus and you’ll be expected to dedicate a lot of your time on it. Some students do work part-time alongside their studies, but a full-time PhD itself can often be the equivalent of a full-time job.

Why three to four years?

Compared to other qualifications, a PhD takes a considerable amount of time.

When you are just starting, three to four years may seem like a long time to work on a single project, but the volume of work required to obtain a doctorate is substantial and many students find that the time goes by faster than anticipated.

By the end of this period, you’ll be expected to have completed any training required by your funding body and / or institution, gained research skills and conducted original research and, finally, submitted and defended your thesis. Some universities and projects may also expect (or even require) you to present your work at conferences or publish some of it during your doctorate.

In addition to this, it’s advisable to have engaged in extra-curricular activities and projects to boost your professional and academic skillset. Between three and four years is plenty of time to do this, but it’s nowhere near as long as it might seem.

For more information on what you can expect during your project, take a look at our introduction to PhD study .

PhD registration period and writing-up period

The stated length of your PhD normally refers to the ‘registration period’ you set with your university at the start. This is the time period you intend to complete your PhD in and it will normally determine the ‘deadline’ for submitting your final thesis.

In the UK, the PhD registration period for full-time students is normally between three and three and a half years . In some departments and institutions, there is an understanding that students might enter a ‘writing-up’ period towards the end of their PhD. This is usually an extension to your registration, during which you don’t carry out any more research and just work on finalising your thesis and editing it for submission – writing it up, basically.

Can you complete a PhD in fewer than three years?

It’s technically possible to complete some PhDs in two years, if you have a very clear idea of the questions you want your project to answer and you’ve already done a lot of preparatory reading. This is very uncommon, however, and something that you should discuss with your supervisor. Some universities won’t let you submit a thesis before a certain point.

How many hours should I work while doing my PhD?

If you’re doing a full-time PhD, it’s wise to treat it like you would a full-time job, working the equivalent of 35 hours a week. However, you should be prepared to work longer hours during particularly busy stages of your doctorate, such as the writing up period and when you’re preparing for your viva.

Can you extend the length of a PhD?

Yes, it’s usually possible to extend the length of a PhD. You’ll need to apply to your university for an extended thesis submission date and have a valid reason for doing so (for example, a delay caused by something out of your control, COVID-19, a medical emergency or a bereavement). You should bear in mind that an extension isn’t guaranteed – particularly if it’s been caused by poor planning on your part. If your PhD has funding attached, there will usually be stricter deadlines than if you’re self-funding.

How long is an integrated PhD programme?

It’s quite common in STEM subjects to do an integrated PhD that includes a Masters qualification, usually taken after an undergraduate degree and referred to as a 1+3 PhD. These kinds of PhD typically take four years to complete.

PhD length in different countries

If you have your eyes on doing research abroad, there are a few things you need to be aware of in terms of study length. The three to four year PhD model is typical for the UK and most of Europe, with some countries in Asia also adopting a similar system (specific information on PhD studies in various countries can be found in our study abroad section ).

Length of a full-time PhD
3 to 4 years
4 to 6 years
3 to 6 years
3 years
3 to 4 years
3 to 4 years
3 to 4 years
3 to 4 years

In the USA, a PhD takes four to six years . There are several reasons for this. While in the UK, you tend to apply for a specific project, in the US, your application is aimed at a certain department and your actual proposal takes shape in the first couple of years of PhD study. The US model involves a two-phase programme, wherein the first phase is focused on coursework and training and the second phase (typically from the third year onward) is when the bulk of the research is done. At the end of the second year, a US student would be expected to have developed a research proposal to be defended in front of a research committee and to have passed a ‘qualifying exam’ in order to present their defence.

How long does a part-time PhD take?

Part-time PhDs normally take about twice the time of full-time PhDs (around five to six years in the UK ). You’ll do everything a full-time PhD student does across your doctorate, but your PhD work will be a less intensive part of your weekly routine.

This type of PhD is a good way to accommodate other employment and / or family commitments alongside your research.

In some cases, it may even be possible to start on a part-time PhD and switch to full-time study (or vice versa) if your situation changes.

How long does a distance learning PhD take?

Distance learning is an option if you’re unable to be physically present at your university. Most distance learning PhDs are also studied part-time and take around five to six years .

This option is increasing in availability, but can be trickier to manage in some fields that require regular lab work or access to specialist facilities. As a long-distance PhD student, you can expect to communicate with your supervisor via email, Skype or other electronic means as well as potentially attend the institution of your study for a couple of weeks each year.

The length of PhD funding

However you study your PhD, your funding situation can play a big role in determining how long your registration lasts – and / or how long you can afford to research for. Most scholarships and studentships have set lengths (which won’t necessarily cover writing up).

In some cases, funding can also add extra elements to a PhD, and potentially increase its overall length. Alternatively, limitations set by your department or research group funding could urge you to finish your thesis in the three-year period without additional extensions, while self-funded PhDs could greatly depend on your own resources.

Structured PhDs

In the UK, many PhD programmes funded by the Research Councils are offered as ‘structured’ or ‘new route’ PhDs. These incorporate additional training projects, professional internships and other elements.

Such elements may take place alongside your research, or specific time may be set aside for them. In some cases, students are only matched up with a supervisor at the end of the first year. These sorts of programmes are often offered within Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) or Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs) .

Registration period and funding period

Sometimes your registration period can also be tied to your PhD funding. Most studentships only last for a certain time (even if your doctorate ends up taking longer) and payments for a doctoral student loan will be based on the stated length of your project or programme.

Self-funded PhDs

Self-funding (unsurprisingly) is not restricted by funder deadlines and can be more flexible – particularly if you need to extend for writing up. However, self-funded PhDs require careful planning for tuition and living costs alongside any ‘hidden’ expenses, such as equipment and travel to events / conferences.

Although self-funding can ease the stress surrounding a strict final deadline, it is important to keep in mind that resources for support can place pressure on completion of the project. In addition, universities also still tend to set a maximum registration period.

The best way to find out how long a PhD is in your subject is to have a look around. Check our PhD database or, for more information on PhDs, explore the rest of our advice section !

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A comprehensive guide to part-time PhDs

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Doing a PhD part-time can be an attractive option for many reasons. However, part-time PhDs are less common than full-time ones, and there tends to be a lack of information on this option. This guide to part-time PhDs answers the most common questions that prospective part-time PhD candidates have.

The difference between a part-time and a full-time PhD

A part-time PhD carries fewer hours per week than full-time employment.

Some universities have minimum requirements for part-time PhDs, for example, a minimum of 20 hours/week. Others, however, are more flexible. They allow part-time PhD candidates to spend anything between a few hours to several days per week on their part-time PhD studies.

The degree that is awarded upon successful completion of a part-time PhD is the same as those being awarded for completing full-time programmes.

Most degree certificates don’t even mention that a PhD was pursued on a part-time basis. There is no reason to worry that a part-time PhD degree may be perceived as worth less than a full-time one.

How much work is a part-time PhD?

Part-time PhD students may be more inclined to work during evenings and weekends.

Other responsibilities during the ‘normal’ working hours result in less attention to PhD-related work. And sometimes, PhD work requires several hours of uninterrupted deep work.

How long does it take to do a PhD part-time?

In most cases, a part-time PhD takes longer than a full-time PhD. A general rule of thumb is that the fewer hours someone spends on a PhD per week, the longer it takes to complete it.

Other universities adapt to the specific circumstances of individual PhD candidates. They may allow someone to finish a part-time PhD in three years as long as all requirements are met. But they may also be okay with a part-time candidate who spends a decade on his or her PhD studies.

Where is it possible to do a PhD part-time?

There are plenty of opportunities to do a PhD part-time, but the specific opportunities and arrangements depend very much on individual universities.

There are also differences in national contexts. In some countries, for instance, in Germany, part-time PhD studies are often the norm. In Germany, many paid positions exist that encompass 60% of a full-time equivalent: time during which a PhD student is required to work in a lab or assist a professor. In the remaining 40% of the time, which is unpaid, a PhD student is expected to work on a dissertation.

Benefits of a part-time PhD

Disadvantages of a part-time phds.

There are also disadvantages and challenges in part-time PhDs. Some of the most common disadvantages of doing a PhD part-time are:

Is it worth doing a part-time PhD?

Some people embark on a PhD part-time to progress in their career. Some people hope for a financial reward after completing a PhD part-time. Some people intend to change careers and use a part-time PhD to start the process while still earning money in a different job. Some people look for a challenge and embark on a part-time PhD for self-fulfilment. Some people have no other option but to do a PhD part-time.

Skills necessary for completing a PhD part-time

Completing a PhD part-time requires several skills. These skills can be learnt. However, a complete lack of these skills at the start of a part-time PhD will make the trajectory much more challenging.

Next, the ability to multi-task and keep a cool head in stressful situations is a big advantage for those who embark on a part-time PhD.

Part-time PhD students tend to wear many different hats. They need to be able to switch between different roles and juggle lots of different tasks and responsibilities.

Additionally, not everything will work according to plan. Part-time PhD students have to accept that things do not always work out as expected and have to quickly adapt to new situations.

Conditions for success in a part-time PhD

As in any PhD, regardless of whether full- or part-time, a PhD student spends many waking hours on the topic. If the topic is not interesting to the PhD student, and he or she is not passionate about it, motivation to work on it will inevitably decrease over time.

Probably even more important than the institutional environment is a good relationship between the part-time PhD student and PhD supervisors.

Pulling off a part-time PhD without all parties approving, or even knowing about it, can create a lot of problems along the way.

Online part-time PhD programmes

Proponents of these online programmes highlight how they can help to create a more level playing field . It allows PhD candidates, for instance, to live in a low-cost living area, while following a PhD at a prestigious university in a high-cost of living area.

Ten questions to ask yourself before embarking on a part-time PhD

If you consider embarking on a part-time PhD, your decision can be supported by asking (yourself) the following questions:

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