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Institut de Psychologie

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The Institute of Psychology

The Institute of Psychology was created in 1920 and is the birthplace of French psychology. It was the first institution to train psychologists at the university level. The Institute has 4,000 students studying psychology from the undergraduate to the post-graduate level. It is one of the only training and research centers in France to offer a broad range of courses in the other subdisciplines that lead to the many careers in psychology. In addition, the Institute of Psychology sets itself apart through its experimental, clinical and applied research on societal issues and in the fields of health and education.

Programs at the Institute of Psychology

Since its inception, the Institute of Psychology has trained psychologists in order to respond to the various needs in the fields of health and education, as well as the needs arising in the corporate world and from socio-economic stakeholders.

Key figures

Permanent staff, practitioners, administrative and technical staff members.

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Prepare a PhD

The PhD degree attests skills acquired through research in the framework of the doctoral trainin g, which has a 3 years reference duration when the research work is carried out full-time, and a 3 to 6 years duration when the thesis is prepared part-time. The PhD degree can also be obtained by the validation of the acquired experience (VAE). 

The PhD degree - the highest internationnaly recognized by higher education - is awarded after the defense of a thesis or the presentation of a set of original scientific works. 

phd in psychology france

The different frameworks to prepare a PhD

  • Initial traininf (IF in French)
  • Lifelong training, excluding initial training  (FTLVin French)
  • Validation of the experience acquired (VAE  in French)

phd in psychology france

Admission to PhD training

  • A procedure
  • Examination of an application 

Three regimes for three PhD preparation frameworks

Registration in initial training is possible as a continuation of a master or other equivalent degree. 

  • In initial training, the PhD is full time prepared  The preparation is initially set to last  3 years. Beyond this 3 years, extensions of the duration of preparation are possible, with derogation.
  • Funding dedicated to the preparation of the thesis is requested for a registration in initial training.  The reference amount of this funding corresponds to the remuneration of the PhD contract established by public law.  Derogations from this funding threshold can be requested from the head of the establishment. 

PhD students have a main research activity in one of the research team or unit of the doctoral school. 

They also have complementary PhD activities and training, intended to develop their scientific culture, their international openness and to prepare their professional future. The PhD program is personalized and defined with each doctoral school, in a framework commin to all PhD students at Université Paris-Sacaly. 

They can have complementary activities outside research, which contribute to the preparation of their professional future (teaching mission, scientific mediation, expertise of promotion of research), limited to one sixth of their time each year.

  • A thesis monitoring committee report must be submitted by the PhD student for each of their re-registrations.

Registration in lifelong training concerns two categories of people : 

  • Those who obtained their last diploma more than a year before the desired date of first enrollment in a PhD (whether the thesis is prepared full-time or part-time, and regardless of the financing conditions envisaged)
  • Those who plan to prepare their thesis at the same time as a main activitiy other than the preparation of thesis, regardless of the date of the obtention of the last degree. The main activity means that its provides more than half of the income. 
  • Lifelong training does not two types require a funding dedicated to the thesis preparation, but its comission ensures, before the first registration, that material and financial conditions are correct.  Ultimately, candidates who have no funding to prepare their thesis and have no income from their main activity could prepare a thesis, as long as the doctoral school and the commission can ensure that the material and financial resources conditions. 

In lifelong learning, the PhD can be prepared on a part-time basis . 

  • The duration initially fixed for the preparation of the thesis depends on the time that can be devoted to its preparation . It is between 3 and 6 years. 
  • A derogation must be  requested to extend the duration of the PhD beyond the one initially fixed . Its could be discussed during the monitoring committee taht takes place each abnd every year before re-registration.

PhD students prepare their thesis in one of the research teams or units of their doctoral school . The distributio of their time between the research unit and their non-research activities is fixed from the first registration. 

As PhD student in initial training, PhD student in lifelong training also have PhD complementary activities and training, intended to develop their scientific culture, their international opennes, and to prepare their professional future. Still, their training courses are arranged to feet with the specificities of their situation. 

A thesis monitoring committee must stand each and evrey year, before re-registration. Among other things, it help to check whether the conditions of the lifelong training PhD are suitable, or deserve to be rearranged. 

Planning lifelong training arrangement procedure

Unlike initial training and lifelong training, registration for a validation of the experience acquired can only be done when the original scientific work constitutes a coherent whole, that what makes possible to consider a defense. Those works may have been carried out partly in a research unit of the doctoral school (for example, within the framework of a volunteer researcher agreement), or entirely outside the academic framework. 

  • PhD degree is awarded after a thesis defense or a presentation of the original scientific works .

To obtain a PhD degre by a validation of the experience acquired, the candidate must:

  • Write a thesis or a dissertation to assess the personal part of collective work . This dissertation or thesis will be evaluated by two rapporteurs and by a defense jury. Composition and expectations of the jury are the same as the ones for the initial training or the lifelong training PhD
  • As for the PhD students, the thesis or the dissertation will have to be legaly deposed and, if necessary published on the national portal www.theses.fr
  • An accompanying, chosen among the supervisors of the doctoral school, can be offered for the preparation of the thesis or the dissertation 
  • The work having been prepared before registration in the Validation of the experience acquired, the accompanying is not a thesis director. He does not ensure the scientific direction of the research work, but guides the candidate in the preparation of the dissertation or thesis.
  • He plays the role of thesis director for the defense (in particular to propose the defense)

Documents relating to the preparation of a validation of the experience acquired

  • Procedure  2016_05_25_procedure_de_doctorat_en_vae_0.pdf - ( 545.03 KB)
  • Admissibility file 2020_12_15_dossier_doctorat_en_vae.docx - ( 69.01 KB)
  • The vademecum "Validation of the experience acquired and PhD" vademecum_0.pdf - ( 1.76 MB)
  • The charges  tarifs-vae-complet.pdf - ( 46.2 KB)

Admission to a PhD Programme

A PhD application is a complete package that includes

  • A candidate with a research project
  • An original thesis topic
  • A thesis director
  • A team to host the research
  • A proposed funding or a proof that the material and financial conditions necessary for the successful completion of the doctoral thesis 

Candidates apply to the doctoral school that their research or team unit is attached to  via the Université Paris-Saclay application portal . Their PhD director must also be attached to that doctoral school. 

An application is considered to have been submitted only once it has been completed and finalised . To do this, candidates must : 

  • Have submitted all the documents requested by the doctoral school - A thesis subject - Information on the contions of the doctoral programme (thesis supervision, research unit) - CV - Transcripts - Other documents required by the doctoral school
  • Obtain a favourable opinion from the thesis director
  • Obtain a favourable opinion from the research or team unit director to wich the thesis directors responds

The application process is carried out via internet tool ADUM - an administrative tool for management of the PhD, from application to graduation.  Data recorded in ADUM are subjected to the RGPD regutions. 

Once the complete file has been submitted and the application has been finalised, it is examined by the doctoral school to which the applicant belongs. 

  • In case of a favorable opinion on the application file, the candidate then presents his/her doctoral project and previous research experience during an audition, in front of a admission committee organised by the doctoral scool. This hearing is required in both initial formation and lifelong training, and regardless the conditions of funding and the progress of the thesis preparation envisaged.
  • If the admissions committee gives a favourable opinion, the future PhD student may registered for the first time. 
  • FindAMasters
  • The Best Universities for Psychology in France (2023)

Written by Morgan James

Why Study Psychology in France

There are many reasons why someone might want to study Psychology at a university in France . Here are just a few:

  • France is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities with their renowned psychology programmes, providing high-quality education in the field of psychology.
  • French universities offer a wide range of specialisation areas within psychology, allowing students to focus on their chosen subfield such as clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and organisational psychology.
  • Some programmes offer extensive clinical training through internships or practical placements providing valuable hands-on experience.
  • Studying Psychology in France allows for exposure to a diverse cultural environment which broadens understanding and perspectives within the field.

The Best Universities in France for Psychology

The following tables give the 5 best French universities for Psychology , according to global and local university rankings. It can show you which French universities are amongst the best in the world and help you compare institutions on an international level.

This information is based on the latest rankings tables, researched and published by Times Higher Education , QS and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) .

Each ranking system uses its own methodology, with different factors having more or less influence on a university's result.

For more information on using international rankings as a postgraduate, see our guide .

Top 5 French Universities for Psychology (Times Higher Education)
University France Rank Global Rank
Université Paris Cité 1 201-250
Aix-Marseille University 2 301-400
3 301-400
Université Grenoble Alpes 4 301-400
University of Clermont Auvergne 5 401-500
. Visit their website for more information.

What should I know about the Times Higher Education rankings?

The Times Higher Education rankings are strong in academic focus and diverse teaching metrics, but do not include employer-specific metrics. Additionally, the rankings may not include all specialist institutions.

Top 4 French Universities for Psychology (QS)
University France Rank Global Rank
Sorbonne University 1 101-150
Université PSL 2 101-150
Université Paris Cité 3 151-200
Aix-Marseille University 4 251-300
. Visit their website for more information.

What should I know about the QS rankings?

The QS World University Rankings are designed to meet the needs of prospective students, with more weight given to student-centric metrics such as staff/student ratio, international recruitment and employer opinion. The rankings are balanced between qualitative and quantitative data, but give less weight to research than some other rankings.

Top 5 French Universities for Psychology (ARWU)
University France Rank Global Rank
PSL University 1 101-150
Aix Marseille University 2 151-200
University of Paris 3 151-200
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 4 201-300
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences 5 201-300
. Visit their website for more information.

What should I know about the ARWU rankings?

The ARWU rankings reflect the presence of elite academics and the future academic success of graduates. However, they do not directly assess the quality of education at a university or take into account other aspects of university performance.

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Fully funded phd and masters opportunities in paris.

The Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC) at Ecole Normale Supérieure is inviting applications for its graduate programs in cognitive science. Our training offer includes: a fully-funded 5-year PhD program and a fully-funded extended 3-year Masters program (which can be followed by a 3-year doctoral grant at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation). Application deadline: early December 2020 - please find more details below.

PhD Program:

We offer a fully-funded 5-year PhD Program in most subfields of cognitive science (including Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling). Unlike most PhD programs in Europe, and at the image of PhD programs in North-America, admission in this program does not require an MA-level degree. The PhD program combines a taught component drawing mainly from our Master in Cognitive Science with multiple lab rotations.

Deadline for applications: December 17, 2020 23:59 (Central European Time)

More information on the website:  https://graduateschool.dec.ens.fr/

The PhD program is funded by French government grant Frontiers in Cognition.

Fully-funded extended Masters fellowships for international students:

We offer paid three-year fellowships to international students interested in joining our Master in Cognitive Science, which offers interdisciplinary training in Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling and Cognitive engineering ( https://cogmaster.ens.psl.eu/en ). Students can then pursue a fully-funded PhD at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation.

Deadline for applications: Science track: December 9, 2020   23:59 (Central European Time) Humanities track: December 29, 2020   23:59 (Central European Time)

More information on the website:  https://cognition.ens.fr/fr/admissions-bourses/etudiants-etrangers-646  

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  • PhD Study in France – 2024

Thinking of doing a PhD in France? The country has produced the likes of Claude Monet, René Descartes and Gustave Eiffel (to name a few) and is steeped in art, history and culture. No wonder more than 250,000 international students choose to complete their postgraduate study in France. From a variety of specialised courses to affordable tuition fees, France has a lot to offer.

Why study a PhD in France?

  • Research and innovation hub – Did you know that France has produced 72 Nobel laureates? It’s not surprising given the French government’s emphasis on supporting research at higher education institutions in the country. This means more opportunities for innovation, research and funding wherever you study.
  • Affordability – PhD fees in France are fixed by the State, and international students pay the same amount as French students, making it one of the more affordable study destinations in Europe.
  • Specialisations – The French higher education system is proud of its specialisations. Many institutions, like the Grandes Ecoles and Schools of Arts and Applied Sciences, focus solely on providing teaching and courses in specialised areas.
  • Live à la Française – Good food (primarily wine and cheese!) are an essential part of French culture and as a PhD student you’ll have the chance to experience it all. Not to forget the art and culture you’ll be exposed to on a daily basis. After all, France is not just a country, it’s a lifestyle!

What makes a PhD in France different from other countries?

Even though the basic structure of the programme is similar to most other PhDs around the world, the extra emphasis on professional research training sets the French PhD apart.

This means you’ll be required to complete some extra course components, like research courses and training sessions, along with writing your thesis .

Research courses include teaching sessions and seminars that account for up to 150 hours of your doctorate. These can include modules on research ethics, career-centric courses or even language courses.

Academic calendar for a PhD in France

A PhD programme in France is usually advertised as part of a doctoral school . It lasts for 3-4 years ending with a thesis submission and a public viva examination. Each academic year begins in September or October , and ends in May or June . The year is divided into two semesters with the first ending with a two-week break at Christmas and the second usually beginning in January and ending with a longer, two-month break in the summer.

Assessments during a PhD in France

Despite there being a major training component in French PhDs, the main form of assessment is the production of an original doctoral thesis.

First, your thesis will be examined by two external assessors , appointed by the head of your doctoral school. They will determine whether it is fit for presentation.

If your thesis is approved, a thesis jury will be appointed. This will consist of 3-8 members specialising in your field of research. At least half of the members will be French and external to your institution and doctoral school. The other half will be members of the National University Council (Conseil national des universités) . After presenting your research methods and results, you will debate and ‘defend’ them to the jury during a public viva voce (oral examination) . Don’t worry, even though at least half the members of the panel will be French, you don’t have to necessarily give your presentation in French.

Before your presentation, a description of your thesis is circulated within the university. Afterwards, your full thesis is also made available.

The jury will grade your thesis as: honourable , very honourable or very honourable “cum laude” . The highest grade in France is reserved for students who demonstrate exceptional qualities in their thesis and presentation.

What our guides cover

If you’re interested in studying your PhD in France, we’ve covered everything you need to know in our guides including:

  • Applications : Find out whether you meet the entry requirements for a French PhD, and what you'll need to apply!
  • Funding : Learn about the scholarships, bursaries and other funding opportunities on offer for PhD students in France.
  • Student accommodation : The accommodation available for PhD students in France, and typical costs.
  • Working in France as a student : How to work in France during your PhD, and post-study work opportunities.
  • Visas : What visa you'll need to study a PhD in France and how to apply.

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Search our database of PhD programmes in France .

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Want to study a PhD in France? This guide gives a detailed introduction to the kind of visa you need to study in France and how to apply for it.

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What's it like to live in France during a PhD? Our guide covers accommodation, student living costs, working and other key information.

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45 Best universities for Clinical Psychology in France

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in France ranked based on their research performance in Clinical Psychology. A graph of 543K citations received by 22.2K academic papers made by 45 universities in France was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Pierre and Marie Curie University

For Clinical Psychology

Pierre and Marie Curie University logo

2. University of Bordeaux

University of Bordeaux logo

3. Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 logo

4. Paris Descartes University

Paris Descartes University logo

5. University of Montpellier

University of Montpellier logo

6. University of Lille

University of Lille logo

7. University of Aix-Marseilles

University of Aix-Marseilles logo

8. Francois Rabelais University

Francois Rabelais University logo

9. University of Lorraine

University of Lorraine logo

10. Paris-Sud University

Paris-Sud University logo

11. University of Rouen Normandie

University of Rouen Normandie logo

12. Grenoble Alpes University

Grenoble Alpes University logo

13. University of Nantes

University of Nantes logo

14. Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University

Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University logo

15. Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marne University

Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marne University logo

16. University of Caen Normandy

University of Caen Normandy logo

17. Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III

Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III logo

18. Paris Diderot University

Paris Diderot University logo

19. University of Burgundy

University of Burgundy logo

20. Paris West University Nanterre La Defense

Paris West University Nanterre La Defense logo

21. University of Strasbourg

University of Strasbourg logo

22. University of Rheims Champagne-Ardenne

University of Rheims Champagne-Ardenne logo

23. University of Franche-Comte

University of Franche-Comte logo

24. University of Clermont Auvergne

University of Clermont Auvergne logo

25. University of Poitiers

University of Poitiers logo

26. University of Angers

University of Angers logo

27. University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis logo

28. University of Nimes

University of Nimes logo

29. University of Picardie Jules Verne

University of Picardie Jules Verne logo

30. EHESP School of Public Health

EHESP School of Public Health logo

31. University of Paris 8

University of Paris 8 logo

32. University of Savoy Mont Blanc

University of Savoy Mont Blanc logo

33. School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences

School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences logo

34. University of Rennes 2

University of Rennes 2 logo

35. Paul Valery University, Montpellier 3

Paul Valery University, Montpellier 3 logo

36. University of Western Brittany

University of Western Brittany logo

37. University of Limoges

University of Limoges logo

38. Normal Superior School

Normal Superior School logo

39. Catholic University of Lyon

Catholic University of Lyon logo

40. University of Orleans

University of Orleans logo

41. Jean Monnet University

Jean Monnet University logo

42. University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne logo

43. Grenoble Graduate School of Business

Grenoble Graduate School of Business logo

44. Paris Institute of Political Studies

Paris Institute of Political Studies logo

45. Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences

Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences logo

The best cities to study Clinical Psychology in France based on the number of universities and their ranks are Paris , Bordeaux , Villeurbanne , and Montpellier .

Psychology subfields in France


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Psychology Universities and Courses in France

Check out the list of Universities offering Psychology Course in France....

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Jan 10, 2024 12:11:15

Psychology Universities in France for International Students

1. university of paris (université de paris).

Programs Offered : Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD in Psychology. The courses might be offered in both French and English, especially at the postgraduate level.

Fees : For EU students, fees are generally around €170 for bachelor's programs and €243 for master's programs per year. For non-EU students, fees can be significantly higher, approximately €2,770 for bachelor's and €3,770 for master's programs.

Intake : Main intake is in September, with application deadlines typically early in the year.

Ranking : This university is well-regarded, often ranking high in national and global lists, particularly in humanities and social sciences.

2. Sorbonne University (Université Sorbonne)

Programs Offered : Offers various programs in psychology at bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels, mostly in French.

Fees : Similar to the University of Paris, with differentiated fees for EU and non-EU students.

Intake : Primary intake in the Fall, with the application period in the preceding spring.

Ranking : Renowned for its humanities programs, with a strong reputation in psychology.

3. Aix-Marseille University

Programs Offered : Comprehensive psychology programs at all levels, with a strong focus on research.

Fees : Fees for EU students are typically standard for public universities in France. Non-EU student fees may be higher.

Intake : Main intake in September, with some programs offering a spring intake.

Ranking : Known for its research output and has a solid reputation in psychology and related fields.

4. Lyon 2 University

Programs Offered : Offers a range of psychology courses, including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, and more.

Fees : Standard public university fees in France, with a distinction between EU and non-EU students.

Intake : Mainly in the fall, with application deadlines usually in the spring.

Ranking : Particularly strong in social sciences and humanities.

5. Toulouse Jean Jaurès University

Programs Offered : Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate in Psychology, with a focus on both theory and practical application.

Fees : Standard fees for public universities in France apply.

Intake : Primary intake in September.

Ranking : Known for its humanities and social sciences faculties.

General Information:

Language : Most undergraduate programs are in French, so proficiency in French is often required. English-taught programs are more common at the master’s and PhD levels.

Application Process : For international students, it’s crucial to check language requirements and whether your prior qualifications are recognized. Applications for most programs are done through the respective university's website.

Scholarships and Financial Aid : There are various scholarships and financial aid options available for international students, both from the French government and individual universities.

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Psychology Courses in France

Bachelor's degree in psychology.

Duration : Typically 3 years.

Content : Introductory courses covering general psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and research methods.

Language : Mainly offered in French, but some universities might have programs in English.

Admission Requirements : High school diploma or equivalent, proficiency in the language of instruction (French or English).

Objective : To provide a foundational understanding of psychological theories and practices.

Master's Degree in Psychology

Duration : Usually 2 years.

Specializations : Clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, organizational psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, psychotherapy, neuropsychology, and more.

Language : More likely to find English-taught programs at this level, though French is still predominant.

Admission Requirements : Bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field, language proficiency, and sometimes work experience or a research proposal.

Objective : To offer advanced knowledge and skills in specific areas of psychology, often with a focus on research.

PhD in Psychology

Duration : Generally 3 to 4 years.

Content : Focused on conducting original research, culminating in a dissertation.

Specializations : As per the candidate's research interests.

Language : Available in both French and English, depending on the university and the supervisor.

Admission Requirements : Master’s degree in psychology or a related field, a solid research proposal, and often a supervisor's agreement.

Objective : To contribute new knowledge to the field of psychology and prepare for a career in research and academia.

Short Courses and Certifications

Duration : from a few days to several months.

Content : Focused on specific skills or topics, like psychotherapy techniques, counseling, or applied psychology.

Objective : To provide additional training or specialization in specific areas of interest.

Online and Distance Learning Courses

Some universities and institutions offer online courses or distance learning options, particularly for continuing education and professional development.

Practical Information

Accreditation : It's important to ensure that the program is accredited by a relevant French or international body.

Fees : Vary between public and private institutions, with public universities generally being more affordable.

Language Proficiency : Non-native speakers need to demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction (French or English).

Choosing a Course

Consider Your Career Goals : Different specializations suit different career paths.

Research the University : Look into the university's reputation, faculty expertise, research facilities, and partnership networks.

Check Admission Criteria : Make sure you meet the language requirements and academic prerequisites.

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Bachelors of Psychology in France

1. program structure and duration.

Duration : A Bachelor's in Psychology typically takes three years to complete.

Structure : The curriculum usually covers foundational topics in psychology, including developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, biological psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and research methods.

2. Language of Instruction

Most Bachelor's programs in psychology in France are taught in French.

However, there might be some universities offering courses in English, but these are less common.

3. Admission Requirements

High School Diploma : Equivalent to the French Baccalauréat.

Language Proficiency : For French-taught programs, proficiency in French is usually required (B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is often a minimum). For English-taught programs, proof of English proficiency (like IELTS or TOEFL) will be necessary.

Application : May include transcripts, a personal statement, and letters of recommendation.

4. Application Process

Local Students : Typically apply through the Parcoursup platform.

International Students : May need to apply directly to the university or through the Campus France website, depending on their country of origin and the university's requirements.

5. Tuition Fees

Public Universities : Generally, more affordable. Fees for EU/EEA students are lower compared to non-EU/EEA students.

Private Universities : Can be significantly more expensive.

6. Top Universities for Psychology in France

Universities like the University of Paris, Sorbonne University, Aix-Marseille University, and Lyon 2 University are known for their psychology programs.

The rankings and reputations of these universities can vary, so it’s advisable to research each institution's specific offerings and strengths in psychology.

7. Career Prospects

A Bachelor's degree in Psychology can lead to various entry-level positions in sectors like social services, education, and human resources.

It's also a stepping stone for further specialization through a Master's degree, which is often required for clinical practice.

8. Post-Graduation

In France, to practice as a clinical psychologist, further specialization through a Master’s degree and additional training is required.

Some students may also choose to pursue research or academic careers, often requiring a PhD.

9. International Students

Consider accommodation, living costs, and cultural adjustments.

Check if the degree is recognized in your home country if you plan to return after your studies.

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Masters of Psychology in France

1. program structure and specializations.

Duration : Typically 2 years.

Content : Advanced study in various branches of psychology such as clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, organizational psychology, educational psychology, or neuropsychology.

Specializations : Programs often allow students to specialize in areas like child and adolescent psychology, health psychology, forensic psychology, or psychotherapy.

While most programs are in French, there are English-taught programs available, particularly in universities with strong international outreach.

French Proficiency : For French-taught programs, a level of B2 or higher in French is usually required.

English Proficiency : For English-taught programs, standard English language tests like IELTS or TOEFL are required.

Bachelor’s Degree : In psychology or a closely related field.

Academic Transcripts and CV : Showing your academic background and any relevant experience.

Motivation Letter : Explaining your interest in the program and your career goals.

Letters of Recommendation : Usually from academic or professional references.

Research Proposal : Required for research-focused programs.

Applications are typically submitted directly to the university or through a centralized platform like Campus France, depending on the university and the student's country of origin.

Public Universities : More affordable, with fees for EU/EEA students generally lower than for non-EU/EEA students.

Private Institutions : Higher fees, which can vary widely.

Renowned universities include the University of Paris, Sorbonne University, Aix-Marseille University, and Lyon 2 University, among others.

Each university has its areas of strength, so research their specific programs and faculty expertise.

Graduates can pursue careers in clinical settings, educational institutions, corporate environments, or research and academia.

In France, to practice as a clinical psychologist, you must meet the requirements set by the French government, which typically include a Master's degree in Psychology and additional training.

8. Licensing and Practice

The requirements for practicing as a psychologist vary by country. In France, specific registration and licensing may be required, especially for clinical work.

Considerations include accommodation, visa requirements, health insurance, and adjusting to life in France.

Ensure that the degree is recognized in your home country or in the country where you plan to work.

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PhD in Psychology from France

1. program structure.

Duration : Typically 3 to 4 years.

Focus : Emphasis on original research, culminating in a doctoral thesis or dissertation.

Coursework : Some programs may include coursework, but the primary focus is on research.

While many programs require fluency in French, there are also opportunities to conduct research and write your dissertation in English, especially in more internationally oriented universities or research teams.

Language Proficiency : Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction (French or English), depending on the program.

Master’s Degree : In psychology or a closely related field.

Research Proposal : A detailed proposal outlining your intended research area.

Academic Transcripts and CV : Highlighting your educational background and any relevant research experience.

Letters of Recommendation : Typically from academic advisors or professors.

Interview : Some programs may require an interview with potential supervisors.

4. Finding a Supervisor

Securing a supervisor who shares your research interests is a critical step in the application process.

It's advisable to engage with potential supervisors before formally applying to ensure alignment of research interests and to increase the likelihood of acceptance.

5. Funding and Scholarships

Many PhD candidates secure funding through research grants, university fellowships, or government scholarships.

Funding can cover tuition fees and provide a living stipend.

It’s important to research funding options early, as these can be competitive.

6. Top Institutions

France is home to several prestigious universities and research institutions offering strong psychology programs, such as the University of Paris, Sorbonne University, Aix-Marseille University, and Lyon 2 University.

Each institution has its own strengths, so consider the specific research expertise and resources of each.

Graduates often pursue careers in academia, research institutions, or higher-level positions in clinical settings.

A PhD is also valuable for specialized roles in areas such as neuropsychology, organizational psychology, or forensic psychology.

8. Regulatory Considerations

For clinical practice, further certifications and compliance with local regulations in the country of practice will be necessary.

The PhD degree should be recognized internationally, but specific requirements for practice can vary by country.

Considerations include visa requirements, accommodation, adjusting to cultural differences, and ensuring the recognition of the degree in your home country.

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Eligibility Criteria for Psychology Course Program in France

Educational Background :

Completion of secondary education equivalent to the French Baccalauréat.

Strong foundation in relevant subjects like social sciences or biology can be beneficial.

Language Proficiency :

For French-taught programs: B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is often required. Tests like DELF or DALF can be used to demonstrate proficiency.

For English-taught programs: IELTS, TOEFL, or equivalent tests.

Application Materials :

High school transcripts.

Personal statement or essay.

Letters of recommendation (in some cases).

A bachelor’s degree in psychology or a closely related field.

Some programs may have specific course prerequisites.

Work Experience :

Not typically mandatory but can be an advantage, especially for applied psychology programs.

Similar requirements as for the bachelor’s degree, applicable to the language of instruction.

Undergraduate transcripts.

CV or resume.

Statement of purpose.

Letters of recommendation.

Research proposal (for research-focused programs).

A master’s degree in psychology or a related field.

Research Proposal :

A comprehensive research proposal indicating your area of interest and potential contribution to the field.

Depending on the program’s language, proficiency in French or English.

Academic transcripts from previous degrees.

Detailed CV.

Publications or previous research work (if applicable).

General Notes:

Visa Requirements : International students need to apply for a student visa and meet all associated requirements.

Financial Proof : Proof of financial means to support the study and stay in France.

Cultural Fit : Familiarity with French culture and the education system can be beneficial.

Life of Indian Students in France Short Courses in France for International Students Marketing Courses and Universities in France

Intakes & Application Deadlines for Psychology Course in France

The main intake for bachelor's programs in France is usually in the Fall, starting in September or October.

Some universities may also offer a Spring intake, but this is less common for psychology courses.

Application Deadlines :

For the Fall intake, applications typically open in the preceding winter or early spring, with deadlines often around March or April.

If there's a Spring intake, the application period might start in the fall of the previous year.

Similar to bachelor's programs, the primary intake is in the Fall.

Some programs might offer a Spring intake, but this varies by institution.

Deadlines for Fall intake can range from early spring to early summer (March to June).

For Spring intake, if available, deadlines might be in the late fall (around October or November).

PhD programs often have more flexibility with start dates, but the most common intake is still in the Fall.

Depending on the university and the specific research project, you might be able to start at different times of the year.

Application deadlines for PhD programs can vary widely. They often depend on the specific project and supervisor availability.

It's common to see rolling deadlines or multiple cut-off dates throughout the year.

General Notes

Specific Institutions : Always check the specific deadlines on the websites of the universities you are interested in, as they can have unique timelines.

Early Preparation : It’s advisable to start preparing your application well in advance. Gathering documents, preparing for language tests, and other preparations can take time.

Campus France : International students often have to go through Campus France, the official agency for promoting French higher education abroad. The deadlines on Campus France can be different from those set by the universities.

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Fees for Psychology Courses in France

Public universities.

Public universities in France are subsidized by the government, making them more affordable.

EU/EEA Citizens :

Bachelor's Programs : Approximately €170 to €600 per year.

Master's Programs : Around €243 to €600 per year.

PhD Programs : Fees are typically around €380 per year, but they can vary.

Non-EU/EEA Citizens :

Bachelor's Programs : Approximately €2,770 per year.

Master's Programs : Around €3,770 per year.

PhD Programs : Similar to EU/EEA citizens, about €380 per year.

Private Institutions

Private institutions set their own fees, and these can be significantly higher than those of public universities.

Both EU/EEA and Non-EU/EEA Citizens :

Fees can range from €3,000 to over €10,000 per year, depending on the prestige and location of the institution.

Other Costs to Consider

Living Expenses : Living costs in France can vary widely, with cities like Paris being more expensive. Students should budget between €600 and €1,200 per month for living expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities.

Health Insurance : Health insurance is mandatory. EU students can use the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), while non-EU students might need to purchase health insurance, which can cost around €300 per year.

Administrative Fees : Some universities charge additional administrative or registration fees.


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Postdoctoral position on social and cognitive psychology of inclusive language (M/F).

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  1. List of PHD Programs in Psychology in France

    University and Program Search. Find the list of all PHD Programs in Psychology in France with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  2. Psychological Science

    The Graduate School of Psychological Science is one of the few training and research centres in France offering a wide range of training courses open to the different sub-disciplines and numerous professions in psychology. It is distinguished by its experimental, clinical and applied research in the fields of health, education and societal issues.

  3. Doctoral Studies

    At the national level, once fully operational, Université Paris Cité will offfer 5% of all PhD degrees in France. Université Paris Cité is committed to a doctoral policy aimed at research training and training by research. It trains future researchers and teacher-researchers as well as future high-level executives. Social Sciences - ED 624.

  4. Institut de Psychologie

    The Institute of Psychology was created in 1920 and is the birthplace of French psychology. It was the first institution to train psychologists at the university level. The Institute has 4,000 students studying psychology from the undergraduate to the post-graduate level. It is one of the only training and research centers in France to offer a ...

  5. PhD in Clinical Psychology Programs in France 2024+

    Clinical Psychology PhD Programs near France. Students aspiring to become licensed clinical psychologists may choose one of two types of PhD in Clinical Psychology Programs: a Doctor of Psychology PsyD in Clinical Psychology or a Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Clinical Psychology.Earning a doctoral degree is a requisite for licensure and practice in clinical settings - so if you want to ...

  6. Psychology Graduate Programs: Master's & PhD in France

    At the doctoral level, you could choose from two paths. One is a PhD in Psych. The other is a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree. You'll also find different Master's programs in Psychology near France . One is the M.S. (Master of Science) and M.A. (Master of Arts) degrees. The M.S. may focus more on scientific research.

  7. Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

    INSEAD PhD in Management. INSEAD Postgraduate Opportunities. INSEAD PHD POSITIONS IN MANAGEMENT (FULL-TIME STUDIES, WITH SCHOLARSHIPS) for the mid-August 2025 intake. INSEAD, one of the world's leading and largest business schools, is looking for 16-18 bright potentials to join its premier PhD in Management programme in the following areas.

  8. Prepare a PhD

    The PhD degree attests skills acquired through research in the framework of the doctoral training, which has a 3 years reference duration when the research work is carried out full-time, and a 3 to 6 years duration when the thesis is prepared part-time. The PhD degree can also be obtained by the validation of the acquired experience (VAE). The PhD degree - the highest internationnaly ...

  9. The Best Universities for Psychology in France (2023)

    Top 4 French Universities for Psychology (QS) University. France Rank. Global Rank. Sorbonne University. 1. 101-150. Université PSL. 2.

  10. Fully funded PhD and Masters opportunities in Paris

    The Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC) at Ecole Normale Supérieure is inviting applications for its graduate programs in cognitive science. Our training offer includes: a fully-funded 5-year PhD program and a fully-funded extended 3-year Masters program (which can be followed by a 3-year doctoral grant at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation).

  11. PhD Study in France- 2024

    A PhD programme in France is usually advertised as part of a doctoral school. It lasts for 3-4 years ending with a thesis submission and a public viva examination. Each academic year begins in September or October, and ends in May or June. The year is divided into two semesters with the first ending with a two-week break at Christmas and the ...

  12. PhD

    PhD. Sorbonne University, an attractive environment for PhDs. Doctoral College and Schools. Application and admission. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT; LEGAL NOTICE; DATA PROTECTION POLICY; INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELATIONS; CREDITS; RENTAL OF CONFERENCE FACILITIES; Sorbonne University. 21, rue de l'école de médecine 75006 Paris. Contact us. Find us! instagram;

  13. Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs: Master's & PhD Programs in France

    Popular Clinical Psychology Graduate Degrees in France. Clinical Psychology degrees are reported by the National Center for Education Statistics under the category of Psychology. By the most recent data (2013), 4,835 Clinical Psychology degrees were awarded to U.S. graduate students. ... Clinical psychology PhD programs dive deeper into the ...

  14. PhD in France

    Doctoral Schools directory. Grand-Est Nouvelle-Aquitaine Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Normandie Bourgogne- Franche-Comté Bretagne Centre Val-de-Loire Corse Île-de- France Occitanie Hauts-de- France Pays-de la-Loire Provence-Alpes Côte-d'Azur Réunion Guadeloupe Guyane Martinique Polynésie- Française Nouvelle- Calédonie 22 20 368 613 5 199 269 ...

  15. List of Universities for PHD in Psychology in France

    University and Program Search. Find the list of all universities for PHD in Psychology in France with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  16. Best Clinical Psychology universities in France [Rankings]

    Grenoble Graduate School of Business. 44. Paris Institute of Political Studies. 45. Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences. The best cities to study Clinical Psychology in France based on the number of universities and their ranks are Paris, Bordeaux, Villeurbanne, and Montpellier.

  17. StudyQA

    Rene Descartes University (Paris V) Paris, France. Study mode: On campus Languages: English. Local: $ 2.82 k / Year (s) Foreign: $ 8.68 k / Year (s) StudyQA ranking: 5883. Similar programs. Choose an adviser Ask Admissions. Master.

  18. Best Global Universities for Psychiatry/Psychology in France

    Japan. Netherlands. South Korea. See the US News rankings for Psychiatry/Psychology among the top universities in France. Compare the academic programs at the world's best universities.

  19. Psychology Universities and Courses in France

    Psychology Universities in France for International Students. 1. University of Paris (Université de Paris) Programs Offered: Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD in Psychology. The courses might be offered in both French and English, especially at the postgraduate level. Fees: For EU students, fees are generally around €170 for bachelor's ...

  20. StudyQA

    Bachelor Psychology programs in France. Psychology. Description We offer our students a broad orientation on psychology in the three-year programme as we cover the basic... Psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of human minds and behaviors. The main focus on humans is similar to that of humaniti... Psychology.

  21. PhD in France

    This PhD project, a joint initiative between the University of Lorraine, France, and the International University of Rabat, Morocco, is a collaborative effort aimed at conducting an in-depth analysis of dynamic, AI-assisted cyberattacks and developing detection and mitigation approaches for these th…. Application deadline 15/07/24.

  22. 27 phd-psychology positions in France

    Neurophysiology Research Position for Research Engineer or PhD Student (M/W) CNRS | Paris 05, le de France | France | about 2 months ago. 20 Jan 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Neurosciences Paris-Seine Research Field Neurosciences Psychological sciences » Cognitive science Psychological sciences » Psychology. Prev ...

  23. PsyD Programs and Graduate Schools in France 2024+

    What are PsyD Programs near France ? The Doctor of Psychology, abbreviated 'PsyD, Psy D, or Psy.D. is an applied, clinically focused doctorate degree somewhat like an MD in medicine.Earning a degree from a PsyD program typically prepares a graduate to fulfill the educational requirements for state licensure; licensure is a requirement for use of the title "psychologist" in many states.

  24. Online Doctorate In Psychology Programs

    Sports psychology examines the athletic performance, health, well-being, and motivation of those participating in sports. Sports psychologists can help to improve the lives and performance of athletes. School psychology uses psychological tools and insights to support students' learning experience and teachers' performance as educators.