Doctorate (PhD), Mechanical Engineering (ME) Degree

Doctorate (PhD), Mechanical Engineering (ME)

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Degrees in the same industry as Doctorate (PhD), Mechanical Engineering (ME), ranked by salary

Avg. Salary $75k — $149k

Avg. Salary $86k — $125k

Avg. Salary $74k — $122k

Avg. Salary $103k

Avg. Salary $87k — $140k

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Best Doctorates in Mechanical Engineering: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salaries

Are you interested in becoming an expert in mechanical engineering? Use our comprehensive guide to the best PhDs in Mechanical Engineering to find the right school and program for you. In addition to all the essential details of each PhD in Mechanical Engineering program, we will also give you tips for getting accepted into your chosen program and how to pay for it.

In addition, you can explore your career options with our comprehensive career outlook for mechanical engineering PhD holders. We’ve included the best mechanical engineering jobs for experts in the field and the average PhD in Mechanical Engineering salary you can expect to make in each of these positions.

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What is a phd in mechanical engineering.

A PhD in Mechanical Engineering is a terminal degree in the field of mechanical engineering, which is the study of the theory and practice of how machines work. With this degree, mechanical engineers acquire expert-level knowledge and skills to design, develop, and build mechanical and thermal systems.

The mechanical engineering profession also requires testing these systems to make sure they function optimally. Mechanical engineers apply the science of matter, energy, motion, and change to machines that improve our lives.

How to Get Into a Mechanical Engineering PhD Program: Admission Requirements

The requirements to get into a mechanical engineering PhD program vary. Some of the typical requirements for a PhD in Mechanical Engineering program include an online application and paying an application fee. Most likely you will also need to have earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering as a minimum education requirement. 

Most programs require that you submit a personal statement, an updated resume, and letters of recommendation. International students usually have to complete a TOEFL, an IELTS, or an equivalent English proficiency exam and earn a minimum score. Some schools have a residency requirement that may need to be considered when planning for your PhD program.

In addition, most schools have qualifying exams that you must pass, as well, and you must provide transcripts from previous education. Further, some programs require you to complete specific coursework before beginning your PhD program.

PhD in Mechanical Engineering Admission Requirements

  • Online application
  • Application fee
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field
  • Personal statement, updated resume, letters of recommendation
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent with minimum score requirements (international students)

Mechanical Engineering PhD Acceptance Rates: How Hard Is It to Get Into a PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering?

It is fairly hard to get into a PhD program in mechanical engineering. Some schools are very strict when it comes to whom they will accept into their program. Entrance into mechanical engineering PhD programs requires a specific level of knowledge and skills, so there is a qualifying exam in most cases.

The good news is that if you have advanced knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering, and you strategically plan your application, you will have a much easier time getting accepted into engineering school .

How to Get Into the Best Universities

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Best PhDs in Mechanical Engineering: In Brief

School Program Online Option
Arizona State University PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
Auburn University PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
Binghamton University PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
Boston University PhD in Mechanical Engineering Yes
California Institute of Technology PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
Clarkson University PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
Johns Hopkins University PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
Texas Tech University PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
University of Colorado Boulder PhD in Mechanical Engineering No
University of Michigan PhD in Mechanical Engineering No

Best Universities for Mechanical Engineering PhDs: Where to Get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering

The best universities for mechanical engineering PhDs are reputable for preparing graduates to become experts in their field. Doctoral degree holders in mechanical engineering develop machines that have a positive impact on transportation, medicine, robotics, and climate change, among other fields critical to human health and happiness.  

If you’ve begun looking into where to get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering to acquire advanced engineering skills and knowledge, look no further. Here are 10 of the best PhDs in Mechanical Engineering and more details about the schools that offer them.

Arizona State University (ASU) was founded in 1886 and today provides over 450 graduate programs in higher education. The school offers 20 PhD degrees in engineering and among them is the mechanical engineering PhD. ASU reports that 91 percent of its graduates are employed 90 days after graduation. 

Since 2003, research at ASU has led to over 4,100 invention disclosures and more than 980 US patents. In addition, startups based on ASU intellectual property have resulted in more than $833 million in investment capital.

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

This is an 84-credit mechanical engineering program with qualifying exams and a comprehensive written exam, oral exam, prospectus, and dissertation in engineering fundamentals. This PhD in Mechanical Engineering can help you unlock career opportunities to become an engineer, engineering manager or director, engineering professor, or research engineer.

PhD in Mechanical Engineering Overview

  • Program Length: Approximately 5 years
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition and Fees: $858/credit (in state); $1,361/credit (out of state); $1,470/credit (international)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fellowships and awards, financial loans, teaching and research assistantships
  • Graduate admissions application and application fee
  • Bachelor's or master's degree
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 in master’s degree or last 60 hours of bachelor’s degree
  • GRE or GMAT scores, personal statement, resume or curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and educational transcripts
  • Proof of English proficiency (international students)

Auburn University opened its doors in 1859, and the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering was established in 1908. Auburn provides many PhD degree programs, 10 of which are in engineering fields. The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering currently has 623 students enrolled in PhD programs.

This mechanical engineering doctorate requires course work of at least 60 credit hours over and above a bachelor’s degree, including a dissertation, with a minimum of 21 credit hours in course work at the 7000 to 8000 level. A minor of nine credits in an approved field is also required. You must submit a study plan, pass the written and oral qualifying exams, and submit a written dissertation and defend it successfully. 

  • Program Length: Approximately 4-6 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $949/credit
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Scholarships, financial loans, graduate teaching, research assistantships
  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree
  • GPA of 3.0 and minimum GRE score
  • Three letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose
  • Previous education transcripts

Established in 1946, Binghamton University offers 111 graduate programs of study. The school has 29 PhD programs available in a variety of subjects. The Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science provides a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. Binghamton University has over 700 research opportunities and 23 organized research centers. 

The PhD in Mechanical Engineering provided by the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science requires 24 credits. Graduate students must choose an area of focus, such as design and manufacturing, solid mechanics, or dynamic systems. Students must develop a learning contract with an advisor and satisfy the qualifying exam requirement. 

Students must submit a prospectus and presentation of their proposed research and have it accepted by the guidance committee. There is also an oral presentation and defense of dissertation. In addition, the dissertation must be approved by the student's research committee. 

  • Program Length: Approximately 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $471/credit (in state); $963/credit (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Financial loans, assistantships, fellowships and scholarships, opportunities for employment including federal graduate work study, opportunities for underrepresented students, research and travel funding, installment options
  • Submit an online application and pay the $75 application fee (or seek a waiver)
  • Send bachelor’s or master’s degree transcripts (minimum GPA of 3.0)
  • Submit a personal statement, resume, three letters of recommendation, and GRE or GMAT scores (strongly recommended, or required for students pursuing a graduate assistantship)
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores (international students)

Boston University has 17 schools and colleges offering over 300 academic programs of study. It’s ranked number 13 for graduate employability in the US by Times Higher Education, and the school provides six different PhDs in Engineering. Boston University is a major private research university that has had breakthroughs in everything from African studies to zebrafish genetics. 

In order to graduate with this PhD in Mechanical Engineering, you must fulfill the teaching requirement. Students must also pass the qualifying examination, prepare and carry out independent and original research projects, and pass the final oral examination. 

This PhD in Mechanical Engineering provides research opportunities in various areas such as acoustics and vibrations, biomechanics, computational science and engineering, and dynamics, robotics, systems, and controls. 

  • Program Length: 5 years (maximum)
  • Acceptance Rate: 21-22%
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,908/credit (part time); $61,050/year (full time)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Dean’s fellowship, doctoral research assistantship, doctoral teaching fellowship, scholarships, institutional fellowships, external fellowships 
  • Bachelor’s degree 
  • Official or unofficial transcripts
  • Online application and $95 application fee
  • Statement of purpose, resume, and letters of recommendation
  • English proficiency test scores (international students)

California Institute of Technology , or Caltech, was started in 1891 and today offers various graduate programs in 31 science and engineering degree options. Additionally, Caltech has 45 alumni and faculty who have won a total of 46 Nobel Prizes.

This doctorate program requires 54 core credits, 36 of which must be taken in a single track to meet the depth requirement. In addition, you must pass these with a minimum of a C grade. 

The remaining 18 core credits can be from any track. The remaining required credits are made up of electives or minor courses, advanced or applied mathematics courses, a graduate engineering seminar, and research.

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  • Tuition and Fees: $56,364/year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Fellowships, teaching and research assistantships, external fellowships, grants
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent
  • Transcripts from each college or academic institution attended
  • Three letters of recommendation, a CV, and a statement of purpose

Clarkson University was founded in 1896, and today is a private research university educating graduate students in the US. The school provides more than 95 programs of study in engineering, business, education, science, liberal arts, and health professions, including PhD degrees. Clarkson University says that 97 percent of its graduates have secured employment in their chosen field.

This program of study requires a 90-credit-hour minimum beyond the bachelor’s degree. This includes a minimum of 24 credit hours of coursework, six credit hours of seminar, and 60 credits earned in residence at Clarkson.

Coursework includes 15 credit hours in the major field, nine credit hours in the minor, and six credit hours from a department different from the one the student is housed in. Doctoral students also need at least two years of full‑time study at Clarkson and no more than 30 credit hours of graduate transfer (B grade or better). You must also pass the qualifying examination and research proposal defense examination, and a dissertation must be submitted and defended orally.

  • Program Length: Approximately 3 to 5 years (with a 7-year maximum)
  • Tuition and Fees: $ 1,533/credit
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Clarkson University's Payment Plan, federal student loans, alternative student loans, Income Share Agreement with Vemo Education, graduate assistantships, outside scholarships 
  • Online application 
  • Statement of purpose, two letters of recommendation
  • Official transcripts of previous education
  • International applicants must meet a minimum English proficiency score: TOEFL 80 points, IELTS 6.5 points, PTE 56 points, and Duolingo English Test 115 points

Johns Hopkins University is a private research university that opened in 1876 and established its school of engineering in 1912. The school provides PhD programs in many different areas, including anthropology, chemistry, and English. Johns Hopkins University awarded its first doctoral degree in 1878.

Students develop a technical program including coursework and research with the help of a faculty advisor. Graduate students must pass the Departmental Qualifying Exam, pass the Graduate Board Oral exam, submit a doctoral dissertation, and pass the final dissertation defense. 

  • Program Length: 4-5 years
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A 
  • Tuition and Fees: $58,720/year
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Loans, assistantships, Dean’s Master’s Fellowships, internal fellowships, external fellowships
  • Application and $25 application fee
  • A statement of purpose
  • Transcripts from previous educational institutions
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or iTEP (non-native English speakers)

Texas Tech University was established in 1923 and today has over 5,500 students enrolled in its Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering. Texas Tech University provides mechanical engineering degrees and degrees in other major engineering fields such as electrical, computer science, industrial, manufacturing, and systems engineering. 

To receive this Texas Tech University PhD, students must complete 12 graduate lecture courses totaling 36 credits. Within the first two semesters of enrollment, two math and two concentration-area courses must be completed.

Additionally, six mechanical engineering courses must be completed, including the concentration area but excluding the required math courses. Students must complete one credit hour of graduate seminar (ME 5120). Leveling courses may apply if you have a bachelor’s in another field as the minimum education requirement.

You must submit a Degree Plan developed in collaboration with the PhD advisor by the end of the second semester of your doctoral studies. In addition, students must submit a qualified dissertation. 

  • Acceptance Rate: Not available
  • Tuition and Fees: $2,150/year (with teaching, research, or graduate part-time instructor assistantship) 
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Graduate, research, and teaching assistantships; graduate part-time instructor; scholarships; financial aid loans and grants

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • TOEFL scores (international students)

University of Colorado Boulder started in 1877 and today offers over 4,300 academic courses across 150 fields of study. The University of Colorado Boulder conducts research in aerospace and space science, bio-health sciences, and climate, energy, and sustainability. 

The Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering conducts research that has made an impact on the advancement of several fields such as materials science, thermo fluid, and biomedical sciences.

This mechanical engineering PhD from the Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering requires a minimum of 30 credits at the 5000 level or higher. A minimum of nine courses must be mechanical engineering department courses.

It also includes two courses that all PhD students must complete: the Methods of Engineering Analysis I, worth three credits, and the Introduction to Research, worth three credits. Choose from seven focus areas that will guide your selection of courses and research.

Students must earn at least a B grade for courses to count toward their PhD and should earn at least a GPA of 3.0 to be eligible for graduation; however, the GPA requirement for teaching or research assistantships is 3.25. 

Students must pass the oral preliminary exam and a preliminary research oral exam. Students must complete the comprehensive exam between six and 12 months before defending their PhD dissertation, consisting of 30 dissertation hours. They also need to pass the dissertation defense successfully to qualify for the PhD degree. 

  • Program Length: Approximately 4 years (with a 6-year maximum)
  • Tuition and Fees: $2,715/credit (in state); $3,414/credit or $5,688/credit (out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Assistantships, fellowships, scholarships
  • Complete the application online via the graduate school admissions website page and pay the application fee.
  • Submit your curriculum vitae, personal statement, and three letters of recommendation.
  • Provide transcripts for all previous post-secondary education.
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo scores for all international applications.

University of Michigan was started in 1817 and today provides 19 schools and colleges, with hundreds of majors and over 1000 student organizations for doctoral students to take advantage of. They offer doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and construction engineering and management, among other engineering fields.

This PhD degree is the highest qualification issued by the Mechanical Engineering Department and includes both research and coursework. Additionally, you must pass the qualifying examinations, advancement to candidacy, the dissertation proposal examination, and the written thesis dissertation and oral defense.

  • Program Length: Approximately 4-5 years (with a 7- year maximum) 
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A     
  • Tuition and Fees: $14,558/term (full-time in state); $27,023/term (full-time out of state)
  • PhD Funding Opportunities: Internal and external fellowships, assistantships, instructorships, graduate student staff assistant (GSSA) positions
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Statement of purpose, personal statement, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts from all previous educational institutions

Can You Get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering Online?

Yes, you can get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering online, but few programs are available. You may need to look outside mechanical engineering to find a PhD in engineering program online. Make sure that you adequately research the online PhD requirements. Depending on the school, there may be a need for you to go to campus for things like orientation, clinicals, internships, or practicum requirements.

Mechanical engineering graduate students’ online programs have various research opportunities. Thankfully, online degrees are also respected in the job market . Career opportunities with top companies become available once graduates have earned their PhD in Mechanical Engineering either online or on campus.

Best Online PhD Programs in Mechanical Engineering

School Program Length
Michigan Tech Global Campus Online PhD in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics Within 8 years
Mississippi State University Online PhD in Engineering with a Concentration in Mechanical Engineering Within 8 years
Texas A&M University Online PhD in Engineering Information not available
The University of Alabama Online PhD in Mechanical Engineering Within 9 years
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Online PhD in Systems Engineering Information not available

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering?

It takes three to 10 years to get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. The National Science Foundation states that most US students take around 7.2 years to graduate with a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering.

Most people complete the coursework in two to three years. However, the dissertation may take up to seven years to complete depending on how much time you dedicate to finishing it.

Is a PhD in Mechanical Engineering Hard?

Yes, a PhD in Mechanical Engineering is hard, even if you are good at and enjoy mathematics and science. A PhD is the highest level of education in the field so it requires a significant amount of research, time, and dedication. In addition, the field of mechanical engineering includes scientific and mathematical concepts that PhD mechanical engineering students will need to master to acquire their PhD degree.

How Much Does It Cost to Get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering?

It costs about $19,314 per year to get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. This data further illustrates that the average cost of graduate degree programs in mechanical engineering at a private institute can reach as much as $25,929 and public institutions cost around $12,171 per year.

Costs to acquire a PhD in Mechanical Engineering will vary from school to school. There are also different costs for in-state and out-of-state students. Make sure to check out the costs associated with your PhD degree properly so that you can adequately plan or budget for your investment.

How to Pay for a PhD in Mechanical Engineering: PhD Funding Options

The PhD funding options that students can use to pay for a PhD in Mechanical Engineering include tuition waivers, teaching assistantships, research fellowships, scholarships, financial aid loans, and grants. In some cases these can completely pay for your PhD, making it essentially free. Many of these funding options are available for online learning too.

Some schools also offer income share agreements as an option. However, this option should be carefully considered as total payments may amount to more than the actual cost of your PhD degree.

Note that there are various options available that will vary by school. There are also multiple options of funding for students available depending on your circumstances, for example, low-income families and international students.

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What Is the Difference Between a Mechanical Engineering Master’s Degree and PhD?

The difference between a mechanical engineering master’s degree and a PhD is that a PhD, or doctoral degree, can be attained after acquiring your master’s degree. A master’s degree is more career-oriented, and a PhD is more research-oriented. As a result, a master’s may mean that you have more job opportunities. However, a PhD means that you are an expert in your field.

A master’s is quicker to acquire than a PhD, but obtaining a PhD also means being bestowed the title of doctor. A Master’s in Mechanical Engineering will most likely cost less than a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. However, PhD in Mechanical Engineering is more desirable than a master’s degree in professions such as teaching at higher education institutions, for research, and in clinical settings.

Master’s vs PhD in Mechanical Engineering Job Outlook

A job outlook of 7 percent growth is projected for jobs such as mechanical engineers with a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS also reports that a career such as a post-secondary teacher, which typically requires a PhD, has a job outlook of 12 percent . As such, having a mechanical engineering PhD will offer you more career opportunities than just a master’s degree will.

Difference in Salary for Mechanical Engineering Master’s vs PhD

A Master’s in Mechanical Engineering, according to PayScale, comes with an average salary of $89,000 . Entry-level jobs may start with salaries of about $62,000. Wiith experience and a proven track record, you may reach a high-paying wage of about $98,509 per year.

A PhD in Mechanical Engineering degree holder has an average salary of $110,000 . This means that a PhD represents earning an average of about $20,000 more per year than a master’s degree. Entry-level positions may start at around $52,000, but with experience and a proven track record, you could earn as much as $130,000.

Related Mechanical Engineering Degrees


Why You Should Get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering

You should get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering because there areexcellent benefits that come with this degree. Benefits, aside from being bestowed the designation of doctor and being an expert in your field, include high-paying salaries and research opportunities. Let’s have a closer look below.

Reasons for Getting a PhD in Mechanical Engineering

  • Higher-paying salaries and possible tenure. With a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, graduates can acquire higher-paying salaries that may come with academic tenure or research tenure. This means you can get above-average wages and, with tenure, a certain amount of job security provided that you comply with the defined terms and conditions.
  • Expert-level knowledge and skills. A PhD or doctoral degree is the highest qualification you can acquire in any field. As a result, you accumulate in-depth knowledge and skills that few others possess unless they too have obtained a PhD degree.
  • Increased job opportunities. Having a PhD in Mechanical Engineering will increase job opportunities because it is the highest qualification you can acquire. As a result, there will be few jobs in your industry that you won’t qualify for. You will be a prime candidate with an edge over other applicants for a wide range of positions.
  • Opportunities to make an impact in your industry. Having experience in research, and continuing with research after acquiring your PhD degree, will afford you the benefit of valuable contribution to cutting-edge research areas in your chosen industry. Being a part of these research opportunities means making valuable, or even revolutionary, discoveries and conclusions that may affect valuable change in your field.

Getting a PhD in Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering PhD Coursework

A female electronics engineer conducting vehicle tests on a computer

The coursework options for getting a PhD in Mechanical Engineering cover a widely varied scope of topics, and knowing what to look for may seem overwhelming for some. However, as this is a technical field of study, prospective students can be sure that there are specific coursework requirements across all programs. Below is a list of topics typically included in mechanical engineering PhD coursework.

Mechanical Design

Mechanical design coursework introduces concepts like computational approaches that automatically generate mechanical designs via predefined parameters. Additionally, you will learn about multi-material mechanical design, relating to topics in the design process, and computational analysis tools based on mechanical simulation, among others.


Thermodynamics coursework introduces basic laws of thermodynamics. Students will develop a body of knowledge about entropy, thermodynamic properties of substances and mixtures, phase equilibrium, and transformations. Course content also includes the basic phase diagram and related physical and mechanical properties.

In this course you will learn about energy’s fundamental principles and experimental electrochemistry techniques as well as the fundamentals in iconic and electronic conduction of metal. It will help students understand different semiconductors, inorganics, and polymer materials and their applications pertaining to batteries, fuel cells, electrochemical capacitors and photonics, sensors, and semiconductor electrochemistry.

This kind of course covers everything about materials mechanics, including crystalline and non-crystalline materials, as well as basic solid mechanics concepts, stress concentration and materials failures, stress and strain sensing principles, and sensors.

Coursework may include learning about polymer chain formation, configuration, and basic structures; crystalline and amorphous states of polymers; and solution and phase behavior of polymers.

Fluid Dynamics

Learn about the physical properties of gasses and liquids and the kinematics of flow fields. Analyze viscous, heat-conducting Newtonian fluids, stress and surface-tension-driven flow and capillary effects. Among the other topics covered are vorticity and circulation, and ideal fluid flow theory in two and three dimensions.

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How to Get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering: Doctoral Program Requirements

Although there are some common steps and requirements for earning a mechanical engineering PhD degree, many doctoral program requirements will vary by school and PhD program. Check the specific graduation requirements of the school and the program before applying to learn how to get a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

This will help ensure that you are informed of and prepared to fulfill all of the criteria required for your career path in advanced mechanical engineering. That being said, below you can find typical doctoral requirements for engineering disciplines.

Every PhD degree in mechanical engineering has specific course and credit requirements. Each program allows a particular number of credits that can be transferred from previous degrees or courses completed. Additionally, most PhD programs have specific courses that must be included in the program you develop with your PhD academic advisor. 

Graduate students must also maintain a minimum GPA, and some programs have a certain number of seminars you must attend, which also varies by school and program. Some programs require a higher GPA for assistantships, so ensure you check what is required to qualify if you intend to apply for these as part of your plan to fund your PhD. 

Most PhD programs require a degree plan of study to be submitted within a specific timeframe of the program, and some programs state that you must finish the coursework within a certain amount of time.

The preliminary exams, in most cases, are to assess competency in both mechanical engineering and research processes and concepts. Some have to be done within a specific timeframe and may be conducted orally.

Some coursework has to be completed before you are permitted to take the exam, and most programs offer a limited number of attempts to pass the exam. Failing means being denied your PhD degree.

Some PhD in Mechanical Engineering programs require a teaching practicum. A teaching practicum requires graduate students to act as teaching assistants for several semesters. The graduate chair usually determines the requirements for these practicums.

The comprehensive exams may be oral or written and must be taken a certain number of weeks or months before a dissertation or thesis defense. Some schools demand that several research articles be submitted to academic journals as part of this requirement.

The exam, in most cases, is to assess the graduate student's knowledge and ascertain whether a student's research project is original, creative work and will make a noted impact in the field. This includes whether it will qualify for publication in appropriate peer-reviewed journals. This phase of the program serves as a gateway to the last stage, including completing the dissertation and program.

The thesis or dissertation usually requires a certain number of credit hours. It should be original work based on an original and creative topic. Some schools have a certain number of dissertation hours that may be acquired in a semester, so planning is vital. Some dissertations require that the student is enrolled full time for a certain number of dissertation hours.

Most schools have a dissertation or graduate handbook that lays out specific requirements for how to write and present your dissertation. Once the dissertation has been completed, you need to notify the committee that you intend to defend your dissertation, and it may need to be approved before you can proceed.

Once approved, you are set to attend your dissertation defense. Once completed, you may be approved by the committee, meaning you have completed your PhD successfully and are now the official holder of a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

Potential Careers With a Mechanical Engineering Degree

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PhD in Mechanical Engineering Salary and Job Outlook

A PhD in Mechanical Engineering salary ranges between $79,000 and $130,000. Job outlooks over the next five years or so range between 5 and 12 percent in growth, and the number of jobs ranges from 28,000 to 1,276,900. This means that securing employment in your chosen career in mechanical engineering is an achievable career goal.

What Can You Do With a PhD in Mechanical Engineering?

With a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, you can work in various industries, including aerospace engineering and mechanics, materials and metals, chemicals, and fast-moving consumer goods. Career choices include jobs like research scientist, senior software engineer, or training and development manager.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering

  • Petroleum engineers
  • Training and development managers
  • Senior mechanical engineers
  • Research scientists
  • Senior software engineers

What Is the Average Salary for a PhD in Mechanical Engineering?

The average salary for a PhD in Mechanical Engineering degree holder is $110,000, according to PayScale. Based on this data, salaries may start at around $52,000 on the low end and reach as much as $300,000 in the most senior positions, like chief executive officer (CEO).

Highest-Paying Mechanical Engineering Jobs for PhD Grads

Mechanical Engineering PhD Jobs Average Salary
Petroleum engineers
Training and development managers
Industrial production managers
Mechanical engineers
Postsecondary teachers

Best Mechanical Engineering Jobs with a Doctorate

The best mechanical engineering jobs with a doctorate come with excellent salaries, and they represent varied specializations and industries. On top of that, the best states to work in represent various parts of our beautiful country. Let’s have a closer look at these career options.

Petroleum engineers design and develop ways to remove oil and gas from underground deposits. They manage the drilling operations. They monitor efficiencies in drilling systems and create new tools to enhance the extraction of these materials. A PhD in Mechanical Engineering will also allow you to consider careers within academia and research and development in the petroleum engineering field. 

  • Salary with a Mechanical Engineering PhD: $130,850
  • Job Outlook: 8% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 28,500
  • Highest-Paying States: New Jersey, Alaska, California, Texas, Florida

Training and development managers create plans, coordinate, and develop skills through knowledge-enhancement programs for businesses and employees. They are required to manage budgets and collaborate with other departments to determine a company's learning and development needs. This may include managing research and development tasks to improve efficiencies and achievements within the business and its staff. 

  • Salary with a Mechanical Engineering PhD: $120,130
  • Job Outlook: 11% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 42,100
  • Highest-Paying States: New York, New Jersey, California, Colorado, Massachusetts

Industrial production managers oversee the operations of manufacturing and related teams. They coordinate, plan, and manage these teams in producing goods like cosmetics, toys, and cars. They are responsible for managing and achieving the associated targets and budgets, making their job a crucial aspect of any profitable business in manufacturing products.

  • Salary with a Mechanical Engineering PhD: $103,150
  • Job Outlook: 5% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 189,300
  • Highest-Paying States: New Jersey, Colorado, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire

Mechanical engineers use the knowledge and skills developed by gaining their PhD in Mechanical Engineering to research, design, develop, and build mechanical and thermal sensors. This includes designing, developing, and building devices, tools, engines, and machines. Testing and analyzing systems to optimize efficiency is another vital aspect of this profession.

  • Salary with a Mechanical Engineering PhD: $95,300
  • Job Outlook: 7% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 299,200
  • Highest-Paying States: New Mexico, Louisiana, District of Columbia, California, Alaska

Postsecondary teachers work at higher education institutes such as colleges and universities. Mechanical engineering doctoral degree holders educate students enrolled in mechanical engineering degree programs. Responsibilities include assessing and grading. In addition, teachers do research to incorporate cutting-edge technologies and related information to maintain industry-relevant materials and knowledge within the curriculum.

  • Salary with a Mechanical Engineering PhD: $79,640
  • Job Outlook: 12% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 1,276,900
  • Highest-Paying States: Alaska, New York, Utah, California, New Jersey

Is a PhD in Mechanical Engineering Worth It?

Yes, a PhD in Mechanical Engineering is worth it. Although most jobs for mechanical engineers require at most a master’s degree, some do require a PhD, like becoming a university professor.

However, benefits of having a PhD in Mechanical Engineering include increased employability and avoiding unemployment, higher-paying salaries, expertise-level knowledge in your field, strong technical skills, and the distinguished title of doctor.

Additional Reading About Mechanical Engineering


PhD in Mechanical Engineering FAQ

Yes, you can get a good job in mechanical engineering without a PhD degree. Most jobs in mechanical engineering require a master’s degree at most. However, having a PhD will increase your chances for advancement.

Yes, you can work remotely with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. In fact, there are numerous jobs available online for candidates with degrees at the doctoral level.

You can find PhD in Mechanical Engineering jobs on trusted job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. You can also network with your school’s program partners and other professionals in the industry. You can also look online for lists of the best companies hiring mechanical engineers to discover the top employers in the field.

Yes, a bootcamp technical certificate can help you get a mechanical engineering job at some of the world’s top global companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Salaries & Employer Lists

What is a fair salary? How should you approach salary negotiation? Below, are the average salaries for engineering students, by major and degree level.  Download the  Evaluating Salary and Job Offers Handout  for advice and resources.  All salaries posted are in USD.

Engineering Co-op/Intern Hourly Wages for 2023-2024

The co-op/intern wages were calculated using the Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024 wages reported by students.

BS Hourly Wages










MS Hourly Wages

(0 responses)


(2 responses)




 (1 response)


(34 responses)


& (2 responses)


(2 responses) 30

(1 response)




(2 responses)


Product Management N/A

(3 responses)


(1 response)


(22 responses)


(15 responses)




(14 responses)


PhD Hourly Wages

(1 response)




(2 responses)




& (7 responses)



(2 responses)




Engineering Post-Graduation Salaries for 2023-2024

Please note that due to a low number of responses from Master's and PhD level students, we've also included the national averages as reported by the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) Summer 2023 Survey for those degree programs.

The entry-level salaries were calculated using the Summer 2023, Fall 2023, and Spring 2024 salaries reported by students.

CLICK ON EACH MAJOR BELOW TO SEE A LIST OF EMPLOYERS WHO HAVE HIRED UMD GRADS IN PAST YEARS. *The majority of Professional Masters Programs salaries reflect individuals who already have full-time industry experience.

BS Entry-level Salaries










MS Entry-level Salaries

(14 responses)



(3 responses)






(7 responses)



 * (12 responses)



& (11 responses)







(8 responses)




(1 response)




(11 responses)



Product Management * (10 responses)





 * (4 responses)




(3 responses)




 * (14 responses)



(Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation)

 * (1 response)



(4 responses)








(3 responses)




PhD Entry-level Salaries

(3 responses)



(3 responses)



(5 responses)



(4 responses)



/ (9 responses)



(2 responses)



 (7 responses)






Websites for Additional Salary Information

  •  -  provides reports and calculators by profession and location .
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics   - Wage  Data by Area and Occupation
  • Glassdoor - includes user-reported information on salaries, interviews, and company reviews. Create a free account with your .edu email address. Note that negotiation information is included under Interviews, not Salaries. If you're new to Glassdoor, you can watch a brief video tutorial about Getting the Most Out of Glassdoor .

UMD campus at dusk

PhD Admissions

Main navigation.

Instructions for applying to the Stanford ME PhD Program are below.

Note for current Stanford MS students interested in adding a PhD program: please contact the ME Student Services Office about the necessary paperwork and relevant policies. If you are a current master's student in the Stanford Mechanical Engineering department, to apply for the PhD, you must complete paperwork prior to conferring the MS degree. Failure to do so will require an application through the online admissions process along with all other external applicants.

Application Deadlines

  • Start Quarter:  Autumn 2025-2026 Application Date:  December 2, 2024
  • Start Quarter:  Winter 2024-2025* Application Date:  October 21, 2024
  • Start Quarter:  Spring 2024-2025* Application Date: January 27, 2025

*Students wishing to apply to the PhD program to start in Winter or Spring quarter must first contact [email protected] directly. Please do not start or submit a Winter or Spring application without first contacting our office.

Application Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the PhD program, applicants must:

  • Have earned, or be in the process of earning, a BS degree in engineering, physics, or comparable science program. 
  • Submit all application materials by the application deadline.
  • Meet minimum TOEFL requirements, if applicable. Review the information on the Graduate Admissions website for more information. 

All students interested in pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering must use the online Stanford Graduate Admissions Application . Your application must include all of the materials listed below and be received by Stanford by the application deadline. 

Required Application Documents

  • Online Application
  • Application fee

Statement of Purpose

  • PhD Supplementary Information form (within application)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Unofficial transcripts from all colleges and/or universities attended for more than one year
  • Official TOEFL scores, if applicable

The GRE will not be accepted for applications received through December 2024.  We ask that you do not submit or reference GRE scores in your application, as they will not be considered. (Updated June 2024)

Your Statement of Purpose should identify personal and professional goals. It should also discuss your development to date and your intentions regarding graduate study and life beyond Stanford. The ME Graduate Admissions Committee reads your Statement of Purpose with interest because, along with the letters of recommendation, it offers insight into who you are as an individual. Your Statement of Purpose should not exceed two pages in length, single spaced. 

PhD Supplementary Information form

The PhD Supplementary Information form within the application asks applicants to briefly address five prompts (1000 characters max):

  • List up to three Stanford ME faculty members whose research interests overlap with your research interests and are potential PhD advisors. (Select from list)
  • Briefly comment on your motivation for seeking a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Briefly describe an activity (academic or not) that you initiated and involved independent inquiry, e.g. a technical project, or an extracurricular activity that you planned and executed. What did you learn?
  • Briefly describe a situation in which you experienced failure, or a situation in which your beliefs were challenged. How did you handle the situation, and what did you learn?
  • Briefly describe a time (or ongoing circumstances) that caused you to face a significant obstacle or experience adversity. How did you approach the situation?

Letters of Recommendation

Three letters of recommendation are required -- one letter must come from an academic source, although we prefer at least two. If your background includes industry experience, involvement in leadership, public service, or entrepreneurial activities, you may wish to include one reference who can comment on that aspect of your experience. Recommendations must be submitted online. Please see the "Recommendations" section of the online application for more information. Please do not submit letters of recommendation through Interfolio.


You are required to upload unofficial copies of your transcripts or e-transcripts to the online application for all institutions you have attended for at least a year as a full-time student. Please  do not  send your official transcripts unless we contact you to do so.

TOEFL Scores

TOEFL results must be from an examination taken within 18 months of the application deadline. The Stanford institution code for ETS reporting is 4704. No department code is needed . For more information on TOEFL requirements, please see the Required Exams and Frequently Asked Questions sections on the Graduate Admissions website . 

Application Status Inquiries

After submitting the online application, applicants will have access to an online checklist which will track all required application materials. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are not able to confirm with individual applicants when documents have been received. All applicants should monitor the online checklist to track individual documents. It is the applicant's responsibility to monitor the checklist and ensure that all documents are received by the deadline. Please allow 2-6 weeks for application materials to be added to your application and appear in the checklist. 

Admission decisions will be released electronically by mid-late March. 

Reapplicants must submit new supporting documents and complete the online application as outlined above in the Graduate Application Checklist.

Knight-Hennessy Scholars

The  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  program cultivates and supports a highly-engaged, multidisciplinary and multicultural community of graduate students from across Stanford University, and delivers a diverse collection of educational experiences, preparing graduates to address complex challenges facing the world. Knight-Hennessy Scholars participate in an experiential leadership development program known as the King Global Leadership Program and receive funding for up to three years of graduate study at Stanford. Two applications must be submitted separately; one to Knight-Hennessy by  October 9, 2024 , 1:00 pm PST, and one to the Stanford graduate degree program by its deadline to join the 2025 cohort. Visit  to learn more and apply.

The selection of PhD students admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering is based on an individualized, holistic review of each application, including (but not limited to) the applicant's academic record, the letters of recommendation, the Statement of Purpose, personal qualities and characteristics, and past accomplishments.

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Salaries Are Up for Mechanical Engineers

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phd mechanical engineering salary reddit

Date Published:

Feb 9, 2018

John Kosowatz

It is a pretty good time to be a mechanical engineer.

Salaries are rising, according to a new ASME survey that shows the median total primary compensation for mechanical engineers in 2016 is $124,000. This builds on information showing base salaries have risen between 3.5 percent and 5 percent per year from 2013 to 2016.

Experience counts too. Those MEs with more than twenty years of experience have a median income of $144,644. But entry-level engineers should not complain. The survey shows those beginning their careers earned a median primary income of $73,079. More than nine in 10 full-time ME employees are offered health insurance by their employers.

The 2017 Salary Survey of ASME members measured only salaries and compensation in the U.S. Responses were garnered from 1,661 members, or 3.4 percent of those queried. The results reflect changes from the 2013 Salary Survey , which was the last such survey conducted.

phd mechanical engineering salary reddit

Compensation varies depending on multiple factors, including education, experience, disciplines, geography, and gender. The typical respondent is a white male in his late forties with at least a bachelor’s degree who has been employed in an engineering-related positon for 20 or more years, including senior-level responsibility with supervisory tasks.

Those with a Ph.D earned the highest median income of $155,000, followed by those with either an MBA or Master’s degree in mechanical or other engineering discipline, at $125,000 or more. The largest percentage of respondents said their highest degree is a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering, earning a median income of $118,000.

Mechanical engineers with a professional engineers license earned a median income of $133,000, nearly $16,000 more than those lacking the PE license.

“It is an exciting time to be an engineer,” says Charla K. Wise, president of ASME. “The demand for engineers continues to grow, and many stimulating job opportunities are emerging.”

The most lucrative areas are in nuclear, petroleum, chemical, utilities, and consulting practices, according to the survey. Mechanical engineers with training in nuclear and petroleum/chemical disciplines earned the highest median income of $145,000 and $144,000, respectively. Conversely, those with academic training in computer science/engineering and mathematics earned the least, at $92,181 and $100,509, respectively.

The results confirm strong demand for engineering services, especially in petroleum and offshore oil production. The authors also point to nuclear engineering , where the power industry wants engineers knowledgeable in in modular systems and other new and nontraditional technologies that could bring electric power to countries in need.

Among ethnicity types, Asian or Pacific Islanders showed a median income of $130,000, while Hispanic respondents earned a median primary income of $119,750.

Increasing demand for engineering services in overseas markets, especially in China where energy and transportation development continues at a fast pace, pushes higher salaries in those markets. But they do not reflect a labor shortage in the U.S., according to the survey.

Male-Female Wage Gap

The gender gap also is apparent as the median primary income for females responding to the survey trailed those of men, $103,500 to $125,000. The survey notes male respondents have been employed longer in an engineering-related position, a likely factor in the discrepancy in incomes. An overwhelming 92 percent of survey respondents were male. That reflects ASME’s membership; worldwide, 6 percent of ASME members are female.

Not surprisingly, compensation also correlates between job levels and functions. MEs in the role of executive, president, or owner had the highest median income, $227,500. Those at the next level of director or vice presidents showed $175,000. Junior engineers earned $70,850.

For those whose roles were identified as general and technical management, primary income is reported at $160,000 and $149,753, respectively.

Regionally, the survey follows the nine U.S. census divisions. Those in the West South Central, South Atlantic, New England, Pacific and Mountain regions reported income above the national level. Those is the East South Central, East North Central and West North Central reported primary income of $115,000 or less.

New Mexico, New Hampshire and Florida reported the highest incomes, $157,400, $148,550 and $147,813, respectively. Mississippi, Nebraska and Tennessee have the lowest incomes, $91,615, $95,500 and $99,878, respectively.

For metropolitan areas, the highest salaries reported are in Hartford, CT, $158,500; Los Angeles/Long Beach, $155,811; San Jose, CA, $155,000; and Albuquerque, NM, $153,783. The lowest median incomes are in Grand Rapids, MI, $99,000; Salt Lake City, UT, $99,200; and Louisville, KY, $104,500. Many of the highest incomes were reported along the East and West coasts.

The survey, designed to be interactive with individual engineers, is available online. Results are entered into two distinct interactive salary calculators. The Regression Salary Calculator uses regression analysis, allowing one to calculate individual results for thousands of possible employment situations. The Searchable Survey Data Tool allows the user to create customized aggregations of the survey results. These salary calculators will enable mechanical engineers to compute their salary based on their very specific, individual circumstances, location, experience, licensing’s, and others. The salary survey will be repeated annually to update the calculators with the most up to date data accordingly.

For comparison, a 2017 survey of civil engineers by the American Society of Civil Engineers found the median pre-tax income in 2016 for civil engineers was $101,000. Base salaries rose between 4 percent and 5 percent each year since 2014, according to the survey. Professional licensure increases the median salary to $108,000. Civil engineers with a bachelor’s degree have a median salary of $93,000; those with a Master’s degree earn $101,100. The male-female pay gap also exists for civil engineers; female civils earn $83,000 compared to $101,400 for male respondents.

Despite discrepancies, mechanical engineering remains an attractive field where qualified engineers continue to be in demand and are rewarded for their work.

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Salaries for Mechanical Engineer II with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent

According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for a Mechanical Engineer II with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent is $93,904 - $98,961 . Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.

Degree Level % of user with this level of education
Associates 1%
Bachelors 57%
Masters 39%
Doctorate 3%
Mechanical Engineer II with the following degree Will likely fall in this salary range
Bachelor's Degree $93,024 - $97,914
Master's Degree or MBA $93,652 - $98,662
JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent $93,904 - $98,961

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The gathering place for mechanical engineers to discuss current technology, methods, jobs, and anything else related to mechanical engineering.

Is Mechanical Engineering DEAD?!

When you look at the job openings of companies that you expect to hire mechanical engineers (especially with post-grad degrees), all you can find are positions for data scientists and computer engineers.

I'm not talking about Google and Apple. Looking at companies like GM, Ford, Siemens, etc., the number of CS-related positions is much higher.

So the question is, is mechanical engineering dead?

Is it useless to do a post-grad degree in ME unless you're doing research in data-driven and ML-based methods?

UPDATE: I need to clarify a couple of points:

1- Fields like Aerospace are still in demand, but, in my case (international PhD), they are not available due to restrictions. The same goes for the semiconductor sector, where it's really hard to obtain an export license for international employees. Bio-mechanical is also pretty much in demand, but most of the research that I see conducted around me is more towards either cell biology or neuroscience, which are not considered strictly mechanical.

2- I did NOT say that there are no jobs for Mechanical Engineers, obviously. But, looking at the traditional ME-related companies, the number of openings is relatively lower than CS-related positions. So don't get offended, please.

3- This is just based on personal observation and not based on actual statistics.

UPDATE 2: I might delete this later. Thanks to everyone who answered nicely for sharing their wisdom and sorry if I offended someone.

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  1. Engineers with PhD's... How much do you make? : r/AskEngineers

    The advice I was given about salary expectations was a PhD was slightly better paying then a masters out of school but opportunity cost of not having a engineers salary and loss of years of industry experience make it a bad deal.

  2. Advice on whether a PhD in Engineering is worth it.

    PhD starting salary = roughly $90k-120k. BS salary after 7 years = roughly $80k-100k (mine was $125k with a BS and 7yrs experience) The point I'm making is that a PhD is no guarantee of a higher salary than what could be attained with a BS and equivalent years of experience. In my case my career grew rapidly.

  3. PhD in Mechanical Engineering : r/MechanicalEngineering

    A Phd matters for 1% (made that up, but it seems true in my professional experience) of positions. Salary is also mostly independent of your degree. Yes, it is a small force multiplier for some low level positions, and yes it opens door for other research positions.

  4. Doctorate (PhD), Mechanical Engineering (ME) Salary

    Doctorate (PhD), Mechanical Engineering (ME) - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education.

  5. Salary: Phd Mechanical Engineer in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Phd Mechanical Engineer is $157,297 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $117,438 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  6. Best PhDs in Mechanical Engineering

    A PhD in Mechanical Engineering salary ranges between $79,000 and $130,000. Job outlooks over the next five years or so range between 5 and 12 percent in growth, and the number of jobs ranges from 28,000 to 1,276,900. This means that securing employment in your chosen career in mechanical engineering is an achievable career goal.

  7. Salary: Phd Mechanical Engineering in United States 2024

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  11. Salary: Phd Mechanical Engineer in United States 2024

    The average salary for Phd Mechanical Engineer is US$157,455 per year in the United States. The average additional cash compensation for a Phd Mechanical Engineer in the United States is US$40,128, with a range from US$30,096 - US$56,179. Salaries estimates are based on 2 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Phd Mechanical Engineer employees in United States.

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    A degree in mechanical engineering is one of the most versatile of engineering degrees. Those with either a bachelor's or a graduate degree in mechanical engineering have been prepared for a wide ...

  13. Salary: Phd In Mechanical Engineering in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Phd In Mechanical Engineering is $183,997 per year, with an average salary of $132,132 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $51,865 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission ...

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    I did my PhD in robotics / structural dynamics in Germany. It was overall quite worth it. However, you also get paid a full entry level engineering salary here as a university researcher in engineering. I also did not have to deal with student loans. After the PhD, I got a good R&D job at a big tech company.

  15. Salaries & Employer Lists

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  16. PhD Admissions

    The selection of PhD students admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering is based on an individualized, holistic review of each application, including (but not limited to) the applicant's academic record, the letters of recommendation, the Statement of Purpose, personal qualities and characteristics, and past accomplishments.

  17. Is earning $100k before age 30 in mechanical engineering ...

    Most full time students take 5 years to finish an engineering degree. You'll be 27-28 years old by the time you're done. Average starting salary for a Mechanical Engineer is $70-80k (give or take a little depending on location and industry). That leaves you with 2-3 years to get to $100k.

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  20. Having PhD in Mech Eng or just a Masters? : r/AskEngineers

    A PhD is a grueling experience that will require a ton of persistence and enthusiasm to get through. You need a strong, positive reason to get a PhD, like "I want a career in academia or industry research that requires a PhD". Just having the opportunity in front of you or not knowing what else to do is not a good reason.

  21. Salaries for Mechanical Engineer II with a JD, MD, PhD or ...

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    My official title is just design engineer. Traditionally, the mechanical engineering side of the design process was handled by the in office professional engineer but he's an electrical engineer so he doesn't know the physical side as much as a mechanical engineer would. Once I get up to speed, I'll take over a lot of that burden