Doctorate (PhD) Degree

Doctorate (PhD)

Doctorate (PhD) Jobs by Salary

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Degrees in the same industry as Doctorate (PhD), ranked by salary

Avg. Salary C$88k

Avg. Salary C$60k — C$131k

Avg. Salary C$42k — C$118k

Avg. Salary C$57k — C$93k

Avg. Salary C$58k — C$138k

Avg. Salary C$77k — C$93k

Avg. Salary C$90k

Avg. Salary C$82k — C$120k

Avg. Salary C$58k — C$230k

Years of Experience

Gender breakdown for doctorate (phd), job satisfaction.

Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière (BBAF)

Université Laval

Doctoral program funding

10,200 scholarships have been awarded in 2022-2023 for a total of $36.1 million

Admission Scholarships

Scholarships for students, research scholarships, other sources of funding, other international programs.

  • Sample annual expenses


Supplemental tuition fee exemption scholarships

Citizens of the world scholarships.

Scholarship Directory

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FGPS Student Success Scholarships

The FGPS Success Scholarships support students at every stage of their graduate studies.

Find out about your award plan

Merit Scholarship

The Government of Québec awards merit scholarships to international students for doctoral studies and postdoctoral fellowships.

Funding from your research supervisor

In many fields, research supervisors provide funding to students who work on their research projects. For information, contact your faculty program director.

On-campus jobs

Allows students to obtain subsidized employment on campus.

Available to undergraduate and graduate students

Jobs helping teaching staff or research teams with course- or research-related tasks. Learn more

Government of Canada International scholarships

China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship program

Université Laval (UL) and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) have signed an agreement to offer a joint grant program allowing Chinese students who are eligible for UL programs to pursue higher education in research. The grants cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance for up to 48 months, as well as a round-trip flight to Québec City (by the least expensive route) and visa application fees.

Scholarship programs resulting from agreements with the CALDO consortium

Agreements signed between the CALDO consortium, of which Université Laval is a member, and the governments of certain Latin American countries with a view to providing scholarships to resident students so they can pursue their studies and develop their expertise in their field at our university. The signatory countries at this time are Brazil , Chile , Colombia , Costa Rica ,  Ecuador , Mexico , Panama , Paraguay , Peru and Uruguay .

For more information, please email us at: [email protected] .

Consult the CALDO consortium website for more details .

Sample annual expenses – Person from abroad

Nora’s expenses for a year of her doctoral program at université laval.

phd student salary quebec

Moroccan Doctoral’s degree, Faculty of Social Sciences

2023–2024* tuition fees for 1 academic year 


(24 credits)


*Tuition fees are indexed annually. They vary based on the student’s legal and resident status and program of study.  .


Health and hospital insurance $1,068


ULaval residences or shared off-campus housing


Make sure to reserve your place before your arrival.

$4,920 to $7,900
Groceries $6,100
Public transit for Québec City and Lévis for the fall and winter semesters Pass included in tuition fees
Health care (medication and personal care) $1,300
Academic and personal expenses (sports, leisure, clothes, books, immigration document renewal, etc.) $3,700
Application fee $97
Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) $128
Study permit $150
Travel upon arrival and temporary accommodation (if required), etc. $500
Used furniture and accessories for off-campus housing $800
Winter clothing and accessories $500 to $800
Computer $800

Last updated on July 31 st , 2024.

Amounts are in Canadian dollars. This budget reflects a modest lifestyle and is only meant to serve as a guide. It may vary depending on the economic context and the student’s situation.

**Université Laval has a Supplemental Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship Program for doctoral students so that all international students enrolled in a full-time regular PhD program are eligible. Find out more about the terms and conditions .

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Rebecca Archer

REBECCA ARCHER , DVM, is supervised by Dr. Linda Snell and Prof. Maryam Wagner.

She is a small animal veterinarian who is on leave from faculty at the University of Calgary and is currently living on the south shore with her husband and two girls. Her thesis is on experiential learning with expanding class sizes and is supported by a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.

Hands-on learning, like simulation, is critical to health professions education (HPE) but is resource-intensive and difficult to do with large class sizes. She is exploring new learning technologies to bridge this gap. She has published two papers while at McGill on Phronesis and Faculty Development both in a veterinary context.

Ethan Bazos

ETHAN BAZOS , HBSc, MSc, is supervised by Prof. Meredith Young and Prof. Nicole Ventura. Ethan is a clinical anatomist by background, having originally trained at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry in the University of Western Ontario.

Ethan has a rich teaching portfolio (e.g., previous academic position held at a medical institution, and numerous teaching assistantships across various healthcare professions). At McGill University, he continues to teach clinically oriented anatomy as a teaching assistant in various FMD (Fundamentals of Medicine and Dentistry) courses.

His current research explores how Anatomical Sciences Education can use different models of education (e.g., Authentic Learning Theory, Authentic Assessment) to reinforce the learning of clinically relevant anatomical knowledge required of health professions students. More specifically, his research is currently exploring how clinically relevant (or authentic) assessment practices can be mobilized in a medical curriculum to solve issues of knowledge retention suggested to occur by clerkship and residency directors.

Ethan has been awarded a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for his project titled “The use of authentic assessment in anatomical sciences education: From conception to ensuring quality practices”. In addition, Ethan is a recipient of the Doctoral Scholarship Award from the Research Group in Pursuit of Validity (RGPV) in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic calendar years. The RGPV is a research initiative supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQS).

Terkuma Chia

Over the past nine years, he has contributed to the education of Nigerian students pursuing careers in the health professions, holding teaching positions at ECWA College of Health Technology, Kagoro, School of Nursing Mkar, and Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja. Terkuma's extensive teaching experience has been a driving force behind his research endeavours.

Focused on health professions research, he has demonstrated scholarly productivity by publishing numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and actively participating in conferences. His research interests centre around understanding the intricacies of student learning, particularly within the context of anatomical sciences education. Currently immersed in his doctoral research, Terkuma applies Paulo Freire's concept of conscientization to investigate how knowledge about health, specifically behaviours that contribute to obesity, is learned through social networks.

Terkuma is proud to have received grants and scholarships that have supported his academic pursuits, including McGill University’s Anti-Black Racism Graduate Excellence Award. He has also been nominated for the Vanier Graduate Scholarship, and ranked second among 19 McGill candidates nominated. He aspires to make valuable contributions to the field of health science education.

Allison Chrestensen

After earning her Master of Public Health degree from the University of Georgia in 2008, Allison worked in quality improvement and patient engagement, leading large-scale projects for North Carolina Medicaid waiver programs. Later, she developed a patient engagement program at Duke Health. She currently operates a consulting firm through which she develops education programs and provides technical support for healthcare organizations and biotechnology companies.

Allison has a particular interest in engaging health humanities practices and qualitative research methods to understand and address clinician well-being. She was inspired to pursue her PhD in health sciences education based on her experience teaching pre-medical students in Duke University’s “Reimagine Medicine” program as well as reflections on the challenges she encountered as a clinician. Her doctoral research is a phenomenological study of moral distress in internal medicine and pediatric residents.

In her free time, Allison enjoys growing and cooking her own vegetables and exploring the mountains, small towns, and coast of North Carolina.

Khoa Duong

After completing his residency, he joined the faculty at the Department of Internal Medicine and the Medical Education Center at UMP, where he has actively contributed to clinical service, education and research in areas such as pulmonary and sleep medicine, smoking cessation, palliative care, interprofessional education and global health. Reflecting on his own experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, Khoa moves his focus to health sciences education (HSE) to prepare future professionals for challenges of our time.

Khoa earned his MSc in HSE at Boston University, generously supported by the prestigious Fulbright scholarship. He is excited to continue his scholarly journey in his PhD research, exploring advocacy and agency in HSE, especially in various settings which are different in culture and resources.

Khoa is a museum nerd, a curious traveler, and a mindfulness practitioner.

Jennifer Fitzpatrick

She is a genetic counsellor and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Genetics. She has worked clinically at the Hospital for Sick Children, the University of Maryland Medical Centre, the Jewish General Hospital and the Montreal Children’s Hospital. She is currently the Director of the MSc in Genetic Counselling Program at McGill and enjoys teaching and learning with students in the Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences, Science and Law.

She began her PhD studies at the IHSE in 2021. The focus of her research is on the structure and delivery of genetic counselling education and its possible impact on learners, particularly those from underrepresented groups. She has received the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors 2023 Research Grant for her doctoral project.

Nancy Forget

As an occupational therapist, she has developed expertise in hand therapy, and has worked for many years in public and private institutions in Quebec and Ontario. Since 2007, she has been teaching in rehabilitation programs at the Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Montréal, McMaster University, but mainly at McGill University, where she became a faculty member in 2008.

Her main research interest is around assessments. Her previous research has allowed her to participate in the development of two patient-reported outcome measures: the MIDA to measure oral impairment and disability and the DIF-CHUM to measure functioning in people with Dupuytren's contracture, for which she received a grant from the American Society of Hand Therapists and scholarships from the Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé. Having been a clinician and an educator, she aims to bridge the gap between the academic and clinical worlds through her doctoral project, which will focus on how to assess health professions students' competencies and their readiness for practice.

Elizabeth Hornyak-Bell

Elizabeth obtained her master’s degree in bioethics from the University of Toronto in 2018 and continues her passion for health sciences education, ethics and humanities as a doctoral student at the IHSE.

Elizabeth is inquisitive about the moral and epistemological underpinnings of healthcare practice, what makes a “good” practitioner, and how practical wisdom is enacted in professional practice. She believes these concepts have relevance for considerations of what “should” be taught in the health care curriculum, as well as for considerations of the hidden curriculum and the theory-practice gap. Elizabeth’s doctoral research focuses on the intersection of ethics and epistemology, exploring the epistemic tensions experienced by healthcare professionals in practice.

Outside of her work commitments, Elizabeth enjoys gardening, engages in creative visual art projects, and is currently learning the intricacies of Scottish Country dance.

MELANIE LANGELIER , BSc, MSc, is supervised by Prof. Peter Nugus. She has been a nurse since 1999.

Since her graduation, she gathered clinical experience in a variety of settings, namely in burn unit, homecare, emergency, internal medicine as well as in several leadership and educational positions. She completed her masters in nursing in 2018, where she focused on the different educational needs of patient populations across generations and focusing on the needs of digital native populations.

For the past 10 years, she has worked in different rare diseases specialities, where she observed that the manner in which physicians deal with uncertainty, in the context of rare diseases, affects their access to a quick and precise diagnosis. Her PhD thesis looks at doctors’ engagement with uncertainty in the decision-making process through the learning journey.

Karen Moniz

Karen has also worked in provincial primary care, community health services, acute care cardiology, CICU and the Heart Transplant Program at the University of Alberta Hospitals and affiliated clinical sites, while teaching students in healthcare professions at MacEwan University. Her passion for teaching and learning in healthcare education led her to begin her PhD studies in 2020.

Karen’s ethnographic research focuses on how professional cultures in healthcare can shape teacher identity in the workplace. In 2022, Karen received the Maurice Hitchcock Award for Outstanding Poster – USC Innovations in Medical Education: “The Teaching Connection When Your Clinic is Your Classroom: Ethnography as an Innovation.”

Osamu Nomura

His master’s thesis , ‘Japanese medical learners’ achievement emotions: Accounting for culture in translating western medical educational theories and instruments into an Asian context’, was published in Advances in Medical Education in 2021. After graduating in 2019, he worked as a clinician-educator in a Japanese medical school.

Throughout his career, Osamu’s passion for learning and discovery continued to grow, leading him to take a road less travelled. In 2022, he chose to pursue a PhD, driven by a desire to contribute more to the field of health sciences education and become an independent researcher. His doctoral project aims to discover the emotion regulation process of medical trainees using self-reported questionnaire and physiological sensor data.

Osamu has also received a 2023 Rising Star – Certificate of Excellence Award from the Canadian Association of Medical Education (CAME).

Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard

Prior to beginning his PhD, Antoine worked in hospital research institutes supporting qualitative-based studies. During this time, Antoine was exposed to the fields of health professions education and implementation Science.

Following his work on a particularly challenging eHealth educational implementation project, Antoine was inspired to pursue a PhD focusing on improving implementation processes through qualitative inquiry with patients. His research aims to understand the way a new eHealth technology (e-IMPAQc) can be integrated into cancer patients’ care trajectory and support shared decision making between patients and healthcare professionals.

Antoine is the recipient of a FRQS doctoral award, a Dialogue McGill stipend and a Innove-Onco PhD scholarship. He is an author in multiple medical journals and a lecturer at the University of Ottawa. In his spare time, Antoine greatly enjoys woodworking with hand tools and reading speculative fiction novels.

Niki Soilis

Prior to joining the PhD program, Niki worked as the Education Manager at the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning (SCSIL) within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, where she worked with Program Directors and Curriculum Managers to design and implement simulation-based curricula for students within the medicine, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and post-graduate residency programs. Through this work, she was able to combine her professional skills in curriculum design with her passion for social justice and equity by co-founding the Simulation on a Social Mission (SoSM) initiative with Dr. Farhan Bhanji, after observing that vulnerable and underserved populations were underrepresented in health professions curricula. Her academic interest lies in designing socially accountable curricula in health professions education (HPE) to meet the needs of diverse patients and communities.

Niki’s program of research aims to investigate innovative educational approaches that immerse learners in the experiences of communities and explore their effectiveness in preparing students to care for vulnerable populations. Her PhD study is looking at nursing students’ perception of learning to work with individuals who are in a situation of homelessness through a simulated virtual reality experience, followed by a nine-week fieldwork experience at a homeless shelter. Niki's favourite pastimes are cooking, cycling and having fun with her two young children, family and friends.

Department and University Information

Institute of health sciences education.

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Student rates of pay – Effective May 1, 2024

  • Student Rates of Pay – Effective May 1, 2022
  • Student Rates of Pay – Effective May 1, 2019
  • Student Rates of Pay – Effective May 1, 2017
  • Student Rates of Pay – Effective January 1, 2014
  • Student Rates of Pay – Effective January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013

1. Rates of pay for secondary school students

Hourly rate: $17.36

  • The rate of pay for secondary school students is established at the highest provincial/territorial minimum wage (currently Yukon).
  • For assignments requiring secondary school education, managers may offer the assignment to post-secondary students and pay them the secondary school rate of pay only when secondary school students are not available.

2. Research affiliate program

Deputy heads are authorized to set a stipend or a bursary in lieu of a salary. Stipends reflect the corresponding hourly, weekly or monthly rate established for other post-secondary students for their completed years in their current field of study. Bursaries are paid through installments.

3. Rates of pay for post-secondary school students

College / CEGEP
$17.36 $18.27 $19.34 $20.49 $21.74 $23.03 N/A
$18.42 $19.72 $21.13 $22.56 $24.18 $25.87 $27.68
Master’s $24.62 $26.58 $28.70 $30.99 N/A N/A N/A
Doctorate $28.99 $31.60 $34.43 $37.53 N/A N/A N/A

Application of the rates of pay for post-secondary students:

  • Rates of pay are determined at the initial appointment or reappointment stage and are based on the student's current academic level.
  • 2.1 When the students are re-employed (as defined by the Public Service Commission for the purpose of recruitment and referral of students);
  • 2.2 When the students have relevant previous work experience;
  • 2.3 When the students have completed more than one (1) year of study in their present academic program;
  • 2.4 When there is a shortage of students in the field of study required;
  • 2.5 When the students are undergoing a second college or university undergraduate degree; or
  • 2.6 When a university degree or year of study is required as a prerequisite for another program, such as a bachelor of law, education, medicine, pharmacy or veterinary sciences program.
  • It is recommended that departments and organizations ensure uniformity in student rates of pay within their organization.  Departments and organizations are encouraged to establish guidelines governing salary progression between assignments. Progression could be based on students developing knowledge and competence with experience. However, departments and organizations may identify positions where progression between assignments is not warranted, such as for procedural work where the work related to a position does not require significant development.
  • Managers must have a clear rationale for using the maximum rates of pay for university, college / CEGEP and pre-university students, such as labour shortages, specialized skills or another rationale established in departmental and organizational guidelines.
  • Movement of more than one incremental step should only occur in limited circumstances, where there is a clear rationale (see above item for examples).
  • Students enrolled at a university in a pre-university year are to be remunerated at the college / CEGEP level.
  • Students attending college who are participating in a recognized university degree program (such as a bachelor’s degree) may be remunerated at the appropriate university level.
  • have completed a university degree, and
  • continue their studies at a college in a related field of study

4. Student rates of pay for departmental programs

Effective May 1, 2019, a single rate of pay is to be established by the relevant department for each job in the following Departmental programs:

  • Vimy Guide Program (Veterans Affairs Canada): Guides, Guides (Call-back), Senior Guides
  • In-shore Rescue Program (Fisheries and Oceans Canada): Crew, Coxswain

The rates of pay must be selected from the ‘College / CEGEP Pre-University’ or ‘University Under-graduate’ pay lines. Pay relativities between the different jobs within each departmental program should be commensurate with differences in education, experience and the nature of the work between the jobs in the program. The rates of pay must take into consideration the application principles and transition considerations noted above.

5. Provincial or territorial minimum wages

If the applicable provincial or territorial minimum wage amount is higher than the current maximum offered for the corresponding academic level of the student, the provincial or territorial minimum wage rate is to be applied.

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PhD Students (2 Vacancies) at Aga Khan University September 2024

Tanzania Jobs » Education and Teaching Jobs » PhD Students (2 Vacancies) at Aga Khan University September 2024

Job type: Full-time

PhD Students (2 Vacancies)

Introduction, responsibilities.

  • In addition to completing the PhD research project under supervision, the candidate will, as part of the PhD programme at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), be expected to
  • Complete PhD courses or other equivalent education as prescribed by MUHAS.
  • Obtain experience with teaching or other types of dissemination related to your PhD project.
  • Write an article-based PhD thesis (3-4 peer-reviewed publications) based on your project.
  • Demonstrate their interest in the project, as well as their ability to work independently, take initiative, and be a team player.


  • A relevant Master’s degree, e.g., Public Health, Global Health, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Human Geography, or similar fields. (1st applicant).
  • Qualifications and experience working with qualitative methods and data, specifically ethnography and ethnographic methodologies (1st applicant).
  • Relevant master’s degree, e.g. Public Health, Global Health, Medicine, or similar fields (2nd applicant).
  • Experience conducting qualitative research in a hospital or clinical setting.
  • Fluency in English and Kiswahili.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Practical experience in the field of public health, with specific experience in maternal/reproductive health being an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of reproductive health, intrapartum, and antenatal care challenges in Tanzania.
  • Experience publishing peer-reviewed academic papers.
  • Reside in Dar es Salaam or be willing to relocate to Dar es Salaam for the three-year duration of the project.
  • Possess strong analytical skills, outstanding organizational skills, and a drive to be part of a research project and public health innovation efforts.

​This is Full-time Job, Please submit your application, clearly indicating your skills, qualifications, and experience, along with a cover letter detailing your motivation for contributing to the project. Include copies of relevant academic certificates and contact details of three professional referees.

Send your application via email to [email protected] , Human Resources Department, The Aga Khan University, Tanzania. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 


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  4. Salary: PhD Graduate Student in Quebec 2023

    The average salary for a PhD Graduate Student is $24,811 per year in Quebec. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  5. phd student jobs in Quebec Province

    phd student jobs in Quebec Province. Sort by: relevance - date. 75+ jobs. Graduate Student Assistant. McGill University. Montréal, QC. $20 an hour. Part-time. Hourly rate: Master's student - $20/h; PhD student - $23/h + 4% vacation indemnity.

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  7. Salary: Graduate Student in Quebec 2024

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  9. Salary: Graduate Phd Student in Quebec, QC 2024

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  10. Salary: PhD Graduate Student in Quebec, Canada 2023

    The average salary for a PhD Graduate Student is £24,177 per year in Quebec, Canada. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

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  13. PhD students

    REBECCA ARCHER, DVM, is supervised by Dr. Linda Snell and Prof. Maryam Wagner. She is a small animal veterinarian who is on leave from faculty at the University of Calgary and is currently living on the south shore with her husband and two girls. Her thesis is on experiential learning with expanding class sizes and is supported by a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. Hands-on learning, like simulation ...

  14. Student rates of pay

    1. Rates of pay for secondary school students. Hourly rate: $17.36. The rate of pay for secondary school students is established at the highest provincial/territorial minimum wage (currently Yukon). For assignments requiring secondary school education, managers may offer the assignment to post-secondary students and pay them the secondary ...

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  16. PhD Students (2 Vacancies) at Aga Khan University September 2024

    Jobs in PhD Students (2 Vacancies) at Aga Khan University September 2024. New Jobs in Tanzania are posted here every day. Mabumbe is Tanzania number 1 job site.