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Latest commit, file metadata and controls, introduction to postman course notes, unit 1 - introduction to postman, lesson 1 - welcome, 📚 - resources.

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  • 🏆 Become an EXPERT in Postman & API TESTING, without WASTING TIME

Lesson 2 - What is Postman?

💡 - main ideas.

  • Postman is a tool that allows us to easily work with APIs.
  • Postman is used to build HTTP requests that we send to the server running the API.

Lesson 3 - How to install Postman

  • As a standalone app or
  • Directly in the browser
  • The standalone app is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Postman on the web works from any browser but you may need to download the Postman Desktop Agent if your requests fail.
  • DO NOT use the Google Chrome extension as this is deprecated and no longer updated.
  • Download Postman App
  • Open Postman on the web
  • Postman Desktop Agent (scroll down)

Lesson 4 - Your first request with Postman

  • To use an API you need to read the API documentation. We're using Simple Books API whose documentation can be found in the resources section of this lesson below.
  • Work in Postman is organized in Workspaces.
  • A status code 200 (or any status like 2XX) indicates that the request was successful.
  • Simple Books API documentation

Lesson 5 - HTTP

  • The API we are using uses the HTTPS protocol.
  • HTTPS stands for Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
  • HTTPS ensures that the connection is encrypted.
  • All APIs should use HTTPS.
  • From our point of view HTTP and HTTPS are the same.
  • URL (address)
  • Request method (GET, POST, PUT, ...)
  • Headers (User-Agent: Postman)
  • Status code (200, 404, 500, ...)

Lesson 6 - Postman collections and variables

  • You can save requests so that you can re-use them later on.
  • All requests need to be added to a Postman collection.
  • Typically you will have a Postman collection for each API.
  • We are storing the base address of the API in a collection variable called baseUrl .
  • Our saved baseUrl will be displayed as {{baseUrl}} in the address bar.
  • Variables allow us to avoid repeating the same information.
  • Variables allow us to easily make changes.
  • INITIAL VALUE - This will be available to others if you share the collection.
  • CURRENT VALUE - This is private to you and this is the value that Postman uses.

Lesson 7 - Query parameters

  • JSON is the most popular format that APIs use to send data.
  • example : {{baseUrl}}/books?type=fiction
  • The format is key=value
  • example: foo=1&bar=2
  • Depending on the API, some query parameters can be optional or mandatory.
  • A response status 400 indicates an issue with the request data.
  • You can enable and disable parameters by clicking the checkbox associated with each key-value pair.

Lesson 8 - Assignment

  • Study the API documentation and use the limit query parameter in the /books endpoint.
  • Try out different values.
  • Can you make the API return a status code 400?

Lesson 9 - Path variables

  • :bookId is a path variable in the URL.
  • This endpoint allows us to specify a value that changes all the time, depending on the book.
  • :bookId is just a placeholder and does not get sent.
  • You can use path variables in combination with query parameters (if the API accepts this).

Lesson 10 - POST request / API Authentication

  • A POST request allows you to send data in the request body.
  • The endpoint for submitting orders requires authentication.
  • Some APIs/endpoints are public and require no authentication.
  • Other APIs/endpoints are private and require authentication.
  • An access token is temporary password generated by the API.
  • To send JSON, select the POST request method and from the Body select Raw and from the list JSON .

Lesson 11 - JSON format

  • You need to specify valid JSON, otherwise the server won't understand your request.
  • Use double-quotes "" for strings, separate key-value pairs with a comma sign ,
  • Numbers, booleans don't need to be between quotes.
  • Postman will indicate when your JSON is invalid.

Lesson 12 - Assignment

  • Create the POST request to order a book.
  • Try ordering a book that is not in stock.

Lesson 13 - Random test data

  • example: {{$randomFullName}}
  • To inspect the request body you can use the Postman console.
  • Dynamic variables in Postman

Lesson 14 - Is Postman the right tool for me?

  • Postman is a tool for dealing with APIs.
  • Postman cannot work with User Interfaces, click buttons and fill out forms.
  • Postman is not a performance testing tool.
  • Postman can be used for security testing but has not been designed for this purpose.

Lesson 15 - Viewing existing orders

  • Using the GET request method on the orders endpoint will give us a list of orders.
  • Using the POST request method on the same endpoint will let us create a new order.

Lesson 16 - Assignment

  • Look at the API documentation and identify the endpoint that would allow you to see a single order.

Lesson 17 - PATCH request

  • A PATCH request is typically used for updating existing data.
  • A PATCH usually does a partial update, by changing only some of the properties.

Lesson 18 - DELETE request

  • A DELETE request is used for deleting data.
  • If you try to get the same data with a GET request, you will get a 404 Not Found status code.

Unit 2 - Test automation with Postman

Lesson 19 - introduction to test automation.

  • In this second part of the course, our goal is to automate testing of the API.
  • So far, we have done manual testing but we want to write API tests to avoid having to manually re-test the API

Lesson 20 - Your first API tests

  • We are looking at the response to understand if the API is working properly.
  • With API tests we want to avoid manually re-testing the API.
  • Tests in Postman are written in JavaScript.
  • Tests are executed ONLY after the response has arrived from the API.
  • Postman uses an assertion library called Chai.js
  • Testing the response status code is one of the easiest tests you can write.
  • When writing tests, we want to make sure the tests fail.
  • To make the assertions on a JSON response, you first need to parse it.
  • To see the contents of a JavaScript variable you can use console.log()
  • alternative syntax: someobject["someproperty"]
  • Introduction to JavaScript for Postman (full course for FREE)
  • Chai Assertion Library
  • Make Sure Your Tests Fail, Valentin Despa | Postman Galaxy 2021

Lesson 21 - Assignment

  • Add tests for all the requests in the collection that verify the status code.

Lesson 22 - Postman variables

  • Postman variables are fundamental to automating testing of the API.
  • Postman environments (environment variables) are good if you have multiple testing environments (localhost, testing, production)
  • Postman collection variables are saved in the collection.
  • Postman global variables are available to all collection in a workspace.
  • We use Postman global variables as the data we save is not that important after the execution has stopped.
  • Demystifying Postman Variables: HOW and WHEN to use Different Variable Scopes
  • How to set up different URLs in Postman using environment variables

Lesson 23 - Extracting data from the response

  • Having hardcoded values in requests can make the API tests fail if the data changes.
  • We are using the filter function available on all arrays to remove the books that are not available.
  • Always use console.log() to view the data you are trying to set as a variable.
  • Array.prototype.filter()

Lesson 24 - Assignment

  • Test that the book extracted from the response is of type non-fiction
  • Ensure that the test fails.

Lesson 25 - Assignment

  • Use the Postman global variable bookId in the requests "Get single book" and "Order book".
  • use this assertion as a starting point: pm.expect(1)

Lesson 26 - Collection runner

  • The Collection runner is a built-in functionality of Postman.
  • The Collection runner allows you to execute the entire collection with just one click.
  • Make sure to check (:white_check_mark:) the "Save response" box as this will allow you to inspect the response body.

Lesson 27 - Request execution order

  • If you run a Postman collection, the default order is as you have it in the collection.
  • You can change that order if you use postman.setNextRequest and specify the name of the next request
  • If you wish to stop the execution prematurely, you can so so by running postman.setNextRequest(null)
  • Advanced workflows (request chaining) with Postman

Lesson 28 - Postman monitors

  • Creating a Postman monitor ensures that you can run a Postman collection according to a pre-defined schedule.
  • Running the collection will be handled by Postman on their infrastructure, you don't need to keep Postman open.
  • If you are not familiar with continuous integration servers like Jenkins, GitLab CI or TeamCity, this is a quick and easy way to access a Postman collection.
  • The API needs to be accessible from any network.

Lesson 29 - Newman

  • Newman is a CLI tool that can take a Postman collection, run all the tests and generate a report at the end.
  • Newman does not have an interface, you need to work with it from the terminal.
  • Often Newman is installed on an integration server like Jenkins, GitLab CI or TeamCity.
  • you can download Node.js from (download the LTS version)
  • To install newman, run the command: npm install -g newman
  • Check if newman is install with: newman --version
  • Export the collection as a JSON file.
  • Share with a public link.
  • Use the Postman API to get the collection.
  • Postman API
  • Newman Support

Lesson 30 - HTML reports with Newman

  • htmlextra is the most popular reporter in the Postman community
  • htmlextra reporter
  • Postman / Newman: Create better HTML reports

Lesson 31 - CI/CD overview

  • Newman is particularly useful when you integrate it with a CI server.
  • Newman Jenkins Tutorial
  • Newman GitLab CI Tutorial


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Testing REST IPA using POSTMAN

Published by Ade Sutedja Modified over 5 years ago

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Testing REST IPA using POSTMAN

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Postman documentation overview

Welcome to the Postman Learning Center docs! This is the place to find official information on how to use Postman in your API projects.

If you're learning to carry out a specific task or workflow in Postman, check out the following topics to find resources:

  • Get started

To get started using Postman, check out the Get started section.

  • Send requests

You can send requests in Postman to connect to APIs you are working with. To learn more about how to send requests, see Send API requests and get response data in Postman and learn how to send your first request .

  • Write scripts

Postman has a powerful runtime based on Node.js that enables you to add dynamic behavior to requests and collections. You can write scripts that run before or after request execution to perform API tests, build requests that can contain dynamic parameters, pass data between requests, and more. To learn more about scripts, see Use scripts to add logic and tests to Postman requests .

  • Use collections

Postman Collections are groups of saved requests. You can use collections to organize and group your requests. They can then be run together. You can run collections manually, on a schedule, from a CI/CD pipeline, or from a webhook. To learn more about collections, see Organize and automate API requests in Postman Collections .

  • Use Postman Flows

Postman Flows is a visual tool for creating API workflows. You can use Flows to chain requests, handle data, and create real-world workflows in your Postman workspace.

To learn more about Postman Flows, see Build API applications visually using Postman Flows .

  • Use the Postman CLI

The Postman CLI is a secure command-line companion for Postman. You can use the Postman CLI to run a collection, send run results to Postman, check API definitions against configured API Governance and API Security rules, and more.

To learn more about the Postman CLI, see Explore Postman's command-line companion .

  • Collaborate in Postman

Postman provides a variety of tools to enable and enhance collaboration within your team. You can create team workspaces, where team members can share their work and collaborate on API projects. Users can also discuss their work directly in Postman by commenting on collections and APIs, including on specific requests, versions, and inline on API definitions and scripts.

To learn more about collaboration in Postman, see Collaborate in Postman .

  • Design and develop your API

Postman supports API-first development with the API Builder. Use the API Builder to design your API in Postman. Your API definition can then act as the single source of truth for your API project.

You can connect various elements of your API development and testing process to your API definition, such as collections, documentation, tests, and monitors. You can also sync your API in Postman with a Git repository.

To learn more about API-first development, see Design your API in Postman using the API Builder .

  • Document your API

Documentation is an important part of any collection or API. Good documentation helps the people who use your collection understand what it does and how each request works. And comprehensive API documentation lets your consumers know what endpoints are available and how to interact with them.

Once you've generated documentation for your collection or API, users can view the documentation in Postman. By default your documentation is private, so you must share a collection or API with others before they can access it. If you're creating a public API, you can publish your documentation to make it publicly available to anyone with a web browser.

To learn more about documenting your API, see Document your APIs in Postman .

  • Monitor your API

Postman Monitors give you continuous visibility into the health and performance of your APIs. Monitors enable you to run API test scripts, chain together multiple requests, and validate critical API flows. A monitor runs a series of requests from the Postman cloud on a schedule you set. To learn more about using monitors, see Monitor health and performance of your APIs in Postman .

  • API Governance and API Security

API governance is the practice of defining and applying development rules that promote consistent API behaviors across your organization's API landscape. A robust API security posture means that your organization has development rules that promote security-first API behaviors. The Postman API Governance and Postman API Security features can identify inconsistencies or weaknesses in your APIs, then recommend possible fixes or improvements.

To learn more about Postman's API Governance and API Security features, see API Governance and API Security in Postman .

  • Administration

Postman provides a variety of options to customize your team's experience, from the initial setup to ongoing team and plan management. As a Team Admin, you can streamline the onboarding process for your team, manage access control, and keep your team up to date with the latest version of Postman.

To learn more about administering your Postman team, see the Team management overview .

  • Use reports

Postman generates reports that enable you to visualize data for how your team uses Postman. These reports give you insights into the state of your APIs, including tests, documentation, and monitoring coverage. They also enable you to track performance and SLA adherence.

To learn more about how to use reports, see View reports on usage, security, and billing in Postman .

  • Developer resources

If you're integrating Postman with your CI/CD workflow or are developing with Postman APIs or libraries, check out Postman developer resources .

  • Integrations

You can connect Postman to your API workflows with integrations for popular third-party solutions. Use integrations to automatically share data between Postman and the other tools you rely on for API development. For more information, see Integrate Postman with third-party solutions .

Last modified: 2023/10/19

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Where can I download older versions of Postman?

My team is on 6.7.4, we have chosen not to migrate to the v7.0 framework yet. We have a new member to add to the team, where can the new member download 6.7.4 from?

Hi @Chris_Yeager

The changelog has download links for the current and previous version of Postman for Mac / Windows / Linux. And remember to turn off automatic updates under the Settings.

Since you’re looking for v6.7.4 in particular:

@jetison it looks like that link now 404s. Is there another place to download v6.7.4?

Sorry about that - we’ll get that link fixed. In the meantime, can you try this - or fiddle with the URL for your preferred version and OS?

That worked, thank you.

It would be great to update the links in app. All the links that tell my team to downgrade(which is also a super poor user experience) go to 404 pages. Also the link you provided was just for osx. How do we actually find these download links if even the app returns 404s? Why release v7 if it doesn’t work with teams?

Also, the changelog page doesn’t let you download any version.

All the links still lead to 404 pages.


I have the same issue. I need to install v6 and have windows 10. Can’t find the download links.

Hi @miller ,


Release notes for the previous version of Postman for Mac / Windows / Linux are available here:

To download v6 go to this link:

Hi I need to download Postman 5.5.3 version for Windows OS 64/32 bits.

The release notes on the Postman official website does not have option to download this version.

Please share the link


Would you mind sharing why you need to revert to a version from that long ago? You should be able to download it following the instructions from @jetison above but I wouldn’t recommend it since you will be missing plenty of new features including some collaboration ones.

Hi @arlem we need version 5.5.3 for some testing purpose.

The link provided by @jetison is for version 6.7.4 and I need 5.5.3 Windows.

Hi @Ajinkya.Kholkute ,

I was told we’re not supporting versions 5.* and prior anymore, therefore you won’t be able to download it for security reasons. The oldest version you can get is the 6.7 linked above.

Can I get postman 7.24 version download link. 7.29.1 is broken to process requests through proxy.

I couldn’t import Swagger 2.0 in Postman 7.30.1 (latest), I got unable to parse error. I came here and downloaded 7.2.0 using the link Importing the file there gave me error about missing “info.title” element, I added it to the Swagger json and successfully imported it. The fixed file can also be imported in latest Postman.

So to the Postman team:

  • Don’t require “info.title” as it’s optional.
  • Give better error messages when importing files like in 7.2.0

Can I get 7.36.4 download link for Windows 64. @jetison

latest 7.x version:

Not sure what’s going but I seem to have found the correct version, v6.7.4 here: Download [Postman-win64-6.7.4-Setup.exe](PSDC), Windows softwares free 100%

And yet after running the installation, the app says I’m of version 7 and I can update if I wanted to. this is not what I want so I decided to just go ahead and Sign In to my team library. Now, checked version and I’m finally back with v6.7.4…

Thanks, Tien

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h how to use postman for testing

How to Use Postman for Testing an API

Mar 10, 2022

20 likes | 29 Views

Postman is a very famous API testing tool/software that can easily test an API in just a matter of seconds. Additionally, the tool/software is very easy to use and has a very user-friendly interface.

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Presentation Transcript

H How to Use Postman for Testing ow to Use Postman for Testing API? Intro Introduction: duction: Postman is a very famous API testing tool/software that can easily test an API in just a matter of seconds. Additionally, the tool/software is very easy to use and has a very user-friendly interface. However, if you are new to using it then you might face little problems while using it. So, to help you out today we are sharing with you a simple step-by-step guide that you can follow to install, configure and use the Postman tool. API? How Can You Download and Instal How Can You Download and Install Postman API Testing Tool on Your System? l Postman API Testing Tool on Your System? Follow these steps to download and install the Postman API Testing tool on your system: 1.Go to the official website of Postman and select the platform/OS on which you want to install the software. 2.Hit “Download” to download the software on your system. 3.Next, hit the Run” option to start installing the API testing software on your system. 4.Now you will see the “Signup” window on your screen. 5.Login to your Postman account if you have one or hit the “Create Free Account” button and follow on-screen instructions to create a new account. 6.Finally, choose the tools (workspace tools) that you want to use and hit the “Save My Preferences” option to complete the installation process. Want to learn about all the features and functions of Postman? Join our Postman Course in Gurgaon today. How to Create a Get Request? How to Create a Get Request? Follow these steps to create a “Get” request on Postman: 1.Tap on the “orange “New” button which is present on the left side of the software. 2.Now tap on the “Request” button. 3.Next, enter a name for your request. 4.Now hit the “Create Collection” button to create a new collection. 5.Next, enter a name for your collection and tap on the orange checkmark button near it. 6.Now hit the “Save” option to save it. 7.Next, change the request type to “GET.” 8.Now enter the URL that you want to test in the request URL field. 9.Tap “Send.” 10.Finally, you will see the “200 OK” message on your screen. This indicates that you have successfully run the test. How to Create a Post Request? How to Create a Post Request? Follow these steps to create a “POST” request: 1.Click on the “+” button to create a new tab for creating a “POST” request. 2.Now change the request type to “POST.” 3.Enter the URL that you want to use/test in the URL field.

4.Now tap on the “Body” tab. 5.Next hit the “Raw” option and then choose the “JSON” option from the drop-down menu. 6.Now enter the following text: {"text": "Hello, I am learning how to test APIs!"}. 7.Finally hit the blue “Send” button and you have successfully created your “POST” request. How to Crea How to Create a Parameterize Request? te a Parameterize Request? Follow these steps to create parameterize request: 1.Change the request type to “GET.” 2.Now enter a URL that you want to use in the URL field. For example, enter the following URL in the URL field: 3.Next, change the first part of the link with a parameter like {{url}}. 4.Now the new URL will be {{url}}/users. 5.Hit “Send.” 6.Now you will see “Couldn’t get a response” on your screen. This is because of the fact that you haven’t set the source of the parameter yet. 7.Next, you have to set the environment. To do this: Tap on the eye icon which is present on the right side of your screen. 8.Now tap on the “Edit” option to set the variable to a global environment. 9.Next, hit the “Edit” option which is present in the “Globals” section to create a variable. 10.Now give a name to your URL like “URL” and hit “Save.” 11.Next, hit the “Close” button if you see the “Manage Environments” window on your screen. 12.Finally, navigate to your “GET” and hit the “Send” button and you will see the results of your request on your screen. Want to learn to use the Postman tool in-depth? Join our Postman Online Course today. Conclusion Conclusion: : Postman is a magnificent testing tool (API testing tool) that allows an API tester to easily test an API by sending requests to the server and receiving its response. Overall it is a spectacular API testing tool and can be very useful for you if you are an API tester. So, carefully follow all the instructions of this guide and you will become a master in using this phenomenal testing tool in no time. Source URL:

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How to use Doceri Desktop for an iPad. Doceri software i nstallation for iPad From your iPad , do wnload the Doceri app from the Apple iTunes Store. Doceri software installation for iPad 2)Launch Doceri from

208 views • 8 slides

An API for Multipath Routing

An API for Multipath Routing

An API for Multipath Routing. Aparna Srikanta Swamy CS522 Semester Project 12/05/01. What is an API ?.

237 views • 8 slides

How To Use an AED

How To Use an AED

By Justin Woodward. How To Use an AED. AED (Automated External Defibrillator). Parts of the Heart. Steps to Using an AED. Steps in Using an AED (cont.). Steps in Using an AED (cont.).

274 views • 6 slides


postman. postcard. p ost office. letter. letterbox. stamp. paper. address. envelope. Find the odd word. 1. Postman, pupil, letter , postcard . 2. Letterbox, poster, envelope, computer . 3. Address, stamp, elephant, paper. Check your answers. 1. Pupil 2. Computer 3. Elephant.

447 views • 18 slides

How to Use Fiddler2 (Proxy Recorder) for Application Testing

How to Use Fiddler2 (Proxy Recorder) for Application Testing

How to Use Fiddler2 (Proxy Recorder) for Application Testing. Download Fiddler2. It is a Web Proxy Recorder It is available and download from: How to Install Fiddler2_Spirent.dll File.

324 views • 11 slides

API testing myths debunked

API testing myths debunked

Download Whitepaper from API integrity plays a vital role in ‘The API Economy’. Yet many are confused about the kind of testing required to ensure secure and reliableAPIs. Discover the truth about API testing and the negative impact businesses face when APIs are not tested properly.

291 views • 12 slides

Postman Stories for Multiplying Integers

Postman Stories for Multiplying Integers

Postman Stories for Multiplying Integers. What do you think?. Should a check be represented by a positive number, or a negative one?. What do you think?. Should a check be represented by a positive number, or a negative one?

442 views • 29 slides

How To Use An Abacus

How To Use An Abacus

ABACUS TRAINING VIDEO • Without Any contact details, Abacus Training video is available. • It will run 150 minutes. • It will explain Percentage (%) concepts. • 100 pages Percentage related exercise sheets will be provided. • The complete sett will be Rs.500/- Abacus Teacher’s Book Backed by our Experienced Technical teams and innovative approach we are able to offer comprehensive range of teacher abacus manual,teacher resources,teacher training Materials, teacher resource stores, teacher tools,teacher supplies,training courses,user manual,instruction manual sales,manual instructor and lesson plans Student Abacus Study Kit and Books includes manual for parents/teachers to structurally guide through the material to give them the benefit of abacus learning at home/center. Marketing Office New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari Street, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamilnadu, India. Email : [email protected], [email protected] Phone : 044-42071815 Tele Fax: 044-42071815 Cell : ( 91) – 0 81 44 44 37 77 / 072 99 23 23 23 Website: /

236 views • 4 slides

How To Use An Ice luge

How To Use An Ice luge

Ice Luge at his next meeting on the ice walls amazingly fun game. Fill out the form easily with water and freeze. Then fold it and put bands on high bases and is ready for a quick ride! The two Ice Luge built not only relax their shots, but also provide a fun night if they are friends to finish the race! You can easily create your own luge - just add water! It measures 17 "x 14.5". Shot glasses not included. Remember to drink responsibly.

63 views • 2 slides

7 Ways to Use Instagram API

7 Ways to Use Instagram API

Instagram is a great way for business and brands to connect with the audience and expand their reach. To use Instagram for business, one big thing is required and that is Instagram API. With the help of Instagram API, you can embed the live Instagram feeds on the website. In this presentation we are going to show you some best uses of Instagram API. Read in detail:

642 views • 10 slides

How To Use An Exogenous Supplement For Weight Loss

How To Use An Exogenous Supplement For Weight Loss

keto weight Loss plus is safe to say that you are joining sound fats, starches and lean protein in your eating regimen? Your body needs macronutrients to furnish it with calories and vitality for working. Macronutrients are named starches, fats, and protein. These macronutrients are basic and give you different measures of vitality in calories. Sugars give the body 4 calories for every gram, Protein 4 calories for each gram, fats 9 calories for every gram and ethanol-in mixed drink shape conveys 7 calories for every gram. Including the privilege macronutrients into your body-alongside a keen exercise/preparing program-can enable you to lose FAT weight and clutch or even increase fit muscle. Be that as it may, fail to include these macronutrients in the correct sums or NOT taking part in an activity preparing program-could prompt fat misfortune and muscle misfortune, which is a not exactly attractive outcome. A significant number of you know the significance of eating macronutrient rich nourishments to help your activity yet shouldn't something be said about supplemental types of them? Sustenance ought to dependably be your first resort anyway there are sure circumstances when enhancements can profit your exercise and augment your outcomes all the more proficiently. Protein shakes are a typical enhancement utilized at the exercise center post exercise. One of the fundamental purposes behind having a protein shake toward the finish of your exercise is to renew the body and bolster the reconstructing of muscles that have been separated amid opposition/weight or aerobic exercise. Another motivation to have protein as a shake after an exercise is on the grounds that it is significantly quicker to make and devour than eating a feast (except if possibly you have a supper effectively arranged and can rapidly swallow substantial pieces of nourishment!). Be that as it may, protein beverages ought not be the main component of your post-exercise drink. At the point when your body ends up productive at making and utilizing vitality for fuel, you start to consume fat also for vitality. keto weight Loss plus could buy from its official website

39 views • 3 slides

API Testing Training best API Testing Certification training

API Testing Training best API Testing Certification training

An application-programming interface in short called as API. API is a software intermediately that allows to talk to each other without any glitches. So every time you use an app like Facebook to send an instant message or to chat with your friend you are using an API. APIu2019s offer flexibility that allows you to quickly influence and use your wanted services on mobile and web and the idea market is rising so everyone wants the product to be best which depends on how intuitive and usable their API is. A programmer then puts the blocks all together. Register for Best API Testing Certification training and learn many different types of APIs for the operating systems, applications or the websites.

123 views • 6 slides

API Testing Training | Best API Testing Certification training – GOT

API Testing Training | Best API Testing Certification training – GOT

API Testing Training involves application testing interfaces. Register for best API Testing Certification training with 100% practicals by industry experts.

131 views • 8 slides

API Testing Services - Bugraptors

API Testing Services - Bugraptors

APIs are the central hub of data for many applications which makes it very important to test the APIs for functionality, reliability, performance and security. Bugraptors offers the API testing services which save resources and efforts of manual regression testing. To know more about API testing, visit or Email us at [email protected]

144 views • 12 slides

How to use an online loan app?

How to use an online loan app?

When it comes to taking loans, there are many banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) that can help your financial needs through personal loans. These personal loans have various types and that suit their needs. For example, a car loan that is basically when you are looking to buy a car. Almost all loans were made to suit bigger financial needs. However, if you need, some banks and NBFCs have started smaller personal loan services.

119 views • 11 slides

API Testing Job Support | API Testing Online Job Support

API Testing Job Support | API Testing Online Job Support

API Testing Job Support helps to learn tools like Postman, SoapUI and Kataon. We provide API Testing Online Job Support by consultants at an reasonable cost

83 views • 7 slides

Api testing market

Api testing market

API stands for application program interface. It is used to build software, and facilitates communication between software programs. It deals with access to the application without a user interface through collective form of software function and procedures.

76 views • 6 slides

Api testing market

API stands for application program interface. It is used to build software, and facilitates communication between software programs. It deals with access to the application without a user interface through collective form of software function and procedures. It is a testing software that checks if the functionality,

71 views • 6 slides


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  1. PPT

    API Testing with Postman. In the fast-paced world of software development, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a vital role in enabling communication between different software applications. Ensuring the reliability and functionality of these APIs is crucial. This is where Postman, an open-source API platform, comes to the rescue.

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    Postman variables are fundamental to automating testing of the API. Postman environments (environment variables) are good if you have multiple testing environments (localhost, testing, production) Postman collection variables are saved in the collection. Postman global variables are available to all collection in a workspace.

  3. Testing REST IPA using POSTMAN

    2 Installing the Postman app. To install Postman, go to the Click Download for Mac / Windows / Linux depending on your platform. macOS installation Once you've downloaded app, you can drag the file to the "Applications" folder. Double click on Postman to open the application. Windows installation Download the setup file Run the installer.

  4. PPT

    Here's how you can use Postman for API testing: a. Request Creation: Postman allows you to create various types of HTTP requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. You can specify request headers, parameters, and body content as per the API requirements. b.

  5. Rest Api Testing: Using Postman

    Presentation.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. An API is an interface between software applications that allows them to communicate. Postman is a tool that allows testing of APIs, including Salesforce APIs. Using Postman, developers can connect to their Salesforce org and perform CRUD operations ...

  6. Postman

    320445012-Postman-pptx.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Postman is a tool used to test APIs by sending requests and verifying responses. It allows users to create API requests, save them in collections, parameterize values, automate test runs, and view request histories.

  7. Testing APIs with Postman

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    Follow these steps to download and install the Postman API Testing tool on your system: 1.Go to the official website of Postman and select the platform/OS on which you want to install the software. 2.Hit "Download" to download the software on your system. 3.Next, hit the Run" option to start installing the API testing software on your ...

  9. API 101: API Fundamentals

    API 101: API Fundamentals on the Postman API Network: This public collection features ready-to-use requests and documentation from Postman Classroom Program. Product. Pricing. ... Customer Stories Download Postman . API Platform. Collaborate in Workspaces. Organize with Collections. Explore the API Client. Build Postman Flows. Work smarter with ...

  10. Automating API Testing With Postman Platform PPT Example

    Features of these PowerPoint presentation slides: This slide illustrates automation of API testing with Postman testing tool. It includes steps such as understanding API, building test suite, working and verifying with team, integrating with DevOps, etc. Presenting our set of slides with Automating API Testing With Postman Platform.

  11. Postman documentation overview

    Postman generates reports that enable you to visualize data for how your team uses Postman. These reports give you insights into the state of your APIs, including tests, documentation, and monitoring coverage. They also enable you to track performance and SLA adherence. To learn more about how to use reports, see View reports on usage, security ...

  12. Where can I download older versions of Postman?

    Not sure what's going but I seem to have found the correct version, v6.7.4 here: Download [Postman-win64-6.7.4-Setup.exe](PSDC), Windows softwares free 100% And yet after running the installation, the app says I'm of version 7 and I can update if I wanted to.

  13. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Introduction: A postman is an automatic tool that helps in doing API verification in a project. This software solution is supported by Google and it consists of a friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) that helps in reading response. In other words, Postman is a complete platform for API development that consists of ...

  14. Postman PowerPoint Presentation and Slides PPT Presentation

    This Monotone Powerpoint Icon on Postman is a high-quality vector graphic that can be used to add a professional touch to your presentations. It is easily customizable and perfect for any business presentation. It is an ideal choice for any project or presentation. Slide 1 of 6.

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    Postman PowerPoint PPT Presentations. All Time. Show: Recommended. Sort by: Postman Series Season 1 - Watch Zee5 Original Series Postman Online. ... PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download . Mr. Postman - Mr. Postman BY: Hannah Godward Band Members John Lennon- Born: October 9, 1940 Died ...

  16. How to download Microsoft PowerPoint

    How to download Microsoft PowerPoint on mobile. If you'd like to create, edit, or review PowerPoint presentations on the go, you can install the free mobile app. All you need is a Microsoft ...

  17. PPT

    Follow these steps to download and install the Postman API Testing tool on your system: 1.Go to the official website of Postman and select the platform/OS on which you want to install the software. 2.Hit "Download" to download the software on your system.

  18. How To Get Free Access To Microsoft PowerPoint

    Method #3: Download The Microsoft PowerPoint App On Your Android Or iOS Device. ... You can then start making your PowerPoint presentation using the web app. If your school's plan supports it, you ...