Form 3 - English

Pt3 writing - how to write an email.

Sir Kubiey ( Cikgu Muhammad Akmal )

SM Sains Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (SEMSAS)

Decoding Essay writing for PT3 English 2021

7 minutes to read

  • 01. Rule of Thumb to Learn and Master PT3 Writing Paper
  • 02. Comparison on PT3 Writing Papers Format
  • 03. How to Answer PT3 Writing Paper Part 1
  • 04. How to Answer PT3 Writing Paper Part 2
  • 05. PT3 Essay Writing Tips

PT3 (Form Three Assessment) is an assessment of students' academic achievement at the lower secondary education level from Form 1 to Form 3. There are several examinations to be done by PT3 candidates including specialized work, oral speaking test, listening test and written test.

Writing can improve the learning abilities of students. This is necessary in schools and colleges. Students should not feel burdened at writing work and must feel that this is so ‘kacang’ or easy to do. It can be done with little pain; maybe a little.

“No hustle, No gain”

I will guide you more as you read on. You can also read more on PT3 2021 Format.


Rule of Thumb to Learn and Master PT3 Writing Paper

learning how to answer PT3 Essay

The first rule of thumb is to understand communicative language teaching (CLT) approach. This can be applied by both teachers and parents. How to do this?

Learning through English communication – to allow students to have a natural conversation and involved in real communication. Through time, students won’t have any trouble expressing themselves in English.

Communication is more prominent compared to linguistic rules – Everything is good as long as the student is able to create a conversation even though they are using broken English.

The second rule of thumb is to know that it's okay to make a few mistakes. The journey to gain knowledge may not be a straight road and might be a bit bumpy. Therefore, making a little slip can be acceptable as long as the students are able to convey the message through communication.

Just remember to write and converse in ‘Natural English’ .

Comparison on PT3 Writing Papers Format

Starting from 2019, a new form of assessment format was announced by  The Examination Board of the Ministry of Education Malaysia  for form 3 KSSM English. There was quite a few changes going on and it also brings to attention on how the writing paper will differ from the previous years.

I have listed the similarities and the differences between the older writing format and the newer one in terms of the questions and also the marking below.


SIMILARITIESChoose one and give reasons
Short text (50 words)
Choose one and give reasons/advice
Short text (80 words)
DIFFERENCESText for reference (allow you to lift text)
Have several formats (Postcard/email/note)
10 marks
No text for reference (you need to think of your own content)
Seem to only ask for simple note
20 marks
1 topic
Longer text (More than 150 words)
1 general topic
Longer text (about 120 words)
Formatted writing
(letter, report, article, speech etc)
More than 150 words
30 marks
Simple essay (no format)
About 120 words
20 marks

How to Answer PT3 Writing Paper Part 1

Look at the following email and write a reply to Alia giving some advice, in about 80 words.


I’m looking forward to the next school holiday.

I would like to go travelling or take extra classes for my upcoming PT3 examination – or maybe something else?

What should I do?

Let me know what you think!

So, how should you answer?

The first question in part 1 is to write a short message or reply to an e-mail or of the same sort. As a teacher myself, we usually taught students to always bid greetings. Well, it is in our Malaysian cultures too, right?

However, in the latest format, you can just SKIP THE GREETINGS; write it straight to the point! Let’s go back to the previous section where I told you to use English as naturally as possible.

Just imagining you are directly replying to her in the real world or in person. Just start responding by explaining why she should do this and not doing the other or you can also suggest a new idea. End your message with a sweet ending. Remember to keep your reply short but compact.

For example,

Hi, I think you should spend your time traveling with your family during the school holiday. This is the time for you to rest your mind and body as you cannot be stressed out before sitting on your examination. Plus, you can always study while traveling too. You have online tutors, right? So, there should not be any problem for you to kill two birds with one stone. I know how much you would like to excel in your studies. Hope this helps.

Easy and simple right? You do not need to write any greetings anymore. Even the mark weightage for this simple 80 words short sentences is 20 marks!

Some students asked me, do you need to use bombastic words, any jargon or idioms? Yes, you can my dear. But you do not need to use it throughout your essay.

Remember, keep your writing as simple as possible and use natural words. Besides, you can reduce your mistakes too.

I have written about PT3's latest marking scheme too. Check it out.

How to Answer PT3 Writing Paper Part 2

For the second part of the writing paper, you’ll need to write a 120 words essay on any general topics. We can say that part two are almost similar to guided writing.

Look at the sample questions.

In a tennis club, you have been talking about the next inter-school tournament.

In about 120 words, write an essay about the preparations needed for the tournament.

You may use the notes below to help you.

When is the tournament?

  • Where is the venue?
  • Who can be the club representative?
  • Why should the tennis club participate?
  • How to register for the tournament?
  • What is the other preparation needed?

Write your essay

This part is easier compared to the previous part in this section. Here, the topic is general and there is no format needed. All the points are straight forward too. Therefore, remember to keep things simple.

There are 6 notes given to help you construct your essay. Use it! For each bullet, try to write at least 3 short sentences. Just about 7 words.

7 words x 3 sentences x 6 bullets = 122 words!

Cool right?

Let me show you how 7 words x 3 sentences can be constructed from the notes given above.

The Inter-school Tennis Tournament will be held on May 16, 2021. This is in conjunction with the Teacher's Day Celebration. Every player is expected to arrive at 8 am.

You can see from the sample answer that each note needs to have at least 3 sentences to make up 1 paragraph. You only need to write about 120 words for each essay.

PT3 Essay Writing Tips

PT3 student write on blackboard

There are several rules to remember when answering your essay questions.

Write your PT3 Essay accordingly to the questions.

DO NOT OVERWRITE your essay. You should minimize the words you use in each sentence. Remember the more sentences you write, the higher the chances of mistakes. Simple is better so you can reduce the chances of losing more marks.

Write your PT3 Essay with an easy and understandable answer

You need to make sure what you write can be understood by the examiner. With this said, you need to be extra careful in your sentence construction. Pay attention to your grammar, especially the tenses. Make sure it is consistent.

Write your PT3 Essay with a neat Handwriting

This is by most, a crucial part in writing an essay. Examiners will be pleased if you have a neat handwriting. It is okay if your handwriting is bad but make sure it is neat. Do not let your answer sheet look like scraps paper!  This is very important, not only for the examiner, but also for yourself to easily spot your spelling mistakes.

Write your PT3 Essay naturally and straightforward

For the latest PT3 format, you just need to answer as natural as possible. This means, you should use simple words to construct your sentences. Your answer should be straight forward. You don't need to beat around the bush with flowery wordings and sentences like the previous format.

You can use jargon or complicated words but not too much. This is to minimize the risk of misperception from the marker and the chances that you use it wrongly is very high too.

Learn from the expert for PT3 Essay Writing

PT3 started PDPR with Online learning

It might be hard for you to write in English even though you have good English communication skills. This happens even to the English native speaker too. You can always find help from experts.

Get help from your teacher. They are surely more than happy to assist you. Besides, they are the best expert you can find near you as the 2021 PT3 Latest Marking Scheme will be marked internally. Therefore, you should start to do good to your teachers!

You can take a look at PT3 past year questions to understand more on the type of questions that might come out. Everything from the latest format, essay writing and past year questions are compiled in the Complete Guide to PT3 English for you to check out.

You can also contact Superprof essay writing experts. All of them have excellent track of experience and high records at providing guidance to students for over a decade!

“ An investment in knowledge, pays the best Interest” -Ben Franklin

Do not be scared of examinations. Failing is the best teacher in life. Remember, none of the successful people in the world had an easy life. They fall, they stand up again and again. When they crumble, they keep on rising. When they are hurt, they always patch themselves up and keep moving forward.

I wish you all the best!

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Alia J.

Alia Jamaludin is known as a passionate environmentalist and animal lover. By being both educator and writer, she can reach out her positive thought to almost every being on this planet.

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Thank for so much. This is what I really want to find

Ann Superprof

We’re super glad that this article has helped you

this is veerrrryyyy helpful thank-you thank-you thank-you!!!

This article was very helpful! It is simple and direct but it gave me everything I need for my students!

I’m glad you found it helpful!

May I know is there only email or short message in writing paper Part 1 ?



pt3 english email essay example


pt3 english email essay example

Nobody care

nobody cares, like learn to speak when youre supposed to

cry about it

Just let him say anything he wants dude, its not like their offensive or anything. Why does it matter to you so much?

are yall okay????

*eat popcorn*

Hello fellow anonymous

Bruh chill don’t let out your problem on semeone else

My name jeff

'My name is jeff'

my name is jess bro

hai anonymous

It 's help me to remind how to write an email

why you're so mean

Nicely written! love it <3

Yall sounds mad corny here, get mad over nothing. Go study ur ass off and be mature for once. Good luck to everyone for SPM 2022 :) Wish y'all all the best <3

thanks bro/sis i appreciate it

Damn people so rude down here... Hope they don't get a good results on their spm

dont dua to people like that bro that's not good or the things will come back to u back

Same person?

goodluck in your studies peeps

my tc asked me to use long cohesive devices :(

welcome to the mars

this example email thought me how write a proper email

This email is more words.. is the score cut off?

the email addresses and subject are needed ?

Damn people are really raging in here- I want to join and start the world war 3 too :(

i am anonymous 👍🏻

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SMK TAMAN SERAYA With Teacher Hamizah • Message • Postcard • Email A message distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network. 1. Email address of recipient 2. Email address of sender 3. Subject 4. Salutation/Greeting 5. Introduction 6. Contents 7. Closing/Conclusion 8. Sign off 1. Email address of recipient 2. Email address of sender 3. Subject 4. Salutation/Greeting 5. Introduction 6. Contents 7. Closing/Conclusion 8. Sign off Notes – Trip to an island – Terengganu – activities • I am glad that you are planning a trip to Terengganu. • I’m writing to give you some suggestions for your holiday destination. • I hope you are in the pink. I put on my thinking cap about an island for your trip. • I am glad that you are reaching out to me on this matter. • I hope you are fine. I read your message yesterday and gave it a serious thought. In almost all the question types that have been asked out there, you will most probably be asked to : invite/suggest/recommend give 1 or more reasons encourage someone to take action **Introduction keep you are on the right direction. It also helps you to make sure you answer the question. • It is very important that you give AT • In my opinion, Pulau Redang is the best option. LEAST 2 reasons to show that you • My suggestion for you is definitely Pulau Redang. understand what the question asks. REASON 1 • Use connecting words to help • Firstly/First of all, arrange your points. • There is/are _____ • I think you will like it because ____. • Some suggested sentence starters are there to help you build around REASON 2 the notes given from given text. • Other than that/Besides/Also, • They have ____ • REASON 3 is optional but highly • We can _____ together. recommended if you feel that you • This is a good opportunity to ____. don’t have much to say ENCOURAGEMENT • I hope you can make it. • I hope you will enjoy it. In my opinion, Pulau Redang is the best option. Firstly, there are beautiful sceneries such as a sandy beach, crystal clear water, and a breathtaking sunset. I think you will like it because you can take a lot of instagrammable pictures. Besides, they have a lot of activities, for instance, snorkeling, swimming, scuba diving, jungle trekking, boating, and canoeing. This is a good opportunity to explore nature and have fun. I hope you will enjoy it! Just a sentence to end the whole writing. • Wishing you a great holiday. Take care and stay safe! • I hope you will choose this island for your most memorable holiday. • That’s all from me. Goodbye! • Wishing you all the best. • Hope to see you soon. • I look forward to hearing from you soon. • Do let me know about your choice. • Please use GOOGLE DOCS or MICROSOFT WORD • UPLOAD in the link given as ATTACHMENT. • Please write your NAME and CLASS on top of your document. • Do not convert your file into PDF.


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Thursday 28 July 2016

Spm directed writing example - informal letter.

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pt3 english email essay example

they need excellent essay as examples

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