Compliance protocols MUST be approved and linked in SeRA to a SPO project record prior to award acceptance.
Pre-Proposals and Letters of Intent (LOIs)
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Sponsors sometimes require applicants to submit a pre-proposal or letter of intent in response to a funding opportunity announcement. Sponsors then review the pre-proposal or letter of intent submissions and select and invite a subset of applicants to submit full applications for the relevant funding opportunity announcement.
NOTE: Pre-proposals or letters of intent (LOIs) that REQUIRE and/or include any of the following require institutional (OSR or RMG) review, ARE subject to the Stanford Internal 5- Day Proposal Deadline Policy and REQUIRE a SeRA Pre-Proposal .
- Institutional signature (written or electronic)
- Submission through a portal or platform where OSR or RMG as institutional officials/Authorized Organizational Representatives (AORs) must complete the submission i.e., "push the button"
- ANY commitment of institutional resources including, but not limited to: PI time/effort, staff time, space, facilities use, project completion, students, and/ or post-doc participation/time, etc. Most often, but not always, these resources are expressed in a budget and/or matching and/or cost sharing information.
For example: National Science Foundation (NSF) letters of intent (LOIs) and pre-proposals, like NSF proposals, are prepared under an investigator's NSF account in and are submitted to the NSF by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) i.e., by an OSR Contract and Grant Officer (CGO) or a School of Medicine Research Management Group (RMG) Research Process Manager (RPM). Thus, because NSF LOIs and pre-proposals REQUIRE institutional level review and submission, they ARE subject to the Stanford Internal 5- Day Proposal Deadline Policy and REQUIRE a SeRA Pre-Proposal .
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