
Writing a White Paper (Format, Tips, Examples & Templates)

Get white paper examples by leading companies. Learn how to write & format a white paper for business and marketing. Create, write & design white papers A-Z.


8 minute read

Whitepaper examples

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Short answer

What is the best white paper format?

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Solution Overview
  • Benefits and Advantages
  • Case Studies or Examples
  • Technical Details or Methodology
  • Recommendations
  • References or Sources

What makes an effective business white paper?

An effective business white paper format is concise, well-researched, and addresses a specific audience's pain points. It offers actionable solutions, incorporates compelling visuals, and establishes the author's authority on the subject.

Key considerations when creating a business white paper

Audience Understanding : Know your target audience's needs and preferences.

Clear Objective: Define the purpose of the white paper.

Visual Appeal: Incorporate relevant charts, graphs, and images.

Credibility : Cite reliable sources and provide evidence.

Engaging Narrative: Craft a compelling story in content and design that guides the reader.

How to write a white paper (step-by-step guide)

Writing a white paper is no small feat. It requires research, understanding, and a knack for presenting information engagingly.

But with the right approach, your white paper can position your brand as an industry leader, driving leads and fostering trust. Remember, it's all about offering value and meeting the needs of your audience.

Step 1: Grasp the white paper's core

Recognize that a white paper is more than just a long article. It's a detailed report on a specific topic, designed to educate and address issues.

Understand its origins from government documents and its evolution into a tool for thought leadership.

Step 2: Define your target audience

Identify who you're writing for: industry professionals, novices, or another group.

Tailor your language, tone, and content depth to their needs and interests.

Step 3: Prioritize value over promotion

Keep the content educational and avoid overtly promotional language.

Aim to establish trust and position your brand as a reliable information source.

Step 4: Embrace the drafting process

Don't aim for perfection in the first go.

Write multiple drafts, take breaks, and seek feedback for refinement.

Step 5: Build your content around a narrative (not facts)

Use storytelling techniques to maintain reader interest.

Introduce problems, provide solutions, and share success stories for context.

Step 6: Dodge common mistakes

Avoid a salesy tone; keep it educational.

Base your content on thorough research.

Invest in good design for readability and engagement.

Ground your content in real-world examples and actionable insights.

Step 7: pay attention to format and design

Use design elements to highlight key information when formatting your white paper.

Stay updated with design trends, but ensure they align with your topic and audience.

Step 8: conclude and review

Summarize the main points and insights.

Review the entire content for coherence, clarity, and value.

16 impactful white paper examples for business and marketing

Discover exemplary business white paper formats from industry leaders to refine your approach. Draw inspiration from best practices and elevate your corporate documentation standards, and learn est practicess based on our in-depth analysis of each example.

Microsoft white paper

The white paper from MSA discusses the future of operational development, emphasizing changes in the operational landscape. It targets professionals in the operational and business development sectors.

white paper presentation examples

Good Points:

Forward-Looking: The document does an excellent job of forecasting future trends and aligning them with current industry practices, making it highly valuable for strategic planning.

Cohesive Structure: The white paper is organized logically, allowing for easy navigation and comprehension of the content.

Inclusion of Data: The use of data, charts, and figures strengthens the arguments and offers readers empirical evidence to support the presented information.

Engaging Imagery: The inclusion of relevant images and diagrams aids in visualizing the concepts discussed. The visuals are not only explanatory but also break the monotony of continuous text, making the reading experience more engaging.

Bad Points:

Generalized Statements: At times, the document can be a bit broad in its statements, lacking specific details that might be beneficial to the reader.

Heavy Text: The document leans heavily on text, with fewer visual elements like charts or infographics, which might make it denser for some readers.

Lack of Actionable Insights: While the paper provides a broad overview of the future landscape, it could benefit from more actionable recommendations for businesses to apply immediately.

Lack of Summaries: While the content is well-structured, there's a missing element of concise summaries or key takeaways at the end of major sections. Providing these could aid readers in recapping the essential points discussed.

Missing Call to Action: The document provides valuable information but lacks a clear call to action, guiding the reader on the next steps or how to further engage with the topic or the organization.

Google Cloud white paper

Google Cloud's white paper emphasizes its commitment to privacy in Generative AI. Targeted at enterprise customers, it belongs to the cloud computing and artificial intelligence industry.

Google short technical white paper

Detailed Explanations: The document provides thorough explanations of how user data is treated, ensuring transparency.

Relevance to Current Trends: Addressing privacy in AI is timely and crucial, making this paper highly relevant to current industry concerns.

Repetitiveness: Some points, especially around data ownership and privacy, are reiterated multiple times, which might make the content feel redundant.

Lack of Practical Examples: While the commitments are clear, real-world examples or case studies would help readers understand the practical implications better.

Visual Enhancements: While the design is clear, it could benefit from more engaging visuals or infographics to highlight key points or statistics, adding an extra layer of engagement.

Interactive Elements: Given the digital nature of the topic and the platform (Google Cloud), the integration of interactive elements or links to online demos, tutorials, or related resources could further enrich the reader's experience.

Amazon AWS white paper

This document from AWS provides a framework for designing and operating machine learning workloads using best practices. It's intended for solution architects and ML practitioners in the tech industry.

AWS Whitepaper

Depth and Breadth: AWS dives deep into each of the five pillars of the Well-Architected Framework. It provides thorough explanations, ensuring that readers understand each concept.

Use of Case Studies: Real-world examples and case studies are included, which offer readers practical insights and relatable scenarios.

Relevance: The document clearly understands its target audience. By providing specific AWS service recommendations for different ML scenarios, it offers actionable insights.

Technical Jargon: While it's aimed at professionals, the language can sometimes be overly technical, which might make it less accessible to newcomers.

Length: The document is quite lengthy. While it covers a lot, it might be overwhelming for some readers, especially those looking for quick solutions.

Assumed Prior Knowledge: The document sometimes assumes the reader has prior knowledge of AWS services, which might not always be the case.

Engaging Design Elements: While the document is informative, it could benefit from more design elements, such as infographics or pull quotes, to break up the monotony and highlight key points.

Apple white paper

This document by Apple introduces ProRes RAW, a new video codec, detailing its features and benefits. It's crafted for video professionals, filmmakers, and content creators in the multimedia sector.

Apple Whitepaper

Technical Mastery: Apple showcases its technical prowess, diving deep into the intricacies of the codec, which will be appreciated by professionals in the field.

Benefits Highlighted: The document effectively underscores the advantages of using ProRes RAW, making it clear why it stands out from other codecs.

Practical Use Cases: Apple includes scenarios and cases where ProRes RAW can be best utilized, providing context and clarity to readers.

Assumed Knowledge: The white paper assumes a certain level of technical expertise from the reader. While this is okay for its target audience, it might alienate novices.

Limited Comparisons: Although the document does a great job explaining ProRes RAW, it could benefit from direct comparisons with other existing codecs.

Dense Terminology: There's a heavy use of technical jargon without sufficient explanations, which could be challenging for those not deeply versed in video codecs.

Lack of Interactive Elements: Given the brand and the nature of the topic, incorporating interactive elements like QR codes leading to video demonstrations or tutorials could have added significant value.

Missing Call to Action: While the document provides a plethora of information, it doesn't guide the reader on the next steps, whether that's purchasing a product, joining a workshop, or any other related action.

IBM white paper

Market Connections' white paper focuses on enhancing data utility and management. It caters to business leaders, data analysts, and professionals in the data-driven decision-making realm.

IBM research whitepaper

Engaging Visual Design: The document uses a vibrant color palette, dynamic shapes, and appealing graphics, which make the content pop. This design approach draws the reader in and keeps them engaged.

Relevance to Current Trends: In today's data-centric world, the paper's focus on supercharging data is timely and resonates with the needs of modern businesses.

Concrete Recommendations: The document provides specific strategies and tools for improving data utility, making it actionable for readers.

Case Studies & Testimonials: The inclusion of real-world examples and testimonials lends credibility and offers a practical perspective on the discussed topics.

Lack of Technical Depth: While the paper is informative, it doesn't delve deep into the technical aspects of data management, which might leave some tech-savvy readers wanting more.

Generic Advice: Some sections offer generalized advice that can be found in many other resources, making them less unique.

Potential Bias: The paper occasionally comes across as promotional for Market Connections' services, which might detract from its objectivity.

Oracle White Paper

This document from Oracle delves into the integration of Oracle Content and Experience with Oracle WebCenter Portal. Targeted at IT professionals, it belongs to the tech and software industry.

Oracle corporate whitepaper

Clear Structure: The paper is well-organized with distinct sections, making it easy for readers to navigate and find specific information.

Visual Aids: The use of diagrams and flowcharts helps in understanding complex processes and integrations.

Technical Depth: The paper provides in-depth technical details, ensuring that IT professionals can grasp the intricacies of the integration.

Jargon-Heavy: While it's intended for IT professionals, the heavy use of jargon might alienate readers who are not deeply familiar with Oracle's suite of products.

Lack of Real-World Examples: The paper could benefit from real-world use cases to illustrate the benefits of the integration.

Aesthetic Appeal: The design is quite basic, and a more modern and engaging layout might make the content more appealing to a wider audience.

SAP white paper

SAP's white paper delves into digital manufacturing within regulated environments, emphasizing quality and compliance. It's designed for manufacturing professionals, quality assurance teams, and regulatory compliance officers.

SAP whitepaper

Industry-Specific Insights: SAP offers valuable insights tailored to regulated manufacturing environments, ensuring the content is highly relevant to its target audience.

Holistic View: The document covers a wide range of topics, from digital transformation to compliance challenges, offering a comprehensive overview.

Expertise on Display: SAP's deep industry knowledge is evident, lending credibility to the information and recommendations provided.

Complexity: The document, at times, delves into intricate details which, while valuable, might make it challenging for readers unfamiliar with the topic.

Promotional Tone: There's a noticeable push towards SAP's solutions, which, while understandable, might come off as less objective to some readers.

Lack of Practical Examples: While the paper is rich in information, it could benefit from more real-world examples or case studies to illustrate the discussed concepts.

Lack of Visual Summaries: While the document is rich in content, it misses out on visual summaries (like infographics) that can quickly convey complex information. Given the technical nature of the topic, such visuals would be beneficial for comprehension.

Pfizer white paper

This white paper by Pfizer delves into the significance of community engagement in diversifying clinical trials, particularly focusing on the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine trial.

It aims to address the healthcare disparities highlighted by the pandemic and the urgent need for diverse representation in clinical trials.

The target audience includes healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Pfizer research whitepaper

Comprehensive Structure: The document is well-structured with clear headings, subheadings, and a table of contents, making it easy for readers to navigate and understand the content.

Relevant Data and Citations: The white paper provides relevant statistics, data, and references to support its claims, enhancing its credibility.

Clear Objective: The paper's goal is evident from the beginning, ensuring that readers understand its purpose and the importance of the topic.

Lengthy Content: Some sections are quite detailed, which might be overwhelming for readers looking for quick insights.

Lack of Visuals: The document could benefit from more graphs, charts, or infographics to break the monotony and present data in a more engaging manner.

Repetitive Emphasis: While the importance of diversity in clinical trials is a crucial topic, the paper occasionally reiterates the same points, which could be condensed for brevity.

AT&T white paper

This white paper delves into the importance of mobility in the modern collaboration era. It's intended for business leaders, IT professionals, and teams looking to enhance collaborative efforts in the digital age.

AT&T company whitepaper

Well-Structured: The document is organized in a logical manner, with clear sections and subheadings, facilitating easy navigation.

Actionable Advice: It provides concrete strategies and recommendations on enhancing mobility for collaboration, ensuring readers can take immediate action.

Potential Overemphasis: While mobility is essential, the document occasionally seems to overstate its importance, which might come across as a bit unbalanced.

Lack of Diverse Case Studies: While there are some examples, the paper could benefit from a broader range of case studies across different industries.

Assumed Context: The paper sometimes assumes readers are fully aware of the current collaboration landscape, which might not be true for everyone.

Tesla white paper

Dell Technologies' ESG report showcases their commitment to driving human progress through sustainable technology, emphasizing their efforts in advancing sustainability, cultivating inclusion, transforming lives, and upholding trust.

Tesla whitepaper

Highly Specialized Content: The paper zeroes in on a niche topic within the energy sector, providing deep insights that are valuable to a specific audience.

Clear Explanations: Complex concepts related to net billing tariffs are broken down and explained in a comprehensible manner.

Data-Driven Arguments: The use of charts, figures, and empirical data adds weight to the points being made and supports the document's claims.

Narrow Focus: While the specialized content is a strength, it also means the paper might be too narrow for a general audience or those looking for a broader overview of the energy sector.

Stylized Language: At times, the document uses language that's a bit too stylized or technical, which might make it less accessible to some readers.

Potential Bias: The paper seems to advocate for specific tariff structures, which might come off as less objective to some reader mmunities.

CitiBank white paper

This white paper delves into the transformation and disruption in financial market infrastructures, focusing on the evolution of securities services. Intended for financial professionals and industry leaders, it belongs to the banking and financial services sector.

Citi whitepaper

Comprehensive Coverage: The document provides a holistic view of the securities services landscape, touching upon various aspects like settlement transformation, digital assets, and the role of Central Securities Depositories (CSDs).

Data-Driven Insights: The paper is backed by quantitative data, with surveys involving 483 individuals globally, offering credibility to its findings.

Complex Jargon: The document uses industry-specific terms that might be challenging for readers unfamiliar with the financial sector.

Lengthy: While comprehensive, its extensive coverage might be overwhelming for someone looking for quick insights.

Lack of Visual Aids: More charts, graphs, or infographics could have made the data more digestible and engaging.

General Electric white paper

GE's white paper discusses the evolving landscape of global power markets. Intended for energy industry decision-makers. The document provides a holistic view of the energy market, touching on various aspects from production to consumption

General Electric whitepaper

Comprehensive Overview: The document provides an in-depth exploration of power markets, encompassing historical data, current trends, and future projections. This thorough approach offers readers a holistic perspective on the subject.

Effective Data Visualization: The use of charts, graphs, and tables is commendable. They present intricate data in a digestible format, allowing readers to quickly grasp key trends and insights.

Segmented Content Approach: The content is divided into distinct sections, each addressing specific facets of power markets. This segmentation aids in navigation and allows readers to delve into areas of specific interest.

Dense Text: Some sections are text-heavy, which might be overwhelming for some readers. Breaking up the content with more visuals or bullet points could improve readability.

Design Uniformity: While the document is rich in content, there's room for improvement in terms of design consistency, particularly in the color schemes and visual elements used.

Static Design: Given the technical and extensive nature of the topic, integrating interactive elements or links to supplementary multimedia resources could enhance the reader's engagement and understanding.

Clarification of Technical Aspects: The document occasionally uses industry-specific terms and concepts. Including a glossary or providing side notes with explanations would ensure accessibility for readers not deeply familiar with power markets.

ExxonMobil white paper

A comprehensive exploration of ExxonMobil's commitment to the energy transition, focusing on innovative solutions for lower-emission marine fuels. Targeted at stakeholders in the marine industry and those invested in sustainable energy solutions.

ExxonMobil whitepaper

Relevant Data: The white paper provides specific data points, such as projected energy consumption and emission reduction targets, which lend credibility to the content.

Engaging Visuals: While I couldn't directly view the visuals, the structure suggests the inclusion of charts or images, which can help break up the text and provide visual context.

Lengthy Content: Some sections could benefit from concise writing to ensure the reader remains engaged throughout.

Call to Action: While the document provides valuable information, it could benefit from a clearer call to action, guiding readers on the next steps or how to get involved.

World Economic Forum (WEF) white paper

The World Economic Forum's white paper delves into the emerging concept of the industrial metaverse. It's crafted for industry leaders, technologists, and policymakers keen on understanding the future intersection of industry and virtual realms.

World Economic Forum (WEF) whitepaper

Cutting-Edge Topic: The WEF addresses a novel and emerging trend, making the paper a valuable resource for those looking to stay ahead in the tech and industrial sectors.

Expert Contributions: The document includes insights from industry experts and thought leaders, lending credibility and depth to the content.

Global Perspective: As expected from the WEF, the paper provides a global view, considering the implications and developments of the industrial metaverse across different regions and cultures.

Infographics and Visual Aids: The use of charts, graphs, and other visual aids complements the text and provides a break from long passages. This not only makes the content more engaging but also aids in quicker comprehension of complex data.

Conceptual Density: The topic, being new, is also complex. The paper sometimes delves into highly conceptual discussions which might be challenging for some readers.

Potential Overhype: While the industrial metaverse is undoubtedly exciting, the paper occasionally might come across as too optimistic, without sufficiently addressing potential pitfalls or challenges.

Lack of Practical Guidance: The document is rich in forecasting and analysis but could benefit from more actionable insights or steps for businesses to start their metaverse journey.

Lack of Interactive Elements : For a topic like the metaverse, which is inherently interactive and dynamic, the inclusion of QR codes or links to interactive demos, videos, or web pages might have enhanced the reader's experience.

Siemens white paper

Siemens explores the transformation towards smart manufacturing, emphasizing the integration of digital and physical realms. Aimed at manufacturers, it belongs to the industrial automation and digitalization sector.

Siemens whitepaper

Holistic Approach: The paper offers a comprehensive view of the smart manufacturing journey, from challenges to outcomes, ensuring readers get a full picture.

Use of Models: The introduction of concepts like the Digital OODA Loop provides readers with actionable frameworks to apply in their operations.

Human-Centric Focus: Beyond just machinery and processes, the paper emphasizes the importance of human-centric outcomes, highlighting the balance between technology and worker well-being.

Assumed Familiarity: The paper dives deep into specific Siemens solutions without always providing sufficient background, which might be challenging for those unfamiliar with Siemens' offerings.

Limited External Perspectives: The paper heavily focuses on Siemens' solutions. Incorporating third-party testimonials or case studies might have added more credibility and a broader perspective.

Verizon white paper

This white paper emphasizes the importance of network resilience in the face of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Targeted at C-level executives, it belongs to the telecommunications and cybersecurity industry.

Verizon whitepaper

Verizon thought-leadership white paper

Practical Recommendations: The document offers actionable steps for C-level leaders to enhance network resilience, making it a hands-on guide.

Relevance to Current Threat Landscape: By focusing on DDoS attacks, which are prevalent today, the paper addresses a pressing concern for many businesses.

Promotional Content: The inclusion of Verizon's own solution (DDoS Shield) might come off as promotional, potentially detracting from the paper's objective tone.

Lack of Case Studies: Real-world examples or case studies could have added more weight to the paper's arguments and made it more relatable.

How to design a white paper for engagement

White papers are essential tools for businesses, especially in the B2B sector, to establish authority, inform potential customers, and influence their decisions.

But beyond the content, the design of a white paper plays a pivotal role in capturing the reader's attention and ensuring the message is effectively conveyed.

Best practices for white paper design

Readability is Key: Ensure that the text is easy to read. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to break up the content. The choice of font and its size also plays a crucial role in readability.

White Space: Don't clutter the design. Proper use of white space can make the content more breathable and aesthetically pleasing.

Mobile Optimization: With many users accessing content on mobile devices, ensure that your white paper design is responsive and looks good on all screen sizes.

Interactive white paper design

Engage with Multimedia: Modern digital platforms allow for the integration of videos, GIFs, and animations in white papers. These multimedia elements can make the content more dynamic and engaging.

Clickable Elements: Incorporate hyperlinks, clickable infographics, and call-to-action buttons. This not only provides additional resources to the reader but also encourages them to explore related content or take desired actions.

Feedback Loops: Allow readers to leave comments, ask questions, or even participate in polls within the white paper. This interactivity can provide valuable insights into what your audience thinks and feels about the content.

Here is what a static white paper looks like compared with an interactive white paper:

white paper presentation examples

Designing White Papers for Storytelling

Narrative Flow: Just like a compelling story, a white paper should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction that outlines the problem or challenge, delve into the details in the main content, and conclude with a solution or call to action.

Visual Elements: Use graphics, charts, and images to break the monotony of text and illustrate complex ideas. These visual elements not only make the content more engaging but also help in explaining intricate concepts in a digestible manner.

Consistent Branding: While the white paper should be informative, it's also an opportunity to subtly reinforce your brand. Use consistent colors, fonts, and logos that align with your brand identity.

Here's an example of storytelling white paper design:

Business white paper interactive storytelling templates

With traditional PowerPoint slides, your content may blend into the crowd. Storydoc's interactive white paper templates elevate your content, making it dynamic and memorable.

Unlike static slides, Storydoc's animated, annotated, and narrated templates engage readers, making them twice as captivating as standard reports.

Moreover, they're cost-effective and let you quickly produce your white paper.

white paper presentation examples

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talking to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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You are here: Influencer Marketing Hub » Social Media » 10 Amazing WhitePaper Examples (& Useful Tips To Stand Out)

10 Amazing WhitePaper Examples (& Useful Tips To Stand Out)

Geri Mileva

White papers are highly effective marketing tools when used right. They allow businesses to explain a specific product or service to clients or establish their company as an authority in the industry they serve. 

It is typically published as an official company document and distributed to potential customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Businesses often use white papers to promote their services or products.

They usually include an in-depth analysis of a particular topic and a conclusion that offers  value to target readers. 

Many companies use white papers to attract leads, particularly in industries such as technology or consulting. However, creating a good one can be challenging—particularly if you're not familiar with technical writing.

Learn all about white papers in this guide. It covers 10 white paper examples and tips on how to write one yourself. 

How to Write a White Paper:

1. temenos white paper, 2. zendesk white paper, 3. cognizant white paper, 4. nucleus white paper, 5. bdo white paper, 6. bbn white paper, 7. mdg white paper.

  • 8. Cisco White paper 
  • 9. ADP White Paper 

10. Sungard Availability Services White Paper

Frequently asked questions, what is a whitepaper.

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that helps readers understand a complicated issue and offers recommendations for approaching it. 

Traditionally, white papers were used to educate readers about products and services, but they are now often created as marketing documents intended to persuade potential customers of their value. 

eBook vs. White paper: What is The Difference?

White papers and eBooks are often used interchangeably or in the same context. But a few distinctions exist between the two, and it is important to know which one is appropriate for your business. 

There are many types of eBooks, but the most common ones are used to give an overview of a subject. They use a more casual tone geared toward readers who aren't experts in a field; thus, they're more conversational in style.

White Papers

White papers are best suited for readers who are already familiar with the subject discussed and want to learn more about a specific subtopic. White papers tend to be more accurate, formal, and based on solid analysis.

What Is the Purpose of Writing a White Paper? 

In marketing , a white paper is a short document that describes a new product or idea in-depth. It typically contains detailed information about all aspects of that product, including advantages and potential disadvantages. A white paper can be used as an overall marketing product in numerous situations. 

Using white papers to educate the general public about new goods, services, or procedures is an excellent way for businesses to reach out to them. 

Companies in B2B marketing utilize white papers to share information about their products and services with other firms in the industry. Social media agencies can also use white paper to analyze different content strategies for various demographics. 

Who Uses White Papers?

For many years, government agencies, social media agencies, consulting firms, and financial institutions have used white papers to share ongoing research findings. 

As a result of the sporadic growth of content marketing and social media, white papers have become increasingly common. They can be shared on LinkedIn , Facebook , or even Twitter to direct followers to read more about a report. 

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Types of White Papers

There are different types of white papers , but these four are the most common.  

Comparison White Paper

This type of white paper compares different items to assist customers in making an informed decision. When a potential buyer is already interested in a product but doesn't know which one to choose, these white papers are often used as a guide.

Overview White Paper

This type of white paper presents an in-depth analysis of a product's characteristics and advantages. By reading this white paper, customers may learn more about a product or service.

Numbered List White Paper

There are many similarities between this form of white paper and a blog post or an article. The list structure of this white paper makes it simple for a reader to take in information, such as advice or examples.

Solution-Based White Paper

The solution-based white paper addresses an issue affecting the company's industry, along with current solutions that aren't working and a new solution or approach that outperforms the previously outlined solutions.

How to Write a White Paper (step by step)

how to write a white paper steps

We'll walk you through the steps to generate your white paper for your company in the following sections.

1. Establish objectives

It is essential to have clarity on the purpose of your white paper and ensure that your goals are aligned with the organization's needs.

2. Determine your target readers

This next step involves identifying who your white paper is written for. Knowing and understanding your target readers can help you ensure that your white paper is cohesive and impactful. If you know your audience, you’d be able to establish a focus point that would be relevant and beneficial to them.  

Creating buyer personas might help you pinpoint the precise demographics of your target market. A buyer persona is a typical consumer demographic and psychographic profile that you may use to target your marketing efforts.

3. Choose your topic

Pick a subject that you are familiar with and have vast knowledge about. It's essential to have adequate information and evidence to back up your claims in white papers. In addition, you must choose a topic that would resonate with your audience. 

To get the outcomes you want, you need to make sure your topic is helpful and appealing to your readers. If you're feeling stuck, there are a few things you can do:

  • Find out what your consumers' most prominent issues are by analyzing their feedback through surveys, reviews, testimonials, etc.
  • Encourage your employees to develop new ideas based on what they've learned from their interactions with clients.
  • Find out what people are inquiring about in your sector by conducting market and SEO research.

4. Conduct research

A white paper should focus on a particular subject to demonstrate an organization's expertise. If you can, perform outstanding research or hire someone to do the work. You can include results from your findings in the white paper. 

Independent sources are mostly reliable when it comes to substantiating your claims. A common practice in white papers is using footnotes or an APA-style citation structure.

5. Mount interviews

The expertise and knowledge of key personnel within an organization and outsiders will probably be required. 

Interviews should be conducted and after you have finished some of your research ., you will be more aware of the specific knowledge gaps you need to bridge.

6. Create a white paper outline and format 

Plan the flow of your white paper and begin crafting a streamlined table of contents. For the most critical parts of your material, use high-level headers and subheadings to break it into different sections further. 

Each part should have a list of ideas and significant elements to address. You will do both internal and external research to support these ideas.

7. Make the first draft

Start with an executive summary, which should be able to immediately catch the reader's attention. It should directly address the reader's problems, fears, or disappointments. This would help establish your paper’s relevance. 

Don't provide the solution in your summary, since you want the reader to continue reading. Because white papers are not marketing brochures, you should concentrate on offering valuable and unbiased information. 

Any reference to a company's product or service should be at the very end of your paper, in a reasonably short part. A brief remark in the executive summary is also an option. A call to action should be included at the end of your white paper as well.

8. Review and revise your draft

Even though a white paper may not necessarily require several revisions, there might be logical flaws and missing points in your initial draft. 

After completing your first draft, take a break and return to it with a fresh perspective. It is even better if you can get the assistance of another talented writer on your team to help out.

9. Substantiate your content

Solidify the value of your white paper by backing up your claims with evidence and legitimate references. 

Use reliable facts, figures, quotations, and other data. You may leverage data visualization techniques like graphs, widgets, maps, charts, etc.

The information you include in your white paper should be cited appropriately. Footnotes and comments, and a concluding section listing sources can all be utilized to cite your sources in the text of your white paper. References should only be cited if they've been confirmed for accuracy and are still valid. 

10. Ensure that it provides real value

When writing a white paper, avoid promoting your company. Instead, focus on providing your readers with various helpful information . A superb white paper will be shared and eventually read by your target audience.

As a corporation or brand, you should use white papers to demonstrate your knowledge in a particular industry. If you want your readers to trust you as a knowledgeable authority, they need to learn something new from your piece. 

11. Edit and proofread it

A simple typo or excessive words in the headline might ruin your research and writing efforts. To guarantee that their work is error-free, professionals use proofreaders. 

If you can't perform the editing and proofreading alone, ask the help of co-workers or hire a professional. Investing the time and energy is worth making your work stand out.

12. Promote your white paper

It isn't enough to compose the paper; you must also make sure it reaches your target readers. Companies sometimes send press releases to announce the publication of a new white paper. 

If you're already active on LinkedIn or Twitter, these are platforms on which you can discuss and distribute your white papers and reports. 

White Paper Writing Format

Here is the standard writing style format of a white paper.

White paper standard format

A paper's title should attract the reader's attention and show the topic's relevance. Hiring a copywriter who knows the ins and outs of compelling and persuasive headlines may be worth the cost.

A white paper's abstract gives the reader an overview of what they would get from the document. This should spark their curiosity and compel them to read more. 

Problem statement

The white paper's problem statement identifies the subject matter. To ensure that the reader understands the problem, it must be explained in the white paper .

This section provides the background necessary for the audience to comprehend the problem and the solution properly. Information may be modified to meet the individual needs of the reader. For a white paper , it is essential to disclose the methodology utilized in the original study.

The solution of the paper will reveal the answer. This area of the white paper should be evident and apparent that the previous sections have been addressed and solved.

When writing a white paper , include a concluding section that sums up all results. In contrast to most corporate reports, white papers end with a concluding summary. In this part, be sure to provide insight-based suggestions.

A white paper's credibility and trustworthiness heavily depend on its reference section. Do not make any assertions without citing your sources that your readers can opt to verify.

10 Best White Paper Examples 

To help you better understand  how to write a white paper, we’re sharing 10 examples from different organizations in various industries. 

Temenos is a software business that specializes in banking and financial services software. One of its white papers talks about open banking and can be classified as an overview white paper, since it comes with a comprehensive report. Detailed visuals are also used with infographics to represent data.

Temenos White Paper

View the white paper

Zendesk is a corporation based in the U.S.. This company offers software for customer service, sales, and customer communications. Its white paper details customer’s experience in the company using engaging graphics and visuals. 

Zendesk White Paper

Cognizant is a well-respected provider of technology services and consulting in the United States. This white paper explains the future of the IT industry using high quality graphics. 

BDO White Paper

One of the most popular wrap platforms in the industry is Nucleus. Its white paper examines the present, past, and future states of financial planning.

Nucleus White Paper

In this white paper, BDO, the world's largest provider of professional accounting services, managed to transform a technical subject into something that's both fascinating to read and entertaining.

BDO White Paper

BBN, a leading B2B marketing firm, released a white paper that examines the effect and advantages of 5 distinct technologies on marketing outcomes.

BBN White Paper

Mdg has a high bar to meet as a well-known marketing-driven company. With the help of this well-designed white paper, it explains how to use the power of content to build year-round interest.

Mdg White Paper

View the whitepaper

8. Cisco White paper 

When it comes to networking gear, data security services, and other high-tech services and products, Cisco is unmatched. Its white paper on networking is a comprehensive 19-page text about using your competitive edge in marketing. It comes with visuals to match the company’s brand, and its tone is tailored for a specific demographic. 

Cisco White paper

View the white paper here

9. ADP White Paper 

ADP is a major player in the payroll and human resources software and services market. One of its whitepapers talks about dealing with payroll stress for small businesses. Many of its clients are small and medium-sized enterprises that do not have the resources to build up their HR teams to automate payroll. So, this white paper is highly valuable to their target audience. 

ADP White Paper 

In the risk assessment and management industry, Sungard AS is a well-known name to many. That similar authority may be seen in their white paper that talks about planning and developing a business continuity plan. The white paper is divided into four parts and each is discussed in detail. 

Sungard Availability Services White Paper

Tips on How to Write a Good White Paper

You can improve your white paper by following these design guidelines and best practices, no matter what software you use.

Create a catchy title

Your white paper's title is the first thing people see. Potential readers may not bother to read further if your title does not stand out.

It is possible to spice up a title by including a bold claim, a significant number or wording, a deadline, or a rapidly approaching promise. You can generate many potential titles before testing them. 

Distinguish between white papers and other forms of writing

If you're producing a white paper, you're writing about a specific topic or discovery, not merely a case study. White papers are increasingly being distributed as interactive e-books, with numerous images, hyperlinks, and even interaction tools, rather than as static PDF files. 

E-books promoting products and services are often shorter, contain bullet points or short overviews of the products/services, and may not follow the white paper's usual  issue-solution-outcome  (ISO) structure.

Keep your objective in mind

White papers' primary purpose is to generate and nurture new leads. If it is written correctly, a white paper may build confidence and lead to high-value sales meetings. Build a strong case for your concept by interviewing relevant participants and performing thorough research.

Use a conversational style of writing

Fear of writing is a common phobia among entrepreneurs. If you want to be perceived as trustworthy by your audience, you need to sound genuine and helpful. So, just write in a friendly, conversational tone. 

There's no need to use lengthy, complicated statements or industry jargon. Hire an editor if you'd want your final copy to be more polished.

Add eye-catching visuals

It's essential to accompany a well-written white paper with an eye-catching design. Readability is enhanced by including visual aids such as charts, graphics, color, and a clean layout. 

Including relevant graphics may make your white paper more readable and understandable. To increase brand awareness and trust, make sure the design aligns with your corporate identity.

Establish the credibility of your information

Using white papers , your business can highlight products and services and the advantages they offer to customers. It is not enough to say that your solutions are better than those of your competitors, mainly because everyone in your industry is making the same claim.

So white papers must be legitimate. Whether that data comes from a genuine client project or a study conducted by analysts, your product or service claims must be supported by evidence.

Avoid using marketing terminology in your content

The content of a white paper should be appealing, but it should not be hard-sell or jargon-loaded. The recommended solution should be supported by facts and logic in a white paper. 

Businesses looking to hire marketing agencies look for a well-researched and balanced position supported by facts and data while reading a white paper . Present a well-supported case study to explain how your unique solution may benefit their company and ultimately increase sales. 

Engage your reader's emotions

You must select a topic that connects with your target audience if you want people to be interested in your content. Bring in readers by speaking to their concerns and challenges, then focus on your solution's positive effects on the reader's professional and personal life. 

You may excite and engage your audience by recounting the story of how you came up with your creative solution.

Do multiple platform promotion and testing

The more you engage your target audience, the more downloads your white paper gets. The most efficient way to get your white paper in front of your target buyer is to promote it on various platforms. 

You need a well-designed landing page if you want people to download your white paper and provide their contact information. 

Control the revision process

If you have circulated your white paper to many people for evaluation, you should still maintain creative control and make sure the paper's main points still stand. 

The higher your capacity to exercise control over the process, the lower your stress level regarding the final output. It is possible to achieve this by placing the white paper on a collaboration site, like Google Docs, and asking for feedback from others. 

Another choice is to send your white paper by email. Every piece of input should be kept in a single location, and the main document should be modified to incorporate any criticism and suggestions. 

Final Thoughts

White papers are excellent tools for establishing a business’s capabilities. With the help of white papers, your marketing efforts can be strengthened while enabling your business to stand as an authority in your industry. 

Customers are more receptive to well-written papers than they are to brazen advertisements. It is not an easy task to write an excellent white paper but the time and effort required to generate a paper that shares your company's expertise and contributes to the advancement of your sector are worthwhile. 

If you follow the tips outlined in this guide, especially crafting a good title and providing value, you will surely gain your readers' attention. 

What are examples of white paper?

Examples of Whitepapers often include charts, graphs, tables, and other ways of visualizing data that go into creating a whitepaper. The term “white papers” originated in England as government-issued documents. One of the most famous examples includes the Churchill White Paper, commissioned by Winston Churchill in 1922.

How do you write a white paper example?

Here’s how to write a whitepaper with easy steps:

  • Pick a topic
  • Conduct research
  • Understand your target audience
  • Build a whitepaper outline
  • Write a catchy title
  • Write the whitepaper and include subheadings
  • Publish the whitepaper

What is included in a white paper?

A whitepaper is a heavily researched report on a topic of your choice. The goal of the whitepaper is to present a solution to a problem within the industry. Whitepapers are often written by companies to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of certain topics and whitepapers will include facts and evidence.

What whitepaper means?

A whitepaper is a heavily researched information document on a certain topic. Whitepapers are usually written by companies or not-for-profit organizations to highlight a problem in the industry and propose a problem. They can also be used to present policies and legislation and gauge the public response.

How do you start a white paper?

6 Basic Tips for writing an amazing white paper:

  • Pick an intriguing topic
  • Be descriptive and include research but keep it informational
  • Write a great headline
  • Emphasize the value add
  • Organize your draft
  • Edit your draft multiple times and proofread

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The 2024 Ultimate Guide: How to Write and Format a White Paper

The step by step guide to succeeding with white paper marketing.

Frame 16 (1)

  • 1 What is a white paper?
  • 2. White paper examples
  • 3 How to write a white paper
  • 4 Mistakes a white paper should avoid
  • 5 White paper Format
  • 6 Gating your white papers
  • 7 White paper distribution
  • 8 Handling your white paper leads
  • 9 Choosing the right white paper template
  • 10 Final thoughts


White papers are a popular and powerful tool for content marketers. They can be used to position your company as a thought leader and authority on a particular topic by presenting useful and persuasive research findings and technical information about your products and services.

White papers can also be used as a powerful asset to generate more leads when the information is valuable enough for readers to submit their personal details in order to access your findings. This ultimate guide will teach you everything you need to make white paper marketing a formidable addition to your content marketing strategy . 

How to Write and Format a White Paper Infographic

1. What is a white paper and why is it important?

A white paper is an in-depth report or guide informing readers about a specific topic and its problems. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue. It is important as it helps establish a company as an expert in its field, educates customers, and influences decisions. 

In the world of marketing, a white paper is a long-form piece of content , similar to an eBook . The difference between the two is that white papers tend to be more technical and in-depth. The facts and opinions expressed in white papers are often backed by original research or statistics that the publisher has aggregated from reliable sources. They often include data visualizations such as charts, graphs, tables, and more.

The term "white papers" originated in England as government-issued documents. One famous example is the Churchill White Paper , commissioned by Winston Churchill in 1922.

Today, the term is most commonly applied to “deep dive” style publications for marketing purposes. Businesses — especially in the consulting, financial, or B2B sectors — use them to communicate their organization’s philosophy on a topic, make the case for the superiority of their product, or simply to present important points related to their field.

White papers are no less editorial than other forms of content, but the depth of research lends them an authoritative tone. For this reason, they are good candidates for promoting thought leadership .

Who uses white papers?

In the past, white papers were most often produced by governmental agencies, NGOs, think tanks, consultancies, and financial institutions that needed to present the findings of their ongoing research in a succinct format.

With the widespread growth and adoption of content marketing (the creation and distribution of non-promotional content intended to generate interest in a business and its offerings), white papers have become more common in other industries as well. Any organization that engages in content marketing can benefit from producing white papers.

Their popularity across industries is due to their versatility. While all white papers have certain elements in common, a B2B startup will use them differently than a large consultancy, and both will use them differently from a governmental organization.

Types of white papers

There are numerous types of white papers a business might publish.

  • One type is the backgrounder , in which the benefits of their product, service, or methodology are explained in depth.
  • Another is a problem-solution approach, which walks the audience through the solution to a problem that is common in their industry.

Other types of white papers simply present a summary of useful statistics and information about the state of a particular field or industry. An example of this would be the Content Marketing Benchmarks Budgets and Trends from the Content Marketing Institute.

Whatever type you produce , the contents of your white paper should serve to showcase your expertise in a given area. Your audience is searching for an information document and will look for an authoritative source — a business they perceive as having in-depth knowledge of a subject.

The contents of your white paper should serve to showcase your expertise in a given area.

How can a white paper benefit businesses or organizations?

White papers enable you to build trust with your audience. They show readers that you're reliable, experienced, and adept in a given domain. When potential customers search for an informational document to help them understand a problem or opportunity they're facing, and you provide them with a quality white paper that helps, they'll turn to you again in the future.

This perception of authority can also serve to boost sales in an organization. More than half the respondents to the Eccolo Media B2B Technology Content Survey reported having read a white paper before making a buying decision. Buyers prefer to purchase from vendors they trust and see as experts in their field.

Finally, white papers are extremely useful for lead generation . The Content Preferences Survey from DemandGen found that more than three-fourths of survey respondents were willing to exchange personal information for a white paper — more than for eBooks , case studies, analyst reports , podcasts, brochures , or infographics.

With all of these potential benefits, utilizing white papers in your content marketing strategy can produce great results.

More than three-fourths of survey respondents were willing to exchange personal information for a white paper.

2. White paper examples

When you think about white papers, you probably think of PDF articles with thousands of words. But times are changing and so is the way we produce and consume content.

Nowadays, every marketing collateral (including white papers) needs to be well-written, well-structured, and designed for every type of visitor. 

Here are some great examples of white papers doing exactly that. 

White paper example - CodinGame

This unique one-pager presenting findings from the Developers at Work Survey demonstrates how a white paper should be done. The animated, interactive data charts show off just what's possible with our embed feature .

Open white paper example #1  

White paper example - BDO GDPR

Privacy and the GDPR - BDO

This well-produced special edition produced by BDO and creative agency Monte Media does an incredible job of turning a conventionally dull topic into a piece of content that's engaging and comes to life.

Open white paper example #2

White paper example - content-marketing-strategy

This white paper is a step by step guide to succeeding with content marketing.

See more  white paper examples

Start creating white papers with Foleon

3. How to write a white paper

Starting a white paper can be a daunting task. So much information and research are required that it’s easy to get lost in that portion of the work and let it become a roadblock to actually putting things on paper.

Even after the writing itself has begun, white papers are tricky to do well. Simply listing statistics without some form of narrative arc is a surefire way to keep your white paper from ever being read. Luckily, following a few simple guidelines can help keep a white paper engaging and make the process of finishing it much easier.

Pick the right topic

This might seem obvious, but without a topic that resonates with your audience, your white paper is not likely to be read. When choosing the right topic, you should consider three important criteria:

  • It should be something you are qualified to write about.
  • It should be something your audience is interested in.
  • It should address a topic around which little content has been written already and thus fill a " content gap ."

Naturally, finding a topic that brings points 1 and 2 together is vital. White papers are meant to be authoritative pieces of content based upon the author's experience and expertise, so it's important to write about what you know . But you must match this to the interests of your readers if you're to produce something they'll be eager to engage with .

Don't be afraid to crowdsource information from within your organization. If the topic of a white paper is related to engineering, why not interview an engineer or have them look over what you’ve written? The same goes for other roles. Crowdsourcing knowledge means having the power of a true expert in many fields.

Finally, filling a "content gap" will help your white paper get noticed and gain traction. By addressing a topic no one else has written about definitely, your white paper will be more likely to rank highly on search engines and even be featured elsewhere on the web.

Pro tip: You can even ask your audience what they would like to see in your upcoming white paper. You'll get ideas, make your topic more relevant, and you'll generate buzz around your content even before it's finished. In fact, we used the same method for this guide!

white paper promotion slack

Define your audience

Defining your audience goes hand in hand with choosing the right topic. But moving beyond your audience's interests, it’s important to think of the kinds of people who will be reading your white paper.

  • Are they fellow professionals, well versed in your subject?
  • Are they likely to be reading something they are relatively unfamiliar with?

Knowing this helps establish the voice you should use and whether industry-specific jargon is appropriate. It also narrows the scope of the research you should include. It’s always important to ensure all arguments are logically sound and well supported, but the stats and information presented should be relevant to the specific audience you're targeting.

Part of defining an audience in the age of Google centers around how people will find the white paper. This means thinking about which platforms specific personas use for research and what search terms they put in. Not only will this help a white paper get found by the right people, but it is useful when outlining the white paper later on.

Optimizing for keywords is important, but remember to write for people, not for search engines. Google is getting better all the time at understanding and matching search intent with relevant content . This has become particularly important with the advent of AI-powered language models which can produce long-form content at scale. 

Wrap it in a great intro and outro

Ad with all good writing, your intro should serve to captivate your audience, pique their curiosity, and entice them to read further. It's good practice to provide a brief summary of what they'll find in the white paper and to emphasize exactly what benefit they'll get from reading it.

Your outro is equally important, especially if you're using your white paper to market your products or services. You should avoid any self-promotion in the body of your white paper, but you can certainly mention your relevant product offerings and how to obtain them — perhaps using a compelling call-to-action — at the end.

Pack it with value

White papers are not meant to be advertisements for your company, and you should avoid any overt promotion. Instead, you should provide plenty of useful information that will be valuable to readers even if they don't become customers. Emphasizing value is the key to a great white paper that will get shared and widely read.

Remember, white papers serve to showcase your expertise as a company or brand in a given field. Your readers should come away having learned something useful and with the impression that you're a reliable source of expert information. As pointed out earlier, generating this kind of reputation will lead to greater business success as buyers are more likely to purchase from companies they trust.

Emphasizing value is the key to a great white paper that will get shared and widely read.

Don’t be scared of multiple drafts

No first draft is ever a finished work. Elizabeth Bishop, the renowned and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, wrote seventeen drafts of her poem “One Art” before it was completed. It’s now considered one of the best villanelles ever written .

While a white paper may not need seventeen drafts, there will undoubtedly be points missed and logical inconsistencies in the first version. Finishing a draft, stepping away, and coming back to it with a fresh mind is the best way to ensure quality. If there’s another good writer at your company, getting another set of eyes on it is even better.

Keep it interesting

White papers should be more detailed and thorough than blog posts or eBooks . This may cause them to be more dry and formal, but this doesn't mean they have to be boring.

A trap that white papers easily fall into is using statistics as a crutch and not maintaining interest throughout. Technical as it may be, you still want your white paper to be read. To make this happen, it’s useful to borrow techniques from fiction and creative nonfiction writers.

There are lots of resources for learning about a plot, but generally, it has five parts, as illustrated in Freytag’s pyramid:

White paper plot design

These won’t always correspond perfectly in a factual piece of writing like a white paper, but they can get you thinking about how to create and hold interest. Use those ideas to keep readers’ attention until the very end.

4. Mistakes a white paper should avoid

There are some pitfalls and common mistakes to avoid when writing a white paper. Each of these has the potential to make an otherwise stellar piece of content into a wasted effort. Here's a brief list of things to look out for.

Sounding like a sales pitch

When white papers are used as part of a marketing campaign where businesses showcase their product, a common mistake is to make them sound like a sales pitch . Don't let this happen; it will immediately turn your readers off. In a white paper, your audience is seeking unbiased, educational information that will help them, not try to persuade them. Save the sales pitches for other content, like product brochures .

Lack of adequate research

As previously mentioned, white papers should be well-researched documents. Conducting lengthy original research may indeed be outside a marketing team’s budget, but merely including a few stats from the first page of a Google search simply won’t cut it.

Aggregating statistics and searching through scholarly work may take time, but the result will be worth it. For your white paper to achieve its intended effect, It’s important to establish your content as an authoritative source to which the audience would want to return.

Poor design

We'll go in-depth into design in the next section, but it's worth mentioning here. The written content of a white paper is what matters most, but neglecting design is a big mistake. Design makes your salient points stand out and helps the reader understand what they're reading. Using visuals (like images, animations , videos, charts, and graphs) that support your arguments is crucial.

Check out this white paper example built with Foleon!. Open the white paper

Not telling a story

White papers are informative and factual. We’ve driven that point home already. That doesn’t mean they should be boring. Backgrounders, problem-solution white papers, and research findings all have a story to tell, and the reader is far less likely to make it through the entire piece without some form of narrative to keep them engaged.

Setting up a problem, elaborating on a solution, and including some type of success story is a proven formula for making any type of content more story-like.

Leaving it abstract

Because most white papers will involve sharing research findings, it can be easy to leave them in the realm of theory without explaining how to utilize those findings on a practical level. This is true more of backgrounders but can be the case with problem-solution white papers as well.

A good example is the abundant amount of content on employee engagement. Many B2B cases have covered the importance of employee engagement and the pitfalls of getting it wrong. Too little of this content goes further and gives concrete examples of what companies in specific verticals can do to alleviate the problem.

5. White paper format

Before addressing anything else, we first need to talk about the format you'll use.

A picture is no longer worth a thousand words. Today, its value is in the number of eyeballs it can keep glued to your content and the ratio of those viewers it convinces to click through to other sections of your website.

Your carefully crafted copy and painstakingly gathered statistics won’t earn those clicks on their own. The average human attention span is now less than that of a goldfish . And with 3.3 million Facebook posts, 448,800 tweets, and 149,513 emails sent every minute , competition for your readers' attention is intense, to say the least. Long form mediums like the white paper need serious sparkle just to compete.

How to format a white paper

You'll need more than just black text on a white background. Your design choices regarding things like color, typography, and the use of visuals will play a prominent role in the success of your white paper. Here are a few important principles to keep in mind for creating a quality white paper design.

Keeping mobile visitors in mind

More than 54% of internet traffic is now mobile , and web designers have adapted to this trend by creating what's known as responsive design . Before this, web pages simply scaled according to the size of a user's screen, retaining their layout. Naturally, this made most pages both unreadable and unnavigable on smaller devices.

Responsive design solved this by allowing elements on a page to rearrange, resize, or be completely hidden from view in response to the size of the screen. When a smaller screen is used, font-sizes increase, buttons become larger for touch screens, and the entire layout adjusts to make the page mobile-friendly.

But while this has become standard for web designers in a mobile-first world, producers of other digital content assets like white papers have generally not adapted . Surprisingly, most companies that offer white papers and eBooks on their websites still use PDF format .

The problem with PDFs is that they're unreadable on smaller screens . They're fixed-layout documents — they can't adjust or adapt to different screen sizes. Reading them on a mobile device requires excessive zooming and panning around, which is a terrible experience for users.

Mobile traffic is ever-increasing. If you decide to produce your white paper as a PDF , you risk excluding this vast segment of your audience. It's a design mistake that will cost you views and conversions.

Responsive white paper example - NGData

See examples of responsive white papers

Emphasis and readability

Because in-depth white papers contain lots of text and visuals, as well as supplementary information like footnotes, figures, logos and copyright info, the danger is that your design becomes cluttered. Clutter accumulates before you realize it. You may choose a clean layout and color scheme, to begin with, but as you continue to add content, things can get crowded. Often, you must make tough choices about what not to include to strike the right balance between completeness and readability.

Good design makes bold choices and prioritizes important information. These choices and priorities affect layout, placement, color, font size, page order and more.

Use these design elements to create emphasis on vital pieces of information. But be careful. Emphasizing too many pieces of information — or too few — will cause readers to struggle to discern what’s important.

Good design makes bold choices and prioritizes important information.

Have a look at what's trending

Bold fonts and color schemes are in. If you look at the hippest tech companies right now, you’ll see lots of pastels and color gradients. Of course, all that might change tomorrow. But still, a great way to get inspiration when you're just starting is to take a look at what design trends are currently popular.

U2's frontman, Bono, sings "every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief." And he's right. Good designers are always drawing inspiration from other designers.

The best way to create a successful design is to spend a lot of time looking at what others are doing successfully. Use Evernote , or a bookmarking service to save white papers and other exceptional designs that you encounter for future reference.

Don’t know where to start looking? Dribbble and Behance are two networks where great designers share their latest work. They consistently have material that’s on the cutting edge of what’s trending.

Design for your audience

While trends may inspire you, it's more important to align your design with your audience and your subject matter.

  • Will you be addressing suit-and-tie financial executives or blue-collar management at construction firms?
  • Are you writing about changes to privacy regulations in the tech industry, or about the effects of farming on biodiversity?

White paper format and design

Your design should support and strengthen your topic. The colors and typography should be consistent with what you're writing about, the tone you've chosen, and the audience you've defined.

Writing a white paper for a funeral parlor? Hot-pink headlines might be a bad choice. Taking color psychology into account can help you achieve the look and feel you're after.

Brush up on the basics

No prior knowledge of design? No problem.

If you don’t have a designer working with you in-house, you can still teach yourself the basics of design and check work against those principles. A big part of the battle is knowing the search terms that will get you the knowledge you need. Luckily, good primers on basic graphic design are abundant.

After doing a bit of reading, start creating. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you create a white paper and don’t like the design, try to pinpoint what it is about the design that needs improvement.

After the reading you’ve done, you’ll have the tools to critique your own work and the work of others. This is the best way to improve and create well designed white papers.

Choosing the right tools

At Foleon, we pride ourselves on providing a tool that makes creating responsive digital white papers easy, even for those with no prior graphic design experience.

Choosing a tool like this, which takes the guesswork out of design, will shorten the time it takes for you to produce great white papers. There is a vast ecosystem of tools out there, each of which is geared toward a different purpose and skillset. The right one will enable you as both a designer and a writer.

See how you can scale engaging content creation .

6. Gating your white papers

For most companies, lead generation and growing lists of contacts for the sales and marketing teams are important activities. Attracting visitors to your site and offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information is a proven method for filling the top of your funnel.

But for this type of inbound marketing to work, two things are needed: exceptional content that visitors are eager to acquire, and a method for gating (or walling off) that content behind a form.

Gated white paper

Many brands skip the first part and move straight to the second. They quickly produce something mediocre and put it behind a form. This might work in the short term for generating lists, but keep in mind that users expect more from content they “pay” for. The quality of your gated content serves as an indicator of the quality of your brand will affect your ability to turn prospects into customers down the road.

So how do white papers fit into your b2b content marketing funnel ? They may act either as lead generation tools themselves or can be used to direct readers to other parts of a website that captures lead information.

What is gated content?

Walling expert content off behind a form designed to capture personal details is one of the most common techniques for generating leads. Gated content is any content that a reader cannot access until after they input some personal information, such as their name and email address. White papers and eBooks are two of the most common types of content used for this purpose.

Typically, a company will create a landing page that includes a description — and perhaps a preview — of what information readers can expect to find inside. The landing page will include a form for visitors to enter their personal information and thus gain access. After entering the required information, visitors are either presented with a download button or receive the gated content in their inbox.

There are plenty of variations on this formula, but the basic technique of providing “free” content and asking readers to “pay” by providing their personal information has been very important part of content marketing for a long time.

To gate or not to gate

While gating your best content is great for lead generation, there are some drawbacks as well. Walling off your white paper will mean it gets read by fewer people as not everyone is willing to give away their contact details.

An open-access white paper will be read by a wider audience. If it’s in-depth and authoritative, it may also do well organically and improve your search rankings. Gating it behind a form, however, will prevent search engines from indexing it.

It’s important to consider what the primary goal of your white paper is: disseminating information and gaining brand awareness or generating leads. If the latter is more important, then gating is a great option.


Another variation on gated content — and one that’s growing in popularity — is semi-gating . This can give you the best of both worlds by allowing your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads.

Semi-gating gives readers a taste of your white paper without requiring them to give up any info. You can, for example, make the first few pages of your white paper open access, and then make visitors fill in a form to read more. This works well because digital content is so abundant and brands must offer more for free or risk visitors turning elsewhere.

Allow your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads.

Offering more content for free also builds trust and brand loyalty among your readers. Let them know your white papers are valuable and helpful, and they’ll be more interested in giving you their personal information. You’re also more likely to gain qualified leads if readers have a chance to sample your white paper before converting.

Of course, semi-gating doesn’t mean giving away your entire white paper. Typically, there’s at least one section of the white paper that is exclusive to those who go through the gating process. Semi-gating can help reach a wider audience, build trust and loyalty, increase lead quality, and still help you capture the contact information you need.

There’s a concept in marketing and design known as friction . Friction is anything that causes the sales process to slow down. It’s like a roadblock that makes it less likely prospects will convert, sign up, download, or purchase. It can be caused by a multitude of things including poor design, confusing navigation, subpar copy, too many form fields, and more.

Your ability to generate leads with a gated white paper will largely depend on how much friction is involved. Asking for more information than you really need is one common and unnecessary source of friction that can lead to losing potential readers.

The entire field of conversion rate optimization is geared toward removing friction — or making user interactions easier. CRO specialists make forms simpler, navigation more intuitive, and design CTAs that are more likely to be clicked. Optimizing your landing page for conversions is a vital part of any lead generation campaign.

But the reality is, asking for personal information will always be an obstacle for a large number of people. So the key here is to make the process easy and noninvasive as possible.

An excellent way to do this is by reducing the number of form fields to the bare minimum and using mid-gating to ensure your ask is timely and yields immediate value for the reader: "Fill out this form to get access to the rest of this white paper, we've saved the best for last!".

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7. White paper distribution

So, after following the tips in this guide, you create an engaging, informative white paper that inspires readers to take action and deepen their relationship with your company. You mid-gate (or semi-gate) it to capture readers’ information and gain valuable insight into the interests and demographics of your consumer base.

Now, you publish it on your website, sit back, and wait for your Pulitzer.

Only, the traffic never comes… Where did you go wrong? You didn't think about your white paper distribution strategy . 

The importance of distribution

The internet isn’t the same as it once was. Thanks to the massive amount of content produced every day for and an ever-growing number of channels, it’s a lot harder to get noticed. Unless you’re Gabriel García Márquez back from the dead, simply writing something and posting it online doesn’t guarantee readership.

To get eyes on your white paper, you need to be smart not only about writing and design but distribution as well. Some content marketing thought leaders go so far as to claim that you should spend 20% of your time on content creation and 80% on promotion.

Distribution is all about identifying traction channels where your ideal customers consume content and making your white paper highly visible on those channels. Depending on the audience you defined in the beginning, some will be more relevant for you than others.

Social promotion

If you’re at all familiar with marketing, advertising, or online media, chances are you’re aware of how important social media is to visibility. People from all walks of life, and from all over the world, are on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Ensuring that you share your content regularly on these platforms will give you a solid base of promotion on which to build.

But it's not enough to simply write a post and tweet it into the void. Try to find communities like Facebook and LinkedIn groups where your target audience is likely to congregate. Search for relevant hashtags on Twitter and Instagram . Find subreddits relevant to your industry.

Once you’ve found your audience, it’s much easier to connect with them. If you contribute to these spaces regularly, you’ll have an easier time keeping their attention and distributing your white paper.

Influencers and earned media

Public relations isn’t what it once was; influencer marketing has taken its place as the way to get noticed by the masses.

These days, influencers — people with large, engaged followings on social media and newsletters — are better equipped to amplify your content than traditional journalists. They play a growing role in shaping public opinion and even in setting business trends . Shares from an influencer can even help you land spots in major publications the way press releases used to.

Social media is the best place to find influencers in your vertical. When you investigate the best communities in which to promote your white paper, look for the content that people are already referencing and sharing. Eventually, you’ll start to get a picture of who’s putting out content that’s getting widespread traction. These are the people whose voices can amplify your brand.

Start by interacting with them. Begin a conversation, comment on their pieces with regularity, and give them feedback on their work. There are great tools, like Voila Norbert and ContactOut , to help you quickly track down email addresses.

After building enough rapport, try offering to collaborate on future white papers or other types of content. This process can take some time because your goal here is to build a relationship.

Eventually, you can ask an influencer to share your white paper. You might even consider quoting them in the white paper itself — anything that gives them an incentive to share your work is helpful.

Pro tip: Try to find an expert in your white paper related subject and interview them. It will add value to your white paper and you'll increase the chance that the expert shares your content with his or her extensive network.

Email marketing

The jungle of online content may thicken daily, but there are a few places you can still get readers’ attention. Email distribution has stood the test of time in this regard. It provides greater ROI than social , and it shows no signs of weakening.

If the purpose of your white paper is lead generation, email marketing will not be applicable. But for boosting sales, building trust, and establishing your brand as a trustworthy source of information, it's important not to neglect your existing contact base.

Although email may not have the appealing viral possibilities associated with social media, it does have other advantages. Namely, anyone who subscribed to your email list chose to be there. This means you can expect a higher level of engagement from this audience than those who come in via other channels. Capitalize on their loyalty and engagement by encouraging contacts to share your white paper with their networks and thus multiply your distribution efforts.

This was discussed in the previous section, but it's worth mentioning again here: another big advantage of Foleon's gating features is that when your existing contacts share your white paper with their contacts, those people will be confronted with a login form that will allow you to capture their info and expand your email list further.

Going beyond the basics

The techniques discussed above are essential items in your white paper distribution toolbox. However, they’re not the only ones. The best way to distribute your white paper depends largely on your target audience and the industry to which your content speaks.

Take some time to critically evaluate and research how knowledge is shared in your industry. Every industry will be slightly different. Reaching people in these places is the best guarantee of effective distribution.

8. Handling your white paper leads

As we've discussed, white papers can serve a variety of objectives. They’re commonly used for thought leadership and to disseminate important research, relevant to a specific industry.

When it comes to content marketing, however, the most common use for white papers over the last several years has become lead generation. In chapter 6, we discussed how to bring readers to your white paper and capture their information.

Once you've properly gated your white paper and set up a solid distribution strategy, it's time to think about how you'll handle the leads that come in. If not properly tracked and nurtured, leads will quickly become cold and won't lead to increased sales for your company. So how do you follow up with leads and maximize the opportunity you’ve created with your white paper?

How to track your white paper leads

The buyer’s journey outlines the steps a person goes through, from becoming aware of a problem they have, to learning about different solutions to that problem, to eventually purchasing a product or service (hopefully yours) that solves their problem.

White paper customer journey

To maximize the chances your new leads become paying customers, you must take the abstract concept of a buyer’s journey and map it to your specific content ecosystem. The actions your prospects take on your website can be indicative of what stage of the journey they're in.

For example, you may see someone read a blog post on your site, then come back a day later to get your white paper, and then finally sign up for a free trial or an email list. After that, they might decide to make a purchase. As patterns begin to emerge around the journey your customers take, you'll learn what actions on your part can help them to advance.

There are many tools available to help you analyze this journey for yourself. Google Analytics is probably the most widely used. It lets you track and compile data regarding user behavior on your website. You can define goals and generate reports that will show you steps users tend to take before completing those goals.

Targeting stages of the buyer’s journey

As it becomes more clear what actions visitors take before purchasing, you'll better understand where to use your white paper in the buyer's journey.

The question you should seek to answer is, where does it provide the most value to your potential customers? Do you see greater success when accessing your gated white paper is a prospect's first interaction with your company? Or is it perhaps more effective to use it as an offer once visitors have returned a second (or third) time to your site?

You can see that white papers don't exist in isolation but act as a member of an ecosystem. The related blog posts, landing pages, emails, social messages, and follow up sequences must all be carefully orchestrated and properly timed.

This process takes practice. It takes trial and error, and you must be a keen observer of trends . However, that effort will pay off.

...white papers don't exist in isolation but act as a member of a content ecosystem.

Following up with your leads

Depending on where in the buyer's journey you use your white paper, the way you'll want to follow up with leads will be different.

  • If, for example, your white paper targets the awareness stage and the leads you gather are relatively unfamiliar with your company, it might be smart to enroll them in an email sequence that highlights other pieces of content on your site such as blog posts that are relevant to the topic they showed interest in.
  • Suppose your white paper is for people in the consideration stage, and leads are already familiar with what you have to offer. In that case, you might consider following up by sending them special offers or exclusive deals — again, closely related to the topic of interest.
  • If you're taking a highly targeted approach to distribution and using your white paper to generate hot leads that you think are already close to making a purchasing decision, the best way to follow up might be for a sales representative to reach out directly by phone.

This is what it means to nurture leads. By proactively keeping in touch with leads and offering them more relevant content, you maximize the likelihood of them becoming a customer.

9. Choosing the right white paper template

In 2021, Hubspot reported that 82% of marketers actively invest in content marketing. Thus, the need to create interactive content experiences that stand out amongst your competitors has never been more critical in your content marketing strategy as the volume of published white papers grows yearly. 

For this reason, the visual representation of your white paper has become increasingly crucial for retaining your audience's interest. In addition to the value your white paper content provides your audience, the single most significant factor at your disposal to maintain content engagement is how your white paper is visually presented. 

For whitepapers, the white paper template you opt for to present your content can significantly influence the success of your publication. The template is more than just a matter of aesthetics; it represents a strategic decision that affects user engagement, experience, and even how your brand is perceived.

Below are some factors you should carefully weigh when choosing your white paper template .

Target audience and content

The two biggest influences that will determine the selection of your white paper template are your target audience and the purpose of your content. 

For example, if you create an annual report that provides Financial Services information or a research piece exploring trends in Software & IT salaries, you’ll want to use a template that easily represents data-rich elements such as tables and eye-catching statistics. In contrast, visually-oriented templates containing hi-res imagery or videos are better suited for online catalogs or digital magazines . 

Think about your target audience's needs and how your template's layout can optimize your content's engagement. 

Creative control with flexible features 

You’ll get the most value out of your interactive white paper with a content creation platform that allows you to harness professionally designed white paper templates that are easy to use and fully customizable with a drag-and-drop interface. This will allow everyone in your team to create content quickly with no coding experience required. 

Custom templates set your white paper up for success by providing a starting foundation to help guide the layout and structure of your content. Custom features allow you to design your white paper any way you like by quickly changing blocks, fonts, and colors according to your brand guidelines with the added ability to add or remove sections. 

Mobile experience and device responsiveness

As of September 2023, over 55% of website traffic is from mobile devices. Therefore, it is essential that your white paper is responsive across all devices. 

Most content creation platforms have integrated tools that automatically adapt your content to different screen sizes. However, to ensure the best possible user experience, you should always test your white paper on multiple devices as part of your content creation process before publishing.

Finally, website speed is one of the most significant factors influencing user experience and playing a pivotal role in organic rankings. According to , 32.3% of visitors bounce from a webpage if it takes more than 7 seconds to load. Ensuring that your content creation platform and hosting services are optimized for website performance is critical in maximizing your readership when choosing your white paper template.

10. Final thoughts

Be prepared to write a lot more content.

By this point, you should have all the ingredients you need to make your white paper a rousing success. However, you’ll notice by now the reality that your white paper fits into a larger ecosystem of marketing actions and content.

In today’s business world, producing quality content is one of the best ways to get your target market's attention. But not everyone will be ready for the same piece of content at the same time.

From white papers to blog posts, to podcasts, the type of content that will drive conversions for your business is something you'll discover over time. What’s certain is that one type won't satisfy all your audience's needs. Because of that, you should be prepared to fill the rest of your buyer’s journey with other appropriate content.

This means lots of writing. There’s no way around that. It means coming up with content ideas, creating them, distributing them, and measuring their success — then rinsing and repeating. After this primer, you should be fully equipped for success writing not only white papers but whatever content you choose along your journey.  

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white paper presentation examples

White Paper Examples: 9+ Easy Steps to a Winning White Paper 

by Patrice Kelly

on Jan 4, 2024

Are you looking for white paper examples to add to your content marketing strategy? Do you want to get better leads, boost your B2B marketing , and enhance your return on investment?

Of course you do.

Topnotch brands and businesses around the world share fact-based, relevant content, and effective solutions with their audiences. And a white paper is a powerful way to do it.

But creating a white paper from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve never done one before. Right?

No worries. This post will show you step-by-step how to create a winning white paper to showcase your expertise and get it out to the people who really need to see it. 

We’ll guide you from start to finish, research to distribution, and help you become a white paper wizard!


Let’s get this paper started!

white paper presentation examples

What is a White Paper?…

A white paper (or whitepaper) is an informational document that highlights your business’ particular solution, feature, or service. It builds trust with readers, exposes you to potential customers, and makes your sales strategy more productive. 

The British government first used the phrase “white paper” when writer, traveler, archeologist, and political officer  Gertrude Bell presented her “Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia” report in 1920. 

The general public began using the term when governments switched to paper color coding to distribute documents. White paper documents were for public access.

In the early 1990s, the term “white paper” began to apply to documents used as business marketing or sales tools. 

Although early white papers were ponderous tomes of information, today’s white papers are much more streamline and readable.

… And Why Do You Need One?

Seldom is a business-to-business (B2B) customer ready to purchase after reading a social media tweet or viewing a short video ad. B2B customers want more. They need solid, even actionable, content to show them why they need you right now. 

Michael Stelzner, author of  Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged says, “The white paper’s underlying strength rests on this premise: If you give readers something of value, they will give you their loyalty, and ultimately their business.”

According to the  2022 Demand Gen Content Preferences Report , 62% of respondents said they engaged with three to seven pieces of content before making a purchase. Most buyers also spend five to 30 minutes reviewing content. And for 52%, the preferred content is white papers. 

As part of your  content marketing strategy , white papers help you establish thought leadership, generate sales leads, grow email lists , inform or persuade readers, or make a business case. 

The 6 Basic Types of White Papers

There are six basic types of white papers and you can make your choice according to your objectives and your industry.

1. The Thought Leadership White Paper

white paper presentation examples

Purpose: Comes from a senior subject matter expert and makes you look like an authority. 

What it does: Showcases your spin on a currently relevant issue in your industry. 

How to write it: Excite and encourage people to see the issue in a different way — your way.

2. The Educational White Paper

white paper presentation examples

Purpose:  Teaches your audience something new.

What it does:  Shares useful information like how to do something or an in-depth analysis of a timely issue.

How to write it:  Make it clear and easy to follow, and use reliable information sources or your internal research.

3. The Market Research White Paper

white paper presentation examples

Purpose:  Uses your own survey data to educate your audience, highlights your thought leadership, and works as a PR tool.

What it does: Presents survey data as graphs or in detail and provides analysis.

How to write it : Present it as pure data and analysis or use it to support your argument on a particular subject.

4. The Problem Solving White Paper

white paper presentation examples

Purpose: Helps resolve your readers’ pain points.

What it does:  Presents your unique step-by-step approach to solving a problem and shares your company’s core values, process, and methodology.

How to write it:  Encourage and persuade readers to address issues from a different perspective. Your writing needs to be authoritative, credible, and believable. 

5. The Technical White Paper

white paper presentation examples

Purpose:  Gives an in-depth analysis of your technical product or solution or discusses a particular type of technology.

What it does:  Provides your audience with information on your technology product or service using customer case studies. It can also help you build relationships with tech influencers.

How to write it:  Compose around a specific process, build your business case for implementing the technology, and then detail how to apply it.

6. The Visionary White Paper

white paper presentation examples

Purpose:  Proves you will be a dependable long-term partner to your audience.

What it does:  Showcases your breakthrough insights into the future of your industry or technology.

How to write it:  Present your well thought out, reality-based vision citing credible sources, academic papers, and using story-telling mode.

10 Easy Steps to Writing a White Paper

10 Easy Steps to Writing a White Paper

Here’s where the rubber meets the road…

1. Determine Your Target Audience

Understanding your  audience is key to a successful white paper. Use your customer persona or create a quick survey with  SurveyMonkey ,  JotForm , or  QuestionPro . Done in advance, a survey can save you tons of worry, time, and frustration.

Here are few tips to increase your survey response rate:

  • Target a reachable population. In  B2B marketing , this includes your email list of customers and potential customers. (As long as you’re not targeting 18 to 24-year-old males who play video games, you’re golden.)
  • Personalize the email with respondent’s names and share as much of the purpose of the survey as possible.
  • Make the survey short, to the point, and provide multiple choice answers. The less time it takes to fill out, the more likely you’ll get a response.

Knowing your audience’s pain points simplifies your next step.

2. Choose an Engaging Topic

It’s essential that the topic interests your readers. If it’s not relevant or engaging, you won’t get the results you hope for.

When choosing your topic, consider if there’s an important view or facet of your industry that isn’t well covered. Or do you want to share essential elements of your business that provide real value? 

Whatever the topic, pick one you know well. Make sure you’ve the knowledge, sources, and proof to back it up.

3. Format Your White Paper

Next, choose the format for your white paper. There are three basic formats: backgrounders, numbered/bulleted lists, and problem/solution papers. 

These formats help create shorter reports that are great for today’s electronic (PDF or  interactive ) white paper:

  • Backgrounders describe a new product, service, or vision. They simplify complex information or ideas in a straightforward manner. A good choice for thought leadership, technical reports, educational, and visionary white papers.
  • Numbered/bulleted lists are organized around key points of a specific issue. They use headings and bullet points to share information in bite-sized pieces. Works well in market research, visionary, and technical white papers.
  • Problem/solution papers or special reports target decision makers looking for solutions that affect their bottom line. Best for groundbreaking technical and visionary white papers. 

Once you’ve decided how you want to present your information, you need an outline to organize it.

4. Write an Outline

Here are the basic elements of a white paper outline. Be sure to use subheads to make it easier to read and understand:

Abstract/Executive Summary/Introduction

  • This is a brief overview of the white paper’s main points. It tells readers the paper is relevant to their needs. 

Problem statement

  • Explains the issue the paper addresses. The problem should be clearly defined and placed in a framework the reader understands.
  • Gives the reader context to understand the problem and the solution. If you do original research, explain how you collected the information.


  • Presents your solution or analysis. Make your case here for your argument/approach, and/or your company’s expertise. 
  • Summarizes the report’s major findings and recommendations.
  • Any sources used for your white paper must be added to this section. Citations add credibility and let your reader do further research. 
  • Use  MLA or  AP A style citations depending on your industry.

Now, it’s time to gather information and data to create thoughtful, value-driven content.

5. Do Your Research

Do Your Research

Be thorough. Use internal and external sources for your white paper. The more information you collect, the more useful and unique your content will be.

Here are some ways to conduct research for your white paper:

Find credible sources and keep a record

  • Read journals, reports and white papers on your topic. Reading can help you find unique approaches and content gaps your report can take on. 
  • Credit quotes from experts by name.
  • Keep all your research material in a computer folder.

Conduct interviews with industry experts

  • To find people talking about your topic, use a tool like Buzzsumo . You can also consult professional associations, academic institutions, or try  LinkedIn . 
  • Create a list of names, and use outreach tools like Respona or  PitchBox to get in touch by email. 
  • Do interviews in the format your interviewee is comfortable with, like a Zoom call, a face to face meeting, or a written questionnaire.

Fact-check everything

  • Don’t skip this step. Fact-check all the information you get, whether it’s previously published or from your interviews.
  • There are a number of  online tools journalists and subject matter experts use regularly to help you fact-check your research.

6. Create a Powerful Title

Next, you want to create a great title for your white paper. Remember, headlines should lead to a reaction, specifically, to read your white paper. 

A great title is precise. Keep your reason for writing and your audience’s pain points in mind when creating it. 

Make it simple, accurate, and to the point. Use active verbs and a clear benefit for your audience. 

7. Pack It with Useful Information

A white paper showcases your company’s expertise in your field. It should provide valuable information like helpful insights, how to do something, or solve a problem. 

After reading your white paper, readers should be confident that you’re a reliable source of expert information. And decision makers are more likely to purchase from companies they trust.

8. Give it a Great Intro & Close

Be concise and inviting when writing the introduction. Feature the report’s main factors but not the details. Include why you wrote the white paper and what you hope readers will get out of it.

Your close should tie in with your introduction so people remember why they read the report in the first place. Add a call to action (CTA) to initiate some behavior or reach out for more information. 

9. Write Like a Human

Write to your readers like you’re having a conversation.

Explain things in terms that anyone can understand. Use clear concise language, avoid jargon , and organize your white paper into readable sections.

10. Mistakes to Avoid

Here are a few mistakes to avoid when constructing your white paper:

Being too ‘salesy’

  • A white paper is not a sales brochure. The tone should be informative and objective rather than promotional. 

Not Linking

  • Include reference links in your white paper. They connect readers to more information and help boost your credibility with Google.

Not Optimizing For Search

  • For better search engine optimization (SEO), include keywords and links to your site to help boost your search engine rankings.

Lack of Effective Promotion

  • You should promote your white paper where you feel it will arouse interest. (More on this later.)

How to Optimize Your Design

How to Optimize Your Design

Whether your white paper is in PDF form or interactive, design is an important element in getting audience engagement.

Here are some pointers on creating a great white paper design:

  • Use your cover page to give your reader actual information on the content. 
  • Use high quality images to provide a visual context for the writing. 
  • Use headings and subheadings to break up large text blocks and use graphics between paragraphs. Insert columns for long sections of text.


  • Use consistent design elements, like fonts and colors, throughout the document, but vary how you use them to keep your readers’ interest. 


  • Use infographics to illustrate facts and statistics or important takeaways. 

Bullet points

  • Use bullet points to summarize the key takeaways after explaining a big idea. 
  • Use a text box or other visual elements to highlight takeaways and get your reader’s attention. Readers should be able to spot the main takeaways on each page quickly.

Design not your thing? No worries! Even if you can’t use Adobe InDesign, there are a myriad of automated white paper template sites online at reasonable price points.

Promoting Your White Paper

Promoting Your White Paper

White papers help you highlight your products or services and offer real value. But nobody benefits if no one knows about it.

So, the first step to getting results is knowing how to promote your white paper. 

Below are a few suggestions to get you started:

Channels You Own & Control

Website & Email

  • Your landing page should clearly explain your white paper’s benefits. And the shorter the opt-in form, the better.
  • Create related  blog posts or make the abstract a blog post and add links. 
  • Send out teaser emails to subscribers before publication. After publication, add links to your newsletter , email signature, and autoresponder.

Social Media

  • Post teasers on social media before and after publication. Do a series of posts on different parts of your white paper.
  • Post on online forums like  Reddit , LinkedIn, or  Quora .
  • Write a complementary article and post it on LinkedIn or  Medi u m and include a link to the full report.

The Channels You Earn(ed)

Press & Media

  • Reach out to industry media channels for an interview and offer exclusive rights to findings before publication in exchange.
  • Leverage your relationships with network members, channel partners, and industry influencers to guest blog on their site(s) with a link to your report.
  • Send out news releases and the report to journalists and analysts.

The Channels You Pay For

Ads & Syndication

  • If there are certain terms/keywords that industry members search for, try a Google pay-per-click (PPC) ad.
  • If specific sites capture your audience, run a display network ad to drive leads to your landing page.
  • There are a number of syndication sites, such as  AMarketforce ,  Tech Republic , and  Anosales that offer both free and pay-per-lead plans to promote your whitepapers.

Undaunted: White Paper Examples The Easy Way

Undaunted: White Paper Examples The Easy Way

The idea of writing a white paper can be scary, no doubt. But we’ve shown you some great white paper examples and broken down the steps to writing your very own. 

Why are you still sitting there? Follow the steps and start today.

Pick a relevant, fantastic topic your audience will love and thoroughly research it. Create your outline and write like a human. 

And looky here … you’ve become a white paper wizard. 

And all your new customers adore you!

So, go ahead. 

Sprinkle some of that magic!

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Patrice Kelly


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10 Amazing White Paper Examples & Ideas to Copy

Updated on 

August 2, 2024

Published on 

August 1, 2024

10 Amazing White Paper Examples & Ideas to Copy

A top-notch White Paper can significantly impact your professional life by showcasing your expertise and providing valuable insights to your audience. Utilizing White Paper templates, like those available on Piktochart , can simplify the process and help you create a polished and informative White Paper.

Before diving into crafting your own White Papers, it's essential to explore the 10 best examples of White Paper for inspiration on creating an effective and engaging document. This will ensure you're well-prepared to make a lasting impression with your White Paper.

What is a White Paper?

A White Paper is a comprehensive document that provides in-depth information on a specific topic, often used by business professionals for generating leads, building trust, and increasing sales. These documents are particularly useful in B2B marketing, where they can influence decision-making processes and instill confidence in the minds of current and prospective customers. By offering valuable insights and data-driven content, White Papers can effectively support your sales team and help drive business growth.

10 White Paper Examples

Here are the top 10 White Paper examples:

1. White Paper

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The White Paper on AI in Healthcare example presents a comprehensive overview of the current state and future potential of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry. The document is well-structured and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers understand the impact of AI on healthcare practices and decision-making processes.

2. Technology White Paper

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The Technology White Paper example offers a concise and informative overview of a specific technological innovation, presenting its features, benefits, and potential impact on various industries. The document is well-organized and engaging, making it easy for readers to grasp the key concepts and implications of the technology in question.

3. Marketing White Paper

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The Marketing White Paper example presents a comprehensive and engaging overview of cutting-edge marketing strategies, techniques, and trends. The document is well-structured and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers enhance their marketing efforts and drive business growth.

4. Social Media White Paper

clickup screenshot

The Social Media White Paper example provides a concise and engaging overview of the latest social media strategies, trends, and best practices. The document is well-organized and easy to follow, offering valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers optimize their social media presence and drive business growth.

5. Simple White Paper

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The Simple White Paper example presents a clean and straightforward design that is both visually appealing and easy to digest. The layout is optimized for clarity and conciseness, ensuring that your White Paper effectively communicates its key points to the target audience.

6. Software White Paper

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The Software White Paper example presents a comprehensive and engaging overview of a specific software solution, detailing its features, benefits, and potential impact on various industries. The document is well-organized and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers understand the software's capabilities and applications.

7. Nonprofit Investment White Paper

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The Nonprofit Investment White Paper example presents a concise and informative overview of investment strategies and best practices tailored specifically for nonprofit organizations. The document is well-organized and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help nonprofits maximize their financial resources and achieve their mission-driven goals.

8. Technical White Paper

clickup screenshot

The Technical White Paper example presents a concise and informative overview of a specific technical solution, detailing its features, benefits, and potential impact on various industries. The document is well-organized and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers understand the technical solution's capabilities and applications.

9. Business White Paper

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The Business White Paper example presents a concise and engaging overview of cutting-edge business strategies, trends, and best practices. The document is well-organized and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers optimize their business operations and drive growth.

10. Government White Paper

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The Government White Paper example presents a concise and informative overview of policy initiatives, strategies, and best practices within the public sector. The document is well-organized and easy to follow, providing valuable insights and data-driven content to help readers understand the implications and potential impact of government policies and programs.

How to Create a Good White Paper

  • Choose a relevant and well-researched topic: Select a subject that is both interesting and valuable to your target audience. Conduct thorough research using credible sources to gather in-depth information and insights.
  • Understand your audience: Identify the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. This will help you tailor the content and tone of your White Paper to resonate with your readers.
  • Create a compelling title and introduction: Craft an attention-grabbing title and an enticing introduction that summarizes the content and hooks the reader, encouraging them to read further.
  • Structure your content effectively: Organize your White Paper using clear subheadings and concise paragraphs. Break up the content with visuals and data to support your points and maintain reader engagement.
  • Proofread, edit, and gather feedback: Ensure your White Paper is polished and professional by proofreading and editing the content. Share your draft with colleagues or industry experts for feedback, and revise as needed to improve the final document.

What to Avoid When Creating a White Paper

  • Avoid an irrelevant or uninteresting topic: Choosing a topic that doesn't engage your target audience can lead to low readership and poor results. Ensure your topic is relevant and interesting to your audience by conducting market research and identifying their pain points.
  • Don't skimp on research: Failing to conduct thorough research can result in inaccurate or misleading information, damaging your credibility. Use credible sources and fact-check all information to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Understand your target audience: Ignoring the needs and interests of your target audience can reduce the effectiveness of your White Paper. Tailor your content to resonate with your audience by identifying their preferences and pain points.
  • Use professional design elements and visuals: Poor design can make your White Paper difficult to read and understand. Utilize professional design elements, visuals, and visual hierarchy principles to create an engaging and easy-to-read document.
  • Proofread and edit your content: Errors and inconsistencies can undermine the credibility of your White Paper. Ensure accuracy and clarity by proofreading and editing your content before publishing.

Create with Piktochart!

If you need help generating a White Paper, consider checking out Piktochart , an online platform trusted by millions of users for creating infographics, presentations, posters, and other visual content. Piktochart simplifies the process of turning complex data into clear visuals with its AI-powered infographic maker. To start creating your own visually engaging content, you can sign up for Piktochart and explore their user-friendly platform and wide range of templates.

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9 White Paper Examples to Inspire Your Next White Paper

White paper examples are an excellent source of inspiration and guidance when writing a white paper of your own. They can help you explore different potential white paper designs and determine which elements to include in your content asset. 

Insights from looking at others’ white papers are extremely valuable, as it can be tough to create a white paper from scratch—especially if you are working on your first white paper. 

To help, we’ve rounded up nine white paper examples to inspire and guide you.

We’ll cover the following topics in this post:

  • Why is it important to look at white paper examples?

White paper examples by audience

Technical white paper examples, business white paper examples, marketing white paper examples.

Check out 5 white paper writers and agencies Take a peek at our list of the top 5 white paper writers and agencies .

White paper examples: why are they important to look at?

White paper examples can provide content marketers with inspiration by showcasing innovative ideas and effective formats. The examples offer a glimpse into what works well, helping you to craft engaging and persuasive content.

Additionally, examples of white papers help marketers identify which elements you should include in your own white papers, increasing the likelihood that your white paper will be effective.

It’s important to consider the target audiences when looking at examples of a white paper. After all, different audiences have different needs. The most effective white papers are tailored to their specific target audience’s preferences.

To help you make the most of our white paper examples, we’ve organized them into three categories:

1. Technical white paper examples

White papers aimed at decision-makers who manage their organization’s technology or oversee technical teams, including chief technology officers (CTOs).

2. Business white paper examples

White papers written for C-suite executives, including chief operating officers (COOs) or chief financial officers (CFOs).

3. Marketing white paper examples

White papers aimed at managers in marketing, operations and sales departments.

While it can still be helpful to look at white paper examples written for any target audience, we recommend you begin by looking at examples that correspond to your white paper’s target audience.

Our technical white paper examples include white papers written for CTOs and other technical decision-makers. Since these employees evaluate software solutions to find the best fit, they need to understand how each technology works and how it is implemented. As a result, these technical white paper examples are generally lengthier and more detail-oriented than white papers for other audiences.

White paper example #1: GitHub

How to get started with GitHub Enterprise Cloud

29 pages; 7,900 words

GitHub white paper example

This GitHub white paper example outlines 11 high-level steps that companies need to take to get started with GitHub’s Enterprise Cloud solution. The content provides a clear implementation roadmap and features many diagrams to help guide readers through the process. The visuals also help readers stay engaged.

Purpose: This technical white paper is a bottom-of-funnel resource meant to show CTOs how straightforward it is to implement GitHub Enterprise Cloud, thus minimizing their objections to purchasing the solution.

See GitHub technical white paper example

White paper example #2: Alteryx

AWS + Snowflake + Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform: Technical Guide

18 pages; 4,000 words

Alteryx white paper example

This Alteryx technical white paper example provides detailed steps for connecting and configuring your Amazon Web Services instance with Snowflake and Alteryx. It also includes a variety of diagrams and graphics to help readers visualize each step.

Purpose: The white paper shows technical employees how a unified tech stack can benefit their organization, plus it walks them through the setup process. This document is likely used to cross-sell or upsell Alteryx’s services to existing customers.

See Alteryx technical white paper example

White paper example #3: Crowdstrike

Application Security Posture Management: Securing Cloud-Native Applications at Scale

27 pages; 8,100 words

Crowdstrike white paper example

This Crowdstrike technical white paper gives an overview of the current cloud security landscape and introduces application security posture management (ASPM), the core technology discussed. It also provides detailed guidance on how to operationalize ASPM. 

Purpose: The white paper aims to build a strong business case for adopting ASPM technology, as it demonstrates that implementation is manageable and explains the risks of not adopting ASPM. It serves to push decision-makers toward purchasing Crowdstrike’s ASPM solution.

See CrowdStrike technical white paper example

Our business white paper examples include white papers tailored for C-suite executives, including COOs. These leaders are focused on finding the best returns on investment, so they’re interested in white papers that discuss high-level issues and the business case for adopting new technology. 

Business white papers are typically concise and emphasize executive summaries, strategic benefits and potential impacts on an organization.

White paper example #4: HackerOne

The Executive Guide to Human Security Testing

11 pages; 2,400 words

HackerOne white paper example

This example of a white paper from HackerOne offers a look at human security testing. It provides reputable statistics to highlight the risks of security inaction and the benefits of implementing human security testing. 

It also outlines HackerOne’s human security testing management service and discusses use cases. The inclusion of company photography makes the white paper feel more personalized and authentic.

Purpose: This business white paper example builds a high-level business case for considering HackerOne’s human security testing management service. Likely targeting the middle to bottom of the sales funnel, it aims to persuade executives of the solution’s value and urgency.

See HackerOne business white paper example

White paper example #5: Azure

Digital Transformation and the Art of the Possible: An Innovation Opportunity with SAP and Microsoft

15 pages; 3,200 words

Azure white paper example

This Azure white paper example encourages business leaders to embrace digital transformation so that their business stays competitive, rather than being left behind. Although its dense text and stock images are not ideal, the business white paper example includes a persuasive customer video testimonial. Additionally, the white paper’s infographics help make its contents easier to digest.

Purpose: The white paper aims to excite executives about the potential benefits of digital transformation. By listing advantages and showcasing how other companies are advancing, it seeks to motivate business leaders to adopt Azure’s solutions and avoid falling behind competitors.

See Azure business white paper example

White paper example #6: Okta

Adaptability Imperative Report

20 pages; 3,100 words

Okta white paper example

This white paper, based on a survey of 100 chief executive officers (CEOs), COOs and CFOs of large global enterprises, explores current business priorities and future challenges. It emphasizes the importance of adaptability for business success, using charts and graphs to present data in an easily digestible format.

Purpose: This business white paper example aims to establish Okta as a thought leader by providing original research and unique insights. 

See Okta business white paper example

Our marketing white paper examples target managers across various departments, including marketing, sales and operations. Since these managers are actively engaged in day-to-day operations, they seek practical solutions to overcoming challenges and improving performance. As such, marketing white papers are usually concise, address specific pain points and offer specific strategies for success.

White paper example #7: Cvent

Scaling Your Event Program for ROI

13 pages; 2,100 words

Cvent white paper example

This example of a white paper describes how to scale event programs while maximizing ROI and efficiency. It includes original research conducted by Forrester, so the document is especially valuable to readers. It also positions Cvent as a thought leader. Charts and graphs facilitate readers’ understanding.

Purpose: This marketing white paper example aims to establish Cvent as a go-to solution and thought leader in the event marketing space by offering insights and original research.

See Cvent marketing white paper example

White paper example #8: Fleetio

Budgeting 101 for Fleet Managers

Fleetio white paper example

This marketing white paper example provides practical information on how fleet managers can monitor costs through better fleet financial planning. It includes Q&As, pros and cons and examples, ensuring high value for its intended audience. 

The white paper also features infographics, charts and design elements to help readers stay engaged and better understand the content.

Purpose : This marketing white paper example serves as a top-of-funnel resource for fleet managers who are just becoming aware of their budgeting challenges. It aims to engage and educate them, positioning Fleetio as a valuable resource early in their problem-solving journey.

See Fleetio marketing white paper example

White paper example #9: MessageGears

14 Strategies to Deliver Moments-based Messaging at the Enterprise Level

5 pages; 1,200 words

MessageGears white paper example

This hybrid marketing white paper example combines a how-to guide and checklist to deliver interactive and engaging content. It also provides clear steps to deliver moments-based messaging and offers helpful examples, making it a practical reference document.

Purpose: This white paper serves as a top-of-funnel resource for an audience seeking tips on solving specific messaging challenges. It aims to engage and educate potential customers while positioning MessageGears as a solution provider for their issues.

See MessageGears marketing white paper example

White paper examples offer valuable insights

White paper examples are an excellent way to gain inspiration before creating your next white paper. Remember, it can be especially helpful to look at white papers that are tailored for your target audience since each group has its own preferences and needs.

That said, while the white paper examples discussed earlier offer valuable insights, they are just a starting point. You can check out our comprehensive guide on how to write a white paper for more advice on how to create a white paper that resonates with your audience. 

Need some help with your next white paper?

Our team of expert content writers is happy to write your next white paper. Check out our white paper writing service for more information.

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As the founder of Uplift Content, Emily leads her team in creating done-for-you case studies, ebooks and blog posts for high-growth SaaS companies like ClickUp, Calendly and WalkMe. Connect with Emily on Linkedin

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  • August 9, 2024

The Editing Room: 10 Powerful White Paper Examples to Attract Dream Clients

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Table of Contents

In today’s brutally competitive market, companies continuously seek the ultimate weapon to set them apart and attract their dream customers. This is where the white paper comes in—it’s the ultimate power tool that can promote your expertise.

What is a White Paper?

A white paper is a report or guide that educates readers about a complex issue or product and presents it. These authoritative, research-based marketing and sales documents help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or decide.

“Almost 60 percent of B2B content marketers use white papers, and about 50 percent deem them effective in content marketing.”

This makes them the second most effective format next to case studies that share customer stories.¹

White papers are used in business-to-business (B2B) marketing and policy-making to educate readers, establish thought leadership, and persuade stakeholders or potential customers. White papers can be used differently by startups, giant corporations, and government agencies.

A list on what makes a good white paper.

Benefits of Writing White Papers

“The best white papers provoke innovative thinking, clearly communicate opinions on relevant and timely issues, and are well-researched with statistically sound data.”

There are multiple advantages to publishing an engaging white paper, such as:

Providing Additional Knowledge

White papers offer detailed explanations and analyses, helping readers comprehend complex topics or issues. They convey intricate information that standard marketing materials might oversimplify, making them ideal for explaining sophisticated products, services, or concepts, particularly in industries like technology, healthcare, and professional services.

They deliver comprehensive insights and assist potential clients in understanding your value and offerings while enhancing their decision-making.

Generating High-Quality Leads

White papers attract potential customers by offering valuable insights and encouraging further engagement with the business. Requiring contact information for access effectively captures leads, as those who download white papers are often genuinely interested in the topic. This approach boosts conversion rates and significantly enhances sales efforts by targeting a more engaged audience.

Suggesting Solutions

White papers often present specific solutions to problems backed by research and analysis, guiding readers toward a particular course of action. They can highlight a business’s unique features and solutions, setting it apart from competitors.

Showcasing original ideas, data analysis, and case studies, differentiates your innovative approaches and methodologies, which can be a deciding factor for potential clients.

Establishing Authority

Organizations use white papers to position themselves as thought leaders in their industry by showcasing their expertise and knowledge.

Conducting thorough research and addressing relevant industry problems enhances your credibility and establishes yourself as an authoritative voice. This increased credibility attracts potential customers, partners, and investors seeking knowledgeable industry leaders.

Read More: Handshakes to Heartstrings: Sealing the Deal with Trust

What Makes a Good White Paper: An Analysis of 10 Exemplary White Papers

A list on what makes a good white paper.

A meticulously built white paper can revolutionize your business strategy, generate leads, and position your company as an industry thought leader. So, we’ve compiled ten powerful white paper examples so you can see the potential to captivate your ideal audience.

1. Preparing for a Future Powered by Generative AI by Harvard Business Review

This Slack-sponsored white paper examines how businesses may use generative AI. It emphasizes the importance of comprehending its potential and constraints, incorporating it into its processes, and training its staff to handle the changes it will entail. The research further highlights how crucial it is to take a calculated approach and think ethically to optimize the advantages of generative AI.

The white paper is a valuable example of a developing technology since it gives readers practical insights and motivates them to look into other resources for generative AI implementation.

2. Charting a Way Forward on Online Content Regulation by Meta (Facebook)

Meta’s white paper advocates for a more flexible content management approach, emphasizing context and possible harm rather than rigid rules. It recommends that online platforms establish explicit community standards, allow users to contest decisions, and be open about moderation procedures.

It also suggests setting up an impartial oversight committee to consider contentious choices and direct policy modifications.

Facebook’s strategy highlights the importance of collaboration across platforms, governments, civil society organizations, and users in developing effective content regulation policies. The white paper emphasizes the value of openness, user empowerment, and shared accountability in distinguishing between protecting risks and allowing free speech.

Just as Meta emphasizes context and adaptability in content regulation, staffing firms can benefit from flexibility in recruitment processes and transparent communication with clients and candidates.

3. The Google Cloud Adoption Framework by Google

The Google Cloud Adoption Framework white paper offers a clear plan for organizations to use cloud technology successfully. The paper also highlights four critical areas for cloud readiness: training for tech teams, strong executive support, use of cloud-native services, and solid security practices. It details specific workstreams, like networking and data management, to guide the cloud adoption process.

This framework helps organizations evaluate their current cloud practices, plan their cloud journey, and build the necessary skills and processes. It is a strong example of a well-structured white paper.

4. Mac Pro Technology Overview by Apple

5. winning affluent millennials: how this new power persona is reshaping the finance industry by linkedin.

The white paper examines the impact of affluent millennials—people aged 24-40 with investable assets over $100,000—on the financial sector.

It highlights millennials totaling 15.5 million in the U.S. and contributing $2 trillion annually, is optimistic, prefers managing their finances independently but with some guidance, uses social media for financial information, and is open to non-traditional financial products.

The study, conducted by LinkedIn and Ipsos, surveyed 1,507 millennials to understand their financial behaviors and preferences. This white paper stands out for its thorough research, clear layout, and effective use of visuals, offering valuable insights for financial institutions to better engage with this influential demographic.

Staffing firms can apply this principle by identifying and showcasing emerging trends within their industry, such as shifts in workforce demographics or new hiring technologies.

6. Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities Through Information and Communication Technology by Microsoft

Microsoft and FICCI explore how digital transformation could boost India’s economy. It predicts that adopting digital technologies could add $154 billion to India’s GDP by 2025, increasing the growth rate by 1.5 percent.

The paper highlights agriculture, education, and healthcare opportunities and stresses the need for digital infrastructure, skill development, and collaboration between the public and private sectors.

It is notable for its relevance and thorough analysis, with credibility from its authors—Microsoft and FICCI. It is well-organized and uses clear visuals to make complex data understandable, offering practical advice for policymakers and business leaders aiming to drive economic growth through digital transformation.

Your agency can take a similar approach by emphasizing the value of diversity and inclusion in white papers. This will showcase how inclusive hiring practices can benefit companies and communities.

7. Overview of Amazon Web Services by Amazon

Amazon’s white paper effectively demystifies cloud computing, particularly AWS services. It translates complex technical information into clear, digestible content through a well-structured format and visual aids. This clarity is crucial for any audience, including staffing firm leaders seeking to understand technology solutions.

To create impactful white papers, prioritize clear and concise communication. Break down complicated topics into easily understandable terms and use visuals to enhance comprehension.

8. Samsung Climate Solutions – The Indoor Climate Solution of Tomorrow For Residential Buildings by Samsung

This white paper outlines Samsung’s vision for future home climate control systems. It emphasizes energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and user comfort. Key features include AI-driven climate control, integration of renewable energy, and smart home connectivity. The paper’s strength lies in its ability to present complex technological concepts clearly and engagingly, supported by compelling visuals.

How can you apply this? Focus on innovation and future-oriented solutions. Thorough industry research is crucial. Identify emerging trends and challenges and offer actionable solutions to position your firm as a thought leader.

9. Let’s Leave the World Better Than We Found It by Hydroflask

Hydro Flask’s white paper is the company’s update on its corporate responsibility journey, detailing its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

It covers three main areas: Good Gear , which focuses on making eco-friendly products and reducing single-use plastics; Good Work , which addresses climate action, supply chain ethics, and diversity; and Good for All , which highlights community programs like “Parks for All” and “Refill for Good.”

The paper’s clear structure and visual storytelling make complex issues accessible. This approach fosters trust and resonates with environmentally conscious audiences. Your agency can strengthen its brand by highlighting its positive impact on the community and environment.

Clear communication about corporate social responsibility initiatives can enhance reputation and attract like-minded clients and talent.

10. Refresh the World. Make a Difference. by Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola’s white paper addresses evolving consumer preferences by outlining the company’s commitment to health and sustainability. It details efforts to cut added sugar in products, use responsible marketing, and follow school beverage guidelines. The paper also highlights Coca-Cola’s commitment to healthier options and transparency, featuring initiatives like SmartLabel and better packaging.

This white paper is notable for its relevance to current health trends and clear, organized presentation. It provides practical insights into Coca-Cola’s strategies and shows its proactive stance on health and sustainability.

So, understand evolving industry trends and client needs. Demonstrate a proactive approach to addressing challenges and opportunities. Remember, transparency and clear communication build trust and credibility.

Read More: Creating a Magnetic Culture Page: 5 Ways to Showcase Your Story on Your Website

Your Dream Clients Await—Turn Insights into Impact with Allied Insight!

Unlock the full potential of your white papers with our expert storytelling. We craft narratives that showcase your achievements and captivate and convert your dream clients. Our dedicated team at Allied Insight will guide you through every step, from detailed research to compelling presentation, ensuring your white paper stands out and drives actual results.

Ready to turn your expertise into irresistibly informative content? Contact us today , and let’s transform your ideas into powerful tools for success!

  • “B2B Content Marketing Trends 2024 [Research] | CMI.” Content Marketing Institute, 18 Oct. 2023, .


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8 White Paper Examples to Generate More Leads

Discover amazing white paper examples that pull in more leads. See how the right content grabs attention and keeps readers hooked!

8 Amazing White Paper Examples To Generate More Leads

Generating a constant flow of marketing qualified leads is part and parcel of every marketer’s job.

But generating leads, let alone quality ones, is a tough nut to crack.

How to attract the person standing in the middle of your funnel exposed to multiple options?

How can you deepen the connection and build trust in the mind of your prospects?

White papers are one such lead-generating asset that provides value to your customers and aids them in making decisions.

A helpful white paper builds your authority and thought leadership in your industry along with generating qualified leads.

According to B2B marketing benchmarks, 71% of companies prefer white paper as one of the best marketing collateral to impact decisions .

But not every white paper is worth its salt. A white paper needs to be insightful, unique, informational, and inspiring enough to cut through the noise.

In this article, we will break down 8 white paper examples from different industries to see what it takes to make a winning white paper.

Let’s get inspired!

What is a White Paper?

A white paper is long-form content that provides an in-depth solution, analysis, or opinion to a complex problem that your target audience faces, backed with charts, data, surveys, and examples. They carry an authoritative tone, making them a great resource to prove your thought leadership in the industry.

One should ask, But isn’t that what an ebook does? Yes, the lines are blurry, but there is a difference.

Ebooks generally cover a broader topic, whereas white papers focus on putting opinions over a specific issue with factual data and research . White papers are more in-depth and technical.

For example, if you want to explain “What is Data Privacy,” go write an ebook, but to explain “State of Data Privacy in 2021 + Key trends,” create a white paper.

Now let’s jump to the breakdown of a few white paper format examples.

8 Excellent White Paper Examples + Key Takeaways

1. cisco – networking and your competitive edge white paper.


Cisco is a well-known name, but the domain it works in is not.

Cisco develops and provides networking hardware, data security services, telecommunications equipment, and other high-technology services and products.

So to explain problems of such complex domains to the decision-maker of small or big businesses, Cisco has to make a technical yet easily understandable white paper.

And Cisco did just that with its “ Networking and your competitive edge ” white paper. The white paper explains the importance of having a robust, secured, and state-of-art network edge.

To avoid making the content text-heavy, they have balanced the white paper with infographics on each page . Plus, the visual tone of the whole white paper is totally in sync with the topic at hand.

Key takeaways from Cisco’s white paper

  • Create a white paper that can help people understand even a complex topic in the simplest way possible.
  • Create your white papers with the balanced use of texts and graphics .
  • Pull out quotes, essential statistics, and critical pointers for skim readers.

2. Hitachi Vantara – Hitachi Content Platform Architecture Fundamentals


Hitachi is active in different areas of the IT sector but mainly offers storage solutions for enterprises and midsize organizations.

The Whitepaper “ Hitachi Content Platform Architecture Fundamentals ” explains how Hitachi’s content platform is an ideal ecosystem to support existing content-centric applications, newer cloud use cases, and workloads for businesses of all sizes.

The white paper is service-centric and focuses on piquing the interest of buyers in the decision-making process.

Key takeaways from Hitachi’s white paper

  • If your white paper is content-heavy, then structure it into different sections for better readability.
  • Clearly explain the benefits of your product, service, or methodology in overcoming the problems your audience is facing.

3. ADP – 5 steps to rid your small business of payroll stress


ADP is a big name in the payroll software and HR services industry. Their target audience consists of small and medium-sized businesses that don’t have the luxury to set up in-house HR departments to streamline payroll processes.

It shows that the company has researched, defined its goals, and then came up with the White paper “ 5 steps to rid your small business of payroll stress ”.

This business white paper example has succinctly covered the major points with the balanced use of words and graphics . Moreover, they have also used a case study to bolster their claims.

Key takeaways from ADP’s white paper

  • Put on your explore glasses and start defining your audience. Who are they? What are their challenges? Which platform do they use the most? Zeroing down on your audience will aid you in finding the topics that your audience loves and creating a lead-generating white paper.
  • Talk about your accomplishments. Share successful case studies of previous clients or product users.

4. HSBC – Are equities overvalued?


The finance white paper from HSBC is a perfect example of thought leadership. Using the in-house generated data, HSBC nicely explained the reasons for the overvaluation of the equity market and why asset allocation could be the solution to it.

The subtle use of author’s designation with their names on the main page adds more credibility to the white paper.

Key takeaways from HSBC’s white paper

  • Write an intriguing title that captivates your audience, piques their curiosity, and entices them to read further.
  • Get subject matter experts to write or contribute to the white paper to exhibit more authority and build trust in your audience’s minds.
  • Use graphs and research to validate your opinions.

5. Aetna – The forgotten killer: Cardiovascular disease

I know the title “ The forgotten killer: Cardiovascular disease ” is a little morbid, but it is of great value to Aetna, a leading health insurance company, to evoke emotions in their audience and show where they stand.

They frequently release white papers to push health care and disease prevention information to aware people. This works as top-of-funnel content for the insurance company.

This white paper sheds light on the growing cases of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide and how countries are innovating technologies to nip the bud in it.

When it comes to health-related content, people prefer credible information that they can trust. So to make the information more trustworthy, the white paper has given citations to authentic sources in the footer.

Key takeaways from Aetna’s white paper

  • Write captivating intros and outros that entice your readers to scroll down the pages.
  • Always cite the sources from where you have taken the ideas or data to incorporate in your white paper. Documenting the sources adds extra credibility to your articles and helps readers learn more about the topic.

6. Sungard AS – A Four-Step Plan For Business Continuity


Sungard AS is a well-known name in the risk assessment and management sector. They have also established the same authority in the intro of the white paper “ A four-step plan for business continuity .”

The white paper explains the need to map out a business continuity plan to avoid the unprecedented threats and crises that can affect the future growth of your business and lead to an overall shutdown.

We can see that the white paper topic is rather generic; hence the company has the unique advantage to target all walks of businesses at once.

Key takeaways from Sungard AS’s white paper

  • There is no written rule that white papers need to be boring. You can make things interesting by creating a proper flow of information. Start with conflicts/problems; Talk about solutions; Introduce your brand as a tool to get things done efficiently.
  • Ensure the methodology you share with your audience is adequately segregated in steps and backed up with infographics.
  • In the end, we all are looking for more sales. So, create a separate CTA page talking about the benefits of your product/service to drive people on the cusp of making a decision.

7. Google – Google Cloud Security and Compliance White paper


The Google Cloud Security and Compliance Whitepaper is a text-heavy 28-page explainer about the efficiency of Google cloud products and services in keeping the data of any workspace safe and secure.

The white paper checks all the marks to be a well-informed and readable article with subtle color fonts, imagery, and simple language. Still, it is a time-consuming read for multiple people. So, why are we discussing it then?

The real strength of this white paper example lies in how Google repurposes the information into numerous content formats for different audiences.

Look at the infographic Google made from the white paper to make the information accessible to the readers with time constraints.

A key takeaway from Google’s white paper

  • Creating a white paper is just the beginning. Further, you need to repurpose it using different content formats, such as infographics, charts, graphs, checklists, videos, and more .

8. UBER – Fast-Forwarding to a Future of On-Demand Urban Air Transportation


Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could book a private aircraft to arrive at your doorstep and reach your office in it, dodging all the morning rush?

Well, soon, you will be able to do that with Uber’s VTOL aircraft.

And the testament to that statement is written in Uber’s white paper – Fast-Forwarding to a Future of On-Demand Urban Air Transportation . The white paper weaves a great story to deliver the need for VTOL in urban cities and mention all the barriers to achieving the feat.

Using this white paper, Uber not only promoted the idea of future transportation but also booked itself as the principal authority in the making of it.

Moreover, to make the report more credible, they have mentioned reviewers from NASA, MIT, and other elite organizations that provide air transport.

Key takeaways from Uber’s white paper

  • Create white papers that talk about future trends and innovations in your industry to establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • Add names of distinguished subject matter experts to support the credibility of your opinions.

A white paper is an essential part of your marketing arsenal. It helps you educate your readers, build trust, generate qualified leads, and even help you get sales.

Hence, it is important that you creatively explain the benefits of your product, service, or methodology in overcoming your audience’s problems.

Moreover, ensure that the white paper you create solves a complex problem in an easy language without being too dull. Nobody likes a boring read. Incorporate infographics, charts, graphics, footnotes to make your White paper enjoyable.

Use the key insights mentioned in the blog to create a thought-provoking and lead-generating whitepaper.

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 How do you start a white paper?

Here are a few steps you need to follow while crafting your white paper:

  • Define the target audience
  • Come up with a valuable topic
  • Create a captivating headline
  • Organize your draft with a clear outline
  • Start with a great intro
  • Write. Re-write. Proofread. Repeat
  • Give a killer CTA

🌟 What is the purpose of a white paper?

Typically, the purpose of a white paper is to provide a solution, opinion, or information to a specific problem your audience is facing. It is also used to generate leads and influence prospects looking to use your product or services.

🌟 How many pages should a white paper be?

Well, the size of the white paper depends on the topic you are discussing. Still, it’s recommendable to create an 8-10 page long white paper. If you are dealing with a text-heavy topic, then balance the word and page count by providing infographics wherever you can.

🌟 Do white papers have references?

Yes, white papers must have references to add a sense of credibility to the data you have discussed. It also gives your readers a way to read more on the topic.

🌟 How does an ebook differ from a white paper?

White papers are more technical and specific content, written for people who have expertise in the subject being discussed. Ebooks are excellent marketing collateral to aware people with low subject matter expertise.

About the Author

Picture of Chandraveer Singh

Chandraveer Singh

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Call for Investors White Paper

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Tackling a Social Problem White Paper Template

Tackling a Social Problem White Paper

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Arsenic Contamination in Water White Paper

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Social Media Privacy Concern White Paper

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Environmental White Paper

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Engineering White Paper Template

Engineering White Paper

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Army White Paper

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White Paper Templates by Visme

One of the risks of long-form types of content like white papers is that they’re often too dry for their own good. Yes, the content is important – but if you’re asking for someone’s time in a way that isn’t very compelling, you can guarantee you’re not going to have it for very long. Each white paper design in Visme is designed by professionals, so you can be sure to capture your readers’ attention and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

This is especially true for B2B content marketing, where your prospects are probably wading through reams of word docs and white papers every single day. How do you make sure that yours is the one that they actually remember when they’ve gone home for the day? How do you make a great impression and introduction of your company to your prospects? With great design and an engaging white paper layout that helps you tell your story, of course.

Customize the white paper templates above in the easy-to-use editor that lets you drag and drop elements on to the canvas. White papers are a great tool for sharing tips as well, and you can also use these templates for creating engaging business reports. When you’re done customizing your favorite white paper template with Visme’s free graphics and your own design assets, download it in multiple formats like PDF, HTML5, JPG and more. Get started with your own white paper design today.

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11 Steps For Finding White Paper Topic Ideas (With Examples)

March 26, 2022 (Updated: May 4, 2023)

two papers depicting information sit on a desk next to a computer

White papers are powerful tools for a content marketing campaign. They provide your target audience with insightful information while positioning you as a thought-leader in your industry. If you’re trying to create content that showcases your company’s experience in the industry, it’s important to find excellent white paper topic ideas that can help. Today, we’re covering:

7 White Paper Topic Ideas

Steps to find white paper topic ideas, white paper examples.

stack of books and magazines on a table

Image via  Unsplash  by @bk71

White papers aren’t only reserved for marketing companies or research firms. If you want to position your company to earn respect and trust from your target audience, white papers can be a great way to do it. Here are some white paper topic ideas to review to inspire your own:

  • Industry trends:  You want to establish your company as a thought leader in your industry, so writing about industry trends can accomplish this goal. With your team’s expertise, developing a white paper about trends should also come naturally. For example, since  CopyPress  is a content marketing agency, a white paper about the trends to look forward to in content marketing in the next year makes sense for us.
  • Original research: If your company conducts research to improve your own efforts, consider sharing them in a white paper if the results will help your target audience, vendors, or any other partnership you may have. For example, if you own an insurance agency and perform your own research on auto accidents and how having insurance made a difference to the car owner, you may want to publish this report and others in a white paper.
  • Guides: You may have guides and how-to articles on your website, and if they work for you to bring in valuable traffic from online search queries, a more comprehensive guide via a white paper can make sense too. Think about what you have to teach, then create a paper with steps the reader can take, backed by statistics and other helpful information about why they should do so.
  • Education: Sometimes, you don’t need a thorough how-to or comprehensive guide to make an impact on your readers and target audience. Think about a purely educational piece you can develop that shows how integrated into your industry your company actually is. Other leaders in the field may actually use this type of white paper to learn from. Educational pieces build topic authority.
  • Best practices:  If your company has identified a particular problem and has been able to develop solutions that work, think about creating a white paper that includes all the best practices you used to accomplish this feat. In this white paper, you can also talk about the products or professional services you offer as a way to soft sell to the reader.
  • Product-based:  When you develop a product-based white paper, you’re telling your readers more about a product you sell, including its benefits and features, how it works, and how it compares to seemingly similar products on the market. This white paper can be particularly helpful for those potential customers who are ready to make a purchase but need just a little more convincing.
  • FAQs:  You can even create a white paper of all the FAQs your company receives. Ask your sales, marketing, and customer service teams to take note of common questions they get and how they answer them. This is to establish the questions to include but also to make sure the answers your team gives are uniform so you can do the same in your white paper.

Read more:  How To Write a White Paper (With Tips)

Here is a list of steps to help you find white paper topic ideas:

1. Research Your Target Audience

Researching your target audience allows you to better understand the challenges or problems they’re facing. This helps you find relevant white paper topics to address and provide your readers with helpful solutions. There are a few different ways to effectively research your target audience, including conducting questionnaires and surveys with your customers. These can help you see how your audience perceives your brand and content, and what problems or pain points they don’t feel your company can help with.

It’s also beneficial to talk with your sales and customer support teams. There might be common questions or complaints that customers make to these teams and you can use that knowledge to create more effective white paper content. By understanding your target audience better, you can help with these problems, complaints, or pain points by addressing your customers’ challenges directly and providing them with various solutions.

2.  Repurpose  Content

Repurposing  your old content includes taking some of your popular blogs, resource articles, or other forms of content and using their topics as a starting point for your white paper. Taking a piece of content that’s already performing well can ensure you that there’s an existing audience who wants to read the information. That helps you create a more successful white paper and gives your audience more of what they want to read. As you repurpose content into white papers, simply focus on conducting more thorough research and providing your readers with more detailed information and solutions on the topic.

Related:  How To Repurpose Content Effectively

3. Listen to Social Media

Social media is a great place to generate ideas because you can see what people are talking about and analyze trending hashtags and topics in your industry. This allows you to see what questions customers are asking and the problems they might have, which you can solve. Use this information to create stellar white paper topics that address these issues and provide your customers with quality solutions.

Using social media is also helpful because people are already using the platform to discuss your chosen topic. You can then use social media to share your white paper when it’s complete, marketing it and your brand more easily.

4. Analyze Your Competitors

Analyzing the competition helps you see how their content is performing and the different keywords they choose to target. If you use similar keywords or topics yourself, you can attract a similar target audience to your brand and find more effective white paper topics. Consider examining your competitors’ websites, blogs, and white papers to see what they discuss and how they address their audience’s problems. This can help you generate new ideas and see how you can address the same problems in a different, more effective way.

Start by using  CopyPress’s  new content marketing analysis tool, which compares your website and content with your top three competitors. We can show you which top keywords your competitors rank for and help you find gaps in your content marketing strategy. Request your analysis today to start finding new topic ideas and ensure your brand stays competitive.

“CopyPress gives us the ability to work with more dealership groups. We are able to provide unique and fresh content for an ever growing customer base. We know that when we need an influx of content to keep our clients ahead of the game in the automotive landscape, CopyPress can handle these requests with ease.”

white paper presentation examples

Kevin Doory

Director of SEO at Auto Revo

5. Understand Where You’re Losing Leads

Talk with your sales team to see where you’re losing potential customers and the questions they’re frequently asking. This helps you create a white paper that addresses those questions or concerns. You can then send that paper to potential leads and squash their hesitancies before they even talk with a sales representative. However, because white papers often focus less on advertising a company’s products and services, it might be more effective to focus on general solutions to their problems and ways your company fits those solutions versus promoting your brand and business outright.

6. Talk With Experts

Talking with experts in your industry can help you understand how your business can best showcase your authority and expertise. Experts can talk to you about your current industry trends and brainstorm white paper topic ideas that you can create. You can even hire different industry experts as freelance writers to create the white paper themselves under your brand name and image.

You can also talk to experts outside of your industry who can help in other ways. For instance, talking with a content marketing company like CopyPress can help you develop a stellar white paper that’s sure to attract your target audience. CopyPress has a team of expert writers, editors, and quality assurance specialists who know how to create high-quality written content that positions companies as a thought-leader in their industry.  Schedule a free call with us  today to see how we can boost your content marketing campaign with powerful white papers.

7. Read Other White Papers

Reading examples of other white papers helps you see the best way to structure your own content. It also helps you generate strong ideas for your white paper topics and what might attract your target audience. Start by looking through white papers from your own industry. What do other companies focus on or talk about? Consider the ways you can talk about similar topics, but add your own expertise and knowledge to the subject.

It’s also helpful to read white papers from other industries. See what topics those businesses cover and how they relate to what their companies do or offer. Were you receptive to the information? Did the white paper make sense? Would it convert you into a customer? Reading more white papers from all industries can help you see what works and what doesn’t when talking to an audience and how to use that knowledge in your own content.

8. Read Industry Newsletters

Reading newsletters from your competitors and other leaders in your industry allows you to stay up to date on current trends. Understanding those trends and other popular industry information helps you generate new white paper topics. For example, let’s say you own a real estate agency and you read a newsletter on the recent hesitancies of owning a home. You could research the topic and develop a white paper that discusses those hesitancies and why buying a home is still beneficial for your target clients.

Newsletters from marketing companies can also help you better understand how to develop key content marketing strategies and effective white papers for your business. CopyPress currently sends out a newsletter that delivers helpful marketing knowledge to your inbox every two weeks. Sign up for our newsletter today to start creating a more powerful content marketing campaign for your business and write high-quality white papers.

9. Conduct Your Own Research

Conducting your own research and studies helps you demonstrate your thought-leadership in your industry. It also helps you discover exciting or intriguing data that your audience might want to read. Consider sending out surveys or retrieving data from your marketing analytics and seeing if there are any topics worth talking about. Creating a white paper based on your own research can help you provide evidence to the claims or arguments you make in it and also position you as an expert on the topic more effectively.

10. Pair Your White Paper With Other Content

Pairing your white paper with other content, like webinars, videos, and online courses, can help you create a supplement that people can reference during and after those tutorials and classes. This gives your audience something to use and read with your course, which can help demonstrate your experience while providing them with quality information they can use to learn and grow. It’s also a document they’re more likely to keep and review after the class is over with. That means your brand and business stays at the forefront of their mind whenever they open your white paper.

11. Compile Popular Data on a Specific Subject

There’s a lot of information, statistics, and studies online, especially surrounding certain topics. Compiling that information and creating a white paper about it can help you organize the most crucial data people need to know all in one place. For popular topics, this helps you create a document everyone wants to read, which can help position you as an industry leader and a go-to for other industry information.

For example, let’s say your company is in the automotive industry. There might be a lot of information online about car upkeep and maintenance. That might include topics like, how often to get an oil change, when to see a mechanic, and how often do you need to purchase a new vehicle. Researching this information and compiling it all in one place can satisfy your customers who might be searching for these frequently talked about topics. If you ask people to give you their email address or information before accessing the document, you can also create an efficient way to generate quality leads.

Here are some white paper examples to help you generate topic ideas and understand the best way to craft them:

  • Determining The Right Influencer Type for Your Campaign
  • What Developers Want
  • Google Cloud’s AI Adoption Framework
  • A Four-Step Plan For Business Continuity

Creating high-quality white papers is an effective content marketing strategy. But it can be a challenge to find topics you know your audience will find interesting. Start by reading other white papers and use the list of above steps to generate strong topic ideas. Then, talk with a content marketing company, like CopyPress, to help you craft it. We have a team of creatives who can help you organize your data and produce  high-quality white papers  we know your audience will want to read.

Author Image - Ed Pronley

CopyPress writer

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Read More About White Papers

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That White Paper Guy

16 possible ways to structure a white paper

You’ve probably heard my concept of the three “flavors” of white papers.

But within these three, there are many different ways to organize a white paper. 

Here are 16 possibilities, which I’ve extracted and expanded with thanks from one of my favorite books, Presenting to Win by Jerry Weissman.

book cover-presenting to win

Weissman is a former New York City TV producer who went to Silicon Valley to help CEOs improve their pitch presentations.

With his help, they developed their stories, practised their pitches, and raised millions in venture capital.

Among Weissman’s nuggets of wisdom:

  • Don’t show oodles of text on the screen. If you want to write a document, use Word. Then give it to audience members after your talk.
  • Less is more. When in doubt, leave it out. Stop cluttering up your slides.
  • You get 4 bullets per slide and 4 words per bullet . That’s it, that’s all.

I highly recommend his book for anyone who gives presentations. And much of his advice applies to writing white papers as well.

On to the list of structures

Now here’s that list of 16 possible structures for a presentation. All these apply to white papers too.

Note : I’m not saying there are 16 flavors for white papers instead of 3. These 16 are rhetorical strategies for organizing information. I still believe there are only 3 full-fledged “flavors” that represent 4 out of 5 white papers we see today.

[Tweet “16 possible structures for white papers and presentations.”]

With each option, I’ve included a few notes, and in some cases samples of white papers I’ve worked on that fit that structure.

Just click on the cover thumbnail to download any sample.

1. Modular : Describe a sequence of similar parts, units, or components that can be covered in interchangeable order.

In other words, break a complex system or machine into groups of components that serve a common purpose such as input/output, processing, or security.

I’m not sure I ever wrote a white paper like this, but it sounds feasible. 

2. Chronological : Organize the ideas along a timeline, reflecting events in the order in which they occurred or might occur.

In other words, describe a series of events or a process from start to finish.

This makes intuitive sense to any reader—even to someone as dense as the King of Hearts in Alice’s Wonderland .

“Begin at the beginning,” the King said very gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

3. Physical : Describe different concepts according to their physical or geographical location.

In other words, organize a white paper by moving from one actual point in space to another.

Here’s an example: Describe a user on a smartphone connected through a VPN sending input to an app running on a server at the company HQ that updates a customer record in a database which is then mirrored to a backup database at a second data centre.

Each item in a different location plays their part in the whole network.

I’ve certainly used this approach to create networking diagrams for white papers. And once you have a diagram, it’s natural to describe the flow according to what you show in the picture.

4. Spatial : Organize concepts according to a physical metaphor or analogy.

In other words, use a metaphor to describe a B2B system or offering, such as a three-legged stool or an ion-drive engine.

I’ve actually used metaphors like those to help organize different white papers.

See how this is different from #3? The structure above uses the physical or real-world location of the items, while this structure uses a conceptual or metaphorical arrangement of the items.

5. Problem/solution : Organize the white paper around a nagging industry problem that no one has ever properly solved, and the new, improved solution offered by your company.

Well, we’ve certainly talked about this before!

It’s one of my three classic flavors, and I use this approach all the time. Here are some problem/ solution white papers I’ve done recently.

white paper cover student success

This paper covers the problem of colleges helping students to succeed, by finding a better way to listen to their concerns.

It surveys 4 typical ways to do this, and proposes a better way: my client’s software.


And this one aimed at control engineers describes the drawbacks of the mechanical circuit breakers they’re likely using and suggests the newer electronic circuit breakers as a much safer and more effective component.

For more on the classic problem/solution,  see this article on planning a white paper of this flavor.

6. Issues/Actions : Describe one or more business issues and the actions your company or client proposes to address them.

This approach can focus more on the implementation, execution or tactical level, rather than the strategic level of many problem/solution papers.

cover of white paper How to Cut Wireless Costs

Here’s one white paper I wrote with this approach, called “How to Cut Wireless Costs: 5 Strategies and 14 Tactics for CFOs.”

The issue is something any CFO can relate to: the rising costs of wireless for employees.

7. Opportunity/Leverage : Describe a business opportunity and the leverage your company will implement to take advantage of it.

This sounds something like the “business drivers” section of a white paper that Mike Stelzner used to recommend.

Some of the white papers I’ve been writing for companies planning Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) of new cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are organized like this.

I can’t show you any of those papers yet, because many haven’t been widely published.

But this is an interesting approach if you’re trying to raise money from investors.

ICO white paper

8. Form/Function : Organize the material around a single business concept, method, or technology with multiple applications or functions emanating from that central core.

Another way to think of this is as a hub with spokes.

I’ve organized entire sets of white papers this way: placing one visionary white paper at the hub with multiple offshoots to describe different products or functions.

hub-and-spokes white paper structure

Every spoke explicitly references the central vision.

That’s a natural way to group all the coverage of issues like ease-of-use or security, and still link them back to the company’s grand vision.

9. Features/Benefits : Organize the paper around a series of features and the concrete benefits each feature provides. Recognize this one?

scoop of vanilla ice cream

I call this vanilla: so traditional that you always know what you’re going to get.

This kind of paper is most useful at two points:

  • To support the launch of a product or service
  • To support an evaluation of competing offerings from different vendors

cover of white paper

One of the first white papers I ever worked on was organized this way: as a deep dive into the framegrabber circuit board on an image acquisition system.

See how very specific a backgrounder can be!


Another paper reviewed five different benefits of the single sign-on software from a client.

This paper was even give the title of an “Evaluator’s Guide.”

At one time, all white papers were like this, strictly about products.

For more on writing a backgrounder, see this article .

10. Case study : A narrative that recounts how your company solved a particular problem or met the needs of a particular client.

In the telling, you cover all the aspects of your business and its environment.


I believe you can use a case study inside a white paper, but you can’t use a white paper inside a case study. For some examples, see this article .

Perhaps I should expand my horizons? Maybe an ideal case study could be expanded into a full-length white paper? Have you ever written one like that? If so, please tell me about it in our comments section below. I’d appreciate it if you could point us to a sample. 

11. Argument/Fallacy : Raises arguments against your own case, and then rebuts them by pointing out the false beliefs that underlie them.

This approach is most often done as a numbered list.

It’s an effective way to change a conversation by challenging some cherished beliefs of your audience.

cover of white paper as argument/fallacy

A white paper I co-wrote for Verizon used this approach. This paper aimed to counter the half-truths being used to sell a major product from a competitor.

Any title about “myths” and “truths” will likely get noticed.

12. Compare/Contrast : Organize the material  around a series of comparisons that show the differences between your offering and others.

If this sounds like something a college prof might ask you for, you’re right.

After all, I think of white papers as persuasive essays.

But that’s not all.  This cool essay guide from “Mrs. Long”  goes further, offering three different ways to compare and contrast:

  • Block , where you first describe everything about one item, and then everything about another item
  • Similarities-to-differences , where you first describe all the similarities between the two items, and then all the differences
  • Point-by-point , where you describe one point of comparison between the items, and then the next down the list

That gives you some nice options for using this structure. Thank you, Mrs. Long.

13. Matrix : Use a 2X2 or larger table to organize a complex set of concepts into a format that’s easy to digest, easy to follow, and easy to remember.

In Presenting to Win , Weissman touches on the great power of tables to organize information.

A table can replace many words with a visual that’s far easier to absorb and recall.

I can’t recall an entire white paper I organized this way. But I certainly work to include tables whenever I can. And I highly recommend that you do the same.

A simple table can give readers a mental map that truly helps them to understand an issue or a market space. Once a reader gets it, this map is very hard for any other vendor to dislodge.

For a sample table, see  How to write a white paper with Google Docs .

14. Parallel Tracks : Drills down into a series of related ideas, with an identical set of subsets for each idea.

This is something like using a table with the same rows for each column heading, or a database with the same categories for each item.

This could certainly work for a white paper.

15. Rhetorical Questions : Ask, then answer questions that are likely to be foremost in your audience’s minds.

This is likely to be packaged as a numbered list. In fact, it’s one of my favorite ways to do a white paper.

Sometimes these questions aren’t in your reader’s mind, but you can suggest that they should be.

cover of numbered list white paper

Here’s a white paper I structured this way. It was intended to help dislodge entrenched POS repair services just when it was time to renew their annual service contracts.

We sought to plant a set of doubts in the minds of their clients.


This structure worked very well even for something that arcane.

16. Numerical : Enumerates a series of loosely connected ideas, facts, or arguments.

That’s a nice description of a numbered list , don’t you think?

I call this the “strawberry” flavor. It’s light and lively and melts in your mind.

For more about numbered lists, see this article .

I’ve written tons of white papers structured like this. Notice the two samples just above both use numbers in their titles.


This is intended to sow some Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) before a prospect signs with the competition.

Mashing up two different types

Sometimes a paper will combine (or mash up) two different types. The ones that work together smoothly are a numbered list with either other types.

cover for white paper numbered list+backgrounder

For example, this evaluation guide is a numbered list + features/benefits (backgrounder) all in one.

Notice how it describes a collection of features that are all present in the client’s software.


Structures 5, 9 and 16 are my three “classic” structures: a problem/solution, a backgrounder, and a numbered list. Several others represent a close approximation or mashup of these main types.

The only structure I question is number 10 for a case study—although this is fine in its own right for that type of document.

These structures should give you plenty of options to try as you plan your next presentation or white paper.

And don’t forget to pick up Weissman’s book Presenting to Win for more great tips on how to present your case effectively.

Which of these structures do you use most often? Can you think of any way to organize a white paper or presentation that’s not in this list? Please leave your comment below.

Want to hear whenever there’s a fresh article on this site? Subscribe here to stay in the know on long-form content . From time to time, we’ll also send you word about some great new resource or training. And you can unsubscribe any time.  

white paper presentation examples

About Gordon Graham

Worked on 320+ white papers for clients from Silicon Valley to Switzerland, on everything from choosing enterprise software to designing virtual worlds for kids, for clients from tiny startups to 3M, Google, and Verizon. Wrote White Papers for Dummies which earned 60+ 5-star ratings on Amazon. Won 16 awards from the Society for Technical Communication. Named AWAI 2019 Copywriter of the Year.

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[…] are many ways to structure a white paper. If you’re looking for ideas, here’s 16 ways to structure your white paper by the White Paper […]

[…] are many ways to structure a white paper. If you’re looking for ideas, here’s 16 ways to structure your white paper by That White Paper […]

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Need a great white paper?

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White Papers PowerPoint Presentation

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The PowerPoint deck in this resource discusses the basics of writing White Papers and can be used for classroom instruction or self-study.

7 Outstanding White Paper Examples

Soon you’ll be the go-to expert in your industry. Because people will trust and recognise your voice like they’re the hobbits and you’re Gandalf the Grey.

How do I know this?

Because you’re here. Which means you understand the value of white papers in marketing. And you’re willing to put in the work to ensure your expertise is known far and wide. Let’s make it happen! 

Here are 7 white paper examples hand-picked for their research, copywriting and design. Use them to inspire your greatest content yet. 

1. Corgan - design and the pandemic

Why we love it: a poignant topic paired with stunning visuals and compelling copywriting makes Corgan’s white paper highly shareable. 

Corgan , a leading architecture and design firm, has picked a trending topic for its white paper which will be on most designers' minds - how the pandemic will change and inform design. This will have helped it garner attention in the industry while also appealing to search engines. 

Meanwhile, the white paper design is just, *chef kiss*. I’ll let the cover speak for itself … 

white paper presentation examples

Source: Corgan

If you can pull your eyes away from these gorgeous visuals, you’ll also find creative headlines that echo Corgan’s use of emotive storytelling throughout this white paper example. Compelling copy makes the heavy topic engaging, creating a memorable experience where the information sticks.  

white paper presentation examples

2. Siemens - better food and beverage manufacturing

Why we love it: Siemens leverages well-researched case studies to back up its points and inject its white paper with oodles of credibility. 

This white paper example from Siemens aims to help food and beverage manufacturers improve their production to address various market niches.

It uses case studies to explain how digital technologies drive cost-efficiency while delivering deeper beverage customisation. Each case study helps Siemens back up its different points, boosting the white paper’s credibility. 

white paper presentation examples

Source: Siemens

Siemens also uses consistent colours for its white paper design which match its brand, driving awareness. 

While the use of diagrams to explain different production methods helps the reader visualise and understand them better, appealing to spatial learners. 

white paper presentation examples

3. TietoEVRY - Big Data for banks

Why we love it: TietoEVRY’s whitepaper simplifies the ever-trending topic of Big Data, making it accessible to marketing managers in the banking industry. 

You can tell TietoEvry has conducted thorough audience research through the white paper’s structure, presentation and tone. For one thing, it favours marketing jargon over technical jargon to connect with its audience.

A clear format for each chapter - what, why and how - also appeals to marketers who often use this structure in their own work. And using examples from established brands to communicate ideas and solutions makes them more accessible. 

white paper presentation examples

Source: TietoEVRY

Readability further extends to the white paper’s design. TietoEVRY uses white space to avoid overwhelming the reader with information. Bold headings, colour-coded chapters and minimalist illustrations keep the reader on the page. 

white paper presentation examples

4. SixDegrees - agile workspaces

Why we love it: SixDegrees shows how white papers can lead to sales even when the primary goal is to educate. 

By educating readers on the importance of agile workspaces, SixDegrees indirectly advertises its products and services as a cloud-led managed service provider in this white paper example. 

A smart move. Readers will likely come away thinking, ‘ We need better agile solutions for our offices. Since SixDegrees is an expert on this subject, we can trust it to deliver’.  

SixDegrees’ white paper design emphasises this point further, using the colour blue throughout to highlight the brand as trustworthy and reliable. 

white paper presentation examples

Source: SixDegrees

And the use of statistics from reputable sources such as Gartner, Deloitte and PWC boosts SixDegrees’ credibility even further. Elevate this by getting your research from scholarly articles, government publications and trade journals. And don’t forget to include a reference! 

white paper presentation examples

5. Porsche Consulting - sustainability and sports cars

Why we love it: Porsche Consulting delivers a thought-provoking white paper on sustainability that carefully addresses and resolves readers’ concerns through emotive content. 

Porsche Consulting , a subsidiary of the renowned sports car manufacturer, aims to educate business owners on what it means to be truly sustainable in this white paper example.

It starts by acknowledging how many business owners feel caught between conflicting moral and performance-based priorities. It then summarises a solution to this problem, telling readers what they will gain from reading this white paper. 

white paper presentation examples

Source: Porsche Consulting

This emphatic and authoritative tone is used throughout, keeping the content engaging and trustworthy. While the white paper structure plays out like a step-by-step guide, making it easy to follow.

Porsche Consulting ties up its narrative with an informative conclusion, supporting the reader rather than pushing them into a sale (take notes!).

While a summary in brief poses important questions the reader can bring to the boardroom to ignite change. LOVE!

white paper presentation examples

6. Adfenix - digital marketing for real estate

Why we love it: Adfenix whets our appetite for its white paper with stunning visuals and easy-to-digest information. 

Pizza is the first word that comes to mind when looking at Adfenix’s white paper cover. It’s fun, relevant and bold making us hungry for more. 

white paper presentation examples

Source: Adfenix

Adfenix then fills our appetite with pages dedicated to stunning photography, giving us timely breaks from pages of text. 

But the star of this white paper example is Adfenix’s use of case studies that demonstrate how real estate firms are maximising profit via a digital-first approach.

It uses a bar chart to score each case study for different elements - a digital-first approach, demand generation and the customer journey. One glance is all it takes to judge each business. This is essential for readability when you’ve got over fifty case studies to cover! 

white paper presentation examples

7. Founders Intelligence - accelerating diversity

Why we love it: Founders Intelligence delivers an exemplary structure to follow which is further boosted by strong visuals.

If there’s one white paper structure to rule them all, it’s this one on accelerating diversity by Founders Intelligence . It includes a compelling foreword and an executive summary to set the tone. Then the white paper introduces the problem, briefly covering a solution which it goes on to explain in detail.

The solution is spread over three chapters. Each chapter has an eye-catching cover followed by a snapshot of the problem it discusses grabbing the reader’s attention. Quotes from thought leaders are also used to similar effect.

white paper presentation examples

Source: Founders Intelligence

This white paper example closes with a solid conclusion tying up its three chapters into a tight summary. This is followed by a call-to-action - get in touch to keep the conversation going. One to borrow if you aim to push readers further into the buyer journey. 

Learn more about white papers in marketing 

Bet you’re feeling pretty savvy when it comes to white papers now, huh? 

But do you know how to incorporate white papers into your marketing strategy? Discover how to do this effectively in our next article so you can attract the right readers and meet your marketing goals.  In the meantime, want emails about content writing and communications more enticing than an episode of Bridgerton? Subscribe today .

What is a White Paper? Format, Types and Examples

Key insights from the best white paper examples across 9 industries, a blueprint to guide you.

  • What is a White Paper?
  • The Purpose of a White Paper
  • Establishing Thought Leadership
  • Driving high-quality traffic
  • Collaborating with potential partners and product evangelists
  • Identifying the Target Audience for White Papers
  • Business Executives and Decision Makers
  • Industry Professionals and Specialists
  • Internal Teams
  • Researchers and Academicians
  • Government Experts and Policymakers
  • Investors and Venture Capitalists
  • What is the best format for a white paper?
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Research and Data Analysis
  • Proposed Solutions and Implementation
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid in White Papers
  • Losing sight of the purpose
  • Missing the fine line between fluffy and engaging
  • Choosing an Uninteresting Title
  • Failing to add structure
  • What is the Ideal Length of a White Paper?
  • Getting a Subject Matter Expert to Write Your Whitepaper
  • Give Wings to Your White Paper with Research
  • Are There Any White Paper Design Examples?
  • How Do You Make Your White Papers Visually Rich?
  • Exploring Types of White Papers
  • Product Backgrounders or Evaluator’s Guides
  • Numbered Lists
  • Technical Papers
  • Steps to Write a White Paper
  • Plan the research
  • Identify your Audience
  • Choose a Topic
  • Determine Objectives
  • Demonstrate a Solution
  • Add Character
  • Include References and Footnotes
  • Who uses whitepapers?
  • Marketing Executives
  • In The Web3 World
  • CTOs, CFOs, CIO’s and more
  • How do you distribute your whitepapers effectively?
  • Landing Pages, Newsletters, and Blog Posts
  • In-Person Interactions
  • White Paper Syndication Services
  • Private Communities

Lead Generation from White Papers: The Power of Gating

  • Qualifies Leads
  • Allows for Market Segmentation
  • Demonstrates Value
  • Limited Organic Traffic
  • Pseudo-Qualified Leads
  • Lack of Inbound Links
  • How to Go About Gating
  • Full Form Gating
  • Partial Form Gating
  • Gating on Social Media
  • Gating through Surveys and Questionnaires
  • How do you measure and track your whitepaper’s success?

Best Examples Of White Paper

Introduction: what is a white paper.

White papers are great examples of marketing collateral that exhibit your authority over a chosen niche.

Mostly, they are long-form content intended to educate the target audience, that delve deeper into industry trends, issues, and policies and explain its causes, implications, and benefits.

Companies, public institutions, governments , universities, and individuals publish white papers to address an industry problem to propose their solution to it.

That way, their product/solution has better recall value than its competitors.

According to the B2B Content Marketing 2018 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report, white papers are one of the top 4 most effective types of marketing collateral preferred by 71% of companies.

Content marketers across industries use white papers as potential tools for sales . But, a lot of effort, time, resources, and money goes into creating it.

So, how do you ensure your white paper gives you more bang for your buck?

We have condensed our research of more than 70 white papers across industries and have drawn the below insights that will help you create the best white papers.

" White papers are long-form content intended to educate and inform the target audience. They delve deeper into issues, trends, and policies, and explain their causes, implications, and benefits. "

Learn the 8 steps to writing awesome white papers with free templates.

Creating a white paper needs a lot of work even before you begin working on the core structure.

Planning, stakeholder signoff, SEO strategy, value proposition, and ability to drive revenues are vital factors that you need to consider before putting pen to paper.

Let's look at how some of the most famous companies are doing it effectively. Jump to the best white paper examples in your industry:

  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Across Industries
  • Non-Profits  

To make it easier for you, we have outlined below the best practices that you can implement while creating white papers that will resonate with your target audience:


This ever-so-important marketing collateral that’s stood the test of time is used by companies, public institutions, governments, universities, think tanks, and consultancies (yup, the list is quite long).

But, each one uses them in their own special way. 

So what purpose does a white paper really solve? Good question. Let’s dive into the specifics.

Establishing Thought Leadership:

Well-written white papers demonstrating unique knowledge help solidify trust and credibility in your brand . 

White papers with in-depth research and analysis allow you to showcase your expertise, distinguish your brand and stand out as an authority in a topic or specific industry.

Remember, people are more likely to buy from a brand they trust and respect, so make sure you represent it well.

Driving high-quality traffic:

Learning followed by persuasion has proven highly effective in conversion.  By building a top-notch lead pool that will likely provide contact information in exchange for white papers, you can simplify the process of creating a concrete, reliable mailing list.

White papers also serve as solid conversation starters, because you know what your lead is looking for.

Collaborating with potential partners and product evangelists:

The benefits don’t stop there. Think bigger and look beyond your organization.

White papers allow you to attract evangelists from different communities.

They will spark interest, cultivate support, and open doors for partnership opportunities that could act as acquisition channels for your brand.


Writing a white paper is like telling a knock-knock joke;

it won't work if no one's there to respond with "Who's there?" So, when you invest time in writing a white paper,

you must know who your readers will be. Ask yourself, "Who's going to read my white paper?"

Business Executives and Decision Makers:

Senior executives are often the decision-makers in their organizations and are responsible for strategic planning and investment decisions. 

Well-researched white papers can influence their judgment. 

Industry Professionals and Specialists:

This category includes professionals seeking industry-relevant knowledge to enhance their work.

White papers prove valuable for engineers, doctors, lawyers, researchers, and analysts, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and fostering professional growth.

Internal Teams:

Prospective employees can benefit from white papers as they share insight into a company’s vision, values, and line of thought.

At the same time, they help fill knowledge gaps within the firm for current employees.

Researchers and Academicians:

White papers are platforms for presenting research findings, academic studies, and technical analyses to a broader audience.

They also serve as supplementary materials for students studying relevant subjects and provide case studies for teaching purposes.

Government Experts and Policymakers:

These personas use white papers to propose policies, outline government ventures, and address critical issues.

Consequently, they become a medium to influence policy decisions and shape public initiatives.

Investors and Venture Capitalists:

Startups and companies seeking funding use white papers to present their business plans to potential investors and venture capitalists.

These white papers state the value proposition and present investment opportunities that are seeking financial support.


Even the best white papers vary in structure.

These pointers will give you a general idea of a paper’s multiple components.

However, remember to experiment and see what works best for you.

Before you start writing, create a content outline to serve as a blueprint to guide your progress as you develop and write your white paper. 

Your outline could look like this:

Executive Summary:

Focus on developing an attention-grabbing executive summary to engage your readers effectively.

Your readers will encounter this section first and use it to decide if they want to continue reading.

A well-constructed summary should provide a mix of the following building blocks.

White paper - format


Including the problem statement in your introduction is a good idea, as it immediately arouses curiosity.

An appealing and educative introductory section will incentivize readers to continue. Think of it as an elevator pitch.

What should this section ideally include? The clearly defined purpose that the white paper is trying to accomplish.

Research and Data Analysis:

This section offers a comprehensive topic investigation, drawing from reputable sources and empirical data. It should mention the literature review conducted and the methodologies used.

The analysis interprets the collected data by providing insights and support for proposed claims. 

Tables, charts, graphs, and diagrams will make this content visually appealing.

Proposed Solutions and Implementation:

This part builds on the previous section and recommends a solution for the problems identified.

The solution may be a product or course of action.

While presenting your value proposition is essential, avoid taking a hard-selling approach.

Instead, demonstrate to your readers how the proposed solution directly applies to their situation, highlighting its potential benefits, such as Return on Investment (ROI).


The conclusion serves as the summary of the entire white paper. It’s what your readers will remember, and remember well.

Many will choose to focus on this chunk of the paper alone, so make sure it has notable influence. 

Any conclusion should close out with a Call To Action button for your white paper to deliver value. This could be a free consultation or demo of your product.

Platforms like Cleverstory are pushing boundaries, turning these often static documents into highly engaging, interactive experiences.

With a plethora of templates at your fingertips, you don’t need to start from scratch and can go about building a dynamic white paper.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in White Papers:

With a deluge of white papers out there, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and label them “redundant” or “unnecessary”.

 Here are some common but avoidable mistakes content marketers fail to pick up,

Losing sight of the purpose:

          Addressing a specific business need is at the heart of this marketing collateral.

          Writing a bland, one-size-fits-all piece is likely to fall short.

           White papers that show you how you’re different in knowledge, opinion, and innovative thinking will help you stand out.

Missing the fine line between fluffy and engaging:

          Readers want you to avoid beating around the bush and wasting their time.

          While essential, efforts to capture and retain attention must stay within the paper. 

          Ask your audience what they’d want to consume. This will make your white paper highly relevant and pique your readers’ interest.

Choosing an Uninteresting Title:

          If it’s not a catchy title, it won’t work.

          Vague, generic, textbook-like ones won’t communicate value. Try to be specific, descriptive, and result-driven to arouse interest.

           At the same time, over-the-top titles will push readers away. Consider taking a minute to brainstorm titles to ensure it grabs your readers' attention.

Failing to add structure:

          Your readers will not resonate with a wall of information.

          Clearly defined sections, subheadings, and topic sentences offer readers a coherent, smooth reading journey.

          A well-defined layout, bullet points, adequate spacing, and well-timed breaks will make your content easier to consume.


There is no such thing as 'ideal length' for a white paper.

However, every page must add incremental value to the reader. Keep the curious reader hooked on with new things that they weren't aware of in every sentence that you put out.

It is easy to get carried away by all that you want to write, but your readers may not be interested in knowing them.

If you are publishing a white paper titled "5 ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases," then readers will look for the text under the bullets that speak about these five different ways.

So, devote maximum effort in making this portion of the document valuable for them. 


Compare these two: a weather meteorologist predicts that there will be rain tonight. Your 80-year old grandma peering out of the living room window says it is not going to rain anytime soon.

Whose prediction are you more likely to heed? It is natural human psychology to take notice when an expert opines.

So, it is a good idea to partner with a leading academician or a client executive or an independent blogger to co-author a white paper.

It is valuable only because it comes straight from a bevy of experts. You can nominate an SME from your company to partner with an external influencer in the authoring process. This approach adds more heft to your white paper.


Think about it – aren’t you eager to know the prediction of poll results in your state even before they are declared? That is because predictions are a cumulation of people's opinions.

From our analysis, we found that some of the best white papers were the ones that had some form of research/survey results embedded in it. These results were an aggregation of public opinion who have given their verdict.

Today, with online surveys, you can compile results within a few hours of putting it up.  People want to know what other people in their community are saying. It is bound to engage the target audience more than a one-page newsletter .  


One of the biggest stumbling blocks in the white paper creation process is the availability of templates or design examples.

Here is our post on How to Writ’e a White Paper [with free templates] that you can download and get started right away.

These white paper design examples and templates will help you not be overwhelmed with the monstrosity of the project. Feel free to tweak them based on your needs.


One reason why marketers don’t see a high ROI on their white papers despite the best efforts is that they fail to make it visually enriching.

Include infographics, images, charts, etc. to explain your points as well as giving a takeaway for your target audience. Remember, you could reuse all of these visuals in social media, etc. to boost white paper downloads.

Make Content That Is Bingeable And Not Boring


Hate to break it to you, but there isn’t just one kind of white paper. 

Where’s the fun in that?

These broad variations have arisen from a multitude of use cases.

Product Backgrounders or Evaluator’s Guides:

This paper discusses a value proposition's specific features, benefits, and functions. It aims to establish your company as a market leader while explaining a new product offering.

Such a paper can be effective during a product launch, capturing the attention of potential customers.

Numbered Lists:

Numbered lists deliver crisp information through tips, questions, and key points.

It is flexible enough to be incorporated into other content forms like blogs and e-books.

Technical Papers:

Technical papers often present themselves as user manuals for product upgrades or malfunctions.

The language is often carefully crafted to suit the target audience and includes technical terms (hence, the name).


Unfortunately, white papers do not come with a superhero guide. As clique as this may be, each one is unique. 

But, keeping in line with this blog being comprehensive, here is a brief plan.

Plan the research:

When writing a white paper, you’re asking for a time investment from your readers at the end of the day. Hence, creating value is the first step.

It’s wise to include market research (your own and external sources) wherever apt. 

As mentioned, the goal here is to cater to all the personas within your target audience, not just potential customers. 

Remember, this isn’t where you emphasize your technology or product.

Identify your Audience:

We’ve talked about a white paper’s audience multiple times already, and we’ll continue to do it. 

That’s exactly how important it is to consider.

How do you intend to target your audience? How can you capture their interest? Which jargon can they comprehend? You need to ask yourself these questions to develop ideal reader profiles. 

Acknowledging their objectives and interests will equip you to draw up your white paper accordingly.

You can also adjust your language and style to suit their needs.

Choose a Topic:

Pick a topic you are qualified to write on.

The concept you decide on should give you enough leeway to tap into an unexplored conversation and put your spin on it.

Keep in mind that you should focus on the benefits your reader can derive from your writing.

Determine Objectives:

If your intended audience includes multiple stakeholders, determine which need you want to cater to.

Your goals can be lead generation , brand recognition, or simply education. 

Based on your objectives, you can set appropriate parameters to measure success.

Demonstrate a Solution:

Here, every marketer’s muscle memory comes into clutch. 

But rather than focusing on your offering, take an expansive approach and include multiple solutions.

First and foremost, your white paper needs to be valuable and flexible.

Basically, aim to create your industry’s gold.

Add Character:

Use creatives and real-life examples to bring your white paper to life. ‘

Remember, you’re trying to have it resonate with your readers. 

You want them to remember what you’ve written and come back with questions, comments, and suggestions.

But how can you make your white paper digestible and engaging?

Using Cleverstory, you can incorporate interactive charts, videos, and animations to breathe life into your white paper.

Include References and Footnotes:

If you use data from other sources, acknowledge them in footnotes and reference them to their origins. 

You’ve got to give credit where it’s due.

Once you’ve developed your white Paper, release it into the industry to see how your audience receives it. 

The results and observations that you generate will set the scene for what’s to come.

 If it doesn’t perform well, take a step back to evaluate and improve.


At the top of our minds, marketing collaterals such as whitepapers, case studies , POV's , infographics, brochures and brand stories are used by the beloved sales team of every organization to send across to potential prospects .

These marketing collaterals serve the singular purpose of providing information to the readers about your company/product/service so that they decide to, well, pick you! 

But, you already know all this. We are aware that this definition isn’t terribly helpful. 

So, let's get a liiiitle specific. 


In the universe of marketing, content never serves a singular purpose. There is always room to refresh, refurbish and of course, create magic.

Every marketer will agree that whitepapers aren’t any different. Content rich collaterals such as whitepapers can do wonders such as 

Educate new employees on the specifics of a company

Serve as inspiration for other forms of content (social media posts, blogs, feature updates, etc) 

Establish your company as a thought leader in your field. 


Whitepapers are one of the primary sources of information in the Web3 world. Who would’ve thought, right? Whitepapers heavily determine a ton of important factors relating to the assets such as : 

  • The price of the coin
  • The project value
  • The use cases
  • Dependencies
  • Future roadmap 
  • Predictions 
  • Integrations

In Web3, potential investors and buyers consider whitepapers to be their make or break component before making a decision.

Since Web3, cryptocurrency and the whole cloud of new age internet built on a blockchain is still a fairly new concept to the world - people are looking to garner all the information they can. 

Here’s a guide on how to read Web3 Whitepapers


No. Not UFOs. 

Whitepapers are used by Chief Technical Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Information Officers and so on for distinct purposes in their respective line of work. 

This includes -

  • To draw comparisons
  • Discover new developments
  • Analyze the current status of the market
  • Analyze fluctuation in numbers amongst various companies
  • Analyze the performance & long-term risks


Effective distribution has become paramount with the increasing demand for educational content.

Unfortunately, your white paper isn’t going to be a magnet.

Even if you've tailored your paper to your target audience, you still need to consider how they’ll find it.

Landing Pages, Newsletters, and Blog Posts:

Embedding or linking your white paper on these SEO-friendly channels improves distribution and increases visibility.

You can also drive traffic through PPC ads, social media, and other promotions on these pages. Once these visitors land, you can qualify leads by gating the content they view or download.

We’ll talk more about gating in a separate section (it deserves to be the star).

But make sure these channels are accessible through all devices to expand reach.

In-Person Interactions:

Carrying your white paper can deliver tremendous value at meetings and events.

They allow you to solve customers’ pain points instantly, offer deeper explanations and provide “tangible takeaways”.

These interactions could be seminars, workshops, conference presentations, or networking events.

White Paper Syndication Services:

Syndication Services can distribute your content to multiple third-party platforms or websites, increasing visibility, brand recognition, and traffic.

These houses publish white papers after verification to ensure credibility.

They provide a window into a large, typically niche, paid reader base.

Private Communities:

A ton of B2B tea is split on Reddit, Slack, and Discord.

They provide valuable avenues for industry-related conversations and insights.

You can amplify the reach of your content by actively participating and sharing content that tackles community-specific issues.

Make Your Content Available Anywhere Anytime Any Device

While generating new leads through your white papers is great, consider sharing them with your existing lead database.

You’ll be able to generate fresh engagement and gain traction through potential backlinks.

Quick Note: Backlinks are hyperlinks that direct a visitor from one website to another.

We’ve talked about distributing your white papers effectively. But what after? You wouldn’t want to be left in the dark, would you?

With tools like Paperflite, your customer-facing teams can send out white papers via personalized content microsites. 

That way, you’ll be able to gain insights into how recipients engage with your content , which parts resonate the most, and how often they return to it.

Get Actionable Insights That Moves Sales Forward

A summary of White paper - purpose, target audience, distribution and Format

We’re now back to our favorite dating app analogy.

Imagine stepping into the world of a dating app and striking up conversations with potential matches. In this digital realm, you sift through profiles, assessing hobbies, personalities, and compatibility factors – all to decide if someone is worth pursuing.

In the world of marketing, this process is akin to "gating" . Just as you use filters to narrow down your dating prospects, gating helps businesses filter out worthwhile leads from a larger audience. It's a strategy that saves you valuable time and resources.

Sounds good, right? Well, gating can offer more for your lead-generation efforts.

Qualifies  Leads:

If a lead chooses to share their personal details in exchange for content, it’s safe to say that they’re “interested” without much hesitation.

Allows for Market Segmentation: 

Gating collects lead data, aiding in strategic segmentation and attentive nurturing, ultimately bolstering your lead to customer conversion.

This data spans company details, industry, and geography.

Demonstrates Value:  

Gated content creates a sense of exclusivity, making readers perceive it as valuable and worth their time.

But remember, the quality of the asset should always be worth more than the disclosure of information.

In an ideal world, this sounds splendid. 

But do you lose out on something?

Is this a classic “you can’t have the cake and eat it too” situation?

Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Here are some drawbacks to gating your content:

Limited Organic Traffic:

When you gate content, you’re effectively restricting the ranking of relevant keywords, as search engines cannot crawl into your content.

This limits its use in SEO campaigns and, in turn, lowers organic discovery.

Pseudo-Qualified Leads:

Some leads might supply false information to access gated content, leading to potentially skewed or inaccurate data collection.

Unwillingness to provide any data at all is also an obstacle at times.

Occasionally, a reluctance to share any data at all can also pose an obstacle.

Lack of Inbound Links: 

Linking content to other pages and sharing disappears when gating emerges.

Devise an balanced mix of gated and ungated content to ensure success

Ungated content shines in the Awareness stage.

All web content is, by default, ungated. This allows for increased search visibility and brand recognition. 

Also, consider which stage your business is in. Visitors may not be willing to provide information to start-ups or lesser-known firms.

You can pair gated content with the right promotional strategy as it finds its place within the Consideration section.

  • What kind of content should we gate? 
  • How many pages? 
  • What details do we need? 

Addressing these questions will make sure the material is accurate and relevant.


If you’ve chosen to gate content using forms, you have two techniques at your disposal.

types of Gating

Full Form Gating:

With full form gating, the user needs to provide detailed information (name, email ID, phone number, company, industry, and geography) by filling out the entire form to access gated content like white papers, e-books, etc.

This technique yields valuable information for lead nurturing and segmentation purposes because of how comprehensive and vast the questions are. 

But on the flip side, it suffers from high abandonment and low conversion rates due to greater friction.

Partial Form Gating:

Partial form gating involves extracting limited details (name or email address), resulting in a lighter user commitment.

This method offers a positive experience while providing quality lead information. 

Users are more likely to complete a form with a few basic questions only. Progressive profiling takes place as the reader delves deeper into the content.

But, beyond gating white papers on websites, here are some alternatives.

Gating on Social Media:

The lead logs into or authenticates their account through this method.

After which, a redirect to the social media platform takes place, and the user grants permission to extract personal profile information from LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

 You can eliminate manual form filling and ensure up-to-date information.

Gating through Surveys and Questionnaires:

This type of gating boasts a dynamic design allowing for personalized, highly efficient data collection. 

Subsequent questions are based on answers given in the previous ones leading to higher engagement. Skip logic is also present, smoothening the journey.

A brief overview of the structure:

  • Initial questions: This section includes demographic or other inquiries to determine if the survey is relevant.
  • Branching: Post the initial questions, the survey branches out into specific topics and follow-up questions.

With Cleverstory you can capture quality leads, through high-intent gating and going beyond the


If you have included your whitepaper in your landing page, or published it anywhere in your website - Google Analytics is your guy.

With Google Analytics, you can see from which region your incoming website traffic is being generated. Google Analytics also enables you to track collective data on users such as how long viewers have spent on your asset. 

Platforms such as Paperflite enable you to track uber-specific metrics through smart gating such as - 

  • The name of the user
  • How much time a specific user has spent on your asset 
  • What other assets have they viewed
  • Number of times the viewer has shared the asset

Screenshots of Reports from a Paperflite account

Let us now dive into the best white papers across industries that we analyzed

The Best White Paper Examples for Financial Services Companies

1.  5 steps to rid your small business of payroll stress

Published by: ADP

Why do we like this?

ADP is an established authority in the payroll software industry, and they know what works in their industry. This white paper uses a lot of visual appeals to explain how small businesses can overcome payroll-related challenges.

Moreover, this white paper's target audience (SMEs) does not have much time, so ADP has stuck to the basics. The company has given out vital information that the audience is seeking instead of flooding the white paper with text. While giving out the five steps, they've even given a case study of how they helped one of their clients, which makes their opinion invaluable.

2.  Seizing the Digitalization Opportunity

Published by: Siemens

For starters, this white paper is an 'insight paper,' which is a smart move by Siemens . The authors have laid out the key findings upfront, which is the core of the white paper. They have substantiated the concept of TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) financing with examples of how they have helped clients in the real world. It doesn't have a lot of white spaces but is full of core and reference text.

3.  RegTech: Helping Your Data Work Smarter and Harder

Published by: Wolters Kluwer

This white paper tackles a complex topic, one that does not have a lot of literature out in the open - Regulatory Technology (RegTech). The company introduces a solution, explain its basics, the necessity for it, how it helps companies in various geographies, and the benefits of implementing it.

Wolters Kluwer explains what their opinion is on RegTech in a manner that an IT professional would comprehend it.

4.  Are equities overvalued?

Published by: HSBC

Why do we like it?

This finance white paper has loads of content in it to explain the reasons for the overvaluation of the equity market and why asset allocation could be the answer to it. It has content under five clear headings and is bound to interest portfolio managers, fund managers, and investment professionals.

Authored by the bank's global executives, it is a significant report that has a clear message - investors need to be cautious in their equity allocation approach.

5.  How Banks Can Win New Small Business Customers

Published by: VansonBourne

We like this white paper for two reasons:

1) It is an output of the collaboration between Avoka and Vanson Bourne . Avoka creates customer acquisition and onboarding journeys in financial services, while Vanson Bourne is an independent specialist in market research for the technology sector. An excellent example of how a collaborative effort counts a lot more than individual efforts.

2) It compiles verbatim responses to a survey administered to 300 small business owners in European countries. It is rare to see white papers where two vendors catering to similar target audiences join hands to create marketing collateral that serves them both.

The Best White Papers for the Financial Services Industry

The Best White Paper Examples for the Healthcare Industry

The Best White Papers for the Healthcare Industry

1. Journey To Value: The State of Value-Based Reimbursement in 2016

Published by: McKesson

This white paper is well-structured for the healthcare industry, with an academic orientation. It begins with the list of charts and figures used and the definitions of healthcare terminologies. McKesson had already forayed to answer the question " Is value-based reimbursement real? ” two years ago in a similar white paper.

This time in a sequel to the earlier document, they teamed up with a niche research company to survey 465 payers and hospitals to see how far the needle had moved on value-based reimbursement.

By expanding and repeating the earlier study, they have established themselves as an authority on the subject. The white paper moves along from one stage to the next by explaining the survey methodology, the sample design, and the findings.

2.  Reinventing Utilization Management to Bring Value to the Point of Care

Mckesson 's Vice President has authored this white paper on the topic of Utilization Management , which is a good strategy as it exhibits how much they value their content.

After a brief introduction, it moves to the limits of traditional utilization management models and how shifting to a collaborative exception-based model combined with analytics will serve as a bridge to the future. 

3.  Current and New Approaches to Making Drugs More Affordable

Published by: CVS Health

Dealing with industry issues and suggesting remedial measures for a company like CVS Health  is an excellent way to build topic authority.

Bringing drug costs under control is an industry-wide problem for US healthcare companies. CVS Caremark has taken the lead to explain how if manufacturers across the board were to reduce drug prices, it would improve health outcomes and reduce medical costs.

Besides suggesting three techniques to reduce costs, the company has suggested three recent innovations that help further reduce costs. The company has explained how medications can be made further affordable by comparing the high-profit percentages of pharmaceutical companies as compared to other industries.

4. The Only Way is Up

Published by:  Bayer

In terms of the choice of subject, this is one of the most attractive white papers published by Bayer . The company explains where short cucumbers originate from, how cucumbers are a core component within Middle Eastern cultures and the critical consumption drivers for the vegetable in Europe and North America.

The white paper is a storehouse of insights that includes average household sizes, life priorities of the customers, the evolution of the consumer, etc. For a company of the profile of Bayer, to be opining about short cucumbers and how they have entered the snacking market is unique.

5.  The Forgotten Killer: Cardiovascular disease

Published by: Aetna

This white paper serves as a primer for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and explains its most common conditions. It describes how countries such as Finland are adopting measures to fight it, the promise and limitations of new drug therapies, and technology advancement that could improve diagnosis.

This white paper is an eye-opener for those who are not aware of CVDs and gives out a lot of information on ways to avoid it. With impressive noting of footnotes and charts, this is an excellent piece for people looking to fight CVDs.

The Best White Paper Examples for the Insurance Industry

The Best White Papers for the Insurance Industry

1.  Digital Transformation in the Insurance Industry

Published by: Frost & Sullivan

Commissioned by Samsung Electronics America , this white paper deals with the trends that are shaping the Insurance industry. It deals with how insurance companies can thrive in this changing industry landscape, and how technologies such as mobile, wearables, AR/VR are impacting the industry.

It is a perfect example of how a company specializing in a niche has partnered not just to explain industry trends, but also to explain how they're at the forefront of it.

2. Black Insurance's White Paper

Published by: Black Insurance

Black Insurance 's white paper on the challenges faced by the industry (i.e., multiple parties, high costs, and barriers to entry) shows their deep understanding of the subject.

It explains Black Insurance 's proposed solution to this situation along with with the business model, the pricing framework, licensing, token economics, technical design, etc. It is a comprehensive white paper that positions them as an authority in this domain.

3.  Nine ways insurance carriers are driving down combined ratios with video

Published by: Panopto

Panopto is a video platform that enables users to record videos. The company has created a white paper for an industry that uses video extensively.

It is almost a no-brainer that the company has put out a white paper to further their business initiative and showcase its authority in the subject.

4.  The Insurance Industry: Supporting SMEs To Prosper

Published by: Allianz

This white paper is similar to other step-by-step pieces that lay down the number of steps that an organization must take to achieve a specific goal.

Each page highlights a challenge that small and medium enterprises face along with the remedial actions that they could bring, which makes it easier for readers to know how to deal with them.

Moreover, this is a survey of 500 SME businesses to identify the top 5 challenges facing the SME industry.

5.  Embracing the multi-generation workplace

Published by: AXA

AXA ’s white paper has impressive statistics by experts about an aging UK population followed by a bulleted-executive summary (pretty unconventional, but seems to work!).

It then moves methodically into the challenge that aging employees and the organizations alike face, covers the benefits of having a diverse workforce, recommendations for companies. It is not too long; neither is it abridged and is perfect for a good read for human resource professionals who are dealing with an aging workforce.

6.  Enterprise Counterparties: Mortgage Insurers

Published by: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

This white paper is by the US government charters to provide liquidity, stability, and affordability to the mortgage market. So, it is a highly valued piece because it has the US government’s stamp on it. Moreover, it is a bible for many mortgage insurers, academics, policymakers, regulators, etc. who want to get to the point straight.

This document is in a free-flowing format without any pictures, but it has substantial intrinsic value. We included this piece to show how government agencies prefer putting out their publications.

7.  Accident Insurance

Published by: Prudential

Prudential ’s white paper on accident insurance for the US market is extremely well structured and explains the various aspects of accident insurance. This white paper is insightful with numbers and graphs, explaining the reasons why people need accident insurance, what employers need to do, etc.

With 13 pages of useful content, companies looking to provide accident insurance benefits to its employees can use this document as a handy guide.

The Best White Paper Examples for the Manufacturing Industry

The Best White Papers for the Manufacturing Industry

1.  How ETERNUS DX contributes to energy efficiency, cost savings, and a human-centric intelligent society

Published by: Fujitsu

Fujitsu describes how their disk storage systems provide energy efficiency in the face of rising energy costs in data centers. It is a technical paper replete with diagrams and process flows. Clearly, Fujitsu has explained technical concepts intending to sell their solution that increases disk storage, saves energy,  and improves energy efficiency.

Fujitsu also describes their green IT initiatives and what they're doing to reduce burdens on the environment. With ' caring for the environment ' a core topic of this white paper, their Green IT initiatives resonate well with the document.

2.  Win more business with fewer sales resources

Published by: Infor

An example of a white paper that has been created solely to market the company's solutions. It explains the need for change in discrete product sales and other technical concepts very well backed by secondary research. A no-frills document that sticks to the point and conveys its central message within five pages.

It offers suggestions on how manufacturers manage sales and how they have a choice to take advantage of the situation with fewer resources.

3.  How Software solutions can help mining companies increase efficiency levels

Published by: Sage Business Solutions

This white paper is well-structured and moves in a step-by-step manner. It explains the challenges of improving mining efficiencies in Australia, available software solutions, and mobile dashboards that can enhance productivity .

It follows the inverted pyramid structure of laying down the most significant challenges and narrowing down on the ideal solution.

The Best White Paper Examples for the Retail Industry

The Best White Papers for the Retail Industry

1. Dialogue Marketing: How to Enter and Succeed in the German Market

Published by: Deutsche Post

This exciting piece speaks about ways to enter the German market using dialogue marketing, i.e., all marketing & advertising activities aimed at starting a direct dialogue with customers.

It explains what non-German retailers need to do to enter a new market (if they haven't) already done it. Deutsche Post 's white paper makes them an authority on the subject of marketing in Germany. Besides, being a major German logistics player, this white paper makes a lot of sense for them to publish .

Why? Because if e-commerce companies were to enter Germany, shipments would go up, which will ultimately benefit them.

2.  Eligma - AI-driven and blockchain-based cognitive commerce platform

Published by: Eligma

Although this white paper aims to harness AI and Blockchain to improve the decision making for eCommerce customers, it is applicable for all industries.

This white paper is an example of a yet-to-be-launched product. It explores market opportunities, business model, execution plan, technology solution framework that leverages AI and Blockchain, and loyalty programs. One core vision combines all these elements: to offer a set of solutions to discover, purchase, track, and resell eCommerce items.

Seldom do we find such white papers that have the depth and coverage for a solution that isn't launched in the market yet.

The Best White Paper Examples in Technology

The Best White Papers in Technology

1.  Design and deliver cloud-based apps and data for flexible, on-demand IT

Published by: Citrix Systems

In this no-frills white paper, Citrix Systems  deals with the topic in hand straightaway: A better way to deliver cloud-based workspaces using Citrix Cloud IT.

From a visual perspective, there aren't many pictures in this document, but it makes up for it with use cases that further give evidence of their proposed solution.

2.  Hitachi Content Platform

Published by: Hitachi Vantara

This technical white paper is bereft of any visual appeal barring system architecture diagrams. It delves deeper into how Hitachi 's solution can help minimize vulnerability and threat exposure.

A company-specific white paper which focuses on the problem at hand and how their solution can help overcome it.

3.  Creating the Foundation for Digital Transformation

Published by: Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Red Hat

This unique white paper is written jointly by HP and Red Hat . It explains how they bring together their consulting and migration expertise to help clients achieve digital transformation.

They've even highlighted the success story of how one of their clients, DreamWorks Animation , was able to accomplish digital transformation. This white paper is an excellent example of how they're bringing their proposition to life.

4.  Using Virtual Platforms for Pre-Silicon Software Development

Published by: Synopsys

This white paper is similar to the Hitachi Content Platform piece that we mentioned above but does not propagate their solution.

Instead, they explain how it has become increasingly challenging to sell silicon without the associated software executing on the hardware. It is prevalent in a variety of application domains like wireless, multimedia, networking, and automotive.

It is a common problem that many semiconductor companies are facing and explains how a virtual platform can be used to develop and integrate the software. The target audience for this white paper is semiconductor engineers and IT architects, who know the nuances of semiconductor development.

5.  Air, Fluid Flow, and Thermal Simulation of Data Centers

Published by: Autodesk

A technical document explained with diagrams on the usage of computational fluid dynamics cloud-based services within the Autodesk 360 platform. It was published in 2013 and is still very relevant due to how they command authority in their chosen niche.

6.  2018 Fjord Trends

Published by: Fjord (An Accenture Organization)

Fjord 's white paper on global trends is a treat for those who track technology developments closely. Each industry trend has a section on what's happening around the technology, what lies ahead and Fjord 's recommendations for enterprises looking to adopt the technology.

Each trend has examples of how companies are leveraging it to prove its significance to the industry. The report stands out for its clarity, simplicity, and depth of coverage of each trend.

7.  Our Approach to Automated Driving System Safety

Published by: Apple

Apple ’s white paper on their approach to automated vehicles explains how their systems work. True to its native style, the white paper contains plain and simple text and does not use pictures to amplify its message.

It reveals fascinating insights on driver safety and pays close attention to every detail. It mandates that drivers must have both hands on the steering wheel, work in a single shift, and take frequent breaks while driving.

The Best White Paper Examples for the Transportation Industry

The Best White Papers for the Transport Industry

1. Fast-Forwarding to a Future of On-Demand Urban Air Transportation

Published by: Uber

This document is a quick example of how a transport company predicts a bold new future. While Uber has sponsored the white paper, note how it mentions reviewers from NASA , MIT and other elite organizations that provide air transport.

They've coined the term VTOL - short for ' Vertical Take-off and Landing .' Imagine a service that does not exist today, and you have the opportunity to bring it to life. This white paper introduces the concept of VTOL in urban cities; it talks about all aspects of this - barriers to achieve them, emissions, certifications, safety, performance, and rider experience.

They conclude by saying what steps they will take to bring this to life. A 98-page document, it sure is bound to appeal to the die-hard fans of futuristic transportation.

2.  Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030

Published by: RethinkX

This white paper is bold in many ways, because its author, Stanford economist, Tony Seba is a man known for his daring, but accurate predictions. He predicted the rise of the solar industry when solar panels were a lot more expensive than they are today.

In this white paper, Tony predicts the death of the automobile and the oil industry. He goes deeper into every aspect of these predictions and gives the reasons for his predictions.

The predictions, statistics, in-depth research, and recommendations of this white paper make it a unique content asset. The author has explained every concept in detail in the appendix section - an ideal example of a comprehensive white paper. 

The Best White Paper Examples Across Industries

The Best White Papers Across Industries

1.  A Four-Step Plan For Business Continuity - How to Develop and Maintain a BC Plan to Mitigate the Risk of Business Disruption

Published by: Sungard Availability  Services

This white paper tells us the four steps needed to plan for Business Continuity (BC). BC applies to all companies and all industries, so the company has a unique advantage in that it can appeal to any company in any industry. It does not lean towards any particular industry; instead, it is a generic document.

2.  The Power of Design Thinking

Published by: Dassault Systemes

One of those white papers where the format used is in the first person, and the author is an academic. It is another unique way of creating a white paper by getting academia or an expert from a different organization to write for you.

It contains valuable advice, mainly because it comes straight from Philip Gray, an expert who has spent four decades in product design.

3.  Data Resilience with Fallback Protection

Published by: Teradata

Teradata 's technical white paper explains the need for a high-level discussion of the features of Fallback, a unique element to Teradata Database . It enhances the availability of a single Integrated Data Warehouse system.

The target audience for this white paper is data experts who will comprehend fallback recovery tools, performance impact due to Fallback, the benefits of having the Fallback.

4.  Interactive content across the buyer's journey

Published by: i-on interactive, Inc.

A common topic across industries, this white paper explains why interactive content is better than static content and the different interactive content tools. The authors have cleverly used the buyer's journey to describe their case why businesses must use interactive content.

5.  10 Best Practices for Writing Effective White Paper Titles

Published by: inSegment

An often neglected feature, this white paper features the top 10 best practices for creating the best headlines. It is a short document and does not have a lot of content, but makes up for it via examples and useful suggestions.


Published by: Solar Winds

A generic white paper applicable to companies across industries, it introduces the concept of 'monitoring' for someone who is familiar with computers and IT in general, but not with monitoring. As such, (almost) no prior knowledge or experience is required to read this white paper.

It talks about the FCAPS model of surveillance, building blocks of monitoring framework, techniques of monitoring, and more. A seemingly technical concept has been explained well so that readers can understand it easily.

7.  AWS Security Incident Response Guide

Published by: Amazon

Amazon 's biggest priority is security, and its collection of white papers on security is unarguably the most comprehensive that we have researched. Published during June 2019, Amazon 's white paper enables the reader to understand better the impact of incident response (IR), and user security choices on corporate goals.

A well-structured white paper, it encourages Amazon's customers to start small, develop runbooks, leverage necessary security capabilities, and create an initial library of incident response mechanisms to iterate from and improve gradually.

The Best White Paper Examples for Nonprofits

We like white papers by nonprofits because their topics are the most varied. They range from human rights issues to researching on butterflies, and so each white paper is a specimen in itself. Every nonprofit has a unique way of authoring white papers to suit their requirements.

Best White Paper Examples for Nonprofits

1. Human Rights and Australia’s Foreign Policy

Published by: Amnesty International Australia

The first in our collection of white paper examples for nonprofits is the Amnesty International Australia ’s document. It talks about Australia’s role in promoting and defending human rights globally. It outlines ita recommendations at the beginning of the document and then dives deeper into the subject of global human rights issues and Australia’s interests.

Every problem area in the white paper has an immediate recommendation attached to it, so readers know what is the remedy for it. Despite lacking visuals and images, it makes for compulsive reading into Australian principles of multilateralism and human rights.

2. Extending US Biodiversity Collections to Promote and Collections

Published by: National Science Foundation

This white paper has brilliant Instagram-worthy images all through it with a caption that describes the effort behind digitizing biodiversity specimens in the United States.

A short 12-page white paper, it leads the reader through the collection of physical biodiversity specimens (plants and animals) and digital data gathering around them. It concludes with the steps needed for implementing and sustaining biodiversity collection efforts for the 21st century.

3.  Under the Radar: Degradation in Canada’s Boreal Forest and Climate Consequences

Published by: Natural Resources and Defense Council

  This manuscript may not be a white paper in its real sense. However, it weaves a story as a white paper would through do vibrant imagery. Every page is replete with stunning images that explain how Canada’s forestland is gradually receding.

Originally presented during the 21st Century Conference in Oxford, each page has insights about the shrinking carbon-absorbing capacity of Canada’s forests. It concludes with recommendations on steps needed to introduce afforestation. 4.  The United Nations Children Fund – Women or Children First?

Published by: International Organizations Group

  This detailed white paper is 102-pages long and divided into six sections. It traces UNICEF ’s history in combating epidemics, diseases, assisting women in childbirth, their health, and nutrition. It decries the reign of Carol Bellamy as the UNICEF executive director and the emergence of a feminist revolution that nurtures the girl child and cares for them. It recommends greater transparency in the operations of UNICEF and a more careful approach to spending their resources.

5. White Paper on Cancer Carers

Published by: European Cancer Patients Coalition (ECPC) and Eurocarers.

Carers are unpaid folks who provide care for patients with chronic illnesses such as cancer, who account for 80% cancer care in Europe.  ECPC ’s white paper in collaboration with Eli Lilly , Merck , and Pfizer on cancer carers methodically explains the need for specific attention towards their needs, and the importance of an improved framework for carers generally.

It is an excellent example of a white paper created by the private sector and nonprofits towards providing sustainable care for chronic illnesses. It includes case studies of how European countries have been implementing different measures successfully and recommends employment, social, healthcare, and educational policy changes across Europe.

6.  A 5˚C Arctic in a 2˚C World - Challenges and recommendations for immediate action

Published by: Columbia Climate Center, WWF, Woods Hole Research Center

This white paper summarizes the key outcomes of a workshop held in June 2016 to discuss the 1.5-2˚C change in global warming highlighted during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at Paris in 2015. A 1.5-2˚C change in global warming means a 3.5-5˚C change for the Arctic region, which can be disastrous. This white promptly highlights the immediate and long-term measures such as carbon dioxide removal and exploring the usage of alternate energy on a global scale.

It meticulously lays the background, the urgency of the situation, the need for immediate action, and recommendations.

7.  Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin White Paperflite   Published by: Satoshi Nakamoto Why do we like this? No collection of white papers is complete without mentioning Satoshi Nakamoto's seminal piece on Bitcoin. This white paper, published in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, is text-based and is a good starting point for anyone looking to learn more blockchain and cryptocurrency.

It describes the mechanics of a simple peer-to-peer electronic cash system, later known as Bitcoin.  It succinctly explains how the Bitcoin might function without relying on a country's government or central bank. There is hardly any information about Satoshi Nakamoto in the public domain, but this white paper ushered in the era of blockchain technology.

Should a white paper include counter arguments or opposing viewpoints?

Sure! Including counterarguments adds depth to your white paper by addressing potential objections. It’ll showcase an exhaustive and balanced view of the topic.

Can white papers be repurposed into other content forms?

Yes, you can repurpose your content from white papers into blogs, infographics, videos, and more. This allows your insights to cater to different audience preferences.

How often should a company produce white papers?

It’s always going to be Quality over Quantity. Choose to produce white papers when you have valuable insights to share. There is no strict schedule you need to adhere to.

What is a typical timeline for creating a white paper?

The timeline will vary based on your topic’s complexity, research, and writing process.  However, on average, the process might take a few weeks to a couple of months to complete.  

What are Your Favorite White Paper Examples?

Do you have any favorite white paper examples that you'd like to feature here? Is there any white paper that has awed you? Let us know your choices at [email protected] , and we will make sure it is part of this list.

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  • White Paper
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White Paper

Ai generator.

white paper presentation examples

Businesses and companies can create advertisements to market thei r product , service , or commodity to their target market in many ways. A product or service business or a company can use white paper to act as a flyer.

1. White Paper Basics Template

White Paper Basics Template

Size: 57 KB

2. Writing a White Paper Example

Writing a White Paper Example

Size: 67 KB

3. White Papers and Briefing Books

White Papers and Briefing Books

Size: 100 KB

4. White Paper on Sustainability Example

White Paper on Sustainability Example

Size: 62 KB

5. White Paper on Climate Change

White Paper on Climate Change

Size: 99 KB

6. White Paper on Transfer Pricing Documentation

White Paper on Transfer Pricing Documentation

Size: 112 KB

7. Cognitive Technologies White Paper

Cognitive Technologies White Paper

Size: 64 KB

8. Digital Transformation in Industry White Paper

Digital Transformation in Industry White Paper

Size: 78 KB

9. Predictive Analytics White Paper

Predictive Analytics White Paper

Size: 97 KB

10. White Paper The Plagiarism Spectrum

White Paper The Plagiarism Spectrum

Size: 61 KB

11. Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper

Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper

Size: 45 KB

12. Democratic Engagement White Paper

Democratic Engagement White Paper

Size: 88 KB

13. Climate Change Science White Paper

Climate Change Science White Paper

Size: 105 KB

14. Android Enterprise Security White Paper

Android Enterprise Security White Paper

15. Redfish Composability White Paper

Redfish Composability White Paper

Size: 74 KB

16. White Paper Commentary

White Paper Commentary

File Format

Size: 91 KB

What Is a White Paper?

The white paper is a type of document that illustrates a problem and provides a solution that the product, service, or commodity can solve through its application. The form of the white paper is similar to that of a scientific poster because they share similar elements or characteristics . Just not that the white paper should not outright advertise or mention the product, service, or commodity.

How to Write a White Paper

A well-made white paper can convey information to the target audience without room for misunderstandings and confusion. Not only will the white paper educate its audience, but it will also serve as a discreet advertisement for your product. 

Step 1: Obtain a White Paper Outline 

Start by obtaining or creating a white paper outline  or outline format you can use to provide a structure for your white paper. This will not only provide you with a structure you can easily work with, but it will also help you easily make the white paper outline have a proper flow.

Step 2: Research and Write The Contents of a White Paper

A white paper is a well-researched document that has up-to-date information that strives to educate the person while presenting one’s product as a solution. This means that you will need to research and provide suitable references for the contents of your white paper.

Step 3: Insert Images into the White Paper

The white paper can have various visual media and references that will help catch the eyes of the reader or target audience. Prepare and insert any suitable images into the white paper. Note that you should limit the number of images you will use in the white paper as too many images will discourage people from reading through the white paper.

Step 4: Create a Conclusion

End your white paper with a short and succinct conclusion or closing paragraph that will properly close off the white paper. This will not only impact the audience’s satisfaction with the white paper, but it will also help ensure the white paper is enjoyable to reread.

Why is this document called a white paper?

The term “White paper” has its origins in the way the government color-coded papers that the said entity will distribute to their main population or citizens. White is the color the government has chosen for documents that will have public access and distribution to their citizens.

What type of writing should the writer use when creating the white paper?

The white paper is an informational document that will provide valuable and well-researched information to specific target audiences. That means that the writer should employ technical and formal language and write in their white papers. This also means that the content of the white paper is succinct and straightforward, with various references in the document.

Research paper vs. white paper; what are the differences between research papers and white papers?

A research paper is a type of document that presents well-researched facts and information to a target audience, but it will not try to assuage or dissuade the target audience from specific information. A white paper, on the other hand, will provide well-researched facts and information to a target audience, while trying to influence their position or stance.

A white paper is a document that presents valuable information or data, which will try and educate its target audience whilst providing a stance or position for the said audience. A well-written white paper can persuade the target audience and ensure they will choose the position the white paper is presenting.


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  1. 14 White Paper Examples & Templates to Use Right Away [2021]

    white paper presentation examples

  2. 20 White Paper Examples, Templates Design Tips

    white paper presentation examples

  3. 50 Best White Paper Templates (MS Word) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  4. How to Write and Format a White Paper (With Examples)

    white paper presentation examples

  5. White Paper Design

    white paper presentation examples

  6. 20 White Paper Examples, Templates Design Tips

    white paper presentation examples


  1. 20+ White Paper Examples, Templates + Design Tips

    Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers. ... As with any type of content — from writing blog posts to making presentations to crafting ebooks —a lot of your white paper's success comes down to the design.

  2. How to Write a White Paper in 10 Steps (+ Tips & Templates)

    White papers are typically written in a standard document format, but you can also create a white paper presentation. In terms of functionality, think of the structure of a white paper more like a research paper and less of a report. ... Here's an example of a white paper cover page from a Visme template. Customize this template and make it ...

  3. 25 White Paper Examples & Templates to Use Right Away [2024]

    25 Organizational Design White Paper Example. In stark contrast to the red accent color, this organizational design white paper example uses a cool color scheme with blues and greens. This is a great color scheme to use for a more creative industry or topic. Create your own White Paper with this easy-to-edit template.

  4. Writing a White Paper (Format, Tips, Examples & Templates)

    Designing White Papers for Storytelling. Narrative Flow: Just like a compelling story, a white paper should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction that outlines the problem or challenge, delve into the details in the main content, and conclude with a solution or call to action.

  5. A 2024 Guide to White Papers

    A 2024 Guide to White Papers (with Templates and Examples) May 6, 2024. Table of contents. White papers are an essential tool for establishing thought leadership, educating audiences, and generating leads. They offer a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as industry leaders.

  6. 10 Amazing WhitePaper Examples (& Useful Tips To Stand Out)

    10 Best White Paper Examples. To help you better understand how to write a white paper, we're sharing 10 examples from different organizations in various industries. 1. Temenos White Paper. Temenos is a software business that specializes in banking and financial services software.

  7. How To Write & Format a White Paper [Tips & Templates]

    CREATE THIS WHITE PAPER TEMPLATE 6. Use a consistent design that reflects your white paper topic. When you're designing a multi-page document like a white paper or a report, your pages should have a cohesive look and feel. (Note: by using a consistent design for your white paper, you'll achieve unity — one of the 13 basic design principles.)

  8. How to Write and Format a White Paper (With Examples)

    Here are some great examples of white papers doing exactly that. What Developers Want - CodinGame. This unique one-pager presenting findings from the Developers at Work Survey demonstrates how a white paper should be done. The animated, interactive data charts show off just what's possible with our embed feature. Open white paper example #1

  9. What is a White Paper [+ Examples & Templates]

    A white paper is an authoritative guide (or in other words, an in-depth report) designed to address a business problem and provide possible solutions. They often have original research as their foundation, and they will typically take a strong position on what decisions need to be made to solve problems.

  10. What is a White Paper? (Definition, Templates + Formatting Tips)

    A white paper is an in-depth, authoritative document explaining or promoting a concept, idea or methodology in a formal, research-backed manner. Below is an example of a white paper template you can customize: Customize this template and make it your own! Edit and Download.

  11. White Paper Examples: 9+ Easy Steps to a Winning White Paper

    6. Create a Powerful Title. Next, you want to create a great title for your white paper. Remember, headlines should lead to a reaction, specifically, to read your white paper. A great title is precise. Keep your reason for writing and your audience's pain points in mind when creating it.

  12. How to Write a White Paper in 10 Steps (Plus 4 Examples)

    As the founder of Uplift Content, Emily leads her team in creating done-for-you case studies, ebooks and blog posts for high-growth SaaS companies like ClickUp, Calendly and WalkMe. Connect with Emily on Linkedin. Find out how to write a white paper: 1. Know your audience 2. Strategize and plan 3.

  13. 10 Amazing White Paper Examples & Ideas to Copy

    10 White Paper Examples. ... Paper, consider checking out Piktochart, an online platform trusted by millions of users for creating infographics, presentations, posters, and other visual content. Piktochart simplifies the process of turning complex data into clear visuals with its AI-powered infographic maker.

  14. 9 White Paper Examples to Inspire Your Next White Papers

    Business white paper examples. White papers written for C-suite executives, including chief operating officers (COOs) or chief financial officers (CFOs). 3. Marketing white paper examples. White papers aimed at managers in marketing, operations and sales departments. While it can still be helpful to look at white paper examples written for any ...

  15. The Editing Room: 10 Powerful White Paper Examples to Attract Dream

    A meticulously built white paper can revolutionize your business strategy, generate leads, and position your company as an industry thought leader. So, we've compiled ten powerful white paper examples so you can see the potential to captivate your ideal audience. 1. Preparing for a Future Powered by Generative AI by Harvard Business Review

  16. 8 White Paper Examples to Generate More Leads

    1. Cisco - Networking and your competitive edge white paper. Cisco is a well-known name, but the domain it works in is not. Cisco develops and provides networking hardware, data security services, telecommunications equipment, and other high-technology services and products.

  17. Professional White Paper Templates to Customize

    Visme's white paper templates are ideal for presenting your research in the form of an engaging story. Find the perfect white paper design for your needs in the options below, from topics on social issues to HR to policy paper examples. Content marketers can also use these white paper templates to communicate problems, solutions, steps, facts ...

  18. 11 Steps For Finding White Paper Topic Ideas (With Examples)

    Here is a list of steps to help you find white paper topic ideas: 1. Research Your Target Audience. Researching your target audience allows you to better understand the challenges or problems they're facing. This helps you find relevant white paper topics to address and provide your readers with helpful solutions.

  19. Free White Paper Templates

    White Paper Design Templates. A white paper is a report or guide that presents information and solutions to a specific problem or issue. It is a comprehensive document that is an in-depth analysis of a topic, including research findings, insights, and recommendations. white papers are often used in business and academia to inform and educate ...

  20. 25 White Paper Examples To Inspire Your Strategy

    8. Private Networks Vol.1: Transforming Private Networks with Samsung 5g (Samsung) White Paper Example. In this technical white paper, Samsung makes a case for using its 5G products in your business's private network. Since this white paper uses a lot of abbreviations, it includes a handy key in the table of contents.

  21. 16 ways to structure a white paper

    15. Rhetorical Questions: Ask, then answer questions that are likely to be foremost in your audience's minds. This is likely to be packaged as a numbered list. In fact, it's one of my favorite ways to do a white paper. Sometimes these questions aren't in your reader's mind, but you can suggest that they should be.

  22. White Papers PPT

    White Papers; White Paper: Organization and Other Tips; White Papers PowerPoint Presentation; Suggested Resources Style Guide Overview MLA Guide APA Guide Chicago Guide OWL Exercises. Purdue OWL; Subject-Specific Writing; Professional, Technical Writing; White Papers; White Papers PowerPoint Presentation; White Papers PowerPoint Presentation

  23. 7 Outstanding White Paper Examples

    Here are 7 white paper examples hand-picked for their research, copywriting and design. Use them to inspire your greatest content yet. 1. Corgan - design and the pandemic. Why we love it: a poignant topic paired with stunning visuals and compelling copywriting makes Corgan's white paper highly shareable. Corgan, a leading architecture and ...

  24. What is a White Paper? Format, Types and Examples

    White papers are great examples of marketing collateral that exhibit your authority over a chosen niche. Mostly, they are long-form content intended to educate the target audience, that delve deeper into industry trends, issues, and policies and explain its causes, implications, and benefits. Companies, public institutions, governments ...

  25. White Paper

    Step 1: Obtain a White Paper Outline Start by obtaining or creating a white paper outline or outline format you can use to provide a structure for your white paper. This will not only provide you with a structure you can easily work with, but it will also help you easily make the white paper outline have a proper flow.