Boyle's Law & Charles' Law

Investigation of boyle's law.

Boyle’s Law describes the relationship between the pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature.

Illustrative background for Manometer method

Manometer method

  • Use a pump to change the air pressure on one side of the manometer.
  • Use a pressure gauge on the pump side to measure air pressure, which is equal to the pressure of the air in the glass tube.
  • You can measure the volume of trapped air.
  • Record the volume for several different pressure values.

Illustrative background for Analysis of manometer method

Analysis of manometer method

  • If you plot a graph of volume against pressure, you get a monotonically decreasing curve.
  • Plot a graph of V -1 against P and the best fit straight line goes through the origin.
  • This verifies that V -1 is directly proportional to the pressure, i.e. pV is a constant or that P and V are inversely proportional to each other. This assumes that the temperature and mass of the gas is constant.

Illustrative background for Further analysis of manometer method

Further analysis of manometer method

  • Plot log(V) against log (P). It doesn’t matter what base logarithm you use.
  • The gradient of the line of best fit should be -1.
  • log(V) = log(k) - log(P).
  • log(V) = - log(P) + log(k).

Illustrative background for Further analysis of manometer method 2

Further analysis of manometer method 2

  • Compare the last line with y = mx + c.
  • If log(V) is plotted on the y-axis, with log(P) on the x-axis, the gradient = -1 and the y-intercept should be log(k).
  • You can find the constant, k, using k = Z c , where Z is the base of the logarithms (i.e. 10 or e) and c is the y-intercept.

Investigation of Boyle's Law 2

Illustrative background for Syringe and data logging method

Syringe and data logging method

  • Connect the open end of a syringe to a pressure sensor (which is then connected to data logger and computer).
  • Start recording on data logger.
  • Move the plunger in steps, i.e. decrease or increase the volume of trapped gas slowly so as not to warm or cool the gas.
  • For each new volume, record the pressure.

Illustrative background for Syringe and data logging method 2

Syringe and data logging method 2

  • Use software, such as a spreadsheet, to plot a graph of volume against pressure to get a monotonically decreasing curve.
  • Use software to plot a graph of V -1 against P.
  • i.e. PV = constant or that P and V are inversely proportional to each other, assuming that the temperature and mass of the gas is constant.

Investigation of Charles’ Law

Charles’ Law describes the relationship between the volume and absolute temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure.

Illustrative background for Apparatus

  • Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
  • Caution: it is common practice to use a kerosene-based oil, which needed a separate risk assessment because it is available via CLEAPPS.

Illustrative background for Method

  • Keep stirring the water so as to reduce temperature gradients through the water.
  • The length of the air column is directly proportional to the volume of trapped air. This assumes that the inner diameter of the capillary tube is constant.

Illustrative background for Analysis

  • I.e. extended back to -400 °C so that an extrapolation back to the temperature axis can give a value for absolute zero.
  • Notice that the values of volume and temperature are all bunched to the right.

Illustrative background for Analysis 2

  • The extrapolation is suspect because you have to extrapolate a long way before the line hits the temperature axis.
  • Repeating this with different gases, different volumes of gas and at different pressures gives different straight lines. All of the best fit straight lines should pass through the same point on the temperature axis.

Illustrative background for Plot the graph again

Plot the graph again

  • If you plot the graph again using the student’s value for absolute zero, the length-temperature graph becomes a straight line through the origin as shown.
  • This shows that the volume of gas is directly proportional to the temperature in Kelvin. This assumes that the pressure and mass of the gas are constant.

1 Measurements & Errors

1.1 Measurements & Errors

1.1.1 Use of SI Units

1.1.2 SI Prefixes, Standard Form & Converting Units

1.1.3 End of Topic Test - Units & Prefixes

1.1.4 Limitation of Physical Measurements

1.1.5 Uncertainty

1.1.6 Estimation

1.1.7 End of Topic Test - Measurements & Errors

2 Particles & Radiation

2.1 Particles

2.1.1 Atomic Model

2.1.2 Specific Charge, Protons & Neutron Numbers

2.1.3 End of Topic Test - Atomic Model

2.1.4 Isotopes

2.1.5 Stable & Unstable Nuclei

2.1.6 End of Topic Test - Isotopes & Nuclei

2.1.7 A-A* (AO3/4) - Stable & Unstable Nuclei

2.1.8 Particles, Antiparticles & Photons

2.1.9 Particle Interactions

2.1.10 Classification of Particles

2.1.11 End of Topic Test - Particles & Interactions

2.1.12 Quarks & Antiquarks

2.1.13 Application of Conservation Laws

2.1.14 End of Topic Test - Leptons & Quarks

2.1.15 Exam-Style Question - Radioactive Decay

2.2 Electromagnetic Radiation & Quantum Phenomena

2.2.1 The Photoelectric Effect

2.2.2 The Photoelectric Effect Explanation

2.2.3 End of Topic Test - The Photoelectric Effect

2.2.4 Collisions of Electrons with Atoms

2.2.5 Energy Levels & Photon Emission

2.2.6 Wave-Particle Duality

2.2.7 End of Topic Test - Absorption & Emission

3.1 Progressive & Stationary Waves

3.1.1 Progressive Waves

3.1.2 Wave Speed & Phase Difference

3.1.3 Longitudinal & Transverse Waves

3.1.4 End of Topic Test - Progressive Waves

3.1.5 Polarisation

3.1.6 Stationary Waves

3.1.7 Stationary Waves 2

3.1.8 End of Topic Test - Polarisation & Stationary Wave

3.1.9 A-A* (AO3/4) - Stationary Waves

3.2 Refraction, Diffraction & Interference

3.2.1 Interference

3.2.2 Interference 2

3.2.3 End of Topic Test - Interference

3.2.4 Diffraction

3.2.5 Diffraction Gratings

3.2.6 End of Topic Test - Diffraction

3.2.7 Refraction at a Plane Surface

3.2.8 Internal Reflection & Fibre Optics

3.2.9 End of Topic Test - Refraction

3.2.10 Exam-Style Question - Waves

4 Mechanics & Materials

4.1 Force, Energy & Momentum

4.1.1 Scalars & Vectors

4.1.2 Vector Problems

4.1.3 End of Topic Test - Scalars & Vectors

4.1.4 Moments

4.1.5 Centre of Mass

4.1.6 End of Topic Test - Moments & Centre of Mass

4.1.7 Motion in a Straight Line

4.1.8 Graphs of Motion

4.1.9 Bouncing Ball Example

4.1.10 End of Topic Test - Motion in a Straight Line

4.1.11 Acceleration Due to Gravity

4.1.12 Projectile Motion

4.1.13 Friction

4.1.14 Terminal Speed

4.1.15 End of Topic Test - Acceleration Due to Gravity

4.1.16 Newton's Laws

4.1.17 Momentum

4.1.18 Momentum 2

4.1.19 End of Topic Test - Newton's Laws & Momentum

4.1.20 A-A* (AO3/4) - Newton's Third Law

4.1.21 Work & Energy

4.1.22 Power & Efficiency

4.1.23 Conservation of Energy

4.1.24 End of Topic Test - Work, Energy & Power

4.1.25 Exam-Style Question - Forces

4.2 Materials

4.2.1 Density

4.2.2 Bulk Properties of Solids

4.2.3 Energy in Materials

4.2.4 Young Modulus

4.2.5 End of Topic Test - Materials

5 Electricity

5.1 Current Electricity

5.1.1 Basics of Electricity

5.1.2 Current-Voltage Characteristics

5.1.3 End of Topic Test - Basics of Electricity

5.1.4 Resistivity

5.1.5 Superconductivity

5.1.6 A-A* (AO3/4) - Superconductivity

5.1.7 End of Topic Test - Resistivity & Superconductors

5.1.8 Circuits

5.1.9 Power and Conservation

5.1.10 Potential Divider

5.1.11 Emf & Internal Resistance

5.1.12 End of Topic Test - Power & Potential

5.1.13 Exam-Style Question - Resistance

6 Further Mechanics & Thermal Physics (A2 only)

6.1 Periodic Motion (A2 only)

6.1.1 Circular Motion

6.1.2 Circular Motion 2

6.1.3 End of Topic Test - Circular Motion

6.1.4 Simple Harmonic Motion

6.1.5 Simple Harmonic Systems

6.1.6 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

6.1.7 Resonance

6.1.8 End of Topic Test - Simple Harmonic Motion

6.1.9 A-A* (AO3/4) - Simple Harmonic Motion

6.2 Thermal Physics (A2 only)

6.2.1 Thermal Energy Transfer

6.2.2 Thermal Energy Transfer Experiments

6.2.3 Ideal Gases

6.2.4 Ideal Gases 2

6.2.5 Boyle's Law & Charles' Law

6.2.6 Molecular Kinetic Theory Model

6.2.7 Molecular Kinetic Theory Model 2

6.2.8 End of Topic Test - Thermal Energy & Ideal Gases

6.2.9 Exam-Style Question - Ideal Gases

7 Fields & Their Consequences (A2 only)

7.1 Fields (A2 only)

7.1.1 Fields

7.2 Gravitational Fields (A2 only)

7.2.1 Newton's Law

7.2.2 Gravitational Field Strength

7.2.3 Gravitational Potential

7.2.4 Orbits of Planets & Satellites

7.2.5 Escape Velocity & Synchronous Orbits

7.2.6 End of Topic Test - Gravitational Fields

7.3 Electric Fields (A2 only)

7.3.1 Coulomb's Law

7.3.2 Electric Field Strength

7.3.3 Electric Field Strength 2

7.3.4 Electric Potential

7.3.5 End of Topic Test - Electric Fields

7.3.6 A-A* (AO3/4) - Electric and Gravitational Field

7.4 Capacitance (A2 only)

7.4.1 Capacitance

7.4.2 Parallel Plate Capacitor

7.4.3 Energy Stored by a Capacitor

7.4.4 Capacitor Discharge

7.4.5 Capacitor Charge

7.5 Magnetic Fields (A2 only)

7.5.1 Magnetic Flux Density

7.5.2 End of Topic Test - Capacitance & Flux Density

7.5.3 Moving Charges in a Magnetic Field

7.5.4 Magnetic Flux & Flux Linkage

7.5.5 Electromagnetic Induction

7.5.6 Electromagnetic Induction 2

7.5.7 Alternating Currents

7.5.8 Operation of a Transformer

7.5.9 Magnetic Flux Density

7.5.10 End of Topic Test - Electromagnetic Induction

8 Nuclear Physics (A2 only)

8.1 Radioactivity (A2 only)

8.1.1 Rutherford Scattering

8.1.2 Alpha & Beta Radiation

8.1.3 Gamma Radiation

8.1.4 Radioactive Decay

8.1.5 Half Life

8.1.6 End of Topic Test - Radioactivity

8.1.7 Nuclear Instability

8.1.8 Nuclear Radius

8.1.9 Mass & Energy

8.1.10 Binding Energy

8.1.11 Induced Fission

8.1.12 Safety Aspects of Nuclear Reactors

8.1.13 End of Topic Test - Nuclear Physics

8.1.14 A-A* (AO3/4) - Nuclear Fusion

9 Option: Astrophysics (A2 only)

9.1 Telescopes (A2 only)

9.1.1 Astronomical Telescopes

9.1.2 Reflecting Telescopes

9.1.3 Single Dish Radio Telescopes

9.1.4 Large Diameter Telescopes

9.2 Classification of Stars (A2 only)

9.2.1 Classification by Luminosity

9.2.2 Absolute Magnitude

9.2.3 Black Body Radiation

9.2.4 Stellar Spectral Classes

9.2.5 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams

9.2.6 Astronomical Objects

9.3 Cosmology (A2 only)

9.3.1 Doppler Effect

9.3.2 Hubble's Law

9.3.3 Quasars

9.3.4 Detecting Exoplanets

10 Option: Medical Physics (A2 only)

10.1 Physics of the Eye (A2 only)

10.1.1 Physics of Vision

10.1.2 Defects of Vision

10.1.3 Lenses

10.1.4 Correcting Defects of Vision

10.2 Physics of the Ear (A2 only)

10.2.1 Structure of the Ear

10.2.2 Sensitivity of the Ear

10.2.3 Hearing Defects

10.3 Biological Measurement (A2 only)

10.3.1 Electrocardiography (ECG)

10.4 Non-Ionising Imaging (A2 only)

10.4.1 Ultrasound Imaging

10.4.2 Ultrasound Imaging 2

10.4.3 Fibre Optics & Endoscopy

10.4.4 Magnetic Resonance Scanning

10.5 X-Ray Imaging (A2 only)

10.5.1 Diagnostic X-Rays

10.5.2 X-Ray Image Processing

10.5.3 Absorption of X-Rays

10.5.4 CT Scanners

10.6 Radionuclide Imaging & Therapy (A2 only)

10.6.1 Imaging Techniques

10.6.2 Half Life

10.6.3 Gamma Camera

10.6.4 High Energy X-Rays

10.6.5 Radioactive Implants

10.6.6 Imaging Comparisons

11 Option: Engineering Physics (A2 only)

11.1 Rotational Dynamics (A2 only)

11.1.1 Moment of Inertia

11.1.2 Rotational Kinetic Energy

11.1.3 Rotational Motion

11.1.4 Torque & Angular Acceleration

11.1.5 Angular Momentum

11.1.6 Angular Work & Power

11.2 Thermodynamics & Engines (A2 only)

11.2.1 First Law of Thermodynamics

11.2.2 Non-Flow Processes

11.2.3 p-V Diagrams

11.2.4 Engine Cycles

11.2.5 Second Law & Engines

11.2.6 Reversed Heat Engines

12 Option: Turning Points in Physics (A2 only)

12.1 Discovery of the Electron (A2 only)

12.1.1 Cathode Rays

12.1.2 Thermionic Electron Emission

12.1.3 Electron Specific Charge

12.1.4 Millikan's Experiment

12.2 Wave-Particle Duality (A2 only)

12.2.1 Newton's & Huygen's Theories of Light

12.2.2 Electromagnetic Waves

12.2.3 Photoelectricity

12.2.4 Wave-Particle Duality

12.2.5 Electron Microscopes

12.3 Special Relativity (A2 only)

12.3.1 Michelson-Morley Experiment

12.3.2 Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity

12.3.3 Time Dilation

12.3.4 Length Contraction

12.3.5 Mass & Energy

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Ideal Gases 2

Molecular Kinetic Theory Model

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Mr Toogood's Physics

A Level Physics notes to support my lessons at LCS

On this page: Ideal gases

Gas laws as experimental relationships between p, V, T and the mass of the gas.

Concept of absolute zero of temperature.

Ideal gas equation: $pV = nRT$ for n moles and $pV = NkT$ for N molecules.

$Work\; done = pΔV$

Avogadro constant N A , molar gas constant R , Boltzmann constant k

Molar mass and molecular mass.

In the late 17th and 18th centuries, a number of scientists were performing experiments on gases. This was a golden age of discovery in science, with the birth of modern chemistry and physics with scientists such as Lavoisier and Newton pushing forwards our understanding of the world. It was during this time of experimentation and discovery that the three experimental gas laws were established. Robert Boyle working in England during the 1670’s, and Jacques Charles working in France in the 1780’s carried out a number of experiments to establish the laws now named after them. Critical to the development of laws describing the behaviour of gases was the development of the science of thermometry and the establishment of standardised temperature scales. As the gas laws relate the temperature of a gas to its other measurable properties, these two fields progressed hand in hand. The three gas laws are known as the experimental gas laws because they were observed as a result of experimentation, rather than being derived mathematically. They were explained at the time by a basic atomic theory, although evidence for atoms didn't emerge until the end of the 19th century and it wasn't until 1905 until their existence was proved.

Boyle’s law

This laws links the pressure exerted by a gas and its volume. If a mass of gas is squeezed into a smaller and smaller volume is pressure increases. As the volume decreases, the pressure increases, but the product of the two remains constant. This inverse relationship only holds true if the temperature of the gas remains constant.

We can explain Boyle’s law in terms of the particles within the gas. When a fixed mass of gas is trapped in a container, it exerts a pressure on it due to the collisions between the particles and the walls of the container. The more collisions per second the greater the total force and therefore the greater the total pressure. If the volume of the container is reduced, but the number of particles remains unchanged, then the particles will collide more frequently, therefore increasing the total force along with the pressure.

If the gas starts out at a higher temperature, it will have a higher initial pressure (see the pressure law) and the product of the pressure and the temperature will be greater.

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Charles’ law

Along with relating two more of the measurable properties of gases, Charles’ law also helped define the concept of absolute zero. When a fixed mass of gases is heated, but held under a constant pressure its volume increases. The quotient of the volume and the temperature is a constant.

When the gas is heated the particles move faster and further apart from each other. The volume of the gas increases, if the container also expands to equalise the pressure. It was noted that when the temperature changes by a single °C the volume of the gas changes by $\frac{1}{273}$ of its volume at $\quantity{0}{°C}$. This implied that at approximately $\quantity{-273}{°C}$ the volume of a gas would be 0. This lead Lord Kelvin to suggest the use of an absolute temperature scale using the “zero volume point” of $\quantity{-273.15}{°C}$ as absolute zero. When using the absolute temperature scale the volume of the gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.

The pressure law

The pressure law was formulated soon after the work of Charles and states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature, when the volume remains constant.

We can again explain this in terms of the particles within the gas by assuming that as they gain thermal energy they move at a faster speed and therefore gain greater momentum. When they collide with the walls, the change in momentum, and therefore the force and the pressure is greater. It was also noted that, similarly to Charles’ Law, that a single degree change in temperature caused a $\frac{1}{273.15}$ change in the pressure at $\quantity{0}{°C}$. This further backed up the concept of absolute zero, as the pressure would become zero as the particles are no longer moving at all.

Equation of state

By looking at each of these laws and combing their relationships it is possible to write down an equation for the ideal gas, so called because it only applies under certain (reasonable) assumptions, which are discussed below. For each law (where k is a constant):

  • Boyle’s Law: $p=\frac{k}{V}$ (When temperature is constant)
  • Charles’ Law: $\frac{V}{T}=k$ (When pressure is constant)
  • The Pressure Law: $\frac{p}{T}=k$ (When volume is constant)

These three laws can be eqauted to form the ideal gas equation:

  • p is the pressure in $\units{Pa}$ ($\units{N\,m^{-2}}$)
  • V is the volume in $\units{m^{3}}$
  • n is the number of moles of gas
  • R is the molar gas constant, which has a value of $\quantity{8.31}{J\,K^{-1}\,mol^{-1}}$
  • T is the absolute temperature in $\units{K}$

This can also be stated in terms of the number of molecules within the gas itself, rather than the number of moles of the gas. This would use the Boltzmann constant, k, which is the molar gas constant per particle and has a value of $\quantity{1.38\times 10^{-23}}{J\,K^{-1}}$, and is equal to $\frac {R}{N_{A}}$;

Although the equations above are useful for calculating the pressure, temperature and volume of a gas, they are of most use when looking at how a gas changes between two states, an initial condition and a final one, where one or two of the pressure, volume or temperature have changed.

When calculating with two states, we can bring the constant terms to one side of the equation and equate the expressions:

Which we can then solve for the unknown in question.

Worked example

A volume of $\quantity{0.0016}{m^{3}}$ of air at a pressure of $\quantity{1.0\times 10^{5}}{Pa}$ and a temperature of $\quantity{290}{K}$ is trapped in a cylinder. Under these conditions the volume of air occupied by $\quantity{1.0}{mol}$ is $\quantity{0.024}{m^{3}}$. The air in the cylinder is heated and at the same time compressed slowly by a piston. The initial condition and final condition of the trapped air are shown in the diagram.

In this question we are also asked to treat air as an ideal gas having a molar mass of $\quantity{0.029}{kg\,mol^{–1}}$ .

We need to calculate:

  • Calculate the final volume of the air trapped in the cylinder.
  • Calculate the number of moles of air in the cylinder.
  • Calculate the initial density of air trapped in the cylinder.
  • To calculate the final volume of the gas we need to equate the initial and final states of the gas. This is a slightly unusual situation, as we would normally expect a gas to expand when it is heated. However, in this example the gas is also being compressed, which is why we can see such a large increase in its pressure too.

The mass of gas in the cylinder is fixed, so we can bring the number of moles and the molar gas constant over to one side of the ideal gas equation:

We can now look at the values for pressure, temperature and volume for the initial and final conditions:

Initial condition:

  • $p_{1}=\quantity{1.0\times 10^{5}}{Pa}$
  • $T_{1}=\quantity{290}{K}$
  • $V_{1}=\quantity{0.0016}{m^{3}}$

Final condition:

  • $p_{2}=\quantity{4.4\times 10^{5}}{Pa}$
  • $T_{2}=\quantity{350}{K}$
  • $V_{2}=\mathrm{unkown}$

The two states can be equated as below:

Which can be rearranged to equal the unknown V 2 ,

And the data can be substituted in:

The answer can of course be given in standard form, but I have given it here in the same format as the question so you can compare easily the change in volume.

  • For the second part of the question, there are two ways to calculate the number of moles in the cylinder. We could use the ideal gas equation again and re-arrange it to equal n, but we have been given the volume of one mole of gas under the initial conditions, so it is easier to calculate it from the ratio of the volume of gas in the cylinder to the volume of one mole:
  • Now we know the amount of substance in the cylinder, and as we are given the molar mass of the gas, we are able to calculate the mass of the gas in the cylinder:

mass = number of moles × molar mass

We can now use this mass, along with the initial volume to find the density of the gas.

Conditions for an ideal gas

The above considerations do not apply to all gases in everyday situations, for example, water steam might easily change back into its liquid state if the pressure suddenly decreases and the temperature drops, so the ideal gas equation would no longer apply. The gas might be a mixture of various different gases, with different masses, and therefore applying a different force on the container. Also we have treated everything using Newtonian mechanics, but a more realistic picture of particle interactions would have to take into account quantum mechanics. We therefore stipulate a number of assumptions when dealing with ideal gases, which for the most part are realistic. You will need to remember at least some of these, and I suggest remembering the ones in bold.

  • There are no long range attractive forces acting between particles and the container.
  • The gas cannot be liquified by pressure alone.
  • There are enough particles present to be able to treat them statistically.
  • All collisions are completely elastic. This is a reasonable assumption to make as it agrees with observation. Imagine if a bicycle tyre went flat because the gas inside it has used all of its energy.
  • The average distance between particles is much greater than the size of the particles themselves.
  • The volume of the particles is negligible compared to the size of the container.
  • The particles are in constant random motion i.e. they have random velocities, and they obey Newton's laws of motion.
  • The average kinetic energy of the particles are directly proportional to the absolute temperature.
  • All the particles have the same mass.
  • We also make the assumption that the gas molecules are point particles and are spherical.

Work done by an expanding gas

When a gas expands due to being heated, as for Charles’ Law, it exerts an outwards force on its container. This can be harnessed to perform useful work, for example in a cylinder or piston inside a car’s engine. When fuel vapour is ignited, it expands rapidly and pushes the piston head outwards to equalise the pressure. This does useful work which, when combined with the other cylinders in the engine is converted to mechanical energy to drive the car forward.

In this situation, the pressure remains constant as the volume expands. The work done in joules can be found by finding the area under the line on a pressure vs volume graph.

When the pressure remains constant, the work done by the expanding gas is:

By considering the SI units in the equation above we can show that this equation is dimensionally consistent. Remember that $\quantity{1}{J} = \quantity{1}{N\,m}$

When both the pressure and the volume change, as is the case in an isothermal change, when there is no change in temperature of the gas, the equation becomes a little more complicated. Isothermal and, the similar adiabatic changes are covered in the Engineering Physics topic, but you can read a brief description of the maths behind an isothermal change here

  • Presentation - Week 1
  • Presentation - Week 2
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charles law experiment a level physics

Verification of Charles' law for an ideal gas

charles law experiment a level physics


a 0 - 100 o C thermometer a tall 1 litre beaker a glass capillary tube containing air sealed in with an oil and sulphuric acid plug and closed at one end 2 rubber bands a bunsen tripod gauze and mat

Fill your beaker with cold water. Fix the glass capillary tube to the thermometer with the rubber bands with the open end at the top. The bottom of the tube should be level with the -10 o C mark on the thermometer.

charles law experiment a level physics

Put the thermometer and tube in the water, the open end of the tube should be just above water level. Record the water temperature. Record the volume of the trapped air in the tube, you should record this as a number of thermometer divisions. (Remember it starts at -10 o ). Light the bunsen and heat the water to boiling slowly. Take readings of the volume of the air every 10 o C and record them. When the water boils turn off the bunsen.



(In the example shown the volume is about 24 units and the temperature 22 o C.) Plot a graph of volume against temperature starting at 0 o C. (A) Plot a further graph showing -350 o C to +100 o C. (B) Find where your line cuts the temperature axis - this is ABSOLUTE ZERO. Find out the increase in volume for a 10 o C rise in temperature from your graph and hence calculate the increase in volume per degree centigrade ?

charles law experiment a level physics

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: The capillary tube contains a plug of sulphuric acid sealed in with oil. Do not open the lower end of the tube. Wear eye protection. Only heat the capillary tube when it is immersed in the water

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Specifications that use this resource:

  • AS and A-level Physics 7407; 7408

Physics practicals apparatus set-up guides

We’ve worked with experienced teachers and technicians, as well as higher education institutions and learned societies to produce these apparatus set-up guides for each of the required practical activities.

Practicals are at the heart of our new AS and A-level Physics specifications – so it’s important to get them right first time in the lab.

Required activities

You need to cover activities 1-6 for AS and 1-12 for A-level.

Practical 1

Investigation into the variation of the frequency of stationary waves on a string with length, tension and mass per unit length of the string.

Practical 1 set-up guide

Practical 2

Investigation of interference effects to include the Young’s slit experiment and interference by a diffraction grating.

Practical 2 set-up guide

Practical 3

Determination of g by a free-fall method.

Practical 3 set-up guide

Practical 4

Determination of the Young modulus by a simple method.

Practical 4 set-up guide

Practical 5

Determination of resistivity of a wire using a micrometer, ammeter and voltmeter.

Practical 5 set-up guide

Practical 6

Investigation of the emf and internal resistance of electric cells and batteries by measuring the variation of the terminal pd of the cell with current in it.

Practical 6 set-up guide

Practical 7

Investigation into simple harmonic motion using a mass-spring system and a simple pendulum.

Practical 7 set-up guide

Practical 8

Investigation of Boyle’s (constant temperature) law and Charles’s (constant pressure) law for a gas.

Practical 8 set-up guide

Practical 9

Investigation of the charge and discharge of capacitors. Analysis techniques should include log-linear plotting leading to a determination of the time constant RC .

Practical 9 set-up guide

Practical 10

Investigate how the force on a wire varies with flux density, current and length of wire using a top pan balance.

Practical 10 set-up guide

Practical 11

Investigate, using a search coil and oscilloscope, the effect on magnetic flux linkage of varying the angle between a search coil and magnetic field direction.

Practical 11 set-up guide

Practical 12

Investigation of the inverse-square law for gamma radiation.

Practical 12 set-up guide

Document URL

Last updated 16 Feb 2021

314. Practical: Charles’ Law and Absolute Zero


This Physics Factsheet:

  • Describes the experimental procedure necessary to test or use Charles’ Law.
  • Explains the key sources of uncertainty associated with the experiment.
  • Describes how the data is processed to verify the law and in order to estimate the lowest possible temperature attainable (absolute zero)
  • Provides a series of worked examples and practice questions on aspects of the practical.
  • Includes some exam style questions that students may expect to be asked in their assessments.

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September 2020


ISSN: 1351-5136

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On the history of the dry friction law

  • Published: 11 October 2013
  • Volume 48 , pages 364–369, ( 2013 )

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charles law experiment a level physics

  • V. Ph. Zhuravlev 1  

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We discuss the role played by Amontons, Coulomb, Leonardo daVinci,Morin, and Euler in the discovery of the dry friction law. In particular, reference is given to Euler’s 1748 paper,where an exhaustive statement of the dry friction law was given 37 years before Coulomb’s main publications. Painlevé’s criticism of the Coulomb law is assessed, and the main points of the theory of polycomponent dry friction are given.

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Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr-t Vernadskogo 101, str. 1, Moscow, 119526, Russia

V. Ph. Zhuravlev

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Correspondence to V. Ph. Zhuravlev .

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Original Russian Text © V.Ph. Zhuravlev, 2013, published in Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, 2013, No. 4, pp. 13–19.

About this article

Zhuravlev, V.P. On the history of the dry friction law. Mech. Solids 48 , 364–369 (2013).

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Received : 20 February 2013

Published : 11 October 2013

Issue Date : July 2013


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