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What Is a Presentation Package?

definition presentation package

A presentation package is a software program that provides the resources necessary to give a professional presentation for meetings, lectures, speeches or other similar situations. Displays often include slideshows, and other customization options that can be tailored to the presenter’s specific needs.

Software programs like Microsoft PowerPoint make it easy for presenters to create a visual presentation package that will help to engage the audience. This visual will flip through different pages to emphasize key points. Many people also add text, which can help to support their talking points and ensure that the crowd takes away the key elements from the presentation. In addition to Microsoft PowerPoint, presenters can use software like Windows Movie Maker and Keynote to create other types of personalized presentation packages.


definition presentation package

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Beginner Guide: Making the most out of Presentation Packages

  • Posted by by Retna
  • 2 years ago
  • Loco translate 1 year ago
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Presentations are a critical part of day-to-day work. It is how we present our ideas and thoughts in a concise and thought-out manner to to other people, to aid communication and business development. Because they’re such an important part of showcasing ideas and business plans, it is important to understand presentation packages and how to select the best one for your business. 

Table of Contents

What is a presentation package?

A presentation package is a set of materials that helps you present information to an audience with the goal of making it easier for you to convey difficult concepts while allowing the audience to better understand the information being presented. 

Different types of presentation packages

There are many different types of presentation packages. This range of options means we have some readily available presentation packages like slide decks, handouts, notes, props, demonstrations, and other interactive elements. 

  • A slide deck is a set of slides that the presenter uses to support their talk, and can include images, graphs, and other visual aids. 
  • Handouts are printed materials that the audience can take home with them, and can include summaries of key points, additional information, and contact information. 
  • Notes are the presenter’s personal notes, which can help them stay organised and on track during their talk. 
  • Props are physical objects that the presenter uses to demonstrate a concept or make a point, such as a model, a sample product, or as a prop to act out a scenario. 
  • Demonstrations are live or recorded examples of a concept or idea being put into action, such as a product demonstration or a simulation. 
  • Other interactive elements can include polls , quizzes , and other activities that engage the audience and involve them in the presentation. These elements can help to make the presentation more dynamic and memorable, and can also help the audience better understand and retain the information being presented.

However, for our purposes in this article, we’ll be focusing on the presentation software used to make slide decks, the types and options that exist, and the features they have that can make presentations even easier.

Features of a Presentation Software 

Presentation Software, as a form of presentation package, boasts several features:

  • A wide range of design templates, fonts, and visual elements to help users create visually appealing presentations.
  • Tools for creating, organising, and modifying slides, including the ability to add text, images, graphs, and other elements to slides.
  • Collaboration tools, such as the ability to share presentations with others and work on them together in real-time.
  • Accessibility on multiple devices, allowing users to access and present their materials from any device with an internet connection.
  • Integration with other tools and applications, such as the ability to import slides from other programs or export presentations as PDFs or other file formats.

Presentation Package Examples

So, now that you know the features of presentation package software, here are some examples that can help boost your productivity:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint : a widely used program for creating and delivering presentations, available as part of the Microsoft Office suite.
  • Google Slides : a cloud-based presentation program that is part of the Google Workspace productivity suite.
  • Apple Keynote : a presentation program for Mac and iOS devices, included with the iWork suite of productivity applications.
  • Prezi: a cloud-based presentation platform that allows users to create dynamic, non-linear presentations.
  • Adobe Express : a suite of tools for creating and sharing visual content, including presentation slides.

There are so many other presentation package software options available, and the right choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the user.

Benefits of a presentation package

Presentation package software can provide many benefits to users, including:

  • Improved organisation and structure : by using a presentation package, users can easily organise and arrange their presentation materials in a logical and coherent manner.
  • Enhanced visual appeal : many presentation package programs offer a wide range of design templates, fonts, and other visual elements that can help users create professional-looking and engaging presentations.
  • Greater flexibility : presentation package software allows users to easily modify and update their presentations, even after they have been delivered, making it easy to respond to changes or feedback.
  • Enhanced collaboration: many presentation package programs offer tools for sharing and collaborating on presentations with others, making it easy for team members to work together on a presentation.
  • Improved accessibility: many presentation package programs are available online or as mobile applications, allowing users to access and present their materials from any device, anywhere.

Tips for making business presentations 

In order to fully capitalise on the benefits and use cases presented by presentation packages, it is important to understand how to actually give good presentations! Here are a few tips to improve your presentation game:

  • Start by defining the goals and objectives of the presentation. This will help you focus your content and ensure that your presentation is relevant and valuable to your audience.
  • Use a clear and logical structure for your presentation. This will help the audience follow your talk and understand the main points you are trying to make.
  • Use visuals and graphics to support your points and make the information more engaging and memorable. Avoid using too many words on slides, and make sure the visuals are easy to understand and relevant to the content.
  • Practise your presentation beforehand, and consider rehearsing with a friend or colleague to get feedback. This will help you become more confident and comfortable with the material.
  • Engage with your audience during the presentation, and be prepared to answer questions or address concerns. This will help create a dialogue and make the presentation more interactive and engaging.

Our Final Thoughts

We believe in the power that presentations have in helping to visualise ideas and prototypes before bringing them to life. In our opinion, it is worth investing in a capable presentation package so that you can create presentations that are interesting to see and can capture the imagination of the audience. Presentations are also more interesting to see when the images used are relatable. We believe this is where Retna can be integrated into your presentation workflow to make your final work more interesting to a wider audience.

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Presentation package – full explanation.

What is presentation package?   A presentation package is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It provides the resources necessary to give a professional presentation for meetings, lectures, speeches or other similar situations. It enables graphic images to be inserted and manipulated in slide show.

Examples of presentation package

  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Lotus Freelance graphics
  • Adobe Persuasion

Features of Presentation Package

  • Creation of slides: slides titles are used to define the information on the slide as well as create a navigational outline for the presentation.
  • Insertion of pictures: Pictures can be inserted into the presentation by using a layout into the presentation by using a layout with a picture place holder shape, pictures can also be used as background for presentation graphics.
  • Insertion of video and audio: some presentation packages includes objects such as sound clip animated graphics, video clips or other media objects, these objects are generally added to emphasize the content of the presentation or provide an alternative means of delivering information.
  • Animation: Customize animation is often added to a slide show. It can be used to delay the appearance of bullet points on the screen. The can help to keep audience focused on what is being presented.
  • Slide show: the slide show has different views. They are:
  • From beginning or F5
  • From current slide or shift + F5
  • Custom slide. This creates or plays a custom slide show displays only the slides you select.
  • Set up slide show: It shows set up advance option such as kiosk mode
  • Hide slide: this will hide current slide from the presentation from showing during the full.
  • Slide transition: this can be set to govern how one moves from one slide to another
  • Creation of graphics: graphics images can be created using elements of type, imagery, colour and shape in order to communicate a message or idea visually.
  • Creation of organizational charts can be created from insert chart window e.g. column, line, pie, bar, area, xy (scatter, stock etc.)

Uses of presentation package

  • It is used to import other files such as Word and Excel into the PowerPoint slides
  • It allows the integration of multimedia such as using digital video and sound to enhance the presentation.
  • It gives easy upload of presentation to a server for web browsing
  • It assists educators to deliver course content to their students with imaginative and interactive.
  • Printing out slides, speaker’s notes, audience handouts and outlines enables the presenter and audience stay on track.
  • Define presentation package
  • Mention five (5) examples of presentation
  • Mention six (6) features of presentation package and explain their
  • Mention three uses of presentation package







I love this, thank you to help me in presentation my school give me a project in computer

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MBA Notes

Presentation Package: A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Presentations

Table of Contents

A presentation package is a software program that enables you to create visual aids, such as slideshows, to accompany your presentation. These programs offer a variety of features and tools to help you design and deliver your presentation effectively. Examples of popular presentation packages include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi.

Benefits of Using a Presentation Package

There are many benefits to using a presentation package for your presentations, including:

  • Enhancing visual appeal: A presentation package allows you to add graphics, images, videos, and animations to your slides to make them visually appealing and engaging.
  • Improved organization: With a presentation package, you can organize your content into clear and concise slides that are easy to follow.
  • Facilitates audience engagement: A well-designed presentation package can keep your audience engaged and interested in your presentation.
  • Increased professionalism: A presentation package can help you create a professional-looking presentation, which can enhance your credibility and authority.

Features of a Presentation Package

Presentation packages offer a variety of features and tools to help you create effective presentations, including:

  • Slide templates: Many presentation packages offer pre-designed slide templates that you can customize to fit your content.
  • Animation and transition effects: These features can help you add interest and visual appeal to your presentation.
  • Collaboration tools: Some presentation packages allow multiple users to collaborate on the same presentation in real-time.
  • Multimedia integration: Most presentation packages allow you to add images, videos, and other multimedia to your slides.

Tips for Using a Presentation Package Effectively

To use a presentation package effectively, keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep it simple: Don’t overload your slides with too much text or graphics. Use a clear and concise format that is easy to read.
  • Practice beforehand: Rehearse your presentation several times before delivering it to ensure that you are comfortable with the software and confident in your delivery.
  • Use multimedia wisely: Use images and videos sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  • Make it interactive: Engage your audience by including interactive elements, such as quizzes, surveys, or polls.
  • Avoid relying too heavily on the presentation: Remember that the presentation is a visual aid, not a replacement for your spoken words.

A presentation package can be a powerful tool to help you create effective presentations. By using the features and tools available in these programs, you can enhance the visual appeal of your presentation, organize your content effectively, and engage your audience. Remember to keep it simple, practice beforehand, and use multimedia wisely to create a professional and engaging presentation.

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Research Methodology for Management Decisions

1 Research Methodology: An Overview

  • Meaning of Research
  • Research Methodology
  • Research Method
  • Business Research Method
  • Types of Research
  • Importance of business research
  • Role of research in important areas

2 Steps for Research Process

  • Research process
  • Define research problems
  • Research Problem as Hypothesis Testing
  • Extensive literature review in research
  • Development of working hypothesis
  • Preparing the research design
  • Collecting the data
  • Analysis of data
  • Preparation of the report or the thesis

3 Research Designs

  • Functions and Goals of Research Design
  • Characteristics of a Good Design
  • Different Types of Research Designs
  • Exploratory Research Design
  • Descriptive Research Design
  • Experimental Research Design
  • Types of Experimental Designs

4 Methods and Techniques of Data Collection

  • Primary and Secondary Data
  • Methods of Collecting Primary Data
  • Merits and Demerits of Different Methods of Collecting Primary Data
  • Designing a Questionnaire
  • Pretesting a Questionnaire
  • Editing of Primary Data
  • Technique of Interview
  • Collection of Secondary Data
  • Scrutiny of Secondary Data

5 Attitude Measurement and Scales

  • Attitudes, Attributes and Beliefs
  • Issues in Attitude Measurement
  • Scaling of Attitudes
  • Deterministic Attitude Measurement Models: The Guttman Scale
  • Thurstone’s Equal-Appearing Interval Scale
  • The Semantic Differential Scale
  • Summative Models: The Likert Scale
  • The Q-Sort Technique
  • Multidimensional Scaling
  • Selection of an Appropriate Attitude Measurement Scale
  • Limitations of Attitude Measurement Scales

6 Questionnaire Designing

  • Introductory decisions
  • Contents of the questionnaire
  • Format of the questionnaire
  • Steps involved in the questionnaire
  • Structure and Design of Questionnaire
  • Management of Fieldwork
  • Ambiguities in the Questionnaire Methods

7 Sampling and Sampling Design

  • Advantage of Sampling Over Census
  • Simple Random Sampling
  • Sampling Frame
  • Probabilistic As pects of Sampling
  • Stratified Random Sampling
  • Other Methods of Sampling
  • Sampling Design
  • Non-Probability Sampling Methods

8 Data Processing

  • Editing of Data
  • Coding of Data
  • Classification of Data
  • Statistical Series
  • Tables as Data Presentation Devices
  • Graphical Presentation of Data

9 Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Nonparametric Tests

  • One Sample Tests
  • Two Sample Tests
  • K Sample Tests

10 Multivariate Analysis of Data

  • Regression Analysis
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Factor Analysis

11 Ethics in Research

  • Principles of research ethics
  • Advantages of research ethics
  • Limitations of the research ethics
  • Steps involved in ethics
  • What are research misconducts?

12 Substance of Reports

  • Research Proposal
  • Categories of Report
  • Reviewing the Draft

13 Formats of Reports

  • Parts of a Report
  • Cover and Title Page
  • Introductory Pages
  • Reference Section
  • Typing Instructions
  • Copy Reading
  • Proof Reading

14 Presentation of a Report

  • Communication Dimensions
  • Presentation Package
  • Audio-Visual Aids
  • Presenter’s Poise

30 Presentation Terms & What They Mean

Delivering a captivating presentation is an art that requires more than just confidence and oratory skills. From the design of your slides to the way you carry yourself on stage, every little detail contributes to the overall effectiveness of your presentation. For those who wish to master this art, getting familiar with the associated terminology is a great place to start.

In this article, we’ll explore “30 Presentation Terms & What They Mean,” shedding light on the key terms and concepts in the world of presentations. Whether you’re a professional looking to refine your skills, a student aiming to ace your next presentation, or just someone curious about the subject, this guide is sure to provide you with valuable insights.

Dive in as we explore everything from slide decks and speaker notes to body language and Q&A sessions.

Each term is elaborated in depth, giving you a comprehensive understanding of their meanings and applications. This knowledge will not only make you more comfortable with presentations but will also empower you to deliver them more effectively.

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Table of Contents

  • Speaker Notes
  • White Space
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Grid System
  • Master Slide
  • Infographic
  • Data Visualization
  • Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • Color Palette
  • Negative Space
  • Storyboarding
  • Bullet Points
  • Eye Contact
  • Body Language
  • Q&A Session

1. Slide Deck

A slide deck, in its most basic sense, is a collection of slides that are presented in sequence to support a speech or presentation. The slides typically contain key points, graphics, and other visual aids that make the presentation more engaging and easier to understand.

Beyond merely displaying information, a well-crafted slide deck can tell a story, create an emotional connection, or illustrate complex concepts in a digestible way. Its design elements, including the choice of colors, fonts, and images, play a significant role in how the presentation is received by the audience.

2. Speaker Notes

Speaker notes are a feature in presentation software that allows presenters to add notes or cues to their slides. These notes are only visible to the presenter during the presentation. They can include additional information, reminders, prompts, or even the full script of the speech.

While the audience sees the slide deck, the speaker can use these notes as a guide to ensure they cover all necessary points without memorizing the entire speech. It’s essential to use speaker notes strategically – they should aid the presentation, not become a script that hinders natural delivery.

A template is a pre-designed layout for a slide deck. It typically includes a set design, color scheme, typefaces, and placeholders for content like text, images, and graphs. Templates can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create a professional-looking presentation.

While templates can be incredibly helpful, it’s important to choose one that aligns with the theme, purpose, and audience of the presentation. Customizing the template to match your brand or topic can further enhance its effectiveness.

4. Transition

In the realm of presentations, a transition refers to the visual effect that occurs when you move from one slide to the next. Simple transitions include fade-ins and fade-outs, while more complex ones might involve 3D effects, wipes, or spins.

Transitions can add a touch of professionalism and dynamism to a presentation when used correctly. However, overuse or choosing flashy transitions can be distracting and detract from the content. The key is to use transitions that complement the presentation’s tone and pace without overshadowing the message.

5. Animation

Animation is the process of making objects or text in your slide deck appear to move. This can involve anything from making bullet points appear one by one, to having graphics fly in or out, to creating a simulation of a complex process. Animation can add interest, emphasize points, and guide the audience’s attention throughout the presentation.

While animations can make a presentation more engaging, they must be used judiciously. Excessive or overly complex animations can distract the audience, complicate the message, and look unprofessional. As with transitions, animations should support the content, not detract from it.

6. Multimedia

Multimedia refers to the combination of different types of media — such as text, images, audio, video, and animation — within a single presentation. Incorporating multimedia elements can make a presentation more engaging, cater to different learning styles, and aid in explaining complex ideas.

However, it’s important to ensure that multimedia elements are relevant, high-quality, and appropriately scaled for the presentation. Additionally, depending on the presentation venue, technical considerations such as file sizes, internet speed, and audio quality need to be taken into account when using multimedia.

7. White Space

In the context of presentation design, white space (or negative space) refers to the unmarked portions of a slide, which are free of text, images, or other visual elements. Despite its name, white space doesn’t necessarily have to be white — it’s any area of a slide not filled with content.

White space can give a slide a clean, balanced look and can help draw attention to the most important elements. It can also reduce cognitive load, making it easier for the audience to process information. Good use of white space is often a key difference between professional and amateur designs.

8. Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between a slide’s width and height. It’s typically expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, such as 4:3 or 16:9. The first number represents the width, and the second represents the height.

The choice of aspect ratio can affect how content fits on the screen and how the presentation appears on different displays. For instance, a 16:9 aspect ratio is often used for widescreen displays, while a 4:3 ratio may be more suitable for traditional computer monitors and projectors.

9. Grid System

The grid system is a framework used to align and layout design elements in a slide. It’s comprised of horizontal and vertical lines that divide the slide into equal sections or grids.

The grid system aids in creating visual harmony, balance, and consistency across slides. It can guide the placement of text, images, and other elements, ensuring that they’re evenly spaced and aligned. It’s an important tool for maintaining a professional and organized appearance in a presentation.

10. Readability

Readability refers to how easy it is for an audience to read and understand the text on your slides. It involves factors such as font size, typeface, line length, spacing, and contrast with the background.

Ensuring good readability is crucial in presentations. If your audience can’t easily read and understand your text, they’ll be more likely to disengage. Large fonts, simple language, high-contrast color schemes, and ample white space can enhance readability.

11. Infographic

An infographic is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge. They’re used in presentations to communicate complex data in a clear, concise, and engaging way. Infographics can include charts, graphs, icons, pictures, and text.

While infographics can effectively communicate complex ideas, they must be designed carefully. Too much information, confusing visuals, or a lack of a clear hierarchy can make an infographic difficult to understand. It’s important to keep the design simple and focus on the key message.

To embed in a presentation context means to incorporate external content, such as a video, a document, or a website, directly into a slide. When an object is embedded, it becomes part of the presentation file and can be viewed or played without leaving the presentation.

Embedding can be a useful tool to incorporate interactive or supplementary content into a presentation. However, it’s important to remember that it can increase the file size of the presentation and may require an internet connection or specific software to function correctly.

13. Palette

A palette, in terms of presentations, refers to the set of colors chosen to be used throughout the slide deck. This can include primary colors for backgrounds and text, as well as secondary colors for accents and highlights.

The right color palette can help convey the mood of a presentation, reinforce branding, and increase visual interest. It’s important to choose colors that work well together and provide enough contrast for readability. Tools like color wheel or color scheme generators can be helpful in choosing a harmonious palette.

14. Vector Graphics

Vector graphics are digital images created using mathematical formulas rather than pixels. This means they can be scaled up or down without losing quality, making them ideal for presentations that may be viewed on different screen sizes.

Vector graphics often have smaller file sizes than their pixel-based counterparts (raster graphics), which can help keep your presentation file manageable. Common types of vector graphics include logos, icons, and illustrations.

15. Mood Board

A mood board is a collection of images, text, colors, and other design elements that serve as visual inspiration for a presentation. It helps establish the aesthetic, mood, or theme of the presentation before the design process begins.

Creating a mood board can be a valuable step in the presentation design process. It can help you visualize how different elements will work together, communicate your design ideas to others, and maintain consistency across your slides.

16. Hierarchy

In design, hierarchy refers to the arrangement of elements in a way that implies importance. In presentations, visual hierarchy helps guide the viewer’s eye to the most important elements first.

Hierarchy can be created through the use of size, color, contrast, alignment, and whitespace. Effective use of hierarchy can make your slides easier to understand and keep your audience focused on the key points.

17. Stock Photos

Stock photos are professionally taken photographs that are bought and sold on a royalty-free basis. They can be used in presentations to add visual interest, convey emotions, or illustrate specific concepts.

While stock photos can enhance a presentation, it’s important to use them judiciously and choose images that align with your presentation’s tone and content. Overuse of generic or irrelevant stock photos can make a presentation feel impersonal or unprofessional.

18. Sans Serif

Sans serif refers to a category of typefaces that do not have small lines or strokes attached to the ends of larger strokes. Sans serif fonts are often used in presentations because they’re typically easier to read on screens than serif fonts, which have these small lines.

Some popular sans serif fonts for presentations include Helvetica, Arial, and Calibri. When choosing a font for your slides, readability should be a primary consideration.

19. Hyperlink

A hyperlink, or link, is a clickable element in a slide that directs the viewer to another slide in the deck, a different document, or a web page. Hyperlinks can be used in presentations to provide additional information or to navigate to specific slides.

While hyperlinks can be useful, they should be used sparingly and appropriately. Links that direct the viewer away from the presentation can be distracting and disrupt the flow of your talk.

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It’s a file format that preserves the fonts, images, graphics, and layout of any source document, regardless of the computer or software used to create it. Presentations are often saved and shared as PDFs to ensure they look the same on any device.

While a PDF version of your presentation will maintain its appearance, it won’t include interactive elements like animations, transitions, and hyperlinks. Therefore, it’s best used for distributing slide handouts or when the presentation software used to create the deck isn’t available.

21. Raster Graphics

Raster graphics are digital images composed of individual pixels. These pixels, each a single point with its own color, come together to form the full image. Photographs are the most common type of raster graphics.

While raster graphics can provide detailed and vibrant images, they don’t scale well. Enlarging a raster image can lead to pixelation, where the individual pixels become visible and the image appears blurry. For this reason, raster images in presentations should be used at their original size or smaller.

22. Typeface

A typeface, often referred to as a font, is a set of characters with the same design. This includes letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and sometimes symbols. Typefaces can have different styles and weights, such as bold or italic.

The choice of typeface can significantly impact the readability and mood of a presentation. For example, serif typefaces can convey tradition and authority, while sans serif typefaces can appear modern and clean. The key is to choose a typeface that aligns with the purpose and audience of your presentation.

23. Visual Content

Visual content refers to the graphics, images, charts, infographics, animations, and other non-text elements in a presentation. These elements can help capture the audience’s attention, enhance understanding, and make the presentation more memorable.

While visual content can enhance a presentation, it’s important not to overload slides with too many visual elements, as this can confuse or overwhelm the audience. All visual content should be relevant, clear, and support the overall message of the presentation.

24. Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) in a presentation is a prompt that encourages the audience to take a specific action. This could be anything from visiting a website, signing up for a newsletter, participating in a discussion, or implementing a suggested strategy.

A strong CTA aligns with the goals of the presentation and is clear and compelling. It often comes at the end of the presentation, providing the audience with a next step or a way to apply what they’ve learned.

25. Thumbnails

In presentations, thumbnails are small versions of the slides that are used to navigate through the deck during the design process. They provide an overview of the presentation’s flow and can help identify inconsistencies in design.

Thumbnails are typically displayed in the sidebar of presentation software. They allow you to easily move, delete, or duplicate slides, and can provide a visual check for overall consistency and flow.

26. Aspect Ratio

27. interactive elements.

Interactive elements are components in a presentation that the audience can interact with. These could include hyperlinks, embedded quizzes, interactive infographics, or multimedia elements like audio and video.

Interactive elements can make a presentation more engaging and memorable. However, they require careful planning and should always be tested before the presentation to ensure they work as intended.

28. Placeholders

In the context of presentations, placeholders are boxes that are included in a slide layout to hold specific types of content, such as text, images, or charts. They guide the placement of content and can help ensure consistency across slides.

Placeholders can be especially useful when working with templates, as they provide a predefined layout to follow. However, they should be used flexibly – not every placeholder needs to be used, and additional elements can be added if necessary.

29. Master Slide

The master slide is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation. Changes made to the master slide, such as modifying the background, fonts, or color scheme, are applied to all other slides in the presentation.

Master slides can help ensure consistency across a presentation and save time when making global changes. However, it’s important to note that individual slides can still be modified independently if necessary.

In presentations, a layout refers to the arrangement of elements on a slide. This includes the placement of text, images, shapes, and other elements, as well as the use of space and alignment.

Choosing the right layout can make your slides look organized and professional, guide the viewer’s eye, and enhance your message. Most presentation software offers a variety of pre-defined layouts, but these can usually be modified to better suit your content and design preferences.

  • Software applications

presentation software

Rahul Awati

  • Rahul Awati

What is presentation software?

Presentation software, also known as graphics presentation applications or presentation graphics programs, is a category of software used to create content where information is often represented in a graphical or visual way. A variety of presentation software is available to help tell a story or support written information using pictures, charts, graphs and other visual elements.

Types of presentation software

There are two main types of presentation software: business presentation software and general multimedia authoring tools.

Business presentation software products generally emphasize ease of learning and use, particularly for nontechnical and business users. However, they can include more advanced functions for experienced users. Most business presentation applications let users include visual elements like images , and sometimes audio and video.

General multimedia authoring software lets users create sophisticated presentations that might include photos, icons , audio narrations, transitions, animations and video sequences. Some presentations products combine ease of use and sophisticated features.

Key features in presentation software

Presentation software often includes templates to create visually rich presentations and slide decks. Templates can be easily edited to match user requirements or company brand guidelines. The software usually includes a search feature to discover these templates, as well as approved layouts and previous presentations.

Cloud-based presentation applications generally include shared workspaces and team folders that let multiple people securely collaborate, provide inputs, set status updates, and add comments and reactions. Users can also share presentations, project plans, conference keynotes, sales decks and more in real time. Versioning capabilities might be included so authorized users can manage version history, recover previous versions and view current progress.

Many vendors offer a centralized library of images, photos, icons and animations, and regularly update these libraries so customers can access the visual elements for their presentations. Some applications also integrate with external image sources like Unsplash, Giphy and Brandfetch, so business users can find additional digital assets such as images, logos, fonts and colors.

Other vendors' presentation software integrates with external video sites like YouTube or Vimeo, enabling users to embed video to support the deck's story or main message. Still other graphics applications include audio and data capabilities so users can add narrations to content and integrate data from Google Analytics , Google Sheets and other sources to accompany and strengthen the text.

Some applications include a built-in designer that implements predefined design rules and guardrails. Once content is added to the software, the designer converts notes, data and more into visually rich slides. The slides automatically adapt to the rules, so users don't have to make manual adjustments to change text font and resize images, for example. In addition, the software might include intuitive editing options and smart formatting capabilities to let users make quick edits and finalize a presentation.

The best presentation software includes support for brand esthetics. The application updates every slide and deck with the brand's specific fonts, colors, logos, themes and templates to create consistent brand presentations with the approved brand style. In most cases, style themes are customizable so company logos, colors, fonts and icon styles can be added to the presentation theme and updated as needed.

example of a PowerPoint presentation slide

Artificial intelligence in presentation software

Presentation software products have evolved with more advanced capabilities and intuitive options for edits, sharing and collaboration. Sophisticated applications also include conversational AI engines so users can automatically generate new presentations quickly.

Depending on the software's capabilities, the AI engine may create the first draft of the presentation based on a user's description and needs.

Some AI-powered presentation products include smart templates that can quickly edit the autogenerated software and adapt the content to a user's or brand's story. The application might also include a designer bot that takes design inputs from the (human) user in natural language and generates unique images.

Common applications of presentation software

Presentation software is especially useful to create presentations and decks that include some combination of text, animations, images, video, audio and transitions. These might include creative briefs, pitch decks, moodboards , competitor analyses, proposals, bulletins, project reports, annual reviews, marketing plans and meeting discussions.

All these presentations can be displayed in a slideshow format. Built-in templates, content libraries and editing tools accelerate the design process, regardless of the presentation's purpose or intended audience.

Popular presentation software products

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation software applications available today. It includes numerous user-friendly features for design, sharing and collaboration, object insertion, slideshows, text formatting, audio and video.

Other popular products include Lotus Freelance Graphics, Google Slides , Prezi, Slidebean, Canva and Keynote. Most of these products offer PC and Mac versions. In addition, many are free to download and use, while others come in free, paid or freemium versions.

Presentation software might include different features and capabilities. Organizations and users must assess their requirements, technical stack, audience type and budget before making a purchase.

For example, a geographically dispersed team might be better suited to a cloud-based application that supports borderless collaboration than a desktop application that can't be accessed from outside the enterprise network . Similarly, a marketing plan might require more visual elements while an investor update might require more graphs or charts. The software that is ultimately selected should satisfy these specific requirements.

For more on this topic, learn how to create a successful presentation .

Continue Reading About presentation software

  • Pros and cons of AI-generated content
  • 15 tips for delivering a successful presentation to the board
  • Shared workspaces merge physical and digital worlds with IoT
  • 7 key benefits of AI for business
  • Microsoft makes PowerPoint Presenter Coach widely available

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  • Packaging Advice

What is presentation packaging? Everything you need to know

As we have discussed before, packaging is extremely important. It’s been said that customers actually form an impression of a brand within the first seven seconds from the moment they see it, and what do they see first? The packaging.

Every year 95% of new products are said to fail due to the fact most customers make their decision based on first look. If they see another product that has better presentation, they will more likely choose that one over another product that has bland outer packaging – it makes sense really and we have probably all been in this scenario and done the exact same thing.

But what is presentation packaging? In this article we will be exploring everything you need to know about presentation packaging, what makes a good presentation package, and how you can improve the overall image of your product.

definition presentation package

Presentation Packaging Explained

So, you may be asking yourself, what exactly is presentation packaging? You may have even tried to google the term but not found an exact definition.

Presentation packaging is more than just a box, it’s a visual polish that goes that extra mile to add a touch of sophistication, an eye-catching display to attract the consumer. Presentation packaging should be easy to open with clear instructions, it should protect the product inside and be made to fit the product perfectly, and it should be eco-friendly due to being usually made from corrugated cardboard. It should also include more detail about the product on the outside of the package with labels such as “fragile” or “do not cut” to provide just that extra bit of detail to let couriers know how the package should be handled.

To sum up, presentation packaging is a collection of techniques and processes that goes beyond just an ordinary box, it’s all about re-thinking the package and turning it into a piece of art.

The different types of presentation packaging

When you have quality products to deliver, it’s important they are packed in a way that will leave a positive impression on your customers. Presentation packaging can be made in a few different materials, and each have their own advantages and disadvantages so it will depend on which will suit your business and your packaging needs best.

  • Corrugated cardboard : the most common material used and is the preferred material these days due to its low cost and lightweight qualities, corrugated cardboard is also easy to print on which is great for presentation packaging. However, this material is not the best option if trying to ship particularly heavy products.
  • Metal and plastic boxes: also known as “presentation containers”, these are the more expensive choices but with less printing options. Metal and plastic boxes are the best option if you are wanting to ship heavy or bulky items.
  • Alternative materials: presentation packaging can also include alternative materials such as wood or mushroom-based.

If a product is delivered inside a well-thought out and intricately designed package it will command a greater worth and quality to the consumer. Presentation packaging designs are flexible and can be developed and re-designed into many different styles that fits the product depending on your vision – anything is possible.

luxury packaging

Are you looking for luxury packaging solutions?

At Swiftpak, we can give your product the attention it deserves with bespoke, luxury packaging. 

definition presentation package

Presentation packaging at Swiftpak

But who turns design ideas into reality at Swiftpak? Our in-house packaging designer has over 30 years of experience in packaging, predominantly corrugated packaging, and can develop and design packaging solutions from scratch. He has already made some very impressive designs and has even picked up several awards over the years.

If needing some advice or help solving a problem with a new packaging solution, please contact our packaging experts today to find out more.

Definition of presentation package - SS1 ICT Lesson Note

Presentation packages are software tools designed to help users create visually appealing and interactive slideshows or presentations. They are widely used in various settings, such as business, education, and personal projects, to convey information, ideas, and data in a structured and engaging manner. These packages provide tools for designing, arranging, and delivering content in the form of slides, often accompanied by visual aids.

A presentation package is a software application that enables users to create, edit, and deliver multimedia-rich presentations. These presentations usually consist of a series of individual slides that can contain text, images, videos, audio, charts, graphs, animations, and more. The purpose of these tools is to facilitate effective communication and engagement with an audience, whether it's for educational, professional, or personal purposes.

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5 Key Features of Presentation Software and Top Products That Offer Them

1. content import/export, 2. text editing, 3. customizable templates, 4. drag-and-drop, 5. content management.

Juggling text, images, and slides while creating presentations? Presentation software can help you organize content and create visually appealing presentations that are easy for viewers to comprehend. 

However, not all presentation software solutions are created equal. To reap the most of the software, businesses must identify and understand key features of presentation software that align with their specific requirements.

This article highlights five key features of presentation software based on the ratings given by verified software users. We also include the highest-rated presentation solutions for each feature. Read more .

Features of presentation software

The content import/export feature enables users to incorporate data, images, and slides from external files, such as documents and spreadsheets, into their presentation. It also facilitates media and multimedia inclusion, providing versatility in content creation. Users can further leverage this feature to save their presentations in various formats, such as PDF and PowerPoint for easy sharing and collaboration.

84% of presentation software reviewers identify content import/export as a highly important feature.

What business problem does content import/export solve?

Businesses often have branding guidelines that need to be followed to ensure consistency across presentations. The content import/export feature allows users to import branding elements, such as brand logos and images into their presentations, ensuring adherence to business standards and facilitating brand consistency. Additionally, it enables presenters to share their presentations across different platforms and devices, including desktop computers and smartphones, ensuring ease of collaboration.

Ideal users of the content import/export feature

Professionals looking to add data, images, and multimedia files to their presentations can benefit the most from the content import/export feature in a presentation tool. For example, sales and marketing executives can use this feature to add product information and customer data to create pitches. Likewise, graphic designers and illustrators can leverage this to import images from various sources and create visually appealing presentations. 

Top 3 products with the highest ratings for content import/export

Analysis performed February 2024 *



4.61 out of 5 stars

Content import/export feature rating : 4.77/5

4.72 out of 5 stars

Content import/export feature rating : 4.67/5


4.9 out of 5 stars

Content import/export feature rating : 4.61/5

The text editing feature in a presentation app enables users to add, edit, and format text within slides. Presenters can leverage this feature to add text to slides by selecting a text box and typing directly into it. This allows them to input titles, bullet points, and other textual content in their presentations. Users can also edit their text or format it by making changes to the font size, colors, styles, and indentation. Text editing feature also includes commenting and version control capabilities to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

83% of presentation software reviewers identify text editing as a highly important feature.

What business problem does text editing solve?

Clear and well-formatted text is necessary for effective communication in presentations. The text editing feature enables professionals to format text for optimal readability. It also lets users customize the content to suit the preferences and interests of their audience to make it more engaging for a particular audience. In a collaborative work environment where multiple team members need to contribute to or review presentations, the feature enables users to edit and review content, track changes, and communicate feedback effectively. 

Ideal users of the text editing feature

Professionals, such as researchers and educators, who rely heavily on text can use this feature to format their text for readability and create impactful presentations. Additionally, professionals with advanced formatting and collaboration requirements can leverage this feature to present complex data and iterate on presentations while maintaining a clear overview of revisions.

Top 3 products with the highest ratings for text editing


4.45 out of 5 stars

Text editing feature rating : 4.85/5


4.84 out of 5 stars

Text editing feature rating : 4.74/5


4.65 out of 5 stars

Text editing feature rating : 4.68/5

Customizable templates allow users to select from a range of pre-defined templates for creating presentations. These templates often include various designs, layouts, and themes suitable for different types of presentations, such as business pitches and creative portfolios. Users can also customize these templates by changing elements, such as fonts, colors, and backgrounds to match their specific requirements.

80% of presentation software reviewers identify customizable templates as a highly important feature.

What business problem does customizable templates solve?

Businesses often face tight deadlines when creating presentations for client meetings and sales pitches. Customizable templates allow users to quickly create presentations using a professionally designed layout rather than starting from scratch. This saves professionals time and effort in the creation process, allowing them to focus more on refining the content and delivering impactful presentations. The feature also helps ensure consistent branding, reinforcing brand familiarity and professionalism. 

Ideal users of the customizable templates feature

Sales and marketing professionals can use customizable templates in a presentation tool to create presentations that align with their organization’s branding and messaging, ensuring professionalism and consistency. Additionally, professionals lacking design expertise can also benefit from this feature as it allows them to create professional-looking presentations while minimizing the time spent on formatting and layout.

Top 3 products with the highest ratings for customizable templates 

Customizable templates feature rating : 4.87/5


4.75 out of 5 stars

Customizable templates feature rating : 4.75/5

The drag-and-drop feature in a presentation app allows users to move elements, such as text boxes and images within a slide or between slides. Users can leverage this feature to reposition elements within a slide or rearrange the order of slides within a presentation. This flexibility allows for easy customization and adjustment of content flow and slide layouts. Some presentation tools also support multi-selection, allowing users to select and drag multiple interactive elements simultaneously.

70% of presentation software reviewers identify drag-and-drop as a highly important feature.

What business problem does drag-and-drop solve?

Manipulating elements within slides can be complex due to the non-intuitive interfaces of a tool. Drag-and-drop functionality simplifies this by allowing users to move, resize, and rearrange elements within presentations. It streamlines the editing process, increasing productivity and saving time in completing presentations. Users can leverage this feature to experiment with different layouts and visual arrangements that best convey their message to the audience. 

Ideal users of the drag-and-drop feature

Professionals, such as sales and marketing executives who need to tailor presentations to different audiences can use the drag-and-drop feature for easy inclusion or removal of specific slides, images, or content blocks. Presenters prioritizing visual storytelling in their presentations can also use this feature to create dynamic presentations, enhancing the narrative and conveying information effectively. 

Top 3 products with the highest ratings for drag-and-drop

Analysis performed January 2024 *


4.71 out of 5 stars

Drag-and-drop feature rating : 4.74/5


4.49 out of 5 stars

Drag-and-drop feature rating : 4.64/5

Drag-and-drop feature rating : 4.61/5

Content management feature in presentation software enables users to organize, store, and access presentation content, assets, and resources. Users can organize presentation files and slides in a structured manner by creating folders, subfolders, and categories, and locate these using specific filters as and when required. The feature also facilitates the management of multimedia files, such as images and videos within the software.

78% of presentation software reviewers identify content management as a highly important feature.

What business problem does content management solve?

Businesses often deal with a large volume of presentation files, slides, and assets. Content management features help organize and categorize these resources, making it easier for users to find, access, and manage relevant content. It enhances accessibility for remote professionals and traveling teams, allowing them to access presentation materials anywhere, anytime. Content management features also facilitate streamlined collaboration by providing tools for sharing, editing, and reviewing presentations in real time. 

Ideal users of the content management feature

Professionals, such as project managers and salespersons, who create numerous presentations can leverage the content management feature to organize and reuse elements, such as text snippets and images across different presentations. Remote presenters can also utilize this feature to store and access presentation elements regardless of their location. 

Top 3 products with the highest ratings for content management


4.77 out of 5 stars

Content management feature rating : 4.81/5

Content management feature rating : 4.70/5

Content management feature rating : 4.62/5


Key features : To identify the key features of this article, we asked users to rate, on a scale of “low importance” to “critical,” how important different features are for presentation software. The features showcased are those that the highest percentage of reviewers rated as “highly important” or “critical” over the past two years (as of Feb. 13, 2024).

Feature eligibility : To be included in the set of features considered, a given feature had to have at least 200 user ratings within the past two years (as of Feb. 13, 2024), of which at least 20% must indicate the feature is “critical.” Eligible features were determined from two sources: 

Our research team’s review of public information about presentation software usage, definitions, and associated features.

Reviewers’ indication of the features they use for presentation.

Product selection : To identify the top-rated products per feature, we evaluated user ratings for products that offer each feature. For a given product, reviewers rate each feature on a scale of one to five stars. A given product had to have at least 20 user ratings (between February 2022-24) for the feature in question to be considered.

*We selected products for this article based on their average ratings between February 2022 - February 2024, which may differ from their current overall average ratings.

definition presentation package

Presentation Package II


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking more about the presentation package. Enjoy the class!

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Using presentation package Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

How a window display depends on the size of the window. Resolution determines how much information your computer monitor can display. If you use a low resolution, less information fits on your screen, but the size of your text and images are larger. If you use a high resolution, more information fits on your screen, but the size of the text and images are smaller.

  • Microsoft Office Button: In the upper-left corner is this button. You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, etc.
  • Quick Access Toolbar: This tool providers you with access to commands you frequently use. The save, undo and redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar.
  • Title Bar: It displays the name of the currently working presentation. PowerPoint names presentation start with Presentation1.
  • Ribbon: This is located near the top of the PowerPoint window, below the Quick Access toolbar.
  • Ruler: rulers are vertical and horizontal guides. They are used to determine where you want to place an object.
  • Slides, Placeholders and Notes: slides appear in the centre of the window to create your presentation. Placeholders hold the objects in your slide. You can use placeholders to hold text, clip art, charts, and more. You use the notes area to create your notes. You can refer to these notes as you give your presentation.
  • Status Bar, Tabs and View Buttons: The view buttons appear near the button of the screen. It is used to change between Normal view, slider sorter view, and the slide show view.
  • Zoom: This allows you to zoom in and zoom out on the window. Zooming makes the window larger so you focus on an object. Zooming out makes the object smaller so you can see the entire window. You can click and drag the vertical and horizontal splitter bars to change the size of your panes.
  • Mention four features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
  • Mention the uses of the above-mentioned features
  • To open the Ms-PowerPoint application: click on the START button, navigate to All programs, navigate to Microsoft Office, click on Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
  • Creating a New Presentation: PowerPoint presentation can be created on slides. Use layouts to organize the content on each slide. PowerPoint has several slide layouts. You can add effects such as theme and backgrounds to slides. Themes are a set of colours, fonts, and special effects. Backgrounds add a coloured background to your slides.
  • Inserting the Contents: PowerPoint displays default slides in the slide pane when you open the package.
  • To Enter Text: Click and type the title of your presentation in the “click to add title area”, “click and type a subtitle in the click to add subtitle” area.
  • To Insert Graphics or Pictures: Click in the “click to add title” or “click to add subtitle” area, press the enter key to bring the cursor down, from the ribbon bar, click on the insert menu, select the type of graphic options from clip art, select shapes, and pictures buttons from the menu.
  • To Add Clip Art Object: Click on clip art button, in the search for the textbox, type a general description of the graphics you want to insert, then click on the ‘Go’ button., click on any image from the list of displayed graphics to insert into the slide.
  • To Add Picture Object: Click on picture button, the insert dialog box is displayed, click on the location of the picture on the computer from the look in options, click on the desired image and click on the insert command button. The picture is inserted into the slide as desired.
  • To Choose an Effect: Select the object you want to animate, choose the animation tab, click the custom animation button, the custom animation button pane appears, click the Add Effect button a menu appears, choose the type of effect you want. A submenu appears, click the effect you want, PowerPoint applies the effect.
  • To Add New Slides: Choose the Home tab, click the New slide button in the Slides group, the office theme dialog box appears and displays several layout templates, click the layout you want, the layout appears in the slide pane of the PowerPoint window. To add text, click inside the placeholder and type. To add an additional slide to your presentation, right-click the slide layout, a menu appears, click layout and then click the layout you want, choose the Home tab, click the New slide button, select from the options.
  • To Save a Presentation: Click on the office button, select save from the options displayed, select the drive you want to save the document, click on the file name, type the desired document name, click on the Save button.
  • To Run a Slide Show: Choose the slide show tab, click the “from the beginning button” in the start slide show group, click the slide show icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. Your slide show appears on your screen.
  • To Print Presentation: Click the Ms office button, a menu appears, choose print, click print preview, click the down arrow next to the print what field in the page setup group and then select what you would like to print. A preview appears on the screen, click the print, the Print dialog box appears, click the down arrow next to the colour/grayscale field to select whether you want your slides to print in colour, grayscale, or black and white, click ok.
  • To Close Presentation: click on the close button from the title bar.

General evaluation

  • Define a presentation package.
  • Mention two examples of presentation packages.
  • Describe how you would do the following in Ms-PowerPoint: (i) add new slide (ii) print  (iii) add a picture

Reading assignment

Data Processing for Senior Secondary Education by HiiT Plc. Pages 89-94

Weekend assignment

Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

  • To close a presentation, click on the __ bar. a) title b) task c) status d) menu
  • To add new slides, you choose the __. a) animation b) Home tab c) office button d) file
  • To save a document, which of these will you click on? a) animation b) Home tab c) office button d) file
  • To run a slide, you choose from the __ tab. a) menu bar b) taskbar c) quick access toolbar d) slide show tab
  • To add a clip art object, you click the __button. a) clip art b) office c) home d) graphic

In our next class, we will be talking about Web Design Package .   We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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definition presentation package

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to create a sales presentation

How to create a sales presentation

Creating an effective sales presentation involves understanding your audience, delivering clear value propositions, and showcasing your product or service in an engaging way. Use these tips to make a presentation that not only captivates the crowd but also compels them to make a purchase.

A man and woman high fiving at a desk

What is a sales presentation?

A sales presentation is an important tool used by businesses to explain, promote, and sell their products or services to a client or potential buyers. The presentation usually includes an introduction to the product, a discussion of its features and benefits, and a list of reasons why the audience should buy it. Effective sales presentations are well-structured, tailored to the audience’s needs, and delivered in a confident and persuasive manner.

Tell your story with captivating presentations Banner

Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

What to include in your sales presentation

Your sales presentation should be a blend of information, persuasion, and appeal. Here’s what to include in your upcoming presentation:

  • Introduction. Briefly introduce yourself and your company then provide context about the upcoming presentation.
  • Identified need. Clearly define the problem or need your product or solution aims to fix.
  • Solution overview. Explain how your product or service solves the identified problem.
  • Benefits. List the key benefits of your product and illustrate how they align with the audience’s needs.
  • Proof points. Provide evidence to support your claims using case studies, testimonials, or data points.
  • Pricing and packages. Outline your pricing structure along with any packages or deals you’re offering.
  • Call to action. End with a clear call to action by telling your audience what you want them to do after the presentation.

Developing your sales presentation

Creating a persuasive sales presentation requires careful planning and extensive research. Follow these tips while drafting your presentation for a seamless delivery :

  • Research your audience. Get to know your audience’s interests, needs, and pain points.
  • Outline your presentation. Before you dive into any specifics, create a high-level outline to make sure your points follow a clear and logical structure .
  • Design engaging slides. Use visuals to support your message while avoiding clutter and ensuring that any text is easy to read.
  • Practice your delivery . Rehearse your presentation multiple times to refine your flow, timing, and cadence.

How long should your sales presentation be?

The length of your sales presentation can vary depending on the complexity of the product and the audience’s engagement level. However, experts recommend keeping presentations between 20 and 30 minutes to cover all your important points without losing your audience’s attention.

Finalizing your sales presentation

After drafting your presentation, remember to review and refine it. Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Ensure all technical terms are explained.
  • Check that all ideas flow logically.
  • Verify that your presentation addresses all potential questions or objections.
  • Include a memorable conclusion that reinforces your call to action.

A successful sales presentation includes engaging visuals, persuasive rhetoric, and well-structured information. By using the tips above, you can design a presentation that not only holds the attention of your listeners but also encourages them to take the next step.

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The European Green Deal

  • Find out what progress the von der Leyen Commission has made so far with the European Green Deal towards becoming climate-neutral by 2050.

definition presentation package

Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:

  • no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
  • economic growth decoupled from resource use
  • no person and no place left behind

The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the €1.8 trillion  investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.

The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation  policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 , compared to 1990 levels. More information on  Delivering the European Green Deal .

Discover the European Green Deal visual story

definition presentation package

12 March 2024 - The Commission has published a Communication on managing climate risks in Europe that sets out how the EU and its countries can implement policies that save lives, cut costs, and protect prosperity. It comes as a direct response to the first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment by the European Environment Agency. It also addresses the concerns that many Europeans have following last’s year record temperatures and extreme weather events. The Commission is calling for action from all levels of government, the private sector and civil society to improve governance and tools for climate risk owners, manage risks across sectors and set the right preconditions to finance climate resilience.

Key figures

Featured initiatives.

The island of Samsoe: an example of a self-sufficient community in renewable energy

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AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 Release Notes

Article Number: RN-RAD-WIN-24-6-1

New Game Support

  • The First Descendant

Expanded HYPR-Tune Support

  • Like a Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth
  • Overwatch® 2
  • The First Descendent
  • Outpost: Infinity Siege
  • Enable HYPR-RX and get an instant boost in performance of up to 149% on the Radeon™ RX 7800XT GPU across games like Baldur's Gate 3, F1 23, Resident Evil 4 and more! RS-642
  • Join the conversation by sharing how well HYPR-RX with AFMF is working on your system. This information across thousands of games helps us make further improvements.

Expanded Operating System Support

  • Support for Windows 11, version 24H2.

AMD Radeon™ Anti-Lag 2 Support for Counter-Strike 2

  • Get a decrease in latency in Counter-Strike 2 of up to 40% with AMD Radeon™ Anti-Lag 2 at 4K on the AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 GRE graphics card. RS-647
  • Get a decrease in latency in Counter-Strike 2 of up to 27% with AMD Radeon™ Anti-Lag 2 at 1080p on the AMD Ryzen™ 7 8700G processor with AMD Radeon™ 780M graphics. RS-651
  • Learn more about AMD Anti-Lag 2 HERE .  

AI on Radeon

  • Click HERE for more information

AI Development on Radeon

  • See  Use ROCm on Radeon GPUs  for more information.  

Expanded Agility SDK Support

  • D3D12 Work Graphs support for AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 Series graphics cards, learn more  HERE
  • See the DirectX Blog  HERE , or our GPUOpen Blog post on GPU Upload Heaps  HERE .
  • See  Shader Model 6.8 specification  for more information .
  • See  Microsoft's Agility SDK 1.614.0 for more information.  

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas may fail to launch. 
  • Improvement to intermittent driver timeout or application crash experienced while playing HELLDIVERS™ 2 on AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 series GPUs.  
  • AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition Performance Metrics may intermittently fail to update while playing HELLDIVERS™ 2. 
  • Intermittent system freeze or low FPS on hybrid graphics notebooks pairing certain FreeSync enabled displays. 

What to Know

  • Anti-Lag 2 will be enabled by default in the Counter-Strike 2 “ADVANCED VIDEO” settings menu.
  • For more information on how to use Anti-Lag 2 and measure latency click HERE .
  • Join the conversation by sharing how responsive is improved with Anti-Lag 2 on your system.

Known Issues

  • Virtual Super Resolution or Display Color Enhancements may be set to disabled after driver upgrade.   [Resolution targeted for 24.7.1]
  • Corruption may be observed while playing Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Reloaded Edition with Radeon™ Boost enabled. Users experiencing this issue are recommended to disable Radeon™ Boost as a temporary workaround.  
  • Intermittent in-game corruption may be observed while playing Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT with AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition™ Record & Streaming and HDR enabled. 
  • Intermittent black corruption may be observed on scaled 3d models while using Origin or OriginPro application.  [Resolution targeted for 24.7.1]
  • Audio and video may intermittently become out of sync while recording using the AV1 codec in AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition.  [Resolution targeted for Q3]

Package Contents

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 Driver Version for Windows® 10 and Windows® 11 (Windows Driver Store Version 32.0.11021.1011).

The AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 installation package can be downloaded from the following link:

By clicking the Download button, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the  End User License Agreement  (“EULA”).  If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of these licenses, you do not have a license to any of the AMD software provided by this download.

  • AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 Driver for Windows® 10 & Windows® 11 64-bit

Systems pairing RDNA series graphics products with Polaris or Vega series graphics products:

  • AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 Driver Including Vega and Polaris Series Graphics Support for Windows® 10 & Windows® 11 64-bit

Installing AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition

For detailed instructions on how to correctly uninstall or install AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition, please refer to the following support resources:

NOTE : This driver is not intended for use on AMD Radeon products running in Apple Boot Camp platforms. Users of these platforms should contact their system manufacturer for driver support. When installing AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 for the Windows® operating system, the user must be logged on as Administrator, or have Administrator rights to complete the installation of AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1. 

Radeon Product Compatibility

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 is compatible with the following AMD Radeon products.

Radeon™ RX 7900/7800/7700/7600 Series Graphics
Radeon™ RX 6900/6800/6700/6600/6500/6400 Series Graphics
Radeon™ RX 5700/5600/5500/5300 Series Graphics

Mobility Radeon™ Product Compatibility

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 is a notebook reference graphics driver with limited support for system vendor specific features. 

AMD Radeon™ RX 7900M Series Graphics
AMD Radeon™ RX 6800M Series Graphics
AMD Radeon™ RX 6700M Series Graphics
AMD Radeon™ RX 6600M Series Graphics
AMD Radeon™ RX 6500M Series Graphics
AMD Radeon™ RX 6300M Series Graphics
AMD Radeon™ RX 5700M/5600M/5500M/5300M Series Graphics

​​​​AMD Processors with Radeon Graphics Product Compatibility

Important note for laptop and all-in-one (aio) pcs .

AMD recommends OEM-provided drivers which are customized and validated for their system-specific features and optimizations. If you experience issues using the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition driver package downloaded from, please install the OEM-provided drivers for full support and compatibility. AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition does not include support for handheld gaming devices.  Users should check with the OEM for device specific drivers.

AMD Ryzen™ Processors with Radeon™ Graphics AMD Ryzen™ Processors with Radeon™ Graphics
AMD Ryzen™ PRO Processors AMD Ryzen™ PRO Processors
AMD Athlon™ Processors with Radeon™ Graphics AMD Athlon™ Processors with Radeon™ Graphics
AMD Athlon™ PRO Processors AMD Athlon™ PRO Processors

Compatible Operating Systems

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 is designed to support the following Microsoft® Windows® platforms. Operating System support may vary depending on your specific AMD Radeon product.

WHQL Results

WHQL Test Suite Results Passed
WHQL Microsoft Certification Passed
  • RS-642 - Testing conducted by AMD as of March 27, 2024, on a test system configured with a Ryzen™ 7 7800X3D CPU, 32GB DDR5, Radeon™ RX 7800XT GPU, MSI x670E ACE motherboard, and Windows 11 Pro, with AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.5.1 and AMD HYPR-RX ON/OFF, on various titles including Alan Wake 2, Baldur’s Gate 3, The Callisto Protocol, F1 23, Far Cry 6, Horizon Zero Dawn, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 4, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.  Game tested at 1440p resolution. Performance may vary. System manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding different results.
  • RS-647 - Testing by AMD as of April 19, 2024, on the AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 GRE graphics card using the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition™ 24.5.1 for Radeon Anti-Lag 2 Technical Preview driver, AMD Smart Access Memory technology, and AMD Radeon Anti-Lag and Radeon Anti-Lag 2 technology OFF vs. ON, on a test system configured with an AMD Ryzen™ 7 7800X3D CPU, 32GB DDR5-6000 RAM, MSI MEG x670E ACE motherboard, and Windows® 11 Pro 2022 Update, using the Counter-Strike 2 “Ancient” benchmark at 3840 x 2160, “Very High” graphics preset, and DirectX 11. AMD Radeon Anti-Lag 2 requires developer integration and is available in select games. System manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding different results
  • RS-651 - Testing by AMD as of April 19, 2024, on the AMD Ryzen™ 7 8700G processor with AMD Radeon™ 780M graphics using the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition™ 24.5.1 for Radeon Anti-Lag 2 Technical Preview driver, AMD Smart Access Memory technology, and AMD Radeon Anti-Lag and Radeon Anti-Lag 2 technology OFF vs. ON, on an test system configured with 32GB DDR5-6000 RAM, an ASUS ROG STRIX B650E-F motherboard, and Windows® 11 Pro 2022 Update, using the Counter-Strike 2 “Ancient” benchmark at 1920 x 1080, “Very High” graphics preset, and DirectX 11. AMD Radeon Anti-Lag 2 requires developer integration and is available in select games. System manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding different results.

​​​© 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, it may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and assumes no liability of any kind, including the implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purposes, with respect to the operation or use of AMD hardware, software or other products described herein. No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. This notice does not change the terms and limitations applicable to the purchase or use of AMD's products that may be set forth in a separate signed agreement between you and AMD.

OVERCLOCKING WARNING:  AMD processors are intended to be operated only within their associated specifications and factory settings.  Operating your AMD processor outside of official AMD specifications or outside of factory settings, including but not limited to the conducting of overclocking (including use of this overclocking software, even if such software has been directly or indirectly provided by AMD or otherwise affiliated in any way with AMD), may damage your processor and/or lead to other problems, including but not limited to, damage to your system components (including your motherboard and components thereon (e.g. memory)), system instabilities (e.g. data loss and corrupted images), reduction in system performance, shortened processor, system component and/or system life and in extreme cases, total system failure.  AMD does not provide support or service for issues or damages related to use of an AMD processor outside of official AMD specifications or outside of factory settings.  You may also not receive support or service from your board or system manufacturer. Please make sure you have saved all important data before using this overclocking software.  DAMAGES CAUSED BY USE OF YOUR AMD PROCESSOR OUTSIDE OF OFFICIAL AMD SPECIFICATIONS OR OUTSIDE OF FACTORY SETTINGS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER ANY AMD PRODUCT WARRANTY AND MAY NOT BE COVERED BY YOUR BOARD OR SYSTEM MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY.


AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Radeon, AMD Freesync and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Windows and DirectX are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Vulkan and the Vulkan logo are registered trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.

Other names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

definition presentation package

Primacy E-Books


Chapter 15 – presentation package, features of a presentation package.

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A typical presentation package has the following features:

  • Creation of Slides : A slide is a single screen of a presentation, and every presentation is composed of several slides. Slides contain any mixture of text, images, video, animations, links and sound.

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IND-W Flag

Day 3 - SA Women trail by 105 runs.

NZ-W Flag

ENG Women won by 8 wickets (with 153 balls remaining)


Day 1 - Durham lead by 111 runs.


Day 1 - Kent chose to field.


Day 1 - Notts chose to field.


Day 1 - Somerset chose to field.

SUR Flag

Day 1 - Essex chose to field.


Day 1 - Yorkshire lead by 207 runs.


Day 1 - Glamorgan trail by 46 runs.


Day 1 - Leics lead by 133 runs.


Day 1 - Sussex lead by 129 runs.

CS Flag

Diamonds won by 4 wickets (with 36 balls remaining)

BLZ Flag

The Blaze won by 133 runs (D/L method)


Sunrisers won by 30 runs (D/L method)

WS Flag

Vipers won by 7 wickets (with 122 balls remaining)

IND Flag

India won by 7 runs

England Under-19s Flag

England Under-19s

Sri Lanka Under-19s Flag

Sri Lanka Under-19s

Match yet to begin

Kandy Falcons

Dambulla Sixers Flag

Dambulla Sixers

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  • South African cricket begins the long process of pulling itself back together 4h Firdose Moonda
  • T20 World Cup 2024 - a zero for Bumrah, and other curious numbers 3h Sampath Bandarupalli
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  • History weighs heavy as South Africa die another death 21h Matt Roller
  • Markram: Defeat 'gut-wrenching' and 'good for it to sting' 20h Matt Roller

Markram: 'It hurts quite a bit', but 'incredibly proud of this group of players'

South Africa's captain felt getting as close as they did to winning the T20 World Cup showed they were "worthy finalists"

Aiden Markram probably can't believe that South Africa had let that great a chance slip by, India vs South Africa, T20 World Cup final, Bridgetown, Barbados, June 29, 2024

'We've seen with a lot of our games in this campaign that it's not really over until the last ball is bowled, so we never got comfortable'  •  Getty Images

Stats - India first team to win the men's T20 World Cup unbeaten

Magic moments - Bumrah, Klaasen and SKY go flash, bam, alakazam

Kohli retires from T20 internationals after winning World Cup title

'We fulfilled what the whole nation wanted' - India players react after winning T20 World Cup 2024


  1. Free Definition Box PowerPoint Presentation Template

    definition presentation package

  2. presentation package

    definition presentation package

  3. What Is Presentation Package

    definition presentation package

  4. What is presentation packaging? Everything you need to know

    definition presentation package

  5. What is presentation packaging? Everything you need to know

    definition presentation package

  6. presentation package

    definition presentation package


  1. Final Presentation Package Part A DMP100 Nolwenne Cevaer

  2. Presentation software Meaning

  3. Hotel Arif Castles, Nainital, India. HD

  4. Presentation Graphics Concepts

  5. PMP exam vs ChatGPT

  6. Technical Definition Presentation


  1. What Is a Presentation Package?

    A presentation package is a software program that provides the resources necessary to give a professional presentation for meetings, lectures, speeches or other similar situations. Displays often include slideshows, and other customization options that can be tailored to the presenter's specific needs.

  2. Presentation Package

    A presentation package has certain features such as: Creation of Slides: to create presentations, a group of slides are created. Presentation packages contain slides. Insertion of Pictures: presentation packages allow users to insert pictures and objects into their presentation from external sources. Insertion of Video and Audio: presentation ...

  3. Beginner Guide: Making the most out of Presentation Packages

    A presentation package is a set of materials that helps you present information to an audience with the goal of making it easier for you to convey difficult concepts while allowing the audience to better understand the information being presented. Different types of presentation packages.

  4. Features of a Presentation Package

    A presentation package has certain features such as: Creation of Slides: to create presentations, group of slides are created. Presentation packages contain slides. Insertion of Pictures: presentation packages allow users to insert pictures and objects into their presentation from external sources. Insertion of Video and Audio: presentation packages allow users to insert video and audio into ...


    A presentation package is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It provides the resources necessary to give a professional presentation for meetings, lectures, speeches or other similar situations. It enables graphic images to be inserted and manipulated in slide show.

  6. Presentation program

    In computing, a presentation program (also called presentation software) is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It has three major functions: [1] an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted. a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images and media clips.

  7. Presentation Package: A Comprehensive Guide for Effective Presentations

    A presentation package is a software program that enables you to create visual aids, such as slideshows, to accompany your presentation. These programs offer a variety of features and tools to help you design and deliver your presentation effectively. Examples of popular presentation packages include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi.

  8. Definition and Examples of Presentation Packages

    definition of presentation package A presentation package is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It is a software program that contains a text editor and the ability to add charts and graphic images, such as photographs, clip art, or other objects so as to make a slide show for the purpose of ...

  9. 30 Presentation Terms & What They Mean

    6. Multimedia. Multimedia refers to the combination of different types of media — such as text, images, audio, video, and animation — within a single presentation. Incorporating multimedia elements can make a presentation more engaging, cater to different learning styles, and aid in explaining complex ideas.

  10. What is presentation software?

    presentation software (presentation graphics): Presentation software (sometimes called "presentation graphics") is a category of application program used to create sequences of words and pictures that tell a story or help support a speech or public presentation of information. Presentation software can be divided into business presentation ...

  11. Presentation Package

    Inserting the contents: PowerPoint displays default slides in the slide pane when you open the package. To Enter Text: Click and type the title of your presentation in the "click to add title area", "click and type a subtitle in the click to add subtitle" area. To Insert Graphics or Pictures: Click in the "click to add title" or ...

  12. Lesson Note On Presentation Packages

    Computer Science SSS1 Third Term. Presentation Packages. Week 9. Performance Objective. The student should be able to: Define and List Presentation Packages. State the features of a Presentation Package. A Presentation package is a software program that contains a text editor and the ability to add charts and graphic images, such as photographs ...


    A presentation package has certain features such as: Creation of Slides: to create presentations, a group of slides are created. Presentation packages contain slides. Insertion of Pictures: presentation packages allow users to insert pictures and objects into their presentation from external sources. Insertion of Video and Audio: presentation packages allow users to insert video and audio into ...

  14. What is presentation packaging? Everything you need to know

    Presentation packaging should be easy to open with clear instructions, it should protect the product inside and be made to fit the product perfectly, and it should be eco-friendly due to being usually made from corrugated cardboard. It should also include more detail about the product on the outside of the package with labels such as "fragile ...

  15. Definition of presentation package

    A presentation package is a software application that enables users to create, edit, and deliver multimedia-rich presentations. These presentations usually consist of a series of individual slides that can contain text, images, videos, audio, charts, graphs, animations, and more.

  16. What is Presentation Software?

    Presentation software is a category of application software that is specifically designed to allow users to create a presentation of ideas by stringing together text, images and audio/video. The presentation tells a story or supports speech or the presentation of information. Presentation software can be divided into business presentation ...

  17. Presentation

    A speaker giving a presentation using a projector. A presentation conveys information from a speaker to an audience.Presentations are typically demonstrations, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or present a new idea/product. Presentations usually require preparation, organization, event planning, writing, use of visual aids, dealing ...

  18. 5 Key Features of Presentation Software

    4. Drag-and-drop. 5. Content management. Juggling text, images, and slides while creating presentations? Presentation software can help you organize content and create visually appealing presentations that are easy for viewers to comprehend. However, not all presentation software solutions are created equal.

  19. PDF Presentation Package

    A presentation package is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It provides the resources necessary to give a professional ... definition of computer hardware in the title section, type the meaning of computer hardware in content section. Insert a new slide with the title and content layout. In the title ...

  20. Presentation Package II

    Presentation Package II. Using presentation package Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. How a window display depends on the size of the window. Resolution determines how much information your computer monitor can display. If you use a low resolution, less information fits on your screen, but the size of your text and images are larger. If you use a high ...


    PRESENTATION PACKAGE DEFINITION OF PRESENTATION PACKAGE A presentation package is a software program that contains a text editor and the ability to add charts and graphic images, such as photographs, clip art, or other objects so as to make a slide show for the purpose of communicating visually to an audience. Example of Presentation Packages 1.

  22. How to create a sales presentation

    Pricing and packages. Outline your pricing structure along with any packages or deals you're offering. Call to action. End with a clear call to action by telling your audience what you want them to do after the presentation. Developing your sales presentation. Creating a persuasive sales presentation requires careful planning and extensive ...

  23. The European Green Deal

    With the adoption of the last two proposals, the Fit for 55 package of measures to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels is now complete. The EU now has legally binding climate targets covering all key sectors of the economy ... Presentation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 to protect the ...

  24. AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 Release Notes

    The AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.6.1 installation package can be downloaded from the following link: By clicking the Download button, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement ("EULA").

  25. West Greenwich police partner with resident to arrest man ...

    Thu, 27 Jun 2024 22:37:21 GMT (1719527841045) Gallery - News3 v1.0.0 (common) a97a74a3e02777baa170aa9a0a2750f4d840e597

  26. Features of a Presentation Package

    A typical presentation package has the following features: Creation of Slides : A slide is a single screen of a presentation, and every presentation is composed of several slides. Slides contain any mixture of text, images, video, animations, links and sound. Insertion of Pictures: With computer generated slides, users can add pictures, both ...


    Definition: A presentation package is a computer software package that is used to display information usually in form of a slide show. Examples of the presentation package. Microsoft PowerPoint. Macromedia Flash. Windows movie maker.

  28. What to know about 'NFL Sunday Ticket' case that could cost the league

    Last year, a district judge ruled the case could proceed as a class action filed on behalf of more than 2.4 million residential subscribers and 48,000 businesses that bought the package from June ...

  29. T20 World Cup 2024

    Thirty runs from as many balls. This was the equation that separated South Africa from a first World Cup title, from the end of a journey of countless heartbreaks.