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essay on mango tree in gujarati

સંબંધિત સમાચાર

  • ગુજરાતી વાર્તા- રેક્સી નો જનમદિવસ
  • શા માટે મરઘાં સવારે 5 વાગ્યે બોલે છે? જવાબ આપો
  • ગુજરાતી નિબંધ - હાય રે ! મોંઘવારી, મોંઘવારી અને મધ્યમવર્ગ
  • ગુજરાતી નિબંધ - ઝાંસીની રાણી લક્ષ્મીબાઈ
  • Gujarati Essay - માતૃપ્રેમ .. મા તે મા બીજા બધા વગડાના વા..જનની જોડ સખી નહી જડે રે લોલ !-

ગુજરાતી નિબંધ - વૃક્ષો વાવો, સમૃદ્ધિ લાવો

essay on mango tree in gujarati

આઝાદી મળ્યા પછીના 50 વર્ષ દરમિયાન ભારતની વસ્તી 36 કરોડમાંથી વધીને 100 કરોડ જેટલી થઈ ગઈ છે. વસ્તીવધારાને લીધે આપણા દેશમાં અનેક ગંભીર સમસ્યાઓ સર્જાઈ છે. વધતી વસ્તીને વસાવવા માટે વધુ જમીનની જરૂર પડી છે. આ જમીન ઉપરથી વૃક્ષોનું નિકંદન કાઢવામાં આવ્યું છે. એ ઉપરાંત હવા, પાણી અને અવાજનું પ્રદૂષણ પણ ભયજનક હદે વધ્યું છે. આ ભયજનક પ્રદૂષણને નાથવાના આપણા દેશમાં અનેક ઉપાયો થઈ રહ્યા છે. જેમાંથી એક મહત્વનો ઉપાય છે વૃક્ષારોપણ.

વૃક્ષો આપણને અનેક રીતે ઉપયોગી છે. વૃક્ષોનાં પર્ણો પ્રકાશસંશ્લેષણની ક્રિયા દ્વારા હવાને શુદ્ધ કરે છે. વૃક્ષો જાતજાતનાં ફળો આપે છે. વૃક્ષોનાં મૂળિયાં જમીનનું ધોવાણ અટકાવે છે. વૃક્ષો રણને આગળ વધતું અટકાવે છે. કેટલાંક વૃક્ષોના મૂળિયાં અને પર્ણો ઔષધિ તરીકે વપરાય છે. કેટલાંક વૃક્ષોનાં પાન પડિયા-પતરાળાં બનાવવાના કામમાં આવે છે. વૃક્ષો વાદળાંને ઠંડા પાડીને વરસાદ લાવવામાં મદદરૂપ થાય છે. વૃક્ષોની શીતળ છાયામાં પશુઓ, ખેડૂતો અને વટેમાર્ગુઓ વિશ્રામ કરે છે. વળી વૃક્ષો ધરતીની શોભા છે. વૃક્ષો વિનાની ધરતી કેશ વિહોણા શીશ જેવી ઉજ્જડ લાગે છે.

આપણા દેશમાં થોડા વર્ષો પૂર્વે ગાઢ જંગલો આવેલાં હતાં. એ જંગલોમાં અનેક હિંસક પશુઓ વસવાટ કરતાં. જંગલોથી પશુઓનું અને પશુઓથી જંગલોનું રક્ષણ થતું. વાતાવરણમાં ઠંડક રહેતી. હવા શુદ્ધ રહેતી. પુષ્કળ વરસાદને કારણે વૃક્ષોમાં વધારો થતો. પરંતુ વસ્તીનો સતત વધારો થતાં રહેઠાણ માટેનાં મકાનો, નિશાળો, કારખાનાં, સડકો, રેલમાર્ગ વગેરે બનાવવા માટે જમીનની જરૂરિયાત ઊભી થઈ. વળી બળતણ માટે અને ઘરનું રાચરચીલું બનાવવા માટે પણ લાકડાની જરૂર પડી. આથી આડેધડ જંગલો કપાતાં ગયાં. પરિણામે જંગલોનો વિસ્તાર ઘટતો ગયો. માનવીએ પોતાની વધતી જરૂરિયાતને કારણે આડેધડ માનવવસાહતો સ્થાપી. આને કારણે ખેતીલાયક જમીન પણ ઓછી થવા લાગી. બીજી બાજુ જેટલાં વૃક્ષો કપાયાં, તેટલા પ્રમાણમાં નવાં વૃક્ષો ઉગાડવામાં આવ્યાં નહિ. પરિણામે વન્સ્પતિ ઘટતાં વરસાદનું પ્રમાણ સતત ઘટતું રહ્યું અને ભૂગર્ભજળનું સ્તર સતત નીચું ઊતરતું ગયું.

રહી રહીને હવે આપણને વૃક્ષોનું મહત્વ સમજાવા લાગ્યું છે અને વસ્તીવિસ્ફોટ પર અંકુશ રાખવાનો પણ ખ્યાલ આવ્યો છે. આથી આપણે કેટલાંક સૂત્રો પ્રચલિત કર્યાં છે : ‘વૃક્ષો વાવો, જીવન બચાવો’, ‘વૃક્ષ જતન, આબાદ વતન’, ‘એક બાળ, એક ઝાડ’, વગેરે. આ બધાં સૂત્રોમાં વૃક્ષોનો મહિમા સૂચવાયો છે. 5મી જૂન ‘વિશ્વ પર્યાવરણદિન’ તરીકે ઊજવાય છે. તે દિવસે વૃક્ષો અને પર્યાવરણના રક્ષણ માટેના ઉપાયોની ચર્ચા-વિચારણા થાય છે. તેમાં વૃક્ષારોપણને ખૂબ મહત્વ આપવામાં આવે છે.

essay on mango tree in gujarati

આપણા દેશમાં વનમહોત્સવ ઊજવાય છે. તે નિમિત્તે ખુલ્લી જગ્યામાં, રસ્તાની બંને બાજુએ, નિશાળોમાં અને પડતર જમીનમાં વૃક્ષો વાવવામાં આવે છે અને તેનું જતન કરવાનો સંકલ્પ કરવામાં આવે છે. આવા કાર્યક્રમોમાં બાળકોને મોટા પ્રમાણમાં જોડી દરેક બાળકને એક-એક વૃક્ષ વાવવાનું પ્રોત્સાહન આપવું તે ખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી નીવડી શકે. આથી વૃક્ષોની સંખ્યામાં વધારો કરી સૃષ્ટિસૌંદર્યમાં વધારો કરી શકાશે. વળી હવા, પાણી અને અવાજના વધતા જતા પ્રદૂષણના જટિલ પ્રશ્નનું નિરાકરણ પણ કરી શકાશે. દરેક બાળકને પ્રોત્સાહન આપી આપણે વૃક્ષોની સંખ્યા વધારતા જઈએ તો તે સમગ્ર માનવજાતિ માટે સૌથી ઉમદા કાર્ય બની રહેશે. આમ થવાથી પ્રદૂષણનું પ્રમાણ ઘટાડી વાતાવરણ સુધારી શકાશે. આપણે નિશ્ચય કરીએ કે, દરેક બાળક દર વર્ષે, એક-એક વૃક્ષ તો ઉગાડે જ. આ માટે એમને પ્રોત્સાહન અને માર્ગદર્શન આપીએ. આથી બાળકોને વૃક્ષો તરફ આપોઆપ પ્રેમ અને આકર્ષણ થશે. વાતાવરણ લીલુંછમ થશે અને પ્રદૂષણ ઘટશે.

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હાથી ઘોડ઼ા પાલકી,જય કન્હૈયા લાલ કી ॥ શ્રી કૃષ્ણના જન્મ સમયે આ સુંદર ભજન

હાથી ઘોડ઼ા પાલકી,જય કન્હૈયા લાલ કી ॥ શ્રી કૃષ્ણના જન્મ સમયે આ સુંદર ભજન

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Gujarati Farmer Revives 125-YO ‘Senile’ Trees To Harvest 2.3 Lakh Kgs Mangoes Annually

Rajesh Shah loves Alphonso mangoes, and it is this love that stopped him from felling old trees planted by his grandfather. Instead, he used the 'girdling' technique that is quite popular with mango farmers in Gujarat.

Gujarati Farmer Revives 125-YO ‘Senile’ Trees To Harvest 2.3 Lakh Kgs Mangoes Annually

W hen Mango trees grow old and are unable to produce a substantial number of fruits they are considered to be ‘ senile ’. In such situations, most orchard owners prefer to give them the axe and plant new ones instead. However, Valsad farmer in Gujarat and orchard owner, Rajesh Shah, has a rather unique technique which is a saving grace for such trees.

He has mastered a technique that makes them productive once again called — girdling.

mango farm

Shah (61) has made mango trees, as old as 125 years, bear abundant fruit. They now stand majestically with their sprawling canopies on his farm in village Fansa of Umargam taluka, 45 km from Valsad.

Standing under a ‘girdled’ tree with mangoes hanging from wire-thin stems, Shah bags the low-hanging fruits to prevent them from sunburn, and says, “Hapoos (Alphonso) begins fruiting from the third year onwards, and by the age of 35 they either fruit once every two years or produce fewer numbers, making them a suitable candidate for girdling.”

Shah’s mango orchard is spread on 65 acres with two varieties taking prominence, namely Alphonso and Kesar. Initially planted by his grandfather, Magan Lal Shah, the orchard is home to 100 trees that are 125 years old and another 500 which are close to 80. The Shahs, originally from Rajasthan, immigrated to Valsad around 180 years ago. The family continues to live in the ancestral house in Biliya village that itself is over a century and a half old. Here he lives with his wife; both their son and daughter are chartered accountants and make a living in Mumbai.

mango farm

Shah discontinued his studies after class 10, as he was “unable to cope up in an English medium school”. Now, he drives his Alto 6 km away from his home to visit his orchard daily.

A farmer since the age of 15, Shah fertilises the trees post-harvest with huge quantities of dry cow dung, having created rings around the base of the trunk. An Alphonso lover himself, he planted 300 of them in 1973, 900 in 2006 and three years later added another 1,700 seedlings, along with a handful of Payari and Mulgova varieties.

In 2020, he harvested 2,30,000 kgs of mangoes but feels this year’s harvest will be much less considering the long stretch of rainy days since the last monsoon.

Explaining the idea of girdling, Shah says he was inspired by a Gujjar folklore about reviving aged fruit-bearing trees by making a hole in its trunk. “I began experimenting with the technique in 1996 and mastered the technique only by 2011,” he informs. “This year I have girdled 75 branches.”

Girdling or ring-barking refers to the removal of a complete ring of the bark from a stem, branch or trunk. A horticultural method, it forces fruit-bearing plants to produce bigger and sweeter fruit.

Using a clean, sharp knife, an inch-long ring of the bark is cut away and the section is treated with a paste made of geru mitti and pesticide to prevent infection. If done correctly, these repairs will provide a path for critical sugars. In time, the tree will grow new layers that will cover the cut. Shah performs the girdling procedure around Diwali when the humidity level is around 70 per cent.

According to Shah, girdling should be performed on trees that are aged 35 years and above and on branches that are at least 15 to 20 ft above the ground. “The branch should have a minimum girth of 30cms,” he says.

mango farm

Elaborating on the science behind girdling, Suman Shankar Gavit, former joint Director of Agriculture, Gujarat, and one who has been familiar with Shah’s technique since the late ’90s says it is a proven technology and replicated in several orchards in the State. “Girdling blocks the path of sugars headed elsewhere and forces it to go in the fruit on the branches above the cut. Following girdling, it has been observed, the fruit grows bigger and tastes sweeter,” he informs.

For his innovation, Shah was conferred the ‘Krushi Na Rushi’ title by the Gujarat government in 2006, the Sardar Patel Agriculture Research Award in 2009 by the Union Agriculture Ministry and the latest being IARI (Indian Agriculture Research Institute) Innovative Farmer Award in 2018.

Shah says the technique seems simple but caution needs to be taken while executing it, as a wrong move could ultimately lead to the death of a giant and sprawling tree.

(Edited by Yoshita Rao)

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Short Essay

Mango Tree Essay – Short Essay, 500, 1000 Words, 10 Lines

Mango Tree Essay: The “Mango Tree Essay” delves into the multifaceted significance of the mango tree, a symbol deeply entrenched in cultural, ecological, and personal contexts. Exploring its botanical attributes, cultural symbolism, and economic relevance, the essay articulates the profound impact of the mango tree on communities and environments.

From its lush foliage providing shade to its seasonal bounty shaping festivities, the essay unveils the tree’s rich tapestry of contributions. Rooted in vivid descriptions and poignant anecdotes, the article encapsulates the essence of the mango tree as more than just a botanical entity—it is a living narrative of heritage and interconnectedness.

Short Essay on Mango Tree

Table of Contents

Mango Tree Essay in 10 Lines in English

The “Mango Tree Essay” explores the cultural, ecological, and economic significance of this iconic tree, unraveling its botanical features, cultural symbolism, and economic impact in a succinct and insightful narrative.

  • The mango tree, scientifically known as Mangifera indica, is a tropical fruit tree.
  • It is renowned for its delicious and juicy mango fruits, widely popular across the world.
  • The tree is characterized by dense foliage, providing ample shade in tropical climates.
  • In many cultures, the mango tree holds significant cultural and religious symbolism.
  • Its seasonal flowering and fruiting contribute to vibrant landscapes and joyous celebrations.
  • Mango trees are economically valuable, supporting livelihoods through fruit production.
  • The wood of the mango tree is used in various industries for its durability and quality.
  • The tree requires a warm climate and well-drained soil for optimal growth.
  • Regular pruning is essential for maintaining the tree’s health and promoting fruit production.
  • Overall, the mango tree stands as a cultural icon, a source of livelihood, and a provider of sweet and nutritious fruits.

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Short Essay on Mango Tree

The Short Essay on Mango Tree delves into the cultural, ecological, and economic importance of the iconic mango tree, exploring its symbolism, seasonal characteristics, and contributions to livelihoods in a concise narrative.

The mango tree (Mangifera indica) is a tropical fruit tree known for its lush foliage, sweet and juicy fruits, cultural symbolism, and economic significance. With vibrant seasonal flowering and fruiting, it not only adds beauty to landscapes but also plays a vital role in various traditions and celebrations.

Beyond its cultural and aesthetic value, the mango tree supports livelihoods through fruit production and its durable wood is utilized in industries. This short essay explores the multifaceted contributions of the mango tree, highlighting its integral role in both natural and human ecosystems.

Mango Tree Essay in 500 Words

The “Mango Tree Essay” in 500 words provides a comprehensive exploration of the cultural, ecological, and economic significance of the mango tree, elucidating its botanical features, cultural symbolism, and impact on livelihoods in a detailed narrative.

The mango tree (Mangifera indica) is not merely a botanical entity but a vibrant tapestry woven into the cultural, ecological, and economic fabric of regions where it thrives. Botanically, this tropical fruit tree is characterized by its evergreen canopy, providing ample shade with dense, glossy foliage.

The real allure, however, lies in its succulent, sweet mango fruits that have become a global favorite. Beyond its physical attributes, the mango tree is deeply entrenched in cultural symbolism, often holding significant religious and spiritual importance in various societies. Its seasonal flowering and fruiting become not just biological phenomena but markers of joyous celebrations and traditions, shaping the cultural landscape.

Culturally, the mango tree serves as more than a bearer of delicious fruit; it embodies a connection to heritage and shared experiences. In many cultures, planting a mango tree is a symbolic act, representing the nurturing of traditions and the passing down of cultural values through generations. Its presence in religious ceremonies, folklore, and art further underscores its integral role in the cultural narratives of communities.

Economically, the mango tree is a valuable asset, contributing to sustainable livelihoods in regions where it is cultivated. The fruit production is not only a source of income for farmers but also a driver of local economies, creating employment opportunities throughout the supply chain. Additionally, the mango tree’s versatile wood is utilized in various industries, known for its durability and quality. This dual economic contribution, through both fruit and wood, enhances the economic resilience of communities relying on the mango tree.

The mango tree’s environmental impact is equally noteworthy, contributing to ecological vitality. Its sprawling canopy not only offers shade but also supports biodiversity, providing a habitat for various birds and insects. Moreover, the tree’s root system helps prevent soil erosion, contributing to the overall health of the ecosystem. In regions facing environmental challenges, the mango tree plays a role in fostering sustainability through its adaptability and ability to thrive in diverse climates.

Despite its numerous contributions, the mango tree faces challenges, including susceptibility to diseases and climate change. The essay prompts reflection on the need for conservation efforts and sustainable agricultural practices to ensure the longevity of this culturally rich and economically vital tree.

In essence, the mango tree essay reveals a narrative of interconnectedness. It showcases how a single botanical entity transcends its physical existence to become a cultural icon, an economic cornerstone, and an ecological steward. The essay encourages a holistic appreciation of the mango tree, recognizing its role beyond the orchard as a living testament to the interplay between nature, culture, and commerce.

Mango Tree Essay in English in 1000 Words

The “Mango Tree Essay” in 1000 words provides an in-depth exploration of the cultural, ecological, and economic significance of the mango tree, delving into its botanical features, cultural symbolism, and multifaceted impact on livelihoods and ecosystems in a detailed and comprehensive narrative.

The Mango Tree: A Multifaceted Tapestry of Culture, Ecology, and Economy


The mango tree (Mangifera indica), a tropical fruit-bearing marvel, serves as a profound symbol interwoven into the cultural, ecological, and economic landscapes of regions fortunate to host its presence. In this essay, we embark on an exploration of the mango tree’s botanical intricacies, cultural symbolism, and economic significance, revealing its role as a pivotal player in the intricate web of human existence and natural ecosystems.

Botanical Marvel

The mango tree, characterized by its scientific name Mangifera indica, boasts a plethora of botanical features contributing to its allure. The evergreen nature of its dense foliage provides ample shade, creating a haven in tropical climates. A closer examination of its anatomy reveals a resilient and adaptable species that thrives in diverse environmental conditions. From its roots anchoring in the soil to the sprawling canopy offering protection, the mango tree stands as a testament to the ingenuity of nature.

Cultural Symbolism

Beyond its botanical dimensions, the mango tree carries profound cultural symbolism in many societies. Planting a mango tree is often a symbolic act, embodying the nurturing of traditions and the passing down of cultural values through generations.

In religious ceremonies, the tree becomes a sacred emblem, representing fertility, prosperity, and divine blessings. The mango itself, with its sweet nectar, is often associated with auspicious occasions, becoming a central figure in cultural narratives and expressions of identity.

Seasonal Rhythms and Celebrations

The mango tree’s seasonal flowering and fruiting add a dynamic rhythm to the cultural calendar. Its blossoms signal the arrival of spring, a spectacle often celebrated in various cultures through festivals and rituals.

The anticipation of the mango harvest brings communities together in joyous celebrations, marking a time of abundance and shared festivities. The mango, with its myriad varieties, becomes a centerpiece in culinary traditions, enriching the tapestry of cultural cuisine.

Economic Backbone

Economically, the mango tree is a valuable asset for regions where it is cultivated. Fruit production not only provides a source of income for farmers but also drives local economies.

The mango industry creates employment opportunities at every stage of the supply chain, from cultivation and harvesting to processing and marketing. Additionally, the mango tree’s versatile wood finds application in various industries, known for its durability and quality, contributing to economic resilience.

Environmental Stewardship

The mango tree assumes a role of environmental stewardship, contributing to ecological vitality. Its sprawling canopy provides shade and habitat for diverse flora and fauna. The root system aids in preventing soil erosion, fostering soil health and water retention. In regions grappling with environmental challenges, the mango tree emerges as a resilient force, adapting to diverse climates and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Challenges and Conservation

Despite its numerous contributions, the mango tree faces challenges, including susceptibility to diseases and the impact of climate change. This section prompts reflection on the need for conservation efforts, sustainable agricultural practices, and research to ensure the longevity of this culturally rich and economically vital tree.

Initiatives aimed at preserving biodiversity, preventing disease outbreaks, and mitigating climate change effects become imperative for safeguarding the future of the mango tree.

In conclusion, the mango tree transcends its botanical existence to become a cultural icon, an economic backbone, and an environmental steward. This essay unravels the intricate layers of its significance, from the roots that anchor it to the cultural narratives that elevate it.

The mango tree, with its dynamic seasonal rhythms, economic contributions, and environmental benefits, invites us to appreciate the interconnectedness of culture, ecology, and economy, urging a holistic approach to its conservation and sustainable utilization.

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The Mango Tree Essay illuminates the tree’s profound impact on culture, ecology, and economy. From its botanical marvel to cultural symbolism, seasonal celebrations, and economic contributions, the mango tree emerges as a linchpin in the intricate fabric of human existence.

Its role as an environmental steward adds another layer of significance. As challenges loom, conservation efforts become imperative. The mango tree stands not just as a bearer of sweet fruits but as a living testament to the harmonious interplay between nature and human societies, urging preservation and sustainable coexistence.

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My Favourite Tree, Mango – Short Essay

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વૃક્ષો વિશે ગુજરાતી નિબંધ | Trees Essay in Gujarati

વૃક્ષો વિશે ગુજરાતી નિબંધ | Trees Essay in Gujarati

શું તમે ગુજરાતીમાં વૃક્ષો વિશે નિબંધ શોધી રહ્યાં છો ? તો તમે બિલકુલ સાચા સ્થાને આવ્યા છો!

વૃક્ષો વિશે નિબંધ

નીચે આપેલ વૃક્ષો વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતીમાં  100, 250  શબ્દોમાં નિબંધ ધોરણ  10 ,  11  અને  12  માટે ઉપયોગી થશે.

વૃક્ષો વિશે ગુજરાતીમાં નિબંધ 

વૃક્ષોના કેટલાક ફાયદા:.

  • ઓક્સિજન આપે છે, જે જીવન માટે આવશ્યક છે.
  • છાંયો અને ઠંડક આપે છે.
  • પર્યાવરણને સ્વચ્છ રાખવામાં મદદ કરે છે.
  • ધોવાણને રોકવામાં મદદ કરે છે.
  • માનવ સંસ્કૃતિનો એક મહત્વપૂર્ણ ભાગ છે.

વૃક્ષોની કાપણીના કેટલાક નુકસાન:

  • વાતાવરણમાં કાર્બન ડાયોક્સાઇડનું પ્રમાણ વધે છે.
  • પર્યાવરણને નુકસાન થાય છે.
  • ધોવાણ વધે છે.
  • આબોહવા પરિવર્તન થાય છે.

વૃક્ષો બચાવવા માટે કેટલીક રીતો:

  • વૃક્ષો વાવો.
  • વૃક્ષોને કાપવાનું ટાળો.
  • વૃક્ષોને નુકસાન પહોંચાડવાનું ટાળો.
  • વૃક્ષોની સંભાળ લો.

વૃક્ષો નિબંધ ગુજરાતી PDF Download

વૃક્ષો નિબંધ ગુજરાતી વિડીયો, conclusion :.

  • વૃક્ષો વિશે ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • વૃક્ષોનું જતન આબાદ વતન નિબંધ
  • વૃક્ષોનું મહત્વ વિશે નિબંધ
  • વૃક્ષો વાવો પર્યાવરણ બચાવો સૂત્રો
  • વૃક્ષો આપણા મિત્રો ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • જંગલ વિશે નિબંધ ગુજરાતી
  • વૃક્ષ વાવો પર્યાવરણ બચાવો નિબંધ
  • વિશ્વ પર્યાવરણ દિવસ ગુજરાતી નિબંધ
  • પર્યાવરણ નું મહત્વ નિબંધ ગુજરાતી
  • એક સુકાયેલા ઝાડની આત્મકથા

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Essay On Mango

500 words essay on mango.

Mango is known as the king of fruits. It is also the national fruit of India . This pulpy fruit grows during the summer season. The cultivation of mango started around 6000 years ago. They come in both flavours of sweet and sour. Moreover, they are also very rich in minerals and nutrients. Through essay on mango, we will study about the fruit in detail.

essay on mango

Importance of Mango

Mangoes have unique nutritional and medicinal qualities which makes it very beneficial. It is a rich source of vitamins A and C. In addition to having a beautiful shape and appearance, the taste of mango is very delicious.

Similarly, mango in ripe form is highly energizing and fattening according to nutritional experts. What’s interesting is that we can use every part of the mango from its root to top in a lot of ways.

Even in its various stages of growth, we use it in a lot of ways. For instance, we use it for extracting tannin in its raw stage. Similarly, we also use it to make chutneys, curries and pickles in this stage.

Further, we also use it to make tasty squashes, jams, juices, jellies, nectars, syrups and more. Mango also comes in a can in slice and pulp form which is ready to use. Moreover, we also use the inside kernel of the stone of the mango as a source of food.

My Favourite Fruit

Mango is my favourite fruit of all times. I love eating mangoes because they are sweet and pulpy. My favourite part about eating mangoes is when we eat it with our hands and even though it becomes a mess, it is always worth it.

Moreover, the memories I have with this fruit makes it even more special. During my summer break, we visit my village along with the whole family. Thus, during the hot summer afternoons, my family sits beneath the tree together.

We take out mangoes from a bucket of cold water and sit down to savour them. Looking back at how much fun we used to have makes me extremely happy. Thus, I always get nostalgic when eating mangoes.

As a result, it brings good memories and happiness in my life. I love eating all varieties of mangoes. When we look back at the pre-historic existence of this fruit in India, we find that it has been around for many centuries.

As a result, a lot of varieties of mangoes are available. For instance, Alphonso, Kesar, Dasheri, Chausa, Badami and more. Thus, whatever the shape and size, I truly relish the king of fruits.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Mango

Every year, a huge amount of mangoes are produced. During summers, people eat it almost daily as a dessert. A lot of people also love to eat it in the form of ice creams. Thus, it brings a lot of happiness to all ages of people. Moreover, the added health benefits it provides just makes the fruit even more desirable.

FAQ on Essay on Mango

Question 1: What are the benefits of a mango?

Answer 1: Mango has many benefits. First of all, it is packed with nutrients and is high in antioxidants. Further, it also boosts immunity and supports heart health. It can also improve digestive health and support eye health.

Question 2: What are the ways in which we use mangoes?

Answer 2: Mangoes are eating as it is because they are very sweet. We also use them as squashes, juices, nectars, syrups as well as jams and jellies. They are available in cans too for desserts. Moreover, many people preserve it in the form of a pickle too.

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essay on mango tree

કેરી વૃક્ષ પર નિબંધ

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-06-29 Fréquence d'utilisation : 2 Qualité : Référence: Anonyme

essay of mango tree in gujarati

ગુજરાતીમાં કેરીનું નિબંધ

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Essay on Mango Tree in Sanskrit

This is an essay on Mango Tree in Sanskrit.

आम्रवृक्षः इति विषये संस्कृते निबन्धः।

आम के पेड़ पर निबंध।.

English and Hindi translation is also given for better understanding.

This essay can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.

Table of Contents

Video of Sanskrit Essay on Mango Tree - 10 Lines

वृक्षाः पर्यावरणाय महत्त्वपूर्णाः सन्ति। परम् एतेषु आम्रवृक्षः लोकप्रियः वृक्षः।

मम गृहस्य समीपे एकम् उद्यानम् अस्ति। तत्र आम्रवृक्षाः सन्ति। ते विशालाः सन्ति। आम्रवृक्षाः आतपे शीतलां छायां यच्छन्ति। तेषु आम्रवृक्षेषु बहवः खगाः नीडानि रचयित्वा वसन्ति। विशेषतः कोकिलाः आम्रवृक्षेषु गायन्ति।

आम्रवृक्षाः सर्वेभ्यः रोचन्ते। बालकाः आनन्देन आम्रवृक्षान् आरोहन्ति। वृद्धाः आम्रवृक्षस्य छायायाम् उपविश्य आरामं कुर्वन्ति।

आम्रवृक्षस्य फलम्, आम्रफलं, बहु प्रसिद्धम्। आम्रफलं मधुरं फलम् अस्ति। तस्य ‘हापूस’ ‘पायरी’ ‘देवगड’ च इति केचन प्रकाराः सन्ति। जनाः हरितम् आम्रफलम् अपि खादन्ति। कोङ्कण-प्रदेशस्य आम्रफलानि प्रसिद्धानि।

आम्रवृक्षस्य पत्रं दीर्घम्। आम्रवृक्षस्य पत्राणि अपि महत्त्वपूर्णानि सन्ति। गृहेभ्यः बहिः तोरणानि आम्रवृक्षस्य पत्रैः एव रचितानि।

अतः आम्रवृक्षः विशेषः वृक्षः अस्ति।

āmravṛkṣaḥ iti viṣaye saṃskṛte nibandhaḥ।

vṛkṣāḥ paryāvaraṇāya mahattvapūrṇāḥ santi। param eteṣu āmravṛkṣaḥ lokapriyaḥ vṛkṣaḥ।

mama gṛhasya samīpe ekam udyānam asti। tatra āmravṛkṣāḥ santi। te viśālāḥ santi। āmravṛkṣāḥ ātape śītalāṃ chāyāṃ yacchanti। teṣu āmravṛkṣeṣu bahavaḥ khagāḥ nīḍāni racayitvā vasanti। viśeṣataḥ kokilāḥ āmravṛkṣeṣu gāyanti।

āmravṛkṣāḥ sarvebhyaḥ rocante। bālakāḥ ānandena āmravṛkṣān ārohanti। vṛddhāḥ āmravṛkṣasya chāyāyām upaviśya ārāmaṃ kurvanti।

āmravṛkṣasya phalam, āmraphalaṃ, bahu prasiddham। āmraphalaṃ madhuraṃ phalam asti। tasya ‘hāpūsa’ ‘pāyarī’ ‘devagaḍa’ ca iti kecana prakārāḥ santi। janāḥ haritam āmraphalam api khādanti। koṅkaṇa-pradeśasya āmraphalāni prasiddhāni।

āmravṛkṣasya patraṃ dīrgham। āmravṛkṣasya patrāṇi api mahattvapūrṇāni santi। gṛhebhyaḥ bahiḥ toraṇāni āmravṛkṣasya patraiḥ eva racitāni।

ataḥ āmravṛkṣaḥ viśeṣaḥ vṛkṣaḥ asti।

Essay on Mango Tree

Trees are important for the environment. However, the mango tree is very popular.

There is a garden in front of my house. There are many mango trees over there. They are very big. Mango trees give us shade in the Sun’s heat. Many birds make their nests and live in these trees. Cuckoo birds especially perch here and sing.

Everyone likes mango trees. Children happily climb mango trees. Senior citizens like to rest in the shade of the mango trees.

The mango, the fruit of the mango tree, is very well-known. The mango is very sweet. ‘Hapus’, ‘Payri’ and ‘Devgad’ are some of the varieties of mangoes. People also like to eat the unripe green mango. The mangoes of the Konkan region are well-known.

The leaf of the mango tree is long. The leaves of the mango tree are also important. The ‘Toranas’ that are hung outside houses on auspicious occasions are made from mango leaves.

So, the mango tree is very special.

पेड़ पर्यावरण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं। परंतु, सभी पेड़ों मे से आम का पेड़ बहुत लोकप्रिय है।

मेरे घर के सामने एक बगीचा है। वहाँ आम के अनेक पेड़ हैं। वे बहुत बड़े हैं। आम के पेड़ हमें धूप में छाया देते हैं। अनेक पक्षी अपना घोंसला बनाते हैं और इन पेड़ों में रहते हैं। कोयल पक्षी विशेष रूप से इस पेड़ में गाते हैं।

आम के पेड़ सभी को पसंद होते हैं। बच्चे खुशी से आम के पेड़ पर चढ़ते हैं। (वृद्ध) आम के पेड़ों की छाया में आराम करते हैं।

आम के पेड़ का फल, आम, बहुत प्रसिद्ध है। आम बहुत मीठा होता है। ‘हापूस’, ‘पैरी’ और ‘देवगढ़’ आम के कुछ प्रकार हैं। हरे कच्चे आम भी लोग खाना पसंद करते हैं। कोंकण प्रदेश के आम प्रसिद्ध हैं।

आम के पेड़ का पत्ता लंबा होता है। आम के पेड़ के पत्ते भी महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं। तोरण आम के पत्तों से बनाए जाते हैं।

इसलिए आम का पेड़ बहुत ही खास होता है।


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    Mango is known as the king of fruits. It is also the national fruit of India. This pulpy fruit grows during the summer season. The cultivation of mango started around 6000 years ago. They come in both flavours of sweet and sour. Moreover, they are also very rich in minerals and nutrients. Through essay on mango, we will study about the fruit in ...

  17. mango tree essay in gujarati

    mango tree essay in gujarati વૃક્ષ બચાવો નિબંધ- Best 3 Save Tree Essay in Gujarati નમસ્તે મિત્રો, આજ આપણે "વૃક્ષ બચાવો નિબંધના સરસ ઉદાહરણ (A Great Example of Save Tree Essay in Gujarati)" આર્ટિકલ માં …

  18. Write ten lines about mango tree in gujarati for class 6th

    Answer. Explanation: Mango tree is a fruit tree it gives mango's.Mango tree wood is not more help full.The mangos came from mango tree are very sweet.When the mango is in growing stage that means green colour the people you mango's for pickle the name of the pickle is mango pickle.Mango's will grow in only in summer season.So ,this is about ...

  19. Mango

    Mango fruits - single and halved. A mango is an edible stone fruit produced by the tropical tree Mangifera indica.It originated from the region between northwestern Myanmar, Bangladesh, and northeastern India. [1] [2] M. indica has been cultivated in South and Southeast Asia since ancient times resulting in two types of modern mango cultivars: the "Indian type" and the "Southeast Asian type".

  20. 10 lines essay on mango tree in english paragraph #shorts #essay

    10 lines essay on mango tree in english paragraph #shorts #essay Your Queries :-#mangotree #essayonmangotree #10linesonmangotreeYour Queries :-10 lines on ma...

  21. Essay of mango tree

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  22. મારું પ્રિય વૃક્ષ લીમડો નિબંધ. My favourite tree in gujarati. limdo

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  23. Mango Tree

    The mango, the fruit of the mango tree, is very well-known. The mango is very sweet. 'Hapus', 'Payri' and 'Devgad' are some of the varieties of mangoes. People also like to eat the unripe green mango. The mangoes of the Konkan region are well-known. The leaf of the mango tree is long. The leaves of the mango tree are also important.