Poppies/Kamikaze Essay

Both ‘Poppies’ and ‘Kamikaze’ explore loss. In Poppies, Weir explores the loss that mothers feel when their children go off to war. She deliberately doesn’t mention one particular war, so that the experiences in the poem can apply to any war at any time. Weir makes the mother’s feelings of loss clear by writing ‘released a songbird from its cage’. Weir’s use of imagery helps the reader to imagine that the mother is having to open up a cage and release a vulnerable bird into the world. In this image, the bird symbolises her son and the cage symbolises the home they share together. It is clear that the mother is finding it very difficult letting her son go off to war, knowing that she may not see him again. In Kamikaze, the feelings of loss are different. When the father returns, he loses his family and they lose him, due to feeling that they must ignore him. This is linked to the honour of being sent on a Kamikaze mission and the shame that would have been felt if the pilot did not fulfil his duty to his country. Garland makes the children’s loss clear by writing ‘we too learned to be silent’. These words indicate that the children learn from their mother and neighbours that they must ignore their father, which means they lose their father and he loses them. Garland’s use of the word ‘learn’ is important as it indicates that they have been taught to ignore their father over a period of time. Garland’s use of the word ‘silent’ feels very cold because it encourages the reader to imagine that the father is completely ignored. It is clear in both poems that family members have suffered loss as a result of war.

Both poems explore sadness. Near the end of ‘Poppies’, Weir makes clear the mother misses her son by writing ‘hoping to hear your playground voice’. These words indicate that the mother has fond memories of her son as a child. Weir’s use of sound imagery in these words helps the reader to imagine the happy sounds of her son playing in the school playground. The imagery tells the reader how vivid the mother’s memories are of her son as a young child, and how difficult it must be for the mother knowing that she will never see her son again. Weir’s use of the word ‘hoping’ indicates that the mother is finding it difficult to let go of her son, and is hoping that one day she may hear his voice again. Similarly, Kamikaze ends with feelings of sadness. In the final line of the poem, Garland presents the speaker of the poem as regretful by writing ‘he must have wondered which had been the better way to die’. In other words Garland is suggesting that the father may have asked himself it would have been better to go through with the suicide mission because he was treated as if he was dead when he returned anyway. It is clear that the children will always look back on the way they treated their father feeling regret and sadness because they treated him as if he were dead.

Both poems explore struggle. In ‘Poppies’ Weir makes clear the mother struggles to say goodbye to her son on the day he leaves by writing ‘I was brave’. These words indicate that the mother is forced to appear brave when saying goodbye to her son, due to not wanting him to feel any guilt about leaving. Weir’s use of these words helps the reader to imagine all families who have been in this situation, having to wave goodbye to a family member going to war. We imagine how they would struggle knowing that this family member will be in great danger, and may never return alive. It is clear that war forces all people to be brave - not just the soldiers fighting. The struggle in Kamikaze is different. In Kamikaze, Garland explores the pilot’s struggle when he has to choose between his country and his family. Garland implies that, while the pilot is flying towards the enemy ship, he looks down at the water and sees fishing boats that remind him of his ‘father’s boat’. This brings back memories of days he spent fishing with his father and brothers. Garland implies that these memories encourage the pilot to turn his plane around because he realises that he does not want to lose his family. Garland is clear that she is not writing about a real Kamikaze pilot’s experience, but that she wanted to use her poem to imagine the struggle that young Kamikaze pilots would have gone through in this situation. It is clear in both poems that both the people fighting, and the families, struggle in war.

Kamikaze ( AQA GCSE English Literature )

Revision note.

Sam Evans

Each poetry anthology at GCSE contains 15 poems, and in your exam question you will be given one poem - printed in full - and asked to compare this printed poem to another. As this is a closed-book exam, you will not have access to the second poem, so you will have to know it from memory. Fifteen poems are a lot to revise. However, understanding four things will enable you to produce a top-grade response:

  • The meaning of the poem
  • The ideas and messages of the poet 
  • How the poet conveys these ideas through their methods
  • How do these ideas compare and contrast with the ideas of other poets in the anthology

Below is a guide to Beatrice Garland’s poem 'Kamikaze', from the Power and Conflict anthology. It includes:

  • Overview : a breakdown of the poem, including its possible meanings and interpretations
  • Writer’s Methods : an exploration of the poet’s techniques and methods
  • Context : an exploration of the context of the poem, relevant to its themes
  • What to Compare it to : ideas about which poems to compare it to in the exam

Kamikaze is part of the Power and Conflict anthology of poems, and the exam question asks you to compare the ideas presented in two of these anthology poems, specifically related to the ideas of power and conflict. 

It is therefore as important that you learn how Kamikaze compares and contrasts with other poems in the anthology as understanding the poem in isolation. See the section below on ‘What to Compare it to’ for detailed comparisons of Kamikaze and other poems in the anthology.

In order to answer an essay question on any poem it is vital that you understand what it is about. This section includes:

  • The poem in a nutshell
  • A ‘translation’ of the poem, section-by-section
  • A commentary of each of these sections, outlining Garland’s intention and message

Kamikaze in a nutshell

Kamikaze was written by the poet Beatrice Garland in a bid to explore the reasons why soldiers choose to, or are asked to, die for their country. Garland’s poem Kamikaze presents the perspectives of both the kamikaze pilot  and his daughter to show their different ideas about conflict.

Kamikaze breakdown

“Her father embarked at sunrise

with a flask of water, a samurai sword

in the cockpit, a shaven head”


  • The poem begins by reporting an event from a daughter’s perspective: a father leaves on a journey
  • The speaker  mentions a list which details the pilot’s belongings and the ritualistic  shaved head of a kamikaze pilot  

Garland’s intention

  • The reference to the ritual a kamikaze pilot undertakes before boarding tells readers the pilot is on a suicide mission for his country

“full of powerful incantations

and enough fuel for a one-way

journey into history” 

  • Garland refers again to the ritual : the pilot is repeating patriotic  chants (“incantations”)
  • The speaker tells the reader that this is a suicide mission which will lead to glory for the pilot, that he will be respected always for his sacrifice
  • Here, Garland refers to the power behind the chants of honour and glory which the pilot repeats to complete his military duty
  • Garland’s speaker lets readers know that this suicide mission is one of patriotism , that he has been called to carry out an important duty

“but half way there, she thought,

recounting it later to her children,”

  • The speaker  is the pilot’s daughter who is telling the story to her children
  • She continues the story of the father, suggesting that something changes “half way there”
  • Garland alerts readers that this is a story being told by a mother to her children about her own father, showing the perspective of family members during and after conflict
  • The break in stanza  pauses the story and, with the conjunction “but”, the speaker  highlights something changed on the pilot’s journey, that he had doubts about his duties

“he must have looked far down

at the little fishing boats

strung out like bunting

on a green-blue translucent sea”

  • Here, the speaker  of the story recounts to her children what she imagines about the pilot’s journey: she guesses he looked down on the ocean from his aeroplane  
  • The lines convey a tone of nostalgia   as the pilot leaves his home behind
  • The speaker   suggests the father may have felt emotional, homesick perhaps, as he sees the beautiful ocean

Lines 13-16

“and beneath them, arcing in swathes

like a huge flag waved first one way

then the other in a figure of eight,

the dark shoals of fishes”

  • The speaker  describes the scene below: the pilot can see the shadows of fish swimming under the water
  • Now the pilot can see a darker shadow of fish beneath the water
  • Garland describes the size and magnitude of the shoals of fish with the word “swathes” which means ‘a broad area’
  • These lines contrast the earlier positive description of the scene
  • This description could convey darker thoughts in the pilot’s mind, suggesting he doubts his part in the conflict
  • The fish shoals are described as a flag, like a warning to him

Lines 17-20

“flashing silver as their bellies

swivelled towards the sun

and remembered how he

and his brothers waiting on the shore”

  • The speaker describes the fish turning, now silver and bright in the sun
  • This reminds him of his childhood, fishing with his brothers
  • These lines depict the darker thoughts being replaced with brighter memories of the pilot’s childhood
  • The fish seem to signal to the pilot as they turn and flash in the sun, suggesting nature reminds him of what is important

Lines 21 - 24

“built cairns of pearl-grey pebbles

to see whose withstood longest

the turbulent inrush of breakers

bringing their father’s boat safe”

  • The speaker  tells us the pilot remembers how he built small graves of stone with his brother
  • He describes how he and his brother competed to see whose grave withstood the crash of waves as they brought the boat in
  • The pilot’s memories remind him of family, and of death 
  • Here, Garland shows how the pilot remembers small intimate details of his past which help him realise the power of nature and the importance of family

Lines 25-30

“- yes, grandfather’s boat – safe

to the shore, salt-sodden, awash

with cloud-marked mackerel,

black crabs, feathery prawns,

the loose silver of whitebait and once

a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous.”

  • The speaker   begins to list all the fish they would catch fishing together as a family
  • The pilot remembers catching a tuna, a strong and powerful fish
  • The descriptions convey the vivid memory the pilot has as he looks down on the water where he fished with his family
  • However, Garland gives this power to nature, not the pilot: this subverts  ideas relating to military strength and power

Lines 31-33

“And though he came back

my mother never spoke again

in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes” 

  • The speaker  explains that the pilot did return home; he did not complete his mission
  • However, his return was not welcomed by the speaker's mother, the pilot’s wife
  • Garland shows the power of the pilot’s childhood memories and love for his home: he returns, choosing not to die in conflict
  • The perspective of the speaker ’s mother is unexpected perhaps: she is disgraced by his return and his disobedience towards his duty to his country:
  • Garland comments on the culture of honour and patriotism
  • She conveys the extreme response of individuals when soldiers defy cultural values

Lines 34-36

“and the neighbours too, they treated him

as though he no longer existed,

only we children still chattered and laughed”

  • The speaker   explains that other people responded similarly: the neighbours alienated the pilot
  • The children did not understand these ideas, and continued as before
  • Garland shows how powerful the values of honour and glory are for the pilot’s neighbours, so strong that they ignore and ostracise  him
  • Garland explores how children respond differently, suggesting patriotism is learned behaviour

Lines 37-40

“till gradually we too learned

to be silent, to live as though

he had never returned, that this

was no longer the father we loved.”

  • The speaker   explains that the children were told to ignore their father too
  • The lines here depict the way the children were taught to deny him as a father
  • Garland shows an example of children being taught to mimic the ideas of their elders
  • Her poem explores family conflicts as a result of cultural ideals regarding patriotism

Lines 41-42

“And sometimes, she said, he must have wondered

which had been the better way to die.”

  • The speaker   ends the poem with her own reflections
  • She considers the huge price her father paid for returning home instead of sacrificing his life for his country:
  • She considers his life afterwards to be a metaphorical death too
  • Garland comments on the sacrifice the father had to make whether or not he completed his suicide mission to explore the impact of patriotic values on family
  • She ends the poem with a poignant comment which shifts the narration from the external to the internal: the ending suggests unresolved  emotions

Your exam question will ask you to compare how poets present ideas about power and/or conflict in the poem given to you on the exam paper and one other from the Power and Conflict anthology. It is therefore a good idea to begin your answer using the wording of the question and summarising what the poem tells us about the nature of conflict. This demonstrates that you have understood the poem and the poet’s intention. For example, “Garland presents negative ideas about conflict and its effects in Kamikaze by showing loss within families. Similar themes can be found in…”

Writer’s Methods

Although this section is organised into three separate sections - form, structure and language - it is always best to move from what the poet is presenting (the techniques they use; the overall form of the poem; what comes at the beginning, middle and end of a poem) to how and why they have made the choices they have. 

Focusing on the poet’s overarching ideas, rather than individual poetic techniques, will gain you far more marks. Crucially, in the below sections, all analysis is arranged by theme, and includes Garland’s intentions behind her choices in terms of:

The last thing examiners want to see is what they call “technique spotting”. This is when students use overly sophisticated terminology unnecessarily (“polysyndeton”; “epanalepsis”), without explaining their analysis.

Knowing the names of sophisticated techniques will not gain you any more marks, especially if these techniques are only “spotted” and the poet’s intentions for this language is not explained. Instead of technique spotting, focus your analysis on the reasons why the poet is presenting their ideas in the way that they do: what is their message? What ideas are they presenting, or challenging?

The poem is a seven stanza narration told from a third-person perspective. The daughter recounts the journey of her father, a kamikaze pilot, and the family’s perspective on his ‘dishonourable’ return.

The story of the pilot’s journey is told from his daughter’s perspective in to convey the impact on family members

The poem shows the detached perspective of those left behind: this creates a distance between the daughter and her father to depict the barriers in their relationship and the resulting isolation

The narration shifts briefly to at the end when the daughter describes the response to the father’s decision to come home: “no longer the father we loved”

Garland’s narrative shifts offer different versions of events: the father as he remembers his childhood and the daughter’s - both as a child and as an adult

The returns to to complete the poem: “And sometimes, she said, he must have wondered which had been the better way to die”

The ending conveys the isolation created within the family due to conflict and suggests the daughter’s loss as well as the father’s

The poem follows a rigid and ordered structure which represents both the rigidity of the family towards the father and the strict discipline of military duty. 

The poem has a rigid structure of six lines per stanza

The structure reflects the idea of order and discipline, linking to the cultural and military values Garland explores in her poem 

However, at times, the poem shifts to free-flowing verse shown via enjambment, to represent the pilot’s thoughts and memories

Garland juxtaposes the controlled voice of the speaker with the reflective tone of the father reminiscing about his childhood

Garland shows the father as less controlled by ideas of patriotism, disobeying the strict rules of his culture

The poem ends with the word ‘die’, emphasising the daughter’s powerful reflection: “He must have wondered which was the better way to die”

This highlights his isolation and suffering as a result of his decision to return home instead of sacrificing his life

The daughter, too, is left without resolution

Garland alludes to the sacrifice and suffering of the entire family as result of conflict

Garland weaves imagery alluding to the beauty and power of nature alongside images related to conflict, in particular, that of the Japanese kamikaze pilot. This conveys the emotions of the pilot as he battles with his decision to fight for his country or return to it. 

The poem begins with a list referring to the undertaken by kamikaze pilots: “with a flask of water, a samurai sword in the cockpit, a shaven head”

Garland alludes to the powerful nationalistic messages the pilot received, and perhaps relies upon, to complete his mission, as he chants his “powerful incantantions”


The speaker compares the boats in the ocean to bunting in a “blue-green translucent sea”, to describe the scene below as a positive one 

The Garland uses connotes to the pilot’s love for his beautiful homeland and perhaps to the idea of victory and celebration 

Garland contrasts the positive imagery with a description of a dark shoal of fish who seem to alert the pilot to something: the dark “swathes” of fish wave like a flag and flash at the pilot

Garland’s here contrasts the positive imagery of before

Here, her comparison of the fish to a flag suggests the pilot’s thoughts turn darker, and that nature is signalling to him

Garland illustrates the power of nature and family to reverse the ideals the pilot has been taught

The speaker indirectly speaking on behalf of the pilot, lists the fish he used to catch with his family when he was young: “cloud-marked mackerel,

black crabs, feathery prawns, the loose silver of whitebait” 

The sensory nature of the father’s vivid memories evokes sympathy from the reader 

Garland shows that the thinks about her father despite their alienated relationship: this implies a sacrifice made on both their parts 

Try not to separate “language”, “form” and “structure” into three separate elements you need to include in your answer. To achieve top marks, you need to include an integrated comparison of the themes and ideas in this and the other poems in the anthology, and focus on the relevance of the method used by the poet to the ideas in the poem(s). This means it is better to structure your answer around an exploration of the ideas and themes in the poems, commenting on elements of language, form or structure that contribute to the presentation of these themes, rather than simply listing all of the key methods you think should be covered when writing about poetry (with no analysis or exploration of their relevance to the themes and ideas). Stay focused on the task, and then choose your comments based on the focus of the question.

Examiners repeatedly state that context should not be considered as additional factual information: in this case, it is not random biographical information about Beatrice Garland, or historical facts about kamikaze pilots that are unrelated to the ideas in Kamikaze. The best way to understand context is as the ideas and perspectives explored by Garland in Kamikaze which relate to power or conflict. This section has therefore been divided into two relevant themes that Garland explores:

  • Loss due to conflict
  • Powerlessness due to conflict

Loss due to conflict 

  • Garland’s Kamikaze is one of a collection of poems in an anthology which considers, among other themes, family loss due to cultural divides
  • In Kamikaze, Garland chose to explore the nationalistic values of Japanese kamikaze pilots  and their families, and how this may lead to family conflict
  • During World War II , Japan adopted a strategy of attacking enemy targets with suicide bombers known as kamikaze pilots
  • Japanese culture is closely connected to honour and bravery above all
  • An individual’s dishonourable actions will reflect poorly on their friends and family 
  • This poem considers the experience of a kamikaze pilot: a father chooses to return home instead of completing his mission, thus defying social and cultural expectations
  • This leads to his isolation as his family turns their back on him
  • The poem explores the loss the family suffers through the perspective of his daughter
  • Neither the daughter nor her own children have the father in their lives
  • Garland explores how the cultural values her family support, that of honour and duty to country above all else, lead to divisions

Powerlessness due to conflict  

  • Garland’s poem considers the social pressure placed upon soldiers via the perspective of a father leaving home and contemplating his death:
  • By showing the father’s doubts about his military duty, readers see a human side of war, regardless of which side a soldier is on
  • Garland’s father is alienated and ignored due to his choice to return: the father is powerless to be with his family again regardless of his decision
  • Garland challenges cultural values regarding patriotism  by presenting a daughter and her siblings as powerless to defy their mother’s wishes
  • They are told to turn their back on their father and they obey
  • Garland questions this by presenting the daughter’s unresolved  reflections
  • She tells her own children about their grandfather in his absence
  • She acknowledges that her father was powerless in his situation: “He must have wondered which was the better way to die”

Remember, AO3 is only worth up to 6 marks in this question. You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between the poem and the context in which it was written in an integrated way, throughout your answer. It is therefore important to focus on the key themes, and have a thorough knowledge of the cluster of poems. 

Context comes from the key word in the task, so your answer should emphasise the key themes of the effects of conflict and loss. Writing a whole paragraph about Japanese military culture is not an integrated approach, and will not achieve high marks.

What to Compare it to

The essay you are required to write in your exam is a comparison of the ideas and themes explored in two of your anthology poems. It is therefore essential that you revise the poems together, in pairs, to understand how each poet presents ideas about power, or conflict, in comparison to other poets in the anthology. Given that Kamikaze explores the ideas of loss due to conflict and powerlessness due to conflict, the following comparisons are the most appropriate:

  • Kamikaze and Poppies

Kamikaze and War Photographer

Kamikaze and Remains

For each pair of poems, you will find:

  • The comparison in a nutshell
  • Similarities between the ideas presented in each poem
  • Differences between the ideas presented in each poem
  • Evidence and analysis of these similarities and differences

You will be expected not only to explore this poem in depth, but make perceptive comparisons to themes, language, form and structure used in other poems in the anthology that also comment on power and its nature. It is therefore important that you have a thorough knowledge of all of the poems, rather than just memorising a series of quotations. It is also essential that you not only write about the named poem but compare it to one other in the anthology. Only writing about the poem given on the paper will severely limit your marks.

Kamikaze and Poppies 

Comparison in a nutshell:

Both Kamikaze and Poppies convey personal and individual loss due to conflict by presenting the perspectives of family members. The poems explore ideas related to bravery and honour, and how these values can lead to a sense of powerlessness for all involved in the conflict.


Kamikaze shows the perspective of a family member after the war, in this case, a daughter, narrating a story about their father, a Kamikaze pilot

Similarly, in Poppies the poet shows the effect of loss on those left behind by presenting the perspective of a parent grieving their son’s death in war

In Garland’s poem, the perspective alternates between the father’s evocative memories as he leaves for war, and the daughter’s recounting of responses to his return

Weir uses (run on lines) to present a parent’s emotional and : a free-flowing memory about their son’s childhood

The shift from the personal and emotional pain of the father as he chooses to live rather than die contrasts with the pragmatic retelling of the division of the family on his return

Although, at points, Weir changes the tone with to break the flow, signifying the parent’s disrupted and emotional break in the voice

The speaker in Kamikaze uses to describe intimate moments the father remembers about his past as he flies to war

The speaker in Poppies also uses sensory imagery to describe intimate moments of the son’s childhood which the parent misses: “Graze my nose across the tip of your nose” 

The pain of loss is presented in both poems by showing personal memories and perspectives of loved ones involved in a war 

Powerlessness is shown via Kamikaze’s reflective tone which shifts perspectives from third-person (“he must have wondered which had been the better way to die”) to a first-person  (“the father we loved”)

The reflections shift perspective to convey the different ways the family members respond 

Powerlessness of a family member is expressed in Poppies through the reflective tone of a dramatic monologue

It is delivered by a parent in a direct address to their dead son: “hoping to hear your playground voice”

It could be argued that both speakers convey the individual’s sense of  powerlessness after conflict as they reflect on their experience of loss

Garland presents the daughter’s powerlessness through related to sound: “we too learned to be silent”, suggesting the daughter’s broken relationship with her father was not autonomous and without clear resolution

Weir represents the parent’s powerlessness to be with their son again using to end the poem without any : the parent is left listening for their son’s voice on the wind


In Kamikaze, the father doubts his role in war

In Poppies, however, the parent suggests the son was innocent to the realities of war

The metaphor “the world overflowing like a treasure chest”, connotes to ideas of war bringing glory and adventure

The father is convinced by his memories to return home instead of dying for his country

Here, the parent describes their son as “intoxicated” with war, implying he was poisoned with the ideas associated with it

The parent experiences loss because he is alienated by his family for refusing to sacrifice himself for his country

Here, however, the parent experiences grief as a result of the son’s enthusiasm for conflict

It is a good idea to outline your choice of second poem in your introduction to your response, with a clear overview of the overarching themes within both poems. You can then use the theme to move between both poems to provide the substance to illustrate your arguments. However, this does not mean that you cannot focus on one poem first, and then the other, linking ideas back to the main poem. You should choose whichever structure suits you best, as long as comparison is embedded and ideas for both texts are well-developed.

This is an effective comparative choice to explore the impact of conflict on those other than soldiers themselves. Both Garland’s Kamikaze and Duffy’s War Photographer present unconventional perspectives and descriptions of the experience of conflict.

An unconventional experience of conflict is presented through a narration of a daughter telling her children a story about her father, a kamikaze pilot Similarly, Duffy shows the experience of grief from the perspective of a war photographer developing photographs and remembering what he has seen
Garland’s poem is structured to represent the father’s personal reflections as he flies over his homeland on his way to a suicide mission Duffy’s poem represents the photographer’s personal grief through disjointed flashbacks as he remembers those who have suffered in conflict: “running children in a nightmare heat”
However, Garland shifts perspective: the story is told from the daughter’s perspective as she reflects on her father’s choices and the impact of them Duffy’s feels displaced back at home in “Rural England”. He describes their experience of pain as ordinary in comparison to what he has seen
The poems both present the effects of conflict on individuals involved with conflict around the world, as well its continuing impact afterwards
The daughter’s feelings about her father’s decision are shown at the end of the poem as she acknowledges, “he must have wondered which was the better way to die” The poem ends with the line “they do not care” suggesting a lack of for the speaker, and continuing suffering due to conflict
The poems consider the experience of grief as a solitary one; they convey the isolation of the parent and the photographer in their settings

Both poets wish to raise awareness of the effect of conflict on individual lives beyond the battlefields, at home or at work


Garland shows us a different perspective on by conveying the father’s love for country and heritage: seeing it below makes him turn away from his military duty

Duffy’s omniscient speaker allows the reader insight into the photographer’s thoughts about the futility of his work and frustration with his peers at home

He adopts a bitter tone towards his homeland, suggesting they are apathetic and disinterested in conflict:  “The reader’s eyeballs prick with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers.”

Garland’s persona has strong positive emotions for his homeland and past. However, Duffy’s conveys feelings of resignation and detachment from his homeland

The speaker describes how his family and neighbours strongly oppose his decision, and alienate him for disobeying his patriotic military duties

In contrast, Garland’s speaker takes on a cynical tone, suggesting the photographs of conflict do not evoke emotion at home: “his editor will pick out five or six for Sunday’s supplement”

She emphasises, with their extreme response: “as though he no longer existed” and “this was no longer the father we loved”

A  comments on the lack of interest at home: “stares impassively at where/he earns his living and they do not care”

Though the reactions of those at home are different, each poem presents lasting isolation for individuals involved in the conflict 

Both Garland’s Kamikaze and Armitage’s Remains highlight the unrelenting nature of isolation and personal loss. The poems present speakers who feel powerless within conflict and in the wake of it.

In Kamikaze, Garland uses the to describe how the family alienates him after he returns home: “They treated him as though he no longer existed”

On the other hand, in Remains, Armitage uses a voice to present the isolation of the soldier himself


The speaker adopts a reflective tone to indicate her father’s thoughts as he flies over his homeland

The speaker’s tone is disjointed with caesurae and varied sentence lengths to reflect his brutal and haunting memories: “pain itself, the image of agony”


The weaves emotion into an otherwise detached , suggesting feelings between the daughter and her father

Garland’s speaker, the pilot’s daughter, uses at the end to allude to the personal loss the children felt losing their father: “ too learned to be silent, to live as though he had never returned”

While the start of the poem uses (“all three of us open fire”), this changes to his individual perspective when he returns home (“I see every round as it rips through his life –”): this suggests the isolation he feels after conflict

The speaker in Remains is left in the “here and now” without (“end of the story. Except not really”), while the speaker in Kamikaze is left wondering if her father has any regrets

The poem’s speakers are both caught between the present and past, suggesting the relentless nature of their isolation and the far-reaching impact of conflict

In Kamikaze, the pilot chooses not to engage in conflict, reminded of his love for family and homeland as he flies to a suicide mission However, in Remains, the speaker has a to a moment during battle which haunts him, suggesting he regrets his actions in conflict
His decision leads to dishonour and isolation from his family and neighbours for what they believe are cowardly actions His doubts are presented in the of the line, “probably armed, possibly not”, implying he has considered he may have killed an innocent man
Kamikaze presents the perspective of an alienated kamikaze pilot choosing family and home over his military duty, whereas Remains shows a soldier’s trauma after war for engaging in his military duty
Garland’s speaker considers his decision at the end of the poem: suggesting her father may have regretted his decision: “He must have wondered which had been the better way to die” Armitage’s is haunted by this moment: “I see every round as it rips through his life”
He expresses the powerlessness he feels: “the drink and drugs won’t flush him out”
Both poems comment on the powerlessness experienced by those involved

You can choose whichever poem you feel you are able to make the most in-depth comparisons to in the exam. For example, you could choose to compare the presentation of family loss in Kamikaze and Poppies. Or you might wish to explore the idea of powerlessness  in Kamikaze and Remains. What is important is that you view the poems thematically, with a clear emphasis on power and conflict. This will give you a better framework in which to write your response in the exam.

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Author: Sam Evans

Sam is a graduate in English Language and Literature, specialising in journalism and the history and varieties of English. Before teaching, Sam had a career in tourism in South Africa and Europe. After training to become a teacher, Sam taught English Language and Literature and Communication and Culture in three outstanding secondary schools across England. Her teaching experience began in nursery schools, where she achieved a qualification in Early Years Foundation education. Sam went on to train in the SEN department of a secondary school, working closely with visually impaired students. From there, she went on to manage KS3 and GCSE English language and literature, as well as leading the Sixth Form curriculum. During this time, Sam trained as an examiner in AQA and iGCSE and has marked GCSE English examinations across a range of specifications. She went on to tutor Business English, English as a Second Language and international GCSE English to students around the world, as well as tutoring A level, GCSE and KS3 students for educational provisions in England. Sam freelances as a ghostwriter on novels, business articles and reports, academic resources and non-fiction books.

Structure & Key Comparisons

Form and structure of bayonet charge.

The irregular structure and form of Bayonet Charge reflect the unpredictable nature of war:

Illustrative background for In medias res

In medias res

  • The poem begins in medias res (in the middle of the action). This creates a sense of urgency and highlights the chaos of war.

Illustrative background for Three stanzas

Three stanzas

  • 1: Describes the soldier going over the top, the danger of the moment and the fear he feels.
  • 2: Time slows down as the soldier begins to question why he is there.
  • 3: The soldier has no time to think. He seems to have lost his humanity and become a machine of war.

Illustrative background for Irregular rhythm

Irregular rhythm

  • Free verse.
  • Irregular line length.
  • Enjambment (sentences flowing over the line).
  • Caesura (breaks in the line).
  • The use of enjambment also quickens the pace of the poem.

Key Quotations in Bayonet Charge

Here are key quotations to remember for your exam:

Illustrative background for “Suddenly he awoke and was running”

“Suddenly he awoke and was running”

  • The poem begins in media res (in the middle of the action) – this creates a sense of urgency and highlights the chaos of war.

Illustrative background for “Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge..."

“Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge..."

  • “Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge / That dazzled with rifle fire”.
  • The verb "stumbling" indicates his lack of control as he is caught up in the chaos of war.

Illustrative background for “Bullets smacking the belly out of the air"

“Bullets smacking the belly out of the air"

  • Violent imagery.
  • Highlights the danger of the battlefield.

Illustrative background for “He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm”

“He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm”

  • The image suggests the rifle is useless and therefore emphasises how vulnerable he is.
  • It could also foreshadow the injuries he might gain because of war.

Illustrative background for “The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye..."

“The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye..."

  • “The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye / Sweating like molten iron from the centre of his chest”.
  • The soldier’s patriotic ideals are useless now he is faced with the reality of conflict.
  • The contrast between “brimmed”, with its positive connotations of abundance and pride, and “sweating” highlights this contrast.
  • Comparing the tears to iron dehumanises the soldier and likens him to something mechanical.

Illustrative background for “In what cold clockwork of the stars..."

“In what cold clockwork of the stars..."

  • Harsh alliteration.
  • Potentially a reference to fate governing the soldier and his powerlessness.

Illustrative background for “The shot-slashed furrows..."

“The shot-slashed furrows..."

  • "the shot-slashed furrows / Threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame...its mouth wide / Open silent, its eyes standing out”.
  • Gruesome image.
  • Highlights the brutality of war.

Illustrative background for “King, honour, human dignity, etcetera..."

“King, honour, human dignity, etcetera..."

  • “King, honour, human dignity, etcetera / Dropped like luxuries in a yelling alarm / To get out of that blue crackling air”.
  • Things that seemed important to the soldier before the war now seem futile when faced with death.
  • The pointlessness of these things is reinforced through the choice of the word “etcetera”.

Key Comparisons: Bayonet Charge

Here are some themes that come up in Bayonet Charge and other texts:

Illustrative background for Reality of conflict

Reality of conflict

  • War Photographer.
  • Charge of the Light Brigade.

Illustrative background for Internal conflict

Internal conflict

Illustrative background for Conflict between man and nature

Conflict between man and nature

  • Storm on the Island.
  • The Prelude.

1 Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

1.1 Ozymandias Analysis

1.1.1 Summary

1.1.2 Key Ideas

1.1.3 Themes

1.1.4 Irony & Rhythm

1.1.5 Key Quotes & Comparisons

1.1.6 End of Topic Test - Ozymandias

2 London - William Blake (1757-1827)

2.1 London Analysis

2.1.1 Summary

2.1.2 Themes & Structure

2.1.3 Themes & Structure 2

2.1.4 Key Quotes & Comparisons

2.1.5 Exam-Style Questions - London

3 Storm on the Island - Seamus Heaney (1939-2013)

3.1 Storm on the Island Analysis

3.1.1 Summary & Structure

3.1.2 Themes

3.1.3 Themes 2

3.1.4 Key Quotes & Comparisons

3.1.5 End of Topic Test - Blake & Heaney

4 Exposure - Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)

4.1 Exposure Analysis

4.1.1 Summary

4.1.2 Personification

4.1.3 Themes

4.1.4 Structure, Key Quotes & Comparisons

4.1.5 End of Topic Test - Exposure

5 War Photographer - Carol Ann Duffy (born 1955)

5.1 War Photographer Analysis

5.1.1 Summary

5.1.2 Themes

5.1.3 Imagery

5.1.4 Comparisons & Key Quotes

6 My Last Duchess - Robert Browning (1812-1889)

6.1 My Last Duchess Analysis

6.1.1 Summary

6.1.2 Characterisation & Themes

6.1.3 Structure, Key Quotes & Comparisons

6.1.4 End of Topic Test - Duffy & Browning

7 The Prelude - William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

7.1 Extract from The Prelude Analysis

7.1.1 Summary

7.1.2 Personification & Imagery

7.1.3 Themes

7.1.4 Key Quotes & Comparisons

7.1.5 End of Topic Test - The Prelude

8 Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Tennyson

8.1 Charge of the Light Brigade Analysis

8.1.1 Summary

8.1.2 Themes

8.1.3 Rhetorical Techniques, Key Quotes & Comparisons

8.1.4 End of Topic Test - Charge of the Light Brigade

8.1.5 Exam-Style Questions - Charge of the Light Brigade

9 Bayonet Charge - Ted Hughes (1930-1998)

9.1 Bayonet Charge Analysis

9.1.1 Summary

9.1.2 Themes

9.1.3 Themes 2

9.1.4 Structure & Key Comparisons

9.1.5 End of Topic Test - Bayonet Charge

10 Poppies - Jane Weir (Born 1963)

10.1 Poppies Analysis

10.1.1 Summary

10.1.2 Theme of Motherhood

10.1.3 Imagery

10.1.4 Form, Structure & Key Comparisons

10.1.5 End of Topic Test - Poppies

11 Tissue - Imtiaz Dharker (Born 1954)

11.1 Tissue Analysis

11.1.1 Summary

11.1.2 Themes & Symbolism

11.1.3 Religion & Conflict

11.1.4 Form, Structure & Key Comparisons

11.1.5 End of Topic Test - Tissue

12 The Emigree - Carol Rumens (Born 1944)

12.1 The Emigree Analysis

12.1.1 Summary & Structure

12.1.2 Themes

12.1.3 Key Quotes & Comparisons

12.1.4 End of Topic Test - The Emigree

13 Kamikaze - Beatrice Garland (Born 1938)

13.1 Kamikaze Analysis

13.1.1 Summary & Structure

13.1.2 Themes

13.1.3 Themes 2

13.1.4 Structure, Quotes & Comparisons

13.1.5 End of Topic Test - Kamikaze

14 Checking Out Me History - John Agard (Born 1949)

14.1 Checking Out Me History Analysis

14.1.1 Summary

14.1.2 Themes

14.1.3 Key Quotes & Comparisons

14.1.4 End of Topic Test - Checking Out Me History

15 Remains - Simon Armitage (Born 1963)

15.1 Remains Analysis

15.1.1 Summary

15.1.2 Themes: Desensitisation &Trauma

15.1.3 Themes: Guilt

15.1.4 Themes: Nature of War

15.1.5 Structure

15.1.6 Key Quotes & Comparisons

15.1.7 End of Topic Test - Remains

16 Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons

16.1 Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons

16.1.1 Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons

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End of Topic Test - Bayonet Charge


What I love… Education based blog by @susansenglish

Why I love…Comparing in the AQA Anthology: Poppies and War Photographer

In this series I have tried to put together some high level examples of comparisons for the AQA Power and Conflict Anthology. The next poems that I’ll be teaching are Poppies and War Photographer so I’ve tried to complete a high level example on these two poems. Hopefully, the comparisons make sense. Any feedback is much appreciated. I’ve linked here to the other comparison blogs and at some point there will be a full set across the Anthology. A copy of the essay can be downloaded here: Poppies vs War Photographer

Why I love…Comparing AQA poems a series: Ozymandias and My Last Duchess

Why I love…Comparing Poems: AQA Extract from the Prelude and Storm on the Island

Why I love…Comparing Poems: AQA Exposure by Owen with Storm on the Island by Heaney

Why I love…Comparing Poems: AQA Charge of the Light Brigade and Bayonet Charge

Explore the presentation of powerful emotions related to conflict in Poppies and War Photographer.

Powerful emotions are shown in both poems: Poppies and War Photographer through the perspective of people outside of the conflict, but who experience a form of conflict themselves. In Poppies the persona appears to be a mother, who is experiencing feelings of loss as a result of her son growing up and going to war. War Photographer depicts the outsider’s perspective in a different way to Poppies: it is seen more vividly and visually through the eyes of someone experiencing the conflict, photographing the conflict but not being able to do anything to help those injured by the conflict. In this way the conflict and powerful emotions, while different are equally powerful. Memory, visual representation and the power of touch is presented in both poems to reinforce the way powerful emotions are created by the experiences of conflict.

Both poets use memory to reinforce the powerful emotions evident in the poems. Memory, in Poppies appears to be from a mother, who seems to remember her son leaving for school or leaving for the war. The mother “pinned one onto your lapel” with the past tense implying that this was something that happened and a memory that is sharply remembered, as a result of the imminence of “Armistice Sunday”. The significance of the proper nouns and use of “Armistice” is important as it has symbolic meaning as a time when we all get together to remember those who fell in war, a time for reminiscing and a time to reflect on the human sacrifices that were made. The ambiguity over whether the jacket was a school blazer, or an army jacket increases the poignancy. Irrespective of when the poppy was “pinned” onto the “lapel” the tactile action is maternal and loving and shows the bond between mother and child, that grows from when they are little and remains even when they are grown up. Memory is differently explored in War Photographer and the memory is from the perspective of a persona, who was in the conflict, but as a bystander and observer, rather than as an active participant. Their memory is sharply painful “the cries of this man’s wife” with the enjambment reinforcing the powerful jolt of remembrance, when the “half formed ghost” appears as it is revealed in his darkroom. The photographer appears to have compartmentalised what he saw and refers to the memories using emotive language “a hundred agonies in black and white” which almost dehumanises the powerful emotions linked to the conflict that was seen by the war photographer, as the vast array of “agonies” reflects the habitual suffering that humanity experiences during conflict. However, Duffy may have been influenced to write about the powerful emotions in the poem in a detached way to show the outside world the horror that her friends had to catalogue and photograph, while not being able to help or do anything, as that was not what they were there to do. This dehumanisation of the people depicted in the poem is further reinforced by the next step of removal from the horror when the fact is used that “the editor will pick out five or six”, which is completely different from the first-person perspective in Poppies. The mother in Poppies seems to live and breathe the pain and suffering, whereas the photographer is once removed from the suffering.

Furthermore, both poets use visual representations to emphasise the powerful emotions that are evident in the poems. In poppies the imagery of “poppies…placed on individual war graves.” Is an incredibly strong visual, as most people have experienced the sight of poppies on graves as a form of memorial, so this is familiar and significant. Unlike this public visual display, in War Photographer, he is “finally alone” creating imagery of a relief that the photographer is able to hide away in his darkroom surrounded by the ironic “spools of suffering” as the old-fashioned camera’s had “spools” of film that captured the images. The sibilance here perhaps reinforces the visual representation of the sheer amount of powerful emotions contained in the film that has yet to be developed. As well as the actual poppies creating vivid visual imagery and the as yet undeveloped film from War Photographer, in Poppies the setting is visually represented. Duffy has the persona “skirting the church yard walls,” with the verb “skirting” implying that she does not want to be there or does not want to be seen, as if she wants to fade into the background, but the visual imagery of a churchyard is very commonplace and familiar to British people. Whereas, in War Photographer the setting and visual representation of areas is listed with the proper nouns naming places that are far away and unfamiliar to the reader “Belfast. Beruit. Phnom Penh.”. All these places are known to be places that have suffered from conflict and the removal of the familiar by Duffy to the less familiar name only settings could show another removal from the powerful emotions that ordinary people feel when they see images in the newspapers. As Duffy reflects the “reader’s eyeballs prick with tears” which is a recognition of the powerful emotions reflected in the photographs taken of the conflict but the juxtaposition of the familiar comfort of everyday life shows that this is a fleeting moment of empathy for most people “between the bath and pre-lunch beers”. Both poems use visual representations as a way of familiarising and defamiliarising the conflict and the powerful emotions felt as a result of the conflict.

Finally, both poems use the power of touch through the tactile acts inherent in the poems. As a seamstress, Weir uses imagery of keeping the hands busy and using touch to make the persona seem closer to their lost loved one. The verbs “traced”, “leaned” and “pulled” in the final stanza show the powerful emotions of the persona missing her son and using touch as a way to keep her with her son. Although, it isn’t only touch, the senses are important too and she “hoping to hear your playground voice” implying she misses a time when her son was young, free and innocent and wants to remember this. Powerful emotions of loss are shown in the way she continually references caring touches “smoothed down your shirt’s” which are clearly memories of what she did when her son was with her. Duffy, meanwhile, uses the actions of the people suffering in the conflict to create the feeling of how futile the conflict was “running children in a nightmare heat.” These images are only possible due to the developing of these with hands that “tremble” even though they “did not tremble then” which implies that while undertaking the job of taking photographs of the conflict the photographer is fine, but not after the event, when he has time to reflect and think about it. Both Poppies and War Photographer show the power of touch in bringing powerful memories to the surface. In Poppies this is done through the memory of tactile acts of care between the mother and the son and in War Photographer through the developing of the film and the release of the memories as a result of the pictures that were taken.

Both poets reflect powerful emotions in different ways. The powerful emotions in Poppies appear to be reflected through the relationship of a mother and a son and this leads to a very personal reflection, which one could be forgiven for thinking is Weir’s own experience but is not. Whereas, in War Photographer the experience is that of a third-party bystander, who was employed to take pictures of the conflicts and sell these, but Duffy shows that the powerful emotions evoked by the pictures mean that the persona is not able to see this as a purely business and unemotional transaction. Both poets show the powerful emotions through the persona’s and although they are very different in many ways, the suffering of humanity is evident in both poems.

Hope that this comparison is useful.


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6 thoughts on “ why i love…comparing in the aqa anthology: poppies and war photographer ”.

  • Pingback: Why I love…Comparing Tissue and The Emigree – susansenglish
  • Pingback: Why I love… AQA Comparisons Series: An Introduction – susansenglish
  • Pingback: Why I love…Comparing Poems: AQA ‘Checking Out Me History’ with ‘The Emigree’ – susansenglish

omg thats amazing well done. It helped me a lot.

  • Pingback: Why I love…Comparison Collection Power & Conflict AQA – susansenglish

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Poppies and Exposure Grade 9 model with examiner annotations

Poppies and Exposure Grade 9 model with examiner annotations

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

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A grade 9 model response comparing the impact of war in Exposure and Poppies. Includes examiner annotations (by an AQA examiner) and a summative comment justifying the grade against the mark scheme. Useful reading for all students with the potential for grade 9.

For weaker students attempting this question there are planning sheets and a suggested writing frame.

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Power and Conflict 2024

Updated for 2024 bundle containing lessons, writing frames, revision grids, grade 9 model answers for the power and conflict poems. flashcards, revision powerpoints. I do have other power and conflict resources available: Bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-revision-11626301 Model answers: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-grade-9-model-essays-12213236 Revision cards: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-revision-cards-12107049

5 high grade Power and Conflict responses

5 grade 8/grade 9 model responses to the Power and Conflict poems. 1. Poppies and Exposure 2. War Photographer and Exposure 2 versions 3. Prelude and Storm on the Island 4. Ozymandias and Tissue 5. Bayonet Charge and Remains I do have other power and conflict resources available: Bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-revision-11626301 Revision cards: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-revision-cards-12107049

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Kamikaze vs Remains

  • Created by: Jesswardop
  • Created on: 19-02-20 11:11

Both poems clearly highlight guilt from war and the devastating consequences that come from it. Kamikaze acts a mouthpiece in order to ventriloquise and expose the reality for the Japanese soldiers; the consequences behind not obliging to the Japanese culture and societal expectations. Remains warns society about the impact of war on the psyche and the lasting effects it has on soldiers, who honourably serve our country.

  • English Literature
  • AQA Anthology

Report Sun 6th March, 2022 @ 12:24

What does PTD mean ?

Report Mon 25th April, 2022 @ 21:57

I think they meant PTSD which is post traumatic stress disorder

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kamikaze and poppies comparison essay grade 9


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  6. ESP Lynch Kamikaze


  1. Kamikaze and Poppies comparison essay Flashcards

    5.0 (10 reviews) Though narrated by people on opposing sides of World War 2, both 'Kamikaze' and 'Poppies' are poems told by women who are left behind by men when they went to war, and they present various different emotional conflicts which ensued as a result of this. The primary conflict which underpins both poems is the conflict of loyalty ...

  2. JAC English Revision

    Poppies/Kamikaze Essay. Both 'Poppies' and 'Kamikaze' explore loss. In Poppies, Weir explores the loss that mothers feel when their children go off to war. She deliberately doesn't mention one particular war, so that the experiences in the poem can apply to any war at any time. Weir makes the mother's feelings of loss clear by ...

  3. PDF POWER AND CONFLICT AQA ESSAYS grade 9 grade 8 grade 7/8 grade 6

    Bayonet Charge and remains - grade 6 8. Poppies and Kamikaze - grade 6 Comparative essays: Grade 5/6 and grade 8/9 provided Ozymandias and My Last Duchess ... Grade 8: Comparing the portrayal of war in Charge of the Light Brigade and Exposure: Similar to Owen, Tennyson explores the dangers of war for the British soldiers. ...

  4. Aqa Grade 9 Model Essay Comparing Kamikaze and Poppies

    AQA GRADE 9 MODEL ESSAY COMPARING KAMIKAZE AND POPPIES. Subject: English. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Assessment and revision. File previews. docx, 30.01 KB. TWO COMPARASION ESSAYS ON. Presentation of consequences of war in Kamikaze (Garland) and Poppies (Weir)

  5. Kamikaze + Poppies

    Compare the way the poets present the after effects of conflict in 'Kamikaze' and 'Poppies'. Grade 9 GCSE AQA English Literature Poetry- Kamikaze and Poppies Essay. Clearly structured in the format required of the AQA mark scheme. Clear topic sentences, grade 9 analysis of quotes, varied subject terminology and analytical verbs.

  6. Kamikaze and Poppies comparison essay Flashcards

    Furthermore, in both 'Kamikaze' and 'Poppies,' the poets present the conflict between the government's glamourised, patriotic presentation of war, and the brutal, ugly reality of it. Instead, they focus on the emotional impacts of war on the men fighting in it and the women and children left behind. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards ...

  7. Kamikaze and Poppies comparison Grade 9 essay

    Kamikaze and Poppies comparison Grade 9 essay. Subject: English. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Other. File previews. docx, 16.4 KB. Teachers and students of AQA Power and Conflict cluster of poems. A Grade 9 standard essay comparing the presentation of personal, familial and national identity in Kamikaze and Poppies.

  8. Poppies & Kamikaze

    The way he is treated is very different to the mother's opinion and thoughts toward her son and him leaving for war. In conclusion, Poppies focuses more on wishing for someone to come back, whereas Kamikaze is more focused on what happens to some of the soldiers who return, almost like a cold truth. Examiner's Comments: Although this essays ...

  9. Kamikaze

    Kamikaze. Poppies. In Kamikaze, the father doubts his role in war. In Poppies, however, the parent suggests the son was innocent to the realities of war. The metaphor, "the world overflowing like a treasure chest", connotes to ideas of war bringing glory and adventure. The father is convinced by his memories to return home instead of dying ...

  10. Structure & Key Comparisons

    On the theme of the internal conflict, you may want to compare Bayonet Charge to: Kamikaze. Poppies. Conflict between man and nature. On the theme of the conflict between man and nature, you may want to compare Bayonet Charge to: ... 16.1.1 Grade 9 - Themes & Comparisons. Unlock your full potential with GoStudent tutoring.

  11. Kamikaze and Poppies comparison essay Flashcards

    1st paragraph topic sentence. Though narrated by people on opposing sides of World War 2, both 'Kamikaze' and 'Poppies' are poems told by women who are left behind by men when they went to war, and they present various different emotional conflicts which ensued as a result of this. The primary conflict which underpins both poems is the conflict ...

  12. Kamikaze vs Exposure

    Compare the ways poets present ideas about conflict in Kamikaze and one other poem from 'Power and Conflict'. In Kamikaze the conflict is both personal as well as national. The national conflict of war causes inner conflict as the pilot is torn between his mission and his desire to return home.

  13. Grade 9 Comparison of Poppies and Kamikaze: Worksheets, Quizlet, and

    This comparison of the poems 'Poppies' and 'Kamikaze' sheds light on the differences between the two in how they present the concept of memory. It allows the reader to understand the complexity and depth of the poets' perspectives on memory, and how it can shape one's experiences and emotions.

  14. Comparing 'Poppies' and 'Kamikaze'

    pptx, 27.45 MB. Powerpoint includes full model answer comparing 'Kamikaze' and 'Remains', in line with AQA Power and Conflict Poetry for Literature Paper 2. Additionally, there is a starter where students can link images to poems, and an activity where students answer questions to check their understanding of the model answer.

  15. Why I love…Comparing in the AQA Anthology: Poppies ...

    Both Poppies and War Photographer show the power of touch in bringing powerful memories to the surface. In Poppies this is done through the memory of tactile acts of care between the mother and the son and in War Photographer through the developing of the film and the release of the memories as a result of the pictures that were taken.

  16. Summary Poppies and Kamikaze detailed comparison plan

    Detailed comparison plan between Poppies and Kamikaze. Includes 2 comparison thesis statements, quotes and language analysis, structure and context for both poems. ... A Model Essay for Criminal Law Students Lana Law Books & Norma\'S Big Law Books. ... New Grade 9-1 Edexcel International GCSE Biology Cgp Books. Universities. Universities; Schools;

  17. Kamikaze poppies essay.docx

    Both 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland and 'Poppies' by Jane Weir present the past as a powerful force yet in different tones. The two poets, Garland and Weir, show that memory shapes and forces identity. However, 'Kamikaze' tends to view the past in general in a more positive light (despite the lugubrious title linking to ww2 fighter pilots) using a typically whimsical list of ...

  18. Kamikaze essay

    Compare how Garland presents the power of nature in Kamikaze with one other poem from the selection. In both 'Kamikaze' and 'The Prelude', the authors present the power of nature as one of the main themes of the poem. The author of 'The Prelude', William Wordsworth, was a romantic poet and had a great love of nature.

  19. GRADE 9 Example Essay

    Grade 9 model essay for AQA English Literature Power and Conflict poetry, comparing 'Kamikaze' and 'War Photographer'. This was written by a Year 11 student and awarded full marks by a former AQA examiner. Essay question: Compare the ways the poets present inner conflict in 'Kamikaze' and one other poem

  20. Grade 9 Kamikaze and Exposure comparison: GCSE English literature

    A grade 9 answer comparing Kamikaze by Beatrice Garland and Exposure by Wilfred Owen for AQA GCSE English Literature. ... Grade 9 Poetry Comparison essays for English Literature GCSE. £ 36.05 £ 20.49 5 items . 1. ... Grade 9 poppies vs emigree comparison essay Show more . More courses for GCSE > GCSE. Science ;

  21. Poppies and Exposure Grade 9 model with examiner annotations

    pdf, 156.25 KB. A grade 9 model response comparing the impact of war in Exposure and Poppies. Includes examiner annotations (by an AQA examiner) and a summative comment justifying the grade against the mark scheme. Useful reading for all students with the potential for grade 9. For weaker students attempting this question there are planning ...

  22. Poppies and Remains

    GCSE. Full mark essay comparing types of conflict in the poems 'Poppies' and 'Remains'. These poems can be found in the AQA GCSE English Literature poetry anthology 'Power and Conflict'. This essay was written as revision for my GCSE in English Literature, for which I achieved a Grade 9.

  23. Kamikaze vs Remains

    Similarities. Both explore guilt from war. Kamikaze: guilty for failing to carry out his suicide mission in order to honour his country. Remains: guilty for killing a possibly innocent man. Both explore life after war. Both emphasise the reality and horrors of war.