Database of 50+ Downloadable McKinsey Presentations

Table of contents.

It’s great to learn the techniques that strategy consulting firms like McKinsey & Co use to build compelling slide decks. But sometimes you just want to see McKinsey presentations to see how those techniques are applied in the real world.

In fact, we think that reviewing presentations from real-world strategy projects is one of the best ways to improve your own slide skills — along with joining a high-quality presentation course.

The problem is that it’s quite hard to find good-quality McKinsey presentations. Most of them are commercial in confidence and, even if they’re not, they’re scattered all over the web.

You can download the full set of McKinsey presentations (plus an additional 100+ presentations from BCG, Bain & Co, Kearney, Oliver Wyman, L.E.K, and more) using this form:

mckinsey and company presentation

Download 120+ strategy consulting presentations for free

Looking for slide inspiration? Download 120+ consulting slide decks from top strategy consulting firms, such as McKinsey, BCG and Bain!

Or if you’d rather download the McKinsey presentations individually, you’ll find a list for you to download below:

McKinsey Presentations

  • McKinsey – A Blueprint For Addressing The Global Affordable Housing Challenge (2015)
  • McKinsey – Accelerating Hybrid Cloud Adoption In Banking And Securities (2020)
  • McKinsey – Addressing The Global Affordable Housing Challenge (2016)
  • McKinsey – Attracting Responsible Mining Investment In Fragile And Conflict Affected Settings (2014)
  • McKinsey – Capturing The Data & Advanced Analytics Opportunity In Capital Markets (2017)
  • McKinsey – Capturing The Full Electricity Efficiency Potential Of The U.K. (2012)
  • McKinsey – Challenges In Mining: Scarcity Or Opportunity? (2015)
  • McKinsey – Context For Global Growth And Development (2014)
  • McKinsey – Covid-19 – Auto & Mobility Consumer Insights (2020)
  • McKinsey – Current Perspectives On Medical Affairs In Japan (2018)
  • McKinsey – Digital And Innovation Strategies For The Infrastructure Industry (2018)
  • McKinsey – Digital Luxury Experience (2017)
  • McKinsey – Digitally-Enabled Processes In The NHS (2014)
  • McKinsey – European Banking Summit (2018)
  • McKinsey – Fab Automation – Artificial Intelligence (Unknown)
  • McKinsey – Fintech: How Financial Institutions In Europe (Should) Prepare For The Future (2017)
  • McKinsey – Five Keys To Unlocking Growth In Marketing’s “New Golden Age” (2017)
  • McKinsey – From Poverty To Empowerment: India’s Imperative For Jobs, Growth And Effective Basic Services (2014)
  • McKinsey – Helping Global Health Partnerships To Increase Their Impact (2019)
  • McKinsey – How Companies Can Capture The Veteran Opportunity (2012)
  • McKinsey – How Unconventionals Are Changing Global Oil And Gas Markets (2013)
  • McKinsey – How Will Internet Of Things, Mobile Internet, Data Analytics And Cloud Transform Public Services By 2030? (2015)
  • McKinsey – Insurance Trends And Growth Opportunities For Poland (2015)
  • McKinsey – Investment And Industrial Policy (2018)
  • McKinsey – Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions (2017)
  • McKinsey – Laying The Foundations For A Financially Sound Industry (2013)
  • McKinsey – Lebanon Economic Vision – Full Report (2018)
  • McKinsey – Manufacturing The Future: The Next Era Of Global Growth And Innovation (2013)
  • McKinsey – Modelling The Potential Of Digitally-Enabled Processes, Transparency And Participation In The Nhs (2014)
  • McKinsey – Moving Laggards To Early Adopters (2019)
  • McKinsey – New Horizons In Transportation: Mobility, Innovation, Economic Development And Funding Implications (2020)
  • McKinsey – Outperformers: High Growth Emerging Economies (2018)
  • McKinsey – Overview Of M&A, 2016 (2016)
  • McKinsey – Perspectives On Manufacturing, Disruptive Technologies, And Industry 4.0 (2014)
  • McKinsey – Race In The Workplace: The Black Experience In The U.S. Private Sector (2021)
  • McKinsey – Refueling The Innovation Engine In Vaccines (2016)
  • McKinsey – Reinventing Construction: A Route To Higher Productivity (2017)
  • McKinsey – Restoring Economic Health To The North Sea (2015)
  • McKinsey – Technology’s Role In Mineral Criticality (2017)
  • McKinsey – Technology’s role in mineral criticality (World Materials Forum) (McKinsey)
  • McKinsey – The Changed Agenda In The Global Sourcing Industry (2019)
  • McKinsey – The Five Frames – A Guide To Transformational Change (Unknown)
  • McKinsey – The Future Energy Landscape: Global Trends And A Closer Look At The Netherlands (2017)
  • McKinsey – The Future Of The Finance Function –Experiences From The U.S. Public Sector (2019)
  • McKinsey – The Internet Of Things And Big Data (2013)
  • McKinsey – Using Artificial Intelligence To Prevent Healthcare Errors From Occurring (2017)
  • McKinsey – USPS Future Business Model (2010)
  • McKinsey – What Makes Private Sector Partnerships Work (2011)
  • McKinsey – Women In The Workplace (2022)

Other Presentations

If you’d like to download more consulting decks from BCG, Bain, L.E.K Consulting, Oliver Wyman, Kearney and more, then check out our free database of 221+ downloadable consulting presentations .

mckinsey and company presentation

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23) EY Price Point: global oil and gas market outlook

This pitch deck from EY presents a global outlook on the oil and gas market as we enter 2021 with a sense of cautious optimism regarding global health, the economy, and energy markets. The early approval and rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in the US and UK have injected hope, particularly highlighted by the swift development and reported efficacy exceeding 90%.

24) IBOR transition challenges and opportunities

This consulting slide deck outlines the agenda and provides an overview for a webinar focused on the IBOR transition within the asset management industry. The webinar aims to discuss various aspects of the transition, including its current progress, the implications for asset managers and their products, insights from European central banking working groups, and how different firms are handling the migration process.

25) Power transactions and trends Q2 2019 overview

This EY pitch deck provides an analysis of global power and utilities deal activity in the second quarter of 2019, highlighting a substantial 44% increase in deal value from the first quarter, totaling $26.8 billion. The Americas emerged as the region with the highest deal value, contributing $13.1 billion. Financial investors played a pivotal role, predominantly targeting integrated utility assets for their stability.

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PowerPoint Storytelling: How McKinsey, Bain, and BCG use the SCQA framework to create elite presentations

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By Paul Moss

Join 100k+ subscribers on our YouTube channel and enjoy highly engaging lessons packed full of best practices.

Big name consulting firms like mckinsey, bain, and bcg all do one thing really well: they create amazing presentations for their clients. but it’s not just the formatting and design that makes these presentations so special. it’s the stories they tell..

In this article you’ll learn the PowerPoint storytelling techniques major consulting firms like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG use to build elite presentations. You’ll see how these storytelling experts build presentations with clear takeaways, compelling insights, and an engaging narrative. I’ll walk through each step of the storytelling process in detail, and show you some examples of what this looks like in the real world.

But first, if you’re new to this blog make sure you check out our advanced PowerPoint and presentation design courses . Or, sign up for our free 5-day email course below and get instant access to our most popular download: the Top 50 PowerPoint for Consultants cheat sheet.

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When building a presentation, regardless of who the audience is, you have one primary goal: to make it as easy as possible for the audience to understand what you’re trying to tell them. And this can be difficult – business presentations tend to have a lot of data and information, and it can be hard for the audience to grasp the key insights right away. Especially if they’re trying to also listen to the speaker and think about what they’re gonna say in response.

So when building your deck, it’s especially important to make sure it’s structured in a way that makes it clear, insightful, and engaging. It’s something top consulting firms do really well, thanks in part to two important concepts: the SCQA framework and the Pyramid Principle .

Table of Contents

SCQA Framework

In simple terms, SCQA is just a framework for presentations that allows you to craft a story around the information you’re trying to present. It stands for Situation, Complication, Question, and Answer.

Every presentation is an answer to some question, such as “should we acquire this company?” or “How did this marketing campaign perform?” or even “What did you find in your research?” – and the SCQA framework just allows you to provide context for that answer.

SCQA framework

Practically speaking this means that your main deck is used to show your answer, and the situation, complication, and question are how you provide context for that answer.

Lets consider an example…

Disney Case Study

Let’s say you’re on a consulting case for Disney and the executives have asked you to make a recommendation for where they should build their next theme park. 

The main part of your presentation will be the actual recommendation and all the supporting details. But then the situation, complication, and question will form your introduction slide. 

The situation is how things are right now. The complication represents a change in that situation and is the reason why the presentation is needed. The question is what gets raised by the complication (and what needs to be solved). Then the answer is the resolution. 

So here, the situation might be something like, “Disney is looking to grow revenue by opening a new park”. The complication could be, “they need to decide where to open this park”. Which then leads to the implicit question which is, “where should Disney open its next theme park?”

Then the main part of your deck answers this question. 

SCQA framework disney example

And notice how this brings the presentation to life. It puts the presentation in context, and it tells the audience why they should care. Instead of just dropping them in the middle of your data, you’re leading them along and creating a narrative. Remember, your goal is to make it as easy as possible for the audience to understand what it is you’re trying to tell them.

SCQA framework is the introduction for your deck

Now, an important rule here is you don’t want your introduction to have anything new or controversial. It should all be something your audience already agrees with, so you can focus on the answer. All you’re doing is establishing relevance, and making sure you and the audience are on the same page.

BCG Example

Here is a great SCQA example from BCG .  

The presentation is for a non-profit organization that invests in open education resources (or OER) – which are basically education resources that are made available to everyone. 

BCG presentation "The Open Education Resources Ecosystem"

“The Open Education Resources ecosystem” BCG, June 2013

They’ve titled the introduction slide “context of the work”, because ultimately that’s what it is. They’re just giving context before diving into the presentation. 

The first line says, “Since the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation began investing in open education resources in 2002, the field has grown significantly: the past decade has seen an influx of OER and increased awareness and adoption”.

And notice how this just clearly and plainly explains a steady-state situation. How things are right now. This is the situation.

BCG introduction slide with situation highlighted

Then the next line says, “However, more work remains to push the OER movement from the sidelines of mainstream education into the center of the classroom”. This line essentially tells us that things are looking good for OER, but more work remains. This is the complication.

BCG introduction slide with complication  highlighted

And already you can see how this is setting up the presentation. The situation leads to the complication, and the complication very naturally leads to the question, which is the next line:

“The Foundation engaged the Boston Consulting Group in late 2012 to evaluate the state of the current ecosystem in the United States and to help understand how to measure the movement’s progress towards a sustainable, mainstream end-state”.

Now although they don’t state the question explicitly, you can see it in the text. The question is “What is the state of the current ecosystem in the US, and how can we measure the movement’s progress?”

BCG introduction slide with question highlighted

And now we have the right setup for the presentation, and we’re ready to hear the answer. Everyone is on the same page, and the audience is ready to go. 

It might seem like a small piece of the presentation, but all the major consulting firms use this PowerPoint storytelling technique to turn what otherwise might be a dry presentation into a persuasive story with a clear narrative. 

Pyramid Principle

If you’ve watched our other videos, or taken some of our advanced courses , you’ll know that we talk about the Pyramid Principle a lot – especially as it relates to slide structure. But here I’m going to focus on how it applies to storyboarding and the presentation as a whole. 

Put simply, the Pyramid Principle is just a method of communicating information where you start with the main idea, and then provide the supporting details and data of that idea. Going back to our Disney example, the main idea would be on top, then the two supporting points would be below that. 

If you recall, the question is, where should Disney build a new theme park? 

Let’s say that your answer is that Disney should build a new theme park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Two supporting reasons for that answer might be that Rio is a major tourist destination, and that the Disney brand is strong in Brazil. And if you wanted, you could continue creating additional layers to your pyramid with more supporting details and data. 

pyramid principle disney example

In a presentation, the way you would communicate this is from top to bottom. And the reason why that approach is so effective is because you provide the audience with context first, before giving them more granular detail. Plus it helps the audience know exactly what you’re trying to tell them, and how you’ve reached each of your conclusions. Remember, your main goal is to make it as easily as possible for the audience. 

If you were to turn each of these ideas into its own slide, you would rearrange them with the highest level ideas coming first, then the supporting details following each idea. Then throw your introduction slide up front, and voila! you’ve got yourself a story.

pyramid principle turns into a storyboard disney example

And this is the exact PowerPoint storytelling technique they use at every major consulting firm to build client presentations that are incredibly clear, compelling, and persuasive. 

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, PowerPoint storytelling doesn’t always happen this smoothly. In practice, there are lots of factors that can influence the final version of deck. Not to mention other slides that I didn’t mention like an executive summary slide, next steps slide, or the appendix. But generally speaking, this approach works really well.

In fact, did you notice it’s the same approach I used for this article. I started by stating the situation: I said that when you build a presentation you want to make it as easy as possible for the audience. Then I introduced a complication: business presentations tend to have a lot of data and information, so making it clear can be difficult. The implicit question then became, how can you make data heavy presentations easy to understand. 

Then I moved on to my answer, which was to provide a clear structure to your presentation, using two key concepts: the SCQA framework, and the Pyramid Principle. And I used this structure to then build out and explain my answer. 

The end result is an article that’s clear, easy to follow, and insightful (I hope!).

You can watch a video version of this article on  YouTube .

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Consultant's Mind

What do McKinsey presentations look like?

by Consultant's Mind | 16 comments

What do McKinsey presentations looks like? 

Please find links to 30+ McKinsey presentations which are publicly available online.  Many of these are from conferences, or governmental / non-profit organizations clients who have chosen to make them available online. Yes, Google is useful.

I selected the ones which as less than 10 years old have more than 15 pages. Have more to say at the bottom of the post, but take a look at a few:

Challenges in Mining: Scarcity or Opportunity? (2015, 2.9Mb, 41pg) Addressing the global affordable housing challenge (2016, 3.9Mb, 29pg) How can companies capture veteran opportunities   (2012, 2.4Mb, 46pg)   The Internet of Things and Big Data: Opportunities for Value Creation   (2013, 600K, 17 pages) Context for Global Growth and Development   (2014, 900K, 11pg) Assessing the Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis and Ideas to Enhance Americans’ Retirement Security (2009, 1.2Mb, 22pg) From poverty to empowerment MGI INDIA   (2014, 900K, 21pg) Big Data and Advanced Analytics (BDAA) for the Finance function (2014, 1.3Mb, 18pg) China Energy Demand Perspective (2014, 2.3Mb, 18pg) Insurance trends and growth opportunities for Poland (2015, 1.8Mb, 25pg) What makes private public partnerships work (2011, 1.1Mb, 12pg) Business plan preparation: Manual for Entrepreneurs   (2014, 900K, 76pg) USPS Future Business Model   (2010, 300K, 39pg) Red Team   (3.8Mb, 15 pg)   Laying the foundation for a sound industry – OECD   (2013, 400K, 17pg) Can the Financial Sector Promote Growth and Stability ?  (2015, 300K, 17pg) Enhancing the contribution of MSMEs to economic development: main barriers and possible interventions   (2011, 800K, 50pg)

A couple of thoughts:

  • In true McKinsey style, there is a lot of analysis and data
  • Titles are written in sentence-form with a “takeaway”
  • Standardized color, font, layout, and kicker-boxes
  • Frameworks to simplify the complex: timelines, value chain, bubble charts, histograms, maturity models, waterfall charts, and ROE analysis
  • Diverse topics ranging from Big data in Mining to Polish insurance
  • Use of experts, quotations, and inferences for more qualitative data
  • Use of large surveys (n=20K+) to create voice of customer data

What is your major takeaway from viewing these presentations?

Related posts:.

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mckinsey and company presentation

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Doug Gabbard

You have provided a tremendous service here. Thank you! Looking at these decks made me wonder what the delivery of these presentations was like. The slides seem designed to stand alone and survive delivery by an unskilled speaker. This is the opposite of the Guy Kawasaki approach ( ), where it might be difficult to reconstruct the presentation from the slides alone.

My preference is to do the heavy intellectual lifting in a narrative report and then put together a presentation that serves as a verbal executive summary. When preparing the presentation, the logic comes first, and then the slides serve the logic.


Thanks for comment. I have done both – but prefer slides that stand alone. Slides always get passed around.


I completely agree with you.

Consultant's Mind

Thanks for reading.

Ibinabo Nwanze

Great work. Thanks for putting this invaluable piece together.

Surely – thanks for reading and sharing.


These slides look really, really ugly. Honestly, I’d expect better from an MBB consultant in 2017.

For many of them, I would agree. Many of these are for conferences and the like – but yes, not very “put together”.

Alex Carter

Nice share, I found this piece much informative and of value. Thank you for sharing


Great slides, very helpful. Thank for sharing.

Aashika Ravi

This is very helpful. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading. If you find other ones online, let me know, will link.

Jaehoon Hong

Great slides and thank you for sharing indeed.


Very nice job. Thank you for sharing

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McKinsey PowerPoint Presentation Template

Title Slide in McKinsey & Company Style

Number of slides: 10

McKinsey & Company is one of the leading management consulting firms in the world and, since 1964, it has worked closely with major companies from multiple profitable sectors. Needless to say, the McKinsey consultants are experts not only in their areas of knowledge but also in keeping the clients updated and creating the most effective presentations. Now, you’ve got the opportunity to do the same with this Corporate McKinsey Consulting Presentation Template. You will find McKinsey Chart Slides, McKinsey Text Slides, a Contact Slide and more slides inspired in the McKinsey style.

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Free McKinsey Consulting Presentation Template

Mckinsey presentation chart slides.

The best way to make persuasive presentations is by supporting your points with hard numbers. And that’s exactly what the McKinsey Chart Slides are here for! This template comes with the main data-driven charts such as a column chart, bar chart, and doughnut charts. Use them to highlight trends and compare scenarios. 

McKinsey Text Slides

When it comes to text slides, the McKinsey Consulting Presentation Template has a specific slide for every business occasion. From the simple title and text slide to a comprehensive three-column slide and numbered list slide, you will have at your disposal different layouts to pick the one that showcases better your information.

Contact Slide in McKinsey Style

Very often, professionals lose interesting opportunities by not giving the audience a way to contact them. Don’t let that happen to you! Include, at least, your phone number and corporate email for your prospects.

McKinsey-style presentation deck

McKinsey & Corporate has developed a worldwide known presentation style that keeps proving its efficiency in the closing of important deals.

The best corporate presentation template

This is a special PowerPoint template that includes 20 different slides with incredible features for creating client-ready corporate presentations.

More Mckinsey-style slides

You will also find a timeline, corporate matrix, a team profile slide, comparison slide, divider slide and more. All of them in the McKinsey style!


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VP of Marketing at Avella

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Gretchen Ponts

Strata Research

"The key to the success with working with 24Slides has been the designers’ ability to revamp basic information on a slide into a dynamic yet clean and clear visual presentation coupled with the speed in which they do so. We do not work in an environment where time is on our side and the visual presentation is everything. In those regards, 24Slides has been invaluable."

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  • 277 PowerPoint slides & 1 Excel model
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Example of a Business Strategy template separated into different steps

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What you get in this template

  • A comprehensive, end-to-end strategy presentation based on proven frameworks created by ex-McKinsey and BCG consultants
  • 277 PowerPoint slides organized in a complete storyline with best-practice slide-layouts, titles, and graphics
  • 4 real-life full-length examples from Fortune500 companies so you can see how a strategy is presented in other organizations
  • Helpful checklist used in top-tier consulting firms
  • Excel model to support your strategy document

Templates & Playbooks

Our Business Strategy Template is based on a proven framework

The template is centered around the best-practice business strategy ‘house’ as used by McKinsey and BCG

mckinsey and company presentation

Our template takes you through all layers of a business strategy and helps you create a best-in-class presentation:

  • Purpose: what is our reason-for-being?
  • Vision: where do want to be in 2-3-5-10 years?

Strategic choices

  • Where do we want to play? What are our must-win battles?
  • Set of choices on what to do and not do that guide day-to-day decision making

Strategic initiatives

  • How can we win these battles?
  • Specific initiatives and actions that are designed to achieve vision and goals within strategic choices
  • Linked to tangible, specific, measurable goals and KPIs
  • What do we need to have in place to move forward on our strategic initiatives?
  • Supportive actions or capabilities that are prerequisites for accomplishing initiatives
  • What is the foundation allowing us to achieve everything else?
  • How do we nurture and grow this foundation?

This template includes 277 slides based on proven frameworks, complete storyline with best-practice slide-layouts

mckinsey and company presentation

“These templates have been a life saver for me and my team! We used to waste so much time trying to build slides based on old decks or PDFs. This is so much easier and looks much more professional.”

What can you use the Business Strategy template for?

The Business Strategy Template includes a fully structured storyline complete with ready-to-use slides, as well as frameworks, tools, tutorials, real-life examples, and best practices to help you:

  • Create and present a complete, cohesive, well-structured business strategy
  • Analyze your current position and starting point to build your future strategy on incl. current market dynamics, customer segments, customer behavior, internal performance and more
  • Formulate your organization’s purpose and vision in clear, concise formats
  • Formulate your organization’s strategic choices and priorities that will guide everything from strategic initiatives to day-to-day decision making
  • Construct tangible, measurable, specific goals for your organization at all levels from overarching vision to individual business units, teams, and time frames
  • Design specific strategic initiatives linked to measurable goals that align with your organization’s strategic choices
  • Understand core enablers and foundational elements in your organization and analyze your status quo and what must be done to support and grow these to achieve your strategic goals

Fully customizable

Easy to recolor, tweak, and edit.

Our PowerPoint and Excel templates are 100% customizable, meaning you can change everything from colors to fonts to layouts to footnotes. Match templates to your company format and color schemes with just a few easy clicks and give it your own personal style.

Fully customizable

Created by top-tier consultants

Alexandra Hazard Kampmann

Trusted by 4,500+ customers worldwide


How to write a strategy document?

…and how the Business Strategy Template can support your process

What is a strategy document

To create an effective strategy document, it helps to first answer the question “What is a strategy document ?”. In the world of management consulting, a strategy document typically refers to the slide deck delivered at the end of a strategy project that summarizes in clear, coherent terms what a company’s goals are and how they plan to achieve them. There are many frameworks and structures that can be used to facilitate this document, including the familiar where to play - how to win framing or the classic setup of

  • Mission & Vision
  • Targets (markets, customers, geography)
  • Value Proposition (products, services, pricing)
  • Go-to-Market (sales, marketing, distribution)
  • Organization (people, processes, technology, partners).

How the Business Strategy Template can support your process

The end goal of the strategy process is to formulate a comprehensive business model strategy that lays out the goal, direction, and plan in a clear, structured, and to-the-point document that can be used and shared throughout the organization.

As mentioned, there are many ways to structure a document like this and your organization may already have a slide template to use as a starting point. If you do not, you can use our Business Strategy presentation template to jumpstart your process of crafting your strategy and to ensure your final presentation follows best-practice storylines and includes all the core elements of an effective strategy document. The Business Strategy Template is composed of both ready-to-use slides for you to populate and customize as you need, and perhaps more importantly several real-world Fortune 500 examples of full strategy documents so you can see how these look at other companies.

Implementing the strategy

Effective execution distinguishes a good strategy from a great one. Translating strategy into purposeful action requires consistent messaging and meticulous planning. As the strategy solidifies, ensuring the right people, decision-making processes, accountability structures, and execution pace are in place is essential.

In essence, creating an impactful strategy involves collaborative workshops, analysis, research, and a commitment to implementation. The journey from questioning to execution defines a company's growth trajectory and success.

The five fundamental questions for strategy development

Regardless of the framework that is chosen, the creation of a strategy document always requires you to answer five fundamental questions:

  • What is our current business context in terms of our own business performance, industry, competitive landscape, and macro environment, and how do we expect it to impact us in the future?
  • Where do we have a competitive advantage (customer segments, markets, geographies) and how can we continue to build that competitive advantage in terms of value delivered, differentiation of value proposition, and efficiency and effectiveness of our go-to-market strategy?
  • What are our major strategic pillars and necessary choices to create and sustain those competitive advantages? What does success look like?
  • What are the associated strategic initiatives we need to put in place to implement those choices and achieve those goals, and what underlying enablers or structures do we need in the organization to support those initiatives?
  • How does this all come together in a cohesive plan so we ensure we have the right resources and governance in place to effectively drive strategic change?

For most businesses, strategy revolves around focus—aligning their business model with customer value, competitive differentiation, and ROI improvement. Crafting a strategy frequently involves deciding what not to do, freeing up resources for impactful endeavors. Strengths and weaknesses within the business model also quickly become apparent. By focusing on target customer segments and aligning various elements, companies can tap into their growth potential. See our blog post “ 5 Key Elements of a Successful Strategy ” for more practical tips.

Steal the templates and frameworks used by top management consultants. Decrease the time you spend structuring a storyline or creating new visuals.

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