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How to Make an Object Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint Using Animations

Make an object appea and disappear in PowerPoint with words appearand disappear on a slide.

Make an Object Appear and Then Disappear on a PowerPoint Slide Using Entrance and Exit Animations

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated September 7, 2023

Applies to: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and 365 (Windows)

You can combine entrance and exit animations in PowerPoint to make an object appear and disappear on a slide during a slide show. This can occur automatically or on click. An object is typically a shape, image, text placeholder or text box.

Recommended article: How to Use Morph in PowerPoint to Design Engaging Presentations

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To apply animations, use the Animations tab in the Ribbon:

Animations tab in the Ribbon in PowerPoint.

The expanded Animations Gallery appears when you click the More down arrow in the Animations group:

Animations gallery in PowerPoint.

If you want to apply more than one animation to an object, you will need to use Add Animation in the Advanced Animation group.

Animations are typically added to objects in Normal View (but can be applied in Slide Master View).

In this article, we are using animations to make objects appear and disappear. Check out the article How to Use Morph in PowerPoint to Design Engaging Presentations for other ways to make objects move on or off a slide during a slide show using the Morph transition.

Add an entrance animation to make an object appear

To add an entrance animation to an object to make it appear on click:

  • Select an object. For text objects, click in the text box or placeholder or click its edge.
  • Click the Animations tab in the Ribbon.
  • In the Animations group, click the More down arrow on the bottom right of the Animations Gallery.
  • Click the Appear entrance animation in the Entrance group. Other common entrance effects are Fly In or Fade.

You can also apply an entrance animation by clicking Add Animation on the Animations tab in the Advanced Animation group.

By default, the object will appear on click during a slide show.

Add an exit animation to make an object disappear

To add an exit animation to an object to make it disappear on click:

  • Click Add Animation in the Advanced Animations group (you must select Add Animation if you are adding more than one animation to an object). A drop-down menu appears.
  • Click the Disappear exit animation in the Exit group. Other common exit animations are Fly Out or Fade.

Display the Animation Pane

When you apply multiple animations to an object, it's best to display the Animation Pane so you can easily edit the animations.

To display the Animation Pane:

  • Click Animation Pane in the Advanced Animations group. The Animation Pane appears on the right side of the screen.

The Animation Pane will display the animations you have applied. If you have applied an entrance and exit effect, two animation effects will appear in the Animation Pane. You can click the animation effect in the Animation Pane and click the arrow to the right to display a drop-down menu with options or you can select options in the Ribbon for that effect.

In the Animation Pane, a green star appears beside entrance animations and a red star appears beside exit animations as follows:

Animation pane in PowePoint with animations to make an object appear and disappear on click.

Change the way an object starts

Animations are set by default to start on click during a slide show. If you want an animation to start automatically, you will need to change the start setting.

To start an animation automatically, you have two options:

  • After Previous – the animation sequence will begin once a previous animation effect or effects is  completed. The start of a slide show is also a previous effect.
  • With Previous – the animation sequence will begin at the same time as a previous animation effect or effects. The start of a slide show is also a previous effect.

To change the way an animation starts:

  • Select the animation effect in the Animation Pane.
  • In the Timing group, select an option from the Start drop-down menu.

Set the speed or duration of an animation

When you apply an animation, a duration or speed is automatically set for the animation (in seconds). The default duration is different for each animation effect. The initial duration is often fast and you may want to increase the duration to slow it down.

To set a speed or duration of an animation:

  • In the Animations group, enter a time (in seconds) for the animation in the Duration area of the Timing group. You can click the up and down arrows to change the duration or type a duration.

Note the Duration in the example below:

Changing the duration of an animation using the Animations tab in the Ribbon n PowerPoint.

Run a slide show

The final step is to run the slide show to see your object appear and disappear. Simply click the Slide Show button on the bottom right of the screen. Use the right and left arrows to move from slide to slide or start the animations. You can use many other methods to advance a presentation. Check out PowerPoint Slide Show Shortcuts (50+ Shortcuts) for other shortcuts you can use during a slide show.

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More resources

How to Turn Off Automatic Text Resizing in PowerPoint

How to Change Slide Size or Dimensions in PowerPoint

How to Group and Ungroup in PowerPoint (with Shortcuts)

How to Add Slide Numbers in PowerPoint (Complete Guide)

How to Remove the Background of an Image in PowerPoint (2 Ways)

Related courses

Microsoft PowerPoint: Intermediate / Advanced

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Microsoft PowerPoint: Animations Bootcamp

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How to Make an Object Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint Using Animations

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How to Animate Objects to Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint?

Are you looking to add some visual flair to your PowerPoint presentations by making objects appear and disappear ? Using the right PowerPoint animations , you can easily create the illusion of objects materializing on a slide and then vanishing after a set time or on a click. In this step-by-step guide, we will learn how to set up PowerPoint animations to make objects appear and then disappear.

Understanding PowerPoint Animation Basics

Before diving into the specifics of appear and disappear animations, it’s helpful to understand some PowerPoint animation fundamentals:

  • Animations in PowerPoint are special visual effects you can apply to objects (text, shapes, pictures, etc.) to make them enter, exit, or move on a slide in interesting ways
  • You can animate objects so they start playing automatically with the slide, after a previous animation finishes, or when you click the mouse
  • Multiple animation effects can be applied to the same object and combined in a sequence
  • The Animation Pane shows you all the animations on a slide and lets you adjust their order and settings

Here’s a quick overview of the types of animations in PowerPoint:

Animation TypeDescriptionCommon Effects
EntranceMakes an object enter onto the slideAppear, Fade In, Fly In
EmphasisDraws attention to an object already on the slideSpin, Pulse, Change Color
ExitMakes an object leave the slideDisappear, Fade Out, Fly Out
Motion PathsMoves an object along a specified pathLines, Arcs, Shapes, Loops

Step 1: Insert the Object to Animate

The first step is to insert the object you want to make appear and disappear onto your PowerPoint slide. This could be:

  • Text in a text box or placeholder
  • A shape like a rectangle, circle, or arrow
  • A picture, icon, or clip art image
  • A chart, table, or SmartArt graphic
  • A video or audio file

Use the Insert tab on the ribbon to add your desired object to the slide in the location where you want it to appear. If you want to animate only part of the text on a slide, select that specific text.

Step 2: Open the Animations Tab

With the object selected, go to the Animations tab on the PowerPoint ribbon. This is where you’ll find all the tools for adding and modifying animation effects.

The Animations tab has three main sections:

  • Animation gallery – A library of quick animation presets you can apply with one click
  • Add Animation menu – Lets you browse the full library of entrance, emphasis, exit, and motion path animations
  • Animation Pane button – Opens the Animation Pane for managing multiple animations

Step 3: Apply an Appear Animation

To make your object appear on the slide, you need to apply an Entrance animation effect to it. Some common options for appear animations include:

  • Appear – The object simply fades into view on the slide
  • Fade – The object gradually fades into view, from transparent to opaque
  • Fly In – The object flies onto the slide from an edge (left, right, top, bottom)
  • Zoom – The object zooms in from a small size to full size
  • Float In – The object floats in from a side, growing and turning transparent

To apply an appear animation:

  • With the object selected, click the Add Animation menu in the Animations tab
  • In the menu that appears, click Entrance to see entrance animation options
  • Click the appear animation effect you want to apply, such as Appear or Fly In

The object will now animate onto the slide based on the start setting (on click, with previous, or after previous).

Step 4: Set the Disappear Animation

After you’ve made the object appear, the next step is configuring it to disappear after a certain time or trigger . To do this, you’ll apply an Exit animation. Some common disappear effects are:

  • Disappear – The object instantly becomes invisible
  • Fade Out – The object gradually fades from opaque to transparent until it’s gone
  • Fly Out – The object flies off the edge of the slide (left, right, top, bottom)
  • Zoom – The object shrinks down until it disappears
  • Float Out – The object floats off the slide, shrinking and turning transparent

Adding a disappear animation is very similar to an appear one:

  • With the object selected, click Add Animation again
  • This time, go to Exit and choose the disappear effect you want, like Fly Out
  • The exit animation will be added after the entrance one in the Animation Pane

Now your object has an animation sequence with an Appear effect and a Disappear effect. It will enter the slide, stay for a bit, then animate out and vanish.

Step 5: Adjust the Timing

The final step is tweaking the timing settings so your appear and disappear animations happen when you want and last the right duration. To adjust timing:

  • Select the animations in the Animation Pane
  • Go to the Timing group on the Animations ribbon tab
  • On Click to start when you click the mouse
  • With Previous to start at the same time as the previous animation
  • After Previous to start when the previous animation ends
  • Do the same for the disappear animation’s Start setting
  • To adjust duration, enter a time in the Duration field – shorter for a quicker effect, longer for a slower one
  • To add a delay before an animation, enter a time in Delay – good for a pause between the appear and disappear

By default, the disappear animation will start After Previous, so the object appears, pauses for the duration you set, then disappears automatically. But you can change this to happen on a click instead.

Tips and Tricks for Appear/Disappear Animations

Here are a few bonus tips to keep in mind as you work with appear and disappear animations in PowerPoint:

  • Preview your animations using the Preview button on the ribbon to make sure the timing looks right
  • To quickly copy animations from one object to another, select the animated object, click Animation Painter , then click the object to copy to
  • Use the Effect Options button to customize things like the direction objects fly in from or the intensity of a zoom
  • Add multiple appear/disappear sequences to the same object to make it reappear again later in the slide
  • Group objects together before animating them to make them appear/disappear simultaneously as one unit
  • Draw attention to key objects by combining an Emphasis animation between the appear and disappear, like a Pulse or Color Change

Use appear and disappear animations sparingly to highlight the most important points in your presentation. Too many effects can become distracting or overwhelming. Focus on animating key text, visuals, or data you really want to call out to your audience.

Final Thoughts

Animations are a powerful tool in PowerPoint for adding visual interest and dynamism to your slides. By making objects appear and disappear with well-timed entrance and exit animations, you can progressively disclose information, sustain audience engagement, and leave a lasting impression.

The key is applying animations purposefully to enhance your content, not distract from it. Experiment with different effects, timings, and combinations to strike the right balance and take your PowerPoint presentations to the next level!

Can I make multiple objects appear and disappear simultaneously?

Yes, you can. To make multiple objects appear and disappear simultaneously, group them together before applying the animations. Select all the objects you want to animate together, right-click, and choose “Group.” Then, apply the appear and disappear animations to the group as a whole.

How can I make an object reappear after it has disappeared?

To make an object reappear after it has disappeared, you can add multiple appear/disappear sequences to the same object. After the initial appear and disappear animations, apply another set of entrance and exit animations to the object with appropriate timing to make it reappear at a later point in the slide.

Can I preview my animations before presenting?

Yes, you can preview your animations using the “Preview” button on the Animations tab in the PowerPoint ribbon. This allows you to see how your appear and disappear animations will look and make any necessary timing adjustments before presenting your slide deck.

How can I quickly copy animations from one object to another?

To quickly copy animations from one object to another, use the “Animation Painter” tool. Select the object with the animations you want to copy, click “Animation Painter” on the Animations tab, then click the object you want to apply the animations to. The appear and disappear animations will be copied to the new object.

Can I customize the direction or intensity of my appear/disappear animations?

Yes, you can customize various aspects of your appear and disappear animations using the “Effect Options” button on the Animations tab. This allows you to change settings like the direction an object flies in from, the intensity of a zoom effect, or the style of a fade transition, giving you more control over the visual impact of your animations.

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Art of Presentations

Make an Object Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint With Animation

By: Author Shrot Katewa

Make an Object Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint With Animation

Adding animation to PowerPoint slides is a great way to enhance your presentation and make it more engaging. One of the most useful animation effects is making an object appear and disappear to bring focus to specific parts of your slide and highlight the important points.

To make an object Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint with animation, go to the “Animation” tab and click on “More” to expand the gallery. Select the “Appear” or “Disappear” animation from the “Entrance” or “Exit” section simultaneously.

In this article, we will discuss in detail how to best use the animations in PowerPoint to make an object or text appear and disappear. Let’s dive in to create a dynamic visual experience for your audience!

1. How to Make an Object Appear in PowerPoint with Animation?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, the “Appear” animation effect can make an object appear on a slide during a presentation. To make an object appear with animation in a PowerPoint presentation, follow the 3 simple steps.

Step-1: Click on the “Animations” tab

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

In the open slide, you have to first click on the object that you want to make appear with animation. Then click on the “Animations” tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen.

Step-2: Click on the “More” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The next step is to expand the “Animation” gallery. To do so, click on the “More” option which is the down arrow at the bottom right corner of the “Animation” group of the “Animations” menu.

Step-3: Click on the “Appear” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

Finally, all you have to do is click on the “Appear” option in the “Entrance” section of the “Animation” gallery to make the selected object appear during a presentation.

2. How to Make an Object Disappear in PowerPoint with Animation?

Using the “Animations” feature in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can make any object automatically appear and disappear during a presentation. To make an object disappear with animation, follow the 3 simple steps.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The first step is to click on the object that you want to make disappear with animation. Then click on the “Animations” tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The next step is to expand the “Animation” gallery. All you have to do is click on the “More” option. It is the down arrow at the bottom right corner of the “Animation” group of the “Animations” menu.

Step-3: Click on the “Disappear” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The final is to click on the “Disappear” option in the “Exit” section of the “Animation” gallery to make the selected object disappear during a presentation.

3. How to Make the Same Object Appear and Disappear in PowerPoint?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can apply multiple animation effects to the same object. By doing so, you can make the same object appear at the start of the slide and then disappear at the end during a presentation. To make the same object appear and disappear using animations, follow the 4 easy steps.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The first step is to open the “Animations” menu. Click on the “Animations” tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen.

Step-2: Click on the “Appear” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The next step is to click on the object where you want to add the animation effects. In the “Animation” group of the “Animations” menu, click on the “Appear” option. This will make the object appear with animation when opening the slide.

Step-3: Click on the “Add Animation” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

In the “Advanced Animation” group of the “Animations” menu, click on the “Add Animation” button. Then click on the “More Exit Effects” option at the bottom of the dropdown menu under the “Add Animation” button.

Step-4: Click on the “Disappear” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

In the “Add Exit Effect” dialog box, click on the “Disappear” option in the right column under the “Basic” section. Then click on the “OK” button at the bottom of the dialog box to add both the “Appear” and “Disappear” animation effects to the selected object on the slide.

4. How to Make an Object Appear on Click in PowerPoint?

The “Trigger” feature in the “Animations” menu in Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to customize the animation trigger for an object on a slide. You can use the feature to make an object appear on click. All you have to do is follow the 4 quick steps.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The first step is to add the “Appear” animation effect to the object. Click on the “Animations” tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The next step is to click on the object where you want to add the animation effect to select it. Then click on the “Appear” option in the “Animation” gallery in the “Animations” menu to add the animation effect.

Step-3: Click on the “Animation Pane” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

In the “Advanced Animation” group of the “Animations” menu, click on the “Animation Pane” option. In the “Animation Pane” sidebar on the right side of the screen, you can see the name of the selected object highlighted in red.

Step-4: Click on the “On Click Of” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

Finally, click on the “Trigger” option in the “Advanced Animation” group. Then click on the “On Click of” option in the dropdown menu under the “Trigger” option. In the pop-up menu by the “On Click of” option, you can select any object except the selected object to make it appear on click.

5. How to Make a Text Box Appear in PowerPoint with Animation?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can make a text box appear one paragraph at a time with animation. To do so, all you have to do is follow the 3 easy steps.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The first step is to select the text box that you want to animate. Then click on the “Animations” tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The next step is to apply the “Appear” animation effect. In the “Animation” group of the “Animations” menu, click on the “More” option which is the down arrow at the bottom right corner. Then click on the “Appear” option in the “Entrance” section of the dropdown menu under the “Animation” gallery.

Step-3: Click on the “By Paragraph” option

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

The final step is to click on the “Effect Options” button in the “Animation” group of the “Animations” menu. Then click on the “By Paragraph” option under the “Sequence” section of the dropdown menu under the “Effect Options” button to make the text box appear one paragraph at a time.

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How to Make Objects Appear and Disappear with PowerPoint Trigger Animations

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • October 22, 2014

If you’ve ever seen a presenter in PowerPoint click to reveal an object on screen (and then clicked to make that object disappear) and wondered how they pulled it off…

The answer is combining the Appear and Disappear animations with trigger animations in PowerPoint and setting them to ‘on click’.

This is an easy animation trick to pull off and works in all versions of PowerPoint 2007 and later.

It’s also the same trick we used in mouseover pop up text effect trick that  you can read about here Everyone asked how we did it, so here it is.

In the graphic above, you can see that when the Western Region button is clicked, the western region turns blue. When you click the Easter Region, the eastern region turns red.

Note:  EPS files and graphics are no longer supported in PowerPoint. So if you have an old EPS graphic, see how to import it into PowerPoint  here .

Table of Contents

[watch] setting up appear and disappear triggers.

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When is this animation trick useful?

This is a great trick (combining PowerPoint animations and triggers) that you can use when you a map, a picture, text or some other object in PowerPoint that you want to have appear on screen during your presentation you click an object (to help you prove a point)…WITHOUT moving on to a next slide!

That means that you can use this animation trick to make objects appear and then disappear (to help you prove a point) without advancing to a new slide…which is why it is such a clever PowerPoint trick.

Part #1: Set up your objects

In the below tutorial I will set up the vector map of the United States (as demoed in the video above).

That said, you can use these steps to set up any appear and disappear trigger animations to make anything appear or disappear on screen (pictures, objects, text, anything)

1. Set up the vector map

Starting with your vector map, on your keyboard, hit CTRL + SHIFT + D to duplicate your slide, so that you have two versions of the exact same slide.

​​​​To learn more about the Duplicate Slide shortcut, 

The reason you want to duplicate your slide is because you want to overlay a filled version of your graphic over the original one.


2. Un-group the vector graphic

On your duplicated slide, select your vector map (or graphic) and hit CTRL+SHIFT+G on your keyboard to ungroup the vector graphic.

This then allows you to work with and manipulate all of the individual pieces (that’s the beauty of using vector graphics in PowerPoint).


Ungrouping Shortcuts Explained

Besides CTRL + SHIFT + G <span “> ungrouping objects, you can also ungroup SmartArt graphics, as well as tables and charts if you first paste them as metafiles.

To paste a table or chart as a metafile, follow these steps:

  • CTRL + C  to copy your table or Chart
  • ALT + SHIFT + V  to paste special, and select one of the metafile formats
  • CTRL + SHIFT + G  the Metafile twice

To learn more about what you CAN and CANNOT group and ungroup in PowerPoint,  check out our blog post here .

3. Group the pieces together

With the vector map now un-grouped, you want to group together the specific regions that you want to animate.

In this case, based on the data for my example, I’ll group the Western regions through Texas, and all the other states as the Eastern region.


Why are we grouping the objects together?

Besides making it easier to pull off our PowerPoint animation, this is the trick to overlaying our vector map over our original vector map without having to re-align anything (no need to waste our time).

4. Fill the grouped regions with their respective colors

Select your different grouped objects and fill them with their respective colors.

In this example, I will fill the Western regions blue, and the Eastern regions salmon pink as denoted on the rectangles at the top of the slide.


5. Copy and paste your regions back on top of the original vector graphic

With your regions grouped and colored, select them all, copy them, and then paste them back on top of the original (non-colored) vector map on the first slide.

Note:  Because we grouped the objects together, they overlay exactly onto of the original vector map. Had we not grouped the objects together, they would not fit exactly over the top of the original map.

Don’t believe me? Try it…this is a killer bonus PowerPoint trick!


6. Open the Selections Pane

Back on your original PowerPoint slide, open the selections pane one of two ways:

Option 1:  Using your mouse – navigate to the home tab, navigate to the Arrange tool and at the bottom of the dropdown select the selection pane.


Option 2:  Using your keyboard – hit the ALT + F10 keyboard shortcut and the selection pane pops open on the right-side of your screen.


7. Name the trigger objects

Within the Selection Pane, scroll through your objects and find the shapes you want to use as triggers for the PowerPoint animation. In this case, I want to use the two rectangles at the top, so I need to scroll way down.

As the blue rectangle is Rectangle 1, so I will double-click the rectangle in the Selection Pane and label it as something that’s easier to remember like ‘Western Region’.

In the selection pane, rename the first object you want to use as button to make the different pieces on your slide appear and disappear. In this case, rectangle 1 becomes the Western Region

Next, we’ll do the same for the second trigger object. In this case the salmon pink rectangle is Rectangle 2, so I will double-click the rectangle and rename it ‘Eastern Region’.

In the selection pane, rename the first object you want to use as button to make the different pieces on your slide appear and disappear. In this case, rectangle 2 becomes the Eastern Region

Note:  Renaming the PowerPoint objects like this is not necessary to pull off the appear and disappear animation trick, but it makes it A LOT easier, so I highly recommend this extra step.

With the trigger objects now named correctly, you can close the Selection Pane, either by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner or by hitting ALT + F10 on your keyboard.

Part #2: Set up your animations

Now we need to hook up the appear and disappear animations and set them to trigger ‘on click’.

1. Hooking up your PowerPoint animations

Select the first group of states (I’ll start with the Western region in blue) and from the Animations Tab select the Appear animation. You should see a 1 appear next to the group.

Select your first group that you want to appear, and from the Animations tab add the Appear animation.

2. Starting the animation on click (click to reveal)

With the animation applied and the group still selected, from the Animations Tab, select Trigger, On Click of and select your named shape (Western region in this case).

After applying the animation, open up the Trigger drop down, select On Click of and in this case select the Western Region rectangle.

3. Setting the second animation

With the Appear animation set, you now want to add a second animation – Disappear – to that same group.

So with the group selected, from the  Add Animation  drop down, scroll down and find the Disappear animation.

From the animations tab, select the Add animation drop down and add a Disappear animation to the same Western Region group you have selected

4. Setting the disappear animation’s trigger (click to disappear)

With the second animation added, you again want to navigate to the Trigger drop down and select On Click Of and select your trigger shape, again the Western Region in this case.

So your first group should have both an Appear and Disappear animation set to it, based on the trigger event of clicking the blue rectangle.

From the animations tab, open the Trigger drop down, select On Click of and again select the Western Region

5. Repeat the same sequence for your other grouped shapes

  • Add the Appear animation
  • Set the Appear animation to On Click of your other shape, the Easter region in this case
  • Use the Add Animation drop down to add the Disappear animation
  • Set the Disappear animation to On Click of your other shape, again the Easter region in this case

The result is that each of the rectangles on your PowerPoint slide should now have two animations both set to trigger with a click: an Appear animation and a Disappear animation.

This is how you get that click to reveal and click to disappear effect using trigger animations.

Picture of each of the two groups of objects on the slide having both an appear and disappear animation applied to them.

Part #3: Test your trigger animations

Now that you everything setup, it’s important to test it before you call call your presentation final.

Follow these steps to test your animated sequence.

1. Open the Animations Pane to double check your work

If you open the PowerPoint Animations Task Pane, it should look like the below image. The green star is the Appear animation and the red star is the Disappear animation.

Make sure that the object appears (the green star) before it disappears (the red star), otherwise this Animation trick will not work.

Open the animations pane from the Animations tab and double check your work.

2. Test your trigger animations to make sure they work

With the animations set, hit  SHIFT + F5  on your keyboard to launch Slideshow View (see shortcut demo below for help with this), and the slide starts out as the non-filled vector map (just like we wanted).

If I click the blue trigger rectangle (the Western Region), the western side of the map fills blue (perfect!).

Run your presentation and double check that clicking the western region rectangle makes the western region appear on your slide

If I click the red trigger rectangle (the Eastern Region), the eastern side of the map fills red.

Run your presentation and double check that clicking the Eastern region rectangle makes the eastern region appear on your slide

So you can see that clicking the rectangles, makes the PowerPoint animation appear then disappear, revealing our objects…which is exactly what we want!

So that’s how you can use the appear and disappear animations (with trigger objects) to create an interactive graphic in PowerPoint.

The great thing about this trick is you can quickly and easily create a sophisticated graphic to impress your audience. Trust me, they will be impressed!

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Use PowerPoint animations to make an object appear and disappear

  • By Belinda Anderson
  • 15 January 2018
  • Updated: 6 May 2024

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This week I saw a great question on an online forum relating to Microsoft PowerPoint. The question asked how to make an object appear on screen for a few seconds, and then make it disappear only to be replaced with a different object. I’ve been asked about this on many occasions during training courses and it really is a nice easy task to do, so after answering the question I thought I’d create a post about it.

Using Animations in Microsoft PowerPoint can be lots of fun and allows the creative juices to flow. Having conducted professional development for teachers over the years there are some really great ways that teachers and students can use PowerPoint and in particular, animations in the classroom.

About PowerPoint Animations

PowerPoint Animations are a great way to make any presentation interactive and dynamic. There are four (4) different types of animations: Entrance , Emphasis , Exit and Motion Paths .

The type of animation you decide to use is directly related to what you want the object to do.

  • Do you want an object to appear or disappear? Then you will need an Entrance or Exit effect.
  • Do you want it to be highlighted or accentuated on the slide? Then you will need an Emphasis effect.

The Motion Paths effects provide great flexibility to make elements move anywhere you like. They can make a turn, loop around the screen – you create your own custom path.

There is such a thing as “too much of a good thing” when it comes to animations. I can definitely say that I’ve seen some terrible examples of how to use animations in Microsoft PowerPoint. While it is a great feature, I always give this little “disclaimer”. While animations can really improve the readability and retention of information, too much will make your audience feel like they are watching the latest creation from Disney Pixar. Too much is never good, so try to keep the number of objects you animate to a level which will not leave your audience feeling confused.

About the Animation Pane

The Animation Pane allows you to view all objects on the slide which have had an animation effect applied. The Animation Pane gives you a better view of what is animated and when animations will begin. It is also great for troubleshooting issues. The Animation Pane is not visible on the screen until you display it. I’ll show you how to do this a little further down this post.

Create a PPT animation

For this animation sequence, I am going to have an image of a caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly, this is inspired by my daughter’s recent “life cycle of a butterfly” presentation she did for class.

So let’s take a look now at how to work with animations in PowerPoint to achieve our goal.

  • Firstly lets open Microsoft PowerPoint .
  • Whenever I conduct a course in PowerPoint, I always emphasise the importance of choosing the correct slide layout , so for this animation sequence I need a blank slide.
  • From the Home tab click the Layout button and choose Blank from the options:

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • Now we need to insert our first image which will be a caterpillar.
  • If you need to source images for your presentation you can use the built-in Insert >  Pictures > Stock Images option, however, be sure to check copyright requirements on the image you choose, or you can perform a Google search and filter out images which are labelled for reuse, or use a stock image library such as Pexels.com .
  • To insert the first image, select the Insert tab and choose Pictures then This Device .
  • The Insert Picture dialog box will now appear:

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • Select the first image and click Insert .
  • The image is now displayed on the slide:

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • Now to insert the second image, repeat the same process that you used for the first image.
  • Once you have the butterfly on the slide you may need to resize it to a suitable size and then move the butterfly off to one side of the slide by simply clicking and dragging the image:

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • The reason I suggest you move the butterfly to one side at the moment is to make setting up the animation sequence a little easier, at the end we will move the butterfly over the top of the caterpillar and increase the size.

Create the Animation

  • Now select the caterpillar and click the Animations tab from the Ribbon.
  • To display the Animation Pane click the Animation Pane button located in the Advanced Animation group.
  • The Animation Pane will be displayed on the right side of the slide:

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • For the caterpillar we want to make him disappear.
  • From the Animation gallery select the More button which is underneath the down scroll arrow:

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • From the list of available animations scroll down to the Exit type animations and click the Disappear animation type.
  • You will now see the number 1 appear in a square on the top left corner of the image:

Use PowerPoint animations to make an object appear and disappear

  • The number helps us identify objects in a sequence, so this lets us know this animation will run as the first item in this sequence. It’s important to note that if you set multiple animations to run at the same time that they will all be numbered the same, instead of numbered individually.

Set Animation Timing

Animations all rely for the most part on timing. Timing requires us to specify when an animation will begin, how long we want it to last and if we want any delay used.

When it comes to the Start option you have 3 available:

Click the mouse or press any key to start the animation sequence whilst in slideshow mode.
The animation sequence will begin once any previous animation effects have completed. The start of a slideshow is also considered a “previous” effect.
Will begin at the same time of any previous animation effects. The start of a slideshow is also considered a “previous” effect.
  • For this animation we want this to run without us having to prompt it to begin, so click the Start drop-down menu from the Timing Group and select After Previous :

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

A common question I get at this stage during a training day is “ Why are we using After Previous when this is the 1 st item in this sequence? ” That is a valid question and as I’ve outlined in the table above, PowerPoint recognises that when we start a presentation in slide show mode, that is the “previous” effect so it will automatically start an animation without us having to click.
  • For the Duration option we need to set how long we want the animation to take, so in this case, how long till our caterpillar disappears?
  • Use the up and down arrows to adjust this setting to 3 seconds (03.00) :

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

  • For this sequence, we do not want to use a delay.
  • Now select the butterfly image.
  • From the Animation gallery, click the More button and select the Appear option.
  • Within the Timing section, change the Start setting to be After Previous because we would like the butterfly to appear once our caterpillar has disappeared.
  • Now in the Duration section, we can leave the default option of Auto . This will essentially leave the butterfly on the slide till we either move to another slide or exit the slideshow. If you wanted to include a 3 rd or 4 th animation then you would set this option to the number of seconds you want the butterfly to be displayed.
  • Each images now has an animation attached to it.
  • Click and drag the butterfly over the top of the caterpillar and make the image larger:

Use PowerPoint animations to make an object appear and disappear

  • We are now ready to preview our animation.
  • Click on the first object in the Animation Pane , in our case it will be the caterpillar.
  • From the Animations ribbon click the Preview button.
  • You will now see a preview.
  • To view the full animation in slideshow mode simply press F5 on the keyboard and sit back and watch.
  • Once the animation has finished click Esc on the keyboard to exit.
  • You have now created a simple, but effective, animation in PowerPoint.

I highly recommend you explore the huge range of animation options available in PowerPoint – this one is only the tip of the iceberg! Why not check out how to use the Morph & Zoom options or check out many other great posts related to Microsoft PowerPoint .

  • Animations , Shapes , Slide show
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

8 Responses

Any tips on how you can have something appear, dissappear and repeat on a sync? I want text to do this in line with a gif I have embedded

Hi Matthew, You can do this using the Repeat setting. Add the text in as needed then apply the animation you wish to use. From the Animation Pane click the drop down for the animation you want to repeat and choose Timing from the menu. You will then see the Start, Delay, Duration and Repeat options. Click the Repeat drop down menu and choose how many times you want that animation repeated. You can select 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, until next click, or until end of slide. Hope this helps. Thanks, Belinda

The question I have is how to have an object appear and then disappear on the same slide, e.g., imagine successive callouts appearing. When the next callout appears, the previous callout disappears.

Hi David, This post outlines how you can have an object appear and then disappear on the same slide. The Exit animation types in PowerPoint are perfect for this. If you use an “Entrance” type animation first on the callout, then also add an “Exit” animation to the same object and set it to start after the previous animation, you will achieve the effect you are after.

Hope this helps. Regards, Belinda

I want an object to appear on click, and then that same object disappear on the next click. In your post you have two objects and this solution works for two objects. But I have six objects that need to appear and then subsequently disappear (so really, four that need to be able to both appear and disappear on the same slide).

For example, if you had a third object after the butterfly, how would you set the butterfly to also disappear prior to having the third object appear? How do I apply two different animations to the same object? PowerPoint doesn’t seem to let me do this.

You can use [Effect Option] [After animation] and then select “Hide on Next Mouse Click” to have the object disappear. I too didn’t manage to put two (or more) animations to the same object (which is rather strange given the large set of disappear options).

Hi Nico, See comment below on how to apply two animations to one object.

Thanks, Belinda

Hi Alex, The trick to this is not to use the Animation gallery when choosing the animation effect you want. You need to specifically add the exit animation using the Add Animation button otherwise your original “entrance” animation disappears. Let me know if you have trouble getting this to work and I’ll write up a post for you on how to do this step by step. Check out this screen shot showing an Entrance (green stars) and Exit (red star) for each callout. https://snipboard.io/dVXomy.jpg Thanks, Belinda

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PowerPoint Animation: How to Make an Object Appear and Then Disappear


PowerPoint Animations: Appear and Disappear

PowerPoint presentations are a powerful tool for communicating information to an audience. They can be used to create engaging and visually appealing presentations that help to keep your audience’s attention. One of the many ways to make your PowerPoint presentations more interesting is to use animations. Animations can be used to make text, images, and other objects appear and disappear on the slide. This can help to emphasize important points and keep your audience engaged.

In this article, we will discuss how to use PowerPoint animations to make your presentations more effective. We will cover the basics of PowerPoint animations, including how to create them, how to control their timing, and how to use them effectively. We will also provide some tips for creating animations that are both visually appealing and engaging.

So if you’re looking to take your PowerPoint presentations to the next level, be sure to read on!

Animation Description Code
Appear An animation that makes an object appear on the slide.

Disappear An animation that makes an object disappear from the slide.

What is PowerPoint animation?

PowerPoint animation is a feature of Microsoft PowerPoint that allows you to add movement and visual effects to your presentations. You can use animation to draw attention to important points, make your slides more engaging, and help your audience understand your content better.

There are many different types of PowerPoint animation, including:

  • Entrance animations: These animations make objects appear on the slide.
  • Exit animations: These animations make objects disappear from the slide.
  • Motion paths: These animations move objects around the slide.
  • Rotation animations: These animations rotate objects around their axis.
  • Scaling animations: These animations change the size of objects.
  • Transparency animations: These animations make objects fade in or out.

You can use animation to create a variety of effects, such as:

  • Emphasis: You can use animation to emphasize important points in your presentation. For example, you could make the title of your slide appear with a dramatic entrance animation.
  • Movement: You can use animation to create a sense of movement in your presentation. For example, you could make a graph of sales figures move across the slide.
  • Attention-grabbing: You can use animation to grab your audience’s attention. For example, you could make a picture of a product appear with a sudden zoom-in animation.

Types of PowerPoint animation

There are three main types of PowerPoint animation:

  • Slide-level animation: This type of animation affects the entire slide. For example, you could use a slide-level animation to make all of the objects on a slide fade in at the same time.
  • Object-level animation: This type of animation affects individual objects on a slide. For example, you could use an object-level animation to make a picture of a product spin around.
  • Path animation: This type of animation makes an object move along a specific path. For example, you could use a path animation to make a text box move from one corner of the slide to the other.

Benefits of using PowerPoint animation

There are many benefits to using PowerPoint animation in your presentations, including:

  • Increased engagement: Animation can help to keep your audience engaged by adding visual interest to your slides.
  • Improved understanding: Animation can help your audience to better understand your content by making it easier to follow.
  • Enhanced memorability: Animation can help your audience to remember your content better by making it more memorable.

When used effectively, PowerPoint animation can be a powerful tool for creating more engaging, effective, and memorable presentations.

How to create PowerPoint animation

To create PowerPoint animation, you can follow these steps:

1. Select the object you want to animate. 2. Click the Animations tab on the ribbon. 3. Choose the animation effect you want to use. 4. (Optional) Adjust the animation settings.** You can change the speed, direction, and duration of the animation. 5. (Optional) Add a trigger to the animation.** A trigger tells PowerPoint when to start the animation. You can trigger an animation when you click a button, when you move the mouse over an object, or when you enter or leave a slide.

Once you have created your animation, you can preview it by clicking the Play button in the Animations tab.

Tips for creating effective PowerPoint animation

When creating PowerPoint animation, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Use animation sparingly. Too much animation can be distracting and make your presentation difficult to follow.
  • Use animation to emphasize important points. Animation can be a great way to draw attention to important points in your presentation.
  • Make sure your animations are clear and easy to understand. Your animations should be easy for your audience to follow.
  • Test your animations before your presentation. Make sure your animations are working properly and that they are not too distracting.

By following these tips, you can create PowerPoint animations that are effective and engaging.

PowerPoint animation is a powerful tool that can be used to create more engaging, effective, and memorable presentations. By following the tips in this article, you can create PowerPoint animations that will help you to communicate your message effectively and reach your audience.

3. Problems with PowerPoint animation

PowerPoint animation can be a great way to add interest and excitement to your presentations. However, if it is not used correctly, it can also be distracting and annoying. Here are some common problems with PowerPoint animation:

  • Too much animation. When you use too much animation, it can be overwhelming and difficult for your audience to follow. It is important to use animation sparingly and only when it is necessary to emphasize a point.
  • Unnecessary animation. Sometimes, people use animation simply because they can. This can be a waste of time and can actually detract from your presentation. Only use animation when it is actually going to add value to your presentation.
  • Confusing animation. If your animation is not clear and easy to understand, it can be confusing for your audience. Make sure that your animation is simple and straightforward so that your audience can easily follow what is happening.
  • Distracting animation. Animation can be distracting if it is too flashy or attention-grabbing. It is important to make sure that your animation is not distracting from the content of your presentation.

4. Solutions to common problems with PowerPoint animation

There are a number of things you can do to avoid the common problems with PowerPoint animation. Here are some tips:

  • Use only the necessary animation. Only use animation when it is necessary to emphasize a point or to make your presentation more engaging.
  • Keep your animation simple. Make sure that your animation is simple and easy to understand. Avoid using complex or confusing animations.
  • Test your animation with your audience. Before you give your presentation, test your animation with your audience to make sure that it is clear and easy to follow.
  • Use animation sparingly. Animation can be a great way to add interest and excitement to your presentations, but it is important to use it sparingly. Too much animation can be distracting and annoying.

Summary of key points

  • PowerPoint animation can be a great way to add interest and excitement to your presentations.
  • However, if it is not used correctly, it can also be distracting and annoying.
  • Some common problems with PowerPoint animation include too much animation, unnecessary animation, confusing animation, and distracting animation.
  • To avoid these problems, use only the necessary animation, keep your animation simple, test your animation with your audience, and use animation sparingly.

Call to action

If you want to learn more about how to use PowerPoint animation effectively, there are a number of resources available online. You can find tutorials, articles, and guides on how to use animation in PowerPoint. You can also find templates and themes that can help you create professional and engaging presentations.

Q: How do I make an object appear and disappear in PowerPoint?

A: There are a few ways to make an object appear and disappear in PowerPoint.

  • Use the Fade animation effect. To do this, select the object you want to animate, and then go to the Animations tab on the ribbon. In the Animation group, click the Add Animation button and select Fade . You can then choose how long the animation should take, and whether it should start automatically or when you click the mouse.
  • Use the Appear and Disappear animation effects. To do this, select the object you want to animate, and then go to the Animations tab on the ribbon. In the Animation group, click the Add Animation button and select Appear or Disappear . You can then choose how long the animation should take, and whether it should start automatically or when you click the mouse.
  • Use the Custom Animation feature. To do this, select the object you want to animate, and then go to the Animations tab on the ribbon. In the Advanced Animation group, click the Custom Animation button. This will open the Custom Animation dialog box. You can then use the Add Effect button to add animation effects to the object, and the Timing tab to set the duration and timing of the animations.

Q: How do I make an object appear and disappear on a specific slide?

A: To make an object appear and disappear on a specific slide, you can use the Trigger property of the animation effect. To do this, select the animation effect, and then go to the Effect Options dialog box. In the Trigger section, you can choose to have the animation start when the slide is displayed, when you click the mouse, or when another animation starts.

Q: How do I make an object appear and disappear multiple times?

A: To make an object appear and disappear multiple times, you can use the Repeat property of the animation effect. To do this, select the animation effect, and then go to the Effect Options dialog box. In the Repeat section, you can choose how many times the animation should repeat, and whether it should repeat indefinitely or until the slide is closed.

Q: How do I make an object appear and disappear with a delay?

A: To make an object appear and disappear with a delay, you can use the Delay property of the animation effect. To do this, select the animation effect, and then go to the Effect Options dialog box. In the Delay section, you can enter the number of seconds to delay the animation.

Q: How do I make an object appear and disappear with a sound effect?

A: To make an object appear and disappear with a sound effect, you can use the Sound property of the animation effect. To do this, select the animation effect, and then go to the Effect Options dialog box. In the Sound section, you can choose a sound file to play when the animation starts.

Q: How do I make an object appear and disappear smoothly?

A: To make an object appear and disappear smoothly, you can use the Easing property of the animation effect. To do this, select the animation effect, and then go to the Effect Options dialog box. In the Easing section, you can choose an easing function to control the speed of the animation.

PowerPoint animations can be a powerful tool to help you create more engaging and visually appealing presentations. By using appear and disappear animations, you can add interest and emphasis to your slides, and help your audience to better understand your content.

Here are a few key takeaways to remember when using appear and disappear animations:

  • Use animations sparingly. Too many animations can be distracting and make your presentation difficult to follow.
  • Use animations to highlight important points. Animations can help you draw attention to key information and make it easier for your audience to remember.
  • Keep your animations simple. Complex animations can be difficult to follow and may not add much value to your presentation.
  • Test your animations before your presentation. Make sure that your animations are working properly and that they are not distracting.

By following these tips, you can use appear and disappear animations to create more engaging and effective presentations.

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Marcus Greenwood

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How To Make Animation Disappear After Appearing In PowerPoint

Are you looking to enhance your PowerPoint presentations with eye-catching animations?

Learn how to Make Animation Disappear After Appearing and get some helpful tips for using animation effectively. Let’s dive in and elevate your presentation game!

Key Takeaways:

Why use animation in powerpoint.

Animation in a PowerPoint presentation can be a powerful tool for highlighting key points, guiding the audience’s attention, and making the content more memorable. By incorporating entrance animations , elements on slides can appear dynamically and engagingly, preventing monotony and keeping viewers interested. Similarly, exit animations can smoothly transition between slide content, helping to maintain a cohesive flow throughout the presentation.

How to Add Animation in PowerPoint

To incorporate animation in PowerPoint, select the desired object on a slide and apply animations using the Animation Gallery . You can trigger animations by clicking on the slide during a presentation.

Once you have selected the object, navigate to the ‘Animations’ tab on the PowerPoint toolbar. Here, you will find various animation options to choose from. Click on ‘Add Animation’ to open the Animation Gallery, where you can select the specific animation effect you want to apply to the object.

Step 1: Select the Object

The first step in animating an object in PowerPoint is selecting the specific element you wish to animate. This selection process can be done conveniently using the Animation Pane.

Step 2: Choose an Animation

After selecting the object, navigate to the Animation Gallery to choose from a variety of effects. Opt for entrance animations to create impactful visual transitions within your presentation.

Once you have accessed the Animation Gallery, you will be presented with a plethora of engaging options to animate your chosen object. These entrance animations serve as dynamic starting points for your slides, captivating your audience from the moment they appear on the screen.

Step 3: Adjust the Animation Settings

Fine-tune your animations by adjusting settings in the Animation Pane. Control the timing, speed, and duration of the animation to align with your presentation’s flow and emphasis.

How to Make Animation Disappear After Appearing

Creating animations that vanish after appearing in PowerPoint involves utilizing the Animation Pane and grouping objects on a slide. This technique can add a dynamic touch to your presentation.

Option 1: Use the ‘After Previous’ Timing

Employing the ‘After Previous’ timing option in PowerPoint allows objects to disappear right after their appearance, creating seamless animated sequences. Utilize this feature within the Animation Pane for precise control.

When using the ‘After Previous’ timing option, each animated object in your presentation is triggered to start the moment the previous animation effect concludes, resulting in a smooth transition from one element to the next. This setting is particularly useful for ensuring that your animations flow seamlessly, avoiding abrupt changes that could disrupt the visual appeal of your slides. By accessing the Animation Pane, you can easily manage the sequencing of animations, adjusting the order and timing to achieve the desired effects throughout your presentation.

Option 2: Use the ‘With Previous’ Timing

To manage these settings effectively, navigate to the Animation Pane, where you can adjust the order, timing, and duration of each animation. By organizing animations with the ‘With Previous’ option, you can control the sequence of object disappearances, creating a more engaging and professional-looking presentation.

Option 3: Use the ‘On Click’ Timing

By using the ‘On Click’ timing for animations in PowerPoint, you can give your audience more control over the pace of information delivery. This means that elements vanish or appear only when prompted by the viewer’s actions, making the presentation more engaging and dynamic.

Tips for Using Animation in PowerPoint

When incorporating animations in PowerPoint, consider using them sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience. Maintain consistent timing and preview your animations before presenting to ensure a polished delivery.

When managing groups of objects for animations, try utilizing the ‘Selection Pane’ feature in PowerPoint. This tool allows you to control the visibility, order, and animation effects of each object, simplifying the process and ensuring efficient animations.

Tip 1: Use Animation Sparingly

Tip 2: keep the timing consistent.

Consistency in animation timing across slides and objects in PowerPoint presentations ensures a cohesive and professional visual experience for the audience. Use the Animation Pane to manage timings effectively.

Tip 3: Preview Your Animation Before Presenting

Before delivering your PowerPoint presentation, ensure to preview your animations to confirm smooth transitions and effects. Previewing allows for adjustments and refinements to enhance the overall visual appeal.

Animations play a pivotal role in capturing the audience’s attention throughout a presentation. By incorporating animations , presenters can convey complex concepts clearly and engagingly, making information more digestible for viewers. These visual aids not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of slides but also help in emphasizing key points effectively.

Resources for Further Learning

Mastering the Animation Pane allows you to control the order and timing of each animation effect with precision, ensuring a seamless and engaging delivery. By leveraging this tool, you can create complex animations and customize the movement of objects on your slides to captivate your audience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i make an animation disappear after it appears in powerpoint, 2. can i make an animation disappear automatically without clicking anything.

Yes, you can make an animation disappear automatically without clicking anything. In the “Timing” tab under “Effect Options,” select the option to “Hide After Animation” in the “End” drop-down menu. This will make the animation disappear after it finishes playing without any manual action required.

3. How can I control the timing of when the animation disappears in PowerPoint?

4. is it possible to make an animation reappear after it disappears in powerpoint, 5. what if i want to make multiple animations disappear and reappear in a specific order.

To make multiple animations disappear and reappear in a specific order, you can use the “Animation Pane” in PowerPoint. This allows you to see a list of all the animations on your slide and adjust their order and timing. Simply select the animations you want to edit and use the options in the “Animation Pane” to control their appearance and disappearance.

6. Can I apply the disappearing animation effect to only certain parts of an image or text?

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How to control when a picture appears in powerpoint.


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Animating objects in your PowerPoint presentation, when done properly, lets you help control the pace at which you give your audience information. We’ve shown you how to hide an object in PowerPoint . Now, let's look at the various ways to make an object appear.

In a bit, we’re going to go through how to set the start time and speed of an animation, but first, we need to decide which type of animation we want to give our objects.

If you haven’t already inserted an image in your presentation, go ahead and do that now by heading to the "Insert" tab and clicking the “Pictures” button.

Insert an Image in PPT

Go ahead and position the image where you want it and apply any formatting you want. Then, with your picture selected, switch over to the "Animations" tab.

Animations tab in ppt

You’ll the most common animations displayed right on the ribbon; click one to use it.

Fade Animation

If you don't see one you like, click the little down arrow at the bottom right of the animations to see the full list.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

In the drop-down menu, you'll see a lot more animations you can use, and you can find even more by clicking any of the "More..." options at the bottom of the menu. PowerPoint offers a lot of animations.

powerpoint presentation animation appear then disappear

We're going to go with a simple Fade animation for our example here, but the same techniques apply no matter what you choose. Once you select your animation, a number will appear at the top-left of the object. This number indicates the order in which the object will appear on the slide if you have more than one animation. In this example, we have only one object with an animation, so we’ll only see the number “1.”

1 animation

Now, if we play our presentation, the image will appear after you click your mouse (that's the default method for initiating an animation, but more on that later).

If we throw in another image into the mix and give it an animation, we’ll see the number “2” appear next to it, meaning it will be the second object to appear on the slide. Let’s try it out. On the second image, we’re going to select the “Float In” animation.

Float In Animation

Now you’ll see the number 2 appear next to the object.

2 Animations

And here’s what it would look like in the actual presentation.

Pretty neat, right? As you can see, you can control which image appears first and how it appears in the presentation.

You can also apply multiple animations to a single object. This is handy for all kinds of things. You could use multiple animations for extra emphasis, or you make an object appear on and then disappear from the slide before moving on.

In this example, we’re going to make an object appear, then give it a little extra emphasis afterward.

First, select the object and then head over to the “Animations” tab. This time, click the “Add Animation” button. You must select the animations from here if you want to apply multiple animations.

Add animations

Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear that looks just like the expanded animations drop-down we showed you earlier. We already applied the Fade animation to our object, so this time we're going to select the "Teeter" animation from the "Emphasis" section.

Teeter animation

Now you’ll see both the number 1 and 2 next to the object, indicating the order in which the animations will happen.

Here’s what it looks like in action. First, it fades in, and then it teeters a bit.

Now that you understand how to use animations let’s talk about how to control their timing.

There are three options available for making your animation start:

  • On Click: This makes the animation begin when you click your mouse. It's also the default trigger.
  • With Previous: This initiates the object animation at the same time as the previous animation.
  • After Previous: This makes the animation begin after the last animation finishes.

To find these settings, select the object you're animating, head to the “Animations” tab, and then click the box next to “Start.”

start options

Select the start option you want from the drop-down menu.

You can also set a duration for the animation. Changing the duration makes the animation run slower or faster. If, for example, you have an object enter by flying in from the left, but it's flying in a little to quickly, you could increase the duration to make it move more slowly.

Image Duration

You can also add a delay that happens before the animation starts. This delay happens based on what start setting you use. For example, if your start setting is "On Click" and you have a delay of two seconds, the animation will start two seconds after clicking. If your start setting is "After Previous" and you have a delay of five seconds, the animation will start five seconds after the previous animation finishes.

delay animations

The options you have available for manipulating how and when objects appear are nearly endless. Play around with these features a bit, and you'll be making a great presentation in no time!

  • Microsoft Office
  • Office 2016


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