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Anthropology Research Topics And Writing Ideas For Students

anthropology research topics

Writing an anthropology research paper is in a lot of ways similar to writing an argumentative essay in other disciplines. Usually, the significant difference between these essays is how you support your idea. While you may use only literature to prove your point in an argumentative essay, you may need to employ textual proofs from artifacts, ethnographies, etc., in an anthropology essay.

Research in anthropology could be thrilling, particularly if you have many anthropology project ideas. Anthropology studies the evolution of human culture and therefore provides a wide range of anthropology essay topics that spill into history, biology, sociology, etc. Many anthropological research projects borrow from other social sciences. It is easy to feel that overwhelming grip on your chest if you’re unable to choose an anthropology research topic.

How to Write an Anthropology Research Paper

Guide how to write an anthropology research paper, the excellent list of 110 anthropology research paper topics, physical anthropology research paper topics, medical anthropology research paper topics, cultural anthropology research paper ideas, best cultural anthropology essay topics, biological anthropology research paper topics.

  • Forensic Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Are you worried because you don’t know how to write an anthropology paper? Writing an anthropology paper could be so much fun if you can nail the basics. It is not as bad as people paint it to be, especially if you get writing help from our professional writers . With the right anthropology paper format, anthropology research topics, and anthropology research paper examples, you’re set to go!

If you’re a big fan of doing lots of things in a short time and with fewer efforts, then you’re in the right place. This guide is full of the tips and skills you need to arrange your ideas properly. It also contains anthropology paper examples, anthropology paper topics, and other life-saving tips you may need. Ready to know how to start an anthropology research paper? Let’s delve right in!

How do you get started on an anthropology research paper? Below is the most comprehensive list on the internet to get you home and dry in record time!

  • Review the Assignment Guidelines
  • Develop a Topic
  • Outline your Paper
  • Do some Library Research
  • Write a Rough Draft
  • Write the Paper
  • Edit the Paper

We shall shortly expound on this list to help you better understand them.

  • Review the Assignment Guidelines: your professor may give you some guidelines to follow. To avoid deviating from the instructor’s expectations, spend some time reviewing your assignment guidelines so that you know the exact things you need to accomplish. For example, confirm if there are any stated anthropology research methods and the likes. It is beneficial to have a writing schedule. If you have a lot of time in your hands before the submission time, spreading out the workload will help to ease some of the stress. If you’re naturally a binge writer, sit at your computer early and bleed!
  • Develop a Topic:  search for some anthropology research paper ideas and choose from the vast array of anthropology research topics available. Select a topic that revolves around a guiding question. This topic should connect on a deeper level to the theme of the course. The length requirement for the paper will help you know if your topic is too big, too small, or just good enough. For a short paper, you may want to focus on a particular culture or event in the context of a broader topic. Ensure that your thesis focuses on anthropology and that it draws from anthropological theories or ideas. Now, do a quick search to confirm if there are scholarly materials available for this topic. It is easier to write a paper with some available references.
  • Introduction/Abstract
  • Library Research: now, start the research on your topic, preferably from course materials. A bibliography at the end of a relevant course reading is also a great way to get other related materials. Depending on the requirement of the assignment, feel free to search for other books or articles.
  • Write a Rough Draft: during your research, endeavor to make proper jottings and references, which will form the rough draft of your essay. A rough draft will help you create dots that you will be able to connect later on.
  • Title: Usually on a separate page and contains the abstract.
  • Introduction/Abstract : A short paragraph showing the road map of your thesis.
  • Body: Leverages your thesis and presenting your research in a detailed and logical structure.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is a short paragraph that summarizes your fundamental theme and substantiates your thesis.
  • References: A citation of the resources you used in your paper. Follow the referencing style which your instructor chooses.
  • Edit the Paper:  you may engage any of your friends to help you go through your essay. Make some final checks such as the length requirement, the format and citation style, spelling and grammatical errors, logical flow of ideas and clarity, substantial support of the claim, etc. Once you edit your paper, turn it in and accept an A+!

Without further ado, here are 110 anthropology research paper topics for free! With 18 topics each from the six main subcategories of anthropology, you can’t get it wrong!

  • Eugenics — its merits and demerits in the 21st-century world.
  • Human Origin: Comparing the creationist versus evolutionist views on the origin of man.
  • Ancient Egypt: The preservation of their dead and underlying beliefs.
  • Homo habilis: Investigating Contemporary facts supporting their past existence.
  • Drowning: Clarifying the cause of drowning by examining the physical and anatomical evidence.
  • Smoking and its effects on the physical appearance of humans over decades of indulgence.
  • Physical labor: Exploring its long-term impact on the physical appearance of humans.
  • The relationship of Kyphosis with human senescence.
  • Aging in Western Culture.
  • Skin color: Exploring the influence of the environment on human skin color across continents.
  • Species and language: Focus on ways species evolve across the world and ways language acquisition affects and influences culture.
  • Abiogenesis: Research about abiogenesis and how it affects human development
  • Animal stability: How captive animals are different from those that live in the wild.
  • Henry Walter: The ways Henry Walter contributed to the field of physical anthropology.
  • Cephalization: The process of cephalization and what it entails.
  • Genotype: The environment correlation study.
  • Genetics: What does genetic hijacking mean?
  • Altruism: Do people learn altruism or it is an acquired state.
  • Applying the Concepts of Ethnozoology in medicine.
  • Critically Assessing the fundamental posits of critical medical anthropology (CMA).
  • The 2014 Ebola virus outbreak in Africa: Evaluating the success of control interventions.
  • Exploring the applications of Ethnobotany in medicine.
  • Nuclear disaster: A research into the life of survivors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986.
  • HIV/AIDS: The reasons for prevalent societal infamy and the way forward.
  • HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe: Exploring the roles of commercial sex workers in the spread of the disease.
  • Alternative medicine in China: A comparative review of its weaknesses and possible strengths in the light of Orthodox medicine.
  • HIV/AIDS in Africa: A critical assessment of extensively troubled nations and populations.
  • Depression in South-East Asia: Sheer social noise or severe threat?
  • Adult’s onset diabetes: Research on how diabetes is a major health issue in aboriginal populations in The U.S and Canada.
  • ARV rollout: The role of the ARV rollout and campaigns in Africa.
  • Sexual diversity in Africa: Research on whether sexual diversity in Africa is being taken into account to help fight against AIDS.
  • Chemicals and radiation waste: How the radiation waste and chemicals in the air are affecting people.
  • Mercury poisoning: The effects of Mercury poisoning in Minamata, Japan, and the measures to help put the situation under control.
  • Health: The health ramifications of adapting to ecology and maladaptation.
  • Health: Domestic healthcare and health culture practices
  • Clinic: Clinical interactions in social organizations.
  • Growth: Difference between growth and development.
  • Engineering: Genetic engineering and what it entails.
  • Marriage: Marriage rituals in different cultures.
  • Magic: Belief in magic and the supernatural.
  • Mythologies: The effects it has on modern culture.
  • Anthropology: How to use anthropology as forensic science.
  • Heroes: Studies of heroes in different societies.
  • Education: How education differs around the world.

Cultural anthropology discusses human societies and their cultural origin, vacation, history, and development. Here is a look at cultural Anthropology topics:

  • Women in Africa: The various challenging roles that women in Modern Africa play and how they handle it.
  • Homelessness: How homelessness affects and influences the culture and social landscapes.
  • India: Methods and measures that India is taking to deal with the issue of homelessness and measures they have put in place to deal with social landscapers.
  • Political science: Highlight and discuss the link between cultural anthropology and political science.
  • Superstition: Research ways that superstition affects the way of life.
  • Sexual discrimination: The evolution of sexual discrimination and its effects in modern times.
  • African cultures: Investigating how different religions and beliefs impact African culture.
  • Northern Nigeria: How the basic religious beliefs that influence forced nuptials among the children in North Nigeria.
  • Gay marriage: The background on gay marriage and how it influences the cultural and social backgrounds.
  • Racism: Explain racism and its existence in modern times.
  • Religious practices: Ways how religious practices and beliefs affect culture.
  • Culture shock: What it is and ways that people can work through it.
  • Ethnocentrism: Ways that you can use to minimize it.
  • Ancestors: A view of ancestors in African culture.
  • Religion: Religious practices in a particular society.
  • Culture: About the Rabari culture in India
  • Definition of culture
  • How culture anthropology links to political science
  • Alcoholism: Looking into the socio-economic and cultural history in Eastern Europe.
  • Assessing the effects of radioactivity on populations affected by the nuclear disaster of 2011 in Fukushima Daiichi.
  • Gay marriage: Exploring the biological aspects of same-sex weddings in North America.
  • Minamata disease: A critical look into the origin, populations affected, and transgenerational impact of this disease on Japan.
  • Asthma disease in Yokkaichi: A critical look into the cause, people affected, and transgenerational effect on Japan.
  • Itai-Itai disease: A critical look into the cause, populations affected, and transgenerational effect on Japan.
  • Nuclear bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: An investigation of the transgenerational effects on the health of affected victims to this present time.
  • Cocaine use in America: A critical look into the health impact on American cocaine users.
  • Making Marijuana use legal in America: Possible woes and beneficial outcomes.
  • Cystic fibrosis: Justifications for its preponderance in white populations in America.
  • Biological Anthropology: Research on the meaning and definition of biological Anthropology and how it influences different fields.
  • Paleoanthropology: Explore ways Paleoanthropology uses fossil records to draw biological anthropology compassion and conclusions regarding human evolution.
  • Human social structures: Explain the development of human social structures using biological anthropology.
  • Biological anthropologies: Research on some primary geographical locations where biological anthropologies used to research their work.
  • Human language: Research how biological anthropology helped in the development of human language and communication.
  • Body projects: The changes and the valued attributes.
  • Political ecology: The Vector-borne and infectious disease.
  • Clinical Interactions: What are clinical interaction and social organization?

Forensic Anthropology Research Paper Ideas

  • Radioactive Carbon dating: A critical assessment of the accuracy of this dating technique.
  • Human Origin: Pieces of evidential support for Creationist and Evolutionist views on the origin of man.
  • Assessing the accuracy of DNA evidence testing and matching on criminology.
  • Neanderthals: Exploring environmental influences and migratory paths on their survival and appearance.
  • Dating Techniques: A critical review of current archaeological dating techniques.
  • Ancient Egypt Mummification: A critical look at the effectiveness of the methods used.
  • Nuclear disaster: A research into the impact of radioactivity on life forms due to the atomic catastrophe Chernobyl in 1986.
  • A critical look into recent evidence supporting the existence of Homo habilis in the past.
  • Crime Scene Forensics: Recent advances in the detection of crime.
  • Postmortem Changes: Investigating the primary agents responsible for biological changes in humans.
  • Criminal procedure: Research a case with a confession scenario and highlight unique features of the case.
  • Criminal procedure: Do your research on the criminal proceedings in a given area and what makes them effective.
  • Computer forensic: Ways that the computer forensic help in preserving electronic evidence.
  • Digital forensic: Research about the history and features of digital forensic.
  • History: Ways that Israel presents itself as a leader in computer forensics.
  • Oncology: The latest archaeological dating methods.
  • DNA: How accurate is DNA evidence in the matching and testing criminology?
  • Crime detention: The recent improvements of crime detection.

So here we are! Fifty juicy topics that are all eager to wear some flesh! Ready to have an A+? Let’s do it!

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Top 300 Anthropology Research Topics

Anthropology research Topics

Welcome to a fascinating world of anthropology. DIve into our curated compilation of 300 engaging anthropology research topics that uncover the diversity of human societies and cultures. These topics span a wide range of fascinating subjects, from how people live and communicate to the ways they shape their communities and beliefs.

Explore cultural traditions across the globe, investigate the roots of human evolution, or solve the complexities of language and identity. Whether you’re mesmerized by ancient civilizations, modern urban societies, or the impact of technology on cultures, you’ll find thought-provoking ideas to spark your curiosity and inspire insightful exploration.

From examining social behaviors to understanding environmental adaptations, these research topics offer a doorway to understanding the rich diversity of humanity. Join us on this journey through anthropology’s vast kingdoms, where each topic invites you to solve the complexities of human existence, one subject at a time.

What Is Anthropology ?

Table of Contents

Anthropology is the study of humans’ origins, societies, cultures, behaviors, and physical variations across time and space. It emphasizes understanding the diversity of human experiences and how societies function. Anthropologists explore various aspects of human life, from biological and evolutionary perspectives to cultural and social dimensions.

There are four primary subfields in anthropology:

  • Cultural Anthropology: Focuses on understanding contemporary societies, cultures, customs, and practices.
  • Archaeology: Studies past human societies and cultures by examining material remains, artifacts, and structures.
  • Biological/Physical Anthropology: Investigates human biology, evolution, genetics, and primatology.
  • Linguistic Anthropology: Explores the role of language in societies, communication, and cultural expression.

Anthropologists use diverse methods, including ethnography (participant observation), interviews, archaeological excavations, biological analyses, and linguistic studies, to uncover insights into human societies, their histories, and how they evolve over time.

Here we have compiled 300 research topics under different categories. From how languages evolve to what ancient artifacts tell us, these topics are like treasure maps guiding us to discover the wonders of human life. Ready to dive into stories of our past, present, and future? Let us start.

Top 15 Topics On Biological Anthropology Research Areas

  • Human Evolutionary Genetics
  • Primate Behavior and Ecology
  • Forensic Anthropology
  • Paleoanthropology Studies
  • Human Osteology and Skeletal Biology
  • Biological Adaptations to Environments
  • Comparative Anatomy and Morphology
  • Dental Anthropology Research
  • Bioarchaeology Investigations
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Primatology and Conservation
  • Disease and Health in Past Populations
  • Population Genetics and Human Diversity
  • Evolutionary Medicine and Anthropology
  • Human Paleopathology

Top 15 Research Topics On Cultural Anthropology Research Topics

  • Rituals and Symbolism in Culture
  • Cultural Identity and Globalization
  • Ethnographic Studies of Communities
  • Gender Roles and Cultural Practices
  • Material Culture and Society
  • Language and Culture Interactions
  • Folklore and Oral Traditions
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Culture and Power Dynamics
  • Urban Anthropology and City Life
  • Cultural Diversity and Social Change
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Fieldwork
  • Diaspora Communities and Identity
  • Religion and Cultural Practices

Top 15 Research Topics On Archaeological Anthropology Investigations

  • Archaeogenetics and Human Origins
  • Settlement Patterns and Urbanization
  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Ancient Technologies and Innovations
  • Archaeological Excavation Techniques
  • Paleoecology and Human Adaptations
  • Cultural Transmission in Archaeology
  • Dating Methods in Archaeological Studies
  • Maritime and Underwater Archaeology
  • Landscape Archaeology Approaches
  • Cultural Heritage Management
  • Rock Art and Symbolism
  • Archaeology of Death and Burial Practices
  • Archaeology and Climate Change
  • Site Preservation and Conservation

Top 15 Research Topics On Linguistic Anthropology Studies

  • Language Acquisition and Development
  • Sociolinguistics and Cultural Variation
  • Language Revitalization Efforts
  • Language and Identity Formation
  • Ethnolinguistics and Cultural Contexts
  • Historical Linguistics and Evolution of Languages
  • Linguistic Relativity and Thought Patterns
  • Multilingualism and Society
  • Dialectology and Regional Variations
  • Language Endangerment and Preservation
  • Language Contact and Creole Formation
  • Anthropological Approaches to Verbal Art
  • Pragmatics and Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Language and Power Dynamics
  • Ethnography of Communication

Top 15 Research Topics On Medical Anthropology Focus Areas

  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Health and Illness
  • Traditional Healing Practices
  • Biocultural Aspects of Disease
  • Global Health and Healthcare Systems
  • Medical Pluralism and Integration
  • Mental Health and Cultural Perceptions
  • Ethnomedicine and Herbal Remedies
  • Health Disparities and Social Determinants
  • Healing Rituals and Symbolism
  • Maternal and Child Health in Cultures
  • Anthropology of Infectious Diseases
  • Indigenous Knowledge in Healthcare
  • Alternative Medicine and Society
  • Medical Ethnography and Fieldwork
  • Healthcare Access and Marginalized Communities

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Economic Anthropology Research

  • Market Systems and Exchange Networks
  • Economic Development and Globalization
  • Cultural Perspectives on Wealth and Value
  • Informal Economies and Subsistence Strategies
  • Gift-giving and Reciprocity in Societies
  • Economic Anthropology of Gender
  • Economic Anthropology of Labor and Work
  • Money and Symbolism in Cultures
  • Land Tenure Systems and Property Rights
  • Resource Management and Sustainability
  • Consumption Patterns and Consumerism
  • Economic Anthropology of Entrepreneurship
  • Economic Anthropology of Food and Agriculture
  • Poverty and Inequality Studies
  • Economic Anthropology in Urban Settings

Top 15 Research Topics On Social Anthropology Themes

  • Kinship Structures and Family Dynamics
  • Social Identity Formation and Group Relations
  • Rituals and Ceremonies in Societies
  • Power Dynamics and Social Hierarchies
  • Community Studies and Social Networks
  • Gender Roles and Social Constructs
  • Ethnicity and Cultural Boundaries
  • Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking
  • Social Movements and Activism
  • Urbanization and Social Change
  • Socialization and Education Systems
  • Marginalized Communities and Social Inclusion
  • Collective Memory and Commemoration
  • Media and Society in Anthropological Contexts
  • Identity Politics and Intersectionality

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Psychological Anthropology Topics

  • Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health
  • Emotions and Cultural Expression
  • Belief Systems and Psychological Well-being
  • Cross-Cultural Studies on Trauma
  • Rituals and Healing in Psychological Contexts
  • Cultural Influences on Perception and Cognition
  • Identity Formation and Psychological Processes
  • Child Rearing and Psychological Development
  • Stress and Coping Mechanisms in Cultures
  • Cultural Variations in Personality
  • Spirituality and Psychological Resilience
  • Psychopathology and Cultural Interpretations
  • Cultural Constructions of Happiness
  • Intergenerational Transmission of Psychological Traits
  • Culture, Mind, and Brain Interaction

Top 15 Research Topics On Evolutionary Anthropology Exploration

  • Human Evolutionary Genetics and Adaptations
  • Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Behavior
  • Evolution of Human Communication
  • Cultural Evolution and Transmission
  • Evolutionary Medicine and Health
  • Primate Evolution and Comparative Anatomy
  • Evolution of Tool Use and Technology
  • Evolutionary Ecology and Human Adaptations
  • Evolutionary Psychology in Anthropological Context
  • Evolutionary Aspects of Human Diet
  • Co-evolution of Humans and Pathogens
  • Evolution of Human Brain and Cognition
  • Biocultural Evolution and Society
  • Paleolithic Archaeology and Human Evolution
  • Evolutionary Anthropology and Human Biodiversity

Top 15 Research Topics On Visual Anthropology Areas of Study

  • Ethnographic Filmmaking and Storytelling
  • Visual Ethnography and Cultural Representation
  • Anthropology of Photography
  • Visual Arts and Cultural Identity
  • Media and Visual Culture in Anthropological Contexts
  • Visual Documentation of Rituals and Traditions
  • Film as Cultural Artifact in Anthropology
  • Ethnographic Film Festivals and Discourse
  • Visual Anthropology and Indigenous Perspectives
  • Ethical Considerations in Visual Representation
  • Digital Visual Anthropology
  • Visual Media and Social Change
  • Visual Methodologies in Anthropological Research
  • Visual Anthropology and Museum Practices
  • Aesthetics and Meaning in Visual Anthropology

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Urban Anthropology Research

  • Urban Spaces and Everyday Life
  • Urban Diversity and Multiculturalism
  • Gentrification and Urban Dynamics
  • Urban Poverty and Marginalized Communities
  • Urban Development and Planning
  • Urban Social Networks and Relationships
  • Anthropology of Urban Public Spaces
  • Informal Economies in Urban Contexts
  • Cultural Diversity in Urban Neighborhoods
  • Urban Health and Well-being
  • Technology and Urban Anthropology
  • Urban Youth Cultures and Identities
  • Migration and Urban Settlements
  • Urban Governance and Citizenship

Top 15 Research Topics On Environmental Anthropology Issues

  • Human-Environment Interactions in Indigenous Societies
  • Climate Change and Cultural Adaptations
  • Environmental Conservation and Indigenous Knowledge
  • Political Ecology and Resource Management
  • Ethnobotany and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • Environmental Justice and Marginalized Communities
  • Anthropogenic Impact on Ecosystems
  • Sacred Landscapes and Cultural Preservation
  • Environmental Displacement and Resettlement
  • Sustainable Development and Local Communities
  • Ecological Anthropology and Biodiversity Loss
  • Water and Sanitation in Cultural Contexts
  • Anthropology of Natural Disasters
  • Land Use and Cultural Perspectives
  • Ethical Considerations in Environmental Research

Top 15 Research Topics On Applied Anthropology Focus Topics

  • Applied Anthropology in Healthcare Settings
  • Anthropology in Community Development Projects
  • Cultural Competence in Social Work
  • Anthropological Approaches to Environmental Conservation
  • Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief
  • Cultural Consultancy in Business and Industry
  • Forensic Anthropology and Crime Investigations
  • Ethnographic Evaluation in Public Policy
  • Anthropology in Education and Curriculum Development
  • Participatory Research Methods in Applied Anthropology
  • Urban Planning and Community Engagement
  • Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism
  • Applied Anthropology in Conflict Resolution
  • Technology and Innovation in Applied Anthropology
  • Anthropology in Global Health Initiatives

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Gender and Sexuality in Anthropology

  • Gender Roles and Social Norms
  • Gender Identity and Cultural Constructs
  • Sexuality and Cultural Expression
  • LGBTQ+ Communities and Identity Politics
  • Feminist Anthropology and Theory
  • Masculinity Studies in Cultural Contexts
  • Gender-Based Violence and Cultural Responses
  • Intersectionality and Gender in Anthropology
  • Gender and Power Dynamics
  • Reproductive Health and Cultural Perspectives
  • Sexuality Education and Cultural Variations
  • Gendered Spaces and Social Hierarchies
  • Gender and Economic Empowerment
  • Ethnographic Studies on Gender Diversity
  • Indigenous Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality

Top 15 Research Topics On Indigenous Peoples and Ethnography

  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Preservation
  • Ethnography of Indigenous Communities
  • Indigenous Rights and Land Ownership
  • Oral Traditions and Cultural Transmission
  • Indigenous Health and Traditional Medicine
  • Rituals and Ceremonies in Indigenous Cultures
  • Indigenous Languages and Linguistic Diversity
  • Indigenous Governance and Political Structures
  • Environmental Ethics in Indigenous Societies
  • Indigenous Education and Cultural Revitalization
  • Indigenous Women’s Roles and Empowerment
  • Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Identity
  • Indigenous Activism and Social Movements
  • Indigenous Art and Cultural Expression
  • Resilience and Challenges in Indigenous Communities

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Anthropology of Religion Studies

  • Rituals and Symbolism in Religious Practices
  • Sacred Spaces and Pilgrimages
  • Religion and Power Structures
  • Religious Conversion and Adaptation
  • Shamanism and Healing Practices
  • Mythology and Religious Narratives
  • Religious Pluralism and Coexistence
  • Ethnography of Religious Communities
  • Religion and Social Change
  • Gender Roles in Religious Contexts
  • Diasporic Religious Practices
  • Religious Syncretism and Hybridity
  • Religion and Environmental Ethics
  • Supernatural Beliefs and Cosmology
  • Ritualistic Performance and Symbolic Acts

Top 15 Research Topics On Migration and Diaspora Anthropology

  • Identity Formation in Transnational Contexts
  • Cultural Adaptation and Integration of Migrants
  • Anthropology of Forced Migration
  • Transnationalism and Global Diasporas
  • Refugee Resettlement and Integration
  • Gender Dynamics in Migration
  • Remittances and Economic Impacts
  • Homeland Connections and Diasporic Identities
  • Social Networks and Support Systems in Diasporas
  • Xenophobia and Discrimination Against Migrants
  • Politics of Borders and Migration Policies
  • Diasporic Cultural Practices and Traditions
  • Second-Generation Diaspora Identities
  • Urbanization and Diaspora Communities
  • Diaspora Engagement in Home Countries

Top 15 Anthropology Research Topics On Anthropology of Power and Politics

  • Political Rituals and Symbolism
  • Power Dynamics in Social Hierarchies
  • Political Economy and Social Inequality
  • Political Authority and Legitimacy
  • Political Activism and Social Movements
  • Political Representation and Marginalized Groups
  • Ethnography of Governance Systems
  • Political Discourse and Media Influence
  • Political Violence and Conflict Resolution
  • Political Participation and Civic Engagement
  • Power Structures in Indigenous Societies
  • Politics of Memory and Commemoration
  • Anthropology of State Formation
  • Political Agency and Identity Politics

Top 15 Research Topics On Technology and Anthropological Studies

  • Digital Cultures and Virtual Communities
  • Ethnography of Online Spaces
  • Technological Adaptations in Traditional Societies
  • Surveillance and Privacy in Technological Contexts
  • Anthropology of Artificial Intelligence
  • Technological Innovations and Social Change
  • Ethical Implications of Technology Integration
  • Mobile Technology and Global Connectivity
  • Cultural Perspectives on Robotics and Automation
  • Anthropology of Wearable Technology
  • Social Media and Identity Construction
  • Technological Impact on Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Access to Technology in Marginalized Communities
  • Cybersecurity and Cultural Perceptions
  • Anthropology of Emerging Technologies

Top 15 Research Topics On Globalization and Anthropology Research Areas

  • Transnationalism and Identity Formation
  • Global Flows of Culture and Commodities
  • Globalization and Indigenous Peoples
  • Migration and Diaspora Studies
  • Global Health and Medical Practices
  • Globalization’s Impact on Language and Communication
  • Cultural Hybridity in Globalized Contexts
  • Globalization and Environmental Anthropology
  • Global Economic Networks and Labor Mobility
  • Cultural Imperialism and Resistance
  • Globalization and Urban Anthropology
  • Globalization’s Influence on Food Systems
  • Technology and Global Cultural Exchange
  • Globalization and Social Movements
  • Globalization and Ethical Dilemmas

In wrapping up our big list of 300 anthropology research topics, remember, anthropology’s like a treasure chest filled with amazing things to explore. These topics offer a map to understanding people, cultures, and societies. They’re keys that unlock doors to ancient times, different beliefs, and how our world works today. 

Pick a topic that sparks your curiosity, dive in, and discover fascinating insights about humans and our diverse ways of living. Let these topics guide you on an adventure of understanding, questioning, and learning. So, grab your curiosity, pick a topic, and explore the exciting world of anthropology.

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195 Top Anthropology Topics For Great Thesis

anthropology research topics

Anthropology is one of the most interesting disciplines that you can pursue at the university level. The whole idea of exploring everything known about human beings, from their origins to evolution, is pretty exciting.

However, the study requires preparing multiple assignments, which can be pretty challenging because you need a deep understanding of biology, history, and culture. The first step, which is even more stressful when preparing an anthropology paper, is selecting the right topic. So, we are here to help.

In this post, we have a list of the best anthropology topics that you can use to get good grades. To help you increase the chances of scoring the best grade in your paper, we have also included a comprehensive guide on how to write your paper like a pro.

What Is Anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of humanity, and it is concerned about human biology, behavior, societies, cultures and linguistics in the past and present. The discipline stretches back to the study of past human species. Because of its broad nature, it is broken down into a number of units, with each focusing on a specific area:

Social anthropology: Focuses on patterns of human behavior. Cultural anthropology: This branch mainly focuses on culture, including values and norms in the society. Linguistic anthropology: Unlike the other two, this branch of anthropology targets determining how language impacts people’s lives. Biological anthropology: This branch focuses on studying the biological development of humans. Archaeological anthropology: This branch of anthropology is concerned with investigating humans in the past. In some jurisdictions, such as Europe, it is considered a full discipline like geography or history.

How To Write Best Quality Anthropology Research Paper

When your professors issue anthropology research paper prompts, one of the questions that you might have is, “how do I write a high level paper?” Here are the main steps that you can use to write a great college paper.

Step One: Understand the Assignment The biggest mistake that you can make is starting an assignment without understanding what it entails. So, read the prompt carefully and grasp what is needed. For example, does your teacher want a qualitative or quantitative research paper? For masters and graduate students, it might be a quantitative anthropology dissertation. Step Two: Select the Preferred Research Paper Topic The topic that you select is very important, and it is advisable to go for the title that is interesting to you. Furthermore, the topic should have ample resources to help you complete the paper smoothly. If there are no books, journals, and other important resources to prepare the paper, there is a risk of getting stuck midway. Once you select the topic, carry preliminary research to gather key points that you will use to prepare the paper. However, these points are not final and will need to get updated along the way. Step Three: Develop Your Research Paper Outline An outline defines the structure of the paper. It makes further research and preparing the paper pretty straightforward. Also, it eliminates the risk of forgetting important bits of the research paper. To make the paper more informative, make sure to add supportive information progressively. Step Four: Write the Thesis Statement of Your Paper The thesis statement of a paper is your stand about the topic that you are writing about. The statement comes in the introduction but will further be restated in conclusion. The information you present on the research paper will approve or disapprove your thesis statement. Step Five: Write the Draft Paper After gathering the information about the topic, it is time to get down and prepare the first draft. So, strictly follow the prepared outline to craft a good paper, starting with the introduction to the conclusion. If you are writing a dissertation, it might be good to tell your supervisor about the progress. Remember that a dissertation is more comprehensive than a research paper. To write a dissertation, you should start with the introduction, followed by the literature review, research methods, results, discussion, and finally, conclusion. Step Six: Write the Final Paper After finishing the draft, it is time to refine it further and make the work exceptional. Therefore, you might want to go through more resources to establish if there is anything more helpful to add. Finally, edit your paper and proofread the paper. You might also want to ask a friend to help with proofreading to identify mistakes that might have skipped your eye.

Next, we will highlight the leading anthropology topics that you should consider. So, pick the preferred one or tweak it a little to suit your needs.

Top 20 Anthropology Paper Topics

  • How does the environment impact the color of a person?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of eugenics in the 21st century.
  • A closer look at the aging process in the western culture.
  • What are the implications of physical labor on the physique of a person?
  • Define the relationship between Kyphosis to human senescence
  • Does smoking impact the appearance of a human being?
  • Death caused by drowning: How to determine it through examination of physical and anatomical evidence.
  • Existence of Homo Habilis is supported by modern facts.
  • Compare two theories that explain the origins of human beings.
  • A review of key beliefs about human body preservation in ancient Egypt.
  • The role played by storytelling in different cultures.
  • Applying anthropology as forensic science.
  • Heroes in society.
  • Closed societies.
  • Emergency of terrorism into a culture.
  • Feminism application in different cultures.
  • A review of the concept of wellness in different cultures.
  • What role does literature play in human development?
  • Analyzing conflicts in Latin American and Asian cultures.
  • Genetic engineering and anthropology: How are they related?

Interesting Anthropology Topics

  • Investigating how religious beliefs impact the Hispanic cultures.
  • A review of the evolution of sexual discrimination.
  • The impact of culture on same sex marriages: A case study of LGBT community in France.
  • A closer look at racism in modern societies.
  • Causes of homelessness among the Hispanic communities.
  • Causes and effects of homelessness among the Indian people in Asia.
  • Comparing the strategies adopted to deal with homelessness in the US and India.
  • Cultural anthropology and political science: How are they related?
  • Identify and review two most important organizations when it comes to advancing anthropology.
  • Peru’s Quechua people.
  • Contemporary policy and environmental anthropology.
  • What influences human social patterns?
  • A review of the impact of western culture on indigenous people in North America.
  • Analyzing the caste systems and ranking in societies.
  • A review of ancient Roman culture.
  • The evolution of the human ear.
  • Comparing the evolution of man to the evolution of birds.
  • What is the origin of modern humans?
  • A closer look at the main issues in female circumcision.

Biological Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  • Exploring the meaning of biological anthropology and its application in different fields.
  • Analyzing how primatologists use primates to understand human evolution.
  • How paleontologists use fossil records for anthropological comparisons.
  • Biological anthropology: How does it explain human behavior development?
  • Identify and review top geographical locations where anthropologists do their work: Why are these locations so important?
  • Define the connection between social sciences and biological anthropology.
  • The evolution of the primate diet.
  • Analyzing the evolution of tapetum lucidum.
  • A closer look at the extinction of giant lemurs in Madagascar.
  • Human resistance to drugs: Human pathogen coevolution.
  • How to determine the age of an animal using its bones.
  • How does syphilis impact bones?
  • Poaching and habitat destruction.
  • The application of natural selection in the animal kingdom.

Good Cultural Anthropology Research Paper Topics

  • Religious beliefs in the Asian cultures.
  • Comparing religious beliefs in African and Aboriginal cultures.
  • A review of the key cultural concepts in a culture of choice in Europe.
  • Comparing the idea of worldview from the perspectives of two societies.
  • Marriage in a traditional society of your choice.
  • A review of early development of economic organizations.
  • The role of women in Indian society.
  • A closer look at the process of language acquisition in African culture.
  • Missionary and anthropology: What is the relationship?
  • What strategies would you propose to minimize ethnocentrism?
  • How can society minimize the notion of cultural baggage?
  • Culture shock: Insights on how to address it.
  • Belief in magic in different societies.
  • A review of the impacts of globalization on nutritional anthropology.

Anthropological Research Questions

  • Should anthropology be merged fully with biology?
  • Is DNA evidence accurate in criminology applications?
  • How does the practice of anthropology application in China compare to that of the US?
  • Use of radiological tools in anthropology: What is their level of effectiveness?
  • What are the main hazards and risks of forensic anthropology?
  • What effect do mythologies have in modern society?
  • How does language acquisition impact the culture of a society?
  • Body project change projects: What are the valued attributes?
  • Halloween celebrations: How have they evolved over the years?
  • What are the impacts of adaptive mutation?
  • How did WWI and WWII impact human societies?
  • What are the impacts of climate change on animal evolution?
  • Location of crime: What can you learn about it?
  • What are the impacts of long-term alcohol addiction on the human body?
  • Magic and science: Are they related?

Easy Anthropological Ideas

  • Development of anthropology in the 21st century.
  • Important lessons about humans that can be drawn from anthropological studies.
  • Anthropological issues in pre-capitalist societies.
  • A closer look at folk roles and primitive society.
  • Urban centers and modern man.
  • How is automation impacting human behavior?
  • How does biology impact human culture?
  • Reviewing racial identity and stereotypes in society.
  • Comparing ancient Aztec to Maya civilizations.
  • Analyzing religious diversity in the United States.
  • Comparing religious diversity in the UK and Italy.
  • Why is studying anthropology important?
  • Comparing different death rituals in different cultures on the globe.
  • What is the relationship between literature and human development?
  • Analyzing the influence of anthropology on modern art.
  • How has social media impacted different cultures on the globe?

Linguistic Anthropology Research Topics

  • What led to the emergence of linguistics anthropology?
  • A review of the main theories in linguistic anthropology.
  • Linguistics used by different communities in the same nation.
  • Comparing sign and verbal communication.
  • How did Dell Hymes contribute to linguistic anthropology?
  • Language is the most important component among Bengal immigrants.
  • Language endangerment: What is it?
  • Comparing different categories of arts from an anthropological context for an Asian and Western country.
  • The impact of colonization on the language of a specific society of your choice.
  • Explore three different indigenous languages in America.

Controversial Anthropology Topics

  • Social anthropology is not worth studying because it is very general.
  • Human societies are cultural constructs.
  • The past should be considered a foreign nation.
  • What are your views of petro behavior in chimps?
  • Man is natural killer
  • Infant killing is an important evolutionary strategy.
  • The war on infanticides: Which side do you support?
  • Evaluating the concept of human morality.
  • Should all the political leaders be required to undertake training in cultural anthropology?
  • Human cleansing: Evaluating the driving factors in different societies.
  • Analyzing the concept of political correctness in the 21st century.
  • What are the earliest life forms to exist on the planet?

Medical Anthropology Research Topics List

  • Comparing and contrasting physical and medical anthropology studies.
  • Do we have evidence of evolution over the last 2000 years?
  • Exploring the importance of anthropology in modern medicine.
  • The health implications of adapting to ecology.
  • Domestic health culture practices in two societies of choice.
  • A review of clinical anthropology applications.
  • Political ecology of infectious diseases.
  • What is the relationship between violence, diseases and malnutrition?
  • The economic aspect of political health in a country of choice.
  • Perception of risk, vulnerability and illnesses: A case study of the United States.
  • What are the main factors that drive good nutrition and health transition?
  • The adoption of preventive health practices in society.
  • Important cultural conditions that help shape medical practices.
  • Comparing the medical practices during the colonial and post-colonial eras in a county of choice.
  • Use of mitochondria in forensic and anthropology.
  • Commercialization of health and medicine: What are the implications in society?
  • Analyzing health disparity in a society of your choice.

Current Topics In Anthropology

  • Using anthropology studies to determine the impact of political systems on different societies.
  • Human rights of people who are convicted of crimes.
  • What are the most important organizations when studying anthropology?
  • A closer look at the dialect of a modern feminist.
  • A study of current queer life in Germany.
  • Implications of Barack Obama as the African American President.
  • Reviewing the Pagan rituals and their impacts.
  • Comparing aging in the west and growing old in the African setting.
  • Cultural implications of deviant behavior in society.
  • The new concept of childhood in the emerging economies.

Physical Anthropology Research Topics

  • What does genetic hitchhiking mean?
  • Analyzing the cephalization process.
  • What is adaptive mutation?
  • Altruism: Is it learnt or a natural trait?
  • What is abiogenesis in human development?
  • A study of Australian marsupial’s convergent evolution.
  • Comparing stability of animals in stability and those in the wild.
  • Evolution of different animals in different parts of the globe. What drives the differences?
  • A review of physical anthropology trends.
  • The future evolution of human beings.
  • Physical anthropology: The human and digital culture.
  • What really makes people human?

Special Anthropology Topics to Write About

  • Enlightenment and Victorian Anthropological Theory.
  • Race and ethnicity: The anthropologist’s viewpoint.
  • A closer look at reciprocity in the native aboriginal communities in Australia.
  • What is the relationship between Neanderthal and modern humans?
  • Cultural anthropology versus sociology.
  • Anthropology of Mormonism.
  • What is the biggest change since WWI?
  • What is reflexive anthropology?
  • What is the main purpose of rituals in society?
  • Comparing rituals around childbirth in Asia.
  • Evaluating the connection between religion and myths in different societies.
  • Comparing the 20th and 21st century’s method of collecting anthropological data.
  • Why is medical anthropology so important today?
  • The importance of Benin artifacts in the history of the world.
  • The sociology theory: A review of its structure and shortcomings.
  • Christian believes in anthropology.
  • Comparing Anthropology of Europe to Anthropology of Africa.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of reflexivity use in ethnographic studies.

Forensic Anthropology Paper Topics

  • What are the primary agents that cause biological changes in the human body?
  • Are the biological change agents in a human being similar to those of other animals?
  • Assessing the accuracy of carbon dating technology.
  • Analyzing the latest improvements in crime detection technology.
  • Analyzing evidence that supports evolution views of human beings.
  • How does radioactivity impact different animals?
  • The main signs of asphyxiation.
  • A review of the latest archaeological dating methods: Are they effective?
  • Mummification: How effective was the process as applied in Egypt?
  • Importance of crime scenes in forensic anthropology.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of Buccal Swabs when profiling insides of cheeks.
  • Criminal profiling: How effective is it in deterring a criminal’s traits?
  • Footprint in the crime scene: What can they tell you?
  • Soil comparison in forensic anthropology.
  • Insect as important agents of body decomposition.
  • How do you identify blunt force trauma?
  • Comparing and contrasting penetrating and perforating trauma.
  • Analyzing the Rigor Mortis method of establishing a person’s death.

Use Online Help To Prepare Exceptional Papers

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research topics in linguistics

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Cultural Anthropology Research Paper Suggestions

Some suggested topics for your paper:, note-- these instructions are for students taking the course during a regular semester, not the 5-week bridge module course.

  • A description of key points of a culture in which you are interested (a brief ethnography)
  • An in-depth look at the concept of "worldview" or the comparison of the worldviews of two societies
  • Religious beliefs or practices of a particular society
  • Marriage/family in a particular group or comparison between societies
  • Types of economic organization/systems
  • Language acquisition
  • The influence of language on culture
  • Views about ancestors
  • The role of women in a given society
  • Doing fieldwork as an anthropologist
  • The importance of cultural anthropology to the missionary . . . or to the business executive . . .or to the educator . . . or to the . . .
  • Ethnocentrism and some tips on how to minimize it
  • The idea of cultural baggage and how to minimize it
  • Culture shock : What it is and how to best work through it

These topics are given to you as idea starters. You may use one of these or some adaptation of it or you may come up with a different topic that interests you more. Leafing through any introduction to cultural anthropology book may also stimulate your thinking in terms of a topic.

Ready for some cross-cultural humor?

Missionaries and other people working and living cross-culturally commit lots of little cultural errors that provide laughter for their hosts (and for themselves as well). [ ]

Check out this AI-generated list of research paper topic ideas for Introduction to Cultural Anthropology courses:

  • Cultural Practices and Beliefs: Explore a specific cultural practice or belief system, such as rituals surrounding death, marriage customs, or coming-of-age ceremonies.
  • Cultural Change and Adaptation: Investigate how cultures adapt to changing environments, technologies, or socio-political systems. This could include the impact of globalization, colonialism, or modernization on indigenous cultures.
  • Language and Communication: Analyze the role of language in shaping cultural identity, social interaction, and worldview. This could involve studying language diversity, language revitalization efforts, or the impact of language on thought processes.
  • Cultural Heritage and Preservation: Investigate efforts to preserve cultural heritage, including museums, cultural festivals, or indigenous rights movements aimed at protecting ancestral lands and traditions.
  • Ethnicity and Identity: Explore how ethnicity is constructed and experienced in different cultural contexts, including issues of race relations, ethnic conflict, or identity politics.
  • Religion and Spirituality: Examine the role of religion and spirituality in shaping cultural practices, social organization, and worldview. This could involve studying religious rituals, belief systems, or religious syncretism.
  • Food and Culture: Investigate the cultural significance of food, including food rituals, culinary traditions, and the symbolic meanings attached to different types of cuisine.
  • Art and Expression: Analyze the role of art, music, dance, and other forms of cultural expression in shaping identity, social cohesion, and resistance movements.
  • Cross-Cultural Comparisons: Compare and contrast cultural practices, beliefs, or social institutions across different societies or regions. This could involve exploring similarities and differences in family structures, economic systems, or political organization.

Note: Choose a topic that interests you as well as aligns with the themes and concepts covered in your particular course. Additionally, taken into consideration the research materials and resources that will be available to support your investigation.

More for you on Cultural Anthropology

  • Cultural bingo icebreaker
  • Bwanda Fusa game
  • Cultural Anthrpology case studies
  • Christianity and culture
  • Cultural Anthropology Course
  • Culture shock (a.k.a. cultural adjustment)
  • Ethnocentrism and monoculturalism
  • Iceberg, onion, and concentric cirlces: models of culture
  • What do we think we see? Light bulb illustration
  • Missions and culture
  • My own culture shock
  • PowerPoint presentations used in class
  • Reentry: Coming home

Exploring Global Cultures: Topics for Your Next Cultural Research Paper


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose a Cultural Research Topic to Write About 
  • 2.1 Cultural Diversity Research Topics
  • 2.2 Anthropology Research Topics
  • 2.3 Subculture Study Ideas
  • 2.4 Heritage and Preservation Studies
  • 2.5 Identity Research Topics
  • 2.6 Socio-Cultural Essay Ideas
  • 2.7 Psychology Research Topics
  • 2.8 Western Civilization Essay Ideas
  • 2.9 Cross-Cultural Study Topics
  • 2.10 Stereotypes and Misconceptions Studies

Cultural research papers are a gateway to exploring the intricate web of human societies and their diverse practices. Such papers cover a broad range of cultural analysis topics, each offering a unique perspective on how communities shape and are shaped by their civilizational norms and values. 

Whether it’s delving into the realms of cultural diversity topics, examining cross-cultural psychological patterns, or investigating specific phenomena, these subjects provide a rich ground for academic inquiry. 

Research topics on culture not only deepen our understanding of human interactions and beliefs but also highlight the importance of nuances in shaping societal dynamics. Engaging and informative, they encourage a deeper exploration of the ethical fabric that weaves together the global human experience, making them both fascinating and essential for a comprehensive understanding of the world.

How to Choose a Cultural Research Topic to Write About 

Choosing a topic for a cultural research paper is a strategic and thoughtful process. Start by identifying your interests in this vast field. Are you fascinated by cross cultural psychology research topics, intrigued by diverse communication practices, or curious about specific cultural phenomenon topics? Pinpointing an area that genuinely interests you is crucial for sustained engagement with your research.

  • Consider the scope of your chosen topic. Aim for a balance, selecting a specific subject to be manageable yet broad enough to provide ample material for exploration. For instance, within the realm of cultural psychology research topics, you might focus on how different civilizations perceive mental health.
  • Ensure there is sufficient information available. Conduct preliminary research to confirm the availability of resources and data. This step is vital, especially for topics like social analysis or cultural diversity, where empirical evidence is key to a robust paper.
  • Think about the relevance and originality of your topic. Strive to contribute new insights or perspectives, particularly in fields like anthropology, where there is always room for fresh interpretations of ethical phenomena.
  • Lastly, consider the academic and societal implications of your topic. Select a subject that not only adds value to academic discourse but also has the potential to enlighten and inform broader societal understanding, like studies in diversity or society communication practices. This approach ensures that your work is intellectually fulfilling and socially impactful.

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List of Cultural Research Paper Topics

Embarking on an ethnic research journey opens doors to a world of interesting anthropology research topics. From the complicated field of cross-cultural psychology to the beautiful tapestry of diversity, these cultural topics for research paper cover various areas related to anthropology, communication, and social phenomena, giving you a wide range of interesting culture to research.

Cultural Diversity Research Topics

  • Language’s Role in Shaping Identity Across Cultures
  • Norms Comparison: Eastern and Western Societies
  • Indigenous Civilizations’ Response to Globalization
  • Diversity in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Media Representation of Varied Societies and its Effects
  • Multiculturalism’s Evolution in Urban Environments
  • Educational Systems’ Approach to Global Diversity
  • Music’s Influence on Ethnical Integration
  • Culinary Traditions as a Reflection of Societal Diversity
  • Festivals as a Platform for Promoting Diversity

Anthropology Research Topics

  • Varied Traditions of Healing in Global Civilizations
  • Marriage Customs Across Different Societies
  • Kinship and Family Structures: An Anthropological View
  • Societal Responses to Natural Disasters: A Comparative Study
  • Local Cultures’ Adaptation to Tourism
  • Birth and Death Rituals in Diverse Societies
  • Religion: Beliefs and Practices Worldwide
  • Technology’s Impact on Traditional Societal Roles
  • Non-Western Perspectives on Time
  • Clothing and Adornment from an Anthropological Lens

Subculture Study Ideas

  • Hip-Hop’s Social Influence and Evolution
  • Cyberpunk: Blending Technology and Aesthetic
  • Skateboarding’s Cultural Journey
  • LGBTQ+ Community’s Internal Subcultures
  • Gaming’s Social and Cultural Impact
  • Punk Fashion and Identity
  • Coffee Culture’s Shift from Niche to Mainstream
  • Teen Subcultures in the Age of Social Media
  • Green Movements: Environmental Awareness as a Subculture
  • Fitness Trends and Digital Age Subcultures

Heritage and Preservation Studies

  • Ancient Manuscripts’ Digitization for Heritage Preservation
  • Museums’ Role in Protecting Ethnical Legacies
  • Intangible Heritage Threats in the Modern Era
  • Historic Sites’ Architectural Conservation
  • War’s Effects on World Heritage
  • Indigenous Languages and Oral Traditions’ Preservation
  • Heritage Tourism: Balancing Benefits and Risks
  • Legal Strategies for Heritage Protection
  • Traditional Arts and Crafts Revival
  • Post-Colonial Societies’ Heritage Perspectives

Identity Research Topics

  • Diaspora’s Impact on Identity Formation
  • Bicultural Existence in a Globalized Era
  • Art’s Reflection of Societal Identity
  • Language Loss and its Effect on Identity
  • Social Media Influences on Youth Identity
  • Fashion as a Cultural Expression Tool
  • Gastronomy’s Role in Defining Societal Identity
  • Race and Identity Intersections
  • Second-Generation Immigrants’ Identity Challenges
  • Popular Culture’s Influence on National Identity


Socio-Cultural Essay Ideas

  • Bilingualism and Multilingualism’s Societal Effects
  • Gender Roles: A Global Cultural Comparison
  • Mass Migration’s Social Impact
  • Social Hierarchies: A Global Cultural Analysis
  • Global Economic Inequality’s Cultural Dimensions
  • Social Media as a Cultural Change Agent
  • Urbanization’s Societal Consequences
  • Religion’s Influence on Socio-Cultural Norms
  • Aging Populations and Societal Shifts
  • Education’s Influence on Societal Values

Psychology Research Topics

  • Superstitions’ Psychological Underpinnings in Various Societies
  • Emotional Expression: A Cross-Cultural Study
  • Decision-Making Influences Across Cultures
  • Childhood Development in Diverse Environments
  • Personality Shaping through Societal Norms
  • Mental Health Approaches in Different Societies
  • Immigrant Families and Acculturation Challenges
  • Resolving Ethnical Conflicts: A Psychological Perspective
  • Behavioral Norms’ Cultural Foundations
  • Cultural Communication Practices Paper Proposal: Human Motivation from a Global Perspective

Western Civilization Essay Ideas

  • The Renaissance’s Influence on Western Civilization
  • Democracy’s Roots in Ancient Greece and Rome
  • Industrial Revolution’s Societal Transformations
  • Christianity’s Impact on Western Societies
  • Philosophical Foundations of Modern Western Thought
  • Enlightenment’s Role in Modernity Shaping
  • Western Art Evolution from Baroque to Modernism
  • Western Societies’ Ecological Footprint
  • Colonial Legacy in Western History
  • Science’s Progression in Western Context

Cross-Cultural Study Topics

  • Work Ethic Comparisons Across Societies
  • Effective Communication in Diverse Settings
  • Leading in Multicultural Environments
  • Love and Marriage: Global Insights
  • Parenting Styles’ Ethnical Variations
  • International Business Adaptations
  • Health Practices: A Global View
  • Educational Systems: International Comparisons
  • Negotiation Styles in Diverse Contexts
  • Eldercare Approaches in Different Civilizations

Stereotypes and Misconceptions Studies

  • Hollywood’s Role in Perpetuating Stereotypes
  • Racial Stereotypes’ Origins and Impacts
  • Gender Assumptions in Societal Contexts
  • Media’s Influence in Stereotype Formation
  • Stereotypes in International Diplomacy
  • Misconceptions’ Psychological Aspects
  • Socioeconomic Assumptions in Urban Life
  • Stereotyping in Educational Environments
  • Youth Culture’s Battle with Stereotypes
  • Society’s Age-Related Assumptions and Realities

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cultural anthropology research paper topics

Cultural Anthropology

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Cultural Anthropology publishes ethnographic writing informed by a wide array of theoretical perspectives, innovative in form and content, and focused on both traditional and emerging topics. It also welcomes essays concerned with ethnographic methods and research design in historical perspective, and with ways cultural analysis can address broader public audiences and interests.

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Vol. 39 No. 2 (2024)

cultural anthropology research paper topics

We are delighted to publish the first ever Spanish-language article in Cultural Anthropology . David Lagunas’s text offers a detailed and comprehensive overview of the migration and arrival of Roma in Mexico, examining more closely how they negotiate and strategize today over the visual resources of their cultural identity vis-a-vis the racializing politics of the Mexican state.

What are the biophysical and emotional thresholds of hunger and what does it take for people in vulnerable communities to navigate them? For low-income communities in Luzon Island (Philippines), pantawid-gutom offers a provisional and fleeting means to distract themselves from the bodily demands of hunger. Gideon Lasco and Jhaki Mendoza’s ethnography of such alimentary distractions—from drugs to water or staples—offers a unique vantage point into the dynamic and material semiotics of urban poverty.

Can recycling bins designed to promote environmental sustainability promote racial exclusion and stigmatization instead? In her ethnography of EU-aligned environmental programmes in Sofia, Bulgaria, Elana Resnick shows how racial discrimination against the Roma is enacted in bins designed to keep the hands of scavengers out, thus perpetuating a long history of statist containment of Roma populations through analogies with waste management.

Randeep Hothi examines the co-figuration of Sikh memorial practices sensitive to a martyrdom that simultaneously emphasizes the connectedness of all things and curates a collective memory of incessant marginalization—now expressed, particularly in the diaspora, as an agonism to against racial supremacy and liberal political forms, yet confronts a largely “homeland” based politics of incremental recognition.

Whereas the idea of eternity often imposes itself upon us as an evanescent horizon of everlasting timelessness, for practicing Orthodox Christians in Serbia, writes Nicholas Lackenby in this evocative ethnography, eternity gains salience as a space of contemporaneous interaction with our departed, thus acquiring specific social affordances and characteristics. Rather than a temporal regime of changelessness, then, the eternal becomes a resource for social change.

Low-income women working at an animal shelter in South Korea confront a refractive emotional complex whereby their labor of care and affection towards animals proves difficult to disentangle from the conditions of gendered exploitation they often find themselves in. In this rich ethnography of the animal-rights industry, EuyRyung Jun analyzes the messy and often invisible layering of, on the one hand, human and animal suffering, and on the other, the ethics of work and activism, into a “politics of interspecies pity.”

Cover and table-of-contents image by Elana Resnick.

Desnacionalización, regímenes visuales y resistencia: Gitanos Americanos en Ciudad de México

cultural anthropology research paper topics

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    cultural anthropology research paper topics

  4. 🐈 Cultural anthropology papers. List Of 110 Research Paper Topics & Ideas On Anthropology. 2022

    cultural anthropology research paper topics

  5. 🐈 Cultural anthropology papers. List Of 110 Research Paper Topics & Ideas On Anthropology. 2022

    cultural anthropology research paper topics

  6. Intro_to_Cultural_Anthropology_

    cultural anthropology research paper topics


  1. List Of 110 Research Paper Topics & Ideas On Anthropology

    Best Cultural Anthropology Essay Topics. Cultural anthropology discusses human societies and their cultural origin, vacation, history, and development. Here is a look at cultural Anthropology topics: Women in Africa: The various challenging roles that women in Modern Africa play and how they handle it.

  2. Top 300 Anthropology Research Topics - StatAnalytica

    These topics span a wide range of fascinating subjects, from how people live and communicate to the ways they shape their communities and beliefs. Explore cultural traditions across the globe, investigate the roots of human evolution, or solve the complexities of language and identity.

  3. Cultural Anthropology Research Paper Topics - iResearchNet

    This list of cultural anthropology research paper topics provides some ideas for narrowing down your topic to a successful and manageable one. This page also explores the subject of cultural anthropology.

  4. 195 Leading Anthropology Topics For High Quality Papers

    Cultural anthropology: This branch mainly focuses on culture, including values and norms in the society. Linguistic anthropology: Unlike the other two, this branch of anthropology targets determining how language impacts people’s lives.

  5. Ideas for your cultural anthropology research paper

    Check out this AI-generated list of research paper topic ideas for Introduction to Cultural Anthropology courses: Cultural Practices and Beliefs: Explore a specific cultural practice or belief system, such as rituals surrounding death, marriage customs, or coming-of-age ceremonies.

  6. Culture Research Topics: Explore Topics on Culture Tapestry

    From the complicated field of cross-cultural psychology to the beautiful tapestry of diversity, these cultural topics for research paper cover various areas related to anthropology, communication, and social phenomena, giving you a wide range of interesting culture to research.

  7. Cultural Anthropology

    Cultural Anthropology publishes ethnographic writing informed by a wide array of theoretical perspectives, innovative in form and content, and focused on both traditional and emerging topics. It also welcomes essays concerned with ethnographic methods and research design in historical perspective, and with ways cultural analysis can address ...

  8. Anthropology Research Paper Topics - iResearchNet

    Writing an anthropology research paper requires careful planning and organization. In this section, we will provide guidance on the general structure and components of an anthropology research paper, as well as offer tips on conducting research, analyzing data, and presenting your findings.

  9. Cultural Anthropology | JSTOR

    Cultural Anthropology publishes ethnographic writing informed by a wide array of theoretical perspectives, innovative in form and content, and focused on both traditional and emerging topics.

  10. 47357 PDFs | Review articles in CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature...