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  • Published: 23 August 2024

Acid-degradable lipid nanoparticles enhance the delivery of mRNA

  • Sheng Zhao   ORCID: 1   na1 ,
  • Kewa Gao   ORCID: 2   na1 ,
  • Hesong Han   ORCID: 1   na1 ,
  • Michael Stenzel 1 ,
  • Boyan Yin 2 ,
  • Hengyue Song 2 ,
  • Atip Lawanprasert   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Josefine Eilsø Nielsen   ORCID: 3 , 4 ,
  • Rohit Sharma   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Opeyemi H. Arogundade   ORCID: 5 ,
  • Sopida Pimcharoen 3 ,
  • Yu-Ju Chen 6 ,
  • Abhik Paul 6 ,
  • Jan Tuma 6 , 7 ,
  • Michael G. Collins   ORCID: 6 ,
  • Yofiel Wyle   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Matileen Grace Cranick 2 ,
  • Benjamin W. Burgstone   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Barbara S. Perez 1 ,
  • Annelise E. Barron 3 ,
  • Andrew M. Smith   ORCID: 5 ,
  • Hye Young Lee   ORCID: 6 ,
  • Aijun Wang   ORCID: 2 &
  • Niren Murthy   ORCID: 1  

Nature Nanotechnology ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Lipid nanoparticle (LNP)–mRNA complexes are transforming medicine. However, the medical applications of LNPs are limited by their low endosomal disruption rates, high toxicity and long tissue persistence times. LNPs that rapidly hydrolyse in endosomes (RD-LNPs) could solve the problems limiting LNP-based therapeutics and dramatically expand their applications but have been challenging to synthesize. Here we present an acid-degradable linker termed ‘azido-acetal’ that hydrolyses in endosomes within minutes and enables the production of RD-LNPs. Acid-degradable lipids composed of polyethylene glycol lipids, anionic lipids and cationic lipids were synthesized with the azido-acetal linker and used to generate RD-LNPs, which significantly improved the performance of LNP–mRNA complexes in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, RD-LNPs delivered mRNA more efficiently to the liver, lung, spleen and brains of mice and to haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vitro than conventional LNPs. These experiments demonstrate that engineering LNP hydrolysis rates in vivo has great potential for expanding the medical applications of LNPs.

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The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the Article and its Supplementary Information files. Should any raw data files be needed in another format, they are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request. Source data are provided with this paper.

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N.M. thanks the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) DISC2-14045, and the NIH for NIAID award number UM1AI164559, co-funded by NHLBI, NIMH, NIDA, NIDDK and NINDS. N.M. also thanks NIH grants UG3NS115599, R33 and R61DA048444-01, R01MH125979-01, funding from the BAKAR Spark award, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Innovative Genomics Institute, the CRISPR Cures for Cancer Initiative and the Heritage Medical Research Institute. Cryo-TEM data were collected at the Cal-Cryo facility at the University of California, Berkeley Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3). A.E.B. thanks the NIH for funding this work with a Pioneer Award, grant number 1DP1OD029517-01 and J. J. Truchard and the Truchard Foundation. J.E.N. was funded by grant NNF21OC0068675 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Stanford Bio-X Program. A.W. thanks the NIH grant with number 1R21NS133881-01, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) DISC2-14097, Shriners Children’s basic research award 85400-NCA-24. We thank SLAC for SAXS beamtime, and T. Weiss for support during the SAXS experiment. Use of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under contract no. DE-AC02-76SF00515. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by the NIH, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P30GM133894). We also thank the Doudna laboratory for help with the HSPCs transfection experiments.

Author information

These authors contributed equally: Sheng Zhao, Kewa Gao, Hesong Han.

Authors and Affiliations

Department of Bioengineering and Innovative Genomics Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Sheng Zhao, Hesong Han, Michael Stenzel, Atip Lawanprasert, Rohit Sharma, Benjamin W. Burgstone, Barbara S. Perez & Niren Murthy

Department of Surgery, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Institute for Pediatric Regenerative Medicine/Shriners Children’s, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA

Kewa Gao, Boyan Yin, Hengyue Song, Yofiel Wyle, Matileen Grace Cranick & Aijun Wang

Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark

Josefine Eilsø Nielsen, Sopida Pimcharoen & Annelise E. Barron

Department of Bioengineering, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Josefine Eilsø Nielsen

Department of Bioengineering and Cancer Center at Illinois, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA

Opeyemi H. Arogundade & Andrew M. Smith

Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA

Yu-Ju Chen, Abhik Paul, Jan Tuma, Michael G. Collins & Hye Young Lee

Department of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, Plzen, Czech Republic

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N.M., A.W. and H.H. conceived the study and supervised the project. S.Z. and M.S. synthesized compounds. S.Z. performed the characterizations of LNPs. H.H. performed cell culture experiments. H.H., K.G., B.Y., H.S., B.W.B. and A.W. designed and conducted most of the in vivo experiments and data analysis. A.P., J.T., M. G. Collins and Y.-J.C. performed brain editing experiments. H.L. supervised brain editing experiments. B.S.P. performed HSPC transfection experiments. O.H.A. performed the quantum dots/LNPs imaging experiments, and A.M.S. supervised these experiments. A.L., J.E.N. and S.P. performed the SAXS and cryo-TEM experiments, and A.E.B. supervised these experiments. N.M. wrote the paper with contributions from all authors, and N.M., S.Z., H.H. and R.S. finalized and corrected the paper with input from all authors.

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Correspondence to Hesong Han , Aijun Wang or Niren Murthy .

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The authors declare the following competing interests: H.H., K.G. and N.M. own equity in Opus Biosciences. All the other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Nanotechnology thanks Craig Duvall, Richard Hoogenboom and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Reporting Summary

Supplementary video 1.

The movement of quantum dots (QDs) delivered with ADA-LNPs in cell.

Supplementary Video 2

The movement of quantum dots (QDs) delivered with NDA-LNPs in cell.

Supplementary Video 3

The movement of quantum dots (QDs) delivered with Std-LNPs in cell.

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Zhao, S., Gao, K., Han, H. et al. Acid-degradable lipid nanoparticles enhance the delivery of mRNA. Nat. Nanotechnol. (2024).

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Received : 05 September 2023

Accepted : 19 July 2024

Published : 23 August 2024


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Injectable hydrogel-encapsulating pickering emulsion for overcoming lenvatinib-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma via cuproptosis induction and stemness inhibition.

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1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. materials, cell lines, and mice, 2.2. preparation and characterization of cuo nps, 2.3. preparation and characterization of dsf@cuo, 2.4. preparation and characterization of dsf@cuo gel, 2.5. rheological characterization, 2.6. hemolysis assay, 2.7. differential gene selection and gene enrichment analysis, 2.8. gsea and gsva analysis, 2.9. cytotoxicity evaluation and ic50, 2.10. inhibition of lenr hcc cell spheroid formation experiment, 2.11. cell cloning experiment, 2.12. transwell experiment, 2.13. western blot for cell protein expression, 2.14. in vivo treatment of lenr balb/c nude mice model, 2.15. in vivo drug retention experiment, 2.16. evaluation of in situ hcc model treatment efficacy, 2.17. immunofluorescence staining, 2.18. in vivo biosafety assessment in mice, 2.19. statistical analysis, 3. results and discussion, 3.1. preparation and characterization of injectable hydrogel, 3.2. cytotoxicity of dsf@cuo in lenr hcc, 3.3. dsf@cuo can effectively induce lenr hcc cuproptosis, 3.4. dsf@cuo could inhibit the cell stemness of lenr hcc, 3.5. the mechanism of dsf@cuo in overcoming lenr hcc, 3.6. dsf@cuo gel could overcome lenr in vivo, 3.7. dsf@cuo gel could overcome in situ hcc model, 3.8. biosafety evaluation of dsf@cuo gel, 4. conclusions, supplementary materials, author contributions, institutional review board statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Li, X.; Tang, C.; Ye, H.; Fang, C. Injectable Hydrogel-Encapsulating Pickering Emulsion for Overcoming Lenvatinib-Resistant Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Cuproptosis Induction and Stemness Inhibition. Polymers 2024 , 16 , 2418.

Li X, Tang C, Ye H, Fang C. Injectable Hydrogel-Encapsulating Pickering Emulsion for Overcoming Lenvatinib-Resistant Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Cuproptosis Induction and Stemness Inhibition. Polymers . 2024; 16(17):2418.

Li, Xin, Chuanyu Tang, Hanjie Ye, and Chihua Fang. 2024. "Injectable Hydrogel-Encapsulating Pickering Emulsion for Overcoming Lenvatinib-Resistant Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Cuproptosis Induction and Stemness Inhibition" Polymers 16, no. 17: 2418.

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Explain with a neat diagram the coil-coil experiment demonstrating electromagnetic induction.

Consider the coils placed coaxially as shown in diagram. p → primary coil s → secondary coil a current can be established in p by means of a battery b and a key ‘k’. s is connected to a sensitive galvanometer g. current in p produces a magnetic field in the region of s. o b s e r v a t i o n s : – –––––––––––––– – (a) when the key is closed, a deflection is observed in the galvanometer. (b) when the key is opened, a deflection is observed in galvanometer (opposite deflection). (c) if the key is closed and a relative motion is caused between the p and s, then there is a deflection, whose direction depends upon the coils approaching or receding. (d) jerky motion of coils produces large deflection. (e) if the current is steady and p and s are stationary, no deflection is observed in the galvanometer. (f) induction of an iron rod into s increases the above effects appreciably..


(a) What do you understand by the term "electromagnetic induction" ? Explain with the help of a diagram.

(b) Name one device which works on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

(c) Describe different ways to induce current in a coil of wire.

(a) What is electromagnetic induction (b) Describe one experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.


By using a compass needle describe how can you demonstrate that there is a magnetic field around a current carrying conductor. - Physics


By using a compass needle describe how can you demonstrate that there is a magnetic field around a current carrying conductor.

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Take a current and run it through a conductor AB in the diagram. Placing a compass needle close to the current carrying wire causes the compass needle to point in a specific direction. Changing the direction of the current causes the needle's deflection to shift as well.

That a magnetic field surrounds a current-carrying conductor is demonstrated by this.

demonstrate magnetic induction by an experiment


Describe an experiment to demonstrate that there is a magnetic field around a current carrying conductor.

What will happen to a compass needle when the compass is placed below a wire with needle parallel to it and a current is made to flow through the wire? Give a reason to justify your answer.

When current flows in a wire, it creates ______.

The present of magnetic field at a point can be detected by ______.

By reversing the direction of current in a wire, the magnetic field produced by it:

State whether a magnetic field is associated or not around a current carrying conductor.

State and explain ‘Ampere’s Swimming Rule’ to determine the direction of magnetic field (or magnetic lines of force) around a current carrying conductor.

Describe an experiment to show that there is a magnetic field around a current carrying conductor.

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Physics Network

What is the conclusion of electromagnetic induction experiment?

Conclusion: After conducting all the experiments, Faraday finally concluded that if relative motion existed between a conductor and a magnetic field, the flux linkage with a coil changed and this change in flux produced a voltage across a coil.

Table of Contents

What is electromagnetic induction PDF?

The phenomenon in which electric current is generated by varying magnetic fields is appropriately called electromagnetic induction. When Faraday first made public his discovery that relative motion. between a bar magnet and a wire loop produced a small current in the.

What is electromagnetic induction explain with an experiment?

Definition: Electromagnetic induction is the production of an electromotive force across a conductor when it is exposed to a varying magnetic field. Experiment: Two different coils of copper wire having large number of turns (say 50 and 100 turns respectively) are taken.

How do I create a physics project for class 12?

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What is Lenz’s law class 12?

Lenz’s law states that. The induced electromotive force with different polarities induces a current whose magnetic field opposes the change in magnetic flux through the loop in order to ensure that the original flux is maintained through the loop when current flows in it.

What does Lenz’s law state?

Lenz’s law, in electromagnetism, statement that an induced electric current flows in a direction such that the current opposes the change that induced it. This law was deduced in 1834 by the Russian physicist Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz (1804–65).

What are the three laws of electromagnetic induction?

By rotating the coil relative to the magnet. By moving the coil into or out of the magnetic field. By changing the area of a coil placed in the magnetic field. By moving a magnet towards or away from the coil.

What is the formula for induced EMF?

The induced emf is ε = – d/dt (BA cos θ ). The magnitude of the magnetic field can change with time. The area enclosed by the loop can change with time.

What are the two laws of Faraday?

Faraday’s second law of electrolysis states that if the same amount of electricity is passed through different electrolytes, the masses of ions deposited at the electrodes are directly proportional to their chemical equivalents.

What are the applications of electromagnetic induction?

  • Current clamp.
  • Electric generators .
  • Electromagnetic forming.
  • Graphics tablet.
  • Hall effect sensors.
  • Induction cooking.
  • Induction motors.
  • Induction sealing.

Who invented the principle of electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic Induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831, and James Clerk Maxwell mathematically described it as Faraday’s law of induction. Electromagnetic Induction is a current produced because of voltage production (electromotive force) due to a changing magnetic field.

What is electromagnetic induction give an experiment which demonstrate this phenomenon?

Faraday conducted an experiment in which a coil connected to a galvanometer is placed near a bar magnet. The movement of the bar magnet towards or away from the coil causes the generation and flow of electric current in the coil.

Which topic is best for project in physics?

  • Physics Projects on Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents.
  • Physics Projects on Current Electricity.
  • Physics Projects on Electrostatics.
  • Physics Projects on Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism.
  • Physics Projects on Optics.
  • Physics Projects on Oscillations and Waves.
  • Modern Physics Topics for Project.

Which topic is best for project in physics class 12?

The important topics students can choose from Class 12th Physics projects are electromagnetic induction, capacitor, optics, magnetism, current electricity, electrostatics, transistor, etc. Students can create these Physics projects for their practical tests or school science exhibition.

What are good topics for a project in physics?

  • Astrophysics, Fusion and Plasma Physics .
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
  • Condensed Matter and Materials Physics.
  • Energy Systems.
  • Biophysics.
  • Microfluidics and Microsystems.
  • Optical Physics and Quantum Information Science.

What is the unit of inductance?

henry, unit of either self-inductance or mutual inductance, abbreviated H, and named for the American physicist Joseph Henry. One henry is the value of self-inductance in a closed circuit or coil in which one volt is produced by a variation of the inducing current of one ampere per second.

What is Lorentz force explain?

Lorentz force, the force exerted on a charged particle q moving with velocity v through an electric field E and magnetic field B. The entire electromagnetic force F on the charged particle is called the Lorentz force (after the Dutch physicist Hendrik A. Lorentz) and is given by F = qE + qv × B.

What is called self-inductance?

Self-inductance is the tendency of a coil to resist changes in current in itself. Whenever current changes through a coil, they induce an EMF, which is proportional to the rate of change of current through the coil.

What does Faraday’s law say?

This relationship, known as Faraday’s law of induction (to distinguish it from his laws of electrolysis), states that the magnitude of the emf induced in a circuit is proportional to the rate of change with time t of the magnetic flux Φ that cuts across the circuit:emf = −dΦdt.

Which electromagnet is the strongest?

Explanation: The strongest continuous magnetic fields on Earth have been produced by Bitter magnets.

What is the unit of magnetic flux?

The SI unit of magnetic flux is the Weber (Wb). A flux density of one Wb/m2 (one Weber per square metre) is one Tesla (T).

What is the difference between Faraday’s law and Lenz law?

While Faraday’s law tells us the magnitude of the EMF produced, Lenz’s law tells us the direction that current will flow. It states that the direction is always such that it will oppose the change in flux which produced it.

What is Faraday’s experiment?

When Michael Faraday made his discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831, he hypothesized that a changing magnetic field is necessary to induce a current in a nearby circuit. To test his hypothesis he made a coil by wrapping a paper cylinder with wire.

How induced emf is produced?

An emf is induced in the coil when a bar magnet is pushed in and out of it. Emfs of opposite signs are produced by motion in opposite directions, and the emfs are also reversed by reversing poles. The same results are produced if the coil is moved rather than the magnet—it is the relative motion that is important.

What is the unit of induced emf?

So, induced emf has a S.I unit V o l t .

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(a) What is electromagnetic induction? (b) Describe one experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

(a) electromagnetic induction: whenever there is change in number of magnetic field lines associated with conductor. an electromotive force is developed between the ends of the conductor which lasts as long as the change is taking place. (b) demonstration of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction: in the figure: (i) when the magnet is stationary there is no deflection in galvanometer. the pointer read zero. [fig. (a)] (ii) when the magnet with north pole facing the solenoid is moved towards the solenoid. the galvanometer shows a deflection towards the right showing that a current flows in the solenoid in the direction as shown in [fig (b)] (iii) as the motion of magnet stops, the pointer of the galvanometer comes to the zero position [fig (c)]. this shows that the current in the solenoid flows as long as the magnet is moving. (iv) if the magnet is moved away from the solenoid, the current again flows in the solenoid, but now in a direction opposite to that shown in [fig. (b)] and therefore the pointer of the galvanometer deflects towards left[ fig. (d)]. (v) if the magnet is moved away rapidly i.e. with more velocity, the extent of deflection in the galvanometer increases although the direction of deflection remains the same. it shows that more current flows now. (vi) if the polarity of the magnet is reversed and then the magnet is brought towards the solenoid, the current in solenoid flows in the direction opposite to that shown in fig (b) and so the pointer of galvanometer deflect towards left [fig. (e)]..

(a) What is electromagnetic induction (b) Describe one experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

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Explain the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Describe an experiment to show that a current is set up in a closed loop when an external magnetic field passing through the loop increases or decreases.

The process by which a changing magnetic field in a conductor induces a current in another conductor is called electromagnetic induction. 

Explain the working of the set up with the help of the diagram.


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Demonstrating Induction ( CIE IGCSE Physics )

Revision note.

Katie M

Demonstrating induction

  • electrical generators which convert mechanical energy to electrical energy
  • transformers which are used in electrical power transmission
  • a magnet and a coil
  • a wire and a U-shaped magnet

Experiment 1: moving a magnet through a coil

  • When a coil is connected to a sensitive voltmeter, a bar magnet can be moved in and out of the coil to induce an e.m.f.

magnet through coil experiment, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

An e.m.f. is induced in a coil when a bar magnet is moved through it. This can be seen by connecting the coil to a voltmeter

  • The expected results are...

1. When the bar magnet is stationary, the voltmeter shows a zero reading

  • When the bar magnet is held still inside, or outside, the coil, there is no cutting of magnetic field lines
  • As a result, no e.m.f. is induced in the coil

2. When the bar magnet is moved inside the coil, there is a reading on the voltmeter

  • As the bar magnet moves, its magnetic field lines are cut by the coil
  • This induces an e.m.f. within the coil, shown momentarily by the reading on the voltmeter

3. When the bar magnet is moved back out of the coil, there is a reading on the voltmeter with the opposite sign 

  • As the magnet changes direction, the direction of the current changes
  • An e.m.f. is induced in the opposite direction , shown momentarily by the reading on the voltmeter with the opposite sign


An e.m.f. is induced only when the bar magnet is moving through the coil

  • moving the magnet faster through the coil
  • adding more turns to the coil
  • increasing the strength of the bar magnet

Experiment 2: moving a wire through a magnet

  • When a long wire is connected to a voltmeter and moved between two magnets, an e.m.f. is induced
  • Note: there is no current flowing through the wire to start with

Wire through magnets experiment, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Level Physics revision notes

An e.m.f. is induced in a wire when it is moved between magnetic poles. This can be seen by connecting the wire to a voltmeter

1. When the wire is stationary, the voltmeter shows a zero reading

  • When there is no relative motion between the wire and the magnetic field, no field lines are cut
  • As a result, no e.m.f. is induced in the wire

2. As the wire is moved between the magnetic poles, there is a reading on the voltmeter

  • As the wire moves, it cuts the magnetic field lines of the magnet
  • This induces an e.m.f. in the wire, shown momentarily by the reading on the voltmeter

3. When the wire is moved back out of the magnet, there is a reading on the voltmeter with the opposite sign

  • As the wire changes direction, the direction of the current changes
  • increasing the length of the wire
  • moving the wire between the magnets faster
  • increasing the strength of the magnets

Factors affecting electromagnetic induction

Factors affecting the magnitude of the induced e.m.f..

1. The speed at which the wire, coil or magnet is moved:

  • Increasing the speed will increase the rate at which the magnetic field lines are cut
  • This will increase the size of the induced e.m.f.

2. The number of turns on the coils in the wire:

  • Increasing the number of turns on the coils in the wire will increase the size of the induced emf
  • This is because each turn (loop) of wire in the coil cuts the magnetic field lines 
  • Therefore, the total induced e.m.f. increases with each additional turn (loop)

3. The size of the coils:

  • Increasing the area of the coils will increase the size of the induced e.m.f.
  • This is because there will be more wire to cut through the magnetic field lines

4. The strength of the magnetic field:

  • Increasing the strength of the magnetic field will increase the size of the induced e.m.f.
  • This is because there will be more magnetic field lines in a given area

Factors affecting the direction of the induced e.m.f.

1. The orientation of the poles of the magnet:

  • Switching the poles of the magnet induces an e.m.f. in the opposite direction

2. The direction in which the wire, coil or magnet is moved:

  • Reversing the direction in which the wire, coil or magnet is moved induces an e.m.f. in the opposite direction

When discussing factors affecting the size of an induced e.m.f., make sure to use the correct terminology:

  • say "add more turns to the coil" instead of “add more coils”. This is because these statements do not mean the same thing
  • say "a stronger magnet" instead of "a bigger magnet". This is because larger magnets are not necessarily stronger

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Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

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Explain briefly the coil and magnet experiment to demonstrate electromagnetic induction.

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  • Intro Lab - Electromagnetic Induction

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  • Intro Lab - Build an Electromagnet

In this hands-on electronics experiment, you will learn about electromagnetic induction using an electromagnet and a permanent magnet.

Project overview.

Electromagnetic induction is a complementary phenomenon to electromagnetism . Instead of producing a magnetic field from electricity, we produce electricity from a magnetic field. There is one important difference, though, whereas electromagnetism produces a steady magnetic field from a steady electric current, electromagnetic induction requires motion between the magnet and the coil to produce a voltage . In this project, you measure electromagnetic induction using the test setup illustrated in Figure 1.

Circuit for measuring the induced voltage from the electromagnet.

Figure 1. Circuit for measuring the induced voltage from the electromagnet.

Parts and materials.

  • Electromagnet from the previous project:  building an electromagnet
  • Permanent magnet

Learning Objectives

  • Relationship between magnetic field strength and induced voltage


Step 1:  Connect the multimeter to the coil, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, and set it to the most sensitive DC voltage range available. 

The schematic diagram for measuring the induced voltage from the electromagnet.

Figure 2.  The schematic diagram for measuring the induced voltage from the electromagnet.

If you are using an analog multimeter , be sure to use long jumper wires and locate the meter far away from the coil, as the magnetic field from the permanent magnet may affect the meter’s operation and produce false readings. Digital meters are unaffected by magnetic fields.

Step 2:  Measure the voltage output from the electromagnet. Hint: it should be zero! 

Step 3:  Move the magnet slowly to and from one end of the electromagnet, noting the polarity and magnitude of the induced voltage.

Step 4:  Experiment with moving the magnet, and discover for yourself what factor(s) determine the amount of voltage induced. Consider the distance from the electromagnet and speed of movement.

Step 5:  Repeat the process at the other end of the electromagnet coil and compare results.

Step 6: Repeat the process using the other end of the permanent magnet and compare.

Related Content

Learn more about the fundamentals behind this project in the resources below.

  • Magnetism and Electromagnetism
  • Electromagnetism


  • Basic Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Worksheet
  • Intermediate Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Worksheet
  • Advanced Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Worksheet
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