do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

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Should You Use “To Whom It May Concern” In Your Cover Letter

Recruiter-backed alternatives to 'To Whom It May Concern'. Learn how to personalize your cover letter with tailored greetings, and get tips on researching the hiring manager's name to make a strong, professional first impression.

8 months ago   •   6 min read

One of the hardest parts of writing a cover letter is getting the greeting right. After all, it’s a letter, so you have to address it to someone...

But who do you address it to? You may have heard that it’s not a good idea to use “to whom it may concern” in your cover letter. But if you can’t use that phrase, what should you use instead?

One easy answer is “Dear hiring manager.” It’s to-the-point and respectful without being as impersonal.

However, if you can find the person’s name, that’s even better— and these days, with all the information available on company websites and LinkedIn, people may expect that if you care about getting this job, you’ll do enough research to learn their name.

In this article, we’ll discuss when you might be able to get away with using “to whom it may concern,” why it’s usually a bad idea, alternatives to this phrase, and how to become an expert researcher to find the name of the person who will be hiring you.

Let’s get started!

Key advice from a recruiter to keep in mind when trying to decide if you should start your cover letter with ‘To whom it may concern’

When it’s ok to use a generic greeting like “to whom it may concern”

Although "To whom it may concern" is seen as as outdated or impersonal in modern job markets, there are specific situations where you may still want to use it:

Formal or traditional industries

In academia, where traditions are respected, using "To Whom It May Concern" demonstrates an understanding of and respect for established protocols.

Research the culture of the industry or organization. If their communication typically uses a formal tone, you’re good to go.

Large organizations with unknown recipients

When you’re applying to a multinational corporation where you’re not exactly sure who will be reviewing your letter, and the company's communication style is generic. In this case, you can also use “Dear Hiring Manager” or one of the other alternatives we suggest later in this article.

With large organizations, you can use “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Hiring Manager” as a safe option when the company structure is complex and you can’t identify a specific person. However, try to at least send your greeting to the department (e.g., "To Whom It May Concern in the Marketing Department").

When personalization is not possible

If the job listing provides no specific contact information and your research yields no results.

It's better to use a generic yet respectful greeting than to guess incorrectly. However, if you can find any information at all, drop the generic greeting like a hot potato.

In cultures where it’s the norm

In certain cultures or regions, formal greetings are still the norm, especially in conservative sectors.

Understand the larger cultural context of the company. In some global markets, "To Whom It May Concern" is still standard practice.

When not to use a generic greeting

Even though there are a few cases where you can get away with it, the majority of the time using "To Whom It May Concern" is not your best option. Here are some situations where you should avoid it at all costs:

In modern, informal industries

In tech startups or creative fields like advertising or design, where more casual and innovative cultures thrive.

Many modern industries value personality and creativity. Using a generic and formal tone in your cover letter can suggest a lack of effort or research in understanding the company's culture.

When information is available

If the job listing includes the name of the hiring manager or if you've found the hiring manager through research.

In these cases, not using the hiring manager’s name can come across as lazy or imply that you don’t pay attention to details.

Small to mid-sized companies

Smaller organizations where teams are closely-knit and the hiring process is personal.

Using a generic salutation in more personal settings can imply a lack of genuine interest in the company and its people— not a great look.

Companies that emphasize personal connection

Organizations that value individuality and personal connection, which is often highlighted in their job postings or company culture pages.

A generic greeting may raise red flags with these companies, who often look for candidates who live out their values of personalization and individuality.

To sum up: if you’re not 100% sure that you can use “To Whom It May Concern,” don’t use it.

The best alternatives for “to whom it may concern”

Even if you need to use a generic phrase, there are way better options for the beginning of your cover letter than “to whom it may concern” in most cases.

Your choice depends on the information you have about the job posting and how comfortable you are with using informal/personal language. Here are some alternatives worth considering:

“Dear Hiring Manager”

This is one of the best ways to address the reader of a cover letter when you don’t know the recipient’s name. It’s professional, maintains respect for their role, respects their privacy, and is widely accepted.

“Dear [Job Title]”

If you're applying for a specific role but don't have a name, addressing the cover letter to the job title (or the job title’s supervisor) can work.

While "Dear Hiring Manager" is a more widely accepted way to start, "Dear [Job Title]" is specific and directly addresses the role you’re applying for.

You can use this alternative when you're aware of the job title for which you're applying and the company’s org chart. For instance, "Dear Marketing Manager" when applying for a marketing position.

“Hello [Department Name]”

This one is a good choice when you know the department you're applying to but not the individual. It demonstrates that you've done some research to identify the relevant department.

Use this when you know the specific department you’re applying to but don’t know the name of the hiring manager. For example, "Hello Marketing Department" when applying for a marketing role.

“Dear [Company Name] [Department Name] Team”

When you want to address a group of people, such as the entire HR team or a department, this option works well. It shows that you recognize the collaborative nature of the workplace and hiring process.

Choose this when you believe your cover letter may be reviewed by a team or multiple individuals within the organization. For example, "Dear ABC Company HR Team."


This is a versatile and friendly alternative that maintains a polite tone (while avoiding assumptions).

Use "Greetings" when you have very limited information about the hiring manager or when you want to maintain a neutral and respectful tone.

“Hello Hiring Team”

If the company you’re applying for has a very casual company culture, and you know that a team will be reviewing applications, you can acknowledge their collective effort with this casual and friendly greeting.

Make sure that the company truly supports a casual approach. In some industries (like finance or law) or more formal companies, this is too informal and may be seen as disrespectful.

Strategies for finding the hiring manager's name

For many cover letters, your best bet is to find the name of the person who will actually be reviewing your application. You can often find the hiring manager’s name by following these steps:

Start with the job posting

Review the job posting or advertisement carefully. Sometimes, the name or contact information of the hiring manager is provided. Look for any details that indicate who you should address your application to.

Check the company website

Visit the company's official website and navigate to the "About Us" or "Contact Us" section. Look for executive profiles, department heads, or a directory that may list the hiring manager's name.

Social media

Check the company's social media profiles, especially LinkedIn and Twitter, for any mentions or posts by the hiring manager. They may share updates or insights that can help you identify them. On LinkedIn, search for the company's page and explore employee profiles to identify the hiring manager or relevant department head. Sometimes, LinkedIn profiles include details about their roles.

(Pro tip: before you reach out on LinkedIn, make sure you run your profile through LinkedIn Review so you’re ready to impress your potential future boss!)

Company directory

Some organizations maintain an online company directory with contact information for employees. Search for this directory on the company's website and see if you can find the hiring manager's name and title.

Contact the HR department

If all else fails, you can call or email the company's HR department and politely inquire about the name of the hiring manager or the appropriate contact person for the job application.

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do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

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do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

How to Use To Whom It May Concern (Alternatives Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

By Mike Simpson

Every letter needs a solid salutation. Why? Because it helps the reader figure out who you’re talking to. But what if you don’t know the name of the person you’re addressing? That’s where “to whom it may concern” comes in.

“To whom it may concern” is a generic salutation that can apply to nearly anyone, making it the default approach if you don’t have a contact’s name. But is it a good idea to use “to whom it may concern” in a cover letter ? Well, that depends.

If you’re curious about using “to whom it may concern” in a letter, here’s what you need to know.

Starting a Letter

Before we dig into the nitty-gritty of using “to whom it may concern,” let’s pause for a quick second and talk about starting a letter in general. As a job seeker, there’s at least one kind of letter you’re going to be writing regularly: the cover letter.

Do you actually need a cover letter? Yes, yes, you do. While most hiring managers assert that customizing your resume is the most important thing you can do, nearly half also want to see a cover letter. That’s a big percentage.

Plus, 83 percent of recruiters say that a great cover letter can land you an interview even if your resume isn’t a spot-on match. Holy cow, right? That alone should put cover letters on your must-do list.

Whenever you write any kind of letter, you want to start strong. After all, you need to convince the reader to actually finish the entire thing. If you don’t capture their attention quickly, that may not happen.

In most cases – after you fill in some contact information at the top – the first thing you need in your letter is a salutation. Why? Because it’s polite and directly acknowledges the reader.

Without a greeting, you’re letter just hops into whatever you want to talk about. If you’re writing a cover letter, that means you’d diving into a one-sided discussion about yourself.

The salutation recognizes that there is a person there “listening” to what you’re sharing. It’s a light form of appreciation. Yes, it’s a small gesture, but it’s an important one.

To Whom It May Concern

Alright, let’s take a second to talk about the use of “to whom it may concern” as a letter opening through time. While its exact origin isn’t entirely clear, the phrase does have a long history.

One of the most noteworthy examples is from a document written by President Abraham Lincoln. In a July 18, 1864 letter , he began with “to whom it may concern.” So, the phrase is at least that old.

Generally, the salutation serves as a generic opener when you either aren’t speaking to a particular individual (as a person might do with an open letter to the public) or when you don’t know who the reader is. It’s a polite and incredibly formal way to address an unknown individual. “Dear whoever” just doesn’t have the same ring, does it?

Now, if good old Abe Lincoln used it, does that mean you should too? Well, in most cases, no, you shouldn’t. Really, it should be treated as a greeting of last resort, especially for cover letters. If you have any other reasonable alternative that feels even the slightest bit more personal, that’s probably the better choice.

Plus, it feels really old-school. It doesn’t seem like it fits in modern society. The same goes for “Dear sir or madam,” which equal parts generic and out of place.

Now, does that mean you can’t ever use “to whom it may concern” in your cover letter? No, it doesn’t. Instead, it should simply be the last option you explore after everything else falls through.

So, what should you use instead? Well, we’ll get to that in a minute.

It is important to note that there may be a few exceptions. If you’re writing a letter of recommendation that may be used in more than one way – such as for a job search and for college admissions – then “to whom it may concern” might be a better bet. That keeps the reader audience broad, allowing the letter to serve more than one purpose.

But cover letters only have a single reason for existing. As a result, it’s best to get more specific with your greeting.

Proper Usage of To Whom It May Concern

Alright, let’s say that, for whatever reason, “to whom it may concern” is all you’ve got. If that’s the case, then you need to make sure you use it the proper way.

There’s a pretty good chance that one question has been dancing through your mind: Do you capitalize to whom it may concern?

In most cases, when you’re starting a cover letter, you do want to capitalize the greeting. So, that would mean that the to whom it may concern capitalization should look like this:

Additionally, you’ll usually follow it with a colon instead of a comma. It’s the formal approach, which is the perfect choice in these circumstances. So, that gives you:

To Whom It May Concern:

Just remember that you should only use this approach to opening a cover letter if you really can’t figure out anything better. But if you’re really stuck with it, you now know how to use it right.

What about “to whom this may concern?” How do you use that? Typically, you don’t. “To whom this may concern” isn’t the traditionally accepted approach. If you use that, the hiring manager might just assume that you have no idea how to start a cover letter, and that’s no good.

Alternatives to To Whom It May Concern

Okay, we’ve said it a few times now, and it bears repeating once more; don’t use to whom it may concern in your cover letter unless that’s all you have available. But what should you use instead? Glad you asked.

First, you’re always better off using the hiring manager’s name if you can find it. This makes your cover letter feel more personal. So, whenever possible, go with “Dear [Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.] [First Name] [Last Name].” It really is the best choice.

What about “Mx. [First Name] [Last Name]?” Is that okay to use?

“Mx.” is a gender-neutral way of addressing a person, and it’s increasingly popular with people who consider themselves nonbinary. However, it’s best to only use this if you are 100 percent sure it’s the hiring manager’s preferred title.

Why? Because “Mx.” is still a bit rare in the business world. People who aren’t familiar with it may think that it’s a typo, and that won’t reflect well on you. Plus, there’s also a bit of controversy surrounding its use and, if the hiring manager has strong feelings about it, that could hurt your chances of getting the job.

So, unless you know that the hiring manager prefers “Mx.” it is better to go with something else. If the contact has a gender-neutral name and you can’t find out anything else about them, skip the title and use “Dear [First Name] [Last Name]” instead.

But what if you don’t have the name of a contact? Then, it’s time for a different approach.

You can try “Dear [Job Title/Role]” as an alternative. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear IT Department Manager” could work. It’s at least a bit more personal, as it’s clearly speaking to a particular individual.

Next, you could go with “Dear [Department].” Again, this is a bit less ideal, as it’s opening it up to a group instead of a specific person. Still, “Dear Marketing Department” is still better than “to whom it may concern” for a letter salutation.

If the workplace is more casual, you may even be swing “Greetings” as the entire salutation. It’s less formal and a bit warmer. However, it might not sit well with every hiring manager, so you may only want to use this one if you know the company is pretty darn relaxed.

Tips for Finding a Contact Person

By now, you know that using the contact’s name is the absolute best approach when you’re writing a cover letter. If you want to find it, start by reviewing the job ad.

In some cases, the contact person’s information is right there in black and white. In others, you may be able to figure it out based on other contact details. For example, if you’re told to send your resume to an email address, and that email is clearly based on a person’s name, you may have all you need to know. A lot of companies use employee first and last names to create their email addresses, so this may be all you need.

Other companies use certain details from a person’s name, like first initials and full last names, or partial first and last names. At times, this enough information for you to figure the rest out. You can use resources like the company website or LinkedIn to find a match based on what you do know.

But if any clues about the person’s name aren’t in the job ad, how do you find it?

In this case, a great place to begin is the company website. If you can find staff bios or an overview of the company’s organizational structure, you may be able to suss out who is overseeing the role. This is especially true if the job ad includes the job title of who you would be reporting to, as there may be only one employee with that title in a suitable department.

If that doesn’t work, head on over to LinkedIn. You can head to the company’s page to look for a staff list or may be able to figure out who your contact would be by doing a search.

Contacting members of your network may also be a good idea. If you know someone who works at the company today, they may be able to clue you in by providing you the hiring manager’s name.

Finally, you could try to reach out to the company and simply ask them. Let them know that you are preparing to apply for a job and want to know who you need to address your cover letter to. Now, they may decline to give you that information, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

If none of those approaches work, then it’s time to use one of the “to whom it may concern” alternatives we listed above. If you at least know the job title or department, that could be enough. Plus, you can always go with the classic “Dear Hiring Manager,” as that will usually strike the right chord.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, there is a time and place for “to whom it may concern” in a letter, just not usually in a cover letter. Try all of the alternatives above before you default to a generic greeting. That way, you’re cover letter is more likely to make a great impression, increasing the odds that you’ll get called in for an interview.

do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

To Whom It May Concern: What It Means And When To Use It

How do you use "To Whom It May Concern" ?

“To Whom It May Concern” is a common phrase used in written communication when the name of the person being addressed is not available. It is also used when there is more than one reader. The phrase is typically used in a professional context on documents such as job applications and formal letters. However, sometimes, it can be difficult to determine how to use “ To Whom It May Concern ;” and below will teach you how to use it properly.

Formal Letters and Documents

When addressing a letter with “To Whom It May Concern,” the first letter is capitalized, and a colon is placed after it. Place “To Whom It May Concern” at the beginning of the letter, after the date, and before the main message. Since it is a formal phrase, ensure that the tone of your letter remains professional. After the salutation, state the purpose of the letter. Keep the message clear and concise. End the letter with a formal closing such as “Yours faithfully,” or “Sincerely.”

Job Applications and Cover Letters

Use the phrase, “To Whom It May Concern” when you don’t know the hiring managers name. As with formal letters and documents, place the phrase at the top of the letter, after the date, and before the main message. In the next paragraph, briefly introduce yourself, mention the position you are applying for and where you saw the job advertised. Tailor the rest of the letter to the job and the company. Describe your experience, skills, and qualifications relevant to the position. Highlight why you are interested in gaining employment with the company by showing that their mission and values align with theirs. End the letter with a strong closing statement that reiterates your interest and enthusiasm for the position. Finally, add your digital signature.

Requests For References For Work

Like all formal documents, start your reference request letter with the phrase, “To Whom It May Concern.” Place the phrase at the top of the letter, after the date, and before the main message. You will then need to introduce yourself by mentioning your name and explaining that the purpose of the letter is to request a reference. Mention how you know the person and how long you’ve known them. You might have been their manager or worked with them on a project. Ask whether they would be willing to provide a reference and specify whether it is a character or an employment reference.

Express how much you would appreciate their corporation, and that you value their time. State that you are willing to assist them in the reference request writing process by providing the information they need to include. Leave your contact information and ask that they contact you if they need further assistance. To end the letter, thank them and use a formal closing.

Prospecting or Letters To Unknown Recipients

Using “To Whom It May Concern” in a prospecting letter can be slightly more challenging because the aim is to develop a connection with the reader although you don’t know their name. However, the recipient is most likely used to this type of correspondence because the majority of companies do not put the names of their sales manager on their websites. Therefore, using the phrase, “To Whom It May Concern” is the only way to address them.

After writing the salutation, capture the reader’s attention by writing a compelling introduction. Explain your reason for writing, and the value you can bring to them if they collaborate with you. Address the specific needs and pain points of the company and showcase your expertise in your field. At the end of the letter, add a strong call to action explaining what they need to do to take the next step.

“To Whom It May Concern” is a useful phrase to use when writing to an individual and you don’t know their name, or when more than one person is addressed. While it is an acceptable expression, strive for personalization by using the internet to search for the individual’s name. Nevertheless, whether requesting references, addressing hiring managers, or writing a prospect letter, the phrase adds a professional voice to your correspondence.

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To Whom It May Concern | Usage & Alternatives

Published on June 22, 2023 by Jack Caulfield .

To Whom It May Concern is a formal greeting that can be used to start an email or letter addressed to someone whose name you don’t know or to no one in particular. It’s still used, but it’s considered somewhat old-fashioned and impersonal. There are better options in most contexts.

Using this salutation can suggest to the recipient that you’re sending out a mass email to many different people or that you couldn’t be bothered to learn anything about the person to whom you’re writing.

Even if you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to, it’s usually best to either find out or use a job title or department name to make your salutation more personal.

Dear Head of Marketing, …

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Table of contents

Alternatives to “to whom it may concern”, when and how to use “to whom it may concern” correctly, “to whom it may concern” vs. “dear sir or madam”, other interesting language articles, frequently asked questions.

The best alternative to “To Whom It May Concern” is to write to a specific person where possible. If you know or can find out (e.g., online) the name of the person you’re addressing, then you should use it.

Use a title like “Ms.” or “Mr.” in combination with the person’s last name , or write out their full name . In a formal context, you usually shouldn’t address someone by their first name alone.

Obviously, you won’t always be able to find out the name of the person you’re writing to, and you may not be reaching out to a specific person at all.

It’s often still better to make your greeting a bit more specific by using a job title  or  department name , showing that you’re not just reaching out completely at random. Capitalize the title or department name.

Dear Department of Finance, …

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There are some contexts in which “To Whom It May Concern” is the best choice. It’s legitimate to use this salutation when your letter or email is really addressed to a nonspecific group of people or to an entire organization. Some examples include:

  • A formal complaint directed at a company in general
  • A reference or recommendation letter for someone who will be applying to a variety of positions
  • A  letter of interest to be sent out to various organizations

When you do use “To Whom It May Concern,” make sure to write it correctly. It’s considered most formal to use a colon (rather than a comma) after this phrase. You should also make sure to capitalize every word and to get the phrasing right: use the object pronoun “whom,” not “who.”

  • To whom it may concern,
  • Dear Whoever it may Concern:
  • To Who It May Concern:
  • To Whom It May Concern:

A salutation that’s often used interchangeably with “To Whom It May Concern” is “Dear Sir or Madam.” Both greetings are considered very impersonal, formal, and old-fashioned, but there is some difference in usage:

  • To Whom It May Concern suggests that your letter or email is addressed to no one in particular. It might be a letter expected to be shown to various people without the expectation of a reply—for example, a letter of reference.
  • Dear Sir or Madam suggests that you expect to be addressing a particular individual, but one whom you know little about.

We also advise against using “Dear Sir or Madam.” If you’re addressing no one in particular, “To Whom It May Concern” is the more correct choice, whereas if you’re addressing a specific person, it’s best to do so in a more personalized way, as described above.

Another reason to avoid “Dear Sir or Madam” is that some people may not wish to be addressed as either “Sir” or “Madam.”

If you want to know more about commonly confused words , definitions , and differences between US and UK spellings , make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

Confused words

  • Affect vs effect
  • Further vs farther
  • Loose vs lose
  • Whose vs who’s


  • Bear with me
  • Presumptuous

US vs. UK spellings

  • Burned or burnt
  • Canceled or cancelled
  • Dreamt or dreamed
  • Gray or grey
  • Theater vs theatre

You should start a professional email with a greeting and the name and title of the recipient (e.g., “Dear Mr. Walken”). Then, you should include an introductory line like I hope this email finds you well , followed by the body of the email.

For less formal emails, you can use a more casual introductory line like I hope you’re doing well .

Our  rewriter can help you find alternative ways to start a professional email.

Some synonyms and phrases related to I hope this email finds you well include:

  • It is a pleasure connecting with you again
  • I hope you are doing well
  • I hope you are having a productive week

Scribbr’s  paragraph rewriter  can help you find synonyms for phrases like “I hope this email finds you well.”

Miss is a title for an unmarried woman or girl (e.g., “Miss Jones”). It cannot be used for a married woman. It is sometimes seen as slightly old-fashioned, since it defines the woman by her marital status.

Ms. is a title for a woman whose marital status is unknown, for an older unmarried woman, or for any woman in a context where you don’t want to emphasize the woman’s marital status. It’s intended to be neutral, in that it can be used for married and unmarried women alike—much like “Mr.” can be used for married and unmarried men.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, June 22). To Whom It May Concern | Usage & Alternatives. Scribbr. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from

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To Whom It May Concern: What it Means and When to use it

do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

Main To Whom It May Concern Takeaways:

  • To Whom It May Concern is a salutation. The salutation of a letter gives writers a chance to set the tone of your correspondence .
  • Capitalize the letter of each word, then follow the phrase with a colon.
  • To Whom It May Concern may also be written as To Whom This May Concern .
  • Alternatives include Dear , Hello , and Greetings .
  • There are pros and cons to using a generic greeting . It can minimize the risk of misspelling a name or incorrectly identifying gender. On the other hand, it can sound impersonal and imply laziness or a lack of care.
  • To Whom It May Concern is appropriate for formal correspondence when you don’t know who the recipient is. This includes letters of reference, initial contact emails, and when prospecting.

You should always do everything you can to find out the recipients name and contact information. However, when this isn’t possible, use To Whom It May Concern . We’ll show you how to correctly use this salutation and look at sample letters with To Whom It May Concern in action.

What is the Correct way to Write To Whom It May Concern?

Always capitalize the first letter of every word. Then , add a colon at the end of the phrase, right after the word Concern . Next, double-space before beginning the rest of your letter.

Using To Whom It May Concern Correctly :

  • Capitalize the first letter of every word.
  • Punctuate it with a colon after following Concern . If you’re working with a particular style guide, be sure to consult it for specific rules. Some call for a comma instead of a colon.
  • Double-space before starting the body of your letter.

A cartoon blue hand holds a pink pen to write a letter. The page has the words TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN at the top.

Example Letter Using To Whom It May Concern

I recently purchased a pet harness from your company’s website, and the strangest thing happened. It arrived damaged, but the damage didn’t appear to be from a shipping problem. Rather, it seemed to be chewed up. I am hoping you can help me with this, either through a replacement or a refund. I’d also love to understand how this happened!

Best Regards,

What is the Meaning of To Whom It May Concern?

This is a traditional salutation found in formal or professional correspondence . To Whom It May Concern is usually used when you aren’t sure of the recipient’s name or who the recipient might be. Basically, it means that you are addressing whoever is responsible for what your letter is about. “It” refers to what your letter is about. “ To Whom ” and “ Concern ” refer to the person responsible for (or concerned with) your query. “ May ” refers to the fact that you’re not sure who is responsible for your query.

Some feel that this common salutation is becoming obsolete. Similarly, others feel it sounds too impersonal and even stuffy. However, many letter writers wonder if this classic greeting is still appropriate and effective to use.

Is To Whom It May Concern Rude?

No, it’s not rude to use “To Whom It May Concern” in your cover letters, proposal letters, and other correspondence. That’s because this salutation works well when you are unsure of the recipient’s name and want to come across as respectful. 

With that said, “To Whom It May Concern” may not be the ideal salutation in specific contexts. For example, it’s acceptable to use the salutation when lodging a customer service complaint. 

Meanwhile, using “To Whom It May Concern” in your cover letter may make it come off as bland. So, while using it is appropriate in certain situations, when you have a specific name that you can address, it is best to do so.

When It’s Okay to Use To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern can still be useful at times. It’s appropriate to use this generic greeting in:

  • Letters of reference or introduction.
  • Initial contact forms or emails.
  • Cover letters for Resumes.
  • Prospecting letters .
  • Any correspondence where multiple recipients will receive the same letter.
  • Any time you are not sure who the recipient is.

A cartoon mother sits a table writing a letter with a concerned expression. Her young son is to her right. He looks feverish and has a thermometer in his mouth while he rubs his head. There is a call out that zooms in on the letter the mother is writing, it begins with the phrase: to whom it may concern.

Should I use To Whom It May Concern?

If you don’t who the recipient is, using To Whom It May Concern is fine. Alternatives include Greetings and Dear . Use these alone or in combination with the person’s job title or department. However, it all comes down to style and context. On one hand, To Whom It May Concern is a generic greeting that helps avoid addressing the wrong person, misspelling a name, or using the incorrect gender. Another benefit is that if you’re sending the same letter to multiple people, you’ll save time researching names and changing the greeting. On the other hand, it’s less personal and can seem old-fashioned. Or worse, it could come off lazy because a quick Internet search or phone call could give you the information you need to create a more personal and unique impression.

It can be difficult to start a letter if you don’t know who the recipient is. This may happen when writing business letters to a company, cover letters for resumes, and recommendations.

  • You won’t risk addressing the wrong person, misspelling a name, or incorrectly guessing a gender.
  • If you’re sending copies to multiple people, you don’t have to change the greeting.
  • Using To Whom It May Concern can save you time researching names.
  • Ultimately, detractors of To Whom It May Concern argue that we live in an age of information, which has rendered this generic greeting obsolete.
  • It’s now possible to find the names of contacts for most companies through websites and social media accounts.
  • Plus, what an internet search can’t accomplish, a quick phone call easily can.

The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives for this go-to salutation.

To Whom It May Concern Alternatives

You’ve made every effort to find the name of your contact person but in the end, you still aren’t sure.

But, you want to avoid using To Whom It May Concern. You want to stand out from the crowd and make a memorable but professional first impression.

You may also have tossed out the classic Dear Sirs since your correspondence could easily end up on the desk of a female employee. What’s left?

Front view of a cartoon character holding a pencil and looking up pensively. His head is surrounded by three thought bubbles as he imagines different ways to start his letter. One option is HELLO, another is TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and the third is GREETINGS!.

Here are the 15 best modern To Whom It May Concern alternatives:

  • Re: (Topic of Letter)
  • Dear Sir or Madam
  • Dear [Department] Name
  • Dear [Department] Manager
  • Dear HR Manager
  • Dear Human Resources Representative
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Committee
  • Dear Search Committee
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear Recruiting Manager
  • Dear Personnel Manager
  • Dear Customer Service Manager

All of these options imply knowledge of the recipient’s name, but remember, there are plenty of ways to find your addressee on the internet. Ways to Find Contact Information

  • Search the company’s website for your contact.
  • Visit the company’s social media or LinkedIn page.
  • Reach out via a chat box or direct message to ask a representative who you should be writing to.
  • If all else fails, a phone call should do the trick.

Let’s take a closer look at when and how you might use some of these alternatives.

Hello or Greetings

These casual salutations can be useful when writing informal correspondence, such as emails, memos, or direct messages on social media.

Use them alone or in with a name, job title, or department.

Typically, place a comma after the name or point of contact.

Some writers may opt for a colon or even a period or exclamation point to create additional emphasis. However, always consult the particular style guide you’re following.

What’s more, be sure to consider your audience. For example, exclamation points can seem very informal and are not always appropriate or appreciated.

Dear vs. To Whom It May Concern

Dear is also a classic salutation. But, is more common in modern letter-writing use thanks to its simplicity and versatility.

To properly punctuate this greeting, use Dear + Name , followed by a comma .

There are several ways you can use this traditional greeting in correspondence.

A blonde cartoon character with giant earbuds sits at a desk writing a letter. He has a question mark over his head as he wonders what the correct way to write TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN is.

1. Dear [Name]

For informal correspondence, use a first name or even a nickname. For formal correspondence such as business letters, use the person’s title and surname. Titles, otherwise known as honorifics , may include Dr. , Professor , Mrs. , Mr. , Ms. , Miss , and the gender-neutral Mx. If your letters are aiming high, your greeting may also include royal titles such as Lord and Lady .

2. Dear [Role], [Team], or [Department]

When writing professional letters or corresponding with companies, it’s acceptable to address a letter to a department or the representative of a position.

By using a specific role, you can make sure your letter reaches the intended recipient.

Addressing a letter to a team is another effective way of personalizing a letter without using a specific person’s name.

When addressing a letter to a specific department, you increase the likelihood of it reaching someone in the know.

This is especially useful when you just can’t find the name of a person or if you know the company is in transition.

The Importance of a Salutation

When you correspond with a person or company, it’s generally for a purpose.

Letters offer a chance to connect with potential clients, employers, or employees, and can serve to notify recipients of wants, needs, or demands. They may also be a way to reach out with questions of varying levels of importance.

That’s why it’s vital to get it right when you’re writing a letter.

A salutation is a crucial part of any correspondence . With a single phrase, the writer can set the tone for the letter. It’s a chance to create that all-important first impression.

The salutation can let the reader know whether the letter will be formal or informal, friendly, or professional. It can create a sense of familiarity or show that the recipient is unknown to the sender .

Using someone’s name may also be an effective way to grab your recipient’s attention, making sure what’s said next gets read. But, when you aren’t sure who the recipient is, To Whom It May Concern is an ideal choice.

Try This Quick To Whom It May Concern Quiz

Question #1.

To Whom It May Concern is a one-size-fits-all salutation.

The answer is TRUE. To Whom It May Concern is a generic salutation typically used when the writer doesn’t know the recipient’s identity.

Question #2

Which statement is false?

The answer is B. Since the salutation doesn’t address anyone in particular, it feels less personal.

Question #3

Which statement is false?

The answer is B. You can use a colon to punctuate To Whom It May Concern.

Question #4

Select a more modern alternative for To Whom It May Concern.

The answer is D. All the salutations above are viable modern alternatives for To Whom It May Concern.

Read More: Best Regards and Alternatives: the Best ways to end an Email

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Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, Writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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do you capitalize to whom it may concern in a cover letter

Should I Use “To Whom It May Concern?”

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There was a time when  “To Whom It May Concern” was the most common way to address business professionals. It was the pre-internet era and information on specific employees at the company was not as widely available. 

Things have changed as technology has evolved and people are more connected than ever. Here, we discuss whether “To Whom It May Concern” is still valid today, what some alternatives to this greeting might be, and if there are any cases in which it is still acceptable.

“To Whom It May Concern” – Is This Still Used?

There aren’t too many reasons left to use “To Whom It May Concern” in correspondence, be it an email or a letter. However, there are certainly some very good reasons not to use it. 

To start with, the phrase feels stuffy and antiquated. (It doesn’t take much to conjure up an image of writing with a quill by candlelight, does it?) It is reminiscent of the days when business correspondence demanded a much more formal tone. However, today’s business culture calls for a more natural and conversational style.

Starting a letter/email with “To Whom It May Concern” can be perceived as a sense of laziness on the sender’s part. Is it really that difficult to find out who the message concerns, or is it more that you don’t want to take the time to do some research to find out? You don’t want your “To Whom It May Concern” to convey a lack of concern on your part.

As a final takeaway, there are definitely better ways to address a colleague or group of people!

Alternative Greetings to “To Whom It May Concern”:

There are many solutions to finding another salutation . Here are a few alternatives:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

With the entirety of the internet at your disposal (including LinkedIn), it shouldn’t be too difficult to find the name of the relevant person. 

Doing some research can go a long way. Even if your message ends up being passed around, the care you showed by seeking out a specific person is likely to be noted.

If you are dealing with a less formal relationship, you may want to include only the recipient’s first name. In a more formal relationship, it is customary to use the recipient’s last name as well. 

Using a title like Mr. or Mrs., or “Dear Sir/Dear Madam”, could be useful when you are writing formally. If your recipient doesn’t follow gender normalities, you can also use titles such as mx if they prefer.

If your research comes up empty, you can always go “old school” and pick up the phone. There is no need to treat this as a secret reconnaissance mission – you can simply ask something to the effect of: 

“Hello. I am applying for the Office Manager position and would like to personalize my cover letter. Could you please tell me the name of the person in charge of talent acquisition for that position?”

Dear [Department or Role]

If you’re not able to find the individual’s name, another alternative to “To Whom It May Concern” is to broaden your salutation and reference a specific department or a person’s role—for example:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Team
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear Recruiting Manager
  • Dear Recruiting Team
  • Dear HR Manager
  • Dear Human Resources

Although a specific name is always better, seeing how a manager will probably just glance at your resume briefly, it’s not the worst of crimes. For instance, if you do have the name of the hiring manager, it would probably be best to address them by that. 

If you are messaging through a group or organization, such as a company website, it is often best to be broad in your greeting. Just make sure that you have a winning cover letter !

“Greetings”, “Hello”

If your message is not specific to a particular person or could be read by multiple people, a simple “hello” might just do the trick. However, “hello” and “greetings”   are less formal than the previous options, so perhaps keep them out of cover letters, job applications, and formal business letters.

Other Generic Greetings

In addition to using “hello” or “greetings”, there are plenty of other ways to create a point of contact. In fact, if you are messaging someone for the first time, using a generic greeting can ensure that you don’t make any mistakes in addressing them!

Some examples of generic greetings include:

  • Good morning
  • Good evening

When is OK to Use “To Whom It May Concern?”

In general, it is ok to use this salutation when the correspondence is formal and there is no specific department or addressee. For example, “To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate in a:

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter of Interest
  • Letter of Recommendation

If you do use “To Whom It May Concern,” make sure to capitalize the first letter of each word, follow it with a colon, and double space before the body of the letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to enquire about your delivery options. 

In summary,  if your message really does concern everyone or anyone, you can use “To Whom It May Concern.” Otherwise, it’s best to address your message to a specific person/department.

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To Whom It May Concern: How To Use It With Examples

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  • Letter of Introduction
  • Close a Business Letter
  • Job Application Letter
  • Business Letter Layout
  • To Whom It May Concern
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To Whom It May Concern has become a controversial phrase. Some people think it’s lazy to use this greeting since the recipient’s name is usually somewhere on the internet, while others say that you can’t always know who the recipient will be, so “To Whom It May Concern” is the best choice.

In this article, we’ll cover when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern,” as well as alternatives and examples to help you pull all our tips together.

Key Takeaways:

“To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate to use:

When lodging a formal complaint

A letter of recommendation

A letter of introduction

You should not use this phrase when writing a cover letter or a letter on your own behalf.

To find the recipient’s name you should check the job listing, check the company’s website, and use networking websites before using the phrase.

How To Write

When to use “to whom it may concern”

Example use of the phrase, when not to use “to whom it may concern”, how to find the recipient’s name, alternative ways to say “to whom it may concern”, example of alternatives ways to say “to whom it may concern”, what does “to whom it may concern” mean, to whom it may concern faq, final thoughts.

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Here are some examples of when it is appropriate to use “To Whom It May Concern:”

To lodge a formal complaint. When you aren’t satisfied with a situation, voicing a concern in a formal letter is an excellent way for you to do it. However, you might not know who you will need to address.

A letter of recommendation. Sometimes, a friend or coworker might need to list someone who knows them well as a reference , but they might be unsure who you will need to write the letter to.

A letter of introduction . In times where you need to introduce yourself or another individual to a large group via email, “To Whom It May Concern” can be an option to address a general audience.

A letter of interest . When you’re trying to find out about potential job positions that aren’t publically listed, you can send a letter of interest to sell yourself. However, you may not have a specific recipient in mind. Using “To Whom It May Concern” can be useful in these situations, but we still recommend using one of its alternatives instead.

A prospecting letter. People who work in sales and business development need to reach out to potential clients. Some companies are wary about giving away too many personal details to an outside salesperson.

In those cases, using a generic salutation like “To Whom It May Concern” may be appropriate — but it’s not exactly the most appealing first line of a sales pitch.

When using “To Whom It May Concern,” capitalize every word in the phrase. Then, follow it with a colon and double-space before you begin typing the body of your text.

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to bring to your attention how unsatisfied I am with your company’s customer service. On the morning of October 1, 2020, I made a call to your company’s customer service line and was treated rather rudely. It is appalling to me that a company with your standing would allow such unprofessionalism to take place. I have been a faithful client of your store, and feel completely devastated by this behavior. I expect your full cooperation and hope this issue can be resolved. Sincerely, Jane Smith

The phrase “To Whom It May Concern” sounds impersonal, and you never want your letter to sound too impersonal, even if it is formal. If possible, avoid using this phrase at all costs.

“To Whom It May Concern” is considered to be dated and too generic. Hiring managers want to make sure that the person they are bringing in is driven and will stop at nothing to get the job done.

In short, here are the times when not to use “To Whom It May Concern:”

You’re writing a cover letter . The point of a cover letter is to set yourself apart from the competition. When you begin your letter with an archaic phrase like “To Whom It May Concern,” you do stand out — just for all the wrong reasons.

You’re writing any letter on your own behalf. When you’re writing a recommendation letter for a friend or a letter of introduction for someone else, it’s fine to use “To Whom It May Concern.” That’s because you don’t know how the letter will be used or who it will be sent to; those decisions are up to whoever you gave the letter to.

You have literally any information about the recipient. Using “To Whom It May Concern” is basically admitting that you have no idea who this letter will concern — and that’s concerning for the recipient. If you’re sending a letter to an unknown entity in some department, for example, at least label it to “Dear [Department Name].”

Remember that rather than writing, “To Whom It May Concern,” including the recipient’s name in your letter or email shows that you are willing to put in the leg work and get the job done.

Read the job listing carefully . Go back to the original job posting and see if there is more information about the person you need to contact. Typically, companies and career websites will include the contact information at the bottom of the page .

Check the company’s website. Another way to verify a company’s personnel is to go directly to the source. Go to their official website and look through the “About Us” page– chances are you will find what you are looking for.

Use networking websites. You can also use a professional networking website such as LinkedIn. These pages are filled with business professionals. Search for the company’s profile. Usually, you will be able to find the appropriate person with a bit of research.

Call the company. As a last resort, reach out to the company’s main line or customer service number and ask for the hiring manager’s name.

If you are still unable to find the name of your prospective employer after taking all of these steps, you may then use the phrase “To Whom It May Concern” or one of the much more appealing alternatives below.

The good news is you are not stuck using this expression. When you are trying to greet someone, there are countless alternatives that can be used instead of saying, “To Whom It May Concern.” The great thing about the English language is that it allows us different ways to say the same something.

Here is a list of alternatives you can use in place of “To Whom It May Concern:”

Dear [Name of Potential Boss] – use a full name or a Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]

Dear Recruiting Team

Dear [Job Title You’re Applying For] Hiring Team/Committee/Manager

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear Recruiter

Dear Recruiting Manager

Dear Recruiting Department

Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear [Name of the Department You’re Applying To]

Dear Personnel Manager

Try to avoid using the phrase “ Dear Sir or Madam ,” just like “To Whom It May Concern.” This, too, is considered to be an outdated way of addressing a recipient.

If you cannot find the recipient’s name and do not want to risk sounding too generic, you can always call them by their official titles, such as a hiring manager, a recruiter , or a human resources manager .

Dear Product Department, I hope this finds you well. I am writing to find out more about your company and if you have any openings. I saw your booth at the job fair last week, and from what I have learned, it could be a great place to work. Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Joe Smith
Dear Hiring Manager, My name is Jane Smith, and I recently applied for the Project Manager opening at your company. I wanted to take this time to formally introduce myself to you and your staff. And I am excited about this opportunity. I am sure that my background and skills will make me an ideal candidate for this position and your company. Would it be possible for us to set up an appointment to meet this week? I would love to get to know you and discuss what I plan to bring to your organization. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you. Best Regards, Jane Smith

“To Whom It May Concern” is typically used as a salutation at the beginning of a letter or email. It is generally used to speak to someone whose name you do not know but would like to address in the message.

“To Whom It May Concern” is now considered outdated. Back in the day, when a company posted a job, all you had access to was the company’s name and a brief description of the position you were applying to at the company.

It was highly uncommon for companies to list the hiring manager’s name. There was no easy way for you to gain access to this information — therefore, people would address the letters to whomever the message concerned, hence the phrase.

Now, however, having information about any company is as simple as clicking a button. Most businesses or corporations have an entire section dedicated to their staff. Here you will be able to find the names you need.

Though using the phrase may be considered standard practice, some hiring managers might view it as laziness on behalf of the applicant. However, there are certain instances where it is considered entirely appropriate to use this phrase.

What is the correct way to write “To Whom It May Concern?”

The correct way to write “To Whom It May Concern” is to capitalize the first letter of each word. Be sure to always use “whom” instead of “who” or “whomever.”

It’s also more appropriate to follow the phrase with a colon rather than a comma and add two spaces before beginning your message. Using this phrase suggests a formal letter and should only be used when you’re sending something to an unknown recipient.

Is “To Whom It May Concern” rude?

No, “To Whom It May Concern” is not rude. It is the proper address to use when you’re uncertain who it is you’re addressing.

However, if you know the person you are addressing, using the phrase to whom it may concern is inappropriate and may be considered rude.

Should I use “To Whom It May Concern”?

Yes, if you don’t know the name of the individual you are addressing, you should use “To Whom It May Concern.” However, before choosing to use this phrase, you should consider looking for a point of contact to receive your cover letter and resume .

You can do this in any number of ways, including checking the job posting, using the company website, asking another contact, or contacting customer service or human resources .

Do you write “To Whom It May Concern” in capital letters?

Yes, you should write “To Whom It May Concern” in capital letters. Although this may seem out of the norm, you would want to capitalize the name of the person you are addressing.

Since to whom it may concern is used in place of a person’s name, you should capitalize the entire phrase in place of the individual’s name.

How do you address a letter to an unknown person?

If the letter is formal, you should address a letter to an unknown person with the phrase “To Whom It May Concern.” Typically, this phrase is used in business correspondences when the other party is unknown.

Most commonly, this can be used when submitting a job application or cover letter when the job posting is unclear on who will review your application.

It might take you some time, but if you set your mind to it and put a little effort, chances are you will find the names you are looking for. However, it is essential to know that you really cannot go wrong with any of these alternatives.

Keep in mind that this isn’t about adding more pressure to your pursuit of finding a job. It’s about opening your eyes and showing you that every little detail is essential and speaks volumes to any future employer about the person they will be hiring.

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Melissa is an exceptionally hard-working, creative individual, with great organizational and time management skills. She has been writing and researching professionally for over seven years. She graduated with a BA in English from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / How To Use “To Whom It May Concern” in Letters (Examples)

How To Use “To Whom It May Concern” in Letters (Examples)

“To Whom It May Concern” is a conventional formal generic salutation used in letters or correspondence where the name and title of the addressee or recipient are unknown.

It is acceptable in formal or professional correspondence. “To Whom” and “Concern” refer to whoever the recipient is; “It” refers to the correspondence; and “May” implies the probability that any party may receive it. 

It is a known traditional salutation , although it is slowly becoming obsolete. It allows you to write a letter that can be received and accepted by different recipients. Such a generic salutation allows you to write letters that have reusability, such as recommendation letters.

The five words are capitalized when included in any correspondence. This type of letter is used when you don’t know the name or appropriate title to refer to the recipient. With this salutation, you can avoid misspelling their name or mislabeling their gender.

However, despite the flexibility of a To Whom It May Concern letter, you should always aim to determine the name and appropriate title to use when addressing your recipients. Use this salutation in a letter only when it’s necessary. This article will show you when to use it and how to write it in a letter.

When to Use “To Whom It May Concern” Salutation

It is acceptable to use this type of letter in business letters, recommendation letters, and other situations where it is hard to determine the name and title of the recipient.

Below are common scenarios when you can utilize this type of salutation: 

If you are unable to find the hiring manager’s name

If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name despite extensive research, you can use a generic salutation. This is common with job application cover letters. Also, if you are not sure who will review your letter, you can use this type of letter. 

If the hiring managers are a group of people 

When sending your job application to a group of people, such as a recruiting committee or panel, you can use the letter. This is applicable since you cannot name all the group members in the salutation. Therefore, assigning a generic salutation ensures the letter does not appear to be addressed to a single person.  

In recommendation/reference letters for someone else

Such greetings are suitable for recommendation or reference letters for a former employee, student, or tenant. This is because, in most cases, you will not be certain of the recipient of the letter. 

To lodge a formal complaint

Occasionally, it can be challenging to determine who is responsible for what in an organization or company. This can be problematic, especially when you have to file a formal complaint. Therefore, in such cases, you can use this salutation. This prevents a situation where you address the letter to the wrong contact person. This allows you to write a letter that can be forwarded directly to the person responsible for the complaint.

In a letter of introduction

When introducing yourself or someone else to another person or a group of people whom you do not know, you can use a generic salutation. For example, once you receive a quote and want to respond, you can use a generic salutation. 

In a prospecting letter

Generic salutations can be used in prospecting letters when contacting potential clients. In such situations, the name of your prospect, the decision maker, and their position are often unknown. Thus, using this type of letter allows for seamless correspondence where there is no misunderstanding as to who should receive the letter.  

Company feedback or suggestions 

Feedback and suggestions are normally beneficial if they get to the right person. When sending your feedback or suggestions, you may not know who is responsible for the matter you are addressing. So, a generic salutation is a good way to ensure you reach the relevant department.

When Not to Make Use of “To Whom It May Concern”

A “To Whom It May Concern” greeting is not always appropriate. The following are situations when you should avoid using it:

When writing a cover letter

A cover letter for a job application is meant to distinguish you from other candidates by exhibiting professionalism and a genuine interest in the position. Using a generic salutation is not a good way of doing this. So, even if you do not know the name of the hiring manager, you should not use a generic greeting. 

Personal letters

If you are writing a personal letter to someone, it is best to address them by name, especially if you have an established relationship with them. Using “to whom it may concern” can make the letter seem impersonal and distant.

Free Templates

Free Professional Customer To Whom It May Concern Letter Sample as Word Document

What is the Appropriate Way to Write “To Whom It May Concern”?

The salutation should be formatted in a specific way. The first letter of each word of the salutation should be capitalized. This is because this phrase is used as a substitute for the recipient’s name, which, if written, would have every first letter capitalized as it is a proper noun.

Always use “whom” and not “who” or “whoever.” This is because “whom” in this case is a preposition or object of a verb, thus the need to use it in that manner. 

The salutation should also be followed by a colon (:). You should then add a double space before typing the rest of the letter. However, if you are following a particular style guide, be sure to check the specific rules and follow them. Some guides require you to use a comma rather than a colon. 

Pros and Cons

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of using “To Whom It May Concern”:

Some advantages of this generic greeting are the following:

  • The letter allows you to send the same one to multiple recipients without changing the greeting. 
  • It eliminates the risk of misspelling a name, using the wrong gender title, or sending the letter to the wrong person. 
  • A generic salutation saves you time from researching the names of your recipients. 

The following are some disadvantages of using a generic greeting in a letter:

  • Most people will find a generic greeting impolite and rude in business correspondence since, these days, most contact information is easily accessible on company websites. This has made the salutation gradually obsolete. 
  • Recipients’ information can often be obtained through a simple phone call. So, using a To Whom It May Concern greeting may indicate a lack of interest. 

To Whom It May Concern Alternatives 

There are alternatives to To Whom It May Concern that can be used similarly. These alternatives are viable in different situations, depending on who you are writing to. Examples of such alternatives include the following:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Recruiting Department
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear Recruiting Manager
  • Dear Customer Service Manager
  • Dear [Team or Department]
  • Dear HR manager
  • Dear Sir/Madam
  • Dear Hiring Committee
  • Dear [Department] Manager
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team
  • Dear Human Resources Team
  • Dear Personnel Manager
  • Dear [job title you are applying for] Manager/Committee/hiring Team 

Frequently Asked Questions

To correctly write the salutation, capitalize on the first letter of each word. Then, insert a colon after the salutation and two spaces before beginning the letter’s introduction.  

Using this format is not rude. It is a formally acceptable way of addressing recipients with whom you are not familiar. 

Using “To whom it may concern” in an email can come across as impersonal and may not be the best option. In an email, it is better to address the recipient by their name or use a more specific greeting. If you are unsure about who the recipient is, you can try to do some research to find their name or use a more general greeting such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [company name] team.”

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Susan Cain

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  1. To Whom it May Concern' Capitalization Guidelines

    A good rule of thumb is to consider this phrase as a stand-in for the person's name in which you are writing. Since you would capitalize the first letter of a person's name, you should do so for the phrase 'To Whom It May Concern.'. Follow 'To Whom It May Concern' with either a colon or a comma, a space, and then immediately go into ...

  2. How to Use "To Whom It May Concern" [and 5+ Alternatives]

    Here are five better alternatives to "To Whom It May Concern" that show you've put in a bit more effort into your application: 1. Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss] [Last Name], The best greeting on a cover letter is "Dear" followed by the recipient's title and last name. It's simple, clear, and professional.

  3. The quick guide to using 'To Whom It May Concern' in a cover letter

    Place a colon after the greeting (To Whom It May Concern: ) Some grammar guides require a comma after the word 'concern' instead of a colon, but the important thing to do is to be consistent with how you use punctuation throughout the letter. Before you begin the body of your cover letter, add an extra line after the salutation.

  4. Should You Use "To Whom It May Concern" In Your Cover Letter

    Even if you need to use a generic phrase, there are way better options for the beginning of your cover letter than "to whom it may concern" in most cases. Your choice depends on the information you have about the job posting and how comfortable you are with using informal/personal language. Here are some alternatives worth considering:

  5. To Whom It May Concern: When and How to Use It Properly

    Here's a tip: Always format "To Whom It May Concern" with a capital letter at the beginning of each word. Follow it with a colon. Double-space before you begin the body of your letter. To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing to file a complaint about the service I received during my November 15 visit to your store.

  6. To Whom It May Concern Letter: Capitalization, Usage, and Alternatives

    Alternatives: If you already know the purpose of the recommendation letter, you can replace "To Whom It May Concern" with a more targeted greeting. For example, if the letter is for a job, you can use "To the Hiring Manager." If it is for a university application, you can use "To the University Registrar," or "To the [name of university ...

  7. How to Use To Whom It May Concern (Alternatives Included)

    In most cases, when you're starting a cover letter, you do want to capitalize the greeting. So, that would mean that the to whom it may concern capitalization should look like this: To Whom It May Concern. Additionally, you'll usually follow it with a colon instead of a comma. It's the formal approach, which is the perfect choice in these ...

  8. To Whom It May Concern

    You know you've read it in mostly professional settings, but when is "To whom it may concern" appropriate, and how exactly do you use it? Learn everything you need to know here.

  9. Best Alternative Salutations for To Whom It May Concern on a Cover Letter

    Below is a list of suitable options to use instead of 'To Whom It May Concern.'. Based on the information available to you, use this list to help guide the salutation you use to begin your cover letter. Dear [Mr./ Mrs./ Ms./ Miss/ Professor, Dr. ] [Last name]: This is perhaps the most desirable as it is the most personal and acknowledges an ...

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    Use the phrase, "To Whom It May Concern" when you don't know the hiring managers name. As with formal letters and documents, place the phrase at the top of the letter, after the date, and ...

  11. To Whom it May Concern' Capitalisation Guidelines

    A good rule of thumb is to consider this phrase as a stand-in for the person's name in which you are writing. Since you would capitalise the first letter of a person's name, you should do so for the phrase 'To Whom It May Concern.'. Follow 'To Whom It May Concern' with either a colon or a comma, a space, and then immediately go into ...

  12. Is "To Whom It May Concern" Capitalized?

    The rule for capitalizations in salutations is that the first word, all nouns and all titles are capitalized. This means that "To whom it may concern" is the correct way to use this salutation. This is the point that is made on the Gregg Reference Manual. The only words that are capitalized on their own in a salutation are the first word or ...

  13. 'To Whom It May Concern' in a Cover Letter

    Here are six 'To Whom It May Concern' alternatives to use when starting your cover letter: 1. Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/Mx [Contact Person's Surname], The standard greeting for cover letters is 'Dear' followed by your contact person's title, surname, and a comma.

  14. To Whom It May Concern: Capitalization Rules

    To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize. If you must use the phrase "to whom it may concern" when crafting cover letters or other important correspondence, I recommend capitalizing the entire phrase. Consider you're replacing a person's name with this salutation and that each word is important. You'd capitalize the first and last name of ...

  15. To Whom It May Concern

    When you do use "To Whom It May Concern," make sure to write it correctly. It's considered most formal to use a colon (rather than a comma) after this phrase. You should also make sure to capitalize every word and to get the phrasing right: use the object pronoun "whom," not "who." To whom it may concern, Dear Whoever it may Concern:

  16. A Guide To Using "To Whom it May Concern" in a Cover Letter

    Using "To whom it may concern" as an introduction to your cover letter may sometimes pass the wrong message to potential employers or clients. In such situations, it's best to avoid the phrase. Here are some steps you can take to avoid this introduction in your cover letter: 1. Examine the job advertisement.

  17. To Whom It May Concern: What it Means and When to use it

    Main To Whom It May Concern Takeaways: To Whom It May Concern is a salutation. The salutation of a letter gives writers a chance to set the tone of your correspondence.; Capitalize the letter of each word, then follow the phrase with a colon. To Whom It May Concern may also be written as To Whom This May Concern.; Alternatives include Dear, Hello, and Greetings.

  18. Should I Use "To Whom It May Concern?"

    For example, "To Whom It May Concern" is appropriate in a: If you do use "To Whom It May Concern," make sure to capitalize the first letter of each word, follow it with a colon, and double space before the body of the letter: To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to enquire about your delivery options.

  19. To Whom It May Concern: How to Use it & Best Alternatives

    Mind you, even the minor words are capitalized. 2. Use a colon after "To Whom It May Concern". A colon rather than a comma should follow the cover letter salutation. 3. Add a space or double space before the beginning of the letter. Improve readability by ensuring your resume cover page has enough white space.

  20. To Whom It May Concern: How To Use It With Examples

    Yes, you should write "To Whom It May Concern" in capital letters. Although this may seem out of the norm, you would want to capitalize the name of the person you are addressing. Since to whom it may concern is used in place of a person's name, you should capitalize the entire phrase in place of the individual's name.

  21. How To Use "To Whom It May Concern" in Letters (Examples)

    It is acceptable in formal or professional correspondence. "To Whom" and "Concern" refer to whoever the recipient is; "It" refers to the correspondence; and "May" implies the probability that any party may receive it. It is a known traditional salutation, although it is slowly becoming obsolete. It allows you to write a letter ...

  22. Should You Use "To Whom It May Concern" for Cover Letter Salutations

    2. Dear Mr./Ms. [Employer's Last Name] Instead of using the full name to address your future boss, you can use titles like "Mr." and "Ms." then followed by the last name. Compared to "To Whom It May Concern", this is obviously a more direct way of addressing the reader because it shows that you know who they are.

  23. To Whom It May Concern: What It Means and How to Use It

    You've probably heard or come across this greeting, likely in your professional life. "To Whom It May Concern" is a greeting that you can use to start a correspondence, like a letter or ...