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How to Start a Thesis Defense Presentation

How to Start a Thesis Defense Presentation | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

After months and years of hard work, the moment to wrap things all up is finally here—your thesis defense presentation.

Whether you’re pursuing a master’s degree or doctorate, it’s the final step to that much-deserved achievement. 

A thesis defense requires a lot of prior research and preparation. And as important as its content is, so is how you present it because a stunning design with clear data and text hierarchy plays an immense role in comprehension.

In this article, we’ll explore how you make your thesis defense .

The organization is the key to success. Establishing some previous steps before any project or work is essential for the result to be very positive. And the defense of a thesis could not be less. 

Below, we will develop all the necessary steps to make a thesis defense presentation and we will give you some tips on how to carry them out.

How to Make an Amazing Presentation

Defining the concept of your thesis presentation, structuring your thesis defense presentation, how do you welcome the audience, tell them why you did this thesis, go into the content by explaining your thesis part by part, how to end the defense of the thesis.

After a long time of research and study, the content of your thesis is ready. Now, you have to find the best way to reflect all that effort behind your work. The information comes across more clearly if you use a visual format, as it attracts the attention of the audience. To present your thesis information in a clear, concise, and ultimately amazing way, you can use one of our unique thesis defense templates , available at Slidesgo.

As an example, in this article, we are going to use the Ecology Thesis template . With it, we will show you what to include in your presentation and how to make an attractive design.

After choosing the Google Slides and PowerPoint template that best suits the needs and subject matter of your thesis, it is time to define an overarching concept.

This is the main theme on which your designs are based. It must be relevant to your thesis as its purpose is to guide your selection of colors, typography, images, style, etc. 

These must be portrayed in a way that supports the main message of your slides and should be aligned with your concept both visually and sociologically.

Once you have defined the concept, you will have to move on to the next step: structuring the content of your thesis. A good structure will show that there is a good organization behind the work, but most importantly: it will highlight your content.

In this article, we are going to show you a structure that could be a good example of how to structure a thesis, but you can adapt it to what your specific content requires.

Before you begin your thesis defense, you should welcome your audience. A good presentation will make you connect with your audience, which will result in more general interest in your work.

Use an appropriate language register (avoid informal language), but be approachable and natural.

"Welcome to the thesis defense on [the title of your thesis]". Next, introduce yourself with your name and give a short description of your background and occupation.

Don't forget to say “thank you for attending!”

To continue establishing that connection with your audience, explain the reasons that led you to do this thesis. Tell the professional reasons, and you can even say some personal ones, which will denote closeness, and your audience will appreciate it.

Now it's time to go into the content of the thesis ! After these preliminary steps, which are just as important as the thesis itself, it is time to explain part by part the structure (which you had previously established). We are going to propose a structure for your project, but the final decision is always yours!

how to start thesis defence speech

First impressions are very important. Because your title page is the very first thing viewers see, it must be striking and impactful. It also sets the stage for the rest of your slides.

In one glance, the following should be established:

  • Thesis defense topic
  • Design style

For instance, the ecology thesis’s title page uses illustrations of a natural landscape to represent the topic of nature and a striking shade of blue to set the tone.

The sans serif font used depicts clean-cut typography and style and the thesis topic is written in large and bold typography, which draws attention to it immediately.

how to start thesis defence speech

Right after your title page, include an introduction slide to provide more details about your topic. 

This means explaining what you hope to answer with your research, its importance to your field, and why you chose it.

Continue to incorporate design elements relevant to your concept. This example has done just that by using a different natural landscape and including animals. For coherence, stick to the same typography and style throughout your presentation.

how to start thesis defence speech

The aim of the literature review slide is to illustrate your knowledge of your thesis topic and any relevant theories.

Walls of text kill a design. For clarity, we recommend presenting this with bullet points. Each one should be short and sweet and only touch on the basics; you can elaborate on them in your speech. 

Don’t forget to be consistent with your design. In our example, we’ve maintained the tone of blue chosen and added illustrations of leaves in the far corners of the slide. 

Also, address similar research that has been done. This is to showcase your topic’s originality and, if relevant, how it’s different and/or an improvement from previously done research. 

how to start thesis defence speech

This is one of the most important parts of a thesis defense presentation.

It allows your viewers to assess the rationality and validity of your approach and consequently, the accuracy of your results.

A great methodology slide explains the what , how, and why :

  • What method did you use for your research
  • Why did you choose it
  • How did you conduct it

Because this part of your thesis will be rather technical, the most effective way to aid understanding is by using graphics like charts and tables. 

how to start thesis defence speech

Keep text to a minimum to avoid drawing attention away from the graphics. If there is a text that must absolutely be included, consider using bullet points and keep them short.

Don’t forget to maintain color, style, and typography coherence.

how to start thesis defence speech

The results slides are easily the most quantitative part of a thesis defense. 

Here, your aim is to simply introduce your findings. Select the most impactful data and highlight them here.

Just as with methodology, use graphics like charts, tables, and graphs to portray the data in a clear way. And, once again, try not to write too much text. Let the visual content do the talking .

how to start thesis defence speech

After you’ve introduced your data, the next step would be to help your audience make sense of it. That means understanding what it means in the context of your thesis research topic and your discipline. 

Simply put, you should answer the question: What do the numbers mean?

The best way to approach this would be to do it as if you were creating an infographic . 

Illustrations like icons are a quick and simple way to represent your message. It also reduces the amount of text on your slide, which makes the information much more digestible. 

For a balanced thesis presentation, you should also address any outliers and anomalies.

To quote bestselling author Robin Sharma, “Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.”

That’s exactly what to aim for in your conclusion.

Provide an overview of your thesis topic and remind your audience what you set out to answer with your research. In our example, we’ve used three icons accompanied by a short title and text. 

how to start thesis defence speech

Following that, reiterate the important points of your research results you want your audience to take away from your thesis defense presentation. 

You can do so by expanding the next slide to have more icons and points, for example.

how to start thesis defence speech

Don’t forget to address any shortcomings and limitations in your approach and extra points for suggesting possible improvements for future research.

We are going to give you a little tip to make your thesis defense a success. You can combine your defense with good public speaking techniques. Take a look at our article "How to become a great speaker" .

We hope this article has been of great help, have you already seen our templates to make the presentation of your thesis ? Choose the one that best suits your needs, we are sure that one of them will go perfectly with your thesis presentation! 

Good luck from Slidesgo.

how to start thesis defence speech

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  • Presentations

How to Start and Give a Great Thesis Defense Presentation

Sarah Joy

To complete a graduate degree, you'll likely need to create a thesis defense presentation. You must complete a thesis to finish many graduate degree programs. 

It's important to have an impressive thesis defense presentation.

A thesis is a paper where you explore a topic in depth that's related to what you’ve studied. After completing your thesis paper, you will be asked to defend it through a presentation.

You give this thesis defense in a meeting with a panel of two or more professors in your program. The panel could include other professionals related to your field.

In your thesis defense presentation, you will be asked questions about your topic. The purpose of the questions is to get you to think deeply about your work, so the questions could be open-ended.

To create a thesis defense presentation, you need to know how to make a thesis presentation and how to start your thesis defense. Keep reading to find out more about thesis defense presentations.

How to Structure Your PPT for Thesis Defense

It's just as important to start your presentation strong as it is to end strong.

Thesis defense presentations can vary in length. They can be 20 minutes long or two hours long. It depends on how much time is allowed for your presentation and questions.

Talk to your professor to find out how much time is set aside for your presentation. Your thesis defense presentation will be unique to your thesis. But a good presentation includes the following structure:

  • Title . You need a title just as your research paper needed a title. The title slide will include the information that you’d include on your paper title. This information can include the title, your name, your school, and course name.
  • Introduction . Just like most presentations, your thesis defense presentation should include an introduction slide. This slide should have the topic of your thesis and the question that your presentation answers. It should also include any objections to your research and the answer you’ll be defending in your thesis presentation.
  • Literature Review . Next, create two or more slides with a review of the literature used in your research. It doesn’t need to be a complete bibliography. Although you do need to cite your sources, these slides should include your most relevant sources.
  • Methodology . These slides in your thesis presentation are where you describe what method you used and an explanation of why you chose that method. If you've got some original research, include the details of that research and how you analyzed the data that you got from that research.
  • Results . Some of the most important slides of your PPT for thesis defense contain the results of your research. This should include a description of the data you collected by researching and the results of your data analysis. You also should highlight what your most noteworthy finding was.
  • Discussion . These slides of your PPT for thesis defense need to include your research results. Also, show how the results support your argument and how it relates to your original question.
  • Conclusion . The conclusion thesis presentation slides should restate your original research questions, show the results of your research, and suggest future research and any final recommendations.
  • Ending Slide . The ending slides of your thesis defense presentation are where you add an interesting fact, quote, gif, or hypothetical question. The point is to get your audience to continue to think about your topic while also grabbing their attention. You want your presentation to be memorable.

How to Make a Thesis Presentation

After you’ve seen what the structure of a thesis defense presentation is, there are some more tips that you can follow. Here are tips on how to create a thesis defense presentation:

1. Define Your Concept

When you start with a template you're starting with a good base.

After choosing which template to use, the next step is to choose the concept of your thesis defense presentation. Your concept should be relevant to your thesis. To have a fully rounded concept, try to make your presentation templates design relevant to your thesis topic.

Before working on your defense, think about the message you want to convey. This will help you choose elements such as font images and a theme that'll be cohesive.

2. Know Your Audience

Most people give their thesis defense presentation to an academic panel. This panel will look to see if you've developed a thorough understanding of your topic and thesis. They’ll also be looking to see if you've got a solid foundation for your argument.

This is why your presentation is important. You don’t want a sloppy presentation because it can give the impression of laziness and that you don’t care about your presentation. So, choose all aspects of your presentation carefully.

3. Keep Your Slides Focused   

Focused slides are less overwhelming for the audience.

Part of giving a good thesis presentation is to have focused slides. This means that you don’t want to have too much information on a slide. It’s best to follow the rule of one point per slide. If you've got too much on a single slide, it can be hard for the audience to follow you.

4. Structure Your Presentation

After you’ve chosen your concept, it's time to structure the content of your thesis. When structuring your information, you want to show that you understand the subject matter and that you're organized.

5. Less Is More

Less elements on a slide makes it easier for an audience to focus on your point.

Each slide should have enough information that you can make your point. It’s important that your audience listens more than they read. By speaking, you show your audience that you know the topic you’re presenting on. So, when creating your slides, remember that less is more.

6. Consider Your Typography

After choosing your thesis presentation subject, consider what typography to use. Your typography should create an impact without distracting from your topic.

When considering your typography, consider your text's colors. Your text's colors should contrast with your slide's background. If the text doesn’t contrast well, it can distract the audience, causing them not to pay attention as you speak.

7. Stick to Important Data

Don't overwhelm the audience with a large amount of data. Stick to important data.

Include data that'll strengthen your argument. Your data should also show that you’ve researched your thesis. If you can, add visuals that are relevant to your data. Visuals stimulate your brain and can increase how fast you process information. So, including relevant visuals can make your data easier to process and remember.

8. Consistency Is Key

When thinking about how to make a thesis presentation, think about consistency. For an impressive presentation, your presentation should flow well. It’s easier to have consistency when using a template because it’s already designed by a professional.

Check your finished presentation for consistency. This means making sure all your titles on slides are the same font and font size. Also, make sure that your body text is consistent throughout.

9. Explain Your Thesis

The most important part of your thesis defense presentation is explaining your thesis.

The next step in how to make a thesis presentation is to explain your thesis in great detail. The first part of this is your methodology slide . This is where you explain what method you used for your research, why you chose the topic, and how you conducted your research.

For this part of your thesis, chart and tables in your presentation are helpful in explaining data. In this section, keep your text minimal to let the chart, graphs, and data stand out. 

Next, tell the audience what the data means. Infographics are a great option to use in this section. Infographics and icons can quickly and simply show your message.

10. End Your Thesis

The last section of your thesis presentation is where you end it. Make your ending memorable to keep your audience thinking.

In your conclusion, overview your thesis topic and remind the audience of the answer that your research proved. Next, cover the important research points you want your audience to remember. A slide with icons is a great way to do this. Also, address your shortcomings in your research and how there can be improvements in future research.

Finally, use some more presentation tips by reading this helpful article:

how to start thesis defence speech

A Top Source for Presentation Templates

Envato Elements is the best place for presentation templates. Plus, they also have more than just premium templates. They've icons, photos, fonts, and more. To gain access to these digital elements, you must pay a low monthly fee and sign up to become a member. Once you sign up , you get unlimited access and downloads to digital elements.

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A premium template saves you time because you're starting with a great base. Just add your information when using a template. This is a lot quicker than trying to design a presentation from scratch. If you like to customize your presentation, you still can find a good premium template that's easily customizable.

Every template is designed by a professional to look stylish and impressive. This means that your presentation will stand out among all the made-from-scratch presentations.

Use a Premium Template for Your Thesis Defense Presentation Today!

Now that you’ve been given tips on how to start a thesis presentation and what it should contain, put this information to use when creating your thesis presentation. Save time from having to create a presentation from scratch by downloading a premium template today!

Sarah Joy

How to prepare your viva opening speech

Featured blog post image for How to prepare your viva opening speech

A viva, or PhD thesis defence, typically starts with an opening speech by the PhD candidate. This opening speech can be prepared in advance. How? By following six simple steps that take you from checking university requirements, to structuring and practising your viva opening speech.

What is a viva opening speech?

A viva opening speech is a short presentation of the PhD thesis by the PhD candidate. It typically lasts between 10 and 30 minutes and kicks off the PhD defence during which the candidate has to answer questions from the examiners.

Questions from examiners are relatively unpredictable. A viva opening speech, however, can be prepared and practised in advance! Therefore, it constitutes a major part of getting reading for a PhD thesis defence.

Step 1: Check the requirements for your viva opening speech

Therefore, the first step to preparing a viva opening speech should always be to find out the specific regulations of your university.

Step 2: Define the audience for your viva opening speech

Once you are aware of your university’s regulation concerning viva opening speeches, it is smart to think a bit more about the target audience of your speech.

The target audience for your viva opening speech will influence the level of detail in your presentation, the complexity of the information, and the language and terminology you will use.

Step 3: Develop key messages for your viva opening speech

Now it is time to brainstorm about the content of your viva opening speech! One harsh truth is that you simply cannot include everything. Summarising the work of 3, 4 or more years in a few minutes is incredibly challenging. You have to be selective. You have to summarise, abstract and prioritise.

The key messages for your viva opening speech should be in line with the nature of your PhD thesis. For those who have read your PhD thesis in advance, the content of your viva opening speech should not come as a surprise.

Step 4: Structure your viva opening speech

Common ways to structure viva presentations are around the table of contents of the PhD thesis, around key findings, key arguments, or around case studies.

Step 5: Create visual support for your viva opening speech

As with regular presentations, avoid too much text on slides. Instead, make strategic use of images, photographs, figures or diagrams to develop your storyline and bring your points across.

Step 6: Practice your viva opening speech

You should practice your viva opening speech up to the point that you can present freely, without reading from your notes. However, don’t learn the whole speech by heart. It is always noticeable if someone just recites text, and it will make you sound like a robot.

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Learn / How to create a thesis defense presentation that shows your work at its best

Are you ready for your upcoming thesis defense presentation? 

While more than 33% of adults in the US have completed a bachelor’s degree, just under 10% go on to achieve a master’s in their chosen field. So if you’ve made it this far: congratulations!

Thing is, most students at grad and post-grad level are required to deliver a thesis defense presentation before their course ends — yourself included! This can be an incredibly challenging stage of your studies. A thesis defense demands time, commitment, and effort to get right. 

But it’s not just what you present that matters — it’s how you present it, too. A great design is crucial, and to help you get started, here are seven presentation tips to keep in mind.

Define your signature idea

  • Know your audience

Keep each slide focused on one point

Less is more, carefully consider your typography.

  • Dial down your data

Consistency is key

12 free presentation templates for a thesis defense.

Your thesis has a focus. A goal. A core concept. 

And this should be incorporated into your thesis defense presentation’s design in every respect. A strong design will help to engage the committee and reinforce your expert understanding of your research area.

Aim to define your signature idea before you start designing your defense — don’t leave the visuals until the text’s complete. Building the different aspects of the presentation together keeps it cohesive. 

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations 5

The choice of colors, fonts, images, and visual touches should all support the point you’re making in your thesis, from the first slide to the last. Think about the message you want to implicitly deliver — for example, if your chosen field is sociology and you’re presenting a paper on at-risk or vulnerable communities, you don’t want the visual design of your presentation to come off too playful or informal. Similarly, if you want your audience to understand the gravity of your findings so far, make sure you use bold, clear typefaces to highlight the key take-homes.

The choice of colors, fonts, images, and visual touches should all support the point you’re making in your thesis, from the first slide to the last.

Sure, this adds extra time to the creative process. But it’s well worth it to deliver an authoritative, complete package. 

Ask yourself:

  • Does every image convey and support the text accompanying it?
  • Do the colors and fonts give the presentation a professional finish?
  • Is each slide clear, free of clutter, and easy to understand at first glance?

A yes for each of these questions means you’re on the right track. Follow it.

Know your audience 

Your thesis defense presentation will be delivered to a committee in a formal environment . They want to see that you’ve developed an in-depth understanding of your graduate program and have built a thesis on solid foundations. A good presentation leaves the committee in no doubt that you’re ready for your next steps.

That’s why your presentation’s design is so important. One clumsy slide after another suggests you’re either too lazy to invest the time a good thesis defense demands or (worse) are not capable of success. The committee may assume you don’t take the program, your work, or your future seriously.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations 4

So consider your choice of colors , layout, fonts, and images carefully. Avoid anything too bright or garish. Be wary of risque photos or memes with the potential to offend. There’s room for humor, but only if it’s subtle and safe — if in doubt, stay serious.

You have a lot of points to cover in your thesis. You have an argument to make. You’ve spent years studying and building knowledge in your chosen subject. 

Given the chance, you could probably spend hours talking about what you’ve already learned so far.

But you don’t have hours for your thesis defense presentation!

That’s why you need to balance information carefully to avoid hitting the committee with too much, too soon. Chances are, they’ve seen more than enough presentations overloaded with data and details . Keeping your defense simple will cut through all the other noise.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations 3

Work on narrowing the focus of each slide to cover one point. Just one . Condensing ideas is tough, especially when you’re discussing a complex issue. But taking your presentation one slide at a time ensures the audience can follow your argument clearly.

Be sparing with text in your thesis defense presentation. You might be tempted to cram each slide with as much illuminating information as possible, but too much text can be off-putting.

Why? Because the committee doesn’t want to read block after block of words. They want to hear you argue your points with passion and authenticity. 

If you really want to demonstrate the depth and breadth of your expertise, then keep each slide simple . Use just enough text to convey the meaning of your discussion, and use each slide as a jumping-off point. 

Your audience should listen much more than they read .

So when playing around with content, be mindful of the white space on each slide. It keeps the focus on the slide’s content and helps viewers home in on the must-see elements.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations 2

Once you’ve chosen the right words, your cutdown text must look right to deliver maximum impact. 

First and foremost, your text should be easy to read. Don’t force the committee members to squint from across the room, or (even worse) to ask what the words are. Choose colors which contrast with each other well and the text will seem to leap off the page. 

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations

Another key factor to consider is the setting in which you’ll deliver the presentation. Is it bright, with lots of natural lighting, or gloomier? Is it small or big? Narrow or wide?

Understanding the room’s size, shape, and lighting will help you create the most appropriate design. Where possible, visit the space ahead of time and get a feel for which typographic options are going to work best. 

Dial down your data 

It’s natural to add facts and figures to your thesis defense presentation. Data supports your argument and shows you spent time conducting research. 

But your audience has to process what’s on the screen while you’re speaking, before and after you refer to it. They’ll struggle to do this if the slide is packed with information, and this overload will distract them from what you’re saying. 

You can’t afford to lose their attention, nor can you afford to gamble with their interest. Your presentation is too important to compromise. 

So, dial down your data and only use details that truly add weight to your argument. Provide just enough to show you’ve researched topics and take your thesis seriously. Present it in an eye-catching way that involves visuals, such as original or stock graphics (the type you might see in infographics).

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations 7

Research shows visuals can improve the brain’s ability to learn by as much as 400% , stimulating the imagination and increasing the speed at which information is processed. If you incorporate dynamic pictures that help convey the meaning behind your data, you enhance the committee’s ability to digest it more quickly.

Finally: consistency.

Each slide of your thesis defense must follow on from the one before it, in a smooth and logical way. On and on, right up to the end.

But the design has to be as consistent as the content. 

Don’t switch color schemes or layout dramatically from one slide to another. Settle on one overall template and stick to it. Otherwise, a sudden shift in style could distract the committee and leave them struggling to grasp the thread of your argument once again.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template best free templates and design tips for thesis presentations 6

Now, you’re ready to go!

Creating an impressive thesis defense presentation takes time. And a large part of this should be spent on perfecting your design.

Follow the steps explored above when building your presentation, and pay attention to even the most minor aspects of the design. Your committee wants to see you take the thesis seriously — so don’t give them any reason to doubt you!

At SlidesCarnival we have many presentation templates with the serious and professional design needed to impress the committee at your thesis defense presentation. Have a look!

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Looking for more presentation inspiration.

At SlidesCarnival, we have a huge library of  Google Slides and PowerPoint templates  that are completely free to download, edit, and customize. Browse the collection to find great design ideas that are sure to make your presentation stand out.

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SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience.

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Way With Words

The 10 Key Components of a Successful Thesis Defence Presentation

Sep 27, 2023 | Research FAQs

What are the Key Components of a Successful Thesis Defence Presentation?

The culmination of years of rigorous research, analysis, and academic dedication is often encapsulated in a single event – a successful thesis defence presentation. This pivotal moment in an academic journey can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Success hinges on a well-prepared and effectively delivered presentation. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key components of a successful thesis defence presentation, equipping you with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate this critical milestone in your academic career.

10 Key Strategies To Defend Your Thesis

#1 clearly define your statement of thesis.

At the heart of every successful thesis defence presentation lies a well-articulated statement of thesis. This concise and focused sentence or two should encapsulate the core question or problem your research addresses. Peer review, a critical evaluation of your work by experts in the field, often commences with a thorough assessment of the clarity and relevance of your thesis statement. It is the compass that guides your entire presentation.

successful thesis defence define

The statement of thesis serves as the cornerstone of an entire successful thesis defence presentation, and its importance cannot be overstated. This concise and focused sentence or two should encapsulate the core question or problem your research addresses. Think of it as the spark that ignites the intellectual journey you’re about to take your audience on.

When you consider the peer review process, it becomes clear that the experts in your field are like seasoned explorers, setting out on an intellectual expedition through your work. And where does their journey begin? With your thesis statement. It acts as the compass that guides their critical evaluation. They venture into the depths of your research, often commencing with a meticulous assessment of the clarity and relevance of your thesis statement. It’s not merely a formality; it’s a critical checkpoint to ensure that your compass is finely tuned and aligned with the path you’ve forged.

#2 Comprehensive Literature Review

A robust literature review demonstrates your understanding of the existing body of knowledge in your field. This component of your presentation should not merely summarise relevant literature but critically analyse it. Peer-reviewed journals, academic databases, and scholarly publications are invaluable resources for conducting a thorough literature review. Clearly demonstrate how your research fits into the existing landscape and adds a new dimension to the field.

Your literature review isn’t just a bibliography; it’s the evidence of your mastery over the existing body of knowledge in your field. It should be robust, showcasing your understanding and critical thinking abilities. Think of it as a treasure trove of insights from the minds of scholars who have paved the way before you.

Peer-reviewed journals, academic databases, and scholarly publications are the maps to this treasure trove. They are invaluable resources for conducting a thorough literature review. But remember, your role is not merely that of a summariser; you are an interpreter. Your presentation should not merely summarise relevant literature but critically analyse it. Imagine yourself as an art critic, dissecting each brushstroke to reveal the masterpiece that is your research. Show the audience how your research fits into the existing landscape and adds a new dimension to the field, like an artist contributing a unique piece to a gallery.

#3 Methodology and Data Collection

Describe in detail the methodologies employed in your research, addressing questions such as: How did you collect data? What tools or instruments did you use? How did you ensure the validity and reliability of your data? Peer review often scrutinises the rigor of your research methods, so be prepared to defend your choices and demonstrate their appropriateness for your study.

Your methodology is the blueprint of your research, and the data you collect are the bricks that build your thesis. This section deserves meticulous attention and clarity. Describe in detail the methodologies employed in your research. Address questions such as: How did you collect data? What tools or instruments did you use? How did you ensure the validity and reliability of your data? Think of it as the architectural plans that ensure your thesis stands tall and sturdy.

Keep in mind that peer review often scrutinises the rigor of your research methods. It’s like having a team of experienced builders inspecting your construction site for structural integrity. Be prepared to defend your choices and demonstrate their appropriateness for your study. You’re not just presenting data; you’re presenting the process behind the creation of your data.

#4 Data Analysis and Results

Present your findings with precision and clarity. Utilise graphs, tables, and visuals to enhance comprehension. Peer review experts will closely examine your data analysis methods to ensure they are statistically sound. Transparency in reporting results, including any limitations or unexpected outcomes, is crucial. Remember, transparency fosters credibility.

Your data is the treasure you’ve unearthed through your research, and it’s time to present it with precision and clarity. Visual aids like graphs, tables, and visuals should be your artistic tools. Imagine yourself as a storyteller, weaving a narrative with data points.

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Peer review experts will closely examine your data analysis methods to ensure they are statistically sound. It’s akin to having statisticians double-check your calculations. Transparency in reporting results is paramount. Think of it as being transparent about the ingredients of a recipe; it fosters credibility. Be honest about any limitations or unexpected outcomes, just as a chef might explain a dish’s unique flavours. Transparency invites trust and understanding.

#5 Discussion and Interpretation

This is your opportunity to showcase your critical thinking skills. Discuss the implications of your findings in the context of your thesis statement and existing literature. Address any unanswered questions or areas for future research. Peer review experts will assess the depth of your analysis and the coherence of your interpretations.

This is the moment when your audience gets a glimpse of your critical thinking skills. It’s not just about presenting data; it’s about the story behind the data. Consider yourself a detective solving a complex mystery. Discuss the implications of your findings in the context of your thesis statement and existing literature.

Address any unanswered questions or areas for future research. This is your chance to engage your audience in a scholarly conversation. Peer review experts will assess the depth of your analysis and the coherence of your interpretations. Think of it as a roundtable discussion where your ideas are put to the test.

#6 Effective Presentation Skills

Engage your audience with effective presentation skills. Practice your delivery, ensuring that you maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and use appropriate gestures. A confident and composed demeanour goes a long way in conveying your expertise. Utilise visual aids sparingly and strategically to enhance, not overwhelm, your presentation.

As you step into the spotlight of your thesis defence presentation, imagine yourself as a performer on the academic stage. Engage your audience with effective presentation skills that not only convey your expertise but also hold their attention. Practice your delivery meticulously to ensure that you maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and use appropriate gestures.

Confidence is your best companion on this stage. A confident and composed demeanour goes a long way in conveying your mastery of the subject matter. Utilise visual aids sparingly and strategically to enhance, not overwhelm, your presentation. Think of them as props in a play, designed to complement your narrative, not steal the show.

#7 Anticipate and Address Questions

Be prepared for a barrage of questions from the thesis committee during and after your presentation. Anticipate potential queries based on your research and be ready to provide well-informed responses. Peer review often extends to this phase, assessing your ability to defend your research and engage in scholarly discourse.

The Q&A session during and after your presentation is a challenging yet essential phase. Imagine it as the part of your performance where the audience gets to interact with you directly. Be prepared for a barrage of questions from the thesis committee. Anticipate potential queries based on your research and be ready to provide well-informed responses.

Peer review often extends to this phase, assessing your ability to defend your research and engage in scholarly discourse. Think of it as a debate where you defend your thesis against the toughest opponents. Embrace questions as opportunities to showcase your expertise and deepen the understanding of your work.

#8 Time Management

Respect the allocated time for your presentation. Going over your time limit can be detrimental and reflects poorly on your preparation. Time management is a skill that not only demonstrates professionalism but also allows for a smoother and more focused presentation.

Time management is the conductor’s baton in the symphony of your presentation. It’s not just about keeping things on schedule; it’s about ensuring that your performance is harmonious and well-paced. Respect the allocated time for your presentation. Going over your time limit can be detrimental and reflects poorly on your preparation.

Think of your presentation as a well-rehearsed orchestral piece, with each section seamlessly flowing into the next. Time management is the key to orchestrating this performance effectively. It demonstrates professionalism and allows for a smoother and more focused presentation.

successful thesis defence time management

#9 Adaptability

Be ready to adapt to unforeseen circumstances or questions. Your ability to handle unexpected challenges with grace and knowledge can leave a positive impression on both your thesis committee and peer reviewers.

In the world of academia, as in life, surprises are inevitable. Be ready to adapt to unforeseen circumstances or questions. Your ability to handle unexpected challenges with grace and knowledge can leave a lasting positive impression on both your thesis committee and peer reviewers.

Think of this adaptability as the mark of a seasoned explorer who can navigate uncharted territory. The ability to pivot gracefully when faced with the unexpected demonstrates your resilience and expertise.

#10 Mock Defences and Feedback

Prior to your actual defence, conduct mock thesis defence presentations with peers or mentors. Seek constructive feedback to refine your presentation. This rehearsal process can help you identify areas that may require improvement and boost your confidence.

Before the curtain rises on your actual defence, consider the value of dress rehearsals in the world of theatre. Prior to your defence, conduct mock thesis defence presentations with peers or mentors. Seek constructive feedback to refine your presentation. This rehearsal process can help you identify areas that may require improvement and boost your confidence.

Think of these mock defences as a preview performance, an opportunity to fine-tune your act before the main event. Constructive feedback from trusted sources is like the guidance of seasoned directors, helping you polish your performance and ensure you’re ready for the spotlight.

In conclusion, a successful thesis defence presentation is a multifaceted performance that combines research expertise, effective communication, and adaptability. Each component plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative of your research journey. Just as a skilled performer prepares meticulously for a show, you too must invest time and effort in honing your skills and refining your presentation. Embrace the peer review process as a means to elevate your work and ensure it stands up to the scrutiny of the academic community. With these key components and a commitment to excellence, you’ll not only defend your thesis but also make a meaningful contribution to your field of study.

Key Tips To A Successful Thesis Defence 

  • Clear and Concise Thesis Statement : Craft a thesis statement that is clear, concise, and aligned with your research.
  • Thorough Literature Review : Leave no stone unturned in your literature review to demonstrate your grasp of existing knowledge.
  • Prepare for Questions : Anticipate questions and practice your responses to showcase your expertise.
  • Practice and Timing : Practice your presentation and stick to the allotted time.
  • Adaptability and Confidence : Stay adaptable and confident in the face of unexpected challenges.

The Building Blocks of a Successful Thesis Defence Presentation

In the realm of academia, the successful thesis defence presentation is a culmination of years of dedication, research, and scholarship. It is a testament to your expertise in your chosen field and your ability to contribute to the body of knowledge. Key components, such as a well-defined thesis statement, a comprehensive literature review, meticulous data analysis, and effective presentation skills, are the building blocks of a successful presentation.

Moreover, the engagement with peer review processes adds a layer of scrutiny that enhances the quality and credibility of your work. Embrace feedback, both during mock defences and from the thesis committee, as opportunities for growth and refinement.

As you embark on this academic journey, remember that a successful thesis defence presentation is not just a milestone but a stepping stone to a future where your research can make a significant impact. The key to success lies in meticulous preparation, effective communication, and a deep passion for your subject matter. With these components in place, you are well on your way to a successful thesis defence.

Useful Resources

Way With Words – Website: https://waywithwords.net/services/transcription-services . A reliable source for academic research transcription services, ensuring accuracy and professionalism in transcribing your research data.

Peer Review Process – Website: https://www.elsevier.com/reviewers/what-is-peer-review . Understand the peer review process and its significance in academic research.

Engagement Questions

As you prepare for a successful thesis defence, ask yourself:

  • How can I best convey the significance of my research to both my thesis committee and the broader academic community?
  • How can I use peer review feedback to strengthen my work?
  • What are the key takeaways from my research that I want my audience to remember?

Remember that a successful thesis defence is not just about defending your research; it’s about sharing your passion and contributing to the academic discourse in your field. Embrace the journey, and you’ll emerge from it with a deeper understanding of your subject and a sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering this critical academic milestone.

how to start thesis defence speech

Preparing For Your Dissertation Defense

13 Key Questions To Expect In The Viva Voce

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) & David Phair (PhD) . Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2021

Preparing for your dissertation or thesis defense (also called a “viva voce”) is a formidable task . All your hard work over the years leads you to this one point, and you’ll need to defend yourself against some of the most experienced researchers you’ve encountered so far.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous.

In this post, we’ll cover some of the most important questions you should be able to answer in your viva voce, whether it’s for a Masters or PhD degree. Naturally, they might not arise in exactly the same form (some may not come up at all), but if you can answer these questions well, it means you’re in a good position to tackle your oral defense.

Dissertation and thesis defense 101

Viva Voce Prep: 13 Essential Questions

  • What is your study about and why did you choose to research this in particular?
  • How did your research questions evolve during the research process?
  • How did you decide on which sources to include in your literature review?
  • How did you design your study and why did you take this approach?
  • How generalisable and valid are the findings?
  • What were the main shortcomings and limitations created by your research design?
  • How did your findings relate to the existing literature?
  • What were your key findings in relation to the research questions?
  • Were there any findings that surprised you?
  • What biases may exist in your research?
  • How can your findings be put into practice?
  • How has your research contributed to current thinking in the field?
  • If you could redo your research, how would you alter your approach?

#1: What is your study about and why did you choose to research this in particular?

This question, a classic party starter, is pretty straightforward.

What the dissertation or thesis committee is assessing here is your ability to clearly articulate your research aims, objectives and research questions in a concise manner. Concise is the keyword here – you need to clearly explain your research topic without rambling on for a half-hour. Don’t feel the need to go into the weeds here – you’ll have many opportunities to unpack the details later on.

In the second half of the question, they’re looking for a brief explanation of the justification of your research. In other words, why was this particular set of research aims, objectives and questions worth addressing? To address this question well in your oral defense, you need to make it clear what gap existed within the research and why that gap was worth filling.

#2: How did your research questions evolve during the research process?

Good research generally follows a long and winding path . It’s seldom a straight line (unless you got really lucky). What they’re assessing here is your ability to follow that path and let the research process unfold.

Specifically, they’ll want to hear about the impact that the literature review process had on you in terms of shaping the research aims, objectives and research questions . For example, you may have started with a certain set of aims, but then as you immersed yourself in the literature, you may have changed direction. Similarly, your initial fieldwork findings may have turned out some unexpected data that drove you to adjust or expand on your initial research questions.

Long story short – a good defense involves clearly describing your research journey , including all the twists and turns. Adjusting your direction based on findings in the literature or the fieldwork shows that you’re responsive , which is essential for high-quality research.

You will need to explain the impact of your literature review in the defense

#3: How did you decide on which sources to include in your literature review?

A comprehensive literature review is the foundation of any high-quality piece of research. With this question, your dissertation or thesis committee are trying to assess which quality criteria and approach you used to select the sources for your literature review.

Typically, good research draws on both the seminal work in the respective field and more recent sources . In other words, a combination of the older landmark studies and pivotal work, along with up-to-date sources that build on to those older studies. This combination ensures that the study has a rock-solid foundation but is not out of date.

So, make sure that your study draws on a mix of both the “classics” and new kids on the block, and take note of any major evolutions in the literature that you can use as an example when asked this question in your viva voce.

#4: How did you design your study and why did you take this approach?

This is a classic methodological question that you can almost certainly expect in some or other shape.

What they’re looking for here is a clear articulation of the research design and methodology, as well as a strong justification of each choice . So, you need to be able to walk through each methodological choice and clearly explain both what you did and why you did it. The why is particularly important – you need to be able to justify each choice you made by clearly linking your design back to your research aims, objectives and research questions, while also taking into account practical constraints.

To ensure you cover every base, check out our research methodology vlog post , as well as our post covering the Research Onion .

You have to justify every choice in your dissertation defence

#5: How generalizable and valid are the findings?

This question is aimed at specifically digging into your understanding of the sample and how that relates to the population, as well as potential validity issues in your methodology.

To answer question this well, you’ll need to critically assess your sample and findings and consider if they truly apply to the entire population, as well as whether they assessed what they set out to. Note that there are two components here – generalizability and validity . Generalizability is about how well the sample represents the population. Validity is about how accurately you’ve measured what you intended to measure .

To ace this part of your dissertation defense, make sure that you’re very familiar with the concepts of generalizability , validity and reliability , and how these apply to your research. Remember, you don’t need to achieve perfection – you just need to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your research (and how the weaknesses could be improved upon).

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how to start thesis defence speech

#6: What were the main shortcomings and limitations created by your research design?

This question picks up where the last one left off.

As I mentioned, it’s perfectly natural that your research will have shortcomings and limitations as a result of your chosen design and methodology. No piece of research is flawless. Therefore, a good dissertation defense is not about arguing that your work is perfect, but rather it’s about clearly articulating the strengths and weaknesses of your approach.

To address this question well, you need to think critically about all of the potential weaknesses your design may have, as well as potential responses to these (which could be adopted in future research) to ensure you’re well prepared for this question. For a list of common methodological limitations, check out our video about research limitations here .

#7: How did your findings relate to the existing literature?

This common dissertation defense question links directly to your discussion chapter , where you would have presented and discussed the findings in relation to your literature review.

What your dissertation or thesis committee is assessing here is your ability to compare your study’s findings to the findings of existing research . Specifically, you need to discuss which findings aligned with existing research and which findings did not. For those findings that contrasted against existing research, you should also explain what you believe to be the reasons for this.

As with many questions in a viva voce, it’s both the what and the why that matter here. So, you need to think deeply about what the underlying reasons may be for both the similarities and differences between your findings and those of similar studies.

Your dissertation defense needs to compare findings

#8: What were your key findings in relation to the research questions?

This question is similar to the last one in that it too focuses on your research findings. However, here the focus is specifically on the findings that directly relate to your research questions (as opposed to findings in general).

So, a good way to prepare for this question is to step back and revisit your research questions . Ask yourself the following:

  • What exactly were you asking in those questions, and what did your research uncover concerning them?
  • Which questions were well answered by your study and which ones were lacking?
  • Why were they lacking and what more could be done to address this in future research?

Conquering this part dissertation defense requires that you focus squarely on the research questions. Your study will have provided many findings (hopefully!), and not all of these will link directly to the research questions. Therefore, you need to clear your mind of all of the fascinating side paths your study may have lead you down and regain a clear focus on the research questions .

#9: Were there any findings that surprised you?

This question is two-pronged.

First, you should discuss the surprising findings that were directly related to the original research questions . Going into your research, you likely had some expectations in terms of what you would find, so this is your opportunity to discuss the outcomes that emerged as contrary to what you initially expected. You’ll also want to think about what the reasons for these contrasts may be.

Second, you should discuss the findings that weren’t directly related to the research questions, but that emerged from the data set . You may have a few or you may have none – although generally there are a handful of interesting musings that you can glean from the data set. Again, make sure you can articulate why you find these interesting and what it means for future research in the area.

What the committee is looking for in this type of question is your ability to interpret the findings holistically and comprehensively , and to respond to unexpected data. So, take the time to zoom out and reflect on your findings thoroughly.

Discuss the findings in your defense

#10: What biases may exist in your research?

Biases… we all have them.

For this question, you’ll need to think about potential biases in your research , in the data itself but also in your interpretation of the data. With this question, your committee is assessing whether you have considered your own potential biases and the biases inherent in your analysis approach (i.e. your methodology). So, think carefully about these research biases and be ready to explain how these may exist in your study.

In an oral defense, this question is often followed up with a question on how the biases were mitigated or could be mitigated in future research. So, give some thought not just to what biases may exist, but also the mitigation measures (in your own study and for future research).

#11: How can your findings be put into practice?

Another classic question in the typical viva voce.

With this question, your committee is assessing your ability to bring your findings back down to earth and demonstrate their practical value and application. Importantly, this question is not about the contribution to academia or the overall field of research (we’ll get to that next) – it is specifically asking about how this newly created knowledge can be used in the real world.

Naturally, the actionability of your findings will vary depending on the nature of your research topic. Some studies will produce many action points and some won’t. If you’re researching marketing strategies within an industry, for example, you should be able to make some very specific recommendations for marketing practitioners in that industry.

To help you flesh out points for this question, look back at your original justification for the research (i.e. in your introduction and literature review chapters). What were the driving forces that led you to research your specific topic? That justification should help you identify ways in which your findings can be put into practice.

#12: How has your research contributed to current thinking in the field?

While the previous question was aimed at practical contribution, this question is aimed at theoretical contribution . In other words, what is the significance of your study within the current body of research? How does it fit into the existing research and what does it add to it?

This question is often asked by a field specialist and is used to assess whether you’re able to place your findings into the research field to critically convey what your research contributed. This argument needs to be well justified – in other words, you can’t just discuss what your research contributed, you need to also back each proposition up with a strong why .

To answer this question well, you need to humbly consider the quality and impact of your work and to be realistic in your response. You don’t want to come across as arrogant (“my work is groundbreaking”), nor do you want to undersell the impact of your work. So, it’s important to strike the right balance between realistic and pessimistic .

This question also opens the door to questions about potential future research . So, think about what future research opportunities your study has created and which of these you feel are of the highest priority.

Discuss your contribution in your thesis defence

#13: If you could redo your research, how would you alter your approach?

This question is often used to wrap up a viva voce as it brings the discussion full circle.

Here, your committee is again assessing your ability to clearly identify and articulate the limitations and shortcomings of your research, both in terms of research design and topic focus . Perhaps, in hindsight, it would have been better to use a different analysis method or data set. Perhaps the research questions should have leaned in a slightly different direction. And so on.

This question intends to assess whether you’re able to look at your work critically , assess where the weaknesses are and make recommendations for the future . This question often sets apart those who did the research purely because it was required, from those that genuinely engaged with their research. So, don’t hold back here – reflect on your entire research journey ask yourself how you’d do things differently if you were starting with a  blank canvas today.

Recap: The 13 Key Dissertation Defense Questions

To recap, here are the 13 questions you need to be ready for to ace your dissertation or thesis oral defense:

As I mentioned, this list of dissertation defense questions is certainly not exhaustive – don’t assume that we’ve covered every possible question here. However, these questions are quite likely to come up in some shape or form in a typical dissertation or thesis defense, whether it’s for a Master’s degree, PhD or any other research degree. So, you should take the time to make sure you can answer them well.

If you need assistance preparing for your dissertation defense or viva voce, get in touch with us to discuss 1-on-1 coaching. We can critically review your research and identify potential issues and responses, as well as undertake a mock oral defense to prepare you for the pressures and stresses on the day.

how to start thesis defence speech

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...


Jalla Dullacha

Very interesting

Fumtchum JEFFREY

Interesting. I appreciate!

Dargo Haftu

Really appreciating

My field is International Trade

Abera Gezahegn


Peter Gumisiriza

This is a full course on defence. I was fabulously enlightened and I gained enough confidence for my upcoming Masters Defence.

There are many lessons to learn and the simplicity in presentationmakes thee reader say “YesI can”

Milly Nalugoti

This is so helping… it has Enlightened me on how to answer specific questions. I pray to make it through for my upcoming defense

Derek Jansen

Lovely to hear that 🙂


Really educative and beneficial

Tweheyo Charles

Interesting. On-point and elaborate. And comforting too! Thanks.

Ismailu Kulme Emmanuel

Thank you very much for the enlightening me, be blessed

Gladys Oyat

Thankyou so much. I am planning to defend my thesis soon and I found this very useful

Augustine Mtega

Very interesting and useful to all masters and PhD students


Wow! this is enlightening. Thanks for the great work.

grace pahali

Thank you very much ,it will help me My Master Degree. and am comfortable to my defense.

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How Can We Greet The Panel In A Thesis Defence?

Published by Alvin Nicolas at April 9th, 2024 , Revised On April 23, 2024

The moment has arrived. After months of research and countless revisions, you finally stand before your thesis defence panel. While the presentation itself is undoubtedly crucial, making a strong first impression sets the tone for the entire interaction. And what better way to begin than with a confident and professional greeting?

While many students are excellent at the dissertation writing part, they lack the confidence to stand in front of the panel to present their defence. Worry not, as this blog is your guide on how to greet the panel in a thesis defence.

Importance Of Properly Greeting

Beyond mere etiquette, your greeting plays a significant role in several aspects of your defence:

Establishing Rapport

A well-delivered greeting fosters a positive and respectful atmosphere, putting both you and the panel at ease. This sets the stage for constructive dialogue and a productive exchange of ideas during the Q&A session.

Demonstrating Confidence

A confident greeting showcases your professionalism and preparedness. It shows the panel you are ready to present your work with clarity and self-assurance.

Making A Positive First Impression

First impressions often last, and your greeting can significantly contribute to the overall impression you leave on the panel. This holds weight, as their evaluation goes beyond just the content of your presentation .

General Principles For Greeting Your Panel

Regardless of the specific wording you choose, adhere to these overarching principles:

  • Maintain eye contact: Make eye contact with each member of the panel as you greet them. This conveys respect, confidence, and attentiveness.
  • Speak clearly and confidently: Project your voice clearly and speak with confidence. Avoid speaking too softly or rushing through your greeting.
  • Maintain proper posture: Stand tall with good posture. This exudes professionalism and poise.
  • Dress appropriately: Dress professionally and appropriately for your field and institution. This shows respect for the occasion and the panel.

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Choosing Your Greeting

The specific greeting you choose depends on several factors:

  • Formality: Consider the level of formality within your academic setting and the relationship you have with your committee members.
  • Cultural Context: Be mindful of any cultural nuances that might affect greetings in your region.
  • Individual Preferences: If you are familiar with individual committee members’ preferences, you can personalise your greeting accordingly.

Greeting Options and Samples:

Here are some common greeting options, categorised by formality:

Formal Greetings

  • “ Good morning/afternoon/evening, honourable members of the committee. ” (This is a safe and universally applicable option)
  • “ Good morning/afternoon/evening, Professor [Last Name], Dr. [Last Name], [Member Title]. ” (Use titles when addressing individual members)
  • “ It is an honour to present my thesis to you today. Thank you for your time and consideration. “

Semi-Formal Greetings

  • “ Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me today for my thesis defence. “
  • “ Good morning/afternoon/evening, committee members. I’m excited to present my thesis research. “

Informal Greetings (if appropriate for your academic setting)

  • “ Hi everyone, thanks for being here today. “
  • “ Hello, I’m [Your Name], and I’m presenting my thesis on [ Thesis topic ]. “

Remember to adapt these examples to your specific situation and preferences.

Additional Tips

  • Practice your greeting beforehand: Rehearse your chosen greeting out loud to ensure it flows smoothly and confidently.
  • Smile genuinely: A warm smile adds a personal touch and conveys your enthusiasm.
  • Be mindful of your body language: Avoid fidgeting or slouching. Maintain a professional and composed demeanour.
  • Adapt your greeting based on prompts: If a committee member introduces you or welcomes you, respond briefly and politely before launching into your presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you greet the panellist in thesis defence.

In a thesis defence, greet the panellists with respect and professionalism. Begin by addressing the chairperson and panel members collectively, such as “Good morning, esteemed chairperson and respected panel members.” Maintain a courteous demeanour throughout the defence.

What do you say in a thesis defence?

In a thesis defence, present a concise overview of your research, methodology, and findings. Address questions confidently, acknowledging uncertainties when necessary. Express gratitude for the opportunity, inviting feedback from the panel. Maintain composure and articulate responses clearly, demonstrating expertise in your field.

How do you present a research defence?

Present a research defence by opening with a brief overview of the study’s objectives, methodology, and key findings. Address each question from the panel with clarity and confidence, citing relevant evidence from your research. Remain receptive to feedback, acknowledging strengths and limitations while defending the rigour and validity of your work.

How do you greet a research proposal presentation?

When beginning a research proposal presentation, greet the audience respectfully, such as “Good morning/afternoon/evening, esteemed colleagues and distinguished guests.” Express gratitude for the opportunity to present, briefly introduce yourself, and provide an overview of the presentation agenda to set the stage for your proposal.

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How to prepare an excellent thesis defense

Thesis defence

What is a thesis defense?

How long is a thesis defense, what happens at a thesis defense, your presentation, questions from the committee, 6 tips to help you prepare for your thesis defense, 1. anticipate questions and prepare for them, 2. dress for success, 3. ask for help, as needed, 4. have a backup plan, 5. prepare for the possibility that you might not know an answer, 6. de-stress before, during, and after, frequently asked questions about preparing an excellent thesis defense, related articles.

If you're about to complete, or have ever completed a graduate degree, you have most likely come across the term "thesis defense." In many countries, to finish a graduate degree, you have to write a thesis .

A thesis is a large paper, or multi-chapter work, based on a topic relating to your field of study.

Once you hand in your thesis, you will be assigned a date to defend your work. Your thesis defense meeting usually consists of you and a committee of two or more professors working in your program. It may also include other people, like professionals from other colleges or those who are working in your field.

During your thesis defense, you will be asked questions about your work. The main purpose of your thesis defense is for the committee to make sure that you actually understand your field and focus area.

The questions are usually open-ended and require the student to think critically about their work. By the time of your thesis defense, your paper has already been evaluated. The questions asked are not designed so that you actually have to aggressively "defend" your work; often, your thesis defense is more of a formality required so that you can get your degree.

  • Check with your department about requirements and timing.
  • Re-read your thesis.
  • Anticipate questions and prepare for them.
  • Create a back-up plan to deal with technology hiccups.
  • Plan de-stressing activities both before, and after, your defense.

How long your oral thesis defense is depends largely on the institution and requirements of your degree. It is best to consult your department or institution about this. In general, a thesis defense may take only 20 minutes, but it may also take two hours or more. The length also depends on how much time is allocated to the presentation and questioning part.

Tip: Check with your department or institution as soon as possible to determine the approved length for a thesis defense.

First of all, be aware that a thesis defense varies from country to country. This is just a general overview, but a thesis defense can take many different formats. Some are closed, others are public defenses. Some take place with two committee members, some with more examiners.

The same goes for the length of your thesis defense, as mentioned above. The most important first step for you is to clarify with your department what the structure of your thesis defense will look like. In general, your thesis defense will include:

  • your presentation of around 20-30 minutes
  • questions from the committee
  • questions from the audience (if the defense is public and the department allows it)

You might have to give a presentation, often with Powerpoint, Google slides, or Keynote slides. Make sure to prepare an appropriate amount of slides. A general rule is to use about 10 slides for a 20-minute presentation.

But that also depends on your specific topic and the way you present. The good news is that there will be plenty of time ahead of your thesis defense to prepare your slides and practice your presentation alone and in front of friends or family.

Tip: Practice delivering your thesis presentation in front of family, friends, or colleagues.

You can prepare your slides by using information from your thesis' first chapter (the overview of your thesis) as a framework or outline. Substantive information in your thesis should correspond with your slides.

Make sure your slides are of good quality— both in terms of the integrity of the information and the appearance. If you need more help with how to prepare your presentation slides, both the ASQ Higher Education Brief and James Hayton have good guidelines on the topic.

The committee will ask questions about your work after you finish your presentation. The questions will most likely be about the core content of your thesis, such as what you learned from the study you conducted. They may also ask you to summarize certain findings and to discuss how your work will contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Tip: Read your entire thesis in preparation of the questions, so you have a refreshed perspective on your work.

While you are preparing, you can create a list of possible questions and try to answer them. You can foresee many of the questions you will get by simply spending some time rereading your thesis.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your thesis defense:

You can absolutely prepare for most of the questions you will be asked. Read through your thesis and while you're reading it, create a list of possible questions. In addition, since you will know who will be on the committee, look at the academic expertise of the committee members. In what areas would they most likely be focused?

If possible, sit at other thesis defenses with these committee members to get a feel for how they ask and what they ask. As a graduate student, you should generally be adept at anticipating test questions, so use this advantage to gather as much information as possible before your thesis defense meeting.

Your thesis defense is a formal event, often the entire department or university is invited to participate. It signals a critical rite of passage for graduate students and faculty who have supported them throughout a long and challenging process.

While most universities don't have specific rules on how to dress for that event, do regard it with dignity and respect. This one might be a no-brainer, but know that you should dress as if you were on a job interview or delivering a paper at a conference.

It might help you deal with your stress before your thesis defense to entrust someone with the smaller but important responsibilities of your defense well ahead of schedule. This trusted person could be responsible for:

  • preparing the room of the day of defense
  • setting up equipment for the presentation
  • preparing and distributing handouts

Technology is unpredictable. Life is too. There are no guarantees that your Powerpoint presentation will work at all or look the way it is supposed to on the big screen. We've all been there. Make sure to have a plan B for these situations. Handouts can help when technology fails, and an additional clean shirt can save the day if you have a spill.

One of the scariest aspects of the defense is the possibility of being asked a question you can't answer. While you can prepare for some questions, you can never know exactly what the committee will ask.

There will always be gaps in your knowledge. But your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. You are not expected to know everything.

James Hayton writes on his blog that examiners will sometimes even ask questions they don't know the answer to, out of curiosity, or because they want to see how you think. While it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, but you would need to do [...] in order to find out.” This shows that you have the ability to think as an academic.

You will be nervous. But your examiners will expect you to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions, for example. Dora Farkas at finishyourthesis.com notes that it’s a myth that thesis committees are out to get you.

Two common symptoms of being nervous are talking really fast and nervous laughs. Try to slow yourself down and take a deep breath. Remember what feels like hours to you are just a few seconds in real life.

  • Try meditational breathing right before your defense.
  • Get plenty of exercise and sleep in the weeks prior to your defense.
  • Have your clothes or other items you need ready to go the night before.
  • During your defense, allow yourself to process each question before answering.
  • Go to dinner with friends and family, or to a fun activity like mini-golf, after your defense.

Allow yourself to process each question, respond to it, and stop talking once you have responded. While a smile can often help dissolve a difficult situation, remember that nervous laughs can be irritating for your audience.

We all make mistakes and your thesis defense will not be perfect. However, careful preparation, mindfulness, and confidence can help you feel less stressful both before, and during, your defense.

Finally, consider planning something fun that you can look forward to after your defense.

It is completely normal to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions for example if needed. Slow yourself down, and take a deep breath.

Your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. James Hayton writes on his blog that it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", but he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, you would need to do [...] in order to find out".

Your Powerpoint presentation can get stuck or not look the way it is supposed to do on the big screen. It can happen and your supervisors know it. In general, handouts can always save the day when technology fails.

  • Dress for success.
  • Ask for help setting up.
  • Have a backup plan (in case technology fails you).
  • Deal with your nerves.

how to start thesis defence speech

How Do I Prepare for a Successful Defence?

Vivas and Presentations

  • First Online: 19 October 2023

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how to start thesis defence speech

  • Sue Reeves   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3017-0559 3 &
  • Bartek Buczkowski   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4146-3664 4  

583 Accesses

Once you have submitted your dissertation, you may be asked to do a defence of your dissertation. This could be in the form of an oral presentation, a poster presentation of your findings, or you could be invited to a viva voce. Vivas, as they are usually known, are particularly common for research degrees such as MPhils or PhDs and are essentially a verbal defence of your thesis that is conducted in an interview style format. At a minimum, the viva is a way of checking you authored the thesis yourself and understand the detail, but it is also an opportunity to discuss your research findings and interpretations in depth with experts. Preparation is key for defending your thesis in a viva or a presentation format. With a bit of groundwork, you could even enjoy the discussion, after all the thesis is the culmination of all your hard work, and no one knows it better than you.

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Ratcliffe R (2015) How to survive a PhD viva: 17 top tips. https://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/2015/jan/08/how-to-survive-a-phd-viva-17-top-tips. Accessed 3 Mar 2023

Further Reading

Levin P, Topping G (2006) Perfect presentations. Open University Press

Google Scholar  

Smith P (2014) The PhD viva: how to prepare for your oral examination. Macmillan, New York

Book   Google Scholar  

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Bartek Buczkowski

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Reeves, S., Buczkowski, B. (2023). How Do I Prepare for a Successful Defence?. In: Mastering Your Dissertation. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41911-9_14

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41911-9_14

Published : 19 October 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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How to Pull Off Your Thesis Defense With a Great Presentation

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You’ve reached the home stretch in your journey toward your post-graduate degree. You’ve diligently studied, researched and performed for years, and all that’s left is your master thesis or doctorate dissertation. 

“ All that’s left,” however, might be the understatement of the century. There’s nothing simple about orally defending your thesis, and this final stage often means the difference between a degree and a program that remains incomplete.

Even after you’ve dedicated months filled with blood, sweat and tears defining your argument, researching your support and writing your defense, you aren’t ready to address the academic panel. You still have to design an effective visual presentation, and the slide deck can make or break your entire thesis.

Unsure how to design a stellar slide deck to visually present your thesis or dissertation? Check out the following tips to pull off your master thesis defense with a great presentation:

1.   Properly structure your slide deck

Every master thesis defense presentation is unique, but most effective slide decks will follow a similar structure, including:  

  • Title - Just like a research paper, your thesis presentation must include a title slide. This should include the same information as any other title page: the title, your name, your academic institution, course name and the name of the academic advisor to your thesis or dissertation. That doesn’t mean your title slide needs to look like the start of any other Frankendeck . Instead, add your text atop a relative image, and adjust the brightness to ensure your text pops.
  • Introduction - Your thesis presentation should also include an introduction slide, which details the topic of your thesis, the question your research will seek to answer and any additional objectives to your research, as well as the answer or solution you will be defending.
  • Literature review - Following your thesis introduction, design one or more slides that review the literature you researched. This shouldn’t be a full bibliography (although that should be included in the accompanying written account of your research), but instead, the slides should list your most relevant research sources. If the information is featured on a slide, make sure you include its source. 
  • Methodology - Your thesis presentation slide deck should also include a slide (or slides) detailing the methodology of your research and argument. Here you want to describe the type of study— whether it’s quantitative, qualitative or a combination of the two, as well as an explanation of why you chose the method or methods you used. If you conducted original research, you will want to detail the study population, sampling methods and other details pertinent to your studies, while you’ll also want to detail how you analyzed your data.
  • Results - No thesis presentation slide deck is complete without dedicating slides to illustrate the results of your research. Be sure to include a description of any data you collected through your research, as well as the results of your analysis of the data. What were your most significant findings?
  • Discussion - How do the results of your research support your overall thesis argument? Be sure to include slides that discuss your overall findings and how they relate to your original question.
  • Conclusion - Concluding slides should restate your original research questions, represent the results of your research, suggest future research and make any final recommendations.
  • Ending slide – Close your thesis presentation with a concluding slide that offers an interesting quote or trivia that makes your audience further ponder your topic, a GIF or animation that recaptures the audience’s attention or even a hypothetical question that opens additional discussion from the academic panel. This is your opportunity to make your presentation memorable.

how to start thesis defence speech

Thesis Presentation vs. Dissertation

Thesis presentation and dissertation are two terms often used in academic settings related to upper education. While they are related, there are distinct differences between the two, which is important to understand as you begin to structure your thesis defense.

‍ A thesis presentation typically refers to the final oral presentation that a student gives to defend their thesis or research project. It is a formal presentation to explain their findings, methodology, and conclusions to a panel of faculty members or experts in the field. The purpose of a thesis defense presentation is to demonstrate the student's knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and to defend the validity of their research.

On the other hand, a dissertation refers to a lengthy and comprehensive research project that is typically required for the completion of a doctoral degree. It involves in-depth research, analysis, and the development of original ideas in a particular field of study. A dissertation is usually written over an extended period and is expected to contribute new knowledge or insights to the field. Unlike a thesis presentation, a dissertation is submitted in written form and is typically evaluated by a committee of faculty members or experts in the field.

2.   Choose which ideas to illustrate

Unless you have an hour to fill with your master thesis defense or doctorate dissertation, you won’t be able to include every idea from your overall research documentation in your slide show. Choose the most important ideas to illustrate on slides, while also keeping in mind what aspects of your research you’ll be able to visually represent.

how to start thesis defence speech

3.   Define your presentation’s theme

A stellar thesis or dissertation presentation will be professional in appearance, and a cohesive design is an absolute must. Choose what types of typography and color schemes best support your topic. 

Instead of adjusting these settings on each individual slide— a tedious task at best— choose a PowerPoint-alternative presentation software like Beautiful.ai that allows you to customize a theme for your entire slide deck. Choose your fonts and other typography, your color palette, margins, footers, logos, transitions and more, and the cloud-based tool will automatically apply those design specifications to every slide you add to the master thesis defense presentation.

4.   Design simple and focused slides

You might have a lot of information to present, but when it comes to your thesis presentation— or almost any slide deck for that matter— less is more. Be sure every slide counts by focusing on your main points. 

Then, whatever you do, keep your slides simple. Not even an academic panel is going to dedicate much time deciphering a cluttered slide with all too many details. Try to avoid presenting more than one or two ideas on each slide.

5.   Include data visualizations

The whole point of your presentation is to illustrate the concepts included in your thesis. Humans are visual creatures and react strongly to imagery, and the panel evaluating your thesis or dissertation is no exception— regardless of how studious and formal the academics might seem. Illustrate the results of your research with colorful and engaging infographics . You don’t have to be a graphic designer to create them, either. 

Beautiful.ai users can choose from a host of smart slide templates with data visualizations — including favorites like bar graphs and pie charts , as well as less common options like scattergraphs , flow charts and pictograms . Just input your data and watch as our special brand of artificial intelligence creates the infographic for you.  

6.   Practice makes perfect

After spending months researching your thesis or dissertation, writing about your findings and designing a stellar master thesis defense presentation, you would hate to see all your hard work be for naught. That’s still a distinct possibility, however, if you don’t also practice your delivery. 

Practice, practice and practice some more until you know your master thesis defense like the back of your hand. No academic panel will be impressed by a graduate candidate who stumbles through their presentation or appears to be reading from their notes. Know the contents of every slide, as well as exactly what parts of your overall defense you want to deliver during its display. 

Things to keep in mind to help you nail your presentation

The golden rule of any presentation is to keep your audience engaged. You can ensure a more engaging presentation by maintaining eye contact, using appropriate gestures, and speaking clearly. You can also choose to include the audience in your presentation with interactive questions, polls, and slides.

To help boost audience retention, utilize storytelling. Studies show that when facts are presented in the form of a story, people are 22 times more likely to remember them. Talk about powerful.

Last but not least, plan for questions— and not simply by allowing time for them. Watch other thesis defenses delivered at your institution, and consider what types of questions the academic panel might ask, so you can prepare the best possible answer.

Extra credit:

Get started with our PhD Defense Thesis presentation template here .

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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how to start thesis defence speech

When it comes to successfully completing your doctoral studies and presenting your master thesis defense in front of a panel of experts, you’re probably nervous beyond belief. This makes perfect sense, but there’s no need to worry for another second. We work alongside a select team of postdoctoral researchers who have a special interest in education to provide you with advice and support with this great undertaking.

Professional Thesis Defense Presentation Example

Can an example of thesis defense presentation help you.

A thesis defense example can often be an excellent way of fully understanding how you should put your own presentation together. Many students will struggle with their defense, or leave things to the last minute as they are prone to doing and will then need help with it. Your presentation must be capable of showing your research in the best possible light in a way that is going to impress those watching you. It also needs to cover much of what the panel may want to ask you allowing you to avoid many of the questions that they may want to ask you.

Knowing what to cover within your presentation and what you can safely leave out however is a difficult matter. Many will struggle with this as well the mechanics of putting together an impressive set of slides in your chosen format.

How Can a Thesis Defense Example Help You?

Samples of defense presentations are a great way of seeing just how other people have gone about presenting their own research papers. They can show you the level of detail that you need to go to, the things that you need to cover and the quality of graphics that you should be using.

Obviously you should never simply copy anything that you find, not only would this be plagiarism it would be unlikely to fit your own research. Using a thesis defense PowerPoint template would be fine, although you should check if your department has any specific requirements for the format of your presentation before you start.

How to Present Your Thesis Defense

Your defense will start with a speech meant to inform the audience of your research; how you conducted it, what you found, and of course what it actually means for your field. You will need to support your talk with a suitable presentation to illustrate what you are talking about. The following tips will help you with ensuring that you are able to put together an excellent presentation and be able to present it well:

  • Check with your supervisor as to the exact requirements for your defense; you will need to know what their expectations are, how long you will be expected to talk for, and also how long you will need to be able to field questions for. You may also want to know just who you will be presenting to.
  • Attend any defense in your field so that you get a feel for how others do it and how the various panel members will question those presenting. This will help you not only get a better feel for what to expect but also educate you as to the things that you really want to avoid doing.
  • Identify the key points from your research paper that you will need to include within your research. Remember you are not simply going to try to regurgitate everything that you have done. Find the most important factors that you need to cover just as you did when writing your abstract.
  • Use a master thesis defense presentation template or something similar. Ensure that your font is readable and that any background does not interfere with it.
  • Do not simply copy large amounts of your text into each slide from your thesis. You are not there to just read aloud from your paper. Use bullet points and graphics that will support what you have to say.
  • Stick to minimal amounts of text, use simple and clear bullets that you will use to prompt and support your speech.
  • Ensure that all graphics are produced in a consistent style. Make sure that graphs have scales and titles. If you use tables ensure that they are readable.
  • Have a clear introduction and conclusion rather than just tapering off into nothing.
  • Practice the process of presenting a topic; present your thesis to friends and family so that you get everything to the point where it is second nature. Keep your speech slow and even so that it is not rushed and is easy to understand.
  • Make sure that your speech can be finished within the time that is allocated for your to speak.
  • Try to identify the types of questions that you may be asked; if there are any questions that you are sure of being asked you can create additional slides of information to support them.
  • Proofread your presentation very carefully; you don’t want avoidable mistakes ruining what you have to say.

We Can Help with Your Thesis Defense

We offer support with all areas of your defense through staff that are qualified to post graduate degree level in the specific areas in which they work to ensure a full understanding. They work directly with you through our professional services to provide you with totally flexible support that can help with everything from writing your slides to coaching you for the question and answer session. All of our professional powerpoint presentation services are covered by a full satisfaction money back guarantee and will always be delivered within the time frame that you request.

If you have been looking at a thesis defense example and feel that you need help with your presentation just contact our highly effective specialists here today.

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17 Thesis Defense Questions and How to Answer Them


A thesis defense gives you the chance to show off your thesis work and demonstrate your expertise in your field of study. During this one- to two-hour discussion with the members of your thesis committee, you'll have some control over how you present your research, but your committee will ask you some prodding questions to test your knowledge and preparedness. They will all have read your thesis beforehand, so their questions will relate to your study, topic, methods, data sample, and other aspects.

A good defense requires mastery of the thesis itself, so before you consider the questions you might face,

1. What is your topic, and why did you choose it?

Give a quick summary in just a few sentences on what you've researched. You could certainly go on for hours about your work, but make sure you prepare a way to give a very brief overview of your thesis. Then, give a quick background on your process for choosing this topic.

2. How does your topic contribute to the existing literature? How is it important?

Many researchers identify a need in the field and choose a topic to bridge the gaps that previous literature has failed to cover. For example, previous studies might not have included a certain population, region, or circumstance. Talk about how your thesis enhances the general understanding of the topic to extend the reach beyond what others have found, and then give examples of why the world needs that increased understanding. For instance, a thesis on romaine lettuce crops in desert climates might bring much-needed knowledge to a region that might not have been represented in previous work.

3. What are the key findings of your study?

When reporting your main results, make sure you have a handle on how detailed your committee wants you to be. Give yourself several options by preparing 1) a very general, quick summary of your findings that takes a minute or less, 2) a more detailed rundown of what your study revealed that is 3-5 minutes long, and 3) a 10- to 15-minute synopsis that delves into your results in detail. With each of these responses prepared, you can gauge which one is most appropriate in the moment, based on what your committee asks you and what has already been requested.

4. What type of background research did you do for your study?

Here you'll describe what you did while you were deciding what to study. This usually includes a literary review to determine what previous researchers have already introduced to the field. You also likely had to look into whether your study was going to be possible and what you would need in order to collect the needed data. Did you need info from databases that require permissions or fees?

5. What was your hypothesis, and how did you form it?

Describe the expected results you had for your study and whether your hypothesis came from previous research experience, long-held expectations, or cultural myths.

6. What limitations did you face when writing your text?

It's inevitable — researchers will face roadblocks or limiting factors during their work. This could be a limited population you had access to, like if you had a great method of surveying university students, but you didn't have a way to reach out to other people who weren't attending that school.

7. Why did you choose your particular method for your study?

Different research methods are more fitting to specific studies than others (e.g., qualitative vs. quantitative ), and knowing this, you applied a method that would present your findings most effectively. What factors led you to choose your method?

8. Who formed the sample group of your study, and why did you choose this population?

Many factors go into the selection of a participant group. Perhaps you were motivated to survey women over 50 who experience burnout in the workplace. Did you take extra measures to target this population? Or perhaps you found a sample group that responded more readily to your request for participation, and after hitting dead ends for months, convenience is what shaped your study population. Make sure to present your reasoning in an honest but favorable way.

9. What obstacles or limitations did you encounter while working with your sample?

Outline the process of pursuing respondents for your study and the difficulties you faced in collecting enough quality data for your thesis. Perhaps the decisions you made took shape based on the participants you ended up interviewing.

10. Was there something specific you were expecting to find during your analysis?

Expectations are natural when you set out to explore a topic, especially one you've been dancing around throughout your academic career. This question can refer to your hypotheses , but it can also touch on your personal feelings and expectations about this topic. What did you believe you would find when you dove deeper into the subject? Was that what you actually found, or were you surprised by your results?

11. What did you learn from your study?

Your response to this question can include not only the basic findings of your work (if you haven't covered this already) but also some personal surprises you might have found that veered away from your expectations. Sometimes these details are not included in the thesis, so these details can add some spice to your defense.

12. What are the recommendations from your study?

With connection to the reasons you chose the topic, your results can address the problems your work is solving. Give specifics on how policymakers, professionals in the field, etc., can improve their service with the knowledge your thesis provides.

13. If given the chance, what would you do differently?

Your response to this one can include the limitations you encountered or dead ends you hit that wasted time and funding. Try not to dwell too long on the annoyances of your study, and consider an area of curiosity; for example, discuss an area that piqued your interest during your exploration that would have been exciting to pursue but didn't directly benefit your outlined study.

14. How did you relate your study to the existing theories in the literature?

Your paper likely ties your ideas into those of other researchers, so this could be an easy one to answer. Point out how similar your work is to some and how it contrasts other works of research; both contribute greatly to the overall body of research.

15. What is the future scope of this study?

This one is pretty easy, since most theses include recommendations for future research within the text. That means you already have this one covered, and since you read over your thesis before your defense, it's already fresh in your mind.

16. What do you plan to do professionally after you complete your study?

This is a question directed more to you and your future professional plans. This might align with the research you performed, and if so, you can direct your question back to your research, maybe mentioning the personal motivations you have for pursuing study of that subject.

17. Do you have any questions?

Although your thesis defense feels like an interrogation, and you're the one in the spotlight, it provides an ideal opportunity to gather input from your committee, if you want it. Possible questions you could ask are: What were your impressions when reading my thesis? Do you believe I missed any important steps or details when conducting my work? Where do you see this work going in the future?

Bonus tip: What if you get asked a question to which you don't know the answer? You can spend weeks preparing to defend your thesis, but you might still be caught off guard when you don't know exactly what's coming. You can be ready for this situation by preparing a general strategy. It's okay to admit that your thesis doesn't offer the answers to everything – your committee won't reasonably expect it to do so. What you can do to sound (and feel!) confident and knowledgeable is to refer to a work of literature you have encountered in your research and draw on that work to give an answer. For example, you could respond, "My thesis doesn't directly address your question, but my study of Dr. Leifsen's work provided some interesting insights on that subject…." By preparing a way to address curveball questions, you can maintain your cool and create the impression that you truly are an expert in your field.

After you're done answering the questions your committee presents to you, they will either approve your thesis or suggest changes you should make to your paper. Regardless of the outcome, your confidence in addressing the questions presented to you will communicate to your thesis committee members that you know your stuff. Preparation can ease a lot of anxiety surrounding this event, so use these possible questions to make sure you can present your thesis feeling relaxed, prepared, and confident.

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How to make my master thesis defending smooth with good english speech?

My master thesis dissertation is approaching, but I have a few concerns. First of all, I am not native English speaker. When I practiced my presentation on my own (I recorded my speech), it was not coherent to me. I feel that the transition between each sentence might be difficult to understand. Can anyone instruct me or provide me a useful English speech that is commonly used for thesis defending?

Second of all, I have limited time to present my work, and I tried to make my presentation as possible as clear to outliers. So to make the presentation clear, I have prepared some background knowledge for my audience, but the time to introduce this background knowledge in bioinformatics is more than what I expected. What should I do? My expected audience has a background in computer science, while I finished my thesis in bioinformatics. Can anyone give me possible ideas? Is there any volunteer that can give a useful English speech for thesis defense? Thanks a lot.

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slowdownforkids's user avatar

3 Answers 3

Use short, simple sentences.

Write a draft script to go with your slides.

Find a friend or an editor for hire to check your draft script.

Make sure you understand each of the corrections this person provides.

Create a target listener. Ideally, this person will be well aligned with your committee members' profiles. Reduce the background information part of your talk as much as possible. Include only the background information your target listener really needs to hear.

Give practice talks to friends.

Videotape one of your practice talks. Many people gesture too much with their laser pointer or ruler, so watch out for that.

After your talk, during the Question period, make sure to repeat each and every question that is posed before you start to answer it. This will (1) ensure you have understood the question, (2) ensure everyone in the room has heard the question, and (3) buy you thinking time. Practice doing this.

aparente001's user avatar

I don't think there is anything special about thesis defending vs presenting your work in general at a conference or to a group of fellow researchers. So focus on English, not English for thesis defending.

I find that I'm better at writing English than speaking it. So I type out my presentations and read it from my tablet, looking up at pauses (commas and full stops). You can read and practice your speech many times to get better at the pronunciation and flow this way before the big day. If reading is out of the question, create a flow diagram of your argument with bullet points at each block that you can then use to build your arguments (if you are worried about staying coherent).

Is the audience native English speakers? If not, just apologise for your accent at the start, ask people to stop you if they don't understand, and take it very slow. People who are not native speakers understand, because they themselves struggle with this issue.

Regarding your second issue. Keep it short and sweet, clear and concise. Rather ask the audience to stop you and ask a question if they get lost, which you can then explain with explanation slides (located at the end of your presentation that you can quickly page to if required).

Jurgen Strydom's user avatar

From experience, I would suggest to take part and listen to dissertations of your peers. Listening to others will help you understanding what is a good/bad practice in a presentation. Then, practice a lot if you do not feel sure.

It is good to spend time letting the audience understanding your work's background, but do not say to much! Just point out the main, important background information. For example, if the total presentation time is 20 minutes, I would divide it as: 7 min for background, 7 min for core of the project (e.g. method used, experimental setup), 5 minutes to show and comment the results, 1 min for conclusions.

Zeta's user avatar

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how to start thesis defence speech

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Your PhD defence is the oral presentation and discussion of your thesis.

As you start thinking about the end stages of your PhD, it’s important to understand the processes and timelines related to the thesis defence so that your degree completion is not delayed. 

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Preparing to defend your thesis from home

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Due to COVID-19, defending your graduate thesis or dissertation in person is likely off the table. That doesn’t mean you have to wait to defend. Many schools and programs are allowing remote defenses — meaning you could find yourself defending from your living room! In this presentation, a recent psychology doctoral student that completed a remote defense, a current dean of psychology, and APA’s Office of Graduate and Postgraduate Education and Training, share how to prepare for and complete your thesis or dissertation defense remotely.

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Alvin Akibar, PhD

Hideko Sera

Hideko Sera, PsyD

Garth Fowler

Garth Fowler, PhD

An associate executive director for education, and the director of the Office for Graduate and Postgraduate Education and Training at APA. He leads the directorate’s efforts to develop resources, guidelines, and policies that promote and enhance disciplinary education and training in psychology at the graduate and postdoctoral level.

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How to greet the audience at the beginning of a PhD defense talk/presentation?

1 expert answer.

how to start thesis defence speech

Jeremiah J. answered • 04/11/19

Science Communication Advisor specializing in Oral Presentations

First off, congratulations on reaching your defense! You did something not many people get to do (including me), so take some time to feel excited in-between feeling nervous.

There are standard ways to begin a talk, and generally, these aren't bad to memorize. For one, having a low-impact (and brief) start to your presentation memorized will let you look away from your computer and out at the audience. You'll be able to make eye contact with your colleagues, friends, and maybe family, and use their delight and smiles to boost your mood.

So something like, "My name is [______], and welcome to my thesis defense. So thank you to my committee [take a second to look them each in the eyes as you say it], my friends [find them in the audience and smile at them], and colleagues [same thing here] for coming here and finding this room. Thank you for your support and your attendance. I'm here to tell you about the results of my research over the last [five, six, or seven] years of my life. So without any further ado, let me begin."

(and then you can begin)

From the defenses that I went to, people waited to name specific names at the end of their talk in a sort of pre-question acknowledgement section. So that's when you can pull out the specific titles and names of your committee members. Starting with the general acknowledgement keeps it short, but it also gives you a moment to collect yourself that should (in my experience) make the whole presentation go easier.

In the end, think about what you said about remembering the beginning of your colleagues' defenses: you didn't remember. In other words, you can't mess this up! People are there to celebrate with you -- even if your committee still has the final say -- so try and keep that in mind.

Good luck, and have fun. Congratulations again!

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how to start thesis defence speech

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Thesis or Dissertation Defense Announcement Form

The tradition of the Tennessee Tech College of Engineering is to announce all thesis and dissertation defenses. Thesis and dissertation defenses are open to the campus at large as well as the general public. Defense announcement should be publicized a minimum of two weeks prior to your defense date.

Please submit your announcement three (3) weeks prior to the defense date.

Once you have submitted your announcement look for a confirmation email.

A second email will be sent to you when your announcement has posted asking you to review the information. Once you have confirmed the information is correct an email with the announcement of your defense will be sent to the College of Engineering campus community and be posted in the  College of Engineering Calendar of Events . Dissertation defense announcements also go to Tennessee Tech's Office of the President and Office of the Provost.

Questions? Email  [email protected]

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