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Sep 20, 2022

5 Free Powerpoint Presentations for Team Building with Activities and How To Build Your Own Team-Building Template

team building presentation

Heather Harper

Company Culture Writer

Team building PowerPoint presentations allow us to build a strong team , where teamwork is at the forefront of all operations and everyone is working together to reach the same common goal. 37% of workers consider teamwork, team building, and team collaboration to be incredibly important. In fact, if workers feel that these things aren’t happening within their team, they are more likely to leave. 

As we all know, high employee turnover costs money that most companies just can’t afford to lose. So, to prevent this from happening all teams need to make connections, foster communication, build trust, and promote problem-solving. One way to integrate these things is to include PowerPoint presentations, with complementing activities, in your team building program. 

These PowerPoints need to be inspiring, not boring, and in this article, we will give you PowerPoint presentation ideas for team building. To start, you’ll discover free PowerPoint presentations for team building and complementing activities, before learning how to make your own engaging team building presentation that WOWs.  

cartoon woman giving powerpoint presentation

5 Free Powerpoint Presentations for Team Building with Activities

Free team-building powerpoint presentation: communication.

Effective communication in the workplace generates 4.5 times higher talent retention . As a result, it is crucial that all workplaces that don’t want to pour money down the drain on constant talent acquisition invest time and effort into enhancing communication within their teams. Along with plenty of team building activities, the best place to start building strong communication is with an effective and purposeful PowerPoint presentation. 

The best communication PowerPoint template 

This team building PowerPoint presentation free download is offered on Slideshare and consists of 29 slides that break down the important aspects of communication into manageable, bite-sized chunks. 

Targeted to improve communication between co-workers and clients, this free team building PowerPoint presentation begins with a brief overview of what communication is, its history, and why you should care about it. After, you will take a look at the goal of the PowerPoint, which is to maximize client communication, improve satisfaction and enhance personal productivity. 

You’ll then go over different ways groups communicate, organizational communication, the various principles of conflict, the effects of conflict, and so much more. By the end of all 29 slides, your team should have the information and knowledge they need to meet and understand these goals. 

Activities that support communication within teams

  • Team sports day

Working as part of a team during a sporting activity is an excellent way to build trust and positivity within a team, which in turn promotes healthy and effective communication. Plus, if you want to make your team more productive at work , improve mood , and prevent chronic health conditions , there’s no better way than some good old fashioned exercise! 

team members playing tug of war at team sports day

  • Build a tent blind

By finding a few old tents from your garage, you can throw your team into an activity that promotes communication, as well as encourages listening, leadership and teamwork. 

To play, organize your team into pairs and ask one player to be blindfolded. They must listen to instructions from the other player in their pair on how to put up a tent and will race the other teams to be the first to put their tent up. 

  • Take part in an Escape Room

Escape rooms are great ways to allow your team to escape regular workplace tasks and relax and unwind. The fact that they have to work together, as opposed to separately, means that this activity is perfect for supporting your communication PowerPoint presentation. 

Prison Break The Escape Game

At the Team Building Hub , your team can immerse themselves in a prison break-out, explore the dark depths of the ocean, or participate in a thrilling gold rush… all without even having to leave the office. Together, they can work through clues and puzzles to beat the clock and escape the room. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Conflict Management

Employees in the United States spend approximately a tremendous 2.8 hours each week involved in workplace conflict. This equates to around $359 billion in hours paid that are focused on conflict, rather than completing productive workplace tasks. To make this worse, 60% of employees have never received basic conflict management training, meaning that millions of organizations are unnecessarily losing money every year. 

Fear not, however, as there are plenty of free conflict management team building PowerPoint presentation templates that can help you to overcome any conflict issues within your team. Below is our favorite of them all. 

conflict management with seesaw

The best conflict management PowerPoint template

Slideshare’s conflict management in teams PowerPoint Presentation is free to download and includes 18 slides on how to manage and resolve all types of various workplace conflicts. 

To start, your team will learn exactly what conflict is and how it applies to the workplace. They’ll look at various types of workplace conflict, such as interpersonal conflict and intragroup conflict, before exploring when workplace conflict might be constructive, and when it might be destructive. Afterwards, the presentation offers some useful ways to prevent and manage conflict in your workplace. The Slideshare PowerPoint even makes its conflict management and prevention section engaging and entertaining by including clips from the sitcom The Office . 

Activities that aid conflict management team building 

  • Take a personality test

Getting your team to take a personality test will allow them to explore themselves so that they can understand their personality and, in turn, their trigger points for conflict and how they can work to resolve it. Tests such as the Myers-Briggs or Disc allow team members to rate their agreement with certain statements and can then make a conclusion on that person’s personality. Team Building Hub even has a package with Maxwell Leadership that adds a DISC assessment before any game, to help increase the learning and connection during the experience.

  • Play the compliment circle game

Everyone loves to feel that someone appreciates them and thinks something nice about them. It promotes strong bonds within a team, creates trust, builds a sense of psychological safety, and, as a result, is likely to limit the amount of conflict that occurs. To play, simply sit in a circle and get each team member to go around the room and pay a compliment to the person sitting to their right. 

Designed to allow team members to understand how to work through conflict and understand differing opinions, four words is the perfect activity to complement your conflict management PowerPoint presentation. 

To play, give each team member a piece of paper and ask them to write 4 words that they associate with conflict. Pair them up and between the two of them, they must decide on the best four words out of the combined eight they have. During this, each pair will have to negotiate in a considerate and efficient manner. At the end of the game, you can bring the team back together to discuss how the process went and whether there was any conflict. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are more common than ever before and, as a result, it is important to have the correct tools in place to build strong virtual teams. The benefits of virtual team building are priceless: it connects remote workers, enhances collaboration and co-working, increases productivity, boosts morale, encourages healthy communication, and prevents burnout and loneliness. 


The best virtual team PowerPoint template 

Geared toward virtual team leaders, this template covers all the challenges of having a virtual team and gives expert solutions to each challenge. Offering 14 slides of content, this team building PowerPoint presentation starts with a bold quote to instantly grab your team’s attention and engage them. After, the presentation then moves on to cover the top three common challenges within a virtual team, before summarizing how to solve these challenges. 

Activities that aid virtual team building 

  • Ice breakers games

Virtual icebreaker games provide a remarkable way for people scattered across the world to introduce themselves in a fun and charming way. They are designed to create a relaxed atmosphere, which in return can build trust, enhance communication, and improve productivity. Some of our favorite icebreaker games include repeat performances, guess the acronym, and rank your favorites. 

  • Play some zoom games

Zoom games for large virtual groups are designed to allow teams to stay connected, be sociable, and keep happy. Games such as Jeopardy, Trivia, and Scavenger hunt are perfect for involving your whole team and promoting virtual problem-solving and communication. 

  • Team online games show

Online game shows are exciting and upbeat ways to encourage your virtual team members to improve morale and communication! With five fast-paced rounds, your team members can practice their communication skills and problem-solving ability, and they can create trusting bonds with each other.

online game show example

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Problem-Solving

Problem-solving in the workplace is important for everyone, from entry-level employees to senior staff. Those with fantastic problem-solving skills are better equipped to solve all sorts of unexpected challenges that might be thrown at them. As a result, they are the type of employees that help a business run smoothly, and, therefore, all teams should be investing in developing these skills in their members. 

The best problem-solving PowerPoint templates

Offered for free by WorkshopBank , this PowerPoint is a 30-45 minute presentation where your team will cover everything from brainstorming and issue analysis, to action planning and solution finding. It is designed to allow your team to make breakthrough progress with their problem-solving and have the skill set to tackle any problems that may arise at work. 

All you need to do is download the PowerPoint template and work through the activities given. It’s an excellent interactive and fun way to get your team to understand problem-solving and how they can apply it to their jobs. 

Activities that support problem-solving 

  • The Art Thief 

The Art Thief is an in-person game designed specifically to help your team unlock a new level of problem-solving. Designed by industry experts, your team will tear into a box filled with clues. They will use their teamwork and problem-solving skills to work together to connect the dots and solve the mystery of the art thief. 

art thief

  • Quick team building activities 

Learning a new skill can be frustrating and daunting to many, so a fantastic way to help promote problem-solving is to include quick team building activities to ensure everyone remains inspired and engaged. Activities such as word association and ‘what’s my name?’ are designed to be simple and quick, but to encourage your team members to solve complicated problems and, as a result, learn new problem-solving skills.

  • Paper tower challenge 

The paper tower challenge is a creative way to promote trust, communication, and, most importantly, problem-solving in a workplace team of any size. To play, split your team into small groups and give them three minutes to build the largest freestanding tower possible. The only catch – they can’t use anything but paper! Award a prize to the team whose tower is the tallest and still standing at the end of the game. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Trust

Trust within teams promotes the highest levels of productivity and effectiveness because it allows every single team member to feel valued, and appreciated and that they are safe to share opinions, problems, and ideas. Therefore, it is of no surprise that workplace teams who trust each other have 50% higher employee productivity, 106% more energy at work, and 13% fewer sick days. 

team members swinging trust fall

The best trust PowerPoint Presentation template

Comprised of 48 engaging and eye-catching slides, you can download Slideshare’s trust building PowerPoint for free. 

Created to help co-workers build healthy relationships, the PowerPoint presentation begins by explaining to your team why they are here and enlightening them about the importance of trust within teams. Looking at a model of trust, you and your team will explore what happens in the absence of trust and will take a look at examples of teams that have no trust. Next, you will explore the various types of trust, the essential ingredients of trust, and how it can be created in your workplace team. Your team will then partake in a reflection activity, whereby they will discuss what they’ve learned and how they can help develop and enhance trust within the team. 

Activities that support trust building

  • Constantly incorporating trust building activities 

Trust is something that, once built, needs to be constantly reinforced and worked on. As a result, to ensure optimal workplace trust it is crucial to keep using plenty of team building tools throughout the year. Introducing virtual meeting platforms, having a joint calendar, constantly using icebreakers and team building activities, and sending out Google forms are all fantastic ways of ensuring that trust is constantly worked on within a team. 

  •  Team skydive 

If your budget can be stretched to allow this, a team skydive is a fantastic way to get your team members bonding at 10,000 feet in the air. To make this a trust building exercise, you can pair your team members up and get them to do a skydive at the same time (whilst being attached to a professional, obviously). Team members will learn how each other behaves when scared and pumped full of adrenaline, and will learn to trust the other person as a result.  

team skydiving trip

  • Trust fall 

Quick, simple, and easy to coordinate, a trust fall is a fantastic activity to chuck in at the end of your team building PowerPoint presentation. To play, get your team to work in pairs and one person must turn to face away from their partner and allow themselves to fall back into their partner’s arms. The partner must then catch them, proving to the other person that they are trustworthy. 

How to Build Your Own Team Building Powerpoint Presentation Template

Building your own PowerPoint presentation is something that can be time consuming, but worth it for a presentation that will wow your team. In order to engage and inspire, you need your presentation to be insightful, unique, interesting, and tailored to the needs of your team. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to create your own. 

If you’d like to give creating your own PowerPoint presentation a shot, here is everything to include: 

  • Make sure you have PowerPoint. This is a no-brainer. In order to create a Powerpoint presentation, you must have access to PowerPoint. You can buy the whole Microsoft Office package for as little as $69.99 a year. If you don’t have the budget for Powerpoint, Google Slides is a great free alternative!
  • Decide precisely what you want to talk about. The best presentations are concise and straight to the point. You don’t want to bore your team by talking aimlessly about every team building topic under the sun. So think about what it is your team needs to work on. Conflict management? Problem-solving? Training? Onboarding? Morale in the workplace? It can be anything that will make your team stronger. 
  • Get your facts right. One fantastic way to show facts is to include accurate and up-to-date statistics to reinforce what you’ve said. Using bold statistics, especially in the first section of your presentation, will grab your team’s focus and encourage them to pay attention. 
  • Make your presentation visually appealing . Getting your facts straight is all well and good, but if your presentation is dull and boring, you’re never going to inspire a group of people. Utilize visuals and animations to help bring your slides alive and allow information to be digestible. 
  • Find a way to get everyone involved. Sitting in a meeting room with information being relayed off a screen will take most of your team back to school, leaving them feeling bored, frustrated, and uninspired. To avoid this, find a way to involve your team in your presentation. You can use a variety of techniques to do this, such as quizzes, polls, questions, and answers. It will make your team feel seen and valued, which will inspire them in return.
  • Include meaningful takeaways. The whole purpose of this team building presentation is to teach your team something important about team building and the team they are in. To make sure your presentation has been worth the time, include an essential takeaway from the meeting. For example, it could be about steps your team can take to improve performance, communication, and/or trust. 

powerpoint presentation


That’s a wrap on the best team building activities and PowerPoint presentations. Whether your team is in-person or virtual, they are likely to need to work on their trust, problem-solving, communication, or conflict management. Offering exciting PowerPoint presentations, backed up with fun team building activities, is a fantastic way to teach them new and relevant skills. 

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The 3-minute non-cringey ice breaker for your next meeting.

A ready-set-go game to run at your next fully remote or hybrid meeting without the hassle or added pressure of developing a team-building exercise yourself. Get it here →

team building presentation

Heather Harper has a Masters in Occupational Psychological from the University of Manchester. She currently works as an editorial writer specializing in organizational psychology – helping teams work better together.

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All activities on this page work well in Team Building Workshops. Each helps you build a strong cohesive team while simultaneously achieving valuable learning objectives.

We believe the best kind of team building is when people work on real professional challenges together. Solving issues, coming up with creative solutions, building action plans together are all platforms for creating a supportive and productive team.

[…] Team Building Ideas […]

Its an excellent contribution to knowledge…….A generous and philanthropic initiative of the author!

Thank you for such great ideas of team building games! I especially like the “Build a Bridge” activity you listed. I think this type of activity can really demonstrate how well people work together and share ideas and leadership. I will keep this in mind for the future!

Thank you for sharing these great informations. All methodologies are very helpful!

Pleasure Flavio 🙂

Much appreciate to share all useful workshop guidance! Very helpful for me to organize internal workshop within my team! Great ideas!

Very useful information has been provided here. Thanks for sharing such a good information with us! Keep updating

Thank you for making these workshops open to all. Some great inspiration for me to work with my team – in a charity where funds are not as available as they might be in other organisations.

It’s a pleasure Kathy!

wonderful set of topics

Great work guys. Very consolidated info, very high quality of content. A big thank you for sharing.

Can you please provide me this item’s complete free pdf user manual copy

Thank you for this list of activities!! Excellent job!!!

Thank you very much for this initiative, Nick. I have been asked to run a 2 hour workshop on partnership working with a group of individual creatives who do not necessarily know each other, may consider each other as competitors, and will have significantly different levels of experience. Oh, and for good measure some will be listening via translation! Some stimulating ideas in your collection which will be very helpful.

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Team Building Presentation Tips That Inspire Instead of Bore

Team Building Presentation Tips That Inspire Instead of Bore

Teamwork makes the dream work, right? That’s what they say, anyway. But how many companies actually put team building at the forefront of their culture and values? 37% of workers consider employee teamwork, team building, and collaboration to be very important. So much so that it can affect how long employees stay with a company. So what are employers doing to support their teams, and foster cross-departmental relationships and collaboration?

Many companies have attempted to maintain culture and team building during the pandemic through virtual happy hours, events, and snack boxes mailed to employees’ homes. And while those efforts didn’t go unnoticed, it’s just not quite the same as water cooler talk, in-office happy hours, or huddles in the conference room.

As teams gear up to return to the office after a nearly two year stretch of remote work, team building is extremely important. "There's going to be such a reversion to trying to reconnect," Mark Hoplamazian, CEO of Hyatt Hotels Corp said of returning to the office at Fortune's Reimagine Work Summit. Any professional will agree that that personal connection is an integral part of culture, collaboration, and workforce function, so restoring in-person teamwork should be top of mind for many companies as offices start to open.

The first step to nailing team building— both virtually and not— is to create training , onboarding , and group presentations that inspire instead of bore. Consider the following five team building presentation ideas for a more enjoyable presentation experience for all parties involved. 

Open with a bold statistic

You’ve heard us talk about introductions before, and that’s because they can make or break your entire presentation in less than 30 seconds. If you’re really looking to rev up your team and inspire them, start the team building presentation with a bold quote or a motivating statistic from your business. This can be an impressive metric or a positive customer quote that shows their efforts are paying off, but it should be something that grabs the team’s focus and makes them want to pay attention to the slides that will follow. 

Hide easter eggs throughout the deck

How can you be sure the team is actually paying attention to your presentation and not pondering what they might eat for dinner? This is a challenge presenters will face regardless of whether you’re giving an in-person or a remote team building presentation. Our recommendation: hide easter eggs throughout the deck. These could be hidden words, a specific icon included a certain number of times throughout the presentation, or funny photos. Use said easter eggs as an incentive to your team to pay attention to the deck, and offer prizes to whoever can find the most hidden eggs throughout the course of the team building presentation. 

Utilize dynamic visuals and animations

The fastest way to lose your audience to boredom? Loads of data and text that’s impossible to digest. Instead, make sure you’re including plenty of beautiful visuals— photos, video, or icons— and utilizing dynamic animations to bring your slides to life. Using visuals allows you to say more with less. And it’s no secret that over half of people are visual learners, so by simply opting for photos or icons you’re a lot more likely to have your team building presentation resonate with your audience. 

Get them involved

Whether you choose to include icebreakers mid-deck, or leave time for discussion at the end, don’t forget to involve the team. You can involve them in a variety of ways including gamifying the presentation with polls, quizzes, or questions, asking them to each create their own slide to include, or bringing them into the conversation with their own ideas. Whichever method you decide to run with, make sure your deck reflects that. By involving your colleagues in the team building presentation it will make them feel seen and valued, which is a surefire way to inspire them. 

Start inspired with a template

As things start to return to normal, there’s an increased pressure to foster team building. But when it comes to your presentation there’s no need to stress— can handle the heavy lifting so that you can focus on your team building strategy, onboarding, or training. With countless pre-built presentation and slide templates in our inspiration gallery you can plug and play without having to start from scratch. Focus on your team, we’ll do the rest. 

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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Team Building Powerpoint Presentation Templates

team building presentation

Templates Presentation

Transcript: 1- The user creates a New Space 2- During some time it's modified according to the project needs 3- As the space results useful for a whole company or area the user decides to ask for saving it as Template 4-The Collaborate Team takes care of this process 5- The new process covers the Analysis of the Space that we should save as Template and the Estimation to finish it. 6- Also we should contemplate the current release dates to provide the user the go live Date Save Templates with Content Some Issues are: New Process: 1- URLs that are inherited Some items to take in care to know in which Release the Template will go live: Templates Creation Process Columns Duplicated that couldn't be removed Current Process: Advantages and Disadvantages Features that couldn't be enable Content Type Duplicated that couldn't be removed 1- The user creates a New Space 2- During some time it's modified according to the project needs 3- As the space results useful for a whole company or area the user decides to ask for saving it as Template 4-The Collaborate Team takes care of this process, but during it we usually face some issues Duplicated Content Type This Process will be easier if... - The Site Collections are aligned - The user doesn't modify the Template meanwhile the support team is working on it - If the changes are planed with time Missing Features Issues Estimation: Duplicated Columns Hidden Features 1-The complex of the data inside the Space and its estimation. 2-The issues that we found testing it and the estimation related to them . 3- We will accept simple changes until 7 days before the first INT deploy. 4- Once we passed the limit to request changes the Template will go live in the Next Release. 5- If the user request new Changes after the first INT deploy they will be performed to the next release. .Dotx files required - Old Library Template

team building presentation

Team Building Presentation

Transcript: CONTINUITY is important because it is what pushes us to reach the goal we have set. “When you connect with people around a shared INTEREST and ACTION, you’re accustom to have serendipitous things happening into the future.” -The target is to find an EFFICIENT way to integrate people, who CONTRAST in ideas and beliefs, and motivate them to achieve a common goal. Kare Anderson How do we achieve a strong bond as a team? “The world is HUNGRY for us to unite together as opportunity maker, and EMULATE those behaviors, and reimagine a world, where we use our best talents TOGETHER more often, to accomplish GREATER things together, than we could on our own.” - Oxford Dictionary defines team as two or more people working TOGETHER. We must do our BEST to ensure that the company becomes the BEST. “Opportunity makers actively seek situations with people UNLIKE them to seize MORE opportunity.” To develop a stronger bond as a company. March 19, 2016 TSL Sports Complex Constant CHANGE can deter a person from achieving their goals because they begin to INTERNALIZE the task as difficult and refuse to continue on with the initial goal. III. Working towards a common goal Tan Holdings : Team Building Presentation Looking for PATTERNS can help when striving to acquire desired change. II. Evaluate our current standing 1. We need to define what a “Team” is. 2. We need to evaluate our current standing. 3. We need to work towards a common goal. - Kare Anderson The company vision is to be RECOGNIZED as the most ADMIRED company in the Western Pacific. Goal: I. TEAM II. Evaluate our current standing I. TEAM Today’s activities will hopefully shed light on our personal views on DELEGATION, efficiency, IDEAS and the support we provide and receive.

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Transcript: Team Building: CTPIPs By: Vanessa Roth, MSN, RN, CCRN-CSC What is CTPIPs? This meeting is held monthly to discuss the outcomes and any issues related to the care of the cardiothoracic surgery patients with a focus on any complications and how to improve. What is CTPIPs? CTPIPs is the Cardiothoracic Performance Improvement Practice meeting. The meeting use to be held by the Nurse Manager of the CVICU, however since we have a new manager, the Quality Nurse Leader for the CVICU is now taking the lead. Members of the Team Nurse Manager Nurse Educator Quality Nurse Leader Cardiothoracic Surgeons Open Heart Recovery Nurses Pharmacists Nurse Practitioners Administrative Assistant to the Surgeons Cardiothoracic Surgery Coordinator Case Manager Any other nurses or staff interested in open heart recovery. Members Strengths Focuses on issues that need to be corrected for improvement. Strengths Presentations. Ways to improve processes. Ability to learn what the surgeons preferences are. Quality Improvement Projects. Collabortative Efforts. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Weaknesses Scheduled Time. Weaknesses Respiratory Therapy is not present at meetings. Surgeons not always present. Data Issues. Lack of Follow Through on Assigned Topics Team Leadership Theory Lateral Structure instead of Vertical Team Leadership Theory Process oriented Prevention of Team Failure Effective Communication Skills Problem Resolution Encouragement Task Completion This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA (Aufegger, et al., 2019; Northouse, 2022; Weintraub & McKee, 2019). The Hill Model For Team Leadership The Hill Model Compelling purpose: Yes Right People: Yes Real Team: No Clear Norms of Conduct: Yes Supportive Organizational Context: Yes Team-Focused Coaching: No (Northouse, 2022). Proposed Improvements Encourage More Participation from Bedside Staff Proposed Improvements Propose a Better Meeting Time Set More Goals for Bedside Improvement and Follow Through Better Communication of Preferences (Homan, et al., 2020; Weintraub & McKee, 2019; O’Donovan, et al., 2019). Literature Support Literature Support Positive team work has proven to improve patient safety and the quality of care they receive (Kakemam, et al., 2021). Effective leadership is important for goals to be met and for motivating team members to be active in the group (van Diggele, et al., 2020). A breakdown in communication within a team can cause a breakdown at the bedside affecting the safety and quality of care (O’Donovan, et al., 2019). Leadership's behavior and skills are what motivates team members to be active or not (Northouse, 2022). Conclusion Conclusion There has more involvement from the open heart bedside nurses and this can be encouraged from the team leader as well as finding a more appropriate time to allow for everyone to participate. For this team to be effective and to encourage more participation at bedside, there has to be an effective leader that will follow-up and follow through with tasks and those that volunteer. The bedside team needs to feel that their voices are heard and that decisions that are made in the meeting are effectively communicated down line, otherwise frustration and miscommunication of preferences will continue to occur. References References Aufegger, L., Shariq, O., Bicknell, C., Ashrafian, H., & Darzi, A. (2019). Can shared leadership enhance clinical team management? A systematic review. Leadership in Health Services, 32(2), 309-335. Retrieved from Homan, A. C., Gündemir, S., Buengeler, C., & van Kleef, G. A. (2020). Leading diversity: Towards a theory of functional leadership in diverse teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1101. Kakemam, E., Hajizadeh, A., Azarmi, M., Zahedi, H., Gholizadeh, M., & Roh, Y. S. (2021). Nurses' perception of teamwork and its relationship with the occurrence and reporting of adverse events: A questionnaire survey in teaching hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(5), 1189-1198. Northouse, P. G. (2022). Leadership: Theory & practice (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 978-154-439-7566 O’Donovan, R., Ward, M., De Brún, A., & McAuliffe, E. (2019). Safety culture in health care teams: A narrative review of the literature. Journal of nursing management, 27(5), 871-883. van Diggele, C., Burgess, A., Roberts, C., & Mellis, C. (2020). Leadership in healthcare education. BMC medical education, 20, 1-6. Weintraub, P., & McKee, M. (2019). Leadership for innovation in healthcare: An exploration. International journal of health policy and management, 8(3), 138. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2018.122

team building presentation

Team building presentation

Transcript: Who am I? J JM A great template for a Technology Related Company What I do? Software Quality Assurance What I Do? Projects Projects Involved Trivia John Michael Vincent Jimeno Inspirations My Insptirations Social Media Follow me...

team building presentation

Transcript: "The BEST trainers Are focused on the learning and learner; They know it isn't about them" What did you hear? Team Building activity One of your team members will think of a simple object or symbol, for example, a stop sign or a happy face. That team member will describe it to everyone as they try to illustrate it. The first person to draw the correct image wins. Don't worry you don't have to be an artist! This activity helps build our teams communication. What is Team building? The action or process of causing a group of people to work together effectively as a team; Events or activities to increase motivation and promote cooperation. team building Why is Team building important? Benefits in the workplace Working in a collaborative effort builds trust, mitigates conflicts and encourage communication among others Effective team building will produce engaged employees, improvement in mental health and morale and also encourages employees creativity as well as identify leadership qualities! Teamwork story: "The Stone soup effect" Team building story Moral of the story It's not about the position you hold in your community, but about the interaction with it that makes the difference A true leader will find a way to get attention and trust and in the end, the will to help from the community so they can grow better Moral of the story Think of a time when you were involved with a team... open discussion 1. What was the situation like? 2. What were your tasks? 3. How did you/ the team take action? 4. What were the results? In the story.. Example 1. Situation: The town had very little food. 2.Task: The traveler must feed himself and the town 3.Action: The traveler would make stone soup if the town assisted him with ingredients. 4. Result: The traveler was able to feed the entire village by rationing their individual portions amongst the whole

team building presentation

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

team building presentation

Website Building Templates

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Explore our templates for more presentation inspiration

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Team Building PowerPoint Template

Free - team building powerpoint and google slides template.

Free - Team Building PowerPoint And Google Slides Template

Unlock the secrets of effective team building with our comprehensive PowerPoint presentation, meticulously designed to empower teams and elevate performance. Delve into the intricacies of fostering collaboration, trust, and communication within your team, essential for achieving collective goals. From understanding team dynamics to mastering leadership and conflict resolution, our presentation equips you with the tools and strategies needed to cultivate a positive and cohesive work environment. With a user-friendly interface and fully editable slides, this template is suitable for managers, team leaders, HR professionals, and anyone dedicated to enhancing team cohesion and productivity. Whether you're organizing icebreakers or implementing team-building exercises, our template provides a versatile toolkit to address diverse challenges and objectives. Captivate your audience with visually appealing designs while customizing content to suit specific team dynamics and goals. By utilizing this invaluable resource, presenters can streamline their team-building initiatives, inspire collaboration, and empower team members to unleash their full potential. Revolutionize your presentations and propel your team towards unparalleled success. Embrace the power of unity and synergy, and embark on a journey towards achieving extraordinary results together.

Features of this template

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
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  • Team Building Analysis
  • Team Building Process
  • Team Building Process Flow
  • Google Slides

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Top 20 Team Building PowerPoint Templates to Present Your Ideas and Strategies

Top 20 Team Building PowerPoint Templates to Present Your Ideas and Strategies

Malvika Varma


The supreme asset of an institution is its employees who work diligently to make things happen. An inspiring team significantly contributes to the success of the business.

“Teamwork makes the dream work.” – Bang Gae

The word ‘team building’ is not just a buzz word in the corporate world. It is a core component that enables companies to work efficiently, increases productivity, and keeps employees motivated. The organizations that value team building are undoubtedly the ones who believe that a healthy work culture promotes growth and ensures success in the long run. The benefits of team building in presenting ideas and strategies can not be overstated. 

The team-building practices encourage networking and communication which helps in resolving conflicts of opinion. Excellent communication between the team members is extremely beneficial in making wise business decisions after carefully weighing the pros and cons of a concept. Team building activities also develop problem-solving abilities among the employees, which ultimately increases productivity and creates a cohesive work environment.

SlideTeam professionals have curated Top 20 Team Building PowerPoint templates to present ideas and strategies for your organization. These contemporary templates are a must to foster good relations with your colleagues and work towards achieving the common organizational goal. 

So without any further ado, let’s delve into these creative templates right away!

Top 20 Team Building PowerPoint Templates to Download

Dream Team Building Skills

Showcase the importance of team building in your organization and discuss the ways in which your company promotes it by downloading this striking team building PowerPoint template. With this editable PPT, you can shed some light on the procedure which your organization adopts to ensure a progressive work culture. The icons used here grabs the attention of the audience instantly.

Team Building Activities For Company

Highlight the team building activities and their impact on the productivity of the performance of your colleagues by utilizing this editable PowerPoint template. You can mention the key highlights of each activity and give an overall view to your team members.

Corporate Team Building Ideas

Team building is a crucial part of organizational development. Emphasize the benefits of team building activities at the workplace with the help of this stunning management PowerPoint theme. As this template is completely editable, you can add details as needed. Skill development and its impact on overall development can be described by employing this attractive PPT.

Hr Consultancy Showing Training Team Building

HR can easily incorporate this visually appealing team building PowerPoint template to discuss the various activities which promote team bonding. Showcase the values of your organization and its initiatives to promote a healthy and positive work environment for its employees by downloading this stunning PPT theme.

Strategy Team Building

Team building activities help employees connect with other colleagues. This editable PPT can also be used for giving details about the workshops which promote better workplace skills. HR can download this customizable PPT to highlight the upcoming team bonding activities for the employees.

Interactive Team Building

The process of building an interactive team can be described in detail by incorporating this stunning teal building PowerPoint template. The color palette used here attracts the attention of the audience. As this PPT is completely editable, you can add relevant details to it easily. The project manager can download this pre-designed theme and boost the performance of its enterprise.

Team Building For Workplace

The four steps of building a productive workforce can be elucidated with the help of this modern-looking team building PowerPoint template. This PPT can be of great advantage for explaining the concept of team building in seminars and conferences. You can download this pre-built PowerPoint theme for giving company overview to new joiners.

4 Step Activities For Team Building

Team building is a stepwise process and you can explain it in great detail by utilizing this amazingly designed PowerPoint theme. BY employing this content-ready PowerPoint template, you can present the activities involved and its key highlights in an interesting manner. The background used here makes it appealing to the audience and hence rightly serves the purpose.

Stages Team Building

By introducing this ready-made team building PowerPoint template, you can elaborate on the impact of team building and its various benefits. Using this striking PPT theme, you can discuss the solutions to the business issues through effective team building sessions. The contemporary PowerPoint template can be used for seminars and conferences.

Template 10

Sample Of Team Building Practices

Illustrate the team building practices and their impact on increasing workplace productivity by introducing our stunning team building PowerPoint theme. You can download this editable PPT theme and discuss various factors such as motivation, self-learning, strength identification, and lots more. Foster trust among employees and promote overall development by using this pre-designed PowerPoint layout.

Template 11

Team Building Analysis

Important aspects of team building and its significance in the corporate set up can be showcased by downloading this professionally designed PowerPoint template. By incorporating this content-ready PPT, you can analyze the need and its benefits in increasing the overall efficiency of the employees.

Template 12

Custom Team Building Exercises

Team building exercises can be promoted using this visually appealing PPT theme. As this team building PowerPoint template is completely customizable, you can easily modify the text and make it fit for your use. This attractive management PowerPoint layout can be used by the HR department to give details of the team bonding activities of the enterprise.

Template 13

Value Driven Capability For Team Building

List the capabilities required for completing business tasks and assigning them to the team by introducing this contemporary team building PowerPoint template. With the help of this content-ready template, you can explain to your team members the growth potential they possess and the areas on which they can work.

Template 14

4 Step Climbing Stairs Of Team Building

Team building can be emphasized by utilizing our content ready management PowerPoint template. Incorporate this editable PPT theme for giving company overview to new joiners in the organization. Download this attractive PPT theme and discuss the process of team building in an engaging way.

Template 15

Team Building

Download Team Building PowerPoint Template

The project manager can take advantage of this pre-designed PowerPoint theme to elaborate on the significance of team building for achieving greater success. You can also utilize this attention-grabbing PowerPoint template for seminars and conferences to express the core values of the institution.

Template 16

Team Building Up A Jigsaw

Download Team Building Up A Jigsaw PowerPoint Template

Illustrate the concept of team building to your employees by downloading this contemporary team building PowerPoint template. The visuals used in this editable PPT instantly communicates the message of the concept and hence serves the purpose. Students can also employ this stunning PPT for their management projects.

Template 17

Various Method Used To Enhance Team Capability Building

Showcase the ways of improving employee performance by downloading this editable team building PowerPoint template. With the help of this striking PPT, you can present the data in the form of a graph to give clear factual detail of the impact of various team-building activities.

Template 18

Strategies Used In Building Team

Showcase the strategies which enable team building by incorporating this customizable PowerPoint theme. You can download this professionally designed team building PowerPoint template to encourage a good workplace environment. The benefits of networking can be illustrated by employing this pre-built PPT theme.

Template 19

Using this editable versatile PowerPoint template, you can list the essential business skills which assist in climbing the corporate ladder. You can add details as per the requirements and can be used to present ideas effectively. The importance of team building can be elucidated using this visually appealing PPT.

Template 20

Team Capability Building Concept

Download this striking team building PowerPoint template which reflects the concept perfectly. You can add details and highlight the key features with the help of this customizable team building PowerPoint Templates. Managers can effectively convey the significance of team building for boosting morale and improving performance by using our stunning team building PowerPoint Templates. Team building activities can also be promoted by incorporating this pre-designed theme.

Promote innovative ideas by developing an employee-friendly workplace by encouraging team-building among your employees. Boost your team performance by downloading our Top 20 Team Building PowerPoint Templates. Create fun and motivational work culture with our creatively designed templates which can be tweaked just the way you want. 

Happy Team-Building!!

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2 thoughts on “top 20 team building powerpoint templates to present your ideas and strategies”.

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Home / Business / Best Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates – Updated February 2021

Best Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates – Updated February 2021

team building presentation

Does this phrase detract your attention towards effective team building? Team building is an approach to creating a team that works cohesively towards a specific goal. And to build a successful team, each team member needs to establish a bond with each other.

One of the most prime reasons for forming a team is to get results. A series of team-building activities that can be fun, motivational, brainstorming, or educational builds skills like communication, planning, conflict resolution, etc.

According to a survey, when in a group of 1000 team members, communication, mutual respect, and honest feedback were encouraged, it was reported that team members were 80 per cent more emotional well-being.

Team building is the most influential step for organizational success. It turns individual contributing employees into a cohesive team.

Best Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Now educate your colleagues, team about effective team building methods using these team-building PowerPoint templates. So, without further, let’s delve into some of the best free team-building PowerPoint templates straight away.

meet the team template

Every successful organization is a collective of dedicated individuals, each contributing their unique talents and passions. In the spirit of celebrating your team’s accomplishments and fostering a deeper connection with your audience, we proudly present our free Meet the Team Presentation Template .

alpha free pitch deck PowerPoint templates

Take your presentation to the next level using these alpha free pitch deck PowerPoint templates. The template comes with modern, sophisticated, and highly impressable slides that guarantee you catch the audience’s eyeballs. Get ready to exhibit your points flawlessly with these team-building PowerPoint slides.

TechO free pitch deck PowerPoint Template

Browse our free Techo pitch deck PowerPoint template an ultimate pitch deck presentation template that can be used by CEOs, managers, business professionals for any business presentations, advertisements, fundraising, crowdfunding, or any related presentations.

apex free PowerPoint templates

Don’t know how to elaborate on team-building ideas or strategies in a presentation. Then there’s nothing to fret about. Using these apex Free PowerPoint templates by Slidebazaar , you can draft a compelling presentation that engages with your audience.

team building ppt presentation

Download our business team-building PowerPoint template by Slidehunter , an excellent illustration for teamwork and collaboration-related presentations. The template includes astonishing templates and presentation backgrounds perfect for any presentation.


Free team building plan template by Best PowerPoint Templates is an amazing slide for business presentations. The templates comprise eight high-quality slides that will help you build effective team building and training-related presentations.

free team building layout

This free team building layout by Slidecarnival is a modern, elegant and polished template that will let you communicate your ideas successfully. With illustrated scenes of professionals at work, you can highlight the concepts like teamwork, collaboration, team efforts, etc. So instantly download these free team building layouts and don’t miss the opportunity to outshine at the next meetings.

free leadership team building PowerPoint templates

These leadership team-building PowerPoint templates by Best PowerPoint Templates are the ideal templates for clear and concise demonstration of team-building efforts, management strategies, team guidance, etc. It can be used by any team manager, leader, CEO’s and any executive with the aim to guide or instruct its team.

free team building jigshaw puzzle diagram template

This Free Teamwork Jigsaw Puzzle PowerPoint Diagram Template by Slidehunter is an amazing template to showcase concepts like team building, group effort, leadership, etc. Like each piece of the jigsaw completes the puzzle, each team member’s contribution leaders the business to success. Download these jigsaw puzzle diagram templates and create awesome teamwork presentations.

Organizational chart PowerPoint template

During a presentation, what captures the attention of the audience. It’s the presentation template that clings to the focus of your audience. Org charts are the best illustration to feature a team of upcoming projects in a presentation. Get ready to draft a remarkable presentation using these infographic organization chart templates by Slideheap . Get access to 1000+ premium PowerPoint templates for just a membership fee of $29.40.

team building analysis PowerPoint Template

Encourage or motivate your team to perform better by giving them a detailed overview of the work structure, team, management using these team-building analysis PowerPoint Templates by Slidebazaar. The team building analysis PowerPoint template is a common PowerPoint diagram for information dissemination. Regardless of the topic, you create any PowerPoint presentation using the simple ppt template. You can download this team building template on a monthly membership of $9.99 and get access to 100 premium PowerPoint templates.

Oftentimes in MNC’s team-building efforts are overseen. Such negligence, in the long run, can cost heavy for the business.

Many organizations undertake team-building activities with the aim of enriching communication and trust. While it’s the general goal in every office, you can find several areas focused on.

Successful team-building efforts guarantee a comfortable, successful work environment. With these team building PowerPoint templates, you can precisely reflect the concepts.

Promote team-building ideas, develop an employee-friendly workplace, encourage the team to boost performance with these team-building slides. All templates in the selection can be tweaked accordingly.

Get ready to stun your audience. Also, comment on which templates you liked the most.  

About The Author

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu is a copywriter who loves to tune into what makes people tick. He believes in presenting his ideas with flair and wit, which has made him an expert at standing on stage and charming the pants off of any audience he's faced with. Priyanshu lives for learning as much as he can, so if you ever need help understanding something - just ask!

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20+ Best Free Teamwork PowerPoint PPT Slide Templates for 2024

Barni Rajah

Collaboration of different parties can solve problems effectively and get things done quickly. Use Teamwork PowerPoint templates to plan task divisions for projects. 

Teamwork- Powerpoint Template, a premium file from Envato Elements

Teamwork- PowerPoint Template , a premium file from Envato Elements

There are loads of premium and free teamwork presentation templates online. View as many as you can for inspiration. Pick a suitable template for your brand, content, and audience. 

This article explores top teamwork PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. They're modern, creative, and featureful. You'll also find a curated list of 20 free team PowerPoint templates found online. 

Find the Best Premium Teamwork PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements for 2024 (Unlimited Use)

An excellent premium pre-built template comes with loads of features. Other relevant slides and infographics help you create a complete presentation. Envato Elements has loads of on-theme premium templates. 

Get millions of unlimited creatives under one monthly subscription at Envato Elements. Enjoy the freedom to play, experiment, and create!  

Explore teamwork PowerPoint presentation templates

If you need teamwork PowerPoint slide templates for 2022, visit Envato Elements

If you need teamwork PowerPoint slide templates for 2024, visit Envato Elements

5 Best Premium Teamwork PowerPoint Templates for 2024 (Envato Elements)

Premium PPT templates make it easy to impress your audience with modern slides. Build your presentation deck using a premium teamwork PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. 

Here are some sample teamwork PPT templates from Envato Elements:

1. TeamWork PowerPoint Template

Teamwork PowerPoint Template

Here's a modern minimalistic template that's fully customizable. It comes with matching charts, diagrams, and tables. Customize any elements and have a complete deck within minutes. 

2. Teamworks PPT Template

Teamworks PPT Template

This template comes with 30 unique slides and five color schemes. Elements come with gradient colors that look modern and creative. Use the handcrafted infographics to turn data into visuals. 

3. Teamwork Business Presentation Template

Teamwork Business Presentation Template

This template comes with over 25 unique slides. Use them as a base to create loads of other slides. You'll also find the mockups and social media slides very handy.

4. Teamwork PowerPoint Templates, Models, Strategies

Teamwork Powerpoint Templates, Models, Strategies

This is a bundle of teamwork infographics. Get your hands on 30 unique slides that you can use for any professional presentation. Examples of diagrams are: 

  • Belbin’s Team Roles Model (Thinking-Oriented Roles, Action-Oriented Roles, People-Oriented Roles),
  • Team Role Contribution and Allowable Weakness,
  • Team Role Triangle,
  • GRPI Model of Team Development,
  • GRPI Checklist Template (Role definition, Building the Team),
  • Focusing on Team Basics Model (Katzenbach and Smith Model)

5. UDEA Bundle 5 in 1 PowerPoint

UDEA Bundle 5 IN 1

UDEA is a bundle of over 2000 infographic slides. Get loads of matching infographics in different categories. It'll come in handy for any future business presentations. 

20 Top Free Teamwork PowerPoint PPT Slide Templates to Download (2024)

We've explored some best teamwork PPT templates from Envato Elements. Direct your focus to the content of your presentation by leaving the design to experts. Work smart and save time! 

This section covers 20 teamwork slides and backgrounds found online. Before we move on, let's first check out Envato's free offerings. 

Get 12 free unique monthly files from Envato Elements

Get 12 free unique monthly files from Envato Elements

What are Envato Elements' premium freebies? Envato Elements offer 12 free files every month . You can download and test photos, plugins, templates, music files, and others. All you need to do is create a free account! 

Here's a list of 20 free team PowerPoint slides and backgrounds found online: 

1. Diagram - Teamwork Templates Free

This single slide template comes with a diagram, intertwined shapes with crossed arms. Each shape is a different color. 

2. Metaphor - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Metaphor comes with three background choices: red, white, and black. On the right side of the slide, there's a graphic of six colorful silhouettes joining hands at a round table. On the left is space for text. 

3. Abstract - Free Team PowerPoint Template

Abstract - Free Team PowerPoint Template

This is an abstract and minimalistic illustration of four people in top view. It comes with a light and dark background. 

4. Idea - PPT Teamwork Templates Free

This template comes with four pairs of hands holding a light bulb. There are seven text placeholders for text. 

5. Check-In - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

This is a background image of a cork board and three blue post-it notes. Green pins are holding the notes to the board. 

6. Clean - PPT Teamwork Templates Free

Clean - PPT Teamwork Templates Free comes in neutral colors. Minimal and cute illustrations of people working add a nice touch to this template.  

7. Blue - Free Teamwork PowerPoint Slides

This is a multipurpose blue template with line drawings that represents teamwork. You can change the background color and edit elements if you need to. 

8. Group Work - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Group Work Slide Presentation

Here are ten different slides with a light gray background. These slides work well for topics like office team, remote team building, and other group work. 

9. Abstract - Teamwork Templates Free

This background image comes with an abstract design in blue and yellow. You can also see silhouettes of people holding hands in this background. 

10. Circle Team Achievement - Free Team PowerPoint Template

This is a single-slide template. It comes with four blue circles to represent team achievements. 

11. Company Team Meeting - Free Team PowerPoint Template

This template comes with ten slides in gradient green and pink. It also comes with editable charts and maps. 

12. Idea Goals - Free Teamwork PowerPoint Slides

This is a gradient blue template. There are seven unique multipurpose slides to work with. 

13. Teamwork Collaboration - Free Team PowerPoint Template

Teamwork Collaboration - Free Team PowerPoint Template

Teamwork Collaboration comes with slides that have blue waves design and illustrations. The colors used are blue and orange tones.

14. Free Teamwork PowerPoint Slides

You'll find nine slides within this template. They were designed with project collaborations and all forms of teamwork in mind. 

15. Puzzle Infographics - Teamwork Templates Free

This free template has 20 slides to pick from. Each team member is a piece of the puzzle. You can use these slides to speak about everyone's contribution. 

16. Free Teamwork PowerPoint Template

This is a background image in gray. It's got a silhouette of seven business people in front of business buildings.

17. Free Team Work People Backgrounds

This background image is of eleven silhouettes of people in various colors. They're holding hands in a circle. This represents teamwork. 

18. Free Team Work Backgrounds

Free Team Work Backgrounds

Here's a background image that's got four arms holding each other. It symbolizes working together as a team. The background is blue and has four different icons. 

19. Infographic - Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates

This template comes with a dark and light background slide. The main graphic is of seven silhouettes of people holding hands in a circle. There are also graphics of gear wheels. These symbolize individuals working well together for a bigger purpose.  

20. Team Members Roles Infographics

There's a graphic of a gear wheel with a light bulb inside it. Around the gear wheel are eight graphic people. This slide helps illustrate how eight team members played a role in a project.

5 Quick Tips To Make Great Teamwork-Themed Presentations in 2024

Now that you've got your template in hand, it's time to start working on it. Keep in mind the message you need to convey and the objectives you need to meet. 

Here are a few tips to help create a great presentation deck: 

1. Use Colors to Show Separation

Diagrams Animated PowerPoint Infographics, a premium template on Envato Elements that uses color to show separation within diagrams

Diagrams Animated PowerPoint Infographics , a premium Envato Elements template that uses color to show separation within diagrams

Colors come in handy when you need to show separation within a diagram. This helps audiences follow your presentation and stay focused. A few colors on a slide also quickly become part of your design element. 

2. Add Animations and Transitions

Phase in sections of your teamwork diagram one at a time as you discuss that part. This helps your audience focus better. Check out these articles to learn how to use motion on slides and diagrams: 

team building presentation

3. Keep It Minimal

KULA Powerpoint Template, a premium minimalistic template from Envato Elements

KULA PowerPoint Template , a premium minimalistic Envato Elements template

Minimalism is a very practical trend that benefits your audience too. A minimalistic slide is easy to follow and looks professional.  

Stick to the number of elements that are on each slide of your premium template. Chances are, by adding more elements it'll look cluttered. And you'll be moving away from minimalism. 

4. Gray Fonts Make a Difference

Mind Map - PowerPoint Infographics Slides, a premium template from Envato Elements with gray fonts

Mind Map - PowerPoint Infographics Slides , a premium Envato Elements template with gray fonts

Black font on a white background creates a strong contrast. To create a calmer feel try using gray font. It immediately softens the feel of your presentation. 

Picking softer or faded colors for other elements on your slides is a good next step too. 

5. Use Custom Image Masks

Aleva - Beach Powerpoint Template, a premium Envato Elements template that uses create custom image masks

Aleva - Beach PowerPoint Template , a premium Envato Elements template that uses create custom image masks

Traditional square, rectangle and even round images get boring fast. Spice up your presentation with custom image masks. All you've got to do is drag and drop your images into the placeholders. 

Discover More Top PowerPoint PPT Template Designs

Explore other infographic PPT templates you can use for your presentation. These are free and premium options that'll help you work smart. Below are three selections to start with:

team building presentation

Learn More About Making Great PowerPoint Presentations in 2024

A quick PPT reference guide, helps you learn how to use PowerPoint as you go. Here's an Ultimate PowerPoint Tutorial Guide with bite-sized how-to tutorials. Pin it to your browser and use it whenever you get stuck creating. 

Here's three tutorial samples from the guide: 

team building presentation

Download a Premium Teamwork PowerPoint Template Today!

We've checked out 20 free teamwork PowerPoint slides. The selection was mostly background images and single-page infographic slides. There were a few presentations that contain teamwork slides. But the choices are limiting. 

Pre-built templates help you work around your limitations and work fast. If you find that free templates can't help you do this, it's time to go premium. 

Envato Elements has a great collection of top teamwork PPT templates . These templates are modern, creative, and easy to customize.  

Get premium teamwork PPT templates from Envato Elements and work smart. Explore, subscribe, and download it now! 

Barni Rajah

Team Building PowerPoint Presentation Template

Unite Template for PowerPoint

Need a ready-made team building template ? We’ve got just the thing.

You can now focus on what really matters – delivering a superb presentation .

Introducing Unite – a team building PowerPoint presentation template .

Featuring 30 editable slides , you can easily adjust the presentation to suit your brand.

The best part? It’s 100% niche-specific . Simply add text and images and you’re good to go. Ready to step into the spotlight?

TL;DR : Team Building PowerPoint presentation template. 30 slides, 100% customizable. Edit, export, and wow your audience!

Why get this PowerPoint template:

  • 30 unique team building slides
  • Easy to edit and export
  • 16:9 widescreen format
  • User-friendly instructions

Product Tags

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Construction & Building PowerPoint Presentation Template

Construction & Building PowerPoint Presentation Template

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66 team building activities to bring your team together (and have fun!)

team building presentation

Team building activities can make all the difference when it comes to job satisfaction , employee engagement and organizational success . But even with the best intentions, it’s not sufficient to simply bring a group of people together. Effective team building activities can help your group feel more connected and able to collaborate more effectively .

But how do you choose the right activity, and where do you get started when trying to encourage team bonding or alignement? We're here to help with this collection of simple and effective team building activities!

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Building a highly effective team takes effort , consideration, and the deployment of a thoughtful group process . Remember that teams are composed of relationships between people and all relationships need care and attention. The team-building activities below are a great place to start!

That said, some employees may bristle or cringe at the mention of team building activities, and with good reason. Done badly, team building at work can be frustrating , unproductive, or a waste of time for all involved . 

We’ve put together a collection of proven team-building activities, games, and exercises that cover everything from communication and collaboration to alignment and vision . 

Whether you’re working in a small team or as part of a large organization, taking the time to develop your team and enable everyone in your group to do their best work is time well spent. Let’s take a look!

What are team building activities? 

Team building is an activity or process designed to help build connections between members of a team, create lasting bonds, and enable better teamwork and working practices.

Team building activities might include running team games and activities, holding group discussions, hosting away days, or simply doing things together as a team. They key is that the exercise is designed to bring your team together in a fun and engaging way.

team building presentation

What is the main purpose of a team building activity? 

The main purpose of any team-building activity is on improving some aspects of how a team works together while bringing everyone together in a shared experience .

This might include working on communication, collaboration, alignment, team values, motivation, and anything else that can enable a group to work together more effectively. It might also include resolving conflicts, sharing skills, or simply bringing your group together in a shared experience.

Broadly speaking, any team building effort should be designed to help bring team members closer or find ways to first define and then move towards your shared goals as a group .

As Forbes notes , team building is “most important investment you can make for your people.” On this point, it’s worth noting that team building doesn’t just happen during the activity and so being purposeful your choice of exercise is important.

The best team building activities hold space for building connections in a way that spills over into day-to-day work and creates lasting bonds. It’s not enough to throw your team into an escape room or scavenger hunt without first thinking about why or how this will benefit your team!

After you’ve chosen some engaging team building activities, it’s time to design a complete process that will engage your team while achieving your desired outcomes.

SessionLab makes it easy to build a complete team building agenda in minutes . Start by dragging and dropping blocks, add activity timings and adjust your session flow to create an effective session.

team building presentation

What are the main types of team building activities?

Team building activities are games and exercises that help a group collaborate on a shared goal, discuss important issues constructively, share in a fun experience or find better ways of working together.

These activities can take forms – from quick and funny games you use in your regular meeting, or the may be part of a larger process or team development workshop.

Being purposeful and knowing the objective of your session means you can choose an activity accordingly. Sometimes, your team will come together because they have problems to solve, or you might just want to have fun and celebrate your wins. Pick the right activity for the right time to ensure your team is onboard and ready to engage!

Here are the main categories of team building activity that you might want to use with your team. We’ve made it easy to get started with the right activity for your team by including the length of each game, how many participants can play and how hard it is to run alongside clear instructions.

Team building activities for work

Starting the team building process can be difficult, especially if you’re working with a new team who don’t yet know each other well. The activities in this section are focused on helping teams and employees get to know each other better and start to develop bonds and trust.

Even if your team has been around a while, learning more about one another and building deeper bonds is useful for both team cohesion and group happiness. These are also great activities to use when trying to improve employee engagement and company culture – any organization is only as strong as the bonds between its people!

Try these team building games for work to encourage conversation and break the ice – especially if you’re working with a remote team who might not be in the office together.

30 – 602 – 40Low
20 – 603 +Low
10 – 305 +Low
30 – 1203 +Low
15 – 305 – 20Low
30 – 603 +Low
60 – 2402 -40Medium
15 – 3010 +Low

3 Question Mingle

Conversation is often the best starting point when it comes to team building, but without structure, it can be difficult for groups to get moving. In 3 Question Mingle, each team member writes three questions on sticky notes and then has a one minute meeting with another person. They each ask another one question and then trade those post-its. Invite the group to move around the room asking questions in pairs and swapping questions afterwards. 

Not only does this team building activity help an entire team get to know each other, but it also invites the group to ask the questions they want to ask. By combining structure with self direction, you can get your team building workshop off to the right start! Bonus points for adding those sticky notes to a memory wall for later reflection!

3 Question Mingle   #hyperisland   #team   #get-to-know   An activity to support a group to get to know each other through a set of questions that they create themselves. The activity gets participants moving around and meeting each other one-on-one. It’s useful in the early stages of team development and/or for groups to reconnect with each other after a period of time apart.

9 Dimensions Team Building Activity

Building better team relationships and improving group dynamics often means sharing something about ourselves and finding space to discuss and be honest. In this team building exercise, give each team member a set of red, green, yellow and blue dots alongside the 9 dimensions you’ll be looking at. Each participant puts a dot on each dimension based on whether they believe they’re crushing it or need to do more work. 

By sharing some of their 9 dimensions, your team gets to surface things they’re proud of, as well as those that need work. You’ll explore what your group is aligned on in the debriefing section and then move forward together as a team.

9 Dimensions Team Building Activity   #icebreaker   #teambuilding   #team   #remote-friendly   9 Dimensions is a powerful activity designed to build relationships and trust among team members. There are 2 variations of this icebreaker. The first version is for teams who want to get to know each other better. The second version is for teams who want to explore how they are working together as a team.

Awareness Circle

Getting to know people is easier for some members of a group than it is for others. While extroverts can start chatting to new team members with ease, introverts may find it more difficult to bond with their team and create meaningful team bonds.

In this activity, you’ll encourage a group to get to know each other without speaking and show that everyone in a team has a connection. Another great takeaway from this activity is to take note of the diversity (or lack thereof) in the room and consider this as a point for future team development. 

Awareness Circle   #teampedia   #team   #icebreaker   #opening   This activity helps participants to get-to-know each other without saying a word.

Break the Ice with The Four Quadrants Activity

Sometimes pictures are better than words when it comes to helping a team get to know one another. Creative games like this one can also be especially effective at helping introverts or distanced teams share with the group.

Start by handing out sheets of paper and inviting each participant to draw a 2×2 grid and pose four questions to the group. Each team member draws their answer in one of the grid squares and once the time limit is up, invite the group to share. If you’re looking for a fun game that encourages creative thinking while being visual and memorable, look no further! 

Break the Ice with The Four Quadrants Activity   #team   #icebreaker   #get-to-know   #teambuilding   The Four Quadrants is a tried and true team building activity to break the ice with a group or team. It is EASY to prep for and set up. It can be MODIFIED to work with any group and/or topic (just change the questions). It is FUN, COLORFUL and works every time!

Just One Lie

Not all team building games need to reinvent the wheel. Particularly with new teams or groups that aren’t used to team building, keeping it simple with a tried and tested method can be your best bet.

Just One Lie is adapted from the well-known icebreaker two truths and a lie, though encourages participants to mingle and share lots of facts about themselves with one another – great for breaking the ice and getting to know one another too!

Just One Lie   #icebreaker   #energiser   #team   #get-to-know   This method is adapted from the well-known icebreaker ‘Two Truths And A Lie’  to create an activity that you could return to throughout a meeting.

Both groups and individuals go through many twists, turns and changes throughout their life. At its best, team building not only helps create better teams but allows time for reflection and deeper sharing between participants.

With Life Map, encourage your group to draw or create a collage of their life story they can then share with the team. This kind of deeper getting to know your exercise can really help bring a team together and allow for meaningful self-reflection too! 

Life map   #team   #teampedia   #icebreaker   #get-to-know   With this activity the participants get to know each other on a deeper level.

Personal Presentation

Team building is all about building trust and openness between teammates. Sharing personal experiences and enlarging the social aspects of the group with presentations not only allows everyone to get to know each other but also encourages team development skills too.

For this team building method, ask each participant to prepare a presentation including three things that have shaped who they are as a person. Encourage creative thinking by asking teams to use simple drawings and words to visualize their presentation too.

Personal Presentations   #hyperisland   #team   A simple exercise in which each participant prepares a personal presentation of him/herself sharing several important experiences, events, people or stories that contributed to shaping him or her as an individual. The purpose of personal presentations is to support each participant in getting to know each other as individuals and to build trust and openness in a group by enlarging the social arena.

Passions Tic Tac Toe

Helping employees get to know each other more deeply and connect beyond the scope of their job roles is a great space to explore with a team building exercise. In this activity, your entire team fills in a 3×3 grid with a passion or core value in each of the boxes. Then, ask your group to mingle and compare passions.

When someone finds a match, they each sign for the other person in that square of the grid. Declare your first winner as the person who gets three passions in a row. This team building exercise works well for remote workers and is a great way for your entire team to get to know each other a little better.

Passions Tic Tac Toe   #get-to-know   #values   #icebreaker   #thiagi   This simple game that explores the concepts from these two quotations: “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you”. —Oprah Winfrey. “Getting to know someone else involves curiosity about where they have come from, who they are.” —Penelope Lively, novelist

Quick team building activities

Team building doesn’t have to take all day. While running dedicated team workshops like a team canvas workshop can have a profound effect on team dynamics, you can also run team building exercises in as little as 5-10 minutes.

In this section, we’ll share some effective yet quick team building activities you might use to warm-up your group or inject some team building into the start of a meeting or event. If you’re looking for 5-minute team building activities to easily slot into your meetings and events, this is a great place to start!

10 – 155 – 10Low
5 – 105 +Low
10 – 204 – 30Low
1 – 155 +Low
5 – 103 +Low
5 – 1010 – 25Low
5 – 1010 – 40Medium

Best and Worst

Teambuilding activities are often at their most effective when you ignite the passions of everyone in a group and bring up talking points that enable people to share something of themselves with the team.

Best and Worst asks each participant to ask one question about the best and worst thing they want to learn from the group. For example, “What’s the best recipe you know?” or “What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?” After putting all the questions in a hat and choosing a random pair, invite the group to share their answers and related stories.

Best and Worst   #teampedia   #get-to-know   #opening   #icebreaker   #team   This activity could easily break the ice at the beginning of a workshop, enabling participants to get to know each other in a fast process.

Group Order

Supporting the get-to-know process at the start of a session or with a new team can be as simple as asking participants to group themselves together based on what they know about each other and inviting them to find out what they don’t.

This activity requires nothing more than getting your group together in a room and asking them to line themselves up in an order based on a criterion such as distance from home to the workplace, birth date in the calendar year or number of different countries visited. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get people talking and sharing when in pursuit of a common goal.

Group Order   #get-to-know   #energiser   #icebreaker   #thiagi   #team   This is an energizing activity that helps members of a group get to know each other, network, and recognize what they have in common.

Happiness Exercise

Good teams know how to appreciate one another and share joyful, happy experiences. When a new team is getting to know each other, using an exercise that encourages the sharing of positive stories and experiences not only allows people to connect but also builds a positive atmosphere in the room.

You might also use this team building activity at work or with a more established team. If your team has been going through a challenging period, it can be transformational to share things that make everyone happy and defuse stress or tension as a team.

Happiness exercise   #teambuilding   #icebreaker   #warm up   #remote-friendly   This exercise is a simple application of the principles of Appreciative Inquiry.

Name Juggling

Working with new teams means having new names to learn. Team building starts with getting to know everyone, but how can we make this more fun and dynamic than simple introductions?

In this get to know you game, start by having everyone stand in a circle and introduce themselves by name. Introduce a ball and have people state someone’s name before throwing the ball to that person. That person thanks the person who passed the ball by name before then passing the ball on to someone else. Once people get comfortable, spice things up by introducing more balls and trying to keep them in the air!

Name Juggling   #teampedia   #icebreaker   #energiser   #get-to-know   #team   Name Juggling is another variation of a try-to-learn-everyone’s-name but the game guarantees high energy level as well as some strategic thinking.

Finding you have things in common with other team members is one of the cornerstones of effective teamwork and communication. While conversation games or other team building activities might ask for an in-depth approach, Open Fist helps teams bond with a simple, effective activity.

Sharing little known facts about ourselves can help teams be more cohesive and by limiting the number of shared facts to the amount of fingers on a hand, this quick team building activity can fit into an agenda with ease.

Open Fist   #get-to-know   #icebreaker   #thiagi   #team   Teams work better when they find things in common. Stronger teams reduce turnover, increase pleasant interactions, and improve productivity.

Cross the Circle

Finding common ground and shared experiences across a diverse group is what team building is all about. In this playful team building activity, participants are encouraged to cross the circle in response to questions posed by a person in the middle.

For example, “Cross through the circle if you have worked here more than 5 years.” or “Cross through the circle if you can play an instrument.” After each stage, a new person gets to pose a question and your team gets to know one another and their commonalities in a simple, effective way.

Cross the Circle   #teambuilding   #get-to-know   #energiser   #team   #thiagi   This activity provides a playful way for participants to find commonalities among themselves.

This fast-paced exercise is fun but gently challenging game that helps create focus and presence in a group. Get started by getting your team into a circle and ask them to move a clap around the room quickly by having two members clap at the same time.

By asking your group to synchronize and move quickly, sync claps is a fun way to energize the room and help your group feel more connected.

Sync Claps   #hyperisland   #energiser   This circle exercise is simple, but challenging and very effective for generating focus and alignment in a group. Participants stand in a circle and send a clap around the circle. Each clap involves two members of the group clapping their hands at the same time. The group tries to move the clap around the circle faster and faster with as much synchronization as possible. The exercise gets even more challenging when the “double clap” is introduced and the clap can change direction.

Fun team building activities

In an increasingly stressful environment of deadlines and meetings, it’s worth remembering the value of joy, play and simply have fun as a team.

Injecting fun and laughter into your team building event is effective on many levels. We often recommend starting a session with one of these activities, as they can help set a more relaxed and personable tone in an instant.

We’ve also found that some of the more memorable moments of our sessions have come out of these kinds of activities. It’s lovely to have something funny to reference in future meetings too!

Bringing team members out of their shells and loosening them up with a funny game can also help prevent existing hierarchies or team structures from affecting the team building session. 

You can also use these funny team building activities to kick off your session, or when the energy levels drop and you need to get your team re-engaged for the team workshop ahead. Let’s take a look.

5 – 3010 – 40Low
5 – 104 +Low
5 – 3010 – 40Low
5 – 202 +Low
30 – 602 – 40Low
20 – 408 – 50Low
30 – 605 – 20Low
10 – 205+Low
5 – 104+Low
5 – 3010 – 40Low
5 – 156 +Low

Having fun and energizing your team is a great way to kick off your team building event. Bang is a simple and effective game that encourages quick reactions and fun – perfect for both new and established teams to play together! 

Start by electing a sheriff and having the rest of the group stand in a circle around them. The sheriff spins around and points at one person in the circle and says “bang!” That person then crouches as quickly as possible. The two people on either side of the person crouching must quickly point at each other and shout the other’s name. Whoever does not react quickly enough is eliminated. Try using this one at the beginning of a team building event to really loosen up the group!

Bang   #hyperisland   #energiser   Bang is a group game, played in a circle, where participants must react quickly or face elimination. One person stands in the middle of the circle as “the sheriff”, pointing at other players who must quickly crouch while those on either side of them quickly “draw”. A good activity to generate laughter in a group. It can also help with name-learning for groups getting to know each other.


Creating a secret handshake was something many of us did as kids. This team building activity taps into that same sense of creativity and also encourages team members to get to know each other while sharing and building on their handshake in pairs. By moving between pairs and teaching others the steps of your handshake, this also helps create group closeness and cohesion. We love team building activities or office games that encourage people to bring a little of themselves to the table and Build-a-Shake is a great example of that!  

Build-a-Shake   #teampedia   #energiser   #get-to-know   #opening   #team   How to introduce yourself in a fun, creative way? Build a handshake!

Simple tasks that require team focus, cohesion, and awareness are great for any group working on team building. In Count Up, a team has to come together and count up to twenty with their eyes closed and without any other communication. People cannot say more than one number at a time, and if two people speak at the same time, the group must start over. 

Though it seems simple, this team building exercise can really demonstrate the power of effective teamwork and is a great opener for a team building workshop. 

Count Up   #hyperisland   #team   #energiser   #remote-friendly   In this short exercise, a group must count up to a certain number, taking turns in a random order, with no two people speaking at the same time. The task is simple, however, it takes focus, calm and awareness to succeed. The exercise is effective to generate calm and focused collective energy in a group.

Follow the Leader

When performing online team building, simple activities are often the best strategy in ensuring participation and removing frustration. Follow the Leader is a great team building energiser suitable for online and offline teams.

In virtual settings, put Zoom into gallery view and invite people to perform an action in the frame of their screen that other participants have to follow. Being a little silly is encouraged and this team building exercise often results in laughter and energy as a result! 

Follow the Follower   #zoom   #virtual   #physical   #teambuilding   #connection   #energiser   #opening   #remote-friendly   #ericamarxcoaching   One person is designated as the leader.  Others copy exactly how the leader moves.  The leader calls on a new person to be the leader, and so on. Follow the follower variation is when the leading gets passed to the entire group and no single person is leading.

Portrait Gallery

Creative team building activities are great for breaking the ice or energising a team via play. In Portrait Gallery, you and your team will collaboratively create portraits of everyone in the group and have a fun, electric set of portraits to display afterward.

Start by splitting your group into two teams. Team B will draw portraits of Team A, though every 10-15 seconds, they’ll pass their current drawing to the next person to continue. By the end of this team building game, you’ll have a set of eclectic portraits for everyone in the group and have broken the ice significantly too! 

Portrait Gallery   #hyperisland   #team   #icebreaker   The Portrait Gallery is an energetic and fun icebreaker game that gets participants interacting by having the group collaboratively draw portraits of each member. The activity builds a sense of group because it results with each participant having a portrait drawn of him/herself by the other members of the group together. It also has a very colourful visual outcome: the set of portraits which can be posted in the space.

Fun team building games are a great way to start any group development process, and they’re even better if they energize the team too! Snowball is a great activity for getting people out of their seats and moving around while also breaking the ice. 

Start by asking a question relevant to your group and ask each participant to write an answer on a piece of paper. Once that’s done, invite everyone to crumple their paper and come to the centre of the room to have a snowball fight! After a few minutes, ask everyone to keep a snowball and find the person who wrote the answer. Not only does this team building exercise invite energy into the room, but it encourages people to get to know each other too.

Snowball   #get-to-know   #opening   #energiser   #teambuilding   #team   This is a great activity to get people up and moving around in a playful way while still learning about each other. It can be related to any topic and be played at any time during the group’s life.

Celebrity Party

You’ve likely played the game where you stick the name of a random celebrity on your head while then asking questions to help you guess who it is. (Or at least seen a film where someone else does it!) It’s simple, but it absolutely works when you want to break the ice or just generate some laughter and conversation.

This classic team building game is a great way to warm up large groups, encouraging mingling and have fun too. Ask participants to be creative, keep it light and not to give hints and you have all the makings of an effective team building exercise.

Celebrity Party   #teampedia   #icebreaker   #communication   #diversity   #team   #action   Great activity to help people warm up in a new environment.

Non-verbal improv

Whether you’re working with remote teams or co-located groups, having fun when you get together should never be undervalued. We love simple games that are also ways to begin conversations about how we’d like to work together more effectively.

This improv game is easy to touch and is a great way to build team connections while raising some smiles. Start by preparing some actions on post-it notes, such as drinking a glass of water or eating pasta. Next, invite participants to mime the action without speaking. Include more difficult and amusing scenarios to challenge the group and create some funny opportunities for team connection!

Non-verbal improv   #improv game   #energiser   #fun   #remote-friendly   An improv game where participants must use non-verbal communication and actions to communicate a phrase or an idea to other players. A fun game that’s a great way to open a discussion on better communication!

Rock, Paper, Scissors (Tournament)

Encouraging team members to play and have fun is an often overlooked aspect of building better teams. Play is an inherently human activity, and by doing this as a team, we can start to see ourselves as more than just a group of people who work together.

In this version of Rock, Paper, Scissors, large groups pair off until only two players remain for a final showdown. We love that losing players become fans of the winners and cheer them on. This is a quick and easy team game that can build excitement and get the group ready for deeper team building activities to come!

Rock, Paper, Scissors (Tournament)   #energiser   #warm up   #remote-friendly   This is a fun and loud energiser based on the well-known “Rock, Paper, Scissor” game – with a twist: the losing players become the fan of the winners as the winner advances to the next round. This goes on until a final showdown with two large cheering crowds! It can be played with adults of all levels as well as kids and it always works! 

Fun team building activities often ask the group to let go of their inhibitions and find space to be playful and silly. This game from Hyper Island encourages the group to perform some loud, exuberant moves to emulate our favourite historical raiders – the Vikings.

You might use this activity during a longer workshop or meeting to energize a group and create a memorable moment with your team. For bonus points, have a group photographer capture those moments and put them on a history wall for reflection later!

The Viking   #hyperisland   #energiser   In this group game, players stand in a circle and perform a series of loud physical moves, passing from one person to the next. When a player hesitates or makes a mistake, he or she is eliminated and the game continues. The game generates laughter and playfulness in the group.

Wink Murder

We love team building exercises that include space for friendly competition and laughter. Wink murder is a variation on a classic party game that asks every team member to try and catch the wink assassin, whose job it is to eliminate the other players by winking at them without being caught.

We especially like the fact this game makes team members to use creative thinking while playing. Run multiple rounds with extra rules such as adding an accomplice to spice things up and have even more fun!

Wink Murder   #icebreaker   #energizer   #group game   #team   #teambuilding   A fun energizer where one player must try and eliminate the rest of the team by winking – all without being caught.

team building presentation

Corporate team building activities

Running team building games in the office can be a great way to finish up the week, onboard new team members or just boost employee engagement.

While all of the activities in this post are suitable for the office, the team building games in this section are especially effective in a corporate environment where some team members may need some coaxing or you want to gently introduce important topics.

Try these activities if you want to add an opportunity for your team to bond during a corporate training session, all-hands or other office event.

10 – 206 – 12Low
30 – 902 – 40Medium
40 – 606 – 12Low
20 – 456 – 50Medium
10 +2 +Low
60 – 1202 – 40Low
10 – 1515 – 50Low
15 – 307+Low

Appreciations Exercise

Office trivia can be fun, but you know what’s better? Taking a moment to appreciate each team member and uplift everyone in the group.

This method is designed to help everyone in a group receive appreciative feedback on their strengths from others. Start by sitting the group in a circle and having each participant write their name on a piece of paper and pass it to the person on their left. Each person writes down what they have most valued about the person whose name is on the sheet before passing it along.

At the end, share these appreciations and celebrate everyone in the group! You might even include this activity during a happy hour to truly celebrate one another!

Appreciations Exercise   #team   #appreciation   #self esteem   #remote-friendly   When you hear about your strengths from others and acknowledge them to yourself, this builds your motivation and self-confidence. If you do this at the end of a workshop, you go away feeling good about yourself and your colleagues too.

Cover Story

Bringing an activity that encourages creative thinking and imagination can be an effective method for getting team mates involved at your next corporate event. In this game, small groups create a magazine cover with your team on it and add headlines and taglines that show the best possible version of your team.

By defining the ideal future state for the organization your group can see what actions they might take today while also creating a fun and useful artefact for the team. Use as many sheets of paper as you need!

Cover Story   #gamestorming   #idea generation   #organizational development   #vision   #strategy   Cover Story is a game about pure imagination. The purpose is to think expansively around an ideal future state for the organization; it’s an exercise in visioning. The object of the game is to suspend all disbelief and envision a future state that is so stellar that it landed your organization on the cover of a well-known magazine

Coat of Arms

Even established teams have more to learn about one another. A corporate team building activity is a great time to encourage groups to go deeper and share who they are as a team.

In Coat of Arms, each team member begins by drawing a personal coat of arms and then sharing it with a partner. The partner interprets the coat of arms and then presents it to the rest of the group. This kind of getting to know you activity taps into group creativity and is a fun way of helping your team bond. 

Coat of Arms   #teambuilding   #opening   #icebreaker   #team   #get-to-know   #thiagi   Coat of Arms exercise provides a way for participants to introduce themselves and their colleagues, particularly for groups who think they already know each other very well. Almost invariably participants discover something about their colleagues of which they previously had no idea. Occasionally this revelation has an immediate and direct application to another participant’s current project or challenge.Because this activity forces people to use drawings rather than words, it is particularly useful as a dual-purpose introductory exercise in training sessions that deal with such topics as innovation, creativity, and problem-solving.

My Favourite Manager

Leaders and managers can be a deciding factor in creating a great company culture and employee happiness. In this game, get started by bringing your team together to discuss their favourite and least favourite managers.

This corporate team building activity is great at creating a safe space to discuss management styles and create empathy between teams. You’ll often find team members can shift their perspective, learn something about how they relate to their leaders and have fun too!

My Favourite Manager   #management   #leadership   #thiagi   #teamwork   #remote-friendly   Participants work individually, assuming the roles of three different people and brainstorming their perceptions of three most favourite managers and three least favourite managers. Later, they work with a partner (and still later, in teams) to prepare a list of dos and don’t-s for improving employees’ perception of a manager’s style.

Who are you? The Pirate Ship exercise

Explore team roles and responsibilities in a lighthearted manner is a great way to spend time during an office event.

In this simple but powerful team building exercise, share the image of the crew of a pirate ship. Next, invite participants to reflect on who they most identify with on the ship. Who is the captain? Who is looking out for land or maintaining the deck? By reflecting together around a fun premise, you can encourage meaningful discussions with your grop.

Who are you? The pirate ship exercise (dinámica del barco pirata)   #team alignment   #team   #remote-friendly   #teamwork   #warm up   #icebreaker   This an easy but powerful exercise to open a meeting or session and get participants to reflect on their attitudes or feelings about a topic, in the organization, team, or in the project.

History Map

Building effective teams is often a process of ideation, reflection and iteration over time. Sometimes, it’s easy to lose sight of just how much a team or organization has grown. With this corporate team building activity, invite your group to reflect and build on their collective experience with a memory wall that collects moments over a fixed period of time.

It’s a great way of reinforcing major takeaways, celebrating the highlights and creating a sense of closure and progress. By also encouraging the creation of a shared visual resource, History Map also enables creativity and a sense of fun that can provide the perfect end to a project or working session. 

History Map   #hyperisland   #team   #review   #remote-friendly   The main purpose of this activity is to remind and reflect on what group members or participants have been through and to create a collective experience and shared story. Every individual will gain a shared idea of what the group has been through together. Use this exercise at the end of a project or program as a way to reinforce learnings, celebrate highlights and create closure.

Birds of a Feather

It’s not uncommon for teams to naturally form sub-groups with common characteristics. This exercise effectively shows how consciously creating more diverse groups can make teams more resilient and productive.

Get started by giving each team member an index card with a single letter on it. Then ask people to form a group of five people as quickly as possible without any further instructions. Next, ask the groups to form the longest word possible from their cards. It will quickly become apparent that the best way to win the game is with a team that has diverse cards.

This simple game is a great introduction to a wider conversation about diversity or inclusion. As always, debrief learnings and invite deeper conversation in the group to make this activity a success.

Birds of a Feather   #teamwork   #diversity   #team   #creativity   #thiagi   Participants naturally want to form groups with common characteristics. This exercise illustrates how diverse groups have access to more resources and provide a greater variety of solutions. Each person is given an index card with a letter on it, and then asked to form a group of five people. Participants assume that they should get into groups with others who have the same letter. However, when the facilitator asks them to form the longest word possible with the letter cards, they realize that it would have been more beneficial to have created a diverse group.

Corporate meetings can sometimes be heavy going, but they don’t need to be. In this fun teambuilding game, encourage your group to loosen up while working together to solve a puzzle that involves their bodies!

Start by getting your team members into groups of 7-12 people. Ask each group to stand in a circle, close their eyes and then link hands with two other people in the circle. Next, ask each group to work to untangle the human knot they have created without breaking the chain. This is a really fun game that requires clear communication, collaboration and a little flexibility too!

Human Knot   A physical-participation disentanglement puzzle that helps a group learn how to work together (self-organize) and can be used to illustrate the difference between self-organization and command-control management or simply as a get-to-know-you icebreaker. Standing in a circle, group members reach across to connect hands with different people. The group then tries to unravel the “human knot” by unthreading their bodies without letting go of each other people’s hands. As a management-awareness game to illustrate required change in behavior and leadership on a management level (e.g., illustrate the change from ‘task-oriented’ management towards ‘goal/value-oriented’ management).

Team building activities for small groups

Team work doesn’t always come naturally, and effective team collaboration needs attention, reflection and work in order to happen. It’s not enough to just assume your team members will be able to work together efficiently: all teams can benefit from a strategic and well-thought approach to how they communicate and collaborate.

Whether you’re having a team away day or using methods expressly designed to improve collaboration and communication in small groups, you’ll find inspiration in the activities here!

These team building games are helpful whether you’re trying to solve miscommunication or collaboration issues, or just want to strengthen your company culture or communication skills in small groups.

60 – 1202 – 40Medium
35 – 454 +Low
60 – 1202 – 40Medium
15 +4 +Low
40 – 605 – 40Low
20 +2 +Medium
55 – 7010 +Low

Conflict Responses

It’s important to remember that every team is made up of individuals and sometimes, conflicts or disagreements can arise. While its regular working practice to disagree, our responses to conflict and how we deal with them when they arise are in our control and can be improved.

In this exercise, reflect on previous conflicts as a team and collectively create a set of guidelines to use in the future. Resolving issues effectively is a massive part of team collaboration, and by including all team members in this process you can get more meaningful results too.

Conflict Responses   #hyperisland   #team   #issue resolution   A workshop for a team to reflect on past conflicts, and use them to generate guidelines for effective conflict handling. The workshop uses the Thomas-Killman model of conflict responses to frame a reflective discussion. Use it to open up a discussion around conflict with a team.

Heard, Seen, Respected

Team empathy is a vital ingredient of good team work though whatever the size of your organization, it can sometimes be difficult to walk in the shoes of others and see things from other perspectives.

Heard, Seen, Respected is a team building activity designed to help participants practice deeper empathy for colleagues and build the kinds of bonds and working practices that can improve team collaboration. By inviting participants to notice patterns in the stories shared and find common takeaways, it’s a great way to get everyone involved on the same page and improve communication skills too.

Heard, Seen, Respected (HSR)   #issue analysis   #empathy   #communication   #liberating structures   #remote-friendly   You can foster the empathetic capacity of participants to “walk in the shoes” of others. Many situations do not have immediate answers or clear resolutions. Recognizing these situations and responding with empathy can improve the “cultural climate” and build trust among group members. HSR helps individuals learn to respond in ways that do not overpromise or overcontrol. It helps members of a group notice unwanted patterns and work together on shifting to more productive interactions. Participants experience the practice of more compassion and the benefits it engenders.

Myers-Briggs Team Reflection

One potential obstacle to effective team collaboration is when members of the group don’t fully understand one another. Team building activities for work that encourage participants to not only try and understand their colleagues but themselves can be especially helpful when helping a team be more cohesive.

In this activity, invite your group to first take a version of the Myers-Briggs personality test. Start by asking each team member to reflect on their own personality type before then moving towards small group discussion. 

When using this activity, it’s important to correctly frame the usage of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) framework: This can be a useful framework to understand different communication preferences between people, but team members should not be labeled or put into boxes based on their self-reported preferences. 

Myers-Briggs Team Reflection   #team   #hyperisland   A workshop to explore personal traits and interpersonal relations using the Myers-Briggs personalities model. Use this tool to go deeper with your team to understand more about yourselves and each other on personal and professional levels.

Strength Building exercise

Exercises for team building come in many varieties. In this activity, the emphasis is on the team championing one another and increasing confidence, self esteem and mutual trust.

Start by asking team members to share an event where they accomplished something that made them feel good about themselves. The rest of the team chimes in to suggest two to three strengths they must have exhibited in order to achieve the accomplishment. Team collaboration often means helping others on the team achieve their best, and this activity helps the group uplift one another meaningfully and effectively.

Strength Building exercise   #team   #appreciation   #self esteem   #remote-friendly   People develop confidence and self esteem as they discover that their achievements and skills are valuable. This is an exercise for team building and for increasing self esteem and mutual trust.

Strength Envelopes

All members of a team have unique strengths, capabilities and working preferences. When working as a group, you can improve engagement and group workflow by having each participant utilize their strengths and do work that interests them the most.

With this team building activity, ask participants to write their name on an envelope and invite other members of their team to spend a few minutes writing down strength statements for that person. Place these in the envelope and pass them along so at the end of the session, each person has a set full of strengths they can use as the basis for reflection. 

Strength Envelopes   #appreciation   #self-awareness   #feedback   #team   #thiagi   #teambuilding   #action   This activity helps working teams to discover and share individual strengths and to increase their engagement by structuring their jobs around these strengths. Suitable for people who work together (for example, members of an intact work team) organized into playgroups of 5 to 9 members.

Team of Two

Whether you work in a small startup or a multinational organisation, the reality is that a large part of your working day will be spent working in pairs and interacting on a one-to-one basis. Whether in-person, over email or on video chat, finding ways to work together more effectively is vital for effective teams.

Try this team building exercise to help empower your groups toward more effective communication skills and have more meaningful interpersonal relationships at work. As a member of a remote team, I’ve found this method to be personally useful time and time again.

Team of Two   #communication   #active listening   #issue analysis   #conflict resolution   #issue resolution   #remote-friendly   #team   Much of the business of an organisation takes place between pairs of people. These interactions can be positive and developing or frustrating and destructive. You can improve them using simple methods, providing people are willing to listen to each other. “Team of two” will work between secretaries and managers, managers and directors, consultants and clients or engineers working on a job together. It will even work between life partners.

What I Need From You (WINFY)

Some of the best team building activities focus on helping your group improve their teamwork skills and communicate and collaborate better as a team. A sometimes overlooked part of working as a team is clearly articulating what you need from other people and knowing how to ask for it.

What I Need From You is a team building method designed to help team members better articulate their core needs and be transparent with the group. This leads to a more cohesive team that works together with integrity and understanding.

What I Need From You (WINFY)   #issue analysis   #liberating structures   #team   #communication   #remote-friendly   People working in different functions and disciplines can quickly improve how they ask each other for what they need to be successful. You can mend misunderstandings or dissolve prejudices developed over time by demystifying what group members need in order to achieve common goals. Since participants articulate core needs to others and each person involved in the exchange is given the chance to respond, you boost clarity, integrity, and transparency while promoting cohesion and coordination across silos: you can put Humpty Dumpty back together again!

Team building games for problem solving

Teams often come together to solve collective problems as a group . Whether these are large projects or simply finding better ways to work together on a day-to-day basis, solving problems is something all teams should do – in or out of a conference room!

Improving problem solving skills with a game that asks for communication, collaboration and creative thinking is a wonderful way to bring everyone together. We love using these kinds of team building exercises to bring large groups together to solve a fun, simple problem.

By engaging team members in this way, they not only have fun, but they learn how to work together more effectively and reflect on how they can take that learning back to their day work.

In this section, we’ll look at team building exercises you can use to encourage creative thinking, build problem solving skills and teamwork in an experiential way!

40 – 454 – 20Low
60 – 12010 – 40Medium
10 – 205 +Low
5 +5 +Low
60 – 12010 – 40Medium
45 – 606 – 100Medium
15 – 306 – 20Low
10 – 155 +Low
30 – 455 – 50Medium

Blind Square – Rope Game

Nothing energizes a team workshop like a seemingly simple problem that also gets everyone moving and engaged. In this team problem solving game, start by tying a length of rope into a circle and invite the participants to plan how to make the rope into a perfect square while blindfolded.

After planning time, team members is blindfolded and has ten minutes to form a perfect square. By debriefing afterwards, your group will find communication, planning and attention to detail are all important aspects of creative problem solving – all while having fun too!

Blind Square – Rope game   #teamwork   #communication   #teambuilding   #team   #energiser   #thiagi   #outdoor   This is an activity that I use in almost every teambuilding session I run–because it delivers results every time. I can take no credit for its invention since it has existed from long before my time, in various forms and with a variety of names (such as Blind Polygon). The activity can be frontloaded to focus on particular issues by changing a few parameters or altering the instructions.

Crocodile River

We love team building activities that challenge the group to work together in inventive ways and also help energize a workshop setting. Crocodile River is a team problem solving exercise that challenges team members to support one another physically as they look to move across a wide outdoor space and reach the finish line together.

By changing the setting and inviting problem solving and strategic thinking to solve a challenge, your group not only stretches their problem solving muscles but also works on team communication, leadership and cooperation. As with any more abstract team building game, be sure to debrief afterward for best results!

Crocodile River   #hyperisland   #team   #outdoor   A team-building activity in which a group is challenged to physically support one another in an endeavour to move from one end of a space to another. It requires working together creatively and strategically in order to solve a practical, physical problem. It tends to emphasize group communication, cooperation, leadership and membership, patience and problem-solving.

Classic team building games like Egg Drop offer tried and tested ways to encourage teams to solve problems together while improving the way they communicate. This game often generates a bunch of laughter and creative thinking too – how can we save this poor egg!

In this team problem solving activity, invite small groups to build a freestanding structure that can support the dropping of an egg from seven feet. Include some caveats and challenges to make it more difficult and encourage an even greater degree of team collaboration. Just make sure you bring a mop for afterwards!

Egg drop   #teampedia   #collaboration   #teamwork   #icebreaker   #team   This fun activity could be used as an icebreaker for people who have just met but it can be framed as a method that shows and fosters team communication, collaboration and strategic thinking as well.

Helium Stick

Bringing team members together with problem solving activities that also encourages play can perform multiple functions. Not only do you encourage teamwork and the building of various team skills but you can have fun and promote laughter too.

Helium Stick is an example of a simple team building game that does double duty by encouraging fun, physical activity while introducing and exploring some core team building concepts. Ask the group to lower a long pole to the ground while keeping all of their fingers in contact with the pole at all times – more difficult than it first appears!

Helium Stick   #teampedia   #team   #teamwork   #icebreaker   #energiser   A great and simple activity for fostering teamwork and problem solving with no setup beforehand.

Lego Challenge

Creating something is often the purpose of bringing your team members together. Tap into the engaging process of co-creation and collaboration with this team building game using LEGO.

Building on the concept of LEGO Serious Play, this exercise is a great way of encouraging play, out-of-the-box thinking and creative approaches to existing problems. Additionally, each team member has a secret assignment which increases the challenge and encourages finding inventive ways to cooperate effectively and achieve both personal and team goals. 

LEGO Challenge   #hyperisland   #team   A team-building activity in which groups must work together to build a structure out of LEGO, but each individual has a secret “assignment” which makes the collaborative process more challenging. It emphasizes group communication, leadership dynamics, conflict, cooperation, patience and problem solving strategy.

Marshmallow Challenge with Debriefing 

Real-life challenges are often time-sensitive and need to be considered thoughtfully and pragmatically. Team building activities for work are especially effective when they help create this same sense of urgency while encouraging team work.

In just eighteen minutes, groups must build the tallest free-standing structure out of materials including: spaghetti, tape, string, and one marshmallow, placing this last item on top. In this version of the team building game, there’s a debriefing section which encourages reflection on the roles of everyone in the team. 

Marshmallow challenge with debriefing   #teamwork   #team   #leadership   #collaboration   In eighteen minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top. The Marshmallow Challenge was developed by Tom Wujec, who has done the activity with hundreds of groups around the world. Visit the Marshmallow Challenge website for more information. This version has an extra debriefing question added with sample questions focusing on roles within the team.

Getting outside and doing fun, physical activity can be a great way to bond teams and mix up a normal working routine. In this team problem solving game, participants are asked to work to make holes in a grid of string and rope that can safely and effectively accommodate everyone in the group getting through at once. Team members are not allowed to touch the string or rope and with diverse groups, the difficulty this presents makes for an interesting problem solving challenge for teams to solve. 

Spider web   #team   #teampedia   #warm up   #outdoor   #physical   This is an active team building game and requires participants to move about a lot and so can be also used as an energiser.

Stress Balls

At one point or another, most teams will be asked to perform effectively under pressure, whether that’s generated by internal or external stressors. By using team building games that help participants work together and communicate effectively even under difficult circumstances you can prepare your team members for almost anything!

Stress Balls is a fun game to help start exploring team resilience and problem solving under pressure, and it’s easy to run with large groups too! Start by simply passing a single ball around the room before adding more complex rules to help team members learn a valuable lesson about communication and teamwork!

Stress Balls   #energiser   #communication   #teamwork   #team   #thiagi   #action   #icebreaker   Understanding the importance of communication and teamwork is an important requirement for high performance teams of knowledge workers. This exercise is an effective energizer that requires communication and teamwork. Ask participants to form a circle and throw a ball around to simulate the movement of a message. Change different variables such as speed, quantity, and complexity to create a mess.

Scavenger Hunt

Activities that encourage groups to use teamwork and communication to achieve their goals are great ways to build team spirit. A classic scavenger hunt is a wonderful way to bring large groups together and have fun doing something a bit different!

Be sure to use office trivia, inside jokes or aspects of your company culture to inform this fun team building activity. You’ll find it much more effective if it’s tailored to your group. Bonus points if you can mix in activities that speak to the various departments or skillsets in the group during your scavenger hunt!

In the virtual-friendly version below, you’ll also find rules to help you run this activity with a remote team.

Virtual scavenger hunt   #energiser   #teambuilding   #remote-friendly   A fun team-building energiser that encourages groups to recreate the scavenger hunt experience in a fully remote environment! 


Team bonding activities

Mutual trust is a vital ingredient for any group of people working together, though it doesn’t always emerge organically. Taking the opportunity to build team bonds and create trust creates benefits for team connection, happiness and your company culture too!

While many of the fun team building activities above will bring your team together in some way, these methods are designed to expressly create better team bonds and build trust.

When working on improving team trust, we recommend being open about the goals of the exercise and encouraging the group to be honest . Being intentional during these activities can really help bring the group together!

20 – 404+Low
60 – 1202 – 40Medium
20 – 302 – 100Medium
60 – 1202 – 40High
40+2 – 40High
10 – 304+Low

Trust Battery

Great teamwork isn’t just about bringing a group of people together into the same space. Without honesty, openness, and trust, your team can’t collaborate effectively and can lead to frustration or frazzled relationships.

Trust Battery is a team building activity designed to help all members of your group reflect on their trust levels and rebuild those batteries with lower levels. By encouraging all members of a team to meaningfully reflect, you can enable better team collaboration and help your team feel closer and more cohesive too.

Trust Battery   #leadership   #teamwork   #team   #remote-friendly   This self-assessment activity allows you and your team members to reflect on the ‘trust battery’ they individually have towards each person on the team, and encourages focus on actions that can charge the depleted trust batteries.

Telling Our Stories

Everyone has a story to tell, though without a framework or guiding principles, surfacing those stories in a way that makes everyone feel safe and head can be tricky – especially for new teams. Team building activities that combine self reflection, sharing and structure are great for helping people to get to know each other deeply and build better bonds.

In Telling Our Stories, invite participants to reflect on childhood, young adulthood and today while answering questions on colored post-it notes. By sharing from the full gamut of our experiences, your team can get to know one another meaningfully and create trust too. 

Telling Our Stories   #hyperisland   #team   #teambuilding   To work effectively together team members need to build relations, show trust, and be open with each other. This method supports those things through a process of structured storytelling. Team members answer questions related to their childhood, young adulthood, and now; then weave them into a story to share with the rest of their team.

Better Connections

Great teamwork and collaboration is all about building stronger relationships and connections and this often means taking the time to see each other as more than just our job title. Once we get a fuller picture of who we are outside the office, everyone can feel more seen and understood. This is one of the cornerstones of team bonding and trust!

Encourage people who know each other the least to pair up and create space for meaningful reflection too – your team culture will thank you for it! It’s also a great way to improve communication skills and break down silos.

Better Connections   #interpersonal relationships   #teambuilding   #team   #connection   #thiagi   #get-to-know   We build a stronger relationship with people when we see them as human beings with whom we share similarities in terms of family and life situations. It is very difficult to form strong relationships with people about whom we know very little.We feel more connected to “full” people. For example, take John, the accountant. If I think of John as an accountant, I might put him into a box of what I think I know about accountants. I might not feel connected to accountants and will treat him accordingly. But when I think of John as a keen mountain climber and outdoor adventurer with two children, one of whom is graduating from university next month, then John becomes human to me, and I can feel connected to him.

Feedback: Current Strongest Impression

Giving and receiving feedback is a great team building activity that sees benefits long after your session. When we find ways to be more open with one another and say what we really think, the results can be transformative for any group.

This activity is a great one to bring to any event where you want to improve team bonding, as it creates a safe and simple way to start practicing more honest feedback. The next time you think about how to improve the way your team works together, think about whether you have a good feedback culture. The trust that good, open feedback can create is a fundamental part of any high performing team!

Feedback: Current Strongest Impression   #hyperisland   #skills   #feedback   Regular, effective feedback is one of the most important ingredients in building constructive relationships and thriving teams. Openness creates trust and trust creates more openness. Feedback exercises aim to support groups to build trust and openness and for individuals to gain self-awareness and insight. Feedback exercises should always be conducted with thoughtfulness and high awareness of group dynamics. This is a good first feedback exercise. It supports individuals to try out giving and receiving a very basic form of feedback in a safe way.

When a team doesn’t trust one another, the atmosphere and culture of a team suffers. Creating space to align and create a shared understanding of what trust means to your team is a great way to build team bonds and improve the way you all work together.

Start this activity by bringing together a set of trust cards containing characteristics, behaviours, attitudes, habits, values, and beliefs associated with trust in the workplace. Next, ask participants to create their own trust cards and move towards creating three core trust cards for your team.

By co-creating the output together, this team building activity is great for ensuring buy-in and creating long-lasting trust.

Trust   #thiagi   #issue analysis   #trust   One of the most important concepts in the workplace is trust. It affects performance, informal and formal relations, atmosphere of the workplace etc. With this activitiy you cn discover what one thinks about trust.

Translated Rant

Team building workshops are a great place to give your team room to have fun, vent and be honest with one another. Creating space for honesty while also building communication skills is the goal of this fun team building activity!

Split your group into pairs and have one person rant about a pet peeve for 60 seconds. Next, have the other person translate this rant while focusing on what the person really cares about. This kind of deep listening activity is fundamental to creating team trust, and sharing some of our annoyances in the group is great for building bonds too!

Translated Rant   #active listening   #emotions   #values   #trust   #conflict   #introductions   #opening   #connection   One person rants for 60 seconds. The second person translates their rant into what they care about and value.

team building presentation

Team building exercises for purpose and alignment

Even the best teams can have differences of opinion and approach. While different viewpoints and perspectives are useful in many situations, it’s also vital that everyone is aligned on team purpose and vision.

Aligning on how the team will work together is an important part of helping the team be happy, productive and pulling in the same direction.

In this section, we’ll look at team work activities to help improve team alignment and get everyone working towards the same purpose. Let’s get started!

60 – 1202 – 40High
60 – 1202 – 40Medium
20 – 255 +Medium
90 – 1502 – 8Medium
60 – 1202 – 10Medium
60 – 1206 – 30Low
60 – 2402 – 10Medium

Alignment & Autonomy

Activities that help improve each member of your team work more effectively and feel empowered to operate autonomously can be great for improving employee happiness and productivity. If we feel aligned on the core purpose and goals of our team while also being given the space to work in the way that is right for us, we can boost employee engagement and job satisfaction too! 

In Alignment & Autonomy, invite participants to reflect on times when they felt aligned and autonomous versus non-aligned and non-autonomous. By sharing, reflecting, and then ideating on solutions, your whole group can move forward together.

Alignment & Autonomy   #team   #team alignment   #team effectiveness   #hyperisland   A workshop to support teams to reflect on and ultimately increase their alignment with purpose/goals and team member autonomy. Inspired by Peter Smith’s model of personal responsibility. Use this workshop to strengthen a culture of personal responsibility and build your team’s ability to adapt quickly and navigate change.

Engineering Your Team OS

When seeking to improve teamwork, it can be useful to think of your team as a system with complex, interlocking parts which may need a gradual refresh and redesign. This kind of abstraction can help prevent discussions from becoming too personal or difficult and ensure that your team alignment efforts are a success.

In this activity, your team designs an ideal working system by making aspirational statements and then methodically chooses a single statement to work towards ahead of the next meeting. By making positive changes incrementally, your team can achieve alignment and better working practices in a meaningful and sustainable manner. 

Engineering Your Team OS   #team   #hyperisland   This is designed to work as a standalone workshop or as a companion to the Team Self-Assessment tool . Using reflections and insights on your working process, your team will ‘update’ its operating system by making deliberate choices about how to work together. The goal is gradual development, not a radical shift. You will design an ideal-state for your team and slowly work towards that.

Generative Relationships STAR

Better working relationships start with shared reflection and the discovery and discussion of existing working patterns. This team alignment activity invites participants to assess their team along four vertices: Separateness, Tuning, Action and Reason and jointly shape next steps and future actions.

By including the whole team in the alignment process from start to finish, you can get meaningful buy-in and see real results! We love using this on an online whiteboard too. It can be a great way to help remote workers consider their inter-personal relationships!

Generative Relationships STAR   #team   #liberating structures   #teamwork   You can help a group of people understand how they work together and identify changes that they can make to improve group performance. All members of the group diagnose current relationship patterns and decide how to follow up with action steps together, without intermediaries. The STAR compass tool helps group members understand what makes their relationships more or less generative. The compass used in the initial diagnosis can also be used later to evaluate progress in developing relationships that are more generative.

Team Canvas Session

Team alignment isn’t always straightforward. The more large, complex or multi-discipline your team is, the trickier it can be to help the group mesh and understand their roles and responsibilities to the team and each other.

In Team Canvas Session, you and your team create a shared visual resource for understanding and articulating your goals, values and roles of your team. It can be used for general alignment, for onboarding new team members and even for defining the structure and purpose of a brand new team – simply recreate or download the team canvas and get started today!

Team Canvas Session   #team alignment   #teamwork   #conflict resolution   #feedback   #teambuilding   #team   #issue resolution   #remote-friendly   The Team Canvas is Business Model Canvas for teamwork. It is an effective technique to facilitate getting teams aligned about their goals, values and purposes, and help team members find their role on the team.

Team Self Assessment

All groups need to go through a period of reflection and self-assessment in order to grow. But without structure or a guiding framework, these discussions can become bogged down or unproductive. With this reflective team building activity, you can enable a thoughtful and thorough team self-assessment along six guiding dimensions.

Start with individual reflection before bringing everyone back together to debrief and see what you’re aligned on and what needs more work. By then narrowing these down to the most important elements, you can align and enable better co-working practices quickly and efficiently!

Team Self-Assessment   #team   #hyperisland   #remote-friendly   This is a structured process designed for teams to explore the way they work together. The tight structure supports team members to be open and honest in their assessment. After reflecting as individuals, the team builds a collective map which can serve as the basis for further discussions and actions. The assessment is based around 6 dimensions. Each one encouraging the team to reflect and analyse a different and crucial element of their behaviour.

Letter from the Future

Without a cohesive shared vision, teams can become unproductive or harbor frustration on team direction. By spending time with visioning activities, you can help everyone push in the same direction while still utilizing their unique talents.

In Letter from the Future, invite your team to imagine all the changes that might impact them in the next 5 years and write a letter back from that point. Ask your team to cover what’s been accomplished in those five years, and what kind of challenges and obstacles were overcome to make this happen. Remember to remind teams that good letters have a beginning, middle, and end and that they should read clearly – this will help during the sharing and debriefing section of this method!

Letter from the Future   #strategy   #vision   #thiagi   #team   #teamwork   Teams that fail to develop a shared vision of what they are all about and what they need to do suffer later on when team members start implementing the common mandate based on individual assumptions. To help teams get started on the right foot, here is a process for creating a shared vision.

Team Purpose & Culture

Defining your team’s purpose and culture is an integral part of team building. By clearly articulating why your team exists and how you will all work together to fulfill that purpose, you can align and bring focus to all the work you do. This team values and vision activity aims to create a shared visual resource that your team can refer to in the future.

It also uses wisdom from other successful organizations to help enable meaningful conversation and move from individual purpose statements to a single one for the whole team. If you’re looking for a complete process that can guide your team values and vision efforts, this method from Hyper Island is worth a try!

Team Purpose & Culture   #team   #hyperisland   #culture   #remote-friendly   This is an essential process designed to help teams define their purpose (why they exist) and their culture (how they work together to achieve that purpose). Defining these two things will help any team to be more focused and aligned. With support of tangible examples from other companies, the team members work as individuals and a group to codify the way they work together. The goal is a visual manifestation of both the purpose and culture that can be put up in the team’s work space.

Checkout and recap activities for your team building workshop

The process of team building and enabling a group to work together more effectively can be involved and exhaustive.

As with any group process or workshop, taking the time to reflect, recap and check out can ensure the lasting impact of what was covered in the session.

You’ll often find that finding time to close team building activities creates space for further employee engagement and reflection. Getting team members involved in choosing the next activity or coming up with a theme for the next round of office trivia!

In this section, we’ll take a look at some great team building activities for closing a session and for recapping the main learning points. Let’s dive in!

5 – 302 – 40Low
20 – 4510 – 30Low
5 – 152 – 20Low

Check-in / Check-out

Ensuring everyone in a group is present, focused and committed to the work of a session is a vital ingredient in making a team building session a success. With this workshop method from Hyper Island, you can not only start and end your session the right way, but you can help everyone in your group be seen, heard and understood by the rest of the team.

This is especially useful with a remote team, where ensuring clear connection between team members who don’t share a physical office is especially important.

This activity also helps encourage reflection and brings the workshop to an effective close – be sure to give it a try!

Check-in / Check-out   #team   #opening   #closing   #hyperisland   #remote-friendly   Either checking-in or checking-out is a simple way for a team to open or close a process, symbolically and in a collaborative way. Checking-in/out invites each member in a group to be present, seen and heard, and to express a reflection or a feeling. Checking-in emphasizes presence, focus and group commitment; checking-out emphasizes reflection and symbolic closure.

The trip back from a team building event is a great place to share feedback and appreciate one another. Don’t have a bus? No worries! Create a few rows of chairs and simulate the experience for this reflective closing activity.

Once you’ve gotten the chairs of the bus set-up, ask participants to speak the person next to them and share: what they like about the other person, what they appreciate and what about the other person makes them happy. Speak for just 45 seconds each and then ask the group to switch seats.

Bus Trip   #feedback   #communication   #appreciation   #closing   #thiagi   #team   This is one of my favourite feedback games. I use Bus Trip at the end of a training session or a meeting, and I use it all the time. The game creates a massive amount of energy with lots of smiles, laughs, and sometimes even a teardrop or two.

One Breath Feedback

In particularly large teams, it can be tempting to forgo the closing activity or individual feedback steps just because it will take so long and it can be hard to maintain energy and interest. One Breath Feedback solves this problem by giving each participant the space of a single breath to check out and reflect on the session. By ensuring that everyone has room to speak and be heard while also placing a time limit on the reflection, you can cap off a team building workshop effectively and intelligently.

One breath feedback   #closing   #feedback   #action   This is a feedback round in just one breath that excels in maintaining attention: each participants is able to speak during just one breath … for most people that’s around 20 to 25 seconds … unless of course you’ve been a deep sea diver in which case you’ll be able to do it for longer.

Team building workshop templates

Building better teams often starts with designing an effective group process. Whether this takes the form of a workshop or meeting, you’ll want a balance of activities, ice breakers and reflective methods in order to help your group align and grow together.    

In this next section, we’ll take a look at some example processes with a complete workshop template you can use to get started. Let’s take a look.

Team development day for a new team

Helping new teams to bond and find a shared purpose and value system is often best achieved with a well designed group process. Try the team development day template when working with a brand new team or one which has seen large growth and is in need of development.

Here, you’ll find a complete one-day group process full of team building activities that can take a group from getting to know each other all the way through to defining their needs and making commitments. 

Team Development Day for a New Team
Emotional Culture Workshop

Good teams are empathetic and in touch with their emotions. Using the emotional culture deck , this workshop can be run in under 3 hours and helps your team define and improve working relationships and the emotional culture of your team.

Taking the time to articulate and define these items ensures that everyone in your group is seen, understood and valued, and that you have a shared language for moving forward.

Team Dynamics Workshop

Cohesive teams that work well together are those with an understanding about what makes a team and how it functions.

Support your team building activities with this half-day workshop template and guide your group through a process of understanding and building on the dynamics of working together. 

Team Dynamics Workshop Template

Team building sessions made easy

Designing an effective team building workshop means creating a balanced agenda of activities and group discussions while also keeping everything on time.

With SessionLab, you drag, drop and reorder blocks to build your agenda in minutes.

Your session timing adjusts automatically as you make changes and when you’re done, you can share a beautiful printout with your colleagues and participants.

Explore how teams use SessionLab to collaboratively design effective workshops and meetings or watch this five minute video to see the planner in action!

team building presentation

Over to you

Enabling better teamwork and building stronger, more cohesive teams isn’t easy. Whether you’re running a team building day, team workshop, or simply adding some team building activities to your meetings, we hope that some of the methods above can help you and your group come together and do better work. 

Got a team workshop to plan? Check out our complete guide to workshop planning to make the process a breeze. Want to start creating your agenda quickly? Use a meeting or workshop template to save time designing or get inspiration.

Which of these team building activities is your favourite? Is there anything missing from the list above? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear about how we can all improve our team building efforts.

team building presentation

James Smart is Head of Content at SessionLab. He’s also a creative facilitator who has run workshops and designed courses for establishments like the National Centre for Writing, UK. He especially enjoys working with young people and empowering others in their creative practice.

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Hey there, Thank you so much for sharing this interesting stuff ! I will share these ideas with my HR Departments. And I am sure this blog will be very interesting for me. Keep posting your ideas!

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All the training techniques have been well thought pit, planned and illustrated with tangible objectives which in itself is incredible to say the least. Have learnt so much which O shall incorporate and refine in my Workshops…Than you Team Session Lab

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cycle of workshop planning steps

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team building presentation

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team building presentation

How does learning work? A clever 9-year-old once told me: “I know I am learning something new when I am surprised.” The science of adult learning tells us that, in order to learn new skills (which, unsurprisingly, is harder for adults to do than kids) grown-ups need to first get into a specific headspace.  In a business, this approach is often employed in a training session where employees learn new skills or work on professional development. But how do you ensure your training is effective? In this guide, we'll explore how to create an effective training session plan and run engaging training sessions. As team leader, project manager, or consultant,…

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33 Fun Team Building Exercises for Work (Updated)

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: April 30, 2024

You found our list of fun team building exercises .

Team building exercises are activities designed to encourage cooperation and strengthen interpersonal relationships, The results of these activities include decreased workplace conflict and heightened employee satisfaction. Examples of team building exercises are the Human Knot, Scavenger Hunts, and Profile Bingo.

These activities are similar to team building games and fun group activities , and are a way to improve team cooperation in the workplace . These exercises include both indoor team activities and outdoor team building activities .


Specifically, this list includes:

  • good team building exercises for work
  • group team building exercises for adults
  • team bonding exercises
  • teamwork exercises
  • corporate team building exercises for employees
  • physical team building exercises
  • funny team building exercises
  • simple team building exercises for staff meetings

Let’s get to it!

List of team building exercises

From Won in 60 Seconds, to Lip Syncs, to Stand, Sit, Lie, here is our list of the most engaging group bonding exercises. We also have a list of unusual team building activities for work .

1. Art Heist: The Vanishing of Van Gogh (Top Choice)

team building presentation

You can transform your team into skilled detectives with Art Heist: The Vanishing of Van Gogh! In this immersive mystery, participants must locate a stolen piece of art, The Bedroom .

Here is what you can look forward to:

  • a 90-minute adventure guided by a world-class host
  • intricate puzzles, clues, and mysteries
  • hidden secrets and trails of evidence
  • group discussions and analysis to crack the case

You can also include a cocktail kit for your event t o add an extra dash of excitement. To enhance your team’s ingenuity and problem-solving skills, be sure to explore Art Heist!

Learn more about Art Heist: The Vanishing of Van Gogh .

2. Field Day (Team Favorite)

team building presentation

During Field Day, colleagues compete head-to-head in interactive outdoor games! This captivating event encourages collaboration and camaraderie among your team. The activity is among the most loved physical team building exercises.

Field Day includes the following:

  • a 90-minute duration led by an exceptional host
  • an exciting mix of outdoor activities
  • nostalgic games blended with innovative competitions
  • opportunities to capture candid team photos

Further, we will bring all the essential game equipment to your preferred location. From timeless traditional games to thrilling new challenges, Field Day is an unforgettable adventure.

Learn more about Field Day .

Get our free team building toolbox

  • icebreaker games
  • bingo cards


3. Human Knot

The Human Knot is one of the most common team building exercises, and is one of the best team building exercises for small groups. In this activity, team members tangle arms and carefully unravel the knot without ever unclenching hands.

  • Participants form groups of five to twelve members
  • Group members assemble in a circle
  • Players reach left hands across the circle and grab an opposite member’s hand
  • Players reach right hands across the circle and grab a different participant’s hand
  • Without letting go of the grip, team members must untangle the jumble and form a ring

This team building challenge requires exceptional communication, as no player can shift alone without affecting the rest of the group. Teammates must discuss and strategize the next move together, deciding whether coworkers should drop towards the floor, step over arms, or spin.

Close proximity helps colleagues break barriers and warm up to coworkers quickly, while the problem-solving aspects of the game teach employees to rely on teammates to reach collective goals.

Learn more about the human knot .

4. Won in 60 Seconds

Won in 60 Seconds is actually a series of quick team building exercises for work. Teams compete to complete various cooperative challenges in a minute or less.

Example challenges:

  • Using chopsticks, transfer as many beads as possible from one bowl to another
  • Keep a balloon in the air for one minute. No team member can tap the balloon more than twice in a row
  • Line up and take turns trying to bounce a ping pong ball into a cup
  • Stack and unstack a pyramid of thirty six plastic cups
  • Using only a straw for suction, carry a ping pong ball to the finish line in a relay race

One member of the team will keep score throughout the challenges, and at the end of all rounds each group will compare stats. Won in 60 Seconds harnesses competition to create team spirit, and requires teams to communicate and innovate to achieve goals.

Here is a list of virtual minute to win it games to try .

5. Profile Bingo

Profile Bingo combines the thrill of the classic game with the joy of forming teammate bonds. This game is one of the most fun large group team building exercises.

To play, print out cards with squares that contain traits or experiences.

Here is a generator we made for your game:

Be sure to randomize the order of the squares so that no two cards are identical.

Participants will move about the room and talk to colleagues in hopes of getting to shout “BINGO!” first. To ensure that teammates mix with as many members as possible, you can stipulate that players can use each team member’s name only once. If your group is smaller than the number of squares, then you can change this rule so that players cannot use the same coworker’s name in a single row, column, or diagonal.

When one player screams “BINGO!” ask the participant to read off each winning square and the name of the teammate the trait applies to. If for some reason no member gets Bingo after the allotted time, then you can ask the employee with the most marked squares to read the answers.

Profile Bingo encourages teammates to converse and form casual relationships, which in turn leads to heightened synergy and higher workplace productivity.

We also have a post on icebreaker Bingo .

6. The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race is a TV show where contestants compete to complete tasks and beat the other teams to the finish line. As far as team building events go, The Amazing Race works best on retreats where participants can visit various locations. You can also adapt the game to play in a single room by creating stations.

  • Create a course with several challenges
  • Divide the group into teams of two or three.
  • Provide each team with a map and list of clues. Each team should start on a different challenge.
  • Allow thirty minutes to one hour to complete the race.
  • Wait at the finish line to congratulate the winners.

Sample challenges:

  • Unlock a padlock by choosing the correct key out of a pile. Remove your names from the now unlocked box before relocking the box and returning the key to the pile.
  • Run up and down the staircase five times. Record video as proof.
  • Eat a whole bowl of spicy wasabi peas. Solve the riddle on the bottom of the bowl.

To win, teams will have to cooperate and tackle challenges strategically. These tests flex problem solving and time management skills and build trust and camaraderie among team members. When looking for good team building exercises for work, The Amazing Race is a sure crowd-pleaser.

Here is a list of DIY Amazing Race ideas .

7. Workday of the Undead

The game Workday of the Undead operates on that same horror movie logic. This spine-chilling game is one of the most fun group team building exercises for adults

  • All players select a slip of paper from a hat. One or two slips read “zombie,” and the rest “survivor.”
  • Start with a large square as a playing space. Participants move about the square.
  • Zombies infect other players by touching palms.
  • Survivors try to identify zombies by pointing at the suspecting player and yelling, “Stop! Zombie!”
  • If the player in question is a zombie, then the zombie is out for the round. If the accused player is a fellow survivor, then the accusing player is out for the round.
  • At the end of the round, ask zombies to raise their hands.

Zombies will try to infect as many other players as possible, and survivors will try to outnumber the undead. Whichever group has more members at the end of the round wins.

You can play several rounds and shrink the playing space each time to increase the difficulty of spotting zombie attacks.

This activity teaches teammates to read body language, a vital team communication skill. The game serves as a valuable reminder that, as in the zombie movies, just because a teammate does not speak up, does not mean that all is well.

8. Lip Sync

Lip syncs are short entertaining videos in which performers mouth words to popular songs. You and your teammates can embrace your inner pop icons and create group lip syncs.

Here is how:

  • Select a song all group members know
  • Pick out costumes and props
  • Choreograph and rehearse your movies
  • Record the performances. The video can be as short as thirty seconds or as long as five minutes.

Producing an entertaining lip sync requires creativity, coordination, and delegation, cornerstones of effective teamwork.

One major plus of this collaborative exercise is that you can engineer Lip Sync routines with remote teams too by recording separately on video applications like Loom or together on video conferencing software like Zoom.

If your group really gets into the activity, then lip syncs can be the most funny team building exercises.

Here is a list of teamwork songs to start with, and this one has high energy songs for conferences .

9. One Question

One question is one of the most interesting team bonding exercises. In this activity, teams settle on one single question to ask in a particular situation.

Sample circumstances:

  • Selecting the company’s new CEO
  • Going on a blind date
  • Greeting aliens who have just landed
  • Meeting a deceased friend or loved one
  • Talking with your pet in English
  • Exposing a con man

One Question teaches employees to target specific information and form more effective questions, which is an important skill when working with deadlines or with limited peer contact. One Question also forces participants to use negotiation and compromise skills, as all team members will have to agree on the same question. Furthermore, the game functions as a bonding exercise because One Question reveals teammates’ motivations and priorities.

Here is a list with more question games to play .

10. Shredded

Shredded is the office version of cooking competition Chopped. Employees will work in teams to complete the challenge instead of competing solo. While Chopped requires contestants to create culinary delights, Shredded challenges participants to compile an industry product from random elements.

You can design the challenge based on specific departments. For instance, your marketing team must design a social media campaign that includes a sailboat, a cinder block, and a karaoke machine. Or, your developers must pitch an app based on a typewriter, wishbone, and matchbook. If you have trouble selecting your “ingredients,” then you can search for a random item generator to help.

Once your teams unveil the contents of the baskets, you can allow 20-40 minutes to produce the product. When time expires, ask groups to present. Only the most innovative and technique-driven teams will avoid getting “Shredded.”

11. Escape From Pompeii

When I was a kid, “the floor is lava,” was one of my favorite games. I loved jumping from couch to ottoman to coffee table to avoid touching the carpet. Escape From Pompeii combines all the fun of dodging a molten river with teamwork.

Vesuvius just erupted. You and your teammates must get all members aboard the raft within five minutes or less. To make the “raft,” you will tape off a small section of the floor, or place a piece of wood on the ground. All teammates must fit within the rectangle. Participants can arrange themselves in any combination, as long as all team members are aboard the raft and no part of any member’s body touches an outside surface.

Escape From Pompeii sharpens communication skills and prioritizes collective success over individual outcomes. Plus, it is nice to know that if a volcano erupts, then your coworkers have your back.

12. The Newlywork Game

The Newlywed Game was a 1960’s game show that pitted couples against each other to determine which spouse knew the partner better. In the spirit of those lovebirds, the Newlywork Game summons employees to guess and recall traits and preferences of teammates.

  • Give every group member a whiteboard or notebook
  • Choose one teammate at a time to be the subject of your questions
  • Allow the team 20 seconds to answer each question
  • Ask teammates to reveal responses
  • Discuss the guesses as a group, and agree on a most likely answer
  • Instruct the subject to reveal the correct answer
  • Award points to any coworker with the correct response

Example questions:

  • Favorite food?
  • Biggest pet peeve?
  • Dream vacation destination?
  • Favorite work task?
  • Favorite client?
  • Favorite holiday?

The game is a good litmus test for which teammates know each other well. You could even suggest that the pairs with the most incorrect answers meet for coffee. The Newlywork Game encourages employees to get to know each other beyond job titles, which leads to more holistic workplace relationships.

Check out this list of virtual game show ideas .

13. Real Life Social Media Wall

Like most people born before the new millennium, I remember a world before social media. Back in the day, we passed notes to friends and mailed horribly awkward school photos to relatives. While the immediacy of social media is convenient, printing a picture or hand-writing a note is satisfyingly sentimental.

Your coworkers may or may not be friends on social media. Either way, you can recreate the experience just for your office by starting a Real Life Social Media Wall.

To create the wall:

  • Hang a bulletin board
  • Provide paper, markers, sticky notes, and thumbtacks
  • Encourage employees to contribute content and comment on colleague’s contributions

You can find thumbtacks shaped like smiley faces and hearts to simulate “like” and “love” reactions. Mini post-it notes work great for “comments,” or you can paint the whole board with blackboard paint and allow teammates to scrawl in chalk.

Here is a list with more fun bulletin board ideas .

14. Common Factor

Finding common ground helps teammates solidify relationships. Common Factor helps colleagues unearth these connections in record time. This game is one of the best quick team building exercises .

To lead participants through a game of Common Factor, ask teammates to move to a designated area of the room if certain statements apply. For instance, “If you have ever attended a music festival, gather in the center of the room.”

Sample common factors:

  • Exotic pet owners
  • Grandparents
  • Adoptive parents
  • Country music fans
  • Hip hop fans
  • Horror movie fans
  • Romantic comedy fans
  • Left-handed
  • Have been abroad
  • Have visited more than ten countries
  • Have visited 20+ states
  • Hate cilantro
  • Birthday falls on a holiday
  • Twin or Triplet
  • Met a celebrity

Feel free to add your own factors to the list, even if the ideas are unusual. Even if employees wind up standing in front of the room alone for one category, coworkers learn a new and interesting fact about that teammate.

Chances are, your colleagues will find more commonalities than differences. Either way, this maneuver provides colleagues with talking points. To optimize the exercise, you can leave time at the end for participants to link up and chat about the facts.

15. Hand to Hand

Hand to Hand is ridiculously simple. First, participants pair off with a stranger. You, the leader, call out commands such as “hand to hand,” “toe to toe,” “back to back,” and “elbow to elbow.” Partners touch the corresponding body parts together. After you shout out three commands, yell “person to person.” Partners turn to each other and share three personal facts. After one minute, you will instruct participants to switch partners, at which point the routine will restart.

This exercise worked well for our event because our organization was massive and most attendees had never met. Hand to Hand was a way for employees from different areas to easily mix and connect. The silliness of touching shoulders or knees eliminated any awkwardness and allowed for less stilted conversations.

16. Color Me Familiar

Color Me Familiar gets coworkers moving and mingling in a crayon-swapping and fact-swapping operation.

  • Hand each participant a coloring page and one color crayon
  • Instruct participants to color a picture using every color on your list
  • Players will move around the space and borrow crayons
  • In order to use another teammate’s color crayon, team members will have to share one personal fact

Color Me Familiar spurs coworkers to cooperate and learn more about teammates in the process. Coloring is soothing and allows teammates to relax and create together. As an added bonus, participants will walk away from the activity with cubicle artwork.

Yes is one of the best large group team building exercises. To perform this activity, a large group forms a circle. You start by making eye contact with someone across the circle, and asking “Yes?” The teammate stares back and answers, “Yes.” Then you and the teammate switch places. When the teammate you chose reaches the new spot, he turns around, locks eyes with another participant, and asks, “Yes?” The activity continues for however long you would like. You can raise the challenge level by starting a new chain of yes’s, so that many members are speaking and moving at once.

Yes tests teammates listening and focusing abilities and stresses the importance of nonverbal communication. The maneuver encourages eye contact, which plays a huge role in bonding. Also, this activity spreads positivity throughout the group. As silly as it sounds, hearing “yes,” repeatedly and seeing smiles uplifts your mood and boosts confidence.

This communication game is one of the most simple team building exercises for staff meetings

Here are more improvisation games to play with groups .

18. Speed Bump

Speed bump is an obstacle-avoiding game that encourages teammates to work together and communicate. The game is among the top teamwork exercises.

  • Spread large objects randomly around the room.
  • Split the group into pairs or small groups of up to four.
  • Blindfold one participant.
  • Instruct the other group members to lead the blind teammate through the obstacle course towards the finish line.

Any large object will work for the speed bumps. Cardboard boxes are easiest to obtain, but you can also set up obstacles like giant teddy bears, inflatable yard decorations, bowling pins, or kiddy pools full of plastic balls for added fun.

For an extra bit of entertainment, you can also set up a “lego walk,” at the end of the course. Place a tarp on the ground and tape off a thin lane in the middle. On either side of the lane, spread out loose legos. Teammates will need to guide the blindfolded, barefoot team member safely through the path using hands and directions.

Speed Bump practices the fine art of giving and deciphering instructions and builds trust between team members.

Check out more communication games .

19. Draw, Partner

Draw, Partner requires participants to sketch a picture using only a teammates’ instructions.

  • Split the group into pairs
  • Instruct each pair to stand back to back
  • Give one partner a pen and paper, and the other a line drawing
  • Direct the partner with the drawing to describe the picture to the other partner, who will draw the object
  • Reveal the artwork and gauge the accuracy
  • Direct partners to switch roles and repeat the activity with a new picture

Draw, Partner practices communication and listening skills. Teammates learn to give clear directions and decipher directions with little outside information. To maximize the activity’s impact, you can encourage the sketching partner to ask questions to clarify the instructions.

20. Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are one of the most common team building exercises for employees. A scavenger hunt is a game where participants search for particular items. The player or team who finds the most objects scores the most points and wins the game. Scavenger hunts have long been a staple of corporate team bonding, but you can spice up the quest with the variations listed below.

Scavenger hunt variations:

  • Company Hunt – Lead participants through different areas of the company to find objects specific to different departments. For example, a photo of the legal department’s dartboard, or a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie from human resources. This approach familiarizes coworkers with colleagues and tightens company culture.
  • Friend Hunt – Challenge players to procure items from and complete tasks with strangers. For instance, record a duet with a stranger or acquire a business card for an unusual profession. This approach practices interpersonal and persuasion skills.
  • Art Hunt – In this version of the hunt, participants collect images, objects, or words and create a mural or poem with the found materials. This approach emphasizes creativity and ingenuity.
  • Reverse Hunt – In this twist on the traditional hunt, teammates receive bizarre objects and pictures of strange items, and must identify as many objects as possible in order to compile a list. For example, items may include unusual animals, industrial tools, or lesser-known foreign landmarks. This approach favors critical thinking and discussion.

All scavenger hunts promote resourcefulness and collaboration. Teammates must join forces, put heads together, and brainstorm ways to collect as many clues as possible. Corporate team activities such as scavenger hunts give colleagues a shared purpose which can translate into workplace alliances.

Here is a list of clues for scavenger hunts and a list of treasure hunt ideas and examples .

21. Stand, Sit, Lie

“Stand, Sit, Lie” follows a simple premise. Participants form groups of three. You will give each team a scene to act out, such as visiting a couple’s therapist to argue about getting a dog or trying to get a refund on a cruise ship. At any point, one team member must stand, one team member must sit, and one team member must lie down. If any team member switches positions, then the other players must compensate.

Stand, Sit, Lie, forces teammates to cooperate. To follow the rules of the team building exercise, each team member must be aware of the other players’ positions. This activity serves as a reminder to check-in with colleagues to ensure all parties’ actions align.

22. Pictures Worth 1000 Words

Master bullsh**ters will shine during Pictures Worth 1000 Words. This activity challenges teams to concoct coherent stories on the spot while using a slideshow of random pictures for reference.

  • Compile a set of slideshows filled with 10-20 random pictures apiece
  • Divide groups into teams of four or five
  • Invite teams to create an on-the-spot story in response to the slideshow

To ensure that no one team member dominates the presentation, you can stipulate that each teammate must explain one slide at a time, and all participants must take the same number of turns.

Pictures Worth 1000 Words tests teams’ improvisational skills. This team activity also emphasizes that even when teammates work solo, individual contributions impact the rest of the team.

​​23. Escape Room in Reverse

You can flip the traditional escape room concept by having teams create challenges for each other. Each team designs a puzzle or scenario, and the other players must decipher and conquer the challenges. This exercise fosters creativity, strategic thinking, and an understanding of diverse problem-solving approaches.

24. Space Station Simulation

You can create a space station simulation by transforming a room into a spaceship. Teams take on different roles to solve challenges related to space exploration. This imaginative exercise encourages problem-solving, communication, and collaboration in a futuristic and immersive environment.

25. Team Haiku Challenge

You can foster creativity and concise communication with a haiku-writing challenge. This poetic activity encourages teamwork, creativity, and a unique form of expression. Teams must collaborate to create haikus that capture the essence of a given theme or objective.

Example topics:

  • Dancing rubber ducks
  • Disco Balls
  • Spam emails
  • The quirkiest coworker you’ve ever had
  • The oldest leftovers in your fridge
  • The silliest lie you believed as a child

You can combine the poem subject matter with icebreaker questions to turn the writing exercise into a get to know you exercise.

26. Office Time Capsule

Office Time Capsule is one of the most meaningful corporate team building exercises for employees. This team building exercise can help employees track growth, especially in terms of work habits. Simply have all team members take a picture of their work desks or surrounding, and submit the picture to a form or shared folder. Then, in a few months time or a year from then, take a look at the picture and talk about how things have changed.

27. My Dream Desk

For this team get to know you exercise, have participants draw or describe their dream desks. As in, if team members had unlimited budget and a team of inventors on hand, what kind of working setup would they design? This exercise can give insights into teammates’ imagination and working styles and can aid collaboration.

28. Custom Team Board Game

You can challenge your team to create a custom board game from scratch. From conceptualizing rules to designing game elements, this activity encourages creativity, collaboration, and strategic thinking. The finished product becomes a tangible symbol of the team’s collective effort.

Plus, you can play the game during future office game nights!

29. Eco-Friendly Upcycling

Combine sustainability and creativity with an upcycling team-building workshop. Teams repurpose discarded materials into useful or artistic creations, promoting environmental consciousness, collaboration, and innovation in a hands-on and eco-friendly setting.

30. 3D Printing Collaborative Sculpture

Merge technology and art with a 3D printing collaborative sculpture project. Teams use 3D printers to create components that, when combined, form a larger sculpture. This activity encourages innovation, collaboration, and a hands-on exploration of cutting-edge technology. If your office does not have access to a 3-D printer, then you may be able to find a print shop or even a library with a model you can use.

If this activity sounds out of your budget or skillset, then you can do a simpler version by making collaborative sculptures from found objects.

31. My Perfect Day

In this simple and free team building exercise, team members take turns describing their perfect day. This activity is effective because it reveals teammates’ preferences and priorities and can ultimately help them get to know each other as human beings and work better as a team.

32. Gastronomic Adventure Race

This competition combine culinary skills with a race against time in a gastronomic adventure. Teams must navigate through various checkpoints, each offering unique ingredients. The challenge is to gather the best elements for a final, delicious dish. This activity promotes creativity, time management, and teamwork in a flavorful setting.

33. Time Traveler Follies

In this imaginative exercise, each team member takes a turn choosing one historical event they would go back in time to change. The rest group will participate in the activity by theorizing how those actions would change the timeline. This exercise is great practice in collaborative storytelling. For an extra challenge, teammates can change their stories based on the events other teammates describe.

Final thoughts

Team building exercises help new team members adjust to group dynamics and polish experienced teammates’ critical thinking and communication skills. These challenges are an opportunity for teammates to bond while learning how to communicate and rely on each other. Teamwork may not come naturally, and group exercises help workers practice cooperation and build skills that enhance collaboration.

Next, check out this explanation of the importance of team building,  this list of team building riddles , these small group team building ideas and more about the elements of team building .

We also have a guide to team building events , one on how to do a team building yell , one with ideas for team building challenges and a list of fun competitive challenges for team building .

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FAQ: Team building exercises

Here are some of the most common questions and answers about team building exercises.

What are team building exercises?

Team building exercises, also sometimes referred to as team building activities, are maneuvers that require teams to work together to overcome obstacles or conceive creations. These activities teach team building skills such as communication, negotiation, and collective problem-solving.

What are the best team building exercises?

The most effective exercises inspire meaningful connections through a shared sense of purpose. Some of the best team building exercises are The Amazing Race, Color Me Familiar, and Shredded.

Are team building exercises effective?

Nobody can guarantee that an exercise will achieve the same results for all groups. But if you conceptualize goals beforehand, carefully select and facilitate the exercise, and reflect on the lessons, then you increase the likelihood of motivating, connecting, and empowering your team.

How do you include team building exercises in meetings?

Team building functions most successfully as an ongoing effort. You can start team building by introducing exercises at the beginning or end of meetings as a way to transition into the session or reinforce the themes of the gathering.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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The situation has become safer and it’s finally time to go back to the office! Aren’t you excited to meet old friends, hang out with them again and meet all the new co-workers that have joined your team during this time? Why not do it in a creative way that will surely bring you all together and make you have fun? This template for team building meetings is perfect for that, because its modern design fits perfectly in the corporate world and the different games it includes will break the ice among your colleagues. Download it now and start creating hype for your next meeting!

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  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
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Sri Lanka Successfully Conducts Capacity Building Program in Clinical Management of Dengue– For Bangladeshi Health Staff

Dengue is a public health problem in Sri Lanka with over 50 000 cases reported each year in the recent past. The country has been successful in bringing down the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) over the last two decades which was around from 5% in 1996 to 1% in 2009 and has declined gradually over time to 0.07% in 2023. It shows the resilience and high capacity of the curative sector in managing of dengue patients. However, the country experiences rising cases during the rainy seasons in June-July and October-December every year. During the last quarter of 2023, almost all districts of the country have reported dengue cases, with Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara districts in the Western Province having the highest case detection rates during this year.

Bangladeshi Health Staff participating in capacity building program in clinical management of Dengue

Sri Lanka’s achievement is due to multiple factors such as the availability of evidence-based clinical guidelines, continuous capacity building of clinical staff, and regular organization of dengue death review processes, which were streamlined from 2009 onwards. However, dengue continues to be a challenge for Sri Lanka.

National Institution of Infectious Diseases (NIID) which was established in 1926 is the pioneer infectious disease hospital in Sri Lanka. NIID rendered its valuable service during recent major events, notably during the Dengue 2017 epidemic and COVID-19 (2020-2021) pandemic. The hospital has modern treatment facilities (including a specialized dengue treatment unit), a highly skilled and dedicated staff, and a national level training facility for clinical management of dengue.

In 2022 and 2023 around 500 doctors and nurses were trained by NIID on clinical management of dengue. These programmes were conducted in collaboration with the National Dengue Control Unit (NDCU). The World Health Organization (WHO) has always given technical and financial support when requested for these training.   

Bangladeshi Health Staff participating in capacity building program in clinical management of Dengue

The National Institute of Infectious Diseases in collaboration with the National Dengue Control Unit of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, conducted the first international training on dengue case management from 22 to 28 July 2024. This training was designed for a group of selected doctors and nurses nominated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh. In addition to the hands-on training, the participants also learnt on how health facilities need to be set up for treatment and monitoring of dengue patients and also gained an understanding on the leading roles of nurses in dengue case management and monitoring. The training comprised of presentations/lectures, discussions, hands-on training, clinical training, field visits and interactive sessions. Moreover, a symposium composed of knowledge sharing sessions was held with the Ministry of Health top officials, renowned clinicians, academicians, research staff and provincial and district level officials. 

This initiative is set to significantly enhance the dengue case management in Bangladesh and strengthen healthcare ties between two countries in years to come.

Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar have expressed their interests in receiving the training on dengue case management in Sri Lanka through NIID. Therefore, national efforts will continue to introduce regular capacity building programs for countries that showed interests.

Bangladeshi Health Staff participating in capacity building program in clinical management of Dengue


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  8. Team Building and Cohesion Workshop

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