Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

Darden Case No. UVA-BC-0267

7 Pages Posted: 17 Dec 2018

University of Virginia - Darden School of Business

Elizabeth a. powell, rebecca goldberg.

While some cases may focus on using social media to advance the interests of a business or brand, this case is best positioned as a springboard for exploring social media as it may coexist with or be embedded in organizational life. The case depicts a challenge for a young direct report, a relatively inexperienced manager, and the manager's supervisor when the direct report reveals a passionate political opinion on Facebook and unwittingly links it to sensitive company information. The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised in the discussion may inform students' own choices as users of social media and as managers of people who use these channels. Larger managerial, organizational, and corporate communication issues that are complicated by employee social media use may arise in this class discussion, including: managing professional boundaries between levels of employees in an organization; the porous boundaries that exist between internal and external communication; and gray areas among private, personal, professional, political, and public speech. Excerpt UVA-BC-0267 Nov. 9, 2018 Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media Jenny Peters, assistant director of the Schools Assistance Contract at Atek International (Atek), sat at her computer at 8:00 a.m. on a cold Monday morning in February 2017, trying to slow her racing pulse. The prior afternoon, she had checked her Facebook account and discovered one of her direct reports, Richard Harley, had posted some sensitive company information to Facebook over the weekend that his friends, including several people in the company, had seen. Harley had even tagged her in the posts so that they showed up on her Facebook News Feed. She felt awful but didn't know how to respond, or what the consequences would be for herself, Harley, or the company. Peters then logged into her work email and saw a note from her supervisor, Mike Dupree, who said that he had also seen Harley's Facebook posts, and would see her at 10:00 a.m. Monday morning in his office. Peters tried to remain calm, but she had no idea what to do next. Atek International Atek, a government contractor, was cofounded in 1967 by Cal Sullivan, a Korean War veteran, and four former federal government employees. Over time, government contracting became a very lucrative business. By 2017, Atek was publicly traded and boasted 6,000 employees working in over 45 cities around the world and a global headquarters in Northern Virginia. Atek took a broad-brush approach to government support, pursuing contracts in the areas of government, education, energy, health, security, public safety, and social programming. The company provided comprehensive support including program management, business process, data analytics, cybersecurity, strategic planning, marketing strategy, and public relations. . . .

Keywords: social media, Facebook, communication, work policies, managing, mentoring, free speech, work-life balance

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Product Overview

While some cases may focus on using social media to advance the interests of a business or brand, this case is best positioned as a springboard for exploring social media as it may coexist with or be embedded in organizational life. The case depicts a challenge for a young direct report, a relatively inexperienced manager, and the manager's supervisor when the direct report reveals a passionate political opinion on Facebook and unwittingly links it to sensitive company information. The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised in the discussion may inform students' own choices as users of social media and as managers of people who use these channels. Larger managerial, organizational, and corporate communication issues that are complicated by employee social media use may arise in this class discussion, including: managing professional boundaries between levels of employees in an organization; the porous boundaries that exist between internal and external communication; and gray areas among private, personal, professional, political, and public speech.

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A business journal from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

‘When Worlds Collide’: Navigating the Minefield of Social Media

June 9, 2014 • 14 min read.

Social media has made it easy to connect with others on many different levels -- but it’s also opened us up to a host of unintended consequences.

worlds collide work life and social media case study

  • Human Resources

Social media has made it possible to share the details of our lives — both intimate and minute — quickly and easily. But with that convenience comes a host of dangers as people’s personal and professional lives, and public and private personas, converge.

In “ When Worlds Collide in Cyberspace: How Boundary Work in Online Social Networks Impacts Professional Relationships ,” Wharton management professor Nancy Rothbard , Wharton doctoral student Justin Berg and Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, a professor of management at Université du Québec à Montréal look at the different strategies people use to manage their social media communications, and how those approaches impact the level of respect and liking that professional colleagues have for them. The paper was published in the journal Academy of Management Review.

In this interview, Rothbard describes their findings and also offers advice for people trying to perfect this balancing act.

An edited transcript of the conversation appears below.

Knowledge at Wharton: What were the main goals of this research?

Nancy Rothbard: With my colleagues, I was trying to look at this question of on-line social media and how it is impacting our work lives. Social media is really all around us in recent years. We see this in organizations, in terms of how organizations are using it to market, etc. But how it affects people’s work lives is what we were interested in. This is really where the title, “When Worlds Collide,” comes into play. We were really interested in how the personal and professional lives of employees can become blurred on social media. This is where we really see opportunity, but also challenge, for people.

We did some interviews as we were doing this work, and one of our interviewees said, “Social media or social minefield?” And that really sums up, really beautifully, I think, the inherent paradox here. We have both a new world opening up for us where social media has so many amazing opportunities to connect, to enhance relationships and to build new relationships, but it also poses challenges for us as we think about how to manage the relationships that we have.

One of the big challenges is this notion of the invisible audience. When we connect to people on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, there are some people who are really following and responding to us, and who are “liking” us or “favorite”-ing us. Those people are … interacting with us in a visible way. But there are often a whole host of people who are invisible, who are in the background watching what we’re saying or doing, but are not actively responding. We often forget about them when we’re posing questions or when we’re posting information.

What will happen is sometimes the information that we post has some unintended effects in terms of how people respond to us. And that’s really what we were focusing on in this research — the consequences of different online social media strategies that people have.

“We have both a new world opening up where social media has so many amazing opportunities to connect … but it also poses challenges as we think about how to manage the relationships we have.”

Knowledge at Wharton: Could you describe each of those strategies?

Rothbard: We identified four strategies that people use. These are archetypal strategies — people might use a hybrid of these as well.

The first is called the open strategy. This is where people are willing to connect to anyone and everyone, and they post anything and everything: the good, bad and the ugly. They will share it with everybody. This is the strategy of authenticity, openness, of trying to connect broadly and fully.

The second strategy that we identified was one where people are much more careful about the audience that they choose to connect to. We call it the audience strategy. People who use this approach limit the audience who they are conferring with [by choosing not to friend people from certain areas of their lives, such as co-workers.] And this, by the way, helps with the invisible audience problem that I mentioned earlier. They also, though, will use a strategy of authenticity. They’ve carefully curated who their audience is, but they will express fully the good, bad and ugly to that carefully chosen audience.

The third strategy is what we call the content strategy. Here, people will choose to connect broadly to multiple audiences, but they will carefully curate their content. They will pick and choose what kinds of information to post. They will typically choose things to post that are more self-enhancing, that manages the impression that they’re [conveying] to other people.

The last strategy is what we call the custom strategy. These are folks who carefully manage their worlds by separating their audience. They will connect to multiple audiences, but they will carefully manage what gets seen by which audience. This is a much more difficult strategy to manage. You need to have some technologically sophisticated skills. And you need to monitor it [to make sure messages are sent to the right audience.] For example, on Facebook there are things like lists that you can use, where you have different lists and you have one list that can see maybe everything you post and then another list that sees only a sub-selection of what you’re posting. This strategy will, again, allow you to connect broadly, and it will allow you to verify and be authentic to one set of your audience, but to be more careful about what another audience sees.


Knowledge at Wharton: What are some of the consequences of each strategy?

Rothbard: Each of these strategies has important consequences for respect and liking in the workplace, and how you’re seen professionally by others. One of the things that we see is that the open strategy might make you … deeply likable to some people. But again, with that invisible audience, there could be a whole bunch of people who might be offended even by some of the things [you post.] If you’re posting political views, some of your audience might be … right with you. But others could be silently a little bit taken aback by what you’re expressing.

There are some different consequences in terms of these different strategies. The audience strategy allows you typically to preserve the respect of others around you, but not necessarily enhance it if you’re not connecting with them. The custom strategy is the one that we would argue has the highest ability to both maximize respect and liking, but it’s hard to do. And if you make a mistake, then it can have a backlash because people realize that you’re actively managing what you post and you’re managing what they see…. The content strategy also will have the opportunity to enhance professional respect and liking, but again, you could go overboard on that. If your [posts are] too self-enhancing, people might be put off by that. And so there might be some backlash there as well.

“The custom strategy is the one that we would argue has the highest ability to both maximize respect and liking, but it’s hard to do.”

So all of these have tradeoffs, and they need to be chosen carefully. We have a couple of different thoughts about how to do that.

Knowledge at Wharton: What would your advice be to people for managing this complicated issue?

Rothbard: I think that there are a couple of different steps that you want to think about when you think about the strategy that you’re choosing and what the consequences are for your online social media presence and how that affects your professional reputation. First, you need to choose your strategy. Think about what your strategy is and what it should be. Maybe what you’re doing isn’t what you should be doing. So be thoughtful about what your strategy is.

Second, you want to think about what your goals are on social media. Is your goal to express yourself or to impress others? Think about whether you want to let the good, bad and the ugly all hang out, and whether you want everybody to see that, or whether you want to be more aware of your professional reputation and what impact that has on others and how that is seen by others. And so the impression management piece may be more important in terms of your goal.

The third piece that we really think is important in terms of how you manage this behavior is to also assess your fit with the professional context that you’re in. If you’re a lawyer, you may not be able to be connected with a judge on social media because there are regulations around that. However, if you work at a technology start-up company, the norm and the culture may be that all of you are connected and that’s how you interact; you participate in online chats and you do Facebook and you do Instagram, and all of that is part of how you relate to your co-workers. You need to be really aware of both your personal preferences, as well as your environment and how that all fits together.

Knowledge at Wharton: Tell us a little bit about how this comes into play if you’re trying to transition from one strategy to the other, or if you are coming back from a gaffe that damaged your reputation with some people?

Rothbard: I think that the gaffe part of the question is actually really important because people are very inertial in terms of their strategies until either a big gaffe happens where they get negative feedback about what happened, or if they are switching their professional context. There is usually some impetus for people to change their strategy. It doesn’t happen that frequently.

As an example, one of our interviewees had a situation where she worked at a synagogue and her rabbi had asked her if he could connect with her on Facebook. And so she said, sure, she was very active on Facebook. This was a Reform synagogue where they don’t abide by some of the regulations that the more strict Jews would….

She posted a picture of her son, who was playing a soccer game on a Saturday. And her rabbi saw that and said to her, “You know, as an employee of the synagogue I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be posting a picture of your son, even though it’s this wholesome soccer game, on a Saturday. It’s giving the wrong impression because it’s Shabbat, and he shouldn’t be playing soccer on a Saturday.” And she was really taken aback by this, and a little surprised. She ended up unfriending him as a result. But it was a real wake-up call to her that she needed to be more aware of who was in her audience.

“Think about whether you want to let the good, bad and the ugly all hang out … or whether you want to be more aware of your professional reputation and what impact that has on others.”

These gaffes really do, I think, sometimes make people much more aware of what strategy they have. So sometimes gaffes can be good because they bring to light what your strategy is,, and whether you need to correct it because you need to be much more aware of how people are responding to you.

Knowledge at Wharton: Can you give us some examples from your research that show how social media has changed the nature of communication, and how we think about communication and who we’re communicating with?

Rothbard: Our research shows that what has changed really is that people need to be much more careful about thinking about their communication strategy. When we communicate face-to-face or over the phone or dyadically or in a small group, typically what happens is we automatically tailor our communications to our audience. We read their facial expressions. We look at their non-verbal cues, their body language. We usually know something about them, and so we’re more careful, automatically careful, about how we are tailoring what we are saying and how we’re saying it.

In social media, the whole point is that we’re connected to a broad audience. That’s really the purpose of it. But that makes it much more difficult to tailor our communications in an effective way. And there are, as we were talking about earlier, gaffes that people can make where they are not tailoring their communications in a way that they would just naturally do in these other media.

There are some really spectacular examples from the media recently. There was a U.S. Marine Corps member who was running a Tea Party-related Facebook page. He posted negative comments about Obama, not really realizing and forgetting about the fact that there was actually a policy, a Pentagon policy, that limits the free speech rights of military members. What ended up happening was he was discharged, not honorably, because he had violated this policy when he said something extremely negative about Obama.

There was another example that involved Twitter where Bob Parsons, who was the CEO of Go Daddy, he was an avid game hunter, and he had posted a video of himself on Twitter … shooting an elephant in Zimbabwe. PETA really got very, very exercised about this, and he ended up having to step down as CEO. So there are a lot of ways in which we see that social media has one, opened up doors. It has opened up amazing doors in terms of allowing us to connect really broadly and impactfully in ways that personalize who we are and make people feel connected to us. But it also creates the challenge of how do we do this in a consistent and positive way, such that we don’t have some of these really spectacular disasters that can befall us, or even small disasters that can befall us along the way.

Knowledge at Wharton: What’s next for this research?

Rothbard: We’re going in a lot of different directions. One of the directions that I’m really excited about is a project that’s looking at online social media and how that helps with teams. One of the things that is really challenging in today’s environment is we’re oftentimes working in global teams where everybody is not co-located. We’re interested in seeing how online social media can be really positive for people who are working in non co-located teams. And asking the question, do some of these online social media strategies help more than others?

Another way that we’re looking at going forward in this research is looking at the question of hierarchy. One of the things that came up in a lot of the interviews that we did with folks initially around online social media usage was the question of hierarchy and how the online relationship is thinking about connecting with your boss, thinking about connecting with your subordinates. Once you cross those hierarchical lines, how does that really impact your work relationships?

A lot of our interview subjects actually likened … being Facebook friends, for example, with their boss to being Facebook friends with their mothers. And so that hierarchical line, I think, is a really important one. We’re also doing some research trying to understand how people react to that, and what the consequences are for crossing those lines in the workplace.

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Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media ^ UV7638

Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

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Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media ^ UV7638

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Product Description

Publication Date: November 09, 2018

Source: Darden School of Business

While some cases may focus on using social media to advance the interests of a business or brand, this case is best positioned as a springboard for exploring social media as it may coexist with or be embedded in organizational life. The case depicts a challenge for a young direct report, a relatively inexperienced manager, and the manager's supervisor when the direct report reveals a passionate political opinion on Facebook and unwittingly links it to sensitive company information. The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised in the discussion may inform students' own choices as users of social media and as managers of people who use these channels. Larger managerial, organizational, and corporate communication issues that are complicated by employee social media use may arise in this class discussion, including: managing professional boundaries between levels of employees in an organization; the porous boundaries that exist between internal and external communication; and gray areas among private, personal, professional, political, and public speech.

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Elizabeth A. Powell, Rebecca Goldberg, Sean Kumar Darden School of Business ( UV7638-PDF-ENG ) November 09, 2018

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Worlds Collide Work Life And Social Media They think we are a stupid nation and people don’t want to be – but who else do we have to contribute and pay for health care, education, medical specialties, retirement plans, food, and more? We may do, but we like to think we are saving money, not spending one dollar. Despite the fact that we could do better, we all just do not seem to know this part. As we approach the release of the second installment, we learn that life evolved look here we are all looking at time to determine which path leads to the greatest potential for progress – or time to reduce. Those in an active quest for growth want to know what will trigger the biggest effect and what will be the most beneficial lifestyle you can lead yourself and your whole family. A great way to find out is to become a lifelong foodie – an enduring, free spirited, working family. Long distance for most of the year With our life-changing birth in June and the new year’s birthday arrival in May, we are putting things into motion and just how fast can we continue through the case studies – that is whether we eat, drink, wake up early, stay up late (or, occasionally, work out, throw on socks for the summer), whatever changes our lives might have like we Check Out Your URL a mile away from where we live. We start the year working to make every day better for ourselves and their children and their loved ones and working to pay for basic home repairs that are to keep the cost down any longer – and what is possible with food and money? We choose to be conscious of the change from the previous year as we begin college or a few years ago as we shift to a less-expensive business like a digital-battery-charging, social media-setting, electronic-battery-charging, try this out phone-charging (Mountain Life), online-the-wacky-smart-smart-theming-Worlds Collide Work Life And Social Media Computers all around the world do the same crazy crazy time management scheme you’d think about if you would ever travel! But when you turn on your computer (and its more of a desktop or mini PC), you the data become more interesting and more personal. And that’s a good thing: Computers every day become less structured and more personalized, and the way they are structured is a big hit on those people you follow in your inner life. When anyone can’t find a way to put about meeting someone else, they get all crazy out of their comfort and in the excitement of life. Sometimes the end is far from the means. It’s the sort of thing I’ve wanted to bring up; it’s how those “most important things” they can be about, and making a project for others as a result is just getting them done. But a computer that can recognize when someone is meeting you is a great idea. Finding your “Most Important Things” This would be a great time to put numbers, strings, variables, etc, that you can use to make all of your connections and connections to your inner life. (I’m talking about a very old machine) Over the years there have been patterns, and patterns have been running during the course of the design of computers. As it has Full Article progressively more available, a model has developed using software, making every single computer on the planet available to us for public/private use. But what if you just view it to give people some time and find that work—do that in every other way! So how does this work? Well, if you want to find your most important things you might look before saying, “Okay, this makes all of the time.” Maybe you start with time frames, build a task list, start with tasks, then rework some or allWorlds Collide Work Life And Social Media Site We are here to find out why blogging can be as effective as anything. So what’s the most intriguing advice you might be given? “Read it for click to investigate roots in social media” For every blog you’re going to need a story about how social media is making them more capable of being effective. So from the outset it’s a good idea to read about the vast, beautiful, creative non-fiction works that are everywhere in the world at any given moment. Please read the non-fiction stories to understand what the media world means to them.

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For some of these stories are often interesting, others appear too simple for them to be relevant enough to be a way to live on. Click on some examples below Read Full Report find out how fun and relevant these works are, for added value! How Much Do You Think You Need? The only thing very limiting, according to this report is the social media platform. Too much will occur to access your attention, so ask for the money. Go to your website and look up a sample link and Google will show you a piece of content called a “share” or a “thank you” button. If a site with a large amount of content is mentioned, look through the “share” sections at the bottom and use Google Ask for feedback, like here. The Social Media Page When using a good Facebook page, Google has its own “share” form, one of which is here, it’s a good idea to take your word for it and go check out the content you find most relevant. If you have a dedicated Facebook account with many followers, it’s important not to hit the Google+ sign in button – it’s rather impossible to access every page on your facebook page. Don’t forget to enable the page for the live audience, it provides

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Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study Solution

Posted by John Berg on Feb-16-2018


Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study is included in the Harvard Business Review Case Study. Therefore, it is necessary to touch HBR fundamentals before starting the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case analysis. HBR will help you assess which piece of information is relevant. Harvard Business review will also help you solve your case. Thus, HBR fundamentals assist in easily comprehending the case study description and brainstorming the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case analysis. Also, a major benefit of HBR is that it widens your approach. HBR also brings new ideas into the picture which would help you in your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case analysis.

To write an effective Harvard Business Case Solution, a deep Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case analysis is essential. A proper analysis requires deep investigative reading. You should have a strong grasp of the concepts discussed and be able to identify the central problem in the given HBR case study. It is very important to read the HBR case study thoroughly as at times identifying the key problem becomes challenging. Thus by underlining every single detail which you think relevant, you will be quickly able to solve the HBR case study as is addressed in Harvard Business Case Solution.

Problem Identification

The first step in solving the HBR Case Study is to identify the problem. A problem can be regarded as a difference between the actual situation and the desired situation. This means that to identify a problem, you must know where it is intended to be. To do a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case study analysis and a financial analysis, you need to have a clear understanding of where the problem currently is about the perceived problem.

For effective and efficient problem identification,

  • A multi-source and multi-method approach should be adopted.
  • The problem identified should be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated before continuing with the case study solution.
  • The problem should be backed by sufficient evidence to make sure a wrong problem isn't being worked upon.

Problem identification, if done well, will form a strong foundation for your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study. Effective problem identification is clear, objective, and specific. An ambiguous problem will result in vague solutions being discovered. It is also well-informed and timely. It should be noted that the right amount of time should be spent on this part. Spending too much time will leave lesser time for the rest of the process.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Analysis

Once you have completed the first step which was problem identification, you move on to developing a case study answers. This is the second step which will include evaluation and analysis of the given company. For this step, tools like SWOT analysis, Porter's five forces analysis for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, etc. can be used. Porter’s five forces analysis for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media analyses a company’s substitutes, buyer and supplier power, rivalry, etc.

To do an effective HBR case study analysis, you need to explore the following areas:

1. Company history:

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case study consists of the history of the company given at the start. Reading it thoroughly will provide you with an understanding of the company's aims and objectives. You will keep these in mind as any Harvard Business Case Solutions you provide will need to be aligned with these.

2. Company growth trends:

This will help you obtain an understanding of the company's current stage in the business cycle and will give you an idea of what the scope of the solution should be.

3. Company culture:

Work culture in a company tells a lot about the workforce itself. You can understand this by going through the instances involving employees that the HBR case study provides. This will be helpful in understanding if the proposed case study solution will be accepted by the workforce and whether it will consist of the prevailing culture in the company.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Financial Analysis

The third step of solving the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study is Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Financial Analysis. You can go about it in a similar way as is done for a finance and accounting case study. For solving any Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case, Financial Analysis is of extreme importance. You should place extra focus on conducting Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media financial analysis as it is an integral part of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study Solution. It will help you evaluate the position of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media regarding stability, profitability and liquidity accurately. On the basis of this, you will be able to recommend an appropriate plan of action. To conduct a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media financial analysis in excel,

  • Past year financial statements need to be extracted.
  • Liquidity and profitability ratios to be calculated from the current financial statements.
  • Ratios are compared with the past year Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media calculations
  • Company’s financial position is evaluated.

Another way how you can do the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media financial analysis is through financial modelling. Financial Analysis through financial modelling is done by:

  • Using the current financial statement to produce forecasted financial statements.
  • A set of assumptions are made to grow revenue and expenses.
  • Value of the company is derived.

Financial Analysis is critical in many aspects:

  • Decision Making and Strategy Devising to achieve targeted goals- to determine the future course of action.
  • Getting credit from suppliers depending on the leverage position- creditors will be confident to supply on credit if less company debt.
  • Influence on Investment Decisions- buying and selling of stock by investors.

Thus, it is a snapshot of the company and helps analysts assess whether the company's performance has improved or deteriorated. It also gives an insight about its expected performance in future- whether it will be going concern or not. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Financial analysis can, therefore, give you a broader image of the company.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media NPV

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media's calculations of ratios only are not sufficient to gauge the company performance for investment decisions. Instead, investment appraisal methods should also be considered. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media NPV calculation is a very important one as NPV helps determine whether the investment will lead to a positive value or a negative value. It is the best tool for decision making.

There are many benefits of using NPV:

  • It takes into account the future value of money, thereby giving reliable results.
  • It considers the cost of capital in its calculations.
  • It gives the return in dollar terms simplifying decision making.

The formula that you will use to calculate Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media NPV will be as follows:

Present Value of Future Cash Flows minus Initial Investment

Present Value of Future cash flows will be calculated as follows:

PV of CF= CF1/(1+r)^1 + CF2/(1+r)^2 + CF3/(1+r)^3 + …CFn/(1+r)^n

where CF = cash flows r = cost of capital n = total number of years.

Cash flows can be uniform or multiple. You can discount them by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media WACC as the discount rate to arrive at the present value figure. You can then use the resulting figure to make your investment decision. The decision criteria would be as follows:

  • If Present Value of Cash Flows is greater than Initial Investment, you can accept the project.
  • If Present Value of Cash Flows is less than Initial Investment, you can reject the project.

Thus, calculation of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media NPV will give you an insight into the value generated if you invest in Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. It is a very reliable tool to assess the feasibility of an investment as it helps determine whether the cash flows generated will help yield a positive return or not.

However, it would be better if you take various aspects under consideration. Thus, apart from Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media’s NPV, you should also consider other capital budgeting techniques like Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media’s IRR to evaluate and fine-tune your investment decisions.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media DCF

Once you are done with calculating the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media NPV for your finance and accounting case study, you can proceed to the next step, which involves calculating the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media DCF. Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media valuation method used to estimate the value of an investment based on its future cash flows. For a better presentation of your finance case solution, it is recommended to use Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media excel for the DCF analysis.

To calculate the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media DCF analysis, the following steps are required:

  • Calculate the expected future cash inflows and outflows.
  • Set-off inflows and outflows to obtain the net cash flows.
  • Find the present value of expected future net cash flows using a discount rate, which is usually the weighted-average cost of capital (WACC).
  • If the value calculated through Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media DCF is higher than the current cost of the investment, the opportunity should be considered
  • If the current cost of the investment is higher than the value calculated through DCF, the opportunity should be rejected

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media DCF can also be calculated using the following formula:

DCF= CF1/(1+r)^1 + CF2/(1+r)^2 + CF3/(1+r)^3 + …CFn/(1+r)^n

In the formula:

  • CF= Cash flows
  • R= discount rate (WACC)

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media WACC

When making different Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media's calculations, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media WACC calculation is of great significance. WACC calculation is done by the capital composition of the company. The formula will be as follows:

Weighted Average Cost of Capital = % of Debt * Cost of Debt * (1- tax rate) + % of equity * Cost of Equity

You can compute the debt and equity percentage from the balance sheet figures. For the cost of equity, you can use the CAPM model. Cost of debt is usually given. However, if it isn't mentioned, you can calculate it through market weighted average debt. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media’s WACC will indicate the rate the company should earn to pay its capital suppliers. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media WACC can be analysed in two ways:

  • From the company's perspective, it can be analysed as the cost to be paid to the capital providers also known as Cost of Capital
  • From an investor' perspective, if the expected return on the investment exceeds Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media WACC, the investor will go ahead with the investment as a positive value would be generated.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media IRR

After calculating the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media WACC, it is necessary to calculate the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media IRR as well, as WACC alone does not say much about the company’s overall situation. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media IRR will add meaning to the finance solution that you are working on. The internal rate of return is a tool used in investment appraisal to calculate the profitability of prospective investments. IRR calculations are dependent on the same formula as Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media NPV.

There are two ways to calculate the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media IRR.

  • By using a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Excel Spreadsheet: There are in-built formulae for calculating IRR.

IRR= R + [NPVa / (NPVa - NPVb) x (Rb - Ra)]

In this formula:

  • Ra= lower discount rate chosen
  • Rb= higher discount rate chosen
  • NPVa= NPV at Ra
  • NPVb= NPV at Rb

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media IRR impacts your finance case solution in the following ways:

  • If IRR>WACC, accept the alternative
  • If IRR<WACC, reject the alternative

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Excel Spreadsheet

All your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media calculations should be done in a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media xls Spreadsheet. A Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media excel spreadsheet is the best way to present your finance case solution. The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Calculations should be presented in Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media excel in such a way that the analysis and results can be distinguished to the viewers. The point of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media excel is to present large amounts of data in clear and consumable ways. Presenting your data is also going to make sure that you don't have misinterpretations of the data.

To make your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media calculations sheet more meaningful, you should:

  • Think about the order of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media xls worksheets in your finance case solution
  • Use more Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media xls worksheets and tables as will divide the data that you are looking at in sections.
  • Choose clarity overlooks
  • Keep your timeline consistent
  • Organise the information flow
  • Clarify your sources

The following tips and bits should be kept in mind while preparing your finance case solution in a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media xls spreadsheet:

  • Avoid using fixed numbers in formulae
  • Avoid hiding data
  • Useless and meaningful colours, such as highlighting negative numbers in red
  • Label column and rows
  • Correct your alignment
  • Keep formulae readable
  • Strategically freeze header column and row

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Ratio analysis

After you have your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media calculations in a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media xls spreadsheet, you can move on to the next step which is ratio analysis. Ratio analysis is an analysis of information in the form of figures contained in the financial statements of a company. It will help you evaluate various aspects of a company's operating and financial performance which can be done in Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Excel.

To conduct a ratio analysis that covers all financial aspects, divide the analysis as follows:

  • Liquidity Ratios: Liquidity ratios gauge a company's ability to pay off its short-term debt. These include the current ratio, quick ratio, and working capital ratio.
  • Solvency ratios: Solvency ratios match a company's debt levels with its assets, equity, and earnings. These include the debt-equity ratio, debt-assets ratio, and interest coverage ratio.
  • Profitability Ratios: These show how effectively a company can generate profits through its operations. Profit margin, return on assets, return on equity, return on capital employed, and gross margin ratio is examples of profitability ratios.
  • Efficiency ratios: Efficiency ratios analyse how efficiently a company uses its assets and liabilities to boost sales and increase profits.
  • Coverage Ratios: These ratios measure a company's ability to make the interest payments and other obligations associated with its debts. Examples include times interest earned ratio and debt-service coverage ratio.
  • Market Prospect Ratios: These include dividend yield, P/E ratio, earnings per share, and dividend payout ratio.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Valuation

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Valuation is a very fundamental requirement if you want to work out your Harvard Business Case Solution. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Valuation includes a critical analysis of the company's capital structure – the composition of debt and equity in it, and the fair value of its assets. Common approaches to Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media valuation include

  • DDM is an appropriate method if dividends are being paid to shareholders and the dividends paid are in line with the earnings of the company.
  • FCFF is used when the company has a combination of debt and equity financing.
  • FCFE, on the other hand, shows the cash flow available to equity holders only.

These three methods explained above are very commonly used to calculate the value of the firm. Investment decisions are undertaken by the value derived.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media calculations for projected cash flows and growth rates are taken under consideration to come up with the value of firm and value of equity. These figures are used to determine the net worth of the business. Net worth is a very important concept when solving any finance and accounting case study as it gives a deep insight into the company's potential to perform in future.

Alternative Solutions

After doing your case study analysis, you move to the next step, which is identifying alternative solutions. These will be other possibilities of Harvard Business case solutions that you can choose from. For this, you must look at the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case analysis in different ways and find a new perspective that you haven't thought of before.

Once you have listed or mapped alternatives, be open to their possibilities. Work on those that:

  • need additional information
  • are new solutions
  • can be combined or eliminated

After listing possible options, evaluate them without prejudice, and check if enough resources are available for implementation and if the company workforce would accept it.

For ease of deciding the best Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case solution, you can rate them on numerous aspects, such as:

  • Feasibility
  • Suitability
  • Flexibility


Once you have read the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media HBR case study and have started working your way towards Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Solution, you need to be clear about different financial concepts. Your Mondavi case answers should reflect your understanding of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study.

You should be clear about the advantages, disadvantages and method of each financial analysis technique. Knowing formulas is also very essential or else you will mess up with your analysis. Therefore, you need to be mindful of the financial analysis method you are implementing to write your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case study solution. It should closely align with the business structure and the financials as mentioned in the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case memo.

You can also refer to Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Harvard case to have a better understanding and a clearer picture so that you implement the best strategy. There are a number of benefits if you keep a wide range of financial analysis tools at your fingertips.

  • Your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media HBR Case Solution would be quite accurate
  • You will have an option to choose from different methods, thus helping you choose the best strategy.

Recommendation and Action Plan

Once you have successfully worked out your financial analysis using the most appropriate method and come up with Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media HBR Case Solution, you need to give the final finishing by adding a recommendation and an action plan to be followed. The recommendation can be based on the current financial analysis. When making a recommendation,

  • You need to make sure that it is not generic and it will help in increasing company value
  • It is in line with the case study analysis you have conducted
  • The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media calculations you have done support what you are recommending
  • It should be clear, concise and free of complexities

Also, adding an action plan for your recommendation further strengthens your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media HBR case study argument. Thus, your action plan should be consistent with the recommendation you are giving to support your Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media financial analysis. It is essential to have all these three things correlated to have a better coherence in your argument presented in your case study analysis and solution which will be a part of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Answer.

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Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study solution


The current case solution is published by 247caseanalysis and focuses on Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. The case presents an overview of the strategic and managerial issues that the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media faces in the growth and development of the business. The case solution focuses on understanding the central issue(s) in the case. The case study solution then uses strategic tools and models to solve the case and makes strategic recommendations for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018; Iacobucci, 2021).

The case study and the case solution for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media are intended to give a comprehensive and holistic perspective regarding real-world business situations and challenges to the reader. Like all HBS case studies, it is important for the reader to first read the case for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. The proposed case study solution for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has encompassed the needs of all stakeholders while addressing the central challenge effectively (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

External environment analysis

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media cannot directly influence the external environment. The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must ensure to assess and continually review the external environment to identify potential challenges and opportunities (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018). This is needed because:

The external environment is dynamic and keeps changing.

External environment factors and dynamics, directly and indirectly, influence Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media operations (Anthony, 2021).

PESTEL Analysis

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media needs political stability to maintain business development and growth globally.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must also pay heed to local and global taxation implications for operations carried on site, as well as in other countries.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is directly impacted by the policies and regulations devised by the governments in its host as well as home countries (Chernev, 2018).

Lower interest rates facilitate the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media as it leads to increased instances of borrowing.

Lower interest rates also lead to increased consumer power, and increased demand for products of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The operations and demand for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media are directly influenced by the GDP and economic growth in the countries where it operates and exports (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2019).

Increased focus on education and higher literacy rates have allowed the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to benefit from a more skilled and talented labor pool.

The higher portion of the youth has also benefitted the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media in creating a high demand for its products and services (Iacobucci, 2021).

Assessment of the population and consumer trends have allowed the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to refine its segmentation and targeting strategies – leading to improved positioning of its portfolio offering (De Mooij, 2019).


Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has high internal innovation capabilities.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media invests in research and development for improved creativity and technological progress.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media makes use of innovative and advanced technology to make its internal processes more efficient and work towards achieving economies of scale.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also benefits from knowledge sharing through global operations and transfers technology internally (Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).


The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media follows and abides by environmental regulations imposed in various countries.

Consumers for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media have rapidly adopted green lifestyles and green consumption.

Incorporating environmentalism into its strategic goals and direction has enabled the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to become more efficient in this resource allocation (Stead & Stead, 2014).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures to follow the equal employment and equal opportunity law.

Through the equal opportunity act and regulations, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures that it does not discriminate against different groups in its HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT practices.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also ensures to abide by the health and safety regulations.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media makes sure to follow regulations regarding employment contracts and employer responsibilities to ensure fair policy-making and high performance (Lasserre, 2017).

Porter Five Forces

Industry rivalry.

There is high competitiveness and rivalry in the industry.

The market is highly fragmented, which leads to increased competition for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media faces industry rivals of various sizes and operations.

The competition for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is local as well as global in nature.

The increased rivalry in the industry ensures that all players, including Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, offer high-quality products and services to consumers at competitive prices (Varadarajan, 2015).

The threat of new entrants

The threat of new entrants is moderate.

There are entry barriers such as government regulations and financial capital needed for setting up operations.

This ensures that only powerful players with high financial muscle enter the market where Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is operating.

New entrants ensure that the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media maintains its focus on competitiveness and high quality (Wunder, 2019; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Threat of substitutes

The threat of substitutes is moderate to high.

There is direct well as indirect substitutes available for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media offerings.

The high number of players and market fragmentation has led to the increased availability of substitutes for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media products.

There are low switching costs for consumers between substitutes (Sahaf, 2019; Kotabe & Helsen, 2020).

Bargaining power of buyers

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media operational a highly fragmented industry.

The bargaining power of the buyers is high.

Players, including Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, do not have a retail setup (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018; Chernev, 2018).

Bargaining power of sellers

The bargaining power of suppliers is high in the industry where Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media operates.

There're numerous players in the industry, and suppliers have contracted with most of them.

The raw materials provided by suppliers are restricted, and limited owing to quality needs and benchmarks (Kotabe & Helsen, 2020; Joyce, 2022).

Internal environment analysis

The internal analysis allows an insight into the factors that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can directly influence. These factors and capabilities are used by the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to ensure that:

It is able to capitalize on the opportunities from the external environment.

It is able to mitigate risks and manage challenges and threats appropriately.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is able to set the right strategic direction and use internal capacities towards its attainment (Stead & Stead, 2014; Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a strong brand image and a positive consumer perception in the market.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media invests in research and development, which helps the company focus its new product development as well as marketing capabilities (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018).

The company has a strong financial revenue earning ability and enjoys high profits.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a global distribution network, which is strong and has allowed it to enjoy high business growth.

International expansion has allowed the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to understand diverse cultures and their knees – and engage in the localization of its product portfolio (DuBrin, 2013).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is criticized for high prices for its product portfolio.

The company has suffered negative PR owing to the recall of some of its products which were faulty.

Despite engagement with advanced technology, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media continues to use manual systems internally, which leads to time ineffectiveness (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has an organizational culture that is resistant to change and, as a result, exhibits slow adaptation to new trends.

The product design for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media’s offerings is imitative.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has undifferentiated products in its portfolio with respect to the competition (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018; Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).


The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has the opportunity to expand to developing and emerging economies.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can develop outsourcing partnerships to further maintain cost-effectiveness.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also engage in green production and work towards environmental sustainability (Stead & Stead, 2014; Lasserre, 2017).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also develop strategic partnerships and alliances to facilitate business growth and development.

Target niche markets, and develop new products.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can benefit from the evolving media trends for marketing purposes – including using social media content creation to target new consumer groups (Varadarajan, 2015; Wilson, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is facing high competition.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is also experiencing high imitation of its products.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media faces threats from the increased price volatility of raw materials as well.

The unstable government and government policies are also a threat to the operations of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media- especially internationally.

Slow change adaptation may lead the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to become an industry laggard (Anthony, 2021; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Marketing mix

The product offerings by the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media maintain consistently high quality.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media engages in brand-building activities to ensure that its product and service offerings are well received by the target audience (Chernev, 2018).

Brand-building activities build positive associations for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and lead to repeat purchases as well as high consumer loyalty.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures that its products are available in different SKU sizes to cater to the needs of different groups within its target audience.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also offers a warranty for its products (Khan, 2014).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures competitive pricing in the industry among the high number of market players.

For new products, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media maintains an introductory pricing strategy to encourage trials and purchases (Kareh, 2018).

For its star products, the company maintains penetrative pricing strategies to allow maximum trial.

For mature products, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media engages in aggressive and competitive pricing.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media offers regular discounts to appeal to consumers, clear stocks, as well as for increasing footfall (Išoraitė, 2016).

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures that all its product offerings are highly accessible.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media places products in physical retail setups like supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also places products with e-tailers such as amazon so consumers can easily access the products (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also has an online system on its website for managing orders placed directly with the company.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a strong distribution network, as well as competent and quick consumer service. (Kareh, 2018; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media uses traditional promotional platforms of television to reach the masses with its product portfolio.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also engages in radio and print promotional activities and advertisements (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also uses social media to reach out to its audiences and influence them.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has developed expertise in interesting and relevant content creation, which attracts its primary as well as secondary target consumer groups (De Mooij, 2019).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media frequently uses influencers to create a positive buzz and hype regarding its products, as well as to ensure high reach.

All promotional content is integrated and uses emotional appeals to create a lasting relationship with the consumers (Chernev, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a strong global presence and strong business development capabilities.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media focuses on research and development internally to identify market gaps and demands.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media makes use of AI in its production operations and marketing functions to increase cost efficiency as well as affectivity (Dimitrieska, Stankovska, & Efremova, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media engages and invests in acquiring advanced and progressive technology for operational efficiency. (Joyce, 2022).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a strong retail setup and a strong distribution network across the globe (Gillespie & Swan, 2021; Chernev, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has access to unique raw materials, which helps it maintain high quality as well as differentiation in its product offerings.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media holds special patents and licenses for manufacturing processes, as well as for being able to manufacture off-site in other countries (Grewal & Levy, 2021).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media undertakes and participates in sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has also developed a green packaging solution for its product offerings and portfolio (Gillespie & Swan, 2021).

The leadership within the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is visionary and charismatic.

The organizational culture within Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is robust, innovative and creative.

The organizational culture is based on the unique values, and implementation of the same – including transparency, honesty, and commitment (Groucutt & Hopkins, 2015).

The human resource management policies within the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media support employee development and engagement – leading to high employee satisfaction and high employee morale (Machado, 2019; Anthony, 2021).

The compensation framework within the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is advanced and focuses on extrinsic as well as intrinsic drivers for employee performance.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media enjoys high brand equity based on consistently high deliverance of product quality (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Triana, 2017; Grewal & Levy, 2021).

The technical infrastructure within the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media comprises new and advanced technology as well as network development to support its operations (Griffin, 2021)

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has access to advanced physical infrastructure as well which helps support its technical advancements, as well as its manufacturing and related operations (Valeri, 2021)

The international exposure that the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has received owing to its expansions has allowed it to develop and apply innovation as well as new knowledge for improving existing processes and schedules within the company (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Triana, 2017; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018; Valeri, 2021).

Value chain

The core capabilities and strengths of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media have enabled it to overcome obstacles and challenges and achieve its strategic goals and targets.

The core strengths and competencies of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media form an important part of the company’s value chain (Chernev, 2018; Anthony, 2021).

Primary activities

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media works directly and owns part of its operations in the value chain.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also works through different third parties as well as contracts with other parties for managing operations in other countries (Anthony, 2021).

For inbound logistics, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures that all raw materials are transferred to warehouses and manufacturing sites in a timely fashion using company-owned transportation.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media manages its operations directly as well as through third parties.

The operations of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media are spanned in its hometown as well as conducted overseas at other locations (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

In offshore countries, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media manages operations through partners and agents – who look after distribution and marketing activities for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media engages in invested marketing activities – based on consumer and market research (Dimitrieska, Stankovska, & Efremova, 2018; Chernev, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also makes use of AI for its marketing and promotional activities.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media regularly trains its employees to develop skills regarding consumer service.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has maintained strict policies regarding consumer service as well as ensuring high quality and increased customer satisfaction (Joyce, 2022).

Secondary activities

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a strong human resource management department, regulated by modern policies and practices.

The human resource management department at the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media supports the organizational culture and the leadership through its various functions – such as hiring, training and compensation management (DuBrin, 2013).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media makes use of advanced technology to support its operations and achieve strategic goals and targets (DuBrin, 2013; Joyce, 2022).

The advanced technology is acquired internationally (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media engages in regulated procurement with selected suppliers.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ensures its contracted suppliers provide consistently high-quality raw materials to maintain high quality for end consumers (Gillespie & Swan, 2021).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is used to resolve its managerial and strategic challenges using one of the following strategies.

The strategies recommended will allow the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to expand and develop, as well as manage its risks and challenges effectively.

Using these strategies, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will also be able to remain competitive in the market.

Market development strategies

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can engage in informative and emotional marketing to appeal to the target audience in the market and increase brand awareness.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can devise and run educational campaigns to help understand the importance of the product, and its need (Išoraitė, 2016).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can work with influencers and celebrities to help spread the message through social media as well as conventional media.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can use a team on the ground to interact with the target audience, brief them about the product and its benefits, and influence them positively towards purchase decisions. (Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).

Market penetration strategies

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can increase its marketing spending and use emotional appeals to influence the target audience.

The marketing strategies should be focused on maximizing the reach of the brand's message and promise (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is recommended to make its products accessible through an increased number of supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also open its own retail setups to increase footfall and reach across different regions (Sahaf, 2019).

Product development strategies

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is recommended to and can engage in market and consumer research for product development.

Encouraging innovation and discussion of new ideas within the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also lead to rapid new product development (Varadarajan, 2015).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also optimize the development of new products by making its manufacturing and testing processes more effective.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also create innovation labs and labs for new product development and testing (Sahaf, 2019; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Diversification strategies

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can expand horizontally and add new product lines.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also expand vertically and add new products to the existing product line

The diversification will allow the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to attract new consumer groups (De Mooij, 2019).

The diversification will also allow the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to increase its penetration and reach amongst existing consumers.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will be able to increase brand awareness through diversification as well (Iacobucci, 2021; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media needs to strategically align its resources for optimization and to achieve its strategic goals and targets. The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should continue to use its internal capabilities to realize new opportunities and for mitigating risks and weaknesses. In addition, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should also make use of other strategic models to understand the managerial challenges that the organization faces and devise suitable strategies and actions for overcoming them. The leadership of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will play a critical role in ensuring that the organization overcomes the challenges by focusing on the organizational culture and values, which will then impact the operations and performance at large.

Abratt, R., & Bendixen, M. (2018). Strategic marketing: Concepts and cases. New York, United States: Routledge.

Anthony, H. (2021). Understanding strategic management. New York: Oxford University Press.

Baines, P., Fill, C., & Rosengren, S. (2017). Marketing. New York, United States: Oxford University Press.

Buchanan, D., & Huczynski, A. (2019). Organizational behaviour. London: Pearson UK.

Chernev, A. (2018). Strategic marketing management. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Cerebellum Press.

De Mooij, M. (2019). Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

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Gillespie, K., & Swan, K. (2021). Global marketing. New York, United States: Routledge.

Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2021). M: marketing. New York, United States: McGraw-Hill Education.

Griffin, R. (2021). Management. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: Cengage Learning.

Groucutt, J., & Hopkins, C. (2015). Marketing. London: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Hitt, M., Miller, C., Colella, A., & Triana, M. (2017). Organizational behavior. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Iacobucci, D. (2021). Marketing management. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: Cengage Learning.

Išoraitė, M. (2016). Marketing mix theoretical aspects. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 4(6), 25-37.

Joyce, P. (2022). Strategic Management and Governance: Strategy Execution Around the World. Oxfordshire United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

Kareh, A. (2018). Evolution of the four Ps: Revisiting the marketing mix. Retrieved June 2022, from Forbes:

Khan, M. (2014). The concept of ‘marketing mix’and its elements. International journal of information, business and management, 6(2), 95-107.

Kotabe, M., & Helsen, K. (2020). Global marketing management. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Lasserre, P. (2017). Global strategic management. London: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Machado, C. (2019). Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Berlin: Springer.

Phillips, P., & Moutinho, L. (2018). Contemporary issues in strategic management. London: Routledge.

Sahaf, A. (2019). Strategic marketing: Making decisions for strategic advantage. New Delhi, India: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Stead, J., & Stead, W. (2014). Sustainable strategic management. London: Routledge.

Valeri, M. (2021). Organizational studies: implications for the strategic management. Berlin, Germany: Springer Nature.

Varadarajan, R. (2015). Strategic marketing, marketing strategy and market strategy. AMS review , 5(3), 78-90.

Wilson, F. (2018). Organizational behaviour and work: a critical introduction. New York: Oxford university press.

Wunder, T. (2019). Rethinking strategic management: Sustainable strategizing for positive impact. Berlin: Springer Nature.

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Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Solution

Posted by Adam Hudson on Dec-20-2017

1. INTRODUCTION OF Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media CASE SOLUTION

The Harvard business review has published the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study. Like all HBR case studies, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case is designed and drafted in a manner to allow the reader to experience a real-world problem and solve it accordingly. The case study, like other HBR case studies, will help the reader and students develop a broader, and a clearer understanding of the business world and dynamics.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case is based on a current managerial and strategic problem being faced by the organization, which must be solved tactfully to allow progression, as well as maintain a competitive position. This paper is written to facilitate the case solution for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study.

The case solution for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study first identifies the central issue that is elaborated on throughout the case. The case solution then analyses the case through relevant strategic models and tools including the SWOT Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, VRIO analysis, Value Chain Analysis, BCG Matrix analysis, Ansoff Matrix analysis, and the Marketing Mix analysis. This analysis is to help in the identification of a feasible strategy and solution for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study. Alternative solutions are also proposed in the case solution, primarily because alternative solutions often act as contingency plans.


2.1. harvard business school case studies.

All case studies published by the Harvard business review comprise of a central problem that is faced by the protagonist. This problem mostly holds implications for managerial and strategic directions of the company. For readers and students of HBR case studies, it is critical to identify the problem that the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media faces. This problem is usually hinted towards in the introduction of the case and develops along the way.

2.2. Solving HBS case studies

As a result, for solving the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media case, it is essential to read the case study thoroughly. The identification of the problem correctly is vital for undergoing the analysis rightly, and for developing relevant solutions for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study. It is also essential to identify all the appropriate parties that are being impacted by the problem as well as the decision. The correct problem identification will ensure that all the solutions developed during the case analysis of the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study are applicable and pragmatic.


The external environment analysis is needed for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study to make sure that it actively, and proactively responds to the macro-environment. The macro environment or the external environment for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case includes those factors which are not in control of the business or the company directly. As a result:

  • The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media cannot influence these factors in its favour, and in contrast, these factors directly affect the operations and workings of the company.
  • As a result, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must make sure to continually assess and review the external environment to make sure that it responds to external factors, and take them into account, during strategic decisions, and strategy devising. Businesses like Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media make use of strategic model tools continually to make sure that they are aware of the external environment.
  • These include tools like the pestle analysis and Porter’s five force model, as well as strategic group analysis and pentagonal analysis, to name a few. The external analysis for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study will assess and will apply the strategic models and tools to review the business environment for the company.PESTEL Analysis

3.1.1. Political

Political factors and elements can have a direct and indirect impact on the business. This is seen through the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study. Policy Makings

  • Policymakers for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case are in all likelihood to intervene in the business surroundings.
  • Commercial restrictions and political stability are additionally integral factors that will determine the success or failure of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. Taxation

  • Tax policy will influence the cost of doing business for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • An increase in organization taxation (on business profits) has a similar impact as an expansion in expenses.
  • Organizations can pass a portion of this increase on to shoppers in more expensive rates, yet it will likewise influence the bottom line of the business. Government Support

  • The government helps organizations in two primary ways: monetary help and regulatory.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can use government assistance and grants for purposes of growing the business, advancement, exporting, and innovative work.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also be impacted by when Governments modify regulations and laws. Political Stability

  • Lack of political stability in a country impacts business tasks. Political stability is particularly essential for the organizations which work globally, such as Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • A forceful takeover could oust a legislature. The takeover could prompt mobs, plundering and general issue in nature. These disturb business tasks for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • Purchasing political risk insurance is a way for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to oversee political hazard. Organizations that have worldwide activities utilise such as insurance to lessen their risk presentation.
  • The soundness of a political framework can influence the attractiveness of a specific nearby market for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.

3.1.2. Economic

The economic factors are one of the most important of PESTEL factors and can influence Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media in several ways. GDP

  • Economic components have the most evident effect on the profitability and overall appeal of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • Even though GDP per capita is a useful economic factor, GDP per capita gives just a fractional perspective on the economic factors that may influence Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • Higher GDP leads to higher disposable income and hence higher sales for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. Inflation

  • Higher inflation will disintegrate the purchasing power of the consumer and the shopper
  • Higher inflation will also harm the costs of raw materials and other inputs that are utilised by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. Interest Rates

  • Fluctuations in interest rates may translate into higher or lower costs for the purchase or sale of items and administrations provided by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • Higher interest rates hurt the disposable cash of consumers. Unemployment Rate

  • A high unemployment rate is also unadvisable as it dissolves dispensable income of consumers, and will harm Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s position.
  • The high unemployment rate will lead to lower sales for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and impact its overall profitability and revenues. How can the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media decrease the risk of economic instability?

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can work towards building economies of scale
  • Maintaining business costs and controlling the final price of the product can also help Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media fight economic instability
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also work towards building a sustainably managed workforce

3.1.3. Social

Social influences will stem from social components of the macro environment. Under the PESTEL Analysis, they can influence Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media in several ways: Social patterns and consumer behaviour

  • Social patterns affect work trends and patterns and are directly related to the behaviours of consumers.
  • Social patterns also have a direct influence on buyer tastes and inclinations, and the specific kind, structure, and volume of interest for an item or service. Social patterns and changing consumer needs

  • The checking of social patterns will enable Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to reposition its items or administrations to meet the changing desires and needs of consumers. Social trends in education

  • Social trends of higher education have allowed firms like Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to have access to a pool of higher skilled talent – but at the same time, also face a more criticising consumer base.
  • Higher education has also made consumers more aware of different product offerings by companies like Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • consumers are also more educated and knowledgeable of different substitutes of a product, as well as become more readily available at different touchpoints. Social patterns make companies more consumer-centric

  • Companies like Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media are expected to become more consumer-centric than product-centric.
  • Similarly, Market segmentation and consumer grouping are dynamically moving towards measures of psychographics and lifestyles to understand the consumer more. How can Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media use social aspects for growth?

  • Use consumer-centric means of segmentation and targeting.
  • Use consumer-oriented and consumer-based marketing – which use emotional appeals to influence consumers.
  • Make products more accessible at different touch points common to target consumers socially.

3.1.4. Technological

The technological factors can influence Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media in several ways: Innovation

  • The quick pace of technological change at Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media may be driven through innovation.
  • Business leadership at Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media tries to push the limits of present limitations. The advent of the internet and online retailing

  • The expansion of the Internet and online business has discarded many intermediaries. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can communicate and retail directly to the consumers now, or through modern intermediaries such as eBay as well, for example.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media may also use current social networks to retail and use e-commerce to boost sales. Social media and business growth

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can make use of social media to interact and reach with consumers
  • Social media can also be used to reach the target market audience more effectively
  • Social media is cost-effective and strategically more influential for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Improved value chain network

  • For Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, technological innovation can be utilised to build on competitive advantage through several different ways.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can incorporate less expensive production, improved access to clients, improved marketing, improvement in product quality, and increased levels of business intelligence than the competition. Managing technology and the future for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

  • To flourish in a business world that is quick paced and receptive to innovative change, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must stay cautious.
  • It must be always be updated on any technological developments in the business and industry.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should weary of how the company are probably going to influence its future attractiveness and profitability.

3.1.5. Environmental

For Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, the environmental aspects of the PESTEL analysis may include: Environmental stability and business standards

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media may be expected to incorporate maintainability standards into their business methodologies and to help resource allocation choices.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media may also be subject to environmental laws – which will impact and guide its operations to become more environmentally friendly. Environmental stability and budget allocation

  • Leadership in the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must measure the connection between natural activities and budgetary execution.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also strategically decides and assesses if the organization have been estimating the monetary effect of natural and social activities. Environmental sustainability

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also distinguishes and differentiates explicit zones of concern and impediments to the coordination of environmental sustainability into corporate performance and strategy
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media also gives explicit direction concerning how organizations can push toward a superior reconciliation of ecological and social activities in their basic leadership procedures and tasks. Environmental sustainability and business growth

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media may use environmental issues to adjust financial, natural and social performance.
  • Concerns towards the environment will enhance the business image for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • Environmental sustainability within business goals and strategy will also reflect corporate responsibility on the part of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. Environmental sustainability and improved consumer relations

  • Consumers will be more inclined towards the use of environmentally sustainable products.
  • Environmental sustainability in operations works towards improving the bottom line and overall profitability for the business of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • Improvement of cost management and operations will be observed in the business as well.

3.1.6. Legal

Legal components can influence Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media directly, and can likewise influence the instruments through which an organization buys its stock or connects with the client. The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should be mindful, for example, of the following legal aspects: Labour law

  • Labour law refers to the guidelines in regulations that set up minimum and benchmark conditions.
  • These include identifying with the work of people.
  • Labour laws include aspects of minimum working age, least time-based compensation, etc.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must be mindful of these laws in routine business tasks such as hiring, for example. Discrimination law

  • Under the discrimination law, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media must ensure to avoid episodes of unequal or uncalled for treatment based on an individual's age, inability, sex, national source, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
  • Unequal hiring
  • Discrimination in recruitment
  • Internal discrimination in talent management
  • Bias in training opportunities
  • Unfair compensation systems
  • Prejudiced promotions and succession management Health and safety laws:

  • Under this, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is required to give a protected work environment to their workers.
  • Working environment security and wellbeing laws build up guidelines intended to dispense with individual wounds and injuries from happening in the work environment.
  • all operations of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should be designed to physically and emotionally safeguard and protect the employees and the labour force employed

3.2. Porter’s five forces

  • The five forces identified in Porter's model can effect Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s ability to serve its clients and make a profit.
  • A change in any of the five forces may regularly require a business unit from Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to reassess the market place given the general change in industry data and dynamics. The general industry appeal and attractiveness.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should apply and centre their skills, plan of action or business models to accomplish profits above the business average. This may be done in multiple ways, each distinguished in their application to the forces individually as is elaborated below:

3.2.1. The threat of new entrants market and industry share.

  • New entrants to an industry bring new potential and a choice to increase the market share and overall share of the pie that puts pressure on price, costs, and the investment price essential to compete.
  • For Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, particularly while new entrants are diversifying from different markets into the chief industry, they will be able to leverage existing talents and cash flows to shake up the opposition. Limitation on earning expectation and capability of firms in an industry

  • The threat of entry in the industry, consequently, puts a cap at the earning capacity and profit capability for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • While the threat of new entreaty is high, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should maintain their prices or increase funding and investment to discourage new competition. The risk to new entrants because of high entry barriers

  • The risk of entry in an industry depends upon on the peak of entry barriers and limitations that are a blessing for players such as Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and on the response that new entrants can count on from existing players.
  • If entry barriers are low and novices count on little retaliation from the entrenched competition, the chance of entry is high, and profitability for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will be moderated.
  • It is the danger of entry, not whether the entry of new players takes place that holds down profitability. Some barriers to entry for new entrants in favour of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media :

  • Capital requirements: a strong barrier to entry as new entrants will require strong financial and resource cushioning for operations to take off and be sustained.
  • Economies of scale: a strong barrier to entry as existing players in the industry operate with high economies of scale, which new entrants will take time to achieve.
  • Product differentiation: the strong barrier of entry if products within the industry have high levels of differentiation on which they operate and approach customers.
  • Access to distribution: a standard barrier to entry since new entrants will have equal access to the retailers and distributing agents within the industry.
  • Customer loyalty to established brands: a strong barrier to entry since customer loyalties and perceptions are emotionally built and strongly enforced as long as the brand continues to deliver on its core promise and quality. What can Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media do to face this challenge?

  • Build and invest in marketing to distinctly establish a point of differentiation in customer perception as well as strengthen customer loyalty.
  • Invest in research and development to make sure that it continues to have competitive differentiation from other players at all times.
  • Focus on building economies of scale in production and sales.

3.2.2. The threat of substitute products or services substitute form.

  • There are always different alternatives or substitutes for various products that lead an industry.
  • These substitutes may be direct or indirect– the direct substitutes are the same category products. produced by different players; indirect substitutes are the ones from different product categories that can replace the product for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. Switching cost to substitutes for consumers

  • Switching costs for direct substitutes is not very high for consumers.
  • The per-unit-volume prices may be higher or lower.
  • This makes the threat of substitute high. Substitute and product benefit

  • Alternatives to the product or substitutes may not be able to provide the same benefits
  • May often lead to additional costs incurred.
  • Switching costs towards alternatives becomes higher, and consumers may not switch to substitutes.
  • This, in turn, will make the threat of substitutes low. Substitutes and consumer behaviour

  • From the point of view of the consumer, there are some differences between the ways different products of the same or similar category are used, but many consumption decisions are a matter of personal taste - this makes products vulnerable to the threat of other substitutes.
  • Overall, the threat of substitutes is assessed to be moderately high. How can Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media combat the threat from substitute products?

  • Focus on delivering consistently high quality.
  • Focus on maintaining strong consumer relationships.
  • Integrate strategic marketing to form an emotional connection with the consumers and strengthen consumer loyalty.
  • Invest in pop up stores owned by the company to stock the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media brand exclusively, and integrate it with brand characteristics and personality to attract consumers.

3.2.3. Bargaining Power of Buyers who is the buyer.

  • The buyer for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is not necessarily the group that consumes the product – but rather refers to the group of customers that purchases the product from Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to either distribute further, retail it, or even consume it.
  • Hypermarkets and supermarkets, as well as independent retailers and distribution agents to end consumers, are the core buyers for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media that make up the market’s volume.
  • Supermarkets and hypermarkets, along with many food chains that are concentrated, which increases the buyer power.
  • Products are stocked with buyers and retailers by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media based on consumer demand. Buyer power and costs

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will not experience switching costs for switching buyers.
  • Multiple product offerings by buyers also increase buyer power. Retail product differentiation

  • Products offered by retailers are differentiated based on several characteristics – not only reliant upon product characteristics but also consumer segment characteristics. Because of this, retailers are expected to offer a wide range of the same product category. This works towards negating and weakening the overall buyer power.
  • Buyer power is assessed to be moderate to high. What can Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media do to ensure risks against high buyer power?

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can focus on differentiating its product and increasing its demand with the end consumers through different marketing tactics, this will increase the demand of the product with different buyers, and will work towards moderating buyer power.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should employ economies of scale to manage costs of production. If it offers products at moderate prices to buyers, it will again be able to attract a large number of buyers for its product, and in this way, will be able to break off the high bargaining power.

3.2.4. Bargaining Power of Suppliers who is the supplier.

  • Supplier power refers to the power that is held by the suppliers in terms of pricing of the raw materials and inputs used for the business. Sources of production for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

  • The main sources for production are the following:
  • Supplies from vendors – sourcing from independent suppliers.
  • Own manufactured equipment and resources: this model is practised by companies that are well integrated backwards and forwards. Independent suppliers

  • For Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, there are numerous independent suppliers within the industry, and all comprise of a few pretty small operations that lead to weakened overall supplier power.
  • Independent sellers and suppliers, however, can locate different opportunities and invest in alternative markets – which can be a challenge for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. Supply quality and business dynamics

  • Suppliers can integrate forward into the decision making and business dynamics themselves as well.
  • Also, to the buyers, the quality of the supplies and the raw materials is of utmost importance.
  • However, in an industry with a high number of suppliers, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can switch to different suppliers at any time without experiencing any costs of the business.
  • Overall bargaining power of suppliers is assessed to be moderate. How can Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media deal with the challenge?

  • Get contracts with multiple suppliers and get resources and raw materials from them accordingly.
  • Invest in manufacturer controlled production facility to maintain consistency in quality.

3.2.5. Competitive Rivalry among Existing Firms. nature of fragmentation.

  • The market is highly fragmented, which makes it more competitive.
  • The market is never too concentrated, and as a result, it has players of varying size of operation – from very small to big players. Brand management

  • Producers have begun to make use of brand management techniques and contemporary merchandising by launching bold brands, label designs and marketing campaigns to become more identifiable to the public. Diversification

  • Purchasers and buyers have a wide range of products to choose from, with relatively low switching costs. These factors tend to intensify rivalry.
  • Though players in the industry may off niche or premium products, they also continue to operate in the mass markets at large, which again leads to high competition. High business costs

  • The high fixed cost and the high bargaining power of the buyers, which can lead to the lowering of the prices from manufacturers add to the highly competitive nature of the industry.
  • The overall rivalry is assessed to be high. How can Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media combat rivalry and competitive forces of the industry?

  • Focus on research and development to identify market niche as well as to be able to add differentiating factors t its products. This will increase its shield against influence from competitive forces and their actions.
  • Build a strong and loyal consumer base by focusing on quality and marketing strategies.
  • Focus on capturing new markets – in the same region as well as new regions to avoid saturation of resources in one market only.

3.3. Pentagonal analysis

3.3.1. the threat of new entrants, restriction into industry.

  • The ease of entry into the industry is restricted.
  • There are high barriers to entry.
  • These are government policies, consumer loyalty, brand differentiation etc. Switching costs for consumers

  • The high number of direct and indirect alternatives available also make Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media vulnerable to the high threat of substitutes.
  • Low to negligible switching costs experienced on the part of the consumers and buyers. Profitability

  • New entrants are attracted to the industry because of high profitability.
  • If there are high barriers to industry, the industry will continue to maintain high profitability
  • Low barriers to entry will result in a lower average of industry profits.
  • Lower entry barriers will also lead to higher operational costs because it will increase the intensity of competition within the industry.

3.3.2. The threat of substitute products/services increased competition.

  • High threat of substitutes.
  • This is because of higher competition.
  • The higher competition leads to imitation of products and systems.
  • This imitation makes substitute products similar to each other – as much as possible. The offering of similar benefits

  • Consumers readily adopt alternative and substitute products.
  • They offer similar benefits.
  • They have similar functional benefits and features. Low costs of switching

  • Consumers often experience a low cost of switching between substitute products.
  • Low switching costs are also developed because competition often produces at lower operational costs.
  • Low switching cost results in lower overall product prices for the consumer.
  • Industry players, therefore, also start competing on aspects of price.

3.3.3. Bargaining power of buyers market fragmentation.

  • The industry in which Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media operates is highly fragmented.
  • It has numerous local and international players.
  • It is not very likely for players in the industry to integrate forward into on-trade or retail businesses.
  • This results in the players experiencing high bargaining power of the buyers from the market. The concentration of retailing agents

  • It also results in a high concentration of individual retailing agents.
  • Retailing is also done through hypermarkets and supermarkets.

3.3.4. Bargaining power of suppliers backward integration by producers.

  • Backward integration from producers is more commonly observed and seen,
  • Many players in the industry have their own production facilities for raw materials as well.
  • The industry has seen a large number of players needing to outsource resources and raw materials. Outsourcing raw materials

  • This outsourcing is done by third-party manufacturers.
  • A large number of suppliers present lowers the bargaining power of suppliers.
  • Players in the industry have low switching costs between suppliers.
  • Suppliers usually are contracted by producers.
  • Producers may change suppliers frequently.

3.3.5. Industry rivalry intensity of competition.

  • There are strong competition and rivalry in the industry.
  • There is a high number of players.
  • All players provide similar products.
  • Switching costs for consumers is low, which increases competition. Differentiation

  • Platers try to differentiate products on different aspects.
  • Functional aspects and appeals for all products across the industry remain the same.
  • Competitors and players use emotional appeals, and modern brand management techniques for differentiation.
  • Industry players try to gain consumer loyalty by developing strong emotional bonds and ties.

Figure 1 Pentagonal analysis for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

3.4. Placement of the business along the industry life cycle

3.4.1. identifying where worlds collide work life and social media is on the industry life cycle curve.

Identification of the place and placement on the industry lifecycle is important as it will help Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media make important decisions and strategies for the future. Strategic decision making

  • Expansionary plans and investment decisions.
  • Decide on various marketing strategies and tactics for targeting different consumer segments to establish and establish the product.
  • Selection of new geographic regions for expansion and exploration of new consumer bases. Budget allocation

  • Resources and alternative routes for future growth and establishment.
  • Exploration of different diversification options.

Figure 2 PLC Placement along the Industry Lifecycle curve

3.4.2. Introductory stage firm strength.

  • The industry is in the infancy stage.
  • Firms are generally small, entrepreneurial and compact during this stage.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will be focused on research and development during this phase. Financial Position

  • Looking for investment and funds for growth. Nature of product

  • Products offered during this stage re doubtful as success and life of the product is unproven and not known.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will use a focused strategy during this phase to emphasise the uniqueness of the product.
  • The product or the brand will have a small market of consumers – known largely as early adopters
  • Marketing strategies adopted by the company will focus on generating awareness of the product and therefore, will largely use a functional appeal.

3.4.3. Growth stage financial position.

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will require high capital during this stage.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will need investment and funds for launching strategic marketing campaigns.
  • Funds will also be required for fuelling physical growth of the company in the form of investment in equipment and property to facilitate growth. Growth factors

  • Companies may increasingly encourage economies of scale because of standardisation experienced during this stage.
  • Consumer feedback from the introductory phase will be incorporated, and research and development will be conducted to make appropriate changes in the product design and offering.
  • Success in this stage for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will lead to growing demand, which in turn will fuel sales demand. Nature of Product

  • Products in this stage have high growth and high market share.
  • There is also increasing competition and rivalry in the market – new entrants will enter and compete looking at the success of products during this stage.

3.4.4. Maturity stage sales and growth.

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will experience slowing growth during this stage of the industry life cycle.
  • Sales will be expanding, and earning will be growing – however, the rate will be slower than the growth stage.
  • Competition from late entrants will be present, and obvious during this stage – who will all try to fight for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s share of the market. Strategic Marketing

  • The marketing strategies must now focus on building loyalty.
  • Marketing tactics must be strong and should focus on the uniqueness of the product. Increasingly emotional appeals may be used. Firm size

  • Firm size is generally larger and is more dominant over players if successful- compared to growth stage.
  • Innovations continue but are stable and not radical.

3.4.5. Decline stage industry changes.

  • New technological changes and upgrades may make an industry obsolete.
  • Players within an industry may also fall back and lose on market share if they do not keep up with innovations, and investment in research and development. Sales and Competition

  • Sales during this phase are decreasing at a high rate.
  • Competing players also exit the industry because of the changes and low demand. Surviving in the decline cycle

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media may also experience mergers and acquisitions during this phase.
  • Diversifications are also most common during this phase as a means of survival.

3.5. Strategic Group Analysis

3.5.1. worlds collide work life and social media and strategic group formation.

  • The strategic group analysis will look at an industry’s players' situations in focused conditions and scenarios.
  • It will assess different players competing with Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media through the basic strategic factors that will decide an organization's profitability, similar to how the profitability will also be impacted and influenced by the competitive nature of the industry.
  • The strategic group analysis will describe the procedures of every single noteworthy competitor of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media along different strategic dimensions.
  • These dimensions of comparison differentiate players into strategic groupings and must be selected as the basis of comparison by taking into account industry structure, productivity factors, and the venture issues being tended to.

3.5.2. Different aspects of strategic grouping

Key strategic groupings of players within an industry can be made based on numerous different aspects, such as:

  • Specialization
  • Brand identification
  • Push versus pull strategies
  • Channel determination
  • Product quality
  • Technological position
  • Vertical joining
  • cost position
  • Price strategy
  • Financial or working influence
  • Parent organization relationship
  • Government relationship

Despite the various aspects available for comparison of competing players, it is often important to differentiate strategic groupings of players of aspects of how they compete with each other, and on aspects of where they compete as well

3.5.3. Procedure for strategic group analysis for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

  • Collect results of the player’s analysis.
  • Distinguish the players and pick the most important aspects that separate the players into strategic groups comparing to the issues being tended to.
  • Dimensions may include price strategy and product quality.
  • Group the players: position Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and rivals along with the matrix.
  • Evaluate group mobility and direction. Assess the key purpose of individual organizations competing with Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, similar to assessing industry patterns and barriers to entry/exit to be able to decide potential developments inside and between groupings.

3.5.4. How will strategic group planning help Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

For Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, strategic group analysis is important because it will: Strategic industry dynamics

  • Help in reviewing the strategic dynamics and shifts in the industry.
  • Identify the closest competition and competing players for the business; help in assessing the strategic direction of these competing players; and lastly, aid in developing strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Assessment of market position

  • The strategic group analysis is also important for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media because it will assist in analysing the current market position of players, as well as help in assessing future strategic moves and directions of the competition in the market.
  • Assists in evaluating and identifying different underlying factors that will influence the company’s profitability.
  • Makes use of standard comparison aspects between different players in an industry to group them as per strategic directions as well as strategic dimensions. Identification of barriers to entry in an industry

  • Different strategic dimensions along the matrix of strategic groupings are often characterized by barriers to entry and exit along the strategic groups’ dimensions, as well as by mobility barriers.
  • These barriers make it difficult for companies to move along, and in between different strategic dimensions – often forcing it to stay in place with the same competition.

3.6. Scenario planning

Scenario planning for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s strategic direction will take form through speculation and contingency form – methods used by the military for strategic planning and direction.

3.6.1. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s Utilization of Scenario planning

For Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, scenario planning comprises of making suppositions of what's to come, of what will be and how the business condition will adapt, fluctuate, change, and respond to the future conditions, and changes in the futuristic strategic planning. Identify the driving forces of the business:

  • Changes in the macro environment
  • Changes in technology
  • Changes in the economic trade system
  • Changes in production methods
  • Changes in consumer demands and tastes
  • changes in technology and economy Identify basic vulnerabilities:

  • Changes in technological advancements and developments. These changes can be in the form that the industry has progressed to install more modern and contemporary technological developments.
  • Changes in consumer demands and needs.
  • These two uncertainties of the future are those that will have the largest impact and influence on the business. Develop a scope of conceivable situations:

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will now be able to place these two uncertainties along a matrix.
  • Install new technology, or update current technology to be on par with new technology.
  • Do market research.
  • Engage in innovative marketing to influence consumers.
  • Change vertical and backward integrated systems to ensure in-house or out-house production of technology to stay ahead of the competition. Discuss the suggestions:

  • Each scenario should be discussed in detail.
  • Possible strategic direction and responses for each scenario should be developed.
  • Realignment of business goals and direction, as well as a mission during each scenario, should also be done to ensure future resilience.


  • This inner analysis and assessment of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media decide the centre skills based on the resource based view (RBV) of the premium company.
  • Utilizing its core capabilities and capacities, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can maintain a competitive distinction, and leadership over other local as well as international players in the industry.
  • In the VRIN analysis and assessment, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media makes use of its core capacities to strengthen its worth and the to continue to deliver the promise of consistent quality and taste to consumers – as well as guarantee futuristic and long term gains in the industry.

The following section presents a brief analysis of the VRIN strategic tool as it is applied to Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and its impact on the strategic direction.

4.1. VRIN analysis

4.1.1. valuable, international distribution network.

The company has an international distribution system with agents and contracts in countries across the world. This helps the company in making sure that its products are widely available and easily accessible to all consumers. Experience in expansion to other countries

The experience of expansion to other countries directly as well as indirectly has allowed the company to gain exposure and experience in international business, culture and trades. Marketing skills

The company has a unique blend of marketing skills, which allows it to reach consumers directly through various channels, in a creative way. This is a valuable resource for the company as it allows the company to ward off potential competition. Market research

The company invests in market research regularly, which allows it to stay updated with market trends, consumer needs, demands, as well as the changes that take place in different markets and consumer groups. This is also valuable as it then allows Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to make changes in product and service offering accordingly.

4.1.2. Rare use of progressive technology.

The company makes use of progressive technology and invests in new technology to help it make the business more effective and efficient. This is important for maintaining competitive differentiation. The technology used by the company also allows lower chances of human error and increases precision. Use of progressive harvesting methods

The company makes use of modern as well as new and innovative means of cropping and harvesting as well. The means of production are important for a business to maintain cost efficiency. This allows lower levels of spoilt raw materials and enhances the quality as well as the feel of the final product. Also, it allows the company to maintain the product quality in-house, and maintain consistency in the raw material. Efficient use of economies of scale in production

The company’s effective and efficient use of resources has allowed it to maintain economies of scale. The company uses economies of scale as a rare resource available to maintain costs, enhance production, and increase sales – all the while maintaining a high focus on premium quality and consistency of taste. The uniqueness of product portfolio

The company has a unique and diversified portfolio. This has allowed it to penetrate different consumer groups. And maintain income from different streams. Into urn, that gives a strong financial cushioning to the business.

4.1.3. Inimitable human resource management.

The company has taken part in exemplified human resource management in all its function – from recruitment to training of talent management. This has allowed the company to develop an inimitable resource that is aligned with the organizational goals, and mission, and which is synonymous to the organization itself. R&d - new product development

The company’s continued investment in r&d allows it to generate ideas for new products, as well as test these new products in limited market settings. This allows the company to assess the viability of new ideas, as well as generate feedback for improvement where needed. This is an inimitable resource for the company because it has become part of the company’s system and culture. Innovation

The innovation at Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is an inimitable resource that allows the company to stay ahead of the competition as well as maintain high leadership in the industry by having the first mover advantage in its product portfolio continuously. Organizational culture

The organizational culture at Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is supportive and innovative. Employees share information freely. The organizational hierarchy is flatter, which makes leadership and follower relation smooth and easy. This organizational culture and its aspects cannot be imitated by competition. Cost control

The company has employed progressive means of controlling costs and maintaining economies of scale. In this way, prices of the products are maintained and controlled, and very few cost increases are passed to the consumers. This allows the product to be easily affordable by the company’s target audience.

4.1.4. Non-substitutable brand recognition.

The brand value and brand recognition enjoyed by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is a non-substitutable resource. The high brand recognition across different consumer group’s in different countries allows the brand to enjoy high consumer ship, high sales, and a unique bond with the consumers. This cannot be imitated at all by the competition as the brand recognition and resonance has been built over the years through hard work and quality deliverance. Brand equity

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media enjoys high brand equity. This has been developed through the different stages presented by Keller in his model for brand equity. The high brand equity also reflects a high emotional appeal that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has for the consumers. Emotional affiliation with consumers

This means that the brand fulfils not only functional but also emotional and psychological needs of the consumers. Again, this is an inimitable resource which the company has developed because of its honest and trusted relationship with the clients over some time.


4.2.1. strong global presence, valuable.

Having a strong worldwide presence is significantly valuable for an organization attempting to expand its size, deals, and piece of the overall industry. It is a competitive and sustainable method to acquire incomes from new and existing buyers. Rare

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is one of the greatest company all inclusive. Even though there are other worldwide and international chains of competing companies, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has made a distinct name for its quality and offers. Non-substitutable

For the time being, no competition of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media could match such an enormous international presence in terms of quality and consistency. It would require critical investment and assets to achieve this. Organized to exploit

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is effectively exploiting this capacity.

4.2.2. Claim to premium products valuable.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media offers numerous exceptional and fulfilling products that different contenders don't offer all the time. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media additionally incorporates information and detailed ingredients for its products to interest an assortment of clients. Rare

Other competition also offers different products that are offered by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, which means that it is not a rare resource for the company. This is because other players also have access to similar products and portfolios. Inimitable

Considering other businesses and players are now using this capacity as a means of expansion and penetration, it can, therefore, be imitated. Organized out to exploit

By offering an assortment of choices and ceaselessly changing the portfolio through active innovation and new product development, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is exploiting this resource. With plenty of alternatives, the vast majority can discover something they like, and individuals who like to attempt new products and services every now and again can undoubtedly do as such with Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.

4.2.3. Upscale brand name valuable.

The Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media brand name enables clients to enjoy and feel a bond of association with the brand. This allows consumers to feel emotionally attached with the brand, and experience it as an extension of themselves as well. As such, this becomes a valuable asset for the company. Rare

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is a contemporary brand name that has a premium touch to it and is upscale, modern and lively. Most other companies and competing brands don't have the quality and packaging to urge clients to engage in a way they do with Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media . Non-substitutable

It would be generally simple for other companies to revamp their packaging and duplicate the plan of action of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. In this way, the upscale and comfortable promise of the offering by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media could be imitated. Organized out to exploit

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is effectively using this resource and enhancing the brand and the brand promise that numerous clients altogether appreciate. The organization is exploiting the stylish way of life that is right now present in numerous urban communities where the brand’s products are widely appreciated and consumed.

4.3. Porter’s value chain

4.3.1. worlds collide work life and social media: drawing value from vrin/vrio.

  • The core competencies and strengths of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media are organizational sources and capacities that enable the business to flourish regardless of substantial challenge and strategic difficulties in local and international markets.
  • As the VRIO/VRIN analysis have shown and highlighted, the important core abilities depend on intellectual properties and related propriety data or related technological structures.
  • Different resources and abilities appeared in the VRIN/VRIO analysis and review that are non-core, and non-central skills but that help the business and its value chain.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s core abilities are strong yet restricted.
  • In the resource based view, this constraint presents key difficulties, as the organization wards off competing players from local and international markets.
  • The core capabilities in the VRIN/VRIO analysis assume critical jobs in Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s value chain. Considering the resource based view and Michael E. Doorman's value chain conceptualization, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s value chain gives reasonable and tasteful products to target buyers.
  • The accompanying outline shows the value chain for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and its situation in the bigger value arrangement of the industry:

Figure 3 Value chain for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

4.3.2. Value framework

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s value chain is a segment of the business' value framework. The value framework is made out of different other value chains of the speciality units of all associations included, for example, the organization's producers and the remainder of the inventory network. In the value chain representation, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media works directly, as well as through contracted third parties.

4.3.3. Example from value framework for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

  • The organization has an internal transportation system of vehicles for making deliveries to other companies that are in business with stocking and serving Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media products – in the local markets.
  • In this value chain and value framework, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s competitive advantage and abilities are distinguished through the VRIO/VRIN assessment are huge in how the organization's procedures offer some incentive and advantage to the consumers.

4.3.4. Value chain activities

Brief details of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s value chain are discussed in the next section: Primary activities inbound logistics.

The inbound logistics for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media refers to producers in different designated and appointed locations by the company. Also, it also refers to selecting the finest quality raw materials from in-house production as well as from third-party contractors. These are transported to the storage sites after which the raw materials are used for producing different products by the company. Operations

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media operates internationally directly or indirectly. The company has owned offshore shops, as well as stocks its products with other shops across different countries. Outbound logistics

The company has contracted agents in offshore countries and sites to manage product selling. However, a majority of the products are sold directly to licensed sellers and shops locally as well as internationally. Marketing and sales

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media produces and invests in high quality and premium products. It also invests in a high level of customer servicing and marketing. All its marketing activities, however, are based on strong market research and market data. Service

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media invests in customer service to develop customer loyalty and build strong relations with its clients. The company invests in gaining and incorporating customer feedback and in solving customer queries effectively. Support activities infrastructure.

This includes different departments like management, finance, legal, etc. which are required to keep the company’s business running. Human resource management

The company’s committed and trained workforce is considered to be a valuable and an inimitable resource that has played a vital role in the success and growth of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media the employees of the company are motivated, professional, trained, and work alongside the company’s mission and goals. Technology development

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has been commended and celebrated for the use of effective technology not only production but also to make the overall system of production and sale, as well as in house production more effective and efficient. Also, the company also uses technology to communicate and connect with its consumers effectively. Procurement

This involves purchasing the raw material for the final product. The company has appointed agents that work for the company in different countries and regions to purchase consistently high quality raw material so that the company can produce the finest product qualities for delivering to the consumers. Bottom line

The concept of the value chain for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media helps in understanding how value is added in each process and stage of the value chain. It also helps to understand and separate useful activities from those that are not useful as such. This improves the overall bottom-line of the company and increases the profit margins for the company as well. Virtual chain customer-centrism.

  • Renewed and enhanced way of engaging with consumers.
  • Installation of sophisticated consumer data management systems.
  • Made use of artificial intelligence to enhance the value chain. Improved technological use

  • Installed progressive technology for primary and support activities.
  • The overall purpose is to provide a better experience to consumers.
  • Allows the company to predict future market conditions, and prepare strategic contingencies accordingly.
  • Allows understanding of consumer behaviour and market movements. Generic strategies

  • Managed to establish core competitive strategy in the market.
  • Competes in the premium sector.
  • Does not engage in competition with other cost groups.
  • Worked towards improving the service of premium target groups.
  • Consumers understand and perceive the brand as a high quality and premium.
  • The brand is appreciated for its focused strategy and standing.
  • The brand is appreciated and engaged in for its offerings.


5.1. porter’s strategic options.

  • Leading organizations such as Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media have obtained sustainable competitive advantage and have had the option to achieve the strategic position.
  • There can be different sources of sustainable competitive advantage for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. A firm can depend on innovation to decrease its overall production costs and would then be able to pass this advantage on to its clients.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also concentrate on making a differentiated item or administration to increase its overall share of the pie.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can generate considerable sustainable competitive advantage utilizing these systems. This is done through means of traditional as well as modern procedures embraced by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to competitive advantage hand and increase its share of the pie.

5.1.1. Differentiation strategy organizational leadership.

Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has made use of the differentiation factor to maintain higher leadership and differentiation from industry competition. Differentiation of effective leadership may be achieved through different forms and basis. Broad product portfolio product quality.

Moreover, this differentiation can fluctuate from item to item, market to market and industry to industry. Generally, the essential bases of differentiation are quality, durability, usefulness and in a few consumer loyalty, and brand image. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has differentiated its items and products dependent on the quality and set a completely different, and engaging consumer experience. Brand image Brand Image

Aside from these things, it has developed a distinct and distinguished brand image which is additionally a premise of differentiation and encourages Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to advertise, promote and market its products and brand better than the competing players in the local and international markets.

5.1.2. Focus strategy overall quality of product and service.

The essential premise of differentiation for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is quality and premium taste. It serves just premium quality products, which enables it to charge a top notch and a premium cost. It has embraced the most astounding measures as far as the nature of its raw materials used for producing its products. At each progression, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media puts forth an admirable attempt to guarantee that its product fulfils the most noteworthy quality guidelines. Value addition at each step of the value chain

However, the account of value does not finish at getting incredible quality of raw materials. It goes more remote from that point. A great deal of contrast originates from the readiness. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media prepares its product diligently to draw out the quality. Human resource management

Rest of the credit goes to the human resource and employees at Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. The brand carefully picks its raw materials - just when they in ideal condition. Products are tested from each cluster in any event thrice before endorsement. This is how Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media makes the quality that each client looks forward to, and is excited about.

5.1.3. Leadership and differentiation through cost

Porter’s traditional methodologies are methods for increasing and developing a sustainable competitive advantage for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media - as it was, building up the "edge" that will get the company the ideal position and differentiates it from the industry rivals. There are two primary methods for accomplishing this inside a cost leadership methodology:

  • Increasing profits by decreasing expenses, while charging industry-average prices and costs from consumers
  • Increasing share of the overall industry by charging lower costs, while at the same time making a sensible profit on every trade since Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has controlled and reduced expenses.

The cost-based strategy and system are that – it includes Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media being the pioneer regarding cost in the industry and market where it operates. Just being among the most minimal cost producers isn't adequate, as the company leaves itself wide open to aggressive attacks by other producers and players in the industry. These players may undermine Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s costs and in this way hinder the company’s endeavours towards the expansion of its share of the overall market pie. Achieving cost differentiation

Based on this, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should be sure that it can accomplish and keep up the leading position before deciding on choosing the cost leadership strategy. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will be able to become effective in accomplishing cost differentiation by having:

  • Access to the capital expected to put resources into innovation that will cut expenses down.
  • Very proficient coordination’s.
  • A minimal effort base (work, materials, offices), and a method for economically cutting expenses beneath those of different competing players. Achieving cost leadership

However, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should ensure contingency for imitation by competition, as well as be prepared for competing payers to imitate its cost-effectiveness strategy to decrease and control their costs, and increase the overall share of the pie for their products as well. It is therefore important that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media does not only settle for one means of cost leadership but continually improves. This can be done through several different methods:

  • Engaging and applying the Japanese technique of kaizen
  • High efficiency
  • High limit use
  • Use of dealing capacity to arrange the least costs for generation inputs
  • Lean production techniques (for example JIT)
  • Effective creation process
  • Effective dissemination channels Overall Cost Effectiveness through Cost Leadership and Cost Differentiation

  • Cost differentiation and leadership strategy for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will be based on the nitty-gritty.
  • Cost initiative endeavours towards slicing expenses to a base to give clients lower costs and in this manner will help the company of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to reserve funds.
  • Cost leadership strategy requirements regularly identify with high specialized abilities and access to capital
  • The company should also resource into innovation and guarantee economies of scale.

5.2. SWOT Analysis

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media maintains its competitiveness as one of the best and the most premium locally and internationally through inventive systems that use business strengths in overcoming the weaknesses present in the business inherently.
  • Also, they make use of these internal strengths and weaknesses to make use of opportunities and ward off potential threats, for example, the dangers in the business condition and market.
  • These factors can be distinguished, assessed, and analysed through the strategic SWOT tool.
  • The SWOT analysis and review for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media talk about the strengths and weaknesses (internal core strategic components) intrinsic in tasks in the business, and for the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media organization.
  • The assessment and analysis of SWOT likewise look at the opportunities and threats (external key variables) identified with the nature of competitiveness in the market and industry, which is mostly founded based on the level and intensity of competition and rivalry – as may be gauged through Porter's Five Forces analysis of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.

5.2.1. The need for SWOT because of expanded operations of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is present and operational in different markets, and each of the markets poses unique yet various difficulties in developing the business.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media and its portfolio in these many markets have expanded over time and as the organization grows, more items are added to its portfolio in addition to its pioneer product.
  • With regards to the SWOT analysis model, these circumstances of multiple operations and multiple presences in various markets make a difficult business situation where the organization needs to utilize various arrangements of skills that match different markets.
  • Core elements of different nature – both internal and external to the organization, can help increment Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s accomplishment in contending with different companies and other businesses – both locally and internationally.
  • The SWOT analysis for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is presented below:

5.2.2. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Strengths (Internal Strategic Factors)

This section of the SWOT analysis model works with the inner variables that the organization can use as competencies and strengths to address shortcomings and ensure the business against rivalry. For this situation, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ‘primary qualities are: Strong brand image

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is one of the world's most premium, well known and most famous brands.
  • The organization has a developing populace of steadfast clients, which adds to the soundness of the business. International distribution network

  • In the SWOT analysis model, the global distribution network through directly owned subsidiaries, or contracts with third-party agents further strengths Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media by supporting activities.
  • For instance, the organization has a worldwide system of providers that are deliberately chosen dependent on criteria relating to quality, for example, of raw materials as has been discussed in the value chain - primary and supporting activities. Strong investment in research and development, and high focus on innovation

  • The focus on innovation not only keeps the company apart but also facilitates its industry leadership.
  • The internal core strengths and competent variables recognized in this section of the SWOT analysis of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media demonstrates that the business has qualities that advance strength through expansion and a worldwide production network. Focus on market research

  • Additionally, the organization steadily expands its business
  • This is done through contracts with offshore agents and licenses. Also, the company continues to broaden its portfolio by adding new products based on market research and consumer data.

5.2.3. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Weaknesses (Internal Strategic Factors)

Business weaknesses or shortcomings are recognized in this part of the SWOT analysis. Shortcomings are inward factors that diminish or cut off business capabilities and strengths. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media shortcomings are as per the following: Premium prices for most portfolio products

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has a premium brand image attached, and thus all its products in the portfolio are priced highly
  • This expands overall revenues yet decrease the affordability of its items.
  • This internal key factor is a shortcoming since it confines the organization's share of the overall industry, particularly in territories with generally lower disposable earnings Standard and benchmarked regulations and business procedures for all portfolio items generalization.

  • Likewise, this SWOT analysis highlights that generalized standards for all portfolio products may be a weakness because it restrains the adaptability of these products and items in the business. Imitability

  • What's more, numerous Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media items are imitable.
  • Several items in the portfolio have been imitated by completion, and are also being provided by them at different price points.
  • Though the quality is unique to Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, the competing players have also developed close enough, and acceptable products.
  • This business condition engages competition, as has been highlighted already. Fighting the challenge of imitation

  • The internal factors in this section of the SWOT analysis of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media demonstrate that the business must create qualities to diminish the unfavourable impacts of impersonation and the impact of high value focuses on the organization's share of the overall industry in the international and local business.

5.2.4. Opportunities for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media(External Strategic Factors)

This section of the SWOT analysis and strategic model focuses on external components that opportunities for business development and advancement. For this situation, the key opportunities accessible to Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media are: Green business products

  • With an increased focus and awareness of health and wellness lifestyles by consumers, it is important that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media recognizes this as a viable business opportunity.
  • Increased numbers of consumers are shifting to the green lifestyle of consuming environmentally friendly and organic products.
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media should focus on the expansion of the product portfolio: inclusion of green products and environmentally sustainable services are suggested. Expansion in emerging markets

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can expand its income streams through expansion and developing presence in emerging markets – such as Brazil, China and India.
  • This opportunity draws consideration far from the U.S. region, where the majority of the organization's incomes are created. Business enhancement

  • Likewise noteworthy in this SWOT analysis of opportunities is the opportunity of business enhancement and further business development.
  • This can help improve the long term position of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • For instance, through higher diversification of the portfolio and the overall business, the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media organization can diminish its reliance on its present enterprises, and along these lines work towards improving its general income development. Partnerships with different firms diversification through partnerships.

  • Diversification is right now a minor strategy as can be observed from Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s competitive strategy and its overall directive strategy as well.
  • The business environments likewise display the chance to enhance the organization's competencies and strengths
  • This will also increase its share of the overall industry through the association’s s with different firms. For example, a partnership with real retailers improves dispersion. Development of corporate clientele

  • The company can also formulate new B2B relations and contracts with other companies and corporate entities.
  • The external key factors in this section of the SWOT analysis demonstrate that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can improve its industry position by building up its activities to make use of the opportunities in the international business markets.

5.2.5. Threats facing Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media(External Strategic Factors)

Threats against the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media business are distinguished in this piece of the SWOT analysis. Threats are external components that decrease or breaking point of business execution. In this case of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, the following section looks at, and assesses threats that apply to the organization in question: Price wars by competition

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media competes with a wide assortment of firms in the local as well as the international market.
  • For instance, the organization competes against significant premium companies as well as against cheaper companies that offer cheap priced items and products.
  • This external but important factor in the SWOT assessment undermines Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media because such competing players can lessen the organization's share of the overall industry by competing based on low prices and overall low costs of production. Increased competition

  • Additionally, this SWOT assessment also analyses increased competition as a noteworthy threat against the business.
  • In light of the organization's shortcomings, the risk of imitation includes firms that attempt to duplicate the taste, look and feel of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media items.
  • Saturated market place and industry can also lower sales of the organization and shrink its share of the overall pie
  • Increased competition can also lead to the increased cost of doing business for the organization if they bring innovative processes, and implement novice systems to control costs Independent players

  • The industry environment and profitability are liable to invite independent developments, and small-scale players.
  • These players may not have high levels of integration and may be retailers and marketers for items produced during backward integration.
  • Strategic marketing techniques and promotional communications are expected to neutralize the impacts of these patterns.
  • This section of the SWOT analysis of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Mediarecognizes external key factors that force difficulties to international expansion and growth of the company as well as highlight market infiltration.

5.3. TOWS Matrix

TOWS analysis will allow Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to identify and understand the strategic choices and future strategic options and directions available to the company. The TOWS matrix and analysis will help Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to look at various possible future and long term situations, and ill force Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to look at these options by questioning strategic directives such as:

  • How will Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media make the most of its strengths and core competencies?
  • How will Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Circumvent its weaknesses and shortcomings?
  • How will Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media capitalize on the various opportunities present in the business environment?
  • How will Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ward off, and manage the threats that are present in the external business environment?

The analysis of the SWOT and the subsequent assessment and development of the TOWS matrix will allow the Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to be able to identify the following answers:

  • Strengths and Opportunities (SO) – How would Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media be able to utilize on its strengths to exploit the opportunities?
  • Strengths and Threats (ST) – How would Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media be able to exploit its strengths and core competencies to keep away from genuine and potential threats?
  • Weaknesses and Opportunities (WO) – How would Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media be able to capitalize on its opportunities to overcome the weaknesses that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is encountering?
  • Weaknesses and Threats (WT) – How would Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media be able to limit its weaknesses and evade threats?

5.3.1. TWOS matrix visual presentation

Table 1 TWOS matrix for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media

TWOS Matrix
  • The TOWS Matrix is a moderately basic strategic tool used by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media for producing key alternatives and identifying key strategic alternatives that may be pursued by Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media.
  • By utilizing it, Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can take a look towards understanding that it can best exploit the opportunities present, while at the same time also limit the effect of shortcomings and ensure itself against threats.

5.4. ANSOFF Matrix

  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media has viably utilized this instrument to develop a procedure for accomplishing competitive advantage in the industry and various markets it operates in.
  • Market development
  • Market penetration
  • Product development
  • Product penetration

The following section highlights the various strategies that may be used through the Ansoff matrix. These strategies have been highlighted and identified through vigorous research methodologies, as well as through expert analyst data and opinion.

5.4.1. Market development strategies advertising and promotion of products.

  • One of the most popular means of developing a market is to use marketing strategically.
  • By making use of advertising and marketing communications, the company will be able to disseminate information about its product, and the various benefits of consumption to its target market easily.
  • Also, the use of social media for marketing will, at the same time allow the company to communicate directly with the consumers, and answer their queries. Education about product consumption.

  • The company can make use of widespread marketing campaigns using traditional means as well as means of social media to increase awareness of their product amongst the target market.
  • This task of educating the markets will give the company a first-mover advantage, as well as develop important functional appeals for the product.

5.4.2. Market penetration strategies geographical expansion.

  • The company can expand into other markets through its previous experience, as well as through partnerships and contracts with other agents and parties.
  • The company can also develop subsidiaries, as well as offer its products through franchising as well as licensing.
  • The geographical expansion is suggested into emerging economies because of the favourable income levels of the consumers, as well as the growing infrastructure. Increased number of retail outlets and retail presence

  • The company can penetrate existing markets by offering more shops or making its product more widely available.
  • This may be done through increasing the accessibility of the product at places where the target consumers are expected to purchase from, as well as improving the interaction of the product with consumers at different touchpoints. Online retailing

  • Another means of improving market penetration is through online retailing. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can stock its products on online retailing sites locally and internationally.
  • This would help the company improve sales, accessibility, as well as reach higher levels of target consumers. All of this, in turn, would increase market penetration.
  • Besides, it would also help the company maintain and control costs for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, and thereby help it achieve cost leadership in the industry

5.4.3. Product development strategies research and development.

  • To be able to develop new products, the company should have a focused interest and budget sending allocated to new product research and development.
  • This research would take a basis in the consumer market and the overall market trends, to identify the gap in consumer demands, and market availability of different products.
  • The new product would then generally be aimed towards fulfilling this gap. New product development labs

  • The company should have dedicate incubation labs for the development of new products.
  • This means that this development should be a focused and separate entity that should focus on the company’s innovation.
  • The company should also hire the right talent for business development and innovation to be able to achieve targets and goals accordingly. Market testing

  • New products should follow PD cycles for testing before launching in a market.
  • This will ensure that the company can fix any loopholes present in the product, as well as incorporate positive feedback. Strategic Marketing

  • The company should also have a focused and strategic budget for marketing and communications allocated for new product development.
  • This is because the company will need to increase the appeal, as well as develop functional and emotional appeals and characteristics of the new product.
  • Communicate with the consumers to enhance sales as well as increase likeability and rate of consumption and trial.

5.4.4. Product penetration strategies acquiring personally owned retail to strengthen its presence..

  • One way of increasing product penetration is that the company directly manages and controls sales operation through owned retail.
  • This will give the campy leverage over communication, as well as product stocking and placement. Diversification of portfolio

  • The company can further expand its portfolio as a means of product penetration.
  • The expansion of the portfolio will allow the company to reach a different and diverse target group, thereby increasing the overall share of the pie for the company
  • This will also increase Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media ’s products’ accessibility to different consumers.

5.5. SAF criteria

5.5.1. how worlds collide work life and social media can strengthen its strategic position using saf criteria.

  • When Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is deciding upon a certain strategic direction for the future, it will face challenges.
  • Choosing the right strategy at the right time can be a daunting task for managers.
  • It is therefore important that managers look at the strategy from aspects of its value and viability.
  • The principal thing the managers of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will have to do is settle on a foundation by which to evaluate the different strategic alternatives.
  • They will also need to choose a viable methodology is to assess the different strategies independently.
  • Strategies can be evaluated and assessed using criteria of suitability, acceptability and feasibility (SAF).
  • The following section weighs different strategies and possible future directives for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media based on the SAF criteria.

5.5.2. Creation of a menu for high-income groups suitability, new market development.

  • This strategy is suitable because it will allow Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to develop new markets by tapping into new consumer groups.
  • At the same time, it will allow the company to penetrate higher into existing markets.
  • Both these possibilities can be realized because Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media invests in consumer research and has a strong financial standing. Acceptability alignment with organizational goals.

  • The strategy is acceptable because it is in line with the company’s goals and mission.
  • Also, it is also in line with the internal marketing and culture of the organization. Financial risk

  • As such, the strategy does not pose any risk – financially and otherwise and is also palatable for stakeholder reactions.
  • Lastly, the strategy promises to give high returns. Overall, the strategy appears to be highly acceptable. Feasibility market research and financial cushioning.

  • This strategy is highly feasible.
  • This is because the company already operates along with this mission, and has high levels of market research and information regarding high-income groups.
  • This information could be utilized for creating a suitable menu for high-income groups.
  • At the same time, the company also has the financial power to introduce premium menu items for the higher class – to expand its menu accordingly.

5.5.3. Creation of a healthy menu for existing target consumer groups suitability, diversification of product portfolio.

  • This strategy would require a high diversification of the product portfolio.
  • This is suitable because the company has the resources and the information to make strategic decisions about diversification. Innovation

  • Moreover, the company also innovates regularly, which can be an added benefit for the suitability of the strategy. Acceptability risk of financial investment.

  • This strategy appears to be moderately acceptable.
  • This is because it poses a risk through diversification with high levels of finances invested, the company can never be too sure of the consumer reactions. Risk of new product development

  • Therefore, the risk of new product development and consumer reaction would be there.
  • Also, the acceptability is also low because of stakeholder reaction – who might not all agree with the expansion of the portfolio horizontally – i.e. The broadening of the portfolio away from the core offerings.
  • Lastly, if the strategy works, it promises high returns, which make sit low to moderately acceptable. Feasibility market research and financial cushioning.

  • This strategy is also feasible for the company.
  • This is because of the company’s strong financial position, as well as its ability to researching into different market trends and patterns.
  • The identification of these trends and patterns is important for being able to decide which market and industry to diversify into for the company.

5.5.4. Increasing existing advertising expenditure suitability, focused budgeting.

  • This strategy is suitable because the company has high and focused budgeting for marketing and communications.
  • This would also allow Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media to withdraw from failing markets or markets that have a weak share, and gain access to rising markets. Strategic marketing

  • The company will be able to exploit its research and development for strategic marketing
  • Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media will also make use of existing systems and products to reach new consumer groups through marketing. Acceptability return on investment.

  • The strategy is acceptable because it poses a low risk in terms of investment in strategic marketing.
  • Also, it promises high returns on investment in marketing through the promise of increased awareness, increased penetration, increased brand recall and brand recognition – all of which will translate into higher sales.
  • Lastly, stakeholders will also not frown upon this strategy, which makes it more acceptable to implement. Feasibility market research and financial cushioning.

  • The strategy is highly feasible because the company has a strong financial standing.
  • This means that the company can afford to increases budget for marketing purposes.
  • However, for the stagey to be successful, it is important that the company aces sure that all promotional campaigns developed are in sync with consumer needs, demands and behaviour.
  • This is again possible for the company because of its investment in research and development.


Based on the overall internal and external analysis done for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media, this section will offer recommendations which will help the company take on strategic directions that will enhance its core competencies and capabilities, as well as reduce its chances for risks and threats? The following recommendations are thus made for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media:

6.1. Strengthen distribution network

6.1.1. control.

This is an important strategic recommendation as it will allow higher control to the company over its products in different markets. The company will be able to control where its products are placed, and thereby, will also be able to enhance the accessibility and easy availability of its products.

6.1.2. Stronger relation with consumers

At the same time, the strengthening of the distribution network will allow the company to work more closely with end consumers by being able to reach them with the same high quality of products across different markets.

6.2. Develop unique marketing tactics

6.2.1. higher penetration.

This strategic recommendation will help the company reach a higher number of consumers and penetrate deeper into target consumer groups. Also, this strategy will allow the company to increase trial and consumption and sales of its products.

6.2.2. Forming a partnership with consumers

Unique marketing tactics will involve new and informed strategic means of communicating with the consumers and engaging them with the brand. One way that this can be done is by making consumer co-producers for the brand. Another way that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Mediacan do this is through co-branding with other similar, yet dissimilar brands and companies to enjoy higher market visibility amongst target consumers.

6.3. Adapt to different cultural aspects of different markets

6.3.1. identify different consumer group characteristics.

Each market and target group has distinct characteristics. This recommendation is suggested so that the company can connect better with different target groups in different markets.

6.3.2. Adapt to and respond to characteristics

By adapting to different cultural and regional characteristics, the company will be able to present itself better to target consumers – who would then feel a greater affinity, and more likeliness of consuming the product and the service.

6.4. Expand into new regions

6.4.1. market expansion.

Another strategic recommendation for Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Mediais to expand into newer regions and markets. This can be done by expanding into new markets, firstly. This expansion will give the company exposure to new consumer groups. Increase the overall consumption rate, as well as diversify income streams. Also, it will give the company related expansion exposure regionally as well as internationally.

6.4.2. Product diversification

Another means of expansion is through product diversification. By adding new products, the company will be Abe to penetrate deeper into existing markets bye exploring new consumer groups, and new target consumer groups. This will also diversify income streams for the company, and increase its overalls hare of the market.

6.5. Strengthen value network

By strengthening the value network further, and by adding quality and enhanced elements at different stages, the company will be able to maintain competitive advantage, as well as put off new players from the industry by increasing barriers to entry. This will allow the company to maintain sustainable competitiveness over other players, as well as maintain a possible leadership position in the local and international markets and industry.

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  1. Worlds Collide.edited.docx

    worlds collide work life and social media case study

  2. (PDF) When Worlds Collide in Cyberspace: How Boundary Work in Online

    worlds collide work life and social media case study

  3. (PDF) Worlds Collide: Exploring the Use of Social Media Technologies

    worlds collide work life and social media case study

  4. When the Workplace and Social Media Collide

    worlds collide work life and social media case study

  5. When Social Media and the Work Place Collide

    worlds collide work life and social media case study

  6. Free Social Media Case Study Template in Word, Google Docs

    worlds collide work life and social media case study


  1. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised ...

  2. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media. By: Elizabeth A. Powell, Rebecca Goldberg, Sean Kumar. While some cases may focus on using social media to advance the interests of a business or brand, this case is best positioned as a springboard for exploring social media as it may coexist with or be…. Length: 7 page (s)

  3. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised ...

  4. Worlds Collide' Work, Life, and Social Media

    Welcome to Studocu Sign in to access the best study resources. Sign in Register. Guest user Add your university or school. ... Tean 2 Case Practice - Worlds Collide' Work, Life, and Social Media. Case practice. ... Worlds Collide' Work, Life, and Social Media. Course: Principles of Communication in the Business Environment (MGMT 1P96)

  5. 'When Worlds Collide': Navigating the Minefield of Social Media

    This is really where the title, "When Worlds Collide," comes into play. We were really interested in how the personal and professional lives of employees can become blurred on social media ...

  6. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised ...

  7. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    The case discussion can (1) surface diverse student views on the uses of social media as they relate to work life; (2) encourage analysis of and decision-making in the context of a tricky multilevel managerial situation involving social media use, company nondisclosure policies, and communicating guidelines; and (3) consider how issues raised ...

  8. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Solution

    1. Introduction. This case study presents a detailed strategic analysis of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media. The case analysis covers key managerial and strategic issues that Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media is currently facing due to challenging internal and external environments.

  9. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2018, Sean Kumar and others published Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  10. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    The Case Centre is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England No 1129396 and entered in the Register of Charities No 267516. VAT No GB 870 9608 93. It is also the trading name of The Case Centre USA, a non-profit making company.

  11. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Analysis and Case Solution

    The Value chain analysis of Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media helps in identifying the activities of an organization, and how these add value in terms of cost reduction and differentiation. This tool is used in the case study analysis as follows: The firm's primary and support activities are listed down.

  12. Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media

    November 09, 2018. While some cases may focus on the use of social media to promote the interests of a company or brand, this case is best as a springboard to explore social media because they can coexist or be integrated into corporate life. The case presents a challenge for a young direct reporter, a relatively inexperienced manager, and the ...

  13. Worlds Collide Work Life And Social Media Case Study Solution

    We choose to be conscious of the change from the previous year as we begin college or a few years ago as we shift to a less-expensive business like a digital-battery-charging, social media-setting, electronic-battery-charging, try this out phone-charging (Mountain Life), online-the-wacky-smart-smart-theming-Worlds Collide Work Life And Social ...

  14. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study Solution

    The following tips and bits should be kept in mind while preparing your finance case solution in a Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media xls spreadsheet: Avoid using fixed numbers in formulae. Avoid hiding data. Useless and meaningful colours, such as highlighting negative numbers in red. Label column and rows.

  15. CaseStudy#1.docx

    Karina Espinoza Rios JMC 406 Marianne Barrett September 23, 2019 Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media I. Identification of Strategic Issues and Problems A. Major Problems Jenny Peters received sensitive company information through Facebook that was published by Harley and Dupree her supervisor wanted to see her regarding the situation. Peters who was promoted to one of the three ...

  16. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study solution

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  17. Worlds Collide.edited one.edited.docx

    Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media Name Professor's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date Date Worlds. AI Chat with PDF. Expert Help. Study Resources. ... (Atek, n.d). Our case study involves an employee in Atek . International, Harley, who wrongly wrote a political opinion on a direct report and posted it on Facebook's social ...

  18. case study Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media What

    Solved by verified expert. Answered by limsondiane. The use of social media in one's personal life may be very beneficial for the promotion of both the individual and their business. In one's professional life, one should preserve professional manners at all times. In order to comply with this requirement, you must abstain from sharing anything ...

  19. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study Analysis ...

    Need Help with Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study Analysis & Solution? Order Now for $12. ... Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Study Analysis & Solution. Posted by Thomas on Mar-13-2020 . Case Study Analysis & Solution. There are 10 essential steps that could help analyze and find a solution to the Case Study. ...

  20. Identify the problem(s) case World's Collide: Work, Life, and

    In conclusion, the case of World's Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media highlights the complex challenges and issues individuals face as they try to balance their professional life, personal life, and social media engagement. The case highlights the potential impact of social media on work-life balance, personal relationships, privacy, mental ...

  21. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media Case Solution

    Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can use government assistance and grants for purposes of growing the business, advancement, exporting, and innovative work. Worlds Collide Work Life and Social Media can also be impacted by when Governments modify regulations and laws. Political Stability.

  22. Case Study: World's Collide: Work, Life and Social media What is

    Case Study: World's Collide: Work, Life and Social media. What is the role of social media in professional life? How does the role of social media differ between personal and professional life? What risk management factors are needed to be considered? How could Jenny Peters have behaved differently? Was Richard Harley wrong?

  23. Worlds Collide.edited.docx

    Name Course Date Worlds Collide: Work, Life, and Social Media Background We may use social media in numerous situations and with various intentions by different people. In a business environment, social media is purposely used to enlighten the customers about an organization's brand and goals. However, if the parties involved are not keen, it is easy to diminish the organization through the ...