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  • CBSE Class 9 Chemistry Practical
  • Practical Experiment on Burning of Magnesium Ribbon in Air

Experiment on Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

A physical change occurs when there is no change in the composition of a substance and no change in the chemical nature of the substance.

The interconversion of state occurs during physical change.


A chemical change is a change that causes a change in the chemical properties of matter, resulting in the formation of a new substance. As an example, consider the burning of oil or fuel.

Heat is evolved or taken in, the formation of bubbles, gas, and fumes, as well as a change in the colour of the reactants, can take place when they form a product.

Reactants → Products

A + B → C (Chemical reaction)

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To carry out the Burning of magnesium ribbon in air and classify it as physical and chemical changes.

Magnesium Ribbon, Burner, Tongs, Watch Glass, pH paper Strip/Red Litmus Paper.

Magnesium is an extremely active metal. Magnesium oxide is formed when it reacts with oxygen.

During this process, two elements, magnesium and oxygen, react to form the compound magnesium oxide. Such reactions are referred to as combination reactions.

Magnesium oxide is basic in nature because it forms magnesium hydroxide when dissolved in water.

Magnesium oxide changes the colour of the red litmus solution to blue.

1. Impurities are removed from a piece of magnesium ribbon by rubbing it with sandpaper.

2. Use a pair of tongs to hold the magnesium ribbon over the watch glass or china dish.

3. Light the magnesium ribbon on the bunsen burner. Gather ash in a watch glass or china dish.

4. Bring the ash with moist red litmus paper.

1. Rub magnesium ribbon with sandpaper. It looks silvery white. The colour of magnesium ribbon/metal is silvery white.
2. Burn magnesium ribbon. It burns with a dazzling white flame. Magnesium burns in the air to form magnesium oxide.
3. Bring moist red litmus paper in contact with the ash of the magnesium ribbon. Red litmus paper turns blue. MgO is basic is nature.
  • Magnesium is a silver-white metal.
  • Mg burns in the air, emitting a bright white flash, and then combines with oxygen to form basic magnesium oxide. 2Mg + O 2 → 2MgO
  • MgO is a basic element.
  • The experiment shows that burning magnesium ribbon in air is a direct combination reaction.
  • The formation of magnesium oxide is a chemical change.

1. The sandpaper should be used to clean the magnesium ribbon.

2. Hold the magnesium ribbon with tongs while it burns.

3. Avoid looking directly at the bright light associated with burning Mg. Wear sunglasses.

4. Do not come into contact with white powder or magnesium oxide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the colour of the flame when magnesium burns in the air.

Magnesium burns with a dazzling white flame.

Does Magnesium hydroxide have any effect on litmus paper?

Yes, on testing Magnesium hydroxide with litmus paper, it turns red litmus to blue.

Note down the observations for the experiment.

Some of the observations of the experiment are-

  • Magnesium burns with dazzling white flame.
  • A white powdery mass of magnesium oxide is formed.

What is the equation for the reaction?

The equation for the reaction is as follows-

Mg + O 2 → MgO

What type of reaction is the burning of magnesium ribbon?

The burning of magnesium ribbon is a combination reaction. This is because magnesium reacts with oxygen to form a single product magnesium oxide

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burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

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Burning of a Magnesium Ribbon

To analyse the chemical reaction of burning of magnesium ribbon in air.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

This experiment aims to study the combination reaction between metal (magnesium) and oxygen. Magnesium forms magnesium oxide on burning in the presence of air. It is a combination reaction between two elements. Magnesium oxide is basic in nature; thus, its aqueous solution turns red litmus blue. 

2Mg(s) + O 2 (g) → 2MgO(s)

In this experiment, apparatus and materials are required: A pair of tongs, a burner, a pair of goggles, a watch glass, a beaker, a piece of sandpaper, magnesium ribbon (2 to 3 cm long), red and blue litmus papers, and distilled water.

Experiment Procedure

To perform this experiment, steps to be followed in the following manner:

  • Take a magnesium ribbon (2 to 3 cm long) and clean it with sandpaper. This will remove the oxide layer deposited over the magnesium ribbon, which makes it passive. 
  •  Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs over a watch glass and burn it in the air with a burner. Watch the burning of magnesium ribbon using a pair of dark goggles.
  • Collect the white powder obtained on the watch glass.
  • Transfer and mix the white powder in a beaker containing a small amount of distilled water. 
  • Put drops of this mixture over the red and blue litmus papers and record your observations.

From this experiment, we have learnt that when a white-coloured magnesium ribbon is heated in the air, it burns with a white dazzling white flame and forms a white powder chemically known as magnesium oxide. 

When the formed product, that is, magnesium oxide, reacts with water, it produces magnesium hydroxide, which is basic in nature. 

FAQs on Burning of a Magnesium Ribbon

Q1: what is the combination reaction.

Answer: A reaction in which two or more reactants combine to form a single product is known as a combination reaction. Example: 2Na(s) + Cl 2 (g) → 2NaCl(s)

Q2: What is the balanced equation for the reaction between magnesium and oxygen?

Answer: The balanced equation is: 2Mg(s) + O 2 (g) → 2MgO(s)

Q3: What is the colour of the flame when magnesium burns in the air?

Answer: Magnesium burns with a dazzling white flame.

Q4: What is the effect of magnesium hydroxide on litmus paper?

Answer: Magnesium hydroxide is basic in nature. Testing magnesium hydroxide with litmus paper turns red litmus to blue.

Q5: What is the oxidation state of magnesium in MgO?

Answer: The oxidation state of magnesium in MgO is +2.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

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The reaction of magnesium with steam

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Magnesium is a classroom favourite for students, and with these experiments you can illuminate students on this interesting element

Grab your sunglasses and be dazzled by chemistry! Below are two methods to create a magnesium steam reaction.

  • Eye protection
  • Bunsen burner
  • Conical flask, 250 cm 3
  • Conical flask, 1 dm 3  (with a one-holed rubber bung to fit)
  • Glass trough or washing up bowl
  • One boiling tube
  • One short length of glass tube of approximately 1 cm diameter
  • About half a metre of rubber tubing
  • Wooden spills
  • 45 cm of magnesium ribbon
  • Universal indicator solution

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance .
  • Always wear eye protection.
  • Looking at burning magnesium is hazardous due to a significant amount of UV light emitted.
  • Magnesium is flammable (see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC095a ).
  • Universal indicator is flammable (see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC032 ).
  • Stand the 250 cm 3 conical flask on the tripod and clamp its neck to steady it.
  • Place about 50 cm 3 of water in the flask. Bring this to the boil and allow it to boil for at least five minutes to displace all the air from the flask and replace it with steam.
  • Take three 15 cm lengths of magnesium ribbon and twist them together to form a length of plaited ribbon of the same length. This is more rigid than a single strand and can therefore be manoeuvred more easily when held in a pair of tongs.
  • Take care that the ribbon does not break during plaiting.
  • Leave the Bunsen burner on, boiling the water. 
  • Holding the plaited magnesium ribbon in tongs by one end, light the other end in the Bunsen flame (a second Bunsen burner may be helpful) and hold the burning end in the steam inside the flask. Avoid looking directly at the burning ribbon.
  • The ribbon will continue to glow brightly, forming hydrogen by reaction with steam. This ignites and burns at the mouth of the flask with a slightly yellowish flame.
  • The magnesium oxide falls into the water and a little dissolves.
  • Turn off the Bunsen burner and add a few drops of Universal indicator to the water. It will be significantly alkaline due to dissolved magnesium hydroxide.

Magnesium practical method 1 diagram

  • Enlarge the hole in the rubber bung so that it will take a piece of glass tubing of diameter about 1 cm.
  • Attach about half a metre of rubber delivery tube to this glass tube. This will be of similar bore to the tubing used for a Bunsen burner. (The reason for this unusually wide tubing is so that it can cope with the rapid evolution of hydrogen that occurs in this demonstration.)
  • Stand the 1 dm 3 conical flask on the tripod and clamp its neck to steady it.
  • Place about 200 cm 3 of water in the flask. Bring this to the boil and allow it to boil for at least five minutes to displace all the air from the flask and replace it with steam.
  • Plait the magnesium as described above and attach it to the underside of the bung on the wide bore delivery tube. The easiest way to do this is to cut a small slit in the rubber with a scalpel and insert one end of the plaited ribbon into the slit.
  • Fill a trough with water and clamp a boiling tube full of water in an inverted position with its mouth underwater.
  • Place the free end of the rubber delivery tube in the mouth of the boiling tube. Clamp the delivery tube if necessary to prevent it coming out of the mouth of the boiling tube as the other end, attached to the bung, is moved (see diagram below).
  • Leave the Bunsen burner on, boiling the water.
  • Light the end of the plaited magnesium ribbon and lower it into the steam in the flask until the bung is fitted into the mouth of the flask. The magnesium will continue to glow brightly in the steam, forming hydrogen. This will be forced along the delivery tube and some will be collected in the boiling tube, although much will overflow.
  • Remove the bung and delivery tube from the flask to prevent suck-back, and test the gas in the boiling tube with a lighted spill. It will ‘pop’ showing it to be hydrogen.
  • The magnesium oxide will have fallen into the water and a little will have dissolved.

Magnesium practical method 2 diagram

  • The reaction is:
  • Mg(s) + H 2 O(g) → MgO(s) + H 2 (g)
  • Followed by MgO(s) + H 2 O(l) → Mg(OH) 2 (aq)
  • The hydrogen flame in method 1 would be more easily seen in a slightly darkened room.
  • Do not allow the burning magnesium to touch the side of the flask. This can be a difficult task if you are dazzled by its flame. Wearing sunglasses might help.

The reaction of magnesium with steam - teacher notes

Additional information.

This practical is part of our  Chemistry for non-specialists and Classic chemistry demonstrations collections. This experiment has been adapted from Classic Chemistry Demonstrations, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, p.199-203.

  • 14-16 years
  • 16-18 years
  • Demonstrations
  • Reactions and synthesis


  • The reactions of the elements Mg–Ba with water.
  • 3. know the reactions of the elements Mg to Ba in Group 2 with oxygen, chlorine and water
  • b) the relative reactivities of the Group 2 elements Mg → Ba shown by their redox reactions with: oxygen, water, dilute acids
  • (e) reactions of Group 2 elements with oxygen and water/steam
  • 2.1.2 describe the reactions, if any, of the above metals with the following and describe how to collect the gas produced, where appropriate: air; water; and steam;
  • 2.11.3 investigate and describe the reactions of the elements with oxygen, water and dilute acids;

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Burning of magnesium ribbon in air - Lab Work

To carry out the burning of magnesium ribbon in air and classify it as physical or chemical changes.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

Sl. No. Experiment Observation Inference
1. Magnesium ribbon is rubbed with sand paper. It looks silvery white. Colour of magnesium metal is silvery white.
2. Magnesium Ribbon is burnt. It burns brilliantly and a white ash is left behind. Magnesium burns in air to form Magnesium oxide (MgO).
3. Moist red litmus is brought in contact with the ash of Magnesium ribbon. Red litmus paper turns blue. MgO is basic in nature.

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Burning magnesium in a Bunsen flame and other flame experiments

Yehoshua Sivan, Safed 13400, Israel

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Normally one demonstrates magnesium burning by getting it started in the Bunsen flame, and then removing it so that it burns in air with a blinding white light. The product is a white smoke. This product can be collected by burning the magnesium under an inverted beaker, showing it is a solid, a white ash — MgO.

However, if the magnesium is not removed from the flame, as that photograph shows, then it still burns in the flame, not nearly so well (it sputters), and above it the flame is yellow-orange. The blue flame of the correctly adjusted burner, on its own, shows no such colour, nor does magnesium burning in air. Furthermore the product is not a pure white ash, but a white and black mixture.

This could be another Chemical Riddle — it is related to one I wrote some years ago: “Chem Riddles, No.1”,  Chem 13 News , September 2000, page 17.* Why does the magnesium burn at all in the flame? Why does it give out much less light? Where does the orange luminosity come from? What makes the ash black?

The "secret" to the riddle’s solution is the presence of CO 2  as one of the combustion products of the hydrocarbon gas.

The reaction is as follows:

2Mg(s)  +  CO 2 (g) →  2MgO(s)  + C(s)   ΔH = -809 kJ

In comparison, the reaction in air is far more exothermic:

2Mg(s)  +  O 2 (g) →  2 MgO(s)     ΔH = -1202 kJ

Hence the burning is less vigorous and gives out less light. The carbon formed gives off incandescent light in the flame (similar to the cause of the luminosity of a poorly adjusted Bunsen flame or a candle flame), and part of the carbon formed is left in the ash.

Incidentally, I would never have realized the potential of burning magnesium  in  the Bunsen flame, had it not been that I was showing potential teachers how to demonstrate the phenomenon in air, and one did it the "wrong" way (as above), and asked why the ash was black and white together. Like so many of the most interesting chemical experiences I have had over the years, it resulted from my allowing the students to do the experiment rather than me.

The following are a few other demonstrations in the same vein.

Demonstration 2

Observe a wire gauze lowered onto a cool flame. If you look from above, you can see that the flame is hollow.

Wire gauze held over flame.

As the gauze heats up, a flame reappears above it. Students eventually suggest that the centre of the flame contains unburned gas, and students may eventually suggest a test such as this:

Schematic diagram of Bunsen burner.

Demonstration 3

Another interesting little experiment is to heat a thick piece of copper so that it blackens on removing it from the flame (CuO is formed); on putting it back in the flame, the shiny pinkish colour reappears on the surface as long as it is in the flame, but on withdrawing it, it turns black again. This effect results from unburned hydrocarbon gas (for example, butane) reacting with the oxide through the following reaction:

13CuO(s)  +  C 4 H 10 (g) →  4CO 2 (g)  +  5H 2 O(g)  +  13Cu(s)

Demonstration 4

Diagram of matchstick held in Bunsen flame.

Demonstration 5

The students are always inquisitive to know what part the holes play in determining the flame color and heat. The drawing below illustrates a very simple way of showing that air is being drawn in (some students had thought that if the holes were opened, gas would come out). There is room for further discussion here (apart from the Bernouilli effect  per se ), regarding the changing color of the flame. Less air goes in, if the combustion products of the match take its place.

I published a riddle relating to the Bunsen burner flame in  Chem13 News , February 2001, page 4.*

*Both of the riddles mentioned by Yehoshua will be posted online under “Supplemental materials” on the  Chem13 News website .

More about February 2015

Student constructing a Daniel Cell.

Department of Chemistry 200 University Ave. W Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1

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Burning Magnesium Lab

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burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12. The metal is highly flammable and reactive in nature.

Some interesting facts about Magnesium:

  • Magnesium is the ninth most abundant element (present in large quantities) in the universe and eighth most abundant in earth’s crust making about 13% of the planet’s mass. It is also the third most abundant element dissolved in sea water, after sodium and chlorine.
  • Magnesium is the eleventh most abundant element by mass in the human body and is essential to all cells and some enzymes.
  • Magnesium in elementary form exists as gray-white light-weight metal. Compared to all the alkaline earth metals, Magnesium has the lowest melting point (923 K (1,202 °F)) and the lowest boiling point 1,363 K (1,994 °F).
  • Magnesium is highly flammable. Flame temperatures of magnesium and magnesium alloys can reach 3,100 °C (5,610 °F). Once ignited, such fires are difficult to extinguish, because combustion continues in nitrogen (forming magnesium nitride), carbon dioxide (forming magnesium oxide and carbon), and water (forming magnesium oxide and hydrogen, which also combusts due to heat in the presence of additional oxygen).
  • Magnesium plays an important role in about 300 enzyme reactions in human body like synthesis of proteins, nerve & muscle function, blood glucose and blood pressure regulation. An adult body contains approximately 25g magnesium with 50% to 60% present in the bones and most of the rest in soft tissues

Burning of Magnesium Ribbon:

When the magnesium is burnt, it reacts with oxygen present in the air to form a compound, magnesium oxide. The reaction produces a bright white dazzling light while converting magnesium into magnesium oxide powder. This oxidation or combustion of magnesium has been used a source of intense light in photography and in other photochemical reactions. Following are the steps to perform the experiment: Precautions: Wear safety glasses and hand gloves before performing the experiment.

Apparatus Required

1. Rubbing of Magnesium Ribbon with Sand Paper: Magnesium due to its reactive nature gets coated with rust and carbon in air. The coating needs to be removed before burning. Sand paper is used for the purpose and ribbon is rubbed as shown in the image.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

2. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon: Use to the tongs to hold the ribbon and spirit lamp to burn the metal. Hold the Mg ribbon on fire for some time till it catches fire.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

3. Observe the white light: When Magnesium ribbon starts burning; a bright white dazzling light is produced. Use safety glasses to watch the flame.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

4. Formation of Magnesium Oxide: After the magnesium ribbon has burnt, a white substance is formed in powdered form, called magnesium oxide. The reaction follows:

2Mg (s) + 2O 2 (g) → 2MgO (s)

Melting Point of Mg (650 o C)   → Melting Point of MgO (2852 o C)

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

5. Formation of Magnesium Hydroxide: Collect the powdered magnesium oxide in watch glass. Add some water to it. A new compound magnesium hydroxide will be formed as shown in reaction:

MgO (s) + H2O (l) → Mg (OH)2 (s)

6. Test Magnesium Hydroxide for base or acid: Now use artificial indicator, Phenolphthalein to check the alkalinity of the compound. Add few drops of Phenolphthalein to it and observe the color changes.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

Applications of Magnesium Oxide Powder:

  • Antacids: Being basic in nature, in its hydrated form, it is commonly used to neutralize the acidity and indigestion due to acidity. Milk of Magnesia is commonly used syrup in daily life.
  • Drying Agent: In powdered form, magnesium oxide is hygroscopic in nature meaning that it attracts water from its surroundings. Libraries and other large book and paper storage facilities will often use powdered magnesium oxide to help preserve paper.
  • Refractory: Due to its high temperature withstanding capabilities (2852 o C melting point), it is used in lining the inner surface of the furnaces.
  • Many other uses include dietary supplements for humans and animals, insulators, packaging of nuclear wastes, treatment of leather etc.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesiumm
  • https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Magnesium
  • https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Magnesium#Discovery_and_occurrence
  • https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/
  • https://sciencing.com/common-uses-magnesium-oxide-4709013.html

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Ashley's chemistry blog

Tuesday, december 11, 2012, magnesium ribbon experiment.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

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Burning magnesium

The metal behind 19th-century flash photography

  • Magnesium strip
  • Hexamethylene-tetramine
  • Put on protective eyewear. Conduct the experiment on the plastic tray and in a well-ventilated area.
  • Keep a bowl of water nearby during the experiment.
  • Keep flammable materials and hair away from flame.
  • Avoid looking directly at burning magnesium to prevent eye discomfort.
  • Do not attempt to extinguish the solid fuel and magnesium — let them burn down completely. Do not touch the stove after the experiment — wait until it cools down.
  • Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with the eyes or mouth.
  • Keep young children, animals and those not wearing eye protection away from the experimental area.
  • Store this experimental set out of reach of children under 12 years of age.
  • Clean all equipment after use.
  • Make sure that all containers are fully closed and properly stored after use.
  • Ensure that all empty containers are disposed of properly.
  • Do not use any equipment which has not been supplied with the set or recommended in the instructions for use.
  • Do not replace foodstuffs in original container. Dispose of immediately.
  • In case of eye contact: Wash out eye with plenty of water, holding eye open if necessary. Seek immediate medical advice.
  • If swallowed: Wash out mouth with water, drink some fresh water. Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice.
  • In case of inhalation: Remove person to fresh air.
  • In case of skin contact and burns: Wash affected area with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes.
  • In case of doubt, seek medical advice without delay. Take the chemical and its container with you.
  • In case of injury always seek medical advice.
  • The incorrect use of chemicals can cause injury and damage to health. Only carry out those experiments which are listed in the instructions.
  • This experimental set is for use only by children over 12 years.
  • Because children’s abilities vary so much, even within age groups, supervising adults should exercise discretion as to which experiments are suitable and safe for them. The instructions should enable supervisors to assess any experiment to establish its suitability for a particular child.
  • The supervising adult should discuss the warnings and safety information with the child or children before commencing the experiments. Particular attention should be paid to the safe handling of acids, alkalis and flammable liquids.
  • The area surrounding the experiment should be kept clear of any obstructions and away from the storage of food. It should be well lit and ventilated and close to a water supply. A solid table with a heat resistant top should be provided
  • Substances in non-reclosable packaging should be used up (completely) during the course of one experiment, i.e. after opening the package.

FAQ and troubleshooting

It’s best to let it burn out completely. If this is not possible, here are few tips.

First of all, never extinguish magnesium with sand or silica, as this will produce silane SiH 4 , which is a poisonous gas. Do not use a carbon dioxide extinguisher. Water isn’t optimal either: in large quantities, burning magnesium reacts violently with water, in a reaction resembling an explosion!

In this case, we have just milligrams of burning magnesium, so if you absolutely must extinguish the magnesium fire yourself, use a large volume of water. You can also try cutting off the flame’s oxygen flow. To do so, enclose the burning area securely with a beaker. It’s even better to use a ceramic mug with thick walls.

Try hanging a new strip of magnesium farther from the solid fuel so that only one end of the strip is touching the flame. This should allow the magnesium to burn much more brightly.

Don't worry! Wait for all of the solid fuel to burn out. Replace the old foil with a new piece and try to repeat the experiment using a larger volume of solid fuel. Be sure to position the magnesium so that the flame will only touch one end of it.

Step-by-step instructions

Suspend a piece of magnesium over the solid fuel stove.


It takes a lot of heat to ignite magnesium. Solid fuel provides just enough.


Get ready! It’s going to get bright!


Expected result

Magnesium burns in air very actively, causing a bright glow and releasing a generous amount of energy. The main product of magnesium with oxygen reaction is magnesium oxide MgO.

Dispose of the reagents and solid waste together with household garbage.

Scientific description

That’s interesting, what is magnesium used for.

Magnesium burns extremely brightly, and this property found its use. The spectrum of light released during magnesium burning has a significant ultraviolet component. That's why it was used in photography for a while. Mixtures of magnesium with various oxidizers (barium nitrate Ba(NO 3 ) 2 , potassium chlorate KClO 3 or potassium permanganate KMnO 4 ) were used as a photographic flash because photoplates back then were very sensitive to ultraviolet.

Currently, metallic magnesium is used in signal and illumination flares, fireworks, flash grenades, and tracer bullets as a bright white light source. Mixed with solid oxidizers, metallic magnesium may also serve as rocket fuel.

Magnesium is widely used in industry not only due to its flammable properties. Thanks to its lightness, magnesium-based alloys found their use in aircraft and rocket mechanical engineering: for instance, in airplane chassis production. Adding small amounts of lanthanum (La) and cerium (Ce) to the alloy make it suitable for high-temperature applications–for example, in aircraft engines. Magnesium oxide MgO, with the addition of magnesium chloride MgCl 2 (20%), is the main component for a magnesite cement, a hard fire-proofing material.

Magnesium-based electrochemical power sources are used as a mission-critical energy supply. Such power sources exhibit a high level of self-discharge, hence, their assembly should be performed immediately prior to use. However, as a benefit, they provide more electric power (or amperage) in comparison with most regular electrochemical power sources. Moreover, magnesium-sulfur batteries are in development currently. They may replace today’s lithium-ion batteries in the near future.

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment procedure

Dozens of experiments you can do at home

One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects The Royal Society of Chemistry


  • Michael Jansen's blog

The Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide Lab: A Successful Failure, Next Steps—and an Important Lesson

combustion chamber made by inverting one beaker over another

PART 1: Why this lab is no good

For many years I was troubled by this commonly used, straight-forward, interesting-to-carry-out, and engaging experiment 1 . This analytical, mole concept-based activity can be found in pretty much any chemistry lab manual, from Grade 11 to first-year university.

Procedure-wise, students set out to quantitatively combust a piece of magnesium ribbon in a covered crucible, over a rip-roaring Bunsen burner flame to produce magnesium oxide. A typical apparatus is illustrated in figure 1 2 . During the “cooking”, after the bottom of the crucible becomes red-hot, I visit each student-station, carefully admitting a small quantity of air to the crucible as required for combustion, while simultaneously allowing minimal loss of smoke, which is, after all, magnesium oxide.


apparatus setup for MgO lab, burning Mg: ring stand, bunsen burner, crucible

Figure 1: The apparatus for the determination of the empirical (simplest) formula of magnesium oxide (image created using Chemix ).

Some lab manuals talk about only the reaction of magnesium with oxygen 3 :

Mg(s)  +  O 2 (g)   à   Mg x O y (s)                                                                                                 (1)

More advanced instructions discuss the reaction of magnesium with N 2 (g), which comprises 78% (v/v) of the earth’s atmosphere 4 , to produce magnesium nitride, and the subsequent decomposition of Mg 3 N 2 to give magnesium oxide 5 :

Mg(s)  +  N 2 (g)  +  O 2 (g)  à   MgO(s)  +  Mg 3 N 2 (s)                                                               (2)

MgO(s)  +  Mg 3 N 2 (g)  +  H 2 O(l) à   MgO(s)  +  Mg(OH) 2 (s)  +  NH 3 (g)                                (3)

MgO(s)  +  Mg(OH) 2 (s)  à   Mg x O y (s)  +  H 2 O(g)                                                                  (4)

No matter how I’ve had students analyze their experimental data, results were invariably lack-lustre, with just enough decent values for the simplest formula of magnesium oxide to keep this activity on the roster.

Mg burning in air

Video 1:  Reaction of Magnesium with Oxygen  (derived from Jerrold J Jacobsen and John W. Moore. Chemistry Comes Alive! Vol. 3: Abstract of Special Issue 23 on CD ROM. Journal of Chemical Education 1997 74 (5), p 607-608. DOI: 10.1021/ed074p607), ChemEd Xchange on Vimeo. (accessed 8/12/21)

Several years ago, I was hit by multiple (figurative) lightning bolts:

As part of a pre-lab discussion/demonstration, I burn a piece of magnesium. Students conclude that both the pure white smoke and the pure white ash are magnesium oxide 6 . This shows the importance of not allowing smoke to escape during the combustion. We’re collecting magnesium oxide quantitatively, after all.

a)  The “magnesium oxide” produced in the crucible is not pure white—it is grey 7 . The typical procedure generally notes that the formation of the grey powdery substance signals that the reaction is complete and directs students to cool and weigh the crucible.

b) Magnesium reacts with carbon dioxide to produce carbon and magnesium oxide 8 :

2 Mg(s)  +  CO 2 (g)  à   2 MgO(s)  +  C(s)                                                                             (5)

The Mg in the crucible is bathed in CO 2 (g) from the combustion products of methane, used to fuel the Bunsen burner.

CH 4 (g)  +  2 O 2 (g)  à   CO 2 (g)  +  2 HOH(g) 9                                                                           (6)

This explains the grey product—it’s a mixture of MgO and C.

Reaction of Magnesium with Carbon Dioxide

Video 2:   Reaction of Magnesium with Carbon Dioxide (derived from Jerrold J Jacobsen and John W. Moore. Chemistry Comes Alive! Vol. 3: Abstract of Special Issue 23 on CD ROM. Journal of Chemical Education 1997 74 (5), p 607-608. DOI: 10.1021/ed074p607), ChemEd Xchange on Vimeo. (accessed 8/12/21)

See reaction 5 in the Chemistry Comes Alive #3 video from our ChemEd X video collection above 10 . Reaction (5) is also beautifully demonstrated by Sir Professor Doctor Martyn Poliakoff’s people in the Periodic Table of Videos  clip on Carbon Dioxide (Part II) 11 . The simultaneous production of magnesium oxide and carbon is apparent when magnesium is burned in a dry ice “sandwich” 12 . In a less spectacular, but equally effective demonstration, I simply lower a piece of burning magnesium into a 2-L beaker full of CO 2 (g) 13 . After the reaction, white MgO and black C are apparent.  

As for Mg 3 N 2 , it is a greenish-yellow powder 14 , which I have not, in over 30 years, observed with the naked eye in the reaction products. To be fair, it’s not a vibrant color; perhaps there isn’t enough of it to see.

To sum-up, this activity does not produce what it claims to produce. The empirically observed result—MgO and C—does not line-up with the expected product—pure MgO.

PART 2: Use this experiment as a successful failure

The fact that the “MgO” produced (grey) does not resemble pure MgO (white) is an eye-opener. I’m not proud to say that it took me over 25 years to interpret the plain-as-day empirical evidence. It was, after all, in the lab manual—it had to be true.

In the “Make Lemonade from Lemons” department, I continue to use this experiment—as a successful failure. It is an important teachable moment; I milk it for everything it’s worth.

This is Chemistry, for Pete’s sake—AN EMPIRICAL SCIENCE!!!!!

A favourite post-lab question, which I use as a “soft introduction” 15  to stoichiometry, asks students to calculate the total mass of MgO and C produced when 1.00 g of Mg reacts 50/50 by mass in each of reactions (1) and (5).

PART 3: And then . . .

a) I don’t stop there. I ask students how we could modify this experiment. After some back-and-forth, I reveal a combustion chamber (figure 2) that I built by taping two 2-L beakers together, with the “lips” of the beaker co-incident, to create a small opening.


beaker inverted on top of another with Mg combusting inside

Figure 2:  The magnesium combustion chamber

I don’t discard the MgO and C from the failed experiment. In a future experiment, I have students gravimetrically analyze the MgO/C mixture. Students can determine the % C in the mixture of MgO and C.

I ignite a weighed piece of Magnesium, which I hold with tongs, and insert it, without delay, into the weighed, empty combustion chamber. If all goes well—inserting the burning magnesium into the opening is tricky—we wait for the magnesium oxide “smoke” to settle before recording the final mass of the combustion chamber.

If I’m not able to accomplish this task after a few attempts, I simple refer my students to the data in Table 1.

Table 1. Reaction of Mg(s)  +  O 2 (g)   à   Mg x O y (s)


data for reaction of Mg and oxygen

In this experiment, it is obvious that the pure white product is indeed magnesium oxide; data support the formula of MgO.

b) I don’t discard the MgO and C from the failed experiment. In a future experiment, I have students gravimetrically analyze the MgO/C mixture. When excess 2.0 mol/L HCl(aq) is added, the MgO reacts as follows:

MgO(s)  +  HCl(aq)  à   MgCl 2 (aq)  +  HOH(l)                                                                          (7)

Mercifully, C does not react, and so after filtering off the aqueous magnesium chloride, and drying and washing, the C collected in the filter paper can be weighed. This can be used to determine the % C in the mixture of MgO and C.

PART 4: Next Steps

After this experiment and the post-lab work, I have students carry out a separate determination of the empirical formula of zinc chloride, according to the reaction:

Zn(s)  +  2 HCl(aq)  à   ZnCl 2 (aq)  +  H 2 (g)                                                                           (8)

In the fumehood, students react a weighed piece of clean zinc with a slight excess of concentrated (12 mol/L) HCl(aq) in a weighed beaker atop a hot plate. The H 2 (g) and unreacted HCl(aq) exit via the chimney. Students simply weigh the dried product, which is ZnCl 2 . Student results support the accepted formula.

This experiment may not be appropriate for your students: At Crescent School we have plenty of fumehood space; students wear lab aprons and nitrile gloves. I’m okay with letting them use a wee bit of 12 mol/L HCl. If that’s not an option for you, a teacher demonstration might be a good idea. 

PART 5: The most important part

It is the zenith of irony when an empirical formula experiment is empirically bogus.

This may sound like it belongs in the “Department of Redundancy Department”, but a post-lab discussion MUST include the essential ingredient of science:  EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE.

Now, more than ever, students—everyone—must be made aware:

Just because an experiment “looks good” or is widely accepted doesn’t make it good.

Just because an experiment “looks good” doesn’t mean it’s carried out properly.

And just because an experiment “looks good” doesn’t mean that it is interpreted properly.

We must teach the importance of asking questions. Questions are more important than answers. I want my students to question everything I do or say. Sometimes—okay, many times—I don’t know the answer; sometimes the explanation will take too long; and sometimes the answer is “because I said so”. The point is—they need to ASK QUESTIONS 16 .

May peace be with you.

  • https://uwaterloo.ca/chem13-news-magazine/april-2015/feature/vive-science
  • https://edu.rsc.org/experiments/the-change-in-mass-when-magnesium-burns/...
  • McGraw-Hill Ryerson chemistry text, 2011
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen
  • https://www.webassign.net/question_assets/ucscgencheml1/lab_2/manual.html
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_oxide
  • http://www.dynamicscience.com.au/tester/solutions1/chemistry/moleandempi...
  • Yehoshua Sivan, “Burning magnesium in a Bunsen blame and other flame experiments”, Chem 13 News, February 2015, pages 12 – 13
  • One of my many quirks as a Chemistry teacher is to write the formula for water as HOH, rather than H 2 O, to emphasize the bonding order of the atoms. I do not compel my students to adopt this irregular approach. (Be thankful you don’t live with me . . . )
  • https://vimeo.com/419694043
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dSMzg0UPPo&t=332s
  • https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed055p450.2
  • I prepare the CO 2 by reacting HCl(aq) with NaHCO 3 (s)
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_nitride
  • I’m a big fan of “foreshadowing” or “soft launching” concepts. See  https://uwaterloo.ca/chem13-news-magazine/february-2017/pedagogy-opinion...
  • An upcoming test question will present some information: a table or a graph or something. Students will be required to ask an intelligent question. 

General Safety

For Laboratory Work:  Please refer to the ACS  Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Secondary Schools (2016) .  

For Demonstrations: Please refer to the ACS Division of Chemical Education Safety Guidelines for Chemical Demonstrations .

Other Safety resources

RAMP : Recognize hazards; Assess the risks of hazards; Minimize the risks of hazards; Prepare for emergencies

Science Practice: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Analyzing data in 9–12 builds on K–8 and progresses to introducing more detailed statistical analysis, the comparison of data sets for consistency, and the use of models to generate and analyze data.

Analyzing data in 9–12 builds on K–8 and progresses to introducing more detailed statistical analysis, the comparison of data sets for consistency, and the use of models to generate and analyze data. Analyze data using tools, technologies, and/or models (e.g., computational, mathematical) in order to make valid and reliable scientific claims or determine an optimal design solution.

Science Practice: Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Asking questions and defining problems in grades 9–12 builds from grades K–8 experiences and progresses to formulating, refining, and evaluating empirically testable questions and design problems using models and simulations.

questions that challenge the premise(s) of an argument, the interpretation of a data set, or the suitability of a design.

Scientific questions arise in a variety of ways. They can be driven by curiosity about the world (e.g., Why is the sky blue?). They can be inspired by a model’s or theory’s predictions or by attempts to extend or refine a model or theory (e.g., How does the particle model of matter explain the incompressibility of liquids?). Or they can result from the need to provide better solutions to a problem. For example, the question of why it is impossible to siphon water above a height of 32 feet led Evangelista Torricelli (17th-century inventor of the barometer) to his discoveries about the atmosphere and the identification of a vacuum.

Questions are also important in engineering. Engineers must be able to ask probing questions in order to define an engineering problem. For example, they may ask: What is the need or desire that underlies the problem? What are the criteria (specifications) for a successful solution? What are the constraints? Other questions arise when generating possible solutions: Will this solution meet the design criteria? Can two or more ideas be combined to produce a better solution?

Science Practice: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 9–12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to explanations and designs that are supported by multiple and independent student-generated sources of evidence consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories.

Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 9–12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to explanations and designs that are supported by multiple and independent student-generated sources of evidence consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories. Construct and revise an explanation based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from a variety of sources (including students’ own investigations, models, theories, simulations, peer review) and the assumption that theories and laws that describe the natural world operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

Science Practice: Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Science practice: obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

Engaging in argument from evidence in 9–12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to using appropriate and sufficient evidence and scientific reasoning to defend and critique claims and explanations about natural and designed worlds. Arguments may also come from current scientific or historical episodes in science.

Engaging in argument from evidence in 9–12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to using appropriate and sufficient evidence and scientific reasoning to defend and critique claims and explanations about natural and designed worlds. Arguments may also come from current scientific or historical episodes in science. Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning behind currently accepted explanations or solutions to determine the merits of arguments.

Science Practice: Planning and Carrying out Investigations

Planning and carrying out investigations in 9-12 builds on K-8 experiences and progresses to include investigations that provide evidence for and test conceptual, mathematical, physical, and empirical models.

Planning and carrying out investigations in 9-12 builds on K-8 experiences and progresses to include investigations that provide evidence for and test conceptual, mathematical, physical, and empirical models. Plan and conduct an investigation individually and collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence, and in the design: decide on types, how much, and accuracy of data needed to produce reliable measurements and consider limitations on the precision of the data (e.g., number of trials, cost, risk, time), and refine the design accordingly.

Science Practice: Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

Mathematical and computational thinking at the 9–12 level builds on K–8 and progresses to using algebraic thinking and analysis, a range of linear and nonlinear functions including trigonometric functions, exponentials and logarithms, and computational tools for statistical analysis to analyze, represent, and model data. Simple computational simulations are created and used based on mathematical models of basic assumptions. Use mathematical representations of phenomena to support claims.

HS-PS1-2 Chemical Reactions

Students who demonstrate understanding can construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.

*More information about all DCI for HS-PS1 can be found at  https://www.nextgenscience.org/dci-arrangement/hs-ps1-matter-and-its-interactions and further resources at https://www.nextgenscience.org .

Assessment is limited to chemical reactions involving main group elements and combustion reactions.

Examples of chemical reactions could include the reaction of sodium and chlorine, of carbon and oxygen, or of carbon and hydrogen.

HS-PS1-7 Mathematical Representations

Students who demonstrate understanding can use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.

Assessment does not include complex chemical reactions.

Emphasis is on using mathematical ideas to communicate the proportional relationships between masses of atoms in the reactants and the products, and the translation of these relationships to the macroscopic scale using the mole as the conversion from the atomic to the macroscopic scale. Emphasis is on assessing students’ use of mathematical thinking and not on memorization and rote application of problem - solving techniques.

All comments must abide by the ChemEd X Comment Policy , are subject to review, and may be edited. Please allow one business day for your comment to be posted, if it is accepted.

Use crown bottle tops and make the experiment work.

Bob Worley's picture

Go to https://microchemuk.weebly.com/3-blog-is-this-supposed-to-happen/it-is-n... and see how you can get this experiment to work every time(as reactions should). It is so easy and enjoy collecting the bottle tops. There is an old CLEAPS video here Finding the formula of magnesium oxide . If you have not got the small pipe clay triangles, then place the bottle tops on the gauze section of the gauze, not the ceramic centre. As well as MgO there is Mg₃N₂. To note its presence, place the product, in a vial, add hot water, and put moist red litmus over the top and it goes blue with the ammonia Note I only use 0.12 to 0.2g of magnesium ribbon, coiled around a pencil so it fits in the bottle top sandwich. Cheers Bob Worley in the UK.


  1. Experiment on Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

    Experiment on Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

  2. The change in mass when magnesium burns

    The change in mass when magnesium burns | Experiment

  3. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon Experiment

    Burning of Magnesium Ribbon.Let's start the experiment.Bring a small piece of magnesium ribbon.Hold the ribbon with a pair of tongs.Start the burner.Hold the...

  4. Burning of a Magnesium Ribbon

    Experiment Procedure. To perform this experiment, steps to be followed in the following manner: Take a magnesium ribbon (2 to 3 cm long) and clean it with sandpaper. This will remove the oxide layer deposited over the magnesium ribbon, which makes it passive. Hold the magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs over a watch glass and burn it in the ...

  5. Burning of Magnesium

    Burning of Magnesium

  6. PDF Chemistry 11 Lab: Burning Magnesium

    1. To form a compound from the elements magnesium and oxygen 2. To determine the empirical formula of the compound produced in this chemical reaction Procedure: 1. Put on safety goggles. 2. Measure the mass of the empty crucible at your station. Record the value in the data table provided. 3. Measure the mass of magnesium ribbon at your station.

  7. PDF UMass Amherst Department of Chemistry Lecture Demonstrations 4.1

    Magnesium ribbon Meeker burner* Tongs Matches, butane lighter*, or spark gas lighter* *Burner and lighters are located in the top drawer opposite the bin storage shelves. Procedure: 1. Light the burner and adjust to a blue light. 2. Holding the strip of magnesium metal with the tongs, place one end of the ribbon in the flame. 3.


    The oxidation or combustion of magnesium in the air has long been used as a source of intense light in photography and for other photochemical reactions. The...

  9. PDF Burning Magnesium Ribbon

    • Cut two 4" strips of magnesium ribbon and place a few on a watch glass. • Put the torch on the ringstand and adjust the iron ring to secure the torch so it doesnt fall over. ' Presentation • Light the propane torch and,holding the Mg ribbon with the tongs, light the ribbon. Hold over the watch glass to catch the scraps.

  10. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon #experiment #chemistry

    In this video, we demonstrate the **classical experiment** of burning magnesium ribbons, a staple in many chemistry labs. This **important experiment** showc...

  11. The reaction of magnesium with steam

    Plunge a burning magnesium ribbon into the steam above boiling water and allow the hydrogen that is formed to burn - or collect it over water and test it with a lighted spill. ... Procedure Method 1. ... This experiment has been adapted from Classic Chemistry Demonstrations, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, p.199-203. ...

  12. Burning Magnesium Ribbon Experiment

    Join me in this fascinating chemistry experiment where we burn a magnesium ribbon in air and collect the resulting magnesium oxide. Watch as the magnesium ri...

  13. Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

    Burning of magnesium ribbon in air - Lab Work

  14. Burning of magnesium ribbon in Chemical Reactions and Equations

    Step by Step Procedure: Take a small piece (about 3 cm long) of magnesium ribbon. Rub the magnesium ribbon with sandpaper to remove any oxide layer on its surface. Hold the cleaned magnesium ribbon with a pair of tongs to keep a safe distance from the flame during the experiment. Use a spirit lamp or burner to ignite the magnesium ribbon.

  15. Burning magnesium in a Bunsen flame and other flame experiments

    The product is a white smoke. This product can be collected by burning the magnesium under an inverted beaker, showing it is a solid, a white ash — MgO. However, if the magnesium is not removed from the flame, as that photograph shows, then it still burns in the flame, not nearly so well (it sputters), and above it the flame is yellow-orange.

  16. Burning Magnesium Lab

    Be alert! Also: the magnesium metal will FLARE UP! Do not look directly at the flame and keep clear of the burning metal as it combusts! 6. You can use the tongs to "check on" the progress of your experiment. Make sure all of the magnesium has been converted to the white oxide ash. Repeat step 5 should some portions of magnesium metal remain.

  17. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon:

    Step wise Procedure. 1. Rubbing of Magnesium Ribbon with Sand Paper: Magnesium due to its reactive nature gets coated with rust and carbon in air. The coating needs to be removed before burning. Sand paper is used for the purpose and ribbon is rubbed as shown in the image. 2.

  18. Class 10 Science Activity 1.1 : Exploring Magnesium Combustion

    Activity 1.1 class 10 science

  19. Ashley's chemistry blog: Magnesium Ribbon Experiment

    The purpose of this experiment was to find the best way to ignite magnesium ribbon. The independent variable was the amount of gas used to light on fire through the bunson burner. The gas knob was turned one quater of the way for the 1st experiment, half way turned the 2nd time, and three quaters of the way turned the 3rd time.

  20. Burning magnesium

    Conduct the experiment on the plastic tray and in a well-ventilated area. Keep a bowl of water nearby during the experiment. Keep flammable materials and hair away from flame. Avoid looking directly at burning magnesium to prevent eye discomfort. Do not attempt to extinguish the solid fuel and magnesium — let them burn down completely.

  21. The Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide Lab: A Successful Failure

    Procedure-wise, students set out to quantitatively combust a piece of magnesium ribbon in a covered crucible, over a rip-roaring Bunsen burner flame to produce magnesium oxide. A typical apparatus is illustrated in figure 1 2. During the "cooking", after the bottom of the crucible becomes red-hot, I visit each student-station, carefully ...

  22. Burning of Magnesium Ribbon

    Register yourself for ANTHE here:⬇ Linkhttps://byjus.com/aakash-byjus-anthe22/?utm_source=BY_youtube_organic_9-10&utm_content=thPBVKMqA5o&utm_campaign=BY_9...