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400 Social Media Argumentative Essay Topics: Top-Rated Topics

Social media argumentative essay topics.

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, influencing how we communicate, share information, and perceive the world around us. From Facebook to TikTok, these platforms have transformed the way we interact with each other and the world. This transformation has also led to a wealth of topics ripe for discussion, particularly in the realm of argumentative essays. These essays offer a platform to explore various perspectives on social media's impact on society, culture, and individual behavior. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of 200 social media argumentative essay topics. Whether you are a student, educator, or researcher, this list will serve as a valuable resource for generating thought-provoking discussions and insights.

Argumentative Essay Topics about Social Media

Social media and society.

  • Should social media platforms be held responsible for the spread of fake news?
  • Is social media addiction a serious problem in modern society?
  • Do social media platforms contribute to the erosion of privacy?
  • Can social media be an effective tool for social change?
  • Should parents monitor their children's social media activity?
  • Does social media promote or hinder free speech?
  • Are social media influencers setting unrealistic standards for young people?
  • Should there be age restrictions on social media usage?
  • Do social media algorithms create echo chambers?
  • Is the influence of social media on elections a threat to democracy?
  • Should social media companies be required to fact-check content?
  • Does social media usage contribute to mental health issues?
  • Are social media platforms doing enough to combat cyberbullying?
  • Can social media be a viable platform for education?
  • Should employers have the right to monitor employees' social media activity?
  • Is social media making us more isolated or more connected?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertising?
  • Do social media influencers have a responsibility to their followers?
  • Is social media use negatively impacting face-to-face communication skills?
  • Can social media campaigns be effective in raising awareness about social issues?

Social Media and Culture

  • Does social media shape cultural norms and values?
  • Is social media contributing to the globalization of culture?
  • Are social media trends harming traditional cultures?
  • Should cultural appropriation on social media be addressed?
  • Can social media help preserve endangered languages and cultures?
  • Are social media platforms culturally inclusive?
  • Do social media memes play a significant role in cultural exchange?
  • Should social media platforms regulate content that may offend cultural sensibilities?
  • Is social media an effective platform for promoting diversity and inclusion?
  • How does social media influence youth culture?
  • Are social media challenges beneficial or harmful to society?
  • Can social media help bridge cultural divides?
  • Should there be cultural sensitivity training for social media users?
  • Is social media creating a homogenized global culture?
  • Do social media platforms favor certain cultures over others?
  • Can social media be used to combat cultural stereotypes?
  • How does social media impact the representation of minority cultures?
  • Are social media influencers perpetuating cultural stereotypes?
  • Should social media platforms celebrate cultural diversity more actively?
  • Does social media contribute to cultural assimilation?

Social Media and Politics

  • Should political leaders use social media to communicate with the public?
  • Is social media a threat to political stability?
  • Can social media activism replace traditional forms of protest?
  • Should social media platforms be regulated by the government?
  • Does social media facilitate political polarization?
  • Are social media platforms biased towards certain political ideologies?
  • Can social media be used to manipulate public opinion?
  • Should political discussions be limited on social media?
  • Does social media influence voter behavior?
  • Should there be stricter laws governing political content on social media?
  • Can social media help in holding politicians accountable?
  • Is social media an effective tool for political campaigns?
  • Should social media companies disclose their political affiliations?
  • Does social media increase transparency in government?
  • Should social media platforms be required to reveal the sources of political ads?
  • Can social media be used to combat political misinformation?
  • Are social media platforms undermining traditional news sources?
  • Should political debates on social media be moderated?
  • Can social media promote political engagement among young people?
  • Is social media empowering or disempowering political minorities?

Social Media and Business

  • Should businesses be allowed to use social media data for marketing?
  • Is social media advertising more effective than traditional advertising?
  • Can social media influencers be trusted for product endorsements?
  • Should there be regulations on influencer marketing on social media?
  • Are social media reviews reliable for consumer decision-making?
  • Should businesses be transparent about their social media marketing strategies?
  • Can social media harm a business's reputation?
  • Is social media an essential tool for modern businesses?
  • Should social media platforms charge businesses for advertising?
  • Can social media help small businesses compete with large corporations?
  • Are social media metrics a true measure of business success?
  • Should businesses respond to negative feedback on social media?
  • Is social media an effective platform for customer service?
  • Can social media partnerships benefit businesses?
  • Should businesses invest in social media training for employees?
  • Can social media be used for corporate social responsibility initiatives?
  • Are social media contests and giveaways ethical marketing strategies?
  • Should businesses disclose their social media strategies to consumers?
  • Can social media improve business transparency?
  • Is social media creating unfair competition among businesses?

Social Media and Education

  • Should social media be integrated into the classroom?
  • Can social media enhance the learning experience?
  • Are social media platforms suitable for educational content?
  • Should educators use social media to communicate with students?
  • Can social media be a distraction in educational settings?
  • Should there be guidelines for using social media in education?
  • Can social media help in developing digital literacy skills?
  • Should students be taught about the responsible use of social media?
  • Can social media be used for academic research?
  • Should schools monitor students' social media activity?
  • Can social media platforms provide equal educational opportunities?
  • Are social media platforms beneficial for collaborative learning?
  • Should social media be used to promote educational events and resources?
  • Can social media help bridge educational gaps in remote areas?
  • Are social media discussions effective for academic purposes?
  • Should educational institutions have official social media policies?
  • Can social media be used to enhance teacher-parent communication?
  • Is social media contributing to academic dishonesty?
  • Should students create educational content on social media?
  • Can social media campaigns be used to address educational issues?

Social Media and Health

  • Does social media contribute to body image issues?
  • Can social media be used to promote healthy lifestyles?
  • Should health professionals use social media to share medical advice?
  • Does social media exacerbate mental health problems?
  • Can social media support networks benefit individuals with chronic illnesses?
  • Should there be restrictions on health-related content on social media?
  • Can social media help reduce the stigma around mental health?
  • Should social media platforms verify health information before allowing it to be posted?
  • Are social media fitness influencers promoting unhealthy habits?
  • Can social media be used for public health campaigns?
  • Should there be age restrictions for health-related content on social media?
  • Can social media platforms support addiction recovery?
  • Are social media platforms contributing to the spread of health misinformation?
  • Should social media be used to promote mental health awareness?
  • Can social media help in managing health crises?
  • Should social media be used to share personal health stories?
  • Can social media influence dietary habits?
  • Should health-related social media content be regulated?
  • Can social media platforms be used to monitor public health trends?
  • Are social media challenges promoting healthy behaviors?

Social Media and Law

  • Should social media companies be liable for user-generated content?
  • Is social media evidence admissible in court?
  • Should there be laws to protect social media users' privacy?
  • Can social media be used for law enforcement purposes?
  • Are social media platforms respecting intellectual property rights?
  • Should there be legal consequences for cyberbullying on social media?
  • Can social media companies be sued for defamation?
  • Should social media users be protected by free speech laws?
  • Are current laws adequate to regulate social media?
  • Should social media companies cooperate with government surveillance?
  • Can social media platforms be held accountable for data breaches?
  • Should social media be regulated to prevent hate speech?
  • Can social media companies be penalized for spreading false information?
  • Are social media terms of service legally binding?
  • Should there be international laws governing social media usage?
  • Can social media influence the outcome of legal cases?
  • Should social media be used to report crimes?
  • Can social media companies be held responsible for user privacy violations?
  • Should social media platforms have a legal obligation to protect minors?
  • Can social media posts be used as legal evidence in employment disputes?

Social Media and Technology

  • Is social media technology advancing too quickly for regulations to keep up?
  • Can artificial intelligence improve social media platforms?
  • Should social media companies invest in advanced security technologies?
  • Are social media algorithms too invasive?
  • Can blockchain technology benefit social media platforms?
  • Should there be technological solutions to prevent social media addiction?
  • Can virtual reality enhance social media experiences?
  • Should social media companies use biometric data for security?
  • Can social media platforms benefit from using big data analytics?
  • Are social media platforms vulnerable to hacking?
  • Should social media companies develop their own cybersecurity protocols?
  • Can social media be used to promote technological literacy?
  • Are current technologies sufficient to protect social media users' data?
  • Should social media platforms use AI to moderate content?
  • Can social media platforms benefit from decentralized technologies?
  • Are social media platforms keeping up with technological advancements?
  • Should social media companies invest in research and development?
  • Can 5G technology improve social media connectivity?
  • Should social media companies be transparent about their technology?
  • Are social media platforms using technology ethically?

Social Media and Ethics

  • Should there be ethical guidelines for social media influencers?
  • Are social media companies ethically responsible for user behavior?
  • Should social media platforms prioritize ethical content?
  • Can social media be used to promote ethical behavior?
  • Are social media platforms ethical in their data collection practices?
  • Should social media companies enforce ethical advertising standards?
  • Can ethical social media usage be taught?
  • Should there be ethical considerations for social media algorithms?
  • Are social media platforms ethically obligated to protect user privacy?
  • Can social media be used to promote ethical business practices?
  • Should social media companies address ethical issues in their policies?
  • Are social media platforms promoting ethical journalism?
  • Can social media campaigns raise awareness about ethical issues?
  • Should there be ethical guidelines for social media marketing?
  • Can social media promote ethical consumerism?
  • Are social media platforms responsible for ethical breaches by users?
  • Should social media companies be held accountable for unethical content?
  • Can ethical considerations improve social media experiences?
  • Are social media platforms ethically transparent?
  • Should there be ethical standards for social media engagement?

Social Media and Personal Development

  • Can social media be used for personal growth?
  • Should social media be a part of personal branding?
  • Can social media help in developing professional skills?
  • Should individuals curate their social media presence for career advancement?
  • Can social media influence personal development negatively?
  • Are social media challenges beneficial for self-improvement?
  • Should there be personal development resources on social media?
  • Can social media be used to set and achieve personal goals?
  • Should social media platforms promote personal development content?
  • Can social media influence personal identity?
  • Are social media platforms suitable for self-expression?
  • Should individuals seek personal growth opportunities on social media?
  • Can social media be a tool for building self-confidence?
  • Should social media be used for personal reflection?
  • Can social media influence personal values?
  • Are social media influencers good role models for personal development?
  • Should social media platforms provide personal development tools?
  • Can social media help in developing interpersonal skills?
  • Should individuals use social media for self-improvement?
  • Can social media platforms support lifelong learning?

Social Media and Relationships

  • Is social media detrimental to romantic relationships?
  • Can social media enhance long-distance relationships?
  • Should couples establish boundaries for social media use?
  • Is social media a reliable platform for finding love?
  • Can social media cause jealousy and trust issues in relationships?
  • Should relationship statuses be shared on social media?
  • Does social media promote unhealthy comparisons in relationships?
  • Can social media help in maintaining friendships?
  • Should friends be allowed to comment on relationship issues on social media?
  • Is it appropriate to share personal relationship problems on social media?
  • Can social media lead to infidelity?
  • Should social media be used to announce major life events?
  • Is it healthy to follow an ex-partner on social media?
  • Can social media influence relationship expectations?
  • Should couples deactivate social media accounts during conflicts?
  • Can social media improve communication in relationships?
  • Should social media be blamed for relationship breakups?
  • Can social media help in reconnecting with old friends?
  • Should parents share photos of their children on social media?
  • Can social media strengthen family bonds?

Social Media and Identity

  • Can social media shape personal identity?
  • Should social media profiles reflect true identities?
  • Can social media lead to identity theft?
  • Should social media platforms verify user identities?
  • Is it ethical to use a pseudonym on social media?
  • Can social media alter self-perception?
  • Should social media users disclose their real names?
  • Can social media help in exploring different aspects of identity?
  • Is social media contributing to identity crises?
  • Should social media platforms protect anonymous users?
  • Can social media help in building a professional identity?
  • Are social media avatars a true representation of identity?
  • Should social media platforms have stricter identity verification processes?
  • Can social media influence gender identity?
  • Should users be able to control how they are tagged in social media posts?
  • Can social media profiles be considered a digital identity?
  • Should social media platforms allow multiple identities?
  • Can social media help in understanding one's identity?
  • Should social media companies be responsible for protecting user identity?
  • Can social media influence cultural identity?

Social Media and Entertainment

  • Is social media the future of entertainment?
  • Should traditional media adapt to social media trends?
  • Can social media influence the success of movies and TV shows?
  • Should social media platforms pay content creators?
  • Is social media replacing traditional entertainment?
  • Can social media enhance the entertainment experience?
  • Should celebrities be active on social media?
  • Is social media creating unrealistic expectations of fame?
  • Can social media influence music trends?
  • Should there be regulations for entertainment content on social media?
  • Can social media provide a platform for new artists?
  • Should social media platforms have content ratings?
  • Can social media fan communities positively impact entertainment industries?
  • Should social media platforms ban explicit content?
  • Can social media be used for interactive entertainment?
  • Are social media platforms benefiting from entertainment content?
  • Should social media influence the direction of entertainment industries?
  • Can social media lead to the overexposure of celebrities?
  • Is social media contributing to the decline of traditional media?
  • Can social media enhance live entertainment experiences?

Social Media and News

  • Should social media platforms be considered news sources?
  • Is social media responsible for the decline of traditional journalism?
  • Can social media provide unbiased news?
  • Should journalists use social media to report news?
  • Can social media help in debunking fake news?
  • Should there be regulations for news content on social media?
  • Can social media platforms enhance news distribution?
  • Should news organizations prioritize social media presence?
  • Can social media contribute to media literacy?
  • Should social media platforms collaborate with news organizations?
  • Can social media users be considered citizen journalists?
  • Should there be ethical guidelines for sharing news on social media?
  • Can social media influence public opinion on news events?
  • Should social media platforms ban misleading news content?
  • Can social media provide real-time news updates?
  • Are social media algorithms biased in news dissemination?
  • Should social media platforms label fake news?
  • Can social media help in uncovering underreported news stories?
  • Is social media a reliable source of news?
  • Can social media platforms support investigative journalism?

Social Media and Technology Addiction

  • Is social media addiction comparable to substance addiction?
  • Should there be support groups for social media addiction?
  • Can social media addiction be treated through digital detox?
  • Should social media platforms implement usage limits?
  • Is social media addiction affecting academic performance?
  • Can social media addiction lead to physical health issues?
  • Should social media addiction be recognized as a mental health disorder?
  • Can mindfulness help in managing social media addiction?
  • Should parents control their children's social media usage?
  • Is social media addiction a generational issue?
  • Can social media usage be managed through self-regulation?
  • Should schools educate students about social media addiction?
  • Can social media platforms design features to reduce addiction?
  • Is social media addiction affecting workplace productivity?
  • Should there be public awareness campaigns about social media addiction?
  • Can social media usage lead to sleep disorders?
  • Should social media usage be monitored in teens?
  • Can social media addiction exacerbate other mental health issues?
  • Should there be counseling services for social media addiction?
  • Can social media addiction be prevented?

Social Media and Privacy

  • Is privacy possible on social media?
  • Should social media platforms be transparent about data collection?
  • Can social media users protect their privacy effectively?
  • Should there be stricter privacy laws for social media platforms?
  • Can social media companies share user data with third parties?
  • Should social media platforms notify users about data breaches?
  • Can privacy settings on social media be improved?
  • Should social media users be educated about privacy risks?
  • Can social media platforms guarantee user privacy?
  • Should there be penalties for social media privacy violations?
  • Can social media usage compromise personal security?
  • Should social media companies delete user data upon request?
  • Can social media platforms sell user data?
  • Should social media platforms track user activity?
  • Can social media users control their data?
  • Should there be international privacy standards for social media?
  • Can social media companies use data for targeted advertising?
  • Should social media platforms anonymize user data?
  • Can social media users be protected from data mining?
  • Should social media platforms have opt-out options for data collection?

Social Media and Ethics in Advertising

  • Should social media platforms regulate advertising ethics?
  • Can targeted advertising on social media be ethical?
  • Should social media influencers disclose paid promotions?
  • Can social media advertising influence consumer behavior ethically?
  • Should there be transparency in social media advertising?
  • Can social media platforms prevent misleading ads?
  • Should social media companies ensure ethical ad placement?
  • Can ethical advertising practices be enforced on social media?
  • Should there be ethical guidelines for social media marketers?
  • Can social media platforms ban unethical ads?
  • Should social media platforms prioritize user welfare over advertising revenue?
  • Can ethical advertising on social media build consumer trust?
  • Should social media ads be labeled clearly?
  • Can social media platforms ensure ethical data use in advertising?
  • Should social media advertising be regulated by external bodies?
  • Can ethical advertising improve social media experiences?
  • Should there be ethical training for social media advertisers?
  • Can social media platforms monitor ad content for ethics?
  • Should social media platforms ban ads targeting vulnerable groups?
  • Can ethical considerations enhance social media advertising?

Social Media and Environmental Awareness

  • Can social media raise awareness about environmental issues?
  • Should social media platforms promote eco-friendly content?
  • Can social media campaigns influence environmental policies?
  • Should environmental organizations use social media for advocacy?
  • Can social media platforms support environmental education?
  • Should there be environmental guidelines for social media use?
  • Can social media influence sustainable consumer behavior?
  • Should social media companies adopt green practices?
  • Can social media platforms help in combating climate change?
  • Should social media influencers promote environmental sustainability?
  • Can social media be used to organize environmental activism?
  • Should social media platforms highlight environmental news?
  • Can social media influence environmental ethics?
  • Should there be environmental certifications for social media content?
  • Can social media reduce environmental footprints?
  • Should social media platforms support green initiatives?
  • Can social media users promote environmental responsibility?
  • Should social media companies be transparent about their environmental impact?
  • Can social media inspire global environmental movements?
  • Should social media platforms ban content harmful to the environment?

Social Media and Crisis Management

  • Can social media be an effective tool for crisis communication?
  • Should governments use social media during emergencies?
  • Can social media help in disaster response?
  • Should social media platforms have crisis management protocols?
  • Can social media spread panic during crises?
  • Should there be guidelines for sharing crisis information on social media?
  • Can social media platforms support crisis preparedness?
  • Should social media be used for real-time updates during crises?
  • Can social media help in mobilizing relief efforts?
  • Should social media companies collaborate with emergency services?
  • Can social media misinformation worsen crises?
  • Should social media platforms verify crisis-related content?
  • Can social media support mental health during crises?
  • Should social media be used to coordinate volunteer efforts?
  • Can social media platforms provide accurate crisis information?
  • Should there be crisis communication training for social media users?
  • Can social media help in rebuilding communities post-crisis?
  • Should social media platforms have emergency response features?
  • Can social media influence public perception during crises?
  • Should social media platforms support crisis recovery efforts?

Social Media and Arts

  • Can social media promote artistic expression?
  • Should artists use social media for self-promotion?
  • Can social media influence art trends?
  • Should social media platforms support emerging artists?
  • Can social media be used for art education?
  • Should there be guidelines for sharing art on social media?
  • Can social media platforms provide a marketplace for artists?
  • Should social media companies support digital art?
  • Can social media help in preserving art heritage?
  • Should social media platforms feature art events?
  • Can social media influence public appreciation of art?
  • Should social media platforms ban art censorship?
  • Can social media collaborations benefit artists?
  • Should social media be used to promote art diversity?
  • Can social media platforms support art funding?
  • Should artists have control over their social media presence?
  • Can social media influence art criticism?
  • Should social media platforms highlight local artists?
  • Can social media enhance art accessibility?
  • Should there be ethical guidelines for art on social media?

Social media has undeniably transformed our world, creating new opportunities and challenges that warrant critical examination. The topics listed above provide a comprehensive foundation for exploring various aspects of social media's impact on society, culture, politics, business, education, health, law, technology, ethics, and personal development. By engaging with these social media argumentative essay topics, writers can delve into the complex and multifaceted nature of social media, fostering insightful discussions and contributing to the ongoing discourse on its role in our lives. Whether you are crafting an argumentative essay, preparing a persuasive speech, or simply seeking inspiration for your next title for a social media essay, this extensive list will serve as a valuable resource.

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137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

Teach critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion.

What are some reasons a teacher may ban cell phones in class?

Cause-and-effect essays aren’t just a way to help students strengthen their writing skills. They’ll also learn critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion. In addition, they teach students to demonstrate how one thing directly influences another. Coming up with engaging cause-and-effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. This list of ideas includes a variety of topics that range from social and cultural movements to mental health and the environment.

Science and Environment Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Describe the effect of urbanization on the environment.
  • What is the impact of air pollution on health?
  • What are the causes and consequences of plastics on marine life?
  • What is the impact of rising sea temperatures on fish and marine life?
  • Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming.

Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming. Cause and effect essay

  • What is the effect of social media on environmentalism?
  • What causes volcanic eruptions?
  • What causes trees to die?
  • What are the effects of gravity?
  • Why are plants green?
  • Why do trees shed their leaves?
  • What causes a species to become endangered?
  • What are some of the causes of animals losing their habitats?
  • Describe the effect of overpopulation on the environment.
  • What are the effects of famine on human population?
  • What are the causes and effects of Antarctica floods?
  • What are the effects of pollution on the ocean?
  • What effect do cars have on the environment?
  • Why is it important to manage wildfires?
  • What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

  • What are the impacts of deforestation in Brazil?
  • What are the effects of GMO foods on human health?
  • What are the impacts of immunizations on human health?

Technology and Social Media Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of social media on adolescent development?
  • How does technology affect productivity?
  • What are the effects of video games on childhood development?
  • How do cell phones affect human relationships?
  • What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class?

What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class? Cause and effect essay

  • What effects do cell phones have on sleep?
  • What effects did the invention of the Internet have on technology?
  • What were the origins of cyberbullying?
  • What are the effects of tablet use on small children?
  • How has online dating changed relationships?
  • What makes some people less likely to use social media?
  • What are the effects of social media on privacy?
  • How does the rise of TikTok affect Facebook and Instagram?
  • In what ways could social media lead to extremism?
  • What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

  • What are some of the benefits of owning a smartphone and what are some of the drawbacks?
  • What has been the impact of online shopping on brick-and-mortar stores?
  • What has been the impact of smartphones on marriages and relationships?
  • What are the causes and effects of texting while driving?
  • What has the rise of “influencers” meant for Hollywood?
  • In what ways have photo filters influenced young people’s self-esteem?

Culture and Social Issues Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are some of the reasons for substance abuse in young people?
  • What are some of the effects of bullying?
  • How does economic status affect the quality of health care?
  • What are some of the causes of homelessness?
  • Explain the effects of ignorance on discrimination.
  • What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice?

What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice? Cause and effect essay

  • How does financial success affect societal privilege?
  • What effects does growing up poor have on children?
  • In what ways does religion influence society?
  • What are the effects of immigration on a host country?
  • What are the effects of ageism on job opportunities?
  • What is the impact of LGBTQ+ representation in TV and movies?
  • What are the effects of school shootings on politics?
  • How do school uniforms affect students?
  • What are the impacts of high student debt?
  • What are the impacts of body shaming on people?
  • What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society?

What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society? cause and effect essay

  • What impact does banning abortion have in the United States?
  • What has been the impact of marriage equality in the United States?
  • What are the causes and effects of noise pollution?
  • What are the causes and effects of inflation on the economy?
  • What are the effects of TV shows on our behavior?

Sports Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Examine the effects of exercise on mental health.
  • What led to baseball being an iconic American sport?
  • What drives people to participate in extreme sports?
  • In what ways did globalization affect modern sports?
  • What were the effects of doping on amateur and professional sports?
  • Select a sport and write about the historical factors that led to the popularization of that sport.

essay title for media

  • Describe the ways in which youth sports influence a child’s development.
  • What were the driving forces behind the first Olympics?
  • How can team sports help develop social skills?
  • How have e-sports changed the sporting landscape?
  • In what ways do race biases influence sports?

In what ways do race biases influence sports.

  • What are the effects of regular workouts on immunity?
  • How does participating in sports affect leadership skills?
  • In what ways can sports lead to character development?
  • What effect does famous athletes’ social commentary have on their fans?

History Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of the war in Syria on the United States?
  • What have been the lasting effects of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What were the causes and effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  • What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have?

What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have? Cause and effect essay

  • What lasting impact did 9/11 have on modern American society?
  • What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • What was the cultural impact of the Spanish-American War?
  • How has globalization led to modern-day slavery?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of the Great Depression on women’s employment?
  • How did cartels come into existence? What effect have they had on the United States and Mexico?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Women’s Liberation Movement?
  • Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

  • What led to the rise of ISIS and what has the impact been on international security?
  • What factors led to the Titanic’s sinking?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Vietnam War?
  • Choose an American president. What led him to become president and what were the effects of his presidency?

Mental Health Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • How can stress affect the immune system?
  • How does social anxiety affect young people?
  • How can high academic expectations lead to depression?
  • What are the effects of divorce on young people?
  • How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder?

How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder? Cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the effects of mindfulness on mental health?
  • Describe the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mental health.
  • How does childhood trauma impact childhood development?
  • What impact does witnessing violence have on mental health?
  • What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society?

What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society? cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the causes and effects of panic attacks?
  • What are the causes and consequences of high stress in the workplace?
  • What are some of the causes of insomnia and in what ways does it affect mental health?
  • What is the impact of staying home for an extended period of time?

Current Events Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Choose a local public education campaign. What are the effects of that campaign?
  • What are the causes and effects of migration?
  • What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

  • What are the effects of legalizing genetic engineering research?
  • How do low voting rates impact elections and government?
  • What is the effect of raising the minimum wage?
  • What are the effects of globalization on society?
  • How does gerrymandering affect election outcomes?
  • What are the causes and effects of police brutality?
  • What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

  • What are the causes and effects of fake news?
  • What are the effects of global war on citizens?
  • What is the effect of international aid on poverty or health?
  • Why do some countries have nuclear weapons, and what does this mean for other countries?

Education Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of teacher quality on student success?
  • What are the causes and effects of student loan debt?
  • What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

  • What are the effects of assigning homework?
  • What are the causes and effects of school funding disparities?
  • What are the causes and effects of the digital divide in education?
  • What is the effect of AI on education?
  • What are the causes and effects of student burnout?
  • Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

  • What effect has the COVID pandemic had on education?
  • What are the effects of same-sex classrooms or schools?

What are your best cause-and-effect essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out our list of interesting persuasive essay topics for kids and teens..

Coming up with cause and effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. Check out our list with a variety of topics.

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How to Write a Report: A Guide to Report Format and Best Practice

Matt Ellis

A report is a nonfiction account that presents and/or summarizes the facts about a particular event, topic, or issue. The idea is that people who are unfamiliar with the subject can find everything they need to know from a good report. 

Reports make it easy to catch someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is anything but easy. So to help you understand what to do, below we present a little report of our own, all about report writing and report format best practices. 

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Table of contents

What is a report?

Types of report formats

What is the structure of a report, what should be included in a report, how to write a report in 7 steps, what is a report .

In technical terms, the definition of a report is pretty vague: any account, spoken or written, of the matters concerning a particular topic. This could refer to anything from a courtroom testimony to a grade schooler’s book report . 

Really, when people talk about “reports,” they’re usually referring to official documents outlining the facts of a topic, typically written by an expert on the subject or someone assigned to investigate it. There are different types of reports, explained in the next section, but they mostly fit this description. 

What kind of information is shared in reports? Although all facts are welcome, reports, in particular, tend to feature these types of content: 

  • Details of an event or situation
  • The consequences or ongoing effect of an event or situation
  • Evaluation of statistical data or analytics
  • Interpretations from the information in the report
  • Predictions or recommendations based on the information in the report
  • How the information relates to other events or reports

Reports are closely related to essay writing , although there are some clear distinctions. While both rely on facts, essays add the personal opinions and arguments of the authors. Reports typically stick only to the facts, although they may include some of the author’s interpretation of these facts, most likely in the conclusion. 

Moreover, reports are heavily organized, commonly with tables of contents and copious headings and subheadings. This makes it easier for readers to scan reports for the information they’re looking for. Essays, on the other hand, are meant to be read start to finish, not browsed for specific insights. 

There are a few different types of reports, depending on the purpose and to whom you present your report. Here’s a quick list of the common types of reports:

  • Academic report: Tests a student’s comprehension of the subject matter, such as book reports, reports on historical events, and biographies 
  • Business reports: Identifies information useful in business strategy, such as marketing reports, internal memos, SWOT analysis, and feasibility reports
  • Scientific reports: Shares research findings, such as research papers and case studies, typically in science journals

Reports can be further divided into categories based on how they are written. For example, a report could be formal or informal, short or long, and internal or external. In business, a vertical report shares information with people on different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and below you), while a lateral report is for people on the author’s same level, but in different departments. 

There are as many types of reports as there are writing styles, but in this guide, we focus on academic reports, which tend to be formal and informational. 

>>Read More: What Is Academic Writing?

The report format depends on the type of report and the requirements of the assignment. While reports can use their own unique structure, most follow this basic template:

  • Executive summary: Just like an abstract in an academic paper, an executive summary is a standalone section that summarizes the findings in your report so readers know what to expect. These are mostly for official reports and less so for school reports. 
  • Introduction: Setting up the body of the report, your introduction explains the overall topic that you’re about to discuss, with your thesis statement and any need-to-know background information before you get into your own findings. 
  • Body: The body of the report explains all your major discoveries, broken up into headings and subheadings. The body makes up the majority of the entire report; whereas the introduction and conclusion are just a few paragraphs each, the body can go on for pages. 
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is where you bring together all the information in your report and come to a definitive interpretation or judgment. This is usually where the author inputs their own personal opinions or inferences.  

If you’re familiar with how to write a research paper , you’ll notice that report writing follows the same introduction-body-conclusion structure, sometimes adding an executive summary. Reports usually have their own additional requirements as well, such as title pages and tables of content, which we explain in the next section. 

There are no firm requirements for what’s included in a report. Every school, company, laboratory, task manager, and teacher can make their own format, depending on their unique needs. In general, though, be on the lookout for these particular requirements—they tend to crop up a lot: 

  • Title page: Official reports often use a title page to keep things organized; if a person has to read multiple reports, title pages make them easier to keep track of. 
  • Table of contents: Just like in books, the table of contents helps readers go directly to the section they’re interested in, allowing for faster browsing. 
  • Page numbering: A common courtesy if you’re writing a longer report, page numbering makes sure the pages are in order in the case of mix-ups or misprints.
  • Headings and subheadings: Reports are typically broken up into sections, divided by headings and subheadings, to facilitate browsing and scanning. 
  • Citations: If you’re citing information from another source, the citations guidelines tell you the recommended format.
  • Works cited page: A bibliography at the end of the report lists credits and the legal information for the other sources you got information from. 

As always, refer to the assignment for the specific guidelines on each of these. The people who read the report should tell you which style guides or formatting they require. 

Now let’s get into the specifics of how to write a report. Follow the seven steps on report writing below to take you from an idea to a completed paper. 

1 Choose a topic based on the assignment

Before you start writing, you need to pick the topic of your report. Often, the topic is assigned for you, as with most business reports, or predetermined by the nature of your work, as with scientific reports. If that’s the case, you can ignore this step and move on. 

If you’re in charge of choosing your own topic, as with a lot of academic reports, then this is one of the most important steps in the whole writing process. Try to pick a topic that fits these two criteria: 

  • There’s adequate information: Choose a topic that’s not too general but not too specific, with enough information to fill your report without padding, but not too much that you can’t cover everything. 
  • It’s something you’re interested in: Although this isn’t a strict requirement, it does help the quality of a report if you’re engaged by the subject matter. 

Of course, don’t forget the instructions of the assignment, including length, so keep those in the back of your head when deciding. 

2 Conduct research

With business and scientific reports, the research is usually your own or provided by the company—although there’s still plenty of digging for external sources in both. 

For academic papers, you’re largely on your own for research, unless you’re required to use class materials. That’s one of the reasons why choosing the right topic is so crucial; you won’t go far if the topic you picked doesn’t have enough available research. 

The key is to search only for reputable sources: official documents, other reports, research papers, case studies, books from respected authors, etc. Feel free to use research cited in other similar reports. You can often find a lot of information online through search engines, but a quick trip to the library can also help in a pinch. 

3 Write a thesis statement

Before you go any further, write a thesis statement to help you conceptualize the main theme of your report. Just like the topic sentence of a paragraph, the thesis statement summarizes the main point of your writing, in this case, the report. 

Once you’ve collected enough research, you should notice some trends and patterns in the information. If these patterns all infer or lead up to a bigger, overarching point, that’s your thesis statement. 

For example, if you were writing a report on the wages of fast-food employees, your thesis might be something like, “Although wages used to be commensurate with living expenses, after years of stagnation they are no longer adequate.” From there, the rest of your report will elaborate on that thesis, with ample evidence and supporting arguments. 

It’s good to include your thesis statement in both the executive summary and introduction of your report, but you still want to figure it out early so you know which direction to go when you work on your outline next. 

4 Prepare an outline

Writing an outline is recommended for all kinds of writing, but it’s especially useful for reports given their emphasis on organization. Because reports are often separated by headings and subheadings, a solid outline makes sure you stay on track while writing without missing anything. 

Really, you should start thinking about your outline during the research phase, when you start to notice patterns and trends. If you’re stuck, try making a list of all the key points, details, and evidence you want to mention. See if you can fit them into general and specific categories, which you can turn into headings and subheadings respectively. 

5 Write a rough draft

Actually writing the rough draft , or first draft, is usually the most time-consuming step. Here’s where you take all the information from your research and put it into words. To avoid getting overwhelmed, simply follow your outline step by step to make sure you don’t accidentally leave out anything. 

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; that’s the number one rule for writing a rough draft. Expecting your first draft to be perfect adds a lot of pressure. Instead, write in a natural and relaxed way, and worry about the specific details like word choice and correcting mistakes later. That’s what the last two steps are for, anyway. 

6 Revise and edit your report

Once your rough draft is finished, it’s time to go back and start fixing the mistakes you ignored the first time around. (Before you dive right back in, though, it helps to sleep on it to start editing fresh, or at least take a small break to unwind from writing the rough draft.) 

We recommend first rereading your report for any major issues, such as cutting or moving around entire sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes you’ll find your data doesn’t line up, or that you misinterpreted a key piece of evidence. This is the right time to fix the “big picture” mistakes and rewrite any longer sections as needed. 

If you’re unfamiliar with what to look for when editing, you can read our previous guide with some more advanced self-editing tips . 

7 Proofread and check for mistakes

Last, it pays to go over your report one final time, just to optimize your wording and check for grammatical or spelling mistakes. In the previous step you checked for “big picture” mistakes, but here you’re looking for specific, even nitpicky problems. 

A writing assistant like Grammarly flags those issues for you. Grammarly’s free version points out any spelling and grammatical mistakes while you write, with suggestions to improve your writing that you can apply with just one click. The Premium version offers even more advanced features, such as tone adjustments and word choice recommendations for taking your writing to the next level. 

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An academic title is probably the first thing your readers will experience about your paper. This handout will show you two approaches to creating paper titles, one that is more informative, and another that is more creative. The first is most often used for formal academic papers. The second is more likely to be used for narratives or personal essays, but it can sometimes be used for academic papers as well.

General Considerations

Before deciding on a title, be sure to think carefully about your audience. Who will be reading this paper and what are their motivations? Do they want to be entertained? Are they concerned with acquiring information as clearly and concisely as possible? How do you want your reader to feel about the content of your paper? Asking questions such as these will help you determine the appropriate tone for your title.

A great academic title should tell your readers as much as possible about your paper’s central claim and its significance. Good titles often include: A hook A set of key terms A source

Approach #1: Titles for Academic Papers

Good academic titles reveal not only the topic of the paper but some idea of your specific approach, argument, and area of discussion. Here are some typical and useful academic titles:

  • Good Bye Lenin!: Free Market Nostalgia for Socialist Consumerism
  • The Artful Thunder as Dramatic Technique in Shakespeare’s The Tempest

The Effects of Light and Temperature on the Growth of Populations of the Bacterium, Escherichia coli

“The Machine-Language of the Muscles”: Reading, Sport and the Self in Infinite Jest

Though representing a range of disciplines, each of these titles is clear, independent and self-explanatory. Notice how each title is relatively long and contains multiple phrases. Academic writing is complex and demands equally complex and purposeful titles. If you look carefully at the sample titles, you will notice that each has three separate elements:

  • The hook – This is a creative element that draws in the reader. Typically this is a catchy, readable phrase that advertises the paper’s specific subject. The hook is sometimes a direct quotation from a text or a sudden introduction of a new and exciting element of your topic.
  • Key terms – These are crucial words or phrases that are indispensable to the topic at hand. In academic writing, scholars are often asked to identify a few select terms that will identify their paper in an index. Similarly, the use of key terms in a paper’s title will make the paper more searchable in a database. You want to load your title with important terminology as a way to orient the reader to the concepts under discussion in the paper to follow. The best titles are like very brief summaries of the paper itself.
  • The source – Sometimes called a “location,” this is the place in the title where the concepts under discussion are to be found. Depending on the discipline, your source might be a piece of writing, the name of a text, a geographical place, a person, an existing debate, an organism, and so on.

Good titles never state the obvious nor do they apply a generic label to a paper. Titles like “Paper #1” or “Lab Report” are clearly too general and unhelpful. Similarly, titles that rely too much on large abstractions are not welcome: “Society and its Many Problems.” In this title the reader has no idea which society is under discussion, what the particular problems may be, or why this is at all current and significant. Avoid clichés at all costs as well: “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. This title is virtually meaningless. If it feels like a common title to you, it will likely seem as common to another reader. Remember, the assignment may be given by the instructor, but the title is your first chance to make the paper your own. Remember also to center your title at the top of your first page of your text. Use the same font and size as the rest of your paper.

Analyzing an Example of an Academic Paper Title

Consider this title from above:

This title’s parts are all clearly visible. The hook is a direct quotation from the novel under discussion, a well-chosen particular that advances an important theme in the novel. The next part: “Reading, Sport and the Self” contains the title’s key terms. The title is making a promise here to the reader that the paper will engage these three critical concepts. Finally we see the source of the title, prompted by the preposition “in”. Someone reading this title or searching for it in a database would easily identify it as a study of a particular book, in this case, a novel by David Foster Wallace, which is concerned with the ideas of reading, sport and the self. In the humanities, you will often see writers divide their titles into two distinct parts, as in this example, marked by a colon that allows the hook to introduce the rest of the title.

Here is another example, this time from the sciences:

Science writing rarely uses a hook in the same way as papers in the humanities. The hook in a science paper is often simply a highly relevant but exciting and direct introduction of a new approach or discovery. What you mostly find in science writing titles is a catalog of key terms that corresponds directly to the paper’s thesis, significance and methods. Here we see a number of key terms: light, temperature, growth, and the bacterium itself. This title would be highly searchable and is very informative. The final part is the source which simply and clearly identifies the bacterium under discussion.

Approach #2: Titles for Narrative and Personal Papers

Being simple and clear can be very useful in a formal academic essay, but what if you aren’t writing an analytical paper? How do you write a title for a personal essay or statement? How about a title for that English paper that asks you to write a narrative or share an observation? These types of papers might well demand titles that simply sound interesting and creative rather than strictly academic.

In these cases you may want to use an interesting phrase from your paper. Perhaps there is a humorous or dramatic anecdote you offer in your creative paper that sums it all up. Perhaps there is a quotation or phrase that could serve as the title. In these cases you simply want to interest the reader by making the paper seem unique. Here is your opportunity to really put your stamp on the paper and to intrigue the reader. Here are some interesting and intriguing titles for creative essays:

“Why I Screen My Calls” “The Week of Rental Car Disasters” “My Son, the Burglar, Revisited” “What’s So Wrong with the Brady Bunch?”

Each of these titles is provocative. The first two offer the agenda for the paper; presumably you will learn the hilarious and awful history behind each title by reading the paper. The final two titles depend on humorous and contrary bits of information: a father writing about his burglar son, which seems at odds with what we might expect a father to write about his son (and in this case “revisited” is a provocative word since perhaps the son has burgled again). The Brady Bunch title is also funny because it promises a defense of an unexpected position or at least an eminently arguable one, which makes it an intriguing paper title.

In Practice

Imagine you are a student writing a paper for a class on animal behavior. You have a particular species to study, you have done the field work, and you have some conclusions to offer. Here is your first attempt: “Monkey Behavior”.

This is very general and tells us nothing about the kind of monkey or a particular behavior. It does little to attract the reader.

Your second attempt is a little better: “The Effects of Sugar on Monkey Behavior”.

This title is a little clearer and even mildly amusing. Now, at least we have some idea of a cause and an understanding of some important concepts. But can you be more specific? Wouldn’t it make sense to add more key terms from the paper itself? Readers already can conjecture that sugar would have some effect on monkey behavior, so this title needs to be less mysterious and more precise. Here is a better academic title:

“Sugar Stimulates Intensity of Tail-Twitch Social Behavior in Panamanian Monkeys”

Now you have a title that is full of specific key terms, includes a clear location, and provides a bold and specific claim before the text of the paper begins. This is incredibly helpful to your readers.

Try your hand at creating an academic title for a paper with the following topic:

“Write a 5-7 page paper analyzing any work of the author and illustrator Dr. Seuss. You may make reference to one or more of his books, but you must analyze the text(s) based on at least one of the following: Seuss’s use of metaphor, imagery, symbolism, or rhyme. You must also make a connection between this device and his drawing technique or subject matter. Use quotes to support your argument.”

HINT: This is a tough (though potentially interesting) assignment prompt, but remember the three parts of the academic title: hook, key terms, and source. Your hook could be a quote, perhaps a direct quote that shows either metaphor, imagery, symbolism or rhyme. This would be a smart move because you would reveal in the title which of the four options you chose for the paper topic. In other words, by quoting, you would already have an example before you introduce your argument. Your key terms would likely be lifted from the assignment prompt itself (metaphor, imagery, etc. . .). The source would be just that: the name of the book you chose to explore.

Now challenge yourself to make a creative title for this paper. The possibilities are endless here. Think in terms of being clever and witty and actually making use of the terms and techniques the assignment asks you to consider.

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Man KILLED While Making Zone of Interest Film Essay - The Tragic INDIFFERENCE Situation

Man KILLED While Making Zone of Interest Film Essay - The Tragic INDIFFERENCE Situation (2024)

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Essays on Life, Art and Science


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US Surgeon General calls for warning labels on social media amid mental health 'emergency'

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The U.S. Surgeon General called for social media companies to be required to use safety warning labels in a New York Times opinion essay published Monday.

Citing research that shows social media could be negatively impacting youth mental health , Dr. Vivek H. Murthy said a surgeon general's warning on social media platforms, similar to those on tobacco and alcohol products, could raise awareness for parents about the potential harm of the platforms.

"One of the worst things for a parent is to know your children are in danger yet be unable to do anything about it," Murthy wrote. "That is how parents tell me they feel when it comes to social media — helpless and alone in the face of toxic content and hidden harms."

NetChoice , a trade organization representing some social media companies, said in a statement shared with USA TODAY that the responsibility should be on the parents to protect their children's mental health, not the government or tech companies.

Research shows social media could come with benefit and harm

Murthy said social media is a major factor in the mental health crisis among young people, which he called "an emergency."

Social media has become nearly ubiquitous among youth. The  2023 U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health  found that nearly  95% of youth aged 13 to 17 use a social media platform , with more than a third saying they use it "almost constantly."

The advisory concluded that more research is needed to fully understand the impacts of social media. But it showed there are some benefits and "ample indicators that social media can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents."

Potential benefits identified in the advisory were community, connection and self expression. It also stated that social media can support mental health of LGBTQ youth to help develop their identities. Additionally, seven out of 10 girls of color reported encountering identity-affirming content related to race on social media, the advisory stated.

Potential harms of using social media included greater risk of suffering from depression and anxiety. Some studies also showed greater risk of negative health outcomes for adolescents girls including disordered eating and poor sleep.

Murthy praises dairy recall, Boeing response as examples of swift action

In the NYT letter, Murthy pointed to the F.A.A.'s swift grounding of Boeing 737 MAX 9 planes after a door plug came off mid-flight earlier this year and widespread recalls of cheese products due to risk of listeria contamination .

"Why is it that we have failed to respond to the harms of social media when they are no less urgent or widespread than those posed by unsafe cars, planes or food?," Murthy wrote. "These harms are not a failure of willpower and parenting; they are the consequence of unleashing powerful technology without adequate safety measures, transparency or accountability."

Several state bills seeking to limit youth access to social media have been passed by legislatures but blocked in court. Those lawsuits were often brought by NetChoice.

NetChoice vice president and general counsel Carl Szabo said in a statement that the onus is on parents to protect their children from harm online.

"A warning label oversimplifies this issue, and it is a simplistic way to approach this that assumes that every child is the exact same. In reality, every child is different and struggles with their own challenges," Szabo said. "Parents and guardians are the most appropriately situated to handle these unique needs of their children—not the government or tech companies." 

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Enter your keywords

Type your topic or a couple of keywords into the Title Generator search bar.

Click ‘Get Your Title’

Select the orange button to the right of the input field to populate your initial list of titles.

Refine your results

Zero in on your target by choosing a “subject” from the drop-down menu.

Expand your options

Click “Load More” to see additional custom titles and headers generated just for you.

Copy your selections

Copy your favorite titles and apply them immediately or stockpile them for later. 

Watch them work

Enjoy the results as you see increased views and engagement with your content.

More creative title generators from Wix

The Wix blog title generator being used to generate a title for a home design blog.

Blog Title Generator

Hook your audience with engaging titles generated by our free AI blog title generator.

The Wix Youtube title generator being used to generate a title for a fitness video on Youtube.

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What makes a good title?

Good news. Your days of agonizing over how to write a headline that converts are over. Check out our guide for choosing the best titles from our AI title generator.

Optimize the length

50-70 characters is usually the sweet spot for a catchy title. It offers enough information to hook the reader without overwhelming them or getting cut off.

Add numbers & dates

Titles with numbers in them have a higher click-through rate. Include the year to show your content is current or the number of tips you’re sharing.

Test your title

Use the acronym SHINE (Specificity, Helpfulness, Immediacy, Newsworthiness, Entertainment value) to test the strength of your headlines.

Elevate your words

Use ‘power words’ that trigger an emotional response from the reader so they want to dive in. For example, words like ‘best’ and ‘sizzling’ are great options.

Title ideas for your content creation

Our title generator will help you get ideas and create catchy titles for your "how to" articles and guides, presentations, website, product descriptions and more. 

We’ve put together a list of some of the best title examples from our AI heading generator to get you started. Try it out for yourself and ensure every piece of content you create has a title that draws attention and drives engagement. With the right title, you’ll hook audiences to keep reading, watching or listening right from the start.

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Wix’s free video maker in action making product videos for fashion items including sunglasses and a matching hat and bag.

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The free image resizer by Wix being used to resize an image of a man with sunglasses showing the resizing options in detail.

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Two skincare products alongside a selection of icon options for a cosmetics brand. The icons are created with Wix’s free logo maker.

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Title Generator FAQ

What is title generator.

Title Generator is a free Wix Tool that helps you increase engagement with your content by generating catchy titles, headlines, subject lines and more.

How does our title creator work?

Our title name generator uses AI technology that transforms the words you input into a list of creative, catchy and effective headlines for you to use however you’d like.

How do you create a unique title?

Finding a unique title can be hard. That’s where our free headline creator can help. Just input your topic or some keywords into the Title Generator and you’ll instantly get a list of catchy titles.

How do you choose a good title?

When creating a title, there are a few things you should consider. First, you’ll want to make sure you are earning your audience’s trust. Confirm that your title accurately reflects your content and consider adding the year to inform scrollers that your information is current. Next, check that your title is within the character limit for whatever search engines people might be using. Around 60 characters is usually a good sweet spot. Lastly, you’ll want to make sure your title is attention-grabbing. People are exposed to a lot of content daily, so you have to work to get them to click.

 Bring your titles to life on a professional website 

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EssayPro has been providing top-quality essay writing services for over a decade. This means managing our customers’ assignments and helping them reduce their workloads. So, why do clients keep choosing our services?

We carefully handpick all our paper writers to ensure that each of them demonstrates the highest level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication. This approach allows us to deliver authentic and highly original papers for everyone who turns to us with a "write my essays" request.

Our experienced essay help team specializes in crafting a variety of paper types at varying levels of complexity. From a simple one-page essay to a thorough and complex dissertation - EssayPro has you covered.

Thanks to our vast experience, we create papers tailored to every customer’s unique needs. And we’re ready to handle any learning challenges you are facing. When you turn to us for help, you will receive the best quality of service within your specified timeframe!

How can hiring an expert essay writer help me?

You're probably contending with a number of different challenges, such as combining studies with sports and other extracurriculars. On top of that, maybe you have a side hustle or even a full-time job to cover your expenses. So, if your life is intense and fast-paced, having a trusted assistant by your side can't hurt. And that’s why EssayPro is here!

By hiring professional essay writers, you're allowing us to take some of the load off your shoulders. When you are busy with a job, sports, family commitments, or anything else, all it takes is to say, “please write my essays for me,” and we will help you get your papers done right and without hassle.

We offer different services and features to ensure your "write my paper" request is completed exactly how you need. Whether you need an essay or any other paper - we’ll take up the challenge. When your papers are due in a week or in just 3 hours - we’ll deliver them on time, or you will receive a refund in accordance with our Refund Policy. And, if you have other things to do or simply want to rest from your struggles - try our essay writer help to regain control of your life!

The fastest way to "write my essay for me"

Our paper writing service team knows that a learner’s life often involves juggling lots of responsibilities and pursuing several important goals at once. But what if you’re constantly drained? You might feel overwhelmed trying to manage your workload, even though you're doing your best.

We’ve been there - it’s not your fault. The thing is, there almost always isn't enough time to handle all your assignments properly. This can put a lot of pressure on you, causing you to be too hard on yourself just to tick all the boxes on your list. Pushing yourself to achieve unrealistic goals makes matters worse, introducing the likelihood of burnout and even depression.

Our "write my paper for me" service was created to help you avoid this. With our essay writing help, every learner can delegate their tasks to professionals who will complete them right on time while following the requirements you provided. Starting from just $11 per page, we give you an opportunity to save your energy for things that matter. And that’s not all!

We realize that you can be in a tight spot when there is no time to complete a paper due in just a few days. The good news is that you can hire an essay writer to deal with this challenge for you. Even if you’re in a rush, we can deliver your paper ASAP without compromising on quality!

Say “write my paper” and get help from top-rated writers

Whether you have a last-minute essay or some extensive research work that you are dealing with, you shouldn’t worry about it when there’s EssayPro by your side. Our essay writing service is always here to give you a helping hand, with top-level professionalism guaranteed.

Our service collaborates with the best paper writers. Our experts hold Bachelor’s, Master’s, and even Ph.D. degrees, and each of them has vast experience crafting papers in their respective fields.

Before we let a new partner work on your "write essay for me" orders, we put them through several rounds of verification and tests to ensure their qualifications are high enough to deliver results at an academic standard. And we require them to study and follow our thorough quality control procedures for the best results.

What else allows us to reach almost 100% satisfaction? Apart from selecting the best authors, we also work with seasoned managers who will supervise their work. We believe that effective supervision is the key to ensuring consistently high quality for every paper we deliver. So, when you pay for essay with us, you always have a quality guarantee.

To reap these benefits, just start an order with our service and pick your perfect expert. Our service operates 24/7, so you can reach us whenever you need.

Once your order is placed and assigned to an expert, they will complete it per your instructions. Our experienced authors will tailor every paper to your unique requirements. And, once the order is ready, you can always download and check it before releasing payment.

Lastly, we give every client 14 or 30 days after an order's completion to request amendments for free.

All these factors make us one of the best writing service providers for you. So, don’t waste any time and get your professional assistance now!

A professional paper writing service you can afford

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The price for our "write paper for me" services starts from as low as $11 per page. What’s more, we always provide generous discounts while putting those precious hours back into your life. For instance, the further your completion date - the lower the price.

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Pick the paper writer you like most

At our essay writing help service, you will find a large pool of qualified essay writers ready to lend you a helping hand. What’s more, when you pay for essays with us, you have the opportunity to select the author that best suits your needs.

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Need extra help? Don’t worry! Our friendly support team is there for you 24/7. Just drop them a line saying, “I want to pay someone to write my paper,” and they will tell you how to order and pick the most suitable author.

Exceptional "write my essay" experience

We want every customer to have the best experience when they hire an online paper writer. Our paper writing service team does everything possible to deliver a positive client experience. To make good on this commitment, we made our service's interface extremely user-friendly. It is easy to navigate and intuitive, so even new customers can quickly place their "do my essay" orders in minutes.

Apart from this, our support team operates 24/7. This allows customers to ask their questions, receive prompt assistance, and place their “write a paper for me” orders at any time.

We provide high-quality guarantees, collaborate with the best authors, and offer a wide range of other benefits. So, if you are looking to pay someone to write your essay, there is no better place than EssayPro!

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What if I’m not satisfied with my "write my essay for me" order?

Although dissatisfaction is rare with our professional essay writers, as we always strive to follow all your instuctions, there may be additional adjustments that you want to make in your paper. And that’s okay!

Sometimes, especially when your "write my paper" order is complex and comes with a broad set of requirements, you may have the need for extra edits. Our team is always open to this. After your order's delivery, you can request unlimited amendments free of charge. So, if it turns out that the final draft of your paper doesn’t align with your initial instructions, don’t hesitate to ask for corrections.

To request edits, you only need to contact the author who completed your paper and explain your concerns. Then, along with our expert QA team, the author will make all the necessary edits to ensure everything meets your requirements from our essay writing service online.

If it turns out that you are completely dissatisfied with the work, which is rare, refunds are possible according to our Refund Policy. If you pay for an essay and are not happy with its quality, you can request a refund within 14 or 30 days upon the completion of your order, depending on your order type.

Do my essay perfectly!

Ready to get top-quality "write a paper for me" assistance? With EssayPro, you are in good hands! All you need to do is say, “please, write my paper for me,” and we will do everything possible to support you!

To ensure that learners can delegate any type of assignment to us, we partner with qualified paper writers with experience in different fields of study. We can easily handle any order regarding business, literature, chemistry, marketing, etc.

Choosing your ideal essay writer online is also easy. We keep our experts’ profiles and ratings publicly visible. So, it never takes too long to find the right professional for your order.

Regardless of the type of help you need and the author you select, with our essay service, you can always expect the best results. All our experts are native English speakers and each of them is capable of:

  • Performing in-depth research and finding credible sources
  • Completing even the most complex assignments on time
  • Meeting the client halfway
  • Keeping customer requirements and comments in mind
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Get help from an online essay writer now

Want to request professional essay writer help and get it right this moment? We have you covered! Just reach out to us and say, “write my paper,” and we will do it for you, regardless of whether it’s due in a week or a day.

Here is how you can make the most of our essay writing service.

Create a personal account

To join EssayPro as a customer, simply provide us with your name and email address or phone number. Then, come up with a password for your account and verify your email.

Give us your requirements

When your personal account is ready, place your "do my essay" order right from the dashboard. It only takes a few moments to fill out the order form and tell us about your assignment.

Assign a suitable author

Check our database of professionals and choose one based on their field of expertise, rating, success rate, and customer feedback. Or just drop a line saying, “I want to pay someone to write my essay” to our customer support and let us find the right expert for you.

Communicate your last-minute requirements

Forgot to mention something important in your "write an essay for me" order? No problem! Use the direct chat feature to contact your author and pass on any last-minute requirements that you have for your paper. Our experts keep your comments in mind when working on your assignment.

Stay in touch

Keep in contact with your assigned expert at every stage of the order process. Use the direct chat feature to monitor your paper's progress, provide additional requirements, or ask any questions that pop up along the way.

Get your tailored paper

When your order is done, you will find a notification in your mailbox. You will be able to download the final draft and ensure that the author has followed all your instructions. If you are happy with the result, pay for your order. And if there is anything that needs to be fixed or changed, feel free to ask for amendments.

That’s how easily you can get help from us!

Get more done with an expert essay writer by your side

Are you completely overwhelmed with work? Struggling to handle daily work and other responsibilities? You've come to the right place as we're set up to alleviate your worries. Make a "write my paper" request and we will make hundreds of qualified and experienced writers available to you. Pick a writer, send them your requirements, and use the opportunity to catch up with your work or other duties, safe in the knowledge that you are getting a tailored paper before your due date.

When you leave us your "do my essay" request, you are assured of highly original work based on the requirements you provided to our essay writing service. We put all our papers through the most commonly used originality software. You can request this report upon order completion to confirm your work's authenticity.

The choice is simple. Get an expert to do your paper writing and give yourself room to breathe. Rest assured, your comfort and confidence in our services remain our top priority. So if you want to "pay someone to write my essay," you've come to the best place. The final result is tailored, highly original writing that is affordable and will help you save time and avoid headaches!

Essay writing service that keeps your data safe

Getting paper writing help is not a shameful practice, yet we understand the wishes of our customers to keep their personal information safe. That's why we only partner with world-renowned payment gateways, which implement the highest levels of encryption, ensuring that both your personal data and card information are in safe hands.

Say "help write my essay" knowing that you won't be exposed and that your data is protected using bank-level security standards. Hire essay writers and work with real pros. Gain access to a unique set of bonuses and enjoy more free time for what you love!

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‘chicago fire’s jocelyn hudon upped to series regular, breaking news.

  • Michael Chernus To Play Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy In Peacock’s True Crime Limited Series ‘Devil In Disguise’

By Nellie Andreeva

Nellie Andreeva

Co-Editor-in-Chief, TV

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Michael Chernus ( Severance, Dead Ringers ) has been tapped for the title role in Peacock ’s limited drama series Devil In Disguise: John Wayne Gacy.

True crime veteran Patrick Macmanus ( Dr. Death, The Girl From Plainville ) serves as writer, executive producer and showrunner on the scripted series, inspired by the 2021 Peacock original docuseries John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise . It chronicles the harrowing crimes of one of America’s most notorious serial killers and the investigation that ultimately brought him down.

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Devil In Disguise: John Wayne Gacy peels back the twisted layers of Gacy’s life while weaving in the heartrending stories of his mostly gay victims; exploring the grief, guilt, and trauma of their families and friends; and exposing the systemic failures, missed opportunities and societal prejudices that fueled his reign of terror.

“I’m both excited and humbled by this opportunity,” Chernus said.

He went on to explain why he is taking on the role of Gacy.

“The direction that the writers are taking with this project is important, focusing on the victims and their families as well as those who finally brought John Wayne Gacy to justice,” he said. “While Gacy was the perpetrator of these horrific crimes, I’m relieved that he won’t be the main focus of the series. It’s heartbreaking for me to think of what his victims (all young men and boys) could have done with their lives had the system not failed them so tragically. I believe in the power of storytelling and hope that by telling this story, in a thoughtful way, we can play some part in preventing this from ever happening again.”

Chernus is repped by Authentic, UTA and Felker Toczek Suddleson.

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US Surgeon General Can’t Even Convince Himself That Social Media Warning Labels Are a Good Idea

A person with long hair leans on a table, their face not visible. They are using a smartphone with their right hand, wearing bracelets on their left wrist. The background is blurred, showing indistinct shapes and colors.

As U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy attempted to advocate for warning labels on social media, he made a stronger case against the practice.

In a New York Times guest essay published on Monday, Murthy plead Congress to issue warning labels on social media, similar to those that appear on tobacco products, notifying parents against the negative effects the platforms can have on adolescents. However, as the op-ed continues, the argument shifts away from the effectiveness of labels and in favor of larger solutions — and it’s a far more convincing case.

Murthy first acknowledges the mental health crisis seen in young people, especially those who are social media users. It’s a valid point and a strong foundation for a call to action. The Surgeon General compares the issue to more tangible health concerns like tobacco use or car crashes. The latter further sets up a fine analogy by way of warning labels, which Murthy says helped reduce the use of tobacco products.

“Evidence from tobacco studies show that warning labels can increase awareness and change behavior,” Murthy writes.

Yet, the similarities seem to end there. Murthy never offers an example of how his proposed labels would look, which is especially nebulous considering the warnings would be for parents rather than the adolescent users. Surgeon General warnings on a pack of cigarettes, for example, are seen by those smoking them, and that’s who the message is for.

However, a warning on social media might not be seen by parents or guardians who aren’t on the same platforms as their children. Further, it’s unclear where and how the label would show up. Would it appear when someone downloads an app? Would it appear every time someone loads the platform? And would it appear for all users, including adults without children? It seems Murthy is asking for something without knowing exactly what the something is. That, or he hasn’t taken the time to illuminate those he’s trying to convince on the details of his plan.

And the stats he boasts regarding the effectiveness of tobacco product warnings don’t translate to ones for social media.

“When asked if a warning from the surgeon general would prompt them to limit or monitor their children’s social media use, 76 percent of people in one recent survey of Latino parents said yes,” he says, providing the only solid figure for such a use case. It hardly tells anyone how parents as a whole might respond.

The Surgeon General’s public health comparisons continue while further moving away from his original argument for warning labels.

“There is no seatbelt for parents to click, no helmet to snap in place, no assurance that trusted experts have investigated and ensured that these platforms are safe for our kids,” Murthy notes.

The line underscores where the similarities between a mental health crisis worsened by social media and something like car safety start and end. Both pose serious public health concerns and need to be addressed. The problem is they cannot be addressed in exactly the same ways.

Murthy makes this evident himself in his emotional pleas, putting desperate parents at the center of his ask.

“One of the worst things for a parent is to know your children are in danger yet be unable to do anything about it,” he writes. “That is how parents tell me they feel when it comes to social media — helpless and alone in the face of toxic content and hidden harms.”

Murthy continues, detailing the heartbreaking story of a diligent mother who nonetheless lost her child to suicide after enduring online bullying. This mother seemed to do everything right, “monitoring her daughter’s accounts and phone daily,” in the Surgeon General’s own words.

What, then, would a warning label provide other than a condescending reminder of the anxieties already plaguing this mother?

“As a father of a 6- and a 7-year-old who have already asked about social media, I worry about how my wife and I will know when to let them have accounts,” Murthy adds, admitting his own limitations. “How will we monitor their activity, given the increasingly sophisticated techniques for concealing it? How will we know if our children are being exposed to harmful content or dangerous people? It’s no wonder that when it comes to managing social media for their kids, so many parents are feeling stress and anxiety — and even shame.”

This is not to disparage Murthy or the mother he highlights, nor any other parent struggling to contend with the dangers of social media. But if the person hoping to issue the warning doesn’t have the answers, how will any other parents fare in the face of a mere label?

Not far into his guest essay, Murthy emphasizes the need for other solutions as well, namely legislation. Here, the Surgeon General is not only more convincing, but he seems more passionate as well, possibly because those were his first arguments.

“The advisory I issued a year ago about social media and young people’s mental health included specific recommendations for policymakers, platforms and the public to make social media safer for kids,” he notes in the New York Times op-ed. “Such measures, which already have strong bipartisan support, remain the priority.”

It feels as though the warning labels are a last-ditch effort after seeing little to no action following Murthy’s first recommendation. With that, it’s easy to see why the Surgeon General’s warning label plea to Congress feels so meek. It is. And rather than focusing on Murthy’s latest argument on how to respond to the negative impact of social media on children, we should revisit Murthy’s original arguments on the matter.

Image credits: Header photo licensed via Depositphotos .

Four people stand side by side against a wall, all focused on their smartphones. They are casually dressed: the first person wears a white T-shirt and headphones, the second a flannel shirt over a beige top, the third a white T-shirt and denim shorts, and the fourth a blue polo shirt.

Home / Guides / Citation Guides / MLA Format / Creating an MLA title page

Creating an MLA title page

If you are writing a research paper in MLA style 9th edition for a class, then you may need to include an MLA format title page. An MLA title page is the cover of your paper, and they aren’t always required. So, how do you make a title page that adheres to the MLA formatting guidelines, and how do you know when you need one?

This page contains all the information you need to know to make the perfect MLA title page, so that you can prove that you are an expert researcher and get the best possible grade. This MLA sample paper will show you how the rest of your paper should be formatted.

Here’s a run-through of everything this page includes:

Title page vs. MLA heading on first page

Title page / cover page, first page: mla heading (no title page), troubleshooting.

The current edition of the Modern Language Association (MLA) handbook does not require a title page , but your teacher, professor, or other reader may require one. In this case, you will need to know the differences between a title page and an MLA heading, and which one to use depending on your reader’s preferences. Other citation styles look slightly different, like this   APA title page .

A title page, or a cover page, is a single page that comes before your MLA abstract (if required) and the content of your paper. It introduces your paper and quickly shows a reader the following information about your paper:

  • author name (your name, since you wrote the paper)
  • course information (if applicable)

It does not include any of the research paper itself.

First page with MLA heading 

MLA format recommends adding an MLA heading to the first page of your paper. This contains the same information as a title page, but the information is formatted differently and is on the same page on which your actual research paper begins.

Unless otherwise specified by your instructor or teacher, this should be how you format your first page.

Before you start typing your MLA research paper title page, you will need to gather some information.

What you will need

If you are creating an MLA heading on the first page of your essay instead of a title page, you will need most of the same information, but you will format it differently.

To create a title page, you need to include:

  • The name of your high school, college, or university (if applicable)
  • The title of your paper
  • The subtitle of your paper (if you have one)
  • Your first and last name
  • Your teacher or professor’s name (if applicable)
  • The class name or course number (if applicable)
  • The date the paper is due (in “day month year” format)

Formatting guidelines

Follow these formatting guidelines when typing your MLA title page:

  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman font
  • Size 12 font
  • The first letter of each word should be capitalized, with the exception of very short words such as the, and, of, or, a, an, for, in , etc.  However, the first word should always be capitalized.
  • Do not include a page number heading on your title page

Step-by-step instructions

Here are the steps you need to take to create the perfect MLA title page:

  • At the top of the page, type the name of your high school, college, or university (if applicable).
  • Skip down approximately one-third of the page and type the title of your research paper using title case.
  • If you have a subtitle, type it on the line following the paper title.
  • Skip down to the bottom third of the page and type your first and last name.
  • On the following line, type the course name and number (if applicable).
  • On the following line, type your instructor’s name (if applicable).
  • On the following and final line, type the due date of your paper in “day month year” format.

MLA title page example

Although it’s important to know how to create an MLA essay title page in case your instructor requires it, in most cases you will use an MLA heading on the first page of your paper instead.

Remember, you should only create a title page if your instructor requests it .

Otherwise, use these guidelines to create an MLA heading. If you create a title page, then you usually won’t need an MLA heading on your first page, but you should ask your instructor for their specific requirements.

To create an MLA heading on your first page, you will need to include some of the same information you would use for a title page, including:

  • Left-justified text for MLA header
  • Centered text for title
  • Right-justified text for page number header
  • In the top left corner of the first page of your essay, type your first and last name.
  • On the following line, type the due date of your paper in “day month year” format.
  • On the following line, switch from left-justified text to centered text and type the title (and the subtitle on the same line, if you have one) of your paper in title case. Do not italicize, underline, or place your essay title in quotation marks. Do not use quotation marks unless you are referring to other works in your title and need to enclose the referenced works in quotation marks.
  • Your research paper should begin on the following double-spaced line.
  • Create a right-justified text header one-half inch from the top of your paper that includes your last name and the page number.
  • All pages of your paper should be numbered with your last name and the numerical page number. The page including your MLA header, title, and the beginning of your essay is page one (1).
  • Your instructor may specify not to include a last name and page number header on your first page. Always follow your instructor’s guidelines.

MLA heading first page example

Solution #1: What should I do if my paper is a group project?

If you have written a collaborative paper with multiple authors, list each author on your MLA title page or in your MLA heading in alphabetical order, with line breaks between each.

If your paper has multiple authors, omit the name from your page numbers in the upper-right corner of your MLA-format paper.

Example MLA heading for a group paper:


Example MLA title page for a group paper:


Solution #2: What should I do if my paper isn’t for a specific class?

If your paper is a thesis project for your degree, for example, or not for a specific class, you can omit that information from your MLA title page or MLA header.

Solution #3: Does my paper need a subtitle if I use a full MLA title page?

While an MLA title page allows for a subtitle beneath the title of your paper, it is NOT required to have a subtitle or make one up for your MLA title page.

If you didn’t intend to have a subtitle for your paper, there is no need to add a subtitle. Just leave that area of your MLA title page blank.

Solution #4: Will my MLA title page be part of my final page count?

A title page is not typically included in a paper’s final word count. Check with the teacher or professor assigning the paper to be sure, but it is highly unlikely a title page will count as a full page of your final paper.

Published October 25, 2020. Updated June 4, 2021

Written by Grace Turney , freelance writer and artist. Grace is a former librarian and has a Master’s degree in Library Science and Information Technology.

MLA Formatting Guide

MLA Formatting

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Citation Examples

  • Book Chapter
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  • Website (no author)
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The title page in MLA style gives basic information such as the name, the instructor’s name, the course name and number, the title of the paper, and the submission date. MLA style does not recommend using a title page unless specifically requested by your instructor; instead, it suggests creating a header.

The difference between a title page and a header in MLA style is that a title page appears as a page on its own before the main paper copy. A header, on the other hand, appears on the same page where paper copy begins.

Include the following elements on a title page. Follow the order as given below.

The university name

The title and subtitle of the paper

The course name and number

The instructor’s name

The submission/due date

If you are not required to create a title page, and only need a header, the following elements should be included in the header, in the order as listed:

While MLA does not generally recommend the use of a title page, some courses or professors may require it. The title page should include the university name, title of the paper, your name, the instructor’s name, the course name, and the submission or due date.

Formatting title page

MLA style does not have any specific guidelines for formatting a title page. However, you can use the below suggestions to format your title page if you are required to create one for your paper.

Page margins

All margins (top, bottom, left, and right) should be set at 1 inch.

The font should be clear and easy to read. A good option is Times New Roman font in size 12 pt.

Text on the title page should be double-spaced.

Elements of a title page

Include the following elements on the title page. Follow the order as given below.

Add a few blank lines before and after the title of the work. The title should be in title case and centered.

Beginning on the title page, the paper should also include a running head. The running head includes the your last name and the page number. This should be placed in the “header” area of the paper so that it is present on each page. Use the page number feature in your word processor so that the page number is generated automatically.

Example title page

Chegg University

Relationship Between Students and Their Teachers

Ishithaa Gopi

Psychology 127

Professor John Smith

21 September 2021

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Magazines spaced out on what looks to be a spiral metal contraption.

In a Digital Age, High-End Outdoors Magazines Are Thriving in Print

Titles like Adventure Journal, Mountain Gazette, Summit Journal and Ori are aimed at “people who just don’t want to be on their phones anymore.”

The most recent copy of Adventure Journal works its way up to a conveyor belt. The magazine is part of a burst of small-batch, independent outdoors magazines that are finding analog success. Credit... Gabriella Angotti-Jones for The New York Times

Supported by

John Branch

By John Branch

Reporting from Orange County, Calif.

  • June 16, 2024

In an ordinary industrial building off a busy Orange County street, a Seussian contraption, nearly 100 feet long, clattered to life. The room filled with the hum and squeaks of belts and machinery. There was the smell of hot glue.

Like passengers on a dark amusement ride, bundles of colorful magazine pages, printed a week earlier, began a wild, circuitous journey, through tunnels and up ramps, that lasted a few minutes. The bundles were somehow cut and collated. The long edge of each new 130-page sheaf was dipped into a pool of melting glue, then dropped into a U-shaped cover. After drying during a series of slow corkscrews, the new magazine’s edges were chopped smooth by guillotines and emerged through an opening. Unimpressed men stacked them into boxes.

Nearby, Stephen Casimiro held one of the 7,200 copies in his hand.

Casimiro, a former editor of Powder and National Geographic Adventure, is the founder and publisher of Adventure Journal , an unapologetically analog magazine at the heart of an old-school trend.

He sifted through the pages. He smiled.

“People will have this in their hands, on their coffee table,” Casimiro said. “That was the idea. We’re all exhausted from our screens. We want something to savor.”

There are sprouts of life, even profitability, on the landscape of print media and magazines, cratered by the pixilated bombardment of the digital age. High-end niche periodicals are popping up, but the trend might be most evident in a burst of small-batch, independent outdoors magazines like Adventure Journal, Mountain Gazette , Summit Journal and Ori . They are crowding into quiet spaces of narrow lanes — climbing, surfing, skiing, running and the like — where quality is key, advertising is minimal and subscribers are faithful. Most do not put their content online; this is journalism meant to be thumbed through, not swiped past.

The magazines are sometimes oversized and increasingly matte finished, filled with edge-to-edge photographs and literary heaves. They can cost $25 or more per issue. They are meant as much for the coffee table as the shoulder bag — designed to be collectible, not disposable.

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Elton John Documentary and ‘Nightbitch’ Among First Titles at Toronto Film Festival; Amy Adams, David Cronenberg to Receive Honors

By Patrick Frater

Patrick Frater

Asia Bureau Chief

  • Feng Xiaogang, Xu Zheng and Guan Hu Tentpole Films in the Works as Alibaba Pictures Unveils Blockbuster Slate at Shanghai 2 hours ago
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Elton John EGOT Emmy Win Dodger Statium Show

“ Elton John : Never Too Late,” a feature documentary about pop legend Elton John, will have its world premiere as a gala screening at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. So too will “Nightbitch,” an Amy Adams-starring dark comedy about a stay-at-home mom whose life takes a surreal turn.

The pair are among the first six titles announced by the high-profile festival, as Toronto organizers pulled back the curtain on some of the prestige presentations and honorees planned for this year’s 49th edition, as well as preparations for Toronto’s 2026 launch of an organized film market.

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Canadian director David Cronenberg will receive the 2024 Norman Jewison Career Achievement Award. Organizers described Cronenberg as having “developed a dramatic oeuvre of outstanding depth and breadth, and consequently [he] has been lauded as one of the world’s most influential filmmakers.”

Sandra Oh , the Ottawa-based actor with credits including “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Killing Eve” and “The Sympathizer,” will receive the 2024 TIFF Tribute Awards Honorary Chair.

Describing Oh as “incomparable,” TIFF CEO Cameron Bailey said, “We’re grateful that artists of this stature will gather in Toronto to help TIFF turn the spotlight on increasing inclusion throughout our industry.” While the festival runs Sept. 5-15, the tribute awards gala will be held on Sept. 8 at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel.

“Elton John: Never Too Late” hails from Disney+ and is jointly directed by R.J. Cutler and David Furnish, John’s husband. “Nightbitch” is directed by Marielle Heller and is represented by Searchlight Pictures.

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