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google apm written assignment

Bijan Shahrokhi

The Ultimate Guide to the Google APM Program

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The Google Associate Product Manager (APM) Program is one of the most sought-after programs for entry-level Product Managers in the industry. Newbies to Product Management get to work on a variety of Google products that impact millions of people across the globe. In short, when you’re a part of the Google APM Program, it’s going to be a very big deal since you get the seal of approval from a top-tier company in tech.

The Ultimate Guide to the Google APM Program

But how do you get accepted to the APM Program? And, more importantly, with an acceptance rate of only about 0.55%, how do stand out from the rest of the candidates that are also vying for a spot? We answer questions like these and more today.

What will be covered

What is the google apm program, apm application process and interview overview.

  • How to Prepare for the Google APM Program Interview
  • Frequently Asked Questions

The Google APM Program is an initiative that started in 2002 as a means of developing and training fresh talent to become new product leaders to join the company. The program is a way for Google to train a PM “from scratch”, allowing the candidate to be trained on how Google operates and builds products, and be molded into the innovation-driven culture of the organization. 

The number of people that will be accepted reaches about 40 to 50. Rather than having formal training, APMs will have to think on their feet and learn on the job under the supervision of coaches and mentors. 

Let’s learn more basic information about the program:

Google APM Program Basics

Start date and duration.

The rotational program lasts for 2 years. The candidates engage in two one-year rotations, each on a different product. The opportunity opens every year, to start on the following calendar year. For example, upon writing this article, the next start date is August 2023. 

Currently, applications are being accepted starting September 5, 2022. Those who are interested are advised to complete their application on or before September 9, 2022. For updates as well as the full application process, please check here .

Because the program’s goal is to mold and train future product leaders, APMs will have access to plenty of mentorship opportunities:

Alumni APM Adviser

The Alumni Adviser is a PM who once went through the APM Program. Because of this person’s experience, he or she will be able to give valuable insight on how to make the most out of the program.  

The APM Buddy is an APM who has gone through their first year. The buddy will be the best person to answer questions and share his or her advice on something based on their own experience.  

Management Coach

Google doesn’t just aim to develop a candidate’s skill and experience. The company also assigns a management coach, tailored to each APM. This person is for one-on-one development training to help the APM achieve both personal and professional goals.

APM Responsibilities

While going through the program, an APM is expected to perform the following responsibilities:

  • Understand markets, competition, and user requirements in depth.
  • Launch products and features, test their performance and iterate quickly.
  • Work collaboratively with Engineering, Marketing, Legal, UX, etc. on technologies.
  • Develop innovative solutions to problems by collaborating as needed across regions, product areas, and functions.

This is based on the listing that was posted on . These descriptions may sound intimidating but they are all done under the supervision of the mentors mentioned. The simplified version of an APM’s responsibilities could look like this:

  • Determine what the important problems to solve are.
  • Identify how the team should approach the problem.
  • Make sure that the solution that has been determined happens.

Who can apply to the program?

Unlike the Facebook RPM Program where anyone from different educational backgrounds can apply for a position, the APM Program has minimum qualifications:

  • Currently enrolled in or graduated from a degree program in Computer Science or a related field.
  • Internship and/or teaching assistant experience in software development or related field.
  • Experience leading entrepreneurial efforts or outreach within organizations while building cross-functional relationships.
  • Experience preparing and delivering technical presentations to an audience through internships, coursework, or extracurriculars.

Google has also specified that qualified applicants should have less than 2 years of industry Product Management experience.

For those who are interested to become APMs, it’s important to remind yourselves that Google is a tech company. With their specification of a candidate’s educational background, it’s presumed that the right APM will have the foundational tech knowledge to be able to work on Google products efficiently.

What skills is Google looking for in an APM?

skills Google looks for in an APM

Aside from being technically inclined, Google is looking for Associate Product Managers who possess and are open to growing the following skills:

  • Design thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

As an applicant, you have to take note that these will be the core areas that the APM will be working on so it’s best to hone these skills even before you go into the Google APM interview. It’s also ideal if you show off your aptitude for these skills in your resume by:

  • Including the organizations, projects, or other extra-curricular activities you’ve led.
  • Adding any internship and/or teaching experience in a technical field.
  • Exhibiting a passion for technology (joined a hackathon or developed a piece of software on the side, for example).

Program Locations

The program is going to happen in offices in the following locations: Mountain View, CA, USA; New York, NY, USA; San Bruno, CA, USA; San Francisco, CA, USA.

Unfortunately, there is no remote option for this program.

Pay and Perks

One of the perks of getting accepted into the Google APM Program is the high annual salary. According to Glassdoor, a Google APM can be paid as much as $158K a year for full-time work for two years.

There’s also the APM trip which allows APMs to go around the world for a period of two weeks. During the trip, the entire batch participates in activities to explore different markets, understand Google users, and bond with each other.

Other than the main trip, APMs will also get to go on mini-trips for three days where they visit different cities in the United States. The class forms groups of ten. The goal is to learn about a specific industry. APMs will be able to meet local companies to learn more about the kind of work they are doing.

The process starts with an online application. It is mandatory for all interested candidates to submit their applications through the jobs page .

In the “Resume” section, candidates have to attach an updated CV or resume. There’s no need to attach a cover letter.

A copy of one’s official or unofficial transcript is necessary and should be uploaded in the “Higher education” portion of the page. Fields should be filled out accordingly, selecting “Now attending” under “Degree status.” All applicants will be notified by the end of the year with an update.

After the applications are screened by the recruiting team, the interview process will start. Below is the typical interview process:

  • Phone Interview with a PM at Google
  • Written Assignment
  • Second Round of Interviews
  • Final Interview with an Executive

The interview process itself is straightforward. In between, there may be warm-up questions, casual conversations, questions about Product Management, technical or design questions, and more. 

It’s advantageous to be fully prepared by practicing what the interview will mainly focus on: 

Product questions focus on design and strategy. Applicants should understand the users, address their needs, identify trade-offs, make roadmaps, and be familiar with the industry in general.

If you would like to learn more product design and strategy questions, you can check out the PM Exercises database through these links:

  • Product Design
  • Product Strategy

Analytical questions assess your ability to break down complex tasks which may not have a clear right answer. These types of questions have to be broken down into “bite-size pieces” that are easier to solve.

  • Problem Solving

APMS will be working closely with teams of engineers so this portion of the interview will be vital. Candidates have to know how to gauge technical feasibility, explore alternatives, and set timelines. It’s beneficial to have a foundational knowledge of algorithms and to systematically convey technical concepts.

We have compiled a list of FREE technical resources that you can check out here: Free Product Manager Resources to Sharpen Your Tech Skills

How to Prepare for the Google APM Program

So how are you going to prepare for the interview as well as the APM Program itself? Here are some suggestions:

Create a Solid Resume

We wrote an article about how you can create a Product Manager resume that stands out. Read Product Manager Resume: A Complete Guide Plus 2022 Examples if you would like to learn how you can make a resume specifically for the PM role. Mostly, the key reminders that you should remember are:

  • Tailor your resume to the job description. For example, applicants with baseline knowledge of algorithms, make sure you reflect that on your resume.
  • Use action words to quantify your metrics to provide context to your recruiter in terms of the potential that you’re bringing to the table.
  • Keep things concise. This doesn’t mean that you shorten your resume. This just means that you should prioritize what you show to the recruiter.
  • Have friends or colleagues take a look at your resume. Ask them for feedback.

If you know someone who works in Google and is willing to vouch for you professionally, ask them to do so. Your chances of making it to the interview will be better.

Include Side Projects

Google is looking for an APM with a passion for technology. You have to show that you have this by showing off the side projects you’ve worked on or the hackathons that you have joined. If you haven’t had the chance to work on any project yet, it’s something that you can work on before handing over your application.

Go Through a PM Interview Course if Needed

If you’re someone who has less than two years of experience, you may want to take a course that will allow you to learn, be familiar with, and practice answering PM interview questions. The course should be able to teach you how to ace your PM interview, give you solid tips, and help you impress the interviewer.

Check out the course available at PM Exercises. The PM Interview Prep Course has more than 100 video hours and online lessons available. You’ll hear from more experienced PMs about how their own interviews went and read company guides (Google included) that could be beneficial to your interview process.

Practice Answering PM Interview Questions

Remember that there are three main areas the interview will focus on – product (design and strategy), analytical (estimation, metrics, execution), and technical. Focus on finding questions in these categories for you to practice.

At PM Exercises, we have compiled over 2000 PM interview questions with answers given by our PM Community. Our community of PMs who are also preparing for their own interviews gave feedback on the answers to the questions, allowing those who are reading it to look at the answers from the perspective of the interviewer.

Another way that you can practice answering PM interview questions is by practicing with a partner. On PM Exercises, we have a feature called “ Practice ” where you can find other PMs who also want to partner up for a mock interview.

Continue Practicing

Continue practicing until you feel like you’re fully equipped for the interview. Please remember that preparing for a PM interview usually takes about four to eight weeks so make the most out of it.

General Tips for the Google APM Interview Process

Be empathetic .

Remember that you’re going to be the ambassador for your users within the organization so make sure that you represent them and their needs appropriately. Show empathy towards your users and step into their shoes.

Communicate Effectively

Communication is such a vital part of Product Management. From the roadmap that PMs make to giving feedback, to the conversations that need to happen, communication is going to play a major role in succeeding as an APM. Work on your communication skills, and don’t forget to hone your listening skills as well.

There’s Always Room for Improvement

As a Product Manager, one of your jobs is to make products better. Always look for ways to improve a product or service. Google is all about innovation so make sure that this comes across when you are doing your APM interview.

Google APM Program Conclusion

The Google APM Program is a program that’s very competitive. Only a handful of people get accepted every year from the tens of thousands that apply. However, it’s one of the biggest opportunities that you will go through.

Just remember to be consistent with practicing for your PM interview, work on the skills and talents that Google is looking for, do as many mock interviews as you can, and get help and insight into Product Management and the interview process by going through a PM prep course .

By the end of the APM Program, the candidate has the choice to stay with the company, become a PM, or shift into another role within the organization. Alternatively, you can also venture out and apply to a different company. By then, the application process that you will go through might be easier since you bear Google’s seal of approval.

Does Google accept resumes from agencies?

No. Google does not accept agency resumes. On one of their pages, Google makes it clear that applicants should forward their applications themselves. Google is not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes.

When can I hear an update after sending in my application?

All applicants will be notified by the end of the year with an update.

Do I need a cover letter to apply for the Google APM Program?

No need for a cover letter. You just need an updated CV or resume.

Does Google need my transcript?

Yes Google will need you to upload your transcript on the job page under the “Higher education” section

Is Google APM paid?

Yes, becoming a Google APM is a full-time job. If you get accepted, you can earn as much as $158K per year for two years since the program lasts that long.

Who can apply for the Google APM program?

To apply to the Google APM program, you need to follow the instructions found on the jobs page . You’ll need to submit and update your resume or CV.

How long before I hear back from the Google recruitment team?

After you send your application, it’s best to wait until the end of this year (2022) to hear back from the recruitment team.

How hard is Google APM?

The acceptance rate for the program is very low. Over tens of thousands of applicants per year, only about 40-50 will make the cut. It is a competitive process to go through but with the right tips and a little help from a referral, it’s possible that you can get a spot.

Bijan Shahrokhi

Bijan Shahrokhi

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Google Associate Product Manager (APM) Interview Guide

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🔍 Google APM's 2021 timeline, resources, and FAQs

How to prepare and when to apply for full-time or internship product management roles at google.

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Thanks for commenting on my LinkedIn post about Google’s APM program (or already being a subscriber!).

As PM recruiting season heats up, I want to make sure you have the information you’ll need to succeed in your journey toward Google’s Associate Product Manager program. Today, I’ll go over the rough timeline , answer some questions I’ve heard a lot, share some prep resources (including a discount code for a popular one!), and talk about my personal experiences as a former Google APM.

Usual disclaimer: everything I say here is unofficial and based on my experiences — ask a Google recruiter for official information!

📆 APM application and interview timelines

The Google APM applications for full-time jobs usually open in mid-September, staying open for just one week. Internship applications sometimes open at the same time, sometimes a few weeks later. I’ll post here once I know for sure.

My advice is always to apply on the first day the application is open . It’ll increase your chances of getting seen by a recruiter early on — plus, I’ve heard horror stories from people who waited until nighttime on the last day to apply, only to find out that the application had closed halfway through the day. Don’t let that happen to you!

The timeline varies after that, but from what I’ve seen:

First-round phone screens tend to be in early/mid October .

Homework assignments tend to be due in late October or early November .

Final-round “onsite” interviews tend to be in early/mid November .

Candidates with competing offers tend to get expedited schedules. One of my mentees had her final-round scheduled for one month in the future, but then she told her recruiter she had another offer and promptly got an invite for a final-round that was in two days!

💬 Frequently-asked questions

The most common questions I get from folks on LinkedIn and elsewhere are about work authorization. Specifically, if you need an American visa, can you still apply for Google APM?

I talked to some international APMs, and the answer is: yes, you can still apply. There are APMs from India, China, and countries across the globe each year. Google will do its best to keep you in the US and eventually sponsor a visa. That said, it’s very helpful to have some pre-existing work authorization coming in, which is why many international folks get master’s degrees in the US so they can snag a few years of initial work auth before they apply for APM.

To dispel some rumors I’ve seen floating around LinkedIn: no, there is not a separate application process or timeline for people who need visas. I think the timeline differs for EU residents who want to work in the EU, but if you want to work in the States, it’s the same application for everyone, American or not.

Another common question I get is about minimum or maximum experience. For internships, Google only hires rising seniors from undergrad. For full-time, Google hires upcoming or recent graduates from undergrad, master’s, or PhD programs. I don’t think there’s a hard cutoff in terms of years of experience, but I’ve seen folks with up to two years of experience in product management, software engineering, consulting, or other fields get into APM. The odds are best if you’re still a student, though.

📚 Recommended prep resources

Competition for Google APM slots is fierce — thousands of people apply for every open slot — so I always advise people to use a wide range of PM interview prep tools. That includes books, mock interviews with friends and coaches, and professionally-made PM interview prep courses.

For general PM interview prep, you can’t go wrong with books like Cracking the PM Interview . I also like The Design of Everyday Things and Thinkertoys for building your product-thinking and general creativity muscles. Stratechery is the gold standard for tech news and analysis, so it’s helpful to brush up on that too.

As for Google-specific prep, I recorded a few Google PM interview videos for my friends over at Product Alliance —  scroll down on this page and you can sign up to get one of my free videos , where I show you how to answer a tough product & business strategy question similar to the ones Google asks.

google apm written assignment

It’s also a good idea to invest in a Google-specific interview course. You should do your own research, of course, but I do recommend Product Alliance’s Flagship Google PM Interview Course , which gives you lifetime access to strategic insights into Google Cloud, YouTube, Search, and the company’s broader 10-year roadmap; examples of great answers, including voiceover commentary from a panel of PM interviewers; common mistakes that Google PM candidates make (and that you’ll learn to avoid); and lists of past interview questions. And you’ll get all the interview strategy videos I filmed!

google apm written assignment

I think the best way to get the Flagship Google Course is through the full course bundle, which gets you the Google course along with similar courses for Facebook and Amazon, plus resources for breaking into product if you’re new to the field. You can use my coupon link to get $25 off the full Product Alliance bundle — at the time I write this, the bundle is already 75% off, and my code should get you a discount on top of that.

If you’d like pointers on other interview resources, feel free to ask in the comments, or check out this article I wrote with more Google APM interview prep tips .

🌏 My experiences as an APM

I absolutely loved my experience as a Google APM; I maintain that it’s the single best way for people to kickstart their product careers. Just a few of the two-year program’s strong points:

You get to pick which team you work on in your second rotation. This gives you a chance to try out far-flung corners of the company: recent “APM2s” have gone to work in cloud, gaming, policy, ML Fairness, wearables, and other super-interesting spots.

The big APM Trip lets you meet tech leaders in cities across the globe, from Japan to Thailand to India to Europe. It’s a great way to hang out with the rest of your ~45-person cohort, too!

google apm written assignment

  • My APM class (plus advisors) in Berlin during our APM Trip. I’m in the red shirt toward the back.

Each year, you can do a mini-trip to cities across the US to learn about a particular tech sub-industry you’re interested in. Some APMs have gone to learn about music tech in Nashville, smart cities in New York, video game tech in Los Angeles, and more.

You’re assigned a team of official mentors and advisors who stick with you as you move around the company, and plenty of former APMs are glad to be your unofficial mentors.

You get a leadership coach , who can help you think about career advancement and personal growth. As the saying in Mountain View goes, the only people who get leadership coaches at Google are senior executives and APMs!

I could go on and on, but suffice to say that it’s really a phenomenal program. If you apply this year, you should get to start out in the office next year, so you can take advantage of all of Google’s famous perks and get to know your classmates in person.

🚀 Good luck!

I hope the information and resources I’ve shared here are helpful! I’ll post again once applications officially open. In the meantime, feel free to ask questions in the comments, and I’ll do my best to answer.

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Ready for more?


  1. Apm Assignment

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  2. The Ultimate Guide to the Google APM Program

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  3. APM Assignment 1_ Specification Sheet (1)

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  4. Google Assignment 1

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