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Academic CV (Curriculum Vitae) for Research: CV Examples

how to write a cv for a research position

What is an academic CV (or research CV)?

An academic CV or “curriculum vitae” is a full synopsis (usually around two to three pages) of your educational and academic background. In addition to college and university transcripts, the personal statement or statement of purpose , and the cover letter, postgraduate candidates need to submit an academic CV when applying for research, teaching, and other faculty positions at universities and research institutions. 

Writing an academic CV (also referred to as a “research CV” or “academic resume”) is a bit different than writing a professional resume. It focuses on your academic experience and qualifications for the position—although relevant work experience can still be included if the position calls for it. 

What’s the difference between a CV and a resume?

While both CVs and resumes summarize your major activities and achievements, a resume is more heavily focused on professional achievements and work history. An academic CV, on the other hand, highlights academic accomplishments and summarizes your educational experience, academic background and related information.

Think of a CV as basically a longer and more academic version of a resume. It details your academic history, research interests, relevant work experience, publications, honors/awards, accomplishments, etc. For grad schools, the CV is a quick indicator of how extensive your background is in the field and how much academic potential you have. Ultimately, grad schools use your academic resume to gauge how successful you’re likely to be as a grad student.

Do I need an academic CV for graduate school?

Like personal statements, CVs are a common grad school application document (though not all programs require them). An academic CV serves the same basic purpose as a regular CV: to secure you the job you want—in this case, the position of “grad student.” Essentially, the CV is a sales pitch to grad schools, and you’re selling yourself !

In addition to your college transcripts, GRE scores, and personal statement or statement of purpose , graduate schools often require applicants submit an academic CV. The rules for composing a CV for a Master’s or doctoral application are slightly different than those for a standard job application. Let’s take a closer look.

Academic CV Format Guidelines

No matter how compelling the content of your CV might be, it must still be clear and easy for graduate admissions committee members to understand. Keep these formatting and organization tips in mind when composing and revising your CV:

  • Whatever formatting choices you make (e.g., indentation, font and text size, spacing, grammar), keep it consistent throughout the document.
  • Use bolding, italics, underlining, and capitalized words to highlight key information.
  • Use reverse chronological order to list your experiences within the sections.
  • Include the most important information to the top and left of each entry and place associated dates to the right.
  • Include page numbers on each page followed by your last name as a header or footer.
  • Use academic verbs and terms in bulleted lists; vary your language and do not repeat the same terms. (See our list of best verbs for CVs and resumes )

How long should a CV be?

While resumes should be concise and are usually limited to one or two pages, an academic CV isn’t restricted by word count or number of pages. Because academic CVs are submitted for careers in research and academia, they have all of the sections and content of a professional CV, but they also require additional information about publications, grants, teaching positions, research, conferences, etc. 

It is difficult to shorten the length without shortening the number of CV sections you include. Because the scope and depth of candidates’ academic careers vary greatly, academic CVs that are as short as two pages or as long as five pages will likely not surprise graduate admissions faculty.

How to Write an Academic CV

Before we look at academic CV examples, let’s discuss the main sections of the CV and how you can go about writing your CV from scratch. Take a look at the sections of the academic CV and read about which information to include and where to put each CV section. For academic CV examples, see the section that follows this one.

Academic CV Sections to Include (with Examples)

A strong academic CV should include the following sections, starting from the top of the list and moving through the bottom. This is the basic Academic CV structure, but some of the subsections (such as research publications and academic awards) can be rearranged to highlight your specific strengths and achievements. 

  • Contact Information
  • Research Objective or Personal Profile
  • Education Section
  • Professional Appointments
  • Research Publications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Grants and Fellowships
  • Conferences Attended
  • Teaching Experience
  • Research Experience
  • Additional Activities
  • Languages and Skills

Now let’s go through each section of your academic CV to see what information to include in detail. 

1. Contact Information

Your academic curriculum vitae must include your full contact information, including the following: 

  • Professional title and affiliation (if applicable)
  • Institutional address (if you are currently registered as a student)
  • Your home address
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile or other professional profile links (if applicable)

In more business-related fields or industries, adding your LinkedIn profile in your contact information section is recommended to give reviewers a more holistic understanding of your academic and professional profile.

Check out our article on how to use your LinkedIn profile to attract employers .

2. Research Objective or Personal Profile

A research objective for an academic CV is a concise paragraph (or long sentence) detailing your specific research plans and goals.

A personal profile gives summarizes your academic background and crowning achievements.

Should you choose a research objective or a personal profile?

If you are writing a research CV, include a research objective. For example, indicate that you are applying to graduate research programs or seeking research grants for your project or study

A research objective will catch the graduate admission committee’s attention and make them want to take a closer look at you as a candidate.

Academic CV research objective example for PhD application  

MA student in Sociology and Gender Studies at North American University who made the President’s List for for six consecutive semesters seeking to use a semester-long research internship to enter into postgraduate research on the Impetus for Religious In-groups in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century.

Note that the candidate includes details about their academic field, their specific scholastic achievements (including an internship), and a specific topic of study. This level of detail shows graduate committees that you are a candidate who is fully prepared for the rigors of grad school life. 

While an academic CV research objective encapsulates your research objective, a CV personal profile should summarize your personal statement or grad school statement of purpose . 

Academic CV personal profile example for a post-doctoral university position

Proven excellence in the development of a strong rapport with undergraduate students, colleagues, and administrators as a lecturer at a major research university. Exhibits expertise in the creation and implementation of lifelong learning programs and the personalized development of strategies and activities to propel learning in Higher Education, specifically in the field of Education. Experienced lecturer, inspirational tutor, and focused researcher with a knack for recognizing and encouraging growth in individuals. Has completed a Master’s and PhD in Sociology and Education with a BA in Educational Administration.

What makes this CV personal profile example so compelling? Again, the details included about the applicant’s academic history and achievements make the reader take note and provide concrete examples of success, proving the candidate’s academic acumen and verifiable achievements.

3. Education Section

If you are applying to an academic position, the Education section is the most essential part of your academic CV.

List your postsecondary degrees in reverse chronological order . Begin with your most recent education (whether or not you have received a degree at the time of application), follow it with your previous education/degree, and then list the ones before these.

Include the following educational details:

  • Year of completion or expected completion (do not include starting dates)
  • Type of Degree
  • Any minor degrees (if applicable)
  • Your department and institution
  • Your honors and awards
  • Dissertation/Thesis Title and Advisor (if applicable)

Because this is arguably the most important academic CV section, make sure that all of the information is completely accurate and that you have not left out any details that highlight your skills as a student. 

4. Professional Appointments

Following the education section, list your employment/professional positions on your academic CV. These should be positions related to academia rather than previous jobs or positions you held in the private section (whether it be a chef or a CEO). These appointments are typically tenure-track positions, not ad hoc and adjunct professor gigs, nor TA (teacher assistant) experience. You should instead label this kind of experience under “Teaching Experience,” which we discuss further down the list.

List the following information for each entry in your “Professional Appointments” section:

  • Institution (university/college name)
  • Department 
  • Your professional title
  • Dates employed (include beginning and end dates)
  • Duties in this position

5. Research Publications

Divide your publications into two distinct sections: peer-reviewed publications and other publications. List peer-reviewed publications first, as these tend to carry more weight in academia. Use a subheading to distinguish these sections for the reader and make your CV details easier to understand.

Within each subsection, further divide your publications in the following order:

  • Book chapters
  • Peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Contributions to edited volumes equivalent to peer-reviewed journals

All of your other research publications should be put into a subcategory titled “Other Publications.” This includes all documents published by a third party that did not receive peer review, whether it is an academic journal, a science magazine, a website, or any other publishing platform. 

Tip: When listing your publications, choose one academic formatting style ( MLA style , Chicago style , APA style , etc.) and apply it throughout your academic CV. Unsure which formatting style to use? Check the website of the school you are applying to and see what citation style they use.

6. Awards and Honors

This section allows you to show off how your skills and achievements were officially acknowledged. List all academic honors and awards you have received in reverse chronological order, just like the education and professional appointments sections. Include the name of the award, which year you received it, and the institution that awarded it to you.

Should you include how much money you were awarded? While this is not recommended for most academic fields (including humanities and social sciences), it is more common for business or STEM fields.

7. Fellowships and Grants

It is important to include fellowships and grants you received because it evidences that your research has been novel and valuable enough to attract funding from institutions or third parties.

Just like with awards and honors, list your grants and fellowships in reverse chronological order. Enter the years your fellowship or grant spanned and the name of the institution or entity providing the funding. Whether you disclose the specific dollar amount of funding you received depends on your field of study, just as with awards and honors.

8. Conferences Attended

Involvement in academic conferences shows admissions committees that you are already an active member of the research community. List the academic conferences in which you took part and divide this section into three subsections:

  • Invited talks —conferences you presented at other institutions to which you received an invitation
  • Campus talks —lectures you gave on your own institution’s campus
  • Conference participation —conferences you participated in (attended) but gave no lecture

9. Teaching Experience

The “Teaching Experience” section is distinct from the “Professional Appointments” section discussed above.  In the Teaching Experience CV section, list any courses you taught as a TA (teacher’s assistant) you have taught. If you taught fewer than ten courses, list all of them out. Included the name of the institution, your department, your specific teaching role, and the dates you taught in this position. 

If you have a long tenure as an academic scholar and your academic CV Appointments section strongly highlights your strengths and achievements, in the Teaching Experience sections you could list only the institutions at which you were a TA. Since it is likely that you will be teaching, lecturing, or mentoring undergraduates and other research students in your postgraduate role, this section is helpful in making you stand out from other graduate, doctoral, or postdoctoral candidates.

10. Research Experience

In the “Research Experience” section of your CV, list all of the academic research posts at which you served. As with the other CV sections, enter these positions in reverse chronological order.

If you have significant experience (and your academic CV is filling up), you might want to limit research and lab positions to only the most pertinent to the research position to which you are applying. Include the following research positions:

  • Full-time Researcher
  • Research Associate
  • Research Assistant

For an academic or research CV, if you do not have much research experience, include all research projects in which you participated–even the research projects with the smallest roles, budget, length, or scope. 

11. Additional Activities

If you have any other activities, distinctions, positions, etc. that do not fit into the above academic CV sections, include them here.

The following items might fit in the “Additional Activities” section:

  • Extracurriculars (clubs, societies, sports teams, etc.)
  • Jobs unrelated to your academic career
  • Service to profession
  • Media coverage
  • Volunteer work

12. Languages and Skills

Many non-academic professional job positions require unique skillsets to succeed. The same can be true with academic and research positions at universities, especially when you speak a language that might come in handy with the specific area of study or with the other researchers you are likely to be working alongside.

Include all the languages in which you are proficient enough to read and understand academic texts. Qualify your proficiency level with the following terms and phrases:

  • IntermediateNative/bilingual in Language
  • Can read Language with a dictionary
  • Advanced use of Language
  • Fully proficient in Language
  • Native fluency in Language
  • Native/Bilingual Language speaker

If you only have a basic comprehension of a language (or if you simply minored in it a decade ago but never really used it), omit these from this section. 

Including skills on an academic CV is optional and MIGHT appear somewhat amateur if it is not a skill that is difficult and would likely contribute to your competency in your research position. In general, include a skill only if you are in a scientific or technical field (STEM fields) and if they realistically make you a better candidate.

13. References 

The final section of your academic CV is the “References” section. Only include references from individuals who know you well and have first-hand experience working with you, either in the capacity of a manager, instructor, or professor, or as a colleague who can attest to your character and how well you worked in that position. Avoid using personal references and never use family members or acquaintances–unless they can somehow attest to your strength as an academic.

List your references in the order of their importance or ability to back up your candidacy. In other words, list the referrers you would want the admissions faculty to contact first and who would give you a shining review. 

Include the following in this order:

  • Full name and academic title
  • Physical mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

Academic CV Examples by Section 

Now that you have a template for what to include in your academic CV sections, let’s look at some examples of academic CV sections with actual applicant information included. Remember that the best CVs are those that clearly state the applicant’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. Let’s go through the CV section-by-section to see how best to highlight these elements of your academic profile. Note that although this example CV does not include EVERY section detailed above, this doesn’t mean that YOU shouldn’t include any of those sections if you have the experiences to fill them in.

academic cv sample

CV Example: Personal Details (Basic)

Write your full name, home address, phone number, and email address. Include this information at the top of the first page, either in the center of the page or aligned left.

  • Tip: Use a larger font size and put the text in bold to make this info stand out.

academic cv contact information

CV Example: Profile Summary (Optional)

This applicant uses an academic research profile summary that outlines their personal details and describes core qualifications and interests in a specific research topic. Remember that the aim of this section is to entice admissions officials into reading through your entire CV.

  • Tip: Include only skills, experience, and what most drives you in your academic and career goals.

how to write a cv for a research position

CV Example: Education Section (Basic)

This applicant’s academic degrees are listed in reverse chronological order, starting with those that are currently in progress and recently completed and moving backward in time to their undergraduate degrees and institutions.

  • Include the name of the institution; city, state, and country (if different from the institution to which you are applying); degree type and major; and month/year the degree was or will be awarded.
  • Provide details such as the title of your thesis/dissertation and your advisor, if applicable.
  • Tip: Provide more details about more recent degrees and fewer details for older degrees.

academic cv education section example

CV Example: Relevant Experience (Basic)

List professional positions that highlight your skills and qualifications. When including details about non-academic jobs you have held, be sure that they relate to your academic career in some way. Group experiences into relevant categories if you have multiple elements to include in one category (e.g., “Research,” “Teaching,” and “Managerial”). For each position, be sure to:

  • Include position title; the name of organization or company; city, state, and country (if different from the institution to which you are applying); and dates you held the position
  • Use bullet points for each relevant duty/activity and accomplishment
  • Tip: For bulleted content, use strong CV words , vary your vocabulary, and write in the active voice; lead with the verbs and write in phrases rather than in complete sentences.

academic cv teaching experience example

CV Example: Special Qualifications or Skills (Optional)

Summarize skills and strengths relevant to the position and/or area of study if they are relevant and important to your academic discipline. Remember that you should not include any skills that are not central to the competencies of the position, as these can make you appear unprofessional.

CV Example: Publications (Basic)

Include a chronological (not alphabetical) list of any books, journal articles, chapters, research reports, pamphlets, or any other publication you have authored or co-authored. This sample CV does not segment the publications by “peer-reviewed” and “non-peer-reviewed,” but this could simply be because they do not have many publications to list. Keep in mind that your CV format and overall design and readability are also important factors in creating a strong curriculum vitae, so you might opt for a more streamlined layout if needed.

  • Use bibliographic citations for each work in the format appropriate for your particular field of study.
  • Tip: If you have not officially authored or co-authored any text publications, include studies you assisted in or any online articles you have written or contributed to that are related to your discipline or that are academic in nature. Including any relevant work in this section shows the faculty members that you are interested in your field of study, even if you haven’t had an opportunity to publish work yet.

academic cv publication section example

CV Example: Conferences Attended (Basic)

Include any presentations you have been involved in, whether you were the presenter or contributed to the visual work (such as posters and slides), or simply attended as an invitee. See the CV template guide in the first section of this article for how to list conference participation for more seasoned researchers.

  • Give the title of the presentation, the name of the conference or event, and the location and date.
  • Briefly describe the content of your presentation.
  • Tip: Use style formatting appropriate to your field of study to cite the conference (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)

academic cv conferences section example

CV Example: Honors and Awards (Basic)

Honors and awards can include anything from university scholarships and grants, to teaching assistantships and fellowships, to inclusion on the Dean’s list for having a stellar GPA. As with other sections, use your discretion and choose the achievements that best highlight you as a candidate for the academic position.

  • Include the names of the honors and official recognition and the date that you received them.
  • Tip: Place these in order of importance, not necessarily in chronological order.

academic cv honors and awards section example

CV Example: Professional/Institutional Service (Optional)

List the professional and institutional offices you have held, student groups you have led or managed, committees you have been involved with, or extra academic projects you have participated in.

  • Tip: Showing your involvement in campus life, however minor, can greatly strengthen your CV. It shows the graduate faculty that you not only contribute to the academic integrity of the institution but that you also enrich the life of the campus and community.

academic cv professional service section example

CV Example: Certifications and Professional Associations (Optional)

Include any membership in professional organizations (national, state, or local). This can include nominal participation as a student, not only as a professional member.

academic cv professional memberships section example

CV Example: Community Involvement and Volunteer Work (Optional)

Include any volunteer work or outreach to community organizations, including work with churches, schools, shelters, non-profits, and other service organizations. As with institutional service, showing community involvement demonstrates your integrity and willingness to go the extra mile—a very important quality in a postgraduate student or faculty member. 

While the CV template guide above suggests including these activities in a section titled “Additional Activities,” if you have several instances of volunteer work or other community involvement, creating a separate heading will help catch the eye of the admissions reviewer.

CV Example: References Section (Basic)

References are usually listed in the final section of an academic CV. Include 3-5 professional or academic references who can vouch for your ability and qualifications and provide evidence of these characteristics.

  • Write the name of the reference, professional title, affiliation, and contact information (phone and email are sufficient). You do not need to write these in alphabetical order. Consider listing your references in order of relevance and impact.

academic cv references section example

CV Editing for Research Positions

After you finish drafting and revising your academic CV, you still need to ensure that your language is clear, compelling, and accurate and that it doesn’t have any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 

A good academic CV typically goes through at least three or four rounds of revision before it is ready to send out to university department faculty. Be sure to have a peer or CV editing service check your CV or academic resume, and get cover letter editing and application essay editing for your longer admissions documents to ensure that there are no glaring errors or major room for improvement.

For professional editing services that are among the highest quality in the industry, send your CV and other application documents to Wordvice’s admissions editing services . Our professional proofreaders and editors will ensure that your hard work is reflected in your CV and help make your postgrad goals a reality.

Check out our full suite of professional proofreading and English editing services on the Wordvice homepage.

  • • Directed a multi-sector research project evaluating the impact of digital resources in academic environments, benefiting over 30 institutions.
  • • Implemented innovative qualitative research methods that increased project efficiency by 25%.
  • • Authored impactful research reports presented at national conferences, influencing educational policy directions.
  • • Supervised and mentored a team of 3 junior analysts, improving team productivity and research output quality.
  • • Managed project timelines and deliverables for complex studies, resulting in 95% on-time completion rate.
  • • Developed strong professional relationships with stakeholders and collaborators, which led to securing 2 significant research grants.
  • • Conducted in-depth analysis on STEM education trends, influencing curriculum development for 100+ educational institutions.
  • • Played a critical role in a team that delivered 4 major research projects yearly, exceeding stakeholder expectations.
  • • Managed cross-functional teams, increasing overall project efficiency by 15%.
  • • Presented research findings at 10+ industry conferences, enhancing the company's professional reputation.
  • • Leveraged advanced data collection tools to gather and analyze information from over 500 interview subjects.
  • • Assisted in the preparation of grant proposals that secured funding of over $500,000 for environmental research.
  • • Organized and managed data collection for a large-scale research study on conservation best practices.
  • • Played a key role in publishing 3 research papers that contributed to new sustainability guidelines.
  • • Supported senior researchers in conducting fieldwork and data analysis for interdisciplinary research projects.

13 Researcher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your researcher resume must demonstrate your expertise in your field. Clearly highlight publications, presentations, or projects you've contributed to. Showcase your analytical and data collection skills. Elaborate on the methodologies you're proficient with to prove your technical capabilities.

All resume examples in this guide

how to write a cv for a research position

UX Researcher

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User Researcher

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Student Researcher

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Quantitative Researcher

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Qualitative Researcher

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Market Researcher

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Undergraduate Researcher

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Product Researcher

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Psychology Researcher

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Design Researcher

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Lab Researcher

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Machine Learning Researcher

Resume guide.

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Researcher resume example

As a researcher, you may struggle with translating your extensive project experience into a concise format that appeals to a broad range of employers. Our guide will provide you with tailored strategies to effectively distill your research accomplishments into an impactful resume that resonates across industries.

  • Utilize real-life examples to refine your researcher resume;
  • Effectively write the experience section of your researcher resume, even if you have minimal or no professional experience;
  • Incorporate the industry's top 10 essential skills throughout your resume;
  • Include your education and certifications to highlight your specific expertise.

If the researcher resume isn't the right one for you, take a look at other related guides we have:

  • Lab Manager Resume Example
  • Lab Technician Resume Example
  • Scientist Resume Example
  • Chemist Resume Example
  • Research Assistant Resume Example
  • Lab Assistant Resume Example
  • Research Director Resume Example
  • Radiologic Technologist Resume Example
  • Research Manager Resume Example
  • Research Associate Resume Example

Simple guide to your researcher resume format and layout

  • professional experience - use the reverse-chronological resume format;
  • skills and achievements - via the functional skill-based resume format;
  • both experience and skills - with a hybrid resume format .

What is more, keep in mind that your resume may be initially assessed by the ATS (Applicant Tracker System) (or the software used by companies in the hiring process). The researcher resumes that suit the ATS:

  • have a header that includes either a role keyword or the job you're applying for;
  • should be no longer than two pages;
  • be submitted as PDF, unless specified otherwise.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If you happen to have some basic certificates, don't invest too much of your researcher resume real estate in them. Instead, list them within the skills section or as part of your relevant experience. This way you'd ensure you meet all job requirements while dedicating your certificates to only the most in-demand certification across the industry.

The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a researcher job should include are:

  • Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work
  • Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role
  • Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field
  • Skills to integrate vital job requirements (both technical and personal)
  • Your further dedication to the field, showcased via relevant higher education and/or certifications

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Publishing Record: Evidence of publications in reputable journals or conferences relevant to the field.
  • Research Experience: Detailed description of past research projects, roles, and contributions.
  • Grant Writing Skills: Demonstrated success in securing research funding from grants, fellowships, or scholarships.
  • Technical Expertise: Proficiency with tools and methodologies specific to the research area, like statistical analysis software, lab techniques, or data analysis programs.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Examples of working effectively within interdisciplinary research teams and communicating complex research findings to diverse audiences.

Creating your researcher resume experience to catch recruiters' attention

Remember that for the researcher role, hiring managers are looking to see how your expertise aligns with their requirements. Here's where your resume experience section can help out. Make sure you:

  • Include mainly roles that are relevant to the researcher job you're applying for;
  • Don't go too far back in your experience - recruiters will only care what you did a decade ago if it's really important for the researcher role;
  • Each bullet you include should say what you did, followed by the skills you used and the actual end result of your efforts;
  • Quantify each of your achievements with numbers and possibly the overall effect it had on the organization;
  • Highlight transferrable skills - or personal skills you've attained thanks to past jobs - that could be applicable within your potential workplace. This would showcase your unique value as a professional.

Formatting the experience section of your resume doesn't have to be an over-the-top deep dive into your whole career. Follow the researcher resume examples below to see how industry-leading professionals are presenting their experience:

  • Designed and executed a comprehensive experimental study on the effects of new agricultural chemicals, increasing crop yields by 20% over a two-year period.
  • Authored and co-authored 6 peer-reviewed journal articles in the field of synthetic biology, enhancing the company's academic presence and fostering collaborative opportunities.
  • Mentored a team of junior researchers and interns, improving team productivity by 30% and helping to establish a robust research pipeline.
  • Implemented new data collection protocols for patient trials, which improved data accuracy by 25% and ensured regulatory compliance.
  • Coordinated with cross-functional teams to manage over 15 multi-center clinical trials, ensuring that deadlines were met and budgets were maintained.
  • Presented findings at 3 international conferences, significantly raising the profile of the research programs and attracting future funding.
  • Led the research and prototype development for a new medical device, which subsequently received FDA approval and led to a 150% increase in departmental revenue.
  • Coordinated with a team of scientists to integrate artificial intelligence in the device's diagnostic process, improving prediction accuracy by 35%.
  • Managed the intellectual property process for developed technologies, resulting in the granting of 5 patents and protecting the company's assets.
  • Analyzed consumer behavior data and trends to inform the company's marketing strategies, contributing to a 40% increase in market share.
  • Developed and administered over 200 surveys and focus groups to gather actionable customer insights, directly influencing product development.
  • Worked directly with the sales team to refine target demographics, which led to more effective ad spend and a 25% increase in conversion rates.
  • Directed a groundbreaking research initiative on renewable energy that secured $2M in grants from government and private sectors.
  • Managed collaborations with industry partners to test and refine prototype solar panels, achieving a 50% increase in efficiency over existing models.
  • Organized and chaired a successful international symposium on sustainable energy, fostering partnerships that led to further R&D investments.
  • Led the development of a novel gene-editing platform, which resulted in a 200% increase in experiment throughput and reduced costs by 40%.
  • Collaborated with pharmaceutical companies to leverage the platform for drug development, accelerating the timeline from discovery to preclinical trials.
  • Managed the submission of regulatory documents for new research protocols, ensuring full compliance with all federal and state regulations.
  • Processed and analyzed big data sets using advanced analytics tools, uncovering patterns that led to a 20% improvement in operational efficiency.
  • Developed custom scripts and algorithms to automate data collection processes, saving the company an average of 250 man-hours per month.
  • Designed an interactive dashboard that provided real-time insights into market trends, which became a key decision-making tool for the executive team.
  • Monitored patient enrollment and data integrity for over 10 international clinical trials, ensuring adherence to study protocols and Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
  • Provided key contributions to the successful launch of a Phase III trial, which saw a 95% retention rate of study participants due to enhanced engagement strategies.
  • Developed training materials and conducted workshops for new clinical research coordinators, greatly improving the effectiveness and compliance of the research team.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of publications you've authored to demonstrate the depth and breadth of your research experience.
  • List the amount of research funds you've secured, as it shows your capability to attract significant financial resources for your work.
  • State the number of experiments or studies you've conducted to quantify your hands-on experience in your field.
  • Mention the number of citations your work has received to reflect its influence and acceptance in the research community.
  • Highlight the size of the research teams you've led or participated in to show your collaborative and leadership skills.
  • Detail the number of conferences you've presented at to exhibit your ability to communicate your findings to a professional audience.
  • Provide the percentage by which your findings have improved a process or technique within your field to illustrate the practical impact of your research.
  • Specify the number of patents you hold, if applicable, to demonstrate innovation and potential for commercial application of your work.

Action verbs for your researcher resume

Target Illustration

Four quick steps for candidates with no resume experience

Those with less or no relevant experience could also make a good impression on recruiters by:

  • Taking the time to actually understand what matters most to the role and featuring this within key sections of their resume
  • Investing resume space into defining what makes them a valuable candidate with transferrable skills and personality
  • Using the resume objective to showcase their personal vision for growth within the company
  • Heavily featuring their technical alignment with relevant certifications, education, and skills.

Remember that your resume is about aligning your profile to that of the ideal candidate.

The more prominently you can demonstrate how you answer job requirements, the more likely you'd be called in for an interview.

Recommended reads:

  • How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume
  • How to List Continuing Education on Your Resume

The more trusted the organization you've attained your certificate (or degree) from, the more credible your skill set would be.

Balancing hard and soft skills in your researcher resume

Recruiters indeed pay close attention to the specific hard and soft skills candidates possess. Hard skills refer to technical abilities or your proficiency in technologies, while soft skills are the personal attributes and qualities developed over your lifetime.

If you're unsure about effectively quantifying these skills on your resume, follow our step-by-step guide. It's crucial to first understand the key job requirements for the role. Doing so enables you to accurately list your:

  • Hard skills in sections like skills, education, and certifications. Your technical expertise is straightforward to quantify. Most organizations find it sufficient to mention the certificates you've earned, along with your proficiency level.
  • Soft skills within your experience, achievements, strengths, etc. Defining interpersonal communication traits in your resume can be challenging. Focus on showcasing the accomplishments you've achieved through these skills.

Remember, when tailoring your researcher resume, ensure that the skills you list match exactly with those in the job requirements. For instance, if the job listing specifies "Microsoft Word," include this exact term rather than just "Word" or "MSO."

Top skills for your researcher resume:

Data Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Research Design

Literature Review

Data Collection

Data Interpretation

Academic Writing

Scientific Publication

Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Attention to Detail

Time Management



Project Management

Ethical Judgment

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order.

The importance of your certifications and education on your researcher resume

Pay attention to the resume education section . It can offer clues about your skills and experiences that align with the job.

  • List only tertiary education details, including the institution and dates.
  • Mention your expected graduation date if you're currently studying.
  • Exclude degrees unrelated to the job or field.
  • Describe your education if it allows you to highlight your achievements further.

Your professional qualifications: certificates and education play a crucial role in your researcher application. They showcase your dedication to gaining the best expertise and know-how in the field. Include any diplomas and certificates that are:

  • Listed within the job requirements or could make your application stand out
  • Niche to your industry and require plenty of effort to obtain
  • Helping you prepare for professional growth with forward-facing know-how
  • Relevant to the researcher job - make sure to include the name of the certificate, institution you've obtained it at, and dates

Both your certificates and education section need to add further value to your application. That's why we've dedicated this next list just for you - check out some of the most popular researcher certificates to include on your resume:

The top 5 certifications for your researcher resume:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP) - Project Management Institute
  • Certified Research Administrator (CRA) - Research Administrators Certification Council
  • Institutional Review Board Professional (CIP) - Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
  • Certified Clinical Research Professional (CCRP) - Society of Clinical Research Associates
  • Data Analysis & Statistics Certificate (DASC) - Various Institutions

Highlight any significant extracurricular activities that demonstrate valuable skills or leadership.

  • When Should You Include Your High School on Your Resume?
  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)

Researcher resume summary or objective? The best choice is based on your experience

If you're wondering about the relevancy of the resume summary or the resume objective to your Researcher application - here's the truth.

The summary and objective provide recruiters with your expertise and accomplishments at a glance, within an up-to-five-sentence structure.

The difference is that the:

  • Resume objective is also more focused on emphasizing your career goals. The objective is the perfect fit for (potentially more junior) candidates who'd like to balance their relevant experience with their career goals.
  • Resume summary can provide you with space to also detail the unique value of what it's like to work with you. Researcher candidates who have many noteworthy accomplishments start from the get-go with their summary.

Ensure that either type of resume introduction presents your Researcher expertise in the best light and aligns it with the job advert.

The more details you can provide with numbers, the more compelling your resume summary or objective will be.

Real-world Researcher candidates follow these frameworks in writing their resume summaries and objectives.

The end results are usually as such:

Resume summaries for a researcher job

  • With a decade of profound experience in molecular biology, an extensive publication record, and a Ph.D. from MIT, the candidate is adept in genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. Awarded with the Young Scientist Award, they have led teams in groundbreaking cancer research, yielding patents and significant advancements in targeted therapy.
  • A seasoned chemist with 15 years at GlaxoSmithKline specializing in pharmaceutical development, pivoting into biotechnology research with a strong desire to apply synthetic chemistry skills towards developing novel biologics. Recognized for innovation in small molecule synthesis, keen to contribute to interdisciplinary approaches in disease treatment.
  • Former aerospace engineer with 12 years' tenure at NASA seeking to transition into climate research. Armed with robust analytical skills, a deep understanding of complex systems, and a master’s degree in environmental engineering, aiming to utilize simulation modeling to address pressing environmental challenges and climate change.
  • After years of developing market forecasts and data models for economic research at a leading think tank, the candidate is eager to transfer their refined quantitative analysis skills into computational neuroscience research. With a strong grasp of machine learning and predictive analytics, they are ready to contribute to elucidating neural network functionalities.
  • Graduating magna cum laude with a B.S. in biology, the applicant is enthusiastic about beginning a research career in immunology. Committed to lifelong learning and making impactful contributions, they are determined to leverage their strong foundation in cell biology and genetics to aid in developing innovative immunotherapies.
  • As an ambitious recent graduate with a Master's in Computer Science and a passion for algorithm design, I am eager to delve into the world of bioinformatics research. With a zest for problem-solving and a commitment to advancing healthcare through technology, I aim to contribute to projects focused on genetic data analysis and personalized medicine.

Showcasing your personality with these four researcher resume sections

Enhance your researcher expertise with additional resume sections that spotlight both your professional skills and personal traits. Choose options that not only present you in a professional light but also reveal why colleagues enjoy working with you:

  • My time - a pie chart infographic detailing your daily personal and professional priorities, showcasing a blend of hard and soft skills;
  • Hobbies and interests - share your engagement in sports, fandoms, or other interests, whether in your local community or during personal time;
  • Quotes - what motivates and inspires you as a professional;
  • Books - indicating your reading and comprehension skills, a definite plus for employers, particularly when your reading interests align with your professional field.

Key takeaways

At the end of our guide, we'd like to remind you to:

  • Invest in a simple, modern resume design that is ATS friendly and keeps your experience organized and legible;
  • Avoid just listing your responsibilities in your experience section, but rather focus on quantifiable achievements;
  • Always select resume sections that are relevant to the role and can answer job requirements. Sometimes your volunteering experience could bring more value than irrelevant work experience;
  • Balance your technical background with your personality traits across various sections of your resume to hint at how much time employers would have to invest in training you and if your profile would be a good cultural fit to the organization;
  • Include your academic background (in the form of your relevant higher education degrees and certifications) to show recruiters that you have the technical basics of the industry covered.

Researcher resume examples

Explore additional researcher resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

UX Researcher Resume Example

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Research CV Examples and Templates for 2022

Start creating your CV in minutes by using our 21 customizable templates or view one of our handpicked Research examples.

Join over 260,000 professionals using our Research examples with VisualCV. Sign up to choose your template, import example content, and customize your content to stand out in your next job search.

Research CV Example and Template

  • How do you write a research CV?

To write a research CV, follow these steps:

  • Select a CV template that’s right for research/academia.
  • Next, add your research goal within your CV summary or objective.
  • List your GPA clearly.
  • Show that you perform research work independently and how your past experience or skills will be helpful.
  • Add your research publications.
  • How do you list research experience on a CV?

To add your research experience on a CV, add another entry to your work experience section and list the research work you did in a bulleted list.

  • Research CV summary and profile

Ready to start with your Researcher Curriculum Vitae? See our hand picked CV Examples above and view our live Researcher CV Examples from our free CV builder .

  • Research CV Objective

A research position is a person engaged in research, possibly recognized as such by a formal title. This is a very broad definition and relates to the fact that research positions generally cover multiple jobs and job titles. It’s important to distinguish between these positions so that we may accurately define research cv objectives.

The first objective to a research cv is to determine if the job you are applying for requires specific qualifications and/or education. For example, it is likely that research assistant roles will require a degree or postgraduate degree to even apply for the position, whereas a research fellow or research associate will usually require a minimum of a master’s degree.

Once you’ve identified your qualifications are sufficient, it is now time to show your expertise in the associated field.

Research positions generally require an advanced understanding of one specific field so it’s beneficial to only include experience, education, study, and training in that field and complementary fields. Make sure you look at the research project and the requirements because the person in charge of the project, grant or funding may be looking for a generalist but it’s normally safer to be very specific about your expertise and your devotion to the field.

The next focus area on your research cv should be on your reading, writing and analytic skills as these are the core skillset many recruiters are looking for on your cv.

Below we go into more detail on research cv formats and some real-life example cvs to help you get started on applying for your next job or position.

  • Research CV Formats

Research Assistant CV

Research assistants are researchers employed by a university or a research institute to assist in academic research. In most cases, a research assistant cv should focus on education, qualifications or interests around the area of research the potential candidate is applying for.

Most research assistants will be hired on their subject matter knowledge of the research being undertaken and their abilities in reading and writing. Following orders of the principal investigator or lead will also be crucial in hiring for this position so make sure you include your willingness to do what you’re told in your cover letter.

Research Associate CV

Unlike research assistants, research associates are normally full-time positions that are not under direct supervision or mentoring. Research associate cvs should have a laser-like focus on education and qualifications in their respective field. Be sure to include all awards, published works, and prior research.

Research Consultant CV

Research consultants are experts in their field who are hired to help complete research on behalf of an academic institution or research institute. Sometimes consultants can be hired specifically to fill a gap in the research currently undertaken by a specialist in another field.

Research consultant cvs generally focus on education, credentials and published work. As a consultant, they should demonstrate considerable experience across different projects or research. Make sure in your cover letter to include reasons why you will be highly beneficial to completing a research project or why your experience of working on different projects would be useful to the project at hand.

Research Fellow CV

A research fellow is an academic research position at a university or similar research institution, usually for academic staff or faculty members. Your educational qualifications and published work are essential to applying for this position. A doctoral degree or postdoctoral degree is generally considered mandatory unless you have equivalent work experience in the industry.

  • Research CV Examples

Please find our Research CV Examples below. If you are after more examples we have a directory of over 200+ real CV examples sorted by position and title.

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Creating effective CVs as a researcher

effective CV

An effective CV presents you as an ideal job candidate and secures you an interview. To convince the employer that you have the right experience, skills and attributes, you need to tailor your CV to each job application.

This section contains basic guidelines that apply to all CVs:


  • Ideas for improving your CV

Covering letters

Don't underestimate the time it takes to create a really professional and effective CV. Thorough preparation and customisation for each application is essential. Whatever job you are applying for you need to do some research into:

  • yourself :  your experiences, competencies and attributes (developed through both work and other interests), achievements, strengths and weaknesses. Carry out a self-evaluation
  • the job : the employer, the job, the experience and capabiltiies needed, and the application procedure. Visit the employer's website, talk to current employees or people doing similar jobs, analyse the job specification and job description, if there is one.  
  • map your own experience and capabilities to the needs of the job : idenfity your best examples of the evidence of your ability to do the job: use a variety of examples. Note any shortfalls and how you in your experience or skills
  • who will read your CV : this will influence the format and the way you present yourself and research experience.

Your CV format

Decide how best to structure and tailor your CV for the job you want. The format will depend on the employment sector and the job. Generally there are three broad types of CV used in the UK:

  • academic CV only for academic job applications
  • chronological CV the more traditional format for jobs outside academia
  • competency-based CV designed to highlight your capabilties to do the specific job

Keep an updated professional development record of for compiling your CV

Keep an updated detailed record of your education, work experiences (both paid and unpaid) and professional development . This will form the basis of producing CVs tailored to different job applications.

  • organise information under the relevant headings and sub-headings
  • include relevant skills and experience - tailored to the job with specific evidence/examples
  • convey personality and enthusiasm - an upbeat and positive tone
  • make it personal - don't use pre-formatted CVs from the web.

Other potential inclusions

When trying to decide what to include, always think whether it is this relevant to the job you are applying for and help secure an interview.

  • Personal profiles are optional, but can be a useful device if making a career change to emphasise your motivation and rationale. If using one, relate it directly to the employer and job. Personal profiles can be off-putting unless they convey a clear, focused message.
  • Photographs are not the usual convention on UK CVs.
  • Nationality is optional, but could be vital information if a work permit is needed.
  • Gender, health status, marital and parental status, date of birth are not necessary. It is your choice whether to include any of this information.

Improving your draft CV

Work does not stop when you finish typing! Careful editing will sharpen the messages and fresh eyes will spot issues you may not notice. To improve your CV:

  • Review it objectively
  • Is the intended audience obvious?
  • Is the content written clearly for the audience?
  • Is the general layout clear?
  • Is space wasted on irrelevant material?
  • Is the most important information on the front page?
  • Is there too much or too little information?
  • Is the evidence for your competencies presented clearly?
  • Check your SPELLING!
  • Get someone else to proofread it and give you feedback
  • Institutional careers services often offer a CV quality check and run CV clinics.
  • Ask colleagues or friends working in a similar job environment.

Always send a covering letter with your CV. Use it to draw attention to the highlights in your CV. It should contain compelling evidence that you should be selected for interview. Be aware that some organisations circulate CVs without covering letters so make sure everything is on the CV.

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Researcher Resume Examples

Are you a researcher looking for advice on how to write your resume? If so, this article is for you! Here, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write a research resume, as well as some detailed examples for you to look at. Writing an effective resume for a research role can be a daunting task, but by following the tips and advice outlined in this guide, you can rest assured that you will have a professional, comprehensive resume that will help you land the job of your dreams.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

Dynamic and passionate researcher with 5 years of experience in conducting and evaluating research projects. Highly knowledgeable in research techniques, quantitative analysis, and data interpretation. Proficient in computer- based data management and analysis software. Seeking to leverage my skills and experience to deliver innovative research solutions.

Core Skills :

  • Strong interpersonal, organizational, and problem- solving skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, statistical analysis software, and other data management and analysis software
  • Knowledge of research methodology, data collection, and quantitative analysis
  • Ability to interpret and communicate research data effectively

Professional Experience :

  • Researcher | ABC Corporation | 2018 – Present
  • Collaborated with internal stakeholders to identify and analyze research objectives
  • Designed and executed research projects with a focus on accuracy and timeliness
  • Conducted data collection, analysis, and interpretation of results
  • Prepared reports to document research findings
  • Conducted literature reviews to ensure accuracy and relevance of research

Education :

  • Master of Science in Research Methods | University of XYZ | 2014 – 2018
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology | University of ABC | 2010 – 2014

Create My Resume

Build a professional resume in just minutes for free.

Researcher Resume with No Experience

A recent college graduate passionate about the field of research and looking to gain experience through a Researcher position. Possesses strong analytical and problem- solving abilities, excellent communication skills, and a strong drive to learn.

  • Conducting research and analysis
  • Data collection and compilation
  • Critical thinking and problem- solving
  • Interpreting and synthesizing research
  • Organizational and time- management skills
  • Knowledge of current research trends
  • Proficiency with MS Office, Excel and PowerPoint

Responsibilities :

  • Analyzing data and making recommendations
  • Conducting research in a variety of areas
  • Collecting and organizing qualitative and quantitative data
  • Synthesizing and interpreting research results
  • Creating reports and presentations for stakeholders
  • Maintaining and updating research databases
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with research sources.
  • Collaborating with other researchers to develop new research plans and projects.

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Researcher Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Dynamic and driven Researcher with two years of intensive experience in conducting independent and collaborative research. Highly proficient in developing and utilizing research methodologies, data collection and analysis, and project management. Adept at synthesizing and analyzing data to draw accurate conclusions that lead to informed decision- making. Proactive communicator and problem solver who seeks to cultivate beneficial relationships with colleagues and stakeholders.

  • Research methodologies
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Project management
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Relationship building
  • Conduct independent and collaborative research projects to support the objectives of the organization.
  • Develop and utilize research methodologies, data collection and analysis techniques, and project management tools to achieve accurate results.
  • Synthesize collected data and analyze results to draw accurate conclusions and inform decision- making.
  • Utilize critical thinking skills to strategize and suggest innovative solutions to complex research- related problems.
  • Communicate with colleagues and stakeholders effectively to cultivate beneficial relationships.
  • Maintain accurate records of research progress and outcomes.

Experience 2+ Years

Researcher Resume with 5 Years of Experience

I am an experienced researcher with a deep understanding of the scientific method and research principles. I have 5 years’ experience working in academic and corporate research environments and have an excellent track record of developing and applying research methodologies to various areas of interest. I have a strong background in data analysis, research design, and report writing. I am also knowledgeable about various research tools and techniques, as well as how to effectively communicate research findings to a wide range of audiences.

  • Strong knowledge of research principles, methodologies, and techniques
  • Proficient in data analysis and research design
  • Experience with research tools and techniques
  • Ability to effectively communicate research findings
  • Ability to collaborate and work within a team
  • Develop and apply research methodologies to a range of projects
  • Analyze and interpret data to identify trends and insights
  • Design research experiments and surveys
  • Write reports and present findings to stakeholders
  • Ensure proper research protocols and ethical standards are met
  • Collaborate with other researchers to conduct experiments and surveys

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Researcher Resume with 7 Years of Experience

I am a highly skilled and dedicated Researcher with 7 years of experience in data collection, research, and analysis. My expertise is in applying quantitative and qualitative methodologies to identify problems and develop innovative solutions. I have a proven track record of success in conducting research, interpreting results, and providing actionable recommendations. I am adept at developing and executing research projects in a timely and cost- effective manner. I am also well- versed in data analysis and visualization techniques and have the ability to think strategically and make informed decisions.

  • Research and Analysis
  • Data Collection and Interpretation
  • Strategy and Planning
  • Problem- Solving
  • Data Visualization
  • Develop research strategies and plans to meet project objectives
  • Identify and collect relevant data from various sources
  • Analyze data using quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Interpret data and present results through data visualization
  • Present findings to stakeholders and provide actionable recommendations
  • Monitor and evaluate research progress and results
  • Develop new research methodologies and tools
  • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure successful partnerships

Experience 7+ Years

Researcher Resume with 10 Years of Experience

A Highly motivated and detail- oriented researcher with 10 years of experience conducting research initiatives, analyzing data, and testing hypotheses. A natural problem solver and collaborator with excellent communication and organizational skills. Experienced in developing market research plans, surveys, and questionnaires to influence business decisions.

  • Research & Analysis
  • Data Collection & Management
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Market Research
  • Report Writing
  • Problem Solving
  • Collaboration
  • Project Management
  • Developed research plans to collect and analyze data for various research initiatives.
  • Conducted market research to collect, compile, and analyze information on customer attitudes and preferences.
  • Utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate customer feedback and trends.
  • Created surveys, questionnaires, and focus groups to gather customer information.
  • Analyzed data, identified patterns, and developed statistical models to explain findings.
  • Wrote reports, presentations, and other materials to document results and share findings.
  • Collaborated with marketing teams to develop and implement marketing strategies based on research results.
  • Utilized data visualization tools to create compelling data visualizations.
  • Managed research projects, including planning, budgeting, and resource allocation.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Researcher Resume with 15 Years of Experience

A Highly experienced researcher with 15 years of experience in researching, data collection and analysis, and reporting. Possesses strong knowledge in statistical analysis and reporting. Demonstrates exceptional leadership, problem- solving and communication skills in assuring successful research projects. Proficient in utilizing data- driven methods to develop actionable insights and solutions.

  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Research Planning and Implementation
  • Data- Driven Solutions
  • Reporting and Presentation
  • Design and implement research projects to meet the objectives
  • Survey and collect data from various sources
  • Analyze data to identify patterns and trends
  • Develop actionable insights from data
  • Develop strategies for data- driven solutions
  • Develop reports and presentations on research findings
  • Conduct statistical analysis to assess the validity and accuracy of data
  • Provide guidance and direction to team members
  • Lead and manage projects within set timelines
  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders to ensure successful research projects

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Researcher resume?

When writing a resume for a research position, it is important to include certain details to make sure you stand out from the competition. A well-crafted resume can help you land a job in the research field and can give you a competitive edge over other applicants. Here are some important components to include in your researcher resume.

  • Education: Include all relevant educational qualifications, such as degrees, certificates, and any relevant courses or workshops you have attended. Be sure to list the dates associated with each item and the institution you attended.
  • Work Experience: Include any research-related experience you have, such as internships and research assistant positions. List the dates associated with each job and describe the duties you performed.
  • Skills: List any relevant skills you have that are relevant to research, such as data analysis, problem solving, and report writing.
  • Publications: If you have any published work, be sure to include it on your resume. List the title, date of publication, and the journal or publication it was published in.
  • Awards and Achievements: List any awards or recognitions that you have received for your research work.
  • References: List references that can speak to your abilities as a researcher, such as professors or previous employers.

By including these important components on your resume, you can show potential employers that you are a qualified and capable researcher. With a well-crafted resume, you will be one step closer to landing a job in the research field.

What is a good summary for a Researcher resume?

A Good summary for a Researcher resume should emphasize the candidate’s research experience, abilities, and accomplishments. It should provide a brief overview of the candidate’s research background, as well as any particular areas of specialization. It should also highlight any noteworthy research activities, publications, and projects. Additionally, a good summary should explain why the candidate is a great fit for the research position. Ultimately, the summary should be succinct and effectively capture the candidate’s qualifications and skills.

What is a good objective for a Researcher resume?

Writing a resume for a researcher position is a daunting task. Crafting a well-written document that is tailored to the specific position is essential to helping you stand out and land an interview. When creating your resume, an effective objective will help you catch the attention of potential employers.

A Good objective for a researcher resume should highlight relevant skills and experience, while also emphasizing why you are the best person for the job. To help you craft a strong objective, here are some tips to consider:

  • Clearly articulate what type of research position you are seeking
  • Demonstrate how your research skills, experience, and knowledge make you an ideal candidate
  • Highlight any specializations or qualifications that you possess that make you stand out
  • Showcase any awards or accolades that you have earned for your research
  • Show your enthusiasm for research and the role you are applying for

By focusing on these areas, you can create an effective objective that will make your resume stand out from the competition and help you get closer to achieving your research goals.

How do you list Researcher skills on a resume?

When you’re applying for research positions, it’s important to showcase the skills you possess that are specific to that field. This includes technical skills, analytical abilities and the ability to think outside the box. Here is a list of the most important researcher skills to include on your resume:

  • Critical Thinking: The ability to think logically and independently, and to analyze data to draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Research Methods: Knowledge of various research methods used in the field, including qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Data Analysis: The ability to interpret information from various sources, and to draw accurate conclusions.
  • Problem Solving: The capacity to identify problems, generate solutions and take action to resolve them.
  • Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, to effectively communicate research findings.
  • Attention to Detail: The ability to focus on small details and take accurate notes.
  • Organization: The capacity to plan and organize research projects and manage workloads.
  • Time Management: The ability to set and meet deadlines, and to work efficiently on multiple tasks.
  • Technical Skills: Proficiency with computers and software commonly used in research, such as spreadsheets, databases and statistical programs.
  • Writing Skills: The ability to effectively write reports and present research findings in a concise manner.

What skills should I put on my resume for Researcher?

When you’re applying for a researcher position, it’s essential to highlight key skills on your resume that show your qualifications and ability to fulfill the role. Research positions often require experience in data collection, analysis, and writing, as well as advanced research methods and a familiarity with the relevant industry. Here are some of the top skills to include on your resume when applying for a researcher position:

  • Data Collection: Show your ability to collect and analyze data from surveys, interviews, experiments, and other sources.
  • Data Analysis: Demonstrate your ability to interpret, analyze, and present data to draw useful insights.
  • Writing: Showcase your writing skills, including the ability to write technical reports, research papers, and other documents.
  • Research Methods: Highlight your knowledge of advanced research methods, such as qualitative and quantitative research, as well as other research and evaluation methods.
  • Industry Knowledge: Show your familiarity with the industry in which you are researching or the areas of expertise you possess.
  • Problem-Solving: Demonstrate your ability to identify and solve complex problems through research.

By highlighting these important skills, you can give employers the assurance that you have the know-how to succeed in a researcher position. Keep in mind to include only relevant skills and tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for.

Key takeaways for an Researcher resume

When writing a resume for a researcher position, there are some key points to keep in mind that will help you stand out from the crowd and get the job you want. Here are some of the key takeaways for a researcher resume:

  • Highlight Your Skills: Make sure to highlight the skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This could include research methods, data analysis, statistical analysis, writing, and presentation skills. Showcase the research projects you have worked on and the results that you have achieved.
  • Demonstrate Your Passion: Show the hiring manager that you are passionate about research and the research industry. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and let the hiring manager know why you are excited to join their team.
  • Showcase Your Experience: Showcase the experience you have gained in the research field, such as internships or volunteering. Show the hiring manager that you have experience and can hit the ground running.
  • Demonstrate Your Professionalism: Show that you take your career seriously and that you are a professional. Demonstrate your commitment to research and show that you understand the principles of research.
  • Keep it Relevant: Showcase the experiences and skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Don’t include irrelevant information that might distract the hiring manager.

By following these key takeaways for a researcher resume, you can make sure that your resume stands out from the crowd and that you get the job you want.

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Resume template

StandOut CV

Research Assistant CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Flexible hours, varied projects and invaluable experience? There’s no wonder you’re looking for a role as a research assistant.

But if you want to land the best jobs, you’re going to need to show off your qualifications and research skills on a professional CV.

This in-depth writing guide will explain how to create a CV that lands interviews and secures you the role you want.

It also includes an example research assistant CV, to give you a better idea of how to present your information.

Guide contents

  • Research assistant CV example
  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your research assistant CV

CV templates 

Research assistant CV example

Research Assistant CV-1

Before setting pen to paper, take a good look over the CV example above to get familiar with the structure, layout and format of a professional CV.

This applicant’s relevant research experience, skill and qualifications jump out of the page, allowing their suitability to shine through at a glance.

Research assistant CV structure & format

The format and structure of your CV are important because they will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your CV.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go.

Check them out below:

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: If you want to hold the reader’s attention, it’s best to stick to two sides of A4 or less . This is more than enough room to highlight why you’re a good match for the role – anything more can quickly become tedious!
  • Readability: Columns, lists, bullet points, bold text and subtle colour can all help to aid the readability of your CV. Your overarching goal should be to make the content as easy to read and navigate as possible, whilst also aiming to make your key skills and achievements stand out.
  • Design:  Your CV needs to look professional, sleek and easy to read. A subtle colour palette, clear font and simple design are generally best for this, as fancy designs are often harder to navigate.
  • Avoid: Logos, profile photos or other images aren’t necessary and rarely add any value – save the space for written content, instead!

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Structuring your CV

Head your CV into the following sections:

  • Name and contact details – Always start with these, so employers know exactly how to get in touch with you.
  • CV profile – Add a short summary of your relevant experience, skills and achievements, which highlights your suitability.
  • Core skills section – A 2-3 columned list of your key skills.
  • Work experience – A detailed list of any relevant work experience, whether paid or voluntary.
  • Education – An overview of your academic background and any training you may have completed.
  • Hobbies + Interests – A brief overview of your hobbies and interests, if they’re relevant (optional).

Next, I’ll talk you through what type of content you should include in each of the CV sections above.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Start off your CV with a basic list of your contact details.

Here’s what you should include:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Location – Share your town or city only; there’s no need for a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile  – Make sure the information on your profile is up-to-date and complete.

Quick tip : Delete excessive details, such as your date of birth or marital status. Recruiters don’t need to know this much about you, so it’s best to save the space for your other CV sections.

Research assistant CV Profile

Grab the reader’s attention by kickstarting your CV with a powerful profile (or personal statement , if you’re a graduate applicant).

This is a short introduction paragraph which summarises your most relevant skills, knowledge and experience.

It should sum up why you’d make a great fit for the role and entice recruiters to read through the rest of your CV.

CV profile

Tips to consider when creating your profile:

  • Avoid clichés:  “Determined team player who always gives 110%” might seem like a good way to fill up your CV profile, but generic phrases like this won’t land you an interview. Recruiters hear them time and time again and have no real reason to believe them. Pack your profile with your hard skills and tangible achievements instead.
  • Keep it short:  Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile length.
  • Research your target role: When recruiters spot a generic CV, they chuck it straight into the bin. The CV should closely match the essential requirements listed in the job ad, so make sure to review them before you write your CV profile.
  • Ditch objectives: You only have a short space for your CV profile, so avoid writing down your career goals or objectives. If you think these will help your application, incorporate them into your  cover letter instead.

What to include in your research assistant CV profile?

Research experience  – Start by providing a snappy overview of any relevant research experience so far, focusing on showcasing any experience within the field you’re applying for. Discuss how many years experience you have, what areas of expertise and subject knowledge you’ve gained and what type of projects you’ve worked on.

Key skills – Whether it’s statistical methods or using specialist equipment, make sure your profile is packed with your key sector skills. Remember to tailor these to what’s listed in the job requirements and aim to match yourself up as closely as you can.

Qualifications – An academic undergraduate degree or higher in a relevant field is often a requirement for research roles, so remember to highlight yours early on in your profile, along with any other relevant sector qualifications.

Achievements – Whether it’s an academic award, a publication or a particularly impressive exam result in a relevant subject, try to incorporate some of your most relevant and impressive achievements into your profile.

Quick tip: Even the best of writers can overlook typos and spelling mistakes – to avoid them, use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to add expert pre-written content to your CV, provided by our team of recruitment experts.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, create a core skills section.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills .

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings on your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Now that recruiters have a good overview of your skills and abilities, you need to jump into the detail of your career history.

Give them a more thorough insight into what you can do by creating a detailed list of your relevant research assistant experience.

Start with your current role, and work backwards through all the relevant positions you’ve held.

This could be freelance, contract or voluntary work too; as long as it’s related to the role you’re applying for.

Quick tip: If you’re applying as a graduate and have limited work experience, it might be beneficial to flip the CV sections around and detail your education before your work experience, as this is what recruiters will be most interested in.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

If you don’t pay attention to the structure of your career history section, it could quickly become bulky and overwhelming.

Get in recruiter’s good books by creating a pleasant reading experience, using the 3-step structure below:

Role descriptions

Provide a brief overview of the job or project as a whole, what your role entailed and what type of company/institution you worked for.

“Worked within the academic researcher team at my University; responsible for preparing research papers and presenting findings at academic meetings.”

Key responsibilities

Use bullet points to detail the key responsibilities of your role, highlighting hard skills and specialist knowledge wherever you can.

  • Learnt and up kept all laboratory and compliance requirements throughout experiments.
  • Analysed data and and visualised data using fact sheets, graphs and tables.
  • Submitted high-quality manuscripts to established journals for submission online and in print.

Key achievements

Round up each role by listing 1-3 key achievements , accomplishments or results.

Wherever possible, quantify them using hard facts and figures, as this really helps to prove your value.

  • Carried out in-depth research into 10 unique projects and added over 2000 records per project to the database.
  • Increased accuracy of transmission projects by 45%.

Although there should be mentions of your highest and most relevant qualifications earlier on in your CV, save your exhaustive list of qualifications for the bottom.

If you’re an experienced candidate, simply include your higher qualifications, such as your degree or masters.

However, less experienced candidates can provide a more thorough list of qualifications, including A-Levels and GCSEs.

If you’re an undergraduate or recent graduate, you should also dedicate more space to your degree, discussing relevant exams, assignments and modules in more detail.

Interests and hobbies

Although this is an optional section, it can be useful if your hobbies and interests will add further depth to your CV.

Interests that show valuable transferable skills and capabilities, such as volunteering, being the president of a University committee, fundraising or being part of a sport’s team, are well worth listing.

On the other hand, generic hobbies like ‘going out with friends’ won’t add any value to your application, so are best left off your CV.

Essential skills for your research assistant CV

Remember to tailor your research assistant  skills to the specific roles you’re applying for — however, some of the core skills necessary include:

Subject knowledge  – Strong knowledge and a passion for your specific subject area.

Lab techniques – Knowledge and familiarity with the required scientific methods, lab techniques and equipment used.

Report writing – Preparing and writing reports to present findings.

Data analysis  – Collecting, processing and analysing project data.

Numerical skills – Advanced mathematical ability.

Health + safety –  Ability to adhere to health and safety + infection control regulations.

Writing your research assistant CV

When putting together your research assistant CV, there are a few key points to remember.

Always tailor your CV to the target role, even if it means creating several versions for different roles.

Additionally, remember that the structure and format of your CV need just as much attention as the content.

Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send, as even minor errors could be a disadvantage.

Good luck with your job search!

Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

  • All CV Examples
  • Administrative Resumes/CVs

11 Research Assistant CV Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Crafting your cv for a research assistant role this article is your guide. as a former hiring manager, i know the value of a good cv. it's not about fancy words, it's about proof and potential. we'll walk through examples, templates, and tips ideal for the research field. get ready to turn your cv into the key that unlocks your dream job in research. the chase begins here, to uncover the secrets of a winning research assistant cv for 2024..

Hiring Manager for Research Assistant Roles

On the search for research assistant roles? You've landed at the right place. As a hiring manager, I understand what it means to truly shine in the role of a 'Research Assistant'. This job, all about gathering, organising and presenting data, calls for a mix of deep focus and dazzle. Your resume should reflect your hands-on experience in data analysis, lab work and other investigative tasks, as well as your talent for teamwork and clear communication. Imagine a journey, the first stage of which is landing that intriguing role as a 'Research Assistant'. It might start at a university, with a degree in science or social studies. The trail could lead you next to a research institute, pharmaceutical company, or maybe a cool tech start-up. By 2024, those with strong analytical skills and a digital savvy outlook are set to be in high demand, as the research field continues to grow, driven by the data-driven boom of the previous years. In this world of work, we'll dispel a common myth: There's no real difference between CVs and resumes. This confusion? Just a naming convention. It's true that in some countries like the UK or Australia, and for some employers, you might hear 'CV' more often than 'resume'. But don't be fooled. Unless you're applying for a role heavy with research or publications, stick to a neat, 1-2 page document, consistent with resume standards. In the article that follows, we'll tackle a range of topics. We'll share on-target templates for 2024, explore the key skills to include in your CV and dig deeper into what hiring managers are really looking for. As a career coach, my aim is to help you map your path with confidence. Get ready to plunge into the world of research, starting with a well-crafted resume.

Research Assistant CV Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Research Assistant
  • Clinical Research Assistant
  • Laboratory Research Assistant
  • Graduate Research Assistant
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Entry Level Research Assistant
  • Psychology Research Assistant

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Research Assistant CVs
  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Research Assistant CVs
  • Related Research & Science CVs
  • Similar Careers to a Research Assistant
  • Research Assistant Resume Examples

Template 1 of 11: Research Assistant CV Example

Given the dynamic nature of the Research Assistant role, your CV has to effectively communicate your ability to adapt and learn on the fly. Research is a rapidly evolving field, with new methodologies, tools, and areas of study emerging regularly. Therefore, hiring managers are on the lookout for candidates who can keep up with these changes. When crafting your CV, remember that it's more than a summary of your qualifications - it's a narrative that shows your dedication to scientific inquiry, your resourcefulness, and your capability for innovative thinking. Moreover, given the interdisciplinary nature of many research projects, you'll want to display your collaborative aptitude and your experience with various methodologies relevant to your field. Include your specific experience working with certain research methods, tools, or specific software packages—even those that might not be directly related to your current job application. Hiring managers appreciate candidates who bring a diverse set of skills to their teams.

Research Assistant CV showcasing data processing and project management skills.

Tips to help you write your Research Assistant CV in 2024

   highlight your data processing skills.

In every research project, processing raw data is key. Show off your proficiency in using statistical analysis software such as SPSS, Stata, or R. Be specific about projects where you applied these skills and what outcomes they led to.

Highlight your data processing skills - Research Assistant CV

   Focus on project management abilities

As a Research Assistant, you're often tasked with juggling multiple projects at once. Show your ability to manage and prioritise tasks effectively. Don't just say you're organized—provide specific examples of how you've used project management tools or methodologies to keep your research projects on track.

Focus on project management abilities - Research Assistant CV

Skills you can include on your Research Assistant CV

Template 2 of 11: research assistant cv example.

As a Research Assistant, you’re in the trenches of scientific exploration, and it's exhilarating being part of advancing knowledge. Your CV needs to reflect that excitement, as well as the meticulous attention to detail and data analysis skills required. Recently, many employers are looking for Research Assistants who can assist not just in data gathering, but also in presenting findings and even drafting papers. Therefore, your CV must showcase these skills, alongside your technical research competencies. It is not unusual for hiring managers to seek individuals who demonstrate an ability to work autonomously, so don't shy away from highlighting projects where you had significant independence.

Snapshot of a detailed Research Assistant CV showcasing technical skills and specific research achievements.

   Focus on Technical Skills

As a Research Assistant, you're expected to be hands-on with various tools and methodologies. Whether it's statistical software, lab equipment, or research databases, naming and detailing your proficiency with these tools is a must. After all, your CV should prove you can hit the ground running.

Focus on Technical Skills - Research Assistant CV

   Detail your Research Achievements

You need to demonstrate your success in previous research roles. Rather than vaguely mentioning 'research projects', give specifics. Outline the project objectives, your role, methodologies employed, and the outcomes. If it led to a published paper or impacted policy, stake your claim on your contribution!

Detail your Research Achievements - Research Assistant CV

Template 3 of 11: Clinical Research Assistant CV Example

As a Clinical Research Assistant, your role is to provide crucial support for medical investigations, therefore your CV must reflect your competency in diverse duties. It could range from data collection to patient interaction, even lab work. Moreover, with growing technological advancements, an increasing number of Clinical Research Assistants are expected to display proficiency in data management software. Your CV should convey your ability to adapt to such trends, ensuring you do not seem outdated. Tailoring your CV to fit the specific role you're applying for is vital, as job responsibilities can vary depending on the field of study or the research institute.

A well-crafted CV for a Clinical Research Assistant position.

Tips to help you write your Clinical Research Assistant CV in 2024

   emphasize your technical skills.

If you've used any specific research software or tools, mention them. Research facilities often use software like SPSS, Epi Info, or SAS for data analysis. Your familiarity with these tools could give you an edge.

Emphasize your technical skills - Clinical Research Assistant CV

   Show your knowledge in protocol adherence

As a Clinical Research Assistant, you'll be expected to follow numerous research protocols and guidelines. Use your CV to demonstrate instances where you've adhered to these strict guidelines, indicating your attention to detail and respect for ethical research practices.

Skills you can include on your Clinical Research Assistant CV

Template 4 of 11: clinical research assistant cv example.

As a Clinical Research Assistant, your role is significant in pharmaceutical, biotechnological, and medical research. You'll often sift through a wealth of data and perform a variety of lab tasks. Your CV should reflect your aptitude for meticulous attention to detail and problem-solving skills, as well as your experience in a research environment. Recently, there has been an industry shift towards digital data management, so showcasing your proficiency in this area is beneficial. Remember, your CV isn't just a list of your experiences, it’s your career story, so make sure it narrates your journey in research effectively.

CV of a Clinical Research Assistant showcasing relevant skills and experiences.

   Include Specific Clinical Research Skills

When creating your CV, mention specific skills pertinent to clinical research, such as proficiency in data analysis software (like SPSS), experience in conducting clinical trials, and knowledge about GCP (Good Clinical Practice). These skills separate you from applicants with general research backgrounds.

Include Specific Clinical Research Skills - Clinical Research Assistant CV

   Detail Your Protocol Adherence

As a Clinical Research Assistant, following protocols and regulations are crucial. Refer to instances where you meticulously followed study protocols, handled regulatory documentations, or managed IRB (Institutional Review Board) submissions, showcasing your reliability in maintaining research integrity.

Template 5 of 11: Laboratory Research Assistant CV Example

A Laboratory Research Assistant performs numerous duties, including data collection, conducting experiments, and maintaining lab cleanliness. Over the years, employers have shifted focus to not only experience but also soft skills. They're looking for individuals with solid teamwork skills and a knack for problem solving, since lab work often involves group projects and unexpected issues. When crafting your CV, it's crucial to showcase your technical skills, but you also need to demonstrate your ability to work as part of a team and think on your feet. Besides the technical skills, employers are keen to assess your experience with the latest laboratory tools and systems. The industry keeps evolving and any experience with contemporary lab tools could set your CV apart. Knowledge of ethical regulations and safety protocols is another thing that employers look for, so make sure to include any relevant certifications or training on your CV.

A CV for a Laboratory Research Assistant showcasing technical skills and experience.

Tips to help you write your Laboratory Research Assistant CV in 2024

   emphasize specific laboratory skills.

In the skills section of your CV, be sure to mention any specific laboratory techniques you've mastered, such as DNA sequencing or chromatography. Also, include any experience with specialized laboratory software or equipment.

Emphasize Specific Laboratory Skills - Laboratory Research Assistant CV

   Detail Your Experience with Lab Protocols

Dedicate a portion of your CV to showcasing your knowledge of lab safety protocols and ethical procedures. If you've been involved in creating or modifying these protocols, even better. This shows your commitment to safe and ethical research practices.

Detail Your Experience with Lab Protocols - Laboratory Research Assistant CV

Skills you can include on your Laboratory Research Assistant CV

Template 6 of 11: laboratory research assistant cv example.

As a Laboratory Research Assistant, you are the backbone of any research team, performing crucial experiments and collecting data. It's a fast-paced role that requires technical skill, precision and a strong understanding of scientific principles. Recently, we've seen a shift towards more digital data collection and analysis, so proficiency in related software is a plus. When crafting your CV, remember it's a snapshot of what you can bring to the lab. It should showcase your technical capabilities, attention to detail, and understanding of the scientific method.

An excellent CV for a Laboratory Research Assistant position.

   Include relevant hard skills

Hard skills are essential for this role. You should list techniques or equipment you're familiar with, such as chromatography, spectroscopy, or PCR machines. Also, don't forget to mention if you're adept at using any scientific data analysis software.

Include relevant hard skills - Laboratory Research Assistant CV

   Showcase your lab experience

Real-world lab experience counts for a lot in this role. Emphasise any time spent in a laboratory setting during your studies or previous roles. Outline particular experiments you've conducted or projects you’ve been a part of, and the results of those experiments.

Showcase your lab experience - Laboratory Research Assistant CV

Template 7 of 11: Graduate Research Assistant CV Example

As a Graduate Research Assistant, you've got one foot in academia and the other in the professional world, which makes writing your CV a unique challenge. You need to sell your research abilities and dedication to your field, but also show that you can contribute in a real-world work setting. Recent hiring trends suggest that employers are increasingly valuing interdisciplinary knowledge and soft skills. So, when penning your CV, don't just focus on your academic accomplishments and research prowess. Also think about how you can demonstrate your ability to collaborate with others, communicate your ideas effectively, and apply your research findings in a practical context.

Example of a Graduate Research Assistant CV showcasing research skills and real-world applications.

Tips to help you write your Graduate Research Assistant CV in 2024

   include a skills-focused section.

Beyond your academic qualifications, you should detail the specific technical and research skills you've honed. Whether it's proficiency in a particular data analysis software or experience with lab procedures relevant to your field, presenting these skills upfront makes it easier for hiring managers to understand your practical qualifications.

Include a skills-focused section - Graduate Research Assistant CV

   Emphasise real-world applications of your research

Don't just list your research projects, but also discuss their societal or industrial impact. You need to demonstrate that you can take theoretical knowledge and apply it in a real-world context, a key quality employers look for in research assistants.

Emphasise real-world applications of your research - Graduate Research Assistant CV

Skills you can include on your Graduate Research Assistant CV

Template 8 of 11: graduate research assistant cv example.

Graduate Research Assistant roles often require a mix of practical lab work, data analysis, and collaborative team efforts. It's not just about being studious and detail-oriented - you also need to demonstrate that you can effectively multitask and manage your time well. Lately, employers are prioritizing candidates with diverse skill sets, including coding and statistical software knowledge. When you're writing your CV for this role, think about the unique skills and experiences you have that suit this changing landscape. Consider what makes you different and how you can articulate this to prospective employers. In this highly competitive field, it's imperative to present a CV that matches the job's specific needs. Employers aren’t just looking for academically-oriented applicants anymore. They want to see how you have applied your skills in a practical setting - whether it's in a research project, an internship, or a part-time job. Your CV is your chance to tell that story.

A CV screenshot showcasing the candidate's relevant software proficiency and quantified research impact.

   Emphasize relevant software proficiency

Graduate Research Assistant roles often require knowledge of specific software for data analysis, like SPSS, R, or Python. If you have experience with these, make sure it's clearly listed on your CV. Employers want to see your technical skills upfront.

Emphasize relevant software proficiency - Graduate Research Assistant CV

   Quantify your research impact

If you've worked on any research projects in the past, don't just list them. Explain the significance of your work and, if possible, quantify your impact. Did your research lead to a published paper? Or contribute to a larger project? Show employers the value you brought.

Quantify your research impact - Graduate Research Assistant CV

Template 9 of 11: Undergraduate Research Assistant CV Example

An Undergraduate Research Assistant role can be quite a springboard, especially if you’re aiming for a career in academia or scientific research. In this role, you'll gain invaluable first-hand experience and develop key technical skills. Recently, there seems to be a trend toward interdisciplinary research, so a broad knowledge base can't hurt. When crafting your CV, remember you're not expected to have extensive experience. This is a learning position so instead, focus on how your academic career and any extracurricular activities demonstrate your passion, commitment, and potential for research.

Undergraduate research assistant CV showcasing academic achievements and technical skills.

Tips to help you write your Undergraduate Research Assistant CV in 2024

   show your passion for research.

As an undergrad, you might not have a lot of experience yet, so it's important to show your enthusiasm for research. To do this, list relevant coursework, projects, or theses. Make sure to outline the purpose, methods, and your role in each of these.

Show your passion for research - Undergraduate Research Assistant CV

   Detail your technical skills

Research often involves the use of specific tools or methodologies. If you have experience in these, make sure to mention them. Technical skills could include anything from lab work and statistical analysis, to programming or use of research-specific software.

Detail your technical skills - Undergraduate Research Assistant CV

Skills you can include on your Undergraduate Research Assistant CV

Template 10 of 11: entry level research assistant cv example.

An entry level research assistant role is a stepping-stone towards a career in research and academia, usually in fields like life sciences, social sciences or humanities. This role primarily involves assisting senior researchers, collecting and analyzing data, and preparing reports. In a trend that's picking up steam, an increasing number of companies are giving much importance to hands-on experience and skills over formal education. So, when writing a CV for this role, don't just list your degree; focus on the relevant skills you've honed and practical experiences that make you stand out. Moreover, the field of research has become increasingly technology-driven. Employers appreciate candidates who are tech-savvy and can navigate different research databases and software with ease. As you frame your CV, be sure to articulate your ability to handle these technologies and any certifications you have to back that up.

Graduate's CV for an entry-level research assistant role.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Research Assistant CV in 2024

   include detailed coursework and projects.

As an entry-level applicant, you may not have much professional experience. To offset this, include relevant coursework and detail what you achieved in these academic projects. Highlight your role, the research methods used, and any significant findings.

Include detailed coursework and projects - Entry Level Research Assistant CV

   Show proficiency in software and databases

Proficiency in data analysis software such as Excel, SPSS, or SAS is a typical expectation for research assistant roles. Also, showcase your familiarity with research databases relevant to your field. This could include JSTOR for humanities, PubMed for biological sciences, or EconLit for economics.

Show proficiency in software and databases - Entry Level Research Assistant CV

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Research Assistant CV

Template 11 of 11: psychology research assistant cv example.

As a Psychology Research Assistant, you'll be at the forefront of cutting-edge research. This role entails more than just running experiments; it's about contributing to the field, shaping understanding of the human mind. Employers increasingly value practical experience, evident in trends like hiring interns or candidates with a background in fieldwork. Therefore, when drafting your CV, go beyond listing your degrees. Show how your experiences make you a capable researcher. Emphasize your understanding of research ethics, your familiarity with psychological testing, and your mastery of statistical software as these are what hiring teams look out for.

Sample CV for a Psychology Research Assistant position.

Tips to help you write your Psychology Research Assistant CV in 2024

   showcase your research methodology proficiency.

As a Psychology Research Assistant, it's vital you understand a range of research methodologies. On your CV, detail your familiarity with both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Discuss specific projects or coursework where you applied these methods and explain how they improved your research skills.

Showcase your Research Methodology Proficiency - Psychology Research Assistant CV

   Detail your Statistical Software Knowledge

Psychology Research is heavily reliant on data analysis. Illustrate your experience with statistical software like SPSS, R, or SAS on your CV. If you’ve used these tools for data collection, interpretation, or analysis, discuss it briefly under your job experiences or skills section.

Detail your Statistical Software Knowledge - Psychology Research Assistant CV

Skills you can include on your Psychology Research Assistant CV

Skills for research assistant resumes.

In the world of research, a great assistant is like the magnifying glass to the head scientist's curious eyes. Solid skills in data gathering, analysis, and a keen eye for detail should shine through on any Research Assistant CV. If you are playing this vital role, recruiters want to see these core skills reflected in your CV. You can highlight them in the Skills section or weave them into your job history. For instance, "Conducted extensive field studies using data analysis software". Remember, your CV must first make it past an automated review system, so sprinkle it with skills that match the job description. Similar to using a keyword tool in research, these relevant skills ensure your CV doesn’t get lost in the pile, but actively picked up by these robotic searchers. So, gear your CV with the right skills and witness your career leap to new scientific heights. Just remember that in this experiment, it's your skillset that's under scrutiny.

  • Cell Culture
  • Computer Vision
  • R (Programming Language)
  • Machine Learning
  • Cell Biology
  • Econometrics
  • C (Programming Language)
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Analysis
  • Python (Programming Language)
  • Biochemistry
  • Programming
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microbiology

Skills Word Cloud For Research Assistant CVs

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Research Assistant job descriptions and CVs. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Research Assistant Skills and Keywords to Include On Your CV

How to use these skills?

Action verbs for research assistant resumes.

A research assistant's work is just like a treasure hunt. They dive deep into data, sniff out facts and shape our understanding of the world. So, when crafting your CV, you must shine a light on these unique skills. How? By sprinkling in strong action verbs to bring your work history to life. One eye-catching verb is "curated". Instead of saying you "worked on a database", why not say you "curated a database of over 5000 samples"? For teamwork skills, revamp the tired phrase "worked with a team" to "collaborated in a cross-functional team to complete a research project". Using action verbs paints a clear picture of your abilities. So, when writing your CV, think like a research assistant. Dig out those powerful verbs, polish them, and let them sparkle on the page, drawing in potential employers with their shine.

  • Interpreted
  • Investigated
  • Synthesized
  • Facilitated
  • Contributed

For a full list of effective CV action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Resume Bullet Points From Research Assistant CV

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Research Assistant CV. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Analyzed impact and effectiveness of in-app UI changes on customer retention; identified features of customer behavior and recommended additional menu modifications [R, MySQL, Chart JS]

Created Monte Carlo simulation using Pandas (Python) to generate 30,000 sample portfolios with 8+ constraints

Conducted survey and quantitative analysis to confirm hypotheses on customer sentiment and purchasing trends; results defined future marketing strategies

Produced comprehensive pitch decks, used for internal research and external marketing, on 1) an Indian real estate investment with a $4.5B market cap and 2) telecommunications in emerging markets

Created and maintained models for M&A plans, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Product SVA Analysis, Credit Risk Assessment Models, and Common Stock Liquidity Comparisons

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

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7 Real Research Assistant Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Research Assistant

Research Assistant

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

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Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Research Assistant Resumes
  • Postsecondary Research Assistant Resumes
  • Customize Your Research Assistant Resume to the Job

As a successful research assistant, you’re a thorough data analyst, a top-notch lab technician, a friendly participant coordinator, and an organized librarian, all rolled into one.

However, demonstrating these skills on your research assistant resume can feel more overwhelming than autoclaving an entire lab’s worth of equipment. Not to mention, you may not know whether your school wants a  CV or a resume . And what about writing a cover letter ? Where to start?

Don’t fret—we’ll walk you through what makes a good research assistant resume and how to stand out among your peers.

Our seven research assistant resume samples have helped researchers across disciplines land jobs in top labs and departments in 2024. If you’re stuck, pick a  resume template  complete with sample points to brainstorm your best resume yet!

Research Assistant Resume

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Research assistant resume example with 6 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Phrases peppered with keywords from the job ad, such as “writing grant proposals” and “decreased in cognitive cerebellar regions” can turn the tides in your favor in mere seconds. In other words, show the potential employer you’ve got what it takes to meet their needs and you’re golden.
  • Make strong action verbs (think “oversaw,” “organized,” “managed,” and “partnered”) your bullet points’ friends. It’s about directing the hiring manager’s attention straight to the good stuff you want to flaunt—primarily your proactive stance or results-driven mindset.
  • So, you believe your killer skill set should be your ticket in, huh? Then, make a convincing case for it by illustrating the required competencies (cue database management techniques, SAS, flow cytometry data, written communication, and statistical modeling) in your work history.
  • Then, to cap off, take full advantage of genuine metrics that let recruiters envision your impact and success potential. “5+ publications on effective vaccination development” and “saving $13,400 per year” from Ravi’s resume make for good examples.

Entry-level Research Assistant Resume

Entry-level research assistant resume example with 0 years of experience

  • This section lets you discuss an interest in a particular field (and in a particular research assistant position). So,  tailor this section for every application you submit!
  • Even if the projects aren’t relevant to the field of research you’d like to study, adding them highlights transferable skills like data analysis and experiment design. Plus, it fills up space so you’re not worried about filling up a whole page. 

Laboratory Research Assistant Resume

Laboratory research assistant resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Use numbers to discuss publications, team members you managed, money you saved, grant funding you helped acquire, or the outcome of your data analysis.  If numbers can measure it, include it!
  • However, unlike your data, these numbers don’t have to be perfectly accurate—they can be rough estimates.
  • Before you hit submit, run your resume through a  resume checker  or a spellcheck system (Grammarly is a good place to start). Better yet, after you run it through AI, have a trusted colleague review it, too. 

Clinical Research Assistant Resume

Clinical research assistant resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Highlight your track record of adhering to guidelines in past trials to help your clinical research assistant resume stand out.

Undergraduate Research Assistant Resume

Undergraduate research assistant resume example with 3 years of experience

  • However, even if you don’t have experience as a research assistant, include whatever work experience you have. Having any sort of job demonstrates responsibility, initiative, and the ability to work with others well.
  • Choose a template that allows you to add sections (like projects) to make up for a lack of experience while also filling the page.

Graduate Research Assistant Resume

Graduate research assistant resume example with internship experience

  • A strong graduate research assistant resume should include a career objective that describes your topic of interest. Tell prospective programs how you’ll contribute to their legacy as a research institution through your work in the field.

Postdoctoral Research Assistant Resume

Postdoctoral research assistant resume example with 4+ years of experience

  •  This section highlights your expertise, years of experience in your field, and achievements. Just remember to  tailor it for each application . 
  • Consider including projects such as club membership (especially if you founded it yourself), volunteer experiences, or independent research. 
  • Projects also make great examples to discuss in your research assistant cover letter .

Related resume guides

  • College student
  • Entry-level
  • Grad school

Customize Your Real Research Assistant Resume to the Job

Overwhelmed job seeker at desk with hands in air questions how to write job materials

You’re the perfect person to create a stellar resume. After all, impressing an employer or a professor is all about research, and that’s something you’re already great at! However, with a vast number of research roles available, you may find yourself staring at a blank resume with no idea where to start.

We know—begin with the job description! The responsibilities listed there will help fill your resume with useful skills and experiences. Which ones of these best apply to your background?

  • Collect, organize, and analyze data using surveys, interviews, experiments, and field observations
  • Prepare materials and research cases for further study
  • Perform literature reviews, including organizing results, writing summaries, and searching for sources
  • Maintain clear and concise records, including confidential data
  • Manipulate, clean, and visualize data, providing weekly and monthly reports to senior faculty members
  • Participate in research meetings and present in-progress and final results

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  • Extremes and Natural Hazards
  • Adaptation Science
  • Earth Data Across Scales
  • Earth Data Science Education
  • Earth Analytics
  • Landscape Dynamics
  • Partnerships
  • Earth Analytics Professional Certificate
  • Environmental Data Science Seminar Series
  • Post Docs and Graduate Students
  • Earth Data Science Corps
  • How to Engage
  • Learning Portal

How to Write a Good Cover Letter for a Research Position

Writing a cover letter can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!

Some people believe cover letters are a science. Others seem to think they are more akin to black magic. Regardless of how you feel about cover letters, they are one of the most important parts of the job application process. Your resume or CV may get you an interview, but a good cover letter is what ensures that the hiring manager reads your resume in the first place.

Writing a cover letter for any job is important, but the art of writing a good cover letter for a research position can make or break your application. While writing a cover letter for a research position, you have to walk a fine line of proving your expertise and passion while limiting jargon and dense language.

In this post, we will explain cover letter writing basics, and then dive into how to write a research specific cover letter with examples of both good and bad practices.

hands typing on blank google doc

What Is A Cover Letter and Why Do Cover Letters Matter?

A cover letter is your opportunity to tell a story and connect the dots of your resume. Resumes and curriculum vitae (CVs) are often cold and static—they don’t show any sort of character that will give companies a hint about if you will fit in with their culture. 

Your cover letter gives you the chance to demonstrate that you are an interesting, qualified, and intelligent person. Without proving that you are worth the time to interview, a company or research organization will set your application in the rejection pile without giving it a second look. 

So, what is a cover letter, exactly? It is an explanation (written out in paragraph form) of what you can bring to the company that goes beyond the information in your resume. Cover letters give a company a glimpse into the qualities that will make you the ideal candidate for their opening. 

Note that a cover letter is not the same as a letter of intent. A cover letter is written for a specific job opening. For example, if I got an email saying that the University of Colorado was looking for a tenure track faculty member to teach GEO 1001, and I chose to apply, I would write a cover letter. 

A letter of intent, however, is written regardless of the job opening. It is intended to express an interest in working at a particular company or with a particular group. The goal of a letter of intent is to demonstrate your interest in the company (or whatever type of group you are appealing to) and illustrate that you are willing to work with them in whatever capacity they feel is best. 

For example, if I loved the clothing company, Patagonia and wanted to work there, I could write a letter of intent. They may have an opening for a sales floor associate, but after reading my application and letter of intent, decide I would be better suited to a design position. Or, they may not have any positions open at all, but choose to keep my resume on hand for the next time they do. 

Most organizations want a cover letter, not a letter of intent, so it is important to make sure your cover letter caters to the specifics of the job posting. A cover letter should also demonstrate why you want to work at the company, but it should be primarily focused on why you can do the job better than any of the other applicants.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter: The Basics 

Writing a cover letter isn’t hard. Writing a good cover letter, a cover letter that will encourage a hiring manager to look at your application and schedule an interview, is more difficult (but certainly not impossible). Below, we will go over each of the important parts of a cover letter: the salutation, introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as some other best practices.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Salutation

Don’t start with “Dear Sir/Ma’am” (or any iteration of a vague greeting, including “to whom it may concern”). Avoiding vague greetings is the oldest trick in the book, but it still holds a lot of weight. Starting a cover letter with the above phrase is pretty much stamping “I didn’t bother to research this company at all because I am sending out a million generic cover letters” across your application. It doesn’t look good. 

The best practice is to do your research and use your connections to find a name. “Dear Joe McGlinchy” means a lot more than “Dear Hiring Manager.” LinkedIn is a great tool for this—you can look up the company, then look through the employees until you find someone that seems like they hire for the relevant department. 

The most important thing about the salutation is to address a real human. By selecting someone in the company, you’ve demonstrated that you’ve done some research and are actually interested in this company specifically. Generic greetings aren’t eye-catching and don’t do well.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Introduction

Once you’ve addressed your cover letter to a real human being, you need a powerful introduction to prove that this cover letter is worth the time it will take to read. This means that you need a hook. 

Your first sentence needs to be a strong starter, something to encourage the hiring manager not only to continue reading the cover letter, but to look at your application as well. If you have a contact in the company, you should mention them in the first sentence. Something along the lines of “my friend, Amanda Rice (UX/UI manager), suggested I apply for the natural language processing expert position after we worked together on a highly successful independent project.” 

The example above uses a few techniques. The name drop is good, but that only works if you actually have a connection in the company. Beyond that, this example has two strengths. First, it states the name of the position. This is important because hiring managers can be hiring for several different positions at a time, and by immediately clarifying which position you are applying for, you make their job a little bit easier.  Next, this sentence introduces concrete skills that apply to the job. That is a good way to start because it begins leading into the body, where you will go into depth about how exactly your experience and skills make you perfect for the job. 

Another technique for a strong lead-in to a cover letter is to begin with an applicable personal experience or anecdote. This attracts more attention than stereotypical intros (like the example above), but you have to be careful to get to the point quickly. Give yourself one or two sentences to tell the story and prove your point before you dive into your skills and the main body of the cover letter.

A more standard technique for introductions is simply expressing excitement. No matter how you choose to start, you want to demonstrate that you are eager about the position, and there is no easier way to do that than just saying it. This could take the form of “When I saw the description for X job on LinkedIn, I was thrilled: it is the perfect job for my Y skills and Z experience.” This option is simple and to-the-point, which can be refreshing for time-crunched hiring managers. 

Since we’ve provided a few good examples, we will offer a bad example, so you can compare and contrast. Don’t write anything along the line of: “My name is John Doe, and I am writing to express my interest in the open position at your company.” 

There are a few issues here. First, they can probably figure out your name. You don’t need that to be in the first sentence (or any of the sentences—the closing is an obvious enough spot). Next, “the open position” and “your company” are too generic. That sounds like the same cover letter you sent to every single employer in a hundred mile radius. Give the specifics! Finally, try to start with a little more spice. Add in some personality, something to keep the hiring manager reading. If you bore them to death in the first line, they aren’t going to look over your resume and application with the attention they deserve. 

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Body

So, you’ve addressed a real human being, and you’ve snagged their attention with a killer opening line. What next? Well, you have to hold on to that attention by writing an engaging and informative cover letter body. 

The body of a cover letter is the core of the important information you want to transmit. The introduction’s job was to snag the attention of the hiring manager. The body’s job is to sell them on your skills.  There are a few formatting things to be aware of before we start talking about what content belongs in the body of the cover letter. First, keep the company culture and standards in mind when picking a format. For example, if I want to work for a tech startup that is known for its wit and company culture, I can probably get away with using a bulleted list or another informal format. However, if I am applying to a respected research institution, using a standard five paragraph format is best. 

In addition, the cover letter should not be longer than a page. Hiring managers are busy people. They may have hundreds of resumes to read, so they don’t need a three page essay per person. A full page is plenty, and many hiring managers report finding three hundred words or less to be the idea length. Just to put that into context, the text from here to the “How to Write a Good Cover Letter Body” header below is about perfect, length-wise. 

Now, on to the more important part: the content. A cover letter should work in tandem with a resume. If you have a list of job experiences on your resume, don’t list them again in the cover letter. Use the valuable space in the cover letter to give examples about how you have applied your skills and experience. 

For example, if I have worked as a barista, I wouldn’t just say “I have worked as a barista at Generic Cafe.” The hiring manager could learn that from my resume. Instead, I could say “Working as a barista at Generic Cafe taught me to operate under pressure without feeling flustered. Once…” I would go on to recount a short story that illustrated my ability to work well under pressure. It is important that the stories and details you choose to include are directly related to the specific job. Don’t ramble or add anything that isn’t obviously connected. Use the job description as a tool—if it mentions a certain skill a few times, make sure to include it!

If you can match the voice and tone of your cover letter to the voice of the company, that usually earns you extra points. If, in their communications, they use wit, feel free to include it in your letter as well. If they are dry, to the point, and serious, cracking jokes is not the best technique.

A Few Don’ts of Writing a Cover Letter Body   

There are a few simple “don’ts” in cover letter writing. Do not: 

  • Bad: I am smart, dedicated, determined, and funny.
  • Better: When I was working at Tech Company, I designed and created an entirely new workflow that cut the product delivery time in half. 
  • Bad: When I was seven, I really loved the monkeys at the zoo. This demonstrates my fun-loving nature. 
  • Better: While working for This Company, I realized I was far more productive if I was light-hearted. I became known as the person to turn to in my unit when my coworkers needed a boost, and as my team adopted my ideology, we exceeded our sales goals by 200%. 
  • Bad: I would love this job because it would propel me to the next stage of my career.
  • Better: With my decade of industry experience communicating with engineers and clients, I am the right person to manage X team. 
  • Bad: I know I’m not the most qualified candidate for this job, but…
  • Better: I can apply my years of experience as an X to this position, using my skills in Y and Z to… 
  • Bad: I am a thirty year old white woman from Denver…
  • Better: I have extensive experience managing diverse international teams, as illustrated by the time I…  

The most important part of the cover letter is the body. Sell your skills by telling stories, but walk the razor’s edge between saying too much and not enough. When in doubt, lean towards not enough—it is better for the hiring manager to call you in for an interview to learn more than to bore them.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Conclusion

 The last lines of a cover letter are extremely important. Until you can meet in-person for an interview, the conclusion of your cover letter will greatly affect the impression the hiring manager has of you. A good technique for concluding your cover letter is to summarize, in a sentence, what value you can bring to the company and why you are perfect for the position. Sum up the most important points from your cover letter in a short, concise manner. 

Write with confidence, but not arrogance. This can be a delicate balance. While some people have gotten away (and sometimes gotten a job) with remarks like, “I’ll be expecting the job offer soon,” most do not. Closing with a courteous statement that showcases your capability and skills is far more effective than arrogance. Try to avoid trite or generic statements in the closing sentence as well. This includes the template, “I am very excited to work for XYZ Company.” Give the hiring manager something to remember and close with what you can offer the company. 

The final step in any cover letter is to edit. Re-read your cover letter. Then, set it aside for a few hours (or days, time permitting) and read it again. Give it to a friend to read. Read it aloud. This may seem excessive, but there is nothing more off-putting than a spelling or grammar error in the first few lines of a cover letter. The hiring manager may power through and ignore it, but it will certainly taint their impression. 

Once the cover letter is as flawless and compelling as it can be, send it out! If you are super stuck on how to get started, working within a template may help. Microsoft Word has many free templates that are aesthetically appealing and can give you a hint to the length and content. A few good online options live here (free options are at the bottom—there is no reason to pay for a resume template).

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Research Position

Writing a cover letter for a research position is the same as writing any other cover letter. There are, however, a few considerations and additions that are worth pointing out. A job description may not directly ask for a cover letter, but it is good practice to send one unless they specifically say not to. This means that even if a cover letter isn’t mentioned, you should send one—it is best practice and gives you an opportunity to expand on your skills and research in a valuable way.

Format and Writing Style for a Research Position Cover Letter

Research and academics tend to appreciate formality more than start-ups or tech companies, so using the traditional five paragraph format is typically a good idea. The five paragraph format usually includes an introduction, three short examples of skills, and a concluding paragraph. This isn’t set in stone—if you’d rather write two paragraphs about the skills and experience you bring to the company, that is fine. 

Keep in mind that concise and to-the-point writing is extremely valuable in research. Anyone who has ever written a project proposal under 300 words knows that every term needs to add value. Proving that you are a skilled writer, starting in your cover letter, will earn you a lot of points. This means that cover letters in research and academia, though you may have more to say, should actually be shorter than others. Think of the hiring manager—they are plowing through a massive stack of verbose, technical, and complex cover letters and CVs. It is refreshing to find an easy to read, short cover letter. 

On the “easy to read” point, remember that the hiring manager may not be an expert in your field. Even if they are, you cannot assume that they have the exact same linguistic and educational background as you. For example, if you have dedicated the last five years of your life to studying a certain species of bacteria that lives on Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, all of those technical terms you have learned (and maybe even coined) have no place in your cover letter. Keep jargon to an absolute minimum. Consider using a tool like the Hemingway Editor to identify and eliminate jargon. While you want to reduce jargon, it is still important to prove that you’ve researched their research. Passion about the research topic is one of the most valuable attributes that a new hire can offer. 

Use your cover letter to prove that you have done your homework, know exactly what the institution or group is doing, and want to join them. If you have questions about the research or want to learn more, it isn’t a bad idea to get in touch with one of the researchers. You can often use LinkedIn or the group’s staff site to learn who is working on the project and reach out.

What Research Information Should be Included in a Cover Letter

A research position cover letter is not the place for your academic history, dissertation, or publications. While it may be tempting to go into detail about the amazing research you did for your thesis, that belongs in your CV. Details like this will make your cover letter too long. While these are valuable accomplishments, don’t include them unless there is something  that pertains to the group’s research, and your CV doesn’t cover it in depth. 

If you do choose to write about your research, write about concrete details and skills that aren’t in your CV. For example, if you have spent the last few years working on identifying the effects of a certain gene sequence in bird migration, include information about the lab techniques you used. Also, try to put emphasis on the aspects of your resume and CV that make you stand out from other candidates. It is likely that you will be competing with many similarly qualified candidates, so if you have a unique skill or experience, make sure it doesn’t get lost in the chaos—a cover letter is the perfect place to highlight these sorts of skills. 

Industry experience is a great differentiator. If you have relevant industry experience, make sure to include it in your cover letter because it will almost certainly set you apart. Another valuable differentiator is a deep and established research network. If you have been working on research teams for years and have deep connections with other scientists, don’t be afraid to include this information. This makes you a very valuable acquisition for the company because you come with an extensive network

Include Soft Skills in Your Cover Letter

Scientific skills aren’t the only consideration for hiring managers. Experience working with and leading teams is incredibly valuable in the research industry. Even if the job description doesn’t mention teamwork, add a story or description of a time you worked with (or, even better, lead) a successful team. Soft skills like management, customer service, writing, and clear communication are important in research positions. Highlight these abilities and experiences in your cover letter in addition to the hard skills and research-based information. 

If you are struggling to edit and polish your letter, give it to both someone within your field and someone who is completely unfamiliar with your research (or, at least, the technical side of it). Once both of those people say that the letter makes sense and is compelling, you should feel confident submitting it.

Cover letters are intended to give hiring managers information beyond what your resume and CV are able to display. Write with a natural but appropriately formal voice, do your research on the position, and cater to the job description. A good cover letter can go a long way to getting you an interview, and with these tips, your cover letters will certainly stand out of the pile.

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Top 17 Researcher Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 18, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that outlines the career goals of an individual applying for a research position. It gives employers an insight into what type of researcher the applicant is and how their skills and experiences can contribute to the organization. When writing a resume objective for a researcher position, it is important to focus on qualifications that are relevant to the role. For example, include a description of any research experience you have and highlight any technical knowledge or specialized skills related to the field. Additionally, emphasize any accomplishments you have achieved in your previous research roles, such as published papers or successful experiments. Finally, make sure to include your career goals as they relate to the research position you are applying for. By doing this, employers will be able to see how your skills and experiences fit with their needs and how you will be an asset to their organization.

Researcher Resume Example

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Top 17 Researcher Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a researcher where I can utilize my research and analytical skills to contribute to the success of the organization.
  • To secure a position as a researcher that will allow me to use my knowledge and expertise in conducting research and analysis.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a researcher in an environment that encourages professional growth and development.
  • Looking for a challenging role as a researcher where I can apply my problem solving skills and knowledge for the betterment of the organization.
  • To become part of an esteemed organization as a researcher, utilizing my experience in data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • To join an organization that values creativity and innovation as a researcher, leveraging my experience with quantitative methods.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a researcher in order to explore new ideas and develop innovative solutions.
  • To obtain employment as a researcher within an organization that encourages team-oriented problem solving and collaboration.
  • To pursue a career as a researcher where I can use my communication skills to effectively present research findings.
  • Aiming for an entry-level position as a researcher where I can gain more experience in conducting research studies.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work with leading experts in the field of research by joining them as a researcher.
  • Seeking employment with an organization that values hard work, dedication, and excellence in research activities by becoming their next researcher.
  • Applying for the position of Researcher with the goal of utilizing my knowledge base and technical skills to benefit the company’s objectives.
  • Desire to join an innovative team of researchers who are dedicated to finding creative solutions through rigorous research efforts.
  • Looking for an exciting role as Researcher which will enable me to apply my strong analytical abilities towards helping achieve organizational goals.
  • Seeking employment at your esteemed institution as Researcher with the aim of contributing towards its success through effective data analysis techniques.
  • Interested in working with cutting-edge technologies while developing innovative solutions through applied research activities at your company.

How to Write a Researcher Resume Objective

A researcher resume objective is an important part of a researcher's application as it gives employers an insight into the applicant’s goals, abilities, and motivations. A well-crafted objective can help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing the job. When writing your own researcher resume objective, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep it brief. Your objective should be no more than two sentences long and should focus on what you can bring to the position. Avoid fluffy language or vague statements; instead, be specific about your qualifications and skills.

2. Highlight your strengths. Make sure to include any relevant experience or research projects that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field. If you have any specializations or certifications, include these as well.

3. Show enthusiasm for the role. Employers want to hire someone who is passionate about their work, so make sure to express excitement for the position in your objective statement. You can do this by mentioning why you find the role interesting or how you hope to contribute to the organization’s success.

4. Tailor it for each job application. Don’t just use one generic objective statement; tailor each one to fit the specific job you’re applying for by highlighting different experiences or skills that could be beneficial for that particular role.

By following these tips, you can create an effective researcher resume objective that will help you stand out from other applicants and make a strong impression on potential employers.

Related : What does a Researcher do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Researcher Resume Objective

In the competitive field of research, having a well-crafted resume that highlights your key skills can make all the difference in landing your desired job. The objective section of your resume is particularly crucial as it provides a snapshot of your abilities and expertise to potential employers. This section titled 'Key Skills to Highlight in Your Researcher Resume Objective' will guide you through the essential skills you should emphasize to create an impactful and compelling career objective. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just starting out, these insights will help you stand out from the crowd.

1. Data analysis

A researcher needs the skill of data analysis as they are often required to collect, interpret and present data. This skill is crucial in helping them understand complex information and draw conclusions from the data. It can also assist in making informed decisions or recommendations based on their findings. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has the ability to handle quantitative information effectively and can contribute valuable insights for research projects or studies.

2. Python programming

Python programming is a highly sought-after skill in many research positions, particularly in fields like data analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Having this skill indicates that the candidate can develop and implement complex algorithms, manage large datasets, and create effective data visualization. It also shows their ability to automate tasks and solve problems efficiently. This can help them achieve their resume objective of contributing to high-level research projects and driving innovation within the company.

3. R programming

As a researcher, having R programming skills is essential as it allows for effective data analysis and visualization. This skill is crucial in making sense of complex data sets, predicting trends, and making data-driven decisions. It also demonstrates a strong understanding of statistical methods and models, which are often used in research work. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers the ability to handle and interpret data accurately and efficiently, an important aspect in research roles.

4. SPSS proficiency

As a researcher, having proficiency in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is crucial as it is one of the most widely used software for statistical analysis in social science research. This skill demonstrates the ability to manage and analyze large data sets, conduct complex statistical analyses, interpret results, and present findings in a clear and understandable manner. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that you have the necessary technical expertise to handle data-related tasks effectively, which is integral to any research position.

5. MATLAB expertise

A researcher often needs to analyze complex data sets, create algorithms, and develop models. MATLAB is a powerful tool that can be used for these purposes. It allows for efficient manipulation of matrices, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages. Therefore, having MATLAB expertise on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has strong analytical skills and the ability to handle complex data-related tasks.

6. SQL querying

A researcher often needs to collect, analyze, and interpret complex data sets. SQL querying is a skill that allows for efficient management and manipulation of these data sets. This skill is essential for a resume objective as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle large amounts of information accurately and effectively, which is crucial in research roles. It also shows proficiency in using advanced technological tools for data analysis, making the candidate more competitive.

7. Tableau visualization

A researcher often needs to analyze and present complex data in a clear, concise manner. Tableau visualization is a skill that allows for the creation of dynamic, interactive data visualizations. This can help a researcher to not only understand and interpret their findings more effectively, but also communicate these insights to others. Therefore, having this skill can greatly enhance a researcher's ability to perform their job effectively and efficiently.

8. Machine learning

As a researcher, having machine learning skills is crucial as it allows for the ability to create predictive models and algorithms that can analyze large amounts of data and provide insights. This skill is particularly important in fields such as data science, artificial intelligence, and bioinformatics. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that you have the technical ability to design and implement complex research strategies, making you a valuable asset to their team.

9. Experimental design

A researcher needs the skill of experimental design as it is crucial for planning, conducting, and analyzing experiments effectively. This skill demonstrates the ability to create a systematic and logical approach to investigate questions about specific phenomena or observed events. It shows proficiency in controlling variables, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, and interpreting results. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's capability to conduct thorough research and contribute valuable insights or discoveries in their field.

10. Statistical modeling

Statistical modeling is a crucial skill for a researcher as it allows them to predict and analyze trends, patterns, and relationships within data sets. This skill is essential in making informed decisions, drawing accurate conclusions, and creating effective strategies based on the research findings. Including this skill in a resume objective showcases the candidate's ability to handle complex data and contribute valuable insights, which is highly sought after in research roles.

Top 10 Researcher Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your researcher resume is a strategic platform to showcase your key skills. These skills should align with the job description and demonstrate your ability to excel in the role. Highlighting relevant skills not only distinguishes you from other candidates but also provides potential employers with a snapshot of what you bring to the table. Remember, it's not about listing as many skills as possible, but rather focusing on those that are most pertinent to the position you're applying for. Tailoring your resume in this way can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

Related : Researcher Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Researcher Resume Objective

A resume objective is an important part of any resume. It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and it needs to be concise and clear. Unfortunately, many job seekers make common mistakes when writing their resume objective, which can hurt their chances of getting an interview.

One common mistake is to include too much information in the resume objective. Employers want to know what skills or experiences you have that are relevant to the position they are looking for. If the objective contains irrelevant information or goes into too much detail about your qualifications and experience, it will likely be overlooked. Instead, try to keep the objective brief and focus on why you are a good fit for the job.

Another mistake is using generic language in the resume objective. Many people use phrases like “seeking a challenging position” or “looking for an opportunity to advance my career” without providing any specifics about what kind of role they are seeking or how they can contribute to the company’s success. This type of language does not tell employers anything meaningful about your qualifications and experience, so it should be avoided.

It is also important to avoid making exaggerations in your resume objective. While you want to present yourself in a positive light, it is important to be honest about your skills and abilities. Making false claims or exaggerating your qualifications will only hurt your chances of being considered for a position because employers will see through them when they review your application materials.

Finally, one mistake that many job seekers make is failing to tailor their resume objectives for each position they apply for. A generic resume objective that doesn’t mention any specific skills or experiences related to the job will not stand out from other applicants and won’t give employers a good impression of you as a candidate. Instead, make sure that you customize each resume objective so that it speaks directly to the skills and experiences needed for the particular role you are applying for.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing your researcher resume objective, you can ensure that employers take notice of your application materials and consider you as a viable candidate for their open positions.

Related : Researcher Resume Examples

Researcher Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a researcher should focus on the specific skills, experience, and qualifications necessary to achieve the desired research goals, while a wrong resume objective may be too broad or generic.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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Updated on 22 May 2024

Advice on preparing or updating your CV.

Your CV (curriculum vitae) is often your first chance to make a good impression. It is a personal marketing tool which communicates your academic qualifications, work experience and skills to potential employers.

It should be relevant and tailored to the opportunity you are applying for. The main aim of your CV should be to highlight your strengths and suitability for the post in order to progress to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Before you start your CV

It is essential to research thoroughly what the employer will be looking for. Internet searches of job descriptions and company websites are a good place to start. You may wish to use an AI tool (such as ChatGPT) to help with your research. When using the internet or AI to help with your career research consider: 

  • Give accurate and clear instructions/search terms. The more detailed and specific you can be, the more likely you are to find the returned information useful. 
  • Check your sources: consider if you are searching for UK-based employment information, check how reliable your sources are, and try to cross reference if you can.
  • Never plagiarise external sources. If you use information from external sources in your CV, application form or covering letter, acknowledge this and put it into your own words. 

Personal knowledge and experience are often the best sources of careers research. You could attend a careers fair or employer presentation on campus, or network with friends and your academics to find out more about typical employers you may be interested in. 

The next step is to focus on your experience, knowledge, skills, and attributes to tailor your CV to the requirements of the position.

One simple way of preparing the relevant information is to note down all the requirements of the post and then try to note down examples from your experience to demonstrate you match these requirements. 

AI tools can help you get started with identifying skills for a job and assist you in drafting examples to demonstrate your skills. But don’t be tempted to get AI to write a skills summary, or even your whole CV, for you. Employers will usually be able to spot generic AI generated CVs very easily and some employers ask you to make a declaration that you have not used AI in the application process. 

Remember to consider all aspects of your life in terms of what you have to offer. For example, spare time activities and family commitments will often offer valuable evidence of relevant skills.

What should go in your CV?

Therefore, it is essential to make an instant impact. You must demonstrate evidence of your achievements, skills, and qualities concisely and explicitly.

UK employers tell us that skills-based CVs work best. This means detailing the skills you possess that are relevant to that opportunity and clearly demonstrating where you have used and developed these.

The most effective CVs are highly tailored to suit the sector and roles to which you are applying. This may mean you need different versions for different roles.

Tailor your CV

In the UK, a standard CV is two pages. However, academic CVs can be much longer, and some industries welcome a more creative approach. Typically, you should include:

  • personal contact details
  • key skills (relevant to role) 
  • education and qualifications
  • work experience (paid and voluntary)
  • additional skills, awards, and achievements 
  • referees statement 

These headings are flexible. It’s your CV so don’t feel like you must include headings that aren’t appropriate to you. Create a personal CV. You may consider using templates or AI tools for initial drafts or inspiration, but always make sure your CV is your own work. Tailor your style and content to work effectively for you and your circumstances. 

Ensure you create a good first impression. A clear, professional layout usually works best. Be consistent in your style and use a professional font e.g. Arial, Verdana or Calibri. Take care with your spelling and grammar. Avoid large chunks of text and use bullet points and bold appropriately.

Some employers now use AI in the sifting process when recruiting, for example screening for key words. Read our Guide to AI in Recruitment to learn more about this. Consider: 

  • Keywords - use job adverts, job descriptions and person specifications to help you identify key skills and key words. Use these within your CV where appropriate. 
  • Layout – screen readers can struggle with inconsistent fonts, images and tables. You may want to avoid columns too. One reason for this is that they can often result in wasted space or de-emphasise the most important parts of you CV. Another reason is that screen readers tend to read from left to right, so your CV could end up incomprehensible! 
  • Simply and standardise your language - an AI may be programme to scan for a certain job title as evidence of suitable experience so aim to use the most common form of a job title, e.g. use ‘Sales Assistant’ rather than ‘Crew Member’ 

The proportion of employers using AI in recruitment is still in the minority, and even where they are used, this is usually just in the initial sifting stage of recruitment so it is essential that you still write your CV with your human audience in mind. Authentic and tailored CVs with strong personalised evidence of your skills will make the best impression with recruiters. 

Space denotes importance on a CV. Give plenty of space to your key achievements and push less relevant things further down the page. For example, make sure your current degree is given plenty of space. Use reverse chronological order so that your most recent experiences come first.

Traditional, professional CVs in the UK don’t include photos or many images and use colour very sparingly. However, in more creative industries such things may be the norm – so do your research and find a format that works for you.

You’ll usually send your CV along with a  covering letter  or covering email. This is your opportunity to tailor your application directly to the opportunity you’ve applied for and highlight the most relevant aspects of your CV.

Watch our video  to find out about the most common CV mistakes and how to avoid them. 

Download an example CV

You can  download an example CV to see it should be laid out

In the UK, you will usually be expected to supply referees at some point during the recruitment process. Typically, CVs will end with the statement ‘Referees available on request’. However, occasionally you will be asked to supply these on your CV. If this is the case, ensure you ask your referees’ permission in advance and be mindful that you are sharing their personal contact details, so avoid uploading them to open access job boards etc. Be sure to choose someone who will support your application effectively. Always give your referee a copy of your CV and keep them informed about your career plans.

People use a variety of referees. Generally, one should be an academic reference and the other should be a work-related or personal referee.

  • An academic referee should be your Adviser of Studies, a lecturer/tutor, or a supervisor.
  • A work-related referee could be your most recent employer or internship supervisor. 
  • A personal referee should ideally be someone who has known you for a long time, but not a family member.

Applying overseas

Depending on where you apply, you may find some of the conventions of UK CVs are not applicable. For example, in much of North America, a short one-page resume is required by most employers.

The Careers Service’s GoinGlobal is a great resource to help you get started with preparing or adapting your CV for use in the country to which you are applying.

Your existing networks (family, friends, staff from your previous university etc.) may also be able to help you when trying to figure out what works in the countries in which they live.

International students

Our International Students CV Guide can hep you prepare or update your CV for use in the UK 

Mature students

Creating a winning CV as a mature student may seem like a daunting task; perhaps it’s been a while since you refreshed your CV, or you’re wondering how to summarise a wide range of previous roles.  

Remember, you have one thing that many other students don’t: a wealth of experience - and that’s what employers value!  

Previous experience

In the UK, CVs are typically two pages. So how do you go about fitting in all that lovely past experience?  

Firstly, employers  will  want to know about your previous experience, so don’t be tempted to just leave it all off!  

But, as with creating a CV at any age or stage, what’s important is sharing  relevant  information:   

  • Generally, your most up-to-date experiences will be of most interest to future employers. So perhaps that first Saturday job you had aged 14 can be removed from your CV now!   
  • Space denotes importance on a CV. Give more space to higher-level and more directly relevant roles compared to lower-level jobs or roles which are less relevant to your current career path.   
  • Put the emphasis on the most senior positions and do not repeat the same information for similar, but more junior, roles.  
  • While it’s best to use reverse chronological order throughout your CV (so that the most recent experiences come first) you may need to think of creative ways to make this work for you as a mature student. If you’re changing career direction or are returning to employment after a break, you could use sub-categories within the ‘Experience’ section of your CV, allowing you to showcase the most relevant of your experience first, while still using the reverse chronological rule within each sub-category.

When starting out in a new field you may be looking at entry-level roles and be asking yourself, will an employer think I’m too old or overqualified for a position based on my CV?  

  • Firstly, In the UK, Equality Legislation means that no employer should discriminate against you based on your age.   
  • Employers tell us they value applications from more mature applicants because of the wealth of working and life experience you bring, as well as the positive impact on diverse working cultures and practices.  
  • Present your experience and skills as the assets they are. Highlight the relevance of your skills to the job for which you are applying.  
  • Employers want you to be explicit in demonstrating how your past experiences match the requirements for their job. Ensure you state how skills gained in previous fields are relevant to the job to which you are applying.     

Keep your CV to two pages

Still, struggling to keep your CV to two pages long?  

  • Review the formatting and layout. Are you using the full width of the page throughout your CV? Scan for white space – that’s wasted space! Tweak the layout to make better use of the space available (while remembering to avoid your CV looking cramped or messy!)  
  • Consider what’s essential. Your name and contact details are a must! As is your most recent education and relevant experiences. But consider whether everything else on your CV is really relevant to the opportunity to which you are applying. Check each piece of information on your CV conveys something new about yourself that a future employer needs to know.

Preparing a Creative CV

A creative CV typically breaks the rules of the traditional CV. It showcases the author’s creative strengths. 

Creative CVs may include illustrations, photos, or showcase use of a specific software. Creatives can also take chances with different formats. For example, they can produce videos instead of written documents to sell themselves to employers. 

Take a look at our Pinterest page for examples and check out the advice on the Prospects website .  

You can also view the websites of these illustrators who have created some great examples of web-based bios:

  • Angela Kirkwood
  • Anna Doherty
  • Cara Rooney
  • Lauren Morsley


It depends on the industry, job, and hiring manager whether a creative twist on your CV would be welcome. It needs to be an individual choice on whether to submit a CV to an employer that breaks convention. Creative CVs are more common in areas such as: 

  • graphic design
  • illustration
  • special effects (fx) or visual effects (vfx) 
  • video editing
  • web design  

Creative CVs can make you stand out and you want to make sure it’s for the right reasons. You should research the norms in your industry by looking online. You should also ask the advice of people in your network. 

Some employers will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to read CVs. If this applies to you, your CV will need to be in a format readable by AI. 

Your CV is your main marketing tool. It needs to be professional, relevant and readable, no matter what style you decide to go for. It does not replace a portfolio. 

Use the Careers Service and talk to an adviser to discuss your ideas.  

What to include

A winning CV should reflect your biggest selling points. You may choose to represent some of these visually. However, there are some key things your creative CV should include: 

  • personal contact details 
  • personal Profile 
  • education and qualifications 
  • work experience (paid and voluntary) 
  • skills and interests 
  • referees 

Example CVs and Further Support

Ask our careers advisers for personalised advice on your CV through our Quick Query service, booked appointment, or through our CareersPortal . 

The information on this handout must not be copied, distributed, or shared without permission from the University of Dundee Careers Service.

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CV (curriculum vitae) Guidelines

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Format and Content FAQ

  • Blue Ivy Carter

Your CV or curriculum vitae is similar to your resume. It clearly represents your current and past experiences and accomplishments so that your reader can understand the unique value that you bring to a job/internship/academic program. A few important differences to keep in mind about your CV:

  • A CV can be longer than a typical US resume, but still needs to focus on clarity.
  • CV is interchangeable with resume in some industries and parts of the world.
  • Should include your academic experiences with minimal curation, do not exclude transferrable and relevant experiences.
  • As with a resume, your CV should complement your cover letter not compete or duplicate content.

There are no “universal” formatting rules for a CV, however, you can start by following general resume formatting guidelines. Remember to always try to create a clear, concise, and easy to read document. Additional formatting suggestions:

  • Reminder: reviewers may not look past the first page.
  • Avoid using Wellsley-specific acronyms, terms, or jargon to make sure the off-campus reader can understand your experiences.
  • Note: You should do this with any potential colleague in your target location(s), whether a particular university or country.
  • ​ if your transcript is not included or does not adequately demonstrate the relevance, be sure to focus on specific skills/techniques learned and used through projects, papers, etc.
  • This can include unpaid experiences paid, project based, upper division coursework, and/or thesis.
  • Don’t forget to include relevant details like research supervisor, location, university or lab, or funding source(s).
  • The Ruhlman and Tanner Conferences are Wellesley-specific, assume the reviewer is not from Wellesley.
  • Possible sub headings: lab, data analysis, languages machine or human, etc.
  • You should arrange the order of sections in your CV to highlight information most relevant to the position or application. More important information should be closer to the top, not buried at the end of the second page.
  • Largely determined by your audience, think about the potential reviewer.
  • For example: standard abbreviations will be understood by specialists in your field but not those outside the field.  
  • Read and follow application instructions.
  • If an application allows you to choose whether to submit a CV or resume: which will do a better job of showing your fit (your relevant preparation and experience and skills) for the opportunity for which you’re applying?  
  • This can vary by the application but you should leave in experiences that show your preparation, experience, and relevant skills.  
  • This does not mean you cannot discuss when appropriate, they just not get valuable space on your CV!  
  • They’ll have your transcript, and therefore your GPA.
  • If you think it might be more helpful to have them look at your transcript and the whole history of that GPA, then don’t include GPA on your CV.  
  • Might it be more helpful to include information on your cv that isn’t on your transcript, like the GPA in your major and/or the courses most relevant to your proposed graduate work?
  • Not sure what to do? Check in with someone in Career Education. Book an appointment  in Handshake or come by pop-ups or drop-ins.  
  • You should always highlight any transferable skills and experiences.
  • When in doubt, leave it in! And check in with someone in Career Education. Book an appointment  or come by pop-ups or drop-ins.
  • How to have your CV reviewed

Related resources

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview

Learn to avoid the biggest mistake job seekers make and write a cover letter that truly makes an impact.

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Customers Interviewed by:


Most job seekers don’t know how to write a proper cover letter. They believe a cover letter is just a “here is my resume” note. This is a wasted opportunity!

In this article, you’ll discover the secret to writing a professional cover letter that’s truly effective. It’s not hard to do and will give you a significant edge over the competition. We’ll walk you through the process in a few straightforward steps and provide examples to help you along the way.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in and create a cover letter that opens doors to your next opportunity.

What is a cover letter and do you really need one?

A cover letter is a short document (around 300 words) that accompanies your resume. Your cover letter should not simply repeat what your resume says . Instead, it should complement your resume, highlight your personality, and potentially address any weaknesses that could otherwise prevent you from getting an interview.

But do you really need a cover letter in 2024? The short answer is YES.

“Over 80% of hiring managers read a cover letter and 60% of applications require one as part of the application,” says career coach Madelyn Mackie . “Even hiring managers and recruiters who say they never read cover letters may find themselves drawn in by a particularly compelling letter.”

In fact, Jobscan analyzed nearly 1 million job applications and found that including a cover letter with your resume makes you  1.9 times more likely  to be invited for an interview compared to those who left out a cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

What’s the biggest cover letter mistake?

The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing their cover letter is to focus only on themselves .

“It’s not about you,” says career coach Susan Schwartz . “It’s about what you can do for them. Talking to them about what they care about—not about what you want—is what’s going to make them want to read your letter. And to hire you!”

According to Schwartz, this is the best way to write a cover letter:

Paragraph 1. A single sentence (maximum two) stating the PROBLEM that the company faces. What is the issue/need/opportunity that this role will address?

Paragraph 2. what solution do you offer how are you the answer to their need again, keep it to a sentence or two., paragraph 3. explanation: what experience do you have that supports your assertion that you can help this paragraph can be 3-4 sentences, but keep it short., paragraph 4. call to action: suggest next steps. not “thank you” but let’s plan to discuss this next week..

Since hiring managers often spend less than 20 seconds on an application, your cover letter needs to grab their attention and get them to look at your resume. By highlighting how your experience matches the job, you make it easier for them to see you as a great fit for the role.

Now let’s examine each of these steps in more detail.

How to write a strong cover letter step-by-step

Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, research the company to understand its current challenges and goals. Visit the company website, read their latest news and press releases, and follow their social media channels.

Don’t skip this step! It’s crucial for writing a cover letter that truly resonates with a potential employer and sets you apart from other candidates.

After you’ve researched the company, carefully read the job description. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What specific problems or challenges is this role designed to address?
  • How do my skills and experiences align with the job requirements?
  • Am I a good fit for the role?
  • What unique value can I bring to the company in this role?
  • Are there any keywords or phrases that I should incorporate into my cover letter?

After researching the company and the role, you’re ready to start writing your cover letter.

2. Write your opening paragraphs

Many job seekers make the mistake of being too wordy in their cover letters. You’re not writing a novel. Use short words in short sentences. Remember, a hiring manager is going to quickly scan your application, so you need to get right to the point.

Here are some examples of how to start a cover letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I’ve noticed that NexGen is working hard to stand out in a crowded digital market, and keeping your brand top-of-mind for customers can be tough.

That’s where I come in—I specialize in creating engaging content and smart SEO strategies that boost online presence and drive customer engagement.

I understand that Weissman is seeking to maintain its innovative edge in the dancewear industry while consistently meeting sales and margin targets.

I am confident that my experience and passion for design can help Weissman continue to create stunning, market-leading dancewear.

I understand that Timmons Company needs motivated individuals to manage sales territories and boost product visibility in retail grocery stores around Quincy, IL.

I am excited to bring my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset to your team, ensuring your products not only maintain their shelf presence but also thrive.

3. Prove you can do the job

Now you need to provide evidence that you’re the right person for the job. The best way to do this is to highlight your relevant experience and achievements. Here are some things you should focus on:

  • Specific Accomplishments : Share examples of your successes, such as increasing sales, leading projects, or improving processes.
  • Relevant Skills : Highlight the skills that match the job requirements, like planning, organizing, technical proficiencies, or specific industry experience.
  • Problem-Solving : Discuss times when you successfully tackled challenges, such as resolving issues, managing conflicts, or implementing solutions.
  • Industry Knowledge : Demonstrate your understanding of the field and awareness of current trends and standards.
  • Team Collaboration : Mention how you’ve effectively worked in teams, mentored others, or collaborated across departments.

Remember to keep it concise. Your letter isn’t meant to tell your whole story; it’s about making a compelling case that you understand the key aspects of the job.

Your goal is to leave the reader eager to learn more about you. Here are some examples:

“Over the past five years, I’ve led digital marketing campaigns that ramped up organic traffic by 40% and bumped up conversion rates by 25%. I’ve worked with diverse teams to create compelling content that resonates with audiences and used data analytics to refine strategies for maximum impact. My experience with social media management and email marketing also ensures a holistic approach to your digital marketing needs.”

“With over ten years in apparel design, specializing in activewear and dancewear, I have a proven track record of developing designs that resonate with customers and drive sales. My expertise includes conducting global trend research, selecting inspiring materials, and leading teams to transform creative concepts into market-ready products. I am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and have experience with CLO3D, ensuring that my designs are both innovative and technically sound. My leadership skills have been honed by mentoring junior designers and managing cross-functional teams, fostering a collaborative and efficient design process.”

“With several years of experience in CPG retail sales and merchandising, I have successfully managed sales territories, maintained product placements, and executed promotional strategies. My ability to plan and organize, combined with proficiency in Microsoft Office and familiarity with iPads, positions me well to contribute effectively to your sales team. I am adept at thinking on my feet and delivering results in dynamic environments, ensuring that products are always tagged, rotated, and optimally displayed.”

4. Conclude with a call to action

When wrapping up your cover letter, it’s crucial to include a strong call to action in your closing paragraph. This isn’t just about expressing gratitude—it’s about setting the stage for the next steps in the hiring process.

Instead of a simple “thank you,” aim to propose a specific plan, such as scheduling a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company.

Here are some examples of how to end a cover letter :

“Let’s discuss how I can help NexGen Creative Agency achieve its sales goals next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

“How about we chat next week about how I can help Weissman shine even brighter? Let me know when you’re free.”

“Let’s plan to discuss how my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset can boost product visibility for Timmons Company next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

There is no need to add anything more. Time is valuable, so hiring managers won’t spend it on a cover letter that isn’t concise and to the point.

Expert tips for writing a cover letter

We’ve gone over the basics of how to write a good cover letter. Here are some expert tips for formatting and how to make your cover letter even better.

Format your contact information correctly

Before diving into the content of your cover letter, it’s important to format the contact details and header correctly. You’ll need to include your name, full address, phone number, and email address.

Here’s an example:

How to write a cover letter header.

Personalize your greeting

To whom should you address your cover letter to? “For maximum impact, see if you can find the hiring manager or recruiter for the role, and send your letter to them,” says career coach Susan Schwarz . “Addressing your letter to a specific person will significantly increase the likelihood of someone reading it.”

Check the company’s website or LinkedIn profile to find the name of the hiring manager. However, if you can’t find a specific name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.

To end a cover letter, you can use “best regards” or “kind regards” followed by your full name.

Show your personality

While it’s important to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. But remember, you don’t want to overdo it—keep it concise and relevant .

Here are some ways to show your personality in your cover letter:

  • Briefly mention a specific project or experience you enjoyed.
  • Highlight a distinctive skill or trait that sets you apart.
  • Talk about how your values align with the company’s mission or culture.
  • Describe a unique volunteer experience.

Emphasize your adaptability

According to LinkedIn , the top “skill of the moment” is adaptability . This means being open to new ideas, ready to pivot when needed, and always looking for ways to improve. In a world where the only constant is change, being adaptable can set you apart.

Here’s an example of how to incorporate adaptability into your cover letter:

“In my previous role as a CPG retail sales merchandiser, I consistently demonstrated my ability to adjust to changing market conditions, customer preferences, and sales strategies. This adaptability allowed me to increase sales by 25% in a highly competitive market.”

Show enthusiasm

Research shows that 40% of employers would not hire a candidate if they lacked enthusiasm. Remember, you’re much more attractive to employers when you’re on fire .

Here’s an example of how to show enthusiasm for the company you’re applying to:

“I’ve long admired Weissman’s commitment to the dance community and the artistry of your costumes. Your dedication to empowering performances and celebrating creativity is inspiring, and I’m excited about the opportunity to join your passionate team.”

Balance professionalism with friendliness

Try to strike a balance between a professional and friendly tone. Don’t use overly formal language, but make sure your writing is polished and error-free. Use humor sparingly, as it can be easily misinterpreted.

This approach helps you come across as both competent and personable, making you an ideal candidate.

Cover letter do’s and don’ts

  • Do personalize . Address your cover letter to a specific person whenever possible.
  • Do be concise . Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Do show enthusiasm . Mention specific reasons why you want to work there.
  • Do include measurable accomplishments . These are achievements that can be quantified , such as increasing sales by a percentage.
  • Do show your personality . Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • Do be professional yet friendly . Avoid overly formal language.
  • Do proofread your cover letter. A single mistake can damage your chances of getting an interview.
  • Do include a call to action. Suggest scheduling a meeting or a call.
  • Don’t be too formal . Strike a balance between professionalism and friendliness.
  • Don’t overuse humor . Humor can be easily misinterpreted or come off as unprofessional.
  • Don’t repeat your resume . Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it.
  • Don’t include irrelevant information. Focus only on what’s most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Don’t use clichés . Phrases like “I am a hard worker” or “I think outside the box” are overused and add little value.
  • Don’t make excuses . Avoid explaining gaps in employment or other potential negatives.
  • Don’t forget to tailor each letter . Customizing each cover letter will help it pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Cover letter examples

Here are a few cover letter examples that show how to highlight your skills, show your personality, and match your experiences with the job.

Cover letter example for someone with no work experience

Starting your career can be challenging, especially when you don’t have much experience to showcase. But don’t worry—a well-written cover letter can highlight your strengths and potential.

Cover letter example for someone with no experience.

  • Addresses the company’s needs : The letter begins by acknowledging the challenges the company faces, demonstrating an understanding of the industry and the company’s needs.
  • Offers a solution : The candidate clearly states how they can provide value by offering a fresh perspective and innovative ideas.
  • Highlights relevant experience : Even with limited work experience, the letter mentions a successful internship project that aligns with the job’s requirements.
  • Shows enthusiasm and passion : The mention of a passion for sustainability and eagerness to contribute to the company’s efforts showcases the candidate’s genuine interest.
  • Proposes next steps : The call to action is clear and professional, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute, which shows initiative and confidence.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers

Changing careers can be a bold and exciting move, especially when you have a strong foundation of transferable skills. The following example of a cover letter demonstrates how to effectively highlight your previous experience and enthusiasm for a new industry.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers.

  • Engaging opening : Starts with a bold question that captures attention and sets the tone for the rest of the letter.
  • Clear value proposition : Quickly establishes how the candidate’s project management skills can benefit the finance industry.
  • Relevant experience : Highlights a specific project that showcases the candidate’s ability to improve efficiency and manage complex tasks.
  • Expresses enthusiasm : Shows genuine excitement about the career change and the specific company.
  • Call to action : Concludes with a clear and confident call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Cover letter example for someone re-entering the workforce

Re-entering the workforce after a significant break can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to showcase your resilience and the valuable skills you’ve developed during your time away.

The following cover letter example demonstrates how to effectively address employment gaps while highlighting your strengths and enthusiasm for the role.

Cover letter example for someone returning to work after an employment gap.

  • Strong opening statement : The cover letter begins with a compelling statement about the importance of adaptability and innovation, setting a positive and forward-thinking tone.
  • Addresses employment gap : It acknowledges the employment gap upfront, providing context without dwelling on it, which demonstrates honesty and transparency.
  • Highlights relevant experience : The letter emphasizes past accomplishments and specific projects, showcasing the candidate’s skills and ability to deliver results.
  • Shows enthusiasm for the role : The candidate expresses excitement about re-entering the workforce and aligns their values with the company’s mission.
  • Proposes next steps : It ends with a clear call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Generate a perfectly crafted cover letter in seconds

If you’re still having trouble writing your cover letter, try Jobscan’s AI cover letter generator . It analyzes both your resume and the job ad to create a completely original cover letter customized for the job you’re applying for.

To learn more about how the cover letter generator works, watch this brief video:

You can try Jobscan’s cover letter generator for free below:

Key takeaways

Follow these key takeaways to write a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other candidates and opens doors to new career opportunities.

  • Write with the employer’s needs in mind. Explain how you can address their specific challenges and contribute to their goals.
  • Keep it brief . Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy for hiring managers to scan quickly.
  • Address your letter to a specific person . If you can’t find a name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.
  • Showcase your relevant experience. Use specific examples to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Inject your personality. Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • End with a strong call to action . Suggest a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company’s success.
  • Proofread your letter. A single error can torpedo your chances at getting an interview.
  • Show enthusiasm. Showing excitement and a willingness to learn can make you a more attractive candidate.

A cover letter should be one page long, consisting of three to four paragraphs. The total word count should be around 250-400 words.

When you don’t have a specific name, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern,” as it is considered old-fashioned.

When emailing a cover letter, use a clear subject line like “Application for Content Developer – [Your Name].” Paste your cover letter into the email body. Attach your resume.

Yes, a cover letter is necessary because good first impressions are important. By highlighting your qualifications and showing enthusiasm for the role, you can gain an advantage over someone who doesn’t send one.

Employers look for personalization in a cover letter, showing that it’s tailored to the specific job and company. Highlight relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements. Include specific achievements that demonstrate your capabilities and contributions.

Yes. Providing specific examples of your achievements helps demonstrate your skills and qualifications, making your application more compelling to employers.

A cover letter starts with your contact information, first and last name, the date, and the employer’s details. Begin with an introduction about your suitability for the role. Include a brief section highlighting relevant experience and skills with examples. Conclude by asking for an interview.

The primary goals of a simple cover letter are to make a good impression, get someone to read your resume, and offer you a job interview. It also shows you have good communication skills, which are highly valuable in today’s workforce.

The opening sentence should state the problem the company faces or pose a thought-provoking question to grab the hiring manager’s attention.

author image

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Top Personal Skills for CV Success (with Examples)

Personal skills are growing in importance across the job market. More than ever, employers are seeking candidates with excellent personal skills, rather than focusing on technical skills and previous experience. If you want to achieve success with your job applications, it’s a good idea to learn the top personal skills for CVs. In this article, we discuss what are the most effective personal skills for your resume, with examples on how to showcase them.

Understanding Personal Skills

Personal skills are soft skills that show how well you work with other people, and how likely you are to fit into a company’s workplace culture. They showcase aspects of your character and personality that you can put to use in almost any work environment. These skills can affect how you build relationships, how you interact with clients, how you respond to conflict or adversity, and how well you fit into a team. Well-developed personal skills can help you achieve success in your career through fostering positive work relationships and contributing to collective objectives.

Studies suggest personal skills are becoming more crucial than ever in the modern world of work. Forbes has reported that 78% of job postings globally mention foundational soft skills such as interpersonal skills (1) . According to a study by McKinsey, companies are increasingly focused on skill-building among employees, with soft, transferable skills being a key part of efforts to equip the workforce for new challenges (2).

Expert tip:

Use the job description to understand the key personal skills the employer is looking for, but remember to include a few unique personal skills in your CV. Think about the qualities only you can bring to the role, and add personal skills that reflect your personality and working style. This can help you stand out in a crowded field of applicants.

Highlighting Communication Skills on Your CV

Communication skills are one of the top personal skills to add to your CV . Almost every role requires communication skills, and your ability to show these on your CV is likely to be valued by employers. If you want to showcase your communication skills, use keywords like ‘communicate’, ‘present’, ‘liaise’, ‘collaborate’, ‘convey’, ‘network’ and ‘converse’ throughout your CV.

Communication skills can be written or verbal, and also include listening skills. Your CV itself is one of the best places to showcase your written communication skills. You can demonstrate verbal communication skills and networking skills on your resume by mentioning presentations, meetings you’ve chaired or networking conferences you’ve attended. Here are some resume examples of how to show verbal communication skills in your work experience section:

  • ‘Presented to a group of 100 executives at a national sales networking conference.’
  • ‘Liaised with account management team to ensure smooth customer relations with key clients.’

Showcasing Problem-Solving Abilities

The ability to think on your feet and address challenges head-on is always valuable. Showing employers that you have this skill will reassure them that you can take the ups and downs of work life in your stride. Think about how you’ve overcome challenges in your career to date, and particularly situations where you have figures and evidence to back up the impact you made. This could be recovering falling sales figures, increasing efficiencies or resolving customer complaints. Take a look at these examples of problem-solving abilities:

  • ‘Responded to customer complaints in a polite and efficient manner, resulting in a 12% increase in customer satisfaction.’
  • ‘Developed a new invoicing system to overcome issues with late payment, improving cash flow while maintaining customer relations.’
  • ‘Responded to new environmental regulations by redesigning quality control systems, leading to a 26% reduction in waste.’

Demonstrating Teamwork and Collaboration

It’s rare to work completely on your own in any role, so teamwork is a key skill that most employers expect candidates to possess. Collaboration skills show that you can work in groups towards a common goal, whether internally or with external partners and clients. Teamwork skills incorporate communication, and the ability to deliver in a timely and efficient manner, understanding your role in the wider team.

Most resume formats provide plenty of opportunities for showcasing teamwork and collaboration. Your work experience section is the most obvious section to mention teamwork on CV templates , but you could also show it through hobbies or volunteer roles. Here are some sections from CV examples demonstrating teamwork and collaboration:

  • ‘Collaborated with designers, web developers, research and marketing teams to deliver a new company website, increasing traffic by 56%.’
  • ‘Volunteered at a food bank, working with 12 other volunteers to deliver 260 food packages per week to local families.’ 

Emphasising Adaptability and Flexibility

Nothing stands still for long in the world of work, so it’s crucial to show you’re adaptable and flexible to changing circumstances. Being adaptable means being open to new ideas and new ways of working, or adjusting to last-minute changes, expectations or demands.

Demonstrating adaptability and flexibility could include any examples where you’ve thrived despite being placed in challenging circumstances. Think of times when expectations have changed, such as shorter deadlines, increased pressure from management or unforeseen difficulties leading to changes in working patterns. Here are some examples that could feature in a resume or cover letter:

  • ‘Adapted to rising interest rates by approaching top 10 lenders to offer bespoke mortgage solutions for high-net-worth clients.’
  • ‘Adjusted key project deliverables in response to changing social media algorithms, delivering 22% higher engagement.’

Illustrating Leadership and Management Skills

The ability to demonstrate leadership skills for your CV can help your chances of success, even if you’re not applying for a management role. Leadership skills involve guiding a team towards specific goals and objectives, and empowering colleagues to achieve success. Management skills are slightly different from leadership, and reflect the specific ability to manage colleagues, dealing with the challenges that can occur in the workplace and fostering a positive team environment.

Here are some examples of leadership skills you could use for your resume:

  • ‘Managed a team of six business development colleagues to exceed sales targets by £950,000, creating a sense of healthy competition while working towards collective goals.’
  • ‘Supervised the transition of a team of 30 employees to a remote-first working environment, maintaining high staff retention rates and experiencing an increase in staff satisfaction (from 3.9 to 4.2 out of 5).’

Featuring Time Management and Organisational Skills

In the stressful and busy world of work, time management and organisation are essential skills to help you get through the workday. They not only ensure you can deliver your work on time and on budget, but they also mean you can be a more effective colleague and reduce your stress levels. Effective time managers track their tasks efficiently, organise their workload and understand how they contribute to wider team efficiency.

You can demonstrate your time management and organisational skills on your CV by drawing on these examples:

  • ‘Produced project plans for complex, multi-million pound construction developments, detailing deadlines, budgets and key responsibilities for a team of 50 construction employees.’
  • ‘Delivered film and multimedia projects to tight deadlines, providing flexibility to client needs and prioritising my workload to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.’

Showcasing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a valuable workplace trait, as it involves the ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as those of others. Using your emotional intelligence at work means remaining rational, self-aware, even-keeled and in-control at all times. It also means understanding other people’s emotions, showing empathy and compassion and adjusting where necessary to ensure continued team harmony.

These examples can help you show emotional intelligence in your own CV:

  • ‘Line-managed a team of three junior employees, creating an open and supportive work environment for them to raise concerns and working together to solve problems.’
  • ‘Provided bespoke training and career development to graduate jobseekers, understanding their unique circumstances and suggesting solutions to increase their employability.’

Highlighting Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

Critical thinking is linked to problem-solving, and involves the ability to come up with new ways of thinking and solutions to everyday workplace challenges. Being a critical thinker means understanding and identifying that there might be better ways of doing something than the established norm. Analytical skills are also highly desirable, and showcase the ability to understand a problem from all sides, unpack data and explain complex concepts and ideas.

If you’re hoping to demonstrate your analytical and critical thinking skills on your resume, take a look at these examples:

  • ‘Evaluated company CRM system and developed a new suite of customer management applications to respond to the specific needs of the business.’
  • ‘Analysed complex statistical datasets and developed compelling narratives to inform key policy decisions for major clients in local and national government.’
"Well-developed personal skills can help you achieve success in your career through fostering positive work relationships and contributing to collective objectives."

How to Incorporate Personal Skills in a Cover Letter

Your cover letter is the ideal place to emphasise your personal skills, adding to the interpersonal skills on your CV, elaborating and offering further examples for greater impact. While it’s important to keep your cover letter brief and to-the-point, there are opportunities to highlight several key skills and experiences that can help you stand out from other applicants.

Use keywords from the job description to show the employer you have the skills they’re looking for, and tailor your skills to the unique requirements of every role. Pick out a couple of key interpersonal skills that are particularly relevant to the job. Where possible, support your credentials by including feedback from managers or clients, the outcomes of appraisals and any facts or figures that help to prove your skills. These could be sales figures, key performance indicators or even staff and customer satisfaction scores.

Just remember to be concise and clearly explain how your personal skills make you the ideal candidate for the role. Cover letter templates can help you to write an effective cover letter to support your applications, while sticking to an established structure to ensure your letter remains as brief and relevant as possible.

Key Takeaways for Personal Skills on a CV

Almost any job you apply for will require a certain degree of personal skills. Pay attention to the job description and add any of your personal skills that match those listed, offering evidence that shows the impact they’ve had on your career.

Jobseeker’s CV tools and resources can help you showcase your personal skills on your CV. Sign up today and follow the easy steps to create a CV that complements your personal and professional skills. You can also find CV articles with various tips on how to create a winning CV. In addition, our cover letter articles can help you draft a cover letter that really makes an impact with employers.

(1) Forbes: Why Soft Skills Are More In Demand Than Ever

(2) McKinsey: Building workforce skills at scale to thrive during—and after—the COVID-19 crisis

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How To Write a Resume Profile in Five Steps

Jacob Meade

Profiles vs. Objective Statements

The five steps to a profile, tying it all together, frequently asked questions about writing a resume profile.

The resume profile (or summary) describes your main credentials for your target job. Appearing at the top of the resume, it’s the first section hiring managers read and strongly influences whether they call you for an interview .

You may feel lost when developing your profile, especially if you’re just starting your resume. But it’s best to work on the profile after you’ve already drafted your professional experience, education, training, and other relevant areas. Then, you can develop your profile with a broader understanding of your career so far.

For a long time, the standard resume intro was an objective statement that would appear above or in place of the profile. Rather than describing an applicant’s key qualifications, the objective would state their end goal for their job search. An example is “Seeking a sales role where I can work on building win-win relationships with clients.” In recent years, the objective has fallen out of favor since it speaks to the job seeker’s needs rather than the hiring manager’s. So avoid using an objective and instead begin your resume with a profile summary of what you offer.

When you’re ready to start your profile, follow these steps:

Step 1. Write a simple statement of your job title and years of experience

For example, say you’re a sales manager who has risen through the ranks over 10 years. Start your profile with a line like:

Resourceful sales manager with over 10 years of advancement and experience.

But if you’re changing careers, use a more general intro statement that still relates to your goals and reflects your background. For instance, say you’d like to stay in sales but no longer in a leadership capacity. Use a broader line like “Resourceful sales professional with over 10 years of experience” to position yourself for the switch back to direct sales.

Step 2. Pinpoint and develop a common theme

Look over all your other resume sections and select three to five details that strike you as especially impressive or relevant. Then, review them all together. Does a common work theme or strength emerge? Write one or two profile sentences on that theme. For instance, if your highlights point to your expertise in engaging and collaborating with clients, that’s a great area to write about further.

Step 3. Avoid clichés by way of action verbs

At this stage, you may run into the problem of profile clichés. For instance (continuing the above example), you might describe your collaborative streak as “Excellent communication and collaboration skills.” But terms like this are overused and won’t add much value to your profile.

To avoid clichés and liven up your profile language, use complete sentences with action verbs. Think about what you actually do at work – the actions (or verbs) you take to generate results. This approach can turn a static word like “collaboration” into a specific, verb-powered phrase like “Collaborate with clients to find win-win product solutions.”

Step 4. Cite a specific achievement

If one or more of your highlights is a quantified achievement from your work history, you can repeat it in your profile to make the description more compelling and specific to you. Say one of your highlights is “Surpassed quota by 10% in 2013, 18% in 2014, 20% in 2015, and 22% in 2016 and 2017.” Consider adapting it to your profile with a phrase like “Achievements include surpassing quota by over 18% on average for five consecutive years.”

Putting together the steps so far, we have the basis for a strong profile:

Resourceful sales professional with over 10 years of experience. Collaborate with clients to find win-win product solutions, driving consistent revenue and profit growth. Achievements include surpassing quota by over 18% on average for five consecutive years.

Step 5. Plug in other key credentials

You can then round out your profile with one or two more statements on your other top qualifications. If one of your other highlights is an advanced degree or certification, that can give your summary a strong outro. Also, note that foreign language ability is often viewed as a key asset by employers, so if you have it, feature it in your profile.

After following these five steps, you should have a viable resume profile of your own, something on par with this finished example:

Resourceful sales professional with over 10 years of experience. Collaborate with clients to find win-win product solutions, driving consistent revenue and profit growth. Achievements include surpassing quota by over 18% on average for five consecutive years. Offer well-rounded business acumen and expertise, drawing on a recently finished MBA degree. Bilingual: fluent in English and French.

But then consider: Are you missing anything important? Have you left out a work highlight or skill area that’s key to your next job? If yes, add a sentence or two on those missing areas and take heart that you’re gaining an ear for the type of information a winning profile calls for.

Do I need a profile summary on my resume? -

Yes. Virtually any job seeker can improve their resume by adding a profile. A strong profile section catches a hiring manager’s attention by giving the key reasons you’ll thrive at their organization. In seconds, it assures the reader that you’re a strong candidate whose application is worth a closer look.

How long should my profile be? -

Many resume experts give strict parameters for profile length; three or four lines of text is the standard order. But profiles are more flexible than that. Don’t worry if your own profile comes in shorter or longer, given you’ve followed this process. And never add fancy language to your summary for its own sake.

What experience areas should I cite in my profile? -

Any, as long as they help present you as a strong candidate for your target job. Most job seekers will derive at least some profile content from their work experience. But you could also use details from your education, volunteer experience, or any other section of your resume.

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Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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How To Write a Resume for Your First Job

how to write a cv for a research position

Imagine yourself stumbling across your dream job listing. You’re reading through the responsibilities and job tasks and you find yourself getting more and more excited as the list goes on. Then, it’s time to apply. But you have no real-world job experience. You’re just a student! How will you ever write a resume for your first job when you haven’t had one yet?

Knowing how to write a resume for your first job does not come naturally. In fact, it feels like a daunting task. If you have little applicable experience yet, or you’re just entering the workforce, how can you prove you’re the right fit for the position? 

Resumes are an excellent way to tout your knowledge, training and (if applicable) skills in the field. You can create an attractive resume highlighting your candidacy without any direct experience or prior work history.

We’ll show you how to write a resume for your first job so you can kick off your work experience with preparedness and confidence.

  • Do you need a resume?
  • What should you put on a resume?

Crafting a resume with no experience

Finalizing your first job resume, quick guide: write your first resume in 6 steps, do you need a resume for your first job.

While a resume may not be required to apply for your first job, it is highly recommended that you do so, and it will undoubtedly set you apart from the other applicants. A resume reflects your professionalism and commitment to the job application process. It showcases your knowledge, skills, training and prior experience in an easy-to-digest and relatively standard format, making it easy for potential employers to decipher between candidates to choose the best person for the job.

Even for entry-level positions, when many applicants don’t have a prior work history, sharing a resume will give you a competitive edge when written persuasively.

The role of a resume in job applications

A resume plays an important role when applying for jobs. It serves as an introduction to potential employers and those in the company who will decide whether or not to move forward with your application. It also provides a summary of what you bring to the table for those who will be interviewing you during the application process.

The resume is essential for showcasing your skills. A well-crafted and persuasive resume can highlight your achievements and knowledge, even if you have limited work experience in the field you’re applying to. Because your resume is the first contact point between you and a potential employer, it’s crucial to understand how to write a resume for your first job – and how to write it well.

What should you put on a resume for your first job?

There are a few things every resume must include – and those are some of the most essential details.

Contact information

We’d be remiss if we didn’t include the most important part of your resume – sharing your contact information. Start by listing your full name, phone number, email address and a link to your LinkedIn profile. Without your contact information, potential employers will have a hard time contacting you, which can prevent you from getting an interview.

Why share a link to your LinkedIn profile ? LinkedIn is now an essential part of the job search market. It serves as a shareable resume in addition to showcasing your network. Employers can see if you have any professionals in common from work or personal life, which may help build your credibility as a candidate.

Be sure to act professionally on LinkedIn. Share relevant news and insights to highlight your interest and knowledge of an industry, but be wary of getting too personal or engaging in inappropriate dialogue. Behave on LinkedIn as you would in an office setting with colleagues.

Educational background and achievements

Start by listing your educational information, such as schools attended, graduation dates and relevant academic achievements or awards. Include your major and minor, field of study and GPA. If you were enrolled in courses, projects or study abroad programs relevant to the job, include details to show your knowledge and interests.

Skills section

While you likely have some combination of hard and soft skills, a skills section will showcase the hard skills you’ve learned to prepare you for the job. Soft skills are best to be included in the bullet points to describe your accomplishments in your experience section.

  • Hard skills include specific technical skills you’ve learned along the way. For example, computer proficiency, language skills, lab skills or specific training or certifications.
  • Soft skills , or human skills, include job aspects that apply to many (if not all) job roles. These include communication, teamwork and problem-solving. If you’re particularly adept in any of these, showcase them and be prepared to share real examples of these skills in action.

Extracurricular activities and volunteer work

Employers look for candidates who go the extra mile to be involved in extracurricular activities. This demonstrates your commitment to becoming a well-rounded human being. Highlight clubs, sports or volunteer activities that you were involved in, especially emphasizing leadership roles or particular responsibilities you had in these activities. This extracurricular activity showcases your ability to multi-task, prioritize time and develop skills and interests.

Example Resume & Writing Guide

See a real-life example of a strong resume, including tips for gathering your own persuasive experience and skills using our Resume Writing Guide !

As a young adult or new graduate, you may wonder how to write a resume for your first job with no real-world experience. Don’t fear – there have been many in your shoes before you!

What does a resume look like for a first job?

Your resume should be straightforward with a clean and concise design. It should be easy to read with a simple flow highlighting information from most important to nice-to-have details. Do not go overboard with design details, fonts or graphics. 

Furman recommends that you use Microsoft Word to build your resume as it can be easier to make changes to a Word document than it is to change a template. However, you can use free resume builder tools online to build your resume in standard formats.

  • Myperfectresume.com
  • Resumenerd.com

Using strong action words and job-specific keywords in your resume for your first job will significantly impact you. Describe experiences and achievements using strong action verbs, such as:

  • Collaborated
  • Volunteered

What to put on a resume with no experience?

You can learn how to write a resume for your first job that impresses potential employers, even without relevant work experience, by emphasizing relevant coursework. Doing this demonstrates skills learned in a classroom or group project setting. Highlight personal or academic projects showcasing your abilities, such as experiences where you took the lead as a group or team leader.

Before submitting your first job resume, review and edit the document for mistakes or improvements.

Proofreading and editing

Attention to detail is critical to potential employers. Check your resume for typos and grammatical errors. Mistakes on your resume may eliminate you as a candidate, especially if grammatical adeptness or attention to detail is essential to the job.

Similarly, ensure a consistent design throughout your resume. Stick to one format, using one legible font and minimal design details. A professional resume appearance can set you apart from other applicants’ resumes that may appear messy or disorganized.

Seeking feedback

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from friends, mentors or even career services at schools or community centers. A peer review from your fellow students, teachers or mentors can provide invaluable input on skills you may be forgetting, plus the extra set of eyes can help detect errors and typos.

Career services at your school or library also serve as an excellent third-party validation and review resource. Furman’s Malone Center for Career Engagement offers in-depth career preparation services for students, such as resume and cover letter assistance , career fairs and networking , personalized advice from advisors and interview prep – just to name a few.

Webinar: Polishing Your Resume & Preparing Your Pitch

Watch the free Polishing Your Resume & Preparing Your Pitch webinar for an in-depth look at creating your resume and preparing a pitch to potential employers straight from a Furman career advisor.

Now, do you feel ready and excited to write a resume for your first job? We hope you jotted down notes specific to your experience as you read through the post, but in case you didn’t, writing your resume can be simplified to these simple steps.

  • Start with your contact information , including full name, phone number and email address. Consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • List your education experience , including relevant projects, courses and extracurricular activities.
  • List both hard skills and soft skills relevant to the job.
  • Explain your roles and responsibilities in your projects and extracurricular activities, especially those where you acted in a leadership capacity, using strong action verbs.
  • Proofread and gather feedback.

If this is your first time writing a resume for your first job, approach the process with confidence and positivity. Your attitude will shine through the resume, so stay positive!

The perspectives and thoughts shared in the Furman Blog belong solely to the author and may not align with the official stance or policies of Furman University. All referenced sources were accurate as of the date of publication.

How To Study Abroad: A Full Guide for Students

What can you do with a chemistry degree, master of arts in teaching: an alumnus speaks | go further podcast.


  1. Sample Research Resume

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  2. Research Scientist Resume Samples

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  3. PhD Graduate CV examples + guide [Get hired quick]

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  4. Researcher CV example + guide [Win those jobs]

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  5. How to Write a CV: An In-Depth Guide to Writing the Best CV for Newbies

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  6. Research Scientist CV example + guide and CV template

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  1. How To Write a Research CV (With Template and Example)

    How to write a research CV in 9 steps. There are several steps you can take when writing a research CV: 1. Determine the role you want. Before creating your research CV, try to determine the research role you want. Researchers apply for positions closely related to the field they study or hope to extend their education through research ...

  2. Academic CV (Curriculum Vitae) for Research: CV Examples

    Writing an academic CV (also referred to as a "research CV" or "academic resume") is a bit different than writing a professional resume. It focuses on your academic experience and qualifications for the position—although relevant work experience can still be included if the position calls for it.

  3. 13 Researcher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a researcher job should include are: Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work. Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role. Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field.

  4. How to write a researcher CV (with template and example)

    2. Include personal information and a professional summary. Add your name and contact information, including your phone number and email address. A professional summary is a brief paragraph of two or three sentences outlining your experience and education and showing why you qualify for the role. As it aims to demonstrate that you possess ...

  5. How To Write A Research CV (With Template And Example)

    Include your name, phone number, e-mail address and your location. If you have a professional online profile, a website or a research portfolio, you can include a link to it in this section. 4. Include your work experience. Next, create a section where you can include all your relevant work experiences.

  6. PDF Curriculum Vitae for Academic or Research Roles

    In the United States: A curriculum vitae (CV) most often refers to a scholarly resume used when applying for jobs in academia or the sciences. It details the applicant's research experience, teaching, and publications. CVs tend to be longer than a traditional resume: two pages may be sufficient for a current undergraduate or recent graduate ...


    Writing About Your Experience - in a Resume or CV For each position, give an overview of what you did, with an emphasis on what you were able to accomplish in the position. If you are describing a research project, give a brief introductory statement indicating what you set out to accomplish and the results obtained.

  8. PDF A guide to CVs for Academic Researchers

    The principles of writing a CV for academia are the same as writing a CV for industry, but the content and length will differ. Your CV should be targeted to the opportunity you're applying for and will typically be around three pages long. Write briefly and concisely using bullet points. Employers will be looking for evidence of:

  9. Academic CV Template, Examples, and How to Write

    An academic CV is used for applying to positions in academia, such as teaching and research jobs. Learn how to write an academic CV with our academic CV example, template, and writing guide. Academic CVs differ considerably from the standard format CVs you use to apply for any other type of job. To write a CV for an academic position, you'll ...

  10. Research CV Examples and Templates for 2022

    To write a research CV, follow these steps: Select a CV template that's right for research/academia. Next, add your research goal within your CV summary or objective. List your GPA clearly. ... Research CV Objective. A research position is a person engaged in research, possibly recognized as such by a formal title. ...

  11. How To Write a Research and Development Resume

    When applying to a research and development position, follow these steps to create your research and development resume: 1. Write your contact information. Including your contact information in an easy-to-identify format makes the job of the hiring professional reading your resume easier. Place your name at the top of your resume in the largest ...

  12. PDF CV Guide for PhD and Postdoctoral Researchers

    Tailor your academic CV and cover letter for non-academic applications. Write a cover letter for a non-academic role. This guide also contains the following tools and samples: PhD (Arts) CV for Academic Role - "Stephanie" PostDoc CV for University Research Role - "Michael" Sample Cover Letter for Academic Role

  13. How To Include Research Experience on Your Resume

    Follow these steps to add research skills to your resume: 1. Review the job description. Start by reviewing the job description closely and identifying whether the employer is looking for specific types of research skills. Make a list of all of the research-related skills they're looking for in a candidate. 2.

  14. Creating effective CVs as a researcher

    Creating effective CVs as a researcher. An effective CV presents you as an ideal job candidate and secures you an interview. To convince the employer that you have the right experience, skills and attributes, you need to tailor your CV to each job application. This section contains basic guidelines that apply to all CVs:

  15. How to Write a Research Analyst Resume (With an Example)

    Learn how to write an effective resume for a research analyst position by following these steps: 1. Review the research analyst job listing. Before you write your resume for the research analyst position, you can review the job listing and identify the qualifications the hiring manager is looking for in a candidate.

  16. Research Assistant CV Example & How to Write

    Finally, start your research assistant CV with the most relevant information for the position. For example, if you have research experience that's related to your target job, put that at the top of the first page to grab the hiring manager's attention. 3. Showcase relevant academic accomplishments. Display your top academic achievements to ...

  17. 7 Best Researcher Resume Examples for 2024

    Researcher Resume Examples. John Doe. Researcher. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. Dynamic and passionate researcher with 5 years of experience in conducting and evaluating research projects. Highly knowledgeable in research techniques, quantitative analysis, and data interpretation.

  18. Research Assistant CV example [Get hired quickly]

    This in-depth writing guide will explain how to create a CV that lands interviews and secures you the role you want. It also includes an example research assistant CV, to give you a better idea of how to present your information. Guide contents. Research assistant CV example. Structuring and formatting your CV.

  19. 11 Research Assistant CV Examples for 2024

    Template 6 of 11: Laboratory Research Assistant CV Example. As a Laboratory Research Assistant, you are the backbone of any research team, performing crucial experiments and collecting data. It's a fast-paced role that requires technical skill, precision and a strong understanding of scientific principles.

  20. 7 Real Research Assistant Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Manipulate, clean, and visualize data, providing weekly and monthly reports to senior faculty members. Participate in research meetings and present in-progress and final results. Create My Resume Now. Get inspired with 7 research assistant resume samples & templates to show your research prowess and land a research assistant role in 2024.

  21. How to Write a Good Cover Letter for a Research Position

    First, they can probably figure out your name. You don't need that to be in the first sentence (or any of the sentences—the closing is an obvious enough spot). Next, "the open position" and "your company" are too generic. That sounds like the same cover letter you sent to every single employer in a hundred mile radius.

  22. How to write a research assistant CV (with templates)

    How to write a research assistant CV. The following are steps you can follow when writing a CV for a research assistant role: 1. Create a summary of your qualifications. The summary of qualifications is a brief statement at the beginning of your CV that appears after your contact information.

  23. Top 17 Researcher Resume Objective Examples

    A resume objective is a brief statement that outlines the career goals of an individual applying for a research position. It gives employers an insight into what type of researcher the applicant is and how their skills and experiences can contribute to the organization. ... She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes ...

  24. CV writing

    The main aim of your CV should be to highlight your strengths and suitability for the post in order to progress to the next stage of the recruitment process. Before you start your CV. It is essential to research thoroughly what the employer will be looking for. Internet searches of job descriptions and company websites are a good place to start.

  25. CV (curriculum vitae) Guidelines

    Your CV or curriculum vitae is similar to your resume. It clearly represents your current and past experiences and accomplishments so that your reader can understand the unique value that you bring to a job/internship/academic program. A few important differences to keep in mind about your CV are outlined in this document, along with helpful tips for format and content.

  26. How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview

    Products. Resume Score Score your resume in seconds; Resume Bullet Points Generator Generate tailored statements about your skills; AI Resume Tool Use AI to create your best resume.; Job Tracker Board Track and manage your job applications and interviews.; Jobs Get your personalized job listings directly within Jobscan.; Resume Power Edit Edit your resume with AI-powered software.

  27. Top Personal Skills for CV Success (with Examples)

    Cover letter templates can help you to write an effective cover letter to support your applications, while sticking to an established structure to ensure your letter remains as brief and relevant as possible. Key Takeaways for Personal Skills on a CV. Almost any job you apply for will require a certain degree of personal skills.

  28. How To Write a Resume Profile in Five Steps

    The resume profile (or summary) describes your main credentials for your target job. Appearing at the top of the resume, it's the first section hiring managers read and strongly influences whether they call you for an interview.. You may feel lost when developing your profile, especially if you're just starting your resume.

  29. PDF Letters CVs and Cover

    Every graduate student needs a curriculum vitae, or CV ... when applying for a postdoctoral research position (as Ellen was). If she were applying for a faculty ... Clearly state why you are writing. If applying for a specific job, indicate the position title and department. If you were referred to the position from someone within the ...

  30. How To Write a Resume for Your First Job

    If this is your first time writing a resume for your first job, approach the process with confidence and positivity. Your attitude will shine through the resume, so stay positive! The perspectives and thoughts shared in the Furman Blog belong solely to the author and may not align with the official stance or policies of Furman University.