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Mental Health Essay

Mental Health Essay


Mental health, often overshadowed by its physical counterpart, is an intricate and essential aspect of human existence. It envelops our emotions, psychological state, and social well-being, shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions. With the complexities of modern life—constant connectivity, societal pressures, personal expectations, and the frenzied pace of technological advancements—mental well-being has become increasingly paramount. Historically, conversations around this topic have been hushed, shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. However, as the curtains of misconception slowly lift, we find ourselves in an era where discussions about mental health are not only welcomed but are also seen as vital. Recognizing and addressing the nuances of our mental state is not merely about managing disorders; it's about understanding the essence of who we are, how we process the world around us, and how we navigate the myriad challenges thrown our way. This essay aims to delve deep into the realm of mental health, shedding light on its importance, the potential consequences of neglect, and the spectrum of mental disorders that many face in silence.

Importance of Mental Health

Mental health plays a pivotal role in determining how individuals think, feel, and act. It influences our decision-making processes, stress management techniques, interpersonal relationships, and even our physical health. A well-tuned mental state boosts productivity, creativity, and the intrinsic sense of self-worth, laying the groundwork for a fulfilling life.

Negative Impact of Mental Health

Neglecting mental health, on the other hand, can lead to severe consequences. Reduced productivity, strained relationships, substance abuse, physical health issues like heart diseases, and even reduced life expectancy are just some of the repercussions of poor mental health. It not only affects the individual in question but also has a ripple effect on their community, workplace, and family.

Mental Disorders: Types and Prevalence

Mental disorders are varied and can range from anxiety and mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder to more severe conditions such as schizophrenia.

  • Depression: Characterized by persistent sadness, lack of interest in activities, and fatigue.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Encompass conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and specific phobias.
  • Schizophrenia: A complex disorder affecting a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly.

The prevalence of these disorders has been on the rise, underscoring the need for comprehensive mental health initiatives and awareness campaigns.

Understanding Mental Health and Its Importance

Mental health is not merely the absence of disorders but encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Recognizing the signs of deteriorating mental health, like prolonged sadness, extreme mood fluctuations, or social withdrawal, is crucial. Understanding stems from awareness and education. Societal stigmas surrounding mental health have often deterred individuals from seeking help. Breaking these barriers, fostering open conversations, and ensuring access to mental health care are imperative steps.

Conclusion: Mental Health

Mental health, undeniably, is as significant as physical health, if not more. In an era where the stressors are myriad, from societal pressures to personal challenges, mental resilience and well-being are essential. Investing time and resources into mental health initiatives, and more importantly, nurturing a society that understands, respects, and prioritizes mental health is the need of the hour.

  • World Leaders: Several influential personalities, from celebrities to sports stars, have openly discussed their mental health challenges, shedding light on the universality of these issues and the importance of addressing them.
  • Workplaces: Progressive organizations are now incorporating mental health programs, recognizing the tangible benefits of a mentally healthy workforce, from increased productivity to enhanced creativity.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools and colleges, witnessing the effects of stress and other mental health issues on students, are increasingly integrating counseling services and mental health education in their curriculum.

In weaving through the intricate tapestry of mental health, it becomes evident that it's an area that requires collective attention, understanding, and action.

  Short Essay about Mental Health

Mental health, an integral facet of human well-being, shapes our emotions, decisions, and daily interactions. Just as one would care for a sprained ankle or a fever, our minds too require attention and nurture. In today's bustling world, mental well-being is often put on the back burner, overshadowed by the immediate demands of life. Yet, its impact is pervasive, influencing our productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Sadly, mental health issues have long been stigmatized, seen as a sign of weakness or dismissed as mere mood swings. However, they are as real and significant as any physical ailment. From anxiety to depression, these disorders have touched countless lives, often in silence due to societal taboos.

But change is on the horizon. As awareness grows, conversations are shifting from hushed whispers to open discussions, fostering understanding and support. Institutions, workplaces, and communities are increasingly acknowledging the importance of mental health, implementing programs, and offering resources.

In conclusion, mental health is not a peripheral concern but a central one, crucial to our holistic well-being. It's high time we prioritize it, eliminating stigma and fostering an environment where everyone feels supported in their mental health journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the primary focus of a mental health essay?

Answer: The primary focus of a mental health essay is to delve into the intricacies of mental well-being, its significance in our daily lives, the various challenges people face, and the broader societal implications. It aims to shed light on both the psychological and emotional aspects of mental health, often emphasizing the importance of understanding, empathy, and proactive care.

  • How can writing an essay on mental health help raise awareness about its importance?

Answer: Writing an essay on mental health can effectively articulate the nuances and complexities of the topic, making it more accessible to a wider audience. By presenting facts, personal anecdotes, and research, the essay can demystify misconceptions, highlight the prevalence of mental health issues, and underscore the need for destigmatizing discussions around it. An impactful essay can ignite conversations, inspire action, and contribute to a more informed and empathetic society.

  • What are some common topics covered in a mental health essay?

Answer: Common topics in a mental health essay might include the definition and importance of mental health, the connection between mental and physical well-being, various mental disorders and their symptoms, societal stigmas and misconceptions, the impact of modern life on mental health, and the significance of therapy and counseling. It may also delve into personal experiences, case studies, and the broader societal implications of neglecting mental health.

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importance of mental health in school essay

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The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools

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importance of mental health in school essay

by Nancy Barile, Award-Winning Teacher, M.A.Ed.

Mental health awareness is an important issue for all educators, who are often the first line of defense for their students. Education professionals have recognized the impact that a student's mental health has on learning and achievement, and they realize that there's a great deal that can be done to help students with mental health issues. As a high school teacher with more than 23 years of experience, I welcome the fact that mental health awareness is finally becoming an important part of a school's function and curriculum.

Seeing the Signs in My Student

A few years ago, a student in my senior class changed drastically in a short period of time. I noticed that Melina no longer did her homework, and she didn't even try on her essays. Previously meticulous in her appearance, Melina would come to school disheveled, wearing the same clothes. When I tried to speak to her, she was uncharacteristically distant and withdrawn. Because I had some training in mental health awareness, I knew Melina was in some sort of trouble.

Luckily, my school had social workers on staff who could speak to Melina and assess her issues. They discovered that Melina was depressed and suicidal, and she needed an immediate psychiatric intervention. Melina was hospitalized for a period of time, but she was able to return to my classroom a few months later. With the help of medication and therapy, she managed to graduate with her class.

Understanding the Impact

The National Alliance on Mental Illness  estimates that one in five people live with some sort of mental disorder or disease. Despite the fact that the average age of early signs of mental illness is 14, most individuals don't seek help until adulthood. Underlining the seriousness is the fact that 60 percent of high school students with mental illness don't graduate.

Further reading:  Ease Student Anxiety in the Classroom

New York mental health experts recognized that earlier intervention could result in more positive outcomes for these students. Beginning in July 2018, New York will be the first state in the nation to require mental health education for all students.  The overall mission of New York's School Mental Health (SMH) program  is to promote healthy social, emotional, and behavioral development of students, and "break down barriers to learning so the general well-being of students, families, and school staff can be enhanced in collaboration with other comprehensive student support and services."

The SMH program supports the emotional health and academic growth of all students with the following:

  • Integrating comprehensive services and support throughout every grade level
  • Assessing mental health needs through universal, selective, and targeted interventions
  • Providing access to behavioral and mental health services and programs
  • Leveraging higher-level personnel, such as those working with the Department of Education, for necessary support and services
  • Building collaborative relationships between the school and students' families and communities

Spreading Awareness Across the Nation

Until mental health education is a mandatory aspect of all schools, teachers and administrators can work to promote awareness with their students. Key elements to shine a light on include the concept of self-care and responsibility for  one's own mental health and wellness , with an emphasis on the fact that mental health is an integral part of health, and the concept of recovery from mental illness.

Teachers and students should be provided with ways to recognize signs of developing mental health problems, and there should be opportunities around the awareness and management of mental health crises, including the risk of suicide or self-harm. Further, instruction should address the relationship between mental health, substance abuse, and other negative coping behaviors, as well as the negative impact of stigma and cultural attitudes toward mental illness.

Further reading:  Social-Emotional Learning

Because teens spend most of their day at school, it just makes sense to have mental health awareness and education become part of the curriculum. When we empower students with knowledge, and encourage dialogue, students will be able to get the help they need.

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Mental Health Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on mental health.

Every year world mental health day is observed on October 10. It was started as an annual activity by the world federation for mental health by deputy secretary-general of UNO at that time. Mental health resources differ significantly from one country to another. While the developed countries in the western world provide mental health programs for all age groups. Also, there are third world countries they struggle to find the basic needs of the families. Thus, it becomes prudent that we are asked to focus on mental health importance for one day. The mental health essay is an insight into the importance of mental health in everyone’s life. 

Mental Health Essay

Mental Health

In the formidable years, this had no specific theme planned. The main aim was to promote and advocate the public on important issues. Also, in the first three years, one of the central activities done to help the day become special was the 2-hour telecast by the US information agency satellite system. 

Mental health is not just a concept that refers to an individual’s psychological and emotional well being. Rather it’s a state of psychological and emotional well being where an individual is able to use their cognitive and emotional capabilities, meet the ordinary demand and functions in the society. According to WHO, there is no single ‘official’ definition of mental health.

Thus, there are many factors like cultural differences, competing professional theories, and subjective assessments that affect how mental health is defined. Also, there are many experts that agree that mental illness and mental health are not antonyms. So, in other words, when the recognized mental disorder is absent, it is not necessarily a sign of mental health. 

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One way to think about mental health is to look at how effectively and successfully does a person acts. So, there are factors such as feeling competent, capable, able to handle the normal stress levels, maintaining satisfying relationships and also leading an independent life. Also, this includes recovering from difficult situations and being able to bounce back.  

Important Benefits of Good Mental Health

Mental health is related to the personality as a whole of that person. Thus, the most important function of school and education is to safeguard the mental health of boys and girls. Physical fitness is not the only measure of good health alone. Rather it’s just a means of promoting mental as well as moral health of the child. The two main factors that affect the most are feeling of inferiority and insecurity. Thus, it affects the child the most. So, they lose self-initiative and confidence. This should be avoided and children should be constantly encouraged to believe in themselves.

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Mental Health in Schools Essay Example

📌Category: , , ,
📌Words: 1154
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 04 August 2022

Schools overlook their students' mental health, students that struggle with mental health sometimes struggle with being able to learn and focus in school. With the lack of education about mental health students could think that they are not normal and struggle with being confident in themselves; statistics and studies show that 18.8% of teenagers in public schools all across America have attempted or seriously thought about suicide. Public high schools are not properly equipped with the resources and staff to help students with their mental health and preventing suicide. 

One of America's only resources for mental health in schools is the guidance counselors and there are not enough counselors compared to the amount of students. For instance, a public highschool with 3000 students and 3 guidance counselors, each counselor would be giving 1000 students resources. On top of that, they have to be able to notice the changes in their students' actions and behaviors. “In the worst case scenario, a student on the brink of suicide or another mental health disorder can be denied a counselling session because their counselor was too busy with other students” (O'Connor). The lack of counselors in the school system is one of the main reasons students have no safe person or space to talk about their feelings. “Counselors are very grateful for their jobs and work very hard, but sometimes it feels like a band-aid on an arterial wound,”says one source (JONES). The amount of school shootings that occur around the United States severely affects students' mental health, and when they have no support system at home the only place they know to go is their school.  When schools do not have enough counselors it could potentially lead to more risk for suicide, feeling worthless and alone.  For example, in an impoverished highschool with only one counselor all of these students would only be able to see that counselor maybe once a month. Counselors also have very many other tasks they do everyday, like making schedules, graduation support, etc. Adding a school therapist or mental health resource room for students could potentially help this problem. Students need a safe space or person that they can go to when they need support. Teachers all across the country need to have the proper resources and training to be able to notice changes in students behavior and empathy. Additionally more counselors could help with the awareness of the problem. 

Furthermore, students should be able to have access to mental health days to take a mental break or go to therapy. Education systems in America frown upon this as it's considered “not necessary” with our 2020 pandemic occurring staff believing that these students have had enough days off and are falling behind with their graduation path. “A 2020 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the proportion of mental health-related emergency department visits for children aged 5–11 and 12–17 increased by about 24% and 31%, respectively, compared to 2019 (Blackmer and Shenker)”. Along with the pandemic teenagers had to stay home and quarantine away from their friends and couldn’t travel, with this occurring in early 2020 and is still currently happening, students are still struggling with feeling alone and having no support system at home and at school. When your mind is constantly going it could lead to exhaustion which could potentially alter your thinking skills and make you overall more depressed and could induce self harm. Allowing mental health days in all middle/high schools  could help prevent the body and mind from self harm with the stress and exhaustion that occurs from school. Your mind and body need a break from staying up until 3am working on homework or a big assignment due the next school day. When your mind and body gets exhausted you tend to have physical pain as well. “Some public schools have proposed that high schoolers should be allowed to take up to five mental health days off per semester to improve academic performance.” (“Should High Schoolers Have Mental Health Days in School? - Solstice RTC”). Allowing mental health days could show significant improvement in motivation and the students overall health. When students do take their allowed mental health days they could come back to school with more motivation and overall become a better student because they aren’t so stressed out about their big exam anymore and it gives them an opportunity to take a break. 

Teaching mental health in schools could bring awareness to other students and staff about the concerns and struggles that their classmates/students are battling with. Allowing mental health lessons to be taught in schools allows teachers to be able to recognize the signs of depression and anxiety. Without being taught the realities of mental health difficulties, children won’t understand the impact that ‘banter’ (whether it be insults, bullying or spreading of lies and rumors) could have. The only way this will change is if we educate them, just like physical health is taught; (Hughes). Schools all around America have health classes to teach signs of drug use, eating healthy, and staying fit but no mental health. Students could struggle majorly understanding why their thoughts and why they feel different from their friends and family and having no realization that they are struggling with mental health because they have never been taught about it. Students with undiagnosed anxiety tend to get extremely stressed out and overwhelmed on exams. With that being said the stress from the exam on top of everything else going on in their life could cause them to fail the exam as well as not understand why they failed after studying for hours. Furthermore, “Nervousness and anxiety are perfectly normal reactions to stress. For some people, this fear can become so intense that it interferes with their ability to perform well on a test” (“The Causes of Test Anxiety and Academic Stress”).

Some parents and faculty could argue that students use their mental health as an excuse for being lazy. Students that struggle with mental health severely have serious difficulties with learning and being able to manage their anxiety. When teachers say that their students are using their mental health as an excuse, it could lead to more anxiety when asking for an extension on a paper or an exam. Parents and teachers that don't struggle with mental health dismiss when their student/child comes to them with a concern. Lack of education on the topic can lead to this, not allowing mental health days as an excuse could be more harmful than letting your child struggle and not understand why in class.  “There's the danger that we take too much care and when they hit the real world that same kind of support isn't there," says David Cozzens, dean of students and associate vice president of student affairs at the University of Wyoming in Laramie (Petersen). When teachers say it's an excuse just to miss school and not do their work it can end up causing more anxiety on the student and make them not wanna come at all and potentially drop out of school completely. 

Overall, mental health is one of the biggest issues in public high schools today and it is extremely overlooked by teachers and not taking exams seriously. Teachers can show their support in many different ways to show students that it is a real thing. Mental health days could improve the struggle tremendously and teachers and guidance counselors should have more education on the topic all around America.

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Why Is Mental Health Education Important for Students?

College student asleep at laptop on desk surrounded by papers and schoolwork

While students focus on academic success, mental well-being tends to slip down their list of priorities. In reality, mental health is an important prerequisite for achieving their goals in a healthy way. A greater focus on mental health in higher education can help students invest in their well-being while also lending more understanding and support to their classmates.

What Is Mental Health Education?

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Mental health education seeks to raise awareness around mental health issues, informing people about common challenges and conditions, coping strategies, and resources available to help. A better understanding of mental health can remove the stigma around this topic and help students take a more proactive approach to managing struggles like depression and anxiety.

Mental health education comes in various forms. Some students focus heavily on these topics in their college courses if they choose a major such as social work or psychology. But no matter what a person studies, they can learn about mental health through public information campaigns, messages from college administrators and advisors, and online resources like this one!

Mental Health Challenges for College Students

In 2022, 52 percent of college students said they experienced moderate psychological distress, and 25 percent said they experienced serious psychological distress. That means more than three-quarters of students know firsthand what it means to struggle with mental health while in college. In fact, 55 percent of students who have considered dropping out of college cite emotional stress as the reason why they might leave.

It’s important to understand that mental health conditions are not purely circumstantial. The reasons behind them can be physiological. However, circumstances often contribute to common mental health challenges. 

Young students and adult learners can experience distress for various reasons, spanning their personal, professional, and academic lives. Some common examples include:

  • Feeling pressure to be a high achiever or maintain a standard of perfection.
  • Shifting personal values or beliefs.
  • Questioning their purpose or rethinking their future.
  • Experiencing friction in family or romantic relationships.
  • Losing a loved one.
  • Having difficulty making or maintaining friendships.
  • Experiencing imposter syndrome and feeling inadequate.
  • Juggling school, work, and home life.

Any combination of these factors can degrade a person’s mental health and make college more challenging.

Fortunately, mental health challenges do not have the final say in overall well-being—there are measures college students can take to enjoy positive mental health.

Shifting the Narrative on Mental Health hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(21297549, 'a2ca6158-1156-42e7-9f51-7392bcabe113', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});

Educating students on mental health starts with simply talking about it. The more we talk about mental health, the more we can remove the stigma around this topic. 

Imagine how you would feel telling a friend you were going to physical therapy to work on rebuilding strength after a sports injury. Now imagine how you would feel telling the same friend you’re seeing a counselor or psychologist to work through a mental health condition like generalized anxiety. If you would feel comfortable with the first scenario but not the second, you’re not alone. Many people feel embarrassed about seeking mental health services because they worry they’ll be seen as weak or abnormal.

In a 2021 survey , 45 percent of college students said they believe that “[m]ost people would think less of someone who has received mental health treatment,” and yet, only 6 percent said they would think less of someone for receiving treatment. In other words, we’re more afraid of what others think than we should be. In reality, other students are likely experiencing many of the same challenges. But even if they’re not, they would not think less of someone for prioritizing their mental health.

By educating the public, mental health advocates (including college administrators, staff, and students) and mental health professionals are actively trying to change the negative mental health narrative that has kept people from seeking help or discussing their challenges openly. Rather than a taboo topic to shy away from, mental health should be acknowledged and embraced as central to our daily lives. 

This understanding extends to all of our relationships. Even when someone is struggling with something that a person can’t relate to firsthand, they can still validate their experience and offer a listening ear or encouragement to help them feel valued and supported.

Raising Awareness of Mental Health Resources

In addition to combatting stigmas and misconceptions, mental health education also informs students of coping strategies and resources to help them improve their mental health.

For example, this might include counseling services (either in-person or online) or spiritual enrichment opportunities. In some cases, students may need to see a clinical social worker or psychiatrist to receive a diagnosis for a mental health condition and begin treatment through methods such as:

  • Talk therapy
  • Prescription medications
  • Support groups

When a learner experiences distress due to circumstantial factors, some resources may help them directly address these root causes. Academic advisors, career advisors, and others can help students overcome obstacles and answer questions, leaving them feeling more confident and less stressed. For example, a career advisor can help students think through their goals and passions to ensure they’re on the right career track.

More flexible college programs can also give students the freedom to work on coursework on their own time and avoid overloading themselves. This can help them balance priorities while working steadily toward their goals.

Choose a Learning Community That Values Your Well-Being

Mental health is a vital aspect of a person’s overall well-being. No matter a person’s stage of life or circumstances, struggles like stress, depression, or anxiety can affect anyone. Mental health education can help everyone—college students included—legitimize these struggles, have empathy for others, and seek resources and treatment to help.

At MVNU, we believe in supporting the whole learner, which means helping you prioritize your mental well-being. Our on-campus and online learners are part of a compassionate, supportive community of peers, administrators, and instructors. You can also access resources to help you succeed academically, personally, and professionally. No one should have to go it alone. 

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  • Mental Health Essay


Essay on Mental Health

According to WHO, there is no single 'official' definition of mental health. Mental health refers to a person's psychological, emotional, and social well-being; it influences what they feel and how they think, and behave. The state of cognitive and behavioural well-being is referred to as mental health. The term 'mental health' is also used to refer to the absence of mental disease. 

Mental health means keeping our minds healthy. Mankind generally is more focused on keeping their physical body healthy. People tend to ignore the state of their minds. Human superiority over other animals lies in his superior mind. Man has been able to control life due to his highly developed brain. So, it becomes very important for a man to keep both his body and mind fit and healthy. Both physical and mental health are equally important for better performance and results.

Importance of Mental Health 

An emotionally fit and stable person always feels vibrant and truly alive and can easily manage emotionally difficult situations. To be emotionally strong, one has to be physically fit too. Although mental health is a personal issue, what affects one person may or may not affect another; yet, several key elements lead to mental health issues.

Many emotional factors have a significant effect on our fitness level like depression, aggression, negative thinking, frustration, and fear, etc. A physically fit person is always in a good mood and can easily cope up with situations of distress and depression resulting in regular training contributing to a good physical fitness standard. 

Mental fitness implies a state of psychological well-being. It denotes having a positive sense of how we feel, think, and act, which improves one’s ability to enjoy life. It contributes to one’s inner ability to be self-determined. It is a proactive, positive term and forsakes negative thoughts that may come to mind. The term mental fitness is increasingly being used by psychologists, mental health practitioners, schools, organisations, and the general population to denote logical thinking, clear comprehension, and reasoning ability.

 Negative Impact of Mental Health

The way we physically fall sick, we can also fall sick mentally. Mental illness is the instability of one’s health, which includes changes in emotion, thinking, and behaviour. Mental illness can be caused due to stress or reaction to a certain incident. It could also arise due to genetic factors, biochemical imbalances, child abuse or trauma, social disadvantage, poor physical health condition, etc. Mental illness is curable. One can seek help from the experts in this particular area or can overcome this illness by positive thinking and changing their lifestyle.

Regular fitness exercises like morning walks, yoga, and meditation have proved to be great medicine for curing mental health. Besides this, it is imperative to have a good diet and enough sleep. A person needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night on average. When someone is tired yet still can't sleep, it's a symptom that their mental health is unstable. Overworking oneself can sometimes result in not just physical tiredness but also significant mental exhaustion. As a result, people get insomnia (the inability to fall asleep). Anxiety is another indicator. 

There are many symptoms of mental health issues that differ from person to person and among the different kinds of issues as well. For instance, panic attacks and racing thoughts are common side effects. As a result of this mental strain, a person may experience chest aches and breathing difficulties. Another sign of poor mental health is a lack of focus. It occurs when you have too much going on in your life at once, and you begin to make thoughtless mistakes, resulting in a loss of capacity to focus effectively. Another element is being on edge all of the time.

It's noticeable when you're quickly irritated by minor events or statements, become offended, and argue with your family, friends, or co-workers. It occurs as a result of a build-up of internal irritation. A sense of alienation from your loved ones might have a negative influence on your mental health. It makes you feel lonely and might even put you in a state of despair. You can prevent mental illness by taking care of yourself like calming your mind by listening to soft music, being more social, setting realistic goals for yourself, and taking care of your body. 

Surround yourself with individuals who understand your circumstances and respect you as the unique individual that you are. This practice will assist you in dealing with the sickness successfully.  Improve your mental health knowledge to receive the help you need to deal with the problem. To gain emotional support, connect with other people, family, and friends.  Always remember to be grateful in life.  Pursue a hobby or any other creative activity that you enjoy.

What does Experts say

Many health experts have stated that mental, social, and emotional health is an important part of overall fitness. Physical fitness is a combination of physical, emotional, and mental fitness. Emotional fitness has been recognized as the state in which the mind is capable of staying away from negative thoughts and can focus on creative and constructive tasks. 

He should not overreact to situations. He should not get upset or disturbed by setbacks, which are parts of life. Those who do so are not emotionally fit though they may be physically strong and healthy. There are no gyms to set this right but yoga, meditation, and reading books, which tell us how to be emotionally strong, help to acquire emotional fitness. 

Stress and depression can lead to a variety of serious health problems, including suicide in extreme situations. Being mentally healthy extends your life by allowing you to experience more joy and happiness. Mental health also improves our ability to think clearly and boosts our self-esteem. We may also connect spiritually with ourselves and serve as role models for others. We'd also be able to serve people without being a mental drain on them. 

Mental sickness is becoming a growing issue in the 21st century. Not everyone receives the help that they need. Even though mental illness is common these days and can affect anyone, there is still a stigma attached to it. People are still reluctant to accept the illness of mind because of this stigma. They feel shame to acknowledge it and seek help from the doctors. It's important to remember that "mental health" and "mental sickness" are not interchangeable.

Mental health and mental illness are inextricably linked. Individuals with good mental health can develop mental illness, while those with no mental disease can have poor mental health. Mental illness does not imply that someone is insane, and it is not anything to be embarrassed by. Our society's perception of mental disease or disorder must shift. Mental health cannot be separated from physical health. They both are equally important for a person. 

Our society needs to change its perception of mental illness or disorder. People have to remove the stigma attached to this illness and educate themselves about it. Only about 20% of adolescents and children with diagnosable mental health issues receive the therapy they need. 

According to research conducted on adults, mental illness affects 19% of the adult population. Nearly one in every five children and adolescents on the globe has a mental illness. Depression, which affects 246 million people worldwide, is one of the leading causes of disability. If  mental illness is not treated at the correct time then the consequences can be grave.

One of the essential roles of school and education is to protect boys’ and girls' mental health as teenagers are at a high risk of mental health issues. It can also impair the proper growth and development of various emotional and social skills in teenagers. Many factors can cause such problems in children. Feelings of inferiority and insecurity are the two key factors that have the greatest impact. As a result, they lose their independence and confidence, which can be avoided by encouraging the children to believe in themselves at all times. 

To make people more aware of mental health, 10th October is observed as World Mental Health. The object of this day is to spread awareness about mental health issues around the world and make all efforts in the support of mental health.

The mind is one of the most powerful organs in the body, regulating the functioning of all other organs. When our minds are unstable, they affect the whole functioning of our bodies. Being both physically and emotionally fit is the key to success in all aspects of life. People should be aware of the consequences of mental illness and must give utmost importance to keeping the mind healthy like the way the physical body is kept healthy. Mental and physical health cannot be separated from each other. And only when both are balanced can we call a person perfectly healthy and well. So, it is crucial for everyone to work towards achieving a balance between mental and physical wellbeing and get the necessary help when either of them falters.


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Mental Health in Schools: An Argumentative Exploration

Table of contents, the rising concern, education beyond academics, breaking the stigma, preventive measures, teachers as allies, addressing inequalities.

  • Copeland, W. E., Wolke, D., Angold, A., & Costello, E. J. (2013). Adult psychiatric outcomes of bullying and being bullied by peers in childhood and adolescence. JAMA Psychiatry, 70(4), 419-426.
  • Kidger, J., Araya, R., Donovan, J., & Gunnell, D. (2012). The effect of the school environment on the emotional health of adolescents: A systematic review. Pediatrics, 129(5), 925-949.
  • Patalay, P., Gage, S. H., & Vostanis, P. (2018). Symptoms of depression and anxiety and their association with perceived life events and school-based stressors in adolescents: A population-based study. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 2(5), 685-692.
  • Patel, V., Flisher, A. J., Hetrick, S., & McGorry, P. (2007). Mental health of young people: A global public-health challenge. The Lancet, 369(9569), 1302-1313.
  • Weare, K., & Nind, M. (2011). Mental health promotion and problem prevention in schools: What does the evidence say? Health Promotion International, 26(suppl_1), i29-i69.

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Essay on Mental Health in English for School Students

Mental health essay: here, students can find essays on mental health in english. these 100, 150, 200, and 500 word essays on mental health can be used by students in competitions and various examinations. mental health is an important part of our lives that should not be neglected and openly discussed as much as well -being of our physical health is discussed. .

Tanisha Agarwal

Mental Health Essay: What do you think is important for the well-being of a person? Is the physical fitness of a person enough to consider him/her in a sound situation? The answer is ‘NO’. A person can be said to be fit only if he/she is both physically and mentally in good shape. Mental health refers to the psychological, emotional, and social well-being of a person. In fact, it is more important than being physically fit because your physical wellness is somehow dependent on your mental health.  

Open and free discussion on mental health was an underrated topic of conversation until 1922, when the World Federation for Mental Health declared 10th October as World Mental Health Day. Since then, the day has been celebrated to spread awareness about mental health issues, educate people about mental health problems, and impart the knowledge that it is okay to have a mental health issue, to seek help, and to meet a mental health doctor. The day aims to fight against the social stigma posed by society on its people and indulge everyone in an open discussion about this sensitive topic. 

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The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools

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📌Words: 915
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 15 May 2021

Do you think mental health awareness in schools is important? Although you can’t see it with your eyes like you can see physical health issues, maintaining a healthy mental state is still a crucial factor in succeeding in everyday life, and mental health problems can have serious negative effects. According to the American Psychiatric Association, “fifty percent of mental illness begins by age 14” (Warning Signs of Mental Illness). Raising awareness about mental health and how to maintain a healthy mental state, especially for students who are still developing and learning, is critical. Schools and education systems should raise awareness and educate students about mental health because it creates a safer and healthier learning environment, significantly decreases the suicide rate, and affects a student’s performance in school.

First, educating students about mental health would create a safer and more positive learning environment. Mental health issues are serious concerns that can have drastic effects, so it is important for students to be able to recognize symptoms and identify signs of potential mental health conditions, and get help for it. According to the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, students who are aware about mental health are “more likely to open up about it, look for help, and help other peers” (The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools) who might be experiencing mental health issues. Teaching about mental health in schools promotes a healthier and safer space for learning and connection between peers, which is one of the primary goals of many education systems.

Second, raising awareness about mental health and how to get help or how to deal with these problems would significantly lower the suicide rate. According to Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE), “suicide is the second leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24” (Suicide Facts). Suicide is often caused by personal issues, lack of support and happiness, and inability to cope with problems and stress. If healthy methods of dealing with obstacles in life are taught to students in schools, then it could decrease the suicide rates. 

Lastly, educating students about mental health would improve students’ scores and overall performances in school and life. Too much stress and anxiety has a negative effect on your mental health, which can create problems and cause students to fall behind and do poorly in school. If students are taught how to manage stress and maintain a healthy mental state, they are more likely to stay positive and be successful in their academics, like test scores and grades. 

Schools are supposed to teach important lessons and life skills to help prepare students for life, but the lack of awareness about mental health in schools can have serious negative effects on a student’s health and life. Schools should raise awareness and educate students about mental health because it promotes safer and more positive learning environments, lowers the suicide rates, and positively affects students’ performances in life and school. Let’s work towards creating safer, healthier, and happier learning environments for students.

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Addressing Mental Health in Schools

Children are much more vulnerable to various adverse effects of the environment than adults. Therefore, meeting the needs of a younger generation in the psychological sphere is a crucial element of their successful growth and development. A school period is a time when many boys and girls face considerable mental issues, such as bullying, self-perception, peer pressure, and others. Frequently, the school environment is the trigger of negative emotions. However, at the same time, schools can and should become the settings in which children’s psychological issues would be resolved. Teachers, parents, school administrations, and local authorities need to realize the utmost importance of addressing mental health in schools.

Psychological health is a problem of high concern among adolescents. The majority of psychological issues have their onset during one’s school-age (Liddle et al. 93). Nearly 14% of youths aged between 12 and 17 are reported to experience a mental health problem at least once a year. At the same time, only 65% of them address someone to receive help (Liddle et al. 93). The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among school-aged individuals is a growing concern not only in the USA but also globally (O’Reilly et al. 647). Annually, nearly 10-20% of children and adolescents have a mental disorder of some kind, and this number is constantly growing. Furthermore, research findings indicate that about half of adults with mental disorders experienced them earlier at some point, typically, before they turned 15 (O’Reilly et al. 647). These numbers serve as the rationale for paying more attention to schoolchildren’s mental health.

Mental health promotion interventions should be conducted in schools because these institutions serve as a perfect basis for this purpose. Schools are viewed as “pervasive environments” (O’Reilly 648) and “the most critical” venues for promoting the psychiatric health of children and adolescents (Benningfield and Stephan xv). Researchers argue that it is easier to identify mental illnesses at schools and, as a result, it is possible to address them promptly. U.S. children attend school for many years during their developmental period, which makes educational establishments “an unparalleled location for identification and implementation of mental health supports” (Benningfield and Stephan xv). Therefore, apart from focusing on children’s academic achievement, schools should pay attention to learners’ mental health as a crucial indicator of achievement.

Historically, children’s and adolescents’ mental health issues have been addressed at schools with the help of child psychologists. However, it was typically the case that only individual children’s needs were met, based on their behavior’s impact on the process of schooling. Meanwhile, school officials must understand that they are responsible not only for teaching children but also for “producing well-rounded, well-adjusted citizens prepared to live happy, meaningful lives and to contribute successfully to society” (Benningfield and Stephan xv). Benningfield and Stephan argue that it is not enough to engage psychiatrists when schoolchildren become ill or when they have complex mental issues to address (xv). Rather, it is necessary to apply psychiatric practice at various stages, informing children and adolescents about the opportunity to receive help whenever they need it. Integration of schooling and psychological health promotion is, therefore, a prerequisite of children’s successful development not only in learning but also in social accommodation.

One of the best ways to address mental health at schools is through sport. According to Liddle et al., many sports organizations realize their potential in promoting good mental health (93). Taking part in sports activities during school years has a positive effect not only on children’s physical health but also on their social, cognitive, and psychological development (Liddle et al. 93). Frequently, mental disorders are closely associated with one’s physical health, including such issues as cardiovascular disease and obesity. Children suffering from excessive weight have enough problems already, but their peers can exacerbate the situation by making fun of obese classmates and causing them psychological discomfort. Therefore, school-based sports organizations have the potential both to boost children’s self-confidence and enhance their physical health.

Another viable option to implement at school is mindfulness interventions. As Carsley et al. note, children’s wellbeing and mental health can improve considerably with the help of this approach (693). Mindfulness interventions have the potential to relieve depression and anxiety in school students. Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as “the act of nonjudgmentally and purposefully paying attention to and being aware of present moment experiences (qtd. in Carsley et al. 693). The inclusion of mindfulness interventions in school programs has the potential to improve students’ attendance problems, decrease dropout rates, and enhance academic performance.

Whereas schools are institutions primarily aimed at giving knowledge to children, these institutions should not neglect their potential to affect children’s mental health. Schools may serve as places where children’s mental issues emerge and develop, but they can also function as locations where psychological problems can be prevented and mitigated. It is, therefore, crucial to address mental health at schools since the timely identification of problems contributes to searching for appropriate treatment measures faster and gaining the best outcomes for children and adolescents.

Works Cited

Benningfield, Margaret M., and Sharon Hoover Stephan. “Integrating Mental Health into Schools to Support Student Success.” Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America , vol. 24, no. 2, 2015, pp. xv-xvii.

Carsley, Dana, et al. “Effectiveness of Mindfulness Interventions for Mental Health in Schools: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis.” Mindfulness , vol. 9, no. 3, 2018, pp. 693-707.

Liddle, Sarah K., et al. “Addressing Mental Health Through Sport: A Review of Sporting Organizations’ Websites.” Early Intervention in Psychiatry , vol. 11, no. 2, 2016, pp. 93-103.

O’Reilly, Michelle, et al. “Review of Mental Health Promotion Interventions in Schools.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology , vol. 53, no. 7, 2018, pp. 647-662.

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Importance of Mental Health Essay


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  • Apr 9, 2024

Importance of Mental Health Essay

Essay on the Importance of Mental Health : A person in good mental health may learn and work efficiently, overcome obstacles in life, realise their full potential, and contribute back to their community. It is an essential component of health and welfare that upholds our ability to make decisions, build relationships, and have an impact on the world around us both as people and as a society. A fundamental human right is mental health. Furthermore, it is for socio-economic, communal, and personal growth.

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Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Understanding Mental Health and Its Importance
  • 1.2 Benefits of Good Mental Health
  • 1.3 Conclusion
  • 2 100-word Paragraph on the Importance of Mental Health

Essay on the Importance of Mental Health in 500 Words

Mental wellness goes beyond simply being free from mental illness. Everybody experiences it differently, and it falls on a complex range with varying degrees of difficulty and distress, in addition to perhaps having quite distinct social and therapeutic impacts.

Mental health issues encompass a range of mental states and disorders, including psychosocial disabilities and mental disorders, that are linked to considerable suffering, impaired functioning, or self-harm risk. Although it’s not always the case, people with mental health disorders are more likely to have lower levels of mental well-being.

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Understanding Mental Health and Its Importance

An emotionally calm and fit individual can handle emotionally challenging circumstances with ease and always feels lively and fully alive. One needs to be physically fit to be emotionally powerful. Even though mental health is a personal matter and what affects one person may not affect another, mental health problems are often caused by several important factors.

Our emotional state, such as anger, depression, fear, irritation, and negative thinking, impacts how fit we are. Regular exercise contributes to a high level of physical fitness because physically fit people are happier and more capable of handling stressful and depressing conditions.

It is suggested that mental fitness entails psychological well-being. It indicates feeling good about our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, all of which enhance our capacity to enjoy life. It strengthens the inner capacity for self-determination. It is a proactive, optimistic term that eschews any potential negative ideas. Cognitive fitness is widely used to characterise the capacity for reason, comprehension, and rational thought by psychologists, mental health professionals, corporations, educational institutions, and the general public.

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Benefits of Good Mental Health

Numerous advantages of good mental health support general well-being and quality of life. The first benefit is that it increases resilience, which makes it simpler for people to handle the highs and lows of life. Resilience fosters self-development and fortitude in the face of adversity, making it feasible to effectively manage stressors and adapt to differences and barriers. Additionally, a person’s ability to effectively manage negative emotions like sadness or anxiety as well as several positive emotions like contentment, happiness, and peace are all made possible by having good mental health. 

Furthermore, the establishment and upkeep of wholesome relationships are critically dependent on mental health. People who are in good mental health have good communication skills, empathy, and support for one another, which promote relationships and interactions that are constructive. Additionally, there is a strong correlation between better mental and physical health outcomes. People who place a high priority on their mental health are also more likely to practice healthy habits that improve physical health overall and lower their risk of disease, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep. Finally, mental health improves performance and productivity across a range of life domains, including work, school, and personal objectives. Better concentration, judgement, and creativity are fostered by a focused and clear mind, which eventually results in greater success and fulfilment.

The general well-being and quality of life are contingent upon mental health. One of the body’s most potent organs, the mind, controls how every other organ functions. Our body as a whole works differently when our minds are unsettled. Being in excellent mental and physical condition is the key to success in anything in life. People should emphasise preserving the state of their minds in the same manner that they manage their physical well-being, given the adverse effects of mental illness. The physical and mental states of an individual are inextricably linked.

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100-word Paragraph on the Importance of Mental Health

According to the WHO, there is no “official” definition of mental health. Psychological, emotional, and social well-being are referred to as an individual’s mental health; these factors impact their thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Mental health is the condition of sound cognitive and behavioural functioning. In the absence of mental illness, the term “mental health” is also used. Keeping our minds healthy is essential to mental wellness. The health of their physical bodies is typically the focus of human attention. The mental states of people are often disregarded. The greater thinking of man makes him superior to other animals. Because of the highly evolved intellect of man, life can be controlled. Thus, it becomes crucial for a man to maintain his physical and mental health. Better performance and outcomes are directly correlated with both physical and mental wellness.

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Ans: Elements of mental well-being include psychological, social, and emotional health. It affects our feelings, thoughts, and actions. It affects our capacity for stress management, social interaction, and intelligent decision-making. Every stage of life—from childhood and adolescence to adulthood—values mental health.

Ans: Some advice for enhancing your mental health Make an effort to de-stress. Look for methods to be creative and learn. Take some time to enjoy the outdoors. Make connections with other people. Take care of your physical well-being. Make an effort to get better sleep.

Ans: Organisations around the world will have the opportunity to come together in observance of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2024, with the theme “Mental health is a universal human right.” 

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Mental Health — Understanding Mental Health: Definition, Causes, and Impacts


Understanding Mental Health: Definition, Causes, and Impacts

  • Categories: Mental Health

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Words: 638 |

Published: Jan 29, 2024

Words: 638 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Definition and understanding of mental health, causes of mental health issues, common mental health disorders, impact of mental health on individuals, stigma surrounding mental health, effective ways to promote positive mental health.

  • World Health Organization. (2014). Mental health: a state of well-being. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/features/factfiles/mental_health/en/
  • National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Mental Health Information. Retrieved from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/mental-health-information/index.shtml

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