How to write a thesis

Consult our recommendations and guidelines on how to design, organize and write the final thesis. 

1.1. Preliminary stages

Once the thesis topic has been agreed on and the stages of writing the thesis have been established with the supervisor, you should follow several preliminary steps prior to drafting the paper:

  • Do some initial bibliographic research using catalogs, databases (in Italian), and specialized periodicals available in the Library;
  • Plan out the organization and exposition of the thesis through the drafting of a preliminary outline that is supported by a brief description of each chapter, which will clarify the project plan for both the supervisor and the candidate.

The goals of a paper such as the thesis are as follows:

  • Clarity: the candidate’s arguments should be expressed in linear phrases that are not redundant. Sentences should be kept as short as possible;
  • Completeness: all the information needed to understand the points of view expressed should be carefully presented.

The thesis is divided into sections, which are ordered systematically.

2.1. The title page

The title page is the first page of the thesis and it contains essential information about the thesis, such as:

  • the institution
  • the department
  • the thesis material
  • the thesis title
  • the candidate’s name
  • the supervisor’s name (and the co-supervisor’s name, where applicable)
  • the academic year

For the Luiss thesis, the  Student Office  has prepared Final Paper first page template to use:

  • Bachelor’s degree programs
  • Master’s degree programs
  • Single-cycle master’s degree program in Law
  • Four-year degree programs

2.2. Table of contents

The table of contents indicates the titles and page numbers at the beginning of the sections that make up the text of the thesis (chapters, sections, subsections, bibliography, etc.) and provides a snapshot of the content and structure of the paper. It has an organizational purpose with regard to the work being prepared and undergoes modification as the research on the thesis evolves and expands.

2.3. The introduction

The introduction, which is written after drafting the rest of the thesis, explains the choice of topic, the hypotheses that the candidate intends to prove and the tools used.

2.4. Chapters, sections and sub-sections

The body of the paper is subdivided into chapters, sections and subsections, numbered sequentially to facilitate internal references.

2.5. The conclusion

The last chapter of the thesis, it is presented as a response to the hypotheses presented in the introduction and comments on the results of the research.

2.6. Footnotes

Footnotes can be used for various purposes:

  • to cite the sources of the topics discussed;
  • to contain further information or digressions;
  • to refer to other sections of the text.

Footnotes are at the bottom of the page and use a smaller font than the rest of the text. The numbers corresponding to the notes precede any punctuation marks, except in the case of quotes.

2.7. The bibliography

The bibliography lists and orders works consulted during the writing of the paper and the citations contained within it, and it contains the information needed to identify and find these documents. Given that there is no single citation style, several variations can be used, as long as the selected style is used consistently throughout the thesis.

Distinguishing different types of documents is essential:

  • monographs;
  • chapters of monographs;
  • periodical articles;
  • gray literature (material produced by an entity but not published by an editor);
  • documents on the web.

Each of these is cited in a different way: for example, while the place of publication and the publisher must be indicated for monographs, this data can be omitted for periodicals because normally the name of the periodical is sufficient.

For further information on how to format bibliographic citations and use the Reference Management Systems, consult the guidelines in the dedicated guide: "How to prepare a bibliography".

3.1. Graphic standards

In order to reduce paper and ink consumption, in case of printing (however not required) it is recommended to follow the Guidelines for sustainable printing of theses and papers .

The same indications can, not necessarily, be used to format the PDF file sent to the Student Office via digital upload.  For administrative questions, contact the Student Office .

3.2. Foreign words and emphasis

The rules state that foreign words commonly used in Italian should be written normally; in other cases they should be italicized, except for proper names, official names of institutions, or laws, which are not considered to be foreign words. Latin terms are considered foreign and should be italicized. Italics are also used to draw attention to specific words or passages in the text, while double quotes are used for idiomatic expressions.

3.3. Figures and tables

The source and the date the information was updated must always be provided for graphs and tables.

3.4. Abbreviations

Abbreviations can be used in the body of the thesis, as well as in the notes and bibliography.

Abbreviations may be editorial:

  • Article = art.
  • Chapter = ch.
  • Cited = cit.
  • Compare = cf.
  • Et cetera = etc.
  • Edition = ed.
  • Example = e.g.
  • Figure = fig.
  • Ibidem = ibid.
  • Number = no.
  • Work cited = op.cit.
  • Pages = pp.
  • And the following = et seq.
  • No date = n.d.
  • No place = n.p.
  • Translated by/translation/translator = trans.
  • Volume = vol.
  • Volumes = vols.

Or related to the publications cited:

  • J. = Journal
  • Rev. = Revue, Review
  • Riv. = Rivista
  • Z., Zeit. = Zeitschrift Zh.
  • Zhur. = Zhurnal
  • Bull. = Bulletin
  • Proc. = Proceedings
  • Ann. = Annals,Annual 
  • Hist. = History, Historical 
  • Soc. = Society, Social
  • Am., Amer. = America, American 
  • Can., Canad. = Canada, Canadian 
  • Brit. = British
  • It., Ital. = Italy, Italian

A summary table of all abbreviations used in the paper should be included if they are used throughout the thesis.

4.1. How do I get started?

The Library staff provides general bibliographical information and guidance, as well as help with document retrieval and in consulting catalogs and databases.

In addition, you can use the online ask a librarian service for questions related to: writing a bibliography, getting information and material on a specific topic, information on research strategies and sources to consult, access to other libraries, information on the Library’s services and its print and electronic resources.

4.2. How do I find a book?

You can use  Luiss Discovery  that allows you to do a single integrated search of the majority of bibliographical and full text resources available in the Luiss Library and of other relevant, open source resources, as well as of the institutional archive  LuissThesis .

The list of results shows the location and the shelf-list of printed books or the link to access e-books.

If you do not find the book you are looking for in the catalog you can:

  • consult other national catalogs such as  SBN , to see if other libraries in Rome have them, where you can go in person (for information  [email protected] );
  • use the interlibrary loan service for books that are not in Rome (average wait time 10 days);
  • send an acquisition recommendation   (average wait time 30 days).

Students can borrow up to 10 books for 40 days.

Remember that loans can be renewed up to their due date as long as other users have not reserved them.

Renewals can be done:

  • through Luiss app;
  • by logging into  Discovery  My Account section;
  • by phone (06.8522.5600);
  • by email ( [email protected] );

4.4. How can I find a periodical?

Consult the  Journal Search , which publishes all of the titles in print and/or electronic format available at the Library.

  • The following information is included for printed periodicals: the name of the periodical, ISSN, room location, what the Library has and what it is missing;
  • The following information is included for periodicals in electronic format: the title, with a direct link to the resource, ISSN, the full text of the cover, the database it belongs to and how to access it.

Remember that with the remote access service you can consult most of the Library’s electronic periodicals from home.

If the Library does not have the periodical that you are looking for, you can:

  • Consult other national catalogs such as  ACNP  or   SBN   to see if other libraries   in Rome have them, where you can go in person (for information, please contact  [email protected] );
  • Use the document delivery service for periodicals that are not found in Rome (average wait time: 7 days).

4.5. How to identify periodical articles?

If you already have the bibliographical data for the article, consult the Journal Search, which has the complete list of periodicals in print and/or electronic format available at the Library.

If the Library does not have the periodical you are looking for, you can:

  • Consult other national catalogs such as  ACNP  or   SBN   to see if other libraries   in Rome have them, where you can go in person;
  • Use the  document delivery  service for periodicals that are not found in Rome (average wait time: 7 days).

If you do not have the article’s bibliographical data or if you are looking for articles on a specific topic:

  • Consult the  ESSPER  catalog (in Italian), which is freely accessible online;
  • Consult the database of periodicals in electronic format, which can be searched by author, title or keyword.

Remember that with the remote access service you can consult most of the Library’s databases even from home.

The Library has a number of electronic resources that can be accessed from the thematic rooms, from the University’s network, or remotely; the main advantages of these with respect to the free information available on the web are:

  • A guarantee of reliability and scientific quality;
  • Increased time coverage: the availability of historical series;
  • The possibility of processing the data available in spreadsheets or using graphs;
  • The possibility of comparisons and analysis according to variables that you can choose.
  • Graduate School | Master’s Thesis Guidance
  • Department of Law | Guidance document for writing your Master Thesis

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Master's degree theses repository

The AMS Tesi di Laurea service provides an institutional repository to master's degree theses of degree courses that join the initiative.

The library:

  • provides assistance to undergraduates and teachers;
  • gathers the signed declarations of the graduates;
  • after the graduation, publishes the metadata and the full-text of the archived theses.


My thesis online [.pdf 210 KB] Instructions

How to download the declaration [.pdf 117 KB]

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Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Master of Arts

The M.A. in Italian Studies offers students:

  • A broad in-depth knowledge of Italian culture
  • High proficiency in Italian language
  • Opportunities for interdisciplinary study
  • Overseas study and cultural immersion
  • Career options in the academic or professional fields

The four-semester, 30-credit program takes into consideration students’ different academic and professional goals. It offers two specialization options that revolve around a common core curriculum, and culminate with a thesis writing seminar and a Master’s thesis.

The first option, focusing on literature and culture, is designed for students seeking the solid academic preparation needed to enter a doctoral program. The second option, with a focus on language pedagogy, addresses either current teachers who seek a graduate degree or those seeking to enter the teaching profession at the secondary level. 

The M.A. degree program includes a mandatory semester abroad at an Italian University such as Università per Stranieri of Siena, Università per Stranieri of Perugia, Cattolica of Milan. 

Students will work with the program coordinator and/or their advisors to choose the best program abroad that matches their academic and cultural interests.

Our students will have the opportunity of tutoring language students and working with language instructors in order to gain experience in language pedagogy.

For additional information on the M.A. in Italian Studies please contact:

Director of Graduate Studies

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Master Thesis online in Italian

Profile image of Maurizio  Bozzi

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Sistema Bibiotecario di Ateneo

Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo

Università di Pisa

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Lingua italiana

Theses and Dissertations

Thesis papers.

The thesis papers retained by the University libraries are catalogued and therefore searchable in OneSearchUNIPI . The thesis papers, hard copy or on digital media (CDs, DVDs) preserved by the libraries are excluded from the loan and cannot be reproduced in any form . It is possible to request both the discussed thesis from at least 40 years ago, and the subsequent discussed thesis provided that the author has released the free consultation of his work. To request a thesis, contact the circulation desk of the library that owns the thesis.

Electronic Thesis

Electronic theses of the University can be searched by the ETD Database . Thesis that have been discussed at the University of Pisa are stored in the ETD Database, in particular:

  • PhD Thesis : present since 2006 on a voluntary basis, mandatory since 2008;
  • Master’s Degree Programme Thesis: present since 2003 on a voluntary basis and with staggered entry of the Faculties (the first faculty to join were: Engineering and Mathematics, Physical and Natural Sciences) mandatory since 2013;
  • Specialisation School Thesis: mandatory since 2011;
  • Thesis Work for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and One-Year Specialisation Programmes: always on a voluntary basis

Theses deposited in the ETD electronic database can be:

  • Freely available in full text: the entire thesis can be read or viewed by simply connecting to the Internet (even outside of the University network), individual files can be downloaded and printed
  • Partially accessible: the thesis can be read or consulted partially, some files can be downloaded and printed, and other files are encrypted.

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master thesis italiano

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Italian Graduate Studies

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The Department of Italian provides two streams in its Master's program, the  thesis option , and the  non-thesis option . The course work, the thesis and/or research papers must demonstrate that the student possesses a sound knowledge of the language, is familiar with all periods of Italian literature and has developed the background and skills necessary to carry out scholarly research. The regulations concerning the M.A. degree, as stated in the General Information section of the  Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Calendar,  apply.

Program Information

  • Master of Arts - Italian Studies (Thesis) 

Master of Arts - Italian Studies (Non-Thesis)

Master of arts - italian studies (thesis), program requirement:.

The Master of Arts in Italian is a 45-credit program focusing on Italian literature, film, culture, literary theory, a thesis proposal, and a thesis. Areas of interest include film studies, nineteenth-century studies, transnational studies, gender studies, Calvino, Bertolucci, Early Renaissance Naples and Venice, vernacular and Neo-Latin poetry, among others.

Thesis Courses (24 credits)

Italian (Arts): A written presentation which will include: (a) a review of the literature pertinent to the thesis, (b) the definition of the thesis research project within the parameters of the critical literature, and (c) an indication of how the research project will be carried out.

Offered by: Languages,Literatures,Cultures

  • Winter 2025
  • There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year

Italian (Arts): Completion of the thesis.

Required Courses (12 credits)

Italian (Arts): The course highlights the importance of tradition in literature and focuses on different aspects of Italian literary history.

  • This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year

Italian (Arts): Tools for literary research: encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, journals, Internet sites, library catalogues. Tools for linguistic research: historical, specialized, Italian-dialect, etymological vocabularies. History of the book: manuscript, early printing, catalogues of incunabula and of early books.

Italian (Arts): An introduction to some of the main subjects and authors of modern literary theory. Topics may include reception theory, deconstruction, postmodernism, cultural studies, formalism and structuralism, semiotics, gender studies, psychoanalysis, Marxism, translation and subjectivity.

Italian (Arts): Presentation and discussion of research work.

Complementary Courses (9 credits)

9 additional course credits, chosen in consultation with an adviser from among the graduate courses offered by the Department. The three courses should cover three distinct chronological periods in Italian literature.

A maximum of 6 credits of graduate courses may be taken outside the Italian Studies Department, upon the advice of the Supervisor and with the permission of the Graduate Studies Director.

In exceptional cases, when program requirements cannot be fulfilled otherwise, students may take ITAL 606 Individual Reading Course 1 and ITAL 607 Individual Reading Course 2 offered as tutorials.

Typically, the first year of the program will consist of: Literary Theory course, ITAL 610, the three complementary courses and ITAL 698. The second year will include ITAL 602, ITAL 680 and the thesis.

The Master of Arts in Italian; Non-Thesis is a 45- credit program focusing on Italian literature, film, culture, literary theory, and two research projects. Areas of interest include film studies, nineteenth-century studies, transnational studies, gender studies, film studies, Calvino, Bertolucci, Early Renaissance Naples and Venice, vernacular and Neo-Latin poetry, among others.

Research Project (18 credits)

Italian (Arts): For students in non-thesis option only.

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

15 additional course credits, chosen in consultation with an adviser from among the graduate courses offered by the Department. The courses should cover at least three distinct chronological periods in Italian literature.

A maximum of 6 credits of graduate courses may be taken outside the Italian Studies Department, upon the advice of the Supervisor and with the permission of the Graduate Studies Director. In exceptional cases, when program requirements cannot be fulfilled otherwise, students may take ITAL 606 Individual Reading Course 1 and ITAL 607 Individual Reading Course 2 offered as tutorials.

Typically, the first year of the program will consist of: Literary Theory course, ITAL 610, three complementary courses, and ITAL 690. The second year will include ITAL 602, ITAL 680, two complementary courses, and ITAL 691.

Description and Requirements

Students wishing to pursue doctoral studies may apply for admission to the ad hoc program, provided that they have a clear research agenda which fits into one of the areas of strength of the Department. The ad hoc PhD offers the flexibility of a personalized program, with course work designed to address the specific needs of the student and to provide the background necessary for the successful completion of the research project. Only a select number of outstanding students are admitted to the ad hoc PhD. They are followed closely throughout their studies, to help them develop the skills and competencies necessary to enter the North American or international job market. A mentorship culture facilitates a smooth and natural transition from student to scholar. Where appropriate, students are encouraged and helped to participate in conferences and to publish the results of their ongoing research. Teaching opportunities are also available when candidates are deemed to have acquired the necessary levels of maturity and preparation.

Typically, the doctoral program comprises a minimum of fifteen course credits, including individual tutorials and and/or courses from other departments or with associate members of the department, as determined by the research project; participation in a one-term Student-Staff Seminar (ITAL 780, 3 credits); Comprehensive Examinations in two distinct areas of specialization; and a publishable dissertation (average length: 200 pages). Reading knowledge of a third language (other than English and Italian) is also required.

Areas of Concentration

The Department's current areas of expertise and methodological orientations are broadly indicated below. Prospective applicants should also consult individual faculty members' research profiles on the departmental website for more detailed information. They are also invited to send research inquiries to individual professors.

A) Nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century narrative;

B) Medieval and Renaissance literature and culture; and

C) Italian cinema from post-World War 2 neorealism to the present.

These areas are approached from the perspective of:

  • relations with the historical, social and political contexts;
  • intertextual relations with contemporary and antecedent works and movements in other European literatures and cultures, with a special attention to questions of identity construction
  • gender issues; and
  • cultural studies.

Application Information

Preparing to apply , application and required documents, contact information.

The graduate program in Italian Studies welcomes Canadian and international applicants with a specialization in Italian literature as well as from disciplines other than Italian Studies. To be admitted to a graduate program in Italian Studies, applicants should have completed at least a B.A. degree.

Students without a concentration in Italian Studies must have a strong background in Italian history, literature, and culture, as well as advanced knowledge of the Italian language.

Students who have completed a B.A. degree without Honours or Joint Honours are encouraged to apply to the M.A. Program in Italian Studies.

Students who have completed a B.A. degree with Honours or Joint Honours in Italian Studies may apply either to the M.A. Program or to the Ad Hoc Doctoral Program in Italian Studies (entering at the PhD 1 level).

Students holding a M.A. degree in Italian Studies should apply to the Ad Hoc Doctoral Program (PhD 2 level).

Students holding a M.A. degree in a discipline other than Italian Studies but closely related to this field are encouraged to apply to the Ad Hoc Doctoral Program (PhD 1 level).

Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in Italian plus a working knowledge of either French or English.

Applicants should submit samples of research papers that they have completed during the course of their previous studies. Submission of the results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is recommended, but not required. For detailed instructions on how to apply and upload the required documents, please see:

Deadlines for Receipt of Completed Applications:

Please note that incomplete applications (including letters of recommendation, testing scores (TOEFL, IELTS), transcripts, sample(s) of written work) by the application deadline will not be considered.

Note: Ph.D. students are only considered for Fall admission

For Fall Admission:  January 6 (Canadian/Permanent Resident/International).

For Winter Admission:  September 15 (Canadian/Permanent Resident);

For Winter Admission:  August 1 (International). 

Special/Exchange/Visiting:  As above.

Should you decide to formally apply, all supplemental application materials and supporting documents must be uploaded directly to the McGill admissions processing system.

Complete instructions : .

Online application form.

Application fee.  You must pay a non-refundable fee or your application will not be processed.

All university transcripts. Those transcripts not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified English or French translation (prepared by a licensed translator).

Research proposal. Applicants are requested to send a brief statement of their interests and the areas they wish to study within the Department (1 to 3 pages).

Two letters of recommendation. Those letters not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified English or French translation (prepared by a licensed translator). On the application form you must provide the names and email addresses of at least two professors who are familiar with your academic work. McGill will contact these referees and invite them to upload references on your behalf. Please note that although you can list public domain addresses such as Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo Mail on the application form, references uploaded from these addresses will not be accepted by the Department. Therefore you must list a valid institutional or corporate e-mail address for your referees.

One or two samples of written work (in PDF format). This can be in the form of a graded paper, a chapter from a thesis, or an academic article.

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores for non-native English applicants. This is a requirement of all students applying whose native language is other than English. Results must be on file by application deadline – Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies no longer process applications without official results. Minimum score of 575 or 231 computer based scale. Please note that permanent residents may be required to submit a TOEFL score. IELTS scores are also acceptable: a band score of 6.5 or greater (Academic module).

For those applying for the Ad Hoc Ph.D.:  a one to two page research proposal in English.

Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures McGill University 680 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2M7

info.llcu [at] (Email) Phone : (514) 398-3650

Department and University Information

Languages, literatures, and cultures.

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Master Thesis (CS)

Course director


The Master thesis is an academic piece of work, an original contribution to the body of knowledge in computational science. Such a contribution can be theoretical or experimental, but always builds on a solid research effort, and on the use of appropriate concepts, methods, and tools acquired during the Master. Faculty members advise students during their Master's thesis work.

EXAMINATION INFORMATION The Master’s thesis is examined orally before a Jury comprising the supervisor, the co-examiner, and the Masters’ director or a delegate.

  • Master of Science in Computational Science , Core course, Thesis, 2nd year
  • Faculty of Informatics

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Dizionari di lingua online

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of ' ' (n): npl: theses
WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary © 2024:

(unproven theory)tesi, teoria
 The philosopher sets out an interesting thesis in this book.
 Il filosofo esprime una teoria interessante nel suo libro.
(doctoral dissertation)tesi, tesi di dottorato
 The doctoral candidate took four years to write her thesis.
 La dottoranda ha impiegato quattro anni per scrivere la sua tesi.
(master's dissertation)tesi, tesi di laurea
 Alex has just submitted his thesis.
 Alex ha appena consegnato la sua tesi di laurea.
(theme for essay, discussion)argomento, tema
 The teacher wrote the thesis on the board and asked all the students to write an essay on it for the next class.
 L'insegnante scrisse l'argomento alla lavagna e chiese agli studenti di scriverci un tema per la prossima lezione.

WordReference English- Italiano Dictionary © 2024:

(university: final-year dissertation)tesi di laurea
(dissertation: presentation of main argument)enunciato
([sb] writing doctoral dissertation)tesista

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Category : Blagoveshchensk

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National Library of Israel J9U ID:


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.

  • Amur River in Blagoveshchensk ‎ (1 C, 63 F)
  • Buildings in Blagoveshchensk ‎ (19 C, 42 F)
  • Cultural heritage monuments in Blagoveshchensk, Amur Oblast ‎ (18 C, 51 F)
  • Culture of Blagoveshchensk ‎ (6 C, 3 F)
  • History of Blagoveshchensk ‎ (5 C, 36 F)
  • People of Blagoveshchensk ‎ (1 C, 7 F)
  • Protected areas of Blagoveshchensk ‎ (5 C)
  • Transport in Blagoveshchensk ‎ (5 C, 5 F)

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  1. (PDF) Master Thesis (Italian)

    master thesis italiano

  2. (PDF) Tesi Master Italiano L2

    master thesis italiano

  3. Masters Degree Thesis

    master thesis italiano

  4. (PDF) Tesi finale Master ITALS

    master thesis italiano

  5. Come Scrivere una Tesi di Master (con Immagini)

    master thesis italiano

  6. How to Write a Master's Thesis: The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Master

    master thesis italiano


  1. ¿Qué es el tamburello? Tamburello Indoor, explicación detallada e imágenes, entrevista Cadena Cope

  2. master thesis on agriculture

  3. Master Thesis Demonstration

  4. Master Thesis Topic Selection Guide Step 1a

  5. Master Thesis CSDG NTNU 2024, case study 1, Automation in building design

  6. Master Thesis CSDG NTNU 2024, case study 2, Autmoation in building design


  1. (PDF) Tesi Master Italiano L2

    View PDF. Anno Accademico 2019/2020 Master Universitario annuale di I Livello (1500 ore - 60 Crediti Formativi Universitari) (D.M. n. 509 del 3 novembre 1999 e D.M. n. 270 del 22 ottobre 2004) in: "Metodologie didattiche per l'insegnamento della lingua italiana a stranieri - Didattica dell'Italiano L2" IV Edizione Relatore Candidato/a ...


    1. Introduction. 1.1. Objectives. The purpose of a master degree thesis is to demonstrate your understanding. and mastery of a particular subject area and your ability to develop new. scientific knowledge independently. For these reasons, writing a thesis is. different from studying for exams.

  3. How to write a thesis

    The goals of a paper such as the thesis are as follows: Clarity: the candidate's arguments should be expressed in linear phrases that are not redundant. Sentences should be kept as short as possible; Completeness: all the information needed to understand the points of view expressed should be carefully presented. 2. How the thesis is structured.

  4. Italian Studies MA Thesis Work Plan

    Italian Studies MA Thesis Work Plan. Writing a Master's Thesis is a long-term project that requires independence, intense commitment, careful planning and constant communication between the student, the Thesis Advisor and the DGS. Students should become familiar with the research conducted by the faculty members of the department and start ...

  5. Master's degree theses repository

    Master's degree theses repository. The AMS Tesi di Laurea service provides an institutional repository to master's degree theses of degree courses that join the initiative. The library: provides assistance to undergraduates and teachers; gathers the signed declarations of the graduates; after the graduation, publishes the metadata and the full ...

  6. (PDF) Master Thesis (Italian)

    Master Thesis (Italian) Filippo Chiodi. See Full PDF Download PDF. See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. PhD dissertation abstract in Italian. Alexey Vovin. Download Free PDF View PDF. Tesi Master Italiano L2. Matteo Cazzato. Tesi del Master di I livello in Didattica dell'Italiano come lingua straniera e studi interculturali Post graduate ...

  7. Master Thesis Italiano

    Master Thesis Italiano - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a master's thesis and introduces a service called that can assist students with their thesis writing needs. It explains that writing a thesis requires extensive research, analyzing literature, and presenting original ideas and ...

  8. Master of Arts

    Master of Arts. The M.A. in Italian Studies offers students: The four-semester, 30-credit program takes into consideration students' different academic and professional goals. It offers two specialization options that revolve around a common core curriculum, and culminate with a thesis writing seminar and a Master's thesis.

  9. Writing A Master's Thesis

    The purpose of this online course is to provide participants with a grounding in essential skills related to the writing of a MA thesis. Risultati di apprendimento attesi. Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to have a strong grasp and command of research and other skills considered essential to write a MA thesis.

  10. (PDF) Master Thesis online in Italian

    Master Thesis online in Italian. Maurizio Bozzi. See Full PDF Download PDF. See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. Master Thesis (Italian) Filippo Chiodi.

  11. Theses and Dissertations

    Electronic theses of the University can be searched by the ETD Database. Thesis that have been discussed at the University of Pisa are stored in the ETD Database, in particular: PhD Thesis: present since 2006 on a voluntary basis, mandatory since 2008; Master's Degree Programme Thesis: present since 2003 on a voluntary basis and with ...


    MASTER THESIS. Subject description. Academic year of matriculation: 2024/2025. Year of course: 5. Academic year of issuing : 2028/2029. ... Field: 5-year postgraduate degrees in PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY. Curriculum: PERCORSO GENERICO. Language: Italiano. Teaching period: Single Annual Cycle. Detailed report: Non disponibile ...

  13. Italian Graduate Studies

    The Department of Italian provides two streams in its Master's program, the thesis option, and the non-thesis option. The course work, the thesis and/or research papers must demonstrate that the student possesses a sound knowledge of the language, is familiar with all periods of Italian literature and has developed the background and skills necessary to carry out scholarly research. The ...

  14. Master thesis preparation

    A Master Thesis Preparation in MCS should be a computational and application oriented work in a research group at USI in order to deepen the knowledge in an area in computational science. It should require about 180 hours and 6 ECTS are obtained for a 15 page summary report. ... Svizzera italiana Via Buffi 13 6900 Lugano, Svizzera tel +41 58 ...

  15. Master Thesis (MCS)

    The Master thesis is an academic piece of work whose purpose is to demonstrate the candidate's ability to make an original contribution to the field of computer science and/or computational science. ... Svizzera italiana Via Buffi 13 6900 Lugano, Svizzera tel +41 58 666 40 00 e-mail [email protected] Other contacts Feedback on the website. Maps and ...

  16. Master Thesis (CS)

    The Master's thesis is examined orally before a Jury comprising the supervisor, the co-examiner, and the Masters' director or a delegate. ... Svizzera italiana Via Buffi 13 6900 Lugano, Svizzera tel +41 58 666 40 00 e-mail [email protected] Other contacts Feedback on the website. Maps and directions. Lugano Campus;

  17. Master thesis

    Traduzione di "Master thesis" in italiano. Sostantivo. tesi di laurea f tesi di master f. tesi magistrale. Mostrare più. In the 4th semester, students write their Master thesis at one of the two chosen universities. Nel 4 º semestre, gli studenti scrivono la loro tesi di laurea presso una delle due università scelti.

  18. Translation of "master's thesis" into Italian

    tesi magistrale is the translation of "master's thesis" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: Notes in regards to master's thesis, point number 1: ↔ Appunti per la tesi del master, punto numero 1: master's thesis noun grammar . A thesis submitted for a master's degree. [..]

  19. thesis

    Italiano: thesis n (unproven theory) tesi, teoria nf : The philosopher sets out an interesting thesis in this book. ... La dottoranda ha impiegato quattro anni per scrivere la sua tesi. thesis n: US (master's dissertation) tesi, tesi di laurea nf : Alex has just submitted his thesis. Alex ha appena consegnato la sua tesi di laurea.

  20. Category : Blagoveshchensk

    Media in category "Blagoveshchensk". The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total. 2019 Blagoveshchensk legislative election diagram.svg 360 × 185; 2 KB. Blagoveshchensk City Duma 2023.svg 360 × 185; 3 KB. Blagoveshchensk location map.png 1,679 × 2,277; 1.03 MB. Blagoveshchensk-zh-classical.png 1,240 × 1,280; 154 KB.

  21. Blagoveshchensk

    Blagoveshchensk - Wikipedia ... Blagoveshchensk

  22. Blagoveshchensk Tourism

    Blagoveshchensk (Russian: Благовещенск; IPA: [bləgɐˈvʲeɕːɪnsk], lit. the city of the Annunciation) is a city and the administrative center of Amur Oblast, Russia, located at the confluence of the Amur and Zeya Rivers, opposite to the Chinese city of Heihe.

  23. Cheap flights from Istanbul to Blagoveschensk (IST to BQS ...

    Cheap Flights from Istanbul (IST) to Blagoveschensk (BQS) start at for one-way and for round trip. Earn your airline miles on top of our rewards!