• Ph.D. Faculty
  • Ph.D. Board
  • Ph.D. Advisory Board
  • Ph.D. Students
  • Mandatory courses
  • Elective courses - Management track
  • Elective courses - Accounting, Banking, and Finance track
  • Seminars & Reading Groups
  • The Call for Applications to the Ph.D. Programme in Management
  • How to apply
  • Scholarships & Fees

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Our Ph.D. Programme in Management

“How do leaders face the future challenges in management and finance? With strong theoretical foundations and a thorough knowledge of research methods. That’s what we nurture in the Ph.D. in Management at UNIBO”. (Riccardo Fini, Ph.D. Programme Coordinator).   Internationalization and excellence • A 4-year full-time program with two specialization tracks ("Management" and "Accounting, Banking, & Finance") • 6 full scholarships plus additional teaching and research assistantship opportunities • First cohort in 1991, 159 alumni, 38 students enrolled • Entirely taught in English, with at least a 3-month period abroad. Around 300 applicants every year from all over the world • A broad and interdisciplinary education in business and finance studies and management research, requiring the production of an original research contribution • The competencies acquired can be deployed for careers in both academia and business

phd management in italy

Meet UniBo PhD Students - Musa Essa, "Marketplace inclusivity for people with disabilities"

phd management in italy

Meet UniBo PhD Students - Korinzia Toniolo, "Assimilating Artificial Intelligence in Organizations"

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PhD in Management

The PhD. Programme in Management is a 3-year international, intersectorial doctoral programme, which aims to prepare students to conduct high-profile research in the field of management, at universities, firms and research centres. A third level university course, the Programme is part of the Doctoral School at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and it is administratively based within the School of Economics, Department of Management and Law.

The Programme’s structure is composed of three tracks, namely Banking & Finance, Business Management & Accounting, and Public Management & Governance. Each track has its own coordinator and focuses on specific research activities, lectures and seminars according to the peculiar research interests covered. Furthermore, these tracks jointly organize a first year intertwined Research Methodology course aimed at developing, since the beginning, an appropriate research design knowledge base for the doctoral students.

During the 3 years, the scientific progress of the doctoral students is constantly monitored through the delivering of activity reports, the checking of the lectures’ attendance, and the evaluation of yearly assignments. Presenting at national and international conferences, and/or submitting studies for their potential publication, is also strongly encouraged.

The PhD. Faculty has published in a number of top-tier management-related journals and is continuously active in close scientific relationships with many Universities, academic networks and professional associations worldwide.

The School of Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata has a number of active ERASMUS Plus international agreements for the exchange mobility of lecturers and doctoral students. In this regard, many PhD. students in Management have been successfully awarded with the Doctor Europaeus PhD. over the years.

Currently, the PhD. in Management has a Cooperative Agreement active with the University of Hasselt on a joint Doctoral Programme (Double Degree) in Management. Relatedly, the Programme is part of the Sapiens Network (Horizon 2020 Marie-Curie European Project). Over time, it has also activated industrial partnerships with reputed research centers such as CASD - Center for Defense Higher Studies (Italian Ministry of Defense), Technoscience, and ISNART (National Institute for Tourism Research).

The PhD program in Management offers the following three tracks of specialization:

Banking and Finance

Banking and Finance

Topics in: Consumer finance, new media and financial communication, real estate finance, governance of financial intermediaries, and neurofinance.

Business Management and Accounting

Business Management and Accounting

Topics in: Management science and operations, marketing, organizational science and behaviour, strategy and entrepreneurship, financial and managerial accounting.

Public Management and Governance

Public Management and Governance

Topics in: Strategy and performance management, organizational change and innovation, collaborative governance, inclusive development, nonprofit organizations, social enterprises and innovation.

Download the  PhD in Management brochure

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MAY 17th, 2024

Join the International Summer School!

Join the International Summer School!

Sheffiled U. - Tor Vergata U.  July 8 - 19, 2024 Application deadline: April 26

Spring School: Space is all around

Introduction to Space Sciences Application deadline: March 21, noon

Welcome Office

Welcome Office

A dedicated office for international students

Enjoy Tor Vergata

Enjoy Tor Vergata

Carsharing at special price

 Call for Erasmus+ Traineeship

Call for Erasmus+ Traineeship

Next application: Sept. 3 - Oct. 17, for October 2024-January 2025.

Collective Health Policy

Collective Health Policy

Subscriptions by February 28th, see the BASE and PREMIUM options in the form "other categories" 

Our best Congratulations to Matteo Cristofaro!

Our best Congratulations to Matteo Cristofaro!

 Track Business Management and Accounting, XXIX cycle

Our best Congratulations to Olta Manjani!

Our best Congratulations to Olta Manjani!

Track Banking and Finance, XXXIV cycle

Carpooling Service

Carpooling Service

use the free App BePooler to share a car journey with your colleagues

Students Welcome

Students Welcome

International students can receive assistance for the fiscal code, residency permit, health services.

PhD Programs at Tor Vergata

PhD Programs at Tor Vergata

Presentation and numbers

1st year courses

1st year courses

Research Methodologies attendance is compulsory for 1st year students. Moreover, some track lectures are compulsory also.

Following years courses

Following years courses

2nd and 3rd year students are expected to attend track lectures and other dedicated activities posted on each Track web-site.

News Archive

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale


Phd programme in management engineering.

The PhD programme in Management Engineering (DRIG) offers an advanced education together with the opportunity of carrying out research work in the fields of management, economics and industrial engineering.

The programme ensures that candidates build up a solid methodological background, allowing them to develop their multidisciplinary knowledge, an open minded approach to research and the ability to address problems in an innovative way, while combining different perspectives and approaches.

The Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering’s commitment to research and its scientific collaborations with other institutions provide candidates with an ideal environment in which to pursue research in their personal fields of interest within a broad spectrum of different topics.

Call 40° cycle Start: September/November 2024 Deadline: 1st July 2024

In order to get more information and support, we invite you  to fill the following enquiry form , specifying the PhD programme of interest.

Location: Milan

Language: English

Format: Full Time/Part Time

Duration: 3 to 4 years depending on the Programme


  • Annual call:  May
  • Additional calls for applications: see the section “How to apply” and the link here

Required degree: University Master of Science degree (or equivalent)

Contacts Email: [email protected]

This video brings the voice of PhD candidates, DRIG alumni, and external stakeholders giving an insight into the PhD experience and useful suggestions for future PhD candidates. It helps to understand what is the PhD programme in Management Engineering and why to consider this path in one’s career and competence development.

What is a PhD and Why doing the PhD programme

This video provides a presentation by our Programme coordinator, aimed to introduce the role of the Ph.D as a higher educational level and to provide useful information about the structure and opportunities of the Ph.D programme in Management Engineering.



To be admitted to the PhD programme, students must hold a University Master of Science degree (or equivalent). The most relevant background university studies are those in the fields of economics, management, and industrial engineering . However, students who hold degrees in other technical and scientific disciplines or in social sciences may also be admitted to the programme.

The online application opens once a year around mid-April for the full time format (Annual Call) ; application and eligibility check are permanent for the executive format.

Application period

The PhD academic year starts at the beginning of November .

The application period for each new PhD cycle starts with the Annual call, running from mid-May to June.

After the annual call,  there may be some Additional Calls for PhD places with scholarships linked to specific research topics. Candidates who apply to these additional calls will be enrolled to the ongoing PhD cycle .

Knowledge of English is required; to this end, applicants are required to submit one of the certificates listed here (Admission Criteria)  no later than end of October, if not already submitted at the closing date of the call. Failure to submit certificates within the established closing date for enrolment irrevocably results in the loss of the right to enrolment. Certifications are valid regardless of the date when they were awarded.

Citizens of Countries in which English is an official language are not required to certify their knowledge of English; the same applies to applicants who have been awarded or will be awarded academic qualifications by an institute in which all teaching activity is carried out in English.

These applicants must attach official documents to their application; in particular, where all courses are carried out in English, this needs to be certified by the corresponding academic institute.

To be admitted to the Doctorate Programme in Management Engineering (DRIG) applicants must apply through a competitive selection process.

Admission to the PhD programme is limited to a predetermined number of candidates according to the scholarships available in the programme. This ensures the optimal development of each candidate while enriching the group’s learning and investigation process.

The candidature may apply to different types of scholarship classified as:

Generic Scholarship (Annual Call)

  • Elective Research in Management Engineering
  • Oriented Research in Management Engineering
  • Thematic Scholarship, also including interdisciplinary scholarships (Additional Calls).

Check the page  Calls and Regulations – Dottorati di Ricerca (polimi.it)  to read further details and apply.

For futher information please visit the PhD School website.

For further information about scholarships, please visit the following  page . Check the “open calls” section and look at the available scholarships in Management Engineering.



The PhD programme can be full time or part time , depending on the typology of tracks:

  • General track (full-time): 3 years;
  • Executive track : 4 years. For more information click here .
  • International Agreements and Double PhD : 3/4 years. For more information click here .

The programme is built on three main pillars:

  • Development of the doctoral thesis . The thesis is the hallmark of the Ph.D. programme. It allows students to develop leading-edge research competencies and to produce an original scientific contribution on a topic relevant for academics and practitioners.
  • Main courses on research methodologies and leading-edge topics in management, economics and industrial engineering.
  • Elective training activities . Students can customize their study plan depending on their research interests. The aim is to develop students’ scientific knowledge on specific topics and to expose them to the international scientific community by attending Ph.D. schools or workshops and presenting their research at international conferences.

Ph.D. candidates fulfil their research and training requirements under the supervision of scholars who are experts in their research fields.

At the following link you can find the research lines .

The Ph.D. thesis (125 ECTS) is an original contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the candidate’s research field. The research will be supervised by members of the doctoral faculty, who will provide guidance to the candidate in setting out and arranging the everyday activities involved in the thesis development. The thesis can be edited in the form of a monograph or a collection of papers .

At the end of each year, candidates will present the progress of the research project in front of a committee and will discuss it with a Discussant from the PhD Faculty. This is a fundamental step to advance from one year to the next.

At the conclusion of the PhD studies, the Faculty Board evaluates the candidates. Candidates who receive a positive evaluation submit their theses to two external reviewers for refereeing. If the evaluation is positive (or in any case after the comments received from the external reviewers are integrated), the candidates may defend the thesis in front of a Committee composed of three members, at least two of which must be external to the Politecnico.

The resulting thesis needs to be coherent with the research lines developed in the Department where the PhD programme is developed.

Ph.D. yearbooks and thesis

The thesis abstracts are published in our yearbooks:  https://www.dottorato.polimi.it/en/phd-programmes/engineering/management-engineering

Each PhD candidate must obtain at least 25 ECTS from courses. Each course lasts approximately one week and is composed of classroom lessons, individual study and group works.

All courses are taught in English.

  • Schedule of courses 2021-2022
  • Schedule of courses 2022-2023
  • Schedule of courses 2023-2024


Faculty Board



The Ph.D. programme aims to train professionals who are able to carry out high-quality research in the fields of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering at universities or other research institutions. Ph.D. graduates from DRIG are also well equipped with distinctive skills and advanced knowledge to pursue a professional career in manufacturing and service companies, regulatory authorities and other public bodies.

In this framework, the following opportunities are open to those completing the Ph.D. programme:

  • Post doc, research fellows and young lecturers in Italian and foreign universities;
  • researchers and scholars of management, economics or industrial engineering in the research departments of public and private organisations;
  • highly qualified personnel in research and training institutions, with the role of providing a link between universities and the business world, or in technology transfer centres in Italy and abroad;
  • professionals in leading management and strategic consulting firms able to provide deep and advanced insight in areas of activity relating to the company itself;
  • high level professional roles in national (ministries, regulatory authorities, local public institutions) and international (EIB, IMF, World Bank, European Commission, European Central Bank) public institutions;
  • managerial roles in multinational companies with a strong focus on innovation;
  • entrepreneurs in contexts characterized by a high level of innovation.

Support actions for placement are provided with the purpose of sharing experiences, services and information through a number of initiatives fitting the different types of career opportunities. Amongst the actions, the “Placement programme for PhD candidates” is the programme offered by the Career Service, in cooperation with the PhD school of Politecnico di Milano. 

  • Al Taji Farah Nabil Adel
  • Cannas Violetta Giada
  • Chiodo Veronica
  • Constant Francois
  • Derakhshanalavijeh Roya
  • Giraudo Emanuele
  • Giuffrida Maria
  • Latifi Gresa
  • Magistretti Stefano
  • Malandri Lorenzo
  • Napoleone Alessia
  • Neri Alessandra
  • Roshanghalb Afsaneh
  • Trabucchi Daniel
  • Costa Federica
  • Farinelli Marco
  • Flocco Nicole
  • Fontana Matteo
  • Loro Camillo
  • Manfredi Latilla Vito Maria
  • Pakhomova Liubov
  • Prataviera Lorenzo Bruno
  • Soncin Mara
  • Sullivan Brendan Patrick
  • Tedaldi Gianluca
  • Volpetti Claudia
  • Artusi Federico
  • Arano Keith
  • Bellis Paola
  • Bertoletti Alice
  • Cifone Fabiana Dafne
  • Diaz Lema Melisa Lucia
  • Leto Alessio Domenico
  • Martinazzi Stefano
  • Piantoni Giulia
  • Seghezzi Arianna
  • Siragusa Chiara
  • Acerbi Federica
  • Gerli Francesco
  • Gheduzzi Eleonora
  • Kassem Bassel
  • Lanfranchi Davide
  • Magnanini Silvia
  • Mancuso Raffaele
  • Mandolfo Marco
  • Marini Camilla
  • Montanaro Benedetta
  • Moretti Emilio
  • Pedota Mattia Fabio Junior
  • Sanasi Silvia
  • Zasa Federico Paolo
  • Accordini Davide
  • Boccoli Gabriele
  • Guida Michela
  • Laubengaier Desireé
  • Manotti Jacopo
  • Maragno Giulia
  • Modica Tiziana
  • Negri Marta
  • Piraina Mariachiara
  • Ronchini Alessio
  • Shibanova Ekaterina
  • Vella Giacomo

phd management in italy

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22nd October 2020 saw the launch of the new edition of the International MBA at MIP Politecnico di Milano, my edition. About seventy people are sitting in a big class waiting for the presentation to begin. These are all new faces, nobody knows anyone, eyes are analysing other eyes. There’s a stron ...

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Marvelous Milano

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Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships

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Doctoral Programme in Management

Call for Applications

  • Admission and Ranking List
  • PhD In Management – NRRP
  • PhD in Management – a.y. 2024/2025
  • PhD in Management – NRRP (Bando PNRR)
  • Admission and Ranking – XXXIX cycle (A.Y. 2023/2024)
  • Call for Applications: PhD in Management XXXIX cycle – NRRP – ITALIACAMP
  • Call for Applications – PhD in Management XXXIX cycle (a.y. 2023/2024)
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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

  • This page is only available in English

This programme jointly offered by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Trento aims to equip talented young people with the mindset and principles of responsible management and sustainable leadership, preparing them to contribute to a better future world and economy by balancing social, ecological, and economic aspects appropriately.

Course description

Our programme invites young scholars to explore, learn, and grow in a vibrant environment. Students benefit from two diverse universities, inspiring collaborations, and exciting networking opportunities.

As a PhD student in our programme, you will have access to a broad spectrum of professors, seminars, and workshops that will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your field of study. Our joint faculty brings together experts from various disciplines, providing a unique and comprehensive approach to management studies.

Moreover, being a part of our community means connecting with a strong alumni network that offers support, guidance, and a lot of opportunities for professional development.

How do you benefit from our joint PhD programme? The specific feature of this programme is that you will have two tutors/supervisors: one from Bozen-Bolzano and one from Trento. This is beneficial in terms of:

  • Scope of expertise, i.e. exposure to a wider range of knowledge and perspectives,
  • Networking opportunities, as you will be part of two different professional networks,
  • support and guidance, through access to different perspectives, which will allow you to consider alternative viewpoints and refine your work,

Opportunities for collaboration, as co-supervision can lead to increased interaction between your two supervisors, which may ultimately lead to joint publications.

The programme focuses on the development of theoretical and applied research in business and management sciences through the acquisition of specialised skills, particularly in the following research areas Accounting and Accountability; Organisational Behaviour and Decision Making; Consumer Behaviour; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Family Business; International Management; Knowledge Management; Organisational Design and Human Resource Management; Strategy and Strategic Leadership; and Tourism Management.

The three-year full-time doctoral programme combines core seminars in quantitative and qualitative methods, relevant organisational and management theories and research strategies with additional individual training. Depending on the specific research interests and goals of the doctoral student, the content and learning methods are determined with the two supervisors.

This topic-specific individual support and mentoring, the promotion of interdisciplinary approaches and critical thinking, as well as financial support for research stays at renowned universities and a generous scholarship are features that set our programme apart from comparable programmes.

Doctoral students will be introduced to specific research areas of both faculties and will have the opportunity to participate in innovative research projects. They will benefit from a powerful combined set of resources (e.g. libraries, datasets, laboratories, facilities) to conduct relevant, international research. The international academic staff of both partner universities offer a wide range of research opportunities. Current research interests of potential supervisors can be found here . Candidates for a PhD position can use these research interests as an orientation and contact the respective Collegio members directly to see if their own research ideas are of interest and/or can be supported.

In collaboration with:

phd management in italy

At a glance

Duration of the programme: 3 years Courses will be taught in English Places available: 8 with scholarship + 1 without scholarship Campuses: Bozen-Bolzano and Trient-Trento Tuition fees: € 189 per year Stay abroad: 4 to 6 months stays at   renowned research institutions

Programme structure

Students are assigned two tutors (unibz and UniTrento) who support the integration phase and ideally take over the supervision later. The first six months of the programme provide basic knowledge of methods and theories in the field of responsible management in order to develop a common skill set among our doctoral students, regardless of their background. Depending on individual research interests, information and opportunities for specialist training will be provided. Ideally, a working paper will be completed by the end of the first year. At the beginning of September, a progress review takes place to ensure that the expected progress is being met and that the student can continue.

The second year is used to further develop the specific research topic, to present initial results at conferences, to expand methodological and conceptual knowledge and, ideally, to develop a second working paper. Preferably, PhD students will already spend part of their external research stay at partner institutions. The academic year ends with the second progress review. The third year is devoted to completing or refining further publishable research and submitting it to academic conferences and journals. The dissertation, consisting of at least three published or publishable articles, must be submitted in early summer and defended at the end of the year after being assessed by external referees. Successful doctoral candidates will receive a doctorate from both participating universities.

International Research Collaborations

The Faculty and Collegio members of both partner universities have close academic networks within their specific research areas, too numerous to list here.  Our PhD programme benefits from the guidance and support of an Advisory Board of leading, internationally recognised colleagues from different countries and disciplines, which currently consists of the following members:

  • Massimo Contrafatto , University of Sussex, Great Britain
  • Fabrizio Ferraro , IESE, Spain
  • Claudia Gabbionetta , University of York, Great Britain
  • Christoph Grimpe , Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Giuseppe Grossi , Nord University, Norway
  • Nadine Kammerlander , WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
  • Tanja Rabl , TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Martin Schnitzer , Universität Innsbruck, Austria

Additionally, our faculty members have established partnerships with colleagues, research groups, and institutes for instance from:

  • Baruch College , USA
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Hong Kong
  • Lee Kong Chian School of Business – Singapore Management University, Singapore
  • Manchester Business School , UK
  • NYU – New York University Stern;

These and many more professional contacts will provide our PhD students with numerous opportunities to pursue their research interests, to develop and maintain important networks, and to experience the life of a young scholar on a truly international level. Finally, it will be of help with starting a successful academic career.

phd management in italy

PhD Programme Coordinator:  Prof. Michael Nippa  (photo) and Prof. Fabio Zona (at UniTrento) Student representative in the Collegio: Yasser Basstawy El Sayed

academic staff

Faculty Secretariat

Current PhD students

Selected PhD Alumni

Study at unibz 8

Studying at unibz

Living in South Tyrol, Housing, Scholarships and more

Study at unibz phd

Coming to unibz from Abroad

Application procedure, Visa, Residence permit and more

Application and Admission

You can find key information to apply and gain admission to this PhD Programme.  For detailed information browse the general and specific calls below.

In order to gain admission to the PhD programme, you will need to have obtained 300 ECTS credit points (master degree). 

Application deadline: 11/07/2024 (by noon local time) Admission interviews : 18-19/07/2024 (in presence at the Faculty of Economics, room E 4.10 or via MS Teams) Publication of ranking lists : by 05/08/2024 (due to technical-administrative reasons)

Confirmation of the PhD position - 1st Call

Applicants with scholarship : until 20/08/2024 (by noon local time) Applicants without scholarship : starting from 21/08/2024 until 30/08/2024 (by noon local time) Enrolment : Starting from 21/08/2024 until 31/10/2024

Application deadline : 02/10/2024 (by noon local time) Admission interviews : to be defined Publication ranking list : by 17/10/2024

Confirmation of the PhD position - 2nd Call

Applicants with scholarship: 25/10/2024 (by noon local time) Applicants without scholarship: starting from 21/08/2024 until 30/08/2024 (by noon local time) Enrolment: starting from 26/10/2024 until 31/10/2024

Total Positions : 9

Positions with university grant s: 6 Positions MD 629/2024 under PNRR : 1 Position ESF+ : 1 Positions without grant : 1

Positions with university grants : 2 Positions without grant : 1

In the academic year 2024/2025, the board members of the programme offer 57 research topics.

At this link you can find a list of potential research projects and their corresponding proposed supervisors.

All citizen may apply to be admitted to a PhD programme:

  • Applicants holding a postgraduate degree as per Italian Ministerial Decree no. 509/1999, a postgraduate degree as per Italian Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004, a degree of the former Italian university system, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad;
  • Applicants achieving one of the above mentioned titles within the enrolment deadline. In this case applicants will be admitted conditionally to the selection procedure and they must produce the degree certificate within the enrolment’s deadline. If not, their application is considered null and void. 
  • In order to gain admission to this PhD programme, you will need to have obtained 300 ECTS credit points (Master degree): a) an Italian "Laurea Magistrale" (Master degree) or degree issued in accordance with the regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3 November 1999, amended by Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004, in the indicated degree classes (LM-18, LM-31, LM-47, LM-49, LM-50, LM-51, LM52, LM-55, LM-59, LM-63, LM-66, LM-69, LM-75, LM-76, LM-77, LM-91, LMG-01) with a minimum final grade of 95/110 or b) an equivalent qualification (Master degree) obtained abroad at an officially recognized academic higher education institution. The degree must be equivalent to the Italian "Laurea Magistrale" (Master degree), in terms of duration, level and subject area, and must allow the access to an academic course equivalent to the PhD in the country/higher education system of provenance with a final mark of at least ECTS "C" or GPA 3.0 out of 5.0.

Applicants whose mother tongue is not English must document their language skills by presenting a language certificate (minimum level C1), such as TOEFL, IELTS or the First Certificate in English (grade "A") recognised by the Language Centre of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Knowledge of English may also be demonstrated by qualifications (secondary school/bachelor/master) related to a program held entirely in English. In this case, Italian and EU candidates must declare this on the pre-enrolment portal.

Non-EU citizens must upload a copy of their diploma and any additional documentation indicating the language of instruction related to the foreign qualification. Candidates demonstrate their language proficiency in the application portal (in the section “upload language certificates” and/or “enroll for language exams”) after they have created an application in the section “create/manage applications”.

Applications to the selection procedure can be submitted from the date of the announcement of the public competition.

Each application is subject to a payment for administrative expenses (30 €). This registration fee cannot be reimbursed under any circumstances. In order to apply, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create an account at Application Portal   and upload in electronic format a passport-size colour photo and a valid ID (passport or identity card, front/back);
  • In the application portal, select the PhD programme and pay the registration fee of 30 € (see instructions in the portal);
  • Fill in the online form in the same portal and upload the additional required documents (see the specific attachments to the call for each PhD programme).

Completing the application online is the only way to submit the application. Applications will not be considered if:

  • incomplete or without compulsory entry qualifications/requirements;
  • sent by e-mail.

It is necessary to upload the required documentation for each PhD programme chosen in the portal. A traffic light system indicates complete/incomplete documentation (missing documents will be marked in red).

Only documents uploaded by the deadline will be evaluated. It is advisable to apply online well in advance and to check the portal regularly to take note of any notes concerning missing and/or incorrect documents.

After the deadline, it will no longer be possible to complete/correct incomplete applications. The University is not liable if the portal is overcharged, due to the net or to the software itself.

To apply to the PhD programme, applicants must include the documentation listed below. Incomplete applications will be excluded from the competition.

Diploma supplement or the Master degree diploma together with the transcript of records of all passed exams (=certificate with exams list of Master degree):

  • if graduated in Italy : diploma supplement or self-declaration (following the Italian D.P.R. no. 445/2000) of the degree awarded with the exams passed (if graduated) or just with the exams passed (if not graduated yet);
  • if graduated abroad : diploma supplement or final degree certificate with exams passed (if graduated) or transcript of records (if not graduated yet) in Italian, German or English.

The above must contain the following information : final grade, exams passed with grade and date of passing, credit points, scientific fields (the latter only for Italian titles), university where the degree was or will be awarded and date of graduation.

For qualifications obtained abroad, also : scale of grades awarded by the home university (with a minimum final grade to obtain the qualification and a maximum final grade achievable). unibz reserves the right to request a description of the contents of the single courses and/or teaching hours where necessary.

If the certificates or diplomas were awarded by Italian public institutions, the relevant self-certification forms must be completed in the portal. If the certificates or diplomas were awarded by foreign institutions, the certificates or diplomas must be uploaded to the portal.

  • Language certificate for English : if certificates were issued by Italian public institutions, a self-declaration must be uploaded in the portal. If certificates were issued by foreign public institutions, a scanned copy of the original certificate must be uploaded in the portal.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) in English (possibly following the EU format that can be downloaded here ). The CV must be updated with all data and information of the current year 2024.
  • Two recent letters of reference from current or former professors, supervisors of theses or co-authors of articles published in peer-reviewed management journals, which need to be specifically prepared for the application to this PhD-program.
  • A research statement in English (pdf-format, max. 1,200 words plus bibliography, tables, graphs, if applicable), which is scientifically rigorous and highlights the applicant's particular research interest and possible research questions as well as conceptual and methodological approaches. The research interests expressed in the research statement must be related to the research priorities of the faculty and consider the availability of supervisors in the proposed research area. Should the formal criteria, especially the volume limit, not be respected, the applicant will be excluded from the procedure. Note: a motivation letter is explicitly not required.
  • Payment of the registration fee for the selection procedure.

All documents must be submitted in English (including copies of official certificates if they are in languages other than English, German, or Italian), otherwise the applicant will be excluded from the evaluation and selection process without further consultation.

Other documents/qualifications (recommended, if applicable)

  • Publication list if relevant ; preferably with respective links to the full text
  • Certificates of special courses or awards and special achievements of relevance with regard to the PhD program, or any other document that provides evidence of the qualifications necessary to successfully participate in our joint PhD program.

The selection procedure takes place in two stages:

  • Evaluation of the candidates' scientific qualification and suitability on the basis of written documents (qualifications) (max. 70 points).
  • The selection committee examines and evaluates the following elements:
  • The Master's final grade or the grade point average of examinations taken in the Master program (in the case of candidates not yet in possession of the master’s degree) in combination with the quality of the issuing university(ies) or faculty/business school(s) by using recognized international ranking systems (total max. 20 points).
  • Content proximity/affinity of previous education and qualifications to the subject content of the Joint PhD-program in Management, i.e., scientific proximity (total max. 20 points).
  • Quantity and quality of scientific publications and/or research-related work experience (only those that match the subject content of the PhD-program in Management will be considered), if this represents added value for the PhD program and the targeted research area (total max. 7.5 points).
  • Comprehensive evaluation of the curriculum vitae and letters of recommendation. If the candidate has a very good GMAT or GRE test (not older than five years) it will be credited here (total max. 7.5 points).     

Candidates who do not reach the threshold of 35 points (out of 55 points) regarding the evaluation of criteria 1) to 4) are declared ineligible at this stage and their research statement is not evaluated.

Evaluation of the research statement by designated or potential supervisors and/or other experts in the research field (max. 15 points)

Candidates who reach at least 45 out of max. 70 points in the assessment of criteria 1) to 5), including at least 10 points for the assessment of the research statement under 5), will be admitted and invited to the personal interview.

  • Personal interview (max 30 points)
  • The further assessment of applicants' qualifications and their aptitude as researcher is based on an interview (oral examination) (max 30 points).

During the interview, the selection committee will assess the following elements in particular:

  • The applicant's preparation, education, and specific suitability for academic research in the field of Management at the Faculty of Economics and Management.
  • The ability of the candidate to present his/her research interest and ambition and corresponding competencies and skills in a convincing manner in English.

Fees amount to € 189

In order to confirm your study place, you need to log on to the application portal and pay the tuition fees (€ 189) which includes the provincial tax for the right to study of € 173 and a revenue stamp of € 16. by one of the methods indicated on the portal by the deadline indicated above.

If you do not respect this deadline, you will automatically lose your study place. If, by paying the instalment you have confirmed the study place, there will be no refund of the tuition fees unless you are a non-EU applicant resident abroad and you do not receive the necessary documents from the Italian authorities in your country.

Publication of the call : from 10/06/2024 Application deadline: by 11/07/2024  (by noon local time)


Call - FSE+

Publication of the call: from 10/06/2024 Application deadline : by 11/07/2024 (by noon local time)


Publication of the call : from 02/09/2024 Application deadline : by 02/10/2024 (by noon local time)


With any further question please contact us by phone at +39 0471 012800 or send us an e-mail:  phd@unibz.it .


Ranking List

General information

Visiting PhD students and sabbatical stay

The Faculty of Economics and Management at unibz and the Department of Economics and Management at UniTrento may accept PhD students from other universities who would like to undertake a short period of research (i.e., up to four months). We ask for your understanding that we are not able to accept all students who make an application to visit the Faculties and therefore  need to be selective  based upon qualifications and  mutual fit of the research interests .

To facilitate your application and ensure we can manage our limited resources effectively, prospective visiting PhD researchers need to find and contact a Collegio member, who is working in the same research area and willing to host the applicant. The host will forward the  complete application  (CV; purpose and research objective of the stay; topic of a research seminar to be provided at the beginning of the visit)  together with a recommendation for approval to the PhD Collegio .

In preparation for your visit with us, neither the Faculty of Economics and Management of unibz nor the Department of Economics and Management of UniTrento are able to provide access to Italy or any other secure data to visitors or visiting students. If you require this service, please contact your home institute, as they will be required to provide such access. Both faculties also recommend that you bring your own laptop with the required software.


Admissions to 2024-2025 PhD Programmes

Call for applications for admission to phd programmes  of national interest (din) - academic year 2024/2025 - 40th cycle .

Call for PhD programmes of National Interest (DIN) in HERITAGE SCIENCE – EARTH OBSERVATION – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – PEACE STUDIES has been published.

Applications must be submitted by 10 July 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time) without any exception.

Call for applications DIN PhD programmes 40th cycle - 2024_2025 (pdf)  Applications Submition Tutorial - 40th cycle_2024_2025 (pdf)


Sapienza University of Rome announces the following exam-based open call for admission to the 40th Cycle of PhD Programmes. The legal duration of all PhD programmes is three years.  Applications must be submitted by 20 June 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time) without any exception.

Call for applications 40th cycle - 2024_2025  (pdf) Applications Submition Tutorial - 40th cycle_2024_2025 (pdf)


Sapienza University of Rome published a call for pre-selection for postgraduate PhD positions with scholarships fund by China Scholarship Council . List of PhD Programmes for which it is possible to apply are indicated in the Appendix CSC XL cycle. The deadline for submission of the application is February 28th, 2024 at 12.00 a.m. (CET).


Call for pre-selection CSC XL  -  Appendix CSC XL   -   Agreement Sapienza-CSC


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PhD programmes

PhD programmes

Are you interested in a PhD programme?

PhD Programmes attendance at the University of Bologna is conditional upon passing an examination. The provisions governing the selection procedure are laid down in the Call for applications and its attachments.

  • University of Bologna PhD programmes
  • Other phd programmes the University of Bologna is involved in
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND FutureData4EU Programme - 53 PhD positions to train new Big Data talents
  • Funded Phd research projects
  • How to apply for a PhD programme
  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on the PhD Call for applications and selection procedures

How to apply for a PhD programme

Are you a PhD candidate at Unibo?

Consult the Intranet Website for information concerning your career, the opportunities and services available for PhD candidates enrolled at the University of Bologna: PhD grants, tuition fees, exemption, agreements, Co-tutorship "cotutelle" agreement, mobility, requirements for staying abroad, absences, thesis, final exam, etc.

  • Intranet Website (restricted access with @unibo credentials only)
  • Regulation Governing the PhD Programme Degrees (Third Cycle Programme)
  • Internationalisation of the PhD programme
  • Certificates for PhD candidates

PhD programme degree with firms and bodies

PhD programmes with firms and bodies

The PhD programme degree may well be a preferential tool for scientific collaboration with the University of Bologna and for exchanging the knowledge and competencies that underpin innovation.

  • PhD programme with companies and public institutions
  • PhD Apprenticeship Programmes


PhD Programmes brochure [.pdf 525 KB]

AFORM - Settore Dottorato di ricerca

Via Irnerio 49, Bologna Please, book an appointment via e-mail

  • AMS PhD thesis Published
  • Recognition of foreign qualifications Published

ITALY: 7 fully funded PhD scholarships in Management at LUISS

7 PhD Positions at LUISS

LUISS invites applications for 7 fully funded PhD scholarships (one out five provides an additional financial support for international candidates). As part of their applications, prospective PhD candidates need to submit a detailed research proposal ( area of research –  to be chosen from those indicated in Annex 2 Paragraph a)  – must be indicated after the title ), setting out the research puzzle, analytical approach and intended methodological choices, together with a CV, references and other documents.

Please check here for details of the  Call for Applications  (English version) Please check here for details of the  Call for Applications  (Italian version) Please check here for  Annex 2  (English version) Please check here for  Allegato 2  (Italian version) Please check here for  FORM C  (English version) Please check here for  MODELLO C  (Italian version)


The  Deadline   for submission  of applications:  16:00 (CET), UTC+1 on 24 March 2023.

About the Programme

The PhD programme is comprised of four years of full-time study.

The overall path consists of research and teaching training, a visiting period abroad, and dissertation preparation. The first two years are dedicated to coursework.

Year 1 consists of disciplinary courses in management and research methods.

Year 2 is dedicated to courses on a chosen field of specialization, concluding with the development of a research proposal.

Years 3 and 4 are devoted to research and to dissertation preparation, culminating in the submission and defense of the thesis.

Along the entire learning path, students are also exposed to seminars and workshops on publication strategies and approaches to the international job market.

Please note that this educational structure may vary year per year, according to the students' research needs and the Academic Board decisions.

The PhD training courses are also open to students enrolled in PhD programmes of other universities, upon payment of a fee.

Visit the PROGRAM ME for more information.


  • Top Universities for PhD Study in Italy - 2023

Written by Taru Medha

With a rather extensive higher education system, universities in Italy have a lot to offer for any aspiring PhD student. There are many different kinds of institutions that provide PhD degrees in Italy . They are either state (or publicly) funded or privately funded. Many universities also offer courses in English so make sure to check what's available on the institution websites.

  • State universities are completely autonomous and have full legal capacity.
  • Private universities need to be accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education to be able to award valid postgraduate degrees.

Qualifications from state-recognised private universities carry the same weight as those awarded by state universities.

As a PhD student in Italy, you can choose from any of the following kinds of institutions to complete a doctorate at:

  • Universities (Università) (both state and privately funded) are focused on scientific research and award postgraduate degrees till the PhD level.
  • Polytechnics (politecnici) offer the same level of qualifications as universities (università) but only in Engineering and Architecture.
  • Institutes for Higher Artistic Education (Istituzioni AFAM — Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale) include Academies of Fine Arts, National Drama Academies, State Music Conservatories and National Dance Academies among other art-related educational institutions.
  • Higher schools (Scuole Superiori) are institutions that have special legal status which allows them to specialise solely in postgraduate university studies.
  • Universities for foreigners (Università per Stranieri) are universities oriented towards providing foreign students with knowledge of Italian language and culture. There are two of these universities (the oldest in Perugia, founded in 1921, and the other in Siena). Their other responsibility is to administer the two Italian language tests (CILS and CELI) .
  • Online/distance universities that deliver state-accredited courses by e-learning.

Top 10 Universities for PhD courses in Italy

With a history of exceptional contribution to both arts and science, Italy is a dream study destination for many students looking to do a PhD. Universities in Italy have maintained their international repute with a number of them still ranking highly on global ranking tables. This makes Italy an excellent place for international students to study.

The table below lists the 10 best universities in Italy for PhD study according to global rankings. This information is based on the latest rankings tables, researched and published by Times Higher Education , QS and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) . It is important to note that each ranking system has their own methodology, and different factors affect the final result for a particular university.

Top 10 Italian Universities in 2023
University THE 2023 QS 2023 ARWU 2022
University of Bologna =161 =167 201-300
Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa =183 - 501-600
Humanitas University 201-250 - 401-500
University of Padua 201-250 =243 151-200
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies - Pisa 201-250 - -
Sapienza University of Rome 201-250 171 101-150
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University 201-250 =436 401-500
University of Pavia 251-300 561-570 401-500
University of Milan-Bicocca 301-350 601-650 301-400
Politecnico di Milano 301-350 139 201-300
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Italy introduced the three-cycle structure of higher education that is followed across Europe (also known as the Bologna process ). This system aims to allow easy credit transfer (called ECTS) and a qualification recognition framework within Europe. In Italy, you’ll have the opportunity to attend historic universities, benefit from cutting edge modern research and enjoy the chance to explore one of the most beautiful parts of Europe.

Search for a PhD in Italy

You can browse and compare a list of available PhD degrees in Italy on the FindAPhD website.

Our postgrad newsletter shares courses, funding news, stories and advice

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This guide tells you about everything you need to apply to study a PhD programme in Italy.

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Our guide tells you everything about how much a PhD in Italy costs and how to find the right funding for it.

phd management in italy

Our guide tells you everything about which visa you'll need to study a PhD abroad in Italy and how to apply for it.

phd management in italy

What is it like living in Italy during a PhD? Our guide provides information on accommodation, student living costs, working and more.

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PhD Program in Management 2025 Intake

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  1. PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting, XXXIX Cycle, University Carlo Cattaneo, Italy

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  2. PHD Management

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  3. PhD Program in Management, Finance And Accounting in Italy

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  5. LIUC PhD Scholarship Programs in Management, Finance and Accounting in Italy

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  6. LIUC PhD Scholarship Program in Management, Finance, and Accounting for International Students

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  1. Topic selection of PhD Management sciences proposal

  2. PhD Management Proposal Help

  3. Italy PhD fully funded scholarships#allsubjects#nationality

  4. PhD in Italy

  5. PhD in Italy 🇮🇹 || fully funded scholarship || study in Europe 🇪🇺 || No IELTS ||

  6. Important Points to know for applying PhD in Italy


  1. PhD details

    The PhD programme in Management covers several fundamental research domains: strategy, organizational behavior, marketing, innovation management and entrepreneurship, finance and financial intermediaries. ... in Italy and abroad. Only a minority of our students will probably enter the business sector, especially in services and finance. ...

  2. PhD Program in Management

    The Luiss PhD Program in Management is a disciplined - but not disciplinary - learning path for high potential doctoral candidates. It offers concentrations in strategy, organization, innovation and entrepreneurship, marketing, accounting, and corporate finance. Primary areas of faculty research include: business model innovation, corporate governance, finance for innovation, project-based ...

  3. Business and Management

    Founded in 1404, the University of Turin is one of the largest and most prestigious Italian universities. Studying at UniTo International degree seeking students

  4. 43 PhD programmes in Business & Management in Italy

    Management and Production Engineering. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 161 EUR / year. 3 years. Politecnico di Torino Turin, Italy. Ranked top 2%. Top 2% of Universities worldwide according to the Studyportals Meta Ranking.

  5. PhD details

    The PhD programme in Management covers several fundamental research domains: strategy, organizational behavior, marketing, innovation management, finance and financial intermediaries. The 4-year program offers specialization in two major areas: . Besides a series of common courses, students take specialized courses from one of the two areas.

  6. Management

    That's what we nurture in the Ph.D. in Management at UNIBO". (Riccardo Fini, Ph.D. Programme Coordinator). Internationalization and excellence. • A 4-year full-time program with two specialization tracks ("Management" and "Accounting, Banking, & Finance") • 6 full scholarships plus additional teaching and research assistantship ...

  7. Ph.D. in Management

    The PhD. Programme in Management is a 3-year international, intersectorial doctoral programme, which aims to prepare students to conduct high-profile research in the field of management, at universities, firms and research centres. ... (Italian Ministry of Defense), Technoscience, and ISNART (National Institute for Tourism Research). The PhD ...

  8. PhD DIG

    The PhD programme in Management Engineering (DRIG) offers an advanced education together with the opportunity of carrying out research work in the fields of management, economics and industrial engineering. The programme ensures that candidates build up a solid methodological background, allowing them to develop their multidisciplinary ...

  9. PhD in Management

    CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - XL cycle (a.y. 2024/2025) We invite applications for 6 fully funded PhD scholarships (one out six provides an additional financial support for international candidates). APPLY HERE. The Deadline for submission of applications: at 16:00 (CEST), UTC +2 of 7 June 2024. Call Details: As part of their applications, prospective PhD candidates need to submit a […]

  10. Management Studies in Italy: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Management Studies in Italy is a great choice, as there are 20 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 59,000 international students choose Italy for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  11. Call for Applications


  12. PhD in Management / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

    if graduated in Italy: diploma supplement or self-declaration (following the Italian D.P.R. no. 445/2000) of the degree awarded with the exams passed (if graduated) ... (only those that match the subject content of the PhD-program in Management will be considered), if this represents added value for the PhD program and the targeted research ...

  13. Admissions to 2024-2025 PhD Programmes

    The Italian research doctorate (PhD) is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most fields of study. The PhD programme is open to applicants who hold a Masters Degree or equivalent degree obtained abroad. PhD programmes train students to carry out scientific research and improve their research methodologies.

  14. Doctoral programmes (PhD)

    Milano School of Management "PA 110 e lode", training for public administration employees; Formazione continua; Doctoral programmes (PhD) ... Italian. A.Y. 2024/2025. Exercise and Sport Sciences. Medicine and Healthcare. Inter-university. Italian. ... PhD name. Search. 36 programmes . A.Y. 2023/2024. Agriculture, Environment and Bioenergy ...

  15. PhD details

    The PhD Programme in Management covers several fundamental research domains: strategy, organizational behavior, marketing, innovation management and entrepreneurship, finance and financial intermediaries. ... in Italy and abroad. Only a minority of our candidates will probably enter the business sector, especially in services and finance. ...

  16. PhD programmes

    Discover the full list of PhD programmes. The call for the admission to PhD positions XL cycle - UniTo administrative seat - a.y. 2024-2025 has been published on the Doctoral School website. Call deadline: 20th June 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) CEST time. The deadline of the call for admission to the National PhD Program in Food System has been extended to 2nd July 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (noon-CEST ...

  17. Applying for a PhD in Italy

    Italy follows the Bologna three-cycle framework and requires a relevant Masters degree to undertake a PhD. If you completed your Masters outside of Italy, make sure your qualifications meet the requirements to be recognised as a valid degree in Italy. It's a good idea to contact your university of choice before you apply and ask them for a prior assessment of your eligibility.

  18. PhD programmes

    The provisions governing the selection procedure are laid down in the Call for applications and its attachments. University of Bologna PhD programmes. Other phd programmes the University of Bologna is involved in. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - COFUND FutureData4EU Programme - 53 PhD positions to train new Big Data talents.

  19. PhD

    The Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy, "Dottorato di ricerca") is the highest university degree in Italy, aiming to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and research abilities to engage in top-quality research activities in universities, public institutions, or private bodies. A yearly call for applications is launched to be selected for a Ph.D. Program at the University of Turin.

  20. Study in Italy: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Tuition fees in Italy depend on the university, the type of degree, and the student's economic condition. On average, tuition in public universities is between €0 and €5,000 per year, and in private universities, between €3,000 and up to €35,000 per year.Some universities might have higher tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students but in most universities, there is not a big difference ...

  21. ITALY: 7 fully funded PhD scholarships in Management at LUISS

    NEWS12 Feb 2023 opportunities. ITALY: 7 fully funded PhD scholarships in Management at LUISS. LUISS invites applications for 7 fully funded PhD scholarships (one out five provides an additional financial support for international candidates). As part of their applications, prospective PhD candidates need to submit a detailed research proposal ...

  22. Top Universities for PhD Study in Italy

    University of Milan-Bicocca. 301-350. 601-650. 301-400. Politecnico di Milano. 301-350. 139. 201-300. Information in this table is based on the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings and Academic Ranking of World Universities.

  23. PhD Program in Management 2025 Intake

    PhD Program in Management 2025 Intake. MSc / Postgraduate Diploma in Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management. MSc / Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Statistics - 2024. 15th Vidyodaya Literary Awards Ceremony Set for September 3rd, 2024.

  24. 483 Ph.Ds in Italy

    Business & Management 40. Computer Science & IT 55. Education & Training 4. Engineering & Technology 95. Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences 34. Hospitality, Leisure ... Università IULM - MilanMilano, Italy. View Programme Information. Featured . Add to compare. Aerospace Engineering. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 161 EUR / year. 3 years ...