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presentation for the management

Management Presentation: 8 Tips, Examples & a Template

In a corporate context, presenting works wonders for a career. Most professionals get exposure to presenting to informed colleagues and department managers. It’s an ideal way to get visibility and show value. But a management presentation to senior executives who aren’t familiar department nuances is a different ballgame.

A management presentation is a high-level summary to senior executive that optimizes reports to include only the details relevant to directorial decisions . They are notoriously difficult to navigate for two reasons: 1. most executives do not have working knowledge of the nuances in each department , 2. presenters rarely have time to understand executives’ preferences .

More than anything else, good management presenters learn how to strike a balance in the degree of detail: they provide enough detail so executives make informed decisions, but not so much detail that they cause confusion.

This article explores how to make a good management presentations in PowerPoint using 4 management presenting best practices , 4 management presenting techniques , providing examples for each, and finishing with a management presentation template you can apply in real life. You can use it as a jumping off point for deeper communication curriculum .

5 management presenting best practices are:

  • Ask what managers prefer ahead of time.
  • Have 1 message, and 1 message Only.
  • The only words should be “Thought Starters.”
  • Keep it short.
  • Practice 7 times in advance.

4 management presenting techniques are:

  • Use a CSP model – Challenge, Solution, Progress.
  • Begin with a summary of exactly 3 points.
  • Use only these 3 chart types: bar, line, scatter.
  • Design slides with the company logo.

I will use a financial analyst perspective in this article, but everything here applies to data and business analysts as well.

Ask Executives Their Preference Ahead of Time

If you’ve ever taken a class on presentation techniques, you’ve heard the old adage “know your audience.” It’s true, the best way to deliver a great presentation is to align your message with what your audience already understands. The same applies to a management presentation.

The challenge is that, more often than not, executives are too busy for you to get to know them well. This means you hardly get the chance to understand how they like presentations. So what can you do? Well, ask them! There’s no harm in sending an email to understand better. And what’s more, once you know, you can always defer to their preferences in the future.

For a financial management presentation, common questions to ask include the following:

  • Do you prefer to see raw data, or only visualizations?
  • Do you prefer charts or table summaries?
  • Would you like a written explanation on paper for each slide?
  • Do you like averages alone, or do you prefer means, or standard deviation?
  • What interests you most in a presentation?

If you gather some helpful insights, then your presentation will be that much better. That said, you may not get a response, or it may be quick and not insightful. But most senior executives will appreciate you asking .

The best part is you will be able to surprise them. Using the best practices and techniques below, in additional to any insights gathered form your email, will work wonders for you.

Have 1 Message, and 1 Message Only

The easiest mistake to make on a management presentation is trying to deliver multiple messages. Senior executives go through loads of meetings every day, and each meeting they have includes a wave of information. Your mission should be to deliver 1 essential message so they can easily understand and compartmentalize it.

This is no easy task. When I try to narrow down the focus of my management presentation message, it seems like I leave out critical information along the way. The key is to tell a story to incorporate critical information as part of a story towards the essential message.

For example, imagine you work for a wholesale watch company called Batch Watch . You want to explain a financing operation in which the company has the option of two loans to fund the initial costs of 10,000 watches. These loans have different interest rates and maturity dates. Loan A is better if the company expects to sell the watches within 3 months, while Loan B is better if the company expects to sell over more than 3 months. Each has cancellation fees and cash flow impacts.

Instead of showing the cancellation fees and cash flow impact of the each loan, all you need to say is “ we expect the company to sell them within 3 months, and we recommend loan A for that reason.” If the executives disagree on the sale timeline, they will ask for more information.

This is how you keep senior executives engaged, by integrating them in the story you tell. Ultimately, the essential message of your presentation should be how much profit the company will make from the watch funding operation. Senior executives should leave feeling like the project is in good hands with you, and they only feel that way when you tell a story around the essential message .

Whatever the Message, Use Data

Whatever message you want to send, it needs to be backed up by data. In the example above the data was financial, but it’s not always that simple. Context may require you to provide KPIs and perform extensive data analysis that culminates in a small output that your viewers can easily digest.

You need to be strong with data to deliver a good management presentation. To get started or refresh your memory, you can read AnalystAnswers’ free Intro to Data Analysis eBook .

The Only Words Should be “Thought Starters”

As a general presentation principle, you should not write many thoughts down on presentation slides. Words have two negative impacts on the audience: they demand energy from the reader, and they make the reader feel compelled to read, lest they misunderstand.

If you can avoid putting text blocks altogether, do. If you don’t need any writing at all, don’t. However, if you need guidance as you speak or want to provide reminders for a later data, use “Thought Starters.”

Thought starters are phrases of 3 words maximum that contain ideas leading to the essential message. People often call them “bullet points,” which is common for list-style thought starters. Personally, I prefer to place thought starters at different places on a slide. When I use a chart, for example, I put thought starters at relevant places on the slide.

Keep it Short

Your presentation should never consume more than 80% of the allotted timeframe. This means that if you plan a 5 minutes meeting, deliver the presentation in 4 minutes. If you’re given 30 minutes, do it in 25 minutes. If you have 1 hour, do it in 45 minutes.

By keeping the presentation short, you relieve the audience and you allow for some question buffer. Have you ever sat in a meeting planned for 1 hour, and at 45m it ends early? It’s a pleasure for everyone. Most of us feel like we’re running behind — when you put us ahead of schedule, we love you!

At the same time, senior executives may bombard you with questions throughout the presentation. If you planned to fill the whole timeframe, you won’t finish. But if you planned to finish early, you still have a chance.

And if you use the rest of these best practices and techniques, those senior executives shouldn’t need to ask too many questions!

Practice 7 Times in Advance

There’s a mix of opinions on the number of times you should rehearse a presentation before doing it live, but most people agree that it’s somewhere between 5 and 10 times. If you take nothing else from this article, take this. To deliver a good presentation, prepare excellent slides; to deliver a great presentation, practice presenting them 7 times.

To deliver a good presentation, prepare excellent slides; to deliver a great presentation, practice presenting them 7 times.

But just practicing isn’t enough, there are a few criteria you must meet:

  • Practice in the room you will present in. There’s something about envisioning yourself live that really makes a difference. When you practice in a space other that where you’ll present, it’s good. But when you practice in the “live” room, you’re able to sensitize yourself to the environment, which calms nerves so you can focus on the message.
  • Have an audience. We all behave differently when there’s stimulus of other people around. Whenever possible, get one or two people to whom you can present. In addition to getting used to having an audience, you’ll also get some feedback.
  • Use the same volume of voice. When we’re not “live,” we have a tendency to hold back on our voice. This is detrimental to the presentation because you feel taken off guard by your own voice. Make sure to envision yourself in front of the senior execs when you practice.

Best Practices Recap

We’ve addressed 5 best practices — now let’s turn our attention to 4 specific techniques you can easily implement. And when you do, that work wonders for management presenting.

Use a CSP Model (Challenge, Solution, Progress)

Every presentation needs structure, but it’s easy to forget that we need to guide our audience. A great way to structure management reports is using the CSP model. CSP stands for Challenge, Solution, Progress, and it’s exactly what it sounds like.

You need to explain the challenge or goal, explain what the solution to the challenge is (or how to achieve the goal), and show where you are in the steps to completing that goal.

For example, let’s look at our Batch Watch case. Imagine you need to find funding for a new product launch — $100,000 to be exact. A sample CSP model for this would be a slide that shows:

presentation for the management

By using the CSP model, you guide the audience. However, it’s important to note that the CSP model is not a summary . It’s an overview of the process, but a summary should always come before. Let’s talk about it now.

Begin with a Summary of Exactly 3 Points

Any good presentation begins with a summary. And a good summary communicates the essential message simply in 3 points. However, the summary is not the same thing as the CSP model. Instead, it provides an alternative view on the challenge and and solution.

For example, using our Batch Watch case of funding a new product, you could address a summary in the following way:

  • Challenge, Solution, Progress
  • Funding acquisition
  • Project Timeline

This provides additional details that are most relevant to the project and carry added value to the CSP model.

Use only Bar Charts (aka Column Charts), Line Graphs, and Scatter Plots

Whether it’s for data, financial, and business analyst topics , management presentations should only ever have bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plots. They are common, rich in information, and well understood. Any other kind of graph is distracting more than anything else.

A bar graph is useful when you want to compare like variables. For example, if you want to show the average size of Canadian trout versus American trout. A common mistake, though, is to use bar graphs to show change over time. While it’s not incorrect to do so, line graphs are better for this purpose.

A line graph is useful when you want to show change in one variable over time (we call this time series data). For example, if you want to show the progression of revenues over time, line graphs are the perfect way to do so.

A scatter plot is best when you want to compare a set of observations of one variable to a set of observations of another. It’s the ideal way to quickly visualize the relationship between two variables. For example, if you want to see how company revenues compare to GDP, you could use a scatter plot like this:

For example, let’s look at our Batch Watch case. If we want to see how our company is performing compared to the economy as a whole, we could use this scatter plot. As you can see, we have a positive (bottom left to top right) relationship, but a weak one (points not clustered closely).

presentation for the management

Design Slides Using the Company Logo

When you’re presenting to senior executives, you want your slides to look professional. The best way to do that is by putting your company logo on them, including any corporate design standards (colors, fonts, etc). Show through your presentation that you belong to the same company, and that you’re in it in spirit. For example, let’s add the logo to our CSP slide:

presentation for the management

Techniques Recap

Here’s a sample management presentation template below. I hope you understand after reading this article that management presentation is more about your delivery than it is about the slides you prepare.

Download Management Presentation Template for Free

While the techniques we’ve discussed will help you build a good presentation, your success really depends on how well you deliver the ideas needed to help senior executives make decisions. At the end of the day, it’s all about balance.

If you only remember two things from this article, remember that great management presenters give enough detail to inform senior executive but not too much that they cause confusion, and great management presenters make sure they do so by practicing 7 times in advance. You’ll have to practice, practice, practice.

About the Author

Noah is the founder & Editor-in-Chief at AnalystAnswers. He is a transatlantic professional and entrepreneur with 5+ years of corporate finance and data analytics experience, as well as 3+ years in consumer financial products and business software. He started AnalystAnswers to provide aspiring professionals with accessible explanations of otherwise dense finance and data concepts. Noah believes everyone can benefit from an analytical mindset in growing digital world. When he's not busy at work, Noah likes to explore new European cities, exercise, and spend time with friends and family.

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What is a Management Presentation: Templates, Tips & Topics 

What is a Management Presentation: Templates, Tips & Topics 

Written by: Zain Zia

What is a Management Presentation: Templates, Tips & Topics

Management presentations are a big deal. They help leadership teams present high-level company information to potential investors or buyers.

These meetings have a lot at stake, as they ultimately drive decisions that could impact an organization’s future and success. Hence the need to make your presentation as impactful as possible.

If you’re creating and giving a management presentation for the first time, this article is your handy guide. We’ll cover key elements to include in your presentation and topic ideas to influence, persuade and impress stakeholders.

You’ll also find tips for preparing and presenting your management presentation, common pitfalls to avoid along the way and templates you can use to create beautiful and professional management presentations in minutes.

Table of Contents

What is a management presentation, the purpose of a management presentation, 10 management presentation templates, best management presentation tips, 12 management presentation topics.

  • Management presentations contain high-level company information to help stakeholders, such as board members or potential buyers make informed decisions.
  • Key components of a management presentation are the company overview, organizational structure, business offerings, market and competitor analysis, sales and marketing strategy, financial health, operational performance, risk assessment and future projections.
  • The purpose of a management presentation is to facilitate decision-making, highlight achievements and milestones, identify and mitigate risks, demonstrate financial health and build trust and credibility.
  • Visme is an all-in-one design tool that helps you create professional and interactive management presentations within minutes. Pick a ready-made template to get started, or use our AI presentation maker to create branded templates. Browse through our extensive asset library of icons, images, and videos, and use our AI capabilities to take your presentations to the next level.

A management presentation is a document or slide deck prepared by your company’s management to present to key stakeholders like board members or potential buyers. It typically covers high-level information, such as financials, strategy and performance data.

These presentations provide an excellent opportunity for managers to showcase their expertise, leadership capabilities and strategic foresight. They also prove to stakeholders why they should be trusted to steer the organization towards success.

Key Components of a Management Presentation

Here are some of the key components of a management presentation:

  • Agenda. Create an agenda slide that lists the main topics or sections you’re going to cover in your presentation, similar to a table of contents.
  • Company Overview. Provide a brief history of your company, including the mission statement, core values, and key milestones and achievements.
  • Organizational Structure and Team. Provide an overview of your company's organizational structure and introduce your management team and their roles within the company.
  • Product or Service Offerings. Share a brief overview of your company's products or services and highlight their unique selling points and competitive advantages.
  • Market and Competitor Analysis. Present an analysis of your industry, including key customer segments, market size and market share. Include a SWOT analysis to assess your company's strengths and weaknesses and identify any opportunities and threats that could impact your strategic position.
  • Sales and Marketing Strategy. Outline your company's approach to reaching and engaging customers, including an overview of marketing channels and sales performance metrics. Also, highlight your plans for boosting market reach and sales.
  • Financial Performance. Present your company's historical financial data, current financial health and future projections.
  • Operational Performance . Discuss your company's efficiency, workplace productivity, supply chain management and quality control measures. Mention any significant operational achievements that you may have or improvements you’d like to see in the future.
  • Strategic Initiatives and Growth Plan. Discuss the different ways your company can grow. Specify any strategic initiatives that are already planned and explain how they align with the company’s overall strategic goals.
  • Risk Analysis. Identify potential risks and challenges your company faces and discuss strategies to overcome those challenges.
  • Future Projections. Outline your company's vision for future growth, including strategic partnerships, new market expansions, product innovations, operational improvements and financial forecasts.

A management presentation is primarily used to communicate important information to stakeholders. But these presentations have other use cases too:

  • Facilitate Decision-Making: Management presentations enable stakeholders to make informed decisions about the company's future direction, investments and resource allocation by sharing relevant data and insights with them.
  • Highlight Achievements and Milestones. Sharing your company's progress toward its goals helps boost employee and stakeholder morale, motivation and confidence.
  • Identify and Mitigate Risks. A management presentation breaks down potential risks and challenges faced by the organization and presents strategies for overcoming those problems.
  • Build Trust and Credibility. Build trust with stakeholders by providing transparent, accurate and reliable information, and demonstrating your team’s skills, competence and strategic vision to guide the company toward its goals.
  • Demonstrate Financial Health. Reassure stakeholders of your company’s growth potential by providing them with a clear picture of the company's financial performance and future projections.

Management presentations can impact your company’s future, which is why it’s important to make them count. Starting with a template can ensure you’re covering the right sections, have a solid design and layout in place, and save you valuable time.

Visme’s management presentation templates are a must-have for companies looking to create professional, branded slide decks in minutes.

If you’re looking for inspiring management presentation examples, here’s a quick round-up of 10 of the best presentation templates to help you get started:

1. Management Business Case Presentation

presentation for the management

If you’re proposing mergers and acquisitions between companies and want all your company stakeholders on board, this management presentation M&A template is exactly what you need. It covers most aspects of the merger process, including stakeholder analysis, cost-benefit analysis, implementation timeline and SWOT analysis.

The M&A management features a clean, modern design with a professional-looking color combination of blue, red and gray. It also has a well-organized layout and eye-catching fonts to make the content more readable.

Use Visme’s AI brand wizard to create unique, branded templates in a matter of minutes. Simply enter your web URL and let AI automatically pull your logos, fonts and colors from the website. Edit and customize these templates to your heart's content.

2. Management Consultant Presentation

presentation for the management

Use this management consultant presentation template to effectively communicate your management and corporate strategies to key stakeholders. It comes with professionally designed pages to outline your methodologies, deliverables and team members.

It features a modern design with a bold blue color scheme that conveys a sense of professionalism and trust. And a variety of icons, images and data widgets are used to enhance its visual appeal.

Share and publish your management presentations with stakeholders via a link or QR code, or embed them anywhere online. Then track essential analytics such as views, unique visits, average time and average completion to manage presentations more effectively.

You can also use tools like Dynamic Fields to tailor specific content automatically for multiple stakeholders and investors.

3. Project Management Presentation

presentation for the management

This project management presentation template is an excellent pick for project managers looking to effectively communicate crucial information in a clear and organized manner to their stakeholders. It includes brilliantly designed pages for you to enter your project scope, milestones, roadmap, budget and risk assessment.

The management presentation template features a professional design and uses a mix of high-quality images, icons and data visualizations to not just enhance its visual appeal but also boost its readability.

4. Human Resources Presentation Template

presentation for the management

This presentation template is exclusively designed for HR professionals looking to showcase their amazing work and win over their audience. It comes with fully editable slides that let you present your organization structure, strategic focus areas, company culture and more.

It features a unique visual layout, eye-catching color scheme, strong typography, data widgets and high-quality images and icons to break up text and add visual interest to the slides.

If you’re sharing your management presentation online, you can add animation and interactivity in Visme to make them more engaging and functional. For example, add animated characters, motion effects, slides transitions, links and hover effects, and even embed videos.

5. B2B Marketing Lead Growth Presentation Template

presentation for the management

Break down your lead generation strategy and demonstrate your expertise in the field using this B2B marketing presentation template. It has slides on B2B lead generation challenges, lead scoring models, campaign analysis and performance metrics.

This presentation  features a bold design with a vibrant green color scheme that conveys energy and growth along with a brilliant selection of high-quality vector icons and high-res stock photos to make content engaging.

Present your results or break essential financial data with Visme’s data visualization tool . Using our drag-and-drop editor, you can incorporate customizable charts and graphs, add colors or interactivity, and much more.

6. Executive Presentation Template

presentation for the management

If you're preparing for an executive meeting and need a template to make a great first impression, then this executive presentation template is for you.

It comes with pre-designed slides to enter your project updates, business insights, cost projections, etc. It features a sophisticated design with a contrasting color scheme of purple and white, stylized text boxes, icons, images and easy-to-read fonts.

Get your team members to work on content or design in real time with Visme’s team collaboration and workflow features. Assign tasks, set deadlines, share comments and feedback, view progress and much more.

7. CRM Management Presentation Template

presentation for the management

This management presentation template is designed for managers to effectively communicate their company's CRM strategy, mission, products, business model and more. It’s a great pick if you’re looking to align teams, secure buy-in from stakeholders and boost CRM initiatives.

It features a professional and modern design with a yellow and black color scheme and a mix of text, data widgets and photos to convey information in an engaging way.

8. Financial Projections Presentation Template

presentation for the management

Present your company’s current financial performance and projections in the best possible way using this financial management presentation template.

It features a consistent purple color scheme, giving the template a professional look.The layout is perfectly organized with ample whitespace, making the information easy to read. It also uses data widgets like charts and tables to visualize important financial data, making it ideal for presenting financial reports and internal reviews and projections.

9. Azure Startup Presentation Template

presentation for the management

Share important startup information with potential partners or investors, and win them over using this startup management presentation template. It comes with professionally designed pages for you to add your company history, workflow details, implementation timeline and important financial details.

It features a professional design with a blue and white color combination, high-res images and icons, modern fonts and interactive charts and graphs to make the financial information more engaging.

Facing difficulty writing content under a specific heading? Don't worry, just use Visme’s AI text generator to draft high-quality first drafts. Enter a detailed prompt describing what you’re looking for and let AI do all the heavy lifting for you—use the content as it is, edit it or regenerate it for accuracy and style.

10. Sales Strategy Presentation Template

presentation for the management

If you want to shed light on your sales strategies and the results you've achieved through those strategies, this is one of the best business presentation examples.

This template comes with slides on customer acquisition, sales cycle pitfalls, reducing the sales cycle and more—all of which are completely editable. Just replace the placeholder text with your own and you're good to go.

The design layout of this sales management presentation template nicely balances text and visuals. Photos of business interactions convey a sense of collaboration and progress, and quantifiable data is presented through clear charts and tables.

Pro Tip: If you’re running out of time or facing a creative block, Visme’s AI presentation maker can get you started on the right foot. Simply type in a prompt, choose your style and color theme and the tool will generate a custom presentation design for you.

Creating and delivering a successful management presentation requires thorough preparation, effective communication skills and a clear understanding of your audience.

Here are a few useful tips to consider:

How to Prepare a Management Presentation

  • Understand Your Audience. Take time to research and analyze your audience—their background, knowledge level and expectations, and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Clearly Define Your Objectives. Identify key goals and takeaways you want your audience to have after your presentation. Reinforce these key points throughout your presentation.
  • Gather and Analyze Relevant Data. Collect reliable data that supports your points and strengthens your arguments. Present your findings in a way that's easy to understand by everyone.
  • Rehearse What You're Going to Say. Practice and rehearse your presentation over and over again to familiarize yourself with the content and improve your delivery. Pay close attention to your pacing, tone and body language to maximize the impact of your presentation.
  • Dress Smartly. Dress according to the audience and setting of your presentation. This will help boost your confidence and create a positive first impression.

How to Present a Management Presentation

  • Open Strong. Capture your audience's attention from the get-go with a funny one-liner, an image or a video, a personal story, or a shocking statistic. This will set the tone for the rest of the presentation and establish the importance of your topic.
  • Use Storytelling Techniques. Use real-life examples, case studies, or anecdotes to make your points more relatable and memorable.
  • Communicate Effectively. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to keep your audience engaged. Maintain eye contact to reel them in the conversation.
  • Interact with Your Audience. Ask questions, encourage participation and seek feedback to keep your audience involved.
  • Use Visual Aids. Incorporate icons, photos, videos and charts and graphs to break the monotony, simplify complex information and make the presentation more compelling.
  • Apply the 10-20-30 Rule. Aim for 10 slides for a 20-minute presentation, using a 30-point font size for readability. This rule ensures your slides are to the point, visually appealing and easy to follow.
  • End on a High. Close your presentations with a summary that reinforces key points.

Management Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

  • Overloading Slides. Avoid cluttering slides with too much information, as this can overwhelm your audience and detract from your main message. Keep slides simple and focused on key points to maintain audience attention.
  • Using Jargon. Using technical terms and industry-specific jargon might confuse your audience. Use simple language to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Reading from Slides. Reading text directly from your slides can disengage your audience. Instead, use them as prompts to elaborate on your points.
  • Neglecting Visual Aids . Failing to incorporate visual elements such as images, icons and charts and graphs can make your presentation less engaging. Use visuals to break up text, illustrate key concepts and keep your audience interested.
  • Lacking Enthusiasm. Presenting with a dull tone or a disengaged demeanor can cause your audience to lose interest quickly. Maintain a positive, energetic presence throughout your presentation to keep your audience engaged.
  • Ending Abruptly. Failing to properly end your presentation is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Summarize key points and be open to questions.

Managers can create several types of business presentations depending on the audience and objectives. Here are 12 management presentation ideas to consider:

  • Company overview (history, vision, mission and values)
  • Organizational performance and growth
  • Product or service offerings (pricing, roadmap, USPs and distribution strategy)
  • Customer segmentation and target market
  • HR, employee engagement and talent management
  • Change management
  • Marketing and brand strategy
  • Financial performance and projections
  • CSR and sustainability initiatives
  • Strategic alliances and partnerships
  • Risk assessment
  • Tech adoption and digital transformation

Create Powerful & Engaging Presentations with Visme

Management presentations are important tools for communicating with stakeholders, building trust and influencing decisions that could decide the organization’s future.

But let's be honest: it's not always easy to create a presentation that ticks all the boxes. That’s the beauty of Visme—our presentation software helps you do just that.

With Visme, you can create presentations that not only look polished and professional but also keep your audience hooked from start to finish.

Visme’s customizable templates are a lifesaver when you're short on time. With a few clicks, you can replace placeholder content, drag and drop assets, apply your branding, and have your presentation ready in minutes, not hours—even if you don’t have any design skills.

Our data visualization tools make even the most complex information easy to understand. You can also take your slides to the next level with multimedia, such as videos, animations and interactive elements like links and hover effects.

Finally, work seamlessly with your team using Visme’s collaboration tools, making sure everyone's on the same page.

Learn about more features or sign up for free and start creating a management presentation for your company right away.

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About the Author

Zain is a freelance writer for eCommerce and SaaS businesses. When he’s not crafting converting copy and insightful content, he can be found making travel videos or discussing soccer on social media.

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How to Give a Presentation to Senior Management & Executives (+ Expert Tips)

Sharon Hurley Hall

Do you have a big presentation to the C-Suite coming up? Use these executive presentation tips to deliver an attention-getting presentation. Keeps top execs engaged and interested.

Executive presentations PowerPoint template

It happens. You prep all night for an executive presentation, then it doesn't go as smoothly as it did in your head. It's not flowing, and you feel like your audience is kind of bored. 

To prevent your audience from saying " thank you; next ," you'll need to  up your presentation game.

This tutorial will show you how to present a presentation to senior management so you can keep their attention. You'll also see some of the best executive presentation formats and management presentation samples from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. 

Best PowerPoint Executive Presentation Templates (With Unlimited Use)

A good place to find  executive PowerPoint presentation templates is Envato Elements. They've got a great offer to take advantage of today. Download as many management presentation templates as you want for one low price.  

 download as many executive presentation templates as you want for one low price

For a head start with designing your slides, check out the  executive presentation templates  on Envato Elements. 

Get unlimited business PowerPoint templates with Envato Elements

For well-designed executive slide decks that grab and hold your audience's attention, turn to Envato Elements. 

Here are some of the PowerPoint templates for executive presentations:

presentation for the management

Envato Elements is great if you need a range of template designs for several executive presentations. But,  if you need a single template for one-off use, then check out the affordable  business PowerPoint templates  on GraphicRiver.  These popular templates for executive presentations will help you create eye-catching management presentations. And at a price that suits your budget.

If you're preparing an executive presentation in PPT, you want it to be the best it can be. Read on for tips on presenting to senior management and other executives.

15+ Tips for Better Executive Presentations (+ Expert Advice)

PowerPoint executive presentation template

Are you planning on presenting recommendations to senior management? Use the following tips to create more effective executive presentations:  

1. Research Your Audience

When preparing for a presentation to senior management, a little research goes a long way. A good place to start is LinkedIn. Because it's business-oriented, LinkedIn can help you find the interests and background of the executives you'll be presenting to . You may be presenting to a group, but they're all individuals with different roles and focuses. 

executive presentation format

For example, when presenting recommendations to senior management, know that the data you'll present to the CFO might not interest the CMO, and vice versa. Some people might be passionate about a particular topic or turned off by it. And some of your recommendations may have bigger implications for some departments than others.  Researching your audience as individuals helps you tailor your executive presentation to them.

Author and public speaker Pamela Hilliard Owens suggests:

"After you have been awarded the presentation opportunity, take the time to visit the company’s website and research the bios of each person who will be in your audience. Pay particular attention to the person’s title and position in the company as well as to what is important to them. If possible, try to get to know the person by name and title so that you can address them and/or their top issues or concerns as you prepare and present your topic."
"There’s no excuse to skip audience research.  It only takes one or two targeted examples to turn your presentation into a personal experience. Leverage the hobbies and interests of your audience to select examples which support your message."

2. Research the Niche

Sometimes it's as important to understand the niche you're presenting in as the audience. Mitch Mitchell, President and CEO of T.T. Mitchell Consulting , says:

"Audience research is important if you're addressing people with certain skills that might be out of the norm. For instance, if you're addressing an audience of nurses and medical people, it helps to know something in regards to how they work and what they deal with. The same goes for teachers. Depending on the presentation, I might not do audience research for most industries, but I might do market research on the topic so the presentation would be pertinent."

3. Prime the Audience

Andy Crestodina, Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Orbit Media Studios , who gives 100+ presentations a year, says prepping your audience in advance is a good way to ensure your presentation is well-received:

"The key to a great presentation is to prime the audience. Make sure everyone knows the point of the presentation. State the goal of the meeting up front, in the meeting invite and on the first slide.  Make sure each point is concise. If you’re using a deck, limit it to only one idea per slide.  Never read slides. They’re there to support you, not replace you.  If there are deeper details, keep them in your back pocket (often at the end of a deck) and be ready to show them if necessary.  If there are likely dissenters, discuss things with them prior to the presentation. If you get surprising, negative feedback during a presentation, you likely didn’t prep that person well enough in advance!"

4. Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience

Research your audience and niche. Then use that information to create a stellar presentation that meets their needs. Author, speaker and trainer Amma Marfo says:

"The key for clear communication with senior management is speaking in a language that they understand. So, as an expert on the topic at hand, consider filtering it through their lens. Are they primed to be moved by strong statistics? Make sure that you have quantitative proof of impact. If they’re convinced a given issue doesn’t exist? Come prepared with testimonials from impacted parties. Take note of not just what you want to share, but how they want to hear it."
"When I prepare to present to a company or organization, I make sure to spend time with organizers going over the context in which I’ll be speaking. What organizational issues might impact how people hear me when I arrive? How might people feel about this topic, and will it be an uphill climb for me to educate them on this? Without that context, I may be successful in delivering a talk, but I’ll have no idea if I can be impactful."

5. Project Confidence

When presenting data to executives, how you appear is almost as important as the data itself. That's why it's good to project the right body language . If you slouch, seem stressed, and don't look at your audience, then you'll wind up alienating them. Your presentation will seem boring, even if it really isn't.

management presentation sample

But, when you look confident, have a relaxed demeanor, and make eye contact, it makes your audience more interested in what you've got to say. Check out our article on the importance of body language in presentations for more tips on using body language to win over your audience.

Nicole Fende has two unusual, but attention-getting, tips for projecting confidence as a presenter, by using lightsabers (yes, really!) and improv:

"I own 8 (yes 8!) movie replica lightsabers and often ask my clients to hold one.  Even people who’ve never seen Star Wars will stand straighter and carry themselves with more confidence.  Find your touchstone and hold it while you rehearse or right before your presentation. Please note, I do not recommend taking the lightsaber into your presentation unless George Lucas will be there. When things go wrong the key is riding out the moment calmly.  Improv teaches you how to handle even the craziest of scenarios and keep going. Improv has improved my presentation skills exponentially."

6. Lead With the Summary

The term "executive summary" exists for a reason. It's a good way to think of the starting point for executive presentations. 

The ideal executive presentation format is to lead with a summary of the key facts they need to know on the first slide. This helps focus their attention and create interest. When you get straight to the point, they'll know they're not wasting their time—and you're not wasting it, either. Here's a high level executive summary PowerPoint example using the Business PowerPoint template from Envato Elements:

high level presentation example

It's ideal for busy execs who've dashed into your presentation at the last minute. This approach tells them why they're there and why they need to pay attention. Andy Crestodina agrees with this advice, but says it's useful for all presentations:

"The “executive summary” is important for the C-suite audience and anyone else. The reason is simple: people are not good listeners until they know that they are being listened to. If you do too much talking up front, the listener will gradually grow uncomfortable as they wait to give their input.  If you begin with a summary and then sit back and listen, you’ll quickly learn if there is support or objections. Then you can focus on those points as you continue the presentation.  With this approach, the presentation adapted for the audience as you go. It isn’t a monolog, it’s a dialog. That is the goal. It should feel more like a conversation. Most people would rather have a conversation than sit through a presentation."

Mitch Mitchell suggests that whether you need a summary for an executive presentation depends on the audience's knowledge:

"I think it depends on what the audience may or may not know about the presentation up front. For instance, if they're unsure of the topic of the presentation, a summary would be prudent to hopefully get their attention. If they know what the topic is going to be then a summary might not be needed in a normal sense; an outline will do."

After the summary, expand on your key points . Even busy execs who can't stick around for the whole presentation will get the most important information. Once you're past the summary slide, then keep it simple. Explain the situation, offer a solution, and explain the benefits of that solution, with relevant supporting information and data.

how to present a presentation to senior management

7. Make Your Presentation Flow

One of the best executive presentation tips I can share is to make your presentation flow by arranging information in a logical order . Once you've done your executive summary, then the slides that follow should outline the context. Cover those main points in order. 

While you're presenting, guide your audience to the key parts of your slides they should look at. Remember, while you're presenting, you're in charge.

8. Keep Your Executive Presentation on Topic

For an executive presentation, you may have to talk about business goals and values, business risks and opportunities. Do a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. Learn more about creating and SWOT analysis slides here:

presentation for the management

Whatever your subject, the key thing when creating presentations for executives is to stay on topic. If you don't, your audience will lose interest fast. Use your presentation speaker notes to help you keep your presentation relevant.

9. Have a Single End Goal

When presenting recommendations to senior management, it's important to have a goal. Before you start, know what key recommendation you're leading to. Mention this in the executive summary. Then present the evidence to make a compelling rationale for your key takeaway.

10. Include Relevant Statistics

presenting recommendations to senior management

If you want to grab—and hold—the attention of the C-Suite, wow them with data. Using the right stats will make your executive presentations more compelling. Stats can also support the recommendations you make. One tip: check and double check your stats before you make your executive presentation.  A single error could undermine the validity of your whole pitch. 

Andy Crestodina advises:

"People want to believe we are rational decision makers, even when it’s not the case. Statistics and data appeal to that rational part of the mind, letting decision makers feel like they are using data to make a good decision. But mostly, they help people rationalize the choices they have already mostly made. They are visual triggers for the confirmation bias. To make them more effective in this role, make the analysis and conclusion obvious. Don’t show a spreadsheet. Show a simple chart with the analysis added so the point is 100% obvious.  For example, if I was looking for support to create more long form content, I would show the trend data, but highlight the conclusion."

Example stats presentation from Andy Crestodina

11. Present Data So It Gets Attention

When presenting data, it's important to remember that the figures tell a story. You want that story to be as clear as possible. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

  • Decide on the right chart type for the data you're presenting. Whether you use bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, Venn diagrams or another chart type will depend on the data you've got to present.
  • Avoid clutter as this can make data hard to read.
  • Use color wisely to help viewers distinguish among data points.
  • Ensure chart labeling is clear and helpful.

Nicole Fende recommends adding an interactive element to data presentation:

"Turn dry into compelling with an interactive presentation.  I will have people take out a coin, pick heads or tails, and flip it. If you chose correctly – congrats you’ve picked a successful company to copy. If your choice didn’t land – too bad, you’re following someone else right into failure. I use this to illustrate the risk in blindly copying another company’s pricing, policies, product offerings, strategy, etc.  It evokes emotion and involves three senses – visual, auditory, and touch."

Using executive presentation templates can also make your data stand out. Here's a high level presentation example, using the Sigma PowerPoint template , of how a small design tweak can make a big difference. In the first slide, all the bars are the same color. The audience is forced to check each line to figure out the percentages.

how to create a good report for senior management

Look at the difference below! In the second chart, the addition of percentage labeling, and color contrast makes the data much easier to understand.

presenting data to executives

12. Pay Attention to Slide Design

An important part of making your management presentation appealing is having well-designed slides with a coherent visual identity. Unless you're confident about your graphic design skills, consider getting a premade management presentation sample or template. This will save time on the design elements of your presentation. You can have the confidence that it'll look great. Pamela Hilliard Owens advises:

"If you think people are getting tired of Zoom calls, they are really tired of PowerPoint slides! When designing your slides, ensure that you, and not your slides, are the star of the show. Add only 2 or 3 bullet points to each slide, and use them only as an outline for your presentation. Remind your audience that they will receive a printout of the slides, so they won’t need to take notes. That way they can focus primarily on you and what you are saying, instead of focusing on reading the slides and writing while you are speaking." 

13. Watch Your Language

When preparing your presentation slides, pay attention to the words you use, and how you use them. Avoid unnecessary jargon —when people don't understand it, that's a major turnoff. And keep slide text short and focused on the essentials. That gives people time to read it and avoids an off-putting wall of text.

Here's an example, using the Sepi business PowerPoint theme . On the first slide, there's a chunk of text, which most people will find hard to read.

creating presentations for executives

The second slide is better, extracting the key points and putting them in bullet point form.

executive presentation ppt

14. Get Your Timing Right

It's worth repeating that it pays to keep executive presentations short and focused. Don't make the mistake of creating a presentation that fills your whole time slot. If there's one thing you can count on, it's interruptions from your audience.

Allow for that in advance by making your presentation shorter than the allotted time. Plan for questions and interruptions. For time-crunched execs, a presentation that finishes early while still providing value is a bonus.

That said, you don't want to finish so early they feel short-changed. Amma Marfo recalls learning a lesson about presentation timing:

"Sometimes this is awkward for people, but practice, practice, practice. I made this mistake early in my speaking career - assuming there’d be longer periods for engagement and question, I finished what I thought would be an hourlong presentation…in twelve minutes. Now, when I put together a session on a new topic, I test it out - you can do this alone with a timer, or with a small group of trusted colleagues to simulate any interactive parts of the presentation for you."

executive presentation tips

15. Expect the Unexpected

Speaking of questions, there's no telling what those execs might ask. It's wise to prepare for the unexpected and do some research around your presentation topic . That'll help you be ready for any questions that come out of left field. 

That also goes for any data you include. Identify areas where people are likely to ask questions and have extra supporting data to help answer them.

how to present a presentation to senior management

Every now and then, you'll get a completely unexpected question. Don't panic. If you don't know the answer immediately, don't be afraid to say so. Just promise to check your facts and get back to the questioner with the answer in a short time. 

16. Practice in Advance

When it comes to delivering the perfect executive presentation, practice makes perfect. Run through your executive slide deck as many times as it takes to know your material inside out. Have a mental picture of where the supporting information is for each of your main points. That'll help you find it quickly if someone asks a specific question. Mitch Mitchell comments:

"I've always over-prepared. I put together an outline, I make sure I know all the answers to everything I want to talk about, then I rehearse upwards of 5-7 times to get the timing correct. The worst thing is to come across as unprepared or unprofessional; no one likes being rambled at." 

Pamela Hilliard Owens agrees:

"Practice, practice, practice, and be yourself. You were hired for your experience, your expertise, your personality, and your ability to relate to your audience. As you prepare your presentation, put yourself in the shoes and minds of your audience. Ask yourself: What are my goals for this presentation? Do my goals match the goals of the person/group to whom I am presenting? What are the specific “takeaways” I want for my audience? Am I speaking so that the people in my audience actually want to hear what I am saying?"

17. Step Away From the Podium

Don't be afraid to move away from the PowerPoint presentation and use a whiteboard to illustrate a key point. Switching up maintains interest and shows you know your stuff. It makes for an appealing presentation.

Grab Some Professional Presentation Templates

Find more high-level presentation examples in the articles below:

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Learn More About Presentations

Want some more help with creating presentations for executives? Check out the tutorials below for more guidance:

presentation for the management

Don't Miss Our New Free Online Presentation Guide

Now that you've been through our tutorial, do you want to learn even more about public speaking? We've got the resource for you! We'll take you through the complete process to get you ready for your next executive presentation in PPT—from start to finish.

The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2019

Don't miss our new free online presentation guide,  The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations . It's chock full of powerful business presentation advice to help you make your next business presentation your best yet.

Get a Unique Executive Presentation Template Today!

Now, it's over to you. Choose one of the PowerPoint templates we've shared in this tutorial. Or go to Envato Elements for a stunning executive PowerPoint presentation template that'll make your audience take notice. Look at GraphicRiver's best PowerPoint templates or business PowerPoint templates for even more choice. 

Download your favorite executive presentation template today.

Editorial Note : This article was original published on November 4th, 2019. It's been updated to include new information by Sharon Hurley Hall .

Sharon Hurley Hall


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How to Present to Senior Executives

  • Nancy Duarte

Cut to the chase. Keep their attention.

Senior executives are one of the toughest crowds you’ll face as a presenter. They’re incredibly impatient because their schedules are jam-packed — and they have to make lots of high-stakes decisions , often with little time to weigh options. So they won’t sit still for a long presentation with a big reveal at the end. They’ll just interrupt you before you finish your shtick.

presentation for the management

  • ND Nancy Duarte is a best-selling author with thirty years of CEO-ing under her belt. She’s driven her firm, Duarte, Inc., to be the global leader behind some of the most influential messages and visuals in business and culture. Duarte, Inc., is the largest design firm in Silicon Valley, as well as one of the top woman-owned businesses in the area. Nancy has written six best-selling books, four have won awards, and her new book, DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story , is available now. Follow Duarte on Twitter: @nancyduarte or LinkedIn .

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10 Presentation Ideas For Leadership Teams and Training

10 Presentation Ideas For Leadership Teams and Training

Leadership teams shape organizations for better or for worse. They’re responsible for guiding teams and moving things— big or small— forward. So what makes a great leader versus one that causes employees to leave a company?

When you think of a great leader, it’s probably a specific characteristic that comes to mind. Qualities like respect, self-awareness, trust, influence, collaboration, and strong communication skills can set extraordinary managers apart from mediocre ones. But how leaders listen, learn, and communicate with their employees is just as important. Because of that, leaders— regardless of the industry— need to hold themselves accountable and continuously seek out ways to grow as a manager.   

It’s not uncommon for companies to host offsites or retreats to bring the leadership team together for brainstorming, planning, and training. This helps align leaders across various departments, teams, and offices, while offering them the tools they need to be more successful in their role. 

When preparing a presentation for leadership teams and training, it's crucial to focus on content that resonates with the audience's strategic mindset and their role in guiding the organization. Here are some leadership presentation ideas to help inspire your own content.

Leadership presentation ideas

Presentations can act as a platform to encourage learning and collaboration among different leaders. Do you have a leadership retreat coming up? Here are 10 leadership presentation ideas to help train and motivate your own leadership team. 

Effective leadership strategies

As a recurring training, you might share effective leadership strategies with your executive team. This presentation would act as a refresher of the latest trends and best practices in leadership. This could include insights on empathetic leadership, fostering a positive company culture, and embracing diversity and inclusion.

Change management

How should managers and leadership teams address the challenges and opportunities associated with change within the organization? A change management presentation would provide strategies for how leaders can navigate transitions successfully, with the least amount of disruption to the team.

Strategic planning and decision-making

A strategic planning and decision making presentation will offer insights into the process of setting achievable goals and making informed decisions. Organizations might also use a strategic planning presentation to lead their own company brainstorming sessions at a leadership all-hands meeting. 

Team development and engagement

Team development and engagement is important for the overall success of the team. In this presentation you might share techniques for fostering a high-performing and engaged team, including methods for providing feedback, coaching, and creating a supportive work environment.

Communication skills

Communication skills can make or break a leader. A training session on effective communication in leadership roles could be beneficial for both managers and executives of all levels. Here you could offer practical tips for clear, transparent, and empowering communication.

Leading through uncertainty

Given the current business landscape and layoffs happening across various industries, leadership teams need to know how to handle hard situations. This presentation idea for leadership teams would discuss strategies for navigating uncertainty and ambiguity, including how to maintain resilience and inspire confidence in a team concerned about job security. 

Embracing innovation and creativity

It’s no secret that AI is here to stay, and teams are having to pivot to accommodate new technology. Use a thoughtful presentation to encourage leaders to embrace innovation and promote a culture of creativity within the organization. The slides in this deck could showcase the benefits of adopting innovative approaches and thinking outside the box.

Building high-performance teams

Leaders need the right tools and knowledge to be able to guide positive performance. Employers might offer a training “how-to” on best practices for assembling and nurturing high-performance teams. This deck should include strategies for fostering collaboration, trust, and accountability among teammates. 

Data-driven decision making

As a leader, leveraging data to make more informed decisions should be top of mind. This leadership presentation idea can highlight the importance of leveraging data and analytics in decision-making processes, and offer guidance on how to incorporate data-driven insights into leadership strategies. This could include ways to implement KPIs, OKRs, or other effective ways to track the performance of individual contributors and campaigns. 

Ethical leadership

A wildly important leadership topic is ethics. Upper management should be well-educated in ethical leadership, and how that impacts the success of the team. An ethical leadership presentation could include the significance of ethics, the impact it has on organizational culture, employee morale, and long-term success, and how to ensure it’s top of mind in each department on a daily basis.

Beautiful presentations to drive your message home

You have a presentation topic, now what? The hardest part of presentation design is going from idea to deck with little design skills to back you up. Thankfully, there's a presentation software for that. Insert: helps leadership teams create beautiful presentations so they can pack a bigger punch with their message and inspire their audience. Presenters can use one of's customizable pre-built presentation templates — like the training presentation — or leverage our AI-assistant to create a presentation from scratch specific to their topic. By creating beautiful decks you can engage your audience, drive your message home, and leave your leadership team feeling inspired to make a difference.

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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