An Undergraduate's Guide to Funding and Publishing Research

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  • Publishing Your Research: Why and How?
  • Publishing Your Research: List of Undergraduate Journals

SBU's own publications

Note that among the journals listed here are SBU's own publications such as  SBU Brooklogue ,  Young Investigator's Review  and the Stony Brook Undergraduate History Journal . 

How do I know whether my discipline is considered a Humanities or Social Science field?

Humanities includes fields such as Art History, Classics, English, Comparative Literature, History, Musicology, and Philosophy. Sometimes History can be considered broadly as either a Humanities or Social Science discipline, but for the sake of this list, most history journals are listed in the Arts & Humanities category. Likewise, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and related fields often use methods from both Humanities and Social Science research, so you might find related topics on either the Humanities or Social Science list. Psychology is another borderline discipline that might be classified as either a social science or STEM field. For the sake of this list, Psychology is listed with the Social Sciences. STEM fields are those affiliated with science, technology, engineering, or math.

Journals that publish undergraduate research

There are many journals that focus specifically on publishing undergraduate research. The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) keeps an ever growing list of journals that feature undergraduate work . However, many of those listed by CUR are hosted by a specific institution and might only publish the work of their own students, and others might not be peer-reviewed or have publishing fees, so read the descriptions carefully. And, as always, carefully review each journal's website, published articles, and the author submission guidelines before submitting your work.

Below is a list of selected journals that SBU undergraduates are eligible to submit to, organized into the following categories:

  • Broad Scope: Journals that publish research in any disciplinary area.
  • Arts and Humanities : Fields such as Art History, Classics, English, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, History, Musicology, Philosophy, Theology, and Writing & Rhetoric. Sometimes History-related fields are also classified as a Social Science, but on this page, most history journals are in the Arts & Humanities category.
  • Social Sciences: Fields such as Sociology, Psychology, Economics, International Affairs, Geography, Sustainability, Political Science, and Human Rights are included here.
  • STEM : Fields in the hard sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Broad Scope: Journals that publish research in any discipline

  • Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship Peer-reviewed journal for undergraduate scholarship run by the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society.
  • American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR) AJUR is a national, independent, faculty peer-reviewed, open-source, quarterly, multidisciplinary student research journal.
  • Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research (BJUR) Submission of original, scholarly research articles is open to undergraduates from any accredited college or university. BJUR publishes scholarship across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
  • Discussions: The Undergraduate Research Journal of Case Western Reserve University The journal accepts research papers written by current undergraduate students from accredited colleges and universities around the globe. The research can be on any topic.
  • Inquiries: Social Sciences, Arts, & Humanities An open access academic journal focusing on publishing high quality original work across a range of disciplines, especially on work in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
  • International Journal of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (IJURCA) Peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the publication of outstanding scholarship by undergraduates and their mentors. Accepts submissions from all academic disciplines, including original research in the the form of articles and literature reviews, as well as creative work in a variety of media.
  • Journal of Student Research Multidisciplinary and faculty-reviewed journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research done by high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.
  • Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research Multidisciplinary scholarly journal produced by a team of Monmouth College student editors and faculty members with peer and faculty reviewers for each article.
  • SBU Brooklogue SBU's exclusively undergraduate, peer-reviewed journal for humanities and social sciences.
  • Undergraduate Research Journal Double-blind, educator-reviewed print and electronic journal published annually. A forum for multidisciplinary undergraduate research and creative endeavors including case studies, conceptual pieces, creative writing, journalism writings, literature reviews, original art, photography, and scientific studies. Highlights mentored undergraduate scholarly products across all disciplines from all types of higher education institutions.
  • UReCA: The NCHC Journal of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity The official undergraduate journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council. Submissions are accepted from undergraduates in the following categories: STEM, Social Science, Humanities, Fine Art, and Creative Writing.

Arts and Humanities

  • Animus: The Undergraduate Classical Journal of the University of Chicago Supports undergraduate scholarship in the Classics and related fields.
  • Apollon Undergraduate Journal A peer-reviewed journal run by faculty and students at Fairfield University. Any undergraduate student whose research was produced through coursework in the humanities may submit.
  • Archive: An Undergraduate Journal of History Accepts submissions of History scholarship, including scholarly papers, articles, book reviews, and historical essays from undergraduate students of all majors from colleges and universities in the U.S. or abroad.
  • Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics Original manuscripts on any topic related to Classics from undergraduate students in any major at an institution which confers a bachelor's degree are eligible to submit.
  • Clio's Scroll: The Berkeley Undergraduate History Journal The journal publishes articles by undergraduates and recent graduates of any university on historical topics.
  • Dies Ligibiles: An Undergraduate Journal of Medieval Studies The journal accepts research papers, book reviews, translations, and art in English, French, and Spanish from any undergraduate student at any college or university. The work must pertain to the time period 400 - 1600 CE.
  • Epistemai: An Undergraduate Philosophy Journal A student-run philosophy journal at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. The journal publishes short, original philosophical work done by undergraduates from universities across the country, and internationally.
  • Falsafa: Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy Run by the Philosophy Club at the University of California, Irvine, this journal highlights philosophical ideas and research by undergraduates.
  • Forbes & Fifth This undergraduate journal of the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh considers both scholarly and creative work from students at any accredited university in the world.
  • The Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era Open access peer-reviewed undergraduate journal that publishes academic essays, public history essays, and book reviews on the Civil War Era.
  • History Matters: An Undergraduate Journal of Historical Research An undergraduate history journal published annually by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is indexed by EBSCOhost's America: History and Life.
  • Journal of Art History and Museum Studies (JAHMS) An undergraduate peer-reviewed journal that publishes undergraduate scholarship by a diverse coalition of student artists and historians.
  • The Kennesaw Tower: Undergraduate Foreign Language Research Journal Annual undergraduate double blind and peer-reviewed journal publishes scholarly work of advanced undergraduates students in Chinese, FLED, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • Mysterion: The Theology Journal of Boston College Publishes undergraduate research from around the world on topics related to theology.
  • Nota Bene: Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Musicology Publishes essays written by undergraduate students from universities around the world. Topics include historical musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, music theory, music education, and interdisciplinary subjects. Double blind review by professors across Canada.
  • The Oswald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English Published annually, and requiring a faculty member's endorsement, the refereed journal in indexed in EBSCO and accepts undergraduate criticism and research in the field of English from students throughout the U.S. and abroad.
  • Queen City Writers: a journal of undergraduate writing & composing Refereed journal that publishes essays and multimedia work by undergraduate students affiliated with any post-secondary institution. Topics covered include writing, rhetoric, reading, pedagogy, literacy broadly conceived, popular culture and media, community discourses and multimodal and digital composing.
  • Rock Creek Review An undergraduate journal edited, produced and published at Heidelberg University in partnership with the English Department. The journal publishes literary research from schools around the world for an annual publication. Check the website for the "call for papers," which will explain the theme of the next issue.
  • RhetTech Undergraduate Journal Run by students at James Madison University, this journal showcases exemplary work being done in undergraduate writing, rhetoric, and technical communication courses around the country.
  • Simpliciter: Brandies Philosophy Journal Run by students at Brandeis University, this journal aims to recognize excellent works of philosophy produced by undergraduates from universities anywhere in the world.
  • sprinkle: an undergraduate journal of feminist and queer studies A peer-reviewed journal devoted to the diverse voices of emerging scholar-activists, authors, and artists in Women's Gender & Queer Studies and related fields. First established at McGill University, sprinkle is now published at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and welcomes submissions from around the world.
  • Stance: An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal Peer-reviewed journal publishes original work by undergraduates from around the world.
  • Stony Brook Undergraduate History Journal Peer-reviewed publication that showcases the research of SBU students writing about history at the local, national and international levels.
  • UC Berkeley Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal Publishes undergraduate research in comparative texts and media, treating a broad range of topics including theoretical literary discourse, international trends in literature, and comparisons for national literature. Showcases the best work across the U.S. and also highlight more contemplative writing by students regarding multicultural issues, culture shock, or transnational experiences such as studying abroad.
  • UC Santa Barbara Undergraduate Journal of History A space for undergraduates to share original research other scholarly works of history. Reviewed by graduate students with faculty mentorship.
  • Xchanges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum The fall issues publishes these and research projects of upper-level undergraduate students. Submissions may be traditional articles or multimodal "webtexts." Based in the English Department at the University of New Mexico.
  • Yale Historical Review Welcomes works from undergraduates at any institution on any historically relevant topic.
  • Young Scholars in Writing (YSW) An international peer-reviewed journal. Publishes original research and theoretical articles by undergraduates of all majors and years on the subjects of rhetoric, writing, writers, discourse, language, and related topics.

Social Sciences

  • Afkar: The Undergraduate Journal of Middle East Studies International peer-reviewed journal that accepts research articles, essays, and book reviews that focus on the politics, history, culture, and society of the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Al Noor Boston College's Middle Eastern Studies journal. It is run by undergraduates and publishes work from students around the world.
  • Cambridge Journal of Political Affairs A student-run academic journal supported by the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge. The journal publishes undergraduate scholarly work on topics such as political philosophy, political history, comparative politics, international relations, political anthropology, and political sociology.
  • Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy: University of Chicago's Premiere Undergraduate Journal of International Affairs Accepts submissions from undergraduates from around the world on articles related to foreign policy, international relations, and related topics, preferably pertaining to the period since 1945..
  • Compass: An Undergraduate Journal of American Political Ideas A joint project of Northern Illinois University and Arizona State University, Compass publishes work related to American democracy understood in the broad contexts of political philosophy, history, literature, economics, and culture.
  • Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development To encourage an international community to think more broadly, deeply, and analytically about sustainable development, the journal publishes work by students, researchers, professors, and practitioners from a variety of academic fields and geographic regions.
  • Critique: a worldwide student journal of politics Peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarship by students of political science. The journal is recognized by the American Political Science Association and indexed by EBSCO.
  • The Developing Economist Student-run undergraduate economics research journal, published with support from the Longhorn Chapter of the Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society and the Department of Economics at the University of Texas at Austin.
  • Issues in Political Economy Co-edited by undergraduates at Elon University and the University of Mary Washington, the journal publishes undergraduate research in the field of economics and is indexed in Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Economics and Finance.
  • Journal of Integrated Social Sciences A web-based, peer-reviewed journal committed to the scholarly investigation of social phenomena. We especially encourage students and their faculty advisors to submit the results of their investigations in Psychology, Sociology, and Gender Studies.
  • Journal of Interpersonal Relations, Intergroup Relations, and Identity (JIRIRI) Affiliated with the Universite de Montreal, the international peer-reviewed journal publishes the work of undergraduates on new theoretical ideas in the fields of psychology, identity, interpersonal and intergroup relations. It publishes both theoretical and empirical articles.
  • The Journal of Undergraduate Ethnic Minority Psychology (JUEMP) Open access, double blind, peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing research authored or co-authored by undergraduates. The journal is especially interested in submissions that are from ethnic minorities perspectives, that focus on the thoughts and behaviors of ethnic minority populations, or both.
  • New Errands: The Undergraduate Journal of American Studies Sponsored by The Eastern American Studies Association and the American Studies Program at Penn State Harrisburg, this journal publishes undergraduate research in the field of American Studies.
  • The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Review International undergraduate journal housed in the Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Virginia Tech. Through a double blind review process, the journal publishes original research in the humanities and social sciences from undergraduates worldwide.
  • Process: Journal of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Scholarship Published quarterly, the journal publishes undergraduate writings that rigorously engage with issues of social justice, transformative education, politics, identity, and cultural production. Publishes both critical essays and non-traditional or multimodal compositions.
  • Righting Wrongs: A Journal of Human Rights Based at Webster University's Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, this peer-reviewed academic journal publishes undergraduate research papers, book reviews, opinion pieces, and photo essays that explore human rights issues.
  • Social Moments: A Student Journal of Social Relations Interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal examining the social and cultural world through a social science lens. All undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit work in any social science discipline.
  • Sociology between the Gaps: Forgotten and Neglected Topics Undergraduates, graduates, and professionals in sociology and related fields may submit their articles, books and film reviews, and point of view essays. Double blind peer review.
  • Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship Based at Fairfield University, the journal publishes undergraduate research on topics related to International Studies such as global awareness, interdependence, environmental responsibility, social justice, humanitarianism, and other themes that promote the understanding of global citizenship.
  • Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning & Community-Based Research Refereed, multidisciplinary, open access undergraduate journal that publishes articles from students all around the world. Accepted articles contribute to the literature on service learning and community-based research through reflection, research, or analysis. Based at University of North Carolina Wilmington.
  • The Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA (URJP) Based at UCLA, but accepting submissions of undergraduate research from institutions all over the world, this peer-reviewed journal aims to empower undergraduate students to engage in and with research and facilitate scientific conversation and inquiry in the field of psychology.

STEM Fields

  • Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal (CUSJ) Open access science journal that publishes manuscripts resulting from significant scientific research or analysis. Each paper undergoes a double-blind peer review process and a faculty review by the CUSJ Faculty Advisory Board.
  • EvoS: The Evolutional Studies Consortium A peer-reviewed open access journal, EvoS welcomes work from all academic disciplines and interdisciplinary scholarship that incorporates evolutionary theory.
  • Illumin Magazine: A Review of Engineering in Everyday Life An online magazine dedicated to exploring the science and technology behind the things we encounter every day. Features the work of University of Southern California undergraduate engineers, as well as submissions from universities across the U.S.
  • Impulse: The Premier Undergraduate Neuroscience Journal International online neuroscience journal for undergraduate publications.
  • International Journal of Exercise Science This journal engages undergraduate and graduate students in scholarly activity as both authors and reviewers. Articles on exercise science undergo peer review.
  • Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology, and Society An open access international science, technology, and society research journal that accepts undergraduate, graduate, and PhD submissions at the intersection of history, culture, sociology, art, literature, business, law, health, and design with science and technology. Students from around the world are invited to submit.
  • Involve: A Journal of Mathematics High quality mathematical research involving students from all academic levels. Submissions should include substantial faculty input; faculty co-authorship is required and the submission should come from a faculty member.
  • Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research Peer-reviewed journal that publishes undergraduate students' work in chemistry, including analytical, organic, inorganic, physical, polymers, and biochemistry.
  • Journal of Undergraduate Kinesiology Research Published by the Kinesiology Department at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, the peer-reviewed, journal is dedicated to original undergraduate research in Kinesiology. Currently, the research originates from students at the University of Wisconsin, but undergraduates from all institutions are invited to submit.
  • Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics and Astronomy (JURPA) Peer-reviewed publication of the Society of Physics Students comprised of undergraduate research, outreach, and scholarly reporting.
  • Journal of Young Investigators (JYI) JYI publishes original work in the sciences written by undergraduates mentored by a faculty member. The mission of the journal is to improve undergraduate science training by providing innovative, high quality educational experiences in science writing, publication, and the peer-review process.
  • Psi Chi Journal Undergraduate, graduate, and faculty submissions welcome year round to this peer-reviewed psychology journal.
  • Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal Devoted entirely to papers written by undergraduates on topics in the mathematical sciences. Sponsored by the Mathematics Department at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, the journal accepts submissions from undergraduates around the world and faculty co-authors are not permitted.
  • RURALS: Review of Undergraduate Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences Faculty-refereed international journal devoted to the publication of high quality research by undergraduates in all agricultural research problem areas.
  • SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO) Run by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), SIURO publishes articles written by undergraduates from all over the world in the field of computational mathematics. Each paper must be submitted with a letter from a faculty advisor.
  • Spectrum Published by the University of Alberta, this multidisciplinary journal publishes research completed by undergraduates in a variety of formats including research articles, review articles, music, video, visual arts, and creative writing.
  • Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics Published by Illinois State, this is an open access refereed research journal dedicated to publishing high quality manuscripts by undergraduate or graduate students that describe mathematical and statistical techniques to solve problems in biological settings, as well as in experimental biology. Requires an article processing charge.
  • PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research PUMP stands for Preparing Undergraduate Mathematicians for Ph.D.s, and the journal publishes articles by undergraduates students who want to pursue doctoral studies in the Mathematical Sciences. The journal especially encourages submissions by students from underrepresented groups. Topics include pure and applied mathematics and statistics and authors may submit research papers, papers containing new proofs of known results, and expository papers which propose original points of view.
  • Undergraduate Journal of Experimental Microbiology and Immunology (UJEMI+) Based at the University of British Columbia, the journal has two versions -- one that publishes only UBC students (UJEMI) and the other that is open to external submissions (UJEMI+). Dedicated to the publication of undergraduate articles in fields related to microbiology and immunology, the journal requires a formal endorsement from a course instructor or researcher who mentored the student authors.
  • Young Investigator's Review Stony Brook's own student-run science journal!
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The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Thesis Published in a Journal

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Thesis Published in a Journal

7-minute read

  • 25th February 2023

Writing your thesis and getting it published are huge accomplishments. However, publishing your thesis in an academic journal is another journey for scholars. Beyond how much hard work, time, and research you invest, having your findings published in a scholarly journal is vital for your reputation as a scholar and also advances research findings within your field.

This guide will walk you through how to make sure your thesis is ready for publication in a journal. We’ll go over how to prepare for pre-publication, how to submit your research, and what to do after acceptance.

Pre-Publication Preparations

Understanding the publishing process.

Ideally, you have already considered what type of publication outlet you want your thesis research to appear in. If not, it’s best to do this so you can tailor your writing and overall presentation to fit that publication outlet’s expectations. When selecting an outlet for your research, consider the following:

●  How well will my research fit the journal?

●  Are the reputation and quality of this journal high?

●  Who is this journal’s readership/audience?

●  How long does it take the journal to respond to a submission?

●  What’s the journal’s rejection rate?

Once you finish writing, revising, editing, and proofreading your work (which can take months or years), expect the publication process to be an additional three months or so.

Revising Your Thesis

Your thesis will need to be thoroughly revised, reworked, reorganized, and edited before a journal will accept it. Journals have specific requirements for all submissions, so read everything on a journal’s submission requirements page before you submit. Make a checklist of all the requirements to be sure you don’t overlook anything. Failing to meet the submission requirements could result in your paper being rejected.

Areas for Improvement

No doubt, the biggest challenge academics face in this journey is reducing the word count of their thesis to meet journal publication requirements. Remember that the average thesis is between 60,000 and 80,000 words, not including footnotes, appendices, and references. On the other hand, the average academic journal article is 4,000 to 7,000 words. Reducing the number of words this much may seem impossible when you are staring at the year or more of research your thesis required, but remember, many have done this before, and many will do it again. You can do it too. Be patient with the process.

Additional areas of improvement include>

·   having to reorganize your thesis to meet the section requirements of the journal you submit to ( abstract, intro , methods, results, and discussion).

·   Possibly changing your reference system to match the journal requirements or reducing the number of references.

·   Reformatting tables and figures.

·   Going through an extensive editing process to make sure everything is in place and ready.

Identifying Potential Publishers

Many options exist for publishing your academic research in a journal. However, along with the many credible and legitimate publishers available online, just as many predatory publishers are out there looking to take advantage of academics. Be sure to always check unfamiliar publishers’ credentials before commencing the process. If in doubt, ask your mentor or peer whether they think the publisher is legitimate, or you can use Think. Check. Submit .

If you need help identifying which journals your research is best suited to, there are many tools to help. Here’s a short list:

○  Elsevier JournalFinder

○  EndNote Matcher

○  Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE)

○  Publish & Flourish Open Access

·   The topics the journal publishes and whether your research will be a good fit.

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·   The journal’s audience (whom you want to read your research).

·   The types of articles the journal publishes (e.g., reviews, case studies).

·   Your personal requirements (e.g., whether you’re willing to wait a long time to see your research published).

Submitting Your Thesis

Now that you have thoroughly prepared, it’s time to submit your thesis for publication. This can also be a long process, depending on peer review feedback.

Preparing Your Submission

Many publishers require you to write and submit a cover letter along with your research. The cover letter is your sales pitch to the journal’s editor. In the letter, you should not only introduce your work but also emphasize why it’s new, important, and worth the journal’s time to publish. Be sure to check the journal’s website to see whether submission requires you to include specific information in your cover letter, such as a list of reviewers.

Whenever you submit your thesis for publication in a journal article, it should be in its “final form” – that is, completely ready for publication. Do not submit your thesis if it has not been thoroughly edited, formatted, and proofread. Specifically, check that you’ve met all the journal-specific requirements to avoid rejection.

Navigating the Peer Review Process

Once you submit your thesis to the journal, it will undergo the peer review process. This process may vary among journals, but in general, peer reviews all address the same points. Once submitted, your paper will go through the relevant editors and offices at the journal, then one or more scholars will peer-review it. They will submit their reviews to the journal, which will use the information in its final decision (to accept or reject your submission).

While many academics wait for an acceptance letter that says “no revisions necessary,” this verdict does not appear very often. Instead, the publisher will likely give you a list of necessary revisions based on peer review feedback (these revisions could be major, minor, or a combination of the two). The purpose of the feedback is to verify and strengthen your research. When you respond to the feedback, keep these tips in mind:

●  Always be respectful and polite in your responses, even if you disagree.

●  If you do disagree, be prepared to provide supporting evidence.

●  Respond to all the comments, questions, and feedback in a clear and organized manner.

●  Make sure you have sufficient time to make any changes (e.g., whether you will need to conduct additional experiments).

After Publication

Once the journal accepts your article officially, with no further revisions needed, take a moment to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. After all, having your work appear in a distinguished journal is not an easy feat. Once you’ve finished celebrating, it’s time to promote your work. Here’s how you can do that:

●  Connect with other experts online (like their posts, follow them, and comment on their work).

●  Email your academic mentors.

●  Share your article on social media so others in your field may see your work.

●  Add the article to your LinkedIn publications.

●  Respond to any comments with a “Thank you.”

Getting your thesis research published in a journal is a long process that goes from reworking your thesis to promoting your article online. Be sure you take your time in the pre-publication process so you don’t have to make lots of revisions. You can do this by thoroughly revising, editing, formatting, and proofreading your article.

During this process, make sure you and your co-authors (if any) are going over one another’s work and having outsiders read it to make sure no comma is out of place.

What are the benefits of getting your thesis published?

Having your thesis published builds your reputation as a scholar in your field. It also means you are contributing to the body of work in your field by promoting research and communication with other scholars.

How long does it typically take to get a thesis published?

Once you have finished writing, revising, editing, formatting, and proofreading your thesis – processes that can add up to months or years of work – publication can take around three months. The exact length of time will depend on the journal you submit your work to and the peer review feedback timeline.

How can I ensure the quality of my thesis when attempting to get it published?

If you want to make sure your thesis is of the highest quality, consider having professionals proofread it before submission (some journals even require submissions to be professionally proofread). Proofed has helped thousands of researchers proofread their theses. Check out our free trial today.

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Copyright and your thesis or dissertation.

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Preparing for Publication

Norms around publishing thesis or dissertation material vary from one field to another. For instance, in some science and engineering fields, it is common to publish individual chapters from the thesis or dissertation before it is submitted. In the humanities, it is common to develop a monograph from the dissertation after completing a doctoral degree.

Whether you publish before or after submitting your thesis or dissertation, it is important to plan ahead when signing publishing contracts or submitting your dissertation. Will the publishing contract you sign allow you to use the article in your thesis or dissertation later? How does depositing in the ETD repository impact this? Can you use material that you've coauthored in your dissertation or thesis? For questions about the norms in your field, talk with your advisors. With Graduate School policy questions, consult the Graduate School's Thesis and Dissertation Guide . With copyright questions, contact the Office of Scholarly Communications and Copyright .

From Dissertation to Book

Thinking about transforming your dissertation into your first book? Hardly any dissertations are published as books without significant work on the author's part to refocus the manuscript for an audience beyond the dissertation committee.

Here are a few resources to help you understand the process of reworking a dissertation for publication as a monograph:

Cover Art

  • Dear First-Time Author: How to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book, by Theresa MacPhail MacPhail shares advice from writing her own first book as well as advice from editors at university presses.

In reading some of the resources listed above, you might encounter discussions of how having your dissertation available online (for example, in Penn State's ETD repository ) could negatively impact a publisher's willingness to look at your manuscript. Some authors assert that you should not put your dissertation online if you hope to sign a publishing contract. However, please note there is very little evidence to support this view. In fact, research has shown that publishers will indeed consider manuscripts that are revised versions of openly-accessible dissertations:

  • Do Open Access Electronic Theses and Dissertations Diminish Publishing Opportunities in the Social Sciences and Humanities? Findings from a 2011 Survey of Academic Publishers, by Ramirez, et al.


This guide is based in part on Copyright for Dissertations , a guide from the University of Michigan Library Copyright Office, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license .

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Publishing: Publishing for Undergraduate Students

Academic publishing.

When you write a term paper or report on a study you devised, you're creating a piece of academic research. You join the conversation of academics through the frame of your work, which is a frame no other researcher can bring to the table. As you know, most undergraduate work is created in answer to a specific course.

Undergraduate work can have a life beyond evaluation, and the effort invested in a project like an undergraduate thesis doesn't need to only serve one institution. Many universities in the U.S. have undergraduate journals that accept submissions on a national scale.

If you're interested in submitting your work to a journal and bringing your research out into the world, check out the links below to see if the journals are right for you! If you need some guidance on how to polish a paper for submission, there are a few tips and tricks below the resource list.

Suggested Undergraduate Journals

Critique: a worldwide student journal of politics A peer-reviewed journal that's published biannually and welcomes year-round submissions. Submission guidelines are given on the site. Manuscripts must not exceed 10,000 words. The material must be related to political science.

YRIS: the Yale Review of International Studies An undergraduate journal with three annual issues; Winter and Spring issues open to undergraduates in the U.S. Submission guidelines are given on the site, along with the upcoming submission deadlines. Manuscripts must not exceed 40 pages. The material must be related to international affairs.

Gettysburg Social Sciences Review An open-access, peer-reviewed journal that's published biannually and welcomes year-round submissions. Authors must make an account to submit their work. Submission guidelines are given on the site. The material must fall under the social sciences umbrella.

World Outlook: the Dartmouth Journal of International Affairs A student-run, peer-reviewed journal that's published biannually and welcomes year-round submissions. Students can submit up to a year after graduating with an undergraduate degree. Submission guidelines are given on the site. Manuscripts must not exceed 25 pages. The material must be related to international affairs.

Hemispheres: the Tufts University Journal of International Affairs The oldest undergraduate journal of its kind. One issue is published each year; submission deadlines are announced on the site alongside submission guidelines. Manuscripts must not exceed 8,000 words. The material must be related to international affairs and each issue has a theme, though broad interpretations of the theme are encouraged.

Tips for Student Writers

Understanding submission guidelines:.

Many journals will have guidelines for submission provided on their website. Following these guidelines will insure that your submission will be reviewed and considered by the editorial team, so it's important to understand what they are asking from the authors they want to work with. Some common guidelines include:

  • If your work goes under or over the recommended guidelines, consider revising the piece
  • The University of Washington has several on-campus writing centers that you can visit for assistance
  • Most social science and political science journals require Chicago, so make sure your citations are in order before submitting
  • Some journals have specific themes they explore with each issue
  • If your work does not relate to the theme, you may need to find another journal that does not have the same restrictions
  • Larger or more well-known journals may limit the number of works you're able to submit per issue period
  • If you have a lot of work you'd like to submit, think carefully about how well each piece fits a particular journal
  • When submitting to a journal that only allows one or two submissions per issue period, only submit works that are a good fit for the journal

Before you submit, make sure that you double-check all the required guidelines! If you can, ask a friend, a writing tutor, or an academic mentor to review your submission.

How to select a journal:

The journals we recommend all fit certain criteria. Since undergraduate academic publishing is a field focused on scholarly development, you should look at the way a journal works and decide if your work fits into its scope. Some things to pay attention to might be:

  • How often a journal is published
  • How recently a journal has been published
  • The required length of submissions
  • Whether or not the journal is peer-reviewed
  • Whether or not the journal is  open-access

Avoid journals that require a submission fee or ask you to relinquish your rights to your work. Most appropriate undergraduate journals will not ask for these steps. For further help in evaluating journals, check out this guide  for an in-depth look at journal fit and copyright basics ! 

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Credit: this guide was created by Conrad Schaffer Vignati, an MLIS student at the University of Washington.

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Publish your research

  • 1. Choose the document
  • Publishing open access
  • Avoid predatory publishers
  • 3. Prepare the manuscript for submission
  • 4. Submit the manuscript
  • Negotiate your rights
  • Dissertation to book
  • Policy reports
  • Visual and digital media
  • 6. Share your published work

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Revising your work for diverse audiences

Depending on how a thesis or dissertation is published, the work may have a fairly limited audience, and it's understandable that an author would wish to share his or her research with a broader community. Articles in scholarly journals and books tend to have a greater reach within academic communities and are therefore an excellent way to share research with other scholars. When approaching adapting a thesis or dissertation for another purpose, be transparent with the prospective publisher regarding how the document was originally published and any copyright considerations. Some publishers may not consider student work that had a limited audience (e.g., published only in print) and that didn't undergo a peer review process as a prior publication, and therefore the revised version can be considered a new document. If the thesis or dissertation was made widely available online, a publisher may consider the work to have been formally published, in which case an author will need to determine with the publisher what degree of information from the original work can be included in the new work to still be considered original work and not in any violation of copyright.

If you are considering a  thesis by publication , please ensure that your publication agreements with the publishers permit you to use the published articles or chapters for your academic purposes. See " Protect your copyright " for more information regarding negotiating copyright agreements.

* Doctor of Social Sciences (DSocSci) candidates choosing to complete their dissertation by portfolio should refer to the DSocSci handbook for more information about pursuing this option.

This section of the guide (Publishing your dissertation) offers information and resources to support publishing the dissertation as a traditional monograph or elective portfolio components: books, policy reports, and visual/digital media.

Click through the subtabs to learn more about publishing your work in different output formats.

Examples of dissertation by portfolio

The following list provides examples of doctoral portfolios as a starting point to help you generate ideas for your own work:

  • Doctoral portfolio examples (UNT)
  • Thesis-Dissertation showcase (Queen's University)
  • Graduate level student theses, dissertations, and portfolios (Lynn University)
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Turning Your Thesis into an Article

Creating an article from your thesis means more than just copying and pasting. The audience for the thesis is your committee whereas for an article it may be fellow researchers, professionals working in the field, policy makers, educators, or the general audience. Your article manuscript will need to be modified accordingly. This section is based on Extracting a journal article from your thesis from Taylor & Francis publishing tips for authors.

Plan the article

Identify the central message that you want to get across. This could be a new theory, novel methodology or original findings. Make sure that your article follows a coherent argument and targets the journal audience.

Decide on the kind of article you want to write - will it be a report, position paper, critique or review? What makes your argument or research interesting? How might it add value to the field?

Select a journal

Selecting the right journal means reaching the audience you intend for your article to speak to. To start identifying potential journals:

  • Look at your own bookshelf / reference list. Where have authors published on similar topics?
  • Search the library catalogue
  • Consult Ulrich’s Web serials database  (subscription resource)
  • For open access journals specifically - search the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • For student journals - see the Directory of Student Journals at UofT
  • Talk to your advisor, colleagues or  liaison librarians

Automatic journal finders can recommend a journal based on your manuscript title/abstract:

  • Jane: the Journal/Author Name Estimator
  • Enago Open Access Journal Finder
  • Elsevier journal finder  

To further narrow down the list:

  • Study the “Aim and Scope” or similar section on editorial policies on the website to evaluate the fit and any specific content requirements;
  • Skim through past issues, abstracts, table of contents - are there similar papers that have been published?
  • How will your paper be reviewed? The journal’s website should mention the details of peer review process;
  • Check details of copyright / license agreements and whether publication before or after your thesis submission is allowed .

Is it a trusted journal or publisher?

How to identify a deceptive publisher? See the Deceptive Publishing Checklist created by U of T.

Identifying deceptive publishers - a checklist.

Write the article

You may choose to approach writing your thesis with an aim to publish it as an article or several articles, known as an integrated/publication-based/sandwich thesis. Alternatively, you can reformat and convert your completed thesis into an article to fit the scope and style of a journal article. In both cases it will be helpful to:

  • Carefully read and follow “Author Guidelines” for instructions on on preferred layout, word limits, reference style
  • Use the criteria the reviewers will use and make sure your article addresses them
  • Request and consider the input of your supervisor, colleagues, or other contributors to the research on which your thesis is based
  • Reach out to friends or colleagues to prood-read your manuscript prior to submission

Additional resources on converting your thesis into an article:

  • Adapting a Dissertation or Thesis Into a Journal Article by APA
  • Eight top tips to help you turn your PhD thesis into an article by Elsevier
  • Extracting a journal article from your thesis by Taylor & Francis
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  • Next: Turning Thesis into a Book >>
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Adapting a Dissertation or Thesis Into a Journal Article

Dissertations or theses are typically required of graduate students. Undergraduate students completing advanced research projects may also write senior theses or similar types of papers. Once completed, the dissertation or thesis is often submitted (with modifications) as a manuscript for publication in a scholarly journal. Thus, the dissertation or thesis often provides the foundation for a new researcher’s body of published work.

Writers will first want to determine whether the work in their dissertation or thesis merits publication. If it does, we then provide guidance on how to adapt a dissertation or thesis for submission to a journal.

Adapting a dissertation or thesis into a journal article is covered in the seventh edition APA Style Publication Manual in Section 12.1

publish your undergraduate thesis

Deciding to submit a dissertation or thesis for publication

When deciding whether to publish the work in your dissertation or thesis, first consider whether the findings tell a compelling story or answer important questions. Whereas dissertations and theses may present existing knowledge in conjunction with new work, published research should make a novel contribution to the literature. For example, some of your original research questions might be suitable for publication, and others may have been sufficiently addressed in the literature already. Likewise, some of your results may warrant additional experiments or analyses that could help answer the research questions more fully, and you may want to conduct these analyses before seeking publication.

You may also want to consider such factors as whether the current sample size provides sufficient power to adequately inform the analyses and whether additional analyses might clarify ambiguous findings. Consultation with colleagues can help evaluate the potential of the manuscript for publication as well as the selection of an appropriate journal to which to submit it. For information on selecting and prioritizing a journal (and tips for avoiding predatory or deceptive journals), see Sections 12.2 to 12.4 of the Publication Manual .

Adapting a dissertation or thesis for publication

Once a decision is made to convert your dissertation or thesis into a manuscript for submission to a journal, you will want to focus attention on adapting it for publication. By attending to brevity and focus, writing style, relevant literature review and data analyses, and appropriate interpretation of the results or findings, you can enhance the fit of your manuscript for journal publication. Editors and reviewers readily recognize an article that has been hastily converted; careful attention when reformatting the dissertation or thesis is likely to increase the manuscript’s potential for serious consideration and eventual publication.

There are several steps writers seeking to prepare their dissertation or thesis for publication can take beforehand:

  • Look at articles in the field and in relevant journals to see what structure and focus are appropriate for their work and how they are formatted.
  • Request and consider the input of advisors, colleagues, or other coauthors who contributed to the research on which the dissertation or thesis is based.
  • Review an article submitted to a journal alongside their advisor (with permission from the journal editor) or serve as a reviewer for a student competition to gain firsthand insight into how authors are evaluated when undergoing peer review.

The original research reported in a dissertation and thesis can then be reformatted for journal submission following one of two general strategies: the multiple-paper strategy or the conversion strategy.

Multiple-paper strategy

The quickest strategy for converting (or “flipping”) a dissertation or thesis into one or more publishable articles is to use a multiple-paper format when initially writing the dissertation or thesis. This involves structuring the dissertation or thesis used to fulfill the requirements for a degree as a series of shorter papers that are already formatted for journal submission (or close to it). These papers are usually each the length of a journal article, conceptually similar, and come from the same overarching project—but can stand alone as independent research reports. Consult your university’s editorial office to confirm that this is an approved format for your dissertation or thesis and to obtain the specific guidelines.

Conversion strategy

A second strategy is to reformat and convert a dissertation or thesis into a journal article after completing your dissertation or thesis defense to fit the scope and style of a journal article. This often requires adjustments to the following elements:

  • Length: Brevity is an important consideration for a manuscript to be considered for journal publication, particularly in the introduction and Discussion sections. Making a dissertation or thesis publication-ready often involves reducing a document of over 100 pages to one third of its original length. Shorten the overall paper by eliminating text within sections and/or eliminating entire sections. If the work examined several research questions, you may consider separating distinct research questions into individual papers; narrow the focus to a specific topic for each paper.
  • Abstract: The abstract may need to be condensed to meet the length requirements of the journal. Journal abstract requirements are usually more limited than college or university requirements. For instance, most APA journals limit the abstract length to 250 words.
  • Introduction section: One of the major challenges in reformatting a dissertation or thesis is paring down its comprehensive literature review to a more succinct one suitable for the introduction of a journal article. Limit the introductory text to material relating to the immediate context of your research questions and hypotheses. Eliminate extraneous content or sections that do not directly contribute to readers’ knowledge or understanding of the specific research question(s) or topic(s) under investigation. End with a clear description of the questions, aims, or hypotheses that informed your research.
  • Method section: Provide enough information to allow readers to understand how the data were collected and evaluated. Refer readers to previous works that informed the current study’s methods or to supplemental materials instead of providing full details of every step taken or the rationale behind them.
  • Results section: Be selective in choosing analyses for inclusion in the Results section and report only the most relevant ones. Although an unbiased approach is important to avoid omitting study data, reporting every analysis that may have been run for the dissertation or thesis often is not feasible, appropriate, or useful in the limited space of a journal article. Instead, ensure that the results directly contribute to answering your original research questions or hypotheses and exclude more ancillary analyses (or include them as supplemental materials). Be clear in identifying your primary, secondary, and any exploratory analyses.
  • Discussion section: Adjust the discussion according to the analyses and results you report. Check that your interpretation and application of the findings are appropriate and do not extrapolate beyond the data. A strong Discussion section notes area of consensus with and divergence from previous work, taking into account sample size and composition, effect size, limitations of measurement, and other specific considerations of the study.
  • References: Include only the most pertinent references (i.e., theoretically important or recent), especially in the introduction and literature review, rather than providing an exhaustive list. Ensure that the works you cite contribute to readers’ knowledge of the specific topic and to understanding and contextualizing your research. Citation of reviews and meta-analyses can guide interested readers to the broader literature while providing an economical way of referencing prior studies.
  • Tables and figures: Make sure that tables or figures are essential and do not reproduce content provided in the text.

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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from

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Can my undergraduate research thesis be published in a scientific paper? If so, how should I go?

I'm starting my bachelor's degree thesis and i will do some research work. If I achieve good results can my work be published? If so , who should get the credits? I'm afraid that my prof or his research lab can publish/include my work in some their future papers without my name.

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  • 1 So if my professor publish a new paper and my work gets a "section" of the paper, should I be mentioned? –  Voxis Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 14:47
  • 2 @Voxis Yes, if your professor writes a paper based on your work, you should be co-author. If you write the paper, your professor should be co-author. –  gerrit Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 14:48
  • 1 When you are the main contributor of a work you can claim authorship. Having submitted your thesis to an examination office puts you in a good position to provide proof on this. The easy way is to talk to your supervisor and mention your wish (and right) to be named as (main/co/whatever) author –  André Kleinschmidt Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 14:50
  • 2 @AndréKleinschmidt I agree, but then one should also take the lead on writing the text, making publication-quality visualisations, etc.. –  gerrit Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 15:00
  • 2 Most academics I've met would be pleased if an undergrad project resulted in a publication, and would be quite supportive. It would be extra work for you of course, but it would reflect very well on you if you're planning a career in academia or even some industries. –  Chris H Commented Mar 15, 2016 at 17:01

4 Answers 4

If your work is good enough, it deserves to be published. It doesn't matter if it is the result of a hobby, undergraduate studies, or your main job as a researcher.

Summarizing it to make it fit into the space allotted in a journal or conference proceedings will be a daunting task, ask your advisor for guidance and help.

vonbrand's user avatar

  • What if I do not have an advisor? Is there any online facility to gain help? –  Nick Commented May 14, 2017 at 14:12

As vonbrand has said, it is the quality of work, rather than the degrees behind the person who wrote it, that should determine whether or not something can be published. There are very few journals who have standing bans on publishing undergraduate research, though be aware that preparing a paper for publication is a fairly daunting task.

My advice would be to talk to your advisor about whether or not your work is in the position to be published as a stand-alone paper, or if it's going to be incorporated into a larger paper.

In the first case, the next step is to talk to them about what still needs to be done, what journal to target, and the steps you need to take to get going on that path. In the second case, it's largely a matter of asking if you'll be included as an author on that paper, or end up in the acknowledgements section. Having a clear and direct conversation up from will help things in the long run.

For reference, my undergraduate thesis was published with me as the first author on it.

Fomite's user avatar

To add to the above answers, there are in fact, some journals which are dedicated exclusively to the publication of undergraduate research. It might be easier for your paper to get accepted in such journals. The Council of Undergraduate Research provides a list of popular undergraduate journals.

However, you can also submit your paper to any regular journal as very few journals have restrictions on publishing papers by undergraduates. Here is an article on publishing as an undergraduate that you might find interesting.

Community's user avatar

Yes, my first PhD student published a paper on his undergraduate work (I was also a co-author of the paper), so it is certainly possible (and indeed a good way of learning about research practices if you are interested in that as a career). As the other answers suggest, quality is the key.

Dikran Marsupial's user avatar

  • Is it possible to show a undergraduate paper in my PhD which I published before joining PhD ? –  learner Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 6:38

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publish your undergraduate thesis

Thesis Information: Publishing

  • Introduction
  • Reviewing Literature

Getting Started

Where to publish, open access publishing & our archive, sharing your data, predatory and deceptive publishing, books about getting published.

  • Supervisors
  • Māori Postgraduates

Considering publishing papers as you go, as part of your thesis, or after your thesis is completed?

Wanting to publish your thesis now that you've finished?

Publishing is an important part of communicating your research, and vital if you want to continue in academia. Consider:

  • talking with your supervisor, they may recommend best approaches and relevant places to start
  • considering options for including your own published articles in your thesis, including University guidelines and copyright permissions
  • creating a conference poster to share your research findings
  • looking for Calls for Papers (CFPs) for relevant conferences and journals to get a sense of in-demand research topics
  • reading academic publishing and higher education blogs for publishing tips
  • applying for a University of Otago Postgraduate Publishing Bursary (once you have submitted your thesis for examination).
  • Research Publishing and Impact This Library guide has strategic tips and links on getting published, setting up your researcher profile and networking, and tracking your impact.
  • Guidelines for the Inclusion of Material from a Research Candidate's Publications in their Thesis University of Otago guidelines for PhD and Professional doctorate students, supervisors and other staff about candidates including their own published material in a graduate research thesis.
  • Postgraduate Publishing Bursaries University of Otago Publishing Bursaries are available to support postgraduate candidates to complete papers arising from their research, during the examination period.
  • The Guardian : How to get published in an academic journal [article] Ten helpful tips from academic journal editors for both writing and submitting your papers for publication - posted January 2015
  • The Scholarly Kitchen [blog] A moderated, multi-author blog on scholarly publishing matters, including OA.
  • PhD On Track: Share and Publish [online module] An online learning module examining why and where to publish, submitting articles, co-authorship, copyright and Open Access.
  • Choosing the Right Journal
  • Identifying Journals & Measuring their Impact

Think - Check - Submit

Identifying a relevant journal to submit your work can be challenging but will help to get your work accepted, and then read by the right audience. Here are some basic questions to ask yourself when considering a journal:

  • Is it peer-reviewed ?
  • What is the subject area of the journal?
  • Is it aimed at the audience you want to write for?
  • Do you read articles from this journal?
  • Are the editor and the members of the editorial board respected researchers in your field?
  • How does the journal compare to others in its field for quality and impact?
  • How long does it take between an article being accepted and it being published?
  • Is it Open Access ?
  • What are the copyright policies ?
  • What are the journal’s ethical profile and aims?
  • Does the publisher belong to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers’ Association (OASPA) ?
  • Do the publisher belong to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) or another trade association?

Adapted from : PhD On Track - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Journal finding tools From Otago's Research Publishing & Impact guide; includes conference tools

Here are some tools to help you identify journals in your subject area and to get a sense of their impact in comparison to other journals in the field:

  • Journal Citation Reports Uses a variety of metrics (e.g. total citations, 2- and 5-year Journal Impact Factor, immediacy, cited half -life, Eigenfactor) to rank journals within a subject category.
  • SCImago Journal & Country Rank Find SJR (journal rankings) for a wide number of journals. Citation data sourced from Scopus.
  • Publish or Perish Free software that analyses GoogleScholar citation data. May be especially useful to researchers with publications in social science journals. More robust than the MyCitations feature in GoogleScholar.
  • Scopus - Compare Journals This tool enables you to compare up to 10 journals for a range of journal metrics based on Scopus data, including SCImago Journal Rank and Source-Normalized Impact per Paper.

"Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder" - Peter Suber, .

You can choose to make your thesis open access, and you do this by applying a licence to your work before you submit it to , Otago University's Research Archive. You can then choose to make the fulltext of your thesis available via OUR Archive. This is one way of increasing the visibility of your research, as OUR Archive is indexed by Google and Google Scholar.

  • Australian Open Access Support Group: So you want people to read your thesis? [blogpost] Explores options for communication your thesis findings, including Open Access. Also includes advice about handling rogue publishers like Lambert Academic Press.
  • OUR Archive University of Otago's Institutional Research Repository, which includes our e-theses.

Arguments in favour of data sharing include maximising transparency, enabling scrutiny, increasing the impact of research, and reducing the cost of duplication.

Research funding agencies, academic institutions, and publishers may require researchers to provide access to data for the wider scientific community.

Ways to share research data include:

  • Deposit with a discipline-specific or institutional repository
  • Formal exchange of data with other researchers (peer-to-peer)
  • Submission of data to a journal to accompany a publication
  • Thesis Whisperer : Ever thought about publishing your data? [blogpost]

Predatory or deceptive publishers seek to take advantage of researchers. Some claim to be Open Access in order to collect payments from prospective authors for journal articles, others may approach you when you submit or deposit your thesis.

Check what you should be aware of with publishing offers .

  • Chronicle of Higher Education : Dissertation for sale - A cautionary tale US-based advice about paying close attention to third party publishing options
  • Slate : I sold my Undergraduate Thesis to a print content farm [article] Article about rogue publisher, Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), which offer to 'publish' and sell theses without peer review.
  • College & Research Library News : Beyond Beall’s List - Better understanding predatory publishers [article]

publish your undergraduate thesis

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publish your undergraduate thesis

About aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,221,548 theses and dissertations.

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We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.

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How/Where can I publish my Undergraduate Dissertation?

I got 80% in my undergraduate dissertation, and I am considering whether I can try to publish it after graduation. What kinds of journals may be suitable for publishing an undergraduate dissertation? And what extra work do I have to do outside of the format of an undergraduate dissertation?

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  1. Publishing Your Research: List of Undergraduate Journals

    An undergraduate journal edited, produced and published at Heidelberg University in partnership with the English Department. The journal publishes literary research from schools around the world for an annual publication. Check the website for the "call for papers," which will explain the theme of the next issue.

  2. Where I can publish my bachelor thesis?

    The main purpose of a bachelor's thesis is to give the student a chance to develop their literature review and writing skills. Typically you would write about the history of a certain topic in physics, and perhaps discuss some recent findings or developments. In my bachelor's thesis, I wrote about Noether's theorem, describing its history ...

  3. The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Thesis Published in a Journal

    Be patient with the process. Additional areas of improvement include>. · having to reorganize your thesis to meet the section requirements of the journal you submit to ( abstract, intro, methods, results, and discussion). · Possibly changing your reference system to match the journal requirements or reducing the number of references.

  4. How can I publish my thesis?

    2. Publishing the thesis "as is". Your first option to to publish the thesis as it is now, without any modifications. This is usually the easier thing to do. Assuming your thesis in in PDF format, you can just upload it to your own website. Another option would be to upload it to a repository such as, where it will also be assigned ...

  5. How Do I Publish My Dissertation?

    Publishing in a Journal. Academic journals are the most common choice for publishing a dissertation, so it is the most important process to understand. It is important to know which journal best fits your dissertation, become familiar with the journal's guidelines and to carefully interpret feedback on your work.

  6. Publish your dissertation or thesis

    The first page of your manuscript should include: · Title. Usually with capitalisation only on the first word and names. · Author list. You are probably first author and your lead supervisor ...

  7. Publishing Your Thesis or Dissertation

    Norms around publishing thesis or dissertation material vary from one field to another. For instance, in some science and engineering fields, it is common to publish individual chapters from the thesis or dissertation before it is submitted. In the humanities, it is common to develop a monograph from the dissertation after completing a doctoral ...

  8. Publishing for Undergraduate Students

    As you know, most undergraduate work is created in answer to a specific course. Undergraduate work can have a life beyond evaluation, and the effort invested in a project like an undergraduate thesis doesn't need to only serve one institution. Many universities in the U.S. have undergraduate journals that accept submissions on a national scale.

  9. Including Dissertations and Theses for Student Authors

    Publish Your Thesis or Dissertation. By publishing your thesis or dissertation with ProQuest Direct, you are joining global research communities through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and now, Web of Science.Your scholarship will not only advance your field of study, but also contribute to a global knowledge network, connecting research across time and space.

  10. Thesis & Dissertation Publishing

    We can help you with: Publishing your thesis or dissertation - or using a publication in a thesis or dissertation. Using images in theses and dissertations. Determining what the appropriate access level should be before your thesis or dissertation is made available openly in ResearchWorks. While we cannot offer explicit legal advice, we can ...

  11. 6. Publishing your thesis or dissertation

    Depending on how a thesis or dissertation is published, the work may have a fairly limited audience, and it's understandable that an author would wish to share his or her research with a broader community. Articles in scholarly journals and books tend to have a greater reach within academic communities and are therefore an excellent way to ...

  12. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

    You can submit your thesis without an embargo. Your thesis will become publicly available in TSpace and Library and Archives Canada after your convocation and will be widely indexed via search engines and indexes. Use the TSpace-generated permanent URL to share and cite your thesis - see example of such citation below. Tajdaran, K. (2015).

  13. Is publishing as an undergraduate a thing that really happens?

    Undergraduate is for getting you up to speed on the foundations of a field, preparing you for postgraduate where you study one sub-field, then a PhD where you push the boundaries of a sub-sub-field. The questions linked above give advice like, "Discuss it with your supervisor". But as far as I'm aware undergraduates don't have supervisors.

  14. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

    You may choose to approach writing your thesis with an aim to publish it as an article or several articles, known as an integrated/publication-based/sandwich thesis. Alternatively, you can reformat and convert your completed thesis into an article to fit the scope and style of a journal article. In both cases it will be helpful to:

  15. Publishing my undergraduate thesis

    I published part of my undergrad honours thesis in a proper, peer reviewed journal and a class essay in a student journal. It's a great way to experience the publishing process. First, you pick a journal that you think fits well, then you prepare your manuscript to match the guidelines of said journal. You then send the manuscript to the editor ...

  16. Literature Reviews & Writing Your Thesis

    Writing your Thesis; Publishing Books & Articles; Citations, Style Guides, and Academic Integrity. ... Doing Your Undergraduate Social Science Dissertation by Richard G. Smith; ... revising, and finishing your doctoral thesis by Joan Bolker. Call Number: NYU Shanghai (China) Main Collection (LB2369 .B57 1998 ) ISBN: 9780805048919. Publication ...

  17. Adapting a Dissertation or Thesis Into a Journal Article

    Undergraduate students completing advanced research projects may also write senior theses or similar types of papers. Once completed, the dissertation or thesis is often submitted (with modifications) as a manuscript for publication in a scholarly journal. ... When deciding whether to publish the work in your dissertation or thesis, first ...

  18. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  19. publications

    The Council of Undergraduate Research provides a list of popular undergraduate journals. However, you can also submit your paper to any regular journal as very few journals have restrictions on publishing papers by undergraduates. Here is an article on publishing as an undergraduate that you might find interesting.

  20. Publishing

    Publishing is an important part of communicating your research, and vital if you want to continue in academia. Consider: applying for a University of Otago Postgraduate Publishing Bursary (once you have submitted your thesis for examination). This Library guide has strategic tips and links on getting published, setting up your researcher ...

  21. is it worth it to publish your bachelor degree's thesis?

    Any journal that would publish a bachelor's degree thesis isn't a journal worth being published in. Beware your inexperience-- the Journal of Undergraduate Research is just one example of a legit outlet for excellent undergraduate work. Students who have published there often go on to quite prestigious graduate programs.

  22. OATD aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 7,218,560 theses and dissertations. About OATD (our FAQ). Visual

  23. How/Where can I publish my Undergraduate Dissertation? : r/UniUK

    Second this. You can absolutely publish your UG thesis, provided you put in the work to amend it for a journal. I published my thesis after revision, and my MA thesis resulted in two publications. It can definitely be done, but generally speaking it must be amended towards a target journal and not published as you wrote it originally.

  24. PDF Thesis Dissertation Handbook

    Using Your Previously Published Material . Using your previously published articles in your document carries certain responsibilities. Without proper proof, and acknowledgment, of that publication, as discussed below, the Graduate School cannoccept a t your thesis or dissertation. For that reason, you should salve a l correspondence relating to ...