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Europass CV: How to Get a Job in Europe

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If you’re looking to apply for jobs in Europe, you may be wondering if the process is any different from that in the United States or other regions. While they have some things in common, some companies and institutions require a  specific type of resume.  Or as it’s called in Europe, a CV or  curriculum vitae .

Though there are numerous types of  resume formats  you can use in Europe, the Europass, also known as the “European resume”, was developed by the European Commission in the 1990s as a  standardized format .

It has a user-friendly structure and is  accepted throughout Europe , (except in the UK).

Keep reading to find out what a Europass CV entails and  how to write one .

What is the Europass Resume for Europe?

The Europass CV  aims to simplify  the job application process for candidates from diverse linguistic backgrounds who want to  apply for jobs in Europe .

It is a resume format that can be  easily understood by European employers  throughout the continent.

The great news is that it’s  not exclusive to Europeans .

Americans can also use the Europass  to create their own European CV to properly demonstrate their qualifications to employers in Spain, Germany, and just about any country in Europe.

In the following sections, you’ll learn how to format and write your own Europass CV with the help of  examples and actionable advice .

Europass CV Format

The Europass is a resume format with a specific structure that makes it simple for employers to compare candidates.

It has  5 basic sections :

  • Personal information
  • Work experience
  • Education and training
  • Personal  skills  and competencies
  • Additional information

As you see, this European-style resume offers a straightforward approach to presenting your qualifications and work experience and is similar to a U.S-style resume except for the languages section.

European resumes focus more on this section by providing more detail about the different fluency levels.

How to Write a Europass CV

With its 5 sections and simple design, writing a Europass CV is  very easy.

To create yours,  follow the steps  below:

  • Use a template : Start with our  online resume builder  by selecting the European Format. It provides a clear structure to follow and ensures you configure your resume correctly.
  • Fill in your personal information : Include your name, date of birth, and contact details.
  • List your work experience, education, and training : Mention your most recent experience first, followed by the previous ones. If you have  gaps in your work  or education history, provide an explanation for them.
  • Highlight other qualifications : Include any relevant courses, certificates, or diplomas.
  • Add any additional information : List your language skills, volunteering experience, or any other relevant details.
  • Proofread your resume : Check for any spelling or grammatical errors before submitting it. Ask a friend or colleague to review your resume and provide feedback.

Example of a Europass CV

Below, you’ll find a  European   resume example  that follows the standardized Europass format. This sample can serve as  a helpful guide  when creating your own.

Samantha Johnson

123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001


[email protected]


Laboratory Assistant, 04/2019 – Current

ABC Research Institute – New York City, NY

  • Conducted over 200 laboratory tests and experiments following established protocols and procedures under the supervision of senior researchers.
  • Maintained and calibrated laboratory equipment, resulting in a 30% decrease in equipment malfunctions and increased efficiency in experimental procedures.

Laboratory Assistant, 07/2014 – 04/2019

XYZ Pharmaceuticals – Boston, MA

  • Prepared over 500 laboratory samples for experiments, resulting in the successful completion of numerous research projects and product development initiatives.
  • Conducted quality control checks on laboratory samples, leading to a 20% increase in accuracy and reliability of experimental results.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, 2011

New York University – New York City, NY

  • Mother tongue – English
  • Languages – French C2
  • Interpersonal – Collaborated with laboratory teams of 5+
  • Organizational – Maintained meticulous records and documentation of laboratory procedures, inventory, and experimental data.
  • Job-specific – Demonstrated proficiency in operating and maintaining laboratory equipment, such as microscopes, centrifuges, pipettes, and spectrophotometers. Developed expertise in various laboratory techniques, including cell culture, protein purification, and chemical synthesis.
  • Digital – Utilized various computer software and databases to analyze and visualize experimental data, including Microsoft Excel, GraphPad Prism, and ImageJ

Europass CV Writing Tips

Even though a Europass CV has a very specific design with a simple format you can follow, you still need to pay careful attention to  how you word the different sections .

Read the following advice to  create a powerful Europass CV :

  • Be brief : Keep your Europass CV brief and to the point. Avoid including irrelevant information or details.
  • Be specific : Use specific examples to illustrate your skills and experience.
  • Use action verbs : Begin your sentences with action verbs, such as “managed,” “created,” or “developed.” This will make your CV more dynamic and engaging.
  • Tailor your CV to the job : Customize it to the job you’re applying for by highlighting the skills and experience that match the job requirements.
  • Avoid using complex terminology : Although European recruiters are often proficient in English, using industry-specific language may result in confusion or misinterpretation. Communicate your ideas in accessible language.

Now, let’s put this advice into action with  a few examples :

How to be specific

Managed email marketing campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in open rates and a 15% increase in click-through rates compared to the previous year.

This is a very good example of being specific because it provides  concrete and measurable results , which gives the employer a clear understanding of the candidate’s achievements and capabilities.

How to use action verbs

Led the development and execution of a strategic project plan, resulting in a 10% increase in project success rates.

It starts with a strong action verb “lead” which  emphasizes the candidate’s leadership abilities  and active role in the project. The verb “developed” conveys the candidate’s  strategic thinking and planning skills , while “executed” highlights their  ability to follow through  and implement the plan effectively. Using active verbs like these helps you feature your accomplishments, strengths, and abilities

How to be brief

Managed cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of projects within budget constraints. Conducted risk assessments and developed contingency plans to mitigate potential issues.

This example  conveys important information  by using simple language and avoiding unnecessary details. The candidate has effectively communicated their skills and experience without overwhelming the reader with information.

How to Submit Your Europass CV

The method of submission may vary depending on the employer’s requirements, but the following guidelines will help ensure a smooth process:

  • Save the file in the desired format : Ensure you save it in the appropriate file format. Typically, employers prefer PDF or Word (.docx) files.
  • Follow employer guidelines : Always follow the specific instructions provided by the employer. This may include attaching the CV to an email, uploading it to a job portal, or submitting it through an online application form.
  • Customize for each application : Tailor your Europass CV to suit the requirements of each job application. Highlight the most relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications based on the job description. Customizing your CV will demonstrate your attention to detail and increase your chances of being considered for an interview.
  • Include a cover letter : While not always required, including a well-crafted cover letter can significantly enhance your application. Be sure to customize your  cover letter , just as you would with your Europass CV.
  • Double-Check your application : Carefully review it for any errors or inconsistencies. Proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes, and ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.

The 5 Documents of the European Skills Passport

The  European Skills Passport  consists of 5 documents which together form a personal profile. The  Europass  is one of these documents.

  • Europass CV : It’s the main document of the European Skills Passport and our main focus in this post.
  • Language passport : This part showcases the different languages you speak and the levels of ability. Your speaking, listening, reading, and writing abilities are all ranked separately.
  • Europass mobility : In this document, you record experience acquired in different European countries, including work placements,  voluntary work , and academic experience (such as exchanges and years abroad).
  • Certificate supplement : With detailed information about your  education  and qualifications, It makes it easier for employers to better understand the courses that you’ve taken.
  • Diploma supplement : Similar to the Certificate Supplement,the only difference is the type of certification it focuses on.

Differences between Resumes & Europass CVs

There are  several key differences  between an American resume and a Europass CV, primarily in terms of formatting, content, and purpose.

Below are some of the main distinctions:

  • Formatting : American resumes have a flexible format tailored to individual preferences and job requirements, while Europass CVs follow a standardized 5 section format for consistency across European job markets.
  • Length : CVs are more comprehensive, covering a wider range of skills and experiences. Resumes are brief and focus on the most relevant qualifications.
  • Content : A  personal summary or objective  is an essential part of any resume. This is not the case with Europass CVs. These focus on language and digital skills in dedicated sections and include extra sections not found in American resumes.
  • Personal Information : Resumes omit personal information to prevent discrimination, but CVs include such details due to their relevance in the EU labor market.
  • Photos : Including a photo in resumes is uncommon due to potential discrimination, while in certain European countries, photos on CVs are more prevalent and may be expected depending on the industry and culture.
  • Purpose and geographic scope : Resumes are tailored for the U.S. job market, whereas Europass CVs are designed to meet the needs of job seekers within the EU and EFTA (European Free Trade Area) countries.

Choosing the correct document type is crucial, depending on the job and location you’re targeting.

Pros & Cons of the Europass CV

While the Europass CV can have its benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to consider.

Take a closer look at the pros and cons and  decide if it’s the right choice  for you.

Let’s start with the  Pros :

  • Emphasis on skills and competencies over experience can be beneficial for those with limited experience
  • Recognized throughout Europe, making it useful for those seeking work in multiple countries
  • Includes a section for language proficiency, which is important for international applicants

Now, let’s look at the  Cons:

  • May  not be suitable for certain industries  or job positions that require a more creative or non-standard format
  • Limited to 5 basic sections, which may not allow for much customization or detail
  • It may not stand out as much as a unique or visually appealing CV design.

As you can see, depending on your specific situation, you may want to think about using other resume formats.

Remember that just because you’re applying for a job in Europe, you don’t necessarily have to use the Europass CV format unless they specifically mention it in the job description.

Europass CV FAQs

This is a list of the most commonly asked questions that will help you when writing your Europass CV.

How long should my Europass CV be?

According to the EU, a Europass CV should be  no more than two A4  pages long. It should include only relevant information about your work experience, education, skills, and qualifications.

Be brief and avoid irrelevant details that may make your resume longer than necessary.

What is the difference between a Europass CV and a traditional resume or CV format?

Traditional resumes  and CVs can vary in format and structure, while  the Europass CV  follows a standardized structure with 5 main sections and is widely accepted in Europe.

The Europass emphasizes the candidate’s skills and competencies, in contrast to traditional resumes and CVs, which may focus more on work experience and achievements.

How can I ensure that my Europass CV stands out to potential employers?

To ensure that your  Europass  CV stands out to potential employers,  tailor it to the specific job  you’re applying for by highlighting the skills and experience that match the job requirements.

Use  action verbs  to describe your accomplishments. Be concise while providing specific examples.

Should I include a photo in my Europass CV?

Including a photograph on a European resume is  common practice . It is acceptable to place a suitable headshot at the top of your resume, along with your name and contact details.

Your photo should have a  plain background  and feature only your head and shoulders, with a simple pose. Avoid using selfies or photos with other people in the frame.

Should you decide to add a photograph to your resume, our  resume builder  is enhanced with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. It will select for you the most suitable image, ensuring it adheres to all human resources standards.

Important notice :  ResumeCoach’s Europass CV builder is a private service subject to the payment of a small fee. Our Europass CV builder is available in several languages and offers you step-by-step guidance and expert advice with the goal of increasing your job prospects in Europe. Please note that you can find the official service on the European Union’s website  here .

By utilizing our services and completing the payment, you confirm your understanding and acceptance of the above information.

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What is a Europass CV [Examples, Template & Usage in 2023]

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In This Guide:

What is a europass cv, how to write a europass cv, advantages and disadvantages of a europass cv, writing tips for europass cv, example of a europass cv.

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If you want to apply for a job in any country in Europe, you need to take into account all the differences there are between the US and European application documents.

In the US, what you typically would send out when applying for a job is a resume. In Europe, the document you would send out to potential employers is similar to a resume, but there it is called a CV (which is not the same as the US CV format)

A popular option in Europe is using the Europass CV format.

We are here to help, in this article, we are going to answer some of the most important questions about the Europass CV:

  • What are the advantages of the Europass CV?
  • What are the disadvantages of the Europass CV?

And once we are done, we are going to leave you off with some great writing tips , and an example of a Europass CV to get you going.

So, if you are ready to learn about Europass CV, let’s dive in.

Does your CV pass the ATS checks? Upload & check it now!

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The Europass CV is a popular CV template that is often used Europe. It is the European equivalent of what we call a resume in the US.

It provides an easy way to create a CV that would be recognized all over Europe, and it also lets you create a matching cover letter for your application .

When it comes to layout & design, though, the Europass format can be lacking, since it results in VERY long CVs (resumes). It also defaults to including some unnecessary information and can look quite dated. There is more on the advantages and disadvantage of the Europass format, but let's take a look at a more modern alternative, with the same timeline layout that Europass is known for.

timeline europass.webp

Europass has provided a specialized website that allows you to build your standardized European CV for free, you can check it out right here .

The only thing you need to do before start using their free tool is create a profile, which should consist of your personal information , work experience, education and training, and personal skills .

But all that is not in vain, as that helps you create as many Europass CVs you want by selecting the information you want to include in each document.

To get the best out of your Europass CV, you need to do 5 things:

  • Present your experience clearly – highlight examples of your skills and experiences matching the job you are applying for and pay close attention to the details published in the job offer
  • Tailor your Europass CV – make sure you update the ‘About Me’ section to highlight why you are the best person for the job and focus on facts and main points that match the job you have in mind, rather than listing your full detailed history
  • Make your document readable – make sure your Europass CV is easy to read, use clear and simple language, and strong verbs (e.g., managed, developed, increased)
  • Use reverse chronological order – always list the most recent experience on the top, followed by previous ones. In case of long gaps in working or learning, include an explanation
  • Polish and proofread – check for spelling and grammar mistakes, provide a professional e-mail address, and add a professional photograph of yourself.

Now that you know what a Europass CV is, and how you can write one , let’s look at its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Europass CV

Even though Europass CV is widely criticized, it has some key advantages that we need to take a look at.

First, it is completely free to use, and allows you to create, store and share CVs in 29 different languages . The Europass format also allows you to create a matching cover letter for your application.

Furthermore, the format is recognized internationally among hiring managers, which means that they understand the format, structure, and layout the second they open your CV.

Last but not least, it helps you create your application documents quickly without omitting any important information, like your work experience, volunteer work , academic background, skills, etc.

However, the advantages of the Europass CV are quite limited. Other than the ones specified above, that format can be considered as an advantage only if a candidate has no time or resources to invest in a good CV, or the hiring manager is not interested in the quality or design of the document.

Disadvantages of Europass CV

Now that we know the advantages of Europass CV, let’s take a look at why is it so criticized.

The most common Europass CV disadvantages, described by many sources, are:

  • Outdated CV designs
  • Questionable CV builder interface
  • Bugs on the website

But the biggest deal-breaker for users is usually the design, which has the following issues:

  • Questionable text formatting
  • Gapping white spaces that leave lots of space unused
  • A way too big logo of Europass that takes up a great deal of space
  • Huge spaces between bullet points and text
  • Justified text that spaces words out in a weird way
  • Most of the information is displayed on the left side of the page, which leaves the right one almost completely blank

Using a Europass CV can leave you at a disadvantage from other candidates, as it make your CV less memorable, so you should carefully consider using it.

However, if your potential employer requires you to send out a Europass CV, you should not hesitate to create one.

If you are determined to create your Europass CV, or your potential employer requires you to provide one, you need to get the best out of it.

That’s why you should follow a few simple writing tips to get the best results.

Make your writing compelling

The first thing you need to do with your Europass CV is really grab the hiring manager’s attention with your words.

Make sure you use strong action verbs and vivid adjectives to describe why you are the right person for the job through your qualifications, achievements, and skills.

Don’t forget to scan the job listing for any important keywords . You need to use those to both grab the hiring manager’s attention, and pass through any ATS (Applicant Tracking System) the company may be using for pre-selection.

Avoid clichés

As your design won’t help you get the job, you need to make your words do it for you.

And clichés are definitely something to avoid anywhere in your CV.

You need to make your CV sound original, so make sure you use language that hiring managers haven’t seen a thousand times before.

Be specific

A great way to stand out from the crowd of candidates is showing your qualifications in a detailed manner.

Using facts and hard numbers to quantify your work-related accomplishments makes them stronger and more memorable for the hiring manager.

Consider the CV length

Just like with a US resume, you should limit your Europass CV length to a one-pager .

In this case, it would be a bit more difficult because of all the white space issues, but you can make it work by keeping your text as short as possible.

The best way to go is removing any words that cause your text to go over to a new line with a single word standing on the second line.

By trimming such words, you can effectively eliminate the white-space problem from your Europass CV and show everything you need to in just one page.

You can go for a two-pager if you think it’s better , but you need to make sure you have enough experience and skills for such a long document.

Lastly, there is still one thing you need to do, and you should never forget about it.

What you should be particularly on the lookout for are:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

If you want to be extra careful, you can always ask some family and friends to proofread it for you as well.

And, as promised, we are going to leave you off with an example of a Europass CV to get you going.

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We are all done, now you know what a Europass CV is, and all its pros and cons.

If you have decided you need to write your Europass CV, make sure you follow all the important steps in writing one:

  • Present your experience clearly, so that the focus would fall on your most relevant skills and experience
  • Tailor your Europass CV to the job you are applying for, just like you would do with a standard US resume
  • Make sure your document is easy-to-read, and uses clear and simple language, along with strong verbs
  • Use reverse chronological order (your most recent entries come first)
  • Make your writing compelling, so that you would grab the hiring manager’s attention with your words
  • Avoid clichés, as they are widely disliked and the chances of your CV being remembered would sink
  • Be specific and use some examples and hard numbers to quantify your work-related achievements
  • Make sure your Europass CV does not exceed one page (unless you have lots of relevant work experience)
  • Proofread it to eliminate any spelling and grammar errors

Take a look at our example of Europass CV, and create your own for your next job opportunity in Europe.

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Europass CV: pros and cons for creating a European resume

Karl Kahler

The Europass CV template is famously unattractive

Europass cv editor: our own experience, a resume / cv by any other name, how else are european cvs different, how long should a european cv be.

“Europass” can mean two things — a European train ticket or a system for producing a resume/CV to get a job in Europe — and either way, you’re going to see lots of wheels spinning round and round. 

Let’s take an in-depth look at the Europass CV and its relevance to some job seekers. What we’ll cover:

What is the Europass CV?

  • Origin story of the Europass CV online: why a standardized European CV format was deemed a good idea

What does the Europass CV template look like?

How to create a europass cv.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the Europass CV template

Europass CV writing tips

  • How to prepare a great European CV: general considerations

The Europass curriculum vitae (CV) system is a well-intentioned initiative to standardize the paperwork that people use to look for jobs in Europe. It’s a web-based system for producing a free electronic document that contains your contact info, work experience, education and other credentials that qualify you to obtain employment.  

In other words, it’s an online generator of what Americans and Canadians call a resume, and what Europeans call a CV. And, sadly, it’s a mess. This may be our subjective opinion, but it's also based on considerable experience developing and working with various online resume/CV instruments. The Europass CV is often described as having bad visual design and being outdated. It’s what many people call a “discount resume,” and it looks like it.

It’s an attempt by a sprawling, multilingual European organization to standardize a one-page document that should be all about the job skills of one individual. Theoretically, this free, web-generated document would give anyone in the world equal footing to compete for any job in Europe. But it falls far short of its goals. 

It’s as if all of Asia, or all of Africa, or all of Latin America, decided on a one-size-fits-all solution for millions of individuals on those vast continents to search for a job. It’s a fine idea, but it doesn’t necessarily work.  

Europe is a diverse continent with a market economy, which means resumes are more effective when they follow the quality standards of the job market, rather than bureaucratic unification. Not to mention the fact that the job market reacts quickly to change … and government services rarely do.

resume format european countries

The idea behind the Europass CV template

The concept of a uniform European CV format may have some merit. The Europass CV template exists, in part, because the continent of Europe has engaged in many laudable efforts to unify its disparate parts by removing unnecessary boundaries. In 1999, the European Union achieved the amazing goal of retiring national currencies in favor of the universally accepted euro. Just try that on any other continent!

Europe has become a commonwealth of nations, with different languages, cultures and customs, yet border controls and most other barriers between individual EU countries no longer exist. So why not standardize a system for Italians to seek employment in Germany, or for the Swiss to find work in Spain? That’s the idea behind the Europass CV, to normalize the process of Europeans reaching across borders to get a job.

In 2004, the European Parliament adopted the European Commission’s proposal for “a single framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences,” which became the Europass CV. Since then, more than 100 million Europass CVs have been created online. In fact, the Europass CV template is only one component of the entire portfolio. It consists of five Europass documents to use as your digital credentials:

  • The Europass Curriculum Vitae template provides a standardized format for CVs/resumes to use in job applications.
  • The Europass Diploma Supplement provides information on your education, the type of degree you hold and the institution that granted it.
  • The Europass Certificate Supplement provides information on any vocational training you’ve received and any certification earned.
  • The Europass Language Passport provides information on your language skills, though it’s now been incorporated into the Europass profile to be used as a section on your CV.
  • The Europass Mobility document provides information about skills you have gained while traveling, studying or working in a foreign country.

If that sounds like information overkill, it probably is. Most employers prefer a ONE-page resume/CV. Hiring managers care about effectiveness and brevity, not a tiresome list of bureaucratic requirements.

Below is a Europass CV template example.

Europass CV example

You can access the Create your Europass CV builder directly or via the home page of Europass , an official website of the European Union . The welcome message affirms that the online process is easy for creating your CV to apply for a job, education or training, or volunteering opportunity. 

In fact, the first step is to create your Europass “profile,” consisting of personal information, work experience, education and training, and personal skills. This becomes the basis for creating as many CVs you want by selecting the information to include and preferred design. 

Advantages of the Europass CV format

  • Is the Europass CV free? Yes. The fact that it’s free is possibly the biggest advantage of the Europass, despite its many disadvantages. It’s a CV format often used throughout Europe, and you can create, store and share CVs in 29 languages. Europass can also help you write a cover letter.   
  • The Europass CV is touted on its own website as “the best-known CV format in Europe.” Certainly, the Europass CV format is often used throughout Europe.  
  • Although the Europass system to create a CV or resume is designed for use in Europe, you don’t have to be from Europe to use it. Some European employers may be used to its format, and may even prefer it. But a Europass CV is never required to apply for a job in Europe (and in fact it turns many employers off).

Truth is, the main scenario where Europass provides an advantage is when a candidate has no time or resources to invest in a good resume — and the hiring manager doesn’t care about resume quality or design as much as about other factors.

Does that sound like a situation you want to be in? Not really. A good resume makes recruiters pay attention to your candidacy … and a bad resume may heavily damage your career prospects.

So let’s look now at some of the downsides.

Disadvantages of the Europass CV

Numerous experts disagree with how the Europass CV is designed as a document and a service. The disadvantages of the Europass, as described by many sources, include: outdated resume design, questionable resume builder interface, bugs on the website and questionable text formatting. These criticisms can be seen as subjective, but with the amount of innovative CV creation services and templates (including free ones) on the web, it's hard to argue that a government-created resume service may have become outmoded. 

Here are some article headlines you may find if you search for online info about the Europass:

  • “Why should you avoid Europass CV like plague?”
  • “Your Europass CV is Ruining Your Chances”
  • “Why the Europass is bad for your career”
  • “Why I don’t like Europass CVs”
  • “Why you should not use the Europass CV”

Let’s explore why.

There's a lot of criticism related to the design of the Europass CV. Gaping blank spaces that eat up precious real estate. A large logo that uses up even more. Huge spaces between bullet points and text. Justified text that spaces words out weirdly. A page where almost all the info appears on the left and the right is blank. Ugly fonts and other odd typography choices.

We hope the creators will forgive us for saying (based on decades of experience in the professional world): it’s a very questionable design standard for a good European CV. There’s just no way around it, as harsh as it may seem. Google “ Europass CV images ” and you’ll see what we mean. The Europass CV may be a huge visual turnoff that will put a bad taste in employers’ mouths before they even read the first word.

The modern world is highly visual , and we can’t pretend that design doesn’t matter. It does. We like apps with nice interfaces. Websites with sleek menus. Phones with modern curves and colors … and employers like well-designed resumes.

We tried to create a personal Europass CV online and found the experience extremely frustrating. Once again, this may be subjective, but try it yourself and see if you agree. 

In hindsight, we probably could have saved ourselves some time by watching a video tutorial on Europass CV preparation like this one. If you’re still stuck, go to YouTube, search for “Europass CV tutorial,” and you’ll find plenty. 

Here are some of the challenges we encountered. Frustrating interface First you have to create a profile with your contact info, work experience , education , languages — and a LOT of unnecessary categories that you can fortunately skip. If you filled out all the options, you might end up with a 10-page CV.

Once your profile is done, you reach an apparent dead end. There is no “Next” or “Download CV” button, so you have to go searching for it. We spent almost half an hour trying to figure out what to do next, and we almost gave up.

We finally figured out that you have to click on the “Me” button — which provides a drop-down menu that offers no help. By pure accident, we discovered that you have to click on the “Me” button TWICE to find the “Create A CV” option. 

On the next page, if you miss the instruction that you have to select the parts of your profile to include on your CV, you’ll download a document that contains nothing but your name! Why would anyone create an option that allows you to download a CV that contains nothing but your name?

Nearly an hour had passed with no resume in sight. Just a blank document. At this stage, we were pretty frustrated and questioning our decision to sign up for the Europass CV service.

Buggy website

In three places, the website changed the dates we entered. A birthday on June 13 was changed to June 12, and when we insisted on June 13, it was changed to June 11!  

A college start date in 1986 was changed to 1985, and although we corrected the error, it refused the change. A job start date in 1989 was changed to 1988, and then the website refused to correct that too.  

For some reason the website also asks if you have a “motto.” But if you enter one, it never appears on the CV, so it’s anyone’s guess what the point of this is.

Trial-and-error editing

If you want a resume/CV that doesn’t exceed one page — which is highly recommended unless you're applying for a very senior position — you’re going to have to work at it. Or, more accurately, you’re going to have to fight the website to achieve this.

The website does provide a preview of sorts, but it doesn’t show page breaks. So you may have to download a two-page resume multiple times, each time deselecting some of the info you want included, before you produce a final product that fits on one page.

Because of all the wasted space built into the CV design, we ended up deleting a mailing address, website, LinkedIn page, languages and a past job. Yet all of this information would have fit if the page was intelligently designed.

Tons of wasted space

The flagrant waste of space in the CV templates is often seen as very questionable design and CV formatting.  In one template, all information was aligned along the left margin, squandering an enormous amount of horizontal space by leaving the entire right side of the pages blank. For example, there was one line each for 1) name, 2) nationality, 3) phone number, 4) date of birth, 5) gender, 6) email address, 7) website and 8) mailing address. All of these were flush left, and all had generous spaces between them. This took up one-fourth of the page!

Why is there so much space between the bullet points? Why does it take two lines to say “San José, Costa Rica”? Is it necessary to tell people that San José is a “city” and Costa Rica is a “country”? Why can’t all of these things be named in a single line? Why is so much space wasted on the right side of the page? There was plenty of room to put “San José, Costa Rica” in the blank space to the right of the employer’s name.

This is an absurd amount of space to dedicate to telling people that you speak German, Dutch and English. We just wasted five or six lines of our resume to say we speak three languages. And what is “speaking production,” anyway?

When we tried making our own adjustments, everything was aligned left, squandering a lot of space on the right that we really could have used elsewhere.  

Resume tips: How to write a great CV

Your resume may be the most important page you write in your life. Follow our top 20 resume writing tips to make yours a success.

Design questions aside, you at least have full control over the text you provide on a Europass CV. Make your writing concise but compelling, using strong action verbs and vivid adjectives to describe your qualifications for the job, your past job-related achievements and your special skills. We’ve actually compiled a list of 300+ powerful action verbs you can use in your CV. 

Avoid clichés like “self-starter,” “team player” or “thinking outside the box.” Strive for fresh, original language that recruiters haven’t seen a thousand times before. And avoid “fluff,” which is language that sounds fancy but conveys no real information.

Be specific, using facts and figures where possible to quantify your accomplishments in past jobs. And try to avoid repeating words, especially in close succession, like “ Improved work-flow processes, among other productivity improvements .”

Short is sweet with a Europass CV. Try to limit your Europass CV to one or two pages. Keep it simple and focus only on the necessary elements of your skills and experience.

Given the space-wasting design of the Europass CV, you’ll need to keep your text as short as possible if you hope to make everything fit on one page. One solution is to trim your text to eliminate “widows,” which are solitary words at the end of a text block or bullet point that spill over on an additional line, making the entire document one line deeper. By trimming a word or two somewhere in these text blocks, you can usually eliminate these space-eating fragments at the bottom.

Users creating Europass CV 2022

How to prepare a great European CV

Many employers seeing another Europass CV cross their desk may choose to set it aside in favor of a professionally designed CV that actually looks nice. So at times, using the Europass can actually do more harm than good. Its design flaws explain why there are so many articles on the web with titles like “Why Europass is harming your career chances.”  

You’re better off with just about any other plan. Use a professional resume preparation service, where you’ll pay a fee, but it’s well worth it. You’ll find more template options, more intuitive builder tools and an easier editing process. Most important, you’ll get a much better final product.  

Or if you have any design skills whatsoever, do the job yourself. You can draw inspiration from multiple samples online. Fire up a laptop, launch Microsoft Word and go to work. It would be difficult to do a worse job than Europass does.

European CVs in general

Having focused specifically on the Europass CV template, let’s talk more generally now about the “European CV format”  — not necessarily Europass. How do European CVs differ overall from their counterparts elsewhere in the world?

If you’re accustomed to standards for resume design in North America, there are some differences to be aware of in Europe.

First, to clear up one confusing point: What Americans and Canadians call a resume is called a curriculum vitae, or CV for short, in Europe. This is typically a one-page document with a job seeker’s contact info, employment history, education and skills. So with minor differences, what’s called a CV in Europe and a resume in North America usually refers to the exact same thing.

However, there’s also such a thing in North America and elsewhere as an “academic CV,” sometimes called a “long-form CV.” This is a multi-page document used in academic settings to list scholarly achievements, publications, fellowships, grants, research experience and so forth. 

Outside academia, medicine and certain scientific fields, most people never have to prepare an academic CV. For more information on the long-form academic CV, consult our article on “ Resume vs. curriculum vitae (CV): What’s the difference? ”

But what we want to address here are the minor differences between “ordinary” European CVs and North American resumes. 

For example, it’s more common in Europe than in North America to include a photo of the applicant. (However, photos on CVs are uncommon in the United Kingdom.) 

In some countries, there’s a philosophy that job applicants’ looks should not influence their employability, hence the tendency to omit photos. In other countries, it’s seen as harmless to include a photo of the applicant in a page that’s all about that person.

The United States has strict rules against discrimination on the basis of gender, age or national origin, which is why American resumes will rarely specify the applicants’ gender, birthdate, nationality or other personal data. European countries generally have the same anti-discrimination rules, yet it’s not uncommon at all to include gender, birthdate or nationality on a CV. 

European employers may also be accustomed to CVs that are longer than one page, although the golden standard in North America is not to exceed one page except in unusual circumstances (such as senior management positions). But trust us on this: a busy European hiring manager who receives a one-page CV will never complain that it isn’t long enough! On the contrary, they will look more favorably on your candidacy for not wasting their time.

Key takeaways: some conclusions on the Europass CV

  • In summary, the Europass CV is a flawed system that allows anyone to build a free curriculum vitae/resume. But the system is difficult to use, templates are poorly designed, and the final product is so unappealing that it’s a turnoff to many employers.
  • You can use the Europass if that’s your only option, but get in line with millions of other job applicants sending unattractive CVs created with a minimum of effort. Even worse, by using Europass, you’re joining the kilometer-long line of candidates that are going to be overlooked. Don’t let that happen to you for such a trivial and avoidable reason.
  • Your best bet is to use a professional resume/CV preparation service that delivers a high-end product — or even to sit down at a computer and create your own.

Resume dos and don'ts: expert advice for successful applications

How to prepare a European-style resume

Ah, the thrill of the hunt. The job hunt , that is. There’s nothing quite like it, especially when your residency in a foreign country depends on it. High stakes or go home! That’s a motto to live by, amiright?

When I first moved to Germany, I was more or less recruited without so much as a glance at my CV (they needed a computer scientist who knew Latin – it’s safe to say the competition was not stiff) – but the second job search was a bit more…involved. A lot more research, applications, interviews, and even a few rejections. But what’s worse than a rejection? A SILENT rejection (here’s looking at you, Google Paris). Not even getting an interview in the first place is way worse.

A compelling CV the first step in helping your potential employer see themselves hiring a foreign national, with all the extra hoops and paperwork it entails. You have to fight against local candidates with familiar credentials and better networking opportunities – to say it’s an uphill battle would be an understatement.

Here are some tips for brushing up your résumé for an international audience, lessons I learned when applying for jobs in Europe, and what I want to see when I’m looking at applications at my company.

Brushing up your résumé for an international audience

Loosley speaking, a résumé is a single page and a CV is more than one page. In the American sense of the world, a CV contains every tiny detail of your life: every job you’ve had since you were sixteen, every award you won in high school, every time you blew your nose – it’s all in there.

Europeans, however, take a middle ground between the American résumé in all its brevity and the American CV in all its verbosity. The result is a CV that is no more than two pages in length, unless you’re a fancy with papers spilling over onto a third page. This document should detail not only work experience, but all the other qualities you bring to the table. Oh, and a couple of extra personal details .

1. Add your picture

Although it’s not legally required, most employers would like to see a picture of you. This picture should:

  • Go in the top corner of the first page of your CV, and measure about an inch by an inch.
  • Be of professional quality, passport style, in color.
  • No selfies, no party photos to appear “fun”. This is business!*

* - Full disclosure, my CV has a Photobooth selfie and I’ve had plenty of success with it. In retrospect though, it’s a bit embarrassing 😅

resume format european countries

International applicants have to do a lot more to impress an employer and get an offer (and a relocation package). Here's how to stand out when applying for a job online and show that you're worth the extra effort.

2. Include the languages you speak

Well, if you speak any foreign languages, chances are you’ve been putting it on your résumé for a long time as a badge of honor! But now that you’re moving to another country, it’s good to demonstrate some interest (and better yet, proficiency ) in the local language. Even if you can’t speak it fluently, you can still list your proficiency level using Common European Framework of Reference for Languages .

My languages are listed on my CV like this:

English (native — US Citizen), German (conversational)

Which brings me to the next point…

3. Indicate your country of citizenship

Tell them where you’re from! People are applying for jobs in Europe from all over the world, and just because you studied at an American university doesn’t automatically mean that you’re a US citizen.

Some countries are easier to hire from than others. Disclosing your citizenship is important so the hiring manager knows up front what kind of effort it’ll take to get you there and how soon they have to set the process in motion.

resume format european countries

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4. Get your résumé translated

This one heavily depends on the type of work and work environment you are getting yourself into. Most workplaces populated with expats will be English-friendly, and therefore an English-language CV is important.

Chances are that if your résumé needs to be translated, you’re going to have to learn to work in a foreign language. In France, for example, the startup scene is criticized for being very French-focused, making it difficult for them to successfully import foreign talent. Therefore, CVs for French companies should absolutely be in French, and you’re pretty darn likely to find yourself learning French on the job to keep up. Germany, on the other hand, is pretty forgiving if you don’t know German – sure, they might expect you to learn it, but most of the time, international companies and startups are perfectly content with an English CV.

That said, if you do translate your CV, have it proofread by a native speaker . Even if you’re feeling plucky after dominating your introductory French class, nothing looks less professional than obvious typos or grammatical errors on a CV.

5. Use A4 format

We Americans like to do things differently. We like our feet, fahrenheit, and (American) football – and our paper sizes are no exception. Especially if you’re applying somewhere where bureaucracy has a strong foothold, paper format is critical , because your CV is definitely going to end up in a European-sized folder somewhere. Make sure it fits, use an A4 format for your CV.

resume format european countries

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6. Go over two pages – if you need it

While more than two pages for an American résumé is an unforgivable sin , the same is not true for a European-style CV. A second page is warranted so long as your first page can hold the readers’ attention long enough to bring them to the second page. Presentations, publications, skills, hobbies, languages spoken, and professional internet presence are all good candidates for getting bumped to page two.

What I look for in an applicant

From time to time, I’m involved in the hiring process for web developers at my company. Our immediate team comprises people from five countries and a huge range of educational and professional backgrounds. Here are the some things that I look for from all applicants on their CVs:

  • Well-proofread, grammatically correct CV in English. – Since English is the business language of the company, being comfortable working in English is critical. Plus, an error-ridden CV is a sure sign of sloppiness.
  • Genuine expression of intent from the candidate. – Hiring international applicants can take a long time, especially if they’re not from the EU, and even more especially if they’re from a tricker country like Russia or Egypt. There’s no use expending the extra effort if the applicant isn’t going to commit.
  • What is their current living situation, and what will it take to get them here. – Do they have a work permit? Are they in Europe? When can they relocate?

These things tell me that an applicant is serious off the bat, and worth the time to evaluate their skills and work history. Communicating that you are not only qualified for the job but prepared to start in a reasonable time frame is very appealing!

resume format european countries

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With all of that said – don’t stress about it!

Having the perfect, European format résumé might be important for fancy financial jobs at Umbrella Corp, but most places won’t expect a foreigner to format their CV perfectly like a local. Focus instead on compelling content and organizing the information clearly, and you’ve got a better shot of getting the attention of someone who spends way too much time poring over résumés.

Additional resources

  • Dutch First Impressions: Cover Letters and CVs in the Netherlands
  • American Resume vs. European CV
  • Ten tips for writing the perfect French CV
  • How to write a German Lebenslauf

What’s your experience applying for work overseas?

How did you have to adapt your CV for an international audience? Were there any weird things your employer wanted to know before putting pen to paper? Share it in the comments!

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About the author

Hi there! I'm Monica, an American expat living in Germany for over six years and using every opportunity to explore the world from my homebase in Berlin. My goal is to capture my memories in photos and posts that show how easy it is to start from scratch and travel the world by working abroad.

Follow along on Instagram , Twitter , Bloglovin , & Facebook .

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CVs & Résumés

  • Dec 16, 2021

How to Create a Europass CV (Tips and Example)

The Europass CV is great for applying for jobs within Europe — here’s everything you need to know!

Nikki Vivian

Nikki Vivian

Careers Coach and Writer

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Europass CV

When it comes to writing a CV , there are so many templates and formats to choose from that it can get confusing. Do you choose a chronological or a skills-based format ? Do you keep the design simple or use a fancy template? The choice can be overwhelming.

To keep things simple, if you’re applying for a role within Europe, you can overcome the confusion by using the Europass CV. Rather than worrying about what type of CV to choose, working with a Europass CV template means your CV will be easy to put together and easily recognisable by EU employers and educational institutions alike.

In this article, you will learn what a Europass CV is, what to use it for and how to put one together with our top tips, as well as see an example in action.

What is a Europass CV?

The Europass CV is one of the best-known résumé formats within Europe. Like a standard CV, its purpose is to present your work history, education, skills and other important information to potential employers.

It is part of the online Europass platform , an incentive set out by the EU to help create some uniformity and transparency of experience and qualifications so that they’re clearly understood by employers throughout Europe.

As well as offering an online CV editor, the Europass platform provides four other tools:

  • The cover letter editor , which helps you create a structured cover letter from different templates.
  • The Diploma Supplement , a document that describes the skills and knowledge you acquired through a higher education degree.
  • The Europass Mobility document, which records any skills and knowledge you acquired through work placements, traineeships and internships in another country.
  • The Certificate Supplement document, which details the skills and knowledge you acquired through vocational training.

Pros and cons of a Europass CV

While the idea of having a uniform system for assessing candidates has been praised, others find the process very restrictive. There are different views on its effectiveness. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the Europass CV.

Those who support the Europass CV believe it holds many advantages over a less structured CV approach, including:

  • It’s free: Creating a Europass CV is as easy as creating an account and inputting your details. It doesn’t cost anything, so no need to pay a résumé writer or fork out for expensive CV templates.
  • It’s easy for employers to compare: If everyone applying for a role uses a Europass CV, it’s easy for an employer to compare candidates and data. When different CV formats are used, and information is presented differently, it can take a long time to pick out relevant achievements and skills to score candidates against each other.
  • It can be used outside of the EU: The Europass CV can be used by anyone and is available in 24 languages, regardless of where you’re from or where you’re applying to work.

While Europass has support and is widely accepted, it does have its disadvantages, such as:

  • It’s harder to stand out: While being uniformed has some advantages, it makes it very difficult for candidates to stand out from their competition. It doesn’t allow you to add sections for things that may be unique for you, and the overall look of the CV is bland and clumsy.
  • It lacks flexibility: Along the same lines as above, the Europass CV is so structured that information needs to be input into the appropriate sections , even if it isn’t relevant. This can make for a very long CV, lacking the creativity of combining sections. The structure also often gets split across two pages, making sections difficult to read, so vital information could be missed.
  • Website errors are common: There have been reports that the Europass CV builder is very buggy and in need of some review. Dates often get changed, and if an error is presented, the website doesn’t allow you to change it. All of this can be very frustrating and makes the process much more complicated than it should be.

How to create a Europass CV

Creating a Europass CV is a fairly simple process, and it can be broken down into four steps:

1. Create your own Europass Profile

Setting up a Europass Profile is completely free. You don’t have to create an account but it’s a good idea that you do so that you can save your information and progress and return to the website later to make any changes. If you don’t create an account, it’s important to note that any information you enter on the platform will be deleted after 48 hours and so you’ll need to start all over again.

2. Add your details

Once you create an account, head over to the Europass CV editor , where you’ll be invited to complete the different sections of your CV, specifically your personal details, a summary, your professional experience, education and training , and skills and competencies. You can also add additional sections language skills, publications, volunteer work, and hobbies and interests .

3. Select a template

When you’ve added all your information to your CV, you can select an appropriate design for it from a selection of templates. In this step, you can also edit your CV’s colour palette, change font size and add page numbers. There’s also an option to remove the Europass logo from your CV here, which is automatically added to the first page.

4. Save and download your CV

All you have to do now is save your CV in your Europass Library or publish it on EURES (a cooperation network of employment services aimed to facilitate employment mobility among EU member states) — provided that you’ve created a Europass Profile. You can also download your CV as a PDF file. (Make sure to give it an appropriate name, like ‘John Smith CV’.)

Tips for writing a Europass CV

As with writing any type of CV, there are certain things you can do to make yours stand out from other candidates and mistakes to avoid making . Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Be concise

When describing your experience, make sure that you use short statements — this makes your CV more readable and easily understandable, and it shows that you respect the reader’s time. On that note, it’s a good idea to avoid clichés like ‘excellent problem-solver’ and to start statements with action words like ‘oversaw’ and ‘supervised’.

2. Tailor your experience

Rather than just including everything and anything in your CV, make sure the information you pick is relevant to the role you’re applying for . A good idea here is to look at the job description to identify key words and phrases and any relevant details, and incorporate these into your CV.

3. Use measurables

Make sure your CV highlights your results and achievements with facts and figures. Use percentages to show improvement and numbers to indicate things like how many people you manage, how much money you saved a company and how you scored in an appraisal.

4. Focus on transferable skills

It’s not all about skills that feel very specific to the job you’re applying for. Employers want to know about your transferable skills, too — so, make sure you highlight things like communication skills , leadership abilities and a desire to collaborate.

5. Use the correct tenses

A common mistake people often make with a CV is getting tenses muddled. Your current role should be written in the present tense (although some achievements that have passed may be in the past tense). Previous roles should always be written in the past tense.

6. Proofread

It may sound like an obvious thing to do, but make sure you give your CV a thorough proofread before submitting. A CV with lots of errors will give a bad impression, even if your experience is amazing. It shows a lack of attention to detail or, worse, a lack of effort. Grammar must be checked, as well as spelling and formatting.

What is Europass?

Europass is your free set of online tools to manage your skills, and plan your learning and career in Europe.

Create your Europass profile

You can create a free profile with Europass , of all your skills, qualifications and experiences in one secure, online location.

You can record all your work, education and training experiences, language skills , digital skills , information on your projects, volunteering experiences , and any achievements that are important to you. You can also store your diplomas, reference letters or other documents that describe your achievements in your personal Europass Library .

You can create the profile in one or more European languages .

How to use your Europass profile?

Your Europass profile connects you with the next step in your career.

  • Use your Europass profile to reflect on your interests and career goals . 
  • Use your Europass profile to track your development and demonstrate your achievements to your employer.
  • Get suggestions of interesting jobs and courses that are relevant for your profile.
  • Share your profile with employers and recruiters for new job opportunities.
  • Share your profile with education institutions for new courses and training opportunities.
  • Share your profile with guidance counsellors to receive career advice.
  • Prepare applications. Keep a record of all your applications and prepare CVs and cover letters.

apply with europass infographic

Your Europass profile is your personal record of your achievements. By continually updating and adding to your profile, you will always have access to an up-to-date picture of all your skills.

All your personal information in your Europass profile is secure and you are the only person who can access the information and share it with others.

Get Started

Register today to create your Europass profile . The service is provided by the EU and it's totally free – no hidden costs, no premium service, no subscription.

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How to write a Europass CV, 2024?

Sashika Dilshan

Sashika Dilshan

Appreciating European culture, customs and opportunities are a few of the primary reasons why the thought of shifting to Europe is so alluring. The expert experience you’ll acquire is additionally significant. That’s why people are going after everything about the Europass CV.

As we all know European style is quite different when compared with others such as the UK CV format . The same applies to the resume too. Most importantly the word resume is not used in Europe, but it is called a CV. This is often called the Europass CV.

The Europe pass CV format is famous all over the European region and most importantly European Union member countries. The history of the standard Europe pass CV format runs to the 1990s. The CV format design is straightforward, user-friendly, and descriptive with must-have pieces of information. So here is the best CV format you can use when you’re applying for a job in Europe.

Let's go through this video and find out what are the key things to know before jumping into Europass CVs

Unique Europass CV features | Requirements

There are some standard points or formats that are unique to the Europe CV format you should be concerned about and some standard pieces of information you should provide along with the Europe CV. Let’s have a look.

1. Language Passport for Europass CV

The Language Passport gives an outline of the candidate's capability in various dialects. ELP is a Self-appraisal Grid under the Common European Framework.

Europe pass cv example

How to asses your language skills by yourself?

Self-assessing your language skills means that you reflect on your skills and level and determine where you fall on the scale. To do this, you may go into your Europass profile and describe your language skills with their skill levels in any language.  You may also store your language certificates in Europass library.

The language passport self-assessment grid is characterized by candidates' language ability under these parameters.

  • Spoken Interaction
  • Spoken Production

And the reference levels are,

The self-assessment grid will help you to get an idea which illustrates the levels of proficiency described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .

2. Europass Mobility Report

The Mobility report permits you to record your previous experience gained in various European nations. This incorporates work arrangements, social works, volunteer experience, and years abroad.

Experience in a Europass cv

How can I get my Europass Mobility?

If you have mobility experience in another country, you will need to ask your school or the education institution that is organizing your placement to register with the National Europass Centre in your country. The sending partner which could be the school or the education institution in your country and the host organization (the education institution or the college you will be visiting in abroad) will make arrangements to complete the relevant documents. And, you will receive your mobility after you finish your experience in abroad.

3. Europass Certificate Supplement

The Certificate Supplement allows candidates to feature their professional abilities and vocational skills with confidence under EU standards. It presents under EU standard configuration, the motivation behind showcase honor, level, and type of learning in an understandable manner. The Certificate Supplement represents the European Framework of Qualifications.

How can I get Europass Certificate Supplement?

If you are looking for a way to get the Europass Certificate Supplement for your vocational qualification, try searching in your country's database or  contacting your institution.

4. Europass Diploma Supplement

The document is the same as the Certificate Supplement. The Diploma Supplement is the document that shows candidates’ higher education qualifications.

How can I get Europass Diploma Supplement?

You can simply request the Europass Diploma Supplement from the college/education institution where you studied. And, also note that having your diploma along with your diploma supplement is the perfect combination when you are going to apply for a job in another European country.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Europass CV?


  • Europass does not invite a captivating design. Hence you do not need to spend much time on designing and choosing templates.
  • Easy to use template that helps streamline the process.
  • Eases the job application process in Europe as it is accepted by most employers.
  • Is suited to the European standards that almost every employer looks for.
  • With this kind of a format, the applicants can display their skills and experience clearly and specifically.
  • Easy to update and customize your skills and experience.
  • Allows mobility across Europe.


  • Many seem to define it as an outdated CV format due to its pale look.
  • Europass format is not attractive in appearance.
  • Does not allow to customize section headings.
  • A lot of wasted white space on the CV.
  • Like it or not, beneficial or not it limits your choice as you have to use more than one page.
  • Lack of flexibility.

Europass CV Example

Europass CV example

Some ideas for when to send a Europass CV

You should send a Europe pass CV when it is specifically required by the recruiter in the listing or when you are unsure about the specific country standards. This helps to make sure that your CV gets looked over by the hiring manager or the ATS screening instead of being discarded immediately.

Some Europass CV Writing Tips for you

Leave the template design you are going to use aside. At least make sure your text fits well enough to convince the employers, the requirements they seek for.

  • Make sure that you use a compelling language filled with specific action verbs and adjectives to describe yourself.
  • Add a professional picture in keeping with European practice.
  • Avoid resume buzzwords or clichés that overgeneralize your skills. Eg. self-motivated, Team player.
  • Avoid repetition of same words.
  • Make your writing concise.
  • Demonstrate your achievements of past job roles and skills rather than just mentioning your skills.
  • Since Europass CV uses a space wasting design, try to keep your texts as short as possible to fit into one page.

How long should a European CV be?

Well, there is not 100% yes or no answer for this. North American standard says you should not exceed one page unless otherwise there's extraordinary factors. Nevertheless, there are chances that recruiters will also be expecting more than one page too, as they are accustomed to them. However, we cannot underestimate the fact that busy managers will also prefer one page as it saves their time.

To conclude, It's not actually about the CV format alone. It's about what you have put on CV with your language and how you have put it. Essentially if you have fulfilled the expected Europass requirements.

If you don't want to use the Europe pass CV, try our guides for the French CV, Swedish CV, and Italian CV formats.

Interested in knowing more on CV writing? Read how to write a perfect CV

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The Best Samples Of The Europass CV

Europass is made for you if you intend to apply for jobs in Europe, now or in the future. The goal of the internet platform is to make it simpler to track down, update, and comprehend your talents and credentials. You can download four documents—the Europass CV, mobility document, certificate supplement, and diploma supplement—from a Europass profile. These papers are together referred to as a European Skills Passport.

Although several nations have their preferences and criteria, the objective is to make it simpler to demonstrate your abilities and experience across Europe. Despite this, many candidates will only build an online Europass CV rather than deliver all four documents to employers.

In other words, the Europass CV format is an internet tool that creates what Europeans and Americans call a CV and a resume, respectively. And it's a disaster, tragically, but it is also based on extensive experience creating and using several online resume/CV tools.

The Europass CV format is frequently criticized for having a poor visual aesthetic and being outdated. It resembles a "discount resume," as many people refer to them.

It's an effort by a large, multilingual organization in Europe to standardize a one-page document that should be exclusively about one person's work competencies. Theoretically, everybody in the globe would be on an equal footing to compete for any job in Europe with the help of this free, web-generated document. But it fails miserably to achieve its aims.                                                     

How Can I Write a Resume for Europass?

You can create your standardized European CV using this specialist webpage that Europass has given. Before using their free tool, you must only build a profile with your personal data, employment history, education and training, and skill set.

Yet all that effort was not useless because it made it easier to construct as many Europass CVs as you wanted by letting you choose the data to put in each one.

You Must Complete The Following Five Steps To Get The Most From Your Europass CV:

1. Communicate Your Experience.

Use your abilities and experiences relevant to the position you're applying for, and pay particular attention to the information in the employment offer.

2. Customize Your Europass CV.

Edit the "About Me" section to emphasize why you are the ideal candidate for the position and concentrate on facts rather than listing your entire lengthy history, highlighting the most critical points relevant to the work you have in mind.

3. Make Your Document Readable.

Using solid verbs, clear and straightforward wording, and a Europass CV that is simple to read (e.g., managed, developed, increased).

4. List Your Experiences.

Most recent items are listed first, and the oldest items are listed last, in reverse chronological order.

5. Polish And Proofread Your Work.

Check for spelling and grammar errors, supply a professional email address, and attach a professional headshot of yourself if there have been significant gaps in your employment or education.

How Is The European CV Format Structured?

Most other UK CV formats are different from the European standard format. It includes a part specifically for your experience or job background, a section for your most essential education, and a section for your contact information. According to the guidelines for a CV written in the European style, each component has specific standards that should be followed…

1. Contact Information

Your European CV must have your contact information at the top. Provide your contact information, especially your name, address, phone number, and email. There is an area to put your date of birth, gender, country, and even a picture since European recruiters may be seeking them using this CV format.

2. Work Experience

Include your prior employment and a few bullet sentences outlining your primary duties and accomplishments. Keep these tasks brief to ensure your European CV is longer. To allow recruiters to review your career, mention your most recent (or current) position first.

3. Education

This section is considerably more prominent in the CV format for European countries, sometimes following the contact information and more frequently coming after your employment history.

You should include your qualifications in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent experience.

When producing an English-language European CV, your abilities section should be divided into the following:

Mother tongue – The language you naturally and natively speak is your mother tongue.

Language - Use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to list the language proficiency levels on your European CV (CEFR). Also known as interpersonal skills, communication.

Organizing - Explain your organizational and time management skills and competencies.

Job-related talents - Include any technical or job-specific abilities here.

Last but not least, summarize your computer skills with a focus on your particular field when appropriate.

Please provide a specific accomplishment or detail demonstrating your skill or experience for each section.

Thinks about Writing a Personal Statement

English applicants may need help determining where to include their professional summary or personal statement on the European CV.

One of the most significant differences between an English CV and one from Europe is this. Said a piece of personal information is not part of the European CV structure. Rather than reading an essay about you, recruiters are interested in the specifics of your professional background and skill set.

Examples of European CV Formats

Sometimes, seeing something in action is more leisurely. We've provided a few examples of CVs written in the European style to help you better understand how to create your own. Because we recognize that only some come from the same background, our CV examples span a variety of experience levels.

Here are some examples of CV templates from .

1.  Personal CV format

Many applicants can use this European-standard CV template. It provides the perfect layout for substantial experience in multiple roles. Simple subheadings keep everything well organized and allow recruiters to skim-read easily.

2.  Modern CV format

A modern cv template is necessary if you're looking for work today. Modern CVs don't have to have crazy design elements, branding, or a giant photo of the applicant since those items won't aid your employment.

When Should You Utilize The European CV Format?

The European CV format, as its name implies, excels all over the continent. But only some travel the same road in life or their job. Because of this, you may need clarification on when the European CV in English is appropriate. We'll review several instances of when to use a European-style CV sample to make things more accessible.

1. If You Work and Live in Europe.

You must update your CV by the location you'll be working, whether you transferred from your existing employer or upped and moved since you need work immediately. Your prior resume differed slightly in both situations and appeared to perform well. But make sure to check on the quality. Long-term benefits will result from putting more work into formatting your resume according to the European standard.

2. When You Desire Employment Overseas.

Instead, you can still be UK-based and seek employment before relocating abroad. Once more, recruiters will be looking for a resume that follows the structure of Europe. Using a personal statement and adhering to other UK standards will make you stand out. But that's not the case, regrettably. Unless otherwise stated, you must use the European CV format.

3. To Apply to a UK Employer for a Position in Europe.

Unilever, HSBC, AstraZeneca, and BP are a few UK firms that have made international forays. So please don't assume it means they do not desire a European CV format. Recruiters will continue to follow local customs and, in many cases, are natives of the nation they are working.

4. When Submitting an English Application.

Similar to the last point, the concept of a European CV written in English may turn off certain applicants. Should it adopt a typical UK or US layout if it's in English? Should it be written in German, Spanish, or another native tongue if it is European? Europe uses English as a lingua franca (standard, bridge, or mutual language). There are many situations in which a CV with a European format and English content is essential.

5. Whenever It Is Specified in The Job Posting.

A European CV format is also the best option when selected on the job listing. In addition to the situations above, this could happen when a European company hires someone from another nation. That location could be outside of Europe entirely, such as the UK.

6. When You're a Student.

A European academic CV is a fantastic choice for students or recent graduates because it elevates education in the hierarchy of priorities. European students can utilize the European CV format when submitting applications for seasonal or part-time jobs. After graduating abroad, it is also excellent for entry-level positions.

When to Use The European CV Format?

Even if you live, work, or are from a European country, you should refrain from utilizing the European format while applying for jobs in the UK. Recruiters will anticipate a European-style CV if stated explicitly in the job description, like in the example above. As a result, when they don't see the usual structure with a personal statement, they will be far more inclined to set your CV aside.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Europass CV

After learning about a Europass CV and how to write a Europass CV, let's examine its advantages and disadvantages.

1. Advantages of Europass CV

While Europass CV receives much criticism, there are some significant benefits that we need to consider.

First, you can write, store, and share CVs in 29 different languages, and it's entirely free to use. You can write a cover letter for your application that conforms to the Europass structure.

Also, hiring managers worldwide are familiar with the format, so they can immediately understand its layout and structure when they view your CV.

Last, it lets you swiftly compose your application materials without skipping crucial details like your employment history, volunteer experience, academic qualifications, abilities, etc.

Yet, the advantages of the Europass CV are minimal. Aside from the cases mentioned above, that format can only be seen as advantageous if the applicant needs more time or resources to create a strong CV or the hiring manager needs to be more concerned with the content or presentation of the document.

2. Disadvantages of Europass CV

Now that we are conscious of the advantages of Europass CV, let's look at the reasons for the criticism.

According to numerous sources, the most prevalent disadvantages of the Europass CV are:

-Outmoded CV layouts.

-Issues with the website's questionable CV builder interface.

-a website with bugs.

-Yet the design includes the following shortcomings: it is typically the biggest deal-breaker for users.

-Uncertain text formatting.

-White gaps that leave much space unoccupied.

-The Europass logo needs to be bigger and take up much space.

-ample spacing between text and bullet points.

-Unnaturally spaced-out words in the justified text.

-The left half of the page contains most content, leaving the right side virtually blank.

You should carefully consider utilizing a Europass CV because it can put you at a disadvantage compared to other applicants by making your CV less distinctive.

Nonetheless, you should be willing to develop a Europass CV if your prospective employer requests one.

Conclusions about The Europass CV

We're done; you now understand a Europass CV and its advantages and disadvantages.

If you've determined that you must write your Europass CV, be sure to follow all of the crucial stages involved:

-Make sure to communicate your experience effectively. So it will draw your attention to the most valuable abilities and knowledge.

-Like you would do with a conventional US resume, customize your Europass CV for the position you seek.

-Make sure to utilize strong verbs, straightforward vocabulary, and easy-to-read writing in your work-

-Reverse the order of the calendar (your most recent entries come first).-

-Make your writing enjoyable to catch the hiring manager's attention.-

-Avoid using clichés as they are often unpopular and will decrease the likelihood of your resume being recalled.

-Be explicit, and provide concrete examples and precise figures to measure your professional accomplishments.

-Ensure that your Europass CV is the one-page maximum (unless you have lots of relevant work experience).

-Check it for spelling and grammar mistakes by proofreading.

-Examine our Europass CV model before creating your own for your next employment opportunity in Europe. You can visit this website to download and edit your resume templates.

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  1. Create your Europass CV

    The best-known CV format in Europe. The Europass CV is one of the best-known CV formats in Europe. It is easy-to-use and familiar to employers and education institutions. You will first have to create your Europass profile with information on your education, training, work experience and skills. After you complete your Europass profile, you can create as many CVs as you want with just a few ...

  2. European CV format with examples

    Your European style CV should be a 1-2 page document that outlines your personal details, work experience, education history, and skills. Because clarity is key, the design is typically simple and professional. Standard fonts are a must with a size of 10-13 for paragraph text and slightly larger for headings.

  3. Create CV

    Stakeholders. Login to Europass. You can create a CV or many CVs with just a few clicks from your Europass profile or from scratch. You can use it to apply for a job, education or training opportunities as well as volunteering. Watch quick tutorial video. Image/video.

  4. Europass CV: Template and Example

    The best resume format in 2024 ; Resume Examples. Monday to Friday, 8AM - 12AM (Midnight) and Saturdays and Sundays, 10AM - 6PM EDT (866) 215-9048. Cover Letters. ... Having a photo on your CV is common in some European countries, but it's not the standard everywhere. 4. Include additional sections

  5. Europass CV: How to Get a Job in Europe

    European resumes focus more on this section by providing more detail about the different fluency levels. How to Write a Europass CV. With its 5 sections and simple design, writing a Europass CV is very easy. To create yours, follow the steps below: Use a template: Start with our online resume builder by selecting the European Format. It ...

  6. What is a Europass CV [Examples, Template & Usage in 2023]

    It is the European equivalent of what we call a resume in the US. It provides an easy way to create a CV that would be recognized all over Europe, and it also lets you create a matching cover letter for your application. When it comes to layout & design, though, the Europass format can be lacking, since it results in VERY long CVs (resumes).

  7. CV Formats: How to Write a Resume in Different European Countries

    Use a professional font style and size. Use a clear, professional font such as Arial, Tahoma, Century Gothic, Times New Roman, etc. These fonts are easy for the recruiter to read. Stick to a font size of 12. It will make the recruiter's life easier.

  8. The new Europass CV and cover letter online tool

    store your Europass CVs and cover letters in your personal library; import them in the new editor and update them according to your needs. You can also share your profile, for example with an employer. The new online Europass tool will help you communicate your skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or training in Europe.

  9. Europass CV © 2024 Free Download

    This Europass CV template 2024 is totally free and completely editable in Word or Open Office (you can change colors, text, and more). Its compatible with Mac and PC. Download now this European CV in English! File format: Word (Microsoft), OpenOffice, PDF. File size: 285 KB. Ready-to-use: fast, easy, and free.

  10. Europass CV: Template, Format, and Examples for 2024

    The Europass CV format is one of the better-known CV formats in the European Union. You can create a Europass CV online using a CV creator currently supporting 29 languages. The Europass CV format is the European Commission's attempt at creating a unified framework for job applicants. It is indeed very common throughout the EU—this is both ...

  11. The CV in Europe

    The CV in Europe. If you're thinking about studying abroad or want to work in a European country, it'll be essential for you to be able to show your skills and abilities in an easy-to-understand way. You have to know there are differences among countries when talking about CVs. The same resume is not valid for all countries, and not only ...

  12. Europass CV

    THE MOST POPULAR TYPE OF CV IN EUROPE . EUROPASS CV . ... Choose the information you want to include, choose between different templates and Europass will do the rest. Create a CV from the beginning. Create your CV for free in 30 languages! 02. Edit. Each CV is intended for a different purpose.

  13. Europass CV + Europass CV format

    The Europass CV format is generated automatically from your Europass profile. While this can't be offered by any other site, you can find a variety of CV templates that can be customised to European standards. That allows you to use the same structure, as below, with an even better design. JIM MYDDLETON.

  14. Examples of the Different CV's You Need for Each Country

    Keep it neat and well-formatted: A neat, well-formatted CV will be a lot more appealing to a recruiter and should hopefully encourage them to continue reading. Use a professional font style and size: Use a clear, professional font such as Arial, Tahoma, Century Gothic, Times New Roman etc. These fonts are easy for the recruiter read and stick ...

  15. Home

    Europass and skills documentation. Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Europass also matches user skills and interests such as location and topic to success suitable jobs. It is a useful tool to find information on studying or working in the Europe.

  16. Europass CV Format, Template & Structure (+ Tips)

    077 4770 5636. [email protected]. Skype: jordanhowells. 2. Write your Europass CV job description. Since there is no personal statement on your Europass CV, you must use the work experience section to illustrate your merits as an employee. First, pick your type of application and the job you are applying for.

  17. Europass CV: pros and cons for creating a European resume

    The Europass CV is touted on its own website as "the best-known CV format in Europe." Certainly, the Europass CV format is often used throughout Europe. Although the Europass system to create a CV or resume is designed for use in Europe, you don't have to be from Europe to use it. Some European employers may be used to its format, and may ...

  18. How to prepare a European-style resume

    1. Add your picture. Although it's not legally required, most employers would like to see a picture of you. This picture should: Go in the top corner of the first page of your CV, and measure about an inch by an inch. Be of professional quality, passport style, in color. No selfies, no party photos to appear "fun".

  19. European Resume Example: Tips and Samples for Job Seekers

    Oct 29, 2023. --. A European resume example, also known as a Europass CV, is a standardized document format used to apply for jobs in Europe. It is designed to make it easier for employers to ...

  20. How to Create a Europass CV (Tips and Example)

    2. Add your details. Once you create an account, head over to the Europass CV editor, where you'll be invited to complete the different sections of your CV, specifically your personal details, a summary, your professional experience, education and training, and skills and competencies. You can also add additional sections language skills ...

  21. What is Europass?

    Your Europass profile is your personal record of your achievements. By continually updating and adding to your profile, you will always have access to an up-to-date picture of all your skills. All your personal information in your Europass profile is secure and you are the only person who can access the information and share it with others.

  22. How to write a Europass CV 2024?

    The same applies to the resume too. Most importantly the word resume is not used in Europe, but it is called a CV. This is often called the Europass CV. The Europe pass CV format is famous all over the European region and most importantly European Union member countries. The history of the standard Europe pass CV format runs to the 1990s.

  23. The Best Samples Of The Europass CV

    There is an area to put your date of birth, gender, country, and even a picture since European recruiters may be seeking them using this CV format. 2. Work Experience. Include your prior employment and a few bullet sentences outlining your primary duties and accomplishments.