The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

  • Edit source
  • 2 Chapter 1
  • 3 Chapter 2
  • 4 Chapter 3
  • 5 Chapter 4
  • 6 Chapter 5
  • 7 Chapter 6
  • 8 Chapter 7

Although this has yet to be confirmed, it appears that this story was originally uploaded on DeviantArt. According to a reupload of the story on, the original author was "smawzyv".

The story was first published sometime prior to January 18th, 2012.

Warning: Depictions of SA, Rape, and graphic gore.

Chapter 1 [ ]

Like how many stories begin, it was a nice, sunny day in Ponyville. But this was no ordinary day in Ponyville. This was the day before the first anniversary of Twilight Sparkle's arrival at Ponyville. Spike was sorting books in Twilight's library, putting them in their proper order on the bookshelves. Twilight signaled Spike to come to her. "Spike, I'm planning a party, with just me and my five closest pony friends. There's going to be something there that concerns only the six of us. Sorry, you're not invited. However, you can send these invitations to them." Spike sighed, "Okay."

After Spike left, Twilight took a sip of her favorite hot orangey-green drink, and spoke softly to herself, "Princess Celestia sent me here to learn about the magic of friendship. And tomorrow's the one year anniversary of my arrival at Ponyville. So I'm going to give her something special!" She finished with a cheery face. Pinkie had nothing to do that afternoon. Lying on her couch, bored, she heard the doorbell ring. "Eeeek! A customer! I'll get it!" she exclaimed. Opening the door, she said, "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner. Home of Ponyville's finest pastries and- oh, hello Spike. Have you come to buy a cake?"

She saw the baby dragon handing her an invitation. "No. But here, an invitation from Twilight." She took and read it, "A party! Today? As soon as possible? To learn more about friendship? I love that stuff!... Hmmm. But I'm the one who usually throws parties. Oh well. I'll be right there." At Twilight's place, all six ponies were there. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight. Spike was upstairs in his bed taking a nap, from the hard work he did all day. The party was great. Colorful balloons and confetti were everywhere. There was delicious cake, fun games, music, dancing, and gifts. Everyone was having a blast. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had just finished a game of pin the scale on the dragon, when they noticed Twilight sitting all alone watching the other ponies dance while having her usual beverage. Something was off about her. They couldn't quite tell what.

"Hey there sugar cube. What's up?" asked AJ, approaching Twilight alongside Rainbow Dash. "I had no idea you could throw such an awesome party Twi!" exclaimed Dash. "Excuse me?" Twilight said. "Be honest Twi." Applejack spoke, "Pinkie is the party throwing pony. Anyway, how's everything?" Twilight was happy to respond, "Yes. Pinkie is the party throwing pony, isn't she? Hee.. Hee.. Parties, food and games are fine. But the bigger reason I invited you all here was so... Well, let's just say I planned something special for all six of us, to really learn more about the magic of friendship."

Several hours later the ponies were tired and worn out from all that partying they did. Yes sir, it was another satisfying party for the ponies. Thanking Twilight, they were about to head to the door to leave. But Twilight stopped them, "Wait! I've saved the best for last!" Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. "Can't it wait, dear? We're exhausted." said Rarity. "Now Rar, Twilight did say to Dash and I, that she was planning something special at the end of the party. Something to really learn more about friendship." Applejack told Rarity. Everyone paused. Then looking at each other they all agreed to stay.

Twilight was so grateful. "Thank you everypony! I'm happy to have such great friends!"

Chapter 2 [ ]

Twilight led all her five pony friends through a door. A short hall was on the other side, with two book shelves alongside each other, embedded into the right wall. Each shelf had books and laboratory flasks filled with magic potions resting in them, and a lantern hanging above them. The lanterns gave off a dim light. But it was still enough to see their way through. Passing through the short hall, they made a left turn and descended down some stairs. Fluttershy, however, was hesitant. But Pinkie turned to her, and give a reassuring smile.

After making a right turn, then a left and another right, they finally arrived at the bottom of the long stairs and into what looked like a laboratory in a darkened cave. The only light in the room was coming from some lanterns embedded in the walls, and from the electricity running through some metal rods sticking out of some machinery against the cave walls. Various tree branches were sticking out of the walls, and coming out from the ceiling, extending to the ground. Some were wrapped around the machinery.

At the center of the room was what appeared to be a control panel. Five metallic tables forming a semi circle around the control device. They were tilted towards and facing the control panel, each about five meters from the control panel. The purple unicorn brought the laboratory flask filled with her favorite drink to her mouth, and took a sip. "Beautiful, isn't it?... What is everyone looking at?"

"Twilight? Did you just drink a potion out of that glass container, used to hold chemicals?" One of the other ponies questioned.

She answered, "It's one of my most favored drinks. You've seen me drink this before."

"Out of a that?" Rarity asked.

"Don't worry. It's clean. I do not know why, but I sometimes just like drinking out of a lab flask. Weird, I know." replied Twilight Sparkle. No one thought much of it.

Rarity pointed out three skeletal models of ponies up against one of the cavern walls. One of each kind of pony, supported by poles. "Those are just plain... creepy." said Rarity.

Twilight was glad someone took notice of them, "Oh, you like them? These pony skeleton models weren't too difficult to make. I've even given them nicknames. The first is a model of a male earth pony. 'Doc Brown-mane' is his name. He's a hot one. The second one is a female Pegasus pony I've named 'Derp-stick.' And the last, 'The Trixter,' is a female unicorn. They're all such cuties!" Everyone just stared at Twilight awkwardly.

Pinkie spoke out, "Say Twilight. Isn't this the same room where you tried to collect data from my 'Pinkie senses' in the 'feeling Pinkie keen' episode?"

Applejack gave Pinkie a confused look. "Episode? What the hay 're ya talkin' 'bout Pink?"

"Yes it is, Pinkie." Twilight said, answering Pinkie's question.

Fluttershy was looking around the cave. "W...what are we going to do in this... unsettling place, Twilight?"

"Science experiments." Twilight responded.

"Science experiments?" Dash complained. "Give me a break. Science isn't my thing."

"Rainbow Dash!" scolded AJ. "We said we'd stay to learn more about friendship with Twilight. And if science experiments are how we're going to learn, then by golly, we'll participate."

Pinkie nodded in agreement, "Yeah Dashie. Don't be a science party pooper scooper!"

Dash gave in, "Sigh. Fine. Let's get this done with."

Twilight gave Dash a cheery look, "Thank you Dash! Trust me. You'll find this interesting."

"Alright everypony. Get on the tilted tables." Twilight told them.

Rainbow Dash began to get nervous and was hesitating, "Um, Twi?"

"Something wrong, Dash?"

"Oh, heh. Nothing... except, this is reminding me of a dream- NO! Nightmare I had two weeks ago." Rainbow was looking at Pinkie Pie uncomfortably, while Pinkie just smiled back obliviously.

Twilight tried reverse psychology on Dash. "Don't worry. I'm sure this will be nothing like your dream. But... I understand if you're scared."

Dash was indignant. "WHAT? I am not scared! I'll... I'll prove it!" Just like that, Dash lay on the table. "See!"

"I knew you could do it!" Twilight said as she directed everyone else where to lie.

Everyone lied on their assigned tables, except for Fluttershy. Twilight questioned Fluttershy, "What are you waiting for Shy?"

Fluttershy had an unsure look on her face. "Well, it's just, um, it looks, well, restricting, and... scary. And, well, yeah. I'd rather not."

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm your friend. You trust me, right?"

"Yeah. Well, I'd still rather not." Shy said timidly.

Twilight had a look of disapproval. "I see..." Twilight's horn started to glow. She used magic to push Fluttershy onto the metal board. Then she quickly went over to the control panel and pushed a button, cuffing all five ponies' four hooves, assuring that they could not escape from the platforms.

Fluttershy, being as sensitive as she is, didn't take the sudden impact into the metallic platform well. She started crying. Rarity grew angry. "Twilight! That was simply rude and unnecessary. And why are we cuffed to these boards? It's so tight. I can't move."

Rainbow Dash began to find the situation unnerving again. "Okay Twilight. This is really getting to be like my dream."

A disappointed Twilight said, "I'm hurt. Don't you all trust me? I promise everypony will benefit and learn well from this experience. So, what do you say? Please? For me?"

Rarity spoke. "Well... Alright. Sorry dear."

Fluttershy's eye's cleared up. "Me too... I guess."

Rainbow Dash: "...okay...I... I trust you Twilight."

"Thank you everyone. I knew I could rely on you." Twilight said with a cheery tone.

Twilight was ready to explain, "Now. What these experiments will do is to help us better understand who we are as ponies. To do this, we shall study and carefully analyze our talents. That is, the meaning of our cutie marks. We also will look into the element of harmony each of us represent."

Dash felt a little better. "Oh. Okay. That's not so bad. That actually sounds pretty fun! Though I still don't know why we need to be cuffed to these planks, but I trust you."

Twilight was pleased. "Great! Let's start with Pinkie Pie."

"OOoooOOOoooo!" Pinkie said with an excited voice.

Twilight continued, "As we all know, Pinkie is the pink, party throwing pony of ponyville. She does it to bring smiles and joy to the ponies who attend the parties. That is signified by her three balloon cutie mark. She's energetic, and has a wild, fun-loving personality. No wonder she is the carrier of the element of laughter."

Dash agreed. "That's Pinkie Pie! Heeheeheehee!"

Twilight went on. "In hopes of better understanding her joyous, mentality, I shall examine her mind intimately. Very intimately."

Applejack was slightly puzzled by that statement. "Like, how?"

To everyone's surprise, Twi gave the happy pink horse a long passionate kiss on her tender cheek. "I love your body... I'll be back." Twilight said as she left the room. Pinkie waited in curiosity and anticipation.

When she returned, they noticed that she was wearing a clean, white apron. And she was carrying a metal box with her. "Is that a white apron... worn by... surgeons?" Asked Rarity. Rainbow felt uneasy again.

Pinkie Pie corrected Rarity. "Don't be a silly big filly! That's a baker's apron. She want's to bake a cake like I would, to better understand my mind." The ponies were almost convinced at what Pinkie Pie said, until they saw Twilight put on a surgical mask, open the box, reach inside, and take out what looked like a surgical knife. Everyone's eyes grew wide with concern, with the exception of Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was so excited. "I knew it! And that's the knife to cut the cake! Right?"

"Something like that." Twilight chuckled. Twilight held the scalpel close up to Pinkie's face. "Here's for science."

"Heh heh. Careful with that knife." Pinkie said nervously.

Dash's heart beat significantly faster at the sight of a knife that close to her friend. "Twilight. I don't want to do this! Please let me go." Yelled Dash.

Twilight was vexed. "Why not? Your silly nightmare?"

Dash replied, "This is getting more and more like that nightmare. What exactly do you plan on doing with that knife anyway?"

Applejack joined in. "You're worrying us Twi."

Twilight sighed in frustration. "It's for science. We just went over this. I thought you were okay with this."

Pinkie watched as the knife hovered down her chest and to her belly. "Shouldn't you be baking that cake now?"

The knife caressed the skin of Pinkie's belly. Suddenly, Twilight pushed harder on the knife, and the extremely sharp tool cut through the skin and muscle of the pink pony's belly. "OUCH!" Pinkie yelled. Then Twilight quickly moved the blade straight down the belly, making a deep horizontal gash through the skin and muscle, causing Pinkie to scream in pain. It was not long before red liquid was seeping out of the wound.

There was a sudden adrenaline rush in everyone, from seeing what just happened. "TWILIGHT!" Both Rarity and AJ hollered.

Rainbow Dash was now filled with panic. "GET ME OUTTA HERE!" Dash screamed, while jerking franticly, trying to break free from the metal cuffs, but to no avail.

"Don't worry Dash. I will." Rarity said, with a look of anger and determination towards Twilight. Rarity's horn glowed as she used her magic to take hold of the knife, right before Twilight was going to make another incision into Pinkie. Twilight had an annoyed look on her face. And the irises in her eyes... turned red.

She tried to regain control of the scalpel with her magic. "Rarity! Stop it!" They were both fighting for the knife, pulling on it like a game of tug and war. The purple pony had had enough. She used her magic to flip a switch on the control board at the center of the room. This sent a powerful electric shock throughout Rarity's body. Her muscles instantly contracted. She shook and jerked violently, screaming out in agony from burning heat. This left her twitching and disoriented, allowing Twilight to take control of the surgical tool once again. All the pony test subjects had never been so scared in their lives.

Turning off the power, and returning to a crying Pinkie, Twilight used her blade to make two more deep gashes on the chest of her pink friend. Both cuts were slanting down, their bottom ends joining together, along with the top end of the first cut on Pinkie's belly. There was now a capital Y shaped incision on Pinkie's entire underside. The Y turned red. The blood was beginning to flow down Pinkie's chest and tummy, down to her legs and dripping onto the floor. Moaning and weeping she innocently asked, "Twilight... why?"

"*Snort* I get it. A 'why' incision. That's really funny Pink. Cliché, but still funny." Snickered the surgeon.

Rarity recovered enough composer to once more take control of the knife. Twilight was getting angry. She again turned the same electricity inducing switch on. "Rarity! Quit it! You're being immature!"

Rarity was in intense pain as before. The electricity was roasting her body tissue to the point where it was smoking. But she fought against the horrible burn, more determined than ever to stop Twilight. Rarity used her magic to move the knife away from Twilight. Everyone else was watching in high hopes. The book worm unicorn's anger grew. She turned off the electric current and had a quick sip from her glassware in frustration. The next thing Rarity knew, Twilight seemed to easily yank the sharp cutting instrument with her raging magic. "That is IT!" Twilight brought out a bone cutting hacksaw from the silver case. Rarity tried to move the saw away from her with her glowing horn, but Twilight's magic was now too overpowering, as if getting her mad was making her magic stronger. Coming to Rarity with the hacksaw, she positioned the teethed blade at the base of the white unicorn's horn and started sawing.

Rarity's magic was getting weaker with each thrust of the saw through her horn. She winced as the blade cut through some skin at around the base of the horn. A small amount of blood flew down her face. After about 30 seconds, Rarity saw her blood-stained horn drop to the ground. Everyone's heart sank as they watched what seemed to be their last hope of escape fall to the ground and die. Twilight let out a warning, "Anypony else who resists will be dealt with by my magic. Now, if that's all."

Chapter 3 [ ]

Ms. Sparkle continued with the party pony. By now Pinkie had lost a significant amount of nutrients carrying bodily fluid, as was evident by the red puddle on the floor below her. Twilight used her hoof to lift one of the flaps of Pinkie's flesh and meat made by her huge Y shaped wound on her underside. She stretched, compressed, and wiggled the mass of meat and skin as if she were studying it. Pinkie let out a whine of great discomfort with each burning stretch and twist.

Fluttershy shouted, "LEAVE PINKIE ALONE! You're hurting her... badly! Just listen to her cries of pain. Doesn't that say anything to you?"

"Oh, she's just being Pinkie Pie," was Twilight's response.

Fluttershy continued, "Why did you cut Pinkie's belly open? She's your friend!"

"I told you. This is for science," Twi answered. "She is my friend. That is why we will learn together. I opened Pink because if I'm going to remove her brain to study it, I may as well remove the rest of her organs first." The five ponies were utterly shocked at what they just heard.

Twilight than wore a gleeful face, "Once we're done learning about Pinkie Pie, then we shall move on to AJ, Dash, Shy, and then Rarity. When we are finished, more will be known about the magic of friendship than ever before!"

All of them were breathing heavily and fast. Their heart's were pounding. Panic was in the air. "I'll be back in a sec." said Twilight. They all shouted and yelled pleas for mercy just as Twilight left the room.

Upon returning, she dragged a huge multi-layered cart with an array of glass containers filled with a clear liquid. The five ponies were petrified at the freaky and unnerving sight before them. Some jars had active pony organs already inside of them. The hearts were still beating. The lungs were still expanding and compressing. Stomachs were still contracting their muscles. As if the liquid in the containers was some sort of bioelectricity inducing substance. The glass bottles had labels on them. They labeled the type of organs that were in them, and ponies they belonged to. The horrified mares read the labels. Some empty ones (but still with liquid) read Pinkie Pie. Some containing organs read Blue October, Pokey Pierce, and... Apple bloom!

Applejack's world was further crashing down, "YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED MY KID SISTER! SHE'S WAS JUST A LITTLE HELPLESS FILLY!" Tears were flowing down her cheeks.

The killer explained, "Well, yeah. I needed practice before I got to Pinkie. Much of science is trial and error." AJ's throat moistened and she found it hard to swallow. All sorts of intense emotions ran through her. Shock. Fear. Despair. RAGE!

"You know," Twilight went on, "it's interesting, this taboo of society. Ponies are always more sensitive about young foals being hurt and killed. Why do you think that is?" Twilight looked at everyone, "And finally we can start the lesson." Twilight Grabbed a huge metal, silver nail and a hammer from the open metal case. Pinkie didn't want to know what the unicorn was going to use them for. "Twilight, no! NO! PLEASE NO!"

After resting the nail's tip on the inside of one of the flaps of meat, Twilight leaned over and kissed Pinkie on the forehead. Then she swung the hammer and it hit its target. The nail pinned down one of Pinkie Pie's flaps of skin to the table. The nail rested in a hole pre-embedded in the table.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," Pinkie felt a high concentration of activated pain receptors. Twi took two more out and hammered them to pin down that flap more securely. Pinkie let out a high pitched shriek with each sudden, blood squirting stab into the meat and flesh. Taking three more nails, she did the same to the flap on the pink pony's other side. This left Pinkie's ribcage and bottom organs exposed. Rarity felt nauseous. But Twilight wasn't finished.

She took out a small circular saw out of the box. It was a bone cutter. She turned it on and pushed the spinning saw into the bottom of Pinkie's blood covered sternum. The loud cutting noise could be heard throughout the dungeon. Sawing straight up through the hard chest bone, countless red drops sprayed onto Pinkie's tear soaked face and on Twilight's white surgeon's apron and mask.

The crying, begging, and pleading for the purple unicorn to stop, from the four other ponies, were relentless. Applejack pleaded, "ANYTHING! ANYTHING AT ALL! NAME IT. WE'LL DO IT. PLEASE JUST STOP THIS!"

Dash implored, "No, NO! NO MORE! NNNOOOO!"


Fluttershy was of course crying the hardest, "Pinkie Pie is your friend! How could you do this to poor Pinkie? Please PUT HER BACK TOGETHER!" But they didn't seem to phase Twilight at all, except for her horn. Which looked as though it sharpened.

With Pinkie's sternum split, the surgeon unicorn inserted a rib spreader into the crevice and turned the lever enough to push the two half sternums apart, leaving Pinkie's beating heart and expanding and compressing lungs in plain sight. Pinkie was too frightened to look down. Twi locked the lever in place.

Next, she brought out what looked like a huge basting bulb and explained, "See this? It contains alcohol. I'm going to pour it all over your exposed internal organs to prevent infection. You don't expect me to experiment on infected organs, do you? This is going to sting... a lot. Brace yourself!"

"No... Twi... no...," Pinkie spoke weakly from blood loss, her face wet with blood and tears. As if Twilight didn't even hear her, she squirted the infernal liquid all over poor Pinkie Pie's bare insides. Sssstiiiinnnngggg! The pain was so intense, it was like nothing she had ever suffered before. Deafening, blood curdling screams of sheer agony echoed off the cave walls. "THIS IS NOT RRRIIIGGHHT!" cried the suffering mare.

Twilight repeatedly rubbed her cheek against her sobbing victim's, and gave some kisses in between, "Shh, shh, sh, shhhh. It's okay. It's going to be alright."

The four other captives were in such trauma. They couldn't stand seeing their best friend in so much pain. Pinkie looked so weak and helpless. It was too much for them to handle. Fluttershy threw up and blacked out.

Twilight removed her mask. "Now. This is when we learn more about Pinkie's mentality." She floated an linked feather and scroll to herself. Twi put her face right up to Pinkie's, "Hey, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie weakly glanced at her captor. Miss Sparkle's eyes went wide as she spoke with a big, happy smile. "Guess what. I KILLED Applebloom! I killed her. And I'm going to KILL you too! And it makes me happy! Your cutie mark does not lie. Your parties do give ponies smiles. And what a party this is! Tell me, how does all this make you feel, emotionally? Does this change your view on this world we live in?" The unicorn waited for a response from the miserable pink pony.

After a few moments, the crying, pitiful pony started to sing, "G-g-g...g-giggle at the ghostie. G-guffaw at the grossly. Crack up at the c-cree-creepy. Whoo-whoop it up with the weepy. Chor-ch-chortle at the kooky. Snortle at the spooky-hy-hy-hy-hhhhyyyy."

When she finished, Twilight spoke with intrigue, "Interesting. You truly are the carrier of the element of laughter. But laughing can only help you so far in dire situations like this. And you need to learn that." Twilight's irises fluctuated between dark red and bright red, as she picked up the bone cutter. She started sawing around one of Pinkie's hind legs, just above the knee. Pinkie screamed from the painful slicing of her muscle. She felt like she could do nothing to stop this. Not even laughing.

With more blood splatter, the spinning blade cut the bone thin enough to snap, which is exactly what Twilight did. And the pink leg fell to the giant tree trunk floor, making another mess of blood. Twilight Sparkle squirted more stinging alcohol onto the newly made injury, and the severed leg. Putting the red dripping limb onto a tray on the cart, she asked, "Do you still think 'giggling at the ghosties' will save you now, Pink?"

Pinkie gave up hope. "...n... no..."

Twilight addressed everyone, making sure they were all listening. "That's it. We all learned something about our friend Pinkie Pie. And that is that, under such horrific circumstances like this, she concludes that laughter will not always make the monsters disappear. But we are not done. There is more to be learned about Pinkie."

When she was finished, she put back on her surgical mask, readied the glass containers, then sterilized her hooves. The ponies made one last attempt to reason with the heartless horse. Applejack tried first, "Twi. Ya don't have to do this. It's not too late. Just stitch Pink back together."

Dash spoke, "Yes, Twi. She's your friend. We know you really don't want to do this."

Rarity was next, "We don't know what has gotten into you, but please, let us help you. We can help. We love you dear."

Twilight was grateful for their offer, "Thank you all. You are my dear friends." There was a spark of hope in them. Twilight's eyes turned an even brighter red than before, "But there is nothing wrong with me." Everyone's heart sank. Then came the begging and sobbing again.

Twilight did not seem to care, as she opened the bottle and grabbed the party pony's stomach. Pinkie pie felt sick to the stomach, that is until Twilight gave it a good yank out of her, carrying with it part of the esophagus. "Uuugggk!" reacted Pinkie. Twilight immediately put the digestive organ into the preservative fluid filled jar and closed the lid.

Twilight made a discovery, "Well you had a big stomach. Which is to be expected, since you ate a lot of goods." Twilight went for her liver next. "This organ is rich with blood!"

Twilight proceeded with the pancreas, gallbladder, spleen, and small intestine, giving brief facts about them as she did. The mares could not believe nor understand what they were witnessing. Twilight Sparkle, their very close and dear friend, was, seemingly out of nowhere, removing the internal organs of an innocent fellow pony. Rarity's nausea was worsening till it was too much. Her stomach erupted and she vomited several times in a row, making a big, strong odored, mess of bile all over her body and the floor. At this point they felt that all hope was lost for their pink friend. They felt so sad. They loved Pinkie so much.

"Interestingly enough, Pinkie is so healthy. And considering how many sweets she consumes... yeah, I'll have to look into that. I'm guessing it's how she hops around a lot, using those muscles." Twilight said, briefly studying Pinkie's long intestine before folding it into a glass jar. Twilight dipped the bloody blade into a bowl of alcohol to clean it. After giving Pinkie's vulva a few good rubs, she used the scalpel to pierce the skin of the lying pony's groin. Pinkie could feel the very sharp tool easily dig deeper into her meat. The demented surgeon started carving out Pinkie's sensitive genitals, very slowly and carefully as not to damage any internal parts of the pink pony's sex organ. Pinkie's awareness faded.

Once finished, she lifted the blood dripping severed privet part with caution. The vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, all still connected. "Reproduction. Very important." Twilight poured alcohol onto Pinkie's disembodied marehood and placed the entire reproduction system into a vacant container and sealed it tight. She then spilled the alcohol onto Pinkie's genitaless crotch, "Wake up Pink." The mutilated horse was very weak. But the sting still managed to wake her up. "You don't want to miss your last lesson in life!" said Twilight as she prepared for the final incision. "I'll remove your lungs and heart after, so you can witness the lecture on your brain before I take it out."

Sad, confused, crying, and in tremendous discomfort, Pinkie lost the will to hope. She was just waiting for it to end. A sharp painful pinching sensation was felt as the scalpel cut across the small pink horse's forehead and around the cranium. The wincing pony's forehead was oozing out red fluid. Twilight pealed off the flesh from the top of the head, taking a part of Pinkie Pie's poofy pink mane with it, causing her to scream. Next, using the bone cutter, Twi sawed through the skull bone along the incisions of the skin. Making a complete circle around the top of the head, she lifted the head bone piece off, exposing Pinkie's tender brain. Pinkie braced herself as Twilight squirted more alcohol onto the brain. The sensation was that of an immense, heavy, pounding headache all over the surface of the her thinking organ. And Twilight caressing it with her hoof wasn't helping.

Then the purple unicorn applied her magic to levitate a kind of brainwave analyzing device to her. She put it up to Pink's head, "Isn't this interesting. The left temporal lobe is just as active as the right. I expected the left side to be far less active. Would you ever forgive me for taking you to be a moron Pinkie? Hee, hee, hheeee.." Pinkie was too weak and in too much agony to be mad, or even care about the cold words escaping from her tormenter's mouth. "And thus concludes our learning of Pinkie."

The terrified mares knew what was coming. They could not bear to watch, yet they couldn't look away. Twilight Sparkle took hold of one of the lungs. Streams of tears profusely flowed down from Dash's eyes, "This... *sniff*... isn't the Twilight Sparkle we knew... *sob*" Twilight hesitated for a moment... but then pulled on the lung until it disconnected from Pinkie. Everyone cried even harder. Pinkie, already struggling to breathe, found it much harder to take in oxygen with only one lung. "Nos" and "pleases" reverberated throughout the basement laboratory. Twilight placed both of her hooves on the only lung Pinkie had left. Twilight was hesitant again. She started sweating and breathing heavily. Using her magic to levitate her fizzing liquid filled laboratory flask up to her mouth... she took a chug of it, and then forced out the last means Pinkie had to breathe.

Within about four minutes Pinkie passed out from lack of oxygen. They knew it. Her friends knew that in a few moments the inevitable would happen to the blood covered pony. After a short passing of time, they saw the beating of Pinkie Pie's visible heart stop. Her eyes slowly closed. The brain activity ceased. They so desperately didn't want to face the ugly fact. But they had no choice. Their friend Pinkie Pie... was dead.

Chapter 4 [ ]

The ponies felt empty. Like their friendship was incomplete, since the element of laughter was gone broke the somber silence, "Now you all know the process of dying via suffocation even better than before. Although no one here knows it like Pinkie Pie did! Heeeeheeeeheeeee."

So much rage was directed towards the mare murderer. Rarity expressed her fury, "If I had my*sob*" She bitterly wept.

AJ spoke, "If we ever get out of this..." She swallowed, "You are no longer our friend... *sniff*"

Dash was in a state of extreme trauma, "Dead...d-d-dead," She was shaking and crying.

Twilight found something that amused her, "Aw, Fluttershy is still out cold. I'll have to fill her in on what she missed. HA!"

Applejack noticed Twilight's sudden personality change. "HOW IN THE HAY CAN YOU LAUGH ABOUT THIS?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh AJ." Twilight took off her surgical mask to reveal an impossibly wide, demented clown like smile. "Let me show you why I laugh."

Twilight pressed her face against Apple's chest, breathing heavily into it, "Such beautiful, powerful muscles. Oh. I must know more of them." Moving her self away from AJ, she brought many sharp ended, needle sized rods of various lengths, with small bulbs on their tops, to the farm horse. With her glowing horn, she inserted rods of specific lengths into specific areas in AJ's body, with specific angles, with great precision. So many inserted rods were covering the orange pony. She didn't bleed a lot though, because the tips of the robs were extremely sharp. The twisted scientist sat behind the panel of buttons. She magically uncuffed Applejack. AJ fell to the floor, then stood up in disbelief. Was she free?

Thoughts were racing through her head of what move she should make. She quickly tried to set her friends free. Everyone was grateful for another chance of getting out of this living hell. She tried opening the cuffs. It did not work. She attempted to pull them out of the cuffs. But they were too firmly held in place. She lunged at Twilight, "Set them free, or you will rue-" AJ suddenly lost control of her body. She felt like the bulbs on the needles in her were sending jolts of electricity through her muscles. Then she noticed twi's horn radiating light, causing a lot of buttons and dials to be pushed and turned on the central board.

Twilight gave a confirmation, "Yep. I now control almost every muscle in your body responsible for voluntary movement." Rainbow and Rarity feared for their friend. What did Twilight have in store for Applejack. "HAHAHAHA! Hoh ho haha hehu! Now do you see the funny side?" Twilight said as she forced a smile on Applejack's face. Twilight's mouth then retained its usual form. "Aw, I'm only fooling around with ya. Anyway, enough tomfoolery. Let us move on to lesson zero, ur, two."

Twilight had her puppet walk into a back room. AJ tried to fight it. But it was futile. She was pushing a heavy bulk of machinery back to the main room. It had a square metal platform with a pole shooting straight up from one of it's sides, supporting an identical square metal platform lined up precisely, and straight above the bottom metal plate. And there was a meter measuring weight in newtons, at the very top of the pole. Twilight took a small controller that was connected to the bottom of the pole via an electric cord.

Twi had Apple stand on her two hind legs on the square platform with the other platform above her, and elaborated, "Our next test subject is Applejack, who has apples for a cutie mark. That signifies that she, as a farmer, grows, bucks, sometimes cooks, and sells apples. She must be rather physically strong. But how strong? What is her limit? Well, using this device in my hooves, I will have the top platform push down on Applejack with a force equivalent to the weight of an object with a certain mass. The mass will be measured in kilograms. And the weight will be measured in newtons, which is mass in kilograms, times the acceleration of gravity, which is 9.8 meters per second per second. And the meter at the top of the pole will show the force of the simulated weight in newtons, pressing against AJ's body. It's AJ's job to hold up the platform. Our goal here is to find out just how much weight she can lift before she breaks, as I add to the force little by little. Newton by newton. Let's start with say... 300N. And here wwweeee begin!... Oh. One question, AJ. Do you still think of me as a friend? Answer honestly."

"I don't own you any answer!" replied the orange, pigtailed pony.

"Applejack. Answer me, and I'll set you free."

"...I... I don't know..."

"Thank you for you truthful answer, element of honesty. I, however, am not that element. I'm not going to set you free."

"I figured that."

Suddenly, AJ felt her mouth and tongue move against her will. "Of course I'm your pal Twi. I'm so grateful we're doing this together. But I do hate these three other losers."

Rainbow and Rarity did not expect this from Applejack. Twilight informed them, "Oh, don't worry. She still loves you all dearly. I made her say that with these rods. Just having some fun. Teehee."

She pressed a button and turned a dial on the control device in her hoof. The top plate was pushing down on the reluctant pony. All Rainbow Dash and Rarity could do was to watch in dread. Their hearts were racing. They did not want to lose another chance to break free from this nightmare. "Don't let that jerk keep control over you! Show her who's boss!" Rainbow Dash cheered AJ on.

"We know you can fight it!" Rarity said, trying to boost enough confidence into the struggling pony. AJ was trying her best to move away from under the square metal plate. But the bioelectricity from the rods were to strong. She had no choice but to have Twilight force her to push up on the platform.

300 newtons were no problem. "Very good. You're stronger than I thought." The experimenter mocked. She turned the dial and the meter at the top read 445N. "More." Twilight turned the knob and the meter went up to 574N. It was now getting a bit hard to hold it up.

"Add a little more and you count to four," Twilight happily sang. "Remember that? Oh, that Pinkie Pie!" Twilight turned the dial. 671N. AJ was getting sore. She turned the dial continuously without stopping, but at a very slow pace. The arrow on the meter moved passed the 712N mark. Than the 756N and 801N marks. As it hit the 885N mark Applejack's muscles were incredibly sore. Very, very tired and in such pain, she wanted to just lie down on the floor and rest so badly, but that wasn't going to happen.

After seeing the amount of force she had to go against, AJ's friends doubted that she could leave the platform, or even survive. Were they about to lose another loved one? They didn't believe it. In just one night, their lives were turned completely upside-down. Their Pinkie Pie, tortured and killed. And now Applejack was on the verge of dying. Everything they thought they knew about their friendship with Twilight was washed down the drain. Just a few hours ago, they considered the purple unicorn as one of their closest, dearest friends. And now they were sad with her, angry with her, and afraid of her.

934N. 979N. She didn't know how much more she could take. The force was pushing her to her very limit! 1023N. 1080N. She felt she could not handle anymore. 1103N. 1134N. 1183N. She heard and felt her bones and spine crack. The others could not stand to watch, yet they couldn't turn their heads. Their eyes were filled with terror as they watched with horrible anticipation of what was about to happen.

Twilight wrote down on a scroll the weight at which AJ's skeleton started to break. Then she kept going. 1201N. 1245N. 1289N. Applejack was hurting greatly as her bones further broke under such pressure. It was as if she was having an enormous backache of immense pain that was progressively worsening. Twi turned the knob a little further till it reached 1339N. And, SNAP! AJ's back broke in two, "AAAOOOUUG!" Her fellow captives cringed and screamed at the sight. Oh, how they screamed!

She fell to the floor, only to have the top plate smash into her face and break her nose. Her screams of pain were muffled by the crushing metal surface. Her skull bone as well as her rib cage cracked in several areas. The Unicorn wrote down the force at which her spine broke in two, "1339N. Aaannnnd done!...hmm... I wonder." She continued to increase the simulated weight. The pressure was so extreme, that the orange earth pony's ribs shattered into over a dozen pieces. The fragments punctured the lungs. She could no longer scream. She could only sound a muffled cry. "You should be very proud of yourself Apples." Applejack could barely hear the scientist speak. "You contributed your life to science. I know I'm proud of you."

There was massive internal bleeding. All she could think about was the pain... until her skull fractured into about 12 sharp pieces and cut through her brain. Her life functions faded. She shared the same fate as Pinkie Pie. Death.

Chapter 5 [ ]

While Fluttershy was still unconscious, Dash and Rarity were crying harder than ever. Their bodies were aching with pain from the psychological trauma alone.

"This isn't happening," Rarity sobbed. "Twilight would never do this to us." It seemed they would never get out of this hopeless situation. They had no reason to continue hoping.

Twilight turned off the electronic instrument. "Heh... now that we got the cliché physical tortu- experiments out of the way, let us begin with the psychological."

Dash knew that she was next. "This is a n-nightmare. I-I'm just having another horrible, realistic n-n-nightmare." Her muscles tensed as the doctor came to her with a syringe.

"Now this is when the truly interesting experiments commence," Twilight said holding the needle closer to Dash. "Rainbow Dash. You are the best flier in Equestria, are you not?" Rainbow Dash just stared. Twi gave Dashie a good slap! "ARE YOU!" Dash spat on Twilight's amused face. Twilight gave her a harder smack. Then she punched her hard in the nose and mouth, "Come on. Give me an answer."

Rainbow's mouth and nose bled, "...yesss... iitt's true."

"Then you must be physically fit." Twilight said. "I'm amazed you were never a Wonderbolt. Seriously! Why wouldn't the Wonderbolts accept you as one of them? They knew you were the very best flier in the skies. It makes no sense... Tell me, are you in season? And, I swear, I will inflict so much more pain on you than before, if you do not answer truthfully." Dash did not know where this mare was going with this. She didn't know what to say. Would it help further along her sick 'experiments' if she did give her this information?

The interrogating pony just sighed, "Never mind. It matters not." She stuck the hypodermic needle into the rainbow maned pony's ovaries and pumped out it's eggs. "I'm going to genetically engineer some beautiful offspring of yours Dashie. They'll be just as, or hopefully more athletic than you! I've already extracted sperm from Soarin'. He really liked that!" she winked. "It's like they will be both of your children. Orphan children. Heh heh."

Dash just realized the implications of what she just told her. "You've killed Soarin'? many other ponies did you kill?"

Twi happily replied, "I'd prefer to say 'ponies I've experimented on.' Let's see. There's Lyra, when I exposed her to high doses of radiation. I started with smaller doses. Kind of silly, but I wanted to see if she would mutate. She didn't quite. So I exposed her to more. It didn't turn out exactly as I hoped. With Snails, I... hmm, I don't remember what I did with him. This next one is embarrassing. Get this. I removed all of the Mayor's organs and bones. Then I tried taking various body parts and organs from several other ponies, and put them all together with the Mayor's brain, to make a pony of my own creation, with the Mayor's consciousness. The poor composite body wouldn't budge." The two shaking pony prisoners were struggling to cope with the realization of what a sickening reality this really was. They were sick to their stomachs.

Twilight continued. "These experiments were not confined to ponies. I kidnapped Zecora, injected her with all sorts of diseases, and tested out some experimental antidotes I invented. Some worked, but others didn't. It didn't end well for her. And various other wild life I have taken to do some genetic experimentation on them. I have some of the resulting life forms floating in fluid filled tanks. And, getting off topic here, I killed the Diamond Dogs because they were a menace to society... But enough of me blabbing away. You get the picture."

She put away the syringe, only to take out several more. They were bigger in size. And the hypodermic needles were longer in length. They were intimidating. Twilight enjoyed herself as she gave a long lick straight across the area below Dash's navel, but above her forbidden zone. She fed off of the warmth of Dashie's brain activity as she put her forehead to Rainbow's. "RD... I really must get to know you more. I must get inside your head." Feeling incredibly uncomfortable was an understatement for the cyan Pegasus. "How was I going to do this again?..." Then Twilight remembered.

She put sort of an electronic helmet on Rainbow Dash's head, and strapped it down tight! The helmet had wirers coming out of it, connecting to one of the machines on the side of a wall. The machine's monitor was showing the rainbow pony's brainwave patterns. Twi held up one of syringes and had the shaking pony get a nice long look at it. After the mental torment, she injected Dash with a menacing looking substance. She sat down on the floor like a dog 2.5 meters away from in front of Dashie, waiting for the hormone to take effect, with an eager, excited, smiling face.

Pretty soon, Dash felt a way she had never felt before. She felt... naked. Bare. Exposed. And ashamed of it. She had an urge to cover a certain body part of hers that was showing. But she couldn't. Her hooves were held down firm on her metal board. Had the circumstances not been so dire, hiding herself would be a bigger priority. But she was too miserable to think about it enough.

Twilight noticed a change in the brainwave patterns of Dash's distressed mind displayed on the monitor. "It appears to be working." She got up and stood in front of the naked mare, looking her up and down. "Rainbow Dash!" She smirked, "Put some clothes on!" This had Rainbow pay more attention to her nakedness. She let out a whine, and tried crossing her legs. She felt so uncomfortable.

Trying to tolerate the sight of the gruesome remains of her two friends, Rarity glanced over to Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, trying to figure out what was happening to Dashie. "What did that shot do to you Dash?"

"I'm...I'm not sure." Her friend replied. "I just don't want anyone seeing my... lower half." Miss Sparkle wrote Dash's words on paper. Than jotted down personal features of RD, and showed them to her. Now Dash's shame was rivaling her trauma.

The excited Doctor grabbed hold of the next syringe. "Man this is going to be awesome!" She gave another shot while singing, "Just flowin' into your bloodstream. La la lala." After a minute or so, the Pegasus in torment began to hear a faint static noise. It steadily grew in volume, until it started to just fluctuate in volume. It was soon accompanied by guitar screams and squeals of random durations, pitch and volume fluctuations, and rates of these fluctuations. It was absolutely chaotic and maddening. The room of death they were in began to distort. The lengths and depths of things were exaggerated. Some dimensions of objects seemed shorter, and other dimensions appeared longer. Some areas of the lab walls moved closer to the Pegasus, while other areas moved further away.

To Rarity, it was just a cyan winged horse sweating, shaking, and staring into space with a shocked and confused look. "Dash?..."

Dash spoke. "STOP IT TWILIGHT! JUST STOP IT! I don't want to hear your mocking words... You're not?... But how can you talk to me if you are dead?... What's that? Is it how to escape?"

Twilight happily watched, while writing notes of what was happening. Rarity was very confused and very concerned. "Rainbow Dash! Who are you speaking to?"

"AAAAAAAA!" Dash yelled, as if defending herself from an attack. "Quiet! Let my dead relative speak! He says it's important!..." Her eyes watered, "I know... They're... they're... *sob*... Yes they are!" She couldn't even look at her dead pony friends. "See for yourself!... They're... alive?... Because of the simple fact that they are there?... Yes. That does kinda makes sense... Yeah. Of course it does. Why wouldn't it make sense?... And that means... yes. Yes! YYYEEEESSSS! Oh Pinkie Pie! Applejack!" Dash cried tears of joy. "I thought we've lost you! HA! In your face Twilight Jerkle!"

Rarity was shocked that Dash said this. But then thought maybe it was her way of coping with their loss. "I know Dash. I... want them back too. But..." Rarity started to cry again.

Dash thought, "Now how to get out of here... Twilight! You scum! Release us at once!"

Twilight snickered as she recorded Dash's words and behavior. "As you wish." The cuffs of Dash's and Pinkie's table glowed and opened, releasing the Pegasus. Would they escape this time? No. They couldn't. Twilight wouldn't let them. She wouldn't let Applejack set them free when she was out of those cuffs.

Dash immediately bolted towards Twilight Sparkle and delivered a devastating blow to the head. Dash's victim fell to the floor, giving a huge teeth baring grin. Upon seeing this, Rarity thought that maybe they did have another chance to be delivered. Dash seemed to have full control of her body. Has Twilight just made a blunder? Was it out of insanity or stupidity? No! She had to have something up her sleeve.

Dash pinned the grinning unicorn to the ground. "Let Rarity and Fluttershy go!"

"But they are free. They are breathing, are they not?" humored Twilight, taking out the nails that pinned down Pinkie Pie's flesh to the metal table, out of their pre-made holes, with her magic.

"You can't trick me! Breathing is not the reason they are free. Their heart beating is."

Rainbow quickly came to the dead Pinkie Pie and gave her a hug. "I'm... so happy you're alive!" Rarity knew now that RD actually believed that Pinkie and Apple were not dead. The deluded Pegasus went to AJ. "Come on ya'll! Let's get the hay outta here sugar cubes. We'll report this purple vermin to the authorities!" Dashie lifted the square metal plate off from on top of the former farmer pony (the device was off). She picked up the body & flew towards the stares. The wires from her helmet connecting to the machine that was against the wall, however, prevented her from leaving. The chords were very strong and firmly embedded into the machine and her electronic headwear, which was securely strapped around her head. Just as Twilight planned.

"Why ain't ya leaving? You're too traumatized from the events that took place this night? 'ere. 'et me 'elp ya." Rainbow dash threw AJ's dead body down, landing on top of Fluttershy. The impact didn't wake up the Yellow Pegasus, though. It in fact put into a deeper state of unconsciousness. The reason for this is not quite known.

Rarity had no idea what to think. "Did this shot do this to her?"

"No.. Really?" Replied Twilight. "A lesson will be learned from this."

Rarity tried knocking sense into Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! Applejack... *swallows* is dead. Don't throw her like she's a rag doll. And don't hug Pinkie. She has no... ouuuaaaa... o-organs." She felt nauseous again. "She's dead as well. It was the shot that is making you believe they're alive. But listen to me! Their Dead!" Rarity cried at her own words.

Dash gave Pinkie Pie an embracing squeeze, staining her coat red. "You need help too? Wild one! Go help Rarity!" Holding the dripping dead pony over her shoulder, she carried it over to Rarity, and had it lean up against the white unicorn. "She's alive Rarity! Aaallliiivvvveee!" Rarity's eye's widened as she was forced to stare straight into the pony's cold lifeless eyes. Pinkie Pie's blood covered corpse, with no internal organs or top section of her cranium, lying right on her, caused her to quiver uncontrollably. She felt the warm fresh blood from the mutilated Pinkie flow down her shivering body. She just couldn't hold in the puke. The acidic stomach fluid splashed onto the motionless face of the deceased pony, then oozed down both bodies.

Rarity was struggling to breathe. "AAARROU! Da-*cough-cough* DASH! SNAP OUT OF IT! DO SOMETHING! AAAAHU *cough-cough-cough* Aauugghh!"

Dashie looked baffled. "...Why aren't any of you-IINNNGOAAAA!... Leaving?" She picked up Pinkie's body from Rarity and shook it violently, making blood and vomit splats on the surrounding floors. "Ya-yeah silly! Let's go for a party! I'm serving multicolored cupcakes with raspberry frosting and grape flavored sprinkles!" Rarity knew that her Pegasus friend had officially gone completely mad! But nothing prepared her for what happened next!

After laying the body on the floor, Rainbow Dash sat down next to it and sank her teeth into one of the front legs and tore off a huge mass of Pinkie's raw, red muscle. "Freeeee ssssamples!" Dash said, gnawing on the piece of skeletal muscle, while blood was dripping down from her mouth. In a few moments of great solicitude, Rarity loudly vociferated, while shaking and twitching with such force, she strained various tendons in her body.

After chewing and swallowing about one-third of the piece of Pinkie that she ripped out, the psycho Pegasus dropped it to the floor and took another healthy bite out of the leg. She forcefully pulled another chunk from the front leg, taking with it strands of muscle that peeled off like string cheese. She ate roughly half of it before letting fall to the ground. And then bit yet another part off with her messy red teeth.

Rarity couldn't dare to watch anymore of this. "RAINBOW DASH! STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!" she said, her eyes tightly shut and her head turned away.

This did not stop her mentally sick friend. The insane pony just kept biting off and munching on her helpings of Pinkie Pie, like she was eating a chicken leg. "Don't fret. I'll transport you outside soon, Rarity. Uuuu! Why must I feel this way?" Dash hid her special part under the pink corpse, as to keep it out of sight.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle was very entertained. Plus she really felt like a scientist. She was so excited. She would have loved to be more directly involved in the experiment, but she had to take notes.

After about twenty agonizing minutes of pony cannibalism, Dash had stripped Pinkie's front leg of nearly all it's brawn. Then went for the exposed radius. Twi realized this. "NO! Don't damage the bone!" She went over to the machine that the cords coming from the helmet on Dash's head, were hooked up to. She pressed a button on the apparatus and the wires contracted into the mechanism, like a cord from a vacuum cleaner. This pulled the cannibal towards the machine, restraining her from ruining the leg part of the skeleton. She now had a much smaller range to move around in.

"Sorry RD." The doctor unicorn spoke, "But I want to have a skeletal model of Pinkie... Say. I do believe we are done with this session. What have we discovered, you ask? We've discovered that, under her current state of mind, this is how RD manifests her loyalty to her friends. Just look at how desperate she is to free you all, such as by 'transporting' Pinkie out of this place. Onward!" The restricted cyan Pegasus tried desperately to brake free. She was pulling hard on the strap from her electronic headgear. But she couldn't break free.

She was like a vicious dog held by a tied up leash. "I need, NEED to let my friends know I LOVE THEM! Uuaah. WHY WON'T THE NOISE STOP!" RD kept struggling. But after a few minutes, she sat on the ground, shaking and in a fetal position out of shame and fear. She was wearing a scary grimace. She was sweating so much she looked like she went bobbing for apples. Her eyes were wide. Her pupils were small. Her eyes looked around like crazy. Then her expression changed. For a few moments she was looking as if she were thinking hard about something.

Meanwhile, Twi Spark had a few sips of her hot orangey-green drink from the glassware, and was about to prepare for Fluttershy. She was stopped, however, by the sound of something ripping and a muffled scream, followed by the sensation of being hit by a soft, wet, and squishy object on her side. The object fell to the floor, making a splat sound, like a dropped gravy covered scoop of mashed potatoes. She turned around to see what caused this.

She saw that Rainbow Dash had a huge, deep gash in her hind leg with a lot of blood rushing out of it. "Oh, I suppose we are not done... Wow. That drug is having a more severe effect on you than I predicted." Twilight said while she readied her pen and paper.

Rainbow Dash was in tears as her mouth grabbed it's second smooth piece of her outermost organ. "I must break free." She stretched it to its breaking point. "AAAAAOOUU!... huh huh huh huh huh... it's... necessary. Transporting my self over there."

She noticed that the purple unicorn was observing her. She spat that bit of herself out of her blood dripping mouth. "STOP LOOKING AT ME! YOU'RE LOOKING AT MY VULVA! AREN'T YOU!" She cried. She took an even bigger mass out of her own throbbing leg. And released her loudest scream yet, at the same time crying more tears of burning pain. The nude winged pony place her own sticky brawn fragment in between her legs. Twilight gave a giggle as she continued jotting down what she saw.

"We will see who will come out on top. I'm breaking free as I speak." Dash continued the cycle of tearing off some of her own leg, wailing and weeping, and spitting the lump of herself out onto the floor away from her. "AAAuurrrhg! See? Even now I am slowly moving towards that spot, and out of these chains!... Aaaagh..." She said, while pointing to that area where she was throwing herself to, bit by bit.

"Hhmmm..." spoke the thinking unicorn, "I've took enough notes. I'll let the machine continue recording the brain activity through Dash's helmet, and analyze the data later. Now we may move on, oh joy!"

The Doctor went to the back to retrieve a cart with a tray. The tray had tools on it, hidden under a cloth. There were also alcohol filled basting bulbs, and bottles of water. Twilight gave Fluttershy a few slaps, "Yooohoooo. Time to wakie wakie, sweetie. You can do it!" The Pegasus didn't respond. Twilight gave her a gentle hug, then moved to plan B...

Chapter 6 [ ]

It was dark. Black. She was unaware of anything. Asleep. Suddenly it was cold and wet. Something was dripping down her body. It woke her up just a little. Then she remembered... NO! That didn't really happen. Of course not. It could not have. It was just a false memory. A dream...

She heard a voice, "Fluttershy. Come on Flutter." The voice was accompanied by sounds of misery. She was coming to. But she was afraid to open her eyes. The stench of death was in the air. A scream suddenly rang through her ears, with a splat noise soon after. Her eyes were more tightly shut. She thought to herself. NO! It's not true. I refuse to believe it! But what she could hear suggested otherwise.

"FS, we can't start this if you are not awake." The voice sounded clearer to her now. Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes... They widened with terror as her worst fears were confirmed. Pinkie Pie was on the floor, cut open and empty, and next to a pile of her own meat fragments, with a large puddle of blood under. And there was Rainbow Dash. One of her hind legs was almost completely bone. And the other was being ripped apart by its owner's jaw. The pieces were being thrown into a pile two meters away from the sobbing cyan Pegasus. Though hornless, Rarity was otherwise untouched.

Fluttershy's shining eyes watered at the sight of her friends like this. It was too much for her to take in. Scared and confused like nothing before, Fluttershy averted her eyes down. But that made it worse when she saw Applejack's severely bent, dead body right below her. She regurgitated and was about to pass out again. "NO! Fluttershy!" Twilight dumped more cold water on Fluttershy, who reacted to it immediately. The bound Pegasus began to cry hard.

Twi tried speaking words of comfort to her dear yellow friend, "I know. I know. It's hard. But I'm here for you." Fluttershy only cried harder, not understanding why Twilight was saying this. "Hey. I know what will make you feel better. I brought a friend." Twilight had a tied up Angel hover over to them from the back room.

"*Gasp* Y-you let Angel go!" Fluttershy did her best to give the kidnapper 'the stare.' The demented Unicorn gave that same impossibly wide smile as before, in return. Flutter was taken back.

Twilight giggled, "Oh, Shy. I was just teasing. Guess who's turn it is for experimentation!"

Fluttershy's heart was pounding like a jackhammer.

"Fluttershy represents the element of kindness. Her cutie mark shows three butterflies. That is saying that she's kind to animals in the wild, tending to their needs. Do we all acknowledge this? Rainbow?"

"AAAAAA! Hu hu hu hu! I'm nearly done with my back legs. Soon I will walk!" Dash said throwing the severed leg bones into the pile.

"I'm so happy for you. Rarity?"

Rarity said not a word. She merely hung her head low, letting out constant quiet wails and whining, not sure how else to cope with the trauma from what was transpiring that night.

"Great!" The magic unicorn made a chef's knife materialize and held it with one hoof.

Fluttershy almost let panic get the best of her. But she regained enough composer to give Twilight the stare again. "Don't you hurt him! Let him go now, if you know what's good for you!"

With a sudden fast movement, Twilight held up the knife right in Fluttershy's terrified face. "I won't hurt him." Her magic baring horn set Fluttershy's right upper hoof free. She landed the blade's handle into that right hoof. "Would you hurt Angel? Just a stab in the heart will do. For me? Please?"

"Wha... ?... I could never harm another creature... Except you!" With such emotion, the yellow Pegasus threw the large kitchen knife towards Twilight. It grazed her left side. The sharp horned mare picked up the knife and gave herself a horizontal slash across the forehead, wearing a big smile.

"You're funny!" She bounded Fluttershy's right hoof. Putting the bunny aside, she took hold of the chef's knife and gently ran it across the yellow Pegasus' left cheek. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you if you don't kill your bunny friend?"

"I would rather die, than kill a poor helpless creature!"

"I know you would. That's why I'm going to keep you alive. If you won't kill him, then I shall break you until you do. That's the experiment. It will show us your breaking point. It will show us just how kind you really are."

Fluttershy saw the evil doctor prepare. Her eyes widened with fear as she saw the doctor setting up the implements of torture. Her heart nearly skipped a beat when she saw the display of sharp metal blades, syringes, basting bulbs, and a few other menacing objects, all neatly organized on the silver tray.

Twilight saw the fear in her eyes, "I know how sensitive you are. I don't expect that it will take much. All this can be avoided if you just kill Angel. Then I promise you a quick and painless demise."

Fluttershy just stared at the instruments that lay on the tray. Then she looked at a frightened Angel. "Ne... never!"

"Very well." Twilight Sparkle had a bit more of her favorite drink. Then she used her magic to turn on a record player. It played a lovely waltz tune, with a tempo of andantino. "Shall we dance?"

She grabbed a scalpel. "You know, you are aiding me in my research. That deserves its own cutie mark." She started cutting. The initial feeling of the knife cutting through Fluttershy's right flank was that of a sharp pinch.

But the pain increased as Twilight dug the scalpel deeper into her backside. Fluttershy gnashed her teeth and tried holding in her tears as Twilight carved a strange symbol into her. The warm blood flew out from her hurting flank. When the unicorn was done, she moved to the left side and carved out that same unknown symbol while whistling to the music.

Next, a basting bulb was used to squirt alcohol on both of the newly obtained cutie marks. Twi heard Fluttershy's shriek from the high stinging sensation. "You're crying already. And this is just the start. You're sensitive indeed. Would you like to stop the pain, before it gets to be too much?"

"HA! Th-this is, this is n-nothing!"

"Suit yourself." Twilight gripped an apple peeler, pressed it against the yellow left hind leg and peeled away. Her victim screamed and cried, while twitching and jerking her leg, as her skin sliced into long, curling, sticky strips, and fell to the floor. Soon, almost half her leg was a shiny dark red color, with red streams flowing down from it.

Twilight put the peeler back down on the tray. "Whenever you are ready Fluttershy, just let me know." Though Fluttershy was showing an expression of great pain, her face still held a look of determination. But that look became even harder to maintain as her hair was forcefully pulled back by magic, and her ears were steadily being cut off with a knife.

Twilight had both ears fall into her free hoof. She looked to Rainbow Dash, who was drenched in her own blood and vomit, with no hind legs, and with barely a left front leg. "HEY RAINBOW! YOU HUNGRY?" Twilight threw both ears towards the bloody Pegasus, hitting her face, then the ground.

Rainbow Dash was very weak. "...I won't... accept... your... help... you..." She said, right before collapsing to the floor.

Twilight was listening to the waltz music that was playing, "It's been awhile since I've heard this tune. I've forgotten how great it is." Twilight moved her body to the three-beats-per-measure rhythm. But when she turned around back to Fluttershy, she accidentally tripped over one of her dancing hoofs and fell onto fluttershy, stabbing her in the right eye with the knife she was holding.

Fluttershy naturally screamed from the sudden pain, when her eye split, and squirted out blood into Twilight's face. Twilight quickly pulled the knife out. "OH, NO! I'M SO SORRY FLUTTERSHY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO STAB YOU THERE! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!"


Poor Rarity tensed up more greatly, and loudly wept at hearing yet another loud expression of anguish from one of her dear friends.

"Okay. I got it this time." Twilight Sparkle applied pressure on Fluttershy's nose with the knife's sharp edge, and rapidly moved it up and down repeatedly. Blood oozed out as the nose was slowly being severed.

Twilight caught the nose before it hit the floor. "Dashie! Here girl!" She threw the body part at RD.

When it hit her, she barely gave an acknowledgment. "...uh...I..." Soon after, the torn Pegasus fell unconscious.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Twilight squirted the alcohol on Fluttershy's left leg, her right eye, and where her ears and nose use to be.

Fluttershy begged, "Please... *cry* Please, just let Angel go. Isn't there another way to do this experiment?"

Twilight was surprised, "Wow. You really are selfless. You still care about Angel more than yourself. Even when you're being tortured! This is going to be longer than I first imagined it to be." She brought the cart closer to her so she could have easier access to the hammer and flat cylinder glass bowl that was resting on it. In the glass bowl were very long nails and a horseshoe, submerged in alcohol to keep them sterile. With magic, Twilight held up the horseshoe to Fluttershy's left hind leg's hoof. She retrieved the hammer and one nail with her hooves. The nail's tip was placed in one of the holes of the horseshoe.

Fluttershy heard a whooshing noise through the air. With a loud thud, the nail budged a little into her hoof. The impact sent a painful vibration through Fluttershy's injured left hind leg. She could tell that the nail wasn't very sharp, because Twilight had to repeatedly swing the hammer with force to make any progress. The intense, rapid pounding sent violent shockwaves down Flutter's partially skinned leg. It burnt her with such unbearable torment. She sang a song of screams and wails that sounded throughout the whole cave. It worsened once the 15 centimeter nail finally hit a nerve. The nail was still wet with alcohol, which added to the pain.

After the nail was finally as deep in the leg's hoof as it could be, Fluttershy's tormentor placed another long nail into a second hole of the horseshoe, and hammered. Fluttershy lost all signs of confidence. She feared the worst for Angel. Would she give in to the torture, and kill the poor terrified rabbit to relieve her of her turmoil? Was it a matter of if she would cave in? Or was it a matter of when she would cave in? As these questions ran through her head, Twilight was ready for the third nail.

When about half of the nail was in the hoof and leg, Twilight was swaying her body back and forth to the music, until she couldn't stand it anymore. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. But I've not heard this music in the longest time. This is my favorite part. I can't control myself any longer. I've gotta dance! I'll be right back." She put down the hammer and began to have more fun with the music. She stood on her two hind legs and pretended she was dancing with a partner. She was having fun. Perhaps too much fun. She lifted Applejack off the floor, did her best to straighten the body, and started to waltz with it.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was left lying on the metal rack to suffer. Rarity watched in disgust as Twilight was dancing with the corpse. She looked at Rainbow Dash, who was lying on the ground, covered in red, with no leg, and who was probably on the verge of dying. She then glanced at Fluttershy, seeing her lying there on her table, helpless. Fluttershy glanced back. Rarity could see the sadness in her eyes. The pain and suffering. The trauma. How could this have happened? Rarity called out to the broken Pegasus, "Fluttershy... *sniff* I love you."

The Pegasus managed a weak smile as a sign of acknowledgement and appreciation.

Rarity continued, "Listen. I think... you should... kill Angel."

The yellow pony looked surprised.

"I know it sounds terrible. But, I don't see any of us making it out of here alive... *sob* You may as well relieve yourself of this suffering. PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU LIKE THIS ANYMORE! Just a quick stab in the heart! Angel won't feel pain for long. Not like you are!"

Fluttershy understood what her white unicorn friend was saying. But she was still appalled by the idea of killing an innocent life.

Twilight overheard Rarity's shouting. She stopped dancing and turned off the music. "Hey! Rarity! Stop influencing Fluttershy's decision."

"How about you stop torturing Fluttershy, and just let us go! Please, we just want to leave."

"No can do. If I did, then what use would you serve in better understanding-"

"JUST LET US GO! FOR GOODNESS SAKE! YOU'RE SICK! YOU'RE SICK! Why won't you see that? This is not right what you are doing to us."

"Let us go, and we can set things right. We'll get you help. Then things can get back to the way-" Rarity choked. She knew things could never get back to the way it was before. Not after what already took place.

Twilight just stared at Rarity blankly. Then that blank stare slowly turned into a soft smile, with her eyes half shut. She slowly walked towards Rarity, still with that smile and partially closed eyes. Rarity breathed heavily as Twilight caressed her belly with that sharp horn. The horn went dull as it moved down Rarity's belly, as not to risk harming her. "I love your energetic mentality." Twilight said as her horn moved around the lips of Rarity's vulva. Rarity had a look of anger and surprise. Then it entered into the vagina. It made a back and forth motion, rubbing the vaginal walls. Rarity gasped. She was sweating as the motion picked up in pace.

"Stop it!" Rarity was getting wet. She sighed several times as she reached her climax. But she was far too shocked and miserable to find any enjoyment out of this. It, in fact, made her feel worse emotionally towards Twilight. She had already lost all respect for Twi. But this caused Rarity more confusion about Twilight's state of mind.

The filthy unicorn used a cloth to clean her horn. "Your warmth is so refreshing and nourishing... Right." She returned to Fluttershy, "Alright Flutter. Just ignore what Rarity said to you before." She picked up her hammer and continued where she left off.

After about ten long minutes of agonizing hoof and muscle penetration, the horseshoe was firmly in place. All seven, 15 centimeter long nails were completely inserted into Fluttershy's burning, throbbing leg. The pain for her was excruciating. Her crying and yelling were relentless. She felt that she could not go on.

She was considering Rarity's words. She looked and saw how scared Angel was... NO! She had to endure. There must be another way to get out of this terrible situation. She thought, perhaps Spike would walk in and discover what Twilight had done, and was doing. Then he would go get help. Then they would be rescued, and Twilight Sparkle would, to put it lightly, be brought to justice. Maybe this wouldn't happen. But she had to keep hoping. It was the only thing keeping her going, and, consequently, keeping Angel alive.

Next, the torture master brought out a medium sized beaker filled with a clear liquid. She held it over Fluttershy's untouched, right hind leg. Tilting the beaker, the liquid poured all over the leg. The Pegasus, already in such trauma inducing pain, felt something more agonizing than anything she, or anyone else in Ponyville for that matter, had ever experienced before. It was acid, and it was tearing her leg apart. She looked down at the horrible sight of her right hind leg slowly dissolving before her. It was first melting away her fur and skin, exposing the muscle. Then those leg muscles started painfully fading.

Her screams and tears surpassed those of Pinkie Pie's, when alcohol was dumped on her, stinging her bare organs. The torture victim's face contorted with expressions of such pain and fear, she got grey hairs and developed permanent wrinkles. Her leg bone finally melted into nothing. Twilight splashed water on Flutter's exposed muscle and bone, that resulted from the loss of her leg, to clean away any acid that may have been left. The winged pony sobbed and cried to the point where she could hardly breathe.

She heard her captor fiddling around with more instruments on the tray. "NO! NO MORE!" Fluttershy couldn't stand anymore of this, "PLEASE! I CAN NOT TAKE THIS! NO MORE! NO MORE!"

Twilight looked at her with intrigue. "I'm surprised you made it this far. I expected you to crack when your leg was being skinned. You're a fighter! I'm proud of you! But... we all have our breaking points. And it seems you have reached yours... you know what to do, right?" Twilight levitated the bunny to the front of the broken Pegasus, and the knife into the Pegasus' hoof of her now free right arm. Fluttershy's arm took position. Angel had a sad look on his face. But then he nodded at her with a look of understanding, knowing he had to die, for Fluttershy's sake. Fluttershy had tears in her eyes. Not for herself, but for her friend she was about to murder.

Angel braced himself for death. But it did not come. He saw his yellow friend lower the cutting instrument. He shook his head in disapproval. Fluttershy delivered an angry, soul piercing stare at the heartless unicorn. She threw the blade harder than she did the last time. Twilight lunged to the side, trying to avoid the chef's knife. But it sliced across her waist, leaving a huge, deep gash. "AAAHHU!"

She fell to the floor, putting pressure on her wound with both front hoofs. "Ha... hahaha... hahahaHhhAAa!" She laughed hysterically, "Heeheeheeheehee. HAHAHAhahaha!" The demented unicorn slowly stood up, still laughing, and with her front hooves on her side. With a slight struggle, she walked over to the cart where she last left her drink. She put the laboratory flask to her mouth and took a sloppy chug. Some of the liquid dripped down from her mouth. She looked at her attacker, "Heeheeheehee, you're a fighter! Do you love pain this much? I glad you've been having a great time! We'll continue this if you really want to. I'll even up the ante..." Fluttershy suddenly noticed extra restraints were put on her, around her neck, chest, and abdomen.

After patching up her wound with some bandages, and floating Angel to the ground and out of the way, she held up two syringes, from the silver tray, in one hoof, to her victim's face. Fluttershy could not imagine what was in store for her, after hearing Twilight's ominous words, 'up the ante.' She had already suffered pain she could never have perceived before.

Twilight explained, "The shot from this hypodermic needle will keep you alive and awake for what's to come." Fluttershy's heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. She nearly had a heart attack from fear, in hearing her tormentor's promising words. Twilight was savoring every bit of fear. "Heh. This shot from the second hypodermic needle will heighten your sensitivity. You'll be hypersensitive!" Fluttershy's body was not far from going into shock, from terror. But Twilight gave her the first shot, which prevented that from happening. Then came the second shot. After the injection, Fluttershy started to feel things much more vividly. It became very painful. Her wounds became a lot more painful than they were before. In addition, she could feel the tiniest whooshing of air all around her, assaulting her injuries that were already greatly hurting worse than before the injection. And the smallest stretching from her breathing sent waves of anguish throughout the wounds of her body. All these newfound attacks on her body had her loudly yell and moan. But the movement from that, cause the suffering pony even more extreme discomfort.

Twilight gazed at her sternly, "Can you feel the pain, Shy?" She leaned her head down to the Pegasus' skinned leg. "Remember Shy. Even if you think it can't get any worse, it can." She inhaled a little, and gave a gentle breeze. The powerful infliction rocketed through her hind leg, inducing an unfailing wail. Twilight took hold of a soldering iron that was hooked up to a temperature-controlled soldering station."I'm sorry Fluttershy. But you made this personal with that performance you gave with the knife."

The steaming hot iron slowly moved closer to the hypersensitive yellow belly. Already, she was wailing from the tremendously hurting abdomen from the radiating heat alone. The Pegasus painfully sucked in her gut, trying to avoid being touched by the heated metal rod. There must have been gallons of sweat pouring down her face from anxiety, as the infernal iron approached. Her heart beat incredibly fast. Then the soldering iron finally made contact with her suffering underside.

Beyond intense pain ran through her tummy's nerves. The scorching device slowly rubbed against it's tender skin, causing it to steam. The hypersensitivity made the pain indescribable. Her thrashes were extreme, to the point that, had there not been any restraints around her abdomen, chest, and neck, she would have likely broken her spine or neck. Her screaming was unfailing. There were no pauses to even take in breaths. The overwhelming wailing was the only sound that could be heard in the basement laboratory during those moments. The horrible agony that the Pegasus was experiencing was evident in her facial expression. It was a contorted, terrifying grimace of distorted features of a screaming face that no one thought possible. She was hoping to pass out, or die. Something. Anything to make the pain go away. But, alas, the shot given to her was keeping her alive and awake.

In roughly seven minutes, Fluttershy's tummy was covered in severe blisters. Twilight finally stopped. Fluttershy developed wrinkles and grey hairs, making her look 40 years older. By now, she was willing to do anything to stop this madness. She had at last broke. Twilight waited for a response from her. Fluttershy so desperately wanted to tell Twilight that she was ready. But she was in such in a state of shock, all she could do was quiver uncontrollably.

"I can tell that this time you are willing to kill anyone, let alone Angel." Twilight spoke, "I'm sure of it." And she was correct. Fluttershy just could not go on. She released the yellow Pegasus' right front leg. The knife was planted into it. Angel was levitated up to her. She was struggling to move her quivering arm to stab Angel, considering the amount of shock she was in. But after about 44 seconds, she finally managed to deliver a fatal blow to the bunny's heart. Angel was no more. Twilight tossed the body to Rainbow Dash, who was probably long gone by now.

Twilight recorded her latest finding, "Now I suppose I owe you a swift demise..." The curious unicorn thought for a moment. "I know I promised you one. But science comes first. I am wondering how much pain you can take before going into a fatal shock, even with the chemicals I injected you with." The twisted science pony showed her test subject the next implement of torment that was to be used on her. It was something like a stun gun, with a dial signifying the voltage. "This device will send a low-ampage, high-voltage electrical discharge through whoever it touches. That way it will greatly reduce the danger of death, but still deliver quite a painful shock. So, if you die, I know it will be mostly because of the pure agony you will feel, and not from the electricity. Don't worry. It will be over soon, relatively."

And with that, the stun gun was turned on and applied to Fluttershy's worn out body. In no time at all, every muscle fiber reacted to the electric current. The electricity hit every pain receptor in the tortured animal's body, very hard. Music of utter anguish played aloud in the hellish chamber, as Fluttershy danced to its tune. And the screams. The haunting screams. They sounded like the screams of the damned. Fluttershy was in an almost literal living hell. The Pegasus should have died from hypoperfusion long ago. But the shot was doing it's job very well.

One and a half minutes passed, and Twilight decided to increase the power, and subsequently, the pain. By now, the poor creature looked nothing like her former self. Her entire coat and mane were grey. The body was as wrinkled as a crumbled paper bag. And her horrified face was undergoing a permanent contortion of unbelievably exaggerated features. It looked like she was being possessed. Ms Sparkle observed with intrigue, "Still alive, huh. I think the shot may be working too well!" She gradually increased the voltage. After about five long minutes of increasing pain (such an inadequate word at that point) the soul in anguish finally showed signs of her new level of suffering. The loud constant shrieks were putting too much stress on her vocal cords. They were shredding apart.

Meanwhile, an extremely traumatized Rarity watched in freakish horror as a fountain of blood shot out of her friend's throat. The yellow pony's vocal folds ripped out of her throat and flew out of her mouth, landing on the other side of the room, in a bloody mess. Fluttershy could no longer scream. Her screams were replaced by Rarity's. The cuffs holding down Fluttershy were bending from the tremendously forceful throbs of pain. The powerful jerks against the restraints put so much pressure on her body, that her leg bones and rib cage broke apart. Next, her spine cracked in several areas. And then, thankfully, mercifully, Fluttershy's neck twisted and snapped out of place, finally ending her suffering.

Chapter 7 [ ]

"I'm absolutely amazed! I had no idea those chemicals would work that well! She died, not from going into shock from the pain alone, but from her neck breaking as a result of her violent thrashes. Had it not been for that, who knows how much pain she could have survived. It up sets me that I'll never know just how much pain her body could have taken before dying, now that she is gone." Twilight Sparkle turned to the last surviving pony of the group. "We're almost done, Rarity!"

Rarity was shaken and teary. All of her closest friends were no longer with her. She was all alone.

"I have something special in store for you." Twilight said, obtaining a syringe. Rarity said nothing. She didn't care anymore. She was just grateful that she would be joining her friends soon, but hoping it would not be too painful. The purple unicorn stuck the hypodermic needle

into the white pony's spine, just below the neck. Slowly, she was losing the use of all her voluntary muscles below the neck.

She, though looking forward to her death, was frightened as to what she might be subjected to before her final departure. Especially seeing the torments Fluttershy had to go through. "Ple... please tell me what you plan to do to me... "

"Rarity, I want it to be a surprise. I've been looking forward to your session most of all. Oh the secrets that will be revealed!" A button glowed on the central control panel, and Rarity was released, but unable to walk or crawl away. Twilight hoisted the fallen pony onto her back, and carried her to the back room. The back room's contents were completely organized. The Carts of active organ containing jars were all lined up next to each other against the walls. The surgical knives, bone cutters, syringes, and all kinds of other tools were sorted by category on trays and in metal cases, all resting on counters and shelves. And glassware, such as test tubes and flasks were sitting in glassware holders, also on the counters and shelves. And there were a few other strange devices up against the walls.

At the end of the room was a door accompanied by numbered buttons on the wall next to it. Twilight Sparkle typed a long numerical code, opening the door, allowing them to go inside an elevator. Twilight looked so excited, "Congratulations Rarity. You're the only one of the five who get to see my underground layer. Not many from the outside have ever visited, or even heard of my layer... fortunately for me."

Four buttons were visible on the elevator wall near the door they entered. Each corresponded to a floor. The purple unicorn pressed the very top button sending the elevator to sublevel one. Three minutes passed and the door on the other side of the elevator opened. Twi carried the hornless unicorn through the door, and down a few hallways, making some left and right turns.

During that walk, Rarity noticed a multitude of numbered doors, as in a hotel, only less friendly looking. Because the floors and walls were mostly concrete and metal. In addition to the labeled doors, there was what looked like a cafeteria, a medical center, and an entertainment room, passing by.

Arriving at some stairs, Twilight informed Rarity, "We'll take the long way, so I can show you around." They descended a very long way down the stairs, and entered a wider corridor. All along the right wall was a long glass window. Peering through the window, the paralyzed pony saw an extremely large room, in which were long conveyor belts, machinery, construction supplies, and an enormous empty space at the center.

Rarity had no idea what to think of this. "What... is all this?"

"Progress! It's amazing how much can be accomplished with powerful levitation magic and hundreds of diamond dogs and thousands of parasprite slaves under my hypnotic spell. Why, it only took 3 and a half months to construct this entire lair. It couldn't have been done that quickly without super energizing my workers with a magic potion I invented, via injection. Moving along..."

At the end of the hall, they then entered a room much smaller than the factory they just observed. "Progress? Progress in what?" Rarity said, before looking around to see that the room's walls and desks where covered in maps. They were maps of all sorts of places in Equestria. They included Ponyville, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, the Everfree Forest, Canterlot, and other places, including ones she's never even heard of. On the wall to the right was a huge map of all of Equestria, and then some.

"To answer your question... let's just say... I have big ambitions. Very, very big ambitions." Twilight said with a gleeful smile.

The hornless unicorn's puzzled look changed into a look of great surprise and horror on realizing the implications of Twilight's statement 'big ambitions.' Moving out of the room and descending a long way down some more stairs, they entered yet another hallway. "There's no way you can pull this off. Princess Celestia and Luna are too powerful for you. An army of Diamond Dogs and parasprites won't work."

"Diamond Dogs? *snort* Yeah, right! I know that won't work."

"You'll be found out. Then Celestria will put you to justice!"

"Oh, I expect them to find out. I intend for them to discover my secret activities. But only when I'm prepared."

Rarity thought for a moment, then was tearing up, "Someone was bound to hear our screams and begging. Especially," her voice choked, "Fluttershy's... Spike is probably getting help as I speak!"

"Oh, dear! You're right!... *snort* Hahahahaha! Not likely. I put a spell around my basement. Loud sounds, even ones that loud, will be blocked. Quite ones won't be, so no one becomes suspicious. I use my magic to eliminate all physical traces of what goes on down here. I sometimes even set up a barrier that prevents any unwanted guests from entering. But I'm pleased you are thinking logically. You can see how useful it is to possess powerful magic."

Walking through the hall, they passed 8 doors, 4 on each side. The four on the left side were labeled "Inventions laboratory." The other four on the right side read "Chemical/Medical laboratory." They approached the end of the hall, where another corridor crossed the first perpendicularly, making two paths. Each side of the hall had two doors, making four doors total. All the doors were facing them. They read "Genetic engineering laboratory." Twilight entered with Rariy into one of the doors. It led them to a large, wide, tall, and very, very long room.

Along the right side of the huge corridor like room were desks, tables, and counters of all sorts of shapes, lengths, widths, and heights. On them were all kinds of tools and devices, such as testing tubes, computers, syringes, beakers, cloning cylinders, microscopes, and many other types. Heavy machinery were all over the place. There were doors all along the right wall of this gigantic corridor, leading to much smaller rooms, with large, long glass windows, allowing the viewer to see inside. In the rooms were desks with computers, paper work, and office supplies. On the room's walls were charts. It all looked absolutely intimidating. But it was all dwarfed in comparison by the right side of the giant hallway.

There were rows and rows of big, cylinder glass tanks that served as giant test tubes. They were filled with a clear amniotic-like fluid, and each housed what appeared to be a sizable developing winged unicorn fetus. The fetuses' color was always changing, cycling through the entire spectrum. Their pupils almost covered their entire eyes. Their cutie marks were of that symbol that was cut into Fluttershy's flank by Twilight, and a unique lettered and numbered code under it. Each pony had a unique code of its own. Moving by, Rarity took notice of the monitors that were each connected to its own tank. A 'ready date' was displayed on each monitor, along with a category pertaining to the tank's respective winged unicorn fetus.

Going down the long room, she read the categories. They included "worker," "troop," "commander," "medical," "scientist," and others. As they went further, there were new, strange, and hideous creatures growing inside the test tubes. They were all under the category "experimental life form." Some where parasprites of larger and smaller sizes, some with sharp teeth, and a varying number of eyes and wings. A few tanks held multiple parasprite mutants at once. Other creatures shown were various hybrids of all sorts of combinations of many different species. Some of the species involved were cockatrices, parasprites, Griffons, ponies of all three types, dragons, Manticores, Diamond Dogs, and many others.

Seeing all this, Rarity knew just how dead serious Twilight Sparkle was about her plans. It was a hellish realization of just what immense, abominable impact this would have on everything in Equestria, should she succeed. It would upset the natural order of everything she knew.

But Rarity wasn't convinced that Twilight could pull this off. "You can't do this. It's impossible."

"Hmm, maybe. We'll have to see." Replied Twilight.

"Why would you do this?"

"To see if it could be done."

"No. There's absolutely no reason for this. Don't do this!"

"Oh, Rarity. Haven't you ever wondered if it's possible for an ordinary pony, like myself, to completely rearrange the entire natural order of things? I know I have. That is why I have put myself up to this task. I'm very confident in my plans and abilities to execute them. Plus, you have to admit, it does sound fun. It's like a game!"

Rarity said nothing in return.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking through a nightmarish display of pure manic terror, they finally reached the end. Going through another doorway, the horned mare carried Rarity through an approximately 60 meter long corridor. Much shorter than the previous room. Twilight checked on her friend, "I'm just grateful to see that you are taking interest in my projects. I was afraid that my last remaining best friend would see it as just more boring fancy-shamcy science stuff. But you don't disappoint!"

They were at the halfway point of the hall. It was at that time that Rarity picked up faint sounds of moaning and crying. Twilight stopped to rest for a bit, "Mare! I'm tired. This was a llllooonnnggg walk. But we're so very close to the appointed place."

Drawing closer to the now visible door, the moaning sounds grew louder. Rarity made it out to be a multitude of individuals weeping and begging to be killed. She feared what she would find behind that door. So many thoughts ran through her panicking mind. "Who do those voices belong to? What's happening to them! Why are they begging to be killed? Please tell me I won't have to suffer their fate! Please, make this as quick and painless for me as possible! I want to die! Let me die now!"

Twilight Sparkle chuckled as if Rarity had told her a moderately funny joke, "No Rarity. I don't want you dead. I need you alive for a long time for this experiment to- OH YES! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO WONDERFUL! IT'S ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! AND WE'RE ALMOST HERE! HEEEE!"

And finally, they arrived at the door to the place of their destination. "Oooooooo, are you ready Rar?" The white unicorn was no longer willing to go through with this. She moved one of the body parts still under her control, and bit as hard as she could into her captive's neck, just as Twilight opened the door. Before Rarity could take out a chunk, Twi flung her into the room. "AAauuch, Rarity! That wasn't necessary."

Rarity had landed on her underside. The source of the wails was only one and a half meters away. One of them began to shout, "NNnNooOoO! Don't cut us open again! Aaaaeeeuuuu!"

"Please! We are large enough. Kaaahhhhheeeeyyyyy... Don't add on to us." cried another.

And yet another yelled, "It hurts us all when you cut even just one of us..."

Rarity's eyes were shut tight, far too scared to look up. But it was useless. The cruel unicorn sat Rarity upright against the wall, and forced her eyes open with her mystic horn powers. What Rarity was forced to behold, horrified her beyond belief. It was a huge, pulsating, moving (in place), intricate network of unidentified living, organic tissue. They were all branching off several large masses of oddly shaped, disgusting, moist, unknown living tissue. These hideous masses had strange, wiggling, and distorting body parts of unknown functions. The giant, pumping, vial veins of these... creatures... were all too apparent. There were other nasty features that these things possessed, who's purpose was beyond the terrified mare. And the biggest mass of organic tissue was at the center.

But the most horrific part was that there were deformed, wrongly structured, live bodies and body parts of mostly ponies embedded into the network and masses. Some bodies were not even whole. And they were positioned in the most awkward, uncomfortable manners possible, in relationship to themselves and each other.

"The central 'Looktrogon' is the primary source of their sustenance. It's like... their most vital organs." Twilight paused to see the expression on Rarity's face. "I've been working on this for about three weeks and four days. You're the element of generosity. So... I don't know. You are generously giving yourself to this creature by contributing your body to it's expansion. Sure. That will do."

The white pony spoke to herself, "Wake up Rarity. This is not real. None of this is really happening. None of this ever took place... *sob*" She still could not accept that Twilight was capable of committing these abominable acts. Her best friend.

"Take a good long look at this jumble of ponies. Get use to the idea. This is going to be you for a long time. This creature has a much longer life span than your average pony... So just be accustom to the idea... I'll be ready in a minute. I need to refill my laboratory flask with my... favorite drink." She left the room through a back door, with that evil looking symbol on it. Rarity listened as the clopping grew fainter. She shut her teary eyes, and just sat there in despair.

"R... Rarity... "

The mare in question looked up to see one of the bound ponies talking to her.

"I... think I... eeeeeAAAAAAGGHHHH! I think I know why Twi... Twilight is... HUH-huh-huh-huh-huh-hhuuuuh..."

"Why Twilight is what?"


"HEY! What are you telling her?" Twilight had returned with her drink. "I do the lecturing here. Time to get going! You ready Rarity?" Twilight had a sip from her glassware. Rarity noticed Twilight's eye's had glowed a little brighter soon after her small consumption of the mysterious liquid...

"THE DRINK!" Rarity exclaimed. "That's what is making you do all this! Isn't it!"

Twilight Sparkle looked at Rarity with a vexed and serious face. She then turned to the massive mesh of ponies. Her horn illuminated the room. A violet beam of light projected from the horn's tip, and struck the central looktrogon. The magic ran through the entanglement of live, organic tissue, assaulting all the creatures trapped inside. They all forced out screams. howled and ululated. The looktrogons expressed their pain with demonic, low-pitched 'OOOOOOHHH' sounds. They all were in complete turmoil.

"Did any of you feed Rarity this information?" The angry female pony was now speaking in a satanic version of her voice, "You all know very well, when one of you suffers, you all suffer." She ceased the torture and turned to Rarity, who could hardly wrap her mind around what just happened. "Yes. It's true. I may as well confess. No point in hiding it now. I invented a magic potion to increase my intellect and magic. It works well. It's composition is for me alone to know."

Rarity felt like an idiot. She thought to herself, how could she or any of her friends not have seen this before? It was the drink! During her twisted experiments, Twi was consuming that strange, fizzing liquid throughout the whole night. She felt that they could have prevented all of this, had they only known. And, had they known earlier, maybe they could have stopped her from killing anyone. It was a miserable feeling.

Rarity spoke, "Twilight! All you have to do is put down that glass. Then we can settle everyth-"

The demonic pony's eye's glowed bright red. She continued, this time in her satanic tone, "But it's NOT ENOUGH! I'll genetically and magically alter myself, increasing my power and wisdom further, such that I will no longer have to rely on this potion. My power and wisdom will surpass those of Princess Luna, Celestia, and the Elements of Harmony combined! With this power, and the combined effort of my army of super powered, winged unicorns, I will commence a full takeover of Equestria. The elements of harmony will be destroyed. I'll wipe out Celestia, Luna, from existence, if necessary. Any and all resistance I shall smite! I'll immortalize myself and rule over all of Equestria for all eternity!"

Twilight reverted back to her usual tone and appearance. She breathed heavily until she calmed down. "...Sorry... I become a bit too... enthusiastic at times when thinking about Equestria's bright future." She wore a smile of the purest glee, "You ready?"

A cart wheeled over to Twi. She opened a metal case resting on top of it, revealing an array of surgical instruments not dissimilar to the ones she has been using all night.

"Listen Twilight! I'm your... Friend," Rarity said, not sure if it was true. "Friends don't hurt friends. They don't cut them with knives, or stick needles in them. What kind of friend are you? Don't you remember... the magic of friendship?"

"Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes! This is going to be so much fun! Yay, surgery." The doctor pony exclaimed, clapping her front hoofs, not paying attention to what Rarity was saying.

"Twilight Sparkle!" the white coated unicorn shouted, "Think back, before all this happened. We were so happy together. We loved and cared for each other. It was true friendship we had. But now-"

"And it still is." the purple horned mare interrupted, "We're on a road of discovery together. If that isn't true friendship, then I-"

"You killed your friends. How can you be friends with them if they are dead? You can't. You clearly were never their friends if you planned to kill them." Rarity's passion took over, "I can't be your friend now... Infact, I was never your friend! You don't deserve me or anyone else as a friend!"

The lavender horse just stared at the ground, possibly thinking about what the unicorn was saying to her. There was silence. She quickly drank her entire glass in one go. Then, with such force and emotion, threw the laboratory flask to the ground, shattering it into many small pieces. With a sudden jolt, she lifted her head, revealing the hugest grin she had ever given that night. Those illuminating, red eyes of the purest manic look, stared directly into Rarity's, piercing her troubled soul.

That wide smile spoke with a demonic tone, filled with bitterness and forced glee, "Hee hih heh ha ha ha ha. My friends gave their lives for the sake of expanding the knowledge of friendship. They're still alive in our hearts and minds. They will be remembered. And now you are about to dedicate the rest of your life to science. So don't you dare say we were never friends."

"This has nothing to do with friendship! And STOP POISONING YOUR MIND WITH THAT FUCKING POTION!"

"EeeEEENNNNOOUUUUGH!" Twilight Sparkle's eyes began to tear, "You and I are having a learning experience together. If that doesn't spell friendship... We're friends. WE'RE FRIENDS! Let's begin NOW!"

She harshly forced a syringe into Rarity's throat. With much struggle, Twi managed to inject both vocal folds with a paralyzing substance, to keep Rarity from talking. Miss Sparkle had Rarity float to the central looktrogon, and remain in the air. Two minutes passed, allowing Twilight to calm down. She moved to her patient. The cart was positioned for convenient access for when the surgeon did her work. She opened the silver case and began.

She decided to use her magic for the entire operation, as it would require great speed and accuracy. A small, but extremely sharp knife hovered to the levitating pony. It made a deep, circular incision on Rarity's soft, fragile tummy. Rarity was paralyzed, in that she couldn't move anything below the neck down. But she could still feel the pain that the scalpel was inflicting on her. All she could do was breathe heavily from stress.

The surgeon removed the pancake shaped flap from Rarity, and squirted an antiseptic fluid on her fresh wound, to reduce the risk of infection. Twilight twirled the piece of Rarity around like she was handling moist, sauce Sprinkling pizza dough. She had more fun when she rubbed the red gooey side of it on Rarity's face, as if she were bragging to Rarity that she can cut her open with no trouble or regret. Rarity thought she was going to vomit any second.

"Pay attention. You may learn a good thing or two about surgical procedures." Twilight looked down to find a fresh, red puddle on the already dark brown stained floor under Rarity. "Oh, Hay! This is embarrassing." She quickly floated clamps to her patient, and latched them on along the cut skin to reduce the bleeding. "And I just spoke of surgical procedures. Heh, heh."

The surgeon discarded the red dripping sheet of skin and muscle into a meter wide hole on the top of the central looktrogon. Thin, green ligaments with orange, slightly curved hooks at their ends extended out of the hole. They caught the tasty morsel by the hooks. After fiddling around with it for a few seconds, they took it down into the hole, where fearsome tearing and shredding was heard. Twi informed, "It gets hungry when I perform an operation on it. Convenient that it takes the unneeded body tissue, nourishing everyone connected to it. Isn't it captivating?"

She turn to a familiar griffon, who's head was buried into the central looktrogon's base area. Her eyes and beak were poking out. Her body was suspended at a 45 degree angle from the ground, with her back facing towards the floor, and feet sticking in the air. And her body was being supported by a strange, disgusting growth, that she was connected to, and extending from a smaller, nearby looktrogon. Gilda was mumbling incoherent words, sounding very confused and frustrated. "Her brain is a little messed up and damaged from being fused with an internal organ belonging to the alpha looktrogon. It's kind of funny listening to her babbling nonsense." said Twilight, amused.

Rarity just cried the best she could. A larger scalpel floated over the griffon's belly and made a circular cut of the same shape and size as the one on Rarity's underside. The chamber filled with the echoing sounds of pain. The demented doctor fed her creature the bloody layer of meat, skin, and feathers. Gilda's wound was cleaned, and the blood vessels at the incision's edge were clamped. The more crucial and delicate part of the operation was coming up.

Twilight made a quick stab in the side of the open pony's stomach. A teary eyed Rarity silently gagged. Her urge to throw up was building further. The sickly unicorn was about to regurgitate. But the blade hastefully but carefully sliced off about three sevenths of her digestive organ. That portion fell off, and the stomach's contents spilled out. This left a huge gaping hole in the front of the tensing, throbbing organ. The surgeon's magic caught the falling tissue and stomach juices. She sent the juices and digesting food into the large hole on the top of her created monster for it to drink. And the organ fragment was caught in midair by the beast's orange claws peeking out of its top mouth. Twi wasted no time in covering the stomach's wound with antiseptic fluid, and then putting clamps along the stomach's hole's edge to prevent too much blood loss.

She turned to a bitter Gilda & jabbed her bare stomach and proceeded to mutilate it in the same fashion as she did with Rarity's. The multitude of life in the room increased the volume of their howls and wails. Once the wound was cleaned and clamped, and the Alpha looktrogon was fed, it was now time to sew.

Doctor Sparkle retrieved a surgical suture, consisting of asurgical needle and absorbable surgical thread. All the clamping forceps were removed from the two patients. Twilight positioned Rarity above the suspended half-eagle, half-lion creature, such that Rarity's face was looking right at Gilda's crotch. With both their stomach's gaps lined up to each other, and touching, the surgical suture pierced their tissue, and sewed them together. Twi worked with speed, via her sophisticated magic and knowledge of surgical procedures. After a knot was tied, the same thing was done to the two open bellies. The white pony and brown griffon were now surgically attached to each other by their stomachs and tummies. It was very awkward and uncomfortable. But it was only going to get worse.

The unicorn surgeon fetched a large scalpel. "I know who's hungry." She made a hurting incision around Rarity's left leg, just above the knee. Blood seeped out of the circular cut and covered the leg in red streams. Twilight rapidly moved the knife back and forth, cutting deeper into her test subject's leg from all sides. Rarity forcefully gnashed her teeth, with tear's of pain flowing down her miserable face.

The scalpel reached the bone all along the incision around the leg. The purple unicorn started slicing the leg below the incision into slabs of meat. They were tossed into the central creature of the room. After scraping the last bits of bloody muscle off of the leg bone, the massacre doctor used a bone cutting hacksaw to sever the exposed parts of the leg bones. She discarded the bone and continued the same nasty work on her victim's right leg. This time, however, the cut was made somewhere below the knee. With the bone stripped of it's brawn, it was cut off and thrown aside. An antiseptic was squirted onto the end wounds of both partial legs.

Surgeon Sparkle used the surgical needle and thread to sew the ends of the cut legs to the looktrogon, just above to where Gilda's head was stuck inside the beast. Rarity felt the paralysis beginning to wear off. She could weakly move her four legs. A clean cut bone cutting hacksaw pressed against her left arm, a centimeter away from the hoof. It sawed off the hoof. The hoof was thrown to the other side of the room. The vocal cords' paralysis were weakening. Rarity was now able to moan softly. The surgical suture sewed her front ligaments to a long, hanging piece of the unknown organic material. The hacksaw was cleaned via alcohol, and floated to the front leg.

The white unicorn now had enough strength to attempt to fend off the teethed blade. Twilight spoke with slight surprise, "What... Did I not give you enough paralysis... ?" Twi tried to position the saw to her patient's arm. But Rarity kept waving her arms. "Hold still! Or we'll never get this done." Twilight shouted. Rarity was rather successful at keeping the bone cutter at bay. The purple pony sighed.

She decided to take matters into her own hooves. She trotted to the fending pony's waving arm, and used her hoofs to hold it firm, before the hornless unicorn's strength fully returned. Quickly, Rarity's front hoof was cut off and cast aside. The end of her arm was cleaned and sewed onto another hanging rope of living tissue. The same basic process was used to surgically connect Rarity's right face cheek to somepony else's left butt cheek. "Hey! Cheek to cheek! HAHAHAheehee heh hoohoo!" Laughed the sick minded doctor. After all that surgery, Rarity was very bloody. Her underside, four legs, and right cheek were wet with red, as she slowly bled from all her visible stitches. Twilight informed, "The looktrogon's tissue should fuse with yours soon. Hey! You love fashion, right? Well, I'm lovin' your new look!"

"We're almost done!" Twilight began to hop around out of joy, "Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes! And the best part is right around the corner." At this point, Rar had regained almost all of her strength. She gradually joined in the chorus of weeping in the chamber. Twilight spoke, "Aw, you're sad? Cheer up Rar. Come on! Give me a smile!" Rarity continued wearing a face of great sadness.

"Here. Let me help you..." Twilight said, approaching the crying pony. She put her own lips against hers. A few seconds into the passionate kiss, Twi heard Rarity growl. She took that as a sign to move away. She moved in time to avoid Rarity's vicious CHOMP! Twilight wasn't bothered by this. She just raised her mouth to the end of the bound unicorn's front leg at the stitches. Her tongue started licking the blood. Then she was sucking on the blood that was flowing out. Her mouth was full with blood. But she did not swallow. Instead, she pushed Gilda a little out of the way. Her lips met Rarity's... The lips on Rarity's vulva. The blood spat out of the mouth and into the vagina. Twilight spent a minute or two making out with Rarity's slit, blood dripping out from the two pairs of lips.

Author's note: I do NOT have a fetish for someone kissing vulvas with blood dripping down both lips. I just wanted to show Twilight's sick state of mind.

Twilight looked up to Rarity, while spitting out the remaining blood from her mouth. "You're...still not smiling?...I know just the thing!" She had the cart draw closer. From it, she took and floated various scalpels, surgical scissors, forceps, retractors, needle holders, a surgical suture, syringes, and a basting bulb containing an antimicrobial substance. Using a good amount of magical energy, Twilight managed to freeze Rarity's mouth and neck in place with her magic, making sure the trapped unicorn wouldn't try biting, or moving her head away. With all these surgeon's tools at hand, Dr. Sparkle commenced a tedious operation on her patient's mouth.

Rarity's mouth was undergoing painful incisions, severing of nerves, cutting and connecting of tissue, and some other manipulations. With her mouth and neck forcefully still, all she could do to express her agony was to shed tears from her closed eyes, and loudly scream. After about a half an hour, the surgeon completed sewing the last of her patient's tissue together. She was finally done. Not with just Rarity's mouth, but with all her five closest friends. Twilight put away her instruments, and turned to see her handy work. She smiled in satisfaction, as she saw the big grin she put on her friends face.

Rarity's neck and mouth unfroze. But the only expression her mouth could show was a huge, bloody smile. "I am so happy you're smiling, Rar. Not even Pinkie Pie could give someone a smile this big!" Twi said with a gleeful tone. "Well... I suppose that's it..." Rarity was crying the hardest she had ever cried.

"I'll let you know how the invasion goes! See ya later!" Twilight said, just before leaving the room. The last thing she heard from Rarity that night was a loud, long 'NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!' just before teleporting out of the hall that was just outside in the room, in a flash of light.

Twilight teleported back to her basement laboratory where four of her friends' corpses were. She saw the mess of blood everywhere. "What.. a.. mess." She did not hesitate in picking up all the scraps and fragments of Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. They were put in a sterile bucket. She spotted an untouched area on the floor, and put a nice, clean mat over it. She neatly arranged the dead ponies and Angel on the mat, having them sit up against a wall. Angel sat on Fluttershy's single-legged lap. Pinkie Pie was next to Flutter at her left, with her arms around her in an embracing hug. To Fluttershy's right was AJ leaning against her, her elbow resting on the yellow Pegasus' shoulder. And next to Applejack was Dashie, with, what was left of her right arm, around AJ's back.

"Now you all get to watch me work!" Twilight said, while taking out several scrubs and powerful detergents, and went right to work. Using her hoofs and magic at the same time, she sprayed all the filthy areas of the floor, walls, and machinery with detergent, using all the spray containers at once. With her magic and hooves, she soaked all the sponges and scrubs, and scrubbed hard using all of them simultaneously. She was hard at work, making sure every inch of the floor, walls, and machinery were spotless. When she finished, she put all the cleaning appliances away.

She looked at the entire room, and was very pleased with the great job she did that entire night. She turned to her friends. "They all look so cute together." Twi said, in admiration. Then a frown entered her face, "But they don't look very happy... It must have been the tough love I've given them tonight." She thought. Her face lit up, "Maybe, I'm not done just yet..."

  • 1 Five Glitches in Gacha Life
  • 2 Happy Appy
  • 3 I Hate You (Mario Creepypasta)

The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

Chapter one a harmless hobby.

the experiment of twilight sparkle


Twilight Sparkle loves to conduct experiments. But as she continues what used to be a harmless hobby is slowly turning into a dangerous spam of painful, life threatening experiments. After almost loosing her life to one of her most recent experiment...

# applejack # creepypasta # fim # fluttershy # gore # mlp # mlpfim # pinkiepie # rainbowdash # rarity # twilightsparkle

Writer: Lee_Cat

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Twilight Sparkle sat in her science lab. She used her levitation magic to bring a needle and thread towards her. She placed it down on her desk. She used her magic to levitate a sharpie over. She placed out her hoof and using the sharpie-she made a line. She levitated her needle and thread over. ' Okay Twilight. This won't hurt much for very long.' She thought. She stabbed herself on the line with her needle which was attached to the thread. She winced and pulled it out but only to continue along the line until she finished. Once she was done she tied a knot three times and snipped the excess string off. Blood was splattered everywhere! All over her hoof, all over her desk and all over her thread. She sighed. ' I'll get Spike to clean this up.' She thought and started heading upstairs.

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The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash


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the experiment of twilight sparkle

  • Death of Twilight Sparkle
  • Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 10,510 Views, 15 Comments

Death of Twilight Sparkle - Redhoof2001

  • Rainbow Dash

Twilight Sparkle is put into a coma after an experiment fails.

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Previous Chapters Next Close Failed Experiment 354 words Goodbye 402 words Epilogue 269 words Goodbye

It had been three weeks since Twilight Sparkle was put into a coma. Spike and Rainbow visited and brought gifts in hope that she would wake up every day. One day they both went together, only to be stopped by a doctor pony.

"Rainbow Dash, Spike...I have some bad news..."

"Wha...what is it, doc?" asked Rainbow.

"Twilight Sparkle's examination is over. The other doctors estimate she has about an hour left to live."

Rainbow looked over at Spike. His mouth was open, but no words came out. Tears were flooding down his cheeks. Rainbow reached over and pulled him close. "Shh, Spike. It's okay." But even she felt it wasn't okay. She was going to lose her best friend. The two cried as they walked into Twilight's room. She had awakened from her coma, but soon would be asleep once more. "Twi..." "Rainbow. You came to visit. How nice. I like the gifts you and Spike brought me. They're nice." Spike couldn't take it. He ran and jumped up next to Twilight, thankfully not damaging her delicate body. He hugged her and soaked her in tears. "'ll be okay." "No, Twilight. I'll never be okay. Not without you!" Twilight held him close and signaled for Rainbow to come over. She whispered in Rainbow's ear:

"Take care of him. I put my trust in you, Dash." Rainbow stared at Spike and Twilight. "Okay...for you." She said as she took Spike in her arms. The two stayed with her until her time was almost up. A doctor walked in the room. "Rainbow, you need to leave now." She looked one last time at Twilight. It was clear she was in pain. Her eyes were halfway closed. She was no longer able to speak.

She walked over, placing a hand on her hand. "No, doc. I'm staying here with Spike until the end. I'm not leaving my friend here to die alone." The doctor left, not wishing to get involved. Twilight's eyes were closing. Her life was ending. Spike couldn't watch. "I...I'll miss you, Twi..." Twilight managed a smile. Then it was all over. No more pain. Twilight was gone.

  • Failed Experiment 354 words
  • Goodbye 402 words
  • Epilogue 269 words
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the experiment of twilight sparkle

Well, that looks very sad I want to cry out windshield fluid. (I'm a bus, "windshield fluid", means vehicle tears.)

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the experiments of twilight sparkle FULL ARCHIVE ALL 7 CHAPTERS


  1. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    the experiment of twilight sparkle

  2. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    the experiment of twilight sparkle

  3. Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

    the experiment of twilight sparkle

  4. Twilight Sparkle's flashback at the science lab (full scene)

    the experiment of twilight sparkle

  5. Blue's Clues and Twilight Sparkle: Thinking Time Segment

    the experiment of twilight sparkle

  6. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    the experiment of twilight sparkle


  1. [REQUESTED] Twilight Sparkle

  2. 5/15/2024 Experiment Twilight Zone Electronics Foxey Fuzz octave fuzz pedal (Foxx Tone Machine)

  3. Twilight Sparkle

  4. FNF:Remembrance(final mix ) but Apple Bloom and Twilight Sparkle sing it (feat. Apple Jack)

  5. Lets Experiment

  6. Twilight Sparkle drops by Squidward’s House


  1. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    The demented doctor fed her creature the bloody layer of meat, skin, and feathers. Gilda's wound was cleaned, and the blood vessels at the incision's edge were clamped. The more crucial and delicate part of the operation was coming up. Twilight made a quick stab in the side of the open pony's stomach.

  2. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    Twilight Sparkle shouted at her assistant. She was glaring directly at the baby dragon, who was trying to hide what he just did behind his back, to no avail. Twilight was glaring daggers at him. She had needed that gem for an important experiment, and Spike had gone and taken a large bite out of it. "Uh, hey Twilight.

  3. The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

    First published Dec 05, 2015. Mature. Twilight Sparkle loves to conduct experiments. But as she continues what used to be a harmless hobby is slowly turning into a dangerous spam of painful, life threatening experiments. After almost loosing her life to one of her most recent experiments she decides to test them on her friends instead-causing ...

  4. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    Twilight wants to experiment with her friends.... ***Viewers warning*** If you don't like graphic and bloody the I recommend to not read this. ... The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle. The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle. lolicatexe. Reads. Reads 5,431. 5,431 5.4K. Votes. Votes 35. 35 35. Parts. Parts 1. 1 1. Time. Time 21m. 0 hours, 21 minutes 21m.

  5. Experiments of Twilight Sparkle Aftermath- MLP Speedpaint ...

    Experiments of Twilight Sparkle Aftermath.~.The official final illustration for my personalized Aftermath series, after first starting with the 'Cupcakes Aft...

  6. The experiments of Twilight Sparkle fanfic review

    I was told that the fanfic "The experiments of Twilight" was a good horror fic based on MLP... I was proven wrong. Sorry but as far as I can tell, the whole story turned out into a big gigantic mess, looks as if the author's only intention was to make the story as gross and disgusting as possible leaving aside any attempt of adding sense or logic continuity.

  7. Blue's Clues and Twilight Sparkle: Thinking Time Segment

    Twilight Sparkle Sits down in the Thinking Chair to Think about all 3 clues to Figure out what experiment blue wants to try.Answer: Cyclone ExperimentCredit...

  8. Does anyone know where I can find The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle

    Does anyone know where I can find The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle in text format? I looked it up and all I could find were readings on YouTube. I thought I found a link to it on, but it was deleted.

  9. Lost Fanfic: The experiments of Twilight Sparkle

    Lost Fanfic: The experiments of Twilight Sparkle. hey everypony! i need some help, i've been trying to find this fan fic for a few days, and it's absolutely nowhere to be found, i've found small excerpts but never the full thing. I actually think that the author was trying to erase it ever existing, but if anypony knows what happened to ...

  10. Seeking "The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle" written

    Seeking "The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle" written. I found readalouds, but i cant find it writtten anywhere. Share. Add a Comment. Sort by: XelNaga. •. Took a lot of digging, but here you go. The full text only seems to exist in archive links now.

  11. Fanatic Fiction Episode 7: The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

    Happy Nightmare Night everyone! The Fanatic Fiction group decides to try their eyes to the story The Experiments of Twilight SparkleThe Experiments of Twilig...

  12. Explore the Best Twilightsparkle Art

    COMMISSION OPEN Furry Art Commissions by Rodoflvampire Hello, my lovely clients! As a furry artist, I'm excited to offer you my commission services. Whether you're looking for a cute character design or a complex scene, I'm here to bring your ideas to life. Below you'll find my commission prices: Lineart: Bust: $20 Half Body: $30 Full Body: $40 ...

  13. The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

    Chapter One A Harmless Hobby. 444 3 3. by Lee_Cat. Twilight Sparkle sat in her science lab. She used her levitation magic to bring a needle and thread towards her. She placed it down on her desk. She used her magic to levitate a sharpie over. She placed out her hoof and using the sharpie-she made a line. She levitated her needle and thread over.

  14. Twilight Sparkle

    Twilight Sparkle. Princess Twilight Sparkle, commonly known as Twilight Sparkle, is a fictional character who appears in the fourth incarnation (also referred to as the fourth generation or "G4") of Hasbro 's My Little Pony toyline and media franchise, beginning with My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010-2019), and later in the franchise ...

  15. Fanfic Search: The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle

    Fanfic Search: The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle. I heard from a youtube video that it was a somewhat decent grimdark fic; it was something to rival Cupcakes. Alas, I could not find what seemed to be a legitimate listing on Fimfic or Wattpad. Upon further inspection of comments on forums, I believe that the original author has sought to erase ...

  16. The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash by ...

    My goodness, that's brutal! I love the red a lot, it's so eerie and adds such a gruesome tone to the scene. And ouch, her poor leg!

  17. Blue's Clues and Twilight Sparkle: 3 Clues From What Experiment Does

    Twilight Sparkle is Finding 3 Clues to figure out what experiment blue wants to try.All Credit goes to Ben Casey, botchan-MLP, FiresideArmy46231, Sketchmcrea...

  18. fanfic:the experiments of twilight sparkle

    Welcome to Twibooru! Anonymous posting only; no content restrictions beyond pony-related and legal; comments are disabled by default (Settings -> Comments). Read me! Posts tagged fanfic:the experiments of twilight sparkle. no spoiler image. + fanfic:the experiments of twilight sparkle 17 Tag changes. Aliases: the experiments of twilight sparkle.

  19. MLP-The Experiments Of Twilight Sparkle 2.0 : r/mylittlepony

    /r/mylittlepony is the premier subreddit for all things related to My Little Pony, with emphasis on Generation 4 and forward. Here all fans can discuss the show, share creative works, or connect with fellow members of the community in a safe for work and friendly environment!

  20. Reading The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle!

    This is my reading of the Experiments of Twilight Sparkle. I did not write this book!

  21. Goodbye

    Death of Twilight Sparkle - Redhoof2001. Death of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle is put into a coma after an experiment fails. ... It had been three weeks since Twilight Sparkle was put into a coma. Spike and Rainbow visited and brought gifts in hope that she would wake up every day. One day they both went together, only to be stopped by a ...

  22. Fiction Reading: The Experiments of Twilight Sparkle (Full ...

    @KellyLoom1s @cakepop5863@LockIsLive

  23. the experiments of twilight sparkle FULL ARCHIVE ALL 7 CHAPTERS

    Posted by u/The_mad_artist_1 - 1 vote and no comments