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241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Abortion is a highly controversial issue because it involves a conflict between a woman’s bodily autonomy and a fetus’s right to life. Due to the complicated nature of this problem, one can come up with many research questions on abortion. On this page, you’ll find plenty of interesting and thought-provoking abortion title ideas and essay examples. Read on to get inspired!

📚 Subtopics for Abortion Essays

🏆 best essay topics on abortion, 👍 good abortion research topics & essay examples, ✍️ abortion essay topics for college, 🎓 most interesting abortion research titles, 💡 simple abortion paper topics, 🌶️ hot abortion ideas to write about, 🤔 abortion research questions, 📝 abortion argumentative essay topics, ✏️ abortion questions for essay, 🔎 questions about abortion for research paper.

Do you need to write a paper on pregnancy termination but don’t know where to begin? Here are some general abortion topics to write about. You can use them as a starting point for developing more nuanced research questions about abortion for your assignment.

👩‍⚖️ Abortion essay titles are often concerned with the question of whether this practice should be legalized. You can explore the pros and cons of laws prohibiting pregnancy termination.
🌐 If you need titles for abortion papers in sociology, consider exploring issues like the impact of abortion on family relationships, the stigma surrounding this practice, and pro-choice and pro-life activism.
⚖️ Want to study the ethical side of abortion? Consider such aspects as the moral status of the fetus, bodily autonomy, and religious perspectives.
👩‍⚕️ Abortion research paper topics can study the health effects of different pregnancy termination methods, like medications and surgeries.
🧠 You can write an abortion essay in psychology. For example, research strategies to cope with grief after pregnancy termination and the role of pre and post-abortion counseling.
  • Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion
  • Abortion in Hanafi and Maliki Schools of Islamic Thought
  • Ethical Egoist and Social Contract Ethicist: On Abortion
  • Abortions. Perspectives, Federalism, Court Cases
  • The Controversy Around Morality of Abortion
  • Deductive and Inductive Arguments: Granting Abortion Rights
  • Should Abortion Be Banned?
  • Should Abortions be Legal?
  • Why Abortions Should Be Legal?
  • Discussion of Legalization of Abortion
  • The Dilemma of Abortions: Consequentialist and Deontological Points of View Despite numerous discussions and studies regarding the advantages and disadvantages of abortions from the issue remains a problematic area that requires additional analysis.
  • Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma There are many reasons as to why abortion poses an ethical dilemma for most women. Reasons such as religious beliefs, medical concerns are easily resolved by reason and need.
  • The Judith Thomson vs. Don Marquis Abortion Debate Thompson agrees that murder is immoral, as the Marquis believes, but a woman has every right to get rid of the fetus, and outsiders have the right to help her.
  • Reflection on “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson In her moral philosophy essay, “A Defense of Abortion,” Judith Jarvis Thomson implements thought experiments to argue in support of abortion based on two core premises
  • Is Abortion Beneficial or Harmful To a Teenager? Abortion is the removal of a pregnancy before it is due. It is the elimination of a fetus or embryo from the mother’s uterus before it is due for birth.
  • Justifying Abortion From Utilitarian Position This paper argues that abortion should be justified since a woman’s body, health and future should depend on her own consensual and conscious decisions.
  • Ethics and the Right to Abortion The paper discusses a case in which a gynecologist must decide to perform an abortion for a woman who is a survivor of abuse in a state that prohibits the practice.
  • Debate of the Dangerous Consequences of Abortion In order to cope with the various problems resulting from abortion, it is mandatory to create an awareness campaign that informs people of the dangerous consequences of abortion.
  • Fetal Abnormality and Ethical Dilemms of Abortion In the case study “Fetal Abnormality,” four characters face the same problem: an abnormal condition of a fetus and the necessity to decide if to save a child or consider abortion.
  • Possible Effects After Abortion Abortion is dangerous and unethical procedure which can damage health and psyche of a person and that is why it should be prohibited and used only in some cases of emergency.
  • Abortion Legalization: Empowering Women’s Rights Delve into the complex ramifications of legalizing abortion, examining its effects on women’s autonomy, health, and societal dynamics.
  • Pros and Cons of Abortion: The Importance of Women’s Rights For decades, abortion has been a hotly debated subject, eliciting strong and often firmly entrenched beliefs on all sides of the political spectrum.
  • Abortion: Ethical and Moral Issues Abortion is one of the urgent problems worldwide, and disputes about the permissibility of abortion and infanticide have been conducted since ancient times.
  • Abortion Legalization and Its Implications Legalizing abortion has both social and economic implications, leading to political differences and indifferences.
  • Abortion and Its Legal and Moral Status The legal and moral status of abortion is an issue facing great controversy because of individuals’ strong beliefs in cultural values and moral perspectives.
  • Social and Economic Problems of Abortion Ritualizing abortion involves cultural and religious beliefs that are intended to prevent abortions and their consequent impacts.
  • Abortion: Arguments for Defense Abortion should be accepted as a way of curbing unnecessary maternal death and showing compassion to rape victims.
  • Abortion: Arguments in Support This essay will explore the medical reason for an abortion to be performed. It will ask the pertinent question of why abortion should remain legal with limitations.
  • Abortion: The Ethically Appropriate Procedure Based on the available evidence and the considerations of women’s rights, treating abortions as an ethically appropriate procedure seems to be a more reasonable position.
  • Social Justice Protests Regarding Abortions This study aims to understand abortion rights and how they were significant in women’s equality. Roe v. Rode was a case that challenged the rule about abortion.
  • Abortion in Christian and Non-Christian Ethics The Christian ethical system approaches the issue of abortion through God’s image and character while utilitarianism is concerned with maximizing happiness.
  • Abortion Is a Woman’s Right and Should Be Legal Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our society. Some believe that a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body and believe that abortion is murder.
  • The Controversy Around Abortion in the US In the US, the issue of abortion has been facing controversy. The disagreement from society is making it difficult to address the problem.
  • Abortion With Limitations: Analysis Since abortion remains a divisive issue due to the presence of divergent opinions, permitting it with specific limitations is a good decision.
  • The Abortion Prohibition Issue Analysis The paper analyzes the issue of the irrationality of abortion prohibition due to the ideological, sociological, medical, and legal perspectives.
  • Abortion Should Be Available in Modern Society Abortions should be allowed for every woman within the framework of respect for human rights and eliminating undesirable consequences for a woman’s health.
  • Ethical Aspects of Abortion: A Moral Dilemma This paper discusses the ethical aspects of abortion, a controversial and highly debated topic that raises religious, moral, and other fundamental issues.
  • Abortion Ban and Its Negative Consequences The choice to ban abortion will have a severe impact on women; doctors must engage judges in case a clinical feticide are necessary, causing a delay that might result in death.
  • Abortion Abolitionists and Pro-Life Activists While both abortion abolitionists and pro-life activists share a variety of fundamental beliefs, they also vary in their approach and interpretation of women’s rights to abortion.
  • American Democrats’ Pro-Abortion Beliefs The US political system consists of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. The chosen news article elaborates more on the Federal Abortion ban from these two perspectives.
  • Sex-Selective Abortions Around the World Sex-selective abortion is a problem that must be addressed if we take into account the place of women in society and the effects of sex choice on interpersonal relationships.
  • Decriminalizing Abortion for Women’s Health’s Sake The debate for and against abortion has caused controversies worldwide, with some groups ruling out the act as heinous.
  • Ban on Abortions as Current Civil Rights Issue Even if a woman leaves a child for upbringing due to an unplanned pregnancy, it will be difficult to talk about a good emotional climate in a family.
  • The Morality of Selective Abortion and Genetic Screening The paper states that the morality of selective abortion and genetic screening is relative. This technology should be made available and legal.
  • Right to Abortion and Related Ethical Issues This paper applies the utilitarianism approach to ethics in showing that women that have been raped or have some health complications should be free to terminate their pregnancy.
  • “Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis Don Marquis is an author of an essay that argues that abortions are immoral from a non-religious standpoint. He begins with a general discussion on why killing is wrong.
  • Abortion: A Pro-Choice Rally in Charlotte The article discusses the author’s experience at a pro-choice rally in Charlotte, NC, where a Christian preacher attempted to reason with the protestors and spread God’s message.
  • Women’s Reasons for Seeking Abortions The cause-effect essay aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion by exploring the reasons why women seek abortions.
  • The Advantages and the Dangers of Abortion The paper states that the right to abortion allows a woman the freedom to control their body. It also empowers pregnant people to manage their health.
  • Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Sets Off New Court Fights The article discusses the Supreme Court’s decision to ban abortions and give states the right to decide on their local level whether they want to prohibit it or not.
  • Abortion in Public Opinion and Legislation Supporters of abortion believe that embryos and fetuses cannot have full human rights since the fetus is not yet a human being.
  • Right to Abortion: Ethical Issues On the one hand, abortion is the woman’s right to protect her life; on the other hand, abortion touches upon two lives minimum.
  • Women’s Right to Abortion: Religious Perspective Some religious people are right to accept the US court decision on limiting women’s right to abortion. They believe that the act is murder because life starts at conception.
  • Ethical Issue: Abortion Should Be Legal Abortions should be lawful because morally justifiable activities should be legal: it is an injustice to punish behaviors that are not bad.
  • Roe v. Wade: Abortion Rights in the United States Since the beginning of May, the United States has been discussing the possible cancellation of the decision in the Roe v. Wade case.
  • “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Thomson and Abortion Discussion “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Thomson tries to bridge the gap between supporters of abortion, and opponents, who believe that a fetus is a person.
  • Ethics: Women’s Right to Abortion In the current paradigm of medicine and healthcare, abortion has become a relatively safe operation due to the increased quality of competencies and equipment.
  • “Abortion Law and Policy Around the World”: Source Evaluation The paper analyzes article “Abortion law and policy around the world” which was written by Marge Berer and published in June, 2017.
  • Abortion: The Lifesaving Procedure Even though abortion is a form of right to life deprivation, the act is not a crime, as some believe hence should be legalized. It can potentially be a lifesaving procedure.
  • Why Should Abortion Be Made Legal? The paper states that doing an abortion before 20 weeks is permissible and has to be an option for women willing to stop their pregnancy.
  • Abortion: Effects and Legalization The social stigma surrounding abortion has a negative impact on people’s mental health and their willingness to seek safe abortion services despite the legal laws.
  • The Right to Abortion Must Be Protected Legal abortion means respecting women’s reproductive freedom, ensuring that all children grow up wanted in safe environments, and improving the general conditions of society.
  • Abortion Legalization and List of Circumstances In some cases where the expectant mother cannot handle a child, abortion in such a scenario needs legalization.
  • Discussion: Legalization of Abortion Aspects The paper argues abortion needs legalization under exceptional grounds, such as when a mother’s life is at risk.
  • Abortion Issues and Safe Practices Fathalla’s Safe abortion discusses solutions to preventing unsafe abortions, including sexual education, increased access to contraceptives, provision of safe abortions, etc.
  • The Abortion Issue Regarding Human Rights This article raises the question of how people should determine what rights should be guaranteed by the constitution and what rights are core rights from birth.
  • The Controversy Over Abortion Rights The paper states that the confrontation between the two movements over the years has led to the fact that abortion has become a controversial topic.
  • The Future of Abortions in the United States This paper examines the different ways United States legislators have used their power to politicize abortion and argues about the future of abortion rights.
  • Reproductive Health and Abortion Practices in Fiji The legalization of abortion has always been a difficult and contentious topic of discussion, both in the academic field and in politics.
  • The Morality of the Abortion Case Abortion is perceived as a morally incorrect action. This paper investigates the morality of the case and which action is supposed to be right or wrong.
  • The Issues Surrounding Abortion This paper aims to find solutions to the issues surrounding abortion and to justify why the proposals need to be considered when implementing abortion laws.
  • Abortion: Comparison and Contrast of Arguments Abortion has been a controversial issue for many decades, with both sides of the argument often feeling very strongly about it.
  • Abortion Policies: History, Current Issues, and Social Workers’ Roles This discussion is aimed at discussing abortion policies with regard to the Constitution, their history, current issues on abortion, and social workers’ roles.
  • Disagreeing With Abortion Encouragement This essay argues that abortions should not be publicly encouraged as it represents a serious decision for women that should be undertaken without pressure.
  • Abortion: The Indispensable Woman’s Right A woman’s freedom to safe, legal abortion is an integral part of her right to privacy and physical and psychological health.
  • Women’s Mental Health after Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion: Summary The results infer women who were refused abortion experienced higher levels of anxiety, lower levels of contentment, and a similar level of depression as those who had an abortion.
  • President’s Power to Affect National Policy: The Case of Abortion Probably, none of the important and controversial policies can be implemented without the participation of the country’s chief executive.
  • Women’s Bodies, Women’s Rights: A Case for Abortion If one holds that a woman has the moral right to make decisions about her health and existence, the only reasonable conclusion is to acknowledge the right to abortion.
  • Abortion Safety as Topic of Sociological Studies Sociological studies show that about half of all abortions are unsafe, while every third abortion is performed in dangerous circumstances.
  • Christianity Views on Abortion Concepts, the Big Bang, and the Evolution Theory The Bible and other Christian articles provide information related to contemporary society, views on abortion concepts, the big bang, and the evolution theory.
  • Debates: Abortions Must Be Legal Access to safe and effective abortions is not only a universal human right but also an indicator of social development concerning women.
  • A Controversial Topic of Abortion Abortion has been a controversial topic globally for many decades. The side of the argument an individual chooses to support depends on many factors.
  • Ethical Issues and Concerns Regarding Abortion The paper is addressing contemporary ethical issues and concerns regarding abortion. The debate over this subject involves ethical arguments.
  • Abortion Dilemma in Pragmatic Ethics The moral acceptability of abortions has always been a disputable issue. From the perspective of pragmatic ethics, the decision to make an abortion can be acceptable and moral.
  • Way Forward for Improving Abortion Healthcare The healthcare field should ensure the safety of those who want to terminate the pregnancy, the first step towards changing the situation is training enough personnel.
  • Moral Arguments Regarding Abortion The paper describes that abortion laws within the US vary dramatically between states, and to understand the reason for this disparity, it is critical to list the moral arguments.
  • “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” Act and the Judeo-Christian Worldview The purpose of this paper is to analyze the H.R. 7 “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” act within the framework of the Judeo-Christian worldview and ethics.
  • Social Exchange Theory and Abortion Legalization While the risk of having financial issues influences individuals, they will be more likely to refuse to give birth to a child because of the possible losses in the future.
  • Ethical, Medical, and Legal Aspects of Abortion Abortion is a medical procedure aimed at termination of pregnancy “before the fetus is able to live independently in the extrauterine environment”.
  • Abortions’ Negative Impacts on Modern Society Abortion is an immoral act or rather a crime that has diverse negative implications for individuals and the entire society.
  • The Moral Status of a Fetus and the Acceptability of Abortion The case study involves four individuals presenting their views on the moral status of a fetus and the acceptability of abortion.
  • Decriminalizing Abortion in Victoria, Australia The issue of abortion had been rampant in Australia, particularly in Victoria, to the point that it was considered a crime until 2007 when the government decriminalized it.
  • The Problem of Alabama’s Latest Abortion Bill The problem revolves around Alabama’s latest abortion bill, which punishes abortion, providing doctors with lifetime sentencing.
  • The Controversial Issue of Abortion Legal and ethical issues associated with abortion are becoming controversial every day in modern society; some people support the idea of abortion, while others disagree.
  • Policy Debate: Argument in Support of Abortion Abortion is a critical issue in the support of women’s rights because usually women are more affected by the debate than men (both as a gender and individuals).
  • The Effects of Abortions on the Black Community The paper states that it cannot be confidently stated that the ‘trend’ on abortion among the black community is the result of political conspiracy.
  • Why Abortion Should Be Included in the National Healthcare Plan The abortion debate is one of the most controversial and irrational issues that have lacked a concrete solution for a very long time in America.
  • Ethics of Smoke-Free Legislation and Abortion Laws There are laws that are clear for the population and their importance is undeniable. A bright example is smoke-free legislation, which is crucial for the health of non-smokers.
  • Providing the Argument Against Abortion The paper questions the argument against abortion that is associated with the fact that every aborted child may become a great composer, an artist, or some other prominent person.
  • Fetus Abnormality and Morality of Abortion There are various theories that have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people.
  • An Exploration of the Abortion Debate The essay aims to examine whether abortion is immoral and stands against central religious practices, or rather anti-abortion laws symbolize reproductive oppression.
  • Legal and Ethical Issues Concerning Abortion in the United Kingdom Samantha can legally have an abortion if she meets the legal requirements stipulated in the United Kingdom abortion Act of 1967.
  • Abortions: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life The issue of abortions has always been a controversial one leading to multiple clashes between irreconcilable ideologies.
  • Abortion: Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages Pro-life and pro-choice have their respective stands regarding the issue of abortion. The question is whether to terminate or keep the pregnancy.
  • Mandating Ultrasound Prior to Having an Abortion It is hard to stay unbiased when the issue of abortion and human life is under consideration. Each person can support or oppose mandatory ultrasound as well as abortion.
  • Thompson’s ‘A Defense of Abortion’ and Hursthouse’s ‘Virtue Theory and Abortion’ This paper is a reading summary of two articles on the ethics of abortion, such as ‘A defense of abortion’ and ‘Virtue theory and abortion’.
  • “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions” by Finer The article’s “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions” aim is to answer the question about the reasons causing U.S. women to end a pregnancy using quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  • Abortion Should Be Encouraged in the United States The legalization of abortion is a disputable issue today in the US. Feticide should be allowed, giving individuals the freedom to determine the fate of their children’s life.
  • Abortion: Analysis of the Main Causes The causes of abortion are not universal around the world; they vary depending on the country and region of residence.
  • Violinist Analogy in Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion” This example of Thompson’s article demonstrates what kind of a burden women are obliged to deal with in case they live in a society that prohibits abortions.
  • Should Abortions Be Legal? Arguments For and Against Abortions should be legal because, at early stages, fetuses do not experience pain or other sensations, their personhood does not begin until they are born.
  • The Abortion Debate: The Conservative and Liberal Arguments Against In this paper, the author describes two different arguments against abortion and tells about his/her own point of view on this question.
  • Abortion and Catholic Church’s Attitude This paper discusses the theme of abortions, the ways of abortions, and the attitude of Catholic Church to abortion.
  • Abortion Topic in “A Defense of Abortion” by Thomson The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze the position of Judith Jarvis Thomson and her advocacy arguments for abortion.
  • The Abortion Dilemma: Islam vs. Christianity This discussion compares and contrasts the responses Christians and Muslims present addressing the abortion dilemma.
  • Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Views on Abortion
  • ‘A Defense of Abortion’ by Judith Jarvis Thomson: Major Arguments for Abortion
  • Abortion Issues: Credible and Non-Credible Sources of Information
  • The Legalized of Abortion in the United States
  • Summary of the Research Article About Abortion
  • The Decision to Seek Abortions
  • Pros and Cons of Abortion
  • Pro-choice vs. Pro-life: The Question of Abortion
  • Abortion as the Fundamental Right of Women
  • Women Have the Right to Decide the Abortion
  • The Issue of Abortion Eligibility
  • Overview of the Abortion as a Legal Issue
  • The Ethics of Abortion and Reproductive Rights
  • The Controversy About Abortion Prohibition and Women’s Rights
  • Abortions Through the Prism of Christianity
  • Women Have the Right to Decide Whether to Have an Abortion
  • Legality of Abortion in the USA: Discussion
  • Abortion: Negative Impacts on Women
  • Pro-Abortion Ethics Case and Argument
  • The Abortion Law in Ireland and Canada
  • The Issue Of Abortion in the United States: Arguments For and Against
  • Abortion: Arguments for and Against
  • Ethics in Society. Abortion Debates: Different Sides
  • The Problem of Abortion
  • Abnormal Fetus, Its Moral Status and Abortion Ethics
  • Abortion and Moral Status of Fetus with Abnormality
  • Abortion: Pros and Cons
  • Abortion and Moral Theory
  • Debate on Abortion Insurance in South Dakota
  • Health Insurance Abortion Ban in South Dakota
  • Abortion Policy in the United States
  • “Why Abortion Is Immoral” the Article by Don Marquis
  • Utilitarianism and Abortion: Mill’s Principle of Utility and Bentham’s Felicific Calculus
  • Abortion in the US: Human Behavior and Social Environment
  • Abortions in Australia Discussed in Media
  • Abortion as a Woman’s Choice and Right
  • Abortion: Legal, Medical, Moral, Religious Issues
  • The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion
  • Abortion from Legal and Public Health Perspectives
  • Abortion in Feminist and Care Ethics
  • Abortion Nursing Care and Patient’s Rights
  • Abortion in Marquis’, Bentham’s, Biblical Theories
  • Ethics in Practice: Abortion Choice
  • President Obama’s Fallacy in Abortion Arguments
  • Abortion in Texas as a Political Issue
  • Ethics of Abortion and Over-the-Counter Drugs
  • Abortion Clinic Access Policy and Women’s Health
  • The Issue of Abortion: Ethics Challenges
  • Abortion as a Moral Controversy in the US
  • Abortions and Rights of a Fetus in the US
  • Florida Abortion Policies and Health Insurance
  • The Need for Abortion and the Moral Status of the Fetus
  • Abortion and Its Moral Status
  • Policy Analysis: Abortion Clinic Access
  • “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson
  • Abortion: Reasons and Issues
  • Anti-Abortion Advocacy of Pro-Life Movement
  • Canadian Abortion Laws and Women’s Rights
  • Abortion: Judith Thomson’s Ethical Perspective
  • Fetal Abnormality and Abortion: Ideal and Discretionary Theories
  • The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights
  • Abortion: Legal, Ethical and Professional Evidence
  • A Defense on Abortion: Ethical Issues
  • Moral Argument in Support of Abortion
  • Should Abortion be Legal or Illegal?
  • Abortion as a Controversy
  • Abortion: Women’s Health as Their Integral Right
  • Abortion’s Physical and Psychological Effects
  • What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
  • What Kind of Connection Exist Between Abortion and Mental Health?
  • Does Abortion Relieve Overpopulation?
  • Why Many Christians Oppose Abortion
  • What Similar Features Are Seen Between Abortion and Slavery?
  • Does Male Age Have an Influence on the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion?
  • Why Abortion Should Remain Legal?
  • What Are the Reasons for the Choice of Abortion in American Women?
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Abortion, Prostitution and Gun Control?
  • What Are Opposition and Conflicting Feelings on Abortion?
  • Does Rape Justify Abortion?
  • What Are the Ethical Issues Raised With Abortion?
  • Who Should Decide the Legality of Abortion?
  • Does Abortion Have Severe Psychological Effects?
  • Why Abortion Attitudes Will Always Be Controversial?
  • Does Abortion Affect Subsequent Pregnancy?
  • Why the Abortion Controversy Is Often So Bitter Essay
  • Why the Government Should Ban Abortion Essay
  • Why Has Abortion Become Such a Political Issue? Who Should Have the Final Say?
  • Why Doctors Should Not Perform Induced Abortion?
  • What Are the Religious Arguments Concerning Contraception and Abortion?
  • What Social, Moral and Ethical Dilemma Causes Abortion?
  • Why Abortion Laws Should Be Changed for Teens?
  • Does abortion promote gender equality?
  • Should parental consent be required for minors seeking an abortion?
  • Is a fetus’s right to life more important than a woman’s right to choose?
  • Is abortion acceptable in case of rape or incest?
  • Should waiting periods and pre-abortion counseling be mandatory?
  • Abortion: a relief or a toll on a woman’s physical and mental health?
  • Is abortion justified in case of failed contraception?
  • Should medical professionals be allowed to refuse to perform abortions?
  • Should medically unnecessary abortions be criminalized?
  • Abortion: a personal choice or a social matter?
  • How do religious beliefs affect opinions about the legality of abortions?
  • How do restrictive abortion laws influence women’s access to safe healthcare?
  • What is the role of informed consent in abortion?
  • How do socioeconomic disparities affect women’s decisions regarding abortion?
  • What is the impact of sex education programs on the demand for abortions?
  • What do women experience before, during, and after abortion?
  • How does the media shape public attitudes toward abortion?
  • How do societal attitudes toward abortion differ across the world?
  • How did abortion laws evolve over time?
  • Do the psychological effects of abortion differ from one woman to another?
  • How do cultural perceptions of motherhood affect women’s abortion decisions?
  • How does abortion accessibility influence the rates of self-induced and unsafe abortions?
  • What is the role of grassroots movements in shaping abortion policies?
  • What are the long-term health consequences of multiple abortions?
  • How do technological advancements shape how the public perceives the fetus?
  • How do mandatory waiting periods affect women’s mental well-being?
  • Does telemedicine improve rural women’s access to safe abortion?
  • What is the emotional impact of mandatory pre-abortion ultrasounds on women?
  • How does the availability of abortion affect women’s economic stability?
  • How do personal narratives help reduce the stigma surrounding abortion?

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"241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/abortion-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/abortion-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/abortion-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "241 Abortion Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/abortion-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 5, 2024 .

245 Abortion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

📑 aspects to cover in an abortion essay, 🏆 best abortion topic ideas & essay examples, 🥇 most interesting abortion topics to write about, 💡 good essay topics on abortion, 📌 simple & easy abortion essay titles, 📑 good research topics about abortion, 🎓 abortion argumentative essay topics, ❓ questions about abortion for research paper.

If you need to write an abortion essay, you might be worried about the content, arguments, and other components of the paper. Don’t panic – this guide contains the key aspects that will make your essay on abortion outstanding.

Historical Perspectives

First of all, you should think about the historical perspectives on abortion. It is true that unwanted pregnancies were a thing long before any legislation in this area has been enacted. If you want to write on this topic, consider the following:

  • Historically, what were the main reasons for women of various titles to abort children?
  • What were the methods used for abortion before the development of modern medicine?
  • Were there any famous historical examples of women who aborted?
  • Is the history of abortion relevant to the contemporary debate? Why or why not?

Religious Arguments

In an abortion essay, pro-life arguments usually stem from religious beliefs. Hence, there are plenty of possibilities for you to explore religious arguments related to the debate on abortion. Here are some things to think about:

  • What are the ideas about abortion in different religions?
  • Why do various religions have different views on abortion?
  • Were there any other factors that affected how different religions saw abortion (e.g., political or social)?
  • Would an complete abortion ban be a correct solution from a religious viewpoint? Why or why not?

Moral Arguments

Abortion is probably one of the most popular topics in the study of ethics. Moral arguments exist for both pro-choice and pro-life views on abortion, and you can thus explore both sides of the debate in your paper. These questions will help you to get started:

  • Why is abortion considered an ethical dilemma?
  • What do different ethical theories show when applied to abortion?
  • From a moral viewpoint, should the life of an unborn child be more important than the physical, psychological, and socioeconomic well being of the mother? Why or why not?
  • What would be some negative consequences of an abortion ban?

Women’s Rights

Abortion essay topics are often linked to the issue of women’s rights. According to most feminists, abortion is related to women’s bodily autonomy, and thus, legislators should not try to limit access to safe abortions. If you wish to explore the relationship between women’s rights and abortion, focus on the following:

  • Why is abortion considered to be a feminist issue?
  • Who should be involved in decisions about abortion?
  • Considering that most legislators who pass pro-life laws are male, is it correct to understand abortion legislation as reproductive control?
  • What are other gender issues associated with abortion?
  • From the feminist viewpoint, what would be the best way to approach the problem of high abortion rates?

Essay Structure

The structure of your essay is just as important as its content, so don’t forget about it. Here is what you could do to make your paper stand out:

  • Read sample papers on abortion to see how other people structure their work.
  • Write a detailed abortion essay outline before you start working.
  • Make sure that your points follow in a logical sequence – this will make your paper more compelling!
  • For a good abortion essay conclusion, do not introduce any new sources or points in the final paragraph.

By covering the aspects above, you will be able to write an influential paper that will earn you an excellent mark. Before you begin researching, check our website for free abortion essay examples and other useful content to help you get an A*!

  • Abortions: Causes, Effects, and Solutions The principal causes for the abortion problem are the social cause, which mandates ethical attitudes; the political cause, which affects legislation; and the environmental cause, which illuminates the initial stages of human development.
  • Pros and Cons of Abortion to the Society Argumentative Essay In the case of rape or incest, keeping a pregnancy is very traumatizing to the person raped as no one would wish to keep a child that is a result of this, and the best […]
  • Abortion and Virtue Ethics Those who support the right of a woman to an abortion even after the final trimester makes the assertion that the Constitution does not provide any legal rights for a child that is still within […]
  • Ethics and Abortion In weighing the options concerning whether to perform an abortion and how to care for the patient, a healthcare entity must consider the legal implications, the patient’s and provider’s beliefs as well as the health […]
  • Should Abortion Be Legal In addition to the burden of carrying the unborn baby, in most cases research findings have indicated that, majority of individuals who father some babies are unwilling to take the responsibility of contributing to the […]
  • Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma and Legal Position The core concerns in the controversy are whether women should have the right to decide to terminate a pregnancy or whether the unborn child has the right to life.
  • Christian Ethics Issues and Abortion As for the rights and interests of the mother, when comparing them with the rights and interests of the child, there is a possibility of an axiological preference for the goods of the latter.
  • Abortion in Marquis’s vs. Thompson’s Arguments Overall, the argument against the morality of abortion using the premise that the fetus has a right to live just like the mother is self-defeating in nature. It would be beneficial for the opponents of […]
  • Abortion in Australia: Legal and Ethical Issues A woman’s sexual companion is not needed to be informed of an abortion, and the judicial system does not give orders to stop the termination even when the complainant is the biological father of the […]
  • The Politics of Abortion in Modern Day Jamaica In the first part of the dissertation, the influence of the Offences Against the Person Act of 1861 was discussed on abortion practices and laws around the world, including Jamaica.
  • Nursing Ethics Regarding Abortion Currently, several articles exist that highlight different facets of this issue in nursing, including the ability of nurses to object to abortion, their confrontation with the law, and their perception of specific types of abortion.
  • Abortion: To Legalize or Not If a mother is denied an abortion due to its illegality, that mother then will be forced to go through the pregnancy, the labor, the birth, and the raising of an unwanted child. Another concern […]
  • The Burning Debate on Abortion Certain researchers note that, abortion is practically the most common surgical procedure in the world today because regardless of the laws or moral issues surrounding the issue, abortion is a very common practice for women […]
  • The “Why Abortion Is Immoral” Article by Don Marquis Don Marquis gives a different argument regarding the immorality of abortion from the standard anti-abortion argument in his “Why Abortion Is Immoral” article.
  • Abortion Is Too Complex to Feel All One Way About In her article “Abortion Is Too Complex to Feel All One Way About” that appeared in the New York Times, Anna Quindlen attracts the attention of the global community to one of the most controversial […]
  • Abortion in Teenagers: Proposal Argument In the overwhelming majority of cases, the teenager who has encountered such problems is inclined to violate the law, which often leads her to illegal and sometimes unsafe abortion. According to WHO, it is the […]
  • Abortion-Related Ethical Considerations As a health practitioner, following the required professional standards and regulations on abortion will enable me to avoid the wrath of the law.
  • Texas Abortion Ban as Current Political Topic Furthermore, denying women the right to make decisions regarding their bodies leads to the denial of bodily autonomy, which, in turn, must be regarded as a severe infringement on basic human rights.
  • Abortion Law Reform and Maternal Mortality: Global Study Some of the criteria for selecting a credible source include the authors’ reputation, the time elapsed since published, and the legality of the publishing company or database.”Abortion Laws Reform May Reduce Maternal Mortality: An Ecological […]
  • The Ethics of Abortion in Nursing The sanctity of human life, non-maleficence, and the right to autonomy and self-determination are some of the fundamental ethical ideas frequently addressed regarding abortion.
  • Utilitarian Permissive Concept for Women’s Right to Choose Abortion Utilitarians believe that the right to choose abortion should be protected under the law as a matter of justice since a woman should have the right to make decisions concerning her own body and health.
  • Abortion: Positive and Negative Sides To sum up, despite abortion being presented as an illegal intervention against human life, proponents believe that as a safe medical procedure, it protects the lives of mothers.
  • Abortion vs. Right to Life Among Evangelical Protestants The issue of abortion is critical to many citizens, especially women. In addition to restricting women’s rights, the issue of abortion affects well-being.
  • Abortion and Significant Health Complications Considering the effects of abortion, such as excessive bleeding, infection, and perforation of the uterus, surgical abortion procedures due to incomplete abortion or even death abortion can be fatal to life and one’s health.
  • Abortion as an Ethical Issue in Medicine In resolving the conflict between the decision to obtain an abortion from a minor adolescent and the nurse, there may be the following solution.
  • Teen Abortion: Legal and Ethical Implications The second legal implication is that the patient has the right to medical privacy and confidentiality, and the doctor may not be able to legally tell the patient’s mother about the pregnancy or abortion without […]
  • Abortion as a Medical Necessity Moreover, in case of fetal death, abnormalities, ectopic pregnancy, or harm to the woman’s health, it is obligatory to follow the recommendations of doctors who objectively assess the situation. Hence, individual factors influence the development […]
  • Abortion Ban: Ethical Controversies and History of Laws Abortion bans are the attempt to restrict the rights of women to procure an abortion when needed. On the other hand, arguments against the abortion ban focus on the bodily autonomy of women and the […]
  • Impact of Abortion Bans on Black Women Black women and other females of color will be disproportionately affected by the United States Supreme Court’s ruling to invalidate the right to an abortion as guaranteed by the Constitution.
  • The Problem of Late-Term Abortion Late-term abortion is associated with high-risk complications for the mother and inhumane treatment of the unborn child. There is an immense violation of the child’s rights if abortion is to be done after 20 weeks […]
  • Abortion With Limitations: Discussion Such insights support the notion that such a medical practice could be pursued in a professional manner when the life of the mother appears to be at risk.
  • Elizabeth Leiter’s The Abortion Divide Review Undeniably, The Abortion Divide film adequately shows the gradual growth in differences between the pro-choice and pro-life supporters but fails to bring a solution to the moral problem of abortion.
  • Abortion and Mental Health as Controversial Issues There have been issues related to the use of face masks and the number of cases of infected people. The topic of autism is a huge controversy due to denial or a lack of awareness.
  • Philosophical Reasoning About Deliberately Induced Abortion The philosophical discussion about the relationship between the right to life and bodily autonomy has become especially aggravated in the modern world.
  • The Abortion Theme in Society and Literature The author does not directly mention whether the couple or the parent had opted for abortion but relating to how society handles unwanted pregnancy, the thought must have crossed people’s minds, and that is how […]
  • The Government Stance on Abortion as an Ethical Issue Throughout the years, the practice has been both legalized and prohibited in the US, with the government’s shift in attitudes being central to the ambiguity of the issue.
  • Is Abortion Moral From Kantian Standpoint? The difficulties in using Kantian deontology to discuss the morality of abortion are defining whether the fetus is a human, and the role ethics play in actual decision-making.
  • Abortion of a Fetus With Disability It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is precise because of such things that terminations of pregnancy occur so that a person does not come into contact with obvious prejudices still actively […]
  • Pro-Abortion Arguments and Justification In general, terminating a pregnancy is the key to a woman’s prosperity, social and moral well-being, and ability to control the future.
  • Researching of Abortion Rights The authors of the three articles support my viewpoint by depicting the health-related and ethical risks that may take place if abortion laws continue to be restrictive.
  • Aspects Against Abortion Rights Having reviewed both the supporters and opponents of abortion in the legal and ethical contexts, the writers express their pro-life views, saying that life should be respected while offering their ideas on the aforementioned contexts.
  • Religious Beliefs and Medical Ethics: The Dilemma of Abortion in Cuban Society The process of giving birth to a child is considered a holiday for Cubans, and the family supports the woman after giving birth in every possible way.
  • Legislative Powers in Texas: Case of Abortions In this particular situation, the Speaker of the House supports my position in the role of trustee, but here the position of the lieutenant governor is much more critical since the bill is heard in […]
  • Abortion Backlash and Leadership Issues Although the issue of abortion in the United States remains one of the weightiest issues, with a high possibility of affecting the well-being of the people, it has been entirely politicized.
  • Anti-Abortion Laws: The Roe v. Wade Case Therefore, the Roe case is similar to the Griswold case, making the use of the latter as a precedent justifiable. The precedent case in Roe v.
  • Majority Opinion on Abortion Legalization vs. Prohibition Abortion is not the result of a nation’s historical or even cultural experience but merely the result of the adoption of restrictions.
  • The Right to Abortion: Childless Women The issue of inferential statistics in this example is motivated by considering the possibility of extrapolating results from the sample to the general population in the context of the population mean, i.e, no children for […]
  • Abortion and Women’s Right to Control Their Bodies However, the decision to ban abortions can be viewed as illegal, unethical, and contradicting the values of the 21st century. In such a way, the prohibition of abortion is a serious health concern leading to […]
  • Role of Abortion Policies Discussion The introduction of regulation and informed consent measures in the case of abortion policies is feasible from the perspective of eliminating health risks for the population.
  • Abortion-Related Racial Discrimination in the US In spite of being a numerical minority, Black women in the U.S.resort to abortion services rather often compared to the White population.
  • Should Abortions Be Illegal as Form of Homicide? When it comes to the difference between my opinion and the status quo, I believe that abortions cannot be considered a form of homicide and cannot be persecuted.
  • Abortions: Abortions Stigmatization Another issue regards the unavailability of abortions and the consequences of women being denied in abortions, and the necessity of choice for women to terminate or not terminate a pregnancy.
  • Socio-Psychological Factors of Abortion in Women of Different Age Groups It is necessary to conduct a theoretical analysis of the pregnancy termination problem, reflected in psychological research. In addition, it is essential to improve the state of social stability.
  • Women in Marriage & Sex, Abortion, and Birth Control The historical period chosen is from the eighteenth to the twentieth century to demonstrate the advancement of social structures for women.
  • Constitutional Issues of Abortion Rights Constitution, regulating the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, laid the legal basis for the practical implementation of the American concept of civil rights. The amendments that were passed later on the base of the […]
  • Abortion Trends in the United States The history of the legalization of abortion in the United States has a history of several decades and is still the problem of reproductive rights today is quite acute.
  • Texas Abortion Laws for Victims of Sexual Assault A female will have approximately two weeks in the law to evaluate her situation, verify the conception with a test, determine how to handle the pregnancy, and undergo an abortion.
  • Discussion of Abortion Accesion for Women Other individuals perceive abortion as a rather reasonable and necessary procedure that should exist as a part of healthcare and be accessible to the women who refuse to give birth to a child due to […]
  • A Controversial Process of Abortion Abortion is morally wrong and should not occur at any stage of human life because it only deprives the fetus of a right to life.
  • The Mother and the Challenges of Abortion In conclusion, it is clear that despite having procured abortions in the past, she wanted to be a mother to her children.
  • Abortion Politics and Moral Concerns Supporters of the third position think that abortion is a form of killing a person since the embryo is a person with the right to life from the moment of conception.
  • Conservative and Liberal Arguments on Abortion Governments and health organizations’ move to control access to abortion led to the emergence of groups and movements supporting and opposing abortion.
  • “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion” Article by Warren In the first section of the paper, Mary Ann Warren suggests that it is impossible to establish whether abortion is morally permissible, provided one accepts that the fetus is a being with a full right […]
  • Abortion on the Grounds of Disability Removing a fetus from the woman’s womb results in death which is contrary to the morals of the community that is against killing.
  • Abortion: The Role of Nursing Staff In addition, the task of the nurse may be to inform the patient about the abortion process and its possible consequences. Medical personnel must respect the decision and rights of a woman who decides to […]
  • Abortion and Its Physical and Psychological Effects Physiological and physical disorders that may develop in the long run due to abortion have a wide range of unfavorable consequences.
  • Discussion of Abortion Rights Aspects 1, 2017, pp. It would be best used to illustrate the argument in favor of abortion rights based on the [regnant women’s right to health, which is its major strength.
  • Do We Need to Legalize Abortions? Therefore, every person should take a moment to research this uncomfortable subject and think about the consequences of unsafe and illegal abortion for women, children, and society.
  • Ethical Dilemma of Abortion Triumphalism In this issue and other matters, the affected person’s experience may not be a determining factor for the expression of opinion but is unique.
  • The Texas Abortion Law: A Signal of War on Women’s Rights and Bodies The purpose of this paper is to examine the structure and implications of the Texas Abortion Law in order to demonstrate its flaws.
  • Abortion and Menstrual Health and Society’s Views Limited resources, menstrual materials, and access to facilities are often a result of the lack of policy dedicated to the sexual health of individuals.
  • The Problem of Abortion in Today’s World Therefore, the choice of the topic of late abortion is justified because of the importance and need to cover this issue.
  • Abortion in the Context of Ethics and Laws The aim of this paper is to analyze abortion in the context of the law, ethics, and human rights and to identify the solution to the issue.
  • Societal Approach to Abortion at Various Levels Due to its relevance in society, the issue of abortion has those affirmative, the proposers, and those who think that abortion is a vice against humanity and unethical, the opposers.
  • The Problem of Abortion: Key Aspects Abortion should not be permitted because any procedure that results in the termination of pregnancy before viability is contrary to the religious idea.
  • Abortion as a Modern-Day Dilemma for the US Community For this reason, the right for abortion must be seen as the integral part of a system of human rights, specifically, those that must be given solely to women based on the reality of their […]
  • Abortion: Ethical and Religious Aspects From the Christian perspective, the miracle of human life is the most valuable gift, as the creation of human beings in imago Dei allows them to experience the blessings of life and exercising the service […]
  • The Ethical Dilemma on Abortion From the perspective of the Christian philosophy, a person is a product and manifestation of the love of God, hence the sanctity of any human life.
  • An Abortion Versus Fetus’s Right Dilemma On the other hand, she is afraid that the child will serve as a reminder of the rapist and she has set a lot of plans for her studies and career path.
  • “What I Saw at the Abortion” by Richard Selzer This sight made Selzer imagine that the fetus was struggling with the needle in this way, that he was scared and hurt, that he was trying to save itself.
  • Abortion: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Argumentation To convince the States to provide access to abortion services for women legally, the article’s author refers to standards of human rights to health and other fundamental human rights. The article’s author refers to international […]
  • Discussion of Abortions: Advantages and Disadvantages The topic of abortions is, arguably, one of the most controversial and emotionally charged in the medical history, and it continues to cause a divide in healthcare even today.
  • The Effects of Age and Other Personal Characteristics on Abortion Attitudes This is tantamount to seeking a face-saving compromise where the core issues are in black and white and is similar to the uncompromising stands of those for and against homosexual marriage; of pederasts, pedophiles and […]
  • Supporting the Women Undergoing Abortion One in every five pregnancies in the world results in abortions. The main aim of the paper is to study the perceptions of nurses attending to abortion patients.
  • Abortion as Moral and Ethical Dilemma Despite the conflicting approaches to solving the moral and ethical dilemma of abortion, experts agree that it is possible to reduce the severity of the problem with the help of more excellent sexual education of […]
  • Regarding Abortion vs. Adoption In such cases, the couple, or more specifically, the woman is forced to face the reality of her situation and make a decision that will definitely affect the rest of her life.
  • Class Action Against the Enforcement of Texas Abortion The specific grounds of inconsistency are that the laws seek to prohibit an attempt to obtain or the actual procurement of an abortion regardless of the circumstances with the exception of the special circumstance of […]
  • Ethics in Health Care-Pro-Abortion There has been myriad of reported cases of failure to uphold the integrity of the unborn and the possible health related problems that would affect a mother’s health especially in the event of unsuccessful abortion.
  • The Benefits of Declining an Abortion Procedure The women may feel that they do not deserve the love of their children, and a sincere act such s a child refusing to suckle is perceived as the child directing hatred to the mother […]
  • Hills Like White Elephants. Abortion or Breakup It is used to demonstrate the stalemate in the couples’ relationships the necessity to choose between an abortion and a breakup.
  • Parental Consent in Minors’ Abortions Thus, the parents or guardians of the teenage girl ought to be aware of the planned abortion and explain the possible consequences of abortion to the girl.
  • Ethics and Reproduction Health: Surrogacy, Multiple Pregnancies, Abortion When the child is born, the contracting woman becomes the mother of the child, but she is not a biological mother because the child has the genes of the husband and the surrogate mother.
  • Induced and Spontaneous Abortion and Breast Cancer Incidence Among Young Women There is also no question as to whether those who had breast cancer was only as a result of abortion the cohort study does not define the total number of women in population.
  • Abortion-Related-Maternal Death in Dominican Republic There is need to focus the effort in pressuring the lawmakers to respect the rights of women. The Dominican law prohibits women from abortion even the life of woman and the child is in danger.
  • How Do Abortion Laws and Regulations Affect Anti-Abortion Violence? Moreover, support for anti-abortion violence can also be considered as a political weapon against women’s rights that is linked to the tolerance of violence against women.
  • Benefits of Abortion Overview Therefore, although some believe that abortion is equal to murder, many are still for abortion because it allows women to have control over their bodies, achieve full potential, and avoid engaging in hazardous abortion methods.
  • Abortion: Ethical Dilemma in Pope John Paul II’s View This paper tries to examine the abortion ethical dilemma from the lens of the Pope’s thoughts and proposals. Towards the end of the 20th century, new ideas and thoughts began to emerge in different parts […]
  • Abortion Techniques and Ban in Nicaragua The case of Nicaragua has shown to be particularly challenging as the country’s leaders are adhering to the patriarchal worldview that does not consider the rights and the health of women, and the importance of […]
  • How Christians View Abortion There are people who claim that the act of abortion is okay since it does not amount to the death of a live being.
  • Abortion and the Theory of Act Utilitarianism One possible philosophical approach to the problem of choice in such sensitive issues as abortion is the theory of Utilitarianism measuring the moral value of the action.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Abortion Rates Rise In the spotlight was the matter of teen pregnancy since teen births and abortion are both consequences of the former. That teen pregnancy rates fell in the 1990s and rose in the middle of this […]
  • Abortion and Its Side Effects in the United States One of the most dominant restrictions in the 1992 ruling is that parents are supposed to be involved in the decision making platform before an abortion can be carried out.
  • Maryland State Bill on Abortion According to the bill, women are supposed to see the ultrasound image in the uterus before an abortion is performed on them.
  • The Ethics of Abortion: Discussion The essay first examines the philosophical and religious concept of life and how the decision to abort affects the right to life of the fetus as also the existential dilemma that may arise when a […]
  • Medical Ethics. Should Abortion Be Banned? However, in the present situation of the world in general and the United States in particular, there is no doubt that abortion is a bad practice that deserves to be banned in all cases except […]
  • Legalities of Carrying Out Abortion Discussion This led to the emergence of such groupings as pro-life, who advocate for the consideration of abortion as murder, and pro-choice who are of the view that women should have the right of choice of […]
  • Abortion Is Legal but Is It Ethical? It is not difficult to understand how God’s words can be considered open to analysis but the difficulty of the abortion issue is that the breadth of the interpretation is very wide.
  • Abortions and Birth Control As a result the overall mortality of women increases in the countries where legal abortions take place. The general point of view in decreasing the number of abortions is the use of contraceptives as a […]
  • Abortion as an Unmerciful and Irresponsible Act Abortion is a very big risk to the health of the woman who opts to undergo an abortion. The biggest risk is to the life of the woman who opts for an abortion.
  • Abortion in Islamic View If a woman finds that she is pregnant, and does not want to be, what is the best way out for her, the potential baby that she is carrying, and all the other people concerned […]
  • Noonan and Thomson’s View on Abortion A more disarming approach is that of Thomson who maintains that the mother’s right to control her own body overrides the right to life of the fetus unless the mother has a special responsibility to […]
  • Bioethics. When Abortion Is Morally Permissible Abortion as we all know is the deliberate removal of a foetus from the womb of a female resulting in the death of the foetus.
  • Abortion Debate: Overview of Both Positions Daniel Oliver appears to be the supporter of the pro-life side of the debate, even though he does not impose his opinion on the reader and does not write that abortion is wrong.
  • Importance of Legalizing of Abortions Three of the most common reasons why women choose abortion is that they do not have the financial resources to raise a child, the others feel that they are not ready to have a child, […]
  • Ethical Issues of Counseling: Abortion and Divorce Personal values and beliefs, world views, and attitudes of both a counselor and a client have a great impact on the therapeutic relationship and effective treatment.
  • Abortion: Why It Should Be Banned Most people are suffering from various pregnancy-related traumas as more and more couples are experiencing conceiving difficulties due to the current unhealthy food intake and environmental conditions; thus, having a baby could change a lot […]
  • Women’s Health Issues: Abortion Reasons and Laws As one can see, the physical, psychological, and social risks of limiting access to abortion or proposing hostile policies are apparent.
  • View of Abortion: The Question of Human Life and Death In order to describe the question of abortion it is important to define and explain it.”Abortion’ as a ‘spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy”, and “miscarriage’ as the ‘the spontaneous loss of an early pregnancy […]
  • Abortion: An Unsolvable Dilemma? We know that Christians are composed of three congregations: the Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Those who believe in the Bible, it is clear that the Bible is straightforward on life, that is that God is […]
  • Unsafe Abortions Concepts Analysis The overall attitudes to abortion were negative, and women who succeeded in aborting pregnancy faced opposition from their partners, social ostracism, and quasi-legal sanctions.
  • New Jersey Bill A495 on Abortion This paper aims to review the New Jersey Bill A495, the differences in the legislation process between New Jersey and other states, provide a personal position on the issue of abortion, and discuss the impact […]
  • Social Work Framework for the Abortion Seeking Experience In countries that do allow abortion, the law has to be adhered to and I would have to do the abortion or give the needed advice despite my ethical or religious beliefs.
  • The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States What is the association between the appropriateness of specific abortion services and various clinical circumstances? What are the physical and mental health effects of abortion?
  • The Abortion Debate: The Moral Status of the Fetus All arguments about abortion do not come down to the question of what is the moral status of the fetus since there are other aspects involved, including the health conditions of the mother, the fetus’s […]
  • The Politics of Abortion The second entry will be on the politics of abortion in the last year. In 2017 the politics of abortion had changed significantly compared to that of 2003.
  • The Last Abortion Clinic Due to this, almost 24% of women are forced to travel across states to seek abortion services because of the lack of such services in the area they reside in.
  • Why Abortion Is Immoral? Thompson accepts that every individual has the right to life, that is, the fetus has the right life, and also the mother has the right to life.
  • Abortion as a Constitutional Right of US Women An abortion is the termination of pregnancy with the help of medicinal drugs or surgical interventions before the birth of the fetus.
  • Is Abortion Morally Justified? One of the reasons why the killing of any human being is wrong is “the loss of his or her future”.
  • Abortion Debate: Immoral Aspect of Pregnancy Termination Since it is morally wrong to kill human being, it is in order to argue that it is equally wrong to terminate a potential person in the form of a fetus.
  • Abortion Counseling and Psychological Support One recurrence is a woman’s lack of autonomy which can directly pressure the decision to have an abortion. Women may be driven by a number of influences and ideological factors to have a certain level […]
  • Teenage Pregnancy, Abortion, and Sex Education According to, some individuals in the society particularly the religious ones see abortion as a vice affecting every corner of the world.
  • Barriers to Access to Abortion Services Therefore, the prohibition of abortions can be potentially harmful to the health of women, and they understand it. Nevertheless, the society is not ready to accept abortion as a common event in the life of […]
  • Anti-Abortion Legislation and Services in Texas It might be possible to state that the aim of the legislation adopted so as to limit the provision of abortion service for the population was to reduce the number of abortions carried out in […]
  • Elective Abortion For and Against The thesis statement for this paper is: Since the legalization of the practice has not led to safer and quality abortion, there is need to tackle the barriers, obstacles, and cultural gaps that make the […]
  • Should Abortions Be Legal? One of the major reasons for this is the increasing influence of human rights movements and the tremendous progress made in the field in the recent years.
  • Abortion Rights: Roe vs. Wade Case The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Roe v. The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Planned Parenthood v.
  • Abortion in Thomas Aquinas’ Religious View Abortion is aimed at the destruction of blastocyst, foetus, embryo or zygote and in the process kills the innocence any life that would be there.
  • Abortion as a Crime and the Fight Against It Children are the future of our world and that is why I believe that we all should view them as a blessing rather than a curse.
  • Abortion From the Utilitarian Perspective First and foremost, the majority of people will not abide by her since abortion is considered to be an immoral act of human murder.
  • Canadian vs. American Post-Abortion Care When it comes to the history of the abortion policy in Canada, before the 1980s, for a woman to undergo the procedure terminating a pregnancy, the permission of a four-member committee of doctors was required […]
  • Abortion: Quality of Life and Genetic Abnormalities However, while this makes sense from a logical standpoint, it is horrific from a moral and ethical perspective given the fact that all individuals should have the right to life, regardless of the limitations they […]
  • Teenage Pregnancy and Abortion: Articles Evaluation The article highlights the importance of coming up with sexual health services and contraception methods, which are community-based for the benefit of the young people in a bid to counter the seemingly never-ending menace of […]
  • Abortion in the Middle East A recent study of the subject matter has shown that the rates of unsafe abortions in Middle east are getting increasingly high: as the official data states, out of 1,000 women ages 15 40, 11 […]
  • Abortion Practice in the Middle East The existence of restrictive laws on abortion is the main reason for the significant rise in the number of unsafe abortions in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • The Minimum Hourly Wages and the Abortions The representatives of the party state that increasing the wage will lead to a decrease in the number of jobs, therefore raising the unemployment rate.
  • Conflicting Viewpoints: Should Abortion Be Legal? In particular, it is possible to assume that abortion undermines the family as the most important building block of the society. This is one of the details that should not be overlooked.
  • “The Last Abortion Clinic”: Documentary Analysis Set in the state of Mississippi, the documentary aims at highlighting the laws that have been passed to curtail access of abortion in this state.
  • Ethical Dilemma: Political Involvement in Abortion
  • Legalization of Abortion for Underage Girls
  • Legalizing Abortion: Advantages and Justification
  • Abortion Incidence in the United State
  • Ethics of Abortion: Controversial Issues
  • “A Defence of Abortion” by Thomson
  • Abortion’s Pros and Cons
  • Social Issues: Abortions Prohibition
  • Abortion Law Importance in Canada
  • Abortion: Theories and Moral Issues
  • Anti- and Pro-Abortion Arguments
  • A Woman Has A Natural Right To Get An Abortion
  • Controversial Question About Abortion
  • The Issue of Abortion in the African Continent
  • Moral Problems of Abortion
  • President Reagan’s Thoughts on Abortion
  • Abortion and Parental Consent
  • Analysis of Abortion as an Ethical Issue
  • Ethics in Professional Psychology: Abortion Issue
  • Abortion as a Health Ethics Issue
  • Abortion as a Current Public Policy Issue
  • A Call to Legalize Abortion
  • Should Canada Have An Abortion Law?
  • Abortion’s Merits and Demerits of in the Global Perspectives
  • Abortion Law in Canada
  • Freedom of Women to Choose Abortion
  • Compare and Contrast Analysis Socio-Political and Moral Agenda of Abortion
  • Abortions Legal in the U.S.A.
  • Abortion: Analysis of Pro-Abortion Arguments
  • The Role of US Government on Abortions
  • Exploiting Nazism in Abortion Debate
  • Abortion Principles – Case of George and Linda
  • Is Self-Defense Abortion Permissible?
  • Africa Is Not Ready to Embrace Abortion
  • The Ethics of Abortion
  • The Debate About Abortion
  • Moral Controversies of Abortion
  • The Issue of Abortion
  • The Case Against Legalization of Abortion
  • Arguments Against the Abortion
  • Teen Abortion: Understanding the Risks
  • Abortion and the Aspects of Pro-Abortion
  • Moral Issues in the Abortion
  • Conflicting Views on Abortion
  • Social Problem: Abortion
  • Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Sides of Abortion
  • No More Abortion: Anti-Abortion Debate
  • The Right to Abortion
  • The Problem of Legality or Illegality of Terminating Pregnancy (Abortion)
  • Abortion and Its Effects
  • Debating the Issue of Abortion
  • The True Extremist on Abortion: The Analysis of Tom Trinkon’s Essay
  • The Problems of Abortion in Modern Society
  • Social Problem of Abortion: Dealing With Media
  • Abortion as a Controversial Issue
  • How Christians Respond to the Issue of Abortion?
  • Did Legalizing Abortion Reduce Crime Rate in the US?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 245 Abortion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abortion-essay-examples/

"245 Abortion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abortion-essay-examples/.

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1. IvyPanda . "245 Abortion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abortion-essay-examples/.


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Argumentative Essays on Pro Choice (abortion)

What makes a powerful pro choice essay topics.

When it comes to crafting a compelling pro choice abortion essay, the selection of a captivating topic is paramount. A well-chosen topic has the potential to make your essay shine and captivate the reader's attention. So, how can you brainstorm and discover the perfect essay topic? Here are some expert recommendations:

  • Consider your passions: Embark on a journey of brainstorming topics that truly ignite your interest. By doing so, you ensure that you remain engaged throughout the writing process, allowing you to produce an essay that is truly compelling.
  • Immerse yourself in research: Dive deep into the vast sea of information surrounding the pro choice abortion movement. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, you can identify potential essay topics that will expand your knowledge base and captivate your readers.
  • Analyze the ongoing debates: Stay up-to-date with the latest discussions and controversies surrounding pro choice abortion. By analyzing diverse viewpoints and arguments, you can find inspiration for unique and thought-provoking essay topics.
  • Evaluate personal experiences: Reflect upon your own encounters or experiences with the pro choice abortion movement. These personal insights can provide invaluable perspectives and make your essay more relatable to your readers.
  • Consider your target audience: Ponder upon the diverse readership that your essay will reach. Choose a topic that appeals to both supporters and skeptics of pro choice abortion, ensuring a broader and more impactful discussion.

Overall, a good pro choice abortion essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and capable of sparking meaningful discussions.

Best Pro Choice Abortion Essay Topics

Here, we present some of the most compelling pro choice abortion essay topics:

  • The Empowering Role of Pro Choice Abortion in Women's Reproductive Rights Movement
  • Analyzing the Ripple Effect: The Impact of Pro Choice Abortion on Society
  • The Ethical Enigma: Exploring the Considerations of Pro Choice Abortion
  • Untangling the Web: A Critical Analysis of the Media's Portrayal of Pro Choice Abortion
  • Unearthing the Roots: Examining the Historical Background of the Pro Choice Abortion Movement
  • The Dance of Equality: The Intersectionality of Pro Choice Abortion and Feminism
  • A Constitutional Right or a Moral Dilemma: Delving into the Controversy of Pro Choice Abortion
  • Unveiling the Unseen: The Psychological Effects of Pro Choice Abortion on Women
  • Abortion Access and Healthcare Disparities: A Closer Look at the Impact
  • Shifting Paradigms: The Influence of Pro Choice Abortion on Religious Beliefs and Practices
  • Unmasking the Numbers: Exploring the Economic Implications of Pro Choice Abortion
  • Pro Choice Abortion and Population Control: A Deeper Examination
  • The Global Tapestry: A Comparative Analysis of Pro Choice Abortion Perspectives
  • Unlocking the Mind: The Impact of Pro Choice Abortion on Mental Health
  • Examining the Opposition: Religious versus Secular Arguments against Pro Choice Abortion
  • The Symphony of Empowerment: The Relationship between Pro Choice Abortion and Women's Empowerment
  • Peering into the Crystal Ball: Predictions and Challenges for the Future of Pro Choice Abortion
  • Through the Prism of Diversity: Exploring the Impact of Pro Choice Abortion on LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Beyond Statistics: The Role of Pro Choice Abortion in Reducing Maternal Mortality Rates
  • Analyzing the Legal Frameworks: A Global Perspective on Pro Choice Abortion

Engaging Pro Choice Essay Questions

To ignite meaningful discussions, consider these thought-provoking questions for your pro choice abortion essay:

  • What are the main arguments employed by supporters of pro choice abortion?
  • How does the pro choice abortion movement differ across various countries?
  • What are the ethical implications of pro choice abortion in cases of fetal abnormalities?
  • How does the media shape public opinion on pro choice abortion?
  • What are the potential consequences of restricting access to pro choice abortion?
  • How does pro choice abortion intersect with racial and socioeconomic disparities?
  • What role does religion play in shaping attitudes towards pro choice abortion?
  • How has pro choice abortion influenced women's reproductive healthcare policies?
  • What are the psychological effects experienced by women who choose pro choice abortion?
  • How has the pro choice abortion movement evolved over time?

Pro Choice Abortion Essay Prompts

Consider these essay prompts to explore various angles of pro choice abortion:

  • Imagine a world where pro choice abortion is universally accepted. Describe the potential positive outcomes and challenges.
  • Write a persuasive essay arguing that pro choice abortion is an inherent human right.
  • Create a captivating dialogue between two individuals with contrasting views on pro choice abortion.
  • Analyze the impact of pro choice abortion on the future of gender equality.
  • Compose a compelling personal narrative about a woman's journey in making a pro choice abortion decision and its consequences.

Addressing Pro Choice Abortion Essay FAQs

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about writing pro choice abortion essays:

  • Q: What are the key elements of a compelling pro choice abortion essay?

A: A compelling pro choice abortion essay should possess a powerful thesis statement, well-researched arguments supported by credible evidence, and a clear logical structure. Additionally, incorporating personal experiences and maintaining a balanced tone can elevate the impact of your essay.

  • Q: How can I address counterarguments in my pro choice abortion essay?

A: Address counterarguments by presenting them objectively and refuting them with logical reasoning and evidence. This demonstrates your ability to consider different perspectives and strengthens your overall argument.

  • Q: How can I make my pro choice abortion essay stand out?

A: To make your essay stand out, choose a unique and thought-provoking topic, present original arguments supported by credible sources, and employ engaging and persuasive language. Incorporating personal anecdotes or real-life examples can also make your essay more memorable.

  • Q: Is it important to consider the opposing viewpoint in a pro choice abortion essay?

A: Yes, considering the opposing viewpoint is crucial to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Address counterarguments respectfully and refute them with strong evidence to strengthen your own argument and showcase your ability to engage with different perspectives.

  • Q: Are there any specific guidelines for referencing sources in a pro choice abortion essay?

A: Yes, it is important to properly cite all sources used in your pro choice abortion essay. Follow the guidelines of a recognized citation style, such as APA or MLA, to ensure accurate and consistent referencing. This adds credibility to your essay and avoids plagiarism.

Remember to always consult your instructor or follow any specific guidelines provided for your essay assignment. Happy writing!

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The pro-choice movement is a collective advocacy effort that upholds the principle of individual autonomy and reproductive rights, asserting that individuals should have the legal freedom to make decisions regarding their own bodies, including the choice to have an abortion.

The pro-choice movement, emerging in the mid-20th century, has fought against restrictive abortion laws and societal stigma. Key figures like Margaret Sanger laid the groundwork for reproductive rights activism. The landmark 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, granted women the constitutional right to choose abortion. Despite opposition, pro-choice advocates organized groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL, using grassroots activism and public campaigns to defend and expand abortion access, aiming to destigmatize the issue.

Many support the pro-choice movement, believing in the right to make decisions about one's body, including abortion. They argue that safe, legal abortion access is vital for reproductive autonomy, gender equality, and women's well-being. However, some oppose abortion due to moral, religious, or cultural beliefs. Public opinion varies by education, socioeconomic status, and personal experiences. Recently, the pro-choice movement emphasizes intersectionality, addressing how reproductive justice intersects with race, class, and LGBTQ+ rights, promoting equitable access to healthcare.

  • The pro-choice movement extends beyond the United States: While the pro-choice movement gained significant momentum in the United States, its influence is not limited to a single country.
  • Intersectionality plays a crucial role in the pro-choice movement: The pro-choice movement recognizes that reproductive rights intersect with other social justice issues, such as race, class, and LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Access to abortion services remains an ongoing battle: Despite the landmark ruling of Roe v. Wade in the United States, access to abortion services continues to be a contentious issue. Numerous states have implemented restrictive laws, such as mandatory waiting periods, targeted regulation of abortion providers (TRAP) laws, and limitations on insurance coverage. These efforts have led to a patchwork of access across the country, with disparities in availability and barriers for individuals seeking reproductive healthcare.

The topic of Pro-Choice (Abortion) is important because it involves fundamental human rights, including bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. It also sparks debates on morality, ethics, and the role of government in regulating personal decisions. Understanding and discussing this topic is crucial for promoting informed dialogue and shaping policies that respect individuals' rights and choices.

1. Steinem, G. (2015). My Life on the Road. Random House. 2. Norris, A., Bessett, D., Steinberg, J. R., Kavanaugh, M. L., & De Zordo, S. (2011). Abortion stigma: A reconceptualization of constituents, causes, and consequences. Women's Health Issues, 21(3), S49-S54. 3. McNeil, R. M., & Berer, M. (2017). The abortion law in Northern Ireland: Lessons for the United States. Guttmacher Policy Review, 20, 98-103. 4. Luker, K. (1984). Abortion and the politics of motherhood. University of California Press. 5. Rees, D. I., Sabia, J. J., & Argys, L. M. (2017). A review of the effects of abortion policies. Southern Economic Journal, 83(4), 823-869. 6. Stotland, N. L., & Bryant, A. G. (2020). ACOG practice bulletin No. 225: Management of pregnancies with substance use disorders. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 135(6), e274-e298. 7. Jones, R. K., & Jerman, J. (2017). Population group abortion rates and lifetime incidence of abortion: United States, 2008-2014. American Journal of Public Health, 107(12), 1904-1909. 8. Clark, A. (2017). Reproductive rights and the state: Getting the birth control, RU-486, and morning-after pills and the Gardasil vaccine to the US market. Law and Policy, 39(2), 139-165. 9. Upadhyay, U. D., Weitz, T. A., & Jones, R. K. (2013). Barriers to abortion and their consequences for patients traveling for services: Qualitative findings from two states. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 45(2), 84-91. 10. Roth, R. A. (2003). Making women pay: The hidden costs of fetal rights. Cornell University Press.

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Abortion Argumentative Essay: Definitive Guide

Academic writing

titles for essays about abortion

Abortion remains a debatable issue even today, especially in countries like the USA, where a controversial ban was upheld in 13 states at the point this article was written. That’s why an essay on abortion has become one of the most popular tasks in schools, colleges, and universities. When writing this kind of essay, students learn to express their opinion, find and draw arguments and examples, and conduct research.

It’s very easy to speculate on topics like this. However, this makes it harder to find credible and peer-reviewed information on the topic that isn’t merely someone’s opinion. If you were assigned this kind of academic task, do not lose heart. In this article, we will provide you with all the tips and tricks for writing about abortion.

Where to begin?

Conversations about abortion are always emotional. Complex stories, difficult decisions, bitter moments, and terrible diagnoses make this topic hard to cover. Some young people may be shocked by this assignment, while others would be happy to express their opinion on the matter.

One way or another, this topic doesn't leave anyone indifferent. However, it shouldn’t have an effect on the way you approach the research and writing process. What should you remember when working on an argumentative essay about abortion?

  • Don’t let your emotions take over. As this is an academic paper, you have to stay impartial and operate with facts. The topic is indeed sore and burning, causing thousands of scandals on the Internet, but you are writing it for school, not a Quora thread.
  • Try to balance your opinions. There are always two sides to one story, even if the story is so fragile. You need to present an issue from different angles. This is what your tutors seek to teach you.
  • Be tolerant and mind your language. It is very important not to hurt anybody with the choice of words in your essay. So make sure you avoid any possible rough words. It is important to respect people with polar opinions, especially when it comes to academic writing. 
  • Use facts, not claims. Your essay cannot be based solely on your personal ideas – your conclusions should be derived from facts. Roe v. Wade case, WHO or Mayo Clinic information, and CDC are some of the sources you can rely on.

Arguments for and against abortion

Speaking of Outline

An argumentative essay on abortion outline is a must-have even for experienced writers. In general, each essay, irrespective of its kind or topic, has a strict outline. It may be brief or extended, but the major parts are always the same:

  • Introduction. This is a relatively short paragraph that starts with a hook and presents the background information on the topic. It should end with a thesis statement telling your reader what your main goal or idea is.
  • Body. This section usually consists of 2-4 paragraphs. Each one has its own structure: main argument + facts to support it + small conclusion and transition into the next paragraph.
  • Conclusion. In this part, your task is to summarize all your thoughts and come to a general conclusive idea. You may have to restate some info from the body and your thesis statement and add a couple of conclusive statements without introducing new facts.

Why is it important to create an outline?

  • You will structure your ideas. We bet you’ve got lots on your mind. Writing them down and seeing how one can flow logically into the other will help you create a consistent paper. Naturally, you will have to abandon some of the ideas if they don’t fit the overall narrative you’re building.
  • You can get some inspiration. While creating your outline, which usually consists of some brief ideas, you can come up with many more to research. Some will add to your current ones or replace them with better options.
  • You will find the most suitable sources. Argumentative essay writing requires you to use solid facts and trustworthy arguments built on them. When the topic is as controversial as abortion, these arguments should be taken from up-to-date, reliable sources. With an outline, you will see if you have enough to back up your ideas.
  • You will write your text as professionals do. Most expert writers start with outlines to write the text faster and make it generally better. As you will have your ideas structured, the general flow of thoughts will be clear. And, of course, it will influence your overall grade positively.


Abortion Essay Introduction

The introduction is perhaps the most important part of the whole essay. In this relatively small part, you will have to present the issue under consideration and state your opinion on it. Here is a typical introduction outline:

  • The first sentence is a hook grabbing readers' attention.
  • A few sentences that go after elaborate on the hook. They give your readers some background and explain your research.
  • The last sentence is a thesis statement showing the key idea you are building your text around.

Before writing an abortion essay intro, first thing first, you will need to define your position. If you are in favor of this procedure, what exactly made you think so? If you are an opponent of abortion, determine how to argue your position. In both cases, you may research the point of view in medicine, history, ethics, and other fields.

When writing an introduction, remember:

  • Never repeat your title. First of all, it looks too obvious; secondly, it may be boring for your reader right from the start. Your first sentence should be a well-crafted hook. The topic of abortion worries many people, so it’s your chance to catch your audience’s attention with some facts or shocking figures.
  • Do not make it too long. Your task here is to engage your audience and let them know what they are about to learn. The rest of the information will be disclosed in the main part. Nobody likes long introductions, so keep it short but informative.
  • Pay due attention to the thesis statement. This is the central sentence of your introduction. A thesis statement in your abortion intro paragraph should show that you have a well-supported position and are ready to argue it. Therefore, it has to be strong and convey your idea as clearly as possible. We advise you to make several options for the thesis statement and choose the strongest one.

Hooks for an Abortion Essay

Writing a hook is a good way to catch the attention of your audience, as this is usually the first sentence in an essay. How to start an essay about abortion? You can begin with some shocking fact, question, statistics, or even a quote. However, always make sure that this piece is taken from a trusted resource.

Here are some examples of hooks you can use in your paper:

  • As of July 1, 2022, 13 states banned abortion, depriving millions of women of control of their bodies.
  • According to WHO, 125,000 abortions take place every day worldwide.
  • Is abortion a woman’s right or a crime?
  • Since 1994, more than 40 countries have liberalized their abortion laws.
  • Around 48% of all abortions are unsafe, and 8% of them lead to women’s death.
  • The right to an abortion is one of the reproductive and basic rights of a woman.
  • Abortion is as old as the world itself – women have resorted to this method since ancient times.
  • Only 60% of women in the world live in countries where pregnancy termination is allowed.

Body Paragraphs: Pros and Cons of Abortion

The body is the biggest part of your paper. Here, you have a chance to make your voice concerning the abortion issue heard. Not sure where to start? Facts about abortion pros and cons should give you a basic understanding of which direction to move in.

First things first, let’s review some brief tips for you on how to write the best essay body if you have already made up your mind.

Make a draft

It’s always a good idea to have a rough draft of your writing. Follow the outline and don’t bother with the word choice, grammar, or sentence structure much at first. You can polish it all later, as the initial draft will not likely be your final. You may see some omissions in your arguments, lack of factual basis, or repetitiveness that can be eliminated in the next versions.

Trust only reliable sources

This part of an essay includes loads of factual information, and you should be very careful with it. Otherwise, your paper may look unprofessional and cost you precious points. Never rely on sources like Wikipedia or tabloids – they lack veracity and preciseness.

Edit rigorously

It’s best to do it the next day after you finish writing so that you can spot even the smallest mistakes. Remember, this is the most important part of your paper, so it has to be flawless. You can also use editing tools like Grammarly.

Determine your weak points

Since you are writing an argumentative essay, your ideas should be backed up by strong facts so that you sound convincing. Sometimes it happens that one argument looks weaker than the other. Your task is to find it and strengthen it with more or better facts.

Add an opposing view

Sometimes, it’s not enough to present only one side of the discussion. Showing one of the common views from the opposing side might actually help you strengthen your main idea. Besides, making an attempt at refuting it with alternative facts can show your teacher or professor that you’ve researched and analyzed all viewpoints, not just the one you stand by.

If you have chosen a side but are struggling to find the arguments for or against it, we have complied abortion pro and cons list for you. You can use both sets if you are writing an abortion summary essay covering all the stances.

Why Should Abortion Be Legal

If you stick to the opinion that abortion is just a medical procedure, which should be a basic health care need for each woman, you will definitely want to write the pros of abortion essay. Here is some important information and a list of pros about abortion for you to use:

  • Since the fetus is a set of cells – not an individual, it’s up to a pregnant woman to make a decision concerning her body. Only she can decide whether she wants to keep the pregnancy or have an abortion. The abortion ban is a violation of a woman’s right to have control over her own body.
  • The fact that women and girls do not have access to effective contraception and safe abortion services has serious consequences for their own health and the health of their families.
  • The criminalization of abortion usually leads to an increase in the number of clandestine abortions. Many years ago, fetuses were disposed of with improvised means, which included knitting needles and half-straightened metal hangers. 13% of women’s deaths are the result of unsafe abortions.
  • Many women live in a difficult financial situation and cannot support their children financially. Having access to safe abortion takes this burden off their shoulders. This will also not decrease their quality of life as the birth and childcare would.
  • In countries where abortion is prohibited, there is a phenomenon of abortion tourism to other countries where it can be done without obstacles. Giving access to this procedure can make the lives of women much easier.
  • Women should not put their lives or health in danger because of the laws that were adopted by other people.
  • Girls and women who do not have proper sex education may not understand pregnancy as a concept or determine that they are pregnant early on. Instead of educating them and giving them a choice, an abortion ban forces them to become mothers and expects them to be fit parents despite not knowing much about reproduction.
  • There are women who have genetic disorders or severe mental health issues that will affect their children if they're born. Giving them an option to terminate ensures that there won't be a child with a low quality of life and that the woman will not have to suffer through pregnancy, birth, and raising a child with her condition.
  • Being pro-choice is about the freedom to make decisions about your body so that women who are for termination can do it safely, and those who are against it can choose not to do it. It is an inclusive option that caters to everyone.
  • Women and girls who were raped or abused by their partner, caregiver, or stranger and chose to terminate the pregnancy can now be imprisoned for longer than their abusers. This implies that the system values the life of a fetus with no or primitive brain function over the life of a living woman.
  • People who lived in times when artificial termination of pregnancy was scarcely available remember clandestine abortions and how traumatic they were, not only for the physical but also for the mental health of women. Indeed, traditionally, in many countries, large families were a norm. However, the times have changed, and supervised abortion is a safe and accessible procedure these days. A ban on abortion will simply push humanity away from the achievements of the civilized world.


Types of abortion

There are 2 main types of abortions that can be performed at different pregnancy stages and for different reasons:

  • Medical abortion. It is performed by taking a specially prescribed pill. It does not require any special manipulations and can even be done at home (however, after a doctor’s visit and under supervision). It is considered very safe and is usually done during the very first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Surgical abortion. This is a medical operation that is done with the help of a suction tube. It then removes the fetus and any related material. Anesthesia is used for this procedure, and therefore, it can only be done in a hospital. The maximum time allowed for surgical abortion is determined in each country specifically.

Cases when abortion is needed

Center for Reproductive Rights singles out the following situations when abortion is required:

  • When there is a risk to the life or physical/mental health of a pregnant woman.
  • When a pregnant woman has social or economic reasons for it.
  • Upon the woman's request.
  • If a pregnant woman is mentally or cognitively disabled.
  • In case of rape and/or incest.
  • If there were congenital anomalies detected in the fetus.

Countries and their abortion laws

  • Countries where abortion is legalized in any case: Australia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, etc.
  • Countries where abortion is completely prohibited: Angola, Venezuela, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Oman, Paraguay, Palau, Jamaica, Laos, Haiti, Honduras, Andorra, Aruba, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone, Senegal, etc.
  • Countries where abortion is allowed for medical reasons: Afghanistan, Israel, Argentina, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ghana, Israel, Morocco, Mexico, Bahamas, Central African Republic, Ecuador, Ghana, Algeria, Monaco, Pakistan, Poland, etc. 
  • Countries where abortion is allowed for both medical and socioeconomic reasons: England, India, Spain, Luxembourg, Japan, Finland, Taiwan, Zambia, Iceland, Fiji, Cyprus, Barbados, Belize, etc.

Why Abortion Should Be Banned

Essays against abortions are popular in educational institutions since we all know that many people – many minds. So if you don’t want to support this procedure in your essay, here are some facts that may help you to argument why abortion is wrong:

  • Abortion at an early age is especially dangerous because a young woman with an unstable hormonal system may no longer be able to have children throughout her life. Termination of pregnancy disrupts the hormonal development of the body.
  • Health complications caused by abortion can occur many years after the procedure. Even if a woman feels fine in the short run, the situation may change in the future.
  • Abortion clearly has a negative effect on reproductive function. Artificial dilation of the cervix during an abortion leads to weak uterus tonus, which can cause a miscarriage during the next pregnancy.
  • Evidence shows that surgical termination of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of breast cancer.
  • In December 1996, the session of the Council of Europe on bioethics concluded that a fetus is considered a human being on the 14th day after conception.

You are free to use each of these arguments for essays against abortions. Remember that each claim should not be supported by emotions but by facts, figures, and so on.

Health complications after abortion

One way or another, abortion is extremely stressful for a woman’s body. Apart from that, it can even lead to various health problems in the future. You can also cover them in your cons of an abortion essay:

  • Continuation of pregnancy. If the dose of the drug is calculated by the doctor in the wrong way, the pregnancy will progress.
  • Uterine bleeding, which requires immediate surgical intervention.
  • Severe nausea or even vomiting occurs as a result of a sharp change in the hormonal background.
  • Severe stomach pain. Medical abortion causes miscarriage and, as a result, strong contractions of the uterus.
  • High blood pressure and allergic reactions to medicines.
  • Depression or other mental problems after a difficult procedure.

Abortion Essay Conclusion

After you have finished working on the previous sections of your paper, you will have to end it with a strong conclusion. The last impression is no less important than the first one. Here is how you can make it perfect in your conclusion paragraph on abortion:

  • It should be concise. The conclusion cannot be as long as your essay body and should not add anything that cannot be derived from the main section. Reiterate the key ideas, combine some of them, and end the paragraph with something for the readers to think about.
  • It cannot repeat already stated information. Restate your thesis statement in completely other words and summarize your main points. Do not repeat anything word for word – rephrase and shorten the information instead.
  • It should include a call to action or a cliffhanger. Writing experts believe that a rhetorical question works really great for an argumentative essay. Another good strategy is to leave your readers with some curious ideas to ponder upon.

Abortion Facts for Essay

Abortion is a topic that concerns most modern women. Thousands of books, research papers, and articles on abortion are written across the world. Even though pregnancy termination has become much safer and less stigmatized with time, it still worries millions. What can you cover in your paper so that it can really stand out among others? You may want to add some shocking abortion statistics and facts:

  • 40-50 million abortions are done in the world every year (approximately 125,000 per day).
  • According to UN statistics, women have 25 million unsafe abortions each year. Most of them (97%) are performed in the countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. 14% of them are especially unsafe because they are done by people without any medical knowledge.
  • Since 2017, the United States has shown the highest abortion rate in the last 30 years.
  • The biggest number of abortion procedures happen in the countries where they are officially banned. The lowest rate is demonstrated in the countries with high income and free access to contraception.
  • Women in low-income regions are three times more susceptible to unplanned pregnancies than those in developed countries.
  • In Argentina, more than 38,000 women face dreadful health consequences after unsafe abortions.
  • The highest teen abortion rates in the world are seen in 3 countries: England, Wales, and Sweden.
  • Only 31% of teenagers decide to terminate their pregnancy. However, the rate of early pregnancies is getting lower each year.
  • Approximately 13 million children are born to mothers under the age of 20 each year.
  • 5% of women of reproductive age live in countries where abortions are prohibited.

We hope that this abortion information was useful for you, and you can use some of these facts for your own argumentative essay. If you find some additional facts, make sure that they are not manipulative and are taken from official medical resources.


Abortion Essay Topics

Do you feel like you are lost in the abundance of information? Don’t know what topic to choose among the thousands available online? Check our short list of the best abortion argumentative essay topics:

  • Why should abortion be legalized essay
  • Abortion: a murder or a basic human right?
  • Why we should all support abortion rights
  • Is the abortion ban in the US a good initiative?
  • The moral aspect of teen abortions
  • Can the abortion ban solve birth control problems?
  • Should all countries allow abortion?
  • What consequences can abortion have in the long run?
  • Is denying abortion sexist?
  • Why is abortion a human right?
  • Are there any ethical implications of abortion?
  • Do you consider abortion a crime?
  • Should women face charges for terminating a pregnancy?

Want to come up with your own? Here is how to create good titles for abortion essays:

  • Write down the first associations. It can be something that swirls around in your head and comes to the surface when you think about the topic. These won’t necessarily be well-written headlines, but each word or phrase can be the first link in the chain of ideas that leads you to the best option.
  • Irony and puns are not always a good idea. Especially when it comes to such difficult topics as abortion. Therefore, in your efforts to be original, remain sensitive to the issue you want to discuss.
  • Never make a quote as your headline. First, a wordy quote makes the headline long. Secondly, readers do not understand whose words are given in the headline. Therefore, it may confuse them right from the start. If you have found a great quote, you can use it as your hook, but don’t forget to mention its author.
  • Try to briefly summarize what is said in the essay. What is the focus of your paper? If the essence of your argumentative essay can be reduced to one sentence, it can be used as a title, paraphrased, or shortened.
  • Write your title after you have finished your text. Before you just start writing, you might not yet have a catchy phrase in mind to use as a title. Don’t let it keep you from working on your essay – it might come along as you write.

Abortion Essay Example

We know that it is always easier to learn from a good example. For this reason, our writing experts have complied a detailed abortion essay outline for you. For your convenience, we have created two options with different opinions.

Topic: Why should abortion be legal?

Introduction – hook + thesis statement + short background information

Essay hook: More than 59% of women in the world do not have access to safe abortions, which leads to dreading health consequences or even death.

Thesis statement: Since banning abortions does not decrease their rates but only makes them unsafe, it is not logical to ban abortions.

Body – each paragraph should be devoted to one argument

Argument 1: Woman’s body – women’s rules. + example: basic human rights.

Argument 2: Banning abortion will only lead to more women’s death. + example: cases of Polish women.

Argument 3: Only women should decide on abortion. + example: many abortion laws are made by male politicians who lack knowledge and first-hand experience in pregnancies.

Conclusion – restated thesis statement + generalized conclusive statements + cliffhanger

Restated thesis: The abortion ban makes pregnancy terminations unsafe without decreasing the number of abortions, making it dangerous for women.

Cliffhanger: After all, who are we to decide a woman’s fate?

Topic: Why should abortion be banned?

Essay hook: Each year, over 40 million new babies are never born because their mothers decide to have an abortion.

Thesis statement: Abortions on request should be banned because we cannot decide for the baby whether it should live or die.

Argument 1: A fetus is considered a person almost as soon as it is conceived. Killing it should be regarded as murder. + example: Abortion bans in countries such as Poland, Egypt, etc.

Argument 2: Interrupting a baby’s life is morally wrong. + example: The Bible, the session of the Council of Europe on bioethics decision in 1996, etc.

Argument 3: Abortion may put the reproductive health of a woman at risk. + example: negative consequences of abortion.

Restated thesis: Women should not be allowed to have abortions without serious reason because a baby’s life is as priceless as their own.

Cliffhanger: Why is killing an adult considered a crime while killing an unborn baby is not?

Argumentative essay on pros and cons of abortion

Examples of Essays on Abortion

There are many great abortion essays examples on the Web. You can easily find an argumentative essay on abortion in pdf and save it as an example. Many students and scholars upload their pieces to specialized websites so that others can read them and continue the discussion in their own texts.

In a free argumentative essay on abortion, you can look at the structure of the paper, choice of the arguments, depth of research, and so on. Reading scientific papers on abortion or essays of famous activists is also a good idea. Here are the works of famous authors discussing abortion.

A Defense of Abortion by Judith Jarvis Thomson

Published in 1971, this essay by an American philosopher considers the moral permissibility of abortion. It is considered the most debated and famous essay on this topic, and it’s definitely worth reading no matter what your stance is.

Abortion and Infanticide by Michael Tooley

It was written in 1972 by an American philosopher known for his work in the field of metaphysics. In this essay, the author considers whether fetuses and infants have the same rights. Even though this work is quite complex, it presents some really interesting ideas on the matter.

Some Biological Insights into Abortion by Garret Hardin

This article by American ecologist Garret Hardin, who had focused on the issue of overpopulation during his scholarly activities, presents some insights into abortion from a scientific point of view. He also touches on non-biological issues, such as moral and economic. This essay will be of great interest to those who support the pro-choice stance.

H4 Hidden in Plain View: An Overview of Abortion in Rural Illinois and Around the Globe by Heather McIlvaine-Newsad 

In this study, McIlvaine-Newsad has researched the phenomenon of abortion since prehistoric times. She also finds an obvious link between the rate of abortions and the specifics of each individual country. Overall, this scientific work published in 2014 is extremely interesting and useful for those who want to base their essay on factual information.

H4 Reproduction, Politics, and John Irving’s The Cider House Rules: Women’s Rights or “Fetal Rights”? by Helena Wahlström

In her article of 2013, Wahlström considers John Irving’s novel The Cider House Rules published in 1985 and is regarded as a revolutionary work for that time, as it acknowledges abortion mostly as a political problem. This article will be a great option for those who want to investigate the roots of the abortion debate.


FAQs On Abortion Argumentative Essay

  • Is abortion immoral?

This question is impossible to answer correctly because each person independently determines their own moral framework. One group of people will say that abortion is a woman’s right because only she has power over her body and can make decisions about it. Another group will argue that the embryo is also a person and has the right to birth and life.

In general, the attitude towards abortion is determined based on the political and religious views of each person. Religious people generally believe that abortion is immoral because it is murder, while secular people see it as a normal medical procedure. For example, in the US, the ban on abortion was introduced in red states where the vast majority have conservative views, while blue liberal states do not support this law. Overall, it’s up to a person to decide whether they consider abortion immoral based on their own values and beliefs.

  • Is abortion legal?

The answer to this question depends on the country in which you live. There are countries in which pregnancy termination is a common medical procedure and is performed at the woman's request. There are also states in which there must be a serious reason for abortion: medical, social, or economic. Finally, there are nations in which abortion is prohibited and criminalized. For example, in Jamaica, a woman can get life imprisonment for abortion, while in Kenya, a medical worker who volunteers to perform an abortion can be imprisoned for up to 14 years.

  • Is abortion safe?

In general, modern medicine has reached such a level that abortion has become a common (albeit difficult from various points of view) medical procedure. There are several types of abortion, as well as many medical devices and means that ensure the maximum safety of the pregnancy termination. Like all other medical procedures, abortion can have various consequences and complications.

Abortions – whether safe or not - exist in all countries of the world. The thing is that more than half of them are dangerous because women have them in unsuitable conditions and without professional help. Only universal access to abortion in all parts of the world can make it absolutely safe. In such a case, it will be performed only after a thorough assessment and under the control of a medical professional who can mitigate the potential risks.

  • How safe is abortion?

If we do not talk about the ethical side of the issue related to abortion, it still has some risks. In fact, any medical procedure has them to a greater or lesser extent.

The effectiveness of the safe method in a medical setting is 80-99%. An illegal abortion (for example, the one without special indications after 12 weeks) can lead to a patient’s death, and the person who performed it will be criminally liable in this case.

Doctors do not have universal advice for all pregnant women on whether it is worth making this decision or not. However, many of them still tend to believe that any contraception - even one that may have negative side effects - is better than abortion. That’s why spreading awareness on means of contraception and free access to it is vital.

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Abortion - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Abortion is a highly contentious issue with significant moral, legal, and social implications. Essays on abortion could explore the various aspects of the debate including the ethical dimensions, the legal frameworks governing abortion, and the social attitudes surrounding it. They might delve into historical changes in public opinion, the different arguments presented by pro-life and pro-choice advocates, and the impact of legal rulings on the accessibility and safety of abortion services. Discussions could also explore the intersection of abortion with issues like gender equality, religious freedom, and medical ethics. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Abortion you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.


Issue of Sex-Selective Abortion

Sex-selective abortion is the practice of ending a pregnancy due to the predicted gender of the baby. It has been occurring for centeriues in many countries many people believe that males are more valuable than females. This practice has been happening in many Asian countries but even in the US many Asians still hold strong to those beliefs. Due to these beleifs there is a huge shift in sex ratio in Asian countries. People are using the technology to determine […]

Abortion and Women’s Rights

In spite of women's activist desires, the matter of conceptive decision in the United States was not settled in 1973 by the important Supreme Court choice on account of Roe v. Wade. From the beginning there was animal-like restriction by the Catholic Church. Anyway, in the course of at least the last 20 years, the too early or soon birth discussion has changed into a definitely spellbound, meaningful debate between two differentiating societal talks that are moored to the problems […]

Women’s Rights in the United States in the 1970s

In the 1940’s-1960’s, there was a blurred distinction between clinical and sexual exams within the medical field (Wendy Kline, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry). For example, many male doctors would provide pelvic exams as a means to teach women sex instruction, and were taught to assert their power over their patients. This led to women instituting new training programs for proper examinations, creating a more gentle and greatly-respected method of examining women and their bodies. There was also an increase […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Abortion: a Woman’s Choice

Women have long been criticized in every aspect of their lives. They have even little to no choice about how to live their lives. Much like, abortion, which is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. It has been one of the most sensitive topics, society sees it as a murderous act. On, January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled on making the availability of abortion […]

Abortion: the most Debated Topic

There is no question that abortion is one of the most debated topics of the last 50 years. Women all over the United States tend to feel passionately over one side or the other, either pro-choice or anti-abortion. Not one to shy away from controversial subjects, I chose this topic to shed light on both sides of the ethical and moral decision of this important issue surrounding a termination of pregnancy. There is no question the gravity of this decision, […]

Women’s Rights to Choose

Every person in the United States is granted inalienable rights, whether it be to practice their own religion or vote, which should include autonomy over their own bodies.  A woman should have the right to choose what she does with her own body, and in 1973 that became a possibility for American women.  In 1973 Roe v. Wade made it possible for women to legally choose to terminate unwanted pregnancies within their first two trimesters.  The government finally took into […]

Don Marquis’s View on Abortion

Don Marquis begins his argument of abortion being immoral by mentioning the pro-choice premise, which was that the statement of a fetus is never a person being too narrow. It's too narrow because if the fetus is never a person, then what would be the difference of a 9-month-old fetus and a newborn baby? That would just mean that infanticide isn't considered murder because a 9-month-old fetus and newborn weren't ever considered to be a person. Marquis further mentions that […]

Effects of Abortion on Young Women

Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. It is a controversial conversation that most people avoid having.  Abortion is different than most issues in politics, because it directly impacts women, rather than men. Young women being targeted over the last forty-five years, has changed the way the public views abortion and what it does to women. A rise in physical complications, mental health problems, and the modern wave of feminism are the effects of legalized abortion […]

The Murder of Innocence

Abortion is a new generation's way of shrugging off accountability of their action at the cost of human life agreeing to the first revision to the structure that says we have the proper way to give of discourse. Me personally for one beyond any doubt that most of us would agree to the reality that ready to say and do what we need and select. For it is our choice to control of speech our conclusions. In connection, moms at […]

The History of Abortion

The history of abortion' is more complex than most people realize. There has been a lot of debate in the past few years about abortion being murder/not murder. Abortion has become illegal in most states. There are several women who believe in "pro-choice" which means they want to have a choice taking care of the baby. I, personally, believe abortion is murder. You are killing a fetus that is going to be born within months and they don't have a […]

Abortion: Go or no Go

Premature birth ends a pregnancy by killing an actual existence yet the mother isn't accused of homicide. Is this right? Shockingly, this has happened roughly twenty million times in the previous twenty years. Tragically, in South Africa, an unborn human has been slaughtered lawfully because of the nation's insufficient laws! The enemy of a honest unprotected human is a killer, accordingly, the individual merits the discipline proportional to a killer by law. Premature birth on interest just gives a mother […]

Abotion: Right or Wrong

When does a person learn right from wrong?  Is someone that knows right from wrong, different from someone who does not? These questions bring up the topic of the difference between a "Human" and a "Person". A human would be of human genetics and have a certain build. On the other hand, a human can also not be a person at certain points in the stage of life. If you can distinguish right from wrong, and are able to make […]

Let’s Talk about my Abortion Article

Why is something that requires two people, almost always considered the woman's problem? Every answer to this question is different, more aggressive in some cases, but it narrows down to basic human rights. Now you may be asking "What the hell is she talking about?" and I can assure you, we will get to that. I'd like for you to first put yourself in a situation: You're given a puppy, yet you're allergic to dogs and absolutely do not have […]

Debates on Abortion Theme

Abortion has proved to be a highly controversial topic in religion, politics, and even ethics. Its debate has caused division between factions with some supporting and others opposing its practice. This issue has also landed in the realm of philosophy where several ethicists have tried to explain why they think the method should either be supported or opposed. This essay looks at the works of Judith Thomson and Don Marquis as a representation of both sides of arguments (advocates and […]

Abortion on Teens should be Abolished

Am sure we have all heard of the girl meets boy story, where the girl falls in love with the boy despite receiving plenty of warnings and criticism from any person who has ever mattered in the girl's life. Everything is merry and life is good for the girl until one day she realizes she has missed her period and rushes to her man's home telling herself that everything will be okay. Reality checks in, hard, when the boy declines […]

The Mother and Abortion

For Gwendolyn Brooks, writing poetry that would be considered out of the ordinary and frowned upon was a common theme for her. Her widespread knowledge on subjects like race, ethnicity, gender, and even abortion placed this African American poet apart from many others. Like many poets, Brooks based many of her works on her own life experiences. Although it's unclear whether or not Brooks had an abortion herself, she creates hints and provokes strong feelings towards the issue, revealing the […]

An Issue of Women’s Reproductive Rights

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that men and women are created equal (Elizabeth Cady Stanton). In America this has been the basis of what our nation stands for. It is stated that every citizen has the right to equality that shall not be stripped away, in many cases that is not true. Whether man or women you should possess the same rights, but more often than not the women's rights are taken away. There are many instances in […]

What is Abortion

Every year, approximately 40-50 million abortions are conducted. That's about 125,000 little human beings being vacuumed, sucked out, and dissolved, everyday. That's 1 baby being aborted every 26 seconds. As of 58% of Americans think abortion should be legal.. Only 37% thinks it should be illegal in all, Or most cases. Abortion should be eliminated because it is murder, gives women mental health issues, and can cause high risks in the mother's future baby's health. There are two different types […]

The Complex Debate: Exploring Abortion Laws and their Implications

There has been a disputed discussion in history among religious, political, ethical, moral and practical grounds when it comes to the case about abortion. Abortion law forbids, allows, limits and governs the availability of abortion. Abortion laws alter to a high degree by country. For example, three countries in Latin America and two others in Europe ban the act of abortion altogether. In other countries like the United Kingdom contains the abortion act of 1967 that clarifies and prescribes abortion […]

My Beliefs on Abortion

Society today condones the killing of a life, they call it abortion, but I will try to show you why this is wrong.  Life begins at conception.  The Bible provides proof that God knew us before we were even formed.  This provides truth that what is inside a woman's body is a human life. I believe that when you decide to have an abortion, you are deciding to kill an innocent baby.  Whether you're doing it because the baby may […]

Research on Abortion Issues

The raging battle for women's rights can be found in almost every avenue of American culture. Whether it be in the workplace, in the government, in churches, or within families, females are fighting for their freedom to control their own lives. They want to work in whichever field they desire, to love whomever they want, and to make decisions for themselves. One of the biggest cases in the quarrel for feminism is the legalization of abortion. Women argue that it […]

Reasons the Constitution of Texas should be Rewritten

The constitution of Texas was written in 1876 but this constitution is not successful in this modern time. Rules and set of protocols which are written in this constitution are not valid for urban Texas these rules need to be amended. From the time of the adoption of this constitution, a total number of 653 amendments were proposed and out of these 653 a total of 474 amendments were approved by the voters and 179 were rejected. Some ?urrent political […]

Get Rid of Abortion or Not?

The world includes a huge variety of people who share different beliefs and morals, however, the Bible states that no one should judge others. One is supposed to respect another for whom they are as a person. The people in this world are beginning to divide because of the debate concerning if abortion is right, or if it is wrong. People identifying themselves to be pro-choice are in support of abortion because they believe a woman should be allowed to […]

Abortion Issues in Modern World

Premature birth alludes to the end of a pregnancy by evacuating or removing the baby or fetus from the uterus before it is prepared for birth. There are two noteworthy types of premature birth: unconstrained, which is regularly alluded to as an unsuccessful labor or the intentional fetus removal, which is frequently instigated fetus removal. The term fetus removal is normally used to allude to the prompted premature birth, and this is the premature birth, which has been loaded up […]

My Understanding of Abortion

Life has a beginning and an end and every individual knows this, as much as they may not want to know or understand it. An abortion, however, brings a thought to many people within our modern society: Is a baby alive before it is born? There are many ways to look at this but scientist have found out that there is an age of viability, where a baby is considered alive after a certain period of a woman's pregnancy. Before […]

Potential Factors that Influence Abortion

When it comes to women and unplanned pregnancies, there are alternatives other than abortions that a woman can use who and go for who isn't interested in having a child. Adoptions could be one of those alternatives; however, some women can't bear the thought of actually carrying a child. Therefore, they turn to their only option which is the abortion. For women, there are several reasons that may lead to them wanting to have an abortion. According to Stacey (2018), […]

The Status of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights

The consequences of sexual behaviour between women and men have driven a desire and determination of women to control their fertility, yet in an environment in which anti-choice legislators and organizations do not protect women's reproductive rights, there is an ongoing dispute on who decides the fate of such rights. The status of women's sexual and reproductive rights remains controversial and while there have been many attempts to gain such basic human right, the fight for reproductive freedoms remains intense. […]

Abortion and Fathers Rights

In this section I will be focusing on the fathers' situation before and after conception, and bring out arguments how he could effectively avoid becoming a parent in any way (biological, bearer of financial costs, emotional). The father after conception has no alternatives left, unlike the mother has. She is in a position that can terminate the pregnancy by opting for an abortion, or she can carry out (or at least try to) the pregnancy until the end. The father […]

Abstinence only Vs. Abortion Rates

If an individual decides to have premarital sex and becomes pregnant it is likely that they will be shamed by someone no matter what decision they make.  If they decide to keep the baby they will be shamed.  If they decided to put the baby up for adoption they will be shamed.  If they decide to get an abortion they will be shamed.  Although the United States of America was founded on the ideas of freedom of religion and the […]

Why Abortion should be Illegal

Abortion is an issue in today’s society, people that agree or disagree about taking an innocent life away. Even though women now have the legal right to decide what to do with their bodies and to decide whether to end a baby’s life, there are options other than abortions. Each and every life is valuable, and babies should be able to experience a future ahead of them. Abortions should be illegal. Making abortion illegal could allow children to live a […]

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why abortion is legal.

Due to the outcome of a Supreme Court hearing, abortion is completely legal. In 1973, the Supreme Court's ruling on Roe vs Wade provided people legal access to abortion across the entire country. While legal, some doctors will not perform abortions.

How Abortion Affects Economy?

Women who have access to legal abortion will have the ability to continue their education and careers. Women denied an abortion because of gestational limits are more than 80% more likely to experience bankruptcy or face eviction.

Where Abortion is Illegal?

Abortion is legal in the entire country of the US, but some states have restrictions based on gestational status, fetal fatal conditions, and even rape. Other countries around the world have different laws and some have completely outlawed abortion, including Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador.

Will Abortion Affect Health?

Women who have an abortion by a medical professional are at no risk for future pregnancies and there are no risks to overall health. Abortions do not increase any risk of breast cancer or have any effect on fertility.

Is Abortion Morally Justifiable?

This will depend on the person and their beliefs. Many women find abortion to be moral and a choice they are allowed to make in regards to their own bodies. Some religions have a strict stance on abortion and deem it immoral, regardless of the reason.

How To Write an Essay About Abortion

Introduction to the topic of abortion.

Abortion is a deeply complex and often controversial topic, encompassing a range of ethical, legal, and social issues. In your essay's introduction, it is important to define abortion and the various viewpoints and ethical considerations surrounding it. This introduction should establish the scope of your essay, whether you are focusing on the moral arguments, the legal aspects, the impact on individuals and society, or a combination of these. Your introduction should set a respectful and scholarly tone, acknowledging the sensitivity of the topic and the diverse opinions held by different groups.

Developing a Balanced Argument

The body of your essay should be dedicated to presenting a balanced and well-reasoned argument. Whether your essay is persuasive, analytical, or exploratory in nature, each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the abortion debate. This could include the ethical implications of abortion, the legal history and current laws regarding abortion in different regions, the psychological and physical effects on individuals, or the societal impacts. It's crucial to back up your points with evidence, such as statistical data, legal texts, ethical theories, medical research, and sociological studies. Addressing counterarguments is also important to show that you have considered multiple viewpoints and to strengthen your own argument.

Exploring Ethical and Societal Implications

An essay on abortion should also delve into the ethical dilemmas and societal implications surrounding the topic. This might involve discussing the moral philosophies related to the right to life, bodily autonomy, and the definition of personhood. The societal perspective might include the impact of abortion laws on different socio-economic groups, public health considerations, and the role of education and family planning. This section of your essay should challenge readers to think critically about their own values and the role of societal norms and laws in shaping the abortion debate.

Concluding the Discussion

In your conclusion, bring together all the threads of your argument, emphasizing the complexity of the abortion debate. This is your final opportunity to reinforce your main points and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Reflect on the broader implications of the debate and the ongoing challenges in finding a consensus in such a polarized issue. You might also offer recommendations for future policy, research, or public discourse. Remember, a strong conclusion doesn't just restate what has been said; it provides closure and offers new insights, prompting readers to continue thinking about the topic long after they have finished reading your essay.

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titles for essays about abortion

159 Abortion Research Paper Topics: Creative Ideas List

159 Abortion Research Paper Topics

Abortion is a very controversial issue discussed in different panels all over the world. Because of how vast the topic of abortion is, many interesting research papers can be written about it. For many students, picking the right topic to build their abortion thesis on can seem complicated, and finding the right topic is the bedrock to writing an excellent essay. This article aims at exposing all students to interesting abortion research topics that will help them write high-quality and in-depth research papers on abortion for their university programs. Abortion is simply a medical procedure that intentionally ends a pregnancy before a fetus is born. There are a lot of opinions about abortion, with some opposing it, stating various religious or ethical reasons why it is wrong. Those who support it do that with human rights and medical backing.

What Makes a Good Abortion Thesis Paper?

The first step to writing your essay is picking the right topic, but after you do that, there is a structure to put your thoughts into writing to deliver the best quality thesis paper. This section highlights how to outline and arrange your ideas to produce a good paper at the end. Follow the below outline when writing your abortion essay.

Before Beginning the Paper

Don’t just start writing immediately, do the below pre-writing activities first

Select a Topic : As mentioned above, an essential part of writing an essay is picking the right topic. The right topic should be interesting to you and appeal to your readers. State your Argument : Now that you know the abortion topic you want to write on, what is your argument? Are you going to oppose or support the issue? Your answer will help build a research paper on the topic. Conduct a Research : without proper research, you might end up misinforming your audience. Take time out to dig deep and find evidence that backs up your research. Organize your References : Your references need to be credible. The evidence shows you have done research to back your thesis.

Writing the Paper

After completing your pre-writing exercises, it is time to write your essay properly. Use this as a guideline.

  • The Introduction : your Introduction should aim at grabbing the reader’s interest and ensuring that they are interested enough to read the rest of your paper. The opening is what starts the report. It also lets the reader know that your paper is worth reading.
  • The Body : The body is the main section of the paper. This is where you present your actual writing. Here you state each idea and back it up with evidence. Your tone, style, and grammar must be concise, making your paper interesting enough for your professor to read. Do not miss out on any detail here. You are allowed to be as descriptive as you want.
  • Conclusion : Here, you summarize the main points of your paper and highlight what you would like the reader to remember from reading your work.

Many students find writing a research paper challenging. Following the above structure will help you write a proper essay that will guarantee the best scores. Now that you know how to write a great paper, here are some good topics to help you begin. Before you get acquainted with our perfect list, remember you always have an opportunity to buy a custom research paper from our team of professional helpers. Just c ontact us with a “ do my research paper ” request and get a top grade.

 Abortion Topics for Research Paper

Abortion is a topic that has different opinions and conversations. These are some topics you can explore when writing about abortion.

  • Explore the possible side effects of abortion.
  • Medical reasons for abortions.
  • Different religions and their stands on abortion.
  • Why the government should ban abortion
  • History of abortion.
  • The abortion procedure explained.
  • General misinformation about abortion.
  • What other gender-borne concerns can be connected to abortion?
  • Considering that the legislators who pass pro-life regulations are male, can abortion be considered reproductive control?
  • The Problems of Abortion in Modern Society.
  • Pro-life and Pro-choice Sides of Abortion. Who is right?
  • Is Africa ready to embrace abortion?
  • Abortion and virtue ethics.
  • Legalizing Abortion: Advantages and Justification.
  • Legalization of Abortion for Underage Girls.
  • Abortion as a Crime and the Fight Against It
  • Teenage Pregnancy, Abortion and Sex Education.
  • Abortion in Ireland: Law and Public Opinion.
  • The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in Canada.
  • Abortion: An Unsolvable Dilemma?
  • Abortion: Premeditated Murder or a Reasonable Way Out?
  • Abortion: Strengths and Limitations
  • Is the abortion rate declining? What are the factors contributing to it?
  • Abortion is legal but is it ethical?
  • The upward trend and demand for abortion in the United States.
  • What is abortion counseling, and who should provide it?

Essay Topics on Abortions

To write a proper essay on abortion, you need to look at different perspectives before deciding on your topic. Here are some essay topics that explore different perspectives of the abortion discussion.

  • Has the legalization of abortion played any part in reducing crime rates in the United States?
  • How Have Abortion Laws Changed Around the World?
  • How Has Abortion and Birth Control Affected the 20th and 21st Century?
  • Who Should Decide the Legality of Abortion?
  • Why Has Abortion Created Serious Debates and Controversies Among the Mainline?
  • Should the Right to Have an abortion lay on the woman alone?
  • Why Should Abortion Remain Legal and With Limitations?
  • Historically, what were the main reasons women of various titles abort children?
  • What were the methods used for abortion before the development of modern medicine?
  • Is the history of abortion relevant to the contemporary debate? Why or why not?
  • Understanding the risks of teenage abortion.
  • Is Self-Defense Abortion Permissible?
  • Should women have the right to abortion if serious handicaps are detected in their children?
  • Third-trimester abortions: Are they ever morally permissible?
  • Is it immoral to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her will?
  • Who can teenagers talk to if they want to get an abortion?
  • Some medical effects of abortion on the woman’s body.
  • How lack of resources affects the occurrences of unsafe abortions in developing countries.
  • Is a woman who has had an abortion considered a mother?
  • Republican and Democratic views on abortion.
  • The roles religion plays in the social discussion and perception of abortion.
  • Is abortion about women’s health, or is it a choice of convenience?
  • What does early and late abortion mean?
  • Who has more rights when it concerns abortion, and why?
  • Should health insurance cover abortions?
  • Abortion and how it affects adoptions.
  • Why do teenagers need consent from a parent before having an abortion?
  • In cases of incest, is abortion morally right?
  • Abortion is always wrong. Explain
  • How do we reduce the rate of abortion in the United States while keeping abortion safe and accessible to all women?
  • What are the rights of a fetus?
  • The effects of repeated abortions on future pregnancies.
  • Abortion rights and patriarchy.
  • The perception of abortion in different cultures.
  • Why do the abortion policies differ per state in the United States?

Abortion Argumentative Topics

Everyone has a different view about abortion, which sometimes leads to intelligent arguments. Some topics that can present your points argumentatively include:

  • Moral and ethical arguments concerning abortion.
  • Abortion laws and how it contradicts women’s fundamental human rights.
  • What are the pros and cons of having an abortion?
  • Under what circumstances should abortion be considered?
  • The abortion and mental health controversy.
  • Abortion in older women. Is it safe?
  • The rights of a father in the abortion decision.
  • Christianity and abortion.
  • Who should have the final say on abortion? The woman, the hospital, or the government?
  • Cultural arguments surrounding abortion.
  • Examine the generation gap in abortion support.
  • How accessible is abortion in Africa?
  • Mental health consequences of refused abortions.
  • Is abortion a mortal sin?
  • Why is there a stigma surrounding abortion?
  • Abortions due to medical mistakes, should there be legal actions?
  • Do mothers regret their actions after abortion?
  • A cross-study of abortion laws in Malawi.
  • Side effects of illegal abortions.
  • The role of parents in the minor’s decision to abort.
  • When is the best time to have an abortion?
  • Psychiatric aspects of abortion.

Abortion Research Questions

There are many complex ethical, moral, legal, and religious perspectives concerning abortion. Some interesting questions you can research include:

  • Should Abortions be legal?
  • In what countries are abortions legal?
  • How does abortion relate to mental health?
  • What issues are agreeable reasons for abortions?
  • Does rape justify abortion?
  • Will abortion affect subsequent pregnancies?
  • What are the abortion laws surrounding teenagers?
  • Why is abortion such a controversial issue?
  • What are the current laws regarding abortion?
  • What do women want from abortion services?
  • Has abortion been politicized?
  • Why is abortion still illegal in some countries?
  • Why is abortion such a controversial issue worldwide?

College Research Topics about Abortion

College students are responsible for writing clear and concise research papers built on good topics. The following are some interesting topics college students can write on.

  • The Physiological effects of having an abortion
  • Controversies surrounding abortion.
  • A critical look at the United States laws concerning abortion?
  • Common misconceptions about abortion.
  • What is incomplete abortion, and how does it affects the woman’s health?
  • Abortion amongst teenagers and adolescents.
  • Understanding induced abortion.
  • The process of legalization of abortion in Japan.
  • When is abortion denied?
  • The adverse effects of self-induced abortions.
  • Post-abortion complications as a result of visiting illegal abortion centers.
  • Childhood trauma and its connection to women seeking an abortion.
  • What is a post-abortion syndrome?
  • Understanding why some women opt for abortion.
  • Barriers to access to abortion
  • Different abortion methods, pros, and cons.
  • Do the fathers have their say in abortion?
  • Abortion laws and restrictions. A cross-examination of The United States and India.
  • Clandestine abortion and all it entails.
  • Abortion laws around the world: progress and pushbacks.
  • Abortion and how it is linked to population growth and reduction.
  • Looking at the punishment for abortion in countries where they ate illegal.
  • Is abortion immoral?
  • Should the rights of the unborn be more important than the mothers?
  • What are the medical arguments for and against abortion?
  • The evolution of abortion laws.
  • What are the changes people opposing abortion are trying to effect?
  • What changes are those supporting abortion trying to effect?
  • What are the cultural arguments for and against abortion?
  • History of the anti-abortion movement.
  • Why do various religions have different views on abortion?
  • Would a complete abortion ban be a correct solution from a religious viewpoint? Why or why not?
  • When applied to abortion, what are the different ethical notions?
  • What would be some negative consequences of an abortion ban?
  • Why is abortion considered to be a feminist issue?
  • Illegal abortions in India, and how it affects the girl child.
  • Post-abortion discussion: How to avoid a repeat case of unwanted pregnancy.

Controversial Abortion Research Paper Topics

Abortion is one of the most controversial subjects in modern society, and there are many strong feelings for or against this topic. Some controversial abortion topics you can build on include:

  • How has the rise of women’s rights affected abortion rates in The United States?
  • What is late-term abortion?
  • What is the difference between the morality and legality of abortion?
  • When is abortion the right option?
  • Why women should be able to have an abortion whenever they please.
  • Canada and China have no legal restrictions on abortion. Any woman in these countries can get an abortion whenever she pleases. Should there be any restrictions on abortion? If not, why not? If so, what should those restrictions be and why?
  • Does life begin at conception?
  • Should we consider the fetus a separate being, or is it a part of its mother?
  • What is a better option: abort an unplanned pregnancy or have the child neglected after birth?
  • Adoption as an alternative to Abortion: Discuss
  • How has legalizing abortion impacted the birth rate?
  • Discuss the abortion debate and human rights.
  • Why does the public support for legal termination of pregnancy remain high?
  • Should men be allowed to discuss the termination of pregnancy?
  • How race, poverty, and choice affect the abortion rate.
  • Abortion vs. using embryos for research and IVF: Evaluate
  • Should an aborting woman go through forced sterilization?
  • Should birth control be considered as wrong as abortions?
  • Why is it hard for some women to have an abortion even if something is wrong with a fetus?
  • Why do many married couples have abortions?
  • Is it better to have an abortion or give birth and place a baby in the orphanage?
  • Is abortion a simple operation, or is it a severe psychological trauma for women?
  • A woman’s life before and after abortion: what changes exactly?
  • Canadian Abortion Laws and Women’s Rights.
  • Debate on Abortion: Ethics and Principles.

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The success of an essay is first determined by the topic you write on. But picking the topic is not the only important factor. You are also required to write a detailed and concise essay. With all the workload of a college student, it might be tough to deliver your best when you write an essay. Sometimes, you should allow experts and professionals from different disciplines to provide thesis help and write the perfect essay. We provide custom research papers that can be delivered to you fast. Our team of writers consists of University graduates, professors, and teachers who can write essays suitable for undergraduate and Ph.D. students alike. Our research paper services are affordable, secure, and easily accessed by everyone online. 

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Abortion Essay Example

05 January, 2020

11 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Composing essays is a must during your college studies. Sometimes, you might get a topic that you aren’t fully aware of. Or, you can fail to grasp the idea of what a particular essay topic requires you to reveal in your essay. An abortion essay, for example, has become one of the very on-going issues these days. Professors believe that elaborating an essay on such a topic can help a student learn how to develop appropriate arguments and ideas, even in the most sensitive essays. If you experience any difficulty with the abortion essay writing, you just need to take a few points into account. Regardless of your title, which can be either why abortion should be supported or why abortion should be illegal essay, you can master your writing just by acknowledging several essential facts about it.

Abortion Essay

Abortion Essay: Definitions, Goals & Topics

An abortion argumentative essay reveals the arguments for or against pregnancy termination. The main peculiarity of such an essay is that one can write it from different points of view. While one may strongly feel like composing an abortion arguments essay and advancing their positioning in terms of healthcare and research, others may think of this essay in terms of psychology and sociology. Regardless of the stance, it is necessary to carry out some preliminary research and make sure you operate on both your arguments and data accurately. 

essay sample about abortion with introduction, body and conclusion

Abortion essays require the essay writer to stay tolerant and open-minded. The topic, the selection of arguments, vocabulary – all of these indicators should not offend people who are sensitive to the outlined topic. 

All in all, the ultimate goal of an argumentative essay on abortion is to present the topic and provide arguments for and against it. It is likewise essential to give an insight into the subject, reveal its current state, and include most recent findings. 

Abortion Essay Titles 

When composing a title for an abortion essay, the first critical thing to keep in mind is transparency. The title should not create confusion or offend the reader. To select a title you would like to develop in your essay, decide whether you know why abortion is wrong essay, or if you favor supporting the topic. Here are some of the topics that will be easy to elaborate on in your essay about abortion:

  • Reasons why women in underdeveloped countries are inclined to abortions
  • Potential health hazard as a consequence of abortion
  • How different countries approach abortions 
  • The reasons why calling abortion murder is inappropriate
  • Depriving a woman of the right to make an abortion is equal to depriving a woman of her freedom

Abortion Essay Structure  

As you have already learned, a classical essay comprises three parts: an introduction, several body paragraphs (3-5), and concluding remarks. The abortion essay isn’t an exception. But a structure of an abortion essay should be very specific as it contains several fundamental points that differ from other essay types. 


First, you need to define abortion as soon as you start writing an abortion essay. Even though almost everyone in the world knows what abortion is, it is essential to state its interpretation. Later, you can mention recent findings or events that fairly make an abortion a topic of heated debate. At the end of an introduction, your primary task is to demonstrate your attitude to the topic. Namely, you need to write a short thesis statement that will mention your opinion. For instance, a thesis statement can be: “Should society decide for women what to do with their lives and bodies?”. 

If you decide to support abortion in the essay, you may write the body part in the following way: 2-3 paragraphs supporting abortion + one counter-argument against abortion. Remember to provide arguments and support them, not just admit that abortion is good or bad. 


When writing a conclusion, briefly summarize everything you mentioned in the text. You should come back to the thesis you mentioned in the introduction while writing it. Don’t forget to mention your own vision and attitude to a problem. 

Best Tips For Writing Abortion Essay 

Research comes first.

First of all, explore what is already said and written on the topic of abortions. Namely, don’t just read what people say and don’t make conclusions based on what image abortion has in the media. Instead, you may refer to recent research, speeches, and scientific papers by people whose findings are objective and not based on their subjective, emotional perception. Afterward, try to figure out what your attitude on the topic of abortions is. Are you an opponent of the topic, or would you rather support it? 

Pay attention to introduction

An introduction is the most fundamental part of the whole paper. If writing an introduction seems to be too complicated, just refer to scientific papers. Find an attention-grabbing statement and feel free to use it in your paper. If possible, try to paraphrase it. 

Think of the implications

Suppose you decided to write an essay as an opponent of abortions. Think of some possible implications that termination of pregnancy may have. Also, consider the hazard of continuing an unwanted pregnancy. Doing so is essential if you want to strengthen your arguments. 

Be flexible

Since such a topic might be extremely sensitive, it is vital not to be critical. It isn’t a good idea to get emotional or, what is worse, judgemental in your paper. Demonstrate that even though you support a particular argument, you don’t exclude that the opposite argument may also hold true. 

Abortion Essay Examples  

Abortion implies a termination of pregnancy by removing the embryo from a woman’s uterus prior to its birth. Uncountable controversies and criticism have increasingly surrounded the topic of abortion. Even though most developed countries officially carry out a lot of abortions annually, this medical procedure is actively discussed in many countries. Today, a lot of people believe that pregnancies are terminated by women who are either underaged, poor, or promiscuous. A woman who terminates her pregnancy can also be mature, having kids already, married, happy, and wealthy. Women make this step due to multiple reasons. Should society take control over a female body and decide her and her kid’s fate, and does the prohibition of abortion indeed decrease the abortion rate?

Official prohibition of abortions isn’t likely to reduce the abortion rate. For example, gambling and prostitution have long ago been prohibited in many countries in the world. However, this doesn’t mean that the people don’t gamble and that particular women don’t make their living by engaging in prostitution. The same concerns abortions. Once abortions are prohibited on a state level, women will be left with nothing but a decision to find a person who will carry out an abortion illegally. Or, what is worse, women might induce a miscarriage on their own if they can’t find a specialist. While a medical abortion procedure is a safe way to terminate  pregnancy, the latter is not. The risk of terminating pregnancy elsewhere or even at home might be incompatible with life. A lot of women die because of an unsuccessful pregnancy termination, which is way worse than a safe abortion in a medical institution.  

A lot of infants in the US die during the first years, months, if not days of their life. This happens as a result of an inborn pathology. Pathology is usually diagnosed during pregnancy screenings. Since such screenings are performed at an early pregnancy phase, a woman can terminate pregnancy once such pathology is identified. The fact of the matter is that many pathologies are incompatible with life too. For each mother, watching her kid dying and knowing that she cannot help, even if she had all the money in the world, is devastating. And that’s even worse for a suffering child. This leads to the conclusion that terminating a pregnancy is the most humane decision in such a situation. 

Prohibiting abortions often equals to forcing a woman to give birth to a child she does not want. The reasons for such an unwillingness are uncountable. First, a woman might not be mature enough, she might have kids already and no money to afford this child. Besides, her pregnancy might be a mistake not because of her fault. Indeed, 2 in 1000 women in the US are raped annually. Why should a woman be judged by her decision to terminate pregnancy which is a result of a sexual assault? Even in cases when no sexual assault took place, it is still irrelevant to shame a woman and criticize her for knowing what will be better for her. It is better to terminate a pregnancy than to give life to a child who will never be loved and secure and be an unsuitable fit for a woman at the same time. 

Terminating pregnancy, on the other hand, is not just depriving an unborn child of a right to live a life he or she deserves. Regardless of the woman’s motives, she imposes risks on her health. First of all, an abortion undermines a woman’s emotional and mental health. Additionally, it might set risks for her physical health. Indeed, she might reduce her chances of getting pregnant again or increase further pregnancy complications. Besides, 7 in every 100 women face a risk of having parts of a fetus remaining in her womb. 

Overall, abortion is solely a woman’s issue. It should not have anything to do with politics, religion, and disgrace. Bringing a child to the world is the responsibility of a woman who has enough grounds for making an appropriate decision. Although terminating a pregnancy might bring severe health risks, it erases the problems that might be even more severe, such as watching a child suffer and not being able  to give them a childhood they deserve. 

Write an Abortion Essay with HandmadeWriting 

Composing an abortion essay might sometimes be a challenging assignment. However, this topic is vast and extensively discussed. The latter allows you to refer to multiple ideas and get access to a multitude of insights to generate your own understanding of a topic. But if you find it problematic to compose an abortion essay – you can get it done with HandmadeWriting . Even if you merely lack inspiration, we will take care of your paper. Just hand in your paper instructions and enjoy your spare time while our writers are crafting your essay. Getting a paper done in such short time frames has never been easier.

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Persuasive Essay Guide

Persuasive Essay About Abortion

Caleb S.

How To Write A Persuasive Essay On Abortion

10 min read

Persuasive Essay About Abortion

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Are you about to write a persuasive essay on abortion but wondering how to begin?

Writing an effective persuasive essay on the topic of abortion can be a difficult task for many students. 

It is important to understand both sides of the issue and form an argument based on facts and logical reasoning. This requires research and understanding, which takes time and effort.

In this blog, we will provide you with some easy steps to craft a persuasive essay about abortion that is compelling and convincing. Moreover, we have included some example essays and interesting facts to read and get inspired by. 

So let's start!

Arrow Down

  • 1. How To Write a Persuasive Essay About Abortion?
  • 2. Persuasive Essay About Abortion Examples
  • 3. Examples of Argumentative Essay About Abortion
  • 4. Persuasive Topics about Abortion 
  • 5. Facts About Abortion You Need to Know

How To Write a Persuasive Essay About Abortion?

Abortion is a controversial topic, with people having differing points of view and opinions on the matter. There are those who oppose abortion, while some people endorse pro-choice arguments. 

It is also an emotionally charged subject, so you need to be extra careful when crafting your persuasive essay.

Before you start writing your persuasive essay, you need to understand the following steps.

Step 1: Choose Your Position

The first step to writing a persuasive essay on abortion is to decide your position. Do you support the practice or are you against it? You need to make sure that you have a clear opinion before you begin writing. 

Once you have decided, research and find evidence that supports your position. This will help strengthen your argument. 

Check out the video below to get more insights into this topic:

Step 2: Choose Your Audience

The next step is to decide who your audience will be. Will you write for pro-life or pro-choice individuals? Or both? 

Knowing who you are writing for will guide your writing and help you include the most relevant facts and information. Additionally, understanding your audience will help you craft a focused thesis statement that clearly addresses their concerns and perspectives.

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Step 3: Make an Outline & Define Argument

Now that you have chosen your position and identified your audience, it’s time to craft your argument. Start by clearly defining your stance on the issue and outlining the reasons behind your belief. Use evidence to support each of your claims, such as facts, statistics, or expert opinions.

To organize your thoughts, create a persuasive essay outline that maps out the structure of your essay. 

For instance, your persuasive essay on abortion outline might include:

  • Introduction: Present the topic and state your thesis.
  • Body Paragraph 1: Explain your first supporting argument and provide evidence.
  • Body Paragraph 2: Discuss your second supporting argument with additional evidence.
  • Body Paragraph 3: Address opposing arguments and provide counterarguments to refute them.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate why your position is valid.

By outlining your essay, you ensure that your argument is logical and well-structured, making your essay more balanced and convincing.

Step 4: Format Your Essay

Once you have the argument ready, it is time to craft your persuasive essay. Follow a standard format for the essay , with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. 

Make sure that each paragraph is organized and flows smoothly. Use clear and concise language, getting straight to the point.

Step 5: Proofread and Edit

The last step in writing your persuasive essay is to make sure that you proofread and edit it carefully. Look for spelling, grammar, punctuation, or factual errors and correct them. This will help make your essay more professional and convincing.

These are the steps you need to follow when writing a persuasive essay on abortion. It is a good idea to read some examples before you start so you can know how they should be written.

Continue reading to find helpful examples.

Persuasive Essay About Abortion Examples

To help you get started, here are some example persuasive essays on abortion that may be useful for your own paper.

Abortion laws are a contentious issue, and persuasive arguments often revolve around the balance between individual rights and moral considerations. Advocates for more permissive abortion laws argue that these laws are essential for safeguarding women’s health and personal autonomy. Access to safe and legal abortion services allows individuals to make critical decisions about their own bodies and futures. Restrictive laws can lead to unsafe, unregulated procedures, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities and exacerbating health disparities.

Moreover, persuasive arguments against overly restrictive abortion laws emphasize that personal circumstances vary widely. Women facing unplanned pregnancies may encounter complex situations, including health risks or severe financial hardship. In such cases, the ability to choose abortion can be crucial for their well-being and that of their families.

Opponents of restrictive laws often argue that decisions about abortion should be made by individuals in consultation with their healthcare providers, rather than by lawmakers who may not fully understand the personal or medical intricacies involved.

In conclusion, persuasive arguments for more flexible abortion laws highlight the importance of personal choice and access to safe medical procedures, advocating for a legal framework that respects individual rights and promotes public health.

Here is another short persuasive essay about abortion:

Abortion remains one of the most polarizing issues in contemporary discourse, and a persuasive argument against it often centers on the moral and ethical considerations surrounding the sanctity of life. Opponents of abortion argue that life begins at conception and that every embryo or fetus has an inherent right to life. This perspective asserts that terminating a pregnancy is a profound moral wrong, akin to ending a human life.

From a moral standpoint, many believe that the potential for human life deserves protection regardless of the circumstances surrounding conception. They argue that adoption presents a viable alternative for those who cannot or choose not to raise a child, ensuring that the unborn have the opportunity to live and contribute to society.

Additionally, some argue that the availability of abortion can lead to a devaluation of human life in general. They contend that societies should focus on strengthening support systems for pregnant individuals, such as improved access to prenatal care and financial assistance, rather than offering abortion as an option.

In conclusion, the argument against abortion emphasizes the ethical obligation to protect potential life and advocate for alternatives that respect both the unborn and the needs of individuals facing unplanned pregnancies.

Persuasive Essay About No To Abortion

Persuasive Speech on Abortion

Legal Abortion Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essay About Abortion in the Philippines

Persuasive Essay about legalizing abortion

You can also read m ore persuasive essay examples to imp rove your persuasive skills.

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Abortion

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents both sides of an argument. These essays rely heavily on logic and evidence.

Here are some examples of short argumentative essays with an introduction, body, and conclusion that you can use as a reference in writing your own argumentative essay. 

The debate over whether abortion should be made illegal is a deeply divisive issue, marked by moral, ethical, and legal considerations. On one hand, proponents of making abortion illegal argue that it is a moral and ethical wrong, asserting that the fetus has a right to life from conception. They contend that every potential life should be protected, and that alternatives such as adoption provide viable options for those facing unwanted pregnancies.

Conversely, those opposed to making abortion illegal argue that such a move would infringe on personal autonomy and reproductive rights. They believe that individuals should have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies, including whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy. Making abortion illegal could lead to unsafe, unregulated procedures, disproportionately affecting low-income women and those without access to safe medical care. Historical evidence suggests that criminalizing abortion does not eliminate it but drives it underground, where it becomes much riskier.

Ultimately, the debate centers on balancing ethical considerations with personal rights. While the protection of potential life is important, ensuring safe, legal access to abortion respects individual autonomy and public health.

Let’s take a look at another short example:

Legalizing abortion remains one of the most contentious issues in modern society, with passionate arguments on both sides. Advocates for legalizing abortion assert that it is a fundamental right for individuals to have control over their own bodies. They argue that access to safe and legal abortion services is essential for protecting women’s health and autonomy. By legalizing abortion, individuals can make informed decisions based on their personal circumstances, including financial stability, health risks, and life goals.

Additionally, legalizing abortion helps prevent unsafe, illegal procedures that can lead to severe health complications or even death. Historical data indicates that restrictive abortion laws do not eliminate abortions but drive them underground, where they become significantly more dangerous.

On the other hand, opponents of legalization often argue that abortion ends a potential life and is therefore morally wrong. They advocate for alternatives such as adoption and assert that society has a responsibility to protect the unborn.

However, the ethical and moral arguments must be balanced with practical considerations. Legalizing abortion ensures that individuals can access safe, regulated medical care and make personal decisions without facing undue risks. It respects the autonomy of individuals while also considering their health and well-being, making it a crucial component of a just and equitable society.

Here are some PDF examples that you can download and read for free!

Abortion Persuasive Essay Introduction

Argumentative Essay About Abortion Conclusion

Argumentative Essay About Abortion Pdf

Argumentative Essay About Abortion in the Philippines

Argumentative Essay About Abortion - Introduction

Persuasive Topics about Abortion 

If you are looking for some topics to write your persuasive essay on abortion, here are some examples:

  • Should abortion be legal in the United States?
  • Is it ethical to perform abortions, considering its pros and cons?
  • What should be done to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions?
  • Is there a connection between abortion and psychological trauma?
  • What are the ethical implications of abortion on demand?
  • How has the debate over abortion changed over time?
  • Should there be legal restrictions on late-term abortions?
  • Does gender play a role in how people view abortion rights?
  • Is it possible to reduce poverty and unwanted pregnancies through better sex education?
  • How is the anti-abortion point of view affected by religious beliefs and values? 

These are just some of the potential topics that you can use for your persuasive essay on abortion. Think carefully about the topic you want to write about and make sure it is something that interests you. 

Check out m ore persuasive essay topics that will help you explore other things that you can write about!

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Facts About Abortion You Need to Know

Here are some facts about abortion that will help you formulate better arguments.

  • According to the Guttmacher Institute , 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion.
  • The majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester.
  • Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures, with less than a 0.5% risk of major complications.
  • In the United States, 14 states have laws that restrict or ban abortion of most forms after 20 weeks gestation.
  • Seven out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • In places where abortion is highly illegal, more women die during childbirth and due to complications resulting from pregnancy.
  • A majority of pregnant women who opt for abortions do so for financial and social reasons.
  • According to estimates, 56 million abortions occur annually.

In conclusion, these are some of the examples, steps, and topics that you can use to write a persuasive essay. Make sure to do your research thoroughly and back up your arguments with evidence. This will make your essay more professional and convincing. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to start a persuasive essay about abortion.

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To start a persuasive essay about abortion, begin with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention and clearly presents the topic. Provide some background information on the issue and state your thesis statement, which should outline your position on the matter. Ensure your introduction sets up the argument you will be making throughout the essay.

What is a good argument for abortion?

A good argument for abortion could be that it is a woman’s choice to choose whether or not to have an abortion. It is also important to consider the potential risks of carrying a pregnancy to term.

What is a good hook for an essay about abortion?

A good hook for an essay might involve a thought-provoking question, a startling statistic, or a powerful quote. For example:

  • "Did you know that nearly one in four women will have an abortion by age 45? This staggering statistic highlights the urgency of the abortion debate."
  • "‘The right to choose is fundamental,’ argues many pro-choice advocates. But how does this stand against the moral objections of pro-life supporters?"

What is a persuasive speech about legalizing abortion?

A persuasive speech about legalizing abortion argues for the importance of granting individuals the right to make autonomous decisions regarding their reproductive health. It emphasizes that legalizing abortion ensures safe, regulated medical procedures, protects women's health, and supports personal autonomy. The speech often highlights the risks associated with illegal abortions, the need for access to healthcare, and the ethical consideration of allowing individuals to choose based on their unique circumstances.

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  • Abortion Research

Start Learning About Your Topic

Create research questions to focus your topic, featured current news, find articles in library databases, find web resources, find books in the library catalog, cite your sources, key search words.

Use the words below to search for useful information in books and articles .

  • birth control
  • pro-choice movement
  • pro-life movement
  • reproductive rights
  • Roe v. Wade
  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (Dobbs v. Jackson)

Background Reading:

It's important to begin your research learning something about your subject; in fact, you won't be able to create a focused, manageable thesis unless you already know something about your topic.

This step is important so that you will:

  • Begin building your core knowledge about your topic
  • Be able to put your topic in context
  • Create research questions that drive your search for information
  • Create a list of search terms that will help you find relevant information
  • Know if the information you’re finding is relevant and useful

If you're working from off campus , you'll be prompted to sign in if you aren't already logged in to your MJC email or Canvas. If you are prompted to sign in, use the same credentials you use for email and Canvas. 

Most current background reading 

  • Issues and Controversies: Should Women in the United States Have Access to Abortion? June 2022 article (written after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade) that explores both sides of the abortion debate.
  • Access World News: Abortion The most recent news and opinion on abortion from US newspapers.

More sources for background information

  • CQ Researcher Online This link opens in a new window Original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Check the dates of results to be sure they are sufficiently current.
  • Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window Authoritative background reading from specialized encyclopedias (a year or more old, so not good for the latest developments).
  • Gale In Context: Global Issues This link opens in a new window Best database for exploring the topic from a global point of view.

Choose the questions below that you find most interesting or appropriate for your assignment.

  • Why is abortion such a controversial issue?
  • What are the medical arguments for and against abortion?
  • What are the religious arguments for and against abortion?
  • What are the political arguments for and against abortion?
  • What are the cultural arguments for and against abortion?
  • What is the history of laws concerning abortion?
  • What are the current laws about abortion?
  • How are those who oppose access to abortion trying to affect change?
  • How are those who support access to abortion trying to affect change?
  • Based on what I have learned from my research, what do I think about the issue of abortion?
  • State-by-State Abortion Laws Updated regularly by the Guttmacher Institute
  • What the Data Says About Abortion in the U.S. From the Pew Research Center in June 2022, a look at the most recent available data about abortion from sources other than public opinion surveys.

Latest News on Abortion from Google News

All of these resources are free for MJC students, faculty, & staff.

  • Gale Databases This link opens in a new window Search over 35 databases simultaneously that cover almost any topic you need to research at MJC. Gale databases include articles previously published in journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and other media outlets.
  • EBSCOhost Databases This link opens in a new window Search 22 databases simultaneously that cover almost any topic you need to research at MJC. EBSCO databases include articles previously published in journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and other media outlets.
  • Facts on File Databases This link opens in a new window Facts on File databases include: Issues & Controversies , Issues & Controversies in History , Today's Science , and World News Digest .
  • MEDLINE Complete This link opens in a new window This database provides access to top-tier biomedical and health journals, making it an essential resource for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health, and health policy development.
  • Access World News This link opens in a new window Search the full-text of editions of record for local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of key international sources. This is your source for The Modesto Bee from January 1989 to the present. Also includes in-depth special reports and hot topics from around the country. To access The Modesto Bee , limit your search to that publication. more... less... Watch this short video to learn how to find The Modesto Bee .

Browse Featured Web Sites:

  • American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists Medical information and anti-abortion rights advocacy.
  • American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Use the key term "abortion" in the search box on this site for links to reports and statistics.
  • Guttmacher Institute Statistics and policy papers with a world-wide focus from a "research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide."
  • NARAL Pro-Choice America This group advocates for pro-abortion rights legislation. Current information abortion laws in the U.S.
  • National Right to Life Committee This group advocates for anti-abortion rights legislation in the U.S.

Why Use Books:

Use books to read broad overviews and detailed discussions of your topic. You can also use books to find  primary sources , which are often published together in collections.  

Where Do I Find Books?

You'll use the library catalog to search for books, ebooks, articles, and more.  

What if MJC Doesn't Have What I Need?

If you need materials (books, articles, recordings, videos, etc.) that you cannot find in the library catalog , use our  interlibrary loan service .

Your instructor should tell you which citation style they want you to use. Click on the appropriate link below to learn how to format your paper and cite your sources according to a particular style.

  • Chicago Style
  • ASA & Other Citation Styles
  • Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024 1:28 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.mjc.edu/abortion

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 and CC BY-NC 4.0 Licenses .

Abortion Research Paper: Example, Outline, & Topics

The long-standing debate surrounding abortion has many opponents and advocates. Groups known as Pro-Choice and Pro-Life argue which approach is better, with no easy solution in sight. This ethical complexity is what makes abortion a popular topic for argumentative writing. As a student, you need to tackle it appropriately.

The picture shows statistics regarding the legal status of abortion.

If this task sounds daunting, read this guide by our custom-writing experts to get excellent writing tips on handling this assignment. You will also find here:

  • abortion topics and prompts,
  • a research paper outline,
  • a free essay sample.
  • 🤔 Why Is Abortion a Good Topic?
  • ☑️ Research Paper Prompts
  • 👨‍⚕️ Abortion Research Questions
  • 📚 Research Topics
  • 🔬 Before You Start
  • ✍️ Step-by-Step Writing Guide

📋 Abortion Research Paper Example

🔍 references, 🤔 why is abortion a good research topic.

Abortion studies are a vast area of research and analysis. It touches upon numerous domains of life, such as politics, medicine, religion, ethics, and human rights perspectives.

Like gun control or euthanasia, the abortion debate offers no evident answers to what kind of regulation is preferable. According to a recent survey, 61% of US adults are in favor of abortion , while 37% think it should be illegal. The arguments from both sides make sense, and there is no “yes-no” solution.

All this makes investigating the abortion debate a valuable exercise to hone your critical analysis skills. It will teach you to back up your claims with sound evidence while giving credit to counterarguments. Besides, expanding the body of abortion research is beneficial for the American community and women’s rights.

☑️ Abortion Research Paper Prompts

The first step to writing a successful paper is choosing an appropriate topic. Abortion is surrounded by numerous legal, medical, ethical, and social debates. That’s why the choice of ideas is virtually endless.

Don’t know where to start? Check out the prompts and creative titles below.

Should Abortion Be Legal: Research Paper Prompt 

You can approach this question from several perspectives. For example, propose a new legal framework for regulating eligibility for abortion. Some states allow the procedure under certain circumstances, such as a threat to a woman’s health. Should it be made legal in less extreme situations, too?

Anti-Abortion Research Paper Prompt

The legal status of abortions is still disputed in many countries. The procedure’s most ardent opponents are Catholic religious groups. In an anti-abortion paper, you may list ethical or faith-based claims. Focus on the right-to-life arguments and give scientific evidence regarding embryo’s rights.

Abortion and Embryonic Stem Cell Research Prompt   

Stem cell research is a dubious issue that faces strong opposition from ethical and religious activists. Here are some great ideas for an essay on this topic:

  • Start by explaining what stem cells are.
  • Outline the arguments for and against their use in research.
  • Link this discussion to the status of abortion.

Abortion Law Research Paper Prompt

If you get an abortion-related assignment in your Legal Studies class, it’s better to take a legislative approach to this issue. Here’s what you can do:

  • Study the evolution of abortion laws in the US or other countries.
  • Pinpoint legal gaps.
  • Focus on the laws’ strengths and weaknesses.

Abortion Breast Cancer Research Prompt

Increasing research evidence shows the link between abortion and breast cancer development . Find scholarly articles proving or refuting this idea and formulate a strong argument on this subject. Argue it with credible external evidence.

Abortion Ethics Research Paper Prompt 

Here, you can focus on the significance of the discussion’s ethical dimension. People who are against abortion often cite the ethics of killing an embryo. You can discuss this issue by quoting famous thinkers and the latest medical research. Be sure to support your argument with sound evidence.

👨‍⚕️ Questions about Abortion for Research Paper

  • How does technology reframe the abortion debate?
  • Is there new ethics of abortion in the 21 st century?
  • How did the abortion debate progress before the Roe v. Wade decision?  
  • How is the abortion debate currently being shaped on social media? 
  • How do abortion rights advocates conceptualize the meaning of life?  
  • Can the abortion debate be called a culture war?
  • What are women’s constitutional abortion rights?
  • How does abortion reshape the concept of a person?
  • How does the abortion debate fit in the post-Socialist transition framework of the European community?  
  • Where does the abortion debate stand in the politics of sexuality?  

📚 Abortion Topics for Research Paper

  • The changing legal rhetoric of abortion in the US.
  • Constructing abortion as a legal problem.
  • Regendering of the US’ abortion problem.
  • Evolution of public attitudes to abortion in the US.
  • Choice vs. coercion in the abortion debate.
  • Abortion and sin in Catholicism.
  • Artificial wombs as an innovative solution to the abortion debate.
  • Religious belief vs. reason in the abortion debate.
  • Introduction of pregnant women’s perspectives into the abortion debate: dealing with fetal abnormalities.
  • The role of ultrasound images in the evolution of women’s abortion intentions.

🔬 Research Papers on Abortions: Before You Start

Before discussing how to write an abortion paper, let’s focus on the pre-writing steps necessary for a stellar work. Here are the main points to consider.

The picture explains the difference between qualitative and quantitative research design.

Abortion Research Design 

Before you start exploring your topic, you need to choose between a qualitative and quantitative research design:

💬 Qualitative studies focus on words and present the attitudes and subjective meanings assigned to the concept of abortion by respondents.

🧪 Quantitative studies , in turn, focus on numbers and statistics. They analyze objective evidence and avoid subjective interpretations.  

Pick a research design based on your research skills and the data you’re planning to analyze:

  • If you plan to gain insight into people’s opinions, attitudes, and life experiences related to abortion, it’s better to go for an interview and qualitative analysis.
  • If you have a survey and want to focus on descriptive statistics, it’s better to stick to quantitative methods .

Abortion Research Paper Outline Format

Next, it’s time to choose the format of your paper’s outline. As a rule, students use one of the 3 approaches:

Format Example

It’s a high-school standard format for outlining. It uses Roman numerals as the higher-order classification. Next come the capital letters A-Z, and Arabic numbers mark the third level. 

I. Background

II. Moral arguments

A. Fetus’s personhood

1. Opponents

2. Proponents 

While the alphanumeric outline may use keywords and phrases, this format contains only complete sentences to describe the essay’s contents. This approach saves time during the writing phase, as the ideas from the outline can serve as topic sentences.   

I. Abortion is a morally complex issue.

II. We need to evaluate moral arguments from both sides.

A. The first moral issue is the personhood of a fetus.

1. Proponents argue the fetus is no more than a collection of cells.

2. Opponents of abortion try to assign personhood as soon as possible. 

This outline type uses decimals for classification order. If you use it, your first main point will be marked as 1, with its subheadings marked as 1.1, 1.2, and so on. Lower-rank subheadings can be marked as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3.  

1. Background

2. Moral arguments

2.1 Fetus’s personhood

2.1.1 Opponents

2.1.2 Proponents  

You can learn more about these formats from our article on how to write an outline .

Choosing Headings & Subheadings

A strong title can save your paper, while a poor one can immediately kill the readers’ interest. That’s why we recommend you not to underestimate the importance of formulating an attention-grabbing, exciting heading for your text.

Here are our best tips to make your title and subheadings effective:

  • A good title needs to be brief. It’s up to 5 words, as a rule. Subheadings can be longer, as they give a more extended explanation of the content.
  • Don’t be redundant. Make sure the subheadings are not duplicating each other.
  • Mind the format. For instance, if your paper is in the APA format, you need to use proper font size and indentation. No numbering of headings and subheadings is necessary as in the outline. Ensure the reader understands the hierarchy with the help of heading level distinctions.

Components of an Effective Outline

According to academic writing conventions, a good outline should follow 4 essential principles:

  • Parallelism . All components of your outline need to have a similar grammatical structure. For example, if you choose infinitives to denote actions, stick to them and don’t mix them with nouns and gerunds.
  • Coordination . Divide your work into chunks with equal importance. This way, you will allocate as much weight to one point as to all the others. Your outline’s sections of similar hierarchy should have equal significance.
  • Subordination . The subheadings contained within one heading of a higher order should all be connected to the paper’s title.
  • Division . The minimum number of subheadings in each outline heading should be 2. If you have only one point under a heading, it’s worth adding another one.

Use this list of principles as a cheat sheet while creating your outline, and you’re sure to end up with well-organized and structured research!

Abortion Research Paper Outline Example

To recap and illustrate everything we’ve just discussed, let’s have a look at this sample abortion outline. We’ve made it in the decimal format following all effective outlining principles—check it out!

  • History of abortion laws in the USA.
  • Problem: recent legal changes challenge Roe vs. Wade .
  • Thesis statement: the right to abortion should be preserved as a constitutional right
  • The fundamental human right to decide what to do with their body.
  • Legal abortions are safer.
  • Fetuses don’t feel pain at the early stages of development.
  • Abortion is murder.
  • Fetuses are unborn people who feel pain at later stages.
  • Abortion causes lifelong psychological trauma for the woman.
  • Roe vs. Wade is a pro-choice case.
  • The constitutional right to privacy and bodily integrity.
  • Conclusion.

✍️ Abortion Research Paper: How to Write

Now, let’s proceed to write the paper itself. We will cover all the steps, starting with introduction writing rules and ending with the body and conclusion essentials.

Abortion Introduction: Research Paper Tips  

When you begin writing an abortion paper, it’s vital to introduce the reader to the debate and key terminology. Start by describing a broader issue and steadily narrow the argument to the scope of your paper. The intro typically contains the key figures or facts that would show your topic’s significance.

For example, suppose you plan to discuss the ethical side of abortion. In this case, it’s better to structure the paper like this:

  • Start by outlining the issue of abortion as a whole.
  • Introduce the arguments of pro-choice advocates, saying that this side of the debate focuses on the woman’s right to remove the fetus from her body or leave it.
  • Cite the latest research evidence about fetuses as living organisms, proceeding to debate abortion ethics.
  • End your introduction with a concise thesis statement .

The picture shows parts of an introduction in an abortion research paper.

Thesis on Abortion for a Research Paper

The final part of your introduction is a thesis—a single claim that formulates your paper’s main idea. Experienced readers and college professors often focus on the thesis statement’s quality to decide whether the text is worth reading further. So, make sure you dedicate enough effort to formulate the abortion research paper thesis well!

Don’t know how to do it? These pro tips will surely help you write a great thesis:

Self-evident statements are difficult to argue, so it’s better to avoid them.
The thesis statement usually serves as the readers’ roadmap through the body of your text. That’s why it includes the arguments you will use to prove your point.
The thesis statement shouldn’t cause confusion. Instead, it’s meant to communicate your point clearly.  

Abortion Research Paper Body

Now, it’s time to proceed to the main body of your paper. It should expand on the main idea in more detail, explaining the details and weighing the evidence for and against your argument.

The secret of effective writing is to go paragraph by paragraph . Your essay’s body will have around 2-5 of them, and the quality of each one determines the value of the whole text.

Here are the 4 easy steps that can help you excel in writing the main part of your essay:

  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence. It functions as a mini-thesis statement and communicates the paragraph’s main idea.
  • Then, expand it with additional facts and evidence. It’s better to back that information with external sources, showing that it’s not your guesswork. Make sure you properly analyze the citations and show how they fit into your broader research.
  • A paragraph should end with a concise wrap-up. Write a concluding sentence restating the topic sentence or a transition linking to the next section.

Research Papers on Abortions: Conclusion

The conclusion of an abortion paper also plays a major role in the overall impression that your paper will produce. So, how do you make it interesting?

Instead of simply restating the thesis and enumerating your points, it’s better to do the following:

  • Focus on the broader implications of the issue you’ve just discussed.
  • Mention your study’s limitations and point out some directions for further research.
  • It’s also a good idea to include a call to action , which can help create a sense of urgency in the readers.

Abortion Articles for Research Paper & Other Sources

Every research paper ends with “works cited” or a reference page enumerating the sources used for the assignment. A rule of thumb is to cite credible, authoritative publications from governmental organizations and NGOs and academic articles from peer-reviewed journals. These sources will make your research more competent and professional, supporting your viewpoint with objective scientific information.

Here are some databases that can supply top-quality data to back the abortion-related claims in a research paper:

🌐 A simple-to-use, comprehensive database with peer-reviewed scholarly articles and publications.
🌐 A huge portfolio of 900+ journals covering over 1 million scientific articles.
🌐 A biomedical repository with 34+ million publications, most of which are available in open access.
🌐 A collection of reputable sources offering medical news and extensive clinical trial coverage.
🌐 A US-wide professional association of abortion providers, educating citizens on abortion issues.
🌐 A civil activist group with 4+ million members advocating the Americans’ right to reproductive freedom.
🌐 Another activist group that has been advocating for the ban of abortion since 1968. Its official website contains numerous educational resources, law compilations, and help resources for pregnant women.

Feel free to check these databases for studies related to your subject. It’s best to conduct preliminary research to see whether your topic has enough supporting evidence. Also, make sure there are plenty of new studies to back your arguments! Abortion is a fast-changing field of research, so it’s best only to use publications no more than 5 years old.

To learn more about credible research sources, check out our guide on choosing reliable websites .

We’ve taught you all you need to write a well-researched and thoughtful abortion paper. Finally, we want to give you an example of an essay on the topic “ Should Abortion Rights Be Preserved? ” Check it out to gain inspiration.

Women’s abortion rights in the US are surrounded by debate. Being legal and constitutional since the 1973 decision in , abortion has faced much legal turmoil in the past couple of years. The fight for fetus rights has been productive, culminating in the overturning of the ruling in 2022. Thus, amid the 21 -century scientific and technological advancements, women’s rights to privacy and the freedom to choose what to do with their bodies have been thrown over half a century back.
This paper argues that the right to abortion should be preserved as it allows women to have control over their bodies and prevents unwanted childbirth and child neglect.
The main problem with the pro-life debate is that it does not respect women’s role as life granters. Female bodies possess the power of giving life, but this power should be exercised at the women’s distraction, not as her social obligation or civil duty (Gibson, 2022). Following the law in deciding to leave a child or have an abortion is a non-democratic practice, giving no voice to women and making them captives of their fertility.
Another issue with anti-abortion rhetoric is that it primarily focuses on the fetus as a person at risk. However, pro-life advocates neglect the miserable life of an unwanted child that a woman gave birth to against her will. Jones et al. (2020) found that unwanted children become frequent victims of domestic violence, abuse, and neglect. Besides, abortion restrictions can worsen the socio-economic conditions of many families that cannot afford another child but have to give birth to it under the law (Mitchell, 2019). Thus, it is evident that focusing on the fetus’s life removes the quality of the future child’s life, often making the preserved life miserable.
Summing up the presented evidence, it’s important to note that the right to abortion should be preserved as women’s individual freedom to do what they want with their bodies. Laws banning abortion open a slippery path of unsafe, illegal practices that women will resort to, unwilling to sacrifice their bodies and lives for the sake of unwanted children. The new law also elevates the danger of child abandonment, abuse, and neglect. Therefore, abortion legislation should be softened to incorporate both perspectives and allow greater flexibility for women.

Now you know all the details of abortion paper writing. Use our tips to choose a topic, develop sound arguments, and impress your professor with a stellar piece on this debatable subject!

❓ Abortion Research Paper FAQs

  • First, you need to pick a debatable topic about abortion and develop a thesis statement on that subject.
  • Next, choose the arguments to support your claim and use external evidence to back them up.
  • End the paper with a concise wrap-up.
  • Begin your introduction with a catchy fact or shocking statistics on the issue of abortion.
  • Ask a rhetorical question to boost your readers’ interest.
  • Cite a famous person’s words about the pros and cons of legal abortion.

To compose a strong opening for your abortion essay, make sure to provide some background and context for further discussion. Explain why the debate about abortions is so acute and what the roots of the problem are.

There are many interesting topics related to abortion, spanning the areas of sociology, ethics, and medicine. You can focus on the progression of the abortion debate along with civil rights or discuss abortion from a feminist perspective.

You can choose between qualitative and quantitative approaches for your abortion research. Hold a survey among women and report the findings of your qualitative study in a short report. Or, you can measure factual information in numbers and conduct quantitative research.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Research Paper: Grammarly
  • Scholarly Articles on Abortion: Gale
  • Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion Worldwide: Guttmacher Institute
  • Why Abortion Should Be Legal: News 24
  • Pro and Con: Abortion: Britannica
  • Organizing Academic Research Papers: The Introduction: Sacred Heart University
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper: Steps and Examples: Research.com
  • Abortion: American Psychological Association
  • Writing a Research Paper: University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Writing a Research Paper: Purdue University
  • A Process Approach to Writing Research Papers: University of California, Berkeley
  • What Is Qualitative vs. Quantitative Study?: Grand Canyon University
  • Decimal Outlines: Texas A&M University
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  • Share to email

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Wavy Decoration

Comparison/Contrast Essays: Two Patterns


First Pattern: Block-by-Block

By Rory H. Osbrink

Abortion is an example of a very controversial issue. The two opposing viewpoints surrounding abortion are like two sides of a coin. On one side, there is the pro-choice activist and on the other is the pro-life activist.

The argument is a balanced one; for every point supporting abortion there is a counter-point condemning abortion. This essay will delineate the controversy in one type of comparison/contrast essay form: the “”Argument versus Argument,”” or, “”Block-by-Block”” format. In this style of writing, first you present all the arguments surrounding one side of the issue, then you present all the arguments surrounding the other side of the issue. You are generally not expected to reach a conclusion, but simply to present the opposing sides of the argument.

Introduction: (the thesis is underlined) Explains the argument

The Abortion Issue: Compare and Contrast Block-by-Block Format

One of the most divisive issues in America is the controversy surrounding abortion. Currently, abortion is legal in America, and many people believe that it should remain legal. These people, pro-choice activists, believe that it is the women’s right to chose whether or not to give birth. However, there are many groups who are lobbying Congress to pass laws that would make abortion illegal. These people are called the pro-life activists.

Explains pro-choice

Abortion is a choice that should be decided by each individual, argues the pro-choice activist. Abortion is not murder since the fetus is not yet fully human, therefore, it is not in defiance against God. Regardless of the reason for the abortion, it should be the woman’s choice because it is her body. While adoption is an option some women chose, many women do not want to suffer the physical and emotional trauma of pregnancy and labor only to give up a child. Therefore, laws should remain in effect that protect a woman’s right to chose.

Explains pro-life

Abortion is an abomination, argues the pro-life activist. It makes no sense for a woman to murder a human being not even born. The bible says, “”Thou shalt not kill,”” and it does not discriminate between different stages of life. A fetus is the beginning of life. Therefore, abortion is murder, and is in direct defiance of God’s will. Regardless of the mother’s life situation (many women who abort are poor, young, or drug users), the value of a human life cannot be measured. Therefore, laws should be passed to outlaw abortion. After all, there are plenty of couples who are willing to adopt an unwanted child.

If we take away the woman’s right to chose, will we begin limiting her other rights also? Or, if we keep abortion legal, are we devaluing human life? There is no easy answer to these questions. Both sides present strong, logical arguments. Though it is a very personal decision, t he fate of abortion rights will have to be left for the Supreme Court to decide.

Second Pattern: Point-by-Point

This second example is also an essay about abortion. We have used the same information and line of reasoning in this essay, however, this one will be presented in the “”Point-by-Point”” style argument. The Point-by-Point style argument presents both sides of the argument at the same time. First, you would present one point on a specific topic, then you would follow that up with the opposing point on the same topic. Again, you are generally not expected to draw any conclusions, simply to fairly present both sides of the argument.

Introduction: (the thesis is underlined)

Explains the argument

The Abortion Issue: Compare and Contrast Point-by-Point Format

Point One: Pro-life and Pro-choice

Supporters of both pro-life and pro-choice refer to religion as support for their side of the argument. Pro-life supporters claim that abortion is murder, and is therefore against God’s will. However, pro-choice defenders argue that abortion is not murder since the fetus is not yet a fully formed human. Therefore, abortion would not be a defiance against God.

Point Two: Pro-life and Pro-choice

Another main point of the argument is over the woman’s personal rights, versus the rights of the unborn child. Pro-choice activists maintain that regardless of the individual circumstances, women should have the right to chose whether or not to abort. The pregnancy and labor will affect only the woman’s body, therefore it should be the woman’s decision. Pro-life supporters, on the other hand, believe that the unborn child has the right to life, and that abortion unlawfully takes away that right.

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  • How can Roe v. Wade be overturned?
  • Should the "right of conscience" regulation apply to pharmacists?
  • Should the rights of the unborn be more important than the rights of the mother?
  • Is abortion justifiable after a rape?
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Selected web sites.

  • Official Vatican statement on Abortion in the Catechism of the Catholic Church Scroll down to 2270-2275.
  • Religious Groups' Official Positions on Abortion from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. A non-partisan group. A primary source.
  • The changing world of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights Includes statistics. An excellent Source from the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • World Contraceptive Use 2022 "The data set, World Contraceptive Use 2022, includes country-specific survey-based observations of key family planning indicators, based on survey data available as of January 2021. This new data set was used to generate Family Planning Indicators 2022 providing national, regional and global estimates and projections of family planning indicators. "
  • Pew Research Center: Abortion Excellent Polling data
  • Articles on Abortion These articles provide research links and are vetted for accuracy. more... less... The Conversation is a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good. We publish trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public and edited by our team of journalists.
  • Reproductive rights in America from an NPR special series
  • American Psychological Association Topics: Abortion Includes news and articles from this perspective. Look at the right side menus as well.
  • American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics: Opinion on Abortion Short, but authoritative - a primary source.
  • Brookings Institution Papers concerning Abortion Scroll down..."The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical recommendations."
  • CDC’s Abortion Surveillance System FAQs
  • Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: Statistics and Programs from the CDC.
  • Polling Report on Abortion and Birth Control the most up-to-date results from various good polls.
  • International Data and Statistics on Reproductive health from the Centers for Disease Control, a US government Agency. IT HAS PREVIOUS YEARS FINDINGS GOOD FOR COMPARISON AND TRENDS. more... less... Countries use data from these surveys to evaluate programs and interventions, assess reproductive health status, and develop policy. CDC’s assistance also builds capacity in the countries to conduct survey research independently."
  • A Concise History of the U.S. abortion debate. Author is a Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
  • Updating A Time-Series of Survey Questions: The Case of Abortion Attitudes in the General Social Survey Sarah K. Cowan*, Michael Hout and Stuart Perrett July 2021 a .pdf: GSS Methodological Report No. 133 NORC at the University of Chicago Chicago, IL more... less... Primary data
  • Public Opinion Views on abortion, 1995-2022 FACT SHEET: MAY 17, 2022 : Pew Research Center. A non-partisan primary source.

ATLA Religion and Ethics databases

  • Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials This link opens in a new window This religious studies database from EBSCO includes 380 full-text scholarly journals and 2,500 indexed journals. Also includes the CATHOLIC PERIODICAL & LITERATURE INDEX, which includes essay collections, church documents, papal documents, and electronic resources addressing the practice and intellectual tradition of Roman Catholicism.

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  • Philosopher's Index with Full Text This link opens in a new window This philosophy database from EBSCO contains nearly 200 full-text journals and miscellany of other publications pertaining to world philosophy.
  • APA PsycArticles This link opens in a new window This psychology database from ProQuest includes over 150 high-prestige, full-text scholarly journals. Widely considered the premier psychology database.
  • APA PsycInfo This link opens in a new window This psychology database from EBSCO indexes over 1,400 scholarly journals and contains over 8,000,000 bibliographic citations. A portion of the content is available in full-text.

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The Reasons Why Intentional Abortion Should Be Legal

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ICD-10-PCS 10A0
ICD-9-CM 779.6
Medline Plus007382
MeSH D000028
Other names Induced miscarriage, termination of pregnancy
Specialty Obstetrics and gynecology

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How to Write an Abortion Argumentative Essay?

Benjamin Oaks

Table of Contents

According to different views, the abortion essay topic is very popular to discuss in various papers on abortion. If you have to create this document, there are various methods to build it, depending on the task and your opinion. When you’re required to complete a custom essay but get no idea about how to fulfill this work properly, read our guide and get some help from real professionals!

5 Successful Abortion Essay Writing Tips

Abortion is an interesting subject that is always hotly debated in various sides of life of any country. People argue about the main advantages and disadvantages of the termination of a pregnancy. Needless to say, it is possible to view and discuss abortion from various positions.

Sometimes woman’s health condition doesn’t allow her to carry a healthy child, and the doctor could even recommend abortion. This could also happen if they discovered the fetus has some abnormalities, so without making an abortion, a woman would have a baby with mental or/and physical injuries. Sometimes, such babies wouldn’t be able to live for long.

But some religious views are totally against abortion, and they suppose only God could give and take lives. Follow our useful tips on creating a successful abortion argumentative essay.

Tip 1 – Create the Paper Structure

At the start, you should know that a paper must be well-structured to keep it solid and logical. We suggest using a 5-paragraphs structure that contains next points:

  • Introduction – it’s quite important to create a bright start to involve people in reading a whole argumentative essay on abortion. Here you should place a thesis statement of your document.
  • The main part – the most important and the biggest part of your work that should contain at least three paragraphs. Remember that each part should cover one idea.
  • Conclusion – it is the final part of your paper where you need to restate a thesis briefly and finish your work logically.

Tip 2 – Outline Your Work

Before you have started to create your paper, it’s important to outline your future abortion arguments essay. It is an important step that will keep your work well-structured. You won’t lose any important thought or idea with the prepared outline, so don’t neglect this stage if you really want to create a successful paper.

Tip 3 – Plan Your Time Wisely

Plan your time during writing, so you’d never appear in a situation when you will have to write the whole work last night. Try to plan some time for brainstorming ideas and creating an outline, some time for writing your paper, and some time for proofreading and making corrections. Only in this way your argumentative essay about abortion will look professional and interesting to read.

Tip 4 – Find Good Sources

When you create an argumentative paper, it’s quite important to find trustworthy sources to support your argument. No matter which position you take – for or against abortion, it’s not enough just to tell your opinion to readers. You need strong arguments to make a successful document that will help to persuade people.

Tip 5 – Read Abortion Essays Examples

It’s useful to find online and read successful argumentative essay on abortion examples. You can find many interesting persuasive techniques and see the structure of other authors’ documents to make your own paper. There are many free services with various types of manuscripts online, including essays on abortions.

Do’s and Don’ts of Abortion Essay Writing

As we already said before, there are many ways in argumentative abortion essay topics. Here are some examples of papers you could choose:

  • Essay against abortion – in this work, you should put a thesis statement that making abortion is a huge mistake and support this idea with strong evidence;
  • Essay on abortion – this paper proofs that some cases are really needed termination of the pregnancy;
  • Abortion argument essay – this type of work should discuss if this is right or wrong to make abortion;
  • Persuasive essay against abortion – here, an author should bring as many as possible arguments, ideas, and research to get the audience to agree with their point of view;
  • Abortion pro-choice essay – shows to the readers the ideas why, in some cases, a pregnancy terminating is really necessary.

And here are several do’s and don’ts tips that will help create your paper without wasting time:

When you’re writing a paper about abortion, you can put in the document any facts from trustworthy sources, including stories from real life. Maybe you know a woman who didn’t make an abortion and how it changed her life for the better in the future. Tell readers a bright and interesting story to persuade them.

Abortion essays are quite complex papers to create that require good skills in writing persuasive papers. We do not recommend including a long and boring introduction in this paper. Start by highlighting a problem and then go to the “action.” People like to read interesting stories from life, so give them what they want!

Abortion Essay Sample

It goes without saying, it’s quite important to protect human rights because every person can select how to live their life, and nobody else cannot intrude. But when there is too much freedom, it can lead to disorder and chaos. One of the important social issues that have been discussed by many people all over the world is abortion.

For many years, the subject of abortion keeps the first position when it’s going about different opinions. Some people act for legalization when others think it’s just impossible to let someone decide if their future child will die or not. Both sides have their arguments, but overall, abortion is a complex thing that harms both baby and mother, and it’s not just about physical things.

People who keep the position for abortions are ensured the life of the baby begins at his birth, so the unborn baby isn’t a human, so a woman can terminate her pregnancy. But is it true that life begins only at birth? If so, then a fetus would be dead when it’s inside the mother. As all people know, a fetus feels and even hears music being in the womb. So, when does life begin? Where is the line between a dead and alive child? Where is a position between termination and killing?

Understandably, any normal woman wouldn’t kill her child after birth. Everyone would say that a mother who has killed her 1-year old child is a murder and she should go to jail, but nobody thinks the same about a woman who did an abortion because she didn’t want to have a baby. The thing of destroying the baby inside the woman doesn’t look like an act of killing for many people.

Many people think abortion is a standard procedure like any other operation, but it’s not true. We make various operations to stay healthy, but it’s not about abortion. This kind of operation doesn’t bring any positive impact to the woman because it affects health badly and may cause many bad things in the future, including ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and cancer. A woman who made an abortion once gets a risk of ectopic pregnancy for 30%, and a woman who made 2-3 abortions gets about 160% probability of the same problem. For example, in America, when abortion was legalized, women get an increase in ectopic pregnancies.

Apart from this, women suffer psychologically when they make an abortion. Maybe some of them do not understand the whole importance of the problem, but it’s not normal for a healthy woman to destroy her baby, even if it’s unborn yet, even if it’s very tiny if it’s just appeared inside her and starts to grow up and develop. According to the statistics, about 28% of women who made abortions attempted suicide at least once.

A mother shouldn’t decide if to have or to kill her future baby, except for complex situations when a pregnancy can cause serious damage to the woman’s life or there are some serious problems with a fetus, and it cannot develop and grow normally.

Need Practical Abortion Argument Essay Help? Ask GradeMiners.com!

Of course, not every person has such great abilities and talent to do a successful paper. If you dream about creating the best custom abortion essay, why not order this work at a professional writing service like ours? Contact our support team, we are ready to help you 24/7 with your abortion argumentative essays. Our authors are specialized in custom against/pro-abortion essays, so we guarantee you will get a brilliant paper within the deadline!

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Abortion in the USA: The Human Rights Crisis in the Aftermath of Dobbs

August 5, 2024

abortion rights protests in front of Supreme Court

For almost 50 years, the United States Supreme Court repeatedly affirmed that the US Constitution protects the right to abortion. However, on June 24, 2022, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no federal constitutional right to abortion, leaving the question of whether and how to regulate abortion to individual states.

Two years after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the human right to abortion continues to be under attack in the United States.

Tell state legislators: pass proactive abortion legislation and reject bans and restrictions..

People of reproductive age across the country face ongoing, confusing changes to their ability to access abortion.

The Dobbs decision has resulted in a patchwork of devastating laws, with abortions now totally or nearly totally banned in 21 states across the country. This means women, girls, and others who can get pregnant are blocked from accessing abortion care.  

Amnesty International conducted research throughout 2023 and 2024 to document the impact of these bans and restrictions on the human rights of people across the United States. This report details the devastating impact of these bans and restrictions on abortion.

The impact is clear

Bans, barriers and, restrictions to abortion have created fear, confusion, and devastation; they have forced women, girls, and people who can get pregnant to delay care and threaten their health and life and, ultimately, these bans, barriers, and restrictions have forced people to give birth against their will.

The impact of bans and restrictions is not felt equally. Additional barriers exist for many communities in the United States, including Black and other people of color, Indigenous people, undocumented immigrants, transgender people, individuals living in rural areas, or those living in poverty. Socioeconomic barriers prevent many individuals from being able to travel out of state to seek abortion services. In addition, the long-term socio-economic impact of being forced to give birth will have long-term consequences

International human rights law clearly spells out that decisions about your body are yours alone.

Forcing someone to continue an unwanted pregnancy or seek out an unsafe abortion is a violation of their human rights , including the rights to privacy and bodily and reproductive autonomy.

The only way to stop this dangerous and discriminatory human rights failure and to ensure universal access to abortion in the US without the interference of politicians is through full federal protection of the right to abortion. The United States must take swift action to address this human rights crisis as, every day, people’s lives hang in the balance.

This report aims to lift up the stories of people across the country whose human rights have been violated by abortion bans and restrictions, and Amnesty International is grateful for those who shared their stories.

“I was essentially navigating my health care through random internet searches. Even doing the searches made me nervous. I was scared that the state might be tracking our internet searches somehow. The fearmongering in Texas after Dobbs had a real impact on me. The case of a Texas woman being arrested and jailed for taking medication abortion pills was fresh in my mind…I was scared to call my doctor in case there was mandatory reporting. I was not sure what the law meant. – Taylor (last name withheld), TEXAS

Read “Abortion in the USA: The Human Rights Crisis in the Aftermath of Dobbs”

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Keeping Score: Women Make History at the Olympics; Harris Picks Tim Walz for VP; States Attack Voting, Abortion and Contraception

In every issue of  Ms. , we track research on our progress in the fight for equality, catalogue can’t-miss quotes from feminist voices and keep tabs on the feminist movement’s many milestones. We’re Keeping Score online, too—in this biweekly roundup.

Lest We Forget

“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time–you won’t have to do it any more. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you. Get out–you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.” –Donald Trump at a rally in Florida
“She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black. So is she Indian or is she Black?” –Donald Trump dismissing Kamala Harris’ biracial identity at the National Association of Black Journalists conference.
“As it turns out, JD Vance doesn’t care about Americans with children or without. After viciously attacking women and families and disparaging Americans who don’t have children, Vance can’t even be bothered to show up to work today to vote on critical legislation to expand the child tax credit to help Americans with children make ends meet…He doesn’t actually care about supporting working families, he only cares about political stunts to push his extreme Project 2025 agenda with Donald Trump.” –DNC Spokesperson Aida Ross, after JD Vance skipped a vote to expand the child tax credit, despite saying Republicans are “the party of families.”
“I love my black job.”  –Olympian Simone Biles, referencing Trump’s recent assertion that “Black jobs” are being taken by undocumented immigrants.
I love my black job 🖤 https://t.co/c5wPc6xOY3 — Simone Biles (@Simone_Biles) August 2, 2024
“My vision as the next Miss Kansas is to eliminate unhealthy and abusive relationships. Matter of fact, some of you out in this audience saw me very emotional because my abuser is here today, but that’s not going to stop me from being on this Miss Kansas stage and from representing as the next Miss Kansas because I and my community deserve healthy relationships.” – Alexis Smith , boldly speaking out against abuse before she became the third Black woman crowned Miss Kansas.
“I call a late term abortion any abortion that is done after the baby is conceived, myself, in part because the term ‘late term abortion’ and some of the distinction of trimesters and all that was Roe v. Wade construct—it was made-up.” –Ed Martin, member of the RNC platform committee , bragging that the platform opposes “late term abortion, however you define that.” This deceptive wording enables Republicans to push for a national abortion ban while pretending they believe it’s a “states rights” issue.
“It is abortion supporters like Harris who deny the humanity of developing babies, just as slave owners denied the humanity of the men, women and children they owned.” –Heritage Foundation official and Project 2025 contributor Hans von Spakovsky in 2022. 
“We can’t take anything for granted. We know Nevada has always been overwhelmingly pro-choice, and there’s no reason it should not be in the Constitution.” –Lindsey Harmon, president of Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom. In November, Nevadans will vote on a ballot initiative to amend the state constitution with an explicit right to abortion.

+ Female Olympians from around the world have made headlines in Paris. In particular,

  • American swimmer Katie Ledecky became the most decorated U.S. female Olympian of all time, earning her 9th gold and 14th total medal in the 800-meter freestyle.
  • Simone Biles led the U.S. gymnastics team to gold , and by picking up golds in the all-around and vault and a silver on floor, became the the most decorated American female gymnast.
  • Brazilian gymnast Rebeca Andrade took home four medals , including an incredible gold in floor finals , and was joined by Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles on the first all-Black gymnastics podium in Olympics history.
  • Julien Alfred won gold in the women’s 100m sprint, the first ever medal for Saint Lucia .
  • Afghan sprinter Kimi Yousofi held up a note reading “Education. Sport. Our Rights” after her race, in a strong message for women’s rights.
  • Despite misinformation falsely labeling her a trans woman , and the intense transphobic online abuse that followed, Algerian boxer Imane Khelif advanced to the finals , guaranteeing herself a silver or gold medal.
  • TikTok sensation and rugby player Ilona Maher helped the U.S. team earn their first ever Olympic medal , leading to a $4 million donation to help the team prepare for the 2028 Games.
  • For the first time, there’s an equal number of women athletes at the Olympics , up from 48 percent in Tokyo and just 2.2 percent in 1900 when women competed for the first time. There are 152 women’s events, 157 men’s events, and 20 mixed events, on a balanced schedule that allows journalists to cover both men and women’s sports.

+ Vice President Harris chose progressive Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her running mate. Her campaign raised $310 million in July, more than double what Trump raised.

+ President Biden announced–and Vice President Harris endorsed –new plans to reform the Supreme Court , calling for 18-year term limits. He also proposed a binding code of conduct and better transparency when a justice receives gifts or has connections to anyone involved in the case. 

+ Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed the Birth Equity Act into law, mandating health insurances cover abortion, pregnancy and postpartum care without copays or deductibles. It also includes coverage for doulas and midwives and newborn care.

+ Iowa’s six-week abortion ban went into effect last week , combining with existing restrictions like forced ultrasounds and 24-hour waiting periods to almost completely ban access to abortion care.

Iowa’s disturbing 6-week abortion ban goes into effect today. Here in Illinois, we will welcome our Iowan neighbors for reproductive freedom and whatever care they need.  Please know – as you work to maneuver around this dangerous and unjust law – we are here for you. — JB Pritzker (@JBPritzker) July 29, 2024

+ Three Republican senators , Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.), joined Democrats in voting for the expanded child tax credit (CTC), but it failed to get the 60 votes it needed. Earlier this year, the bill received bipartisan support in the House, and would have helped an estimated 16 million children.

+ Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers took voting rights away from over 50,000 people , two days before a law expanding rights would have gone into effect. It would have eliminated a two-year waiting period after completing felony sentences. Now, the state Pardons Board has sole authority to restore voting rights, even for those who already completed their waiting period.

+ Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is expecting her third child in January, as she prepares for a reelection campaign next year. “I’ve run two citywide campaigns within a year of giving birth, and both turned out great,” she said. “It’s a juggling act, but again, one that many families across the city will recognize and know.”

+ Michigan banned the “gay panic” defense that has been used to excuse the murder or assault of queer and trans people . Only 19 states and D.C. prohibit using this defense to blame victims of hate crimes.

+ The United Automobile Workers union endorsed Kamala Harris , explaining, “We can put a billionaire back in office who stands against everything our union stands for, or we can elect Kamala Harris who will stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our war on corporate greed.”

The Kamala Harris campaign plans on focusing on abortion rights as one of its top messages. Megan Thee Stallion to the crowd at the Kamala Harris rally: “If you want to keep loving your body, you know who to vote for.” pic.twitter.com/tpx2oxUJ9Z — Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) July 30, 2024

+ The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled that the tens of thousands of signatures collected in support of an abortion amendment must be counted . The Secretary of State had attempted to disqualify the amendment for flimsy paperwork-related excuses.

+ After a successful #NakedWithoutUs campaign , Hollywood costume designers won a wage increase of over 40 percent . Now, their pay scale rates are closer to peers in other—male-dominate—creative departments.

+ A state court temporarily blocked Hawai‘i’s Midwifery Restriction law , which criminalized traditional Native Hawaiian birth practices. Student midwife Makalani Franco-Francis celebrated, saying “In a nation scarred by colonization, I can now resume my path toward becoming a midwife, preserving the wisdom gifted to us by our kūpuna [elders]. This ruling means that… we are now free to use our own community wisdom to care for one another without fear of prosecution.”

+ Massachusetts governor Maura Healey signed a gun reform bill into law that includes a ban on guns at or near polling locations during elections.

+ Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested creating “ wellness farms ” where people recovering from addictions to drugs, opioids and even antidepressants and ADHD medications can be “reparented” by growing organic food and avoiding cell phones. RFK Jr. has previously blamed 5G technology for health problems and antidepressants for school shootings.

+ Biden’s new Title IX rule has gone into effect, but is still facing legal challenges . The rule adds protections for LGBTQ students, victims of sexual harassment and pregnant and parenting students. But it’s been blocked in 26 states by conservative judges, and the Supreme Court has so far failed to intervene. 

+ JD Vance doubled down on support for Project 2025 , saying “The Heritage Foundation has some good ideas, and also has some ideas that… I think are bad ideas.” He also refused to commit to accepting the election results if he doesn’t consider them “free and fair.”

+ Vance also tripled down on his insults towards people within children , suggesting that parents should get extra votes. Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter Ella Emhoff took to instagram to defend her “Momala”:

. @VP ’s stepdaughter Ella just posted this on IG: pic.twitter.com/przdUxESkE — Marisa Kabas (@marisakabas2) July 25, 2024

+ Senators Durbin (D-Ill.), Schatz (D-Hiwaii) and Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) introduced the Child Marriage Prevention Act . The Act would incentivize states to ban child marriage, require reporting on efforts to eliminate it and close immigration loopholes allowing children to petition for spousal visas. 

+ Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) reintroduced the Bringing an End to Harassment by Enhancing Accountability and Rejecting Discrimination ( BE HEARD) in the Workplace Act . The bill would address workplace sexual harassment by ending mandatory arbitration and certain NDAs, extending the time limit to report harassment and ending the tipped minimum wage.

+ After saying abortion is about “killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down” in 2019, North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson is now running a commercial describing his wife’s abortion . Earlier this year, his campaign said he supported a six-week ban, but now Robinson is attempting to appear more moderate.

+ In New York, the board of elections voted to exclude the term “abortion” in the ballot language for an Equal Rights Amendment.

+ Missouri woman Mylissa Farmer sued the University of Kansas Health System after they violated the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) by denying her a needed abortion during a miscarriage. The suit alleges that Farmer was turned away without any treatment, and had to drive several hours while in labor to Illinois. The delay caused a preventable infection that made her unable to work for months.

+ Texas attorney general Ken Paxton sued the Biden Administration over a Title X policy that allows minors to access contraception without parental approval. Texas mothern Carmen Robles Frost joined the suit, arguing that Title X will “facilitate sexual promiscuity and premarital sex,” in a likely preview of how Republican policymakers will continue attack contraception.

How We’re Doing

+ Nearly two-thirds of companies that mandate in-person work have had a disproportionate number of women quit . Now, they’re struggling to fill those roles, and more than half of the C-suite leaders surveyed agree that losing women has tanked company productivity. In contrast, high-performing companies tend to have flexible options like hybrid work.

+ A recent study found toxic metals , including lead, in a wide variety of tampons . In response, Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to examine the findings and take action to ensure the safety of menstrual products. Murray also recently passed legislation giving the FDA the authority to regulate cosmetic products.

+ Men aged 18-29 support Harris over Trump by just two percentage points , with over 25 percent unsure or undecided. In a threeway race, young men support Trump over Harris by one point.

When young men were asked to consider political messaging, they preferred a focus on support for high-paying jobs and affordable housing, instead of the importance of electing the first female president. Just 46 percent supported abortion as a “women’s rights” issue, but 52 percent supported abortion when it was framed as a “personal liberty” issue . And 51 percent of young men believe feminism is about favoring women over men.

+ Many corporations, including Target, Bud Light and Tractor Supply, have backed away from supporting Pride and LGBTQ rights , fearing backlash from conservative customers. This year, 45 percent of Fortune 100 companies had at least one social media post related to Pride, compared to 51 percent last year. However, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis notes that more companies are beginning to commit to year-round activism and philanthropy.

+ Over four in five Americans see corporate greed as a driver of inflation , a 15 point increase since 2022.

+ More than half of women engage with political news less than they did five years ago , and two-thirds are less likely to run for office because of the toxic political environment.

However, 94 percent of women have engaged in four or more civic activities in the last two years . When they think about running for office, over 60 percent of women say bringing change to their community and pursuing issues they care about are their top motivations.

+ Three months after a six-week abortion ban went into effect, data suggests Floridians are being forced to stay pregnant . The number of telehealth patients has almost tripled, and others are traveling out of state, but so far the numbers don’t add up to the expected demand. Support for abortion rights ballot measure Amendment 4 has increased to 69 percent of Florida voters , above the 60 percent needed to pass the amendment.

+ Since the Dobbs decision, 3.4 percent of women of reproductive age have tried self-managed abortion , up from 2.4 percent. However, 75 percent of those women used ineffective methods instead of misoprostol and mifepristone.

The Olympics Achieved Full Gender Parity. It’s Time for Media to Reflect It.
While JD Vance Rails Against ‘Cat Ladies,’ GOP Policies Are Making Parents Miserable
How ‘White Dudes’ May Reshape Manhood This Election

U.S. democracy is at a dangerous inflection point—from the demise of abortion rights, to a lack of pay equity and parental leave, to skyrocketing maternal mortality, and attacks on trans health. Left unchecked, these crises will lead to wider gaps in political participation and representation. For 50 years, Ms . has been forging feminist journalism—reporting, rebelling and truth-telling from the front-lines, championing the Equal Rights Amendment, and centering the stories of those most impacted. With all that’s at stake for equality, we are redoubling our commitment for the next 50 years. In turn, we need your help, Support Ms . today with a donation—any amount that is meaningful to you . For as little as $5 each month , you’ll receive the print magazine along with our e-newsletters, action alerts, and invitations to Ms . Studios events and podcasts . We are grateful for your loyalty and ferocity .

About Katie Fleischer

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New report details Dobbs’ grim effect on Pacific Northwest health care access

Bans in other states are overburdening the system as patients flood to west coast clinics, hindering care for in-state patients..

People hold signs in favor of abortion rights as they stand on the steps of the Temple of Justice, which houses the Washington state Supreme Court, during an evening rally, Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at the Capitol in Olympia, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S.

About once a week, a patient is airlifted from Idaho to Washington for otherwise-routine miscarriage treatment. Victims of sexual assault and gender-based violence are being denied emergency contraception, even if it’s legal where they live. Health care workers of all kinds are abandoning states with abortion bans. No one is lining up to replace them, as medical students are turning down residencies that can no longer provide abortion training.

While Washington is a state that has done everything it can to keep abortion safe and legal, the changes in other states are taking a toll here.  Washingtonians are traveling to Oregon for abortion care they can’t get locally due to mounting out-of-state demand. And delayed abortions in California translate into delays all the way up the West Coast, pushing providers to a breaking point.

When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned  Roe v. Wade  in 2022, advocates worried that it would result in  delayed and substandard care  for people seeking abortions, as well as widespread misinformation about the legality of abortion, as states adopted a variety of policies.

Now, new data released this month by Democratic senators and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in an effort led by Washington’s Sen. Maria Cantwell and her staff, shows these worst-case scenarios have come to pass, with ramifications in the Northwest not just for abortion but for all kinds of health care. The chasm between states with abortion bans and those without has deepened  existing health inequities , with unforeseen consequences for the Northwest health care landscape.

“Two Years Post- Dobbs : The Nationwide Impacts of Abortion Bans,”  released July 11, draws on 80 interviews with abortion providers and advocates across the country, detailing the many ways the Supreme Court’s 2022  Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health  ruling has led to worse health outcomes for patients and legally complex situations for providers.

“At least 23 million women of reproductive age nationwide live in states with abortion bans,” said Sen. Cantwell of the findings. “That’s 23 million women who won’t have access to care if they become pregnant and need to have an abortion. Women … are in life-threatening situations and are being denied access to care.”

While the report focuses heavily on the impact in ban states, it draws one of the clearest pictures so far of how abortion bans have affected patients and providers in states like Washington that have affirmed access to abortion and have become destinations for abortion care.

“We’ve been flying out about a patient a week to Utah or Oregon or Washington, because the fetus is nonviable, or the life of the mother is at risk,” said Ed McEachern, co-chair of Idaho Physician Well-Being Action Collaborative, a physicians advocacy group.

Women traveling — or being transported — into Washington for abortion care now include patients needing care after miscarriages or for fetal anomalies, and after sexual assaults. Despite being technically eligible for abortion care in states whose abortion bans include nominal exceptions for rape and incest, the latter often opt to go out-of-state instead “because it was easier to travel than to navigate exceptions,” according to Kris Lawler, a Tampa Bay Abortion Fund board member who spoke with Senate Democrats.

The number of patients traveling for care continues to grow as more bans are enacted. In May, Florida’s six-week abortion ban went into effect. Within a week, Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette, which provides abortions in Oregon and southwest Washington, reported its first patient from Florida — one of many who began traveling to the Pacific Northwest as soon as the ban became law.

The Northwest Abortion Access Fund, which provides financial and practical support to people seeking abortions throughout the Pacific Northwest, reported that patients reaching out to them from Florida increased ninefold under the six-week ban, compared to the same timeframe in 2023.

This influx of patients has also caused delays for providers and patients who live in the Pacific Northwest and Inland Northwest. Providers at Portland’s Oregon Health and Sciences University have reported treating patients from Washington who’ve traveled to OHSU due to delays at clinics where they live.

“We are getting a lot of patients from Idaho, and even more from states like California and Washington, where there are no bans, but people are struggling to get in to be seen in a timely fashion,” said Dr. Maria Rodriguez, who was interviewed as part of the Senate Democrats’ report. OHSU’s volume of abortion patients has doubled since  Dobbs , and the hospital has seen a 20% increase in the number of abortion patients coming from Washington. Often, said Rodriguez, “[P]eople are far more likely to be in the second or third trimester due to delays, and a lot sicker.”

As has been the trend for years, much of the demand on Washington and Oregon providers is coming from Idaho, a development that pushed Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette to open a new clinic.

But the crowds at OHSU are also a result of what’s happening in California, where out-of-state demand means long wait times for abortion. Many patients facing these delays are traveling to clinics like Seattle’s Lilith Clinic, said the organization’s director of public affairs Grayson Dempsey. “California itself is experiencing such a huge surge from places like Texas and Arizona, their wait times can be three to four weeks,” she said. “For people who have the resources, it may make more sense to buy an inexpensive plane ticket to Seattle to get the care they need.”

Further complicating this is an exodus of OB/GYNs from states with abortion bans, including Idaho, which has lost 22% of its OB/GYN workforce since  Dobbs . From Texas to Boise, many doctors have moved their practices to Washington because of its laws shielding abortion providers and patients. Three were interviewed in the report, all citing legal and ethical concerns about continuing to practice in states where they were forced to let patients become extremely ill or even close to death before intervening in pregnancy complications and miscarriages.

“A mom can bleed to death from an incomplete miscarriage,” said Dr. Robyn Hitchcock, an emergency physician in Colville. “In Washington, I can complete that miscarriage and stop her bleeding. But if I am in Idaho and I do that same thing, I worry that I could go to jail for saving that person’s life.” In the past, Hitchcock would pick up shifts in a small Idaho hospital. She’s since relinquished her admitting privileges there.

Dr. Alison Haddock, president-elect of the American College of Emergency Physicians, chose to move to Washington from Texas for similar reasons. “Criminal liability is not covered by malpractice. EMTALA liability is not covered by malpractice. The bounty-hunter law that they have in Texas is not covered by malpractice. There are layers and layers of new risks for physicians that are just not worth it. At some point, it’s too much,” she said.

But as physicians like Haddock depart, it’s increasingly unlikely anyone will replace them. According to Jessica Knoll of the Idaho chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, more than half of the physicians she’s interviewed have decided to practice in Washington or Oregon rather than Idaho, citing the health care environment in the state as the reason.

Medical students and residents are avoiding abortion-hostile states. Carmen Abbe, a graduate of  Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine,  who was interviewed for “Two Years Post- Dobbs ,” had wanted to continue her education with a residency in Idaho but was told abortion training could not be promised.

“They told me: We want you to learn abortion care because we think it’s medically important. But you can’t do that in our state,” said Abbe. While the residency offered students abortion training through another institution, it required out-of-state travel and the program couldn’t guarantee its availability.

Overall, applications for OB/GYN residents have dropped nationally, especially in states with abortion bans, a dynamic OHSU’s Rodriguez said could lead to problematic knowledge gaps among providers. “The reality is that if you don’t know how to provide an abortion, you certainly can’t manage a miscarriage in an evidence-based way,” she said. “What OHSU has seen is that the residents that come here from restricted states also have very limited knowledge about long-acting and reversible contraception.”

While physician departures have been well documented, many of the developments captured in “Two Years Post- Dobbs ” extend to concerns advocates didn’t anticipate, including a pattern among some women with uncomplicated pregnancies of choosing to receive prenatal care and give birth in states with abortion protections in case of a complication. “I have had patients who have totally typical courses of pregnancy and choose to take up a second residence or live in a hotel post-viability because they are fearful of what might happen if they do have a complication,” said Jacquiline Blanco, a Seattle-based nurse.

Abortion restrictions have also had an outsized impact on survivors of gender-based violence and sexual assault. According to advocates who work along the Idaho/Washington border, some sexual-assault nurse examiners have denied patients emergency contraception, despite its legality and availability to people of all ages in Idaho. According to the report, the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence has seen an increase of at least 20% in calls from Idaho.

Dobbs’  impact on birth control and emergency contraception access has also been tracked in  a study from the University of Southern California  that shows demand for emergency contraception in Idaho increased significantly in recent years. Since  Dobbs , prescriptions filled for emergency contraception have increased by 148%, even as prescriptions for birth control fell by 19%. This aligns with reports from advocates of heightened demand for emergency contraception from Idahoans facing gender-based violence.

While the USC study findings, published in  JAMA Network Open , did not include Washington, lead author Dima M. Qato shared her findings for the state with Cascade PBS. Compared to Idaho, the contrast is stark: In Washington, emergency contraception fills went up by just 1.9% after  Dobbs .

Qato and her fellow authors posit that shifting rates of emergency contraceptive fills nationally reflect confusion about what forms of birth control and medication abortion remain legal, even in states without abortion bans. That too was a concern among advocates around the time  Dobbs  was decided.

Part of the problem, said Qato in a news release, could be due to closures of standalone clinics that had provided numerous reproductive health care services — including emergency contraception and birth control — in addition to abortion, a reflection of what states like Idaho have lost since the imposition of  Dobbs . “Because 11% of women rely on such clinics for the provision of prescriptions for contraceptives — many of which are filled at outside pharmacies — these closures may have reduced access to oral and emergency contraceptives,” she said.

She said more efforts to broaden access to birth control and emergency contraceptives were necessary, especially in states where abortion is no longer legal.

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titles for essays about abortion

Project 2025 & Abortion

Everything you need to know about trump's plan for women.

titles for essays about abortion

Chances are, you’ve heard about Project 2025. Organized by the Heritage Foundation and created by a coalition of over 100 conservative organizations, this massive document isn’t just a wishlist—it’s a road map for another Donald Trump presidency. 

The brief was written by some of the most powerful conservative thinkers and activists in the country, two-thirds of whom served under the Trump administration. Essentially, the world’s worst people got together to draft a detailed plan for creating their vision of a right-wing utopia—or dystopia.

As Vox wrote , Project 2025 isn’t “a pie-in-the-sky policy agenda full of bold but empty promises..it is crafted to be a list of things the next president’s appointees really can do.” That’s why Trump has been trying to distance himself from the document; he doesn’t want voters to see just how radical his team’s plan for America really is. 

As you might guess, that plan has a lot to say about our rights—much of it explicit, some of it more hidden. So, I thought you could use an explainer on what Project 2025 says about abortion and what it means for women more broadly.

For ease of reading, I’ve included a brief summary below, and you can skip ahead to the topics you’re most interested in:

How Project 2025… Impacts Abortion , Restricts Birth Control , Endangers Women’s Lives , Attacks Private Data , Enables Clinic Violence , Traps Women .

The full text of Project 2025 is available here .

titles for essays about abortion

Project 2025 Summary

If enacted, Project 2025 wouldn’t just ban abortion. It’s a step-by-step plan on how the government can force American women out of public life and back into the home.

In addition to repealing FDA approval for abortion medication and criminalizing the shipping of abortion pills and supplies, Project 2025 also calls for a Trump presidency to redefine emergency contraception as an ‘abortifacient” (they call it the “week after” pill), permit hospitals to deny women life-saving abortions, ban funding for groups that help women leave anti-abortion states, and allow extremists to harass clinic patients and providers without fear of consequences. 

These are mostly policies and tactics we’ve heard about before and watched take hold since Dobbs . Republicans have been open, for example, about wanting to dismantle the FACE Act, which protects abortion clinics and patients from violence and harassment. They’ve also openly targeted EMTALA, fighting for the power to deny patients life-saving abortions.

But Project 2025’s disturbing vision for American women becomes even clearer when you start to connect the less explicit dots. That’s when you see how another Trump presidency could mean the end of women’s freedom as we know it. 

Project 2025 calls for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to become the “Department for Life.” Under this new name, the government would track women’s pregnancies, including abortions, miscarriages and stillbirths; dismantle sex education; replace birth control programs with “fertility awareness” and marriage promotion programs; allow employers to refuse birth control coverage; allow healthcare providers and pharmacists to refuse to dispense medication they morally oppose; and divert child care funding into programs that push women to stay at home.

If you had any doubts about the intent of this document, consider the who’s who of Project 2025 contributors. There’s Stephen Billy, for example, from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Leaked audio from a 2022 strategy session with Tennessee lawmakers caught Billy advising Republicans on when and how to ban birth control and IVF. Another contributor, Russ Vought , was the policy director for the GOP platform writing committee and someone Students for Life once called , “Trump’s most pro-life cabinet member.” I could go on.

If all of this sounds like a lot, that’s because it is. What makes Project 2025 so insidious is that any one recommendation may not raise red flags to everyday voters. For example, calling on the federal government to “prioritize funding for home-based childcare, not universal day care,” probably won’t sound so terrible to someone who would like extra support to be able to stay home with their toddler. But when you read that language in the context of the rest of the document—which calls for the end of birth control and women’s ability to get life-saving care—a much more nefarious picture emerges.

Let’s dig into it bit by bit.

How Project 2025 Impacts Abortion

Project 2025 has a very detailed plan to end abortion in the U.S. It’s not a coincidence that they want to rename the Department of Health and Human Services the “Department for Life.” That’s how big the groups behind this document see the federal government’s role in ending women’s reproductive rights.

End of Abortion Medication: Project 2025 describes abortion medication as the “single greatest threat to unborn children in a post- Roe world,” and plans for a Trump administration FDA to reverse its approval. While that process is underway, the document wants the agency to immediately restore requirements that the medication only be used up until seven weeks of pregnancy and that it only be dispensed in-person, “to eliminate dangerous tele-abortion and abortion-by-mail distribution.”

Comstock Act: Criminalizing the mailing of abortion medication is a significant focus. Indeed, law professor Mary Ziegler told Abortion, Every Day that the Comstock Act “is the centerpiece of Project 2025.” And while the document doesn’t cite the Comstock Act by name, it refers to and links to the zombie obscenity law several times in the document, calling for the end of “mail-order abortions.”

Given that conservatives define certain kinds of birth control as abortifacients , it’s safe to assume those would be targeted as well. Comstock would even criminalize the shipping of abortion supplies —anything used in an abortion would be in danger.

Under the Radar : Project 2025 doesn’t only call for the criminalization of mailing abortion medication but also the “interstate carriage of abortion drugs.” That means they want to criminalize anyone who transports abortion pills from one state to another in any way . In their America, someone who drives abortion medication just a few miles across a border is a ‘drug trafficker.’

How Project 2025 Restricts Birth Control

Feminists have been warning about conservatives’ attacks on birth control for decades, and Project 2025 makes clear that all those fears were well-founded.

Emergency Contraception: Project 2025 redefines emergency contraception as an abortifacient, calling it the “week-after-pill.” The idea is to make emergency contraception—commonly known as the morning-after pill—seem less like birth control. This tactic is one conservatives have been laying the groundwork for over years, one we’ve covered often at Abortion, Every Day:

The GOP’s Plan to Ban Birth Control (Part I)

The GOP’s Plan to Ban Birth Control (Part I)

Conscience Laws : Project 2025 calls for the end of the Affordable Care Act’s mandatory insurance coverage for birth control. Under a Trump administration, employers could cite “religious and moral exemptions” to avoid covering workers’ contraception. Pharmacists could use similar ‘conscience’ objections while refusing to fill women’s birth control prescriptions. (I predict we’re going to see a lot more cases involving pharmacists; Alliance Defending Freedom has already started representing them in various lawsuits.)

Title X: Title X is the country’s federally funded family planning program, which provides millions of dollars to ensure people have access to low- and no-cost contraception. We already know conservatives want to gut the program—Republicans’ latest funding proposal would cut over $280 million from Title X. But Project 2025 goes even further.

The document seeks to “reframe” the program to focus on “fertility awareness and holistic family planning,” and to “provide educational information on healthy marriage and relationships.”

What’s more, Project 2025 calls for the end of “religious discrimination in grant selections” for Title X. What that means in plain English is that they want to give those millions of family planning dollars to crisis pregnancy centers and other religious groups that oppose birth control. (This is something AED has also raised the alarm about .)

Under Project 2025, people who go to federally funded clinics for affordable birth control would instead be told to go get married.

Under the Radar : Republicans have already started their attacks on birth control for teenagers, and Project 2025 gives us a disturbing hint at what might come next. In the section about abortion medication, the document warns about the “potential impacts of the hormone-blocking regimen on the developing bodies of adolescent girls.” This is an argument I suspect we’re going to see used against contraception as well. Just as conservatives claim gender-affirming care shouldn’t be given to minors, they’ll say the same about hormonal birth control.

How Project 20205 Endangers Women’s Lives

The consequences of abortion bans have been on full display since Dobbs —with women going septic, being forced into c-sections , and even dying . Disturbingly, the conservative reaction to that horror has been to insist that states should have the right to deny women life-saving abortions: Republican leaders and activists argued in front of the Supreme Court that the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)—the federal law mandating hospitals give life-saving and stabilizing care—doesn’t include abortions.

That same awful idea is echoed throughout Project 2025, making clear that these are people who would rather see women dead than abortion be legal, even in the most dire circumstances.

Project 2025 claims that EMTALA actually requires hospitals to “explicitly protect unborn children,” and that those who don’t could lose all of their federal funding and face civil penalties. Not only does conservatives’ plan allow for states to let women die, it calls for a Trump government to end any investigations “into cases of alleged refusals to perform abortions.” In other words, hospitals being investigated for refusing women life-saving care won’t be held accountable.

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Under the Radar : Project 2025 says many times over that abortion is not healthcare, and that it’s not necessary to save a person’s life. When citing maternal death rates, for example, the document insists, “this problem is not solved by abortion.” And in a section on abortion medication, Project 2025 blasts the FDA for approving the drug because it was “premised on pregnancy being an ‘illness’ and abortion being ‘therapeutically’ effective at treating this ‘illness.’”

This is both incredibly terrifying and really, really important. If you’re a regular reader, you know that the anti-abortion movement is desperate to divorce abortion from healthcare. (That’s why they’re pushing c-sections and the fake medical term ‘maternal fetal separations.’)

Just last week , I highlighted a new paper from the country’s foremost anti-abortion activists who wrote, “there is no disease, illness or condition for which an induced abortion has been determined to be a standard of care…” Project 2025 shows just how much they’re digging into this idea.

To put it plainly: Under a Trump administration, there’s no such thing as a life-saving abortion.

How Project 2025 Attacks Private Data

Data collection has become one of the fastest-growing anti-abortion strategies since Roe was overturned—from laws forcing doctors to ask women invasive questions and report their answers to the state to the fabrication of abortion ‘complication’ data . In Project 2025, conservatives’ obsession with data is clearer than ever.

Pregnancy Surveillance: The document calls for the CDC (now housed under the “Department of Life”) to create a national abortion database and adopt a surveillance system requiring all states to report “exactly how many abortions take place within its borders.”

But here’s the thing: While Project 2025 calls this ‘abortion data,’ what they’re really talking about is pregnancy data . Under a Trump presidency, this mandate wouldn’t just require states to report abortions—it would require reporting any pregnancy that doesn’t end in a live birth. The document says the CDC should collect data on every abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth and even “treatments that incidentally result in the death of a child (such as chemotherapy).”

Fake Statistics: Anti-abortion lawmakers and activists are increasingly relying on dubious studies and data collection to ‘prove’ that abortion is dangerous despite all evidence to the contrary. You may recall AED ’s investigation into how Texas doctors are forced to report abortion ‘complication’ data. Project 2025 calls for much more of the same: funding for studies on the “risks and complications of abortion,” research that “explores the harms, both mental and physical, that abortion has wrought on women and girls,” and a mandate that the CDC collect data on “abortion-related maternal deaths.”

That last one—the notion of ‘abortion-related maternal deaths’—is why Republicans are placing anti-abortion activists like Ingrid Skop on state maternal mortality committees. Skop believes, for example, that suicides should be counted as abortion-related deaths if the person had an abortion at any point in their life.

We’ve already seen how studies and statistics have been used in lawsuits all the way up to the Supreme Court to support false claims about abortion—imagine that with the power of the federal government behind it.

Under the Radar: If Trump is elected, a “pro-life task force” would oversee all of the anti-abortion efforts by the “Department of Life,” including data collection, funding for ‘marriage promotion,’ and more. You can be sure that this task force would include the kinds of extremists that Republicans have been calling on as ‘experts’ since Roe was overturned.

How Project 2025 Enables Clinic Violence

Anti-abortion violence has been on the rise since Roe was overturned. Instead of trying to curb the threats, harassment, and violence, conservatives are working to protect the perpetrators. Republicans have been lobbying to end federal protections for reproductive health clinics, while anti-abortion groups are suing to end buffer zones, claiming that they’re free speech violations.

That strategy is mirrored in Project 2025, which calls for an end to the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes the obstruction of abortion clinics and violence against them a federal crime. It also declares that the Department of Justice should “enforce existing federal law that prohibits mailing abortifacients, rather than harassing pro-life demonstrators.”

Essentially, Project 2025 makes clear that those who harass and attack abortion clinics, providers, staff, and patients will be able to do so with impunity—and without consequences.

How Project 2025 Traps Women at Home

Overturning Roe was never just about ending abortion—it was about going back to a time when women had no vote, no choices, and no freedom. (There’s a reason conservatives are so eager to pass abortion bans from the 1800s! ) So, Project 2025’s vision for women was never going to be limited to rolling back abortion rights.

The goal is to force women back into the home, for good.

Project 2025 attacks early childhood education, for example, claiming that children in daycare “experience higher rates of anxiety, depression, and neglect.” The plan calls for abandoning any plans for universal pre-k, instead diverting funding to “offset the cost of staying home with a child” and “home-based childcare.” Who will be at home providing this care? I think we all know.

This obsession with traditional gender roles is everywhere in Project 2025, and marriage is at the center of it all. The document insists that “many of the problems government programs are designed to solve—but can’t—are ultimately problems created by the crisis of marriage and the family.”

Under Project 2025, any health, financial, or childcare support for women is replaced with prompts to simply find a man. Even funding once allocated for child abuse would be allocated to “marriage and relationship” education.

As I noted in the summary, it’s really the confluence of multiple attacks that makes Project 2025’s regressive vision for women so clear. Girls growing up without sex education; funding for birth control rerouted to ‘marriage promotion’ programs; pharmacists refusing to dispense contraception and employers refusing to cover it; support that used to go to daycare now encouraging you to stay home. And, of course, no ability to end a pregnancy ever, for any reason.

What better way to force women out of the public sphere than ensuring that we’re forever pregnant? They don’t even need to say out loud that they want us back in the kitchen—under Project 2025 and a Trump presidency, we’d never leave there in the first place.

There’s so much more in Project 2025 that we could delve into. For example, the way it implicitly opposes IVF without saying so explicitly. (In a country where embryos are considered people, fertility treatments become impossible.) Or how the plan ensures that people will be arrested for abortion and pregnancy related ‘crimes’: Project 2025 calls for district attorneys who decline to prosecute certain cases, like abortion, be punished.

The truth is that disdain for women and our bodies is embedded in every sentence of this plan. And as so many others have pointed out, these aren’t vague or toothless threats. This is precisely what would happen under another Trump presidency. We’re not overreacting, and we’re not being ‘hysterical.’ Conservatives have given us their roadmap, laying their vision out plainly for the world to see.

The question is, are we going to take them seriously?

Compiled with research by Grace Haley.

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Breaking’s Olympic Debut

A sport’s journey from the streets of new york all the way to the paris games..

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Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Jonathan Abrams

Produced by Sydney Harper Luke Vander Ploeg Shannon M. Lin and Will Reid

Edited by Lexie Diao MJ Davis Lin and Ben Calhoun

Original music by Dan Powell Marion Lozano and Diane Wong

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

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More than 50 years after its inception, “breaking” — not “break dancing,” a term coined by the media and disdained by practitioners — will debut as an Olympic sport.

Jonathan Abrams, who writes about the intersection of sports and culture, explains how breaking’s big moment came about.

On today’s episode

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Jonathan Abrams , a Times reporter covering national culture news.

A person practicing breaking balances with his head and one hand on a concrete floor; his other hand and his legs extend into the air at various angles.

Background reading

The Olympic battles in breaking will be a watershed moment for a dance form conceived and cultivated by Black and Hispanic youth in the Bronx during the 1970s.

Breakers are grappling with hip-hop’s Olympic moment. Will their art translate into sport?

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Jonathan Abrams writes about the intersections of sports and culture and the changing cultural scenes in the South. More about Jonathan Abrams



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