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  • Sports Science Personal Statement Examples

A degree in Sports Science is a popular choice for those with a passion for sports and an interest in the science behind athletic performance. 

Writing a sports science personal statement is an essential part of the UCAS application process , as it provides admissions selectors with an insight into your academic abilities, personal qualities, and career aspirations. 

We have collected a few Sports Science personal statement examples from successful applicants who have secured places at top universities. 

These examples will help you to understand what makes a good Sports Science personal statement and inspire you to write one.

Ever since my first encounter with Sports Science at the Advanced Level, I have been captivated by the intricate interplay of physicality, theory, and science, which has fueled my desire to pursue a sports-related career. As I delved into the subject, my passion for understanding the human body and its potential for athletic excellence grew exponentially, laying the foundation for my aspirations in this field.

In my academic journey, I have developed a particular interest in the science of nutrition and research. I am fascinated by how our bodies respond to different nutrients and how proper nourishment can optimise athletic performance. Through my studies, I aim to unlock the secrets of nutrition in sports, harnessing its power to give athletes a competitive edge. Furthermore, I am eager to contribute to the growing body of research in the field, as I believe that our understanding of sports science is continually evolving and has the potential to revolutionize the future of health and wellness.

My love for sports began in 2005 when I joined Leeds Athletics Club, where I discovered my talent and passion for throwing the javelin. This experience honed my athletic abilities and instilled a sense of discipline, resilience, and teamwork – values that have become integral to my character. As a Sports Science student, I am excited to combine my personal experiences and academic interests to deepen my understanding of the physical and mental aspects of sports, and ultimately apply this knowledge to help others achieve their full potential.

Apart from my intellectual pursuits, I am determined to make the most of my university experience by immersing myself in campus life. I am confident in my motivation and enthusiasm to take on new challenges, and I look forward to joining clubs, engaging in social events, and forging lasting connections with my peers. Additionally, I am passionate about maintaining my Portuguese language skills, travelling, and acquiring new skills. Despite a back injury from motor quad riding that has limited my physical activities to swimming and running, my love for sports remains undeterred, and I am eager to explore alternative ways to stay active and healthy.

The prospect of studying Sports Science at the university level fills me with immense excitement and anticipation. I am certain that this programme will provide me with the theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and professional network necessary to excel in a sports-related career. As I embark on this next chapter of my life, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of my understanding, exploring new frontiers in sports science, and ultimately making a lasting impact in the world of sports and beyond.

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Personal Statement Sports Science

From a young age, I have been fascinated by the science behind human movement and performance, and I am now eager to pursue this passion further by enrolling in a degree programme in sports science.

My academic background has prepared me well for the rigours of university-level study. I have excelled in science and mathematics courses, including biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus. In addition, I have taken several sports-related courses, such as physical education and sports psychology, which have given me a solid foundation in the principles of sports science. I believe that my strong academic record and interest in sports science make me an ideal candidate for your programme.

One of the main reasons I am drawn to sports science is its potential to make a real difference in people’s lives. I am particularly interested in the role that sports science can play in promoting health and well-being, both at the individual and community levels. I believe that by studying sports science, I will gain the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on people’s lives, through developing and implementing exercise programmes, promoting physical activity, and researching new approaches to health and wellness.

I am also excited about the opportunity to conduct research in sports science. I am particularly interested in the areas of biomechanics and exercise physiology, and I am eager to explore the latest research in these fields. I believe that by conducting research, I will be able to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in sports science and help to improve our understanding of human movement and performance.

In addition to my academic interests, I have also been an active participant in sports throughout my life. I have competed in a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, and track and field, and have always been interested in the science behind these activities. I believe that my practical experience in sports will be an asset in my studies, as I will be able to apply my knowledge to real-world situations.

I believe that studying sports science at university will provide me with the knowledge, skills, and experience to pursue a rewarding career in this field. I am excited about the prospect of continuing my education in this area, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your programme.

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  • How to write a personal statement for sport and exercise science degrees

How to write a personal statement for sport science degrees

A key step in the journey towards a sports science degree is crafting the perfect personal statement.

This document is your chance to express your passion for sport and exercise science and connect it with your academic goals. It’s crucial to capture your interest in the science and field of sports in a compelling manner. 

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Why a personal statement matters

The personal statement is an integral component of the application process. Specifically, it demonstrates your interest in sports, your sports science degree aspirations, and your suitability for the programme. 

A compelling sports science personal statement will let UCAS, and your prospective uni compare your passion, understanding, and skills in the field of sport science to other applicants. It highlights your physiology knowledge, physical education coursework, or sports work experience, and could set you apart from the competition. 

How to structure your personal statement 

When writing a sports science or a sport and exercise science personal statement, start by outlining your interest in the sport and exercise science field.

Detail any work experiences you've had especially those related to sport, such as coaching or training.

Conclude with your career goals relating to what you want to study; this will help demonstrate that the sports courses at university you are applying for match your goals.

What to include: Key elements for a sport science or sport and exercise science personal statement

Essential elements for your sports science personal statement include:

  • your passion for sport
  • understanding of sports science
  • practical experience in the field of sports
  • your academic and career goals.

Good examples should emphasize your genuine interest in this field and demonstrate your suitability for the course. Demonstrating you understand the differences between sport science and exercise science can illustrate why you've chosen a specific course.

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Can I find an example of a Sport Science personal statement?

Yes you can. Here is an example of an exemplary personal statement for applying for a sport and exercise science degree, written by our admissions experts.

Sport is, and has been, the most important thing in my life since starting secondary school. As soon as I started playing basketball, my goals for life and my focus became clear to me. I went from playing from the school basketball team to playing for Brighton Cougars at county league level, onto playing at a national league level for Worthing Thunder and then at regional level for South East England at the ages of u15s and u17s.

My love for basketball, desire to get better and wish to reach my goals of playing professionally, steered me into looking at aspects of training such as strength training in the gym. I have since become passionate about using the gym as a tool to assist my basketball career; through the desire to become bigger stronger and faster, as this is an extremely sought after goal within the fitness and sport industry that all aspiring athletes want to achieve.

Not only do I simply want to achieve these goals, but I enjoy the process and want to learn about how the body and the mind work in cohesion to create a successful athlete.

Going from secondary school to college it was clear to me that sports science would be extremely enjoyable and fulfilling as a course choice. This is because I aim to use what I learn about the processes of our bodies and our minds in performing sport to aid my own career.

Since involving myself in the world of strength training I have become aware of the diversity of different approaches, and ways of training the body to achieve certain things depending on the sport. I have had first-hand experience of this as a first year student I started going to the gym, was fairly inexperienced, and I trained in certain way to build mass and strength.

However, only later did I start to realize that this was at detriment to my shooting ability on the court, and it influenced my speed negatively. This is one of the reasons that I would love to take my learning about the science of sports to another level by undertaking a relevant degree, so I can learn even more about how the body works.

Not only have I had first-hand experience of the physical side of sports, I am very conscientious when it comes to the mental side of sport. I have suffered from droughts of confidence in my basketball ability, and I understand that the mind is not constant and mentality can change over time through sport.

Another goal I aim to achieve is to understand the ‘secret’ to having ultimate mental toughness in sports to be an elite competitor. The psychological side of sports science intrigued me because I understand the importance of an athletes mind set when competing at a high level , and this is what I aim to do.

My time at college has been a great learning experience for me because I have studied lots of different aspects of sports and had new sporting experiences as the captain of the basketball first team, in a very competitive Academy basketball league.

Examples of some of my most enjoyed topics I have studied at college include biomechanics, research methods, training at altitude in hypoxia, and influences of stress on athletic performance.

One of the most challenging but rewarding tasks I carried out was a research project on a topic of my choice; I chose to focus on the link between music and physical performance. This assignment was useful from an analytical standpoint as it gave me a good understanding of how to comprise my own data with secondary research, and evaluate the outcomes of the research as a whole in order to conclude on whether there is a link between music and performance.

The experience of these assignments at college has given me the tools necessary to study further into sports using different types of testing, such as correlation analysis and testing for difference. The satisfaction gained has given me the passion to really want to learn so much more about the diverse and fascinating world that is sports and the science behind it.

Crafting your narrative: Connecting your passion with your academic goals 

Connecting your passion for sports with your academic goals is key. Working with a personal statement example can help you articulate your career aims.

Remember: your university personal statement should explain how your BSc degree would enable you to achieve your aspirations of getting a sport and exercise graduate job and work in this field.


Timeline considerations: How long will it take to write your personal statement? 

Writing a high-quality sports science personal statement can take several weeks. It’s important to start early, allowing ample drafting and revising time for a polished, well-structured document that reflects your true interest in sports and academic aspirations.

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Sport Science Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

From an early age I enjoyed an active, outdoor lifestyle and have always been involved in various sports teams. Starting at the age of seven I have been a member of our local football team, moving up the age categories and helping the team become one of the best in the area.

Although football is my main interest I am also a member of other local sports teams including cricket and rugby. When I am not playing team sports I am a regular runner and swimmer, and have recently become interested in weight training and body building.

Throughout my school career I was an active player in the school football, rugby, tennis, and athletics teams, working with the other team members and our coaches to achieve many prizes and trophies.

Sport has had a major impact on my life and I understand the dedication and hard work it takes to become a top sportsman. Many of the great sportsmen and women have inspired me from childhood including David Beckham, Paula Radcliffe, and American athlete Dick Fosbury.

Outside of school I combine my sporting activities with working part-time in my local supermarket. This role has helped me to further develop my teamwork skills, as well as teaching me the value of good communication and being able to use my own initiative.

During Year 10 I completed a work experience placement at my local primary school where I gained hands-on experience of what working with young child is really like. It was this work experience, and my time spent being a voluntary coach for my local under 11’s football team, that prompted my decision to become a Physical Education teacher.

I feel that my achievements and dedication in my own preferred sports can help inspire a younger generation to be passionate about sport and encourage them to have an active lifestyle.

I hope that studying Sports Science to degree level will help me develop my skills and give me a better understanding of the human body. I then aim to complete a PGCE course and become a teacher.

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Sport and Exercise Science Personal Statement

I have always immersed myself fully in the world of sport , whether that be through playing it myself or keeping up to date with developments, results and inquests through news articles. The sporting world is an exciting yet demanding aspect of today's society, with the ability to unite nations by providing a global language which everyone can understand, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religious beliefs. Its importance can be appreciated through observing its valuable contribution to communities and the economy, as well as to the individuals who participate. Sports science has the capacity to push an athlete's body to the limit both physically and through the use of technology.

My interest in the science of sport started at a young age when I became intrigued by how the body works during exercise. My A-Level subjects of Biology, Physical Education and Business Studies have further fuelled my interest in this area, allowing me to extend my scientific understanding of how body systems operate, as well as introducing me to the commercialisation involved, and the relationship between the media and sport.

Studying PE has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the theoretical underpinning of sport, ranging from sports psychology, to the biomechanics of musculoskeletal movement. Biology has allowed me to become more confident with practical laboratory work and mathematical skills, as I have gained experience of devising and carrying out investigations and using statistical analysis to assess the significance of my results. Many of the areas covered over both of these courses intertwine with one another, meaning I've been able to reinforce my knowledge in areas such as the anatomy of the human body and physiological processes, such as those involved in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In particular I enjoyed investigating ways in which the human body responds to exercise and ways in which injuries can be prevented or rehabilitated.

I have been involved in a host of sporting activities ranging from an inter-school downhill skiing event, club football, and school rugby matches, which I have played competitively for 5 years. After studying the muscular system at A Level, I took up weight training to aid my performance in my main sports, which are rugby and football. I am determined to pursue them further in the future and I am looking forward to playing sport at a higher level at university. I have always believed sport to be a positive challenge and a chance to socialise and meet new people as well as the chance to be part of a team. With rugby being my chosen sport in PE, I have been involved in a volunteering programme at my school. This has allowed me to work alongside teachers to enthuse and encourage young children in the hope that they too will share the same passion for sport. This experience has developed my leadership skills and I am often required to demonstrate the correct technique for certain movements.

I have assisted in developing a programme in order progressively to build on their confidence when performing and to educate them on the rules of rugby. This has allowed me to advance my communication skills and understand the importance of simplifying key ideas into smaller components to aid understanding. I have developed my teamwork skills through decision making and problem-solving in group situations. With this in mind, I feel I can positively contribute to lab work and discussions surrounding sport. I am also a self-motivated person with an ability to persevere without necessarily needing encouragement from others. The way the Olympics has united countries and their motto- 'citius, altius, fortius' or 'faster, higher, stronger'- has encouraged people to strive for their full potential. I look forward to studying and researching ways to drive athletes to achieve their maximum performance.

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UCAS deadlines 2024: When to apply to university courses including medicine and dentistry

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Students going to university from September 2024 should already have been thinking about what to study and where they want to apply.

You’ll need to apply to an undergraduate course through UCAS.

The deadline is quickly approaching, while some courses, such as medicine and dentistry, closed to applications on 16 October 2023.

Here are the key UCAS deadline dates for your diary.

When is the UCAS application deadline? 

You’ll need to apply to most undergraduate courses by  31 January 2024 at 6pm.

The equal consideration deadline means course providers must consider all applications received by this time equally. Universities and colleges do not have to consider applications received after the deadline, although they can if they have spaces available once the on-time applications have been considered. Some courses had an earlier deadline – applications closed on 16 October 2023 for the following courses:

  • Veterinary medicine/science

The University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford also have an application deadline of 16 October for their courses.

If you are unsure of when the deadline for your course is, you can use  UCAS’ search tool .

When is the UCAS deadline for apprenticeships? 

Apprenticeships  start throughout the year and application deadlines vary depending on the employer.

Every applicant is now able to see the most relevant apprenticeship opportunities for them alongside degree courses in their UCAS student account.

Students can search for an apprenticeship at any time throughout the year, as and when employers are hiring, with vacancies updated in real time.

You can find vacancies and see individual application deadlines by heading to the  Career Finder .

What if I miss the UCAS application deadline? 

Late applications for courses with the earlier deadline of 16 October 2023 are very unlikely to be considered as these courses are particularly competitive.

If you miss the 31 January 2024 deadline for most other courses, you may still be able to apply after the deadline has passed. Universities and colleges often consider applications received after the 31 January deadline if spaces are available, but you risk missing out on your top choice if it’s popular.

Any applications not submitted by 30 June 2024 at 18:00 will automatically be entered into  Clearing .

What’s included in a UCAS application?  

When filling out your application, it’s important to read through each section carefully.  

Courses have different entry requirements that you need to meet or that you should be working towards in school or college. You can check these in the UCAS course finder tool.  

For your application you will need to provide:  

  • Personal details : your address, residency status and questions about your personal circumstances to understand you as an individual.  
  • Education history : your qualifications from secondary education onwards, any results you are waiting for and whether you have studied at university or college before but didn’t complete the course.  
  • Employment history : your paid jobs, full or part-time, if you have any.  
  • Course choices : you can select up to five courses.  
  • Personal statement : this is the chance to tell universities and colleges why you’d like to study with them, and what skills and experience you have.  

If you are due to take exams or retakes in 2023, more information on the examination process this year can be found on the Education Hub .

Further information on the university application process can be found on the UCAS website .

What happens if I change my mind about my course after I’ve applied, or if I don’t get any offers?  

UCAS Extra provides another chance for you to gain a place at university or college.   

If you’ve changed your mind about your choices, you may be eligible to apply for a different course or university through UCAS Extra between 28 February 2024 and 4 July 2024.  

UCAS Extra is available for prospective students who included five choices on their application, have received decisions from all five and weren’t accepted, or if they declined the offers they received.  

More information on UCAS Extra is available on the website.

Where can I get more advice?   

Gaining a university degree is just one option and there are many different paths you could take, from apprenticeships to higher technical qualifications. The best choice for you will depend on your situation and the career or job you have in mind.  

You can speak to a professional careers adviser for free and get judgment-free, confidential information and advice via the  National Careers Service Exam Results  helpline, via phone or by webchat.  

If you want to find out more about all your education and training options, visit the  National Careers Service page    explore your study and work choices.  

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Tags: Oxbridge UCAS deadline 2023 , Oxbridge UCAS deadline 2024 , UCAS deadline 2024 , UCAS dentistry deadline 2023 , UCAS early deadline 2024 , UCAS early entry deadline 2023 , UCAS medicine deadline 2023/24 , UCAS veterinary medicine deadline

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Russia's cities of Taganrog and Kursk attacked by drones overnight: aircraft company repairing A-50 aircraft targeted – video

The Russian cities of Taganrog and Kursk were attacked by drones on the night of 8-9 March. The Beriev Aircraft Company in Taganrog was damaged.

Source : Astra and Mash , Russian Telegram channels; Vasily Golubev , Governor of Russia’s Rostov Oblast, on Telegram; Roman Starovoit , Governor of Russia’s Kursk Oblast, on Telegram

Details : Local residents reported a large number of drones in the skies over Taganrog.

People heard at least five explosions. Eyewitnesses stated that the drones were flying from the sea. In addition, air defence systems were responding.

The drone raid lasted more than an hour. Golubev called the attack "large-scale" and said it was repelled by Russian air defence.

He said that an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who was involved in the relief operation on the ground, was injured. He was taken to hospital, and his life is not in danger any more.

Local Telegram channels reported that the Beriev Aircraft Company might have been damaged.

Kursk local authorities also reported a drone attack.

Starovoit noted that the debris of the UAV shot down in Kursk fell on the roof of a polyclinic. Patients in the intensive care unit of a nearby hospital were evacuated because of the threat of an explosion.

Updated at 06:00: Russia's Ministry of Defence reported that 47 drones were supposedly intercepted and destroyed over Russian oblasts overnight: one over Belgorod Oblast, two over Kursk Oblast, three over Volgograd Oblast and 41 over Rostov Oblast.

Updated at 07:00: Russian military bloggers stated that the target of the large-scale UAV attack in Taganrog was the Beriev Aircraft Company, which produces Be-200 amphibious aircraft. In addition, an A-50 Russian long-range radar detection aircraft is currently being repaired in the plant's workshops, as it was previously damaged in a drone attack.

This article has been updated since publication.

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Solent is the only university on the south coast to achieve a triple gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023 - why not visit an open day to find out more about our award-winning teaching.

You will have the opportunity to join the course talk and course activity, hosted by our academic teams. You can find out more information about the course, meet your academic, and potential peers and ask any questions you may have about studying at Solent.

You'll also be able to take a tour of our campus and residences, join a variety of general presentations and speak to our Professional Services teams about accommodation options, the application process and UCAS, student support, funding, cost of living and much more!

You'll also be able to get up close and personal with some of the facilities and equipment you could be using on your course.

The programme of events will be sent to you in advance.

This event covers all Undergraduate courses at Solent University: Arts & Music Business & Law Film & Media Maritime Science & Engineering Social Sciences & Nursing Sports & Health

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