Written Samples

15 sample cover letters for volunteer positions.

Volunteering offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact while gaining valuable experience.

But with so many worthy causes seeking help, how do you make your volunteer application stand out?

A compelling cover letter is key.

Just like with paid positions, a well-written cover letter allows you to showcase your passion, skills, and fit for the volunteer role you’re seeking.

It’s your chance to explain why the organization’s mission resonates with you and how you’re uniquely positioned to advance their important work.

Sample Cover Letters for Volunteer Positions

Of course, knowing what to say in a volunteer cover letter can feel like a mystery at first.

What tone should you strike? How much of your background is relevant to include?

To help you find the right words, we’ve put together 15 sample cover letters for common volunteer positions.

Whether you’re hoping to walk dogs at your local animal shelter, serve meals to those experiencing homelessness, or build houses with Habitat for Humanity, you’ll find an example here to use as a starting point.

We’ve covered a range of causes, roles, and experience levels.

With these cover letter examples as your guide, you’ll be well on your way to securing the volunteer opportunity of your dreams.

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and make a difference!

Sample #1: Animal Shelter Volunteer

Subject: Devoted Animal Lover Eager to Volunteer at City Animal Rescue

Dear City Animal Rescue Team,

Animals have been my passion for as long as I can remember. Growing up surrounded by rescue dogs, cats, rabbits, and even a horse, I learned from an early age the profound impact that a loving home can have on a creature in need. So when I moved to the city last month, my priority was to find a way to carry on my family’s tradition of animal advocacy as a volunteer.

City Animal Rescue’s mission of providing shelter, medical care, and forever homes for the area’s homeless and abandoned animals resonates deeply with me. With my background in caring for a variety of species and a natural rapport with animals big and small, I’m confident I could be an asset to your team in any capacity, whether that means walking dogs, socializing cats, or helping out with feeding and cleaning.

As a recent graduate with a degree in Biology and previous experience volunteering at my hometown’s Humane Society, I have a solid understanding of animal care best practices. I’m comfortable administering medications, tending to minor wounds, and identifying signs of illness. My former supervisor would attest to my reliability, attention to detail, and ability to stay calm and compassionate in emotionally charged situations.

Perhaps most importantly, I simply adore being around animals. I’m that person who will skip a party to spend quality time with the host’s cat or who will gladly sign up for the 6 am dog walking shift. The chance to brighten an animal’s day is all the incentive I need to show up and give my best.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you or your volunteer coordinator to discuss how my skills and experience could best serve City Animal Rescue’s needs. Thank you for considering my application.

Sarah Johnson


[email protected]

Sample #2: Literacy Tutor

Subject: Experienced Educator Seeking Opportunity to Tutor Literacy Students

Dear Literacy For All Team,

As a recently retired high school English teacher with over 30 years of experience, I have witnessed again and again the doors that open up for students who strengthen their literacy skills. Being able to read, write, and communicate with confidence is truly life-changing, which is why I’m excited to offer my experience as a volunteer tutor with Literacy For All.

During my time in the classroom, I worked with students of all skill levels and backgrounds, from those reading far below grade level to AP English candidates. I have extensive experience differentiating instruction to meet individual needs and crafting creative lesson plans that keep students engaged. My former principal would attest that my patient, approachable demeanor made my classroom a “safe space” where students felt comfortable taking risks and asking for help.

In addition to my instructional experience, I’m also well-versed in assessing student progress, a skill I imagine would come in handy as a tutor working to help students meet personal literacy goals. I hold a Master’s degree in Education and am familiar with a variety of evidence-based literacy curricula and interventions.

On a personal note, I’m a lifelong bookworm who can’t imagine a world without the written word. Some of my warmest memories are of reading bedtime stories with my now-grown son and instilling in him a love of learning. As I step into this new chapter of my life, I’m eager to dedicate my time to a cause I’m truly passionate about. I would be honored to play a small part in Literacy For All’s mission to empower adult learners.

If my skills and experience seem like a good fit for your needs, I would love the chance to speak further about volunteer opportunities. Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Margaret Thompson


[email protected]

Sample #3: Homeless Shelter Volunteer

Subject: Compassionate Volunteer Ready to Help at Hope House Shelter

Dear Hope House Team,

As someone who has experienced homelessness myself, I know firsthand how vital organizations like Hope House are. During the darkest period of my life, it was the kindness of shelter volunteers that helped me maintain hope and eventually get back on my feet. Now that I’m in a more stable place, I’m eager to pay that compassion forward by volunteering with your team.

While I don’t have formal experience in social services, I bring a unique perspective and a deep empathy for those Hope House serves. I remember how much the little things, like a friendly face or a warm meal, meant to me when I was in a tough spot. I’m excited to provide that same comfort to others.

In terms of practical skills, I’m a quick learner who is comfortable taking direction. I have experience working in food service, so I would be at ease assisting with meal preparation or serving. As someone who has navigated the complexities of the shelter system, I’m also well-equipped to help residents access resources or even just lend an understanding ear.

Most importantly, I’m committed to treating every person who walks through Hope House’s doors with respect and compassion. I know the courage it takes to ask for help, and I want to be a positive, supportive presence for your residents.

If you think I would be a good fit for your team of volunteers, I would love to learn more about available opportunities. Thank you for considering my application and for the important work you do.


[email protected]

Sample #4: Environmental Conservation Volunteer

Subject: Passionate Environmentalist Eager to Join TreeCorps Volunteer Team

Dear TreeCorps Team,

Growing up hiking in the Redwoods of Northern California, I developed a deep reverence for our planet’s forests at a young age. Now, as a college student studying Environmental Science, my passion for protecting and restoring these vital ecosystems has only grown. That’s why I’m thrilled at the prospect of joining TreeCorps’ team of volunteers.

TreeCorps’ mission of promoting healthy forests through tree planting, maintenance, and education aligns perfectly with my values and career goals. I believe strongly in the power of hands-on conservation work, and I’m eager to get my hands dirty (literally!) contributing to your projects.

As an Environmental Science major, I have a solid academic foundation in ecology, conservation biology, and sustainability. I’m well-versed in tree identification, planting best practices, and the role of forests in mitigating climate change. I’ve also completed relevant coursework in GIS mapping and data analysis, skills that could prove useful in planning and tracking planting sites.

Outside of the classroom, I’ve honed my fieldwork skills through an internship with the university’s sustainability office, where I helped maintain the campus arboretum. I’m physically fit, comfortable working outdoors in all weather and experienced with tools like shovels and pruners. Perhaps most importantly, I’m a positive, enthusiastic team player who is ready to learn.

I would be grateful for the opportunity to translate my passion for the environment into real, tangible impact as a TreeCorps volunteer. If my skills and experience seem like a good match for your team’s needs, I would love to discuss the next steps.

Thank you for your consideration and for all you do for our planet.


[email protected]

Sample #5: Museum Docent

Subject: History Buff Excited to Share Knowledge as Museum Volunteer

Dear City Museum Volunteer Coordinator,

As a retired history teacher and lifelong learner, I’m thrilled at the prospect of combining my love of the past with my passion for education as a volunteer docent at the City Museum. I’ve been a card-carrying member for over a decade and some of my fondest weekends have been spent getting lost in your exhibits.

During my 25 years in the classroom, I prided myself on bringing history to life for my students through engaging lectures, interactive discussions, and hands-on learning opportunities. I have a knack for storytelling and for drawing connections between the past and the present. My former students would attest that my infectious enthusiasm for the subject matter made even the driest historical events feel relevant and exciting.

As a docent, I would relish the opportunity to share that same enthusiasm with museum visitors of all ages. Whether I was leading a tour, staffing an information desk, or providing directions, I would strive to make every interaction a positive learning experience. My patient, approachable demeanor and gift for public speaking would serve me well in engaging with guests.

In addition to my teaching background, I also have experience developing educational programming. As head of my school’s history department, I organized numerous field trips, guest lectures, and special events. I would be happy to lend those planning and organizational skills to assist with the museum’s educational initiatives.

I’m available to volunteer several days a week and am excited to dive in and learn all I can about the museum’s collection and operations. If you think I would be a good fit for your docent team, I would be honored to discuss the next steps.

Thank you for your consideration,

Robert Johnson


  [email protected]

Sample #6: Youth Sports Coach

Subject: Former Athlete Ready to Pay It Forward as Volunteer Coach

Dear City Youth Soccer Association,

Some of my most formative childhood memories took place on the soccer field. Under the guidance of dedicated coaches, I not only developed my skills as an athlete but also learned invaluable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Now, as a young professional, I’m eager to pay those lessons forward by volunteering as a coach with the City Youth Soccer Association.

As a former high school and collegiate soccer player, I have a deep love for the game and a solid understanding of its technical and strategic elements. I’m comfortable teaching fundamental skills, running drills, and designing game plans that play to a team’s strengths. More importantly, though, I’m passionate about using sports as a vehicle for boosting kids’ confidence, fostering their social-emotional development, and sparking their love of physical activity.

During my playing days, I served as a captain for both my high school and college teams, experiences that honed my leadership and communication skills. I have a knack for breaking down complex concepts, giving constructive feedback, and inspiring a team to work toward a common goal. I also volunteered as a youth mentor throughout college, so I’m comfortable engaging with kids and serving as a positive role model.

Off the field, I’m a pediatric nurse, a role that has further developed my patience, compassion, and ability to stay calm under pressure. I’m First Aid and CPR certified and well-versed in sports safety best practices. Parents can trust that their children’s well-being would be my top priority.

I would welcome the chance to further discuss how my experience could benefit the City Youth Soccer Association’s coaching staff and the young athletes you serve. Thank you for considering my application.

Jessica Hernandez


[email protected]

Sample #7: Crisis Hotline Counselor

Subject: Compassionate Listener Eager to Serve as Crisis Hotline Volunteer

Dear Crisis Support Services Team,

In my work as a high school guidance counselor, I witness every day the life-changing impact of compassionate, non-judgmental listening. For struggling students, simply having someone to talk to who will validate their feelings and provide a safe space to process can make all the difference. I’m eager to extend that same supportive ear to a broader population as a volunteer with the Crisis Support Services hotline.

With a Master’s in Counseling Psychology and over a decade of experience in the field, I’m well-equipped to handle the emotional challenges of crisis intervention. I have training in suicide prevention, active listening, and de-escalation techniques. My professional experience has honed my ability to remain calm and focused in high-stress situations, to assess risk, and to connect individuals with appropriate resources.

As a counselor, my top priority is always to create an atmosphere of trust and openness where people feel heard and supported. I’m skilled at building rapport quickly, even over the phone, and have a warm, empathetic demeanor that puts people at ease. I’m also highly culturally competent and experienced in working with diverse populations.

Beyond my formal qualifications, I possess a deep personal commitment to mental health advocacy and a genuine desire to help others navigate life’s challenges. I lost a loved one to suicide as a teenager, an experience that ultimately inspired me to pursue a career in counseling. I understand intimately the vital role that hotline services play in preventing such tragedies.

I would be honored to join your team of dedicated volunteers and put my skills and passion to work supporting individuals in crisis. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss further how I might contribute to Crisis Support Services’ life-saving mission.

David Nguyen


[email protected]

Sample #8: Community Garden Volunteer

Subject: Green Thumb Looking to Help Community Garden Grow

Dear Green Acres Community Garden Team,

As an avid home gardener and a firm believer in the power of green spaces to nourish both bodies and souls, I was thrilled to learn of the Green Acres Community Garden. Your mission of providing fresh, healthy food to the neighborhood while fostering a sense of community and connection to nature resonates deeply with me. I would love to lend my time and horticultural know-how to help further that mission as a volunteer.

For the past five years, I’ve transformed my own small urban backyard into a thriving vegetable and herb garden. Through trial and error (and a lot of YouTube tutorials), I’ve gained hands-on experience with every stage of the growing process, from seed starting and composting to pest control and harvesting. I have a particular knack for coaxing impressive yields out of small spaces and would be happy to share my space-saving techniques with fellow gardeners.

In addition to my practical gardening skills, I bring a collaborative, community-minded spirit to all I do. As the organizer of my block’s annual potluck, I understand the power of shared spaces and activities to bring people together and create a sense of belonging. I would relish the opportunity to apply that same community-building energy to the garden, whether by leading workshops, coordinating volunteer days, or simply swapping gardening tips with plot holders.

As a freelance graphic designer, I also have professional skills that could benefit the garden. I would be happy to lend my design capabilities to create flyers, signage, or social media content to help spread the word and engage the community.

Most importantly, I’m excited to roll up my sleeves, dig in the dirt, and play a small part in growing a healthier, more connected neighborhood. If you think I would be a good fit for the Green Acres volunteer team, I would love to discuss the next steps.


[email protected]

Sample #9: Habitat for Humanity Construction Volunteer

Subject: Handy and Hardworking Professional Eager to Help Build Homes

Dear Habitat for Humanity Team,

As someone who has been blessed with a safe, stable place to call home, I’m acutely aware of how vital decent housing is to overall well-being. Habitat for Humanity’s mission of bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope resonates deeply with me, and I’m writing to offer my skills and labor as a construction volunteer.

While I spend my weekdays in an office as a software engineer, my true passion lies in hands-on building projects. Growing up, I spent countless hours helping my father, a contractor, on various job sites. Under his guidance, I gained practical experience with framing, drywalling, roofing, finishing carpentry, and more. To this day, I spend most weekends tackling home improvement projects, from renovating my kitchen to building a backyard shed.

As a volunteer, I would be thrilled to put my construction know-how to work helping hardworking families achieve the dream of homeownership. I’m comfortable using a wide range of tools and am a quick study when it comes to learning new skills. I take pride in my attention to detail and my ability to problem-solve on the fly, traits that served me well on past building projects.

Perhaps more importantly, I’m a firm believer in the power of housing to transform lives and strengthen communities. As a tech professional, I’ve seen firsthand how the skyrocketing cost of living in our city has priced out far too many families. Volunteering with Habitat would allow me to be a small part of the solution, to tangibly contribute to creating a more just and equitable community.

I’m available most weekends and would be honored to join your team of dedicated volunteers. If my skills and experience seem like a good fit for your current construction needs, I’d love to discuss the next steps.


[email protected]

Sample #10: Meals on Wheels Volunteer

Subject: Retiree Ready to Deliver Meals and Smiles with Meals on Wheels

Dear Meals on Wheels Coordinator,

As a newly retired nurse, I’m eager to continue making a positive difference in my community. Meals on Wheels’ mission of delivering not just nourishment but also comfort and compassion to homebound seniors resonates deeply with me. I would be honored to contribute my time and heart as a volunteer meal deliverer.

During my 40-year nursing career, I specialized in geriatric care. I have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and joys of working with older adults, from managing complex medical conditions to providing emotional support. My professional experience has honed my ability to assess well-being, communicate clearly and patiently, and infuse even brief interactions with warmth and humanity.

Beyond my clinical skills, I simply enjoy connecting with seniors and hearing their stories. As someone who lost my own beloved grandparents too early, I jump at any chance to be a friendly face and listening ear for an older adult. I know that for many Meals on Wheels clients, their volunteer might be the only person they see all day. I would strive to make that interaction a bright spot, to deliver not just a meal but a dose of good cheer.

On a practical level, I’m organized, punctual, and comfortable driving around the city. As a nurse, I’m also well-versed in food safety and sanitation practices. You can count on me to show up on time with a smile and ensure meals are handled properly and delivered safely.

I’m available to volunteer several mornings a week and would be thrilled to be part of Meals on Wheels’ vital work. If my skills and experience seem like a good fit, I’d love to discuss the next steps. Thank you for all you do to nourish our community’s seniors.

Susan Smith

[email protected]

Sample #11: Library Volunteer

Subject: Bookworm and Aspiring Librarian Eager to Help at City Library

Dear City Library Volunteer Coordinator,

Libraries have always been my happy place. As a kid, I spent countless hours getting lost in the stacks, discovering new worlds and ideas with each book I checked out. Now, as a recent college graduate preparing to apply to library science programs, I’m eager to give back to the institution that shaped me by volunteering at the City Library.

As an English Literature major, I have a deep love of books and a keen understanding of the vital role libraries play in promoting literacy and lifelong learning. I’m passionate about connecting readers with the perfect book and am always eager to discuss the latest literary gems. I would relish the opportunity to share that enthusiasm as a volunteer, whether by helping patrons locate resources, offering reading recommendations, or assisting with shelving and displays.

Throughout college, I worked part-time at my university’s library, an experience that familiarized me with library operations and customer service. I’m comfortable using digital cataloging systems, have a keen eye for detail when it comes to shelving, and am skilled at explaining library services and policies to patrons. My supervisors consistently praised my reliability, initiative, and friendly, approachable demeanor.

In addition to my library experience, I’m also a skilled writer and researcher. As a volunteer, I would be excited to lend those skills to assist with any special projects, from crafting book reviews for the library blog to helping compile resource guides. I’m proficient with a variety of digital tools and pick up new technologies quickly.

Most importantly, I’m passionate about making the library a welcoming space for all. As someone who found solace and belonging among the bookshelves as a shy child, I’m committed to extending that same sense of inclusion to every patron who walks through the doors, regardless of background.

I’m available to volunteer several afternoons a week and would be thrilled to join the City Library’s team of dedicated volunteers. Thank you for considering my application.

Emily Jones

[email protected]

Sample #12: Food Bank Volunteer

Subject: Dedicated Community Servant Ready to Help Fight Hunger

Dear Food Bank Team,

Growing up in a family that often struggled to make ends meet, I know firsthand the fear and shame that accompany not knowing where your next meal will come from. I also know the immense relief and gratitude that come with receiving a box of groceries in a time of need. Now, as an adult in a more stable position, I’m committed to easing that burden for others in my community by volunteering with the Food Bank.

While I don’t have direct experience in food service or distribution, I bring a wide range of skills and a deep empathy for those facing food insecurity. As a social worker, I interact daily with individuals and families in crisis. I’m skilled at assessing needs, connecting people with resources, and providing emotional support with compassion and respect. My professional experience has also honed my cultural competency and ability to work effectively with diverse populations.

Beyond my social services background, I’m a hard worker with a can-do attitude. Whether I was stocking shelves, packing boxes, or distributing food, I would tackle every task with diligence and integrity. I’m physically fit, able to lift heavy items, and comfortable being on my feet for extended periods.

Perhaps most importantly, I’m passionate about the Food Bank’s mission and ready to jump in however I’m needed. Having been on the receiving end of food assistance, I know how much every bag of groceries matters. I would be honored to play a small part in getting nourishment to those who need it most, and in treating every client with the dignity they deserve.

I’m available to volunteer several days a week and would be thrilled to join your team in the fight against hunger. If my skills and experience seem like a good fit, I’d love to discuss the next steps.


Michael Rodriguez

[email protected]

Sample #13: After-School Program Volunteer

Subject: Energetic Tutor Ready to Inspire Young Learners

Dear After-School Program Coordinator,

As a college student studying elementary education, I jumped at the chance to volunteer with your after-school program. I’m passionate about creating engaging learning experiences for children and would relish the opportunity to contribute to your mission of providing enriching, supportive after-school care.

Through my education coursework and classroom observations, I’ve gained a solid understanding of child development and effective teaching strategies. I’m well-versed in designing hands-on, age-appropriate activities that promote learning while keeping kids entertained. Whether I was leading a science experiment, coaching kids through a tricky math problem, or facilitating a creative writing exercise, I would strive to make every moment a chance for growth and discovery.

Beyond my academic preparation, I have extensive experience working with children in various settings. As a summer camp counselor, I planned and led daily activities for groups of 20+ campers, honing my skills in behavior management and group facilitation. I’ve also volunteered as a tutor at my local Boys and Girls Club, providing one-on-one homework help and mentorship to struggling students.

In every role, I’ve been praised for my patience, creativity, and ability to connect with kids. I have a playful, energetic demeanor that puts children at ease and encourages them to open up. At the same time, I’m able to set clear expectations and maintain a structured environment conducive to learning. Above all, I’m committed to seeing every child as an individual with unique strengths and challenges.

I’m available to volunteer 3-4 afternoons per week and would be thrilled to be part of making your after-school program a fun, enriching space for kids to grow. If my skills and experience seem like a good match for your needs, I’d love to discuss the next steps.

Jessica Patel

[email protected]

Sample #14: Animal Rescue Transport Volunteer

Subject: Reliable Animal Lover Ready to Help Transport Rescue Pets

Dear Animal Rescue Team,

As a lifelong animal advocate and proud pet parent to two rescue dogs, I’m always looking for ways to help more furry friends find their forever homes. When I learned about your need for transport volunteers to help shuttle animals from overcrowded shelters to your rescue, I knew I had to get involved.

While I don’t have formal experience in animal care, I’m a responsible, reliable individual with a deep love for creatures great and small. Growing up on a farm, I’m comfortable handling animals of various sizes and temperaments. I have a calm, patient demeanor that seems to put even the most skittish pets at ease. As a current dog owner, I’m well-versed in reading canine body language and using positive reinforcement to manage behavior on walks and car rides.

In terms of logistics, I have a clean driving record and a spacious, well-maintained SUV that could comfortably accommodate several crated dogs. I’m detail-oriented and would take great care to ensure each animal was secure, safe, and as comfortable as possible during transport. I also have a flexible work schedule and am available most weekends for longer hauls if needed.

Beyond the practical details, I’m excited to be a small part of the lifesaving work your rescue does. I know firsthand the joy that comes with watching a once-homeless animal blossom in a loving home. It would be an honor to help more pets get that second chance by ensuring they arrive safely at your facility.

If you think I would be a good fit for your transport team, I would love to discuss logistics and next steps. Thank you for all you do for the animals in our community.

Mark Johnson

[email protected]

Sample #15: Park Cleanup Volunteer

Subject: Nature Enthusiast Ready to Help Keep City Parks Beautiful

Dear Parks Department Volunteer Coordinator,

As an avid hiker and birdwatcher, I spend most of my free time exploring our city’s incredible park system. From the serene trails of Maple Grove to the bustling playgrounds of Central Park, these green spaces are truly the jewels of our community. I’m writing to offer my time and energy to help keep them clean, safe, and beautiful for all to enjoy.

As a retired teacher, I’m no stranger to rolling up my sleeves and tackling a project. During my years in the classroom, I led numerous student volunteer initiatives, from campus cleanups to tree planting days. I have a knack for rallying a team, breaking big tasks into manageable steps, and maintaining a positive, energetic atmosphere even when the work is tough.

I’m also a stickler for details and take pride in a job well done. Whether I was picking up litter, clearing brush from trails, or painting picnic tables, I would approach every task with care and thoroughness. As a frequent park user myself, I’m invested in making sure every inch of our green spaces looks its best.

Beyond the practical work, I would relish the chance to share my love of nature with other volunteers. As an amateur naturalist, I’m always eager to point out interesting flora and fauna or share a bit of local ecology. I believe that the more people understand and appreciate the natural world, the more they’ll be motivated to protect it.

I’m available to volunteer several mornings a week and would be thrilled to join your team in caring for our city’s parks. If my skills and enthusiasm seem like a good fit, I’d love to discuss the next steps.

Sarah Davis

[email protected]

Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back, gain experience, and make a real difference in your community.

By tailoring your cover letter to highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and genuine enthusiasm for the organization’s mission, you’ll increase your chances of landing the volunteer role you’re passionate about.

So get out there and start lending your time and talents!

The right volunteer opportunity is waiting for you.

Volunteer Cover Letter Sample and Writing Guide (Template)

Want to crush your interview.

Learn how to ace your interview with superior confidence.

volunteer researcher cover letter

Writing a volunteer cover letter? Volunteering appeals to people for a variety of reasons. They may like to obtain professional experience, expand their personal network, and/or contribute to their communities.

It's crucial to know how to create a professional volunteer cover letter if you want to seek a volunteer position. We'll go through what to include in a volunteer cover letter, writing suggestions, and a sample of a successful cover letter in this post.

What should you include in a volunteer cover letter?

Here's what should be included in your cover letter.

volunteer cover letter

Full name and address

Start your cover letter by writing your name, home address, and primary phone number at the top, whether you're writing a physical letter or sending an email.

This lets your receiver know who you are and provides them with your contact information. Include your email address under your name if you're mailing a physical letter.

A short salutation or greeting should begin your letter. This should be courteous and professional, with the recipient's name mentioned if feasible.

If you don't know who will be reading your letter, use the conventional format of "Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name." Avoid " Dear Sir or Madam ."

If you're not sure who to address your letter to, look into the department you could be working in and see if there's a possible contact there.

Note: If you don't know the preferred prefix of the professional you're writing to, you can use "Mx" as a starting prefix. This is a gender-neutral start to the cover letter.

volunteer cover letter

An opening paragraph or introduction

Your letter's first full paragraph introduces you to your receiver/letter recipient. A brief overview of who you are and why you are interested in the role should be included. You might also include where or how you learned about the opportunity in this line.

Body paragraph

You should explain why you are a good match for the role in this paragraph.

The following should be included in the body of your letter:

  • Your education: List your degrees, majors, and the names of the colleges and universities you've attended. Because many organizations have educational criteria for volunteers, it's critical that you disclose your greatest degree of education.
  • Work experience: Concentrate on describing any relevant professional experience for the role. If you have volunteered or worked for another group, make sure to provide your title as well as the name of your employer or supervisor.
  • Skills and competencies: Finally, make a note of any special talents that are pertinent to the role. Teamwork, work ethic, interpersonal skills , and time management are examples of general abilities. You should also list any technical talents you have that are relevant to the duties you will be undertaking.

volunteer cover letter

You may also mention any professional accomplishments or certificates that illustrate your abilities in the body of your letter.

A closing paragraph

A expression of thanks should be included in the closing paragraph of your cover letter, thanking your recipient for taking the time to read and consider your message.

You should also reiterate your interest in the job and give an outline of your availability.

Finish by expressing your eagerness to hear from the company and promising a follow-up email.

Your sign-off

Include a professional sign-off beneath your conclusion, such as "Sincerely," or "With warm regards." If you're sending an email, enter your complete name first, followed by your contact details.

If you're sending a physical letter, type your name, print the letter, then sign your name beneath the closure.

How to write a volunteer cover letter

Tips for writing your cover letter for a volunteer position.

Do your research

volunteer cover letter

Do your homework. Investigate the organization before applying. Find out who you should send your letter to, what opportunities are available, and what the volunteer criteria are. Knowing this information in advance will allow you to be more precise in the body of your cover letter.

Pro tip: Cover letters should always get tailored to the application letter or company you're sending this to. Make sure to tailor your resume as well.

Make a plan. Consider why you want to volunteer when you're drafting your letter. Perhaps you want to earn experience or skills, or you want to find a fulfilling way to give back to your community. Incorporating these objectives into your letter will assist your recipient in determining whether or not the position is a suitable fit for you.

Pro tip: If you're sending this cover letter as an email, use a simple subject line. "Your name - volunteer work," for example.

Keep your cover letter concise

Keep it short and sweet. Every week, your receiver may get dozens of volunteer applications. They may just spend a few minutes on each letter that passes their desk for the sake of efficiency. Limit your cover letter to one page.

Volunteer cover letter example

A volunteer cover letter sample.

Aaron Smith

1114 Main Street

Geneva, IL 60174

(630) 833-9473

May 21st, 2021

Deborah Hills

Childhood Care Centers

223 Summer Drive

Dear Ms. Hills

I'd like to interview with Childhood Care Centers for a volunteer program. I have significant experience dealing with children, and the prospect of volunteering as a counselor excites me much.

I volunteered as a teacher's assistant at Wild Rose Elementary School in Illinois, where I had a great time assisting children with in-class activities. I was responsible for putting up classroom projects, providing one-on-one tutoring sessions to the students, and accompanying the class on field excursions as a teacher's helper.

I worked as a lifeguard at a local recreation center last winter. I earned my CPR certification, childhood development certification, and received first-aid training.

If you're looking for volunteer counselors for your summer camps, I'd be honored to be considered for the role. I feel my qualifications and expertise would make me a great addition to your company. I also hope that through volunteering, I will be able to get more experience as an early childhood educator, which is the subject in which I intend to major when I start college next year.

My summer schedule is fairly flexible, and I may volunteer in the evenings, weekends, and throughout the day. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Volunteer cover letter template

Contact Details:

Phone number

LinkedIn URL

Current date

Hiring Manager’s Name/Recruiter’s Name

Organization/Company Name


Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. (Hiring Manager’s Last Name):

When possible, address the reader or specific person the job application is getting sent to.

First Paragraph:

Use this as a way of telling the hiring manager that the resume and cover letter have gotten designed around their ideas/values.

Second Paragraph:

Keep it brief. Mention that you believe these accomplishments show relevant skills and abilities that make you a perfect fir to the volunteer work. And/or why you should be one of the volunteers.

Third Paragraph:

Close your cover letter with a clear call to action. Mention available times to have a phone interview. Or suggest they continue to read your resume for more insights on what you can bring to the company.

Closing Sign-off:

Thank you so much for your time and consideration,

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I'm looking forward to speaking with you and the team.

Your name/signature

volunteer cover letter

Related Hiring Resources

  • Best Volunteer Resignation Letter Example (+ Free Template Download)
  • How to List Volunteer Work Experience on a Resume (With Examples)

author: patrick algrim

About the author

Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program (CCP). And has been published as a career expert on Forbes , Glassdoor , American Express , Reader's Digest , LiveCareer , Zety , Yahoo , Recruiter.com , SparkHire , SHRM.org , Process.st , FairyGodBoss , HRCI.org , St. Edwards University , NC State University , IBTimes.com , Thrive Global , TMCnet.com , Work It Daily , Workology , Career Guide , MyPerfectResume , College Career Life , The HR Digest , WorkWise , Career Cast , Elite Staffing , Women in HR , All About Careers , Upstart HR , The Street , Monster , The Ladders , Introvert Whisperer , and many more. Find him on LinkedIn .

Fact checked: Our small and dedicated team rigorously evaluates every article, guide, and reference to ensure the information is accurate and factual. Learn more .

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How to Write a Volunteer Cover Letter (With Example)

Learn to write an effective volunteer cover letter with our step-by-step guide, complete with a practical example to help you convey your passion and qualifications clearly and concisely.


Volunteer work is a great way to help others and gain new skills. When you want to volunteer, you often need to write a cover letter. This letter is like a short message that tells the organization why you want to help and what you can do.

A good volunteer cover letter can make a big difference. It shows that you're serious about helping and that you have skills to offer. Many people forget this step, but it can really help you stand out.

Writing a cover letter for a volunteer position is a bit different from writing one for a paid job. You need to focus on why you want to volunteer and how your skills can help the organization. It's also a chance to show your passion for the cause.

In this article, we'll explain how to write a strong volunteer cover letter. We'll talk about what to include, how to make it sound good, and what mistakes to avoid. We'll also give you an example to help you get started. By the end, you'll know how to write a cover letter that will impress volunteer coordinators and increase your chances of getting the position you want.

Volunteer Cover Letter Example

Dear Wilma Snyder,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Volunteer position at Habitat for Humanity. As someone deeply committed to community service and passionate about making a tangible difference in people's lives, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your organization's impactful mission.

My name is Krin Hoffman, and I have long admired Habitat for Humanity's dedication to providing affordable housing solutions and empowering communities. Your organization's ethos of 'a hand up, not a handout' resonates strongly with my personal values and desire to create lasting change.

While I may not have mentioned specific prior volunteer experience, I bring a strong work ethic, adaptability, and a genuine enthusiasm for learning new skills. I am eager to contribute in various capacities, whether it's on construction sites, in ReStore locations, or assisting with administrative tasks. My ability to work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and approach challenges with a positive attitude makes me a valuable asset to any team.

I am particularly drawn to Habitat for Humanity's focus on sustainable building practices and community development. I am committed to educating myself on these topics and am excited about the prospect of hands-on learning while contributing to such meaningful projects.

Furthermore, I understand the importance of reliability and dedication in volunteer work. You can count on me to be punctual, maintain a consistent schedule, and approach each task with enthusiasm and care. I am also eager to engage with and learn from the diverse group of volunteers and homeowners that Habitat for Humanity brings together.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills, passion, and commitment align with the needs of Habitat for Humanity. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your organization's vital work in building homes, communities, and hope.

Krin Hoffman

How to Write & Format a Cover Letter Header

The header of your volunteer cover letter sets the tone and provides essential contact information. It's the first thing the reader sees, so it's crucial to format it correctly and include all necessary details.

Include Your Contact Information

Start with your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Align this information to the left or center of the page, depending on your preferred style.

Skip a line after your contact information and include the current date.

Recipient's Information

Below the date, add the recipient's name, title, organization name, and address. If you don't have a specific contact person, use a general title like "Volunteer Coordinator" or "Hiring Manager."

Begin your letter with a professional greeting. If you know the recipient's name, use "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]:" If you don't have a specific name, opt for "Dear Volunteer Coordinator:" or "Dear Hiring Manager:"

Remember, a well-formatted header demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism, setting a positive tone for the rest of your volunteer cover letter.

Greeting Your Potential Employer

After crafting a professional header, the next crucial element of your volunteer cover letter is the greeting. This section sets the tone for your letter and establishes a connection with the reader.

Use a personalized salutation

Whenever possible, address the letter to a specific person. Research the organization or reach out to find the name of the volunteer coordinator or hiring manager. Use "Dear [Name]" for a formal approach.

Default to a professional greeting

If you can't find a specific name, use a general but professional greeting such as "Dear Volunteer Coordinator" or "Dear Hiring Manager."

Avoid overly casual greetings

Steer clear of informal salutations like "Hey there" or "Hi folks." While volunteering often has a friendly atmosphere, it's best to maintain professionalism in your initial communication.

Consider the organization's culture

For more relaxed organizations, you might use "Hello [Name]" or "Greetings [Name]." Always err on the side of formality if you're unsure.

By taking the time to craft an appropriate greeting, you demonstrate attention to detail and respect for the organization, setting a positive tone for the rest of your cover letter.

Introducing Yourself in a Cover Letter

The introduction of your volunteer cover letter sets the tone for your entire application. This crucial section should immediately capture the reader's attention and convey your enthusiasm for the volunteer opportunity. Here's how to craft an effective opening paragraph:

Start with a strong hook

Begin your letter with a compelling statement that demonstrates your passion for the organization's mission or the specific volunteer role. This could be a brief personal anecdote, a relevant statistic, or an expression of your admiration for the organization's work.

Clearly state your purpose

Explicitly mention that you're applying for a volunteer position and specify the role if possible. This helps the reader understand your intent right away.

Highlight your motivation

Briefly explain why you're interested in volunteering for this particular organization. Connect your personal values or experiences to the organization's goals to show genuine enthusiasm.

Mention any referrals

If someone within the organization referred you, mention their name in the introduction. This can help establish an immediate connection with the reader.

Keep it concise

Aim to keep your introduction to 2-3 sentences. Remember, you'll have the opportunity to expand on your qualifications in the body of the letter.

By crafting a strong introduction, you'll set yourself up for success and encourage the reader to continue reviewing your application with interest.

Strong Example

Dear Volunteer Coordinator,

As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation with over 500 hours of community service experience, I am thrilled to apply for the Wildlife Conservation Volunteer position at Greenwood Nature Preserve. My background in ecology and hands-on experience in habitat restoration make me an ideal candidate to contribute meaningfully to your organization's mission of protecting local ecosystems.

Why is this a strong example?

This is a strong example of a cover letter introduction for several reasons. First, it immediately establishes the applicant's relevant passion and experience, quantifying their volunteer work to demonstrate commitment. The introduction also specifically names the position and organization, showing that it's tailored to this particular opportunity. Furthermore, it briefly highlights key qualifications (background in ecology and habitat restoration experience) that directly relate to the role. The language is enthusiastic and confident, conveying genuine interest in the position. Finally, it connects the applicant's skills to the organization's mission, demonstrating an understanding of and alignment with the preserve's goals. This introduction effectively grabs attention, showcases relevant qualifications, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the letter.

Weak Example

Hello, my name is John Smith and I am writing to apply for the volunteer position at your organization. I saw your ad online and thought it might be interesting. I have some free time on my hands and figured volunteering could be a good way to fill it.

Why is this a weak example?

This is a weak example of a cover letter introduction for several reasons. First, it lacks enthusiasm and doesn't demonstrate genuine interest in the organization or the cause. The phrase 'thought it might be interesting' suggests a casual, non-committal attitude. Second, it fails to highlight any specific skills, experiences, or values that make the applicant suitable for the role. Third, the motivation for volunteering is presented as merely filling free time, which doesn't convey a sense of dedication or passion. Lastly, the tone is too informal and doesn't create a professional first impression. A strong cover letter introduction should show enthusiasm, mention specific reasons for wanting to volunteer with the organization, and briefly highlight relevant skills or experiences.

Writing the Body of Your Cover Letter

The body of your volunteer cover letter is where you can showcase your skills, experiences, and passion for the cause you're applying to support. This section allows you to expand on your qualifications and demonstrate why you're an ideal candidate for the volunteer position.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences

Begin by discussing any relevant skills or experiences that align with the volunteer role. These could include previous volunteer work, professional experiences, or personal projects that demonstrate your capabilities. Focus on skills that directly relate to the position's requirements.

Show Your Passion for the Cause

Explain why you're interested in volunteering for this particular organization or cause. Share personal anecdotes or experiences that have motivated you to get involved. This helps the organization understand your commitment and enthusiasm.

Demonstrate Your Understanding

Research the organization and its mission. Use this knowledge to explain how your values align with theirs and how you can contribute to their goals. This shows initiative and genuine interest in the role.

Mention Availability and Commitment

Clearly state your availability and level of commitment. Whether you're able to volunteer on weekends, evenings, or for specific events, being upfront about your schedule helps the organization determine if you're a good fit.

Conclude with a Call to Action

End the body of your letter by expressing your eagerness to discuss the opportunity further. Invite the reader to contact you for additional information or to schedule an interview.

As a passionate advocate for environmental conservation, I am excited to apply for the Volunteer Position at Green Earth Foundation. With over 500 hours of volunteer experience in various environmental projects, including reforestation initiatives and community clean-up events, I believe I can make a significant contribution to your organization's mission.

During my time volunteering with the Local Wildlife Preservation Society, I developed strong organizational skills by coordinating groups of up to 30 volunteers for habitat restoration projects. I also honed my communication abilities through conducting educational workshops on sustainable living practices for community members.

My academic background in Environmental Science, coupled with my hands-on experience, has given me a comprehensive understanding of ecological issues and sustainable solutions. I am particularly impressed by Green Earth Foundation's recent urban gardening project and would be thrilled to assist in expanding this initiative.

I am available to commit 20 hours per week and am eager to apply my skills and passion to support Green Earth Foundation's important work. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team and further your mission of creating a sustainable future for our planet.

This is a strong example of a Cover Letter Body for a Volunteer position because it effectively showcases the applicant's relevant experience, skills, and passion for the cause. The content is tailored specifically to the organization (Green Earth Foundation) and demonstrates the applicant's knowledge of their work. It highlights quantifiable achievements (500 hours of volunteer experience, coordinating groups of up to 30 volunteers) which provide concrete evidence of the applicant's capabilities. The letter also connects the applicant's academic background to practical experience, showing a well-rounded understanding of the field. Furthermore, it expresses enthusiasm for a specific project of the organization, indicating research and genuine interest. Finally, it clearly states the applicant's availability and reiterates their eagerness to contribute, ending with a call to action for further discussion. This comprehensive and targeted approach makes it a strong example of a volunteer cover letter body.

I am writing to apply for the volunteer position at your organization. I have some free time and thought volunteering would be a good way to fill it. I don't have any specific skills or experience related to your cause, but I'm willing to help out wherever needed. I'm available on weekends and can start immediately if you need someone.

This is a weak example for several reasons. Firstly, it lacks enthusiasm and genuine interest in the organization's mission. The applicant's motivation appears to be merely filling free time rather than a passion for the cause. Secondly, it fails to highlight any relevant skills, experiences, or personal qualities that would make the applicant a valuable volunteer. The admission of having no specific skills related to the cause further weakens the application. Additionally, the content is vague and doesn't demonstrate any research into the organization or its needs. A strong cover letter should show commitment, relevant abilities, and a clear understanding of how the applicant can contribute to the organization's goals.

How to Close Your Cover Letter

Concluding your volunteer cover letter effectively is crucial for leaving a lasting impression. The closing section should reinforce your enthusiasm, summarize your key qualifications, and prompt the reader to take action.

Express gratitude

Thank the reader for their time and consideration. This simple gesture demonstrates professionalism and courtesy.

Restate your interest

Briefly reiterate your eagerness to contribute to the organization's mission. This reinforces your commitment and passion for the role.

Include a call to action

Politely request an interview or meeting to discuss the opportunity further. This shows initiative and confidence in your abilities.

Provide contact information

Ensure your contact details are easily accessible. Include your phone number and email address for the reader's convenience.

Use an appropriate closing

End with a professional sign-off such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours truly," followed by your full name.

Mention enclosures

If you're including additional documents like a resume or references, note this at the bottom of your letter.

By crafting a strong closing section, you leave the reader with a positive final impression and increase your chances of securing the volunteer position. Remember to proofread carefully to ensure your closing is error-free and aligns with the tone of your entire letter.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Organization Name]'s mission and make a positive impact in our community. I would welcome the chance to discuss how my skills and passion align with your volunteer needs. I look forward to hearing from you soon and potentially joining your dedicated team of volunteers.

This is a strong cover letter closing for several reasons. First, it expresses gratitude for the reader's consideration, which is polite and professional. It then reiterates enthusiasm for the position and the organization's mission, demonstrating genuine interest. The closing also mentions making a positive impact, which is often a key motivator for volunteer work. By referencing the alignment of skills and passion with the organization's needs, it reminds the reader of the candidate's qualifications. The closing is proactive, expressing a desire for further discussion, which shows initiative. Finally, it ends on a positive and forward-looking note, expressing hope for joining the team. This closing is concise yet comprehensive, leaving a strong final impression on the reader.

Thanks for reading my letter. I hope you'll pick me for the volunteer position. I really need this opportunity. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a nice day!

This is a weak example of a cover letter closing for several reasons. First, it lacks professionalism and confidence, using casual language like 'Thanks for reading' and 'I hope you'll pick me.' The statement 'I really need this opportunity' comes across as desperate rather than passionate about volunteering. Additionally, it fails to reiterate the candidate's enthusiasm for the role or organization, doesn't include a call to action, and doesn't express gratitude for the reader's time and consideration. The closing also misses the opportunity to reaffirm the candidate's qualifications or express how they could contribute to the organization. Overall, it fails to leave a strong, lasting impression and doesn't effectively conclude the cover letter in a way that would motivate the reader to take further action.

Cover Letter FAQs for Volunteer

What is the ideal format and length for a volunteer cover letter.

A volunteer cover letter should follow a standard business letter format and be no longer than one page. It typically includes your contact information, the date, the organization's contact information, a salutation, 3-4 paragraphs of content, and a closing. Aim for 250-400 words, focusing on your most relevant skills and experiences.

What key information should I include in my volunteer cover letter?

Your volunteer cover letter should include your motivation for volunteering, relevant skills and experiences, knowledge about the organization, how you can contribute to their mission, and your availability. Be sure to tailor the content to the specific volunteer position and organization you're applying to.

How do I highlight my skills and experiences if I don't have previous volunteer work?

Focus on transferable skills from other areas of your life, such as school projects, part-time jobs, or personal initiatives. Emphasize soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Discuss your passion for the cause and your willingness to learn and contribute in new ways.

Should I address my volunteer cover letter to a specific person?

Yes, whenever possible, address your cover letter to a specific person. Research the organization's website or call them to find out who oversees volunteer coordination. If you can't find a name, use a general salutation like 'Dear Volunteer Coordinator' or 'Dear [Organization Name] Team.'

How can I make my volunteer cover letter stand out?

To make your cover letter stand out, research the organization thoroughly and show genuine enthusiasm for their mission. Use specific examples of how your skills align with their needs. Include a personal story that demonstrates your commitment to the cause. Be concise, use active language, and proofread carefully to ensure a polished, error-free letter.

StandOut CV

Volunteer cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Do you want to volunteer your time and make a difference to the lives of others?

If you’ve found a charity or business that you want to help, you need to submit an honest and engaging cover letter that shows your passion, and explains why you’d be a great fit for the role.

To help get you onboard as quickly as possible, we’ve put together all our top tips, along with some volunteer cover letter examples in the guide below to inspire your application.

CV templates 

Volunteer cover letter example 1

Volunteer cover letter 1

Build your CV now 

Volunteer cover letter example 2

Volunteer cover letter 2

Volunteer cover letter example 3

Volunteer cover letter 3

These 3 Volunteer cover letter examples will provide you with some good ideas on how to format a cover letter, along with the type of message you should be trying to put across to recruiters .

To further understand exactly how you can write a cover letter that will get you noticed, check out our further guidance.

How to write a Volunteer cover letter

Here’s a simple process to write your own interview-winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

When you send a cover letter with a job application, you should always write your message into the body of your email – or the body of the messaging system if you are sending via a job website.

Why do this?

Simply because you want to get your message seen as soon as the recruiter opens your application.

If you attach the cover letter as a separate item, this means the recipient will have to open it before they can read it – slowing down the process and potentially causing frustration along the way.

So, write your cover note in the body of your email/message to ensure you make an instant connection with the reader.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To start building rapport with the recruiter or hiring manager right away, lead with a friendly greeting.

Try to strike a balance between professional and personable.

Go with something like…

  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Stay away from old-fashioned greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very formal companies – they can come across as cold and robotic.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try to uncover it via these methods.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Now that you have warmed the recruiter up with a friendly greeting, firstly you need to let them know which role you are applying for.

Sometimes a recruitment consultant will be juggling 10 or 10 vacancies, so it’s important to specify which one you are applying to.

Give us much detail as possible (team/department, role title etc.) and paste in the reference number if you have one.

Here are some examples you can use.

  • I am interested in applying for the role of Volunteer with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 40f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for an IT project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The main purpose of your cover letter is to excite recruiters and make them eager to open your CV. And you achieve this by quickly demonstrating your suitability to the job you are applying for.

Take a look at the job adverts you are applying for, and make note of the most important skills being asked for.

Then, when you write your cover letter, make your suitability the focal point.

Explain how you meet the candidate requirements fully, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider your application.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

It is best to keep your cover letter brief if you want to ensure you hold the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers. A lengthy cover letter will probably not get read in full, so keep yours to around 3-6 sentences and save the real detail for your CV.

Remember the purpose of your cover letter is to quickly get recruiters to notice you and encourage them to open your CV, so it only needs to include the highlights of your experience.

Sign off professionally

To finish off your cover note, add a professional signature to the bottom, stating your important contact details and information.

This not only provides recruiters with multiple means of contacting you, but it also adds a nice professional appearance to the cover letter, which shows that you know how to conduct yourself in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Aaron Smith Customer service professional 075557437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Volunteer cover letter

So, what type of information should you write about in your Volunteer cover letter?

The specifics will obviously depend on your profession and the jobs you are applying to, but these are the key areas you should be covering.

  • Your industry experience – Tell recruiters the types of companies you have been working for and the roles you have held in the past.
  • Your qualifications – Highlight your most important relevant qualifications to show employers you are qualified to do the roles you are applying for.
  • The impact you have made – Demonstrate the positive impact you have made for employers in previous jobs. Have you saved money? Improved processes? Made customers happy?
  • Your reasons for moving – Employers will want to know why you are leaving your current/previous role, so provide them with a brief explanation here.
  • Your availability – When will you be able to start a new job ? Check your current contract to find out your notice period if you are in a position already.

Volunteer cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Volunteer cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Church Volunteer position at St Michaels Church. With over 15 years of experience supporting rural and urban churches, I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful contribution to your congregation.

At St Edmunds Church in Southampton, I excelled in event planning and coordination, leading to successful community engagement initiatives, such as the highly acclaimed 2021 Summer Wine Camp. My inclusive approach during worship services ensures a warm welcome for visitors, as I support worship leaders and provide childcare. In the realm of music, my choral compositions have increased participation in the church choir by 41%, while my gardening expertise adds beauty to the church grounds. I take pride in fostering an environment of integration by introducing a Buddy System for new members. At my previous church in York, I coordinated music programs, facilitated gardening workshops, and organized fundraising events to support local causes.

I am eager to contribute my diverse skill set to St Michaels’s mission. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my experience aligns with the goals of the church.

Kind regards,

Jackie Williams

I am excited to apply for the part time Volunteer Coordinator position at the Trussell Trust. With 6+ years of experience collaborating with renowned charities like Amnesty International and Mind, I possess the skills to strategize and coordinate impactful volunteer recruitment drives and fundraising events.

As a politics student at Warwick University, I am the president of the Amnesty society and have improved regular volunteer retention by 39% as well as raising £10K through a charity music festival. At Big Al’s Kitchen, I reduced understaffing instances by 72% with an online notification system. My proficiency in managing databases and logistics was vital at Strawberry Fields Community Kitchen, ensuring efficient food pickups for underprivileged communities. In addition to my previous fundraising accomplishments, I also ran the 2021 London Marathon, raising an impressive £6.2K for the Trussel Trust.

I am eager to discuss my dedication to the Trussel Trust and how my skills could help support their ongoing work in the community in an interview. I am available at your convenience.

Katrina Vok

I hope this email finds you well. My name is James Mitchell, and I am excited to apply to volunteer at Oxfam in central Bradford.

Having volunteered for several years at a local charity shop, St Gemma’s Hospice, I have gained valuable experience in organising and managing the shop floor efficiently. I successfully led the team to achieve a 22% increase in sales in 2022 by implementing attractive visual displays and conducting community outreach events. With my proven dedication to the charity sector, I am confident in my ability to engage with customers and communicate Oxfam’s mission effectively. My excellent interpersonal skills have allowed me to develop strong relationships with donors and contribute to successful fundraising campaigns including the recent Parkside fun run.

I am thrilled about the opportunity to further contribute to the community, and I look forward to discussing how my experience and passion align with your goals in an interview.

James Mitchell

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a job as a Volunteer, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

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Volunteering Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Belak — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Writing a volunteering cover letter may seem daunting at first, but with our straightforward guide, it becomes a manageable task.

Homeless Shelter Worker Cover Letter Example

Brimming with actionable tips, real-world examples, and insightful advice, we'll help you navigate this important aspect of your volunteering journey. Let's together turn your passion for service into a compelling narrative.

Keep reading to learn about:

  • Crafting your volunteering cover letter header and headline
  • Tailoring the content and greeting of your volunteering cover letter
  • Creating a compelling cover letter introduction as a volunteer
  • Showing off your relevant skills and accomplishments as a volunteer
  • Persuading a volunteer organizer to contact you with your conclusion
  • Accessing useful job search resources for volunteers

1. How to write an effective volunteering cover letter header and headline

A cover letter header and headline refer to the first two elements found at the top of the page.

These elements serve two key purposes — they give your cover letter much-needed visual structure and they provide the volunteer organizer with the necessary introductory information about who you are and why you have written this cover letter.

Your cover letter header always comes first, placed in either the top left or top center of the page. In this header, a volunteer organizer should find:

  • Your name and professional title
  • Your professional contact information
  • The name of the company or organization where you wish to volunteer

Here's an example of a well-formatted volunteer cover letter header

Madison Jones , Animal Care Volunteer (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | linkedin.com/in/madison-jones

To: McKendall Animal Center 1234 Street Address Salem, MA 97301

Next, you will write your cover letter headline.

When applying for a paid position, this headline is used to convince the employer you have the top qualifications needed for the job. For a volunteer cover letter, comparatively, your headline should convey your passion for and commitment to the position.

To write a cover letter headline, include:

  • A relevant keyword (such as the specific type of volunteering you will be doing)
  • A number or trigger word that conveys a qualification
  • An adjective and/or verb that conveys your dedication
  • A personalized statement that shows this is an exclusively written cover letter

Here's an example of a great volunteer cover letter headline

My Top 3 Reasons for Volunteering in Animal Care & How It Will Benefit Your Shelter

Trigger word/Number: 3 Reasons Keyword: Volunteering in Animal Care Adjective/Verb: Top, Benefit Personalized statement: Your Shelter

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2. how to tailor the content and greeting of your volunteering cover letter.

When writing a volunteering cover letter, your primary goal is to convey why you want to volunteer at the specific company or organization you are applying to.

To do this, it's essential to personalize not just your headline but also the content and greeting of your cover letter . Personalizing a cover letter means you must read up on the company or organization before applying, looking for key information about their values, goals, and needs.

As well as including this information throughout the body text of your cover letter, you should also use it to create a personalized greeting that addresses a specific person by name, such as the volunteer organizer.

Here are 3 examples of personalized volunteer cover letter greetings

Dear Head Volunteer Joe Smith,

  • Dear Volunteer Organizer Joe Smith,
  • Dear Mr. Joe Smith,

3. How to create an eye-catching cover letter introduction as a volunteer

When writing a volunteer cover letter, you will have many opportunities to explain your passion for acts of service and the skills that make you a great volunteer.

However, in your introduction, you should place special focus on your top qualifications and years of experience . This can also include any specialized areas of expertise you possess, which can be especially important if you are applying for a volunteer role that requires a specific skill set, such as child care.

Here is an example of a compelling introduction from a volunteer cover letter

I am a highly experienced volunteer with specialized experience working with homeless and mentally disabled youth. With more than 8 years of experience working in community youth centers, I bring the skills, compassion, and commitment your organization needs to continue supporting kids of all backgrounds in the local community. My employer, Ms. Harriet Leonard, is a current volunteer with your organization and strongly recommended I apply for this position.

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4. How to show off your relevant skills and accomplishments as a volunteer

Working as a volunteer can require a diverse skillset that allows you to communicate effectively and work well within a team.

As you describe your skills, accomplishments, and various qualifications as a volunteer, it is crucial to make sure all the details you include are highly relevant, specific to the role, and quantifiable (whenever possible). This will help you to show the volunteer organizer your commitment to the role, as well as the key reasons why you are a great fit for the position.

Here are 6 skills to describe in a volunteer cover letter

  • Communication (describe your specific communication style)
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership (describe your specific leadership style)
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Time management

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a volunteer cover letter

As a volunteer for the American Red Cross, I helped to organize the nurse workstations and keep them well-stocked with supplies. After working diligently over 48 hours to design the optimal donation set-up, my team and I were able to boost the efficiency of donations, resulting in 25% more donations per day of the blood drive.

5. How to craft a persuasive volunteer cover letter conclusion

The final act of your cover letter writing process is to write a persuasive conclusion that lets the volunteer organizer know how to best contact you.

Make sure to not only reiterate your contact information but to also provide the best times and days on which you can be reached.

Additionally, always include a formal sign-off to show the proper respect and appreciation to the person reading your cover letter.

Here is an example of a persuasive volunteer cover letter

I am deeply appreciative to your team for taking the time to review my application and hope to join the ranks of your fantastic volunteer organization soon. You may reach me any weekday between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (123) 456-7890, or on weekends at [email protected]. I hope to hear from you by next Wednesday and plan to follow up that afternoon if I have yet to hear back.

Yours in Service,

[Applicant Name]

If you have ever wondered how a cover letter differs from a resume, this article will tell you everything about the key differences between the two .

6. Useful job search resources for volunteers

Navigating the vast sea of volunteering opportunities becomes easier with the right online platforms. Here are a few key websites to kick start your search:

  • Idealist : A global site known for its extensive list of volunteer opportunities across various causes.
  • VolunteerMatch : This platform bridges the gap between willing volunteers and non-profit organizations that need help. Their robust filtering system makes searching for the right opportunity a breeze.
  • HandsOn Network : Associated with Points of Light, it offers volunteering opportunities in multiple countries, making it an excellent resource for those looking abroad.
  • All for Good :  Powered by Points of Light, it allows you to customize your search based on your interests and location.
  • DoSomething : A platform particularly appealing to young volunteers, offering a range of different causes to support.
  • Catchafire : This resource is perfect for professionals who want to offer their skills for pro-bono work.

Don't forget the power of local resources, too - local community centers, places of worship, or even your nearest non-profit organizations might have volunteering opportunities accessible right in your backyard.

Volunteering Cover Letter FAQ

Should my volunteering cover letter be as formal as a job application cover letter.

Yes, it's best to maintain a professional tone in your volunteering cover letter. However, it's also important to let your passion and dedication shine through, as these qualities are especially valued in volunteer work.

I don't have much experience. Can I still make a strong volunteering cover letter?

Absolutely! Focus on the skills you do have and how they relate to the volunteer position. Be sure to emphasize your willingness to learn.

What should I do if there's a gap in my resume that I'm filling with volunteer work?

Explicitly mention this in your cover letter. It shows proactiveness to gain and utilize skills, even when you're not employed.

I want to volunteer in a field totally different from my professional background. How should I handle this in my cover letter?

Highlight the transferable skills between your past experiences and the volunteer opportunity. Also, emphasize your interest in the field you're volunteering in and why it matters to you.

Should I follow up with the organization after submitting my cover letter and application?

A polite follow-up email or call can demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment. However, remember to respect the organization's process and give them ample time to respond before reaching out.

Julia Belak — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Belak

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.


  • Community Volunteer
  • Refugee Volunteer

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  • Jan 3, 2022

How to Write a Cover Letter for Volunteer Work

Ready to volunteer? If you're looking to gain experience or simply want to help others, there's a high chance you'll need a volunteering cover letter.

Joanna Zambas

Joanna Zambas

Content Manager and Career Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Volunteer working with children with an overlay of a covering letter

Volunteering can add valuable experience and skills to your résumé, especially if you’re fresh out of education or changing occupation. That said, it can be hard to bag the perfect volunteer role. To help you, we'll walk you through all the steps you need to take to write an impressive cover letter to help you grab the attention of the recruiter.

What to include in a volunteer cover letter

As with any formal document or a regular cover letter, you need to follow a professional format. Below we’ve listed the correct formatting rules, structure and layout to ensure you impress the reader.

Your name and address

Your name and address should be written at the top right-hand corner of the page. In American English, the sender's address can sometimes be found in the top-left corner, so be sure to alter your template according to your location.

The date should appear a few lines below the letterhead — avoid this part if your request is via email.

The addressee’s name and address

A space should be left between the date and the addressee’s name and address. Regardless of your location, this should appear on the left-hand side of the page. If your letter is via email, skip this step and add a ‘subject line’.

Any formal letter should start with a formal greeting. A good way of making an impression is to use their name. For example, you could open with ‘Dear Ms Smith’. If you can’t find the hiring manager's name anywhere, writing ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ is acceptable.


The introduction is the perfect chance to market yourself and capture the recruiter’s attention. Open the letter by sharing your interest in the position and explain how and why you would be a good fit for the position by using a short example.

Within the body, go into further detail by explaining why you’d be perfect for the volunteering position . You could mention skills that you have that will benefit the work, relevant work experience or your educational background. If your previous jobs are not directly relevant to the role, then mention your employment history as a way to highlight your specific strengths as a volunteer. You may want to focus on your work ethic, your dedication to your current or former employers, and any transferable skills that could be relevant to the position you're applying for.

Close the letter by mentioning how much it would mean to you if you were selected to be part of the team. Inform them of how excited you are about the position and how you look forward to hearing from them soon.

Conclude with ‘Yours sincerely’, followed by your full name and signature. If you’re sending this via email, simply use your name and contact information.

Tips for writing a volunteer cover letter

To help you write a better cover letter, follow these handy tips:

Do your research

Before any job application, it’s important to do your research and find out all you can about the company. Have a clear understanding of the organisation’s goals and what the role entails. This will ensure that you are a genuinely good fit for the role. Besides researching the company, find out who is handling the hiring, so you know who to address your letter to.

Define your goals

After doing your research, you should know what the company's mission statement is, which will help you define your goals and align them to the goals of the organisation that you’re applying to. For example, if you’re applying to teach English abroad, explain how you are a great listener and educator who wants to help others develop their knowledge and skills.

Keep it short

The space on the page should be used wisely — don’t fill up two pages with unnecessary information. It’s important to keep your cover letter short and sweet, highlighting only essential details and facts that show off your skills, abilities and experience. Save your stories for the interview , where you can further elaborate on your experiences in the workplace.

Proofread your letter

Be sure to proofread your letter and look for any typos, misspelt words, grammatical and punctuation errors. You could even use a proofreading application like Grammarly that will do the work for you, or ask a trusted friend to skim their eyes over it and offer any corrections.

If you send off an application for volunteer work with sloppy errors, chances are you won’t get the opportunity, as you’ll have come across as unprofessional through your letter.

Match your résumé's design

With a high volume of applications, hiring managers will be looking for someone with an edge, so why not match your cover letter to your résumé template’s design? It’ll show that you’ve gone the extra mile to create professional documents.

To help you, we’ve created the ideal résumé templates bundle , which offers a range of reliable templates along with our job search application checklist.

Volunteer cover letter example

Here's a sample letter requesting volunteer work.

Volunteer Request Letter

If you’re applying via email, you could follow this template:

Mrs Jane Smith 123 street name City, County Postcode

Dear Mr Crane,

I came across the volunteer opening at the Red Cross, and I was instantly excited at the opportunity to volunteer for such a prestigious organisation. Over the last 10 years, I’ve worked as a nurse in private and public institutions. I would love the opportunity to give back to the world and work for a cause that is close to my heart.

A lot of people take nursing for granted. However, I see it as a role that can positively impact someone’s health and offer guidance. In the last decade, I have nursed sick children back to health, worked in a maternity ward and in a busy accident and emergency department. I would be grateful if I could offer these resources to children whose parents don’t have the funds for good healthcare. I have the experience of working in busy and demanding environments. Besides this, I have travelled to different countries already and have great interpersonal skills that will make my new patients feel comfortable.

As you can see, I’m extremely passionate about this role and believe I have valuable skills and experience that can benefit the cause that you’re working for. I hope that our goals align so we can offer the very best service to Third World countries that require the support.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can schedule an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name] [Your Number] [email protected]

Final thoughts

Volunteer work not only adds credibility to your résumé but also gives you an opportunity to explore different cultures, learn new skills and gain valuable experience, so it’s important to create an impressive cover letter and résumé to ensure that you get the position.

Have you volunteered for a company recently? Did you write a letter similar to this that was successful? Let us know your thoughts and comments below.

This article is an updated version of an earlier article originally published on 23 October 2017.

Cover Letters


Cover Letter Examples

Volunteering Programs

Sample Cover Letter for a Volunteer Position

Mary McLain / The Balance

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Tips for Writing a Cover Letter to Volunteer

What to include in a cover letter for volunteering, how to send an email cover letter.

When applying for any professional position, it is good form to include a cover letter with your resume. Your cover letter is an opportunity to highlight some of your most relevant qualifications and experiences, enhance your resume, and increase your chances of being called for an interview.

This is true for volunteer positions as well as for paid ones. Your cover letter is an opportunity to share your interest in an organization and explain why you'd like to volunteer with the group.

Here's advice on what to include in a cover letter for volunteering, an example, a template to download, and tips for emailing your letter.

There are many reasons why you may be considering applying for a volunteer position. Perhaps you are hoping to volunteer as a way of exploring a possible career field. Or, you may feel passionate about a cause and wish to help “make a difference.”

It may be that volunteering is a required component of a school, church, or club program.

Whatever your reason, a strong cover letter will help you to gain positive attention and—hopefully—to garner a personal interview for the volunteer role you are interested in.

Include Relevant Experience

When you’re writing a cover letter for a volunteer position, whenever possible, you should try to call on your experience that is most relevant to the volunteer role. Give some thought to what you believe will be your responsibilities as a volunteer, and then write a list of your experiences that have prepared you to assume these particular tasks.

Show How You're a Fit

The relevancy of your background experience is more important than whether it was voluntary, paid, or recreational. If you don’t have relevant experience, then do your best to connect your professional, academic, extracurricular, and/or personal history to the position, explaining why you think you are a great fit for the organization and how your skill set will enable you to become a strong contributor to their mission.

Explain Why You Want to Volunteer

You should also provide some reasoning as to why you are applying to volunteer. After all, in most cases, volunteering is completely “voluntary,” so the organization will want to know what’s motivating your application. 

If you aren’t applying on your own volition—if it is part of some requirement for school, work, or something else—then it’s best not to mention anything that would cause the organization to doubt your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Include Your Contact Information

Finally, you should end your letter with a brief description of your availability, along with the best way to contact you.

You can use this cover letter sample as a model. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Here's an example of a cover letter written for a volunteer position.

Sample Cover Letter for a Volunteer Position (Text Version)

Brady Applicant

123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 brady.applicant@email.com

May 4, 2021

Jackson Lee Director Greenleaf Child Center 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am interested in an opportunity to volunteer with the Greenleaf Child Center. I have significant experience working with children and would like to continue to do so in a volunteer capacity.

I volunteered as a teacher’s aide at the Champlain School and enjoyed being able to help kindergarteners learn during their first experience in a classroom. In this position, I assisted with classroom projects, provided one-on-one literacy tutoring to the children, and chaperoned field trips. I also contributed additional time, outside of my set hours, to stay after school and assist with extracurricular activities.

For the past several winters, I volunteered with children on the slopes of a local ski resort, assisting coaches with teaching basic skiing to toddlers and elementary school-age children.

If the Greenleaf Center has a need for a dedicated volunteer, I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to assist. I believe it would be an excellent opportunity to develop my interest in early childhood education, a field I wish to study and pursue professionally in the future.

My schedule is flexible, and I am available to volunteer both evening and weekend hours, as well as during the day. Please feel free to reach out to me via email or cell phone.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss any potential opportunities at the Greenleaf Child Center.

Thanks for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Brady Applicant (signature hard copy letter)

If you're sending your cover letter via email, list your name and the reason you're writing in the subject line of the email message:

Subject:  Volunteer Position - Brady Applicant

Include your contact information in your email signature, and don't list the employer's contact information. Start your email message with the salutation.

Here's how to format an email cover letter and more details on sending an email cover letter.

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  • Cover Letters

Sample Email Cover Letter for a Volunteer Position

volunteer researcher cover letter

  • Tips for Writing a Volunteer Cover Letter

Drafting Your Cover Letter

Sample letter for a volunteer position, emailing your cover letter.

If you're looking to volunteer, you likely know it involves donating your time, effort, and service. While most volunteer roles are unpaid, applicants looking to make a difference and gain valuable experience should consider sending an email message inquiring about such opportunities.

In some cases, volunteer roles can be competitive, so sending a cover letter can help you stand out. Plus, the time required to train and supervise volunteers is precious to these often short-staffed organizations.

Candidates who can show they have relevant experience or demonstrate that they're likely to volunteer for a long period (not just drop in for a single afternoon) will be appealing to the organization. 

As with a paid position, you'll want to use your cover letter to show why you're a good fit for the role. Get tips for what to write when you want to volunteer and see an example of a cover letter sent to inquire about volunteer opportunities. 

Tips for Writing a Volunteer Cover Letter 

Cover letters for volunteering written to organizations are an effective way to indicate your interest in a specific volunteer position, as well as to describe how your skills, experiences, and background can better the lives of others.

Like cover letters written for paid employment, those written for volunteer positions are most effective when they can highlight exactly how closely your background and interests fit the qualifications a group is looking for in its volunteers.

Like many paid jobs, organizations with volunteer positions available will often—but not always—publicly list the job openings they are looking to fill. Review these positions to find potential matches and understand their requirements. If there isn't a position listed at an organization, you can write a  letter of interest , letting the organization know that you are interested in volunteering there. 

Although volunteer opportunities are usually unpaid, the employer may still require certain qualifications for an applicant to be eligible. For instance, volunteers at an animal shelter may need experience working with pets. Other volunteer roles may call for a valid driver's license, experience with office administration, good phone manners, and so on. 

As in any cover letter, you'll want to highlight your most relevant skills, experience, and qualifications. 

Before you begin drafting your cover letter, be sure to  research the organization . Familiarizing yourself with the organization, its culture, and its mission can make you a stronger, more prepared candidate. In your letter, you'll be able to explain  why  you're interested in volunteering at the organization. 

Plus, learning about its operations may reveal that its values and mission are vastly different from your objectives—a sign that you should perhaps look for another organization to which you can contribute your time and labor.

Volunteering opportunities are not always listed by an organization’s human resources department, so make sure you research who to contact and how best to reach them.

When writing a cover letter for a volunteer position, mention your related work or volunteer experience, if applicable. Keep your cover letter professional, just like you would if you were applying for paid employment. For all you know, your volunteer position could ultimately turn into a job or full-time employment.

Utilize this time to market yourself to the organization. This cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your intentions right off the bat. When drafting the letter, be sure to describe your interest in the position as well as your relevant experience and background.

Provide examples of how you embody the organization’s mission statement, values, and core principles. In addition to your cover letter, include your  resume . You may also want to include letters of recommendation written by  personal or professional references  who can describe and attest to your experience and skills.

This is an example of a cover letter for a volunteer position. Download the volunteer position cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or see below for more examples.

Sample Letter for a Volunteer Position (Text Version)

Barry Applicant 123 Any Street Anytown, CT 11112 555-124-1245 barry.applicant@gmail.com

July 30, 2024

John Lee Volunteer Manager St. John Senior Center 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321 

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am interested in opportunities that may be available to volunteer at the St. John Senior Center. As a long-time advocate of the needs and welfare of the elderly in our community, I have experience working with senior citizens and would be thrilled to continue to do so in a volunteer capacity.

I volunteered as an aide at the Champlain Center and enjoyed being able to help senior citizens with arts and crafts. In this position, I assisted program participants with recreational projects, contributed to program planning and strategy sessions, and accompanied group field trips to local musical events and museums. I also participated in fundraising and community outreach initiatives.

If the St. John Center needs a dedicated volunteer, I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to assist you. My schedule is flexible, and I would be available to volunteer at your convenience.

Eager to learn more about your mission, successes, and challenges in serving our senior citizens, I would be grateful for the opportunity to interview with you at a mutually convenient time. I look forward to speaking with you.

Thank you for your consideration. 


Barry Applicant (signature hard copy letter)

Barry Applicant

You can either send your cover letter as an email attachment , or you can send it in the body of the email message with your resume . Be sure to include your name in the subject line of the email:

Subject: Your Name - Volunteer Application

Additional Sample Cover Letters

The most effective format for cover letters can vary depending on the opportunities they are targeting. Review cover letter samples for a variety of career fields and employment levels, including an internship cover letter sample, as well as targeted and email cover letters.

Key Takeaways

  • When applying for volunteer positions, crafting a well-written cover letter can help highlight your relevant experience and demonstrate your commitment, making you a more appealing candidate.
  • Researching the organization and tailoring your cover letter to align with its mission and values can strengthen your application and ensure a good fit.
  • Even though volunteer positions are typically unpaid, it's important to treat the application process professionally. Who knows—it could potentially lead to future employment opportunities.

4 Professional Volunteer Cover Letter Examples for 2024

In your volunteer cover letter, showcase your passion for the cause you wish to support. Let this enthusiasm radiate from every word you write. Demonstrate your understanding of the organization's work and how your skills align with their needs. Your dedication and relevance will make your application stand out.

Cover Letter Guide

Volunteer Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Volunteer Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Community Organizer

Hospital volunteer.

Volunteer cover letter

Crafting a compelling volunteer cover letter can be a stumbling block, even for those well into their job search journey. You understand it's not to echo your resume, but rather to weave the narrative of your proudest professional moment. Striking that fine balance between formality and genuine passion, steering clear of overused clichés, all while fitting your story neatly on one page can feel like an uphill battle. It's time to tackle these challenges head-on and let your dedication shine through.

  • Create a volunteer cover letter to persuade the recruiters you're the best candidate for the role;
  • Use industry-leading volunteer cover letter templates and examples to save time;
  • Dedicate your volunteer cover letter space to your best achievement;
  • Make sure your volunteer cover letter meets recruiters' expectations and standards.

Avoid starting at the blank page for hours by using Enhancv's AI - just upload your resume and your volunteer cover letter will be ready for you to (tweak and) submit for your dream job.

If the volunteer isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Volunteer resume guide and example
  • Stay at Home Mom cover letter example
  • ATS cover letter example
  • Spanish Translator cover letter example
  • Non Profit cover letter example
  • Site Manager cover letter example
  • No Degree cover letter example
  • US cover letter example
  • Military to Civilian cover letter example
  • Returning to Work cover letter example
  • Career Change cover letter example

Volunteer cover letter example


New York, NY


[email protected]

  • Emphasis on alignment with the organization's mission showcases not only an understanding of the company's values but also a personal commitment to their cause, which is crucial for advocacy-based roles.
  • Demonstration of relevant experience by citing specific achievements, such as leading a successful fundraising initiative, evidences the candidate's capability to contribute effectively to the organization's objectives—fundraising prowess is often essential for nonprofit work.
  • Highlighting soft skills like empathy, organization, and proactive teamwork presents an image of a well-rounded candidate who can navigate the social complexities of work in the non-profit sector, especially when dealing with vulnerable populations.
  • A clear call to action for an opportunity to further discuss the candidate's fit for the role, which conveys enthusiasm and initiative, may increase the chances of securing an interview.

What about your volunteer cover letter format: organizing and structuring your information

Here is one secret you should know about your volunteer cover letter assessment. The Applicant Tracker System (or ATS) won't analyze your cover letter.

You should thus focus on making an excellent impression on recruiters by writing consistent:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs (and explanation)
  • Promise or Call to action
  • Signature (that's optional)

Now, let's talk about the design of your volunteer cover letter.

Ensure all of your paragraphs are single-spaced and have a one-inch margins on all sides (like in our cover letter templates ).

Also, our cover letter builder automatically takes care of the format and comes along with some of the most popular (and modern) fonts like Volkhov, Chivo, and Bitter.

Speaking of fonts, professionals advise you to keep your volunteer cover letter and resume in the same typography and avoid the over-used Arial or Times New Roman.

When wondering whether you should submit your volunteer cover letter in Doc or PDF, select the second, as PDF keeps all of your information and design consistent.

The top sections on a volunteer cover letter

  • Header: Include your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details to ensure the cover letter is addressed properly and to make it easy for the recruiter to reach out to you.
  • Greeting: Use a formal salutation to address the hiring manager or volunteer coordinator, as it demonstrates professionalism and respect from the outset of your communication.
  • Introduction: Highlight your enthusiasm for volunteering and mention the specific role you're applying for, as this section sets the tone and shows your genuine interest in contributing to the organization.
  • Body: Detail your relevant skills, experiences, and motivations for wanting to volunteer, as recruiters look for candidates whose values align with their mission and who can bring valuable contributions to their team.
  • Closing: Reiterate your interest in the role and thank the reader for considering your application, providing a polite and professional end to your cover letter that leaves a positive impression.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Passion for the cause: Demonstrates dedication and a personal connection to the mission of the organization.
  • Proven commitment through previous volunteer work: Shows experience in and understanding of the nonprofit sector or similar volunteer roles.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills: Essential for interacting with various stakeholders and team collaboration.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Indicates the ability to handle diverse tasks and adjust to changing environments common in volunteer settings.
  • Leadership and initiative: Ideal for taking charge of projects and showing the willingness to go beyond assigned tasks.
  • Cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness: Important for organizations working with diverse communities or global outreach.

How to address hiring managers in your volunteer cover letter greeting

Goodbye, "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To whom it may concern!"

The salutation of your volunteer cover letter is how you kick off your professional communication with the hiring managers.

And you want it to start off a bit more personalized and tailored, to catch the recruiters' attention.

Take the time to find out who's recruiting for the role (via LinkedIn or the company page).

If you have previously chatted or emailed the hiring managers, address them on a first or last name basis.

The alternative is a "Dear HR team" or "Dear Hiring Manger", but remember that a "Dear Ms. Simmons" or "Dear Simon," could get you farther ahead than an impersonal greeting.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear [Organization Name] Team,
  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Specific Contact Person's Title and Last Name],
  • Dear Volunteer Coordinator,
  • Dear [Department Name] Director,
  • Dear Members of the [Committee or Department Name],

The volunteer cover letter intro: aligning your interest with the company culture

You only have one chance at making a memorable first impression on recruiters with your volunteer cover letter.

Structure your introduction to be precise and to include no more than two sentences.

Here are some ideas on how to write a job-winning volunteer cover letter introduction:

  • get creative - show off your personality from the get-go (if this aligns with the company culture);
  • focus on your motivation - be specific when you say what gets you excited about this opportunity.

How to select your best achievement for the middle, or the volunteer cover letter body

You probably feel exhausted by this point in your application: you've dived into all the details of your success and skills in your volunteer resume.

What else can you include in your volunteer cover letter body ?

Well, for starters, the next three to six paragraphs should show you further value as a professional. Or, why should recruiters choose you?

Think back on a noteworthy achievement that answers key job requirements and dive deep.

Structure your volunteer cover letter middle as you'd a story: following chronological logic and highlighting outcomes, thanks to skills.

At the end of the day, you'd want recruiters to be able to see you as the best candidate for the role and understand more about who you are and what makes your success unique (and valuable to the role).

Time to wrap up your volunteer cover letter

Writing the closing paragraph of your volunteer cover letter is just as important as the salutation.

You have to make it personalized to the job advert and recruiter.

Experienced professionals advise candidates to end with a request or reminder for follow-up. Write that you're grateful for the opportunity, and, at the same time, hint that you're available for the next steps of the process.

Otherwise, you could also conclude your volunteer cover letter by facing the future. How do you see yourself, as part of the team? In particular, how would you settle in your new role in the first six months to a year?

What to write on your volunteer cover letter, when you have zero experience

The best advice for candidates, writing their volunteer cover letters with no experience , is this - be honest.

If you have no past professional roles in your portfolio, focus recruiters' attention on your strengths - like your unique, transferrable skill set (gained as a result of your whole life), backed up by one key achievement.

Or, maybe you dream big and have huge motivation to join the company. Use your volunteer cover letter to describe your career ambition - that one that keeps you up at night, dreaming about your future.

Finally, always ensure you've answered why employers should hire precisely you and how your skills would benefit their organization.

Key takeaways

Winning recruiters over shouldn't be difficult if you use your volunteer cover letter to tell a story that:

  • Is personalized by greeting your readers and focusing on key job skills greets;
  • Isn't spread all over the place, but instead focuses on one key achievement and selling your value as a professional;
  • Introduces your enthusiasm for the role, passion for the job, or creativity in communication;
  • Is also visually appealing - meeting the best HR practices;
  • Ends with a nod to the future and how you envision your growth, as part of the company.

Volunteer cover letter examples

Explore additional volunteer cover letter samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Community Organizer Resume Example

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Debbie Bride

Volunteer cover letter example

Volunteer cover letter example

Cover letter header

Cover letter greeting, cover letter introduction, cover letter body, how to close a volunteer cover letter (conclusion & sign-off).

What’s the difference between a successful job application for a volunteer and someone pursuing a paid position? Actually, there isn’t much at all — an answer you may find surprising. With so many volunteer positions based on heart and passion for the role, an exceptional volunteer cover letter can give you an advantage over other applicants who haven’t included one. 

No matter what form of volunteering you’ve decided to pursue, we’re here to help you create an interview-winning cover letter. With 300+ writing guides and occupation-specific cover letter examples, Resume.io is a resource for candidates in all fields and at all experience levels. This writing guide, backed by volunteering cover letter example, will cover these topics:

  • The best format for structuring a cover letter
  • How each cover letter section conveys you’re an ideal volunteer job fit: header, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion
  • Writing psychology to persuade recruiters that you’re a lucky find for the volunteer workforce
  • Common cover letter mistakes to avoid.

The job market for volunteers is recession-proof and guaranteed to never dry up for any reason, anywhere on the planet. Consider these facts posted by TRVST , an organization championing global change-making initiatives. 

  • The number of volunteers worldwide — over 1 billion — exceeds the number of unemployed people in six out of 10 of the most populous countries.
  • The efforts of volunteers worldwide are equal to 109 million full-time workers.
  • Approximately 25% of the U.S. adult population are volunteers, declining from 28% between 2003 and 2005.

Best format for a volunteer cover letter

Your volunteer cover letter should be structured exactly the same way as it would be for a paid job opportunity in the same field. These are the sections to include:

  • Cover letter closing.

The overall guidelines for reader-friendliness are also the same. 

  • Keep it short — no more than a single page, and 400 words maximum.
  • Make it eye-pleasing in a professionally polished sense — clean and streamlined, with ample white space.
  • Readability takes precedence when choosing fonts and non-distracting design elements.

Here is an adaptable volunteer cover letter example that you can customize for the position and hiring organization:

Dear Mr. Sonnenheim, | am writing as an aspiring soccer coach to see whether there is an opportunity to volunteer at the Boston Cubs? Having played soccer since I was 13, I had to curtail my playing career last year due to injury and would love to give back to the game during my sports science degree. I have no formal coaching experience; but would be keen to take on my first coaching qualifications alongside the volunteer work. A friend of mine helped out last year and he said that you are open to such arrangements. I have worked with the 11-16 age group previously at summer camps and I enjoy helping kids make the most of their potential and love watching them challenge themselves. I have a solid understanding of the tactics of soccer, but realize that much of the initial work will be organizational and logistical. I am a qualified minivan driver and was a treasurer for my college theater group, so hopefully I have other skills that may come in useful for the club. Due to my previous work with schoolchildren, I have all recent background checks and can share 35+ positive references from parents and participants. I live ten minutes walk away from your training ground and have watched the kids play every now and again on my weekend strolls. They all seem to have so much fun and I would love to be a part of that journey for them. I would relish the opportunity to come along and discuss what else I might be able to contribute to the Cubs. Sincerely, Bridgette Cole

The header lends off-the-top importance to your volunteer cover letter’s overall goal — to attract favorable attention leading to a job interview. It serves two key purposes:

  • Readily identifies who you are and how the recruiter can contact you for an interview.
  • Visually sets your volunteer application apart from countless others that may be overwhelming busy recruiters.

A matching pair Recruiters in a volunteer-dependent organization may sometimes be stretched to their multi-tasking limit, and perhaps frazzled when poring over job applications. A visually matched resume and cover letter pair can be a sight for sore eyes. 

The small bit of extra effort it takes to make these documents look like they belong together could ensure both get more than a passing glance.

Goal of the cover letter header: Set yourself apart from possibly hundreds of other volunteer job applicants with a visually distinctive identifier and contact information.

Volunteer job applicants may have an advantage when it comes to knowing who their cover letter greeting should address. They’ve likely shown initiative in exploring opportunities of interest and determined the requirements to apply, including recruiter contact information. Or, they may already have firsthand knowledge and connections without having to do research.

In any case, do address your cover letter to someone by name if possible. The positive psychological impact is well established. Otherwise, there’s no need to overthink the salutation: “Dear <Mr.> or <Ms.> Surname” is never outdated. Sometimes, the less formal “Hello,” “Greetings” or “Hi” is fine instead of “Dear.” Only use a first name greeting if you know the recipient personally. 

If you are unable to find out the recipient’s name, fashion a warmer alternative to “To Whom It May Concern.” Try “Dear <Organization Name> Volunteer Hiring Team” or something similar.

Goal of the cover letter greeting: Start off by directly addressing the person responsible for recruiting volunteers in a warm but professional manner.

Dear Mr. Sonnenheim,

Your volunteer cover letter introduction is pivotal to forming a connection with the reader. It’s where your passion, personality and purpose start shining through.   Volunteer recruiters will naturally expect you to start highlighting your most relevant strengths and background experience right away. And you absolutely should — especially emphasizing your people skills up front. But the biggest wow factor comes from revealing your “why.” Why do you care about this organization or charitable cause? What’s driving your desire to give? If there’s a personal, close-to-home reason, share that. This motivational insight should answer the recruiter’s foremost “how” question: How will your volunteer efforts help us if we give you this opportunity?

Goal of the cover letter introduction: Appeal to the specific needs of the organization or cause by conveying how your volunteering efforts will be of benefit.

Here’s an introduction idea from our volunteer letter sample:

I am writing as an aspiring soccer coach to see whether there is an opportunity to volunteer at Boston Cubs? I had played soccer since I was 13, but had to curtail my playing career last year due to injury and would love to give back to the game during my sports science degree.

Again, the same advice for writing the middle section (known as the body) of any job search cover letter applies when you are seeking a volunteer role. Focus on what the volunteer job requirements are and why your background is a good fit. 

Whether your previous experience has been professional or in other volunteer capacities is less important than its relevance to this particular volunteer job. Elaborate on achievements and the transferable skills brought to bear — especially soft skills. Cite relatable facts and figures such as target-beating fundraising totals or special event attendance. And by all means, share an anecdote or two that the reader can relate to on a personal level.

Goal of the cover letter body: Instill confidence in your sense of dedication and desire to contribute as a volunteer, based on relevant background experience.

This volunteer cover letter sample illustrates what you might include in the middle part:

I have no formal coaching experience; but would be keen to take on my first coaching qualifications alongside the volunteer work. A friend of mine helped out last year and he said that you are open to such arrangements. I have worked with the 11-16 age group previously at summer camps and I enjoy helping kids make the most of their potential and love watching them challenge themselves. I have a solid understanding of the tactics of soccer, but realize that much of the initial work will be organizational and logistical. I am a qualified minivan driver and was a treasurer for my college theater group, so hopefully I have other skills that may come in useful for the club. Due to my previous work with schoolchildren, I have all recent background checks and can share 35+ positive references from parents and participants. I live ten minutes walk away from your training ground and have watched the kids play every now and again on my weekend strolls. They all seem to have so much fun and I would love to be a part of that journey for them.

Like any cover letter, yours should end with a note of thanks for the recruiter’s interest and a concluding remark about your potential assets as a hired volunteer. Sound optimistic with the hope of hearing back soon; perhaps take that call to action a step further by asking if an interview can be arranged.  In addition, be sure to stipulate when you are available to volunteer and how much time you can commit. Specify the best way to reach you by repeating the phone number or email address shown in the header.

Finally, simply sign off with “Sincerely,” Best regards,” or “Best,” above your name. 

Aim of the cover letter closing: End with an upbeat call to action, ideally resulting in an interview, along with information about your volunteer availability.

Below is the closing section of our volunteer letter example.

I would relish the opportunity to come along and discuss what else I might be able to contribute to the Cubs. Sincerely, Bridgette Cole

Writing psychology

Reversing the roles is actually a useful way to look at the persuasive goal of any cover letter, whether you are applying for a paid position or a volunteer job. Put yourself behind the recruiter’s desk. Imagine routinely receiving dozens of submissions every week from volunteer hopefuls, compared with a salaried job vacancy generating a finite number of applications within a closed timeframe. 

Consider the added burden of proof that a volunteer cover letter carries when it comes to motivations compelling enough for the reader to pay serious attention. And never assume that qualified willing volunteers are in such short supply that organizations, out of desperation, will take anyone who steps forward. 

It goes without saying that most volunteer applications are “voluntary,” so recruiters are curious about the underlying reasons — typically to gain work experience, develop skills or give back to the community. Besides wanting to know your volunteer goals and whether the position is a good mutual fit, the cover letter reader needs a good sense of your potential value to the team and how long your commitment will last.

If your volunteer job application is not actually “voluntary” — that is, it’s a requirement for school, work or some other purpose — consider ways to reframe this information in your cover letter without being deceptive. Try to avoid casting doubt about whether your interest in the opportunity and desire to help are genuine. 

Common cover letter mistakes to avoid

Avoiding the most common cover letter pitfalls will ensure your volunteer appeal hits the mark. 

  • A generic cover letter is like pretending you can clone yourself for multiple volunteer stints simultaneously.
  • A “what’s in it for me” focus will turn off recruiters interested in how your volunteer contributions will help their organization or cause.
  • Meaningless clichés and redundant word bloat waste valuable page space and the reader’s precious time.
  • Without insights to your personality, passion and purpose, recruiters have no sense of what drives your giving intentions or how well you get along with others.
  • Typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical goofs are a warning that your involvement might cause more work for others — fellow volunteers and paid staff alike.
  • Design and formatting flaws can be perceived as a disregard for the organization’s identity, image and values, but a cover letter template can help you avoid these mistakes.

Key takeaways for a volunteer cover letter

  • Despite the absence of financial compensation for volunteer work, the job application approach is remarkably similar, including the importance of an outstanding cover letter.
  • Infinitely available volunteer opportunities allow for mutually ideal matches to be made, so each volunteer cover letter calls for a customized approach.
  • Cover letters are designed to reflect your personality and purpose to a greater extent than resumes allow, which volunteer recruiters are keenly interested in.
  • A visually attractive and error-proof cover letter speaks to your professionalism, work ethic and attention to detail. See how this is done in our volunteer cover letter sample.

For more inspiration, check out our other related resume examples:

  • Support worker cover letter sample
  • Social worker cover letter sample
  • Youth worker cover letter example
  • Career change cover letter sample
  • Non-profit cover letter example

Free professionally designed templates

Volunteer Cover Letter Examples

A great volunteer cover letter can help you stand out from the competition when applying for a job. Be sure to tailor your letter to the specific requirements listed in the job description, and highlight your most relevant or exceptional qualifications. The following volunteer cover letter example can give you some ideas on how to write your own letter.

Volunteer Cover Letter Example

or download as PDF

Cover Letter Example (Text)

Bernell Ying

(484) 878-2356

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Plough,

I am writing to express my interest in the volunteer opportunities within your esteemed organization. With a strong commitment to community service and a solid background in volunteering, particularly at a local food bank, I am eager to bring my passion and five years of experience to your team.

During my time at the food bank, I honed my skills in team collaboration, event coordination, and effective communication, all of which are vital for a successful volunteer endeavor. I learned the importance of empathy and compassion, as I worked directly with individuals from diverse backgrounds, understanding their needs and providing support. My ability to connect with people and inspire them to contribute to our common goals has been a cornerstone of my volunteering efforts.

My dedication to service goes beyond the tasks at hand; I strive to make a lasting impact on the community and the organizations I serve. I am well-versed in identifying areas that need support and am proactive in taking initiative to address those needs. My adaptability and problem-solving skills have been particularly beneficial in responding to unexpected challenges, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and effectively.

Furthermore, I have consistently demonstrated leadership qualities by training new volunteers and fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment. This experience has equipped me with the ability to motivate and guide a team towards achieving shared objectives, while also prioritizing the personal growth of each individual.

I am excited about the possibility of contributing my skills and enthusiasm to your organization. I am confident that my experience as a dedicated volunteer and my commitment to making a difference will be valuable assets to your team. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can support your mission and goals through my volunteer service.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to learn more about the volunteer opportunities available and hope to contribute to the impactful work you are doing.

Warm regards,

Related Cover Letter Examples

  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Volunteer Manager
  • Premed Research

Research Assistant Cover Letter: The Ultimate Guide

Research Assistant Cover Letter

You should never underestimate the power of a good research assistant cover letter. Whether you are seeking to gain some research experience to bolster your applications for medical school and MD-PhD programs or seeking to get a coveted research assistant position, your cover letter is one of the key components of your application.

Research assistant cover letters can be tricky to write, but I'm going to guide you through this process. In this blog, you will learn why a cover letter is important, how to write your research assistant cover letter, learn tips to make your cover letter stand out, and get to read cover letter samples, including one with no research experience! Whether you're a premed or not, this ultimate guide will help you get your desired research position.

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Article Contents 17 min read

Why get involved in research.

Research is certainly one of the ways to build up your medical school application and impress the admissions committees with your extracurriculars for medical school . However, it is also your chance to build up professional skills and knowledge in the field of your interest. Admission committees appreciate applicants with a research background because these students demonstrate interest in actively shaping medical and scientific progress.

Since the research process is challenging and enriching, these students develop critical thinking skills and confidence to challenge the status quo. Research fosters patience and stamina. It provides freedom to experiment and a space for constructive criticism. If you are looking to gain research experience, do not limit your search to strictly medical positions. Pursue disciplines that interest you. Research skills can often be transferred to a variety of fields.

Unique research experiences will also make you stand out in your medical school applications. As you might already know, one of the most common medical school interview questions  you’ll be asked is how you can contribute to the diversity of the incoming class – research is your chance to add another unique experience to your application.

Research experience is highly valued by some of the top medical schools in the world. For example, over 90% of Ivy League medical schools’ matriculants have research experience. According to the latest data, 99% of  Stanford Medical School  matriculants have research and lab experience. Research is especially valuable if you are looking at MD-PhD programs.

Firstly, you should always send a cover letter in addition to your CV as part of your job or volunteer application, unless otherwise expressed by the recruiter. Even if you have had the chance to explain your motivation for applying in the application form or email, you should still include a separate cover letter. This letter is an additional opportunity to present yourself as the perfect candidate for the research position.

The primary goal of a research assistant cover letter is to intrigue your potential employer enough to invite you to an interview. Whether you’re an experienced researcher or an undergraduate student looking for research experience, your cover letter is the “face” of your application. Most likely, your cover letter will be the first document your potential colleagues read about you. A perfect research assistant cover letter should include the following:

Your cover letter must compel the reader to read your CV and other application components, if applicable. "}]" code="timeline3">

Simply put, your cover letter should explain why you are the most suitable candidate for the position. Your letter must demonstrate how you meet the criteria for the research position and what makes you a unique candidate. Additionally, this letter is your chance to show off your communication and language skills. Remember, research reports require the ability to articulate clearly and succinctly. Your strong technical research abilities must be accompanied by excellent verbal and written communication skills.

How to Write Your Cover Letter

Let’s examine what steps you need to take to create an outstanding research assistant cover letter.

Research the Position

First and foremost, when you write a cover letter for a research assistant position, you must know exactly what the position entails, what expectations your potential colleagues have of the new hire, and how this research position might develop in the future.

If you found a position as a job posting, it would certainly be wise to study the job description closely. It usually gives you some important, albeit surface, information. You can start by carefully studying the position summary, duties and responsibilities, qualifications, requirements, etc. However, this is usually not enough. Whether you found this position as a job posting or not, it is important to do your research.

Your cover letter needs to show that you are the best possible match for this research position. The job description you have found can only give you so much. You need to find out how your research interests match with this institution’s research program, what the recruiters are really looking for, and how it can help you in your future career as a medical professional or a researcher.

Start by researching the institution or department you’re applying to online. Research their programs, their research profile, and the research interests of their staff. Often you can find important information about the institution’s latest research ranking and their research projects on their website. It could also be interesting to read reviews written by people who have worked in the institution to which you’re applying. Do take these with a grain of salt, but some of these reviews can give you insights into the program’s expectations.

Another way to find out more information about the position is to contact the institution or the department. There is usually someone who can answer your questions, such as an administrative assistant, recruiter, or someone directly involved in the research project. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the job, the department, or the institution.

Avoid asking specific questions that will be covered in an interview such as “how much does the job pay” as this will send the impression that you're only interested in the position for the pay, and not because it's what you really want to do. Calling to inquire about the job may also make your name stand out among dozens of applicants for this position. The recruiters may make a note that you personally called and showed enthusiasm about the job.

Before you call, make sure you prepare a list of questions. Beware that your phone call may turn into an unofficial interview, especially if you talk to someone involved in the research process. Be ready to speak about yourself in relation to the position and prepare to answer some of the most common interview questions like “ Tell me about yourself ?”, “why do you want to work with us?” and so on. These are common introductory questions that allow the interviewer to get some insights about you as a potential colleague.

If you are a current undergraduate student, you can also try speaking to your classmates and any TAs you know who may have worked in the research lab you are applying to. You can ask them what they enjoyed and what they found challenging about the work, allowing you to learn from a first-person perspective what it is like to work in that lab.

It might seem like a lot of work, but researching the position, the institution, faculty, and staff will give you a competitive edge. Whoever reads your research assistant cover letter and CV will be able to tell the depth of your research. Your dedication and curiosity will really show in your application and distinguish you as a serious applicant from the rest of the hopefuls. It is also great preparation for the interview stage.

A research position cover letter should be no longer than a page. Your language must be succinct and clear. You must be able to demonstrate that you can express your ideas fluently and clearly – do not use informal language or include any fluff. Your cover letter is not the place to give a detailed account of every research position you have held.

Remember, your letter may go through several readers and not all of them may be researchers, so do not use overly technical language. Your letter must capture the interest of any reader, while further details of your research experiences and education can be included in your CV. If you want to accompany your cover letter with a stellar CV, check out our blog on how to write a CV for graduate school .

For your cover letter, use a classic font such as Times New Roman or Calibri sized 11 or 12 and break your letter into paragraphs. This order of paragraphs is not set in stone, but it may give you some ideas about how to structure your letter:

Remind the reader why you are a good fit for this job and restate your interest in the position. "}]">

Are you planning to apply to medical school? Check out how research can help you:

How to Stand Out in Your Research Position Cover Letter

When you prepare your cover letter, you need to reflect on what makes you a unique candidate for the research position to which you’re applying. To do this, think about what may differentiate you from the competition and try to anticipate what other candidates may offer.

First of all, try to analyze and have a clear understanding of your depth of expertise in this field. Do you have a high research profile? Have you had much research experience in this field? If your answer is yes, then it might be a good point to include in your cover letter. Perhaps you have demonstrated passion for this research field, and you want to commit your future to this area of research? Or maybe you want to stay and work in this particular institution? Perhaps you completed your undergraduate degree there and know the ins-and-outs of their labs? Try to think of yourself in relation to the position, your potential colleagues, and the department. You might find more connections upon a deeper inspection.

Another great selling point is your ability to access research and funding networks and organizations. If you have had success in applying to and receiving research grants or organizing fundraisers for your research projects, be sure to include this in your cover letter. A colleague who can increase funding for a research project is an invaluable addition to any team.

If you do not have a strong research background in this field, do not worry. Try to think of your personal research experience – do you have a diverse background? Does your particular blend of experiences give you a unique perspective? If you have had research experience in a variety of disciplines, it might be your competitive edge!

What if you have not had the chance to gain research experience? Maybe you have had a limited amount of opportunities for research? You can talk about this in your cover letter by expressing enthusiasm to be exposed to research. In this case, try to focus on your biggest successes and most relevant qualities. You might possess a qualification that would be highly relevant to this research position even if you’ve never had a serious research experience. Have your abilities to multitask been praised by previous employers? Have you received awards for teaching excellence? Are you particularly skilled with technology and computer software? All these qualities and accomplishments may help you impress the reader. Try to market yourself, your skills, and qualifications in relation to the position – you might have something other applicants don’t.

How to Look for Research Positions if You Have Little to No Experience

If you have little to no research experience, but want this experience for your medical school application or to be eligible to apply for a research position you really want – here are some tips:

1. If you’re out of school, finding out about research positions and opportunities is quite difficult. Oftentimes, research positions are not posted externally. Even within the institution, professors and PIs tend to select students they have taught to help them in their research projects.

With this said, there are things you can do to search for these opportunities. One of the most common ways to find a research position is to email professors in the departments you would like to join as a researcher. Whether you are still a student or a graduate, explain in your email that you want to volunteer in the lab. Do not mention money – state clearly that you want to gain research experience. Without experience, a paying research position is almost impossible to get. Start as a volunteer and see where it takes you.

  • Your cover letter should include your most recent successes. Talk about your most recent or current jobs.
  • You should present evidence that would support your relevancy for the position in the first half of the letter. Support your pertinent qualifications with examples of achievements from your previous or current roles (i.e. awards, distinctions, publications, etc.).
  • Illustrate your successes with brief but solid examples, explaining why you would be a good fit for this position.
  • Concentrate on achievements and qualities that make you unique, rather than simply listing the job description’s criteria.
  • Your cover letter should indicate that you spent much time researching the position, the faculty, and the institution. Demonstrate how well you know the role and the research context when explaining your career motivations.
  • Ensure your letter is error-free and clearly written. A grammatically correct and succinct letter is professional and shows the reader you are capable of communicating effectively in writing.

Things to Avoid in Your Research Assistant Cover Letter

  • Do not summarize your CV or give too much detail. Remember, the reviewer already has your CV so it's not appropriate to list items that are available elsewhere in your application. You must be selective about the qualifications and responsibilities you emphasize.
  • Do not leave out examples when you make statements about the relevancy of your skills and experiences.
  • Never send the same cover letter to more than one employer. Do not cut and paste from one letter to another. Your reader will be able to tell your lack of research and career focus.
  • Do not use jargon and overly technical vocabulary. You might want to come off as a knowledgeable candidate for this position but try to stick to a professional tone and language as much as possible.
  • Do not concentrate your cover letter on what the employer can do for you. Instead, focus on what you can do for the employer and the research project.
  • Do not make statements that are too general. For example, do not say “I’ve always wanted to work in this research field” – rather, show that you have worked in this research area and that you are passionate about this field. Do not write that you want to work for this institution or with this PI because they are famous all over the world. You must include other reasons for wanting to work with them. Searching for validation might make the wrong impression and eliminate you from the competition.

Some Important Don'ts for Research Assistant Cover Letters:

Do not make statements that are too general "}]" code="timeline2">

Research Assistant Cover Letter Sample #1

Dear Dr. Smith,

With this letter and enclosed CV, I would like to express my strong interest in the Research Assistant position you have available in the X department. I am a recent master’s graduate with experience in facilitating successful clinical trials. My graduate research involved working with clinicians and patient populations. Before my master’s, I graduated from a premed program at X university with the highest honors.

This research assistant position is a perfect combination of my educational background and my clinical experience. During my master’s degree, not only was I able to read, analyze, and interpret information from professional journals, technical procedures, and government regulations, but I also participated in clinical procedures directed by my PI, Dr. John Johnson. I completed and maintained case report forms as per FDA guidelines and reviewed them against the patient’s medical record for completeness and accuracy. I was heavily involved in assisting my superiors with the clinical process. I collected, processed, and shipped blood and urine specimens at scheduled patients’ visits. I was in charge of ensuring that all laboratory results were given to appropriate doctors for review of clinical significance, then filed the results in the patient study binder. My dedication to research and my team earned me the Research Assistant Excellence Award. Today, I am still in touch with my PI and my colleagues, with whom I have maintained professional and friendly ties. After recently graduating from my master’s degree, I am looking to apply my skills and knowledge to your research project.

Aside from learning a set of clinical and laboratory skills, working in research has trained my other competencies. My research position involved working in a team of researchers from different disciplines and nationalities. This experience significantly improved my ability to communicate as I often found myself explaining complex concepts to people outside of the medical field. Working with such an international team taught me to problem-solve and find quick solutions. For example, one aspect of the project involved collaborating with team members in Japan. We had a hard time communicating due to the time difference. I suggested to my colleagues and PI that we create a message board online where we could quickly ask questions and send documents back and forth; this board was available both on mobiles and computers, allowing for easier communication between our two teams at any time. This initiative improved our productivity and speed, as well as allowed us to quickly communicate practical solutions to any problems that came up during research. This successful collaboration resulted in the university funding our research project for one more year.

My interests and responsibilities outside of research would also make great contributions to your team. I am particularly impressed with your Institution’s commitment to improving patient experience in deprived communities. As an active volunteer at my local Street Heath Community Clinic, your dedication to providing healthcare to all in need is very inspiring. I am also drawn to your department's interdisciplinary approach. As a master's graduate, I learned the value of combining academic and clinical research. I know from experience that thinking beyond your discipline will only improve your research approach and results.

I am confident that my clinical research experience, my in-depth educational background, and interests make me an ideal match for this position. I would appreciate any opportunity to discuss my expertise in more detail at the interview and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Author’s signature

What makes this cover letter strong:

1. Uses a personal address.

2. States right away that his/her educational and research background are relevant.

3. Gives solid descriptions of his/her duties, experiences, and successes in the most recent research project.

4. Uses specific examples to show his/her soft skills, including superb communication skills.

5. Mentions that he/she was able to secure extra funding for a research project.

6. Includes interests outside of research that make him/her relevant to this institution.

7. Restates his/her interest and shows confidence in closing remarks.

Research Assistant Cover Letter Sample #2 (No Research Experience)

Dear Dr. Roe,

I am writing to you regarding the Research Assistant position available at the Biological Sciences department at X University. As a second-year pre-medical student at X University, I strive to gain in-depth, comprehensive research experience, and the position of an assistant in your research project may become my stepping stone into the world of scientific discovery and progress. I am certain that my academic and professional experiences make me the perfect candidate for this research position.  

Research demands high attention to detail and accuracy. As a sophomore student majoring in biochemistry, I understand the great responsibility of scientific research. I have been exposed to the intricate nature of scientific discovery and trained to think like a future researcher. Not only have I achieved grades in the 80th percentile in all my premed courses, but my lab experiences have taught me how to build a hypothesis and develop a method of inquiry. During lab work, experiments did not always work the first time. I sought feedback from my supervisor about how to refine my technique, always striving for better results. My attention to detail allowed me to reach great heights in my premed coursework and I am ready to apply the skills I have learned to a serious research project.

My interests and competencies reach beyond academia and can help me become a valuable member of your research team. As a member of the student council at X University over the last two years, I am in charge of developing successful state and federal grant applications. Last year, I was successful in obtaining a municipal grant that was used to renovate computer labs in the Y building on our campus. Additionally, my organizational skills are further demonstrated by the fundraising events I have helped organize with the student body. While research demands high levels of scientific expertise and knowledge, research also requires paperwork and financial support from the state – my background can help advance our research in this regard. 

While I have not had the chance to participate in professional research, I have substantial professional experience in keeping records and updating databases while working as an assistant to my mother in our family's grocery store. In addition to working with numbers at the till, I was in charge of keeping records of deliveries. This responsibility taught me to keep neat and accurate records while working with a lot of information – a skill that’s greatly valuable while documenting the research process and findings. 

Working at the grocery has also trained my ability to interact and get along with a variety of people. Through cooperating with people of different languages and cultures, I developed outstanding comprehension and communication skills, which help me not only in my academic work but also in my personal life. Research is not a lonely endeavor – rather, it is a cooperative effort where communication and patience are key. My professional background will certainly make me a suitable member of any research team, and I would be honored if you gave me a chance to showcase my talents.   

I look forward to discussing my candidacy with you further. If you would like any additional information that will help me gain this position, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Author’s Signature

Check out our video for a quick recap:

In truth, the recruiter may decide to go with a candidate with more research experience than you. However, your cover letter is exactly the place where you can address any lack of experiences found in your resume or CV. This letter is an opportunity to reinforce yourself as a candidate, rather than highlight your flaws.

If you do not have specific research experience appropriate for the position, perhaps you can augment your candidacy by demonstrating other qualities that your recruiter is seeking for in their potential colleague. For example, you can demonstrate that you are a fast learner with experience in reading and analyzing complex information, or that you have experience in organizing and executing fundraising activities.

A cover letter is your chance to be more than a list of experiences and accomplishments. You can make them come alive and describe how they are relevant to the specific position to which you’re applying. CVs can be a few pages long, it's a lot of information for reviewers to sift through. Instead, they prefer an easy to read, one-page document that summarizes an applicant’s main accomplishments, experiences, and overall suitability for the role. Keep in mind that hiring departments may not even review your CV if they are not first impressed by your cover letter.

Your cover letter is an addition to your CV, and you need to show you can concisely focus on the strongest experiences you have had. A well-written cover letter demonstrates your ability to write and prioritize information clearly, which is something you must do as a researcher. Even though most job criteria have more than 3 qualities or skills they look for, it is important to stay succinct in your cover letter.

Remember, you cannot just list the skills but must show that you have them by using concrete examples of encounters and interactions you have had. Including examples will limit the number of skills you can include in your cover letter to a maximum of 3, as it is usually not possible to talk about more than 3 in any detail at all. So, reflect on your experiences and pick a maximum of 3 that you have solid examples for.

Your cover letter must be easy to follow and easy to read. Consider ordering your experiences in chronological order so the reader can follow the timeline of events easily. Include your most recent experiences.

Brainstorming experiences, creating an outline, writing, revising, and finalizing your cover letter may take a while, so think about giving yourself at least 1 week. Pay attention to the deadline to submit your job application and give yourself enough time.

Once you have created an outline and thought up experiences, you want to write your body paragraphs first, using a few sentences to describe each experience and what you gained from it that will contribute to this research position. You can then write succinct concluding and opening paragraphs. You want to ensure you read through your cover letter at least twice and correct any instances of unclear phrasing. Your first revision should be designed to change any wording or examples that are not as effective. Your second revision should finalize all the elements of your cover letter and include a check of grammar and fix any typos.

No, they don’t! You could have picked up relevant skills for a research position through academic experiences, but also through extracurriculars, volunteering, other work, or even personal experiences. For example, playing on a sports team teaches you a lot about perseverance, reliability, and teamwork. You can definitely include these types of experiences if you feel they are relevant.

To get an idea of what kind of experiences you should include, start by looking at the job posting. The job description should indicate the main criteria the recruiters are looking for in their candidates. Make a list of all the examples you can think of that relate to those criteria, and then choose a few that best highlight a variety of skills. Make sure to include the most recent examples in your cover letter.

If you’re an undergraduate student, start looking for research positions in your school. They may be posted in science department classrooms, on the departments' website pages, or around the lab spaces. It's also important to pay attention to your professors, perhaps they have mentioned that they are involved in a research project right now and are looking for a student assistant. If you're unsure, don't be afraid to ask them if they are looking for any help.

If you’re no longer a student, you can always reach out to your past professors and ask if they need any help with research. Make inquiries in local medical centers, hospitals, and other institutions. You will need to explain your situation and ask if they are looking for any help. Be aware that many entry-level positions are not paid well. Sometimes you may be required to help for free, but this will all depend on the position. If you have volunteered or shadowed a physician, you should reach out to them and ask if they are involved in research and could use your help.

If you are a serious researcher, you can look for research positions on job websites. These positions usually require an in-depth research background. If you are simply looking to gain some experience to build up your medical school applications, this option may not be for you. Some research projects last years and med schools can be skeptical of applicants who spend too much time on research and not enough time gaining clinical experience. They might wonder how well you will transition to patient interaction and clinical work.

You should avoid using any funky fonts, colors, or formatting in your cover letter. It is a professional document not suitable for experiments. So, stick to the standard font types and size, professional tone, and appearance.

You can certainly include these great achievements as long as they add to the overall narrative of your cover letter. Be sure to show what kind of skills and qualities your accomplishments helped you develop. Make your achievements come alive on the page.

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volunteer researcher cover letter

Community Volunteer Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an community volunteer cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for community volunteer, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for community volunteer, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for community volunteer, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for community volunteer, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for community volunteer, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for community volunteer.

Start your Community Volunteer cover letter by addressing the recipient by name, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Express your enthusiasm for the role and briefly mention why you're interested in it. For example, "Dear [Recipient's Name], I am excited to apply for the Community Volunteer position with [Organization's Name]. As a dedicated advocate for [cause/issue], I believe I can contribute significantly to your team." This approach shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the role. It's also important to highlight any relevant experience or skills you have right at the beginning to grab the reader's attention.

The best way for Community Volunteers to end a cover letter is by expressing gratitude for the reader's time and consideration, reiterating their enthusiasm for the role, and indicating a desire for further discussion. For example, "Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my passion for community service to this role and look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further." This ending is effective as it shows appreciation, reinforces interest, and opens the door for future communication. It's also important to end with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember, a cover letter is your chance to make a strong impression, so ensure your ending is as strong as your beginning.

Community Volunteers should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Introduction: Start with a brief introduction about yourself, including your name and your current role or position. 2. Motivation: Explain why you are interested in the volunteering opportunity. This could be because you are passionate about the cause, want to give back to the community, or are looking to gain specific skills or experiences. 3. Relevant Experience: Highlight any relevant experience or skills you have that would make you a good fit for the volunteer role. This could include previous volunteer work, professional experience, or personal experiences that have prepared you for the role. 4. Understanding of the Organization: Show that you have done your research and understand the organization's mission and values. This will demonstrate your commitment and interest in the role. 5. Availability: Specify your availability for volunteering. Whether it's certain days of the week or a specific number of hours, it's important to let the organization know when you can commit to volunteering. 6. Closing: Conclude your cover letter by thanking the reader for considering your application and expressing your enthusiasm for the potential opportunity to contribute to their organization. Remember, a cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. It should be professional, well-written, and tailored to the specific volunteer role and organization.

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  1. 6+ Volunteer Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    These are all valuable in a volunteer context. 4. Show enthusiasm and commitment: Nonprofits value volunteers who are passionate about their cause and reliable in their commitment. Show that you've done your research about the organization and its mission, and express your enthusiasm for contributing to it.

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  5. How to Write a Volunteer Cover Letter (With Example)

    Below the date, add the recipient's name, title, organization name, and address. If you don't have a specific contact person, use a general title like "Volunteer Coordinator" or "Hiring Manager." Salutation. Begin your letter with a professional greeting. If you know the recipient's name, use "Dear Mr./Ms.

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  7. Volunteering Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    Here is an example of a persuasive volunteer cover letter. I am deeply appreciative to your team for taking the time to review my application and hope to join the ranks of your fantastic volunteer organization soon. You may reach me any weekday between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (123) 456-7890, or on weekends at [email protected]. ...

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  9. Volunteer Cover Letter Example & Writing Guide

    773-499-3635. [email protected]. That was a great example of a volunteering cover letter. Read on to see just how you can write one just like this. See our other support-based writing guides here: Non Profit Cover Letter Sample. Social Work Cover Letter Sample. Teacher Cover Letter Sample.

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  25. 2025 Summer Analyst Programme

    Our Summer Analyst Programme is an nine to ten week summer internship for undergraduate students. You will be fully immersed in our day-to-day activities. As a participant, you will: Attend orientation where you'll learn about our culture, as well as the benefits and responsibilities of being a member of the firm